THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, . JULY 10, 1914. CALL FOR CHICKENS CONTINUES TO BE ACTIVE; PRICES FIRM I II. - r- . Receipt of Both Hens and Spring- Have Been Liberal for Some Tlmi Vet Market Keeps Well Cleased lPJ Green Corn Arrives. Front! trcet was well supplied to all llnrg today, excepting chickens, country killed vj:al and hogs and watermelons, The poultry market continues firm, and hcn revlily bring 16c. some selling yrnteri4y at 16V4c Springers bring unvwticfe from 18c to 20c. " The ae maud tltln year for chickens 'seems to !, BiroriKer than ever at this' time for the market cleans up In fine shape tiiiilv in spite of quite liberal receipts. (;nf reason for this, to a considerable extent, i that Seattle is drawing heav ily on tills market for towis,- large Bhlpmenlta being made Tor. the Puget Mnind filty every now and then. A few ducks arrived this morning. They ilu not meet with a very active demand at this time, however. There were no turkeys or geese on the street today, ami ((notations are nominal. In fact, trie street nas oven bare on turkeys and geese for several days. VEAL jANl HOGS ABE SCARCE country killed veal and hogs are rcarce and in good demand. This be ing the i height, of the harvest season, farmers: are busy, and this probacy Accounts in large measure for the snort supply. : Veal la quoted at 13 Vic and Ki-ks at: 10',4c. The new meat inspec tion ordinance Ib scheduled to become ctrective. tomorrow and will do - so unless stopped by an injunction, which independent packers are planning to obtain, i They .contend that the new ordinance wllr discriminate against them and In favor of the large packers. EGG MARKET HOLDS STEADY butter market is steady with no change in quotations. WATERMELONS SELLING WELL TllA dpmnnH r ' xx,-o fprmftlnnK con- tlnue active and the street was nearly bare of them this morning. Two sar- toaas are due - to arrive here tomorrow morning, however, which will serve to fill the usual heavy Sunday demand. POTATO CROP SHOWS SPOTTED Rcnnrti fmin vril nnt atn rrowlne districts 'Indicate that the early crop tuns light in some places, while in others it Is normal or better. Little can yet be said of how the late crop Is going to develop. For the present. mere is a fair demanu ror snipping stock. New- Oregon green- corn ar rived in the market today and sold at 20c a dozen SHIPPERS' WEATHER KOTICE HOGS AND LAMBS ADVANCE FIVE CENTS AT NORTH PORTLAND Active Demand Brings Quotations to $8.30 on Best Hogs While Lambs Reach a Top of $5.90; Cattle Market Is Firmer. The egg market remains steady with Oregon candled eggs bringing 25c onvKront street. Case count eggs bring anywhere from 22V4c to 24c. Complaint is madet that the case count eggs are exceedingly "uncertain" as to quality at this! time, because of the warm w eat tier, and that comparffttvely tney run. higher than the candled stock. The TRANSPORTATION White Star Line "OLYMPIC" iONDON August 8 rOPi nADie a in c io ' : a 'rtaa Aug. ocui. m. J Via Plymouth Cherbourg Southampton I OTHER SAILINGS OCXANIC. Auk 1. 'Aug. 22, Sept. 12. Maw j York Quaonttown Liverpool. riTTT(rrt Jui rai Baltic July 80 CELTIC! July 83iADHIATIC ..Aug. 6 Boston uuentovro Liyerpool. $58.60 and up aocordinff to tteamer. ARABIC ....Aug. 11; CYMRIC ....Aug. 25 'Boa ton Mediterranean Italy. CA2J0FDC ...Aug. 20;CKE11C ....Sept. 19 American line CVS CliACS CABIN (II.) SERVICE. $56 op PllBKiutb Cherbourg suuthitmpton. KFW XOKK.iuly 17i ST. LOUIS... July SI PHILA. July M'SX. fAUi. ...Aug. Atlantic Transport Line i Mew York. London Direct. Minnetonka .July 18 Mlcnewajka .Aug. 1 Kianaapalia ..July SSI Minnehaha ..Aug. 8 RED STAR LINE itw Yc.'k Dorer Antwerp. Lapland . . . . July 18 Zeeland Aug. 1 Finland July 25jVaderland ...Aug. 8 White Star Dominion Montteal Quebec Liverpool ONLY FOUR DAYS AT 8EA BY THE LARGEST 8TEAHLR8 FROM MONTREAL Laurentiio Teutoniai ...July 18Megantio' ...July 251 Canada Aug. .Aug. Bend for folders cf beautiful St. Lawrence route to Europe. A. E. DISNEY, Past. Art., R'y. Exchange Bldg., 1 Scoond aye., Seattle, Telephone Main 113, or Local Railway aud Bteamiaip Agenta. ALASKA Special lone way and round trip rates. Steamship sails direct 9 P. M. Tuesday, July 14 It'ew Reservations Left. San Francisco, I'ortland St Jmom Angeles Steamship Co. FRANK liOLLAM. Agent, 124 Third St. A-4596, Main 26. Protect shlnments' as far north as Seattle against maximum temperatures of about 75 degrees; northeast to Spo- Kane, 90. degrees; soutneast to jaoine. u degrees; south to Asnianu, oo uc grees. Maximum temperature at Fort land tomorrow, about SO degrees. JOBBING PRICES OP PORTLAND These prices are those at which wholesalers sell to retailers, except as otherwise stated: BUTTER Nominal Willamette yalley cream ery, cubes, selling price, 5Mc; tUe prints, S827c; ranch butter, 18c; city creamery. . BUTTER FAT No. 1. Portland deUrery. 6e lb. EQQ8 Selected. Candled local, extras, 2rq,2c; case count, 23c; buying f. - b. Port land, 22c. . . LIVE POULTRY Hena, 15c, broilers, 1842o,-; s.ags. live geese. 12c; ducks, old. 10c; ycuug, Jlc; turners. 20c; dressed. 2; pig eons, old, $1. 004125; squabs, $2.2d.40 kicn. ' . ,, CHEESE NominaL Fresh Oregon fancy fuj cream twins and triplet. 17c; daisies. 