THE ' OREGON -DAILY, JOURNAL, -.PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING.: JULY 10,' 1914,; ; V r 10 I I I- IN r West and Leifield Engage in , Torrid Battle That Is -Tied : Up Twice," " " , NIG CLARKE POORER MAN which Rodrers - brilliantly v played .-. to first, took third on Fitzgerald very easyouC West to Derrick, a ball which Hiram might Just as well have used In. retiring Clarke. O'Leary's plant b- tween i Bancroft and Kores scored toe Ktying ran. '. . ,'-;.;?'- i; V rt Kores : opened the f eighth with his fourth bintfle and stole second, while leifield .was trying to catch him off nrst, .the throw getting away irom Cbarles. At that. Kores had a tre mendous start and would have beaten Charles throw." Speas fanned and It Was up ; to Buddy Ryan. Buddy , had not been looking particularly gooc against Leifield, but he outguessed Lefty this time and pulled the ball Into right field for a two bagger, scoring Kores with what eventually - proved the winning run. . Score: .. . SAN FRANCISCO Baa Traacisco Catcher Takes TXp Cor- han's Quarrel and Greta Chased . On for' His OarroUty. - DIM NOBODY CAN SAY TALK IS CHEAP WHEN RED HELD IS IN THE VICINITY BUDDY RYAN'S DOUBLE BREAKS UP CONTEST FILLED WITH GABBING Pel Howard's Seals are great little talkers with - the reverse v English. They probably talked themselves out of a game In the ninth frame yester day, when men were fretting on the bases. The score was I to 2 against them.j but James West, known to the "hum folks", as Hiram, was showing signs ! of rapid disintegration and the gabfest gave him time to recover from momentary wildness. Nig Clarke was the moat vociferous among the visitors. Nig had a nice Juicy tfuld In Ms mush. which Interfered with the torrent of language- "Issuing therefrom, and ' he deftly removed the "quid from some , where behind his molars. It was . very. luscious quid and ' had required quite a bit of chewing to mould it into the consistency that Nig desired, but even, that didn't prevent him from tak ing it firmly In his right paw and at tempting to take a pot shot at Umpire - Held.! The red in Held's neck took on a turkey hue as he continued to plas ter pedro after pedro upon the wrought-up Nig. When the player saw All his wages vanishing Into Prexy Baum's iron chest, he growled a, last' growl and beat It under the grandstand. And the funny thing about It all is 'that Clarke was kicking on a third ' .strike called on Roy Corhan. The bru ." nette did not have a chance to swing a club and PernoU took up the burden of delivering the hit. Downs w-Mked In the ninth and Schmidt ran foif him. Walter stole second, and took .third on - "a wild pitch. Mundorf f fanned but , with 'some complaint. Tyen Howard .batted for Charles and walked. It was at this Juncture that Corhan made a wild movement on the third strike. Held declared he had swung on the ball. Enter Mr. Clarke; exit Mr. Clarke. PernoU made the last out, Bancroft to Derrick. ', Art! Kores was the batting demon of the day, getting , four clean hits off Lefty! Leifield, Including a "double. He drove; tn the first run of the game in the fourth frame. Derrick started the Inning by scratching a hit to Cor han. T Rodger s followed with a sacri fice and' Kores delivered his double. The Seals .tied it up in the sixth, when ' - Xelfleld walked and Fitzgerald doubled to right, the pitcher crossing on O'Leary' out, Rodgers to Derrick. The