The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 03, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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    - i .
f - UfTEKFtXEXiCE. ; - ' BRIBERY. '
. i.
Stranger How far is It from br
Is 8queba.wken, u ttM crow flies?
Silas Quit . a, spell. Jest now!
thars so many scarecrows twig
stars and Squeehawken that tbs crow
i - '
iGeorgiana Carries Boatload
of People, Most of Them
-. Bound for Regatta.
(trial1 spin is made
Hew Craft : round Bsmarfcably Tree
From Vibration sad to Have All
Speed Owners Claimed.
On her maldn trip in the Astorla
j Portland service the new steamer
f Georgians left Washington street dock
this morning at 7 o'clock. A large
1 number of people bound for the As-
toria regatta made the first trip with
j the steamer, most o'f them planning on
1 returning this afternoon after' wit
nesslng the day's races.
The Qeorglana was- taken on her of
flclal trial trip yesterday and her
.: owners having as guests for tha.oc
, caalon 275 prominent Portland people.
. The speedy little steamer was taken
down the Willamette and Columbia
rivers as far as SL H-elens. 8he was
found to bo remarkably free of vibra
i tlon : and to have all the speed her,
' owners have claimed for her. ,
Another - well known rlrer steamer,
the O.-W. R, A N. company's steamer
T. J. Potter, left at 1 o'clock! this af
. ..ternoon on her first trip of the sum
mer excursion season to North' Beach
J points. The Potter is to make a spec
jlal trip tomorrow, leaving Ash street
dock at 9 a. m. to accommodate the
crowd of Fourth -of July excursion-lets.
, i Two othr rirer steamers are mak
ing special excursions! tomorrow, the
; .Bailey Gatzert to Cascade Locks and
'-return and making special stops at
Multnomah Falls each way, while the
' Tahoma Is running between " Cascade
Locks and The Dalles temporarily to
handle the crowds- expected to attend
l" the celebration at The Dalles. The O.
O. T. steamers and the launch Kitty
Moran are. also running special excur
sions to. Oregon City and return. The
O. C T. boats leave Taylor street dock
at 7;I0, 9, noon and 8 o'clock.
Steamer ;. wand is ashore
' Portland-Alaska Boat - Reported
" Beached at Fish Egg Island. . 1
According to. a dispatch received by
The Journal late yesterday afternoon,
t - the steamer Thomas L. Wand, Captain
; A- C. Jensen, Is ashore on Fish Egg
; Island. The gasoline schooner Fores
ter arrived at Ketchikan yesterday and
reported having sighted the steamer on
; the beach. No further word has reached
Portland as yei, however.
. The Wand, one of the Alaska fleet
operatsd by the Portland Steamship
company, had 100,000 box shook for
the cannery on Fish Egg island and It
Is supposed here that In trying to make
the harbor -Caytaln janeen ran Into a
, fog bank and lost his beatings. lie Is
the oldest pilot In those waters end Is
supposed to know every foot of Alas
. fkan waters. Fish Kgg Island Is on the
outside passage and a very remote sta-
lion and It may be some time before
any further word Is received from the
Bound for Portland ?the -British
steamer Carnarvonshire sailed cfrora
Puget sound at :S0 this nornlng. She
should arrive off the ; river about 8
o'clock tomorrow morning land come In
on the high tide. It la expected she
; will reach North Bank dock late In the
afternoon. r
- The steamer Geo: W. '- Elder, from
: Coos Bay and Eureka, Is due at Colum-
bla dock No. 1 this afternoon late.
Repairs to the hull of the harbo oa
trol ; boat Elldor have .been completed
' by Captain Speler's force; and she has
been placea in the water again. En
glneers 3aekel, Gllllland and Prehn ex
jieot to have the motor reassembled by
. Monday and the 'gas boat Astoria will
i then be returned to the Port of Port
With a cargo of freight for the
; Arrow, Line, the steamer Daisy Putnam
ia due In the river tomorrow.
The steamer" Klamath arrived up at
, Pupple'sdock shortly after noon today,
i Ehs has a cargo. of asphalt and cement
, aboard..; ...;. ; ."
:' ' - , Bna ta Arrive, '
Geo.' W. Rider, Kureka and Coos Ray.. July
j J. B. Stetson, from Alaska Jnly
J N:t, from San I'edro Jnly
H. Vance;, from, San Pedro ........Jnly
; "Creak-water, from. Coos Bay ..July
i Yucatan, from Ran Dlefo and way. ....July
'Keavar. trntn- Pan Pedro and way. ...July
'Tboe. L. wn, rrom AUska. ..;... .Jnir 10
Rose City, from JSan Pedro and way.. July 11
Roanoke, from Pan Diego and way... .Jnly 12
Psralso. from 84 F. and way. .......July 12
Onlnault. train Alaaka .......JuLt 12
Bear, from Ban IPedro and way...... Jnly 16
Hi-. -y -i Sue to nevart.
Willamette, for - San IMeiro ........July 3
Multnomah, for iSan Fraoclaco ......July S
. W. Klder. fbr Cooa Bay-Eureka. .July 6
San Boman. for. Ban franclaco. .......July 0
Kcse City, for San Pedro and way.. ..July 6
Bear, for Ban Pedro and way.....;. July t
Northland, for San Diego ...... .....July 7
3. B. Stetson, for Alaska ........... .Jnly 7
Breakwater, for Cooa Bay and Kureka. .July 7
Klamath, for Ban Oleco.... .......... Jnly
Barr. for San Pedro 'and way.... July 11
Tboa. ta. Wand, for Alaska ..Jnly 11
Paraiso, for Coos Bay and S. F..... ..Jnly 15
Roanoke, for SanDirge and way. .....July 15
Qulnaolt, ; for Alaaka M July 15
From Saa TTaacisoe.
Steamers Harvard and lale, alternatlne.
leava Kan Fraoclaca for San Diem on Mm.
