- f. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL," PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 28. .1914, 7 ' sfy "lf - r -IS" 'V 'AvV''' i r. ' sr? r fj :M f 'A' v .'v'- -A -Ir 1 ? "'',- -Hi (A3 1 ; h Ima, are ecupyln th ICnapp cottar-; aix. ana jars, emua are pianmj; - iu i spena &i( lummer ai me twacn. wniie ; Miss Canenla will tay for two months. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland and Miss Ruth Cleveland are to spend the sum mer in their cottage.' Mr. Cleveland will spend each week-end at the coast. The Potter cottage has been opened for the summer by Messrs. M. B. Pot ter and V. F. McFarlen. . Messrs. F. W. Wascher and F. A. Allehoff, of Portland, have opened the Wascher cottage on the South Board GEARHART -a , Gearhart, Or., June 28. At Qearhart the early summer, visitors are arriving and enjoying themselves on the golf links, which are in excellent condition, and on the beautiful sandy beach. The cottages are being opened, ana all be ing made ready for the summer multi tude of merrymakers, which, in the near future, will crowd the sunny beach and beautiful roadway leadfng t tlement. 7? "it As- ' Summer time is good time for the kiddies by the sea. ft ALONG NORTH BEACH NORTH . Beach ; Wash., June 27. If any one phrase can differ entiate thV apparent summer season of 114 on this beach with other seasons it in the basla of permanent Prosperity Mhich this season , seems to possess. The cran berry land ,1s "panning out" and this year the first real returns of-the boom started four years ago will show. The town of Ilwaco has established a per manent water system and a group of Portland and local capitalists have formed'4 company which is supply ing most pt the hotels snd some of the cottages on the beach with run ning water.. The 300 men at work on the north- Jetty have given the mer chants and amusement owners of the beach an assured patronage. Cannery-men- at Ilwaco and Columbia river points say the run of salmon so far this year is the best for eight seasons. Besides installing running, and hot and cold water in the hotels, baths and lavatories, a number of the hotel pro- prietorehave enlarged and lmproveo their 'houses. The transient trade is a little, slower this year than last but rallryad statistics for June show more eaonle carried In June. 1914, so tut than in the same time In June, 1913 This1 ' is accounted for by a greater nermanent peninsula' population. , One of the features of the July, 4 celebration In Ilwaco will be a parade of 20 automobiles, all Bold here within the last few months. Mr."and Mrs. O. F. Hammond (Mrs. ' 1 K. Hammond) of Portland have beealn J. M. Arthur's ridge cottagtv, above Tlosa since March Mrs. N. J. Irwin and Misses Thelma . Irwin, Thelma Robinson and Elsie Bsll, of Portland, will be in the F. X. Marx loa- cottage at Tioga for the summer. . Mrs. T. -A. Kindred and daughters, Mrs; William Brewster and Kdna Kin dred, artf-early beach guests who plan to spend the summer in Long ueacn. After two weeks in Mrs. Mary War ner's Tioga home Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bharpenburg of St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. H. K. 8enour of Portland have returned. Sergeant M. Fellows, U. S. A., re tired, left recentty for a summer's visit to England. Mrs. Fellows and Adna Llye, Fellows are settled In the Fellows to Portland on their trip to visit Mr. Lyniffs mother, Mrs. M. Lyniff, pro prietor ,of "The Driftwood." Mrs, P. N. Defries, formerly of Coff- man's, of Portland, has opened a con- 4 .... .In.. An t "Pim" flt Long Beach. M. J. Thorsen of Fisher, Thorsen & Co. of Portland, Miss Helen and War ren Thorsen, II. W. Reed of Raymer, Colo., and E. K. Seymour of Portland, are at the Thorsen summer home near Beach Center. Mrs. Thorsen and Viola Thorsen, who has been -attending school In Downer college. Milwaukee, Wis., the past year, are expected soon. Batching" in point. Loma coiiago on the boulevard above Beach Center for the past two weeks have been Misses Catherine Meagher, Alice and Elizabeth O'Hare of Portland. J. O'Hare of Portland purchased the Point Loma from Dr. R. L. Gillespie durinar the winter. Mrs. Mary Flagg and children of Portland are in a Beach Center cot- tasre. A. Ii. Schreve of Portland Is at the Harvest Home. Mrs. J. F. McDonnell, Flavia Mc Donnell and Mary Jessup of Portland have Miss Mary Veasey of Helena, Mont, as house guest in the McDon nell cottaKs On the track below Sea View. Mrs. W. J. Corcoran and children. Misses Mary and Mildred and Charles Corcoran, are in the Corcoran ridge cottage at Shelburne. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McPherson and "Mr and Mrs. G. McPherson of Portland' have taken the Pope cottage at Sea View for the season. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Grenfell of Port land have been In; the Grenfell ridge cottage near Shelburne the past montn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jr. Tinnott ana iam My of Portland opened "Aloha" cot tan last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Johnston of Port, land are in the Johnston summer home at Sea View. Mr. anr! Mrs. E. B. Hagedorn and Mr., and Mrs. R. D. Morris of Port land ars in the Hagedorn cottage pn Via mclr near Sea View. Miss Nettie Kingsbury or portiana is the house guest of . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freeborough of sea view ior the. summer months. Mrs. Robert Veal or Albany is me guests of Mrs. Ida I. Carter in airs. Carter's permanent home at Holmans. One of the new cottages on the track near Holmans Is that of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Winterbotham of Portland:. Bachelor headquarters for tne en- Sea View ridge cottage for the sum mer. Mrs. L. ML Van Scoy of Portland is among the early beach visitors. She has taken a ridge cottage near Hackney's. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cole and son, William, of Portland, are guests In Sea View. Mrs. T. Barnard and grandson, Gor don Barnard of Portland are at Sea A'iew for the summer. Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Marsh of Port land are expected tomorrow. Mr. and MrB. Jacob Schwlnd of Port land have been in their Sea View home since May 1. H. Glenn of The Dalies nas ni daughters, Mrs. J. W. Creighton or Portland and Mrs: R. F. Jeffery of San Francisco, and Miss Alice Carroll of The Dalles, in his summer cottage in Sea View. The M. D. Wells cottage on the rmge above Sea View has Mrs. M. D. Wells and sons, Willard and Bruce, and Mrs. A. Brake and sons, Willard and Don ald, all of Portland, as occupants for the early season. Mrs. F. A. Ryder of Portland and baby daughter are among the cot tagers at 8helburne. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Waaserman. Mrs. Sarah McMillen and Misses Iris Saun ders and Tirzah McMillen of Portland are in the Wasserman cottage near Shelburne." Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Slnnott of Port land and children, Flavia, M., Mary Frances, Robert P.. and J. F. Sinnott .Tf: r in "Aloha" cottage for the summer. At Shelburne hotel the early season Vmv Keen: Samuel HiU and Miss Hill of Maryhlll, Wash., Miss Williams and iwi noinh of Portland. Emma Shep- ard of Sea View, William H. Byars of Rettl Jacob 8chwind or roruana. TT P.lenn Thn TJalleS. Mrs. J. J. Kel- iihr mim M. B. Farley. North Head, Wash.. C. B. Burn, Aberdeen, F. L. Carman, Hoquiam, J. H. Dominlsse, rnnmH Moore. Portland. Al Stream and wife. KliDsan Beach. Wash., Law rence Dinneen and Miss Golden Gra- om Ti-rtland as from the station out past the audi to rium to the beach. To the early vis-j itors the cool summer air has been en , joyed greatly, and appreciated, too. for much of the visitor's time has been spent In the open. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Summers . and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Clark, of Spokane, are" occupying the Hamblet cottage. J. B. Cooke, of Portland, has let a i contract for a cottage to be completed for occupancy early In July. Mrs, Felix Friedlander has opened her summer home for the beach, season. A recent nartv at Gearhart was a Rj W. P. Adams. (Adams Astrological School) Widow 310. The first of the sixties, quite a number are foreseen, possibly next year also. A. K. D. Without doubt, quite a number, or a very important chance later. - Daisy E. I do not understand your first question clearly. If you mean, will there be a marriage? Every in dication points to such, but more fa vorable later, between. 26 to 28 years of age. As for letters, some doubt exists; if received, perhaps not alto gether satisfying. F. E. B. Yes. you will, all indica tions point that way presently. To your last question, yes. D. M. I. Presently an attachment is evidenced: that, at least indirectly. is the cause of much of your unset- If married, as I am quite P. Stronberg, H. D. Mitchell, wife and arm Rnhr Dun M1tri1t J, B Hut- chens, J. B. Wilson and wife. Myrtle number of army officers, planning on t sni v tt pr and wife. J. I the military encampment to be located R. Sleigh, Inez Forely, E. Bayce and Just north of the golf park. Among the and Mrs. William G. West. W. Edwin Tribble. Walter G. Campbell, Mrs. E. W. Applery. Bryan S. Klark, Charles B. Frisbie, W. F. Clark, Victor H. Bunt zel, H. R. Lazenby. Albert Wiesen- danger, Mrs. F. T. McBride. . C C. Stotenberg, Wilkes Barre, Pa.; Cemie J. Merry. Batavia. N. Y.; Flor ence E. Ramage, Chicago; C. N. Elliot, Knapp, O. N. G, and Captain Hegern man, U. S. A., who said that they ex pect from 2000 to ZZ00 men in camp, which will open July 12, and continue until July 22. , A recent Darty from Astoria and Spo kane representing the Astoria annual regatta stopped at the Hotel Moore for luncheon. Those present were: Astoria; Lucy M. Le Fraln, Twin "QUeen" Kathleen Dempsie, Mrs. Demp- -ans, iaano; srewsier uavenpon, ooa- eia Jess Mack, Esther Ackerman, ur. ton, Mass.; L. E Shears, Spokane, A m. Kinney, Commodore C H. Cal Wash.; W. S. McEachern, Spokane, under, George F. Judd and G. B. John Wash.; T. E. Laurin, Astoria; Sol C. eon. Stiller, N. Y. City; J. J. Russell, Hel- The