Beavers broke away from the tie again in their half of the sixth. With one out Kores singled across second . and Speas singled to right, putting the third 4 Backer on third, Heine taking "second on the throw-in. Ryan walked and filled the bases. Yantz tried to "squeeae" Korea but forced Hi, Lei- field! to Clarke. West scratched a hit through O'Leary and scored Speas. v' Clarke opened the eighth .with a sin gle, went to second on Leifleid's out. ' v lMtsgerald, rt O'Leary, '3b . , Schiller, If . uowns, ZD ... Mnodorff. cf Charles, lb .., Corhan, s. . Clarke, c .... Leifield. p ... Schmidt, . . Howard, . PernoU. .. AB. 3 4 4 3 4 a 4 3 2 0 O &. o 0 o o o 0 0 1 1 0 o 0 H. TO. A. E. 12 0 0 2 2 1 1 10 2 4 . 0 O o 0 2 1 1 0 0 4 3 4 0 0 0 Totals Bancroft, ss Doane. rf ... Derrick, lb . Rodgers. 2b Kores, 3b . . fipeas, If ... Ryan, cf ... Yenta, c ... West, p .... ' Totals 31 2 6 24 15 0 PORTLAND. AB. tt. H. PO. A. K. 0 O 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 14 1 0 3 2 4 0 4 0 0 3 8 O 0 0 1. PORTLAND EYES 'SHELP VIS Colts Take First Game in Shappy Fashion But. Are Slaughtered 1 in Second. i 1 " . 1 r " . DOTY PITCHES SHUTOUT "Former Portland Spitballlst Has Old , Companions Missing; Sis Hoists Ball Salveson Wing Tint Oams. .82 s u zr u 1 LOS ANGELES TAKES BOTH Los Angeles. July 10. The Dillon- ltes took the double header yesterday from Sacramento, which make four straighC and - incidentally Howard Ehmke,. the boy phenom, put an end to "his: losing streak of eight straight games. - He was opposed by Williams and Gregory. Although hit hard, he managed to keep out In front. The scores: ' . ; First game AR. ft Yoonav 2b 3 2 Cook, a 2 2 Coy,, tt 8 1 Hblnn, It .......... 1 0 Tennant,-lb 8 0 Moran, cf -....8 0 Orr, Sb ....... 4 0 Hannah, c ............ 3 0 nuuuu, p ........... 2 V Van Baren, -lf ...... 8 O Wolverton, 1 O Gregory, p 0 O LOCAL SPEEOVAY IS : OILED FOR BIG RACES OF DARING DRIVERS Around' the turn at SO miles per hour flew . the guldeless ear. To touch the brake would throw It off of Its course. Without a thought, and before the crowd could even- grasp what was transpiring, . Benedict had climbed over the bood and to the cross rod in front. He took the steering rod and broken knuckle in one, hand and, regardless of the burning of the hot radiator which he had seized with the other hand, held them together un til Teddy stopped the car fully one-half mile from the point where the rod broke. The great crowd gave a wild cheer for the most daring feat ever witnessed on any race course. RED SOX GET PITCHERS PO. A. B. S 2 1 8 O O 1 0 8 2 1 O o 1 0 1 O T 1 8 0 1 V 0 v o Ray Brock Sends Word Port land Will Be Represented Tomorrow and Sunday. OFFICIALS ARE SELECTED Ran for Downs In ninth. Batted for Charles In nlutn. Batted for Clarke in ninth. SCOBS BX INNINGS. an Francisco . ....... ..0 ? 1 5 Portland'''V''i;ii."'.0 0010101 8 roruana , . lilts ...a t w w . SUMMARY. . Btrnok oat By Leifield 2, West 8. Bases m balla-Off iilfleld 3, West 4. Two base Uls Speas. Kores, FUxgeralfl. Ryan. Double pUya Bancroft to Derrick. Sacrifice bite todgera. Stolen baaea Kores, Schmidt. Buns NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES At Plttsbursr: R H E -Ohllololnhia. 