i r. THE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND THURSDAY EVENING. JULY 2. 1914. 15 BATTLESHIP BEARING BODIES OF DUKE AND HIS WIFE-AT TRIESTE Children Scatter Flowers in the Street as Sailors Guard March to R," R. Station, AUCTIONS CODIES SENT TO VIENNA Violent' Expressions Heard Aralnat ... Srrla; folic Bad Difficulty -la Suppressing Outbreak. AUCTION rsrxKB btock or ' , Square Deal Furniture Store will be sold at auction to the highest bidder, beginning Tomorrow, 2 P.M. and continued every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 2 P. M. ATJCTXOIT OH PSEMXSSS, 833 FKOBTT ST. NEW TODAY (United Pmi' I,essed Wire.) Trieste. July 2. The Austrian bat- tlealifn Vlribn Uhltis- arrived here i today bearing the bodies of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and Mb wife, as sassinated Sunday at S-raJevo. Bosnia. From the ship tney were taken In solemn procession to the railroadlsta- At.- . 1 L. I f ... VUtinu A narftf of Bluejackeis acted as an escort and behind the caskets marched the members Tf- the artfhduke's personal suite and the local officials and dig nitaries. Children scattered flowers in the streets ahead of- the procelon, and all along- the rout on either side stood priests holding lighted candles In their hands and pronouncing bene diction on the corpses as they -passed. The thoroughfares were packed. In the crowds the most violent expres sions against the Servians were heard nd after the funeral train had left f the police had much difficulty In pre senting an attacK on most, hyius Iters. MORTGAGE LOANS On impro-ed city property. We also deal In Corporation and Municipal Bonds. ' xossBTsoir ft xrwzvo, 807-8 Horthwertern Bank - Hag. BERTHS (Continued.) UITE1-L-Ti Mr. and Ur. Chss. L. Lovell. Powell Valley and E. - 3stn street, - Jane IS. Anngbtrr. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 At.BIN in thl city July 1, Acnes Vad nais Albin. afied 80 years, wife of A. M. Albln, of 4M Kant fifty-first street, north, and mother of Milton and Aana Marie Albin, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Vadnala, and., la ter of Carolyn? V. Crawford, Elisabeth Vfe Kern, Annie Hockinsoo, "William P. Vadnala, L. O. Varfaals. E. Tadnals. W. Vadnala and the late Charles Vadnala. The funeral serv ices will be held ti1 t Jnlv 8. at :30 o'clock a. m., aQt. Bos. church, corner East Fifty- loaitli ana Aiameaa arave. rnenas wtiwu, Intenmrat, at Row' City cemetery. FOR BALE HOUSES ( Continued.) 61 SEMSTlRil HOME- FOR SALE HOUSES jtOontitte4.) 61 FOB 8ALE FAllxMS 17 BUY from owner, new modern room bungalow, sleeping porch, fireplace wall buffet, , veneer paneled dining room, hardwood floors, built-in re frigerator, light fixtures and shades, tile bathroom, full cement basement, beautiful view.' If you want a swell home at ' a .bargain! sea owner at 182 15 Miles From Portland 23 acres H mile from German Luth eran church and school, 2 miles from electric car, 16 acres clear, oaiance pasture, 44 acre beaverdam, new house and barn, fine soli, on county road, good well and pump, creek, the ' land HAHN The funeral of Mrs. Helena M. Haha, beloved mother ef Elizabeth and Peter Hann, of tola city, and Bev. Nicholas P. liahn. of Twin Falls. Idaho, will leave the residence. BOO Mllwaakle street, tomorrow, July 8, at a. 'in., thence to Sacred Heart cbarch. East Eleventh and Centre, where serv 4cea will be held at 9:30 a. m. Interment at Mt. Catalry cemetery. Friends kindly invited. WHAIiFlKLD In this city July 1 at her late residence, 35 East Seventy-eighth street, north, Gertrude M. Wharfleld, aged 83 years. wire of Arthur A. vvnarrteio; motner oi vor othy M., and Marjory Whasfleld, and sister of F. L. Howard. The funeral services will be held Friday, July 8, at 2:30 p. ni.. at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. . Friends Invited. Interment at Mt. Bcott Park cemetery. r JAS. E. APPLEBY i . I 378 OAK ST. Astoria - Havel -Warrenton "The Towns to Tie to." X.OTS ASTD ACUEAGB. Jr SERVIANS PREPARE TO SEEK RUSSIA'S AID IF IT IS NEEDED 100 TEXT rsOXTTAax: on Madison street, suitable for apartment or flat building;, near Multnomah Athletic club. Price $6000. M-664. Journal. 4'TIVATS. close in on Madison street. west side. Income (1140 per annum. MrtiQw 9(ouv. xerms. l-zi. journal. Ttalaraila .Tulv, 5 TCvSr sine the ? 