MacNaughton cottage, on the ton Junction. Iowa; Alma Thompson, ocean front has Just been opened for Spokane; O. V. Krantz, Chicago; Frank tne Deach season by Mrs. E. B. Mac- E. Seeley and wife, San Francisco; Mr: Nauthton. Mr. MacNaughton expects and Mrs. H. P. Hildretb and child. Se- tn nend week-end at the sea shore attle; C. Schmidt, wife and children. Astoria; R. L. Tucker, Beaverton; J. M. Hawthorne. Astoria; Mies E. Davis and Miss N. Baker, Boise, Idaho; Kathrino Jenkens. St. Collins, Colo.; Mrs. W. J. Biuder, Astoria; L. M. Simpson, H. H. during the summer Mrs. Boyd M. Hamilton ana Mrs. s. F. Adams have opened their cottages for the Beach season. A cottage Just completed on tne ocean front has been occupied for the sure you are, a separation is threat ened and a remarriage. I advise cau tion in any new venture of this kind, aa you have a very arbitrary horo scope for this issue. Financially you are undergoing annoyances, but noth ing serious. The gentleman in ques tion has a very strong horoscope, and while at present unsettled conditions apply in social matters, his type is a strong factor hi your affairs in the ...... Old Journal Subscriber. While the best of aspects do not show for health, yet there is a very strong vitality evi denced. You need not worry about the length of life for a long period yet. Eliminate moody and depressing thoughts, as you have a great amount of ability if you will only think so and apply your energy to high ideals and endeavors. Sadie. Happiness is strictly of your own making. If the husband is untrue, as you think, it must he partly your fault. You should have studied him, his desires and likes, and tried to please him instead of wanting him to please you altogether. You have grown apart. You may have many friends; you will have, in fact. But as for true friendship, a question arises. You make friends easily, and evidently are quite popular. You have Bohemian tastes and are rather changeable in your affections. Mother, Son, Daughter. Tou will be reunited again within or by. at the latest, two years. This year is the worst period you will have, for a long time. C. B. C. You "failed to stale sex or give the date of birth. t J. A. K. your troubles will show threatens some Inharmony, your .dis position causing this somewhat. - . Mrs. M. C. H. If not gone already. you will undoubtedly leave by Septem ber. , . ' Miss C. G. B. -Between ti to 24 and 2ft to 28 are the most promising peri ods; your horoscope is exceptionally well aapected for a, very happy max. riage. to a man of strong personality, and purpose. E. W. Without the birth hour I hes itate to make a statement positively relating to such, a question. Yet while not the strongest aspect Is evident, is respect to -health, I am sure you will live for several years. Important changes appear during 1914-16. A. X. Y. A profession er scientific calling strictly. If not engaged In the pursuit of such, evidently a marriage to a professional type will be made. Miss J. E. G. Yes. A number of changes appear: some good, others the reverse; plans delayed -or opposed, etc., yet the outcome secure by another spring. A. CampbelL I cannot see where you will, unless you do in the future what you have in the past, sacrifice yourself that others be made happy. H. F. J. While your horoscope does not evidence the most rugged health. I see no critical or serious aspects. Presently changes are in the forming, and before the twenty-fourth Vear you will undoubtedly marry. Caution must be exercised in placing the affections. as many disturbances threaten in this iesue. F. X. T. Marriage Is very probable between 2 to 28 years of age. You are suited to a professional calling, there being so many conflicting aspects evi denced. I hesitate to say which would suit you best, unless it be medicine or mechanical engineering. That you will advance to success and prominence is assured, yet you will undertake many things, not stay with one buelaess en tirely. . Peg o the Movies. As long n yor . have the start and your -soul is la your work, you will make a success, tut you will have to work hard to ao-t corapllsh this. Theatrical as well as any successful work, is work and not play. If you expect to enter this work and think you will breexe along suc cessfully without , any great exertion. you will be a sadly disappointed girl, unless you have exceptional . genius. You have talent, and with proper p- -plication you will steadily improve and be successful. Star of the West. With your char acter and tenacity of - purpose, you could not help but win. You do not give up easily, rather the reverse; dif ficulties make you exert yourself hard er. By two years and especially the last of tfte twenties pronounced, sue cess is foreseen. B. I G. Conditions will not change materially unless you assume mastery over them or jqult. which is better or easier. If your people do not care to pull with you. Instead of against you. while you are going broke, why, as I said, quit, as they do not deserve the energy you expend on them. Alris and wife. J. Hanson, Vancouver, Bea.on