1 6 - 0 Pittsbura; 0- 5 2 Batteries Tlncup and Klllifer; Mc Quillen, Cooper and Gibson, Coleman. At Chicago: K' H R Boston 3 e l Chicago 1 6 o Batteries James and Gowdy; Vaughn and Bresnahan. At Cincinnati: R H E Brooklyn j 8 1 Cincinnati '5J.10,,2 Batteries Reulbach. Allen and Mc Carthy; Douglas, Bowen and Clark. At St Louis: R H E New York 4 12 4 St. Louis S 10 1 Batteries Tesreau, Marquard and Meyers, McLean; Perdue, Sallee and Snyder, O'Connor. SEATTLE'S ERORS HELP i Vancouver, B. C, July 10. Portland won in the afternoon and the. locals carried off the gam m the evening. by the respective scores of 3 to 1 and 12 to 0. Frambach was the. medium pf one of the biggest killings' of the year in the 5 2-3 Innings he worked in the second game. Doty had his old clubmates 'swinging hard and In the seven Inning engagement they got but two hits, both made by Haworth. The locals were so busy making runs that they forgot all about time, and tne game . was . called . at the - end-- of the seventh on account of darkness. Haworth got a three base hit in the Sixth inning off Doty with one down, but the big fellow fanned Hanson and Coltrln and added to his shutout record for the season... With the score tied In the first frame of the opening game, the Coltc bunched three hits and thaUadded to an error by Bennett,- gave two Tuns and the game. Afterward neither club could tally, Score:- . First game PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Ocltrln, ss 3 MUligan, cf 3 Melchlor. rf 8 Lewis, If ., 3 Guljml. 3b ............ 3 McKune, 2b 4 Williams, lb 3 Murray, c 8 Total. Wolter. rf ., Page, 2b ..... Haggert, cf Absteln. lb . Ellis. If ... Johnson, ss , Metzger, 3b Boles, c ... Ehmke, p .. Totals ... 8 " 24 13 ; 28 5 LOS ANGELES. AB. tt. H. PO. A. E. B 5 . 4 . 4 . 3 ,. 4 .. 2 ,. 2 .. 4 1 2 O 0 0 o 2 , O 2 1 S 3 10 1 4 4 1 0 0 4 1 -. 0 s 3 5 3 Automobile Enthusiasts Are StiU Talk ing' About Daring Displayed by Tetalaff and Benedict. .83 7 14 27 17 -1 2 Salveson; p 2 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 8 1 12 4 0 0 o o 0 1 o o 1 1 Batted for Shlnn In third. Batted for Williams ia seventh. SCOBS BY INNINGS. Sacramento - .1 o 3 O 0 0 0 1 0 b Hits 2130011008 Los Angeles 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 7 Hits 2 4 1 0 1 3 2 1 14 SUMMARY. Eleven hits, 7 runs. 26 at bait, off Williams In 9 innings. - Charge- defeat to - Williams. Three base bit Cook. Two base bits Han nah. - Absteln. Pace. Sacrifice hit Cook Boles 2, Metzger, Term ant. Buna responsible for Ehmke 6, Williama 3. Bases on balls Off Williams 2. off Ehmke 5. Struck out By Williams 4. by Ehmke 1. by Gregory 1 Double plays Orr to Tennant: Maggert to Metxcer to Johnson. Stolen bases Coy 2. Maggert. Time 2:08. Umpires Phyle and Finney. wuu wui ouard Baca Track. Lieutenant Rivers and the full complement of Company H, O. N. G.. will be detailed to guard the Rose City speedway tomorrow and Saturday after noons during the automobile races. This force will be aug mented by a large number of mounted police, deputy sheriffs and pttainclothesmen in keeplflg the track clear. Spectators will be kept' 20 feet from the rences so that there will be no repeti tion of the fatality of the last race meeting. Boston, July 10. Pitchers Ruth and Shore of the . Baltimore International league club are the - property of the Boston Red Sox- today, according to announcement by President Lannln f the local team. Catcher Egan was se cured In the same deal. In which $25. 