t ForHielNDUSTRlOUS .' By Adelaide Centerpiece Byrd A ThousandFlower IT 18 sailed a thousand-flower center piece bcause there are - not a thousand flower la It, but It seems to mad of countless bloa lonu, To stitch are easy, and any woman who cannot embroider this de-lg-n after X have talked today la worthy of the last ssat In the last row in our needlework class. tne halt of the centerpiece Is shown. The' design can ba rTrsd whan you traca It on medium-weight linen. Bo sura, to kaap the diameter stationary when you swing; the design to com plete the centerpiece. This la most effective In colors, and the more the colors the greater chance there la to us the odd threads of embroidery allk and cotton In your workbag. A one-color effect Is also a. n V m if . si w ar The Newest Method in Transferring . x (I 0 TjcLcna. u a lasi wora in transfer ring, and here It Is: FRICTION TRANSFER PATTERNS Remember this name because you are going to prove the worth of the newest method In transferrins; embroidery de signs to any fabric or material These patterns do away with tedious tracing-, with hot irons, with the use of carbon paper. They can be transferred t any material, linen, class, china. wood, metal, by merely rubbing; over the designs with a spoon or your thumb nail. Easy Isn't It? Bach desig-n can be used many times. Embroidery has Us tedium eliminated by this new method. !. For 10 cents ' and the coupon on this page you will receive an envelope con taining; two sheets of transfer patterns. In It will be the desig-n printed today. In addition, there will be one sheet of designs of varied motifs. Including: On eoat-collar design . 'I S through the border and bind the aep arate motlfa together ahould be worked In green a little darker, to glv a well tied effect. The edge is the finishing touch that It will be easy for you to add. Fad the scallops with soutache braid ' that has first been dipped In water to pre vent Its shrinking. Another way to pad is to use twelve or sixteen strands of darning cotton as a couching thread and buttonhole as you go, the thread furnishing the padding. It can b turned around the curves as you work, and you will be very pleased with tb raised, bard effect that Is equaled only by the papier-mache forms that are now purchasable at any of the departments of art needlework. The color combinations that are al ways good from an artlstlo point of view are brown and yellow, blue and gold, green and gold, and the pastel mixtures of pale pink, blue and laven der. - This centerpiece with a green bowl In which there are asters of the varied shades that make our fields beautiful, will bring Joy to your heart and a de cided (beauty to your bom,' Do you like It? SPECIAL OFFER EACH package of Friction Patterns contains a, coupon, ten of which entitle the pur chaser to an embroidery outfit, consisting of One Celluloid Fin ger Protector, One Tusk Bone Stiletto, One Silk Thread Winder, Ten Assorted Embroidery Nee dles. Send coupons to Friction Pattern Department, The Oregon Sunday Journal, Portland, Ore. aroed. with many tones of the one shade giving an iridescent result that la very pleasing. -v , And now for th work. The flowers can be worked with coarse thread with- single stitches that run out to -the edge In straight lines from the center. The centers can be single Teach knots, placed where .the dota are drawn. Another method is the lazy-daisy stitch. This Is a loop stitch, made by passing the needle through the base of the petal and out to the end of the flower. The thread Is caught under the point of the needle and forms a loop of sUk or cotton- and. Incidentally, the petal of th flower. It Is very quick work, and th effect Is beautiful. Of course, th flowers are in color. The terns are worked in straight lines on ' each aide of tb main stems, which are outlined. Green ailk or cotton In a pale hade la recommended. The flowers can b bright at the top of the arcs and shaded toward eaoh end. Or the reverse f this Idea oaa b ud, shading the . dark flowers at tb aides up to lighter ones at th top. The careless mixture of colors In the : design la another Idea that civea a good result, and th design worked In this way looks, when finished, like a flower field. Th oonneotlng steins that curve No. 120 June 28, 1914 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOtfRNAL Friction