THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 10, 1914. 15 A Brief Northwest News ; A' ferry across ths Willamette rtver, sis miles north of Harrlsburg, is to bs established by the - county court,- and . will be operated Jointly by Linn and Benton counties as a free ferry. ' Bertell Chance, Albany, 'shot himself through the right toe with a .23 caliber gun. lie aimed at a gray.dlgger. - C. K, Barker, principal of the Brownsville High school.V has been ap pointed Linn county school superin- , tendent In place of P. E. Baker, re signed. - t Louis U. Gordon, en route from Ju neau, Alaska, to Chicago, to be mar ried, was robbed of $860 by a sneak ', thief In a motion picture house In Se- ' attle. - Gordon is looking for a Job, The report Of the Seattle public li brary for 1913 Bhows a total circulation Of 951,063 volumes, a gain of 98,931 oVer 191 2, and ; children's books consti tuted 37 per cent of the circulation, - Tests made (at the Oregon Agricul tural college on rape seed, submitted from Eugene, determined that the seed : is in reality only mustard seed. The first car of Garfield county. . -Wash., grain t be shipped this season was billed tojM. H. Houser, Albino, ,Or. Twenty-two sacks to the acre were harvested. Another Argument Hied, Balem, Or,, July 10. An argument ' in support of the proposed constitu tional amendment' providing that when a county contains a city of over 100,000 : population .the city and county gov ernments may be consolidated, was filed yesterday afternoon for publica tion in the Initiative pamphlet. The argument was filed by tho legislative ,' committee, composed of Senator Hob art . Farrell iand Repreaentative Joy IT. Upton of Portland and Representa tlve C. J. Forestrom of Union. Lime for Fertilization. Roseburg, Or., July 10. If present plans carry, b. W. Riedle, the owner of a large lime and cement deposit near Reseburg, will install a plant on his properties to prepare the lime for ' fertilization purposes: Luther J. Chapiu of Salem and Floyd W. Radsr Of Eugene,, horticulturists of Marion V and Lane counties, were here recently Ho Inspect the lime and found it to be suitable as a fertilizer. Traveling. Elks-Entertained. La Grande, jr., July 10. The Seattle Elks special to Denver was held here two hours last night while the Elks were taken tq Riverside park, where the Chautauqua is in progress. The time was spent in dancing at the park pavilion. JOURNAL'S THEATRE TICKET10FFER TO BE EXPLAINED SUNDAY Full details of The Jour nal's offer of free theatre tickets to Loew's Empress the- ' atre during the weeks of Aug ust S and 10 will be pub lished on page 8 of the Sunday Journal magazine for July 12, together with Coupon No. a. Read .that announcement and learn how! you can secure an afternoon' or evening's enter tainment ifor youyself, your family and your friends with out cost i Fined for Carrying Weapon.-. A fine of $CQ was imposed upon Fred Scott yesterday in the municipal court for carrying concealed weapons. He was arrested by Patrolman Davis. Scott offered no defense. Want Ad Rates , la affef t Oft. 1. 1013. ALt, PBEVIQCS HATES CANCELLED CUAKUEO ADVKKXKEUSMTtl I. Drily or HumJ.f. , IH cents per word car toaertlon. Tbla charge la for all claaalf Icatton except ing 'Tor Kent la lrlata KB-.i:y," "Koom and Hoard In iTlvat Kamll," 'Situation Want ed" aod "Wantad tu ieut" ada., wblcfe' are lyL caula per ward par ioartioa. Me ad chirred for lea than 13 cent. CASfl ALVKHTIKKMENTH IH eeota jrwo:-d fur ell eliaaiftcatlone etcvptlns "Fur ' Bent la PtlTate Family." "Uovra and Board in Private Family," "8lt atlon Wanted" and "Wanted to Beat" eo.. Hoh are 1H cent per word. Tbraa Inavrtloica fr tba price of two. gevan luM,'tlona fur tbe price of fire. No ad taken for ltaa than 1 canta. NEW TODAIf MORTGAGE LOANS On impro-ed city' property, W alea deal In Corporation and Munlolpal Bond. R09SSTS02T ft TVTIKd, S07-8 Xortawestera Bank . Udc. Leased Property For Sale Improved quarter Mock, paying 7 per cent net on investment of $40,000. Half cash required. See owner,' Robt. J. O'NeiL 701 Board of. Trade Bldg, 100 XTtTT ntOHTAOB On Madison street, suitable for apart ment or flat building; near Multnomah Athletic club.; Trloe $5000. o. w. x.sirom, . 233 Chamber of Commerce, ' 4 FLATS Close In on Madison street. West Pide. lnpim $1140 per annum. Price $7600. Trrms. C. w. ZtXXOXB, 232 'Chamber of Commerce. MEET1XO NOTICES 41 ZJftal statistics marrtogcs.Birtbs. Deaths. B1ARKIAGB LICENSES Leone Onm, N Rnraell afreet. 86, anil Foeg n Hone. 61 Jorth rrtnrth atreat, IH. . Ham tf.bnjta, 4M fifth itmt, 41, and i:uocl. Via fifth atret. K Jnhif A. SlTnpmu, '1 10 Eaat Talrty-fonMh rrt. 2:r. and Jenneitm 0. Brand, 110 Eaat J.1 rrt--riurtn nrHi, lea-ai. L 1. n-njamln Wltherall. Rochester, I. lfl, aod Lilllaa K. Bow lea, Seward hotel. I'lii" . W. 6. Smith & ttr;$1SJ Third floor. Morgan bldg. LRKS3 suits for rent; all siaes. Unique TalloHne- Co.4 80S Stark st f. DEATHS AX l FUNEIIALS 73 BRNOIT la tola dtr. Jalr S. Esther Mat Banntti aerd U rrara. daurbter of Adalorrt nil KUen llnolt, of K3 Eaat Twanty-alnth .rt. The faneral aervlcea will be held Kmwfla til, at : oelock , m., at Hurrri Ifoart thnrcb. 7S4 Eat Eleventh atreet 1! na: ",T",ti,i litgroieiit t Salmn, Or. KTO.Ju1t lir at "U (inlna tr.i E. EaKm, api'aH yeafa, btlwed wife of F. a. Eaatoa.- Hamalna at A. R. Zellar Oo. ymifirw. iciwrai nDnonncernent later. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 73 v . I ftontlaaed.V " - XOUNU Wed In thlt city, July T Elizabeth M. Young of 106 Ball Elgbty-foarts etreet. North, beloved wife of T. : B. . Young-. - The funeral aarrloea will be held Sunday, July 12, t tbe Metbodiat church, Albany, Or., at 2 p. m. Tbe remain are at tbe funeral ebapel of W. H.j Hamilton. E Eightieth end GKaan. Thrj will be forwarded by tbe haaoa nd Saturday, July . 11, on tbe Oregon Kiectne hi :v p. in. CGNSOLK July . at the i famllr residence. SUsl Wheeler stteet, Cbrle Connote, tgta 48 year, beloved i nuabana of Ltsxie Connole, Funeral aerrlcea will be cobdneted tomorrow. Saturday T. July lij at 1:80 p. m., from fear ndertaktog parlor,, under tbe aoaptcei Portland No. 4 Order of Vesica, Frienda nnaintaneea reapectfuUy lOTlted. la- on un of tha Vnrtu and acquaintances! reapectCull lOTlted. terrcent KOe uiy rara cemetery lifcMJliXHALL At her laite realdeaee, 1172 Eaat Main (treat, July 0, Ueaale Memieu hall. agnd 59 yeara. Funeral aerrlcea will be conducted In the j Sunnralda Frtenda church, Eaat Tfclrty-flfth end Meln atreete, Sunday, July 12, at 2:M) p. m. Frienda invlteoU- In terment Mount Scott Perk cemetery. CLARKE BUGS., .florists; tn flower . and flora! diert. R Morrtao et , FL'NKKAL lHlvKCTtK NEW HOME OF i. P. FINLKY A The only residence! undertaking -tabllshmeut In Portland. Representing the greatest advance a tbe eolence of funeral service.) The automobile equip ment and eecluded driveway are among tbe ma ay exclusive features. Tbe es tablished policy of moderate price baa ttvor been changed, i J. P. FIN LET A SON. . Perfect Funeral -Service, Montaomory at 6th. 11R, KDWARD HOLM AN. 'the ead:e funeral director, 22 i Id (., eoicer Salmon. Lad assistant. Fbuues A- Ull. alaln 601 flnnninfy k, MUVif Undertakers wuiiiiiiig, ic ii)UL.i i vwuodern In every detail. 7th and Pine. Uala 414, A-4AnK. MIT aeaierant. A, RvZeIler(Co, rci tTt 10M. Lsdv ttenfantJ f) v night service. 6ELLWOOD UNDERTAKING CO., successor to A. B. Hemstock, 1687 E. 13th. Sell. 71. B-1182: Lady aeeletant. V i- IM lAHRTUVJ, O. p. K. Bids.. N. Mstn.LentB, i.TabS27. ENCK UHD. PLS. A-2225. 44S Mors R.T. Byrnes gftftr &tn- i U P W V Undartakinn Co. Maio 4lil orSC. VCO A-2321. Cor. zd and Clay PEAKiSON J&Tr era, Kuvt vt. Russell st. - BLACKBURN .7 P. L LERCH, leading east side under taker, E. 11th Clay. B-1883. E. 781 PORTLAND MARBL1C WKH.. J94-IM 4th at.. om. ettv hall M.ft4. A-:ta' 'AUTOMOBILES FOBHIKE THE AUTO 1A VERYsludebaker 8 and 7 passenger i cars for hire; $2 and $3.60 per hour. jMaln 3469. A-4956. WHEN you answer these Waul Ada, mention The Journal. business property: 60 BUSINESS OH APARTMENTS. 100x100 on Hawthorne ave., west of 18th. $18,000. Terms or part trade. Lee, 16 N. 6th. . i . - ' : . GENERAL ItEAL ESTATE 02 6 OR 10 seres itlllabfie land,' near-Con cord station on ; Oresron City car. line. $500 ner acre.! K. t Ci.' Starkweather. Rlsley station; Phone Oak Grove, Black 17. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 FOR SALE Furnished house, 24x32, full basement, attic, R. M., plastered, all double construction; $1200, $300 down. Mrs. O. W, iThoren, Qresham, Oregon. j ' $10 DOWN, $8 monthly, buys 160x200 feet, price $950. with new 3 room house, 35 minutes. A, C. Marsters, Main $617; -Tabor 1770, A-7340. 202 Wilcox bid. 1 ' FOR RENT or sale. House. 6 rooms, west slope Portland Heights, on car ina to Creet. Welt built, sunny valley view, modern i Improvements, reason able rent or for sale. Owner, M. 6217. $750. - 6 room house, newly painted and papered, all ready to move In. Lot 60x100. ?Truit trees. University Park. A. J. Farmer, 401 Stock Ex change. Main 1 1648. i BIG sacrifice: All modern bungalow, corner lot, "paved streets; take lot part pay, som cash. Owner, K-167, journal. ! . I FT)R SALE or rent Modern 7 room furnished house and garage; piano and sewing machine. 488 E. 9th N. East 4862. j . i FIVE room, modern house, Hawthorne district, near 41at. - $2600. $100 down and $16 per month. Payments HKe rent. M-i7, journal $50 DOWN. $15 PER MONTH. New. modern 6 roomed bunaalow. close to car, restricted district. Own er, Sell wood 2204. t HOUSES in irvlngton lor 2-3 their value. - Choice location. Also lota. Houses furnished and unfurnished for rent. East 2781 W. II. Herdman. FOR SALE or rent,! 6 room modern nome, 1 diock orr uawtnorne ave. 298 E, 32d st. i Tabor 4066. Br OWNER 6 room unfinished hou'se, 7&o; xzso cash, balance iio momn. See me at 242 Salmon st. Davis. - WHEN you answer tnee Want Ada. mention Tbe Journal. - ROSE CITY PARK bungalow at $500 less cost, xaoor zjb. Mutt Had to Butt In and Spoil FOR SAUi HOUSES - 01 Alberta Bungalow Bargain , .$2400. $300 CASH 120 PER MONTH. Buys my brand new, strictly mod ern 6 room bungalow, with large floored attic and full basement, with wash trays, rooms all large, light andi airy; a swell cement brick fireplace, buffet in dining- room, exceptionally nice Dutch kitchen, elegant light fix tures, ajid beat duplex shades through out, convenient to both Broadway and Alberta car; actually worth $$000. If you are looking for an attractive, well built home cheap, be sure to see this bungalow at 86 E. 30th N. Take Al berta car to E. 30th, then two blocks south, or phone owner, "Woodlawn 1207 or East 2012. HERE is a bargain. New 7 -room house and sleeping porch, double construct ed, extra large lot. hard surface street. Has been occupied less than 4 montha. Owner moving east; must sell. Cost $6000, have added shades, fixtures, screens, linoleum, gas heater and range; paid up all 'assessments; have $5250 In house; will sacrifice for juick sale for $4400, $2160 cash, balance 6 per cent. This is on west side on Bancroft Heights, has beautiful view. See my agent, John L. Karnopp, iZi Railway Exchange. WB will build and . finance a home on your lot or any lot you may, select Pay for it like rent. We guaran tee satisfaction. Call and see us. v F. E. BOWMAN & CO. Room 1. Commercial Club Bldg. - $5500 $25Q0 Down BALANCE 3 YEARS, 6 PER CENT, buys a 7 room bungalow, modern, east front, on paved street; water, gas and sewer In and paid for; 3 blocks from Union avenue cars; two blocks from 'Williams ave. care; close to Jefferson High school and Highland grade school ; churches close by; in fine neighborhood. x WOODLAWN 3240. ONLY $1850. A new a room modern bunralow. This house .must be sold soon.- Was built and will be sold by owner. If you want a new home for less than you can build one, don't fail to sea this. Beamed ceilings in dining room, built-in buffet, window seat and two bookcases. Basement and large attic in a restricted district; (75 casn, balance easy. Call owner. Tabor 1782. A DANDY, new, 6 room bungalow with , an Duiit-in conveniences. rooms tinted, naneled dining room oak floors, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. fireplace. $2800. $800 down, toal. llko rent, Hawthorne car to aotn ana Di vision, west to 61th St., south to 2616. Owner Tabor 170. . Direct From Owner , A strictly modern 8- room house, with sleeping porch, with every convenience. In the .choicest part of Laurelhurst. This will interest any one wanting an exceptionally nice home. - Terms half casn. 1420 Northwestern BanK bldg, MU&T sell at once, 6 room bungalow, Rose City Park; leaving city; garden piamea. anruDoery, line lawn, cur tains, draperies, electric fixtures, ce ment basement, furnace, built-in con veniences, best bargain in city; terms, Owner, 441 E. 49th st, N. Tabor 4705, CALL owner, Marshall 2574, if you want a bargain in 6 room modern bungalow. Rose City. Full cement basement, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch Kitonen, ouiret ana lot eoxiso Price $S000. Terme: will trade. FOR SALE LOTS 16 $700 buys H acre; $20 down, $10 per month. This Is located on the west side. So car fare; 16 minute ride, if you are looking for a place where you can raise all your vegetables, berries, fruit, chickens, etc.. which la the lam est part of your living, this will suit you. JVl. E. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. HIGH cost of livinx is solved by own ing M, acre where you can raise all your Vegetables, berrte. fruit, chick ens, etc. which is the greater part -of your living. Start now. $20 down, $10 per month buys acre only 20 minute car ride, Sc fare, west aide. M. E. Leu. 522 corbett bldg. WEST aide fractional lot. 11th and Jackson sts., fine view; street im provements in and paid for; an oppor tunity for a home site close in on the west side for $1700. C. W. LeNoir, 232 Chamber, of Commerce. $2000 UNDER VALUE. Quarter block on Hawthorne ave, only $4000, with all improvements fiald; owner must have $2000 cash and. s making this sacrifice. CALLAN A KASER, 722-24 YeOn bldg. LARGE homesltes on the west side; 20 minute car ride; 6o fare; excellent soil; for only $350. $10 down, $5 per month. This Is the best value in the city. M. E, Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. LARGE homesites, west aide, only 20 minute car ride. Excellent view, ideal for a homo. Price only $350; $10 down, $5 per month. This is the best value In the city. M. E. Lee. 622 Corbett bldg, IRVINGTON district. 50x100 lot, on Hancock street, 3 blocks from Broad way, corner, $1160, fine homeslte. Se curity Development Company, 4th and Pine sts. - ; - 100x100 FINE apartment site, on car line, S. W. cor.. 12th and Hall sts. No agents; easy, terms. Owner, C-424, Journal. FAIRPORT addition bargain, fine lot, 50x100, with shade treea, $476. Se curity Development Company, 275 Pine st. , LOT in Belgrade subdivision near 46th and Halsey sts., for sale at bargain; caah. Main 6934. 50x100 corner in Overlook for home building purposes only. .B-91, Jour nal. 100x250 RICHMOND addition, hard surfaced streets; terms. KX-155. Journal. ACREAGE 57 16 ACRES in Washington, worth $60 an acre, to trade for small house and lot. B-106, Journal 10 ACRES of good land for $200 cash. 619 Worcester bldg. 67 .'-.Acreage - 1, 2, S and 10 acre tracts, SO minutes out on . New, Big, Red, Steel Electric Cars 12c commuters . fare; very 'best of soil, water and community, conveniences; $125 to $500 per" acri on installments. ; The Shaw-Fear Go. Main SS. ; 102 4th at. A-3500. REMARKABLE PROPOSITION COLONIZATION. 980 acres stumpage, 76 per cent til lable, running streams, richest- eoiL thousands cords wood railroad tics, much saw 4 timber, mill close, 100 fenced, slashed, seeded: house, barn. orchard, on macadam road and rail road, an modern conveniences; Joins land eold $226 to $360 per acre: finest location. This beautiful tract 320 ner acre, -good terms. bsokkr, 225 Lumber Exchan ge. - NICE IMPROVED TRACT. 10 acres, house comnleterv furnished. barn, horse, cow and calf. 60 thorough bred chickens, berries, 1 garden, young orchard, implements and tools- All for $1500.' mile from station; land lies fine and is well watered; all ready to move right onto and be settled. Terms tuw casn Daianca to suit. UJUDDUMANXM, & CO, 918 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN and frutt ranches near Port land; ureabam district, eiectrlo sta tion $4 mile. ..New subdivision. Bun. shine Valley orchard tracts: best soil. free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $lo0 per acre In maU tracts; easy terms. Tann Mci-ariand Realty Co.. 309 Yeon bide.. Portland. Or, LOCATED at Jennines Lodare. 4 acre. 6 room unfinished iurnisned bouse. 600 feet of lumber, 8 poultry houses, witn runs ssxie reet; actual cost nuo. A bargain. Buy at $900; $560 cash. balance mortgage. Owner, 1081 E, 29th Pt. Nortn. "A" car. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to- car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1685, or Sell wood 478. John H. Gibson, owner. GENUINE bargain Indeed: S beautiful acres at juetrger; line Domes near, isou; iivo casn, szo monthly. per cent. Becker, 226 Lumber Ex. Alar- hall 1345. - BEFORE locating visit the Willamette valley Information bureau at 263 Washington st. (between 8d and 4th). Absolutely free. Bring the ladies. $400 ONE acre, 80 minute car ride; eiectrlo lights, water, shade trees; io per montn. s-iov, journal. $1200 PER ACRE. One at Woodstock, IH near Firland station, unaeraahl, 301 Board of Trade, WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention xne journal VOn SALE FARMS 17 FOR SALE 80 acres, good , soil, on road, 1 mile to R. D., telephone and hlah school. 3 miles to town. 6 miles to a a and boat landing. $2000. Small payment, baL. long time. 40 acres. 18 In cultivation. Build ings, orchard, creek. 14 miles to R. D., telephone and high school. 6 miles to town. $1800. Small payment, bal long time. , t 40 acres, level, creek, 100 rods to R. D., telephone and high school and crushed rock road 4H miles to R. K. and boat landing. $1400. Small pay ment, bal. long time. Box 97, Castle rock. Wash. TIOARD. TIQARD. T1QARD. $160 PER ACRE. $150 PER ACRE. $160 PER ACRE. Any portion of my 100 acre farm, except that containing - buildings, a large portion in cultivation, and small family orchard. $5jD down,- bal ance as you like It. See my agent, Fred W. German. 914 Cham, of Com. 40 Acres $950 ' $1 fare from. Portland; close to school, station, running creek; rich soil, splendid for alfalfa. $100 cash. Claude Cole. 917 Board of Trade. NEWCOMERS The eaaieat way to get posted on farm land is to come to the free show today at 266 Wash ington st, (between 3d and 4th). In teresting, instructive and absolutely free. Bring the ladles. T FOR SALE 30 acres. 12 In cultivation: good buildings and equipment; fine water, good soil; orchard; stock and crop Included; very easy terms. Frank Trtickosltz, Scappoose, Oregon. "WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. FOR lraT FARMS 14 40 acres, house and barn, t in grass. $6 a month; fine for chickens and pigs. Wyman, Cherryvllle. Or. FRUIT LANDS FOR SALE 45 FOR BALE Fruit farm of 46 acres. 80 acres prunes, 6 acres apples and pears. Rest In pasture. Trees 1 years old. 6 miles south of Sheridan. Tele phone lino. H mile to school. GoodJ, spring, good fence. Mostly American wire, new. No buildings. Would con sider part trade. J. C Syron, routs 1, Sheridan. Or. - HOMESTEADS TWO good relinquishments adjoining. SO miles Portland. S miles railway, Columbia river. Cabin, creeks, good soil, timber. 417 Ohio hotel. -EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 $1160 EQUITY in 40 acres in Clats kanle. Or., balance $10 per montn, will sell or trade. 8S-5 N. 17th st. WE exchange- what you have for what - you want. Peper & Baker. 