0. I -. . . . . .. I TI.H..I. T. 1 1 1 oervian luaini, uuvnu x-riiizip, kuu Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Aus- 1 trla and his wife at Serajevo, Bosnia, 9 last Sunday, the government here I has been keeping the wires hot with s messages to St. Petersburg with a ,i view to. learning Just what support 7f Vf V J , 1 1 1 CA()n.L . i win . U " tne-event of an Austrian attempt to L Inflict punishment for- an act which It Is chartfea In Vienna was inspirea from Belgrade. Though -official confirmation was Jacking, the report was generally credited that Austria has demanded the arrest and puniohment by Servla of the persons here said to have been Involved In' the asaasslnatlon con sntracy. At the same time that the Servians quite openly rejolee at the archdukes removal, they Ditteriy re sent, as a national lneult, the.lmpll cation that an exteni.ve plot to kill torn was hatched In their capital. Not Only was Francis Ferdinand ratea ior jiavins mauouvctou uioauo- trlan annexation of the strongly Ser J; lan provinces of Bosnia and 'Herze ji Kovlna, which Servla thought it should t. have had when they passed from Tur key's control, but he was also blamed for havlnjr prevented the Servians from getting their fair share of ter- J ntory from the recent Balkan war nd suspected of having designs I against the rest of their country as 1 u1t . ! News of his fteath was received fjiere with outspioken- rejoicing and iTtnzlp's act wait generally regarded not as a crime, but as a deed of high patriotism. Whether any definite - assurances Jiave been received from St. Peters burg could not be learned but ' It was the ' general belief that - the czar would not allow Servia to be crushed by the Austrlans and the war spirit filled, the atmosphere, . Want Ad Rates In effect Oct.. 1. 1913. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED CHARGED ADVERTISEMENT Oelly or Sunday. JH-easts per word ner insertloa. This charge la for all clasitf Icatlons except. Ing "For Rent In" Private Family," "Room and Board In Private Family." "Situation Want ed" and "Wanted to Rent" ads., which are 1 cents per wora per insertion. No ad charged for less tban 15 cents. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS 1H eenu per word foe all classifications excepting "For Bent In Private Family," "Room and Board in Private Family," "Sit uation Wanted" end "Wanted to Rent" ads.. wnicn are l hi csnia per word. Threa Insertions for tha price of two. 8sTn lnssrtlons for the price of five. Mo ad taken for less than IS cents. BIEETEfQ NOTICES WOOD At her home. 12 East Bventh street. June 10, Mrs. l-ydla Ann Wood, aged BO years, 4 months, 13 dsys. rrtenaa lnviiea to attend funteral services, which will be held at Holman's ifuneraf parlors at 2 p. m., to morrow (Friday), July S. Interment Hose city cemetery LOT 60x100. For sals at a great sacrifice. We must sell this as 1 am leaving city; 8 rooms. - including sleeping porch, extraordinary large living room 16x28, nice den, beautiful dining room with one of the finest buffets that can be built; nifty full cabinet kitchen, toilet wash bowl and medicine chest: 2nd story 3 large well arranged bedrooms with extra large clothes closets with windows -In each, with - lavatory and bath; also medicine chest, clothes chute, full cement basement, cement floor and, laundry trays. If you are in the market for a real noma in irv Royal Court. 1 blocks north of M. V. I Qes Just sloping enough to drain; crop goes wun piace; tnia surety is a Dar rein; J600; good term. Feper & Ba ker -444 Sherlock hMr. car line, Laurelhurst. FOR SALE 1ATT8 16 PORTLAND HEIGHTS T-rn a view lots. Pavlner. sewers and sidewalks all In Prkside addi tion), only bloclc from carline. free and clear of incumbrance.- tlmt I am aroinsr to sell on the best offera de ceived durin next 10 days, either for cash or partial . payments and 6 year TEN acres, free, buy stock and lm mortgage. provements, possession at once, any C. H JACUBS, Kind of terms. J. Downey, blacksmith. 4Z9 j-umoermens ping. i jqavvine. or. 20 Acres Alfalfa Land' tl fare from Portland, level, close to school, station. 800 acres on mar ket. $100 cash. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade bldg. . ACRE tract for 1350. only zo-min-i6o ACRES. 13 acres hops. 10 acre ,i wiJ nr,,i fiiita Ra Tarn I , . , , t , i nn InMM M.r4nr it wrin llrolr nav Toil i ZT..?. l".i.llW,.WU..luuu u, tn aZ rhi " anis is me nest, ivaiae i K". I ciowe in. Woifsteln, Z05 Allsky bldg. IC1 UAOt f V V T As, yTZ e m T. A, Sutherland Tabor 2017. 1 1084 Hawthorne ave. Lee, 623 Corbett bldg. Tl 1059 "East 26th Street North EAST FRONT 80 FT. FROM CAR- VINCBNT-i Kmmn Vincent, S5a ic olst street 8. IS., June z, years, carcinoma of uterus. RANSOM Carson W. Ransom, Gooa Raman- ton Hospital, June z, o years, oroncoo muemonia. iAOK Mrs. See, Good Samaritan Hospital, June 26. "2 years, chronic nephritis. ST AGG & Stella Maria Btaga-s, 825 Knott street, June. 27, 2:i years, tuberculosis. VAN HORN Ida M. Vsn Horn. Good Samart- tan. June 28. 4 years, peritonitis. . BHONG Daniel K. Brong. Portland Banl- tarlumr June as, o j years, sepuc . m rum- bos Is of artery- , . . , BKCKETT L)tHa Beckett, ivon aireei, June 29. 04 : years, old age. ... BHARPLKSB Joseph R. Sbarpless. 101 a. 15th street, June Xi, ot years, apopij. w"OOr Sarah F. Wood, 86 N. 22nd street. Jnn, 20. . 