THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, 1914. 1 ' 1 ! . , ! FURNISHED ROOMS 0 WEST SIDE. , HOTEL EATON. I ' ' West Park nl Morrison sts. ' Large newly furnished rooma wltn and without private bath; all modern convenience; moderate rate. Phone Main 8170. KuuMrt and apartments in modern ho tel: ll.Ro wprk and -MP. 466 AMev. ' FOR REST HOUSES (Con tinned.) 12 rUKHTS&XD BOOKS WXTT BXSB FKTVATU fAKttT MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUBrUr Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list of all va cant houses, flats, apartments, and bungt'.ows in the city; make use. of tnis service when you tslre; thla des not obit rate you In anvmanner to this 1 atore. You will find ua willing and " ', ready at all timea to help you in locat- i - - a n..ii..i will 4nl -JElI'ViMS h- tf tlenhone tat men anwnera of private prop- Jences- hot and cold bathj, t,P&ont erty are lnvitecTtd list their unoccupied reduced for ummer ; $2 . W d $1 apartments, flaU and houses at Meier . week. Special concessions and conven- & Frtnk'i free rental bureau, iencea for reliable tenants. Rooms and ranas iree rental Bureau. surrounding; grounds must be seerr to be appreciated; IB minutes' walk to powtoffir:. 2 Flanders. Main 7815. NEAT, comfortable, furnished front room, suitable for 1 or. 2 gentlemen. 2M 14th st. CLEAN furnished room $1.26 week; ln aludes light, heat, laundry. . 701 a- yter st. . ; ONE small furnished room for gentle- nun. 321 W. Broadway. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal rUBKXS EX HOOKS ' BAST SXBB PXrV ATE AMHiT 71 NICE, cool room and kitchenette, com plete for housekeeping $2.25 week. AJso nice 2 room suites $10 and $12 mouth, free light and phone. Cleanest house In Portland. 192 V4 Grand ave. corner Taylor. Phone B-3177. NICE, cool furnished room $4 month. Also 1 at' $6 month, respectable work In man or woman. 192 Grand ave. corner Taylor. FURNISHED rooms in private family for housekeeping or sleeping. Very reasonable. East 6865. NICELY furnished room, bath and light; $8 month. 29 Kargo St.. U car. UNFURNISHED rooms, light, outside rooms. 32 E. 3d and Morrison. WHEN you answer inc-o hui. ah mention The Journal. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TWO rooms, $5; single, $3. Three room flat. 342 Front WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. ROOMS AND HOARD 15 $19 TO $19.60 for new 4 room bun galows on Sumner and Webster sts. One and two blocks north of Alber ta car. Hardwood floor, linoleum, gas ranges and heaters, built in beds, buf fet, window seats and bookcases, cool ers, full attic and basements, large porches. BLANCHARD & CLEMSON. 702-8 selling piqg RENT REDUCED $4 A MONTH. 5 room, westslde. . moaern cottage, $12; one for $13; 4 room cottage, $8. 862 Vaughn St. 23d st. car. APART3IEXTS . tCo-jlnned.) .43 Melcliffe Court E. 11th and Morrison,- opposite east side public library; 4 story brick building, automatic elevator, 2 and 3 rooms, all outside, with every , modern convenience: rates very reasonable; beautiful view; walking distance. ? HORSES A3fD VEHICLES 18 : ' ". Continne-. - TEAM weighing 2400, harness and farm wagon for sale or exchange for cows. Small barn on East 11th near Belmont. " ONE bay mare, buggy and harness, $100; 1 chestnut stallion. $60; 2 good cayuses, ride and drive, $60. Central Stables, 17th and Alder. THE LUZERm, APT Si Best 2 room f urnished apta. In the city; modern brick bldg- all outside rooms, private bath, telephone and dressing rooms, good janitor service. 