000 was said to have been Involved. BAYLEY TO MEET BURNS San Francisco, July 10. A 20-round bout her the latter part of this month, between Joe Bayiey, the Canadian lightweight, and Ftankle Burns of Oak land was on the cards today. Bayiey meets Johnny O'Leary in Vancouver the . night of July 11. .and .Burn . clashes with Eddie Moy here, next week. If either falls to make a good showing, "Red" Watson may b substi tuted In the latter bout. ' i ' .' , -- - m 11 - Union Association Results. Butte 6. Salt Lake 0. " Ogden 4, Murray 3. ' Boise 6, Helena 6. n 1I1U1 mi 11 mi Going Out of Business I am closing mit my entire stock and am going otit of business. This is the greatest opportunity the men of Portland have ever had to pur chase splendid garments at prices that seem ridiculous. H Second game Yonng, 2b ..... Cook, ss Coy, rf ........ Van Buren, If . Tennant, lb ..j. Moran, cf SACRAMENTO. AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Orr, 8b 8 Seattle, Wash., July 10. . Seattle made four errors yesterday, which, with seven hits by the visitors, gave the Bees a 4 to 3 game. Pope fanned 12 of the Seattle team, probably a sea son's record in a nine Inning game. The score: R.H. E. Victoria 4 7 1 Seattle . 3 7 4 Batteries Pope and Hoffman; Dell and Cad man. Totals Shaw. Sb-rf Bennett, 2b Meuari, id ...... WoteU. If Brink er, cf Hetster, 3b . . Scbarnweber, ss Cheek, e ., Heuther, p Harstad, p ...... Powell, rf , Hunt, Totals 27 8 VANCOUVER. AB. R. 6 27 9 4 ... 5 ... 4 ... 4 ... 4 ... 2 ... 4 ... 4 ... 0 ..'2 ... 1 ... 1 o o o o. o o l 0 0 0 0 0 H. PO. A. E. 11 0 0 1 2' 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 o 2 5 9 1 0 1 0 2 1 O O 1 a 6 0 8 0 0 Rohrer, e ... Malarkey. p ' Totals .... I Wolter, rf . . ! Ti- nk x . . . Maggert, cf ' Absteln, lb Ellis. If ... Johnson, ss . Metzger, 3b Brooks, c . . Hughes, p . . Totals. O 0 0 1 O o 0 0 0 o 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 9 5 2 2 O 6 3 0 1 O o 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 7 24 16 . . , 30 1 LOS ANGELES. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 1.1 0 0 0 9 27 18 Western League Results. Denver 11. Omaha 8 (13 Innings). Lincoln 4, Sioux City 2. Des Moines 8, Topeka 7. St Joseph 3, Wichita 2. 'Batted for Harstad in eighth. SCORE) BY INNINGS. Vancouver O l O O 000 0 0 1 Portland . i. ............ .1 0 2 O O 0 0 O 03 , SUMMARY. v ... . Sacrifice hits MllUgan. GalgnL Sacrifice fir Reuther. Stolen bases Mllllcan. Lewis. Cheek. Pitchers' summary, 3 runs, 6 hits, 10 at bat off Reuther In two ana two tniras in nings; no runs. 1 hit, 25 at bat off Harstad in seven and two thirds innings; charge de feat to Reather. Struck out By Reuther Z. by Harstad 5, by Salveson 3. Bases on balls- Off Keuther a, on tiarstaa 3, on isaiveson a. Double plays Scnarnweoer to cneek to Helster; Harstad to Scharnweber to McCarL Left on bases Vancouver , roruaua a. Time 1:45. Umpire Casey. 4 3 ....... 4 4 4 4 8 1 3 SCORB BY INNINGS. Sacramento 0 1 OOOOOO 0 1 Hits 0 1 021 021 07 Los Angeles 0 O O 1 0 1 0 2 4 Hits 01020304 10 SUMMARY. Three base hit Van Buren. Two base hits Johnson, Page. Sacrifice hits Malarkey, Page. Runs responsible for Hughes 1, Ma larkey 4. Bases on balls Off Malarkey 2, off Hughes 1. Struck , out By Maurkey l by Hughes 4. Double le pi ateln. Stolen bases Maggert 2. Time 1:68. Umpires Finney, and K. A. Moross. manager of the Max well racing team, expressed himself this morning as well pleased with the ) oiling that has been done on the Rose City speedway In preparation for the races tomorrow and Sunday. If