-days. Wedneadaya Friday and Satardaya.
eoanectlna; - with steamer from Portland,
i Northbound, tbey" arrlTe at Saa Franrlaco on
' " i Tuesdays, Thursday. Saturdays and Sundays,
v ';, . .- Tsasals ia Pert,
- .Nam X iV - .-,,; r'.SrV'Bertb.
r Oakland, 'Am.- ach..,. ......... Astoria
,-: Chinook. ' aredff... .................... Astoria
Hawth. Br. .bk. ................. ... .Linn ton
i , Ror bell. Am, atr. .... ..O. W. p.
Col. P. 8. Mlchie, Govt, dredger...... Astoria
Alllnance. In. atr. .O. W. P.
' Jack Burnhasa, ras sch....... O.-W. P.
. , Tymerle, Br. str. ...........Llnnton
w i A'c,,1". Am. ach Astoria
r Irene, - Am. sch. . , Llnnton
Wood That Beatyough In that
auto. He' doing. nothing; here lately
but wining and dining and riding
. Brooks Those) ars hi creditors.
The: think If they treat him nice b
may glvs them 10 centa on the dollar.
Lord Sefton, Br. str..........F. C. Bankers
Eric. Am. scb.... W eat port
Northland, Am. str......... .........Llnnton
Bear, Am. lUv. Alruiworth
Willamette, Am. str. Westport
Multnomah, Am. str... ...St. Helen
Wyoming V. S. N ...Astoria
Submarines HI, H2, H3.. .......... 1... Astoria
8'nobonilsh, U. B. C 8.. Astoria
SUklyou, Am. str :..Precott
Delay Mitchell. Am. str, ..Astoria
Maria, Dutch str. .Oceanic
Daisy God tix, Am. str.. .I.-P. Lbr. Oo.
Klamath, Am. Ptr.. ................. .Supples
Oo. W. Elder. Am. str. ............ .Bound op
Faux, gas sch..,.. Albers No.
Baa Boman, Am. str.......... I. -p. Lbr. Co,
j. En Keuta ta load Grata.
Nam' Sailed (nn
Ueaafx, Ft. ach. .Hambur
EnKleborn. Br. ship .Valparaiso
falls of Afton. Nor. bk.. lqnlqoa
Herwl Vinnen, Ger. sh Hamburg
Kirkcudbrightshire, Br. sh ...Newcastle
Nordhar, Nor. so. Santa Bosalla
"Notre; Dame d'ArTor, Br. bk.... .-..Antwerp
Cambrian Princess. . Nor. str.. .....Port Nolloch
Maresa. Nor. so..
Kort. Ger. bk
Dolbek. Oer. bk....,
Kinrosasbire. Br. sh.
Katanga. Belg. bk..
Olirebank. Br. sh...
Henriette, Oer. bk..
Santa Rosalia
.........Santa Rosalia
v Honolulu
Santa Rosalia
i Callao
1. ... Newcastle
.......... .Santa Rosalia
Iasbek, uer. DC
Uairsfjord, Nor. bk. ...... .Port PbUUp Head
Spartou, Nor. bk. .................... .Callao
Wandsbek. Qer. bk .......Santa RosaUa
Semantha, Nor. bk.... West Coast
Talklrk. Br. bk cNewcastla
Tbomaaen. Knss. sn Newcastle, Ada.
Br ion Monarch. Br. str............. ..
Henrlk Ibsen, Nor. str... Ban Franclaw
Btrathord. Br. str ............ K.San Francisco
Queen Elisabeth, Br. sh. .......... ..Melbourne
Maria. Dutch str....w....
Bunitnard, Nor. sh.. ....Bockhamptos
Ttlids.J,Nor. bk.. Callao
Alcidea, . No. bk, Callao
Pierre Antolae. Fr. bk ......Antwerp
Maissa. Nor. bk .Melbourne
Hans, Oei-.-bk Sahta Rosalia
InTertberrte, Br. . str.........,.......AntwerD
V irglula. Br. str . f. Yokohama
Liaiuoren. Br. str............. Xiantla
C;t.uirhton. Br. str. ...... .......Buenos Aires
OiAeea. Ger. bk...v. Cailao
ivtemyae, Br. sea Callae
Arnoldus Vinnen. Ger. sh... Port Lata
Deo of 0(11. Br. str San Francisco
JUsoeUanaons Ea Roata,
Bawwer, Br. str.. ............... .Hamburx
Alesla. Gar. as............ Hambora
Andalasla, Oer. as.... ............. .Hamburg
Cardiganshire, Br. str. ............. ...London
Meriunsthshire, Br. str. .London
Monmouthshire, Br. str .....Antwerp
NotaL Dan. ss. .....Antwerp
Pierre Antolue, Fr. bk. Antwerp
naanorsuire, ur. sb. ............. ....Antwer
RlTer Forth. Br. ss .............Antwer
Santa Cecelia, Am. ss ..New Tor
Rambla, Ger. ss. ...Hambars;
Sudmaxk. Ger. as.. ............Hambars
Suerla. Oer. ss. ................... .Hambura
TriniVL 1 D. n mm . . n t...n
I Inverberrie. Br. as.... ...Antwero
Kromley, Br. mn.. Antwerp
Orlauno.' Br. str... Antwerp
Ea Routs to Lead Lumber.
