1 THE I OREGON v SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY , MORNING, JUNE 28, 1911 5 FOR BALEHOUSES JContlnqad.) 61 FIB 10 ACBEAGK (Continued.) 57 ACREAGE (Continued.) 57 40 Acres for $1300 It's good land, near electric line and Portland; lies fine; living water, out- Double Construction. Modern Just Completed Dutch Kitchen Fireplace 1WKTM PARK Save time and money, call at once. Woodlawn 1561 or C-2457. FOR SALE LOTS (Con tinned.) .'-' I PORTLAND HEIGHTS. " D.,nm I've got 3 view lots, paving, sewers i DOaVCiUaill and sidewalks all in (Parkslde addi- j ThIg la 4 20 acre piace of the finest tionV only block from i carline. free ! and clear of incumbrance, that I am acrea c tne genuine pure beaverdam, range, rare bargain: fare 65c See Clti B X ttZ ;ind 14 acres of upland, wnicn is in zeng Agency, no aa st. veiveu uuuug v uajo, pasture. Tne beaveraam on tnis iraci cash or partial payments and 6 year i alone ls wortn more than the price mortgage, i - asked for all. and adjoins the finest C. II. JALUBS, - I onion rardena In the whole country, I ACRE TRACTS. 4Z8 Lumbermeni blag. which Droduced 400 sacks to the acre I I have seven full acre tracts adjoin last year, and brought in a return or ; jng Oregon UJectric. z oiks, rrom sta $1160 per acre. Cm account of settlings tion, near Garden Home. Will sell any up an estate Is the only reason this portion of same. Lies level, all cleared, piece can be had at such a cheap Price $550 to $750; $10 cash, balance firice. This is certainly sacrificed to $10 per month. Positively the best buy ess than 50c on the dollar. Price ' In this vicinity. W. J. Davis, 525 Cor- $3000 for all; casn, balance on a oeu oiog, It lies on county SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 100x100 Snap 100x100 adjoining Altamead. 1. blocks from Mt. Tabor carline; fac ing east; a snap at $600, $200 cash, bal. monthly. The cheapest buy in this district. Sell 60x100 for $300. Kauffmann & Moore .- : -325 Lumber Exchange. LARGE HOMESITES at Garden Home, on Oregon Electric, only $250 to $3o0, $10 -down. $5 a month. CLOSE TO STATION. Sidewalks, electric lights, telephone, good stores and. school; water piped; 7c commutation fare. Come out today. You deal with owner only. Also some cheap acreage buys. Ask for McCormic. owner, at the sta- tion. or phpne Mam 9282 MAI $485 LOTS 21. 22, 23 AND SOUTH 5 FEET OF LOT 24, BLK. 3, WILLAMETTE ADDITION, SIDE WALKS AND GRADING PAID AND INCLUDED; 'CORNER SOAIUU. iUtt (485. CJKT BUy. 10.. DISTRICT This magnificent 8 room home and fleeplng porch,- new and modern, fine y finished, must be sold. Every convenience, best location In Haw thorne. district; surrounded on all sides by the finest homes in the city; beau tiful view of the city and mountains. Magnificent electric fixtures and heat ing plant. WILL, BE SOLD AT A GREAT SAC RIFICE. WILL TAKE GOOD LOT IN I RVINGTON OR HAWHORNE DIS TRICTS AS FIRST PAYMENT. SEE OWNER 290. E. 47th Mornings before 8, evenings after 6 or call Tabor 2017. SKfllL Midi Cut to 1PVI NOTON HOME. Beautiful 8 room home, best part of Irvington. All improvements in and ta.ld. Owner must sell for business reasons. Get particulars Monday morning early. 6131 CITY DEPT., THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. , 269 Washington st. HAWTHOHNR DISTRICT. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, oak floors, aulte modern in every respect, best of nlumblnsr. This ls your chance .to get a nice home; $2900 will buy it on 'good terms If sold this month. Ask for , Mr. Derr. ' i. WESTERN OREGON" TRUST CO., . 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg. Special Offer B room modern bungalow on 60x100 lot, street improvements paid, in Maw thome dint., close to car. Price $2250 Will take lot or auto as part payment Lorattd 1368 Caruthers. Tabor 1048 or 1642, $650 CASH Lot 50x100. old 6 room house, can be made a fine little home with very little cost; 6 fruit trees, city water University Park. The lot alone is worth $750. A. J. Farmer, 401 Stock Exchange, FOR SALE FARMS f Continued.) 17 vears at 6 Der cent. road and 14 miles from, center of Port land, and 1 mile from electric station. 412 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Acreage 1. 2. 6 and 10 acre tracts, 30 minutes out on 10 ACRES EAST OF PARKROSE Platted in 2 acre tracts, with wa ter piped to each lot; fine view of mountains and river; one of the most beautiful spots for a country home In Oregon;- beautiful shade trees; adjoins my home and want good neighbors; good buy at $400 per acre. S. P. Os burn, 603 McKay bldg. LINCOLN-WOOD ACRE HOME TRACTS. On Oregon City Line, $450 to $600. Nr. r-k I r i l I I . IV" vmjuu tunc, " BW. BlSTi Redi Steel LleCtftC Have beautiful view, surroundings. OWj Wig) I1CU iiuvi.il-- ftnd best soU are only minutes. Cars y ACRE, 15 minutes' car ride. 5c fare, west side, for $750; $10 cash. $10 per month. If you are looking for a home where you can raise vegetables, ber ries, fruit, chickens, etc., this will suit you, so., ri. lee, oz- -oruen mug. WE- have real estate of all denomina tions. Prices down' Will exenange. Too exnensiva to advertise in detail. We rent your property and look af ter the repairing and collect rents, etc. Very reasonable. 202 Gerlinger bldg. WE have a fine view lot in Westmore land, worth $750; east iront, iuo it. from carline. Will sell for $475; rea sonable terms. F. N. CLARK & CO- Title & Trust bldg. 89 4th st. S. W. COR. 12TH AND HALL STS. 100x100 A fine site for apartments. particulars. S-65, Journal. For Vl. ACRE tracts for $350; $10 down. $5 per month. This is the best home site value in the city of Portland. It will pay you to see it. M. E. Lee, 522 Corbett bldg. 12c commuters" fare; very best of soil, water and community conveniences; $125 to $500 per acre on installments. The Shaw-Fear Co. Main 35. 102 4th st. A-3500. 10 Acres, $300 $6 CASH. $6 PER MONTH. 20 Acres, $600 $12 cash, $12 per month. $1 fare to Portland, On a good road. Neighbors, school, telephone. Deep, fertile soil, no rocks. All the land tillable. Some trade will be accepted. Fred F, Huntress Henry bldg.. 284 Oak st. ride from 1st and 'Alder: will reduce high cost of living; easy terms. CALLAN & KASER. 