2 rears, ouimonsrr lUDercuuvis. LEE Edwsid J. Lee,-638 Kerby street, June 29, 62 years, carcinoma oi stomacn. PAGUE. Alma h. Pague, 866 Hancock street, inn. oa u vin. tuberculous mentnettls. IRONS Charles W. Irons, 04 E. 50th street north, Jane 27, 83 years; aiaoetes. McCONNfcLL May P. McConnell, 129 ,B. 20th street north. June 37, 18 jeara, val vular, disease of heart. " MAX M. j SMITH, florist, 141 th efc. In Belling bldg. Main 7216. CLARKE HKOS., florists; fine flowers and floral tlestgne. any Mirnwin ei FUXEKAL DIRECTOtta NEW HOME OF J. P. FINLET SOn! 76x100 on the West Slde ideal for a home: the best value in the city for lonly $350; $10 down, $S per month. It win pay you to see tms property. i. E. Le, hzz uomett Dior. WMT SIDE fractional lot 11th and Jackson Bts.. fine view: street im provements in and paid for; an oppor- tnmrv Tor a noma sita ciose iu on mo Iwest side for $1700. Q-917, JonrnaU HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. 320 acres, soma in cron. house 16x24, small barn, team, wagon, wood for fencing and firewood. One mite from town, i-none Main aiss. TIMBER 28 Vi SECTION timber, good stand, well located, $10 per acre; this la Mess LINE. Berrv bushes fruit trees and chick en house; never oocupied, new and SNAP BeautifulTerrace Park, lot 4. than half it- v,.L .Tm. to strictly modern $ room bungalow. Jn block 15, size 60x111.5. W1U give a half value, time on part to aiMDinr rtorcn nuut in eriecta. ex- i i an ritrut to nat ior aau cuo. - " ' ' . cellent nlumblnr. woodllft. paneled I rwner 101B E. 27th N. Alberta car. dining room, Dutch kitchen plate rail. yQR SALE OR TRADE One cornet EXCHANGE HEAL - ESTATE 2 ",uc"' " 'w... " "r"", . I business lot. gooa location; orings rn omsnr wisi n rrs vs nn u bph i nw . , llAbUICO) UCeuilCU CtAAUfA( VCjaiivj I Tfj I Ql xii anea .n wnno esaiuti . " . . t 1nt. " p. .4th ,, invoice souow; coast lan oaa; ine large sieepins porcn can vat t,-". 'a--y " ,,iiin I BOe casn preferred; liberal dlHCOunt used as a breaniast room. HAsy 'ar JV1 tB-V . -" i ror an cash: address 86Haieht ave. xerms. SEE THIS TODAY. 10 TO 5 P. M. 1059 E. 28Trf NORTH. ALBERTA CAR TO 28TH. 60 FT. NORTH Owner East 64665 iUUl WA"B I ... T . - - - ' Owner. 875 P. O. box, iu ikauh clean stock of drygoods, bciiis tuuuBuiiisa a. 11 Li iiu- tlons; Invoice $5000; coast land and some casn p I fv. all a 1. . paid. $300 cash, balance 1 year. Phone Portland. Or. Main 3941. .... ' Wtlin z , ,a good cheap lots see Danlgren ioU ..Tq,.., Grove? 1300 mcH: KAl ItVa-BiaI 7XA. 1 " v Z ' FOR Berkeley, BUSINESS CHANCES . ICoatlBaeA.) 20 EASTERN concern wants manager for Portland; business well established In- some of the large western cities; deals in staple commodities and is per manent;, a good -opportunity lur mo man.' who can qualify aa a first class business manager and can invest some capital - tn equipment. Call In person on Q. B. Louderback, Imperial hotel EASTERN concern wants manager for Portland; business well estaDiutnea In some of the large western cities; iw at.nU j.ATnirrutltia and IB teT- manent; a good opportunity for the man who can qualify as a first class business manager and can invest some capital in equipment. Call In person en tx. B. lyQUaerDacK. imperial nmgt. A RTTSTKTTMSl eh&lica. .We are allot ting territory in Oregon on the Win ona uadiatite aevice. Aawmouue or salesmen are making money seiimg this Hevin. in other carts of the coun try. Call and see tne winona nauiaino device at 27 N. 2d St. C. w. ttenarq, TUlinm ATlat LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRT AT EASTERN RATES. We have dm of thai finest retail Jew. elry stores in the city. A loan depart ment U conducted in connection w Uh same, making business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, Absolutely no sign designating loan buaineaa dlsplayea In iront or our store. Ait iumiuhiuim pledged is held for a peHod of seven months, whether or not interest is paid when due. We are licensed and have been established slnee . No con nection with any otner loan muuium- 124 Washington St. - WlMTF.n in Ideal Who can thin of . some simple thing to patent 1 Prntert vonr liiul. theV may bring you wealth; write for "Needed Inven tions" and "How to Oet Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph A Co., patent attorneys. Washington. U. $225 Restaurant $225 Ruvi d&ndv restaurant and lunch coun -ter, fine location, doing good business; a big snap, some terms, meters, i n. fith et. - IJfiHT arroeerv. confectionery, cigars. aoda fountain, eto,: equipped for lunches; live location; 4 living rooms. Ktnrk alnna will Invoice 3800. Whole price, $300. Snap. 602 Couch bldg. Can't beat it. - , iafdO im-ic for aala.at a. sacrifice, dry goods, notions, chlnaware. eto. Best obDortunity to enter In business in one of the best towns in the atate. Must sell at once. Novelty store, Che halls. Wash. WHEN you answer these Want AOS. mention ine journal. want furniture or small I dress C-86. Journal. house; ad- ACREAGE 57 Beaverdam TEN acres, Wllsonville, all cleared and weii improved, value J3U00. For 1 or 8 acres close In on railroad, with tracK privileges, zbpb, Journal. ONE acre, water, light, good streets. etc. hi mite east city limits, want house, or f usnlture, make offer. Mar' BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. Swell brand new 6 room bungalow. doubly built and finely finished, extra large airy rooms, oak floors, fine flre- 1cm. Inini, --- T Kitf At kilr case, Dutch kitchen, cement front! 