Transfer Pattern Patented June t. Hit. Thlg coupon, together with 10 cents in coin or stamps, Is good for' one package containing two sheets of friction transfer patterns. - 'Writ nam and address dearly. - . . . w w . . . Address .....,...,,..,,. . . . ., tv -ri State . ..WtTWVDn Several laltlalsf. One handkerchief destgai One lampshade geata-ai Ok lkeart-skap handbag. Address mall orders to the Friction Pattern Department of The Oregon Sunday Journal, Portland. Or. NOTE All patterns are mailed from the New Tork offloe of the Friction Pattern Company, conse quently a few days will elapse before they reach you. , To Procure Back Patterns ACK numbers of envelopea can be had by forwarding 10 cents In ooin or . stamps to the Friction Pattern Department of The Oregon Sunday Journal. B J, IS contains a motmtaln-un cen ter se, one corsat-coTcr design, ene cut- work beraar assign, two scallop deal for petticoat, vsrleus names aad mono grama, u t 114 contalna a double collar om child' hat deilgn. one haadkerchlef-oase de sign, rarloua letters aad taltUla 115 contains a design for Franc knots and lazr-dalar atltck. rarlona kernes aad letters, one maid's apron with bib. one maid's cap, one collar band and cuSs de sign. US contain a daffodil set for a child's dress and a baby-carriage sever design. Ill contains n oval dolly In eyelet, ne Dutch-cellar design, one laundry-bag deaign. ene wreath design, two wlld-roee sprays, two names, US oontatns a child's lingerie bonnet, one 'dolly design, one shirtwaist, two braiding borders, initial aad various names. lia contains a Haas handbag, ons'eroas tlteh guest-towel deaign. one oval dolly design, one forget-me-not spray, one vio let spray, several names and Initials. STITCHERY FOR YOUR COTTAGE BEDROOM l y " i''VfcT' --' Wjv ' - - - A'',, r . n- nr-?--i--r:-----.".. "'trw- - - All-'V 6 IT V- f , , , e -h ? tr 11 i-isis ISHaMH - 1 1 "fj 7 ? ' ifA ' " J" 'JV-'mf'V laV ir , " .tw.;-4 y aa..i I y ' ' -V' OneffaJf of Design H23 woman who aits on th veranda plying her needle to fashion some pretty article for her home is the epitome of peaceful contentment. Che listens to the humming of the bees and breathes th flower-eoented air all the while she stitches busily at the de sign she is embroidering. . The woman who has a summer cottage will find that there are many articles which she can make to add to Its' attractiveness. Seta for the guest chambers are daintier than ever, and the four articles shown here are easily duplicated. - The linen used is of a coarse weave, and should be white or cream In color. The nlghtrobe case Is fashioned to re semble a large envelope of sufficient di mensions to accommodate the night rob when not In use. The flap Is scal loped and buttonhole-stltohed. and above th scallop U embroidered a running vine design In tones of dark green. "Minis tare rose and forget-me-nots are arrange In pyramid form, and are embroidered In tones of pink, pale blue, green and yellow. Over th "aides of the case are scattered detached clus ter of forget-me-nots. - linen of the sam weav forma the foundation of th scarf. It may be cut the exact dimensions of the bureau, or longer, If you deslr the ends to hang over the edges. The front has three of the large pyramid designs, and the detached forget-me-nots ar scattered vr tb border. &rfrfisfcCirb7 Narrow braid In tones of rose and ecru finish the three sides. Th cushion shows a different ar rangement of the design, four of the pyramids decorating the sides of a square In the center. - - r A wider linen braid, corresponding' with that used on the scarf, trims the sides of the cushion. These tiny flowers are easily embroidered, for . the petals are not padded. The simple satin stitch is used, and th work goes rapidly. The vine is the outline stitch, with small French knots form tng the pink flowers. The centers off the ' forget-me-nots are a alngl French knot of yellow. ' The long, narrow bag Is for the pair of stays when sot la use. The top Is scalloped and buttonhole-stitched, and la drawn together with pale pink rib bon threaded through eyelets. A sim ple arrangement of the design Is re peated on the upper side of the bag. You will enjoy msklng this dainty set for your guest room, and In case you are oversupplled with embroidery of this variety, one of your friends would appreciate a gift such as thta