722-24 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 120 acres fronting a fine large stream, in Lincoln county, all finest of soil and well fenced; 25 acres highly cultivated, 15 acres ready to plow, which Is In pasture, good outrange for any amount of stock, good county road, good hunting and fishing, 6 room house in good condition, good farm and outbuildings, fine spring water for domestic use, farm implements and crops all go with the farm. This is one of the best buys in Oregon $5250. Very easy terms, or we might consider some small hard ware or other business as part payment; 46 acres ls fine river bottom. Everett or Crew, farm department. PRO VI DENT TRUST CO., 212 Selling bldg., Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Choice suburban home property or single lots, cash or terms. East 1743. WHEN you answer these Wan- Aus. mention The Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 80x 120; $575. f blocks from Woodstock car. CARL HERMES, 4811 61st av. S. E. Sellwood 1505. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention. The Journal. REACH PROPERTY FOR SALE 60 TILLAMOOK county beach lots for sale at one-third of value; terms. Classio Ridge Co- box 30. Portland, Or. ACREAGE 57 FOUR room bungalow on a large lot; window shades, Electric fixtures. Dutch kitchen; Just completed; cement walk to the car. Let me show you this. $100. $50 cash, $20 per month includ ing interest. Ask for Derr. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg. ' VlVE room bungalow on E. Morrison - st- that Is worth investigating; oak floors, dandv fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement; $200 cash will han dle It. Ask for Mr. Derr. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg.' . 120 Acres, $20 per Acre $1 fare from Portland. Level, dandy land. 60 acres open, nearly ready for plow. Close to school, station. $800 cash. 40 ACRES. $20 PER ACRE. Splendid farm land, close to school, station. $200 cash. CLAUDE COLE, 917 Board of Trade. Close In Chicken Ranch Fractional acre. mile from Gilbert station, facing Buckley ave. 7c fare. All fenced and under cultivation and improved with neat 4 room house with hot and cold water and telephone; chicken house and runs; some fruit and berries; well settled neighbor hood. Price $1700; $350 cash, bal. monthly. Kauffmann & Moore 325 Lumber Exchange. A Bargain In Improved Land Close In Within mile of R. R. and depot and within 25 miles of Portland; 40 acres of almost level land in a neighborhood of well improved farms; soil ex ceptionally rich (not a waste inch on it); one good spring; to clear, ready for plow, costs $45 per acre (contractor is ready to take job at this price); fronts on county road; is fenced with 4 foot mesh wire. Price only $80 an acre; 4 down, balance to suit. Improved land in came neighborhood sells for $200 and more. 1) Dorr E, Keasey& Co, 2d Fir. Chamber of Commerce Bid. BENDEMEER. Keep your thoughts on Bendemeer, the new country home district, on elec tric road, in Tualatin valley, 10 mile circle; lies nearly level,; some tracts all In cultivation, others with clumps of oak and fir trees. Now being sold at farm prices, $180 to $350 per acre. In 5 acre tracts. 10 per cent down, bal ance at 6 ter cent. The choice tracts are going right now. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY & CO. 913 Chamber of Commerce. MY eyes are failing; I must auit my Job and I need money. I have three , jln i 6967. iiuubcd 1 11 lunil anu uv uli CO ui lanu, Will sell part or all cheap. This is a splendid bargain for someone who lis some cash. C-77, Journal. - 5 Acres, Only $662 AH cleared land; only 600 feet to station, on. west side Willamette val ley; this ls a dandy buy; any old terms, provided It is paid out in four years. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO., 210 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. 1 OR 2 ACRES SACRIFICED. One mile from city limits, Just off Buckley ave., 6 blocks to car. Level, practically, cleared; water; near big school. An acre with city advantages at price of a lot. This week, $750 on easy terms. Worth much more. Owner, 913 Chamber or commerce, or pnone A HAKOAliS, $1Z50; .3 tine lots, 100 160, well fenced, fine variety of young fruit trees, berries. 3 room rouse, large chicken house; close to car, 15 minutes out. west side; terms. Would rent. Main 3741. ROSSMERK HOME. 9 room Modern house, corner S9th and Thompson. Call Sell. 16fi7. FOR sale. 5 room house, partly fur nished, full lot. close in, near Union ave. Phone Woodlawn 2997. Owner. COTTAGE, lot 75x100. lents. Tabor 5377. near carline, WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. FOR SALE LOTS LOOK here, do you want a good 15 acre farm only 7 miles from limits of Portland; half in fine crop, bal. good timber; all best of land; no rock no gravel; graveled road; one and a half miles to electric station; land lays perfect; "best - of terms. Write or call on F. D. Shank. 44 E. 75th., N., Portland. West Side Acreage Bargain 5 Acres, $1250 $125 Cash Very choice tract of level clparrt land, very rich soil, short distance sta tion. 45 minutes out: the verv nlnna for a man who works in the city; $150. per acre under adjoining land. Be sure to investigate It before you decide on sometning' less desirable. J. G. RAINEY. 1304 Yeon bldg. Marshall 3177, 5 ACRES ITOR I25ft $10 down and $5 per month buys 5 acres of good level loesred off land be tween Portland and Centralia. on the main line of 3 railroads, 1 miles from town of 1000 population, saw mills, shingle mills and other Indus tries; 160 acres to choose from. Some or tnese tracts are aoout naif cleared. A fine trout creek runs through the tract. Some bottom land, some up- 11U1U, an 13 EUOT. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 212 Railway Exchange. TUALATIN STATION. On the Oregon Electric; 8 Ir3 acres In cultivation with Improvements of small house, woodshed and stable combina tion; good well and pump; also young orchard of about V acre. Price $4500; terms to suit. CALLAN & KASER. 722-24 Yeon bdg. IB ELM HURST lot. on E. 53d. between Broadway and Halsey; will be sacri ficed If taken before July 1; choice east front, improvements paid. Call owner. Sellwood 635. $10 down. $8 monthly buys 75x200; price $760; east side, 30 minutes; 5c fare; will build to suit for nothing down. A. C. Marsters. Main 3517; Ta- bor 1770,202 Wilcox bldg. SNAP Corner lot at cost, $1400. by owner; one block from car; corner K. Hoyt- and Mlrmar sts.. Laurclhurst; Improvements paid; easy terms. Phone Main 6052 CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, electric sta tion y mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $lo0 per acre in small tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland Realt-v Co., 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. 