17c; Young Auierlcs. 18c. Fruit and Vegetables. BERRIES iitrswberries, Oregon, 'V00. loganberries, t&ci; raspberries, 0al date; currants, i (0,1.25; blackberries, 1.25; Blackcap. $1. , , i lit ail iuiil'Io OranRes. $2.502.7o; 6a uunas, 304e lb.; lemona. 5AOo.75; limes, .......... ... ..-i, .iif,.ri.i. S2.50(a 2.76: uiueapnles, Ic; cherries. Otitic lb.; noose- , : r . t .... ...... , 1 ? 1'iintl. iouupes, $2(2.25; watermelons, $l.o02; casa s,2.i... m . et ka. . VtOtlABLts xurnips, i .J, iu. carrots, l.uu; paruli, ( ) saca; auuas. local, ai.ia; vaiiioruin . Il.ou bos; green onions, I2c doseu bunches; peppers, belr, 25W30c; head lettuce, $1.5 l!uu per box; celery, $1.60 ' per ousen; ei:g uisnt, 2oc; cauliflower, local, t n California. 1.60&2.UO crate; French arUcboEee, 85c doxen; sprouts, t ); tr'" beaus. 6Uic; l-ima ueana, , asparagus, 1.0U per box; local, 1. Pf doieu bunches; hoi bouse cucumbers, tt0&$l per dozen; green corn, 20c a dozen. O.MoNsh callloruia red. $2.oi3.00 CWt.; Walla Wallu, SJ.50 cwt.; garlic, 15c lb. fUl'AluLs belling price: Extra choice, WettSl; t-huice, 5Sir5c; ordinary, 00c sack; uew, $1,2511.50. Ho pa, Wool and Hides. llOl'S Buying price, choice. iUVie; prime. 16i Wise; uivuiuiu to prime, 14c; lal crop wuiii-cu, 15c. ClilliiM OB CASCARA BABIk Car lots, 5c; less than car lots, 6c. jlOil A I H 114 27 27 WOOL Noiuluul. 1V14 ciip; Willamette -ley cuarse Cotswold, 17c; medium fenrop stire, lttVc; choice fancy lots, 1u(Bi20c lb.; eaatern Oregon, - 14d20u, acording to snriuk- S'li'mES Drr hidea. 22fi23c lb.-, green. HQ 12c; salted bide. 12ftc; bulla, green salt, 8i Wc; Kips, iaUic; calves, dry. 25c; salt ski us salted or green, 184u20c; green bides lc less than salted; "beep pelts, salted, shearings, iott25c) Ury. 10c. Heats, Fish, and Provisions. ' DliESStu MEAid Selling urlce Country killed: nogs, laucy, lvc; ordinary, 0iloc; rough and heavy, Uc; fancy veals, UiiulJc; oiuuar, HWilljc; poor, 0c; uiuttunr Be; coa ia, oSjic; spring lambs, 10c. HA.US. UACO.S. iiTC. Uains. 1920ic: Mjienkfasi bacon, lo(0i28c;' boiled bam, ooc; picuics, 13'c; cottage, Sic. MEATS t'ackiug bouse steers. No. 1 stock, 12fcic; cows, No. 1 stock, llc; ewes, loc; wetners, 11c; lambs, bVc; port loins, lBijc; oressed hogs, 12C. Ol'biEUn bLoulwater bay, per gallon ( ); per 100 in. sack, ( ); Olympia, per gallon, kii.50; per 100 lb. sack, ( ); canned eastern, 6oc can; $0.50 dosen; eastern, in shell, $1.75 2.00 per loo; razor claws, $2.00412.25 box; eastern oysters, per gallon, solid paek, $3.00. HSU Nominal. Dressed flounders, 7c; ebinouk salmon. 11c; bluebacks, loc; hal ibut, 40c lb.; shrimps, 12Mic; perch, ti(& 8c lb.; lobsters, a5c lb.; silver smelt, 8c; snad, 3i-c; roe shad, Oc .lb.; salmon trout, 12Viic; sand dabs, 9c. LAUD Tierces, llc; compound, tierces, IOVjC. CRABS Large, $2.00; medium, $1 dozen. Groceries. SUGAsV-Cube, S5.U5; powdered. $5.25;. fruit or berry, $5.05; beet, $4.&5; dry granulated. 0.8a: u yeuow. iauots uuotauous are 30 days net cash.) . Kicu Japan styie, no. 1, oiao-c; Dew Orleans, head, 5U7c; Creole, 5 Vic. HON EX ew, ia 3. do per esse, BEANS Small white, 3M,c; large white. 6c. pink, 64iloc; llmas, 7c; bayo, 7c; red. S ALT Coarse, half grounds. 100s, $10 per ton; bos, $10.76; table Uslry, 50s. $18; 10s, 17.50; bales, $z.o; extra line carrels, xa, s aud 10S, $5.2iui0.0u; lump rock, $2.50 per ton. JPalnts and Oils. LINSEED OIL Kaw bbls., 01c per gaL; kettle bulled, bbls., 62c; raw cases. 00c; boiled cas, 03c gal.; lots of 250-gallons, lc less; oil cake meal, $44 per ton. ill in. L.&AU ion lots, bc per id.; ouv to. lots. 8c per lb.; tbgs lots, 8 Vic per lb. OIL, meal canoaa lots, 134. TURPENTINE In cases. 73c; wood bar rels, 7oc; Iron barrels, 68c per gallon. coal, oil, water wmte on arums, ana iron barrels. 10c. logs, cattle. Calves. Sheep. 232 233 - .. 630 321 41 77 f426 305 24 . . 2221 114 22 2 .... 610 979 18 3374 25 6 6 784 434 21 6 1018 678 387 145 1007 .1249 374 13 3480 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RTJN. Ho Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday , Week ago Two weeks ago Year ago Two years ago The markets ruled higher in all lines at the North Portland yard, and the quotations sire firm. Receipts were rather light, with but 16 cars, containing 233 head of cattle, 232 hogs and 630 sheep. Another advance of a nickel was recorded in th hoe market this morn ing In the sales of three lots of Oregon hogs at $8.30, yesterday's top price beinsr 18.25. At Denver and South Omaha today the hog markets were higher. (imriil hnr market ransre Best light. 200 lbs. $ -3? Medium ..' 8.C08.25 Heavy 7.00 7.75 Fat pigs 7.00 4p 7.50 MliUKto IN MAKfttl SO IT IS DECLARED T. J. Armstrong, president and manager of the Noon Bag company, stated today that ha has received word from Califor nia indicating that tha Pacific northwest grain growers should not figure on California as a source Of SUDnlv of mln hairs this season. A communication to him from : San Francisco under date of July 8, 1914, Is as follows: "I do not see where you could get very many bags here. If the northern farmers expect to find bags shipped north from here, I think they will be dls- ' appointed. So much is this the case, that I have sold bags for local requirements July shlp- 1 ment from Calcutta." Mr. Armstrong says that the price here today is eight and one-half cents each in carload lots. Bayers Say They Know of No Offerings of Last Year's Har vest; Corn Crop Slay Be Reduced by the Extremely Hot Weather. WHEAT CARGOES DULL. London, July 10. Wheat cargoes on pas sage unu witn limited demand. English country market quiet. , French country markets dull. ' GAS COMPANY MAY SUPPLY OSWEGO AND PASS UP SUBURBAN NOTES Commercial Courses Established In the St. Johns High SchooL M WAUWE PORTLAND GRAIN RECEIPTS. -Cars- Monday . . Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday Friday . . . Year ago Whea t. Ba rley . P lour.Oa t. Hay . 39 16 19 16 11 12 6 S 2 6 6 6 10 2 2 9 13 12 2 3 8 5 7 ,8 4 2 4 .. rands Are Available). St Johns. Or- July 10. A complete four year commercial course for James John high school and a public commer cial course to be held three evenings each week In the high school building. rv , t . is mi i was established at last nignts meet r De L ne V aV 1IU5 VVII- ing of the school board when the re- 1 I . . . . m m.i M v T j. TL -,, -.J P"'i oi a committee consisung oi n. lamette. inen netlirn ana Edlefsen. chairman, and Superintend- Continue to Oregon City, presented by Mr. Edlefsen and accept ed, me necessary I uncs win oe avail able without recourse to the local tax t.,w ia Th. flack- I fund, as St, Johns will receive about amas Gas Company will'probab'y lay 1600 rom the county school fund for Its pipeline across the Willamette cm rem. year, River north of Mllwaukie, supply Os- here, for It Is said no old wheat is J . "L., to rrTr bAtno- ff tm.. nsi-, r,t.Per consumer, agreeing to charge being offered. What little old wheat Wheat Declines at . Chicago. Oats Firm 'Chicago, July 10. Wheat opened easy and declined during the day in lness is being done In new crop wheat spite of more satisfactory news from l and quotations are about the same as Liverpool. Corn ODened steady to Ki. i for the. oast ton rlava. While wheat higher and showed an advance during declined at Chicago today report of ine aay. vj&is remained nrm. ! more encouraging nature come irom Broomhall, giving the situation at Liv- nange oi jnicago prices rurnisnea erpooi, under date or July 10, aa ioi- wego with gas, cross the river again at Oswego and continue to Oregon City without supplying gas to Mil waukie, as a result of the withdrawal by the company of its application for a . franchise at a special meeting of the city council Tuesday night. The company recently presented a petition I in COntinu v Julv l STnm nnw rn .nr tr-rr vhafif will n A t ! cr a a hr. or II 9K Mr thniiflfinn fMimf I w. . m - v. . - iiorsmsB aru ureuts aspmisn. Pastor to Attend QoavaBttom. , St. Johns, Or- July 10. Bsv. J. R. Johnson, pastor, left this morning to represent the St, Johns Christian church at the annual Oregon conven tion of the Christian church, which opened Wednesday at Turner, Or, and NO DECISION PROPOSITION ON THE OF NEW ' PASSENGER DEPOT 1 1 Portland rates when the number of -rr"""."!""6:! consumers reached 400 or within ten wuawv vswsig VilUk tuaj AA W V a arss I ing on the general market. Little bus- years. by Overbeck & Cooke company, 216-217 The sheep market was firmer today 1 Board of Trade buildine- ar tha vardn and lambs brought top, a lot of 68, averaging 73 pounds Month in weignt, bringing m price. i jui South Omaha the sheep mantel was Sept, steady. Denver reportea no receipio. i Dec. rionorol muttnn ranee: Best shorn yearlings $4.50 5.00 July RhnT-n wnthprs 4.60 Rent. Best shorn ewes 4.00 4,25 Dec.. Hnrlne- lambs 6.7o&.0 Heavv soring lambs 5.25 5.85 I juiT The cattle marnet, wmuii hub h- epi. rlined toward weakness nere - ror a I wee. week or more, firmed up considerably this mornlner. I July General cattle market range: Sept. Solent llfht ntprn S 7.Z& (ifvnr? to ttrime 7.00 I Julr Good to choice . . 6.7507.00 Sept. Ordinary to fair ; b.fo6.o Oct, 6.75 7.00 Good to prime 6.0006.50 July Ordinary 5.50 5.75 I Kept Select calves 8.00 w s.&tf Oct Heavy 7.50 8.00 Vsinrv bulla 5.50 5.75 Ordinary 5.50 6.00 . Today's Livestock Shippers . Hogs W. Block. McKay, .Or., 1 car; M. J. severe, LeDanon, jr., i car. Sheep S. Wann, Canby, Or., 1 car; C. Smith. Junction City, Or., 2 cars; E. C. Berthson, Welser. Idaho, 1 car. WHEAT. Open. HiRh. , 78'A 79 81 81 CORN. Low. 78 78 80 Close. 78 A 78 B 81 A 69 694 6SXg 68 66 67 68 67 A 67 57 &6 57 A OATS. ....i 37 38 87 38 A 36 S6 35's 35 B 37 37 37 37 POEK. 2260 2275 2260 2?70 2075 2075 2060 2062 B LARD. 1010 1012 1010 1012 1027 1O30 1025 1025 B 1037 1037 1032 1032 A I RIBS. 1200 12O0 1195 4195 A 1195 1195 1190 1190 B 1160 1160 1155 1155 hoiiia f "iilu r rfjssaJ.if CO. SS. ROANOKE To San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego WEDKES-DAY. JTJI.Y 13 SS. GEO. WY ELDER Coos Day and Eureka 3A1I.S SUKDAT MOBNDIO AT 9 I Frelrht Ofiio. Columbia Dock, 1 Ticket Offlee. 112A Id St. Main ll. A-1SH .Main 5203, A-5423 Coos Bay Line Steamship Breakwater 8sila from Alnswortb dock. Portland, 8 a. m. July 7. 12. 17. 22. 27. Aua. 1. 6. 