20 acres, 13 miles from the center ot . . i . , , i- iii i ... ,l. i t-i a o . a a e ich ! nlftn Kla-h Xrrr,U 'h.twn tti riv.r an,t XTil. I p-rno nun tlMVUdam 10 ft. deOP. the "nail Z016 after 6 p. TCI. waukie avenue; close in and oniy ft i ricnest iana in me wuna. ju aj exenauge equity in iota towarc block from car; actually worth $3250. the fence, adjoining property produced small modern bungalow. T-120, Our price for a few days, $2750. Small 1 onions wnicn nrougni in a rtwa , i journal. cash payment down and $15 per mo. 1 $1160 per acre last season, aojouuus i lots cuy ims ana pay rent to yourseii. i are tne Desi umwn puu ." GRIISSI & BOLDS. sis nna,i Af rAm 1 ion .vor, -rrrB r Main ,7462. A-4401. slashed and seeded to clover, eaany 4 mile irom eiectrio iuuii. on Holaate and Bucklev ave. .... -vi.r V inn anVm ner "r ' "'-ur or wum nave I uinmu wu-ul. v-- :7T:,' j 1 you r Marshall zois after-6 r. m i acres oi uxi"vi i ... ' . - WE exchange what you bave for what you want. Peper & Baker. 444 Sher lock bldg., 8d and Oak. Marshall 2664. A new a room mooern ruA road In the state, t noon Was built and ill b Zola by acre- of this cultivated to onions next WILL take cow or horse as first pay oCr. WIf8 you want a new homrfor V. will bring more than the price ment on nice free lot, value $550. C ie. v r. rmiiH r. 'rtnn't f.ii -oi. tne wnoie place, uuaramcu J"?- tot, journal 52 ft :S5Sl IfLliSI balaTvfara. Vl2 Chamberonf A UUI11. a 1411 L-lll UU11CL. n 111UU n DCAt, IU I two hnnkiacu Raumtnl inH lurrn Ummercewag. 41 come. WEBFOOT CAMP No. 5. Woodmen of the World, meets every Friday night in.W. O. W. temple. 128 Elev enth street. All mem bers requested to be nreaent. Visitors wsl- O. W. T. Muellhaupt. C. C. A. L. BARBUR. Clerk. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114, A. F. &. A. M. Stated com munication this '(Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple, last stated communi cation of labor until after summer vacation. Visiting brethren always welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON. Secretary. titif Statistics:' marriages, Births. Deaths, Acreage The OiJy residence undertaking es tablishment in Portland. Representing the greatest advance In the science of funeral service. The automobile equip ment and secluded driveway are among the many exclusive features. The es tablished policy of moderate price ha never been changed. J. P. FINLEY & 80N. Perfect Funeral Service, Montgomery at 6th. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading funeral director, 220 U it. eoraer Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A 1611. Main 607. Dunning & McEnteeSSSIrntJ. every detail. 7th and Pine. Mala 46 A-4558. Lady assistant. Elliott Company Is Successful Bidder Engineers Check rignres Two' Days f . Before It ! Determined which rig- J) nr.. Are the T-owest. - f St. Helens, or., July z. After spend- 'Ing four aaye rigunng up tne Dias ror yoad construction In the Nehalem coun try, the county court has awarded i contracts. The Elliott Contracting company, of Portland, was the successful bidder on, all the toads except mile 14, and a portion of mile 15 In the upper Ne yialem, which contract was awarded to Ii.A. Qessell, of Vernonla. Altogether ao'blds were submitted and the total ' figures of the Elliott Contracting com pany were so neariy ine same as the Jeffrey Bufton company, that it re- j quired two engineers to' check up all litems. f The Elliott company was the low-1 '.jest. Tne wora io uo-aone unaer tnexe i contracts comprises nearly all the main Nehalem road from Washington j county to Clatsop county. ; : ' There still remain on this, road four bridges and an estimated $15,000 more road work. These figures. also will " complete the road from Mist to the X' ummit between that place ahdf lata ante.. ! ; . The amounts to be paid th success. fnl bidders are: E. A. Qessell, $3700.64; (rEUtott Contracting company. $20,922 on upper ' and lower Nehalem roads, and $19,655 on the. Mlsn-Clatskanle road. . : 1 Contracts call for completion of the roads by October 1., i ! Reward Offered ' i for Louis Margolin; Missing- Perest gervioe Kan May Have L' .Been Drowaei la Cailfornla Mourn i tains Jeward Off ered. - t frjan Francisco, July 2. A reward of $1000 has been offered for information ; concerning the fate of Louis Margolin, member of the . United States forest iaervice, who disappeared tn the Sierra . 