hvEL HambJet. Wash.; J. D- Ward . and wife,. J. D. I Mrs. W. C. Lawrence and Miss S. A. Ward Jr., H. Groat and wife, Albany; I T.wrenc. are occupying a cottage Florence Morse, Twin Falls, Idaho; I wjjich has Just been completed. ueuian i-eck, xwin aus, xaano; maa i Mrs. G. F. Sanbourne, or rortiana. is E. Higbee, Salem: Katharine Neve, surjervlsln? work on her ocean front cottage, formerly the Kd Werlein cot- gineering crew engaged in the prelim- tage, on tne traca Deiwern Lun dmlu i jyy surveys or tne uu acre nounau and Tioga. I tract about to be -plotted have been The George Jeffery cottage on the ...Kiih.d near Holmans station. boulevard above Long Beach has been Th nartv consists of Ferdinand Vou open the IW1 len days,, Mr. and Mrs. pianta engineer in charge, and Max George Jeffery and daughter, Bess. Mltcheu, Laurien Willard and Alfred are expecting Grace Bingham of Port- .mire of Portland.1 A. B. Slausson is land as their house guest. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Murphy and children. Dolores. R. K., and Luke Edward, will open the Murphy cottage above Long Beach tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. CM. Wolford and Clinton Wolford have Mrs. Frank Egan and Francis Egan of Portland as all summer guests in the Wolford sum mar home near iong ceacn. expected from Portland soon and will PRtahllah an orilce in liwacu. Visiting Mrs. William waiKer at Hnlmain are Mr. and Mrs. waiter Pnnrtnev and daughter for the week end and John W. Brown of Portland tnr th summer months, wmiam waikar of Portland is now at Holmans Mrs. George Eagleton ana tnree cnu- dren. Elizabeth.. Louise 'ana uonam. Mr. and Mrs David W. Shindler of nf Tnrtlanl have had a cottage at Hoi Portland have opened the Khindler I maT, -iVicr March and will be beach home at Beach Center for the summer. P(,K,i6nt till September. Mr. Eagle- The C. C. Smiths of Portland have v,if clerk of the freight claim taken the Wood cottage near Tioga I department of the O.-W'. R. & N. Co. In and have Mrs. -Clifton N. McArthur of Portland as a guest. Miss May Kelly of Portland is ex pected soon !n. her summer cottage above Beach Center. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Vosburgh are conducting a "home bakery" between Shelburne and Beach Center this year Mrs. Theodore Jacobscn or fort land has opened Jacobsen's restaurant on the board walk for the season. R. Khhnger of Portland opened his J Holman. Portland will spend the week-ends with hi famllv here. In the Watson summer nome on tas boulevard near Holmans are Mrs. O. wit.nn artrt Mrs. O. R. Peterson of Portland for the summer months. T T . wiua or ho mans maue a. ny ing triri to Portland this week on busi ness. " ... Mrs. M. DeVanev of Portia na is now in her cottage on the boulevard near summer home near Newton's the past weak. Guests who have been at the Drift wood recently are: Robert Bowman, Seattle. J. W. Decker and wife. Port lend. C. H. "uqua. Raymond, Wash.,. J. R. Snyder. Raymond, Wash.. J. H Curry. Portland, H. .W. Scarborough, aan Francisco. W. H. Rows. Edmon ton- Alta.. B. A Smith. Portland, H. B. Adams. Portland, Kate Bosnia and Marv Hehl Kellogg. Ida.. Mr. and Mrs. rr.nk Lvnlff. Frances .Lyniff and Ruth Bellalr. Salem. Kdward Phoenix of Kaltspel, Mont a ra-atablished his cleaning and itrMtiiii narlors at Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Behrendsen of Portland are in a Btrauhal cottage at Long; Beach Recent guests at Hackney Cottage hiv. hrpn ftotti f ortiana. xx. Drake. L. E. Reokey. L. E. Joy, air and Mrs. E. E. Fitzwater, Elbridge C Smith, Edith Dougherty, Mrs. W. B Knarvn Mrs. S. P. Lockwood, airs, ai bert Doyle. W. P. Kaser, Mr. and Mrs. Friedman. Mrs. H. H. Drake, Rloux City la.. Dr. Lee W. Paul and wife. Ilwaco, J. II. Oberdrom Jr., Se attle. Robert J. Linden, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. u. e-nrei (Agues riruck. of Sacramento, are in the Wil liam" Druck cottage at Sea View. Mr. and Mrs. William Druck are expected this week. , Honeymooning at Hackney the past ten days have been Mr. and Mrs.iE. E. Fitzwater of Portland. Mrs. Edward Hickson or -ortiana, ' AT OCEAN PBK ' H. Hoadley. Yale 89. and a Blue oarsman, has Deen recuperating si Ocean Park since February. Mrs. D. MacMaster and five daugh ters, Mildred, Dorothy, Jessie, Fran- ces and Peggy, of Vancouver, Wash., are in the MacMaster cottage at Ocean Park. Miss Hazel Pinnell, of Astoria, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. E. O. Curran. The Leekly cottage houses Mrs. Fred Leekly and children. Misses Ruth and Dorothy Connell, of Portland, have Margaret Bronaugh, of Portland, as their guest in the Con nell cottage. Mrs. M. E. Gray and son, of Van couver, -Wash., are in the Gray sum mer home near Ocean Park. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Werschkul, of Portland, are spending their vacation here. Donald Roberts, of Astoria, is O.