Name-7- '',- j' Balled from
Lompac, Br. ss. ...... .....Amsterdam
Ecdeala, Br. as... Honolulu
Queen Maud, Br. ss ......Ban Francisco
-tstrathlorne, Br. ss......... gas. Diego
Btratbden, Br. str. ............ ..gas Francisco
Sueen Markaret, Br. str. ....... San Francisco
yodford, Br. ss... ...Saa Francisco
Mable Gale, Am. bk. ............. ...Auckland
InerKarry,r Br. bkj. ...Honolulu
Clan MacLeod, Brl str...... .Mojl
Framley, Br. str.. li. Antwerp
Stratbfillon. Br. str .....Victoria
New Lealahd Loans oort. Br. str. . . . Yokohama
Cape FlolsCerre. BrJ str........ Shenehai
Strathallon. Br. ate. ..Eureka
fttratholdbyn, Br. str Eureka
Bessie Dollar. Br. str..' .San Fram-lamr
Wm. H. Smith. Am. sch .. Callao
Imberhorne. Russ. sh... .......... .Halla
Stratbesk. Br. str .Callao
Lymerlc. Br. str . .Kh.nh.i
Rtratbclyde, Br. stn., Shanghai
loTerclyde. Br. str.. Nordenboni
Krlc, Am. sch.: ; Honolulu
Anrora. Am. sch .Antofcast
W. H. Bowden. Am. sch....... . .Mo1ifIu
Col la. Br. str , Shanghai
Astoria. Or.. July 8. Arrlred at 8 and left
up at a. m. Steamer Daisy iGadsby, from
nan sTancroco. juriTea at o ana jert up at
8 a. m. Steamer Klamath, from Ban Fran
cisco. Sailed at 7 a."m. Steamer Shoshone,
tot Grays harbor. Arrired at 8:20 and left
op at 9:50 a. m. Steamer (Jeo. W, EUder,
from BXireka and Coos Bay.
Ban i raucSco, July 8. Arrived at 10 s. m.
Steamer Rose City, from Portland; at noon
Steamer Asuncion, from Portland.
Coos Bay, July 8.--ArrlTed Steamers
Breakwater and Paraiso, from Portland;
dredge CoL Mlchie, from Portland.
Seattle, July 3. Sailed at 6:30 a. m.
British steamer Carnarvonshire, -for Portland?.
Bandon, July 2. Arrived Gas sch. Tilla
mook, from Portland.
Astoria, July 2. Arrlred down at 2 and
sailed at S p. m. British steamer Glenlochy.
for London and way port. Sailed at 1:90
p. m steamer raraiso.ror coos Bar and San
Francisco. Sailed at 4:30 p. ' m .-Steamer
Breakwater; for Coos Bar. Sailed at 7:30
p. m. Stsamer johan Foulsen, for Saa Fran.
San Pedro, July 8. Sailed Steamer Bear
er. for Portland. -
San Frandsoo, Jnly S. Sailed at noon
steamer a, a. Vance, lor Columbia mer; at
p. m. teamer enasta; at 9 p. m. Steam
er Tosemlte. for Portland. Sailed at 8 n
m. Steamer Yellowstone, for Portland via
Coos Bar.
Porlm, July ' 8. Passed German ' steamer
naaiusia, rrom tiamotrre ' ror fortiana. .
North Head, July 8. Condition at the
mouth of the river at t a. m., smooth; wind
norwwesi zu mites; weatcer, , eiouay . .
, Tides at Astoria Saturday.
Hlc-h water 10:43 a. m 6.1 fet: 10:O4 B.
m., 8.3 feet. Iwwater 1:38 a. m., r-0.3
a:uo p. m., ae rear.
Always aim higher than the mark
If the mark la a dimple In her chin.
hp:.: " -'0m f-md
Wagon train .which
. With a wagon train of 11 wagons
leading. Uncle Sam's soldiers from the
Vancouver barracks are on the second
leg of their hike to " Oearhart today,
covering the- distance from Linder's
farm, where they spent the night, to
- The big-dun colored wasrona.. drawn
I by stocky, mules of the true Missouri
Telllt He's a . clever financier, all
right! ;
Asker How sot
Tellit Why. be'a had six cars and
there's only four mortgages oa his
Francis artd His Wife Lie in
State in Chapel of the Hof
burg, Palace, Vienna.
Bomb Thrower Admits He Oct Explo
sive and Revolvers Prom Major la
the Pan-Btrvlan Union.
(United Press leased Wire.)
Vienna, July 3. Emperor Francis
Joseph was reported alarmingly weak
today, hut be visited the chapel, where
the bodies of Archduke Francis Ferdl-
nand and his wife, the Duchess of
Hohenherg, lay In state in the Hofburg
palace. It was cleared just before his
arrival of all but the priests and
guards, " '
fm The popular opinion was that Rus
sian and Servian Intriguing certainly
was responsible for the assassination.
Fresh demonstrations against resi
dents here of both nationalities oc-J
curred last night, and today tne Rus
sian embassy and the Servian legation
were heavily guarded.
Body la Glided Casket. '
The dead archduke's body lay in a
magnificent gilded' casket; his wife In
one of silver gray. The husband's
was elevated a step above his wife's.
They were guarded by officers, of
crack regiments- and by: representa
tives of every noble Austrian bouse.
Outside bells tolled solemnly. The
streets were packed with people watch
ing the notabilities arrive at the
chapel, enter, emerge and drive away
Though the "bodies will be sent to
Armstetten tonight. , a state funeral
will be held here tomorrow. It was
thought unlikely that the emperor
would appear. -
Fan-Servian Union Selped.
. There seemed "every prospect that
Austro-Servian relations would be fur
ther 'embittered by the confession of
NadelJo Cabrinovltch, who tried to kill
the archduke with a bomb, that he -got
his explosive from Major Lilian- Prl
bitchovitch of the Pan-Servian union;
that the major' also armed Gayrio
Prlhzip, who made the successful as
sassination attempt, and that the of
ficer referred to got both-bombs and
pistols from the- Servian arsenal at
Kraguyevata.- t
It was expected that Prinzip. who
was saia to tie weakening under cross
examination, would confess, too. Ac
cording to cabrinovitch's account, he
and Prlnzlp were cooperating.
Future Steps Menacing.
It was considered a foregone conclu
sion that Austria would demand that
the Servian government explain how
the assassins came- to be armed from
the Kraguyevatz arsenal, and if it
should repudiate f responsibility for
this as a mere theft which it was un
abl to prevent, that Major Pribitcho
vltch" punishment would be insisted
on. v ,
It was agreed, however, that an at
tempt by the Belgrade government to
comply with such demands probably
would mean Its overthrow.. ,'. The gen
eral belief was that it would refuse
them, depending on Russia for protec
tion. - The outlook was regarded as full of
possibility of trouble.
