THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, PRID, AY EVENING, JULY 10, 1914. 11 BRITISH COLUMBIANS IN GREAT SHAPE FOR tain W, H. Gray; referee, R. C. Hart; starter, TV Brook Whit; Judges of finish. Jacques Letz, W, F. Morton. A. R. Stringer Jr.; clerk! of course, H. G. Chlckertng; -timers, Edgar E. Frank, W. B. Fechhelhier, Cj. F. Swigert. ROWING RACES TODAY STANDINGS OF! THE TEAMS Junior Events Carded for This Afternoon! ancK Seniors to Compete Tomorrow P, M. PORTLAND AT NELSON Pacific Co Laacae. Won. Lost. T-o Angeles ........... &4 43 Venice &z 4.J ' Portland 48 42 Kao Francisco J 61 48 Bcramnto 4 " Oakland ., 86 68 Northwestern; League. Seattle 56 32 Vancoorer 4 65 , 83 Spokane i 63 - 32 Portland ' j 31 54 Tacoma ; S 59 Western Tri-SUt LAgn. Announcement Xs Mads- That Craw VTtXl Be Sent Jrorth Changes Are Made In Local Crews. After brief workouts yesterday aft- ernoon over thei Portland Rowing club course, above the 8llwood ferry, the British Columbia oarsmen, represent ing the Victoria and Vancouver clubs, pronounced themselves fit for the Junior events dt the twenty-third an nual regatta of! the N. P. A. A. O. this afternoon. The visitors were confl rdent that they! would carry away i majority of th honors In the Junior events this i'ternoon. The senior races will be hfcld tomorrow afternoon . over me same course. The Junior singles will be the first event of todayjs program and It will start promptly: at 3 o'clock. Dave Cooper, of the Portland Rowing club, Is favorite in tlbls event. H. Bendrod of the Victoria iclub, showed fine form yesterday afternoon . and , may gix Cooper a close (race for the honors. A. V. Wood will! wear the Vancouver club colors In this event. The Junior event lit expected to be a close one. Portland Is represented by the same crew that rowed in the regatta at Vancouver last summer and this squad Is I confident of winning the event. If lit does it will enter the senior race tomorrow. The 140 pound four oared crew of the- Portland club will also enter the senior four's event If It Is. victorious in Its race. A change has been made in the makeup of this crew, G. G. L. Wyld replacing! Bill Matnena at stroke 11. Webster Is the only member of this crew who! was in the shell last 'season, when lit won the - event at Vancouver. Close Bace Expected in Singles A close race is looked for tomorrow afternoon wheb A. A. Pfaender, of Portland, W. H. Kennedy, of Victoria, a'nd. F. Mott. Df Vancouver, meet In ftba senior singles tomorrow. E. O. Glows, of Portland, will also start In this event. Ptaender is the present champion and s the favorite. Captain Pfaender and E. O. Gloss will wear the Portland club colors In the senior doubles tomorrow afternoon .Portland was favorite in this event until F. R. Newell was forced to leave the shell on account of Illness. It was .thought that Hiaveley and Gloss would make up the crew, but according to Pendleton ..: s 47 Walla Walla i 44 Baker ; 37 North Vaklma '33 National Lteagae. New York s41 Chicane 4) St. Louis 89 Cincinnati ;...8 Philadelphia Brooklyn .'. Plttshurg ... Boston Philadelphia Detroit . . . Chicago . . . Washington St. Louis . Boston New York . Cleveland . 33 32 2 : 80 American League. 44 34 39 i. 43 . 43 28 :54 38 87 35 36 37 40 81 85 83 85 86 M 44 48 .......... 1 :::::::::: K t E8 85 Federal Leagu. Chicago .....42 29 Indianapolis B8 80 Knrralo 91 m Baltimore ,...35 84 Brooklyn 88 S3 Kiinxas City 84 41 Plttbursr i s St. LuuU .. '. 81 48 American Association. Milwaukee '.. 4fc 1 - S3 Imllunaiiolls . 44 89 Louisville ... 43 39 MiuneauiiIU 42 8i Kansas City .'. . . 43 40 CleTeland l 89 Columbus 87 44 St. Paul . .. 