60x100 Falrport addition lot at a real bargain; $475; Improvements in and raid for. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO.. 276 Pine St. lVOxlwO By owner, restricted district, close to car, reasonable, easy terms, good discount for cash; no agents. T- 117; Journal. j l400 BUYS an acre on fine crushed rock road; handy to two car lines. 5c fare, west side; $30 down, balance $15 month. M. E. Lee, 522 Corbett bldg.. ROSE City Park corner on the Ala- meda. 62x100; $750 cash. All as sessments paid. Phone owner. Tabor 618ft or B-3008. 76x100 home site, west side, for only $350; $10 down, $5 per .month. This Is the best value in the city. M. E. Lee. 622 Corbett bldg. . FOR i SALE At a bargain price of $3060, terms, 3 acres of cultivated land. 7 room bungalow, 2 miles east of Milwaukie on county road; depot new electric line to Portland on ad joining land. J. T. Stodd, owner, care Columbia Supply Co.. 70 Front st. YAMHILL ACRES. 10 acres 2 miles to Amity. XL In cul tlvation, In timber, fine spring, all fooa, nne ncn son; price cut to $750, 100 down, $10 per month, 6 per cent. 15 acres 2 miles to town and R. R part cultivated, some tlmber fine run ning stream, good soil. $1100. $100 down, tnen $io per month. 6 per cent r . Hi. seaenrest, 333 Chamber of Com merce. 32 ACRES. Improved farm, chean: lo cated 10 miles north of Vancouver Wash.. 20 acres In cultivation, eood : room house, barn, chicken houses, all kinds of orchard berries, etc.: runnlnu water, fine black soil. mile to store and P. O. Price only $4000. terms 11400 cash. The improvements on this place cost you notning, raw land ls worth tne money. GARLAND & LIND. 191 4th st. 56 1-2 Acres 2Vs miles from Oreeon Electric R R., 25 miles from Portland, close to good town; cream route and telephone, school house across the road; zh acres m high state of cultivation 1 acre of family orchard, 12 acres in pasture. 6 of it is ready to plow; 20 acres of good timber; good 8 room house. 36x56 barn, hoghouse, chicken house, 200 chickens, 4 cows, 2 heifers, 2 good horses, some hogs, 1 mower, rake. wagon, plow, cultivator, new separator and other tools; new large cooking range ana ail turniture. This is one or the finest farms In the valley, and must be seen to be appreciated. Price $7000, clear of Incumbrance. HARRY B. HUMPHRY. 212-"213 Chamber of Commerce. I Have Several Places Very fine wheat farms, in Sherman county, which are of fered at a remarkable bargain by the administrator; $5' to $10 per acre cheaper than anything in the county. Prices ranging from $15 to $25 per acre. Have also 960 acre farm S laced with me to be sacrificed, etween Grass Valley and Moro, close 'to town, all fenced, fine well, gasoline engine, good buildings. Price $12,800. No trade will be considered; first mortgage securities might be taken as first payment. L. K. Moore 217 Board of Trade. FOR SALE FARMS 17 (Contlaned.) UNQUESTIONABLY THE FIN EST FARM IN PORTLAND VI C1NIY. 250 acres river bottom land. It mi. from Portland in Tuala tin valley, approximately 215 acres In high state of cultiva tion with several miles of drain tile, no open ditches. All the VERY BEST of soil. Note the Improvements: House. 2-story, 9 rooms, hot and cold running water, enamel bath; 6000 gal. tank on 40 ft. tower; one out building 24x40, containing mllk room with running water, sewer, cement floor, fruit house, cement floor woodshed, and sleeping room for extra workmen. Gran ary 32x40. full basement for po tatoes; two barns 40x64; hog house 24x62; main barn 48x128, 40 ft. to eaves with shed 32x80. full basement, main floor and hay floor . 2 cement water troughs, chicken house, shop-and smokehouse. Hydrant water in convenient places, good sewer from house. Place well fenced, board anil woven wire an ceour posts. Buildings all newly painted. Good 10-year-old family orchard. School adjoining farm. This is one of the best buys we know of and we think we know farm values. We have inspected this farm. Price $160 per acre, and extra easy terms can be ar ranged. Will consider SOME GOOD TRADE. See Everett or Crew. For sale onlv by PROVIDENT TRUST CO. 212 Selling bldg.. Portland, Or. FOR SALE FARMS .1 (Continued.) . 160 Acres $11,500- Only mile from Brush Pralrle,'all level. 3 acres cleared, most of tho balance 'slashed end seeded, six fine springs, best of soil, good road, best of 'location. 8 room house, outbuildings; $7500 cash, balance terms. 294 Acre Stock Ranch 250 under cultivation. 200 acres fin? est of bottom land, running water, good location, fair 7 room house, 2 large barns and outbuildings, 20 cows. i horses, 22 pigs, all implements and ops. trice i8,uou; jsuuu casn. Dai tee terms. 355 Acre Dairy With stock and rood buildings. 2 miles from. R. R., water piped to the buildings. Price $17,000; $7000 cash, and the balance can run for 25 years. ITS A SNAP. E, F. Gilbert . 101 Washington St., Vancouver. Wash. We today announce to those lnter- A FINE SMALL FARM. 16 acres In Washington county, close to i-ortiand and electric line: ail in cul tlvation but three acres, best of soil and lies practically level; nice creek crosses; on main county road. R. F. D telephone and cream route; good 7 room house, good barn, woodshed, etc.; all kinds of fruit and berries; price j.tiuu; very reasonable terms. DAIRY AND HOG RANCH 65 acres, 30 miles from Portland and close to a good town; good soil, no rock and well watered; 80 acres in cul tivation, about one-half fine bottom land, balance UDland. Dracticallv level an ideal dairy and hog ranch; lots of iruu; rair buildings, K. r . D- phone and near two schools; price $6300; very reasonable terms; nothing ad joining can be bought at this price. HOSTETLER & ANDERSON, 723 Chamber of Commerce $37,50 Per Acre Ideal Stock and Dairy Ranch 162 acres in Lane county. IVt miles from Ry., 19 miles north of Eugene, 7 miles from Junction City, excellent shipping facilities; best of soil, no rock or gravel and practically all tilla ble land; land is fenced and cross fenced and 60 acres are under cultiva tion, with 50 acres more in old pas ture, very easily cleared at not to ex- gon. ceed $15 per acre, balance first-class i All level, rich, river bottom soil, piling timber; good spring and creek. ; Hundreds of acres of alfalfa land. 4 room house, barn and outbuildings: steamboat landing on the ranch. Elev family orchard; the cheapest buy in i trie railway station one mile. Dwell this district: well settled community ; ing house and two barns. adjoining lanas neia at fromvloo to (TOO CA n - . vpooiu rci nuie BARGAIN NEAR PORTLAND 23 H a. all In cultivation 1 mile from town on electric, house, barn, family orchard, no better soil to be EXCHANGE REAL - ESTATE 21 (CeetiaaaO.) IXCHAftG! 