Daily River Readings.
Umatilla .
Albany ..
Salem . . . .
Portland ..
River Forecast,
' The Willamette rlyer ' at Portland wfll fall
siowiy ior tne next toree or lour days.
precedes TJnale Sam's boys consists
breed and driven by soldier "skinners,"
who know how to "gee" and' "haw"
appropriately, are loaded: with tents
and rations for the march and en
campment at Gearhart while the 450
Officers and men of the Twenty-first
infantry are traveling In light march
ing equipment, knapsack's, guns, can
teens and cartridge belts.
' 2 "5
. 24 4.9 0.4 O
...V ,. 25 14.2 03 i
,..,....4 20 1.70.1 0
...........120 e:ei o
i. ' 87 2.3 0 4 0
I la I1Z.TI fl.21 - t
Wife John. I wish you were lik4
George Washington. i
f Husband No doubt! With the li
Insurance I'm cflfrying!
Another Test of - :
Coal Trom Alaska
""-:;r' ::.: : ; ; ' , .: j:''
Chance That Bering Blver Product
May Tet Be 'Pound to Be of Barries
by Vary. . - t
(Washlnfroa Bureau1 of The Journal.)
"Washington, July S. Undoubtedly
there was much surprise and also dis
appointment s over the adverse report
made on Alaskan coal, but according to
the Army.and Navy Register there "is
still hope that the Bering river coal
will be more fully Investigated. - An
official report refers to the proposed
construction of the government Alaska
railway, and It says , that as soon as
possible coal from the Bering river
fields should be tested in cargo lots
from various seams.
Meanwhile a lot of Matanuska coal
is being shipped to Seattle,! and It Is
expected that the United States steam
ship Maryland will use some of this
coal In a comparative test, but without
much hope that It will be more .suc
cessful than the former test of Bering
river coal, .which promised so well but
failed because of excessive cllnkenng.
Parish Bequeathed
. Residue of Estate
8. Lawrence Church to Have All Ex
cept About 93000 of -ate "William
Short's Property- :
St. .Lawrence parish; will profit to
an unknown extent by the will of
James Short, who died; June! 28, which
was filed for probate to'day.; -The res
idue of the estate, after bequests of
about $3000, is left to the ! parish to
assist In the erection of a new church.
The value of the estate Is not given.
The same parish will also receive 250
for masses for Mr. Short. !
To Mrs. Eliza Twichell, j who has
lived In his house for 10 years, he left
$100, and. like amounts were left to
each of her two daughters. Mrs.
Frances M. Snyder, his nurse, was left
$200 and the use of his home at 703
Fourth street for six months without
rent. For the care of his burial plot
$1000 was left In trust, flalf-brothers
In Scotland and Ireland were left $600
each, and" small bequests made to oth
er relatives.
Brooke and Beck -Demurdn
Libel Suit
Capitalists Indicted by Ketohnm Jury
Bay Indictment Faultily Brawn, Also
Eviaeno. Insufficient. ' j
Demurrers were filed by (Attorneys
Malarkey, Seabrooke & Dibble in be
half of J. ,C. Beck and Thomas Scott
Brooke to th five Indictments brought
by the grand jury of which T. A.
Ketchum was foreman; charging them
with Ty. - A. - Linthlcum. E. Henry
Wemme and . E. T. Ames, wlt5i libel.
The demurrers contend that the In
dictments are faulty and are not drawn
'according to law and that the evidence
on which they were based is insuffi
cient, - ' -
The charges grew out of the activity
of the men. indicted in thai campaign
to prevent George F, Heusner f torn
securing a franchise on Broadway for
an lnterdrban electric line, i Heusner
Is plaintiff in a $100,000 damage suit
against some of .those indicted grow
ing out of the same incident
F6ur School Girls .
Still at Liberty
Escaped Trom Industrial Institution
Xast xrtght and Officers Throughout
. Talley on &ookont for Them.
Salem, Or July 3. The four girls
who escaped from tho Stats Girls' In
dus trial school iast evening were still
at liberty today noon, although the po
lice in . practically. .all the Willamette
valley towns have been requested, to
be- on the lookout for' them, r The girls
had the liberty of the yard at the state
Institution : and quietly slipped away
about 7 o'clock last night. ; They1 are
RJnda Fisher and Opal Lattin, com
mitted from Eugene; Catherine DeOr
say, committed from McMlnnvllle, and
Ethel Smitn, committed from Portland.
o 11 muleomobiles.
Lieutenant Colonel Morrison is In
command of the troops on the march.
Quartermaster Captain Bugbee being
in charge of ths wagon train, with
Majors Wilson Chase and Kalph Van
Deman at the . heads of the two bat
talions of hikers.
The soldiers will reach Gearhart
July 12. . . .
Gerald Where are the oysters la
w.SIvI.t .,..:- :
law un lii.
urned oa account of lack of quorum.
Happenings of . Human Interest Occurring Throughout' tho World
After Yesterday's Issue Went to Press. j
Foreign. -A
Tlen-Tsln, Chins, report says that
ISO Chinese looters who were captured
and disarmed after they had mutinied
and burned a city, were executed, al
though they bad been promised their
Four thousand cases of ammunition
and 8000 cases of rifles were landed at
Dublin. Ireland, for the Irish National
voters, who succeeded In catching the
police off their guard.
Two soldiers- were killed and others
were Injured when lightning struck
a tent at Bourgea department of Cher,
France, In a storm which broke the
heat wave which had prevailed for a
number of days.
President Wilson has been asked to
look into the strike situation In Ca-
nanea Consolidated Copper company,
where 2500 -miners are said to have
gone out.
American Consul C L. Montague at
Cananea was surrounded by angered
strikers, who tried to prevent the de
parture of the superintendent of the
mine where men are on strike.