11. la 21 2U. 31. Krelght and ticket office lower Alns- worth dor. r-ortlana & Coos Bay S. 8. Hue L. II. Kestlog. Avent. Phco Mala 3600. ST E A M SHI P Calls Direct for San Francisco, X.os angeiss ana Bn siego. Tomonrow, Sat, 2 :30 : P. M. ' . BAN PBAHC1SCO. POBTI.AITO M 1.0S AXOLB BTEAM3HIF CO. ' FBAKK BOXiXsAac, Agent. - 18 Third Bt. A-4S96. Main 38, stS fi. ?5 . I S. 8. BEATEB FOB AN VK AS CISCO . I LOB ANGELES I.v VL, Jnly 11. Ths Ss rraaoisos Ss Portland S S. Oa, M sod Washington Srs. witk O.-W. b7 K. Co.! , Tl - Marshall 4300. A-6131. Car Surplus Being Reduced Rapidly rZXZHT w" va.; .""rV;.;!!. few. Tork. July 10, There was a rr 1 pnr- Wnlla Wallu. Meat Ca seuciai wwmiess m mo siucs raarsei T owden Wash 2 cars N R Yates" today and at London American stocks bqwaen, wasn., i cars, in. ", i ,oair ntM w vat,n mhn - Idaho orl Cars: wlcnoIa- y". iuVned from Europe Ton the I Imperator. xaano, - cars. I .,n n Mixed AL J. severe, Lebanon. Or., Yruk, r t u T 1 car hogs and sheep: W. W. Souper y.r'd' ,bu i3,, h hP?8 " .wl".b Union Junction. Or.. 1 car cattle and ,J .1. .Sl?lJZr jjQgg j is Increasing was indicated this morn- J . v. a uaa vca-su . wv Miif Ob 4 crease of 10,000 cars in the surplus in Prlee I 1 wo weess. $8.25 8.2o I riange, or New York Drices. furnished 8.00 by Overbeck & Cooke Co., 216-217 Board o-- I or Trade building 5.0o Thursday Afternoon Sales. HOGS. Section No. At. lbs. Oregon 8 230 Oregon 9 227 Oregon 80 132 Oregon 2 180 COWS. Oregon 1 990 CALVES. Oregon 4 975 BULLS. Oregon 1 820 Oregon 1 1230 Friday Morning Sales. HOGS. Section No. Ave. lba. Oregon 22 220 Oregon 26 178 Oregon 49 192 STEERS. Oregon 20 1186 COWS. Idr-ho 25 818 Idaho 26 884 CALVES. Oregon - 2 315 Oregon 1 240 Oregon . 1 240 EWES. Oregon 1 150 Oregon 14 . 103 LAMBS. Oregon .............. 1 80 Oregon 68 73 Oregon .............. 13 63 YEARLING LAMBS. Oregon 2 110 DESCKlr-l'lON I Hro: Hlirht I.owiCloss Amal. Copper Co Am. Car & Foundry, c Am. Can, e Am. Cotton Oil. c S4.2S I Am. Loco., c....:... 4 .Zd Am. sugar, c Am. smelt, c Am. Tel. & Tel Anaconda Mining Co. A ... 11' 1 Atchison, c - Baltimore a Ohio, e. uetnienem steel, c Brooklyn Rapid Tr... Canadian Pacific, c. . Central Leather, c... C. & G. W., c C, M. tc St. Paul... r jl .t ?-50 Chlno Copper 8- Colo. Fuel A Iron, e. . Colt.. Southern, c $3.50 1 Consolidated Gas . . . . 4.Z5 1 wc rrauuciH, c.... ueiaware & tiuason. . . SR 0O 1 JVU tisuu unuus, c. i llanafSI riantMA 5.00 O. N. nreferred S4.75 I Ice Securities Illinois central NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Set' c.f. S5.79 Price. $7.05 S5.30 5.30 70 28 30" 106 120 1 09 81 91 i 191 35 89 40 47 8 147 RtL 28S 149 122 Idaho District Is Given Lower Rates Spokane, Vash., July 10. Through rates to eastern points will be granted to Emmett, Idaho, on deciduous fruits. Although Emmett is on the Payette Valley railway, main line rates on the Oregon Short Line will apply instead of local rates, as hitherto. It is understood that the O. S. L. will acquire possession of the Payette Valley road within the near future. which win mean that New Plymouth and other points on that branch will in all probability have main line rates soon. An item in a tariff recentlv nub. lished by the Great Northern railway, which would have prevented the ship ment oi wnat are Known as " tramp cars by the fruit growers of Wenat chee and other districts on that line. was aDonsneo tnig ween also. The Item in Question nrohibited the recon- signment of cars, after they had started to roll, preventing their diver sion points outsiae or ureat Northern territory. Clearings Monday . . . Tuesday . . . Wednesday Thursday . Friday .... Total ... Portland Banks. This week. $2,927,619.40 1,811,256.54 1,899,640.19 1,775,830.80 1,603,790.10 . . .SIO.078.236.63 $9,982,989.78 Lehlgb Valley K. C. Southern- -v- - i saexican feiroieum . 1W UV I v ... . . - , , , , xi n'i'i 21Q BK I liOUUTiue sc nisaTiiis 2,263,332.20 S? 1,706,841.99 2,106,433.47 Seattle Quotations. Seattle, Wash., July 10. Eggs, fresh ranch. 27c: oriental. 18c. Butter Country creamery cubes, 26c; bricks, 27c: city creamery cubes, 26c; bricks, 27c. Cheese Llmburger. 19c; Wisconsin, 18 (3 19c; Swiss, 20c; Washington, 18 17c. Onions Green, 20(y;25c; eastern Washington, 84c pound; Caillorma, 3ft(gc. 1'otatoes Local, 1012c; eastern Washing ton, lUWM; new, zzc. Omaha livestock. (SDedal to The Journal.) Pouth Omaha, July 10. Cattle Receipts 245: market steady; steers. $8.75(a9.35: cows I and heifers, $6.509.00. Hogs Receipts 6740 ; mariet oc nigner; bulk. $8.40(8.60. SheeD Keceluts 6080; market steady: year lings, $6.358.50; wethers, $3.4365.70; Iambs, $3.&5&9.10; ewea, 4.0Ua4.uu. Denver Livestock. (Soeclal to The Journal. 1 Denver. Colo., July 10. Cattle Receipts 100; market steady; steers, $8.00g9.00; cows and hetrers, w.oonj3.w; carves, a.uutgiii.ou Hogs Receipts 100; market higher, tops, I $S.T0, one losu. Sheep None. National Lead Nevada Consolidated . . New Haven N. Y. Central N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A Western, c. North American Northern Pacific, c. . . . Pac. Mail Stem. Co... Penn. Railway F. G., Li. & C. CO Pressed Steel Car, c.. Ray Cons. Copper Reading, c itep. iron tk steel, c. Rock Island, c... ... S. It. tc S. F.. 2d nfd. Southern Pacific, c... Southern Railway, c... Tenn. Copper Texas & Pacific T., 3. L. & W.. c Union Pacific, c (J. S. Kubber. c tJ. S. Steel Co., c Utah copper Virginia Chemical Wabash, c Western Union Tel Westinghouse Elec . . . . Wisconsin central, c. . 