-W. R. & N. company agent at Ocean Park for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Angle and sons, Hugh and Cecil, of Portland, are at Ocean Park for the summer. Another . "bachelor" dancing party was given in the M. W. A. hall last night. Mrs. E. Y. Munsell and Mrs. L. D. Fiske, of Portland, are in the Mun sell cottage for the summer. Twln Falls. Idaho; Dexuid Peck, Per lnghar, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Lui vllle, Astoria. At the Sotel Torrey. From Portland : Carl E. Johnson and wife, Mrs. C- G. Raabe. Margaret John son, E. G. Higgins, Mrs. R. S. Carter, L. 8. Carter, Mrs. R. R. Rudolph, W, D. Wells, Mrs. Lou Gates, R. P. Thomp son, C. E. Bishop, Mrs. G. Kavanaugh and Katharine Kavanaugh, E. Trayl and wife, P. McKane and wife, C. A Kav and wife. B. G. Rosensteln. Wll Ham T.. Mnrran and wife. Mr. and Mrs. 1 5S-- W TV Walla. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hen-1 Barview. rys. Lloyd Invine. J. Long. Ed Knight and wife, Spokane; W. B. Simpson and wife. Boise, Idaho; Her man Ifonnoll W rVvwirHl A tnria- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown, Kawiey, Iowa; Alex Owen, Astoria; E. Piterson and wife, Clatskanine; Mrs. C. H. Beggs, San Diego, Cal.; Miss Dorothy S. Beggs, Mrs. William Morgan, R. M. J. Cousin, Seattle; Cantain Clyde Raabe. Beasiae Brevities. Mrs. CTopton and daughter, Sibyl, have opened their summer home in Hermosa Park for the beach season Since returning from Washington, Mrs, Clopton has been living at the Mallory, Mrs. Laura Summerville has opened her bungalow for the summer. The Knowles cottage has been opened for the beach season by Mrs. Mary B Knowles, Mrs. William Biddle is now located at her summer home. Mrs. Miles and family, of Walla Walla, Wash are in the Glen cottage, in Grimes Groves. Mr. Miles visited this week. Mr. Appell and family have opened their summer residence "Unedarest," in Railroad addition. improvement after the summer is over. Mrs. Catherine. I can see no rea son why you will not sell. R. C. S. You would make a splen did nurse. You have artistic talent along the lines of constructive art. modeling, dressmaking, millinery, etc. You are very original and inventive. An affair of the heart is foreseen at about 18 to 19, but its outcome is dubious. It would better be at about 23 to 24. Thankful. A -number of excellent prospects appear. You have magnifi cent abilities and evidence the asso ciation and friendship of superior types of people, coming mostly through your hia-h ideals and endeavors, and again "55. through a winning personality. You have a positive disposition, though not arbitrary. You are very sympathetic ruled by strong emotions, likes and dislikes. You will marry well, so- Or., June 27. Rev. Mr. ciauy ana nnanciauy. yet jater tnere Weber and Mrs. Weber, witn their t - : children, will spend the summer here summer home, which is nearlng com pletion. Mr. ana Mrs. reter tyrant are mmiu lng a few weeks in their cottage. The Talbot cottage nas Deen openeu for the season by Mrs. G. W. Talbot and Miss Talbot. Mrs. B. M. Lombard has openeo ner coast cottage for the beach season, 1 &UMMER RESORT?! HOTEX MOOR ?fKNNG SEASIDE CLATSOP BEACH OREGON Rooms with or without bath. Hot salt water baths, and turf bath, ing. Recreation pier for fishing. Sea food a specialty. Grill in connec tion. Music and dancing every evening. " DAN J. MOORE. Prop. BREAKERS HOTEL Billiards; pool, bowiing, tennis, golf, fresh and salt water fishing, boat' ing, riding and autos. We have our own livery stable and autoa; 3a miles of unbroken beach for auto runs. Our table is supplied from our own dairy, vegetable gardens and poultry yards. Postofflce, long distance phone end telegraph BtaUon in the hotel. O.-W., R. & N. station on the grounds. Write for terms and reservations to . THB BBEAXESS H OTEX. Breakers, Wash. BARVIEW ACTIVITIES in a cozy cottage. Mr. Weber is pas to.r of the Methodist church in Tllla mook. Dr. B. F. Rambo and Mrs.- Ram bo and children were here from St. Johns the first of the week. Mrs. Oliver, of Newberg, spent a few days of the first of thje week visiting her son, J, H. Oliver, "find family, of the hotel. Mrs. Snelllng, wlfeOXJLawyer Snell- ing. of Tillamook, is here with her two children, digging clams and hunting crabs. They expect to remain all summer. H. D. Jones, a Christian Science practitioner of Portland, was here over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Jones was accompanied by his friend, C, A. Arm strong, of Denver, Colo. Edward Minar and wife came in from Portland Saturday, and are occu pying the Jackson cottage, on Main street. They were accompanied Dy Leon Jackson, brother of Mrs. Minar, who has been attending school at Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. J. .tones, or st. Johns, spent a few days with their Last week Mrs. Sam Goldsmith spent! friends. J. H. Smith and family, the first of the week. Mrs. J. C. Williams of Banks is here for a few days. She Is accompanied by her brother, A. J. Palmer, and wife, from Wheatland, Wyo. J. W. Devine and Mrs. Devlne ar- at their cottage making ready for the summer season. John S. Rick, of Walla Walla, and son are occupying Mrs. Cohen's cot tage for. two months. Mr. Ricks