80 acres. 6a in cultivation and ' In crop, 12 jn alfalfa; fine stream througl E 'rom h'ch most of property can imgaiea; miles to good county town; price $4800, mortgage t years, g per cent: will tae rouse and lot and will assume some. 40 acres about half cultivated, fair set farm buildings, family orchard. 2 1 wa weiia, is mile to Vancouver. 1 Va mtJ'".to n- R- station, store. P. O. aud school. Wtil take house and lot to $2ooo. Price $4600 200 acrea. Tl lamook dairy ranch, rair house, about 30 acrea -clear and improved, plenty good outrange ad joining, close to stores, school, cheese taciury, etc, ror Portland property r valiey farm or sc reuse. 40 acres. Strvens Co.. Wash- 14 acres cultivated. 3 acres bearing or ; chard and $15i0 mortgage for cheap lands in western Oregon. 7 room house, west slope Mt Tab-, extra large lot. corner, streets all paved. all In.nruvrmcnta In. to ax change for acreage or cheap lands. Chittenden & Neill - ' 510 Oak Street. " c .vuaj aiiilfUllVC l KJ l HJt3XJ nun - . j . v, aavr ' . evil v wv ested In buying farms that we have for found anywhere. City water within1 i arm oargain ever orrerea in Oregon. 670 Acres $4000. J. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 603 Dekum Bid g SOIL 20 FEET DEEP. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Fronting on the Willamette river 60 miles from Portland. 1 Adjoining the finest hop land in Ore- WHEN vou answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. FOR Ini-NT FARMS 11 EXCHANGE. 8 acres 7 miles west of North Yam hill. Part in cultivation, $40 per acre, for residence. 13 acres near Roseburg. all In culti vation, fine gentleman's home, every thing up to date, for Portland Income property. 29 acres near Camas, Wash., part In cultivation, fair house, family orch ard, want residence In Portland. Two acres on Mount Hood carline In cultivation. t room house, for smalt residence. SO acre dairy ranch near Molalla.' 22 miles from Portland, fenced In six fields, good 9 room house,1 good large barh. commercial orchard. This Is fine place. Want wheat land or Income city property. 55 acres near Camas. Wash.. 3i acres In cultivation, new house, good large barn. 12 acre in prunes, 5 In aples and pears. Want small residence in Port land and terms. See Mr. Hulse. Realty Department of HARTMAN - THOMPSON .. (Fourth and Mark.) J SO per acre; a snap nanaie. half cash will Kauffmann & Moore 325 Lumber Exchange. 90 ACRES 1 mile west of Lewisbure. four miles north of Corvallls; 60 acres in culti vation, bal. timber and pasture; 28 acrts clover, good 5 room house, fruit house, wood house, granary. 2 barns, 2 good springs, well fenced, fine orchard. head or cattle. 3 horses, ao nogs, all poultry, wagon, hack, surrey, plow, harrow, disc, cream separator, 2 sets of harness, growing crop; 1 mile to R. R. station, store, high school,' church. Price $80 per acre; 18 acres clover to cut for seed; crop and Imple ments, easily worth $2000. making land cost less than $57 per acre. HARRY B. HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. a mm m the MMDS We challenge its equal at double the price. It Is unquestionably a genuine , ec snap and we are going to sell this to i trv- the first man who sees it. ST. CHARLK8 LAND t'O.. St. Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison st. FOR RENT 5 acre combination fruit I and chicken ranch, 20 minutes out on Oregon Electric; beautiful, home like place. Will sell chickens, all growing fruit on place and equipment ! very reasonable. F. A. Esbock. Mult- nomah. Or., phone Main 7842. FOR RENT ii ttvrea, crop in. imple ments for sale; 1 ' miles from Os wego, first hours wet-t Oswego cemc- 160 Acres 35 miles from Portland, 734 miles from town and R. R., e from Prettiest place you ever saw. 20 acres. Fronting on Scappoose Creek. $900. $250 down, balance 6 years, 7. One of the rare chances so hard to find to secure at a bargain; on easy terms, a 'charming place for a small farm, or country home, 23 miles from Portland, .bound to steadily Increase in value. ST. CHARLES LAND CO. St. Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison st. FOR SALE by owner, a well improved valley farm of 80 acres near craw- ford. Wash., on Yacolt branch of N. P. 20 miles rrom Vancouver, well rencea. 2 good wells, excellent water. Also trout stream through farm. This land ls very productive, well drained ana lies well. Near school. R. R. station and P. O. 60 acres in cultivation, bal ance In pasture and orchards. Fully equipped for farming and dairying. Will take one-third cash and terms on balance. This will bear closest inves tigation. Complete list of stock and equipment furnished on application. Will make a special price for a lim ited time, of $10,000. J. W. Stockdale, Crawford. Wash. OREGON CITY ELECTRIC. Almost 4 acres;' about 3 acres In cultivation; fine soil; acre onion land; small house, chicken-house, stabile, water: many kinds bearing fruit; make nice little home; near station; easy terms. Fletcher. 225 Abington bldg. OREGON ELECTRIC BARGAIN. Two to five acres, right at station, 10c fare, all high state cultivation; nothing better on this line. Price $500 an acre; easy terms; refused $900 an acre one year ago. Jacob Haas, Gerllnger bldg. ; 100x180 East 57th. near Lincoln, 100 ft. off Hawthorne line; hard surface, sewer, etc.; fine neighborhood; a good cash buy: no commission. Tabr 2329. 