this expert of racing, who has seen prac tically every track In the . United States, puts his O. K. on the condition of the local track, the Portland public may be assured that It Is right. The list of officials who will handle the races was announced this morn ing and are as follows: Official representative of the con test board of the American Automobile association, Frank M. Fretwell of Seat tie; referee, .John B. Yeon; tlmerB. Frank E. Watklns, James E. Appleby, George L. Parker, T. Morris Dunne and "Walter Glffard; judges, L. T. Keady. John H. Burgard, Julius L. Meier, O. C. Lelter and A. L. Fish; announcer, C. J. Cook; clerk of the course, C BL.King; chairman of technical advisory board. Ben Trenkman; official handlcapper, M. C. Dickinson. Roy Brock Bent word yesterday glv lng assurance to the officials that he would be In the race, which brings the list of entries up to nine, Hughie Hughes, who won the Golden Potlatch race at Tacoma: Teddy Tetzlaff and Uy Metsger to Abl Carlson, the Maxwell drivers; De Alene. Hundreds of Suits and Over coats at Extraordinary Savings Here you will find the famous Atterhury. AIco, Sopho more, Sam Peck, etc. Suits and Overcoats makes known the world over. Every garment of worthy, standard quality, the kind you will be proud to wear. 1 2 O 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 8 3 3 .10 O 1 2 8 O 2 O 4 0 1 O O 1 O 4 2 8 O O o o 0 0 0 .30 4 10 27 IS My famous fifteen dol lar suits, the acknowl edged equal s"of the twenty-five values of the ground floor cloth ier, are being sold at. only $10.00 Every garment is worthy of your consideration. Come in tomorrow, values speak for themselves. I know if you call you will purchase a and I know you willbe more than satisfied with your purchase. MAX MIC HEi L. Spring and summer suits, the latest in style, the finest in quality the snappy, classy kind for the young men, the more conservative for the older, go at V3 Off Advanced stock of fall and winter suits, dress suits, tuxedos, over coats and raincoats pro portionately reduced. Advance Fall Balma caan Raincoats,$25 vals. $11.85 My suit ConrrlcfatlUrtSchaliae Is Man IQMART style, newness, quality and value are the; things young1 men like tnese demand in clothes. lHart Schaffner & Marx do each one of these things better than, anybody ielse a pretty; good reason 'why the best dressed young men in business, or for plesure, wear these good clothes. i - r Look at the new Scotch Weaves for outing suits, you'll t find ready : clothes that fit and "' satisfy. $18 up to $35. I 'I ' Sam,l Rosenblatt: & Co. IThe Men's Shopfor Quality and Service. iNorthwest' Corner Third and Morrison Second game Ooltrln, ss ... Mllligan, cf . Melchlor. rf . Lewis, If .r. .. Gufgnl, 3b . . McKune. 2b . WUliama, lb Haworth, c - Frembach, p Hanson, p PORTLAND. AB. R. 3 8 3 3 2 2 2 o 2 0 O O O 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 PO. 1 4 2 1 2 1 0 1 0 O . A. B. O 0 score: VENICH.' AB. B. Carlisle. If 4 1 Leard. 2b 8 Kane, cf 2 Bavless, rf 4 Lttschl, 8b 4 TQtals Shaw, 8b . Bennett, ZD McCarl, lb Wotell. If Brink er, cf . . . . Powell, rf .... Scharnweber, ss Cheek, e ...... Doty, P Totals '....22 0 VANCOUVER. AB. K. 2 IS Borton. lb McArdle, ss Bliss, e .... Klepter, p .. Totals .... 