The house granted a leave of ab
sence to Thompson of Oklahoma, who
frankly explained that he wanted to
attend to his campaign fight at home.
The stock excuses of "Illness" and
"Important business" were the custo
mary-explanations, and the congress
man's frankness aroused his col
The Washington administration Is
about to undertake to enter into nego
tiations with Russia for a new treaty
with Russia to take the place of the
one abrogated about a year and' a half
The senate committee on banking
and currency requested Thomas B.
Jones, one ot President Wilson's ap
pointees to the feaerai reserve ooara.
to appear before it and explain, his
connection with the Harvester trust be
fore confirming him.
Voting 80 to 66, the house instructed
Its conferees on the legislative appro
priation bill to ; insist that senators
traveling to and' from the capital be
limited to an allowance of 5 cents per
mile and that actual traveling ex
penses be granted to representatives.
Representative Britten of Illinois
urged the house to adopt his bill pro
hibiting government " officials lectur
ing for pay. He compared Secretary
of State Bryan and others with "Imi
tation performers," asserting they were
in the same class ss Gaby Deslys and
Evelyn Thaw.
Pacific Coast.
Teachers of English In the schools
of California resent the attacks made
on them by fellow, pedagogues, assert-
ting that the use of -poor English by
students Is not -wholly due -to -the
Mrs. Adah L-ong-Vlncent-Kittridge,
daughter of James Long, millionaire
syrup manufacturer, who created a
Today's Happenings with the Builders, Architects, Contractors and
' Realty Brokers. f
Irrington Home Deal.
The Van "Waters residence property.
located on East Twenty-fifth street,
between Thompson and Brazee. Irving-
ton, has been sold to Mrs. Alice Sheehy
for' $7500. The property is described
as lots jo ana in, diock s, is razes
street addition, and was deeded by
Mrs. Maud O. Van Waters.
City View Park Sale.
Ellis N. Davis has sold to J. H.
Stacey a house and lot on Maiden
street near East Thirteenth, in City
View Park. . Consideration $4090.
4 Sale in Southeast , Section.
Archie B. Carpenter has.' purchased
from ' L. la. Barker a parcel of residence
property on East Thirty-third street,,
near Gladstone avenue, in. Kemiwortn,
paying $1950 for it.
C. S. Rea Boys in Taborside.
. The south half of lots 10 and 11, In
block 6, Taborside, the (property be
ing located at the southwest corner
of East Main and East Seventy-fifth
street, has been sold by M. E. Steel
to & S. Bea for $2200.
'Umatilla Avenue Deal.
Lot 15, block 38 Sellwoo'd; . located
on Umatilla" avenue, Tvear East Ninth
street, was purchased by John Rader
from Llnaa lop nam, .consiaeratior
$2200. -, . -'- . ,' .
Federal Building Plans at Medford.
'pfans and specifications for Med
ford' a new federal postoffice and
courthouse will be ready for distribu
tion to contractors July.g. The struc
ture, according to the announcement
from the supervising architect's .office,
Is to be a three story and basement
building, with exterior walls of stone
ornamented with terra cotta and brick.
The ground floor., in which the post
off ics is to be located, is to be of fire
proof construction. f . , ,
Dwelling Built, on East Sherman.
Contractors " McCrum and Ryckmaa
obtained a. building permit' yesterday
for a two story frame dwelling to be
erected -: on East Twenty-second and
Sherman streets. The house Is being
built for Mrs. Louise Oliverlo at a
cost of $1700. k
: . SS 0 ' .
Building Permits. -
Oeorae Pethw, efect one story frame Awell
lntr. EUhty -fifth street, between- Esst Taj lot
and East Ralmonf builder, aame; $150. - .
- Oeorae' B. Moore, erect one and one' bait
Story frame dwelling, Fifty-elftbth street,
tween Forty -aTenttt . and gortr-elghth as
BOm; balMor.' C. 8. Miller; $1400.
Thomaa Bueftenmn-ner, repair eoe story tan
nerr. Tajlor Ferry Boad, corner Boulerara;
bttiiaer. 1. Green; $40.
Ore iron Holiness association, repair ' one
BtorT frame storehouse. Wooden, between Rer-
1 moor and Wilson; builder, 2 Barry Oonrtney;
r iu ; -. ...... .. -
EUsabeth Feraruson, repair two- storr- frame
apartments. ' East Hancock, corner EleTeata;
bolide, same; $2000..
K. Williams, repair two story-frame room
ing bona. North Fourths between Tayls aad
ET-rett; builder. T. Nakayama: $30.
- Frank Mnenster, erect one etory frame dwell,
inar. Fiftieth arenne. between -Flftr-eiabtb aad
Sixtieth streera; bnildtr, W. C Nelson; $2SO.
Beasis H. Mann, mere - two story frame
Doctor L ow thoughtless I'm get-
ting, i gave m. ridgttts a
. m ... i
EXtwodaysl .
sensation when she married Albert E.
Kittridge, who . was a laborer, was
granted - a dlvorc In Saa Francisco.
She did not ask for alimony.
Errors In the San Francisco directory
have aroused some housewives.-who
did not find their names in .the accus
tomed columns. Governor Johnson,
who is married, is among those cred
ited with being a bachelor.
Rear Admiral Charles P. Bond has
been named chairman of tho board of
survey which will put the battleship
Oregon In shape to lead the naval pro
cession through the Panama canal. The?
Oregon-has been laid up several years.
Board will meet at Puget sound navy
yard July t. '
Dashing flour on her clothes whicn
had been set off fire by explosion of
gasoline used In cleaning. Miss Mary
Baumgartner of Twin Falls, Idaho, ex
tinguished the flames. She was pain
fully burned.
On the grounds that the woman was
already married, the marriage of J. W.
Schorer, a pspminent Centralis, Wash.,
resident, to Rose Schorer was annulled
by Judge Rice. The wife charged that
she was deceived as to the Washing
ton laws by her husband, and turned
out of the house by him afterward.
