V THE r OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE :, 28, 1914. V AS THE MEXICAN REBEL : ARMY BEGMS ITS CAMPAIGN JTHWARD :: , v & . if y-w i.x ( .' . .:., t . -r Y, r , :. ' Jk. , r' l lr-s ft v5 ... -V , - . 'fir -k 1 .Viii i rum m 'i,ri n ' inn in r iTtTrTyy-gi rT rr m rr. iwr r-- w V- 1 V - TYPE OF SOLDIERS WHO ARE FIGHTING FOR THE CONSTITUTIONALIST CAUSE Here ar ome of the troops with whom General Villa and his associates brought Northern Mexico under the control of the rebels. The appearance of these men beliestomewhat their ability as fighters which was proved at Torreon and Saltillo. These men now seek further victories in the land of the south, (International News Service.) . SOLDIERS OF GENERAL VILLA LEAVING TORREON FOR ZACATECAS Soldiers in the army of the Mexican rebel leader are here shown leaving Torreon for Zacatecas. a federal stronghold that must be taken before the plans for a further advance on Mexico City can be carried out. Villa is more popular than ever with the soldiers seen in this picture. (International News Service.) i . ' i' " i' 4 ' f. - 4r " " - )MWru,i,,,,iOTv. -rrW -ti- Z t h ii -v- j i , ,v ... . -H GENERAL VILLA IN FIELD ' GARB This unconventional portrait-of the rebel leader shows him in uniform. His strength was proved during his re cent disagreement with Carranza. V S 'A i '" tWAA, ,- (.,' ! t :v??k.& 'V' V? v - " -V J f k - - p- V ' i " ' ; - " " s-,-' - (::;v.--.:--::, V. I , " " i . 'S .v. i w.t..:-:-.:- . -v-Vji.- -.-.-:. v-ja : 3 . ..: : .-:-,-;:::...:. I 1 v. ' :.::ixiW' .v. v.'.'sfc-;;::- SENATOR KERN OF INDIANA ' . Senator Kern of Indiana is a member of the steering committee which is conducting legislative program in the 4upper house. (Harris & E wing.) r.. If V) - it t if: 1 1 . GENERAL VILLA FORWARDS CAPTURED GUNS TO ZACATECAS Guns captured by the rebel forces in their victories at Saltillo and other places, are here shown at Durango ready for shipment to the front at Zacatecas. . With Zacatecas under rebel control., it is claimed that the ultimate occupation of Mexico City by the rebels is highly probable. (International News Service.) . IF n -. m . A r f kv 11 nV ? Vv' . i " s A 1 1 s -4A . . XX, l.ll i.v'r -v . . v -V' , - GROUP OF POOR CHILDREN OF NEW YORK WHO MEET A "LADY BOUNTIFUL" A - When Mrs. Richard Aldrich of New York decided to go to Europe for the summer, she turned over her palatial home nemr Riverside Drive to the Salvation Army for the entertainment of the poor children of the Cherry street district. 'Here are the kiddiea dressed in clean clothing, enjoying themselves in the Aldrich home. (International News Service.) ?x.Y'v -vr-t-l ; fx.: .-, 1 i -rrWf: II " J "-V " -v'-t ,',(( ,M ' ' ' . - - v I - - - ' -. ' s 5 ' r I; -1;-: rl Iy Hi ,.;-3 n- an CARRANZA ADDRESSES HIS FOLLOWERS : General' Carranza, 'constitutionalist leader, is here shown addressing a -crowd from the balcony of a bouse in San Pedro, near Saltillo. (International News Service. it k""f ? - -w y jr IJ" "xf. r'r':' " v g-gfr -v- j- r x j. 1 4 .- K ? -A i ' - ' it'-, - ' 1 'v, , ' c " , ' , ' - ' x - -A t , 1 1; : o ' f A " - t ? ' . -: . ' SENATOR NEWLANDS OF NEVADA : Senator Newlands of Nevada is one of a group of sen ators who recently conferred with the president' concern ing possible legislation. (Harris & Ewing.)