2 4 3 3 1 0 0 O 0 0 o 0 PO. A. E. 1 1 2 O O 12 5 a o 4 2 .4 2 3 3 3 2 4 2 2 2 -1 PO. A. E. 4 O o o o 3 1 s ,.27 12 10 21 12 (Called end of seventh on account of dark. Vancouver 1 0 8008- 1Z Portland OOOOOO 0 0 SUMMARY, 8tolen base Scharnweber. Three base hit Haworth. Home run Bennett. Pitchers summary: 12 runs, 10 nits, at nat on Frambach in o z-o innings; no nua, no runs. at bat of Hanson in l-J inning. Act rut to Frambach. Struck out Br Dotv 3. hv Frambach 1. by Hanson, none. Bases on balls Off v Doty, none; off Frambach, 7 off Hanson, none. Hit by pitched ball Wotell, by Frambach. - ikhidm piay ijenneii 10 Scharnweber to McCarl. ieft on bases Vaa- couver 6, Portland 1. Time 1:25. Umpire 1 1 Casey. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Absteln. I ltt the Marmon; Kennedy in the Chal- Phyle. I mere Bluebird; Qoetz, In the Endlcott SDeclal: Percy Barnes. In the Romano V PPFFR PlIZZL FS DAKS Special, and the big Blitzen Bena. xl-l-rrfc'rl lUtLW UrtlXO 1 Rrori, wlu drive a. Wrlsrht arjecial. In order to minimize the chance of 6an Francisco. July 10. KleDf er iut accident and also to facilitate the en. an end to the losing streak developed terlng of pita by drivers, they have by the Venetians yesterday, when hel6611 entirely changed around and the shut out Oakland, 2 to 0, allowing thel maianapoiis pian ot eliminating arive Christlans but three hits. Prough also ways adopted. was In great shape except In the eighth I Automobile men are still talking Inning, and aUowed but four hits. The , over lno aanng aispiayea Dy i eaiarr . I and hi a mr.rmniolnii n t Ticrant Terrible Teddy" has won the ad miration of Pacific coast fans, and de serves their praise. He never drove a better race than at Tacoma, and when In second place, with but 10 laps to go and a good chance at first money, he met with the most dreaded of all mishaps to a racing car. There are many things about a racer that may prove fatal. The blowing of a tire, the breaking of an axle, the throwing of a wheel. When De Alene threw his tire he turned over; when F. S. Brock broke his steering knuckle he killed a spectator on the course and made a mass of Junk of his beautiful racing car. And this In spite of, the fact that he was alone on the course. The breaking of & steering knuckle In a race has come to be known as the worst thing that can befall a racing car. At Indianapolis it Is necessary to change the rod and steering knuck-' les the day before each 600 mile race.. "Terrible Teddy" had this mishap. His signal from the pit was.' a big F. which meant faster. He was In sec ond place and fighting every Inch of the road with Cooper. Suddenly the wheel was seen to turn in his hand i and ' the car ceased to respond. His mechanic, Benedict, noticed the t free wheel, saw the look of anxiety on his mate's face and then acted, j Second Floor S. W. Corner of Fourth and Washington Sts i!:s:!:;;i!::;ii:::ii!::;ii!;;ii!:iii::iii;:;f:ii:i ii if Quinlan, rf Gardner, id Mlddleton Menges, ss .., Zscher. cf ... Hetlint, Sb . Gnest, ZD . . Arbogast, e . Prough. p ... Kay lor, Totals .... ..20 2 OAKLAND. AB. R. 4 4 27 13 8 8 8 8 8 ..... 2 8 2 ..... 1 .....27 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 H. PO. A. E. 1 11 4 1 2 O 8 5 0 O 0 O 0 3 o 8 2 2 8 27 18 Kalyor batted for Prongn In ninth. SCORE) BY INNINGS. Venice O 0 0 O 0 O 0 2 02 Hits O O 1 O 0 1 O 2 04 Oakland 0 0 00 00O0 00 Hits l 1 O O e o 1 O 03 - SUMMARY. Stolen bases Carlisle. Leard 2. Kane. Rap. fh.rr. I ton. Quinlan. Hetllng. Sacrifice bit Gardner. . 1 Tt . 