The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 10, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Geo. W. Elder and. Veteran
' Boat on Coos Bay Run
' Racing to Port. .;
Competitor Gets Chance to Try . Issue
sad Than the Tun m Xnglae
Soon Bsffl&s.
Once again the old steamer Break
water, the veteran o the Portland
Coos Bay run la being: called upon to
defenjti her hard earned honors as the
fiistPDt steamer on the Coos Bay run.
With; the eteamer George W. Elder
he Is engaged In one of the prettiest
races of the year. The two steamora
liould be In their berth at Columbia
Dock No l and Alnsworth dock short
ly after 8 o'clock.
Fori several years the Breakwater
has 6 ad things practically her own
: way as the cracX passenger boat of
the Oregon coast. Her steel sides
cleaved the water much easier than
did tlio wooden hull of the old steamer
Alliance of the North Pacific fleet and
with Captain T. J. Macgenn on the
bridge she had little trouble In main
talnihg a lead over her competitor.
A month ago the steamer George W.
Klderj probably one of the best known
- steamers on the coast, was put ' on
this fun by the North Pacific and the
Xlght between the two lines then took
.on a; different angle. The Elder Is
rated! as fine boat for such a run
and she has made without trouble a
eeveniday schedule calling for a round
trip to Coos Bay and Eureka. She ts
practfcally a new steamer Having been
.built over' from top to bottom.
On account of being on a seven day
' schedule while the Breakwater makes
-a f lv day run to Coos Bay and re
turn, (the two steamers have not been
close enough together before to have
racedj Xesterday the opportunity which
' both crews have been looking for ar
rtvedi The Breakwater left Coos Bay
at i O'clock yesterday afternoon with
the Elder two hours behind her. This
morning the Breakwater reached As-
toria fat g while the Elder pulled into
her berth at 6:30 having gained half
Jan hour on her rival. The Breakwater
left up for Portland at 6:30, the Elder
at 1.
Witlh but half an hour separating
' the two steamers on the way up the
'river lit is expected that the two mas
'ters will make every effort to con
tinue; the race up the river. Captain
.Lofstedt of the Elder is being piloted
.up this Columbia and Willamette rlv
.Vers by Captain Allyn While Captain
'John Anderson Is on the Breakwater.
On account of the number of dredgers
' and vessels moored along the two rlv
ers speed will not be possible but the
Jockeying of the two pilots will have
much todo with the steamer arriving
up first.
night to take "char
iui meriy c
steamer Breakwater
DOSltlon An i x-ir
T 0.1IV.
'TV : . .
present crew
went n i trrtmrt a . w 1
. uic a
thA t ,
jubi cumpj
of ' bei'" while T.
ief officer on the
will take up that
of the i steamer
st moment before
eted andj dldxmt
A new crew wlll
Bound to Ship Bairley, Instead, on
r British Steamer, j
Owing: to the flrb which destroyed
the Oceanic dock lajst Saturday night,
Portland will lose tibm its'export busi
ness at tne end of te month 600 tons
of barley which tife British S steamer
Carnarvonshire was to have taken out
Arrangements were completed late last
night for the shipment of that amount
of barley-from Pugt sound instead of
irom ' this port, to I replace the grain
burned. The Carnarvonshire shifted to
the dock of the Portland Flouring
mills this morning and tomorrow will
move to the plant df the Clark & Wil
son Lumber company at Linn ton. She
will likely carry about 4000 tons of
cargo from this poft.
' . i
Legislation on Lumber Shipments
AVill Bo Requested.
gain for the Columbia, river the
Ifor shipping all the lumber that
- crosses out over the bar, the Port of
.Portland commission yesterday took
action which it is believed will result
.in fayrable legislation being secured
in Washington. At present, the lumber
.shipped from mills on the Washington
side of the Columbia liver eventually
Is credited to the Puget sound district
to the detriment of the Columbia river
district. The commission yesterday in
structed Marcus Talbot, general man'
ager of the Port of Portland, to secure
the -necessary figures on the subject
and this matter will then be placed be.
fore the Oregon delegation In congress.
The two dredgers4.Columbia and Wil
lamette, of the PortTof Portland, have
jout 4000 feet of channel at Postofflce
bar. Most of the work has been Just
above and Jtelow the bar proper, . but
the machines commenced digging to
day on that section knd will in a short
time have cut a channel 600 feet wide
through the shoal. I
Owing to the sending of the regular
Arrow line steamers to other runs, the
members of the Daisy fleet are filling
in for the Swayne Hoyt steamers on
the Portland run. The Daisy left San
Francisco yesterdaj for Portland with
300 tons of cement, 20 tons of powder
250 tons of oil ane 270 tons of mer
chandise. The Daisy Putnam is sched
uled to sail from Wostport today, while
the Daisy Gadsby noved to the Mult
nomah Box & Lumb ar company's plant
The value of the creosoted ties-In the
cargo of the British steamer Lord Sef
ton, which sailed, this morning for the
sound, en route to India, was 347,146,
Instead of $14,000, as reported by the
Paclflo Export Lumber company yes
terday. She carried 1,885,889 feet of
ties. j
Bound for San Francisco and San
Pedro, the steamer Beaver, Captain
Mason, Is due to sail at 9 o'clock to
morrow morning. The steamer Rose
City, the "Irish Mail" of the Big Three
fleet, will arrive tomorrow afternoon.
Captain Shaw, Seattle Navigator, to
Command Steamer Wand.
A new master, new chief officer and
. an entire new crew will take the
steamer Thos. L. Wand out to Alaska
for the Portland Steamship Co., ac
cording to announcement from the
'office of the Portland Steamship Co.
- this morning. Captain A. C. Jansen,
at present master of the vessel, has
asked fto be relieved "6f the responsi
bilities as master and will be trans-
- f erred; to one of the other steamers
.of the! Alaska fleet as pilot
Captain 8. B. Shaw, a Seattle navi
gator for many years In the Alaska
trade, i will arrive from the north to-
Aatorla, Or., July 10. Sailed at 1:80 a. m.
Steamer Klamath, for San Pedro. Sailed at
8:30 a. zh. British steamer Lord Sefton, tor
tvarteni ria i'uget sound. Arrlred at 6 and
left up at 0:30 a. m. Steamer Breakwater,
from Cooa Bay. ArrlTed at 6:30 and left up
at 7 a. m. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, from
Eureka and Coos Bay. Sailed at midnight
Steamer E. H. Vance, for San Pedro.
Monterey, July 10. Sailed Steamer J. A.
Chanxlor, for Portland.
Bandon, July 9. Arrlred Gasoline schooner
Tillamook, from Portland.
Astoria, July 9. Sailed at 2 p. m. Steamer
J. B. Stetson, for Skagway and way ports.
Sailed at 8:15 p. m. Log raft in tow tug
Hercules, for San Diego. Sailed at 8:30
p. m. Steamer Catania, for Port San Iuls.
San Francisco, July 9. Sailed at 2 p.m.
Steamer Boss City, for Portland; steamer
Northland, for San Pedro. Sailed at 5 p. m.
Steamer Pleiades, for Portland; steamei
ParaUo, for Portland rla Coos Bay.
North Head, Wash., July lO.-iyCondltlqn at
the mouth of the river at 8 am., smooth;
wind northwest 10 miles; weather, cloudy:
Tides at Astoria Saturday.
Hielr water 2:48 a. m., 8.1 feet; 8:58 p.
m., 7.6 feet. Low water 0:60 a. m., O.l
feet; 10:10 p. m.. 2.8 feet
Bus to AitIts.
Breakwater, from Coos Bay .........i.July 10
Daisy, from San Francisco July 13
Multnomah, from San Francisco July 12
Yucatan, from San Diego and way.. ..July 19
Beaver, from San Pedro and way.... July 21
Geo. W. Elder, Eureka and Coos Bay.. July 10
ose City from San Pedro and way. .July 11
ctoanoke, from San Diego and way.... July 12
Paralso, from S. F. and way July 12
Qulaault. from Alaska July 12
Besr. from. San Pedro ind way July 10
J. B. Stetson, from Alaska July 17
Sue to Depart. -Geo.
W. Elder, for Coos Bay-Eureka. .July 12
Rose City, for San Pedo and way.... July 10
Bear, for Ban Pedro aid way July 21
Breakwater, for Coos Bay and Eureka.. July 12
Klamath, for San Diego Joiy 9
BeaTer, for San Pedr and way.... July 11
Thos. L. Wand, for Alaska July 11
Paralso, for Coos Bay Snd S. F July 13
Roanoke, for SanDlego and way July 15
Qulnault, for Alaska July 15
J. B. Stetson, for Alaska July 23
' From Baa jFrancisoo.
Steamers Harvard and Yale, alternating.
leae San Francisco fot San Diego on Mon
days, Wednesdays. Fridays and Saturdays
connecting with steamers from Portland.
Northbound, they arrive, at San Francisco on
Tuesdays. Thursday, Saturdays and Sundays.
Vessels in Port.
Kama . j Berth.
Oakland. Am sea... 4 Astoria
Chinook, dredge 2, A .tori.
Hawth. Br. bk L Linnton
Portland. Am. st..-. '""aJSZ
Mable Gale. Am.. sen af.K,r.1"
Thos. L. Wand, .Am. str............Oa St.
Shasta, Am. at,.:... '"wJunt
Mary Otoon, Am. ""wlstiSrt
Leo W. Fenwick, Am. atr "HiES:
Bw! ' Eidi." '.U .. .. . . -Bound up
En Bout to Lead Grain. '
Km .. Sailed frees
I,eTT FT. seh...........,......nambnrg
EnileUorn. Br. ship... ..Valparaiso
Fills of Afton. Nor. bk... .....Iqulque
Herwlz Vuinen, Ger. ah .Hamburg
Kirkcudbrightshire. Br. sb.......Newcmstl.
N ordbsT. Nor. h San! a Koalia
Nrtre Dame d Arror. Br. Dk. ...... .Antwerp
Cambrian PHn?ee. Nor. str.......Port Nollocb
ii,r,. Nor sh. Melbourne
K0rt.Mbe?.Orbk.' Santa Roaali.
Dolbek. Ger. bk.. Santa Rosala
Kinroiwshire. Br. h Honolnlo
Katanga. Belg. bk.. Santa BosaUa
Olivebank. Br. sh...... ......Callso
Henriette. Ger. bk. t ..Newcasrla
Lasbek. Ger. bk.... .....Santa Rosalia
Hafrafjord. Nor. bk. ....... .Port Phillip Head
Sparton, Nor. bk. ........Callso
Wandsbek. Ger. bk 8anta Rosalia
Semsntba. Nor. bk West Coast
Talkirk. Br. bk Newcastls
TUomssen, Rnss. sh. Newcastle. Aus.
sa.m xr.n.rih Rr atr. ....... ..... i
Henrik Ibsen, Nor. str San Franclsc
Strathord. Br. str San Francisco
Queen Elisabeth. Br. ah .Melbourne
Maria. Dutch str ........ 1
Sr.niriii.rd. Nor. sh Rockhampto
Ttlids. Nor. bk .....Callao
Alcldea, No. bk, CaiUo
Pierre Antoine. Fr. bk Antwerp
Marssa. Nor. bk Melbourne
Huns. Ger. bk ...Santa Rosalia
Invertherrle. Br. str .Antwerp
V irginia. Br. str Yokohama
Daldoren." Br. str akaniia
c.f.mriiion Kr. str. Buenos aires
Oaea. Ger. bk Caih
ItTe.-!lyde. Br. sch Callac
Amniiina Vlnnen. Ger. sh. ....... .Port Lataa
Den of Osril. Br. etr San Francisco
Fern ley, Br. str,
Misoellaneona En Route.
Saimn. Rr. str .....Hamburg
Alesla. Ger. aa Hamburg
Andalusia. Ger. ss.. Hamburg
Cardigassiiire. Br. str...... London
Merionethshire. Br. str London
Monmouthshire. Br. atr Antwerp
Notal, Dan. ss ....Antwerp
Pierre Antoine, Fr. bk Antwerp
Radnorshire. Br. ss Antwerp
Rier Forth. Br. ss...., ..Antwerp
Sunta Cecelia, Am. ss New York
Sambia, Ger. ss..:.. Hamburg
Sudmark. Ger. as Hamburg
Kuevia, Ger. sa Hamburg
Transvaal. Dan. ss .Antwerp
Inverbervie. Br. as Antwero
Frnmley. Br. ss. Antwerp
Oristano. Br. str Antwerp
En Boats to Load I. amber.
Name - Sailed from
Lcmpae, Br. ss. ........ ...... .....Amsterdam
Ecdeala. Br. ss. ...... ... Honolulu
Queen Maud. Br. ss.. ....... ...San Francisco
Stratblorne, Br. ss. San Diego
Strathden, Br. str ........San Francisco
Queen Markaret, Br. str........ San Francisco
Hyndford. Br. as .....Saa Francisco
Invergarry, Br. bk. ............... ..Honolulu
Clan MacLeod. Br. str... Mojl
Framley, Br. st Antwerp
Strathfillon. Br. str Victoria
New Lealand Loansport, Br. str . . . . Yokohams
Cspe Finisterre. Br. str Shanghai
Strathallon. Br. str Eureka
Sfratholdhvn. Br. atr. ......Eureka
Bessie Dollar, Br. str San Francisco
Wm. H. Smith. Am. sch..... ....Callao
Imberhorne. Russ. sh Callar
Strathesk. Br. str .Callao
Inverclyde. Br. str .....Nordenboni
Erie, Am. sen .Honolula
Aurora. Am. sch Antofogastn
W. H. Bowden. Am. sch..... Mollerdtf
Coila. Br. str Shanghai
Kenkan Maru No. 8, Jap. str lonaiiama
... iicir. ui. .11. . . . . ,. .
Alllnance. Am. str.
Jack Burnham, gas ach.i..
Alcldea, Am. sch.....!,..
Irene, Am. sch. .....I.
Eric, Am. sch.. . .4 .. . .i . ,
Maria, Dutch str t.,
Virginia. Br. -atr
Carnarvonehiro, Br. stri
General Hubbard, Am. .str.
Beaver, Am. str.....,...,
Strathclydo, Br. str. .4....
....O. W. P.
..O. W. P.
o. w. p.
-.... . . Wentnorr
Montgomery No. 2
.- Ir vitur
Port. Flour Mills
....xonguo Point
..1-P. Lbr. Co.
Daily River Readings.
2 as '!
' 1 5 5- a?
S c 6a caj
Lewiston 24 3.8 0.21 0
Umatilla 25 14.1 0 0
Albany 20 1.3 0.1 O
Salem , 20 0.1 0 0
Wilsonrille 87 1.9 0 0
Portland IS 12.0( 0 0
Seven of Nine Have Been Let
Out Despite Statement No
Change in "Force intended,
Holinan's Daylight Ketlxod of Doinfc-
Bnslness Considered ResponalbU
tot Activity of Opponents.
Within the last two days seven of
the nine members of the crew em
ployed by the county to repair bridges
and ferries have been summarily dls-
cnargea, and this in the face of a
statement of Madison "Welch, new
county superintendent of brldsres and
ferries, that he would make no changes
in the personnel of the crew.
Welch took office Wednesday. He
was elected by Commissioners Licht-
ner and Hart to supersede M. J. Mur-
nane, wnom the same commissioners
deposed for political reasons, which
were masked behind flimsy charges.
Commissioner Rufus Holman protested
against Murnane's dismissal.
The discharge of virtually the entire
crew is taken as another indication of
political activity of Commissioner
Llghtner and the forces behind him.
who are opposed to Commissioner Ru
fus Holman's daylight methods of do
lug the county's business.
Political Trick Scented. .
As soon aa Welch took charge of his
office h appointed William Little,
foreman of the bridge and ferry re
pair crew, rattle had served In a
similar capacity when Welch was su
perintendent prior to his dismissal In
June of 1918.
Immediately after Little was put on
the job he gave the order dismissing
six members of the crew, and this
morning the seventh was given his
walking papers. Virtually every man
so discharged was experienced In the
work, and had been employed continu
ously by the county for periods rang
ing from a year to four years. For
this reason their removal is looked
upon as another evidence of an effort
to rebuild the old political machine
that ruled Multnomah county for
years , under the- suserlainty .of . Jack
Matthews, old, time rlag politician., '
Ken ' Said to Be Competent.
The men discharged Wednesday were
John Emmett, foreman; Fred Tietjen.
assistant foreman, and Carpenters Kd
Scott, 'B. Sullivan, J. Morlarty, T. Mc
Crory and Jesse Walsh. All are mem
bers of the Bridge, Dock and Pier
Carpenters' local union No. 872.
Little is a member of the Iron Work
ers union, and is quoted as having
said that he will 1 replace the dis
charged carpenters with Iron workers.
F. A. Riley, business agent of the
Bridge, Dock and Pier Carpenters
union, is making an investigation w
ascertain the reasons for the Budden
dismissal of the crew members.
"One thing Is certain; they were not
discharged because they were Incom
petent." said Riley. rne xerry uu
bridge repair work calls for experts In
various lines and new nun cannot do
the work efficiently. Those rho were,
fired were competent.
Protest Is Blade,
Ughtner has beerf antagonistic to
us for some time, but I do not know
the reason for It. Last December he
and Mr. Hart combined and over the
protest of Commissioner Holman,
lownrins? the wages
of carpenters from the union- scale of
$4 per day to 3.60.
"The union immediately sent a dele
gation to meet with the commission
ers and protest against the cut. Lagni
ner stood pat but we persuaded Hart
tn rhnnern taia mind and vote with Hol
man after we had shown him that
the crew -was efficient, experiences
and expert."
Tt ia known that Little does not like
Murnane. After Murnane took over
Welch's position In June of 113, lii
tie worked for two weeks as foreman
and then quit on his own volition. Em
mett, who had been assistant foreman,
was then made foreman. None of the
old crew was discharged by Murnane
after he became superintendent, al
though he had full power to do so.
Injured in a Fall.
While at work on a building at Fifth
and Burnslde streets this forenoon. Q.
Pianklnburg, 186 Twenty-second street,
fell 18 feet, fracturing four riba. The
man Is a carpenter and was working
on a scaffold which proved to be inse
cure. He was taken to the Good Sa
maritan hospital.
Hung Jury Dismissed.
After a disagreement by the Jury
in the case of Florence Swanson
against J. M. Marlow for $15,000 on
account of Injuries received In a mo
torcycle accident Circuit Judge McGinn
dismissed the jury last night
Grand Jury Adjourns.
The grand Jury adjourned yesterday
after returning one secret Indictment
and will not convene again until Au
gust 3 unless important business de
mands consideration prior to that date.
People May Provide;
: : Own Playgrounds
Irrington park Publication Advises
Against Waiting for City to Act oa
Sectfat Bequest Made. '
An exhortation for residents of the
Irvlngton Park district to direct the
children of that section to prepare a
complete playground at once, instead
of waiting for the city to act on the
recent request that It establish one
there, is contained In the second issue
of the Irvlngton Park club's breezy
monthly publication. "The EvTeL,
A feature of ,the'r magazine, of which
Dr. Edward s. Adams is editor. Is a
complete roster of the club member
ship, which has passed the 100 mark.
All residents of Irvlngton Park and
their friends are invited to the dance
to be given by the club tomorrow
night in its open air pavilion In the
grove " at East Thirtieth and Holman
streets. The club has purchased a
piano and installed It In a house of its
own there. The social commutes is
composed of Mrs. Maud R. BushnelL
chairman; E. E. O'Neill, Dr. E. S.
Adams, Walter S. Johnson and Mrs. F.
Seven Sisters in Court. V ..'"V
Olrmpla, Wealth July 10. SuffldeneX'
of the Seven sisters Initiative pstt-1
tiona, proposing reform laws advocated
by the Bute Orange and Labor Fed era-
tlon'e petitions, will be determined by
the state supreme court. This has been1
announced definitely by both pro-
ponents and opponents of the proposed
Bold Morphine to His Charges. '
New Tork. July 10. Dr. Charles F..
Baxter, ex-prison physician on Black
well's Island, was sentenced today to
a year's imprisonment and fined 8500
for selling morphine to prisoners. -
( )Hising.
River Forecasts
The Willamette river at Portland will fall
lightly during the next two or three days.
The cost of erecting booths and the
incidental expenses of the Mont a villa
market at East Seventy-ninth and East
Stark streets has all been met by con
tributions from the local business men
and there is money on hand for the
future. Several more producers have
promised to bring in their market stuff
for tomorrow's market day, when the
hours -will be from 6 to 10 a. m.
Wants Damages for Fire.
Liability of the J Mr T.a.i, t
Works for a fire Vhich destroyed the
residence of George Hayden. 167 Union
avenue because the iron works failed
to equip their plant with spark ar
resters Is alleged in a suit for iKnnn
damages filed yesterday by Hayden
against tne company. Hayden values
the house $3000 and suffering because
he and his family were left homeless
at 82000. The plant Is located at 126
East Third street, north and the house
stood directly behind it.
Defendants Get Verdict.
A verdict for Marshal Adam Treber
and Officer John F. Mitchell, both of
St. Johns, was returned this morning
by a Jury In Circuit Judge McGinn's
court in the 82500 damage Buit brought
by ; Joe Lemma for alleged false ar
rest. The defendants arrested Lemma
on the supposition that he assisted a
man wanted for assaulting another
man to get out of town and he was
later released from the charge.
B ake
ct t 1 1 .1 -v 1
1 naa no iaea tnis LJook:
Stove Would bake bread and conk
evervtbino 111st 1lk rnr crpi1 riniTA Pnv-
It does. And best of all mv kirrbrn sruvR rnr1
tVfc Vn-xv- A-.r TZ J .1 1 1 - J
, . .uww iiviudjs. UC51UCS, incrc s nocoaior wooQ
cr ashes to lug. That keeps the kitchen clean Oh, I'm
delighted with it
bakes, broils, 'roasts and toasts perfectly.
It docs all that any wood or coal stove
can doand at less cost. It doesn't
smoke; doesn't taint the food.
Clean, safe convenient, Ask to
see it at your dealer's. :
For .
Beit Results
Use Pearl Oit
Standard Oil Company
"- (California)
r If '
. T
' . ''
Full of Photographs and Features
Some of next Sunday's good things:
A full page photograph by Weister shows a group of men
and women on the ice-clad slopes of Mt. Hood a won
derful picture to look at, especially on a warm day.
A JOURNAL staff photographer recently visited Penin
sula Park and recorded an attractive page full of photo
graphs of the varied recreation features to be found there.
The latest photographs of the men and women who are
making daily history always have interest to every reader
who keeps abreast of the news. A page of such photo
graphs are offered.
A close-to-fact story of the preparations being made by
Lieutenant Porte to pilot the Rodman Wanamaker air
boat "America" across the Atlantic next month.
No more sterling character Is in the navy than Rear Ad
miral Frank Friday Fletcher, the hero of Vera Cruz, who
soon succeeds Rear Admiral Badger as commander of
the Atlantic fleet. A page story is devoted to the life
career of this naval officer
When the earl succeeds his father as Duke of Grafton,
this American girl will take precedence of all other
Americans who have married English dukes. History of
this historic house, created by Charles II is related.
In the sixth article in his series on: Russia and the Rus
sians, Kurt Aram discusses the disastrous effects upon the
peasants of the government sale of "the little rascals."
Great offer of Free Theatre " Tickets-' with
full explanation as to how to secure them
will he found on page eight of the Magazine.
The Ultimate Chic, by Harrison Rhodes, i The
Sunday Journal's fiction of ferine; for July 12.
This story will be printed on Page 6 of Section 6.
.' r
, "
Price Five Cents the -Copy
nYrTiYrrqurVrft ffTi'iTfr ira,v-ft fru or. iJ,, ,'A", fft PR
No coffee ever attained such
popularity in so short a time as German
American. Three months ago the first can was
sold. Today it is found in over four hundred Port
land stores. Our steel cutting and roasting facili
ties have been doubled to take care of the demand.
The equal of 35c steel cut Coffees. Ask for
German-American in air-tight tins 30c the pound,
or three-pound tins 85c. Roasted by
Lang and Company
Roasters of the famous "Royal Club" Coffee and
distributors of "Royal Club" Pure Food Products.
With All Vox
Opn Saturday
SjNl ri I a BO U U
ttuJ' Corner Second and Yamhill Streets
with aii nu
Opn Saturday
.a aia pi a. , , .
These Specials for Saturday
pww a. w MA it mhm a
Legs of Spring Lamb, lb.x 15
Roast-of Pork, lb IS
Roast of Beef lb. 12t to 15
SPECIAL Look for our 10c counter
bargains ; everything 10c
Good Creamery Butter, roll 50
Clear Creek Butter Best 65
All 60c and 65c Teas, bulk, lb 39
Regular 40c Coffee, special, lb 27
3 Hot Pies 25tf
Full line of Groceries, Fruits, Vegeta
bles, etc. Prices lowest. Free delivery
east and west sides. Phone M. 6352 and
we will fill your order.
California Grape Fruit, each 5
Sweet Oranges, dozen 15; 2 doz. 25
Monmouth Butter, roll 60
Fancy Butter, roll. .1 55 $
Aster Milk, 2 for 15; dozen 85
Boiling Beef, lb 9
Pot Roast, lb 124
Pot Roast Beef 12H to 14
Good Juicy Steak ..14
Bacon 15
Home-made liver sausage. ....... .12K
Corn Beef 10
Fresh Spare Ribs, lb 12H
"Supreme" Milk, 2 for 15
"Supreme Salad Oil, quart 30
Nice Line of Home Cooked Meats
Peanut Butter, lb 15
Fresh Creamery Butter, roll 55
Monopole Cane and Maple Syrup, reg.
30c quart, at 25t?
One beautiful Comport FREE with
every 10c pkg. of Easy J el, all flavors.
Royal White Soap, 6 bars 25
Corn Beef
Double "S
10 and 12t
& H" Stamps with every 50c
or over at this stall only.
Salmon, 2 lbs 25
Fancy California Peaches, basket. . .25
We still insist that Blue Ribbon Pas
teurized Butter at 60 per roll is the
cheapest and best butter in Portland.
W. C. Special Butter, roll.... 55
Ripe Tomatoes, lb 5
New Potatoes. 5 lbs. 10t; 13 lbs. .25
Nice Fresh Black Caps for Saturday.
Potato Salad, lb 15
Home Cooked Veal Loaf, lb 40
Regular 60c Tea , 50
40c Coffee .35
Full line of fancy dressed poultry.
Also all kinds of fish.
SOtli Century Grocery
' Phone Main 6528 2nd and Yamhill
Portland's lowest priced Retail Grocery Look for the most attractive Grocery
booth in the market, and stop long enough for one of the Courteous Sales
men to explain our new system of Saving Money which is easier money than
earned money
10 lbs. Beat Fruit Can Sugar 48c
10 lbs. Beet Granulated Sugar 46c
5 lbs. Beat Fruit Sugar. . : . . .24c
S lb. Best Granulated Sugar. 23 c
1 lb. Manchurian Walnuts, '
. 97 Y" are good -sweet and
wholesome ........ . .ISe
2 cans Supreme Milk. . . . . . ,15e
1 case Supreme Milk. . . . . S3.4S
3-Ib. can Ghiradelli Ground
Chocolate ............ .78c
14b. can Ghiradelli Gr. Choc 28c
1-Ib. can Royal Baking Pwdr. 43c
Sultan Pineapple, 10 or 11
slices to the can. ' Regular
15c Our price, 12c 2 for 23c
Sultan Pineapple,6 slices to can So
6 bars Ivory, Sunny Monday
or Royal Soap. . ........ .2 So
1 lb. Balk Ginger Snaps. . . . . . 9e
3 lbs. Bulk Gmger Snap. . .125
25c package Soda ....... . .20c
25c bbL Ginger Snaps ..... .20c
Can Standard Corn, good to eat 8c
Can Standard Tomatoes ..... 8c
4 lbs. Small White Beans. . . .25c
2 lbs. Small White Beans .... 13c
4 lbs. Sago or Tapioca ...... 25c
Lovers of good Coffee should see
our beautiful new Roasters and
Mill and the handsom man who
does our roasting to appreciate
the fact that we give more value
for the money than anyon ia
Portland. "... -
Look fbrtlie 20th Century Grocery "There Really Isn't a Better Place"