12 blocks from business section. $20 and up. If you want a clean. Quiet home, call Mar. 4637. Washington grand t Brick a rra, furnished apta, $12 per mo. Just rebuilt, modern, clean, very desirable; hot and cold water in each apmt. Heat, light and bath furnished. N. W. cor. Grand ave. and E. Washington su Tel. East 4449. GOOSE-NECK furniture wagon; also single waaron. Blacksmith snop. 1 Williams ave. and Graham. Main 945. MOWEKJ AND RAKES Lrge stoc- at special prices. P. E. . Eabensnade, 214 Front st. Send for catalog. 8. Stables' has all G. D. Williams, 248 DON'T forget U. kinds of horses. Front st. MOTORCYCLES - HICTCLES 63 (Continued., IF TOU want a motorcycle cneap call Tabor 630 or Marshall 2286. We aeU as low as $25 down. - - WANTED-3nsCELLAXEOUS 5 (Contlad.t SECOND band clothing and furniture wanted: highest cash price for 2nd hand clothing, furniture. Globe. M. 3080 LAUNCHES AXD BOATS 4 l LOST A3TD FOUND 2) motorboat- T- TI If t . t - . FOR SALE $160: i 18 foot, 10 II. P.I X""W . .i- d .7 'T ,","..".; can woooiawn . ! Lleht pn..r fr. .nrf T V-TA.r-Ae may claim same at the 1st and Aider st. station. June 20 Marshall 6100. A-6121: One band grip, 10 umbrellas. 1 package merchandise, 1 packing cade, 2 parcels. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HAVE piano" check" for $89.20; T wlH give free to party who will use It nerore July . 1914. can at 677 K.erpy. SIX good farm mules with harness, cheap. L. M. Hubert. 881 Water st. EXPERT piano tuning, repairing or polishing; special player. 441 Stark, cor. 12th sc Phone 4478. -V. Kremar. LTTESTOCK 35 COMPLETELY furnished 1 room apts., with kitchenette, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 1 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts., $16.60 and up. 291 Co lumbia st.. corner 6th. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS 21st and Hoyt; 3 and 4 room unfurnished apts., $27.50 up. Ail outsiae rooms; pn TO TRADE, for lot with email house or shack, 4 good cows, z neirers, z brood sows, 1 male hog, 160 chickens, cream separator, cream cans, etc., some hay in barn, tools and all crops, 6c carfare, lease on 16 acres 2 years. small rent. MX-973, Journal. PIANO Upright, for $90; must be sold; need money; - 161 E. 69th st. WANTED Old" piano for cash. D-67, Journal. WHEN you answer tnese Want Ada, mention The Journal. KT)R SAT. P. A larzn Jersey COW and calf, calf 3 weeks old; good family vate balconies, finest residence section. I cow. Take Oregon City car to J en Call Main 7689; our free automobile 1 rings Lodge. Hugh Roberts. will mil for vou. I unTinp. TO DAIRYMEN. 1 A fresh cows for sale at 2061 E. way. 8 cor. Jefferson, easy warning l wasmngion, cur. oaa -u, jk v nr . rv. wbu a ana Aiaer sis, TYPEWRITERS GILL'S Rebuilt Typewriter Bargains L. C, Smith NO. 2 at $35.00 Smith Premier No. 10 80.00 Smith Premier Nos. 6 and 9..... 17.00 Fox -Visible No. 26. 80.00 Victor No. 2 at 26.00 Blickensdorfers, Densmores, etc. 10.00 1 traveling . bag. 1 nuclear Itnvaro 1 clock, 1 board. 2 grips, 1 basket. 1 bun dle rowlocks and pulleys, demijohns. 1 file, 2 purses, 2 packages, 1 bracelet, 1 glove, 1 book, 1 pair tweezers, 1 valise, 2 grips. 1 lunch box. 1 basket. 1 rtack- age note books. 1 package pictures, 1 package patterns. June 21 Four umbrellas, 1 lunch box, 1 locket, 1 coll copper wire, 1 basket lunch. 1 package dry goods, 2 empty baskets, 1 basket. 1 purse, 1 handbag, package ladies' hose. 1 package cloth. 1 suitcase, 1 pipe. 1 purse, 1 pair gloves, 1 tin pail. 1 milk bottle. FERSOXAL- - Oon tinned. S3 FIVE room modern bungalow electric L"'J' 4 rooms with private to 82d, 2 blocks north.'t 1 1 1 mnth 9o th t I haths, very reasonable rent, best eery- COMB and see us about all breeds tIi" ic. splendid, arrangements, au outu. ' " . . . 1 rnnrnn rt1rMt nnnnea. . E. wood Station 8 ROOM JMODERN COTTAGE, $14. Close in, yard. 81 Fremont St., cor. Missouri ave. Take Mississippi ave. ca r. FOR RENT "i room house, electric lights, gas, basement, newly reno vated. 