89 Western League. Denver 45 St. Joseph 45 Bioux City 45 Lincoln 42 Des Moines 42 Omaha 86 Wichita 2 Topeka 2S Union Association. (Second half of season.) Ogden ,3 O Putle i 3 0 Helena - 1 Boise - II 2 Murray ' O 3 Salt Lake ..." I 0" 3 61 82 83 84 36 87 42 50 61 Pi. .657 .647 .523 .515 .478 .879, .63 .625 .624 -4)T .365 .344 .580 .55o .463 .407 .504 .541 .520 .493 .45 .471 .464 .429 .587 .657 .654 .633 .632 .606 .871 .842 .592 .C59 .552 .007 .500 , .453 i .426 .419 .677 .630 .624 .619 .SIS .513 .467 .363 .684 .677 J570 .63 .533 .462 JiDO .304 1.000 l.OdO .6B7 .33 .000 .000 ILLINOIS TANK CHAMPIONS ARE HERE TOMORROW Multnomah Will Be Without Services of Norman Ross in the Chicago Meet. BASEBALL AS 'SHE SHOULD BE PLAYED IS DUE TODAY The crack Illinois Athletic club swimming team of Chicago, which broke, four records in the International meet at San Francisco last Saturday, will compete In an exhibition meet against the Multnomah Amateur Ath- IfJS f!Uo 7W niSht in the Club Word; caVhe'r; The team, which is being accom panied by Instructor Bachrach, is: A. C. RaitheL H. J. Hebner. AI. McDer- mott, K. Wohlfeld. Michael McDer- mott. Perry McGilllvray, William Vos burgh and F. McDertnott. Perry McGUlivray made the mark of 24 1-5 seconds for the 50 yard swim at San Francisco last week and he will try and duplicate this perform ance in the club tank. Harry Heb ner made a new mark for the 150 yard harif atrolra .vim nrt XT fprWmott . " " r1"" " nto V -.JV Tnt. ti, 9nn -r-rii bneriir. x om Worfl from the manager If you have any business with the sheriffs office or the tax department, do not be alarmed If it is allowed to slide over until next week, because the baseball teams representing these two departments of Multnomah county are to be engaged today in a game of base ball. The contest is scheduled to start at 6:15 o'clock on the Multnomah field. Tom "Word Jr., former University of Oregon twirler, will be on the mound for the Sheriff's Office team, and Liv ingstone will heave 'em over for the Tax Department. The lineups of the teams: Sheriffs T. Word Jr.. pitcher: H. Parrot, first base: Rossman, second base; Rodgers third base; Beckman, shortstop; Phelan, left field; Larfield, center field: Harlow. right field, and Pratt, Wtckland, Ford and Black, substitutes. Tax Department Livingstone, pitch er; Martin, catcher; Potter. first base; McClure, second base; McCann. third base; Kennedy, shortstop; Sel- vers, left field; Applegate, center field; Bird, right field, and Lamont. Max well, Coffey and Sherltt, substitutes. The following challenge was sent to breast stroke. The reay team, Mc Gilllvray, Hebner, Mott and Raitbei. set the coast record of 2:44 3-5 for the 300 yard swim. The Multnomah team will be with out the services of Norman Ross, Its crack swimmer, who has npt returned from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho' where he took part in the Fourth of July aquatic events. Gus Mankurtz, who was a member of the "Winged M" team sev eral seasons ago, has returned to Port land and if he is able to get In any kind of form he will be in the meet tomorrow night. The rest of the club team will be McMurray, Lyndstfiim, Balback, Wheeler and Talt. of the Assessor's Office team, which thinks it has the best team on earth: Portland. July 9. Mr. Tom Word. Sheriff, Multnomah County Portland, Or., Dear Sir We. the Assessor's Of fice baseball team, hereby challenge the winning team, after all the prelim inary games have been played by the various amateur teams representing the different . departments in Multno mah county's courthouse. Considering- ourselves superior In baseball to the different departments, w do not wish to waste our valuable time staging such farces as would be evident were we to enter in contest in such preliminary tryouts as would be necessary to develop a team worthy of our consideration. When such team has been developed, we request our challenge be accepted, as we are broad minded enough to tol erate you and give you this chance to compete with us. We are advised, if permissible by the sheriff, that bookmakers have placed us a 7 to 2 favorite. - In order to avoid any possible cry after defeat at our hands, of unfair methods and using ringers and out slders not connected with this office. wo Hereby publish our lineup as fol lows1: ' George Funk, catcher; Captain H. XI, Welch, pitcher; J. J. Shipley, first base; Phil Harris, second base; D. E. Bomgardner, shortstop; Alloys Har old, third base; Major J. P. Kennedy, center field; Al Meyers, right field; Henry Reed, left field. Scouts (1) A, G. Davidson, (J) Carl Stowe, (8) Zip Whiting, (4) A. T, Beach, (6) Tom Magulgan. Substitutes Bob Hendrie, Cliff Jones, Carl Wessells, James Dowd, Jack Douglas, James Kennedy, Forrest G. King. W. H. Soules, scorer; Harry Bulger, mascot; Mose Bloch, backer and treasurer. Respectfully submitted. MANAGER. FEDERAL-LEAGUE" GAMES At Buffalo: R. H. E. Pittsburr - 2 Buffalo 2 1 Batteries Camnlts and Berry; Ford and Blair. At St. Lools: R. H. E. Kansas City ............... ...4 8 0 st, ixuis 4 4 Batteries Culloo and Easterly: Dav enport. Kelpher and Chapman. At Brooklyn: Baltimore .......... Brooklyn Batteries Wllhelm Flnnerson and Owen. and R. H. E. ..281 ..580 Russell; At Chicago: R. H. E. Indianapolis ........ s 0 Chicago 4 10 3 Batteries Kalserllng and Rarldan; Hendrlx. and Wilson. . 11 innings. The United Mine Workers of Amer ica is planning to unionize every large coal mine in Texas and Arkansas. "a V jC lj - -" t AN IdeStilver k Collar Cr.Ma i ta.Mtan,Tns.K lO soissf IOm for aBcA-a r 9i.VOf9rmrmrfmftmmpm:k. COO tre4(ea), mmatmgm pnmniil. Aftmr erne t hag rmckmrm. if jmm efea'f Asm? CAMELS as rs)f am f. n- st mm reran si Don't Look for Premiums HThe cost i tit choice Tarkiih inci domestic tobaccos In Camel Cigarettes - prohibits the roc of premiums or coupons. Here's a cigarette oi exquisite fUror that doesn't leare that cigaretty taste and simply cant bite tongue nor parch your throat. Isnt that just what you're after? Sold aB along tkm &M. 20 for 10c R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. 1LC i. WESTERN TR1-STATE i -59 the latest information given ut by the Portland club, Pfaender and Gloss will row In this event. The senior four- oared race, the last event of tomorrow's ' program, will bring together the best oarsmen In the northwest) All the big crews axe reported to be in excellent shape and a new record if or the local course is expected. X.ocls to Kelson, B. O. The Portland Rowing club senior grtwit aecardius to an. announcement l- made this morning, win te enterea in the big regatta at Nelson, B. C, next week. Jim Haveley will row in the senior singles ; in place of Captain Pfaender, who -is unable to make the trip. Wyld ahd Cooler will row In the doubles and Hansen, Resing, Stev ens and Dyrlund In the four oared event. i Some of the iVictorla and Vancouver oarsmen will itemaln in Portland until the local crews go to Nelson, B. C, and they will leave In a special car. The Portland club has arranged dance for the Visitors to be held this evening In the Portland clubhouse at the foot of Ivon street. All members ' are requested to be present. The Port landers have made arrangements to take the visitors on the "low Jinks" of the Multnomah club Sunday. George Kendall's "Sylph" will be the judges' boat during the regatta. The officials are: Commodore, J. N. Teal; vice commodoife, W. J. Patton; ensigns, R, W. Wilbur. T. J. Mendenhall. Cap- CAL EWING SAYS EOESTNER WILL NOT JOIN SEALS Ban Francisco, CaL.iJuly 10. Though President Herrmann iof the Cincinnati National league club. Insists that Pitch er Elmer Koestner has TSeen sold to the Seals, Cal Ewing, president of the local Coast league club, was out with a statement today tiat Koestner hac not been purchased, jand that he had not even entered into negotiations for him. is. .1 "We have enough pitchers as it is." declared Swing. "It is not the failure of the pitchers that has caused the Seals' slump. I consider that we have as good, tf not the best, pitching staff in the league." Manager Del Howard of the San Francisco club, playing here this week. Pendleton, Or., July 10. The locals lost a 4 to 3 decision yesterday to the Baker club. Pendleton started Lewis, but he was knocked' out of the box and! Schroeder finished the game, .hommg the Kubs to one hit. Pendleton did all of Its scoring in the fifth, Lodell's double, a walk, a sacrifice fly and two errors letting In the runs. R H E Baker 4 7 3 Pendleton i 3 1 0 Batteries Sutherland and King; Lewis, Shroeder and Pembrooke. Walla Walla, Wash. July 10. Walla Walla made four errors yesterday and lost the game to North Yakima, 4; to 3. The locals made all of their runs in the first Inning, when two doubles. two singles and an error, counted for three runs. Green's three bagger scored the winning run for the visit ors. The score: R- H. E. North Yakima 4. 