444- Sher lock bid a, 8d and Oak. Marshall 2654. HAVE equity of $275 in good lot, value $600 to trade for furniture; wiii give gooq traoe. n-isvs. TO EXCHANGE legal services for res idence lot. C-420, JourrtaL ACREAGE , i Continued.) Jeff's Gooa Time FltNTfNfc utTK A CdP t'LU KG Up. HIN out. NOBODY CtH Pick orv 7FF U)HN I'M EXCHAjiGE REAx ' KSTATE 21 Contlnned-- WB HAVE FOR EXCHANGE: Clear lota for house and lot. . '. Stock: ranch for city nrooerty. 2 5 -room bungalows for Imp. 40 acre. sawmill xor city property. 9 acres. Imp,,, close In. for house. 1 Many more aood nronoeltions. GARLAND at LINP, 191 FOURTH ST, 100x1006 ROOMS, city water, wr, cement walks, small barn and fruits, located at Corvallis, Or.; $2500; $io equity for small house ana lot m Port land. Aek for Mr. Everett. PROVIDENT TRUST , CO., i 212 SeUing bldg:. .; Phones: Main 1800. A-6261. WE .CAN SELL. OK TRAD1S. If tdu wish to sail vour real estate for cash or trade for other property, It will nay you . to see us for ouick re sults. 10 years' successful business ia our guarantee for a square deal. M'KEMZIE A CO.. 616 PrHnger bldg. ' Main 2801. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. . We have . several modern 'S room bunealowa. rented for 820. srlea about aauvu; aiso some vacant ots; win take good auto as part navment and eaav terms on Daianca. GRUSSI & BOLDS, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452.A-4401 10. 20 OR 80 ACRES. ! All In crop. 1 mile from Klamath Falls. Or. Exchange for -furniture store, new or second hand, or property in or near Portland. Can handle deal frpm $iooo to $gooo. Q-949, Journal. FOR SALE or trade. . ,6 room modern bungalow. Take godd team or lot. balance cash. $700 -mortraae. blka from car. Also good range, cheap. Ta bor 5123. Call evenings or mornlna-s. 60x100. corner lot in West Portland addition. Clear of incumbrance; for diamond of $200 value, or will ax change for anything of equal value. jaii seiiwooa zuzs. FOR SALE or trade, 160 acres in east ern Oregon, for Willamette land Abundance of free outside range. N. J. W. Eichner. owner. Oregon City, or. k. i, oox . ACREAGE mile from Beaverton. to exchang for few dollars and house ana lot in poruana; no. agents. Main 7 7 70. WILL sell or trade for Portland home. my ruym aouee ana iwu acres or chard and garden. O. Schultx, 602 Dl yiaion et., Oregon city WANTED To trade 80 acres timber. value $3000, and residence, value $2500. for saloon In city. X-969. Jour nal. FOR EXCHANGE View lot near Reed college worth $1000, for stump land or homestead relinquishment. Address iioicourt. 45Z8 60th ave., a. E. 12 ACRE tract on Columbia highway; fine aoil, well watered, for house ana some casn; terms, owner, K-197, journal. WOULD like painting, city or .coun try; take pony or team or small horse ror part payment, call alter 5 a. m. n B. Smith, 604 E. Everett. Good one week two 50X100 lots at Multnomah sta tion to trade for small grocery stock or same value; lots clear. Call Sell wood 2025. CLEAR farm property to trade for modern 8 room house in Rose City, i.aureinu8t or lrvingion. zat, jour nal.' 160 ACRES, 9 miles from the center of city, to trade for income property; win assume, .two, journal. I HAVE 4 acres of good land to trade for diamond, $150 value. 619 Worcester bldg. ACREAGE for automobile. R. E. Vin son, Vancouver, R. 5 4 miles north. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention tu Journal. WAXTEDREArj ESTATE 31 FROM 40 to 80 acre dairy ranch. Must be on cream route ana nave bulla lnes at least partly cultivated. In ex chanct for 10 room double house and S lots. Also from 20 to 40 acres partly improved, near car, for clear Improved city property. Smith At Houck, $01 jnenry oiag, WANTED Good 6 room modern house for cash; must be a bargain.. Main 6930 or Ur755, Journal. WANTED House. Will give good lots for it. 720 Chamber or Commerce. WHEN you answer theae Want Ads. mention The Journal. R0091TNG HOUSES 33 FORCED to sell 11 rooms, A-l location, good furniture, worth $450; my price for quick sale, $190- for all complete. Call 88 10th. near Stark. WANTED Rooming house for good land close to Portland. Chance & Kraack. 142 2d St. Main 6930. 20 room apartment, cheap. Terms. Good location. .Bargain, inquire sii jw Couch, between Union and Grand. 14 ROOM boarding house for sale, cheap, terms. 67 Trinity plaoa. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal BUSINESS CHANCES 20 HAVE buyer for small grocery and delicatessen. Must be cheap for cash. 169 N. 6th et. , NICE, clean business; can make good wages, $100 required. 810 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. GOOD space for meat market In gro cery store. Good location. Cheap rent- B-108. Journal. - CONFECTIONERY Could arrange for meals; reasonable rent; transfer point. 771 Washington st. A WOOD varil on Second St.. between Main and Madison sts. Burr ell In vestment Co., 260H Third st. PARTNER wanted In old established firm: must be a hustler, $100 re qulred. Call 248tt Stark st. ' WANTED Partner with $500 to In vest in a good proposition. No ex perience necessary. 