143 Grand ave. N. corner E, Hoyt, rent $25. Owner next door. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for 15 and nn: 6 months' rnntal an. dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co., I plied on purchase price. Remington 607 Commercial blk. Main 6120. I Typewriter Co., 86 Broadway, Port land, Or. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12 th and Taylor. Modern completely furnished apta Walking distance. References. PDWSH .Torsev r-.nw. cheaD: four gal. 6 years Old: inquire wooastoc arusi wn. save you rrom &u to 76 per cent store, 4610 60th ave.. S. E. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention Tne journal. TWO beef cows and 1 veal for sale at 2061 E. Washington St., cor, szo. st. 12 room house in Sunnyside on E. Ai der St.. bet. 35th and 36th. to respon sible party for $20 per month. Sea owner at 612 Piatt bldg. THE PAGE Two three room apts. to rant ni-nlaViel nr nnf nrnishfad : re duced rates; hot and cold water, prl-jTWO fine milch cows for sale. 664 E. on all makes of tvoewrlters. Send for our Illustrated folder; retail de partment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRIT ER CO.. 321 Wash. St. NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 213 Stark. M. 1407 vate bath; phone. Phone East 3566. 453 E. Burnside. 6th st. Brooklyn car. THE ORLANDO. COR. 20TH AND WASH. STS. MODERN 6 rooms, bath, range, fruit, I 28 2 room apt- $40 3 room apt. berries., fine view. $12. 2 blocks I Elegantly furnished, corner rooms, out- Woodlawn car. 1481 Winona st I side bath direct phone. Ref. Mar. 184. FOR SALE Jersey cow or will ex change for norsa- it( m, etara st. WHEN you answer these Want AJa, mention The Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale 63 POULTRY 37 ! pheasant eggs. China. 38 dozen; golden. S4 dozen.-- Oregon uira ex Big Close Out Sale Store, ice boxes, restaurant tables, electric fans, lawn mowers, gas plates LOST This a. m. by poor working woman with 2 children, pocketbook on 10th or 11th st. between Morrison and Harrison, containing all the woman nas in tne world. 130 In gold, some Dr. J. J. Keefe . LICENSED PHYFICLUL " My office, is thoroughly eqn!pp with every electrical and mechanical device necessary for the soientlflo treatment of your ailments. I ADMINISTER THE WORLD'S - v LATEST REMEDIES. I treat successfully: Acute. Chronic. Nervous. Blood. Sain. Bladder, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Rheumatism, Neurasthenia. Eczema, Sores. Ulcers. Plies and Fistula. Consultation and examination free. Hours: to 6, 7 to I dally. Sunday 10 to 1. Rooma 11 to 15. Lafayette bldg. wasn. t., cor, stn. LADIES Ask for Antlko Mixture No. 8. It 1 safe nd sure. "Woman's Medi cine," the most successful and harmless "Regulator" known. For sale and guar anteed by Hl fond. Drug Co, 222 Morrison, near 1st A FIGHT on high V prices Why pay $5 fftf 1 to $10 for a pair of V' V J glasses, when I can s- fit your eves with first uualltv lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1.60? lady's gold wVtch. hnder would gi'e Satl"f"ctl" "" up willingly If they knew the condi tion of the loser. Return to Journal. LOST Single rope pattern gold neck chain and pendant, between Russell st and the Oaks. Finder receive re word. Phone East 6649. Mrs. Fred Burger. YOUR worn niumes. willows, birds of paradise, remodeling In spring sty lea. cieaneo, dyed, the new colors, worn guaranteed. Hartnesa Plume Sboy, 361 Yamhill, cor. Park. Main 160. LOST Coat and vest, in road between Dallas and Portland; No. 2 Dallas fireman badge pinned on coat Re ward If mailed to Jack Eakln. Dal las, Or. fruit, chicken yard. 222 