113 107 14 137 27 ei i5 11 13 61 90 21 105 8&! 28j 30" 105 66 120 81 '99" 81 92 191 86 89 40 47 8 147 284 149 122 113 107 14 137 3 61 io 11 13 01 90 21 105 69 51 27 I 29 106: 65 120 30 98 9o 91 189 35 88 40 45 8 146 2S 148 122 112 107 14 136 27 61 15 8 . . 68 21 104 110 112 43 21 164 22 4 87 24 14 155 59 61 61 29 77 j 78 Ill 112 2144 164 87 24 14 155 eo 61 67 29 69 109 112 43 21 163 86 24 32 14 154 69 60 28 "69 77 60 51 27 38 29 106 65X4 120 88 90 25 41 81 189 35 13 98 130 40 46 25 23 124 8 148 6 28i A 148 30 122 29 112 107 14 137 27 61 133 15 45 13 59 8 105 75 110 23 112 120 43 21 183 21 1 97 23 ?2 14 155 69 61 57 69 78 89 lows: "Wheat The late rally in America yesterday caused shorts to cover at the opening here. Later, further sup- 1 port, with the undertone firm. Firm ness in spot less favorable. Appro hension of rust damage in the Ameri can spring wheat caused yesterdays sellers to turn buyers with offers light Corn firm and higher on American firmness and unfavorable American weather reports. Later some little pressure in July, which declined M, but this decline was recovered with the continued firmness in September, which advanced a further after the opening. Unfavorable weather In Ar gentine, firmer Platte offers and scar city of spot, stimulated shorts in Sep tember to cover freely. Argentine rained heavily yesterday and now Indi cations are for clearing. Further com nlaints are received of unsatisfactory condition of arrivals, both at United Kingdom and continental ports. Plat te holders are very firm with much difficulty in filling immediate contracts." John Inglls wires from Aberdeen, S. D "Southern Cass) eastern Random counties all fcrops poor, drowned out. On rollintr land wheat is promising. Velvet chaff in milk here. Black rust Drevalent: bluestem not advanced noirsrh to be attacked. Situation crit ical. Will show next week if attack is virulent. Hot weather, but no hot winds S. Logan says: "The weather in the corn belt is generally clear and Indlca Hons are for a hot stell. The market has had a stiff advance, but I look for higher prices today." Kansas City wires very hot all over southwest. Oklahoma and part of southern Kansas says corn Is in very bad shape. - . WHEAT Old croD. nroducers price nominal, track basis: Club. 860: milling bluestem, 87c; fortyfold, 86c; valley, 85c; red Russian, 82c New croo. club. Julv and August 78c: Sep tember, 77c; fortyfold, July-August, 79c; blue stem, 81 W 82c. OATS Buying price: No. 1 white, feed. $21 per ton; gray. $20.50. New croD. white. S22.50. I BARLEY Producers price, track basis: Feed, $20020.60; brewing, nom inal. $21 per ton. i FLOUR Selling- mice: Patent. $4.80 Wilt AvA M., f A OAs 1sl on 4 llialilC'.lfJ vaiic, s ". o v . iwat o va caa 5 11 1, $4.20; export, $3.8508.95; bakers'. $4.60 0 4.80. HAY Producers price: Willamette valley timothy,- fancy, $13.50(5)14.00; eastern Oregon-Idaho, fancy timothy, $16.00 16.50; alfalfa. $13.00 13.50; vetch and oats, $11.00; clover, $9.00 9.10 per ton. GRAIN BAGS No. 1 Calcutta, fu ture delivery, $8.50. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $22.5024.00; shorts. $26.50027.00. Health Board Again Ousts Van Brakle Herbert's Lectures Are Well Received Practical Methods of Securing Play grounds and B acres tion Centers in Towns and Villages, Weir's Subject. Oregon City, Or., July 10. An im pression was made upon the minds of Chautauqua goers Thursday by Dr. L. G. Herbert in his two lectures, "A Trinity of Power," and "Cash, Con science and Country." Dr. Herbert's evening lecture was addressed to the young men present, and after the lec ture more than one young man person ally thanked Dr. Herbert for bis ad vice. Molalla. Or., July 10. A lengthy ad dress on the European rural credit system was delivered' before Clack amas county Pomona grange at Its meeting with Molalla grange here Wednesday afternoon by Harvey G. Starkweather, who last year visited Europe for the investigation of rural credit conditions there authorised by congress. Several members of the grange discussed the betterment of rural schools. At 6 p. m. the visiting grangers were the guests of Che Mol alla Commercial club on a two hour automobile tour of tn surrounding territory. Reports Are Favorable. St Johns, Or., July 10. The report of the Peninsula National bank at the close of business on June 30, 1914, showed an Increase In deposits of 860. 000 over the corresponding date of last year and an Increase in deposits of $33,000 since the previous report on May 4. 