610 N. list st. 1000 Business Cards, $1.00 Ryder Ptg.Co.,S. W. for. 8d and" Morrison WE buy and sell cigar stores. Call 810 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 1602. BEST stenographers and dictaphone operators in the, city, ynone zi7. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. . s 20 EXCEPTIONAL aawmlll opportunity: Two flftha interest, with, experienced lumber and business in up to date saw mill plant, deep water -frontage, wntca haa been bought at forced sale for on; third of real value, ; can be obtained for $10,000 cash, amount neceaaary to complete purchase and swing deal, and arhlch ! llttl men . than ant fourth. of actual value of interest offered; plant is modern, nem and cost approxi mately $90,000. - Call Asher & John stone. 802 Spalding bldg., Portland, Or, ARE you a butcher t Do you want ta get into buslneasT we nave toe nu at meat market , in the best- town in the country, for sale at a anap; equipped with ice maehlne, coolers, re frigerators, counters, etc; there art only two markets In the town, and this la the best of tha . two; population nearly 8000. If you are looking xor a good business proposition this is your chance. Market la doing- over $100 a day. Investigate this. Address box 1Z3. Ontario, , or, SOLID buainess -Want a reliable man to take chartre of the office and help oversee the men at work, etc Owner prefers a reliable partner to oepenoing on hired help; will pay an energetic man $150 month. Call room 129 Mor gan bldg. - - - WANTED An Ideal! Who can think of some ' almnla thin? to patent ? Protect your ideas, they msy briug you-weaitn; writs xor -iseeaea inven tion" and "How to Oat Tour Patent and Tour Money." Randolph & Co., patent attorneys, Washington, u. FOR SALE by administrator. General merchandise store, country point. Stock, buildings, I acre ground, $7500. Terms, half cash and time on rest. Ad dress F. M. SturgilL Shedds. Or. R. tr. u. no. z. - RESTAURANT SNAP. rent $S6, well equipped, doing $26 aaiiy; wui do soia 10 oeai oner in next 3 days. 15 N. 5th. REAL BARGAIN1. CinaA laundry route. 2 room housf. barn and chicken bouse, $500 caah, bal ance easy terms. Address Box 26. Beaverton. Or. WANTED Partner in Sheep business. Have 1 years' experience, rancn ana winter and summer range for 5000 sheep on Snake river. C ShufelT, Lew iston. Idaho. WANTED Steady man as partner to Invest 2350 and willinar to worn s hours a day (no. Sunday work), for iibo montn: must nave reierenoes. v Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. FOR SALE Butter store doing good business; S years old; bear investi gation. Stall 11, Yam hill Sanitary AiarKet. - I HAVE a pair of regulation bowling alleys and outfit, in good conait ion. to sell cheap or trade. What have you? T-lB. Journal LARGE store, fine- location for gro ceries or meat market, fine location for cash business, very low rent, long lease, al. t;. jee, oia vjoroeixDiag, FOR SALE Three chair barber shop, with complete outfit; good location; a bargain. Call make offer. . Corner Grand ave. and E. Washington st. DAIRY farm, half Interest, at bargain; $800 down, make the balance out of the business. Don't pass this buy. Box 686. city. - FOR SALE On account of 111 health, home bakery and restaurant, sacri fice: 3 living rooms, rent $16. $5 E. Yamhill, corner Grand. CIGAR stand and confectionery and bootblack stand. In fine location do ing good business, pries xor ail, &ou Call 248U Stark st. CONFECTIONERY, light grocery, etc- daily lunches, 3 living roma, rent $18; will clear $160 montn; pries $326. 60S couon Diaar. vvunn ouon. DANDY little restaurant, fixture for sale, store xor rent: win mvoioe must sell. 88 10th, near Btarir, MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 awww.iii Amounts To t 600 700 1000 . 1500 HARTMAN THOMPSON Loan BANK. 2000 MONET to loan on city and country property at current rates; mort gages bought . snd. sold. Whltmer Kelly Co., G. A. Hart man, manager loan dept.. 711 Pittock block. 6 & 7 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOAN - $1000 to $20,000 for Immediate loan. Prompt service and fair treatment al ways. a. k. hill, 419 Henry bldg. LOANS on improved city property or for building purposes; advances mad as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J.-P. Lip acorn be, 242 Stark st Msln 4420. Mortgage Loans. T T. WHITn Selltntr Bid. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security; apply room 202 block Kxcnange, na and tarohiu CASH paid for mortgages, notes, eon trsots; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis Co.. 8 Lrwls bldg. $1200. $3000. 8 per cent, city, liu proved. Underdahl, 801 Board of uraae. Him MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL E3 TATE, WM. G. BECK. 816 FA1L- rsn $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire insurance. MdCenxle Ar Co.. Gerlinaer bldr.. 2d and Alder. TO LOAN $400, 3 1 500, $2500 and $6000 on city Improved property. jr. L. Wells Co., 24-Chamber of Commerce bldg MORTGAGE LOANS. ' Mortgages bought snd sold. John L. aamopr. naitwav mxcnanss bldg. $1000 to $5000 private funds for lmitte - dlate loan. Phnn Tabor 2620. $20. $350, $600 $850. $1200. $2000. Fred W. German Co, , 14 Chami Com, MO NEY to loan, i to I ner cent. W. H Belts Co.. $10 R paid in bids. Mortgage Loans fiSS? MO iNEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. M. HARPING. l Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon ft Co.. 22t Stark at. 840,000 OR LESS. FARRAINGTON . $0 4th at.. Board of Trade Bldg. BUSINESS" CHANCES' Coatlsme. . 