'national .forest June 1. The reward was offered by L. N. Margolin, a hat manufacturer ... of Newi- York and a ; (brother of the missing man. The for ieet service also offered $200 for the , iTscovery of Margolin's body. . s The day Margolin disappeared he iliad' started from a forest ranger camp I ten Dinkey creek for another camp on :. Patterson mountain, 13 miles away. f , Boon afterward a terrific storm broke, nd It is feared he was drowned, t . 1 1 ' ' i'-. Go to North Beach July 4th ; 4 Spend the Fourth at North , Beach. - p.-w. R. Mt N. steamer T. J. Potter eaves Ash street dock ! p. m., July 8: I a. m.. July 4f Hassalo. -9 p. m. Get , four tickets and reservutions early at ' llty ticket of ficV d apd Washington. Phones Marshall 4500. A-6121. (Adv.) SIARRIAGE MCENSES James D. Crlbb, 042 E. Morrison street, legal, and Katbrjn V. McGabe, Madison Park Apartments, leeal. ' , Theodore O. Adams, 042 Alblna arena, legal, - and Bessie O. -Losbbaugh, 48tJ E. Davis street, leaal. Harry J. Kepperft B49H Kerby street, legal, and Frances Hoffman, 1162 Gladstone 'avenue, legal. Paeeo Neuman, Boise, Idaho, legal, and Mary Sbruse,' Multnomah Hotel, legal. William D. Cook, 771 B. Ankeny street, legal, and Lola E. Edmonds, 1049 Wood atock avenue, legaf. (ieorge Covell, 21st street and Sandy boule bard, legal, and Stella HermUtou, 2010' B. Bornslde street, legal. Charles M. fennel, Jr., 207 E. 83d street, legal, and Florence E. Howes, 264 E. 84tb street, legal. Niels C. Chrlstosen, MeHinnvllle, Or.; le gal, and Emma H. Steuberg, 887 Corbett street, legal. Thomas Oarle Tnrner, 232 E. 86tb street, legal and Oertrnde Ix Kotermund, 72 E. Morrisoe street, legaL A S 7fApr C.n Williams ave. rti lli Z-CliCI KjUt Ea8t 1088, c-1086. Lady attendant. Pay and night service. attic. In a restricted district: $75 cash, paiance easy, uau owner, xaoor iaa. Hawthorne District New. modern 6 room bungalow, fire- I 1. 2. 6 and 10 acre tracts, $0 nlace. swell buffet, veneer paneled I minutaa nut on KtYnsSS iSSE New. Big, Red, Steel Electric AlJ . 0J 0. - M.M. J VIA W AH W as, a VT il I 10 ACRES Greenburg station, Salem , electric, for sale or trade. Wolf steln. 206 Allsky bldg. TWO 4 room houses, close in, for farm. owner, 618-. Commercial et. TO TRADE Equity In lot for piano, paveq qistrict. y-io, journal. SVHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. WANTED RKAL ESTATE 3t at a bargain price phone owner. Tabor 5483. NEV4 ROOM BUNGALOW $1250 60x100 foot lot, 2 blocks from Sandy boulevard, small cash payment down. balance $15 per month, including in terest; walla all tinted; Dutch kitchen;, take iiose City t'arK car to 7 2d at. SEE AUSTIN GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. 525 DOWN, $15 month, including iin tereat, buys modern bungalow; 'ce ment basement. Price $1560; 60x100 lot. Take Seliwood car and transfer to end of Errol Heights line Sunday. Ask for Wlckman . & Teepe. After Sunday call 269 Wash, et. Main 6869. A-6267. Present this ad. ihimiAriTi iv T n o. S Bldx N. iSulH VVUn ml flainents.Tab 6267. W. G, Smith & Go,tt&cJS?. Third floor. Morgan bldg. :. DRESS suits for rent; all sixes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark st. BIRTHS HANSON To Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson, Seattle, Wash., June 23, a son. HCH GHTEtiUNO To Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Houghtelling, 242 Montgomery street., Jane 19. a son. . - MARTIN To. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Martin, 1614 E. Multnomah street. June 25, a daughter. PAUKER To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Park er. 268 E. 81st street north, June 23, a daughter. RKl'NOLDS To Mr. And Mrs. Joan 3. Rev nolda, 728 E. Sotta street north, June 25, a arm. KIRK PATRICK To Mr. and Mrs. George Klrkpatrick, 128 B. 27th street north, June 87. a son. . . McPON A1D To Mf - and Mrs. Irving Mfl Donald, 637 Emerson street, Jnne 10, a son. FROHWTRK To Mr. and Mrs. Paul M rrohwert. 415 Guild atreet. June 0. a son, ERICS0N RESILIENCE UND. PLS. M. 6123. A-22S6. 445 Mora $700. Look. here,' Mr. Renter: 10 more 1 room houses, $700 each, $10 down, $10 per month; one E. 42d Bt., 1 block from car, all in garden. Bull Run water. Phone Main 8517. 202 Wilcox bldg. Open Sunday Kelly & Fife. RT 'DwmoeWPams and Knott, i ! byrnesE. 1115. c-ma C 1 C Undertaking Co. Mem 4152 OrLWtO A-2S21. Cor. d and Clay. DCADOHM Undertakers. East lOatf, 1 lni 10V-I1 B68-371 Russell St. BLACK BU RN S&JAV HEM STOCK, 1687 E. ltth SelL IV. B-1122. University Pk. Col. 894-36. P. L LERCH. leading east siae unaer talcer, E. 11th & Clay. B-1S88. E. 781 MOJTC3IEXT8 PORTLAND- MARBLE WK.. 4-24 4th St.. opp. city hall. M.8664. A-l18 AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE THE AUTO LIVERY Studebaker 6 and 7 passenger cars for hire; $2 and ti.bv per nour. main o, A-aoo. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention 'ine journal. - FOR SALE HOUSES 61 FOR SALE $900 takes 6 room houso and lot, large separate workshop, one block from ML Scott carline.- 7503 59th ave. C. Addison, Muskegon, Mich HOUSES In Irvlngton for 2-3 their value. Choice location. Also lots, Houses furnished and unfurnished for rent. East 273. w. H. rieraman. t50. DOWN- $15 PER MONTH. New modern 6 room bungalow, re stricted district, close to car. Owner, Seliwood 2204. ; - . A BARGAIN in a small cottage, close to 6c canine, seuwooa zsm. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention- The journal 81200. $15 down, $15 monthly. New 4 room plastered bouse, with 100x100 lot on E. 44th St., 1 block to car, 20 minute ride. Phone Main 3517, ZU2 Wlioox Diag. upen aunaay. 12o commuters' fare; very best of soil, water and community conveniences; $125 to $500 per acre on installments. The Shaw-Fear Co. Main 35. 102 4th St. A-S500. BERKELEY property. liat with me. Buy and sell this tract. Oscar Danl gren, Parkwood. Or. Seliwood 2358. WANTED House. Will give good lots tor it, 7zo cnamner or commerce. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention rne Journal. 6 ACRES FOR $250 $10 down and $6 per month burs 6 acres of good level logged off land be tween Portland and Centralis, on the main line of S railroads, IV. miles from town of 1000 population, saw mills, shingle mills and other indus tries; 160 acres to choose from. Some of these tracts are about half cleared. A fine trout creek runs through the tract. Some bottom iand, some up land, all is good. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., ziz Hallway i-xcnange. FORCED SALE Don't it look like facts? Cozy bungalow. 6 rooms, two rooms In basement, lot 50x125, with alley. Close to car; all for $1450. On corner; you can't beat It. $160 cash, balance easy. Wobdlawn 8186. owner. 10 ACRES, house completely furnished. barn, horse, cow, calf; 75 thorough bred chickens, implements and tools; all for $1500; mile from station, land lies fine and is well watered; all ready to move right on to and be settled. Terms jsoo casn, balance to suit. UEDDJMJNXM, KU-til fc UU, -913 Chamber of Commerce. ROOMTNG HOUSES BEST stenographers and dictaphone operators in the city, .'none imi WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention Tne Journal MO.VEV TO LOAN , 27 liEAli ESTATE MO WITT TO TJOAN ON IMPROVED BEALESTATB OB FOR RIJlDINO fltlrVi-o; FLEXIBLE CONTRACTU; NO CCUsf MISSION. . COLUMBIA Jjira A inuo x IS "PAIjUINU BbL nsTnir.k PI.IIMEl xTartnMn Plum Shoo. cor. Park and Yamhill, Main 1609. Ostrich, paradise, rancv leatners. remoueiou, cuvu. dyed to match samples. Work guar' anteed. . MONEY to loan on city and country property at current rates; mori a-aeres boueht and sold. Whltmer Kelly Co, G. A. Hartman, manager loan qept., ill nuw niaia. lru'9 nn imnroveil otv DTODartV OT for building purposes; advances made ss ouiiaing progresses; iiDeraj "r . ment crlvileares: no commission. J. P. Llnscombe. 842 Stark st. Main 4420, Mortgage Loans I, L. WHITE. 70f Selling Bldg. WE have money to loan on your real . estate; nrsx mgrisiiKM oiuy. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber or commerce. r-AH nalrf for mortiaaei. notes, con tracts: mortgage wans; reasonable rat. V. H. Lewis A Co.. 3 Lewis bid MOVKY TO LOAN ON REAL ES TATE. WM. G. BECK, 116 FAIL- rNi Bl-HO. MONBl :XO IXJAJ . : CHATTELS. SALARIES - (OonUnned.) 07 GET VACATION rsodbev-:quick ' We will loan von ur amount on sal ary, diamonds, autoa, motorcycle, fur niture, pianos oe real estate at lowest ratea. xou can get It today. LIBSTLAfiaD tOA&O ISOm-. I Licensed;, j 205 Rothfhlld Rld Between ' 4th and 6th sta on Wash- . - ington et,. If You Need Money and Can't 1 Borrow From a Bank. - SEE US FOR PRIVATiaLOANS On Your Plana. ITiirnltura Aula. :. Livestock. Storage- Reoeipta, . Real Es- MANHATTAN MORTdAflH C(l - Main 6286. f 810 AblngtOn bldg. WHEN you answer these-Want. Ada. Kiinwun xne journal. LOANS WANTED SO WANTEi From private person at low Interest, loan of $500 on lsn ' acre farm, central Oregon; address C- 00, uurpai. j WANT $500 on 6 room modern bunga- . ow.'s J6 4 Dfr cnt direct -from " Individual C-87, Journal. - - $600 2 years; good security. naL wanted from private narty jour for WHEN you answer these Want AOs, mriuimi A llfJ etgum&J, FINANCIAX, 01 FIRST and 2d mortgages, also sel . lers Interest in contracts purchased, Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble, xmnoermena Piog. STOCKS AND BONDS fiS WANTED First class stock salesman. Our stock is secured and we are ln eorporated under the blue sky laws of Oregon. 