is spending a pleasant vacation. . SEASIDE j Among the week-end visitors at the rived from Portland Sunday, and will Hotel Moore from Portland were Mr. occupy the Dr. Rambo cottage this arid Mrs John E. Kelly and Mr. and I summer, mt o Rnrtzemtver. I Miss Irene Carter, a teacher in the Mr and Mr R. H. Friendly, of Eu- schools or MlIwauKie. ur.. is nere. ana gene are stopping at the Moore. will spend the summer with ner ratn- H. D. Mitchell, wire ana tneir ntue i er. a. r. (.uner, n miim Spend Two Months Chasing Each Other Bride and Bridegroom Bennlted After Interrupted. oneymoon Caused by Missed Ships, Etc New York, June 27. Otto Van Warpf of Danbury, Conn.,' and his wife Edwina, have found each other and mended a honeymoon that was sun dered more than two months ago when the steamship i Uranium Wt Otto on the pier in Halifax and brought the bride to New York. Since that time the pair have chased each other from one continent to an other, passing on the seas, their union opposed by all the spirits of contradic tion and mischance that ever befud dled a midsummer night's dream. Otto arrived from Rotterdam, Holland, this morning. On last April Fool's day Van Warpf sailed for Rotterdam, and married hla childhood sweetheart, Edwina Haarl ven. They took passage on the liner Uranium. Van Warpf missed the boat at Halifax because of too' long a stay on shore. His wife, arriving at New York, sailed back to Europe. In the meantime Van Warpf had reached New York, missing his wife by an hour. He missed the next boat to Europe, but took the one after that. Then his wife returned, but he was on the sea. When Van Warpf arrived again he found his wife finally waiting. THE SHELBURNE KOBTK BXACH. Modern Improvements, beautiful dining room. Now one of the largest hotels on North Beach; with large airy and sunny roorriV We raise our own poul try. Reasonable rates, and special rates by the week for families. Make res ervations by mall or wire. Long distance phone in hotel. Buy tickets to Bhelburae Station Trains stop right a door. AsODRESS. SEAVIEW, WASH., T. J. HOARE, PROP. HOTEL TORREY Seaside Blhp Oregon Under the personal management of W. D. Torrey' Special attention given to our dining-room service. Rooms with or without private bath. Bus meets all trains. Rates on application. Overlooking the Ocean. W, D. TORREY, Proprietor i - ' ' ' Bungalow City Is in the heart of Bayoosan I surrouBd- 0 uy Bar a snrxacea streeis, - oemeai sidewalks, and beautiful residences. Summer bungalows, completely fnr alshel, for rent, S10.O0 a week. $18.00 two weeks, S30.0O a month. Bo extra charge for electrlo lights, water, fuel, lanndry and Janitor serrtee. Seaside, pr., June 27. For the an nual beach visitors at seaside the re sults of the spring's work will be sur prising. In every direction workmen J centiy at the Moore. son, Robert Dean, are stopping at the Moore for the summer. Mr. Mitchell has opened an attractive store In the Natatorium for the Oregon City Wool en Mills, of Oregon City. . H.'M. Cake was at the Hotel Moore j recently. Miss Dorothy B. Walton stopped re- have labored during the winter, and, as I a result. Seaside has been almost re made. What was formerly the old Shell road is now Broadway. WTith the new name has come a new street to all appearances. The old stores have been replaced with new. Both bridge and Flelschner are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lyniff and baby I k' K 4n h William -Sheehy daughter. Frances and guest, Ruth ottae went to 'Portland this week Hi ' Bum me Besort Subscribers. -hen yoa go away on your va cation, have The Journal follow you at the regular rate of IB cents s week, by mall) or the following gents wlU supply yon at regular elty rates i Barview, Or. -Xarold T. Brim hall. : Bay City, Or, Mrs. J. C. Me-, dure. Cannon Beech, JScola, Or. !. W. Crone. O arson. Washv Carl B. Smith. Columbia Beach, Or. B. Edna Bur ahead. OarlbaMU. Or. M. p. Bobison. . Qearhart, Or Philip Sessions . (All points oa beach). nwaeo. Wash. S. B. Woodruff. Xong Beach, Was feawreace . Xttnneen (All points on beach). BCegler, Wtt.-T-Xouls Cohen. , v Beport. Or. Donald James. - Kockaway ; Beach, Or. B A H. -; , Seaside, Or. Philip Sesatons. fAU voints en beach). Seavlew, - WasW Xtawrenee Xln- meem (All pouts on beacb). . ' Tillamook. Or J. B. Ltmtr. WUaoit Springs. Or P. W. Me- attond the wedding of her son. Jack Hickson. and Edith Sheehy. Edward Hickson is employee on tne norm jeny. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hickson will be in Sea View after a short honeymoon trip to "California. Mr. and Mrs. M- McNamera of Port land are in their summer home for the season. ' Mrs. A. Henion of Walla Walla-has taken the George McCabe cottage on the boulevard at Sea View for the sea son. ' . . . ! v. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ujvvneeier and daughters, Katherine ana Anna, are in the W heeler nome ai bw view. An un.tn-date cigar stand, pool hall and barber shop has been established at Sea View for the summer by W. L. Kent, formerly of Kansas City, Mo. The building is xne one ocvupiw j the Sea View store of the Ilwaco gr.o , eery last year, . Mr. and Mrs. Billy Dolph of Port land-and children were called home lBt Week because or tne aeain 01 Dolph's father. Cyrus A. Dolph of Port' land. ' - Mr. and Mrs. D. a. corrman 01 sea- HA aj-o, Sea, View sruests. Mr. and Mrs, W. a. weaver or 1330 East Main street, Portland, are In . Mr. and Mrs. I. N. spending a week at summer, home, on the feouth Board Walk. Mr. Flelschner and Dr. Charles Stalte spent a hurried, but successful, fishing trip up the Necanicum. TVi "rvown Kpnf has lust been oc street have been widened, and along J CUDiei f0r the summer by Mrs. Cohen ine siroex, on eauu bju, new umui.iSS an(J aaUghter, miss Leian iTonen, wno have Just returned- from New York, where Bliss Cohen has been studying muslo during the winter. Mrs. B. C. Bail and little girl and Mrs. William T. Muir and little glri are occupying the MIedermeyer cot tage for a month. The Pierpont cottage nas Deen opened for the summer by Mrs. W. E. Pierpont. Mrs. crosDy is wiin airs. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morgan, of Cath lamet. Wash., are visiting their son Charles Morgan, and family, of Gari baldL They expect to remain all sum mer. . The music furnished by the ,members n th. n.Kh.itr at thA Auim hall la making a great hit. The dances arei becoming very popular, and Mr Schnauffer. and all the members, in i Panama "Plague" Branded Pneumonia their beautiful ' fact, are to be congratulated. United States Health Agent Solves Mystery of Disease Which Beoently Appeared at .Colombian Ports. Washington, D. C, June 27. The mysterious and suspicious disuse Satas, Infortnatioa sad Racar- a-t 1 r'b--. "C . -tjif ration. 728 Corbatt Buildias. "iKr.? Zl yT&JT: Or Any S. P. S. K. Asaat, ''fe- ' THE DRIfTWOOD X. X.TB-IPP OPXM UL TXAB The Only House of Its Kind in the World Hot snd Cold Salt Water - Baths in Connection. TABLE BOARD A SPECIALTY X.OBO BEACB. WASH. have been erected Not only on Broadway, but also along the avenues and streets, cottages are being rapidly opened by early sea son arrivals. At the sotel Moore. From Portland: M. S. Shoek, Philip R. Sessions, W. E. Brannon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Haak. A. Klose, F. Van- duvn. Enlalie Legget, P. Wyne, F. R. McBride, Jerome Fulop, Scott Ranes, I pierpont at present. V. L. Ahrchoff. Raymond R. Smith, 1L J. Cohen, G. E. Millar, Mrs. Annie E. Mavnard. L- F. Keisey. vomey BearicK, C. H- Huntington, C B. prevett, James M. Albert. H. P. Roberts, B. C. Finkel- stein, Helen N. Green, Mr. and Mrs Clayton Wentss. Carl Hyde. John T. Lind, John E. - Kelly ana wire; u. tn. Mrs. M. M. Stephens has opened her pleasant cottage overlooking the Pa cific. M. N. Mayo, of Portland, has Opened his beautiful summer home on the North Board Walk. Mr. Mayo's son is spending a short time with him. The Malarkey cottage nas oee,n occu Bortsemeyer and wife. Miss C. A. Vo- pied for a week or so, by Mr. and Mrs. aelsang. J. McGuire. Charles K. Oliver, I .Vernon canngnu D. N.. McMillan, Ethel sundberry. oer- trude Waterman, A. King WUson, F. R. McBride, N. P. Hart, H. M. Cake, Fred erick J. Pryor, C. F. fcown, Mr; and Mrs.-V. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Charles Rosenf eld is to' spend the beach season in W. J. Bedmond's cottage. . Miss Ruth Rawlston and Miss Helen M. Dunne are spending 10 days at the L. Lewis, M G. N. weight, sol Bloom, i Dunn cottage, which -j " wait.r ir. Wftrria'and wife. J. D. Han- keen open all summer. Colonel Dunn ley. H. C. Wood, George Lithoff. George and son spent the week-end at the E. Hutton, Mrs. J. oiioert, n. j. viues-1 neacn. . key. L. E. Jay. Charles Weiside, C. H. I Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Hebbard are oc Rrnu'ii and wife. J. D. Welch. A. May-1 cuDylna Mrs. Bowles cottage for i nard, C. O. Lauretse. N. P. Macklin, F. couple of weeks. Miss Bulla Ireland, B. McBride, Mrs. E. D. Jewell, Mar- of Forest Grove, Is spending a week garet D. Creecle, Dorothy E. Walton, with them. E. D. Peck and virife. Miss Evelyn Bog- Mrs. F. R. Mitchell, of Portland, ar- ers Maude Van Teryle. H. G. Burco, A. rived this week, and Is occupying her a Roth well, ' W. P. Metzler. J. II. Cur- cottage, "The Dahlia, on Fourth ave- ry, E. F. Humason, F. C Spear. Charles nue. JMcThorsen, Alta Maynard, D. A. Philip R. Smitb and wife, of Port- Waxser, W. A. White. P. & Weith. W. land, and Miss Caseris, of North Yak- Barvlew win ceieorate ine rounn or h,rh n.rmllr nnmon.d at the rninm July with a clambake, drill by the life- blan ports near the Isthmus of Panama savers, bonfire on the beach and other ( nas imea found to ' be pneumonia by amusements. ; rr. Darllnsr. chief of the Ancona hog- Amone the arrivals at the Barview I hv Rerrttarv Oar- hotel for the past week from outside ; lson ot tne war department to lnvestl- are: R.. Yeast. George L. Holland, k. j RatP It naa been feared that bubonic L. Simmons, H. S. Wylle. Thomas H. f piaKue existed and additional quaran Cleland and wife, T. Holverson, Mrs. tine regulations were- adopted