1914. The capital stock is $5C, COO, the surplus $10,000. and the total deposits $282,298.87. The report shows real estate, fixtures, loans and dls In the summer school this morning bJJeLy7l&.ZiTAc totaling $312,369.29 and cash on Spokane, Portland & Seattle Officials Give Their Rea-! sons for Opposing Plan, j; Vancouver, Wash., July 10. Com-' mittees from the Commercial club and the city council met yesterday with ' President Gllman. of the Spokane ' Portland & Seattle Railway company, Judge Carey, chief counsel for the . company, and George Nellson. who rep resented the general -" manager, and after a lengthy discussion over oldr' grievances and promises, came to no ' decision relative to the construction of ' a passenger depot at the foot of . Washington or Main streets. The mat- , ter was left in the hands of the com mittees and another conference' will -be held soon. President Gil man eavo uvani planations us to why it would be lm- ' possible to put a depot at the Dlace i requested, stating that it would cost ( ' more money than the traffic would Justify, and that the station would be' dangerous because it would have to be ' UU1 up -o me overhead crossing Judge Carey spoke along . the same line. John Elwell was one of the molc.. men for the Vancouver delegation and In his talk reminded the road s offl- ' clals of the numerous promises made ' ai ut time the road first came to the ! city. He said that none of the nrom. 1 ises had been fulfilled, mentioning, in way of Illustrating his statement, the j fact that the fine depot and the dock, both of which were Promised at tht ' time, have not been constructed. Uttiers who spoke were Dr. A n Eastham, who stated that tne depot j would be a great convenient tn fir. 1 mers and to the people of thl an i other upriver points, Chris Engleman. 1 xji. v. d. nwin ana uement Scott. gon lectured on "Practical Methods of Securing Playgrounds and "Recreation Centers in Towns and Villages." He il lustrated how the barrenness of social life in villages and towns caused the young people to drift towards the city, and how it could be successfully remedied by clubs, the home, the church, the school and the town gov hand of $81,000. RusseUville Gran Xeetlar. Russelvllle, Or., July 10. Russelvllle grange, No. 353, will meet at o'clock tomorrow evening In its hall on the Base Line road here. The program. arranged by Miss Mabel Mlcklesen. as- mment nroiritnv nnnni4. e-v-1 sistant lecturer, is as follows: Dis- wholesome play, recreation and social cujslon Cf the use of commercial ferti- actlvltles. llzer by John Welbea, master; reading, The physical culture classes under Mrs- lrn Hood; Instrumental solo. Professor A. M. Grilley of the Port- Mrs- Lulu "Wicklander; and solo. Miss land Y. M. C. A. from 9 to 11 everv Bessie Wallace. J. W. Mills, lecturer. morning are well attended, as are most wiu te in charge of the meeting, or the departments of the summer school. Tomorrow's pro exam will b I Pastor Visiting Xa Zast. as follows: I St. Johns, Or., July 10. Rev. Thomas 8:00-11:00 Summer school. Caron. C S. S. R., of Holy Redeemer 11.00 Forum. Universitv of Orecon I parish, is supplying the pulpit or bt. morning. "A Plan for Rural Clement's Catholic church here during School Reorganization." Dr. Jo- the absence of the priest. Rev. F. J. seph Schafer. Special music by Kettenhosen, who is visiting relative alumni. and friends in Chicago, where he will 1:00 Concert, Parson's orchestra, I remain until August 15. 1:45 Reriing, Mattie Hardwicke Jones. lecture, "worms Beneath the ark," Charles Howard: Platten burg. Special concert, Ferguson's Dlxio Jubilee Singers. a:tfo Baseball, Molalla vs. Macks burg. Oregon Congress of Mothers' pro gram. Mrs. W, T. Hawkins in charge. 7:00 Conoert, Parson's orchestra. 7545 Violin Solo, "Legends" H. Wlen- lawskl), Ted Bacon 8:00 Reading. Mattie Hardwicke Jones. Concert, Dixie Jubilee Singers. TillamookDemocratic Committee Formed Total sales 259,500 shares. Money closed 2(t2. Money ruled 2. Ex. Dir. 1. Yakima District Is Snipping Apples i The 1914 fruit shipping season is on in earnest now. the "main event" does not begin until apples start to move in carload lota which they did this week. -the first car going forward from Zillah in the Yakima district and being sold by the North Pacific Fruit Distributors in Canada, even before it was loaded.- It included Early New towns, Duchesses and Astrachans. The first straight carload of peaches left the Northwest also during the past week, being shipped from Kennewick, likewise: in the Yakima district, and being sold, by the distributors as welL in Canada. i j - ,, : :. San Francisco Prices. San Francisco. July 10. Egsrs, extras. 27Ue tirsts, 24e; selected pnUets. 23c ' Butter, extras, 24c; prime firsts, 23c; firsts. 23c. -.-. Ch(Hse California, fancy, 13c; firsts, 12c; American-Hawaiian S.S.C0. VIA STRAITS OP WtAOEI.ia.lff - . PSIIOHT XiXRB Sailings from- UTOW TOSS about June 15 and every 12 days thereafter for Pacific coast porta, C D. KENNEDY, Agent. -. Z49 ' btats at. Wheat, spot .price. California club, 81.57V -.. liar : rort rfold t flat; bluestem. flat: Russian red 81.90;- Twkey red, 1 1.62 tU.ftft per x Barley Ordinary to No. 1, 96c$l; slirB- Potstoes Ilt .new rrn DnrhlnVa TKCti $t per cental W isacka and S0eig$1.35 per cental In boxes; new potatoes, lle ponnd; Oraswes Per . box. nw 'navels fancy, $2a 2.60; do ehoic, $1.50; Tangerines. $11.50; Valeucia fancy. $2.2T2.60; do choice. $1,863 2.25; seedlings. $11.50. Month Jan. . Mar. . May . July . Aug. . Oct, . Dec. . New York Cotton Market. Close. 123031 12356X36 1258059 1231gt33 Open. . . 1218 . 1220 . 1246 . 1222 . . 1216 . 1206 . 