80x120 CORNER. $750; $50 cash. 10 per month; fine location and nice trees. Call Sunday at end of Wood stock line. Inquire for W. H. Betts. TWO full lots near Woodmere school, Mt. Scott line; fruit trees, berries, etc., for sale cheap. Leaving Portland. f-75. journal. bNAP TEN lots 60x100 in two blocks railroad, at Ocean Park. Wash., $100 each. 21b Abington Dicig. LOT 4, block 16, Terrace Park, Monta villa, $400 cash, abstract Included. Address ioi& m. ann st. in. OVERLOOK coiner, $1150, easy terms. $150 down. Phone, owner, Marshall 8933. . : FOR SALE Lot 50x100 In excellent location, paved street, reasonable. Owner, 1033 Rodney ave. FOR SALE CALIFORNIA ACREAGE 640 acres level land, sandy loam soil, good for alfalfa, grain or orchard; 114 miles from Cima, Cal., on Salt Lake railway; buy now before the big rush of 1915; price $25 per acre; reasonable terms. Aaaress iz-is, Journal. 32 MILES FROM PORTLAND $1250. 40 acres, nearly 2,000.000 feet of first growth timber, 3 miles from rail road, near Gaston, in Yamhill Co., the cheapest thing in the country. TTT VTT1 W fiKRMiM I" H 914 Chamber of Commerce. 200 ACRES adjoining city Myrtle Creek, or.; living water, timber, hill pasture, 20 acres tillable; would make several small homes and city lots; soil good for goat ranch; price $3000. Homer Qatman, Myrtle. Creek. Or. SACRIFICE FOR $1100. THIS WEEK ONLY. 5 acres, finest soil, no eravel- acres In clover; no waste; 114 miles from Linnemann station; on county road; near graveled auto roads. Mort gage $500. balance cash. Worth $1750. Price $1100. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY & CO. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 5-Acre Chicken Ranch 4 miles from city limits; small house, barn and chicken coops; best of soil; price Is only $2000; good terms, fcee Hartshorhe, 431 Chamber of Com merce bldg. CHEAP HOG OR DAIRY LAND 25 acres, deep rich soil, well watered, easy clearlne good neighborhood; 1 mile to station; 29 miles' from Port land. Ideal for diversified farming. Price $800; terms, $15 down. $15 monthly. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. 10 TOU III 7 acres, finest soil in Oregon, close to Tualatin Station, comfortable house ready to move into splendid home for one willing to work; $2500; discount inr an casn. Address B-37. Journal. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585, or Sell wood 47fi. Jonn H. oiDson. owner. COUNTRY HOMtf-10 MILE CIRCLE Has 5 acres 0 fine level rich soil, all in cultivation, on fine county road; joins electric raifway; 3 blocks from station; in Tualatin valley. Price itou. tjmy requires $165 down pay ment, balance 6 per cent. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO. 913 Chamber of Comm erce. A SNAP 60x100 lot for sale for $350 part cash. Call 1753 E. 19th st. Any "time after Sunday. r AM compelled to sacrifice my Oswego . lake Bhore lot. Only a little cash needed. H-866. Journal. i 10 ACRES at Cottrell. on Mt. Hood electric: fair house, good well, some fruit, some good timber, all good soil, on country road; price $3000; will trade for residence full value, or lots for part. S. P. Osburn. 603 McKay bldg. 2 ACRES IN FAIR VIEW On electric and good street, all "good land, fine view of Columbia and moun tains, a beautiful building spot. Price $1000. $100 down. bal. to suit. S. P. Osburn, 603 McKay bldg. QUARTER acres with Bull Run water and sidewalks laid: close to Mdltno mah station: 6c carfare, electric lights telephone, city schools, as low as $450 per quarter on terms of $10 per month. Go out today and see for yourself. F. A. Estock, agent, at Multnomah, or 512 Piatt bldg., city. SPLENDID LOW PRICED FARM for $50 an acre. We offer one of the most beautiful farms in Yamhill coun ty; 360 acres well improved with over 130 acres bottom in cultivation; 8 miles from McMinnville, on county road; rural route; school -near;, has springs and running stream through place; land lies level or sloping; some open oak timber, but nearly all easily tillable; a place that will be a fortune for a progressive farmer: ideal condi tions for hog raising, stock, general farming. Good terms. D. McChesney, Title & Trust Qldg. - FINE dairy ranch for sale or part trade: 80 acres cultivated crops, fine family orchard: " 6 room bungalow. good well and creek; large new 2 story arn, 34x70, Soil, rich land, level and slightly rolling. Team, large -young sorrel mares ana wagon, t cnoice cows, 4"calves, 6 hogs, chickens; new separa tor, etc. All fenced. No incumbrance. All this for $8500. Will accept mod ern bungalow to $3000. Portland, else where. Some cash, balance terms. Apply Mrs. T. Max Meyer, Crawford, Wash. . owi mm 92 acres, 56 acres in cultiva tion. 4 acres of orchard, balance of land In pasture and timber; 2 springs. 7 room house with com plete water system: 2 h. p. en gine; new barn 5Sx"0. 3 horses, 6 cows, heifer. All kinds of farm Implements. 3Vi miles from Oregon City on macadamized road, hi mile from Willamette Valley Southern; cream route, telephone, R. F. D. $28,000.00. ',- cash, balance on long time at 6e interest. Dillman 5f Howland, 8th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. good automobile road, 10 acres almost cleared, some of It into garden: t fine springs on place, small house and barn, good well and fine water, fine trout stream on place. 2V million feet of llnioer: nan no rock or gravel : per cent of land can be cultivated, and beat HAVE 13 acres for rent at $12 oer month, Vi mile from station, 18 1 of soil, all fenced with a 7 wire around miles from city, all improved. Gar-lthe place; this is an Ideal stock rancn; land ft Llnd, 191 4th st. WHEN you answer these Waal Ada. mention The Journal. WANTED FARMS 3D DAIRY FARMS 32 acres near Beaverton a almost half-price. 525 acres near Marion at only $90. 35 acres model dairy, everything feomplete and new, with Irrigation, S. E. of Salem. 31 acres, completely Improved at West Stayton. 10 to 300 acres at Farkrose, near street car. See S. Hewey. 269 Stark st., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON. DAIRY RANCH STOCKED. 160. acre stock and dairy ranch 7 miles from Kalama, Wash., greater part fenced, 45 acres cleared and in hay, 2 bearing orchards, 70 English walnuts bearing, fine soil, the greater part level, watered by creeks and springs, some valuable fir and cedar timber, unlimited out range. House, 2 barns, one Just completed, cost more than $1000. more than $3000 worth of fine blooded stock and machinery, all for $7500. $4200 cash, a real snap. A. W. Estes. Kalama. Wash. 20 ACRES. Only 3 miles from carline and 9 miles from Vancouver; all No. 1 land; about 7 acres cleared; house, barn, fruit house, good well, spring on cor ner of place: all fenced; family orch-t ard. Price $3000. only 40U casn. Dai ance as long as desired. Atkinson & Nichols, 611 Main st.. Vancouver. 