E. 77tn jn. room fur, or uniur. apta, wun oau 1 r-ncaattm . Bdo ranges, dressers, rugs, carpets, etc, and ail moaern conveniences; o"" 1 ALL varieties poultry, pigeons, pei nsrweijTirn. jo., 333-B3& 1st st. steam heat gas. electric ngnts. etc.; toek. snecial nrlce feeds. Hart 114 W" car to 21st&Northrup. M. 4878. TrjrKt. FURJiiTrrrB iron sale HOUSES FOR RENT 32 CASA ROSA 300 Jefferson. Large, clean, airy rooms. Rates reasonable. Excellent board. BOOKS AJTX BOAJto r -ovate rAarxXiT n ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, new building, all furnished new, electric ity, everything modern, 10 minutes walk to postoffWe, very reasonable. 34 College st. Main 3919. Guou place to room and board, new and clan; walking distance; reason able. 33 No. 17th Ht Marshall 1375. WANTED Children age. , Good home. Phone East 2903. to board. Mother's Any care. WHEN you answer these Want -kds, mentVon The Journal. HOLSKKKKTING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 $3.60 WEEK, completely furnished housekeeping suites, clean as wax; plenty hot water, baths; every con venience. Large light rooms, gas ranges, new linoleum, etc. Single housekeeping rooms. $2.60 week. 288 V4 3d st. near Jefferson. BedH.rjpm Urytpl Free Bath, ndup. VJtJIIl nUltJI Phone. Piano. Good Bed a. 2uc a Furnished housekeeping rooms week ly, $1 and up. 66r 1st St.. Portland. Ik you want good H. K. rooms at low- est prlcPH, try ftll Ollwan. Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K. rooms, central, ohap. l6Vfe 3d., cor. Morr'n. -LOUSEXEZFZirO BOOMS WEST 1PB PRIVATE TAXXX. 73 SLEEPING rooms and sleeping tent; also housekeeping rooms, suitable for plain working people;, I large lawn, porches laundry; use of phone; $1.25, $2. $3. $4 week. 676 Couch, cor. 18th st ROSEN FELD APTS., 3 and 4 rooms, I ONE dozen 16 months old White Leg- FURNITURJ3 of 6 room cottage. In-1 furnished or unfurnished; strictly 1 horn hens, 8O0 each: f me, large eluding fine iano. linen, dishes, good modern and up to date; under new 1 thoroughbred stock. Phone Sell. 4SU. , . r. . , , . . I . c . . . k. n J T.T Ctovb I WE buy, sell and exenange new and second hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Ball Auction & Com. Co. 191 Second st. garden, in fact everything must be seen to be appreciated, race rignt Rent $16. 4811 70tn st, b. FURNITURE, in excellent condition. for sale, close in: SDlendld oppor tunity for lady to make living. Mar shall 4628. Sunday and evenings. FURNITURE of 7 housekeeping rooms for sale $125. house for rent. $17 per month; large yard. Call 681 4th. cor. Grant. management E. 14th and . Stark sts. .bast 3703. GODFREY COURT. BOO Vancouver ave.. new brick build ing, stands by itself. 2 and 3 room aDts. Nicely furnished. and pnone in each apt, rnone iii. ai, THE DEZENDORF. f08 16TH ST NEAR TAYLOR. 4 and 6 room unfurnished apt Also elegant 5 room furnished apt THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs, 35 ner 100. noyce. oeiiwooa xooo. BARGAIN $300 buys Carcasslan wal nut and English walnut furnftitr. Including ruga and draperies of four 60 PAIR pigeons for sale, cheap. 92nd room apartment Call Marshall 8374. and Taylor, end Mt Tabor car line. Private bath 100 LARGE thoroughbred White Leg- . horn papy cnicas, izo. mar, on. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal FURNITURE Before buying second nand goods, see what you can do here on new goods, for cash Get post ed. William Gadsby. 1st and Wash. ADS of furniture for sale are nub lished in the ' Household Goods classification when house . is not for rent. FOR SALE Very cheap, furniture of 10 room rooming hmiKA Inrnterl tw.i DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD FJSXa 4B DiocKsrrom postofifce. 