Despite the fact that he said he
would go to Jail first. Mayor Fawcett
of Tacoma altered his ' position and
signed $80,000 in salary warrants In
the trouble because of the reductions
made by the city ordinance.
A $50,000 libel suit against R.
Crothers, publisher of the San Fran
cisco Bulletin; J. Dill Pickering and
John L. Davis, the Bulletin's Sacra
mento correspondent, was Instituted at
Sacramento by R. A. Wilson of Au
burn, a clerk in the office of Assistant
Engineer A. J. Barclay of the Southern
Magazine buildings on' Mare Island,
CaL, containing thousands of pounds
of explosives were endangered oy a
grass fire which swept the reservation,
Sailors, marines and employes on -tne
island fought the flames desperately
until it was subdued, which was not
until 20 acres had been burned over.
. Jay Kirke of the Cleveland American
baseball association has left Cleveland
for Detroit to play first base for the
Tigers. He was formerly with the
Boston Nationals.
The flying boat America, built by
Hodman Wanamaker for flight across
the Atlantic ocean, made an ascent
with seven passengers, the total weight
carried being E00O pounds. The craft
was piloted by Olen Curtiss, the vet
eran aviator. '
The Chicago polios were seeking Mrs.
Bessie McKeehan, wife of B. I. Mc
KTeehan, a wealthy stockman of -Imperial,
CaL' On June 24, Mrs. Mc
Keehan mailed a postal to her hus
band telling of her safe arrival here.
Then she disappeared. Mrs. McKeehan
had $1000 in- cash and 9500 worth of
dwelling. Harrison street, between Broadway
and Park; mover, Thomas Mans; $1200. .
J. i. Anderson, repair three storr frame
rooming; hooae, Corbett and Bancroft; builder,
same; $100.
Wakefield Pries Co.. repair three story
frame stores and rooming house. North Third,
between Everett and Flanders; builder, V. 11.
Brandes; $20.
T: McCarthy, erect foundation, Flftr-thlrH.
between Thompaoa and Braaee; builder, T.
McCarthy; $100.
D. H. Thompson Estate, repair one story
brick ordinary store. Alder, between Eleventh
and Twelfth: builder, H. D. Jones; $100.
Carl Wagner and Mrs. L. E. Wafner, re
pair one story frame dwelling. East Twenty
eighth, between Wygant and Going; balkier,
seme; $76.
John Aspinwan, wrack one story tram
dwelling, Overton, between Nineteenth and
Twentieth; wrecker, not knows; $50.
b. a. ennren, repair one story rrame store,
room,' Front, - between Montgomery and. Har
rison; builder, H. Krneger; $25.
M. Fallay. repair three story frame build
ing, Davis, between Fourth ana Third; build
er, B. Mori; $100.
Wakefield Fries Co., repair one story stores.
Front, between Salmon and Taylor; ballder,
F. H. Brandes: $40.
Loggers' aad Contractors' Machinery . Co.,
erect one atory frame grarsgeV southwest cor
ner Eleventh and Bra see; builder. It. J.
Lewis; $f30.
Mead Estate, repair four story warehouse.
Front, between Morrison and Yamhill; builder.
Elevator Snpply A Repair Co.; $150O.
C. A.- Malarkey, erect gasoline - filling sta
tion, Broadway and Ankeny; builder, John A.
Walter; $340.
H. P. Whitman, erect gasoline filling sta
tion, Eaat Eleventh, between Grant and. Sher
man; builder, John A. Walter; $300. , .
Real Estate Transfers.
Lin a Tonhara and hnsband to John
Bader et al ot 15, blor-k 38, gellwood .
tent iaaaiamad to Charles Tooman
et al) $ 2.200
la O. Parker ana wire to suss n. sonie
eaat 42 feet of lot 6. block 6. Hors
ing's addition , 10
Archie C. Waida and wlf to John
O'Marier. lot 7. block 26. Sell wood.. 1.150
at. N. ubid nna wire to tunra ti.
Mills et al, lot'18. block 23. Elbert a
John O. Lee and wife to Samuel L.
Belden et el. west half of lot 2.
block sr. wooastoes
WHHara N. Northroo to Harry Tanck
wlch. lot 1 tract "B," Northrop acrca
as8ianed to Charles Wbltmer. axent
Florence Wangeman and husband to
Martha Kennedy et aL lots 5 and 6.
block 4. Bralnard
The Joseph A. Rtrowbridge Estate com
pany to Fletcher V. B.- Cheeahro,
loU 23- and 24. block 8, Errol HeljcbU
MeU E. Rteele and wife to' C. 8. Rea
Skin Peeling Nature'
Aid to New Complexion
Ordinary mercoUred was Is a natural bean
tlfler. By flecking off the devitalised sar.
face skin, it merely hastens Batnre's work
The second skin layer, brought gradually to
view, exhibits the healthy, youthful color pro.
oucea oy capuiary circulation, xnut becanae
the capillaries are thus bronght naarer the
snrface; alaa..becanse the new akin is 1
oiled by sun. wind or dirt, . This wax. to
be had at any drag store an anee win del.
Is pat on nightly like cold cream, washed off
mornings with, warm water. Its work nasally
Is completed In from seven, te. tea days, long
enough not to show too marked results from
day to day. ar chose discomfort or detention
indoors. . ,.r . y ---f;'. - : --
. '- A face bath to remove .wrinkles, snade y
dlsaolvlnc an eanee of powdered sazollte la s
half pint witch basel. Is snochar. satsral bean
tlfler, since its astringent aad too la properties
smooth oot wrlaklss ta accordaace vrtrh - Na
ture's own process. , (Adv.)
Harold Longstopper-I did nt knosv ugbteri should hava s. Waits
tt was so late. Are yov sura that clock wedding and you earned do
toav"lfia aw ftt.iif. mor than you do mow. I wouldat
A Voios From the Stairs It s going . thing at to wear! - - -a
lot taster than you are. - U4 w - -
et al sooth halt lots, IS and 11. slock -
6. Taborside 2.200
Hand O. Van Waters and husband U
Alloa Sheeny, lots 13 and 16, block 3.
Brasee Street addition ........... .. 7.800
West Side Lumber it fiuKiarle company
to ncanainaTiaD American Dans, lot
8. block 80. LaarallMrst.;.. 10
Wilbur M. Cook end wife to Edison U. v
Cook, lot IS. block 14. Woodstock... fSO
C. D. Halbert to Ethel Ro- Hnlbert.
, lot rz, block a Willamette -ueisnta -addition
Bthel North and.hwband to Mrs. Kra
Andross. north 0 raet oc lot s. apes
12. Lincoln Park, annea " 10
Allan Johnson to Western Land 4c Mort-
company, lot- 3. block 7. curiora
addition 2
Kllen Henderson to Margaret Lawson. .'
east halt of lot 1 ana norm zo iee?
ast half of lot 2. block 22. UcMU
lan'a aadlMon .r.. 10
UkilM PtrAa mnA bnahatul 1a A nnta
V. Beniltt, lot 1Z, diock r. lamer iv
C. M. Orlawold end wife to Carl 1.
VTanrl mt al lot IS- htaek S- Or . -.
chart! Homea addition 830
John Worsowskr to J- J. Order t U.
flan 10
Jennie . gwltser and hnsband to
ueorce Bcblegel et al. soot a nan or
-lot "J" Waahington addition
Carrie) E. ' Voaburs and hnsband to
Imla fiiliM. kit 11 falork IS. Lincoln
Park annex , 10
Bella J. r 11 wood et al tTW. B. Ma-
kmt.. Utlm IS alut IS. MAck.A Kir-
fleld addition .430
Northwestern Trust Co. to Thomas I.
Tlnnblna Int . 2A nlorlc 14 Norwalh
Belshts 10
T.npalknMt mmntn. a f.1111 R. Ola-ar.
lot S. block 63. LSnrelhnrst aaeot... 750
Cenunerce Truat k. garlBg" bank to
Anna fl YlrwIlinA felt- IX lad 14.
block 26. Kaat St. Johns 10
r. J. GattreU te R. K- GUtaer at al. '
nndlrid-4 two thirds' Interest In lota
7 and S. block 11. Capltan addition
J. T. Lynda and wife to Bessie D.
Mnenster. 08xl4S feat bestaalns
445.72 feet west of point on west
side of Maxwell avenue, 1218 feet
sooth of center ot county road a ad
Afi 1 tmm mroat nt MTUT nf imHou
T. 8. 17 and 18 10
Ra..l n MnMuIrr et al to J. T. Lradl
lot 14. block 1. Myrtle Park 1 W
Albert H. Kalk Jr. and wife to Henry
. M Hurrta Intm O anil 10. block 10-
East Portland HelfiUts ,.. 10
Kllia in. Dt1k et al to Jennie H.
SMcy. Int 6, block 6. City Viaw Park 4,000
Ullle U. Marker ana bosoana to arcnie
11. Carpenter, lot 0. block 16, Keall-
. worth
Portland Car Second
in Inter-City Race
8. T. Brock, la Wright Special, t-ed
Until Year Bad of Baes, When Par.
sons, la Fran, rorged Ahead. ..
Speedway, Tacoma, Wash.. July t.
A Portland entry. S. F. Brock. In a
Wright ' special, lost the IntetClty
100 mile race at Tacoma today by less
than five minutes, being beaten by
Jim Parsons, of Seattle, In a Franx
special, averaging 73. $2- miles per
hour, beating the new track record
made last year by T.49 minutes.
Brock and Parsons will be seen at
the Rose City Speedway next Saturday
and Sunday. The former track record.
made by Earl Cooper in a Stutx, "was
11.7 miles per hour, and was med-s
last year. ' . -
Latta, piloting a Loster, cam tn
third. Parsons was' three laps ahead
of the field when he crossed tlfe finish
line. Brock led until near the end of
the race, when Parsons forged ahead.
The Inter-City race was for casn
prizes aggregating, $1500, and was con
fined to cars entered from cities tn
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana
and British Columbia,
This afternoon the Golden Potlatch
race, 200 miles, and carrying ' cash
prizes of 13500, is the feature. There
are 19 entries for this event.
Old West Revived
at Klainath Falls
City Is Thronged With Tlsitors to Taks
la Bights of Bigs' Third Annual
Bodeo radians Are Teature. '
Klamath Falls, Ojt.. July t. Klamath
Is reverting to the "eighties" today,
and on every - hand the gaily capari
soned cow-puncher and, his girl from
the range ara to be seen. All parts of
the west are represented In the entries
for the third annual Elks Rodeo, which
operied today, and some winners of
many , championships elsewhere are
here to try for the. money In the buck
ing, bulldogglng . and other competi
tions. There are upward of 2500 visi
tors In Klamath Falls today, and many
more - are expected tonigbt and to
morrow. A special train ox Jdedf oru
Elks arrives tomorrow.
A parade In which ZOO mounted eow-
boys and cowgirls, Indians, two bands,
scores of decorated floats and autos
participated, opened the - Rodeo. Ow
ing to delay In getting their horses
shipped the Warm Spring Indians
were unable to reach here, bur there
are hundreds of Kiamains and mooocs
here for the. show. . - ;
A special police force . has been ap
pointed to maintain order. A medical
corps has been organised ror emerg
ency work at the Rodeo grounds.
County WillOheck
Free Ticket Abuse
Streetcar Tickets for Us of Batployss,
. Personally, . When on Official Busi
ness, Say Commissioners.
Orders were given , by the county
commissioners this morning that all
books of streetcar tickets used by
county employes Jn.any way not in ac
cordance with rules of -the company un
der which the tickets are sold shall be
taken up by conductors of the company
at the time. This order followed -a
comslaint by the company yesterday
that a county employe paid for fares
with his book, three of the persons with
him being women. The books are given
at reduced rates and are for use by
the employes holding them alone when
on official business. County Agent Bul
ger la investigating the complaint.