160 Acres WE want for buyers now waiting at, the hotel, 5. 10 and 20 acre small ; rarniH, priced right, near some canine. Also 40, 60 and 80 acre farms, in good location, improved, stocked. et. Also have party witli $35,000 cash for best farm or land bargain offered. Send complete details. Prices must be right. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. St. Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison st. FARMS WANTED In exchange for Portland Income prop erty values irom $10,000 to $60,000. See Everett or Crew with PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212 Selling bldg., Portland, Oregon. WE have real estate of all denomina tions. Prices down. Will exchange. Too expensive to advertise In detail. We rent your property and look af ter the repairing and collect rents, etc. Very reasonable. 202 Gerllhger bldg. WANTED 3o or 40 acres of land on be reasonable. Will buy or trade for 1 pnerioca p.qg 2 acres cleared. 10 bearing fruit trees. 50 young- fruit trees, lo acres slashed and seeded. 11 acres under ; good clear Portland property valued xence, 30 acres or gooa tiuauie una i at $4500. Address box 592, K wnen ciearea; living stream tnrougn 1 wash the property; 4 room house, barn 16x22, large outrange; 1 mile from school, . miles from store and postofflce; tele phone in the house. This is a good place ro be sold a Land adjoining this ls selling soil cannot be beaten in the state; "rice $4250 per acre; will take residence property up to $5000, bnlance rash or mortgage. Address K-101. Journal. , Wants a Farm Have a nice 7 room modern house, 50xl0 corner lot on the west side, value $4500. clear of Incumbrance, lo trade for a small farm. Will assume up to $2500. Means business. .N. Dorr E. Kasey & Co. 2d Fl; Chamber Commerce bid. 5 Acres to Trade AH In crops, oats, potatoes, garden and fruit; good water; all level; fine soil; county road; close to electric line, close to eighth grade school; about IS miles from Portland. In Washington county. Or.; fine bungalow, barn, chick en house, wood house; 1 horse, buggy and harness, 4 dozen chickens, all farm tools: will trade for home In Port land, value $2500. Peper ac Baker, 444 Kennewick, WANTED Five acre Improved farm within 15 miles of Portland, must be near rail- r SW" ISd hoVs." This must ! ?9 j'oU ff, C"h fr r,ght pUtC" ! at once to settle up an estat. j Journal. Ijoining this ls selling at $15 WANTED, to lease a good farm by a per acre. Price of this place is $1100. $535. cash, balance on long time. Dillman & Howland, Eighth and Main Oregon City. farmer who would be a desirable tenant. W. W. Harris, R. J, Box 66, Oregon City. Or. , WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal TEN DOLLARS AN ACRE We will sell you a farm 3 miles from Tillamook bay on a good road, close to school and neighbors, for this price furnish perfect title; every acra ls good soil and on a fine stream water. We might take half cash. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO.. Oregonlan Bldg. 15 Miles From Portland 20 acres V mile from German Luth eran church and school, 2 miles from electric car, 15 acres clear, balance pasture 94 acre beaverdam, new house and barn, fine soil, on county road, good well and pump, creek, the land lies Just sloping enough to drain; crop goes with place; this surely is a bar gain; $3500; good term. Peper & Ba ker, 444 Sherlock bldg. Owner Must Sell 23 acres, all in high state of culti vation, good buildings, fine orchard and ell, ,J mile to electric station, school and churches, near Forest Grove, 25 miles from Portland. Was $5000 but owner cut it to $4000 for quick sale. Terms easy. C. De YOUNG & CO.. 614 Chamber of Commerce. FORCED sale. 103 acres. 62 culti vated; balance pasture! 3 sets of buildings; on second bottom; sandy loam soil; level; never overflows; best of land; on co. road; owner lost his woman; crop goes at once. " AVorth $10,000; goes for $5000. i cash, bal ance to suit at 6 per cent; act quick. Near Winlock. See O. Edwards at Winlock. Wash. 100 ACRES at $40 per acre. Z, miles from Ry. town In Willamette valley; a mighty good value; has 60 acres cleared; house and barn; some fruit, springs, running stream; place lays well; much of it nearly level valley land; a good layout for stock and gen eral farming. D. McChesney. Title & Trust bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. One mile from electric railway sta tion. 50 acres. All level, all cleared, all in crop. Rich soil, good water, fence- hog-tight. 4 room house, good barn, hog houses, poultry houses, all kinds of tools, implements, 3 milk cows, 2 horses. 26 hogs, big lot of chickens, ducks, geese, bees, etc. Price $6500. - Terms $1500 down, balance small I yearly payments. Will consider Port land property in exchange. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. St. Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison st. LAWNHILL DAIRY CHEAP. Part long time; spring water piped In; new large frame Dullding; un limited free stock range; young or chard: all kinds berries; on large creek; school, mail and telephone; close to railroad and boat landing; lawn and flowers. Box 21, Toledo. Or. 160 ACRES fine deep loamy soil, no rock, part under cultivation, good box house with some furniture, farm ing tools, lot of cedar posts, fine spring of water near door. 25 miles f Portland on fine drive. Price $2500. Terms. Wraggener. 205 Abington bid. 30 Acres Improved On good road:' house, barn, al horses, cows and chickens; fine spring, near Hillsboro. This Is a dandy. Price $6000. Good terms. See Hartshorne, 431 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 40 ACRES 35 under cultivation, 5 acres pas ture. 5 timber, .-spring water piped; 2 Btory house. Large barn. 250 ft. Chicken house, new. 8000 capacity; fruit drier. 1000 prune trees. 100 bear ing apples, 60 bearing walnuts, other fruits. Land level, deep rich soil; on level country road to good town on electric. If you have $2500 in cash, come In and talk to us about terms and trade for the balance. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 303-4-5 Stock Exchange. Portland. Oregon. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? 4 83 acres o' good tillable land. 4i miles of Lebanon. Linn county; all fenced, good buildings, spring, creak and well water, gasoline engine: price $25 per acre. Just hi Us value; may consider some trade; It's a snap. Mo- . Kenzie & Co.. 615 Gerllnger bldg. 130 ACRE FARM. For sale or exchange by owner, lo cated 38 miles from Portland on elec tric line, all under cultivation; will sell or exchange all or part for close In Portland property. Phone Main . 9466. 386 3d st. A. J. Delano. 5 Room Bungalow Snap I am going to sell or trade my 1709 equity, balance $16 month. Make offer or what have yuu to trade f or. same f 88 10th. Marshall 1.98. . r In central Orcitun. Raise rood I BUSINESS corner at the end of Wood- crops everv year. Splendid for stock car line; $1600; two small dairying. Cheese factory, sawmill, buildings, rented for $12.60 per month, small towns, good schools, tie. Will exchange for stock of notions and Can place vou on good honiesteud ome cash. Sellwood 202S. Come out in this locality. Also have re In- u -- oun.mj. .wn.-r. Muishment to improved farm at a bargain. See me Monday or Tues day at Hotel Alder. 4th and Alder Bl' ALVIN S. HAWK. (No deposit on location fee. HOMRSTEAPS 1 Live on"" Homestead HAVE a homestead In Lake coiinty. Or.; know of a few choice 320 acre claims still vacant. For Information, call after 7 p. in., Wagner, 467 N. 23rd st.. Portland. HOMESTEAD 160 . acres. Tillamook county, 1 acre cleared. 2 room cabin, spring water, small creek, good piling timber, 3 miles from county road. ZhOM Alder st Room 7. WANTED Homestead relinquishment; state price, township and range. county road, school and full partlcu- lars first letter. B-100. Journal. WANTED To buy good homestead re linquishment; state full particulars A-43. Journal. HOMESTEAD relinquishments, some improvements. Prlee $175 quick ac tion, waggener, zi5 Abington nldg. SNAP. BY OWNER. Three miles from town; hog and dairy ranch. Price takes crops, live stock, machinery and tools. All In running order. You should see this place. Owner. Oregon City, Or. R. F. t). No. 2. 29 ACRES, 1 -hour by auto, best road, no hills, finest stream, some bottom land, hot and cold water In house: ideal country home, chicken or hog ranch. Price $2175; terms. 620 Hen rybu I lding. TIMBER LAST CALL AT THIS PRICE. 100 ACRES $8000. 60 acres of this has crops in, balance HOMESTEAD relinquishment for -ale pasture, water all year. Mne 10 roomj er trade; near Portland. Main 9130. plastered bungalow, water piped n . house, barn, granary, other buildings. 6 miles from Ridgefield. 1 4 niil.-s boat landing. The soil is perfect. Tho price this week, $800o. Buyer could get personal property on the place for $2500 more. No trades. Cash .nd terms. Good reason for selling. Let me show you this place. H. B. APPER8ON, Ridgefield. Wash. Half Acre at Oswego Lake Right on lake front, with electric light, water and telephone; very easy terms. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO., 210 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. $1000 BUYS fine lot, close In, on west : side; big future: terms to Sulk M. E. : Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. , ' ' - - TWO lots in Montavllla. very cheap for cash. Owner. T-116, Journal. "LOT In Flrland diet.. $360; worth $450. $5 monthly. M. 1166 720 C. of C. hid. : OK good cheap lots see , Dahlgrn v BTkeley. Sellwood 2858. - FINEST corner lot in Overlook for sale at a sacrifice 100x10 B-93. Journal. $650. -2 b K-147 blocks 'Woodmere station. Journal. COWLITZ CO., WASHINGTON. Has thousands of acres of burned over land "that will make first-class A REAL snap in 11 acres, unimproved, I farms. Any size tract, $6 to $15 per at Haiey station, ii,siacaaa line. irc criu. nn a. w. istes. Price selow lands adjoining. Owner ! ft-aiama, w asn. must sell. Neal Brown, 309 Pana ma bldg. LOOK AT THIS GIFT! ' 5 acres south of Linnemann Junc tion;, party going east, and will sac rifice for $1250. part cash. CALLAN & KASER, 722-24 Yeon bdg. CHEAP Good terms, 5 acres and 2V4 acres, both Improved. See Green, Whitford station. Oregon Electric Ry., close to station. COME and see this improved acre: it surely will suit you. Oregon, City car. George Ross. Jennings Lodge. Or. HALF, acre, 5o fare, in fruit, $900; $400 will handle. Refused $1400 last fall. Must sell. Phone B-1153. 1A IfURK 3 neren eleareri. 10 norea liUSINESS corner. 20th and Clinton, J slashed. Quick cash salet $150. Tabor :? rine et. !.... . $1350. Call 20 ACRES $800 $1 fare from Portland; level land; close to , school, station; 800 acres on market; $100 cash or $20 down, $10 per month. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. MILWAUKIE PARK, finest view acre in tract; oneap. juahigren. Park wood. Or. rood 2358. 10 ACRES, rich bottom land, on Tuala tin river, close in; $250 per acre; easv terms. P. O. box 1083. 8 ACRES, mile east Milwaukie, some thing good; a bargain; no agents. B-97, Journal. -- YAMHILL COUNTY FARM 404 acres with 100 In cultivation; improved; on? good road. 8 miles from county feat; rich soil and nearly all tillable, Eome open oak and fir, springs and trout stream; magnlficient gen eral purpose farm; $40 an acre: terms D. McChesney. Title & Trust bldg. 40 ACRES, about 10 clear, 15 miles Portland on county road. A mile to school, 3 miles to electric line; team, harness, spring wagon, hack, plough, disk, harrow, Sulkey cultivator, small cultivator; 2 cows, 2 pigs, 2 dozen chickens. $1800 cash handles this. $800 runs two years. C-69, Journal. IF YOU want the best dairy farm in Oregon for the price, write for full particulars of my 200 acre Willamette valley farm, fully equipped, or call and see diagram and photos. Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg NEWCOMERS The easiest way to get posted on farm land is to come to the free show, today at 266 Wash ington st. (between 3d and 4th). In teresting, instructive and absolutely free. Brine the ladies. WE have real estate of all denomina . tions. Prices down. Will exchange. Too exDensive to advertise In We rent vour property and look ter the repairing and collect rents, etc Very reasonable. 202 Gerllnger bldg. FOR KXCHANGE 9 acres nrar Slier''. idan. Or., Iialf cleared, running water; price $1200. Will take Portland lot worth $600. balance $120 per year. N. W. Merrifleld. ,810 Washington street, Vancouver, Wash. 1 HAVE some well located Portland lots to exchange for small farm or house snd lots In suburbs; must be clear of Incumbrance and Dot over -$2500 valuation. A. K. Hiui., 41- Henry Bldg. FOR SALE On Waverleigh Helghte. - $900 equity In $3000 house, lot 46x 100, near carline; will sell cheap or trade with some cash for acreage near Tualatin or Beaverton. Address .87$ Hrooklyn. Belloood 673. - " 4840 acre wheat and stock ranch; will dlvlJe; price and terms light: Improved Willamette valley farms from 160 to looo acres; au gooa buys and some snaps. S. M. Vcnard. 409 McKay bldg, . BIG fine house, dandy corner, 16 large," light rooms, arrange for more: Holmes bed, hot water heat, rent $110 per' month, unfurnished; It must be seen; small cottage or lots taken In exchange- 816 Alblna. FINE lot, suitable for apartment or business, worm iisoe: small mort gage; will trade for horses, livestock or acreage. Owner, 80 11th st. 50.000.000 FEET of fir. close to rail way, plenty of water. A good mlll inar nronosltion and - easily handled. This is a bargain, on terms. D. Stev- I GREENHOUSE with 5 roum bunxtlow ens. 522 Corbett bldg. I on 3 full lots; will trade my equity DjO ACRES timber. an-HHed on tax of $2000 for unincumbered city lots; roll at iinuo; win sacrifice at $1600. I can room s, inrningion oiig. Owner needs money. East 378. Phone Monday. FINK city lot. 50x100. 5 acres unlm-' Droved land, all clear of Incum- WHKN you answer these Want Ads, I brance, trade for suburban house anp mention The Journal lot. Call 88 10th. near Htark. M TfiH Who Is Going to Get It? 15 V- acres. 4 miles from St. Helens. Or. Good soil. Fine spring water. Prico $750. Terms $150 cash down, balance ,.o. j, vci , WILL sell or trade mv 6 room houw. h r electric liahts. a-as. Die- lot. one blttck l EIGHT rooms, modern, corner. 100x160. ou v., ...-, x.-.. Wurn.Un.i. from ca aci-e - ot ovrr $3000. $3600. for smaller house or vacant n7 ArrPs DrPPrin P.ltV Par-. I What have you? V-560.' Journal. lot and little casn. Owner, U-766, Jour- , .0.. WE have sc EXCHAM.E KKAL KSTA'l K til I HAVE a nice bungalow, 2 blocks from "car. price $2100; my equity la $li)00; will trade for good lots In a well located district or acreage close in; aiklress owner. P-880, Journal. AM looking for a going ranch from an owner who wantM to exc-hana-a for good Improved PosCand property. xai. joiirnm. - 1 HAVE 44 acres J6 miles from Port land; would like to trade for small er ''lace close In. Bellwood 1424, or call 464 E. 2Mb st. - line One mile from station, 36 acres cul tivated. 10 acres more slashed in pas ture; two sets of fair buildings, family orchard; running stream, no better nange. best Duy jn vicinity of Portland: detail. ' pnce too low to quote here; call for . ful1 details It will pay you. Jacob HAVE A 14.38 ACRE PLACE near one of the best towns in the val ley which I will sell for 1-3 of actual cost, including all implements and per- i sonal property with household furni-' ture. Price $3000; very easy 'terms. CALLAN & KASER. 722-24 Yeon bldg. WISH to Improve my cranberry land; - will sell 5 acres, easy payments; owner. 202 Rothchild -bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mentloi The Journal. FOR SA LE Farm of 168 acres, 3 miles.from Portland; about 85 acres cleared; good orchard, water and build ings; good roads and . best . climate. A snap at $4Ckner acre. Address Titus Klntichanov, Chltwood,' Or. FOR SALE 160 acres good river bot tom land, central Oregon; will take good 5 passenger auto as part pay ment, balance terms. 797 Michigan ave. FOR SALE Small place of 8 acres, -ell Im proved; all new buildings. Will take house and lot,, or team, wagon and harness, cows . or calves. YX-911. Journal. EXCHANGE 240 Irrigated under main canal, mostly under cultivation, part ly crop, for hotel or apartment prop erty, city or country. Coad, 1218 Northwestetrn Bank bldg. 220 ACRES in Tillamook county in the dairy section. Price- only $16 per sere; terms to suit buyer. IS. E. Lee, szz oprhett Dldg. 10 ACRES free, buy stock and im provements, possession at once, any kind of terms. J. Downey, blacksmith, Eddyvllle, Or. - Haas. Gerllnger bldg. $23 PER ACRE BUYS 400 acre farm. 200 acres tinder cultiva tion; large creek, good springs, fam ily, orchard; good buildings, on Pa cific Highway, one mile of station Southern Pacific Ii. R. -This farm ls worth $70 per acre, but must be sold at once. 328 Henry bldg. READ THIS $1100 FOR 40 ACRES Rich . soil, running water. 5 miles from R. R.. station. NEILAN PARKHILL. 803 Stock Exchange bldg. Only 40 ACRES south of Portland; 12 acres cleared, small new house, mostly fenced, good soil, no rock. Price $1600; cash $500: balance terms to suit. Home stead Realty Co-, 2324 Washington st. Room 16. , - some, genuine snaps In lin- nal. proved farms and city properties for I EXCHANGE for building lumber, two sale or trade. Security Realty Co.. 418- 419 Lumber Exchange bldg. BEAUTIFUL 100x100 ft. lot overlooking I Irvington; mortgage $800; value! $2600. What have yuu clear for the I equity? Address H-3S. Journal. LOTS or acreage to exchange for an automobile. G. L. Webb, 414 1 Ftark st lots In Mentone addition to Portland. value $1000. Addreas H. O. White. 901 Kingston ave., Oakland. "al. HOL'SE and 3 lots in Raymond, Wasli. Want city property, acreage or busi ness up to $10u0, $200; unincumbered. Tabor 5212. - WE exchange what you have for what vou mint Fener Ac Baker. 444 Bher. 160 ACRES timber land, sale or trade 1CKk bla" A mrul 0ak- Marshetl 254. for rarm or acreage, i auor 2-8. Nel- I 80 ACitfcB near rorest orove, partly son. owner. I Improved, (or 4 or 1 room house. 311 NINE room house, lot 80x100, to tr-rl-j Aliwky bid ror a owner. ranch. Tabor 258. Nelson. GOOD 19 room hotel, cheap rent, ex change for team, stock, farm ma chlnery; value $I2V0. K-66. Journal. GOOD beach-lots and some cash for furniture or rooming bouse.. 311 Allsky bldg. . - - FOR SALE or trade, -rood yard, coal. feed ana contracting ousiness. Call FOR KALE or exchange. $1200 equity I J ' " - in 82200 5 room bungalow. 961 E.I81000 KUUIT1 in zo rented, fur. 28th st.. N. Albertacar. nit-bed bungalow, for lot or acreage. 80 ACRES unimproved' land and $100 prefer dryer climate. P-$8l. Journal. cash for house equity. Marshall 3954. WANT a stock of merchandise for city TWO 4 room house, cloee in. for farm. property. Tsbor 4279. Owner.- 616 commercial bile. iwo lots in muman, or, in exchange for good motorcycle. T-113. Journal. 910. Journal. ' (Coatlmned oa -text 2-4re - TO TRADE paved district. Equity in lot for piano: XX-J