1 27 MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL EST AT OK FOR BUILU1NU rUKrUBES: VERT FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COM MISSION. - - - COLUMBIA I.IFP3 TRUST COk IS PAT,rTNf BLTHJ. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only; HAMMOND MORTGAGE COM PANT. 423 Chamber or commerce. WHEN you answer theae Want Ada. mention 'ins journal. MONEY TO LOAN ' CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 psSJSSSSSsaSSSjaiSi 1UMED1ATM loans ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY . AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of tha finest retail lew. lry stores In the city. A loan depart ment la conducted in -connection wnn aama. making buainess STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. -Absolutely no signs At aiimatlti li&n huKlnaaa diaDlaved in rront or our store, au raercnnuio nledred in held ror a Deri od of seven montha. whtlhar or not Interest Is caltl when dua Wa are licensed ana nave been established ainca 1889. No con nection with any other ioan astaotian-. ment m uis city. - A. & M. XJ elu v AUK. JjgwJUAXia, - -824 Washington St. GET VACATION t We -will loan tou anv amount on sal' arv. diamonds, autos. motorcycles, fur niture, pianos or real, estate at lowest rates, tou can get It toaay. - - Z06 Rothchild Blda- Between 4th and 6th sts.. on Wash 1 net on at. - : Vacation Loans ; . At the lowest rates. ' All we require is that you be em ployed on salary, and you get ths money quickly without mortgage, In- uorser or -oiner securiijr. - Call sua see. us. Do it now. State Security Co, 809 Falling bldg. PBIY ATE PLACETO USTOSSa 'JOVELRV..-ETG. Business strictly confidential. Separate department for ladies. ' ELBV (E(fl) " 820 Lumber Ex. Bldg.., go" snd Stark. If you Need Money and Can't Borrow jrrom a liana, BEE L'S FOR PRIVATE LOANS ' On Your Piano. Furniture. Auto. Livestock. Storage Recelpta, Real Es- - Kid fl(.C T V OUT WWlEIgll, 'MANHATTAN MORTGAGE COL Main 2M. 810'Ablngton bldg. COLUMBIA Loan CO., 206 tiweUand bldg. Money to loan on chattels, nlanoa. etc.. Plain notes or anything o value. We buy mortgages. Confidential LOANS on teal estate, diamonds. Jew- elrr. Wm. Holl. R. 8. Waah'ton blda. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry; strictly conrtoentiai. 141 aq sr., near Aiqer. MONEY" to loan on diamonda, Jewery, B. W. King, 45 Washington oiag. WHEN you anawfcr theae Want Ada, mention una journal. LOATTO TT ANTED . 80 FIRST MORTGAGE FOR BAJLl f 800, 8 per cent, Woodstock. 11200, 8 per cent, Westmoreland. 1600, 8 per cent. Rose City Park. 12000, 8 per cent, Waverly Heights. HARTMAN-THOMFSON BANK. $600. V $600, 8 $600, 8 uooa room oottas KS. "lot 60X100. 1 block to car, a good little loan. Fred W, German Co.. 014 Cham, of Com. $500 from private party, 10 per, sent interest, real estate security, iv l7y,-Jonrnai. WANT $1200v , 1st mtg. Cosy home worth $3000. No agents. Title guar anteed. 8-166. Journal $800, 7. on my house near Council Crest. Underdahl $01 Board of Trade. .WILL you loan a widow' $600 on her timber claim T X-967. Journal, WHEN you answer theae Want Ads, mention The Journal. FINANCIAL 81 FIRST and 2d mortgages, also sel lers' interest In contracts purchased, Oregon and Washington. H. . Nobis, Lombermens bldg. - HELP WANTED MALE Y. M. C A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Record for year 181$: Calls for men .2(3$ Positions filled 141 . All young men seeking employment ar cordially Invited to consult -with th secretary of ths Employment De partment. - - . - ESTABLISHED agency, eastern com pany, wants 8 reliable life insurance men, in city territory: best contract In the United States. Call between $J0 snd 8:80 a m., 714 Bpaldlng bicg WANTED Muckers and skinners, 81s kiyou mountains, wsges 80o per hour, for men that work $0 days or more; short stake men 25o per nour. J. W. Bweeney, sisaiyou, or. WANTED Reliable resident manager In Tacoma, permanent business i If broke please don't snswer. See manu- facturer, 602 East Davis. WANTED, station men, muckers apd skinners. Siskiyou mountains, good camps, good water. J. W, Sweeney, SiwKiyou, or, WANTED, man. quick and handy with ' hands, $12. also boy $L Stats age, experience, et c P-6 13. Journal i SOTWANTED Stesd position. Standard Jewelry store, '3d and Al- der sts.. call 7 p. m. tooay. WANTED Mattreas makers at . 124s UiraAam Soad. 1 rCHEF Headquarters and helpers. Cal- irornla Wine oenot. Z85 Tamhlll. WANTED MEN TO LF.ARN MOVIN6 DifTi!ownpir.pATiwn li? Oi it r rTSaa HsTS o MONE TO LOAN REAL ESTATE (Continued.) ' -; UEUL AVANTED LILE --. - . f Contlaaed-V " - DO you want to learn ths ousmeaa that has the greatest ,.oiua trained men t It you do, - are none" and mechanically inclined. J, r,1" a e.aasr r am Ti Sirs xeacn you eutomoDiie un i'--.. ------ ing ana gas engineering. i a small tuition fee. which Joarrea to pay at time of graduation. Auto and . Gas : Engins ; School, r - in et. SIX wide awake young men oetw.?? me age or x -ana ru """ position in city wltn rellabls. corpora tion. mut v. nuirir to lesrn ana ambitious; salary $70 per month; an swer fully, giving- previous experience. p-iu, journal.- ' . ' l WHEN you answer, these Waal-Ada, mention Tbe jonrntL , HEU WANTfCl MISC. 49 USE your spare time 'to bulid P mailorder business of your own. s help you start for a shars In profits. Z7 opportunities. Particulars ireo. -t ual Opportunities Exchange, , Buffalo, xs. x. OKtUON LAW SCHOOL A thorougn , practical course in law: no time ioi from regular occupation; recitations evenings, Samuel T. Richardson, dean. M. Morehead, sea $16. 81T Common wealth bldar.. Portland. Oregon. - WOMEN WANTED For government clerkships; $70 month; Portland ex aminations soon; specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 7040 v ANTED Railway mall clerks: Portland examinations soon. - $75 month; sample questions free. Frank- iin ineuiute. Dept. s-o, nocnester, N. T. . ' . STEADY young man who is able to make a oavment on modern home. balance $20 monthly, laboring. Bell woo a zzuo. REPRESENT m, in your town, turn your apare time into money, eitner sex. good pay. Address W. K. Harris, Grants Psss. Or. PORTLAND mail carrier examinations coming. $80 month: life Jobs. 6am pie questions fiee. KX-166, Journal MEN with patentable ideas write Ran- aoipn et t-o.. patent solicitors; w sen ior ton. p. c - TWO first class solicitors new. last selling specialty. call room 12 Chamber ot Com. bet. 4 and 6 p. m. WANTED At once, 2 men to leara auto repairing and driving. Haw thorne Garage, 446 Hawthorne ave. ' MEN to sell whiskey and beer ax- traets; 60o bottle makes six gallons. 224 Burnslde sC, Portland. BE an actor; training free; plays writ- ten. Fhone c-z. PACIFld ChiropracUo Colleae. Iao 4ff7 to 418 Commonwealth bldr. 'UNCALLED for tailor made tum $6.6e' up. Taylor, the Tailor. ga numaioe WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The journal. HELP WANTED FE51ALE JS WE WANT more girls to learn Bur roughs' calculating Aiscnine, snort bourse; good positions when compe- tent. 410 Central bldg., iotn ana Aiaer, GIRL for seneral housework in ths country; flat washing sent out; power washing machine; live in family. Can 580 concorq oiag. WANTED Ladles to do piece work at nome; pleasant wora, gooa pay. ap. ply 475 Morrison St., bet. anq . YOUNG lady stsnograplier and cashier: must have rererences; salary siv Week. Lennon's; Morrison St.- - WANTED Experienced girl for tailor business, at 490 onsan st. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Jonrnal. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 WANTED, reliable man and wife to cars for rooms and halls la apart ment house, for furnished 4 room apt. References required. Call Apt 1, 605 Jefferson St., between 12 and 1. 16,000 GOVERNMENT Jobs Open to men snd women. (66 to $160 month. Write for: list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 360-O. Rochester. N. T. OREGON Barber College Now is ths time to learn ths barber trade: po sition .guaranteed; paid while learn ing; tools fre. 238 Madison st MoLER BARBER COLLEGE tsacbes trad In 8 weeks, pays while learn-, ing. elves Ist-claas set of tools; writs for free catalogue, at, 46 N. 2d st. ' FISK Teschers' Agency secures posU' tlons tor teachers. 316 Journal bide., WHEN you knswer theae Want Ada,, mention The Journal - WANTED AGENTS SOLICITOR for fins paying brand new advertising proposition; still terri tory In Oregon and Washington but hurry small deposit, nome Town Pub llcity Bureau. Psyette, Idaho. WHEN you snswer these Want AdaJ mention The Journal. SITUATIONS MALE 8 EXPERIENCED kitchen helper wants work. Has references. Is steady and reliable. Main 717. A-1617. MARRIED man wants work on farm. Understands general farm work. C- YOUNG married man wants work; ex perienced teamster; knows town wall Can give references. Main 717. MAN wants garden work. Is reliable. Main 717. MAN will take housecleanlng or any ooq jods. aiam 717. EXPERIENCED salesman wants work. r. Msln 717. EXPERIENCED klUhen helper wants work. Has hotel experleiice. M. 717. EXPERIENCED salesman wants situ ation. Hss references. Main 717tj YOUNG -boy. 1 7, wants place on faroC A-1617. Main 117. BRICK-WORK on furnaces, boilers; ovens, etc. ,P7. Msske. 41$ fc. 21at, S. TOUNG married man wants any kioJ of steady work. Main 717. MIDDLE aged man wants to go - to country for haying. Main 71T. MAN wants carpenter work. Will" take r short lobs. Main 717. A-I81T. (Continued ea Seat rage) . By "Bud" Fisher a Ctt setaav ai raMT1 ssey COP, YOv WY. K COP tOUfc OWN 1 ' MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 tb sC r . -" .wua MiMU. Mitt,