tem Jessie L. McLaughlin, Mrs. H. A. Van porariiy. Horne, H. I. Norden and wire. Mrs. , Tne earthquake shock of liny 27 on Carrie Myers. Mrs. F. T. Horseman, ; h, i.thmua wi the, most severe since Mrs. Merrill, Mrs. Margaret E. Reeds. tnat ot October, 1913. While the canal F. Noe. R. F. Nagel. F. J. Devine ana jocs and other works escaped injury, wife. Miss Wyman. Miss Jane Sweet, the administration ISnilding at Balboa Mrs Mary Sweet-Vosburgh, B. L. ,nas cracked in places and the waters Brotberton. Fred Fleming, Charles Ab-, 0f the jake rose and fell half a foot, bott. J. E. Murphy and wife, T. F. Mescb. C. C Cbad, B. F. Laughlln and wife, J. W. Donnan, Joe G. Simpson! and wife, all from Portland: E. M. ) Ward. Albany: Mrs. J. M. Willey. Mrs. . Laura ; McAdams. Mrs. Chester C. Clark Edith E. Benedict. Salem; Mrs O W. Robertson, Klamath Falls; Julia A Gault. McMlnnville; H. H, Parson, Dallas.- "THE HACKNEY COTTAGE" MOBEBB XH ETEIT BXSPXCT. Enlarged dining room capacity, beau tiful surroundings, most plessant spot cn North Bach. Make reservations ty wire or mail. Special rates by the v.eea. 9 ; ASOBE8S SBATZBW. WASK. Dog Fights Hogs; ' Saves His Master V Ottawa, Kas., June 27. For two hours the faithful collie of W. C. Parks, a farmer living miles north west of Ottawa, fought off half a circle of 100 ravenous hogs and saved the life of Parks, who had become un conscious In a fall of 11 feet, from a tree. - The barking of the dog brought aid a mile from the house. Just in time to rescue Parks. His dog was almost worn, out. The collie had killed one hog and mortally injured several oth ers. ".. -. FRECKLES Bow Zg the Time to Set Bid of Tbess Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles. as the prescription othlne double strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othlne- double strength from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morn ing and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis appear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than an ounce is 'needed to com pietely clear the skin and gain a beau tlful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee of money back if It falls to remove freckles. (Adv.) Hotel Sunset BEACH CEYTX STATIOH. Ideal SDot. MrxWn family botcl. Country ami Mabor combined. Ocn In ftiU Ylcar. Clear mountain water. Electric llttbta. Larc yard for children. Croqnet (ronl. rlB of 11 klnda. Heat cuiiloe sod table' aerrto. rixhlrjK. Snrf battiln. P. O. Loag Beach, Waak. Bra. Dadmaa, Prop. Furnished Tents t Barview 1 We have furnished tents with all . conveniences ready for housekeeping;- . also a first class hotel at Barview. Good, wholesome meals are served tn -a bright, clean dining room. The hotel is surrounded by a wide veranda over looking the ocean and amusement park. We -have safe row boats and. canoes for hire on both the lake and. bay at Barview. The large dance ball. pool hall and bowling-alley will be ap preciated and patronised by many. The drills of the ltfeaaving crew, the clambakes, the beach bonfires and deep sea fishing excursions are only s few of the many good things Barview. has to offer you. Before planning your vacation see us snd make reservations for tents or rooms. Place open now. Round trip tickets 11.00. - Ralph Ackley Land Co. 804 ralllar Bldy., 34 tad Washington.; The White House X.ONO BBACK, WASXXBOTOB A favorite hotel with Long Beach visitors. Large, comfortable rooms, first class restaurant with home cook ing. One block south of station. MJtS. a. T. W ITEHOUSB. Prop. HARVEST HOME Near ocean, croquet grounds, large yard. Rates $1.60 per day; $ per week. Home cooking. KXB. McXZAB, proprietress. Tong Beach, Wash. . HALYCON LODGE Biases BaeDowell and Saaaaea. riss Boon sod Board. Hoar Hotal Beers. SEASIDE. OREGON Ocean Crest Apartments - Famished for licet fcooMkaapiaa- LaanflTTI aaooatais water; 1 block to baa oh. Bake rasorv atioss early, p. Kocaaway, or. AT SAI.TAIB BZACX ' r - -. Hotel Saltair the best hotel on the beach. tZ.OO per day. Everything neat, - clean and homelike. Trains stop at the dooi. Write or phone for reservation. GEO. K. XJLXKZZBZ, Prop. BOOBAWAT, OBZOOB. ' "THAI SKUOHTrvX SEACKt KOKZ." ZX.KOBB At ZlaMre Para, sow opes. Earooeao tmf. Tt (urntabod eook toots, x qulot, ooiJke' oatlsg plaea, ovortooklag the or a a. Last year Ccr accomnrxxU tioua were Used to the ox lent. or aiaappoiottng nanr late appllctsta. Tbls Tar we bava doabled oar capacity but ' ergo ' that oarlr rcoorva tks Ui made. loa u Uke tbojiUe sod tho prlee. 'Writ for flrcnUr. THE ELMOKE. Bockaway, Or. JEWETT FARM RESORT. White BabBea. Waaa,. evorloekiag the Col- . mtrla rlTor. Beaatlfol scessrr. lavlgaratlnc SiosBUInr air, Erythlaf freak fruia tb farm for tba table. Ample accommodation. ei-!lDt servW, rates raaaonsble; 24 boar' a ride from Portland on to North Bank Hall way limited, or beasttfbl rid tip tbo Coioa Ma en atoamer Ballsy Oawrt. THURSTON HALL TZOOA, WASB. i Eight furnished suites. In firs at' Tioga; best water On beach, one block from ridge. BCBS. P. X. MS. BBS, Box 187, Zjoaff Beaoa, Wash.