1218 High. . Low. 1231 '1216 1236 1260 1228 1228 1221 1239 1220 1240 1222 1215 1206 1218 122627 122021 12383d Clark & Henery Get Highway Contract Bid Was Lowest Ever TCade for Sim ilar Work in Jackson County Call for 71ve Stiles Hear Ashland. Medford, Or., July 10. Clark & Hen ery . were today awarded toe contract for construction of five miles of hard surfaced pavement between Ashland and Talent, work to begin at once. The Clackamas County Health Official Zs Held, to Have Been Illegally Ap pointed; Will Continue right. The state health board at its quar terly meeting Wednesday took final action in connection with Dr. Van Brakle of Oregon City by declaring that he is no longer health officer of Clackamas county. County Judge An derson was Immediately notified of the board's action, which marks another step In the case which was started Dr. Van Brakle Says He Will Prosecute Oregon City. Or., July 10. It is un derstood the State Board of Health will send the county court of Clacka mas county a similar letter to the one sent last April Instructing that body to oust County Health Officer J. A, VanBrakle and appoint a new man in his place. Dr. VanBrakle Is an osteo path and the physicians of Oregon City with the state board behind them have been trying to remove him aa health officer ever since he was appointed a year ago. When the county court was ln- When .CltCka?raS OX1??7 J?7? lan n Place of Dr. VanBrkkli last charged that Van Brakle had refused AprU u nQt comp,y ''ill aa E : as un Five to- Twenty YoQTC! fciT' nnnnOT bM was the lowest ever made for J.UCblO XU1 lvUUUul I similar work in Jackson county. Clark & Henery's bid varied from 92tf cents Tried, Can Hot Speak Hor Understand wi'th 1 ft inch asphalt concrete wearing the English Xsanguage. . suriace. . The Warren Construction Aberdeen. Wash, July 10.Frankl cm entered the only other bid. Dobreff, one of -the convicted Elmo! - I 7 . bank robbers, has been given a sentence ' AO otuoj jrension 1'ian. of from five to 20 years in the pen- Miss Marie Chambers, clerk of the itentlary. Dobreff was the last of tha widows pension department of the three robbers tried. He was identified Juvenile court, will spend her vacation by Cashier Earl France, as one -who J traveling in the east and win invest! held a gun pointed at him while the! 8e ' widows pension ystems in bank was bjeing robbed. He cannot states navmg sucn lawa She.will visit speak a word of English, nor under- j Norfolk; Va, Washington, D. C, New stand the language. i xora, v;nicago, x-niiaaeipnia and other piacea . ana. expects to De gone for a T.rlnii Dnf nn Rniuli ' I monwi. Moscow, Idaho, July 9. S. C Tay lor, who was arrested on a charge of having etnbeszled $700 of the receipts to take several cases of contagious dls eases reported to him. The fight has been on several months. Van Brakle is an osteopath and was appointed to his position by Judge An derson 11 months ago. Physicians of the county soon afterward charged that he was not a graduate of a reput able medical school and was incompe tent. The case went Into the courts, where It was non-suited, and Clackamas county physicians were instructed to report directly to the state board, which took the stand that Van Brakle had not been legally appointed and therefore could not be removed from a position he never occupied. . Van Brakle- takes the position that opposition has been aroused because he is an osteopath. At Oregon City last night he defied the board and after declaring he would remain health officer, promised to prosecute every physician who does not report to him. So far Judge Anderson has stood with Van Brakle and has refused to oust him. ADMINISTRATRIX REPORTS The sale of "microbe killer" for $18 Is one of the items in the receipts col umn of the twenty-fourth report of Mrs. Agnes Butts Heckard, adminls tratrix of the estate of Henry D. Win ters, filed this morning. The report shows receipts of $238.10 during the past month and disbursements of $340.14. with a balance on nana July 1 of $850.99 in cash. The estate is valued at approximately $80,000 and 67 claimants of 102 who were parties to escheat proceedings were recently de clared heirs of the property by, the jury which heard the proceedings. '.Will Be Morning Star.- -Centralis. Wash, July 10. Victor Jackson, editor of the Centralia Dally Star, the plant of which was recently sold at auction to satisfy the credit ors, will the first of the week resume publication,- issuing; mornings instead of evenings. " ' Found Dead on Trail. V Aberdeen. Wash, July 10. R. R. of Grant & ; Giles,. merchants at BovilL I Brown, a logger, formerly of Alaska Idaho, and brought here by Sheriff I ana wew xort wno- baa accumulated Brown from Spokane and - arraigned I and - spent two fortunes, was : found yesterday in the probate court, fur-1 dead on a trail leading to a logging nlshed bonds t for his appearance for I camp at which he had worked. A bot- prellmlnary hearing July 14. . The I tie half filled with whiskey was found I bonds were furnished by George M. I nearby. Brown was 65 years old. Hal Loomis and Walter Taylor. 