229 6th st FOR TtKXT FLATS 13 Fi.AT for rent, furniture for sale, sac rifice, 6 rooms. 379 Ross st, near Broadway. FURNITURE 6 room flat for sale. Cost $400. Sell for $225. Flat for rent 251 Clay Bt. . FOR SALE Furniture of 10 rooms. '690 E. Salmon. Call East 6154. IRVINGTON Only $23, choice 6 rooms. 369 E. 16th, Broadway or Irvington car; sleeping and front porches, new and clean. A real bar gain. Rent dates July 1. Open. See this. Phone B-2704. HOLLADAY addition. Beautiful cor. flat newly renovated. 412 Was co St. East 3805 2-YEAR-OLD male Airedale, broke on birds and big game, winner at iai dog show; also 2 pit bulls, females. 366 E. Pine st Jaet bj. . WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. 20 PAIRS mated Homer pigeons ' for aale cheap. T-97, JoumaL CANARIES for sale, males and fe- males. Phone Main 8547. GOOD oak furniture of 5 rooms for sale cheap. 401 W. Park. Leaving cny. LOST Turquoise matrix ring, be tween 394 Taylor and Masonic Tem ple. Reward for return of same to 394 Taylor st. Main 857. LOST June 17, kit of plumber's tools in brown leather covered box. Finder please notify stove man at Jennings store. Reward. LOST At Alder station Monday morn ing, green umbrella, brass base. Call at 354 Salmon and receive reward. NO. i folding packed Brownie, on grounds of Bonneville at Eagles' plo nk: ; liberal reward; phone Main 9055. LOST String black jet beads. Reward. Woodlawn 690. LOST Auto license. Ore. 997. Please return C A. Cook, 628 Worcester bldg. PERSONAL 22 SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Virginia Rowe. Reading, healing, daily cir cles Tuesday and Friday evenings 8 o'clock. 231 6th st. Phone A-7116. CLIFTON STEEL RANGES- $ ldown, $1 week. 3 47Morrison. NEW furniture of 3 rooms for "sale cheap 245 E. 41st st. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. FOR SALE. refrigerator and stove; bargain. Marshall 3143. gas UR. G. V. KETCH UM Women's mal adles and ecute diseases. Washing- ton bldg.. 4th and Wash. Km. 41. Ml. 448 GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist scientific masseuse. Ladies only 204 Macleay bldg., 286 Washington st WILL treat rheumatism and stomach trouble, for use of automODlle. Phono 1943. WILL treat rheumatism and stomach trouble, for use of automobile. Tabor 1943. WHEN you answer these Wane Ads, mention The Journal. 1STH AND CLAY. 6 room modern flat. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 fine sleeping porch; all in first class condition. Key, Mam 7uu. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 LIGHT, airy, 5 room modern upper sleeping porch, walking distance. 424 W, Tillamook. Marshall 4782. nn T r 1 0 .nn.V, 1 A .v fine modern 7 room house at 336 MODERN four room upper flat, large East 28th near Hawthorne: lawn. lOOx attic, rent reasonable. Inquire 434 100. well rurnisned; references re-1 wigBiv quired. Tabor 4112, $35. I FIVE rooms, lower modern flat be- SIX room modern bungalow, nicely tween bteel and liroaaway Driagea. and completely furnished, full lot I zbi1 naisey. FURNISHED suites, upper and lower floor, large; nice, clean, airy rooms, heautlful yard; fine location, walking distance, $14 and $15; summer prices. 1109. 134 Porter st Mar. 379 or Sell. THREE coxy connecting H. K. rooms; gaa range, pantry, bath, phone; ground floor; very reasonable. 184 N. 17th st. SINGLE housekeeping and furnished rooms: phone, bath, $1.50 and up. 476 Taylor st. HOUSEKEEPING and" sleeping rooms, modern phone, walking distance, $2 up. R53 Hoyt st. TWO nicely furnished front house keeping rooms, reasonable.' cIosa in. 3 S3 11 1 h st. NEATLY furnished front housekeeping suite; conveniences; walking dis- iBwe; .i wpfK. tu jonnson. with Place for few chickens: F. J. S"teinmetz, owner, 603 Gerlinger bldg.; pnone Main 8201 or Kenwood 530. 