;' r BlUTied at Albany, :
. Albany. Or., July t. Fred E. Smith,
a cement worker, of Portland, and Miss
Kitty Perdue, of Mill City, were United
in marriage here yesterday. The cere.
mony was performed by Rev. fx H.
Ieech. at the Methodist parsonage, la
the presence ot a few. friends, who ac
companied the couple. After brief
honeymoon, Mr.- and Mrs. Smith will
1 make their home in Aberdeen, Wash.
Mr. Newlywed Why ara yott ry.
tng. pet? ' . -
. Mrs. Newlywed Oh,' Dick, I was
thinking, suppose baby should grow
ua. W Sfe VkA Aflst - stlf - aSIa
Plans to Prevent ;
Shortage of Gars-
i i
State BaUroad Commission rrepsriaa -
tov Issue Aulas and Suggeatieas for
Shippers, Coaslgaews aad Companies.
Salem. Or Julr l.Tn view f the --"
threatened car shortage la handling,
the big crops soon to be harvested, the -state
railroad commission is preparing,,
to ' issue rules and suggestions - for
shippers, consignees and railroad Com-. . .
panies, urgM all of them to cooperate
in keeping the car shortsse down as
much as possible. .-
Similar rules .and suggestions were ;
issued by the commission last year and 4,
had a beneficial effect. The commit-.
slon will urge shipper to be more ape- -
cine in their orders for cars, aad to
load cars promptly and to their full '
capacity. They will b urged not to ,
nse cars for storage but to unload
them as quickly as possible.
The railroad companies will be called
on to keep the cars moving as prompt
ly as possible. .
Telephone Hearing Set. '
Salem, Or., July S. The application
of the Pacific Telephone A Telegraph
company to close Its public station at --'
Sweet Home has been set for hearing
by the railroad commission at Lebanon
on July 10. ;
Motor Fees Increase.
Salem. Or July S. -Fees for motor -vehicle
registrations and chauffeurs '.
for the first half of thU year amount-'
ed to $69,110.50, according to figures
given out by Secretary of State CM-
oott. This is an increase or $12,237.50
over the amount of teen received by -,
the automobile department for the en.
tire year of 1513. The fees for last'
yeur were $56,873. -
Militarism, Disease,
Declares Dr. Green
Ttoe President of America a 2navoe Ce- -cdety
ta I tare Urges
United States to Zead for' Paaoa.
Salem, Or., July t. "The kindest'
thing we can say to excus ourselves
Is to admit that militarism is a dls
ease, an economic pestilence, life sap
ping, reason destroying, - lrratlotiaLv"
declared Dr. Thomas K. Green, vice ,
president of the American Peace so
ciety. In a lecture at tho Salem Chae
tauqua on the so be Jet, "The Bur
den of the Nations." He said the ,
United States was the only country
so situated that it could take the lead
In a world wide movement for peace, '
and he urged all Americans to get x
hind such a movement.
; Big Tie Drive Is Xrar.
Woodland. Wash.. July 2. All tho ;
mills and logging . camps 00- 1-ewls
river closed down Tuesday night te
allow the operatives to reach thelf
homes In time for 'the Fourth and snjv- v
eral automobiles left here early this
morning -to bring down the men from
the Harvey mill at Etna ana the Iu.
boisLiomber company t-Ariel, The
men In the camps up the river near
Yale c Cresap s ferry, will go out via
Tacolt. Rumor has it that -all the -
camps are to-remain closed until Sep
tember li but this has not been con
firmed.' .
Ths big log drive or the ' Ir wis .
River Boom company I Is nearly to .
Woodland, and it Is not yet rertstlu
whether they wilt cease operations for
more than' the 4th and 6th or not. ss ;
the river is getting low and they are
In a rnsh to get the drive Into th-tr
boom at the mouth of the riv-r. Art
other tie drive is also nearly down to '
Woodland. ,
Washoaral Wttl Crlfbnu.
Wsshougsl. Wash., July 3. Was- -
hougal will celebrate the Fourth of.
July with a complete program lor day
and evening. Including band music
oration, baseball aad other sports f nd .
amusements, concluding with a dance.-'.
Started With Pimples. Would Break
and Spread. Covered Limb From
Hip ; to Ankle. . Used Cuticura , '
Soap and Ointment, Entirely"
Well Without a Scar. . . '
Oxford, Mont-"My salt rbenm starts
with Uttie white pimples. - When I scratched vv
they would burn aad itch and later oa they "
would fiUjip, break and spread and get red "
aU around. It same on ny thigh. When-
the plmplot broke Just enough fluid ran cm
to form scales. : It seomed to eolargs the
sores and ,thry fdt like) saw-teeth when '!
my ciothioK rubbed over tbetn. I under- '-:
went a treatment for Quits a while but I got t
no reUaf. Ia fact I got worse I was getting ''
so that It troubled ras; very much, as It '
got so I hated to move my limb for fejr to ' -crack
open the sores which covered my left
limb from my hip to my ankle. The sores v
were from the sUe of a pea to ths size of a
silver dollar. ' . - -
:. "I turned to the advrrtlsrmeots fa ths -papers
and Cutlcura Soap and Ointment- ,
took say eye, So I got a cake of Cudcura
Soap and a bos of Cutleura Ointment. The .
very first treatment gave me ease and from I
then on with every treatment 1 could see
a change. Four weeks from the time t I.
started with the Cutlcura Soap and OlnU l.
meet I was entirely well without a scar.'.
(Signed) F.ULaytoa, Apr. t 1814.
Samples Free by Mall .
For treating poor complexions, red, rough
hands, and dry. thin aad falling hair. Cutl- 1
ths world's favorites for more than a gen- 1
era tlon. Sold everywhere. Liberal sample of ',1
each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Boole Ad- ;
dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T. Boston..