1 Is said to have been well connected. I Board of Health's instruction. Dr. VanBrakle said this morning that this move on the part of the state board opened the way for him to start prosecution against several Clackamas county physicians who, he alleges, have not been living up to the law. He says he has evidence that these doc tors have failed to file reports with him as required by law and that he believes, if the district attorney will stand by him, that he can prosecute all of them. . Vancouver Marriage License. Vancouver, Wash, July 10. Mar riage licenses were Issued yesterday by the county auditor to the following persons: J. G. Thomson and Lola Nor wood, both of Portland; Louis Bauer and Gertrude Baker, both of Portland; Lester A Smith and Pearl A. Jones, both of Portland; J. Frederick Stevens and Mrs. Bertha May Hawkins, both of Portland; C. E. Ferrlngton and Ethel Wilder, both of Portland. lindens Are Divorced. Oregon City, Or., July 10. Judge J. TJ. Campbell granted a divorce decree to Mabel Linden from Al Linden Thursday. Mining Congress in Session. Ashland. Or July 10. The third an nual session of the California-Oregon Mining Congress is In session in this city. Many of the prominent mining men of northern California and south ern Oregon are present and more are arriving on every train.. Many' are bringing their families and taking in the Chautauqua as well as the mining congress. ' a. T. Harry Organises County rorees; Followers round to Be Enthusiastic ; Business Good in County. G. T. Harry, of this city, has Just returned from Tillamook where he, ss a representative of the Democratic state central committee, organized a Democratic county central committee to carry on the party's work this summer and fall. The committee at Tillamook Is the first formed since the state central committee decided to complete or ganization of central committees in all counties preparatory for the com ing campaign, and strengthen the par ty's working machinery in all sections of the state. Mr. Harry reports that he found Tillamook county Democrats enthu siastic and they showed an unusually loyal feeling for the party. Men answered the call for a meeting from all sections of the county and some of them traveled as much as 26 miles over rough country to attend the meet ing which was held in the county court house at Tillamook on Tuesday night. July 7. Twenty of 29 precincts of the county were represented. Thomas Coates of Tillamook was elected chairman of the committee; James Baker of Beaver, secretary, and J. Merrill Smith of Til lamook, treasurer. The delegates in e true ted the chairman to appoint an executive committee of nine. "I found business conditions excel lent," said Mr. Harry. "Everybody apparently has money and when I left the ranchers were harvesting one of the biggest hay crops which even that fertile county has ever produced. Tennessee Grill's License Is Revoked Another Portland grill passed away this morning, when the city council, by unanimous vote, revoked the license held by IL Tannensee for the Tennes see grill, Fourth-and Madison streets. The council ordered that $37ald on the license fee be refunded, r The action, according to tha emer gency clause of the revocation ordi nance. Is taken to - eradicate places known to be Immoral. The emergency makes the ordinance effective at once. The revocation followed several hearings, when witnesses both for and against the. place appeared before the council. In defending himself against the charges that the grill was a meet ing place for underworld women. Tan nensee saTij-that he did everything pos sible to keep them out. His wife said she had remained in the place many nights to keep the women with "painted faces" from entering. WHY RISK IT? Loss b possible in many ways inmakingareal estate sale, loan or exchange, unless h is TnuinDTnDSTBOiBinC handled IN ESCROW Investigate, Call for booklet. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY POUETK, 2TEAB 8TASX "B1TULITHIC" is a first-class pavement in every particular, and while it some times costs more, it is the cheapest in the end, because of its greater durability. Banker's Murderer Hanged. . Winnipeg, July 10. John Krafchen ko, murderer of Manager Arnold of the Plum Coulee bankv was hanged here yesterday." - .'. . ,' ' . . Portland Pure Llilk& Crean Co. Batter, Zggs, Cheese, Poultry, York and TeaL Write for quotations. KOTT Main 3188 Portland, Or, A.1402. Ladd & Tilton ' &tablished 1859 " CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $2,000,000.00 :t " . Commercial and Savings Deposits V Paraornn Tvnpwrifpr Rihhnns AJfB Red Seal Carbon Paper Are recognised as the leading ribboa and carbon lines on the market. For all makes of Typewriters. Eend for our illustrated booklet. REMINGTON Typewriter Company (Incorporated), as srainwiT. Portland. Or. Overbeck & Cooke Co. Stocks. Bonds, Cotton, orala, Bta. , 316-217 Board of. Trade Bull ding. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board of Trade. Correspondents of Logan & Bryan, Chicago. New York. J. C. Wilson & Co. NEW YORK STOCK IiXCHANCJEL NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGH. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. S.4.N FRANCISCO. . POBTXtAVD OPTZCB ae Oak Bt, around Pioor, &ewis Bid. Phones Marshall 3858. A-4187. Oregon Humane wn a rand. Ave. H- between coach aa4 Davis. Phones Bast 1423. B-ala. . OPXXT OAT ABB HXQKT. ' Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small anU tnals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. CCHVAB PRIMING CO O B EN . 6R E EME JR E3 1 DINT Q5fr STARK, STREET