1 1 Kall n. TT1 . , - J M irougn o. BtrucK out ay ivieprer o. bv rugh 6. Left on bases Venice 4, Oakland Bans responsible for Klepfer 0. Proagh 1. nme l :. umpires nayes ana uuthrte. At' Philadelphia First game: R.H.B. strolt 8 9 0 1 Philadelphia . 3 8 Hatter les covaiesKi ana stanage: Bnawkev. Bresaier ana Hcnane-. becond game: k. jr. E. Detroit .3 13 3 Philadelphia 3 8 2 Batteries Lrubuc and Baker: W yck- oif,- Bush ana lapp, acnang. 1 At Boston: R.H.E. Chicago .....3 7 1 Boston ..3 7 2 1 Batteries Clcotte and. Schalk: Col lins, neaient ana carngan. Thomas. eedway At Washington: . . R. H. E. I Bt. Louis 1 5 0 Washington . 0 S 1 Batteries - Hamilton and Agnew: Shaw and Henry. Bentley ? replaced At New York:, k R.H.B. Cleveland . . f. . .-. . 4 T -4 New York .................. 7 6 .4 Batteries- Gregg. Morton and O'Nell; Pieh and Nunamaker. Second game; R. H. E. Cleveland . ,......3 10 A New York. ........ ... ..3 81 catteries steen and Bassler; Keat ing ana oweeney. tiu innings.) . NOTES SHATTERS TIGERS Rose City Sp (FORMERLY COUNTRY CLUB TRACK) . JULY .11-12 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AFTERNOONS RACES START PROMPTLY AT 2:30 - HUGHIE HUGHES "TERRIBLE TEDDY" "COAL OIL BILLY- CARLSON F. S. BROCK of Portland I IN 1.1 I irT . 5? . ..-" !retHammering Away At This Fact DIXIE QUEEN is the best tobacco in the world for big, strong, manly men. It is made purposely to please this kind of men. It is a juicy, full-; bodied tobacco that thoroughly satisfies a powerful man's tobacco hunger. 'DIXIE QUEEN is pure old Burley tobacco, naturally aged for three to live years so as to bring out all its mellow, healthful richness and honest sweetness. 0 mi mmm WILBUR DE ALENE "MARMON" BARNES "ROMANO SPECIAL" Spokane, wash, July 10, The In dians won a J to 1 game from 'Tacoma yesterday, because of . Noyea' T great pitching. In the last seven Innings not a Tiger, reached : second base, v Em ill Frisk knocked ths ball over the right iieia rence. the seoond time such a feat has been accomplished in the last nine years. Score: .l ' R.H. E.I -Tacoma . 1 -4 b Spokane -7 "8' 0 Batteries- Andrada. Boatman and otepnens; Noyea and .Shea. ;. .. American Association Resnlt. St Paul S.Indianapolis 0 (forfeited). uieveiana ii - Minneapolis- z. . .; ' Kan hr Clt-v a. rolumhiia S -CHALMERS BLUE BIRD" Driver Mentioned , Later -: . AND OTHER NOTED DRIVERS ' MOTORCYCLE RACES -w AUTO POLO GENERAL ADMISSION . ; . . . . : , . . ... . . ..50o Parking of ) Can, With Grandstand Privilege - and Grandstand Seats, Fifty .Cents Extra 3 Plug Cut Tobacco . ; - f " ' Take the case of the blacksmitK When he wants tobacco satisfaction, he cannot get it out of "flat," insipid mixtures, rle has got to have a tnan size, real old natural he-tobacco j. We have the greatest jtofiacco organization in the world and 'are in business to stay in business .by, dvintf the best values. DIXIE QUEEN is only one of our fflv brands, but like all it is the "highest quahty biggest quantity of its kind sold. " r We tell" the big brawny men of this country that DIXIE QUEEN is the best tobacco for them and they know they can bank oir that statement. i'Wohderful nchniess makes DIXIE QUEEN a lasting chew. Burns slow in the pipe because Plug Cut is the right form for smoking. '. . Go to it today. . Sold everywhere in convenient 5c foil packages also in 10c pouches and 50c lunch boxes. . , t - . THCAUEMCAN. TOBACCO COMPANY Milwaukee 4, Louisville 8 (13 ln- c -X