3 ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE $7.50 130 feet to car. city water, patent toi let. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham ber of Commerce. $10 4 ROOM flat. 301 E. 11th, near Hawthorne. Main 6030 or East 963. WHEN you answer these Want AdaT mention The Journal. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 1913 Reo 6 passenger, fully equipped, guaranteed. 1914 Cherrdolet roadster. 2 passen ger, electric starter and lights. BROADWAY AND COUCH. Main 8887. A-4959. BODIES BODIES BODIES Of every description and kind; prices are right, worKmansnip ts tne pest. FORALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & Stationary, Marine Hardware. Write for Catalogue. GAS POWER & SUPPLY CO, 168-172 Front st. Portland. Oregon. Electric Motors . n Electric motors bougn V sold, rented and repaired . Walker Electric Works, lOtt and Burnside. Main 6674. 1 $16. For rent, furnished cottage, clean and cozy; take Mt Scott car, get off at 62d st. No. 4320. first house to right north. Adults only. MODERN 9, room house, nicely fur : nished. In good locality. 980 E. 10th st. N- 2 blocks to car. $35. Phone W. 1952. FOR RENT 2 room cottage, furnished completely, after June 24; 1505 At-, lantic st. MODERN 6 room flat, neatly fur nished, hardwood iurnlture, gas range, large rooms. 290 Margin, front ing on river. 3 blocks south of Broad- way briage. szz.bu. FOUR room modern lower flat, gas, electricity and excellent ' car ser vice. 1297 Hawthorne or 1300 East Main. 4 ROOM flat furnished, gas, water. 412 Vancouver ave. Pedersen. FOR SALE New and second liand carom and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessories. rect; rebuilding touring car bodies is I bar fixtures of all kinds, easy pay- FURNISHED FLATS 50 material is first class, design Is cor something we understand and do to your entire satisfaction; painting, we have one or tne Dest equipped snops .n the west Prices correct as usual. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS, Main 2892. 209-11 Front st ments. The BrunswlcK-Baike-Collen- der Co.. 46-48 6th st Main 769. A-1769. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Type writers" and M Household Goods are separate classifications. All ad vertisements of these goods are pub lished under their respective classlfl- CADILLAC 1913 model touring car. in cations. Look them over. WOULD like to communicate with member of the Knight and Ladles of Security. Mrs. Butts. A-1712. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last Sanitary Beauty Fa rlors. 400 ueKum. Marsnau 170a. DiwnrPPC Without notoriety; consul IVUIOCO tatlon frM. Room 20 Gerlinger. 242 H Alder. MRS. STEVENS. 20 years Portlands leading palmist and clairvoyant has her late books on sale. 291 14 Morrison. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE Treat ments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc; massage and baths. 4i2 Salmon at, ror. 13th. Marshall 6033. Open Sun days. AUULiT- 11 AIR GOODS. Don't trust- peddlers with combines: let us mako them up, 95c up. Wigs, toupes a specialty. 20 yra est d. Feb vet & i-ianeout. 147 uroadway. nr. Morrison. DR. M' MA HON. famous chiropractic, Why? 18 aalustments. $10. Ladv atienaams DOtn oinces. 7:1 4tn, a Williams ave Main 205. East 462. ITOTICES ' 2 1 Dr. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, chi ropodist, will be pleased to see her old patrons at new location. JLHl Ma cleay Mdg.. 286 Washington st. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts. etc.. aesttoyfcu rorever ty electric needle: no pain, no scar, cure guaran teed. Mile. De Long. 604 Swetland bldg. DIVORCES Competent and trust worthy attorney, wny take any risk 7 D-66, Journal. SOTICES SO OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COM-- MISSION, MULTNOMAH IWM1I. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. - Sealed nronosala. . addressed to the ' board of commissioners of MultnomaJt county. Or- and endorsed "Propoaeua) ' foe constructing a steel bridge on the Columbia Highway In Multrtomah coun- . ty over the tianay river, near tne r-on-land Automobile clubhouse," will b . received by the board of ounty com missioners of Multnomah county at UM office, room 1)9. courthouse, Portland, - Or., until 11 a. m, June z. ii. ana that time and place will be publicly opened and read. - All proposals must -be upon blank form to be obtained from the state . highway commission s orrice. room t. , courthouse. Portland; must give price proposed totn in writing " figures, and muat be sighed by the bidder with his addresa Each bid Is to t preaemea unu-r sealed cover, and shall be accompanied , by a certified check made payable to the board of county commissioners or t Multnomah county, or., ror an ... equal to st lesst 5 per cent of the amount of said bid and no bid shall be considered unless certified check ta enclosed therewith. Should the surcessrui "iuu-r whom the contract awarded fail l execute the same within 10 days (not Including Sunday) from tne obi- -i notification of such award. ."ch cr" tlfled check shall be forfeited . ''"L1 nomah county and the asm be tn , property of the county. All other cer tified checks will he returned to tn -unsuccessful bidders who submitted the same. " A corporate suretv bond will ne re- . quired for the faithful performance J the contract In a sum equal to one-hall . of the total amount of the bid. All bids are to he compared on tna bals of the bidder's lump bid. Plans may Jx seen and forms 01 specifications and contract may be ob tained at th office of the state-highway -ommlsslon. room 442. courthouse, Portland. Or. The right Is reserved to reject any and all proposals, or to r 'ept the pro posal deemed best for Multnomah coua- MULTNOMAH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTX COM M IFHIONK tl!. P.t'FLS C. HOLM AN. Chairman. J. V. HART. County Com-ilpsloner. W. I, LWHTSER. County f'omit itssioncr. TI. U BOWLBY. fitat Highway Engineer." JOHN B. COFFEY. County Clerk. Portland. Or.. Jm 1. 114. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COM. mission, Columbia County. Notice to Contractors Sealed proposal a. ad. dressed to the County Court of Colum bia county, Oregon, and endorsed "Pro- OREGON KTATE HIGHWAY COM. mission. Clackamas County. Notice J to Contractor Sealed proposals, ad dressed to the County Court of Clack--a mas county. Oregon, and endorsed 'Proposals for constructing steel posais i or constructing two 'Steel spans i bridges In Clarkamae county. Oregon. r.fw. J1?,u. t?n c- over the Clackamas river, near the lumbia county. Oregon will be re- to,,, ot Barton, and over the Molalla K?lVth, CS,UVty d?"rt of Colum- river, near the town of Molalla," will bU county. St Helens. Oregon, until 2 b r-elved bv the County Court of o ciock p. m., on me tn day of July. I m.w. . .. . . t . ntrr - th 1914, and at that "time and place will be publicly opened 'and read. flairf bridges to be completed on or before December 1, 1914. Plans and specifications for the above bridges may be obtained from the county clerk at his office at the courthouse, St. Helens, Oregon, or from the state highway commission, room 442, courthouse, Portland. Oregon, upon receipt of $5. H. L. Bowlby. State Highway Engineer i BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2393. SAVE $2 to S10 by nuylng your trunk or suitcase