'8 r- HE cherry picnlo of the. Mon I - . day Musical duo. - given yea ! terday at the suburban home of Mrs. Glenn , Foul Ices, Hew Itt station. ffM a very delightful af fair. Borne of the women went la automobile and others on the .street cara; the Utter were met at the end of the line with conveyances to take them to the Foulkes home. Oreat baskets of cherries abounded every where and with them a baeket lunch eon waa served picnic f asbion on the lawn and the porch. Mrs. John Toft was In general charge of, the picnic. In the afternoon an Informal pro gram waa given. Mlse Caae and Mlaa Bickett gave vocal numbers, accom panied by Mra. Herman Heppner. Mra. Carlln DeWltt Joslyn waa heard In one of her own songs and for an i en core ahe gave a dramatic reading, also one of her own writings. JThe Monday Musical chorus with Mrs. Rus sell Dorr at the piano,, sang seyetal inspiring selections. Mrs. Heppner plaVed one of hef own compositions, -TV,- i. Ttird'' end for an encore he gave an exquisite little poem ded icated to her motner, wnn ihub.i ac companiments Miss" Elizabeth John eon gave a vocal number. Mrs. G. J. vrankti arave a. dramatic reading. . , The Installation of the new officers was one of the ceremonies of the aft '.mnnn Mrs. Herman Heppner. the retiring president, made a graceful ad dress, bespeaking all possible success tn. v,mr . aum-easor and for . the club. Mrs. Frankel, the newly elected presi dent, responded graciously, as did also Mrs. Russell Porr, the first vice pres ii. nt tn the course of her remarks Mrs. Dorr said that she was taking for her motto for the club work for the year "With love preferring one .another." . There were about 40 -women present to enjoy the dsy. To Hold Cherry Party. The regular meeting Of the current llt-.ra.ture department of the Woman's ' club will be held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. F. Boody, 89S Waters street, corner Bancroft. Take R r&r at 11 o'clock. It Will be cherry party and the meeting will be nreccded with a luncneon, in wnicn nr-ron cherries will figure prominent Ir. The reading of "Laddie" . will be comDleted. Club and Association Notes. The Homemakers' league of the Rose Cltv Park club will meet Thursday morning In the clubhouse. All club members are cordially invited. A pro gram of general Interest has been pre pared. The Sunnyslde Parent-Teacher as sociation will give a picnic Thursday at Peninsula Park. The teachers, mothers and Children of the commun Ity are cordially invited to attend. The association will furnish Ice cream for all. Those attending will bring basket lunch. "Feeding and Care of the Child During the Summer" will be the sub ject of an address to be given by Dr. Robert Hall. 551 Court House. Frl day afternoon at 2:15, under the aus pices of the Oregon Congress of Moth era In connection with the meeting the Visiting Nurse association will give give a demonstration of the care of children. A general invitation Is extended to all who are interested. Social Day for Central Union. Central union will have a social day tomorrow at the home of Mrs. Hilton, 141 Hazel Fern place. Mrs. Lillian M. Downing will glv a reading and other good things will be heard. Mrs. Edith M. HUton, Miss Frances Got Wt . 11.111. TTTT. . t the social community for that day. Take the East Ankeny car marked juaureinumi ana get oxi at Jasi i.nir ty-fourth atreet. f s. v The third annual picnlo of the M. ! W, A. and R. N. A. Picnlo association will be given at Crystal Lake park (July 4, with a program of drill con- testa for cash prises, a baseball game ;and other games. There will be first -"Ittaiai linlftfi mnalA A Jln-tnlM W n fc. anernoon ana evening. PERSONAL MENTION .Mrs. Rath Blanch ard-Doty Dead. A bride of lesa than six months, Mrs. Ruth Blanchard-Doty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Blanchard of this city, died Sunday night in Los Angeles. where she has been sojourning for her health for several months. Mrs. Doty'a mother was formerly pastor of the Third united Brethren church in South Mount Tabor and the young woman sang In the choir of the church several years. She had lived In that neighborhood for more than 13 years. Her marriage to Clyde Doty took place last Christmas day. Her health had not been the best for some time, -but an early recovery was confidently ex . peciea. Bound for Europe. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wright will start tomorrow morning for a three months' vacation trip through Europe, sailing xrom new xork for Liverpool July 2 on the White Star liner Baltic They expect to visit all the Important cities of the continent and tour the Alps. -j.ney win start dsck September X on the Celtic. Mr. Wright la assistant cashier of the United States National bank. .'Excursion to Cherry Fair. A Joint excursion run bv the Port 1 land Commercial club and the Royal Rosarlans over the Oregon Electric railway will take a large delegation to the Cherry fair at Salem next Satur day. Reservations are now being- made at tne commercial club, a fare, of ts for the round trip. Including a chicken luncneon served on the train. The sds clal train will leave the North B,ank station at is ociock noon, and will leave Saiam on the return about t p. m, Tne Kosanans will be In uniform. U'Ben to Open Office Here. To take care of his legal business in Multnomah county, W. S. U"Ren,. pro hibition candidate for governor, has formed a partnership with Frank Hesse and will open offices about July 1 )n the Railway Exchange building. , me mm wm te known as vTRen, Schuebel A Hesse, his present partner, C. Schuebel, remaining. Mr. tTren's of fices have been at Oregon City. V ' Business Outlook Encouraging. II. J. Jackson, assistant traffic man ager of the Great Northern dropped into Portland yesterday -from St. Paul on a casual visit.- He used to be sta tioned here as assistant general freight agent, his place having been taken after his promotion by George Smltton. "Business la beginning to look more SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES St. Helens Hall rOsTLAVD. OSEOOH. Resident and Day School for Girls la charge of Slaters of St. John Bantlat Epi eopal). Collegiate, Acidemia and tClemnitary fprtmcnU, Mtjta. Art, K locution, Domestic Art.- Donatio Science, Gjmiuutuin. For cat alugttv atldresa THI SISTIk STTOaiOa. f. - . r- St. Helena Hall.. , If ": "' I mm Mrs. Herman Heppner, retiring president of the Monday Musical club. encouraging," said Mr. Jackson. "This state of if fairs is noticeable all through the east now and with the big crop prospects a traffic man can see nothing but better times. - I tried to get here in. time to attend William Harder's funeral. The death of this grand old man was a shock to every body on the system.' e On "Safety Xlrat" Mission. Harry B. Coffin started for Chica go last night to address the Chicago Automobile club on the principles of "safety,, first" as applied to motor driy- injf And to get ideas for the use of the proposed civic safety committee in Portland. He conferred yesterday with B. F. Boynton, safety expert of Little v5toriay lorDedtime l W THORNTON V BUROB85 : Danny Meadow Mouse Hunts . for j Little Miss Nanny. Danny Meadow Mouse never before In all his life had felt so bashful s when at last he stood on the door step of the house of little Miss Nan ny Meadow Mouse. He hoped she-would be glad to see him and he was afraid she wouldn't. He Just knew that he wouldn't be able to think of a thing to say The truth is Danny was In love. He had been ln love ever since he first saw little Miss Nanny a day or two before. But she might not fall in love with him. " It wis a dreadful thought because he felt that he could never be happy again if she didn't. Perhaps there was someone else she cared for. The very Jdea made Danny grind his teeth, and long to fight again as he had just been fighting. How still It Was Inside! Danny fide- eted about uneasily. Then he peeped Inside, which is a perfectly Droner thing to do in Meadow Mouse society. me house was empty! Little Miss Nanny wasn't there at all! Danny walked right In and looked everywhere. It was queer, very queer, for he had been quite certain that he had seen her peeping out at him as he started up her private little path. Could she be hiding from him? Or could It be that while he had been go long in coming someone else -had stolen her away? Instantly, he grew bold. The thought that he might have lost her through his own bashf ulness made him doubly anxious to fhid her. Danny looked out of the back door. As she hadn't come out the front way she must have gone out this way. Of course! There was Just a little faint Mouse scent. It tickled Danny's nose. He knew it was the scent of little Mies Nanny. He followed it eagerly, for that Is the way of little meadow peo ple. It led him straight to a big gras over all around. Danny peeped under. It seemed to him that he saw Just the tip of a fascinating little tail dis appear on the other side of the' tus sock. Danny started after It eagerly and as fast as he could run. Some times he thought he heard little foot steps ahead of him. Round and round that grassy tussock he ran, but though he could run pretty fast for a Meadow Moubo he didn't even catch another glimpse of that fascinating tall. It was quite plain to see that little Miss Nan ny could run quite as fast as he could. Then he had a bright idea. Anyway It seemed like a bright Idea to him. He would run the other way and then he "Yes, try German- . American" ill The new' been on ' I yet is the I fit ii A'-? Northwest! It brews a cup of quality no sediment. Over 400 Portland gro cers , sell G.-A. Pound tin 30c thre pounds 85c Lang Dlatrtbutora of the -Boyal in. ii : U! the Portland Railway, Light Power 1 company, and Mayor H. R. Aloe a . , Mayor H. R. Albee. 1 , -. e . James S. - Stewart, of the Fossil Journal, Is a business visitor tn the city, and Is stopping at the Stewart. W. F. Bowera, president of the Bow ers Rubber company.' of San Fran cisco, la. at the Multnomah. ' Mr, and Mrs. L. Jacobs have 'taken apartments at the Multnomah. They have Just returned r from a tour of California, Mr. Jacobs owns a woolen mill at Oregon City. r-.-.i N-' Mrs. and Mrs. G. R, McCormick, of Pan Francisco, are at the Multnomah. Mr. McCormick la manager of the Hammbnd Lumber company. - Among Calif ornians who are In Port land today Is C. F. Hunt, president of the Anglo London Paris Bank, of San Francisco. - He is Is; the city on busi-. Kellerman first appears as a mermaid, ness, and Is registered at the Benson. ln company with a large number of sea W. F. Culberson, an automobile man nymphg, jjeter, through a charm, she of San Franclaco, is at the Benson. He i peg a mortal, then again an lm 1s accompanied by Mrs. Culberson. v ,mortaL and once more a mortal. George. W. Sanborn, of Astoria, is a guest at the Benson. - W. D. Brooks, a business man of San Francisco, is registered at the Oregon. D. A. Brodle, of Washington. DC C. is at the. Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Huston, of Cor vallls, are guests at the Oregon. James Griggs, a wholesale plumber of Tacoma, Is stopping at the Oregon. J. B. Shepard, a merchant of Seat tle, Is a gaest at the" Imperial. ; J. H. Wenanday, of Bend, is stopping at the Imperial. He operates a stage line between Bend and Prineville. D. B. Whitman, of Astoria, propri etor of the Weinhardt hotel, is In the city, a guest at the Imperial. Frank Sels, a stockman of Canyon City, has Just completed a buying trip through the Shaniko country, and is in Portland, en route to his home. Mrs. George Porringer; of Pendleton, is at the Imperial. . O. H. Byland, a business man of As torta. Is putting up at the Cornelius. Frank Haynes, of Kent, a merchant. is at the Cornelius. , Dr. P. H. Hawkins, of Newberg. is in the city to attend the dental con vention. He is at the Cornelius. J. F. Smith, of Baker county, super intendent of schools, is registered at the Cornelius. Three Women on Jury. Redwood City, CaL, June 23. With three women on the Jury, the trial be gan of Giuseppe 11 Grasia, charged with murdering Alfredo Rovari, fore man of the ranch on which he worked. would be sure to meet her. So Dan ny turned around and started around the grassy tussock Just the opposite way from which he had been going, and his heart beat very fast with excite ment, for now surely he must catch lit tle Miss Nanny. But he didn't! No, sir, he didn't! He went clear around that grassy tussock without seeing . a j sign of little Miss Nanny. He was so disappointed and vexed that he could have cried but for the fact that he had outgrown his crybaby ways. It was very plain to be seen that little Miss Nanny was quite as clever and smart as he, and the more he realized this the more he knew that he Just must have her. This time he walked around very slowly, sniffing and sniffing! Hat There was that faint scent and it led off down a private little path. Danny began to run once more. This time it led to an old brush pile and under this were little galleries in all "directions. Danny heard a faint rustle in one of them and off he started In that direc tion. Then began such a game of hide-and-seek as he never had played In all his life. Dozens of times he was sure that at last he had caught up with lit tle Miss 'Nanny, only to be disappoint ed. He began to almost hate that brush pile. And then," Just when he was quite tired out and almost discour aged, he saw little Miss Nanny sitting with her back to him and looking out under the old brush pile as If she didn't know that he was anywhere about. Next story Danny Meadow Mouae Has to Prove His Love. I'll Steel Cut Coffee; in 30c iyf ' vs. i r V iff . V, Mrf ill n Trf KiVcrmtirlii,iid . tQ - I Better than sweet delicious 1 1 - - y fll Grisner thahycriso keen . the air-tight can. that's only the market six week. bissest seller in the & Co. Club" Pure Tood Products THEATRICAL NEWS "Neptune's Daughter" I Benutl ful Artistic and Interesting PUy. . Story Z Telry Tale. ' "Neptune's Daughter," with Annette Kellerman. Is one ot the moat beauti ful, i artistic and s intereating motion pictures that has oeen , shown on a Portland screen. The picture was made In Bermuda, under the direction of Herbert Brenon, and Is filled with scenery that la new to the motion pic ture camera. . The title and Miss Kellerman a once suggest water, and a number of th..nt.r .K.iwi ir. sumaaslnsrly beautiful. .The afory is a fairy tale by Captain Leslie T. Peacocke. Miss Her swlmimng and feats in the wa ter are not only thrilling but aston ishing. Her fight onder water with Tioador and her being thrown, tied hand and foot., from a cliff, and her struggle In the water for freedom. must be seen to be appreciated. Not the least Interesting of Miss Keller man's work is her dancing. . : The cast of supporting actors is r Whenever . you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. it Pajrs To Think Jli v yl af y f fM jZ sji 11 i- iuure uiaii pure wnoiebume : L&y- - Demand the genuine by full name . . ' .. x . c. f , Nicknames encourage substitution. - f ) ; whn Lf . E Coca-Cola Company .SS splendid. The photography -of the pic ture is Just about - perfect, and the beautiful tinting la deserving of men tion. The scenery. : alone - would . make the picture even if the work of master artiste in photoplay production were not visible throughout the entire length of the film. "Neptune's Daugh ter' will be at the Heillg the remain der of the week. with a daily and evening performance. - . Oregon Trea Pictures Shows. For an extra added feature at the Baker this week .there are still vlewa and motion pictures of the old Oregon trail with a lecture by Ezra Meeker, the famous pioneer of 85 years who crossed the trail ln the early days and In later years went back over the his toric roadway with his exenand prairie schooner. ; jib The plcturea and talk are a revela tion of some of the hardships the early emigrants endured in making their way to Oregon. The regular offering Is Bev erley Dobbs' "Atop of the World ln Motion" pictures of Alaska and Si beria in five reels. . Fields of ice, glaciers and other scenery of the Arctic regions have been caught by the camera as well as the wonderful dog trains, hunting the native animals, sports of the natives, their modes of living and occupation. The pictures - are ; not only interesting but they have a decided educational value aa well. f . . Are; they good enou A re imitations Gliirardellis aO 1 41 vjrouna good enough Stop to tlimke, tken e 1 insist on purity qual ity, and flavor found only in Gkirardelli s 4 'hermetically sealed" cans. D. w S ' Atlanta, A ISuiiday Schools oL ! - r v. . MariOTl at lIUlliaDV . 7 f Twenty Beyreaeated in the HayeevlUe' District aceet t or BaslmesB Seesioa : and Zlact Officers for Tear. J Quinaby. Or., June 21. The jHayes vtlle district, comprising 20 Sunday schools of Marlon county, nef ln con-t vention at Quinaby on Sunday with ' an attendance of 600, despite the cold! winds that prevailed, and the fact that many had driven a distance of 1 or! 20 miles. Dr. C J. Smith, of Portland. 1 Democratic nominee - for governor, spoke on "Legislation"; C B. Harri son, of Portland. "The Country Boy"; Attorney E. A. Baker, of Portland, president of the Anti-Saloon league, "Why, Oregon Should Go Dry, From an Attorney's Point of View." and E. B. Lockhart, city editor ot the States man, Salem, on "Community Quarrels and the Church."! The Chemawa brass band contributed several numbers and the Misses Marie Bolinger and Ruth Brown, of Salem, sang. A basket din ner on the grounds was one of the pleasant features. Harry White waa elected- president of the association; A. Neptune, vice president; Mrs. J. W. Fruit, secretary; Miss Mabel Williams, secretary of Mla slons and Christian atewardshlp. Clear late noco or you: Gkirardelli Sines 1852 Supremely Satisfying Lake. with. 71 delegates present, won the banner over Hayeeville. with 1, but courteously ' allowed the ' latter " ceuri "hool to Uk. iCamce Clear Laka was acting- tl: vention. Quinaby. with a total enroll ment of 44 members, was represented by 43 at the convention. - ; ' ' x T . : Journal Want Ada bring results.' ,4 More because better, fit better and hold their shape better than any other silk glove in the world, yet they cost no more than the ordinary kind. The autzrance of absolute satufao tion is worth the pains of insistixur ' on "KAYSER" SUkGW. A guarantee .ticket with every pair that the tips outwear the gloves. Short "KAYSER" Silk Gloves 50c to $1.25 Long "KAYSER" Silk Gloves 75c to $2.00 AT ALL STORES For Tired, Aching and Sweaty Feet A. Try thia simple remedy which has been known to cure end glva re . lief to hundreds of people suffering with aching and aweaty feet. voucvu 003TT, la proper proportions and purest qualities: t Powdered Alum, Pew. Stated gmSph. Pbemol. OU ateatae Ptp. The following drug torts, one of which is selected in each locality, will accurately and carefully compound this formula, which is on file only in the drug stores represented below. Special orfertags egp rVsg front week te week mem the careful atteatlea ef eeaaemleal bayera. CURRINS For Drugs ST. JOHNS. O&BOOM. J. C. Clark & Co. Pharmacists Corner 2Sth and E. Burnalde stAV The Acme Pharmacy Corner Third and Burnalde ata. PAXCZXi POST at the beach or In the mountains, we fill your wants aa If you were at home. Prompt aad Pree B.livaty. SS86, A-4657. L.L. 831 KorUx Twenty-third Street. ORDER NOW! Double S. a M. Oreea Stamps with every dollar purchase this week. Cottel Drug Company pzarr asto Free delivery to all parts of the city Playfair's Pharmacy Prescription Druggist i Tahor KIR. C MM. 7 th and Sandy Road. We carry XOOS XCB CM AM All flavors la bulk. Bricks 25c and 60c. We deliver. Phone B-212Cr 8 ell wood 1414. Waverly Pharmacy s E. 26th and Clinton Sts. Fabian Byerley Druggist ; ' ZASTKAJr KODAK AMD PXXSCS-. 401 Jefferson 8U N. W. Cor. '.ltth. TKT STTAX.'S COKJT KX1CEST POK - TOUS COXKS. Ixstive Aatlfebrol for Colds. Le Grippe, Neura.lgla. end ailments caused by exposure and cold. A pleasant laxative. - - .- CRAY & MAGIUS C1?T RATE DRU0018TS. -623 W11H am s Ave Cor. Basse St. - Free Employment Bureau, - .Washington. June 21. It was stated by the labor and Immigration depart ments that they, were developing a plan for a chain of free government employment agencies across the con tinent. . .-- ' . '- . '. When 'members' of a family quarrel a lot of truth leaks cut 1 Ml SILK Glove pairs of Silk Gloves are sold than all others "KAYSER Silk Gloves wear It instantly kills the disagreeable odor "caused by the-bad condition of the f aet. One trial will convince you. Cut the formula 'out and take It to any of thia list of reliable drug stores mentioned below and have it filled. It Is inexpensive and guaranteed, by la these spaces Will Alberta Pharmacy K. R. DURST. Prop. Anything Too Need from the Drag Store We Deliver Promptly. Phonas Wd. ltt. c aiJ. , Twsnty-fourth and Alberta Sts. SEATS PTZ&Z9 O 100,000 PKISCXXPTXOKS. All perfect. May we fill yours t Love's Pliarmacy SB. ShmslAe sad Oraat Are. , j Irvington Pliarmacy Oor HLItth and Broadway. Phones. East 1100, C 1414. Joseph Worth Pharmacist Phones. Tabor 1ISS, B 1404. 10 Belmont at. Plummer Drug Company Phones Mala JfJ. A 4212. Third and Madison sts, Portland. Or. Montgomery Pharmacy! ageats ' Doctor Ban's ' . Stomach aad xaver Tablets. Prlee 25 and 50 cent boxes. Prompt Prse Delivery. Phases! Kate S31S,' A-SS41, tims wrwww vrna TSOnwYT.TTn WTnnma , ummm aa ox fioiiSTB Proveats Freckles Sua and Wind- : - , . , burn. ' . . A. W.Allen ' .r. , lth and Lovejoy. - SELLWOOD pzxacs DxrvnopzD razs panrxs so up. -All Work Guaranteed. Beaver Pharmacy , " P. Livingston,"- Prop, S40 Umatilla. The Quickest Way r. , . , . to secure tenants for vacant fiouaaa or rooms is to lnnert an ad. in The journal i or rent columns. Jour nal Want Ads . bring results. f .. . . . . PORTLAND, ORE.