418-419 Lumber Exchange WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. . HELP WANTED MALE 1 Bo" you want to learn the business that baa the greatest demand for trained" menT If yon do. are honest and mechanically inclined, we will teach you automobile driving, repair- . ing and gas engineering. We charge a email tuition fee, which you agrue ' to pay at time of graduation. Paciflo. Auto and Gas Engine School, 66-8 11th st. . ' Y. M. C A. EMPLOYMENT' DEPTI Record for year 1911: Calls for men ...2(8$ Positions filled , 141 All young men seeking employment ar cordially invited to consult wltJi the secretary of the Employment De partment. ' ' FURNITURE of 14 boarding house rooms for sale; terms or trade con sidered; tenants in all rooms; best high class location In city; have : 19 boarders now. 67 Trinity Place. A GOOD chance. 20 room apartment house; clean; light, well furnished. Inquire 881 E. Couch, bet. Union and Grand. Phone East 1435. ROOMING house wanted for an acre, Vt mile east of city limits. Improved. Marshall 2016 after 6 p. m. DANDY 12 rooming house for 8800; snap. 603 Couch bldg.; worth double. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. BUSINESS JCHANCES 20 MUST sell at once, new 6 room bunga low, Rose City Park, cement base ment, furnace, garden, shrubbery, flow era, fine lawn, electric fixtures, curtain draperies; leaving city; terms. Owner, . , Tn ja.w xt nnnv.A NEW 4 room bungalow: complete set of plumbing, electric fixtures, all rooms tinted. Main , street, Lents; $1250. Small payment down, balance to suit. Tabor 1248, ' $575 buys a 3 room cottage and large lot located on the West Side 15 min utes car ride. This is a bargain for someone; only $150 emsh; balance $7.60 per month. M. E. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON HOME EASY TERMS Modern 7 room house, full cement basement, furnace, full lot, nice lawn. Price 86000. A. Dargam. Callan & Kaser. 72Z-24 Yeon bldg. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lot or ours; . by your own plane or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 6 room modern house, 54th st and 89th ave. S. R; will take 4 passenger auto as first payment; balance like rent; price 82500; see own er, 7114 62d ave. S. EM near Flrland. $2300. Laurelhurst. New, etrictly ' modern, double constructed bunga low, 6 rooms, splendid car service. Ta- bor 5204. Terms and particulars. SUBURBAN home on United Railway with good house. Wasco st. 5 Sea owner. 663 OWNER. 5 room modern bungalow, easy terms. Woodlawn 8529. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land: Gresham district, electric sta tion h mile. New subdivision. Bun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre In small tracts; easy terms, trrann Aicx-ariana Realty Co., 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. GOOD LAND; LOW PRICE; EASY TiiKMO. 10 acra. flna rich SOIL no rocks. water, easy clearing, only 1 mile from station. 28 miles from Portland; good r rowing community; price $600; terms 15 down, $16 monthly. Lueddemann. Ruiey & tJQ.j ia unamoer or tjom. Gibson Half Acres Good eoil, city water, close to ear line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585, or Bell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. GENUINE bargain indeed; 2 beautiful acres at Metzger, fine homes near, $800. $100 cash, $20 monthly, 6 per cent. Becker, zz& Lumber Ex. Mar shall .1845. 81 acres. 10 acres cleared., good house and barn, rest good -timber. $75 an acre. Half cash. Next to Sherwood. Joe Gentemann. 230 Vi Yamhill at. Room 7. BEFORE locating visit the Willamette Valley Information bureau at 268 Washington st (between 3d and 4th). Absolutely free. Bring - the ladies. CHEAP land, miles from Ostran- der, Wash., running water, 310 per acre if taken at once. Bee owner. 6: Qerlijnger bldg. CALL at 806 Snaldlnar blda-. for par ticulars, and see picture cosy 4 room cottage for rent Long jaeacn. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention Tne journal. CIGAR STORE. Onu of the beat corner locations In Portland, established over 10 years; receipts average lib to $za per day. Price only $600. Call 618 Yeon bldg. limififH) nn rnorlcacen. citv and farm property, fire insurance. McKensle A Co.. Oerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. TO LOAN $400. $1500, $2600 and $6000 on city Improved property. .J. L. Wells Co., 24 Chamber of Commerce Mdg. : MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgages bought and sold. John L. Karnopp. Railway Excnange bldg, MORTGAGE loaua at current ratee, . Real estate security; apply rra. SOS Stock Exchange. 2d and YamhllL t loan. Phone Tabor 2520. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H, dint- Beits tc. Co.. 810 Spaldlnr bide. KING 314 Spalding bldg kflArlmirx I nnnfi If RED C mui igagoi-oaiio YOUNG lady conducting cash grocery desires gentleman partner wno can invest a few hundred dollars, do de livering, soliciting, etc Call room 602 uroadway Diog. FOR RENT A barber shop, finely furnished: low rent. Just the place for a one man shop. M. E. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. A BARGAIN for $2500 If taken at once: newspaper In wide awake town of 700: will take $1000 cash; address YX-785,. Journal. WANTED First class stock salesman. Our stock is secured and we are in corporated under the blue sky laws of Oregon, 418-419 Lumber Exchange. CASH GROCERY. 81400. Best proposition on the east lde for the money, our BEST BUY. Inquire room 618 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE Single covered wagon. 20th St. Dye Works, 20th and East Morrison RESTAURANT Seats 48, cheap rent. daily sales average win sacri flee for $460. 303 Lumber Exchange. 1000 Business Cards, $1.00 Ryder Ptg.Co.,S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison CONFECTIONERY could arrange for meals; reasonable rent; transfer point; 771 Washington at. FOR SALE Cleaning . and pressing parlors zotn and ti. Morrison, f hone East 5308. - HALF Interest In ground floor office business, paying sze week, omyjleo 803 Lumber Evchange, 2d and Stark. FOR SALE Two chair barber shop. 8250 casn. box zs7, Tiuamooit. ur. MONEx' TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HAKD1X-. ia Jnam. ox "iu. WANTED A man with his own auto mobile to demonstrate the Winona . Radlatlte device. Call at 27 N.-2d it. Portland. Device Is now ready to at tach to automobiles. A splendid busi ness chance. CV W. Renard. TEN young men for encampment at Gearhart Beach, July 12 to 22; no expense, good pay;, mounted troops. See T. W. Mann, armory, Friday eve-,. 7:80-10 jO. . , j. WANTED Canvassers who are willing to work. Belling fruit and ornamental trees and shrubbery. Cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED Skinners and wood bucks A at Wendllng, Or;. fo railroad work,' T Wages $2.26. board. $6.25. " Phone Main ' 4464. - ' WANTED Sober and steady man te work on a ranch that can take care of cows and do little general farm worn, k.-1'S, journal. JANIT6r for apartment house; stat S- MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis gammon c-o.. mni 1 40,000 Olt LESS. FARRAINGTON 0 4tn et.. Board or xraae ruasr. J160. X25U. 8600 38oO, Fred W. German Co.. 9 FOR immediate loaning, $1700. Attor ney. 408 Fiat mag. 61200. $200. 14 Cham. Com, WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The journal MONEY 'tO LOAS CHATTELS. SALARIES Vacation Loans At the lowest rates. All we reaulra is that you be em- nloved on salary, and you get the monev oulcklv without mortgage, In- dorser or other security. Call and see us. Do it now. State Security Co. 809 Falling bldg. PRIVATE PliwBE T mikm . , JEMELKlf. ETS. Business strictly confidential. Separate department for iaUles. 820 Lumber Ex. Bldg.. id and Stark. COLUMBIA Loan Co ini SweUand bldg. Money to loan on chattels, nianoa. etc. olaln notes or anythina- oi value. We buy mortgages. Confidential. LOANS on diamonds Brown bids:. and lawalrv. 4k Co room 8, Wash lag to a LOANS on real estate, diamonds, Jew elry. Wrn. Holt. K. s. wash'ton bldg. experience and waits wanted. iv, journal. BOY 'with bicycle to deliver, Columbia Awning 4b Shade Co., 460 E. Burn- side. GOOD carpenter to build small bars. iii.iv wo v.uiiiu m:i vunintBi i.m CHEF Headquarters and helpers. CwA irornia wine Depot, zsa lamhlll. WANTED Experienced licensed bar per. Halem, or. R. J. Brum well WHEN you answer these Want Adav mention The JournaL WANTED A presaer at 274 N. 18th Wt. ,'. HELP WANTED MISC. 4 OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thorough pracucai course in law; no time lost from regular' occupation;, recitations evenings, Samuel T. Richardson, dean. M. Morehead, Sec 816, 817 Commoo wealth bldg.. Portland. Oregon, WANTED Women for government clerkships. $70 month. Portland ex aminations soon. Specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, IepL 704-N Rochester, N. Y. . - WANTED Names of men wishing to be Portland mail carriers. $67 mo. KX-29,- Journal. WANTED at once, 2 men to learn auto repairing and driving. Hawthorne garage, 445 Hawthorne ave. SCHOOL of Acting. Acta written rea sonable. Good opportunity. Phone C-2998. BOYS and girls to earn good salary in - pleasant way during vacation. . Call room 8, Me. floor, Plttock-bloclc PACIFIC Chiropractic College, ioel," 407 to 416 Commonwealth bldg. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $4.6 up. Taylor, the Tailor. 88H Bnrnwlde US25 Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu matism; 60 tablets 25c. Ail oroga-iwia WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal.- Ooa tinned en 2tet Page) Well, at That, Huerta Finally Got the Hat e By "Bud" Fisher AAAOUS WAR. HAT. H IHlMUAHOAs I HU6R.TA "RlD fV5 This torVB(2.6"Ro PRCT(Yfet To rAe.BV. CfeMILLA .iMSi.p. IT I 1 lt HIS IT AT I I -- MM. I IUKKEON WOOKiAT Tk VTO i ate x I i . . J r teNeUILt.A.S AVORIYB -HAT. vwLL THiS OU6.HT To Be n o&sTejCrNB- TH&N TKIN OP TKfe HSTeei(At- valug "V " " VIVA huerta! lAt-liae7C3 iwjr-t I . - ' . I -g-ra x I I . - 'i r A