5- 2 Walla Walla 3 8 4 Batteries Puggsley and Berry; Tel ford and Sheeiy. made the same statement that Ewing j is credited with in relation to the re puted deal for Koestner. He asserted that Koestner had not been, purchased. One of the richest of labor organiza tions. Is the English Bootmakers' Fed eration, which has 8800,000 on hand. TO Trout Stream Trails ' TJX8CTTVTZ8 BITEB Central Oregon Owl (tourist sleeper) leaves 1 p- M- North Bank Depot Reaches all canyon ftolnts for early fishing. Return ng, train ileaves, after evening fishing, arriving Portland 8:15 A. M. r ' XXHA&EM TALLZT Auto stage meets Portland evening express 10:25 P. M. Re turning, arrives Astoria 6:30 P. M. tTFFXB COI.TXMB1A BIVXB. STREAMS - Local-trains on North Bank leave 8:20 A. M. and P. M. for Cape Horn,; Washougal,- Wind River, Carson, -Cooks, JEWETT FARM. WHITE SALMON, and other resorts. , Take Oregon Ereotrio Railway ' for Tualatin for bass and craw, fish, Dairy Creek reached on I'nlted Railways. Leave Stark and Third 8:10 A. M. daily: 10:10 A. M. and fl:05 P. M. Saturdays and Sunday. City Ticket Office, 5th and Stark. Hortb Bank Sta tion, 10th fc BUjyt, Those BigTrout! h No matter where you go. the big fellows are always .. hard to get. To go after ! them isuccessfully " ; you i 1 most have a knowledge of their habits and a supply : of really good tackle! We ; are headquarters for the . best of everything in fish ! ' log tackle. ' ;V Anglers1 IJrense on Hand at : ' i AH Times f MoeriU &Ut! Betls 2d Stt. X With every order for Suit or Overcoat we will give absolutely free an extra pair of Trousers. Suit or 0crcoat With Extra Pair Pants Made to Order Union Made) The end of the season we must keep our tailors busy. All Wool Made to Order 300 Patterns to Select From PorMaiMl Haberdashery Fails Closed By Crcialors. i . . Less Than Three Months in Business and This Firm Is Forced to Suspend Limited Capital, Excessive Rents and Overbuying Did It and Now You Benefit in This To) JO) liOJ o Tiv The Greatest Bona Fide Sale Ever Held Don't Miss It! A r? 0 i Prices Are Below Wholesale Cost in. Nearly Every Instance! The Entire Stock of The Strand, 285 Has Been Turned Over to D. Sondheim, Merchandise Washington Street Broker, by the Order of the UNITED STATES COURT $5.00 Men's Stetson Hats Choice of the House THIS GREAT STOCK, CONSISTING OF THE HIGHEST GRADE AND BEST KNOWN TRADE-MARKED MERCHANDISE, GOES ON SALE PROMPTLY AT THE STROKE OF 9 A. M. TOMOR- ROW TO BE SOLD COMPLETELY PUT- NEVER BEFORE WAS THERE A SACRI- FICE LIKE IT IN THIS CITY. IS Here, gentlemen, made. Choose the greatest hat offer from the entire stock' of hats, felts or straws (Panamas cepted) at this wonderful sale price. ever men s ex- 25c LISLE HOSE, NOW 3 PAIRS FOR. .3Z1 !! READ THIS! IN THE district court of ttfe United States, for the district of Oregon. In the matter of Strand furnishing Co., bankrupt. Request for bids. 1 -will receive sealed bids for the following; property, situated at No. 285 "Washing ton St., Portland, Oregon, in the store loom formerly occupied by the above bankrupt, up to and until Wednesday. July 8, 1914, at 12 o'clock noon: Stock of gents' furnishing goods, etc of the inventoried value of $8114.64. Fixtures pertaining to the same of the inven toried value of $640. Certified check , or cash for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Terms cash. Bale subject to the ap proval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office and property inspected upon application. Dated this 27th day oi June, 1814. PL I 8ABIN. T40 Morgan bldg., Portland, Or. B:V.D. and All $1.00 Union Suits t Now for Choose from ' the , entire stock of : men's $1.00 underwear at this price, which will convey to you a-very fair idea of the terrific reductions throughout the house. 50c SILK LISLE HOSE, NOW 3 PAIRS FOR..'.-.. SOc ARROW COLLARS, LATEST STYLES, DOZEN $1.00 50c SILK LISLE SUSPENDERS, NOW 20c POROSKNIT, B. V. D., BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR, NOW GARMENT, 35c PARIS, BOSTON AND MAGIC GARTERS, 15c ALL $2.00 SHIRTS, LATEST STYLES, $1.15 Thousands Upon Thousands of Other Items in Fact; the Entire Stock to Go at the Same Terrific Reductions. . ERemember, This Store Was in Business Less Than Three Months Eveithing of the NewesFS PI CLUETT SHIRTS Reg. $1.50, Now The. Shirts are not odds and ends, bat new clean goods, all sizes being represented. alia s ii mmw BANKRUPT- 285 Washington, Between Fourth and Fifth Streets ALL 50c NECKWEAR Now'Choice Choose from a very great lot of finest 50c Neckwear at this give-away price. 148 Kiftra Street Between Morrison and Aider: