waa ' w v p -. j f aa ' -- af - ' hsr a sr -V w - - - WHATLABOR IS DOING Meeting ; of Garment s Worker t'uiou will lie Important ; Event. at the wealth in the country and the 1 ers aay they will elect me. There are possibilities of Umatilla county Asked a lot of people going to that legislature what was the most important thing t who win need some straight tail, ana Electrical Worker to Speak. The Garment Workers meet-Thursday evening next at Carpenters Hall, East Pine and Grand avenue. It will be a very Important meeting. One of tli representatives of the Klectrical Workers will speak a few minutes, and the women members are assured that he will be worth listening to. - i ' Union X Reunited, ' The Electrical Workers of this city have about buried -their aiiiicuuies oeiwetn ineioiwivn anu are once more the aggressive and - energetlo body that they need to be. They have 600 members in local No, 125, which comprises the outside, or linemen, and have elected l''red I... Bourn business agent. They have reunited with the American Fed eration of Labor, the Central Labor Council and the Stat Federation of Labor. Hm large Membership The Brewery Worker, consisting of the brewers, drivers and bottlers, were urranlzed In. this cltv in 1897. At the .present time they have a membership of over two hundred, divided Into two local. Since they were first organized, something over seventeen years ago, neveral working agreements have been t.egottated with the different brewery proprietors. At the present time they have one of the best contracts cov ering hours, wages, sanitary and work-i lug. conditions of any labor organisa tion. The International Union of Brew ery Workmen lies a membership of over "noventy thousand men and wo men distributed in most of the United States and Canada. Ninety -five per cent of the brewing industry at the present time conies under the Juris diction of the international so far as working agreements are concerned. The Brewery Workers have men iji the employ of breweries in the city who have been In active service for over twenty-five years. They have fair working conditions and the employers are satisfied. Eastern Oregon Pleases. C. O. Young, district representative arid general organiser for the Ameri can Federation of Labor, has returned to Portland after a visit to Eastern Oregon of some throe months. In Pendleton the rooks and waiters, car penters, printers, painters, barbers and several other crafts are organised, and a local Central Labor Council is the rext thing. in La Grande only the printer barbers and plumbers are or ganized. Of Pendleton, "Dad." Young, for such is his title among labor men. mhvh: "it Is surrounded by the mom fertile and productive country 1 have over been In. 1 was amazed before organised labor in . Oregon, he replied; -The Claton s"bill amending the anti-trust 3 law. That measure passed the house almost unanimously. It. takes the labor union out of the criminal classes as now defined by I think I'll go up there and give it to them whether I am elected or not, All Urged, to Be Present. ''- Electrical Workers No. IZ5 will hold an open meeting on the evening of law. It means that labor can organise Monday, July 6th, at the Labor Tern unmolested. I hope every Oregon workingman and woman will urge on our senators- the necessity of passing that measure." " .. will 0o Anyhow. ' - Mrs. L. Gee, commonly known among the forces of organized labor in this city as "Mother Gee has received a nomination for the legislature a a Progressive. "Somebody will have to make my political speeches for me," she said. "I will just talk to mothers. and tell what I know about the need of legislation for the protection of wo men and girls in orajsron. That la, I will talk where I can get an audience. always have- I would like to go to the legislature, and the Garment Work- ALCTION9 le5 Bolter fc Co pie. All electrical workers, regardless of factions, former or present affilia tions and past unpleasantness, "are urged to be. present. A good time will be bad and the glad hand out for every body.;; -, .v -:. Samuel Gompers is (4 years old. and has been president of the American Federation of Labor for half that pe riod pr for 31 years. i MAHRIAGR LICENSES n . M t - n Cohtlnned.) - m- Joseph r, Kramer. Oswego, Or.. 83. and at tanle If. Leu. &U Eaat Twentieth street, 02. Willmer J. Woods, Jefferson. Or., 34. and M. Myrtle Pavia, loo Royal Court. 3Z. Cecil G. Abbott, J0S4- Arnold street, 21, and Bernciee Cnnnlegnam, 6403; Fonj-IoortU arenas, 8. E., U. Joaa Linda trom, 8eattle, Wash., legal, .and Lydla PaajaatB. 774 Claekamaa atreet, legal. BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 FIVE rooms, modern, close In, good furniture, business location, 1291a Uth st. TO LKA.SK 3 Auctions AnctionSales AT NEW TODAY For Rent At Agate Beach A BSWIY TUBXX&bXLVi 1 room house at Agate. Beach, near Newport for the season. Hot and cold water. Large yard. Woodhouse and cold room. See photograph at 213 Board of Trade building. p. a. nrAPP. OPPZCB PHOITB MAX3T 2010. RESIDENCE FHOITE MAR? 3033. ESTABLISHED 1892. TOMORROW MONDAY AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE. 675 EAST ANKENY ST., NEAR 18TH ST. We ba-e been favored with Instruc tions from Mrs. Currle to sell the al most new Furniture, Rugs, etc., of her home at above address, compris ing Oak Rockers, with leather seats. l.ltimrv anrl Pnrlor Tables. Velour For tteres, Oil Paintings and Pictures, Lace ('iirtHlnn, Axmlnster -Rugs, Hall Mir ror, Hall and Stair Carpets, Brussels Rugs, Vernls Martin Iron Beds, Best Springs hiuI Cotton Mattresen. Oak lirewsers and Chiffoniers, Oak Dining Room Suite, viz. Pedestal Table, Chairs and Buffet; Steel Ranee, Gas Ranee. Ghs Heater. Table. Linoleum lUeiiKlls, Uwn Hose, Mower. Garden Tools. Ideal Incubator, b0 eggs; Saws, etc This house ls for rent (reasonable) Take Fast Ankeny car to Igtn st. AUCTION TOMORROW AT 10 O'CLOCK. '. ON TUESDAY NEXT WB WILL SELL TUB FINK FUR NITURK. ETC.. FROM MRS. FUI I. ICR'S NOB HILL RESIDENCE. AL SO ANOTHER COSTLY LOT OF GOODS FROM IRV1NOTON, com prising very coatly imported Loochow Vall HaitalnRR, Parlor and Library Furniture in wax golden oak and early English finishes, via.. Tables, Rocker, Chalra, Settees, Magazine Racks. Book lasers Desks, Typewriter, Portieres, Draperies, large and small Axminster Ruki, Rattan and Willow Chairs, Couches. Antique Beth Thomas Clock, Cushions, Hall Runner, Stair Carpet, Rrica-hrac, Antique Design , Copper and Brass Teakettle, Dining Room Rultes as follows: Pedestal Tables, Chairs and Buffets; old Blue and Gold Dinner Ware, Brans and Iron Beds. Good Steel Springs, Silk Floss and Cotton Mattreases, Pillows, Bedding, Mahoaany and Quartered Oak Dress er. Chiffoniers and Dressing Tables and Chairs, Oak Bedroom Suite, Brus sels Carpets, Sewing Machine, Steel Range. Small Gas Range, Qook Stove, L'Unslls, etc, AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. Partlea furnishing should inspect the above goods tomorrw at our sales rooms. 166-168 Park street, you wii' find them well worthy of your most careful attention, and. as usual with us. they will be positively sold ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall sell the Furniture. Car pets. etc.. of two houses. There will he lots of good second-hand furniture in this sale. . AUCTION ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. I We pay rash for good second-hand rurniture, etc. AUCTION SALE 8 CONDUCTED AT RESIDENCES. W. C. BAKER AND C. A. CROWEL1 Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers - 18-18 Park Street. BOTH PHONES. WilsoD'sAuetionilouse 166-168 FIRST ST., NEAR MORRISON STREET Regular Sales Days Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 a. m. FOR ALL KINDS OF MEDIUM PRICE FURNITURE. CARPETS, RUGS. STEEL AND GAS RANGES, BED DING, DISHES, ETC. Goods Sold at Private Sale PIANOS. ORGANS and all kinds of UP-TO-DATE SECOND HAND FUR NITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, STEEL AND GAS RANGES, all makes, RE- rnni(.KAiuH8. etc.. which we sell at PRIVATE SALE, FULLY GUAR- AWTitiis and. DELIVER to your home. If you are furnishing a HOME or OFFICE it will be to your interest to see our una oerore purchasing. WILSON'S BANKRUPT STOCK STORE Corner Second and Yamhill Main 2032.' GROCERIES. CIGARS, TOBACCOS. LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISH INGS, SHOES, HARDWARE, PAINTS, Etc. Etc., at ABOUT THE WHOLE SALE COST. Also STORE FIXTURES of all descriptions at PRICES THAT WILL INTEREST YOU. GREAT AUCTION SALE Commencing Tuesday Next At 10 a.m. WE ARE FAVORED WITH INSTRUC TIONS FROM THE OWNER, MR. THEO. KRUSE, to sell the entire fur nishings of the BELVEDERE HOTEL. Also the contents of the LOUVRE .RtkL- Commencing at 30 A. M.. on TUESDAY we shall sell the furnish ings of hotel comprlsine about 60 ROOMS of (WDOD FURNITURE, in cluding BRASS BEDS, METALLIC SPRINGS. GOOD FELT MATTRESS ES. FEATHER PILLOWS. BED LINENS-, BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, SPREADS, DRESSKRS. COMMODES. WRITING TABLES, ROCKERS, COUCHES. PORTIERES. LACE CUR TAINS. GOOD AXMINSTER, VELVET and BRUSSELS CARPETS, AXMINS TER HALL and STAIR CARPETS, Etc. - AT t P. M. Contents of the LOUVRE GRILL, comprising 1 NATIONAL CHECK STAMPER, NATIONAL CASH REG ISTERS, CIGAR CASES with nlate glass tops. WALL CASES, ROUND and SQUARE RESTAURANT TA BLES, about 200 GOOD VIENNA CHAIRS. EXTENSION TABLES. TA BLE PADS. TABLE LINENS STT- VERWARE. GLASSWARE, CUTLERY. . COSTUMERS, FOLDING SCREENS, LARGE and SMALL MIRRORS. about f.00 YARDS GOOD INLAID INOLEUM FRENCH RANGF WITH BROILER. STEAM TABLES, CHEFS TARLE. DRYING RACKS. COFFRE i kins. rATBNT ELECTRIC DISH WASHER. REFRIflEBATflBR .11 kind3 of COOKING UTENSILpT and other effects pertaining to a FIRST CLASS GRILL. J..T, Wilson. Auctioneer. MORTGAGE LOANS 5J,6,7 On lmpro-ed city property. Wo also deal in Corporation and Municipal Bonds. B03EBTSOST fc EWTVO, 807-8 aTortfcwesteni Bank tldg. BIRTHS WIND T M.x. and airs. Jacob Wind, .474 East Baroalde uet. Jum 19. a am MILLS To Mr. and Mr. Jnha W. Mills. . X255 East Twenty-firat street. Jane a, a daughter. , ESTON Te Mr. abd Mrs. George Weston, ' 108 Penoyer -etreafc June JO. a son. HUTCHINSON To Mr. and Mrs. Kverett It. Hutchinson, 399 East Sixteeata street. Norta, Jun 23, a daaxhtcr. LAWRENCS To Mr. . and Mrs. Arthur W. Lawrence, list Burraca street. June 20. a son. LUIHN To Mr. and Mrs. John H. Luihn, 220 Sast Flftr.third street, June 2. a dsub tr. NICHOLAS Te Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Nlrbdss, 833 Brooklyn street. -J una 7. a daughter. VA R RING TON To Mr. and Mrs. Charlie H. Karrington, 483 East Twenty-fifth atreet. North. June 9, a bob. ANDERSK.V To Mr. and Mrs, LeBoy E. An deraon, 957 Sast Eighteenth street. North, June 21. a son. U1BHON To Mr. and Mrs. John O. Gibson Jr., 343 rfa&t Fortieth atreet. North. June 15, a son. STILES Born to the wife of Robert R. utiles, 233 East Forty-eigUta atreet, June 21, a son. DEATHS AND FUNERALS TO lease 100x100 trackage east or west side; will build to suit SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO., Main 1721, ask for Slrard. FOlt SALE HOUSES 61 FOR SALE HOCSES 01 (Continued.) FOR SALE -HOUSES 61 Ooattaead.) - - BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. Swell, brand new 6 room bungalow, doubly built and finely finished, -extra large, airy, light rooms, oak floors, fireplace, panel dining; room, buffet, bookcase. Dutch kitchen, brick piers and cement front porch; on Milwaukle and Holgate, close in. on the high knoll near the river; price $3760. small cash payment and $15 per month. There are S of these bungalows, take your choice . and pay rent to yourself. GRUSSI & BOLDS, 818 Board of Trade. Main 7452; A-4401. Mho. a p 0..uJ 11 077HUYLEIB -: ST. raw mi 5 80 Ft, From Alberta Carline $2750 $2750 $2750 EA8T-28HHI tbeet mm- ull 7 Ft. Concrete Basement Rose City Bungalow Must lose It or sell at a sacrifice Worth $4300. Will take S3S50, on easy terms. Less for large cash payment, but I must sell. 5 rooms, finished: ivory enamel, attic all plastered and finished. Large sleeping porch. Strict ly modern, on 61st "at., near Sandy Boulevard. I mean business end will give a big bargain. Call owner, East 6604. , P. 8. Responsible brokers recognized. DOTY At Los Angelea, Cel., June 21. Mary Beth Doty, sited 20 years, 3 months, ,.20 aaya, twloTed wife of Clyde A Doty. dairBb tar of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Blanchard. 7ia k rowtu valley road. Funeral Irom the resi dence, 6713 Powell Valley road, at 2 p. m. today (Sunday), June 28, thence to the United Brethren church. SixtyeTent atreet and Thirty -second srenne. Southeast, where services will be held at 2.30 p. in. Frleuds liltd Interment MultnomHh cemetery. LA K SON In this city. June 2. at his late residence, East eighty-fourth atreet and bee tlon Line Boad, William Larson, aged 73 years. The funeral services will be held today (3uada. at 3 o'clock t. m at the titar Grange aalL East Eightieth and Dirls- 10O PEST rSOaTAOB On Madison I Multnomah eemeterv. The. Star Gramra ao- street, suitable for apartment or flat I ciety will bays charge of the aerricea at the buildine: Tinar fiiltnnmaVi AtiilAtin I WJy' 9, - V.. VJ V4U club. Price $5000. M-554. Journal JAS. E. APPLEBY s 875 OAK ST. ' Astoria - Havel -Warrenton "The Towna to Tie, to." v Z.QTS AITS ACTaSAOB. 8MITH In taia city, June 27. at the fam ily residence. 544 Pettrarove street. Juanita Franee 8mith, aged 5 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O- Smith. The funeral eeryicea will be held Monday, Jtuie SO, at 4 o'clock p. m., at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley A Sob, Montgomery at Fifth. menu umtea. interment at JLmne sir ceme tery; STUART June 25. Joseph E. Stuart, aged 67 rears. The deceased wss a member of Co. A, 70th Ohio Infantry- Funeral services will be held at Dunning A McEntee'a parlors Monday, June 29, at 10 a. m. Friends and OiTll war veterena lnrited to attend. Inter ment O. A R. cemetery. 'Royal Building J2860. $2850. i-tas just aoout compietea t vo room bungalows. Full attic. Plate glass. Oak floors, etc. Easy terms. Located on 42d at.. 200 feet south of Hawthorne ave. Going out of busi ness. Will arive you a biff bargain. Call fiiast 6504. P. S. Responsible brokers recognized. WB will build and finance a home on your lot or any lot you may select. Pay for it like rent. We guaran tee satisfaction. Call and see us. V. E. BOWMAN & CO. Room 1. Commercial Cluh Bldg. SHEEDY June 27, at the residence, 8 West uoing atreet, wuuam UBeeey, agea oo ciose in on Madison street,! and father of Mrs. j. D. Pampeon and Mrs. west side. Income $1140 per annum. Price $7500. Terms. L-Jl. Journal. ' Want Ad Rates In effect Oct. 1. 1913. ALL PREVIOUS BATES CANCELLED CHARGED ADVERTISEMENTS Daily or Sunday. -1H cents per word par insertion. This charge la for all classifications except. A. Goodrich of Tacoma. Remains at Dun nlng A Mc En tee's parlors. Notice of funeral leter. RICHARDSON In this city, June 20. Mrs. Mary E. Richardson. ared .62 years. 4 months. 24 days, of 82 Texas atreet. Friends tnrited to attend funeral service, which will be held at Holinsns funeral parlors at 1 p. m tooay tgnnaay, Jnne z. GARDNER The funeral aerricea of the iate William T. Gardner will be held Monday. June 29 at 1 o'clock p. m., at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley A Son, Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at ttirerview cemetery ing "ror Rent Is Private Family," "Boom and Board in Private Family," "autuatloa Wast ed" and "Wanted to Bent" ads., which are tt ceuia per wora per insertion. No ad charged tor less tbsa IB cents. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS 1 LC mnti rtep watA trve all 1mIHbMm excepting "For Rent la Private Family. I P m.. today (Sunday). Friends Invited nation Wanted" and "Wanted which are H4 cents ear word. Three insertions for the price of twe Seven Insertions for the price of five. No ad taken for leaa than 15 cents. 0BEBST Funeral servlcea . wiU be held for De Lores Oberst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal. Oberst ef 278 North Twenty-first atreet. at the realdence establishment of J. P. Finley A goo,' Montgomery n Fifth, at 4:80 o'clock ivate Family, I P m" "y gqnuyi. Family," "Sit- j CASTLE The funeral to Beat ada., I John L. Castle wil) be 5 ROOM HOUSE AND HALF ACRE S2850. $50 down and $16 per month tauyb this little farm in the city, well lo cated, city water, good car service, barn, chicken house, bearing fruit, gar den; just like paying rent and you can maae a living on it. see us at once. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 21$ Railway Exchange. IRVTNGTON SACRIFICE, Modern, up-to-date. 10 room house Including fireplace and furnace, lo cated on E. 15th St.. N. Lot 60x100 Paved street. Improvements all in and paid. This home coat $7500. Will sell for $5500 on terms to suit. M'KENZIE & CO.. 615 Oerlinger bldg Go Look! Near Firland Only $50 Cash New, pretty. 4 rooms, bath, hard plastered, tinted, complete plumbing. gas, electricity. Bal. $1450 only $20 month includes Interest. 3805 73d st. Latnrop, ADington nidg. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION bs held today (Sunday) at S o'clock p. m., at the residence establish ment ei 4. f. c intey aon, Montgomery, at Fifth. Friends invited. tUBLOW The funeral aervlce of the late ueorga M. ramow wui n neia Monaay morning. June 29, at 11 o'clock at the resi dence estabUshment ef J. P. Finiey 4c Bon, Montgomery at Fifth. Frlenda Invited. IRON la this city, June 27, at hi late residence, 404 Jtast rirueiD arreet, rortn. IF you are, looking for eomethin, out & .bStoenr-oi J. p! " '"ijr "io m tiiiu yinley dt son, Montgomery a nnn. . tkoiel1h tnis eltr. Juna xi. uiuim r. Troisl, aged 41 years, late or cneaaua. Wash- The remains are at the residence es tabUshment of J. P. Finley A Son, Mont aonrery at Fifth. LITZEN BERG June 26, William Lltsenberg, aged bo years. Remains at uunnlng es Mc Entee'a parlors, where they have been pre pared and shipped to Mount Pleasant, Iowa. SMALL HOME EASY TERMS. 60x100 lot, right at Ryan tjtation, nicely Improved with 3 room house woodshed and chicken house, also service, of the late and flowers, good well. Free hse see this. built-in convenience, plate glass, hard wood xioora, a- rooms and sleeping porch. Just being finished- $S$50. Merms or good trade. Tabor Sz8o. $16. Modern 5 room house, gas. eleo- tricity, garage. 687 Montgomery. ma st. rnone iaoor zav. aenyor . invaua lafllea to board. V?I-r".r .:...rViIni;r. of 2 adjoining lota in garden. 2Z mm utes from down town. 5c fare. Price $650. Terms. Luedderoann, Ruley Co., 913 Chamber of Commerce. LOOK It over and Judge for yoursel lr tnis 7 room, modern noma is no what you want. Our price includes everything. J3S0O. See it yourself. E. 47th St.. N. 1 block south of Sandy Douievara. SCOTT-BEESLET-DEANE CO., 811-12 Ablngton bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2796. FOR SALE 3 room houseboat, fur nished. One 4 room unfurnished. F- 3.3, Journal. Auction Sales Monday, 2 P, MV 211 First St. For tomorrow' sale - ws will have among other numerous consignments the very nice furnishings from a 6 room apartment on the eaat aide and you will find several nice, rugs, mas sive buffet, metal beds, with good uprmga and mattresses, good oak dresser, aevercl oak rockers, chairs, fine mahogany musid cabinet, Morris chair, birdseye maple dresser with chair and rocker to match, eras ran re and almost everything necessary to luriusn your nome complete, i ON THURSDAY NEXT At 2 p. m. At Wilton's Auction Rooms About 100 LADIES' DRESSES, HATS, Etc.. consisting of UN EN and COT TON DRESSES. LADIES' and MISSES' suaiMjiK math, lor Jf'OSlTiVEJ SALE to the HIGHEST BIDDER, Thursday next at 2 p. m. J. T. Wilson.Auctloneer. Cash paid for furniture, stocka of merchandise, etc. Main 1626. Auction Sale NICELY furnished housekeeping apart ments, three block of postoffico. 245 6th st NICE large, airy front room for rent. ! LOVBj. large front room and kitchen. 394 Columbia. FOR SALE Fine Jersey cow. Call at 604 uivislon st. MODERN 7 room bungalow for rent. nua. Lenta. June 23. 75 years: cardiac dllita- tlon. HKNPRICKSON WUUard o, Handrloasoa, 663 Vancouver avenue, June 23, 2 years; pulmonary tuberculosis. FREDERICK Mrs. Kathrine Frederick, St. Vincent a hospital. June 26, 61 years; surgi cal shock gallstones. RICHARDSON Msry B- KicBarflsen. oooa ea. marltaa hospital, June za. tw years; aia- betis. - BUT FROM OWNER Fine little home, 4 rooms, bath, fruit and shade trees, lawn and flowers, ex tra fine piece of ground 85x100, streets Improved, 3 blocks Alberta car. If taken soon will take $2600. Only $800 caan. M. PETERSON. 1128 K. Jlst Bt., N. $25 DOWN. $li month. Including in terest, buys modern bungalow: ce ment basement- Price $1500; 50x100 lot. Take 8 all wood car and transfer to end of Krrol Heights line Sunday Ask for Wickman & Teepe. After Sunday call 269 Wash- St, Main 6869 .a-z7. rresent thin aa. Lone Fir Cemetery. M. Barren, heretofore sexion in the i f a en: Bull I Run water. Phone ov cemetery, is no longer conneoted ; ilcox bldg. Open nicely furnished. Woodlawn 2796 TIMBER claim for eale or trade" for I la now sexton. above tharewito,- lot owners naving acoounts with him will niease reoori me same to the office. Mr. L. C. Weygandt Portland property. Woodlawn $796. 7 ROOM modern bungalow nicely fin- lsneo, sen or trade, worn. a76 WILL eichansfe city property and otrv er ror apartment mop. Main iao. MEBTINa NOTICES LONE FIR CEMETERY CO., 2U7 commercial tiioca. Telephone Main 4989. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141V th St. In 8ellinL- bldg. Main 7Z16. CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers and floral designs. 889 Morrison sr. INTERNATIONAL Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Local union 126. has moved Its office from 181H First street to 183H Second street, on and after July 6, Meetings will be held there. A big smoker will be held at the above hall on July 8. All linemen and electrical workers cordially invit cd to attend, fnone ftiarsnall 76 6. NEW HOME OF J. P. FINLEY SON. $700. Look here. Mr. Renter; 10 more room houses on 100x100 lots; $700 facn, iu oown. iiu per montn; on E. 42d St.. 1 block from car, all i ne Main Suu PORCH Electric Fixtures, Beamed Ceiling EAST FMT LOT Fruit Trees, Berry Bushes, Chicken House ' Cement Walks NEW AND STRICTLY MODERN. 5 ROOMS AND BATH. EXCELLENT PLUMBING. WASH TRAYS, HALL SEAT. DUTCH KITCHEN, WOOD- LIFT. FULL FRONT PORCH. CEM- rVT 17T rt-T3 TM HAQVUVMT PAM. ELED DINING ROOM. PLATE RAIL. 2 BEDROOMS FINISHED IN WHITE ENAMEL, LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM AND RECEPTION HALL IN GOLDEN OAK, SELECT SLASH GRAIN FINISH. BATH ROOM IN WHITE ENAMEL. ALL ROOMS KAL- SOMINED. SJT MUHNE WilTHJ LARGE ROOMS. RFXFTPTION HALL, BATH. WITH EXQUISITE KIXTCRES, FLOORED ATTIC SLEEPING PORCH. ATTRACTIVE FRONT PORCH. WITH PRESSSED BRICK PILLARS. FULL 7 FT CON CRETE BASEMENT ANT) CEMENT FLOOR, DRAIN TO SEWER. HARD SURFACE e-TS. AND ALL IMPROVE MENTS, 2 BLOCKS SANDY BOULE VARD. PANELED DINING ROOM. DUTCH KITCHEN. FIREPLACE. BUFFET. LINEN CHEST, DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED. OAK FLOORS. Pay Me Any Reasonable Amount Down and Take It Electric fixtures and shades are In. If you don't purchase this Dlace. you oon t aeserve a nome; IZ750. Rose City or Beaumont cars to 88th St., then 2 blocks north to Rr-huyler. for - sale nousrs ex -V -7-. , . , x s. m- Want to Sell Rather Than Rent, No, 356 Stanton Street. Close to Union ave. A-l 4 room house, reception hall, both gas and electricity, deep lot. 150 feet, fine garden, roses and lawn, special price and terms to some good reliable party. Take a look at It. Then see us. We'll make the price ao low and the terms so easy it won't pay you to rent. Call Main 1189 for the owner. Might take a lot aa first pay ment on this. B. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., Jd Floor Cham. Com. Bldg. A-Beal Bungalow Located on Eaat 83d at. an block south of Hawthorn ave clos In and aituated among very pretty homes. Large living room, reception halt and dining room, solid oak floors with, fancy borders. 7 ft- fireplace vrltn council, mirrors and lights over same. Large book ' cases with beveled plat art glass doora. French doors with bev eled plate glass between living room and dining room; full veneered paneled walls and nifty buffet with beveled rlate door a .and mirrors, also electric Ighted. . Handy kttchea. well lighted and all the buift-lna. gas water beater, break faat room oft kitchen with nilaaion ta ble and seats. Two- fine bed rooms. 18x18 down stairs, also large bath room, fully equipped: large closets, linen closets, clothes- chute, etc. Upstairs we have a large bed room or billiard room. 16x22. alth den 8x 16 separated with an arvb; also an other bath room with fine fixtures, large sleeping porch, closets, etc tievetd piat glass in front win dows, 8x30 fet front porch. Cemt-nt uavement. laundry tray. Mens fas heating plant, beautiful light . fix tures and double window shadca. 80x100 lot, 14x20 garage.- cement floor and drain; solid 7 foot cement driveway to street I built this home bv dav labor: it Is double constructed throughout; fro from incumbrance. I must sell and will make a price accordingly, with terms. Se owner. R. J. Smith. 81 E. S3d street, cor. Market at., second house south of thU new one. Tabor 864. See This Today Owner There From 10 to 5 Daily 1059 East 28th st., North $600 Sacrifice IT'S JUST AS EAST TO BUT. A HOME AS TO RENT ONE. Just completed, several 8 room bung alows with attic, on East 49th and Market sts.. 2 blks. So. Hawthorn ave. $2300 $2S PER MONTH 8SJ06. $2490 BUYS $3000 BUNGALOW. New and strictly modern r has fire place, buffet, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, elegant light fixtures. walls all nicely tinted, cement waah Alberta Car to 28th st. then iSg 3FS aluo "d ' i . i . i 1 J.us b ma lueat lime, nume ana in 80 Feet North 1 5J:;m2-5i,L: i-r10!1,"1- Se owner at house Sunday from 3 to o p. m. laae AJDerta car to k. setn. then go south to No. 986. Phone Eaat 2018 or Woodlawn 1807. Absolutely the Best Buy in-. Portland Today Easy Terms $1975 Phone East 5465 Fireplace and mantel; oak floors: swell wall decorations; beam ceilings and panel work; built-in bookcases, leaded and plate glass: fine lighting fixtures; window shades: porcelain' plumbing; dandy Dutch kitchen, has hood for atove. cooler, ironing board. vwrami, etc. cement basement, porch, steps, walks. Everything snappy and up to snuff. House open 2 to 6 p. m. today. fUHTLAND REALTY TRUST CO., 214 Ry. Ex. bldg. Phone Main 212$. Special Price, $3000 Corner lot. bungalow and garage. No. 674 Preacott St.. corner 19th, In Irving-ton Heights, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, walls tinted, fine electric fixtures. Well make extra good terms to the right parties. Th owner, haa another home and he wants to move into it. Call on th own er at the house or Main 1189. B. Dorr E, Keasey & Co,, 2d Floor Cham. Cora. Bldg. 1030 East 31st St,, N, 6 rooms, modern. sell at one for 81850. ment paid. woodlawn 1561. easy terms, will Street Improve-, C-2457. Price $2100 Ixt 40x60 and 4 room cottar on Sandy road, near E. 26th. Hard sur face pavement, all Improvements paid i or. MALL A VAN BORSTEL. 104 2d st. Lumber Exchange bldg. NEW 6 room house, with sleep ing porch, hardwood , f loora, furnace, fireplace, thoroughly modern. $4500. mortgage $1500, 3 years, 8 per cent, will exchange for lota, but must be worth the money. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Norta western Bank Bldg. Marshall 3718. A-629L $1450 Look Six Rooms Beautiful rosy bunralow with silra big lot, 60x128, alley in back, close to car. Thia bargain will not last long; se it and you will buy; It s a beauty. Only 31450; easy terms. You can soon Jay for thia. Take Woodlawn car to 7th st. 3 blocks north to No. 639 Bry ant St., go and see this great bargain tooay, irom owner, inone wooojawn A Cosy Home Modern 4 room bungalow and garage on lot 75x100; dandy lawn anJ ov-r ivu rose ousnes. Tnis is worth 82500. I can sell it for $1800. Th best of terms. See Hartshorn. 431 Chamber of Commerc bldg. BEAUTIFUL 8 room modern house. full basement, sleeping porch, fire place, paneled dining room, beamed reiung. woooiirr, good piumntng. cor ner lot. east front, beautiful view of ail tne mountains, one Mock from car a nne nome and win iay you to in vestigate. Price 84500. $250 cash. your own terms on balance. Low rate of Interest. Repass & Brooks. 406 Railway Exchange bldg. t WE are about ready to start building a bungalow In Rose City Park. If you are thinking of buying a home, com in and look at these plans. We will change them to suit you. SCOTT-BEESLEY-DEANE CO.. 211-13 Ablngton bldg. ROSE City Park bargain. new 7 room bungalow, double construc tion, brick front, full basement; ce ment floor, built In modern conven iences; must sell account aickness. $3350; value $4000. Call 70$ E. 60th, N. Phone East 5165. MUST sell at a great sacrifice, leav ing city. Prettiest new 7 room bun galow in Ros City Park. Curtains, draperies, electria fixtures, vegetable garden, lots of shrubbery, fine lawn. Come and see. Owner and house, 641 E. 49th., N. Phone Tabor 4706. $550 cash takes 2 room nicely fur nished cottage. Cost $800. Call 7912 B6th ave.. S. E., Sunday. Take Mt Boott car to Woodmer. walk 4 Mock north, half block east, or phone Wood lawn 2666. Monday, June 29, 10 A. M. 86V2 Wen Park Street. , We have been instructed hv Mr w P. Stollings to sell the entire furnish ings or ms 7 room flat, locatari at MU W Park st., consisting of 1 very fine raonaiiMi range, ponanea top, earn as new; 1 gas range, linoleum, chairs, rockers, dressers, rugs, beds, iron beds. aunnH ana mattresses same aa new. j good drophead sewing machine, daven port, pictures, center tables, dining tables, heating stoves, lace curtains, portieres, draperies, mattings; also, all dishes and cooking utensils. bed spreads, comforters, sheets, pillows, pillow cases, tc. NOTICE W wish to state that these goods are good, clean and not marred ot soiled, and will be sold absolutely without reserve to the highest bidder, piece by Pleoe. Don't forget th dat and place, MONDAY, JUNE 29. SH "West Park st. Ford Auction Co. Regular Sales ; . Monriay, Wetinesday and Friday at 2 P.M. . ' Every Item 1 guaranteed as repre sented st time of sale or your money vheerfdlly .refunded. Thursday and Saturday we will sell at our storeroom, 10 A.M., Restaurant and Store Fixtures If you are fitting up a place, it will certainly pay you to get our prices on show cases, counters, stools, scales, coffee urns, etc. Bell Auction Co - . loi Secoad Street 9. A. nTKaTftOW, Auctioneer. . PORTLAND STAR HUMUSTEAX) NO. 4! r A. x., meats every Thursday evening In th Moose hall of th Royal mag., lion Morrison st, S. W. cor. 7 th st. Visitors welcome. FRANCES FRY. 406 SIMPSON ST. Phone Woodlawn 94. Correspondent. SAMARITAN LODGE, No. 3, I. O. O. F, The funeral committee Is instructed, and all members are requested, tp meet at I. O. O. F. Temple, Firft and Alder sta., monuay, June zn, at iu p. m. sharp, to attend the funeral of our de ceased brother, W. T. Gardner, J. Q. Visiting memoers invitea to attend. R. OSVOLD, Secretary. DEGREE OF HONOR members will Diease attend the convention sew ing society June 30, 10 a. m., at th home of Mrs. Dora Bolter. 478 E. 46th n f . Vnrth lr,H, fTT n t a fn. rrn-vmr - tion at thia time. .Lunch served. In-1 Dlinnin'? & MtlF ntfifiHn5'rtaei vita a friend. Maraarst E. Herrln. O.I UUIlUHIg W. IVIWI-U ICGModeril In C. of H. - - every detail. Tth and Pin. Main 488, PORTLAND Council No. 102, Modern "'i:,'- assistant. The enlv residence undertaking tabliahment In Portland. Representing the greatest advance to th scieno of funeral service. The automobile equip meat and secluded driveway areamong tne many exclusive leaturea, to es tablished policy of modarat prices baa never been changed. J. P. FJ.NLUT 4a BON. Perfect Funeral Sarvtc. Montgomery at 8th. MR. ID WARD HOLM AN. th leading funeral director, 8211 Sd aU, corner Salmon- Lady assistant. Pbons A- 1811, Mam 807. Foresters, will give 500 party in the t A " Q7a)tr f ft 688 William , Wednesday I ni nt a-wiiui v-w Eaat 1088, Ci S. 8. L. T. hall, 172 4 th st. evening, July-1, ,1814. 24 hands will De piayea, fTlses. Admission 18o. a C408A Lsdv attewr?ant, Dav ari rtlght service. Undertaker, Wll n ana acr n a rsr. s n m rv TTkJi K9LAL )h : will givea W. y . IglifiifiDyfeS jiams "t Kuijr i , j, w . naiir XAa I4t0 t. r our pria8. Aamisston zto. ft Knott. ORPHIA Temnle 18. pytnian Sistera meets on Thursday evening of each week Is XC of P. hall, 11th and A-der, at 8 p. m. Helen M. Lamar. M. of R, C KENW0RTHY&nab'52,?: F R I P QO M RESidenceunt5pls: CnlUOUllM. 18S. A-2236. 44a Mora Vital Statistics marriges,Birtbs. Dath& Ctf FWFQUnertltln'J C- Main 4151 OrC.VI0 A-232L. Cor. 3d and Clay. P. L-Z.ERCH, leading east side under taker, E. 11th Clay. B-1883. E. 781 PF A RQ("lfI - Undertakers. East ltuu. I -S6S-911 KQSSell StL - , MARRIAGE LICENSES L. '1' - I I - .! ' R ACKHl KN Res. Undertakers, 682 i ' " union ava. k. S7TS WUliara F. Tipton, Oreaog City, Or., legal. ana nary n.. nemcK, w ast Tweaty-nrat atret- Nortb. leeaL - R. E. Hioka, 821 Maraban atret. legal, and E.rhel C. Birkbold, 821 Marshall atreat, legal, Joha Allpbin, Albany, Or.. legal, and Eunice Uurpby, 103 Korth Seveateenth street, leaaL A. R." Mae Grejrnr, 2137 Eaat Alder atreet, lpgal, al,d Mary Alva Pattoa, 62 Twentieth atrer. lncat Mat Kaartlnea. geattle, Wash, legal, aad Katri Hnatari. mrntv, Hiiwy atret. ivrai. HEM STOCK. 1687 - E. 18th. 80771. H-11IZ. University PK. Col- 884-896. M ON CTtTEXTS PORTLAND MARBLS WKtJ f 64-866 4tn at- oon. cut nan. M.ga. A-ists AUTOMOBILES - FOR- HIRE THE AUTO LIVERY Studebaker 5 and 7 passenger cars for hirer 88 en .au per nour. mh 4ji. A-axes. WO C,HU VVedaing and I FOR MIRE Studebaker Six, phone . U. orniin Gi U 0, visit tag carda I Marshall 4049; day or night aervie: Third noor. Moreran Piac. - ' ' I reasonaoi-ratesv -- DRESS suits for rent: all sis. Unique I WHEN 'you answer thea Want Ada. Tailoring Co.. 808 Stark at mention Th Journal. 4 ROOM cottag. new, on a beautiful tract 80x134. with 30 full bearing fruit trees, poultry house and spring; Oregon Electric. 6o fare. Price $1300: terms easy. C. DeYoung & Co.. 814 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE room house, modern, bookcases, electric fixtures Dutch kitchen, full basement, y, block from car. Cheap. y owner, (3d st., S. E. Phone Tabor 8710. NEW 7 room house, street assessment paia, cost owner 84880, must sacri fice; price $4450. $1950 cash. This will bear the closest Inspection. $25 Railway Exchange. MY HOME, modern 5 room bungalow, built two years, lot 50x151 to alley. lino garden, block from Columbia park, near St. Johns car; a beautiful little nome, sazuo, terms. iBaz Fowler ave. SACRIFICE price on attractive small home, .Portland Heights, worth in vestlgating. Buy of owner and save commission. Aaaress 1-14&, journal BUNGALOW, 6 rooms, gas. electricity. water, garden. $2000. Small pay ment oown, Daiunce montn includes interest. 34i 53d St.. o. hi. Creston. tirm tunt-n, juduto; gooa room , house, shade trees, chicken ranch; aouu aown, sen ui nauc. 1:9 worces. ter block. SEE THIS TODAY. BUY It; Modern home, 100x100, 1 block to car. Close in. small cash payment. 6 interest. No mortgages. Tabor 2546 BARGAIN $200 down. $16 oer month. a room new mwarn nous in arK hurst addition. $400 below cost. 31. Henry bldg. FOR quick deal, $2aC0 equity in in come property, -waiKinr aistance. real bargain on cnoice property, M-976, Journal. SNAP. 5 roomed plastered modern - bungalow, corner lot; blocks Wood lawn car, $1280; easy terma. Wood lawn 3673. GWNKR wishes to sell 6 room modern bungalow In Irving ton. Desirable location, near carune. l-ioo, Journal. MODERN 6 room bungalow, full attic. run Dasement, ciose in, 93200: terms. 7fe Minnesota ave. r-none v;-24Si FURNITURE and $1400 eauftv in muutra I room house for $1200. 0-845. journal. $650 equity in a fine Hawthorne ai bungalow;, will sell' for $225 spot cash. Address u-i, journal. $2000.- 6 room hous and lot.. Deal with owner, 1394 E. 13th. N. OWNER. 5 room . modern bungalow. 8 easy terms, vtoouiawn mzv. $700. Look here. Mr. Renter: 10 more 3- room houses, $700 each, $10 down, $10 per month; one E. 42d ut.. 1 block from rar. all in garden. Bull Run water. Phone Main 3517. 202 Wilcox bldg. Open Sunday. Kelly : Fife. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS. New. 4 room. California bunaalow. strictly modern built-in features, nice district, price $3000. A little beauty, and just what yoa have been looking r-noio at orrice. for. Co., 814 Fred W. German Chamber of Commerce. - $1200. $15 down. $16 monthly. New 4 room claatered house, with 100x100 lot. on E. 44th st, 1 block to rar, 20 minute ride. Phone Main $517, zuz wncox bldg. open Sunday. KELLY A FIFE. SANDY BOULEVARD. Absolutely th biggest snan In the city, on 42d st; -3 carllnea, rooms, doubly constructed, new, modern, con venient; municipal improvements com plete. Price 1:300; terms. Tabor 6804 LET U8 BUILD YOU A HOMM On your lot or ours; by your owa plana or ours: pay us Ilk rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SACRIFICE account sickness. 7 room 3 story nouse, thoroughly modern; corner lot: all kinds bearing fruit trees: Alberta district; $1000 will han dle: snhp. C-S5. Journal. Price $3300 I need money: will sacrifice my new modern bungalow in Rose City Park. Cash or terma. owner. Tabor 180. $150 DOWN buys 4 room Dlaatered house, walking distance, full plum bing; paid improvements; take cheap lot. Price $1650. Cltisen Agency, 170 za sr. HERE is your chance to buy a 5 room modern bungalow, comer lot. all fur nished, for $2200, terms; house alone la wortn more. 1120 E. lith st. N.. Alberta car to 19th, 5 blocks north. KEEP COWS IN CITY Splendid chance; hous on lot In center of great meadow: living and gooa investment; only sou required. Woodlawn 3678. 913 K. 19th N. FOR houses, lots and acreage in the Woodstock district, call Sell wood 2025, or take the W-W car to end of line, w. h. Betts. FOR SALE Owner; 8 room bouse, good plumbing, electric lights, gas. cement wiua. i diockm irom car, Jo; price ang terms pnone 1 aoor o7 FOR SALE $900 .takes 5 room' house and lot, large separate workshop, one oiocK irom mi. scoti canine. 7o 69th ave. c- Adiieonr Musaejron, Mich. FOR SALE by owner 8 room bunga low, price aov; aaou or more down balanres,time. Dekum ave, car to 17thi 1 moc nortn, para toga. FOR- SALE Owner. room houae. electric lights, plumbing. 2 outbuild ings: lot 50x100, 1 block from car, all for $1250 cash. Tabor 837. One Fourth Acre Four room plastered house: clone to school, churches. Mores and 60 car- line; city gas. Bull Hun water, electric lights, modem plumbing; mil aell on easy payments; would consider a cheap lot as flrat payment. This house la brand new. Prti-e $1275. Oeo. T. Moore Co., 518 Ablngton bldg. 0I 8300 CASH This is 1400 halAar a1 buy, this nifty new t room bungalow, close to Hawthorn ave.; has very at- tractive exterior and well arranged In terior: hard WOm4 . flrmra In llvln. wtm dining room and halL pressed brick fireplace, built-in bookcases and swell ""J"; l-aneied dining room: two large, l'gnt, airy bedrooms, well equipped bathroom, whit enameled Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement with cement floor and laundry traya, larg attic, fin fixtures and shades. If you are looking for a bargain In a ell horn corn and see. this one. 1 am th owner and must hsv $300. For. luriner or ral ler particulars call at 300 E. sftri. II Tabor 481. Two Blocks From Hawthorne New, modern, 7 room bungalow, full cement bast merit, wash trjya. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, buffet, beamed . ceiling, panel dining room, doubl constructed, paved street. Price is right, b-a u ae we own pur own lumber, yard. .Therefor wa buy all our material at first coat Terms are whatever you wiW to pay.' Let us show this bouse. The price win Burpna jmi. OWNER. Wilberg-Oppergard Inv. Co, 310 Stock Exchange Mdg Tabor 3179. Marshall !. 826001 Rose City Park Cost me $3800. Will sell It for $2950. 8 large rooms, swell lawn, roses and shade trees. Is 28x44 on foundation. Best buy in Rose City Park. Near carline; 011 E. S8th st, bee Hartshorne, 431 Chamber of Com merce bldg. PAINTER wanted to buy my coxy home, and take over contracting bus iness. Price $1600; $1000 cash. Houee worth more money. Has fruit trees planted, garden and chicken park. Noth ing asked ror the painting trade worked up. This will stand investiga tion, write r. V. vox is. mamma. Oregon. ROSE CITY HOME. MUST SACRIFICE. Beautiful 6 room house, all strictly modern, built one year ago. 1H blks. from canine. A very small amount of cash will buy this. Call Monday and make an offer. Room 618 Yeon bldg. NON-RESIDENT offers close In. near car. 6 room, well located, 32300 value. double constructed residence; with warm air furnace, iull plumbing, elec tric lights, paid street improvements, full lot. for only $1573. $575 down. .See Cltlsena Agency. 170 2d st. IF you have $1000 cash and want to buy a modern 7 room houae and lot in good district for a home or Invest ment, for about $1000 less than It cost to build the house, write for descrlp- tlon. F-7, Journal. $575 BUYS 3 room houe, hi. acr. on west side, la minute' car ride, 6c fare; ready to move into; $100 down, balance $10 per month, 6 per cent inter est. Why Pay rent? M. E. Lee. $22 Corbett bldg. 6400 New 6 room bungalow. ffrepla-e end bookcase in den. hardwood floors, beautiful wide buffet, white enameled. Dutch kit-hen. full cement basement. Boynton Furnace - CALL OWNER. TABOR 6299. ' TWENTY - KI VE DoTXaRS A month will buy a new bungaJow of 5 rooms, finished with hardwood floors, in good neighborhood, handr to car lin. Fireplace, built-in buffet, book cases, full Dutch kltehen. Custom tan pick lighting fixtures snd window shades; houa has large porches, full cement basement with waah trays, ev erything new. To good people will take a Kina.ll payment down and 82$ per month, which includes interest. jll me evenings, Et 4778. Go at Once $50 Down 4 rooms , and hath, com pie t a plumb ing, electric fixtures, cement walks, brick fireplace, clone to Union ave.; 436 Magnolia st. (Woodlawn cay); all tinted, window shades; price only 32000. bsl. $15 month. Lot alone worth $1200. lathrop. Ablngton bldg. Irvington Home For aale cheap; beamed ceilings, built in buffet, furnace. fireplace, hard wood floors. Come and aee for your self. Owner. 686 E. Uth at.. N. SIX room house, nearly new, insured for $3000. 2 lots, corner, improved, for Jess than best cash price of vacant lots across' st. Part cash. Will con aider trade for farm. 90 E. 42d st. 4 LOTS, Improved; new 5 room house on east slope Mount Tabor 7$ Haw thorne; beautiful view. Jenni Ross. Jennings Lodge, Or. SIX. room house, barn, chicken houses. fruit trees, small fruit, 8 full lots In Sellwood for 34000. 81000 rash. 827 Lumber Exchange. Phone M. 6271. $10 down. 38 monthly buy 80x200 with . 8 room house; price $650; 25 min utes on Oregon City line- A. C Mara ters. t02 Wjlcox bldg. 7 ROOM bungalow. 100x100 lot- Ros City Park; 33680. 81100 cash, cost over 36000-Tabor 8T21. J2500 -NEW 8 room bungalow, thr lots, easy terms, or will exchange. D-66, JouinaL-r BEAUTIFUL home, close In east aide. good income, price reasonaoic, maae terma. Coad. 121$ Northwestern Bank bldg. fT ROOM hous with gas and electric lights, fixtures, tinted, bath; every convenience, large lot. For price and terms, phone owner. Tabor 3400. $1400 Lot 50x100: good house, i rooms and bath, double constructed; fine chicken ranch, shade trees. 428 Worcester blk 3750 BUYS a lot with a house not qui te finished, on west side: 326 cash, 310 per month. M. E. Lee, 52? .Corbett bid. FOR SALE--3 room house. Basement, ?lumblng. street improvement. aw. Frederick. Brooklyn car. house, cheap. FOR SALE 41 room Phone East 3628. THREE room shack and lot In Alberta district, $5 down. Phon Wood. 3379. HOLKK for large family. Have a good home, handy to car line, in rood neiKnooniTOO, everyining tn oest. Large living room, dining room and kitchen, Bath and four good bedrooms.. TH. I . .1 .... 11,1.. In which to raise the children. Call m up and I will make good terms and prices to you. Evenings. East 6776. 6 ROOM bungalow, lot 1 00x1 Of), wal nut trees, berries and lots of young fruiV-trees, chicken house. Sidewalks and curbs in and paid for; must be seen to.be appreciated; $250 down, bal ance Ilk rent. See Mr. Riffle.-. 27$ Pine t. VK have real eatate of all denotnina tions. Prices down Will exchange. Too .expensive to advertise in detail. We rent your property and look after the repairing. Collect rents, etc. Very reaaotiable. 20? Gerlina-er bide. $1350828 DOWN. C r. ...... .... I ... ... , ( n , m 1 uuu 1 u u n , ,1111. . .'.miiLiii, woodshed, barn, lot 84x100.' car t block. Smlth-Wsconer Co.. 612 Stack F. x c hange. IOSE City Park new 7 room house, up to date, located, on 80 foot boule- look and be convinced of bet valu la clty Tabor 6186 or Tabor 3006. HOUSES In Irvington for 2-3 their value. Choice location.' Also lots. Houses furniahed end unfurnished for rent. East 273. W. H. Hrdmati - STRICTLY raodern3 room cottage. large porch, built-in furniture, fine vljw, 31850; 8J50- cash, 816 per month on balance, si. K. Iee. 522 Corbett bid UOrit attractive small horn on port land Heights for sacrifice price. Di rect 'rtra owner; no commission. -$, Journal. $200 DOWN. $20 per month, will build to suit you on good lot 2 blocks from car. This is th snap rou have been looking for. Bee Mr. Riffle, $75 Finest. $1350 4 ROOM cottage. 60x100 lot, all street work paid; iSe down. 816 montniy inclining interest. teii. ii4. 9 ROOM houae for sal cheap, or trada; belt of location: close in. Main 14. FOR HALE or rent, furnished cottag. new: ' term. 'ell Tbor $646 or 3922 64th sr.. 8. E. . . SALE 2 FOR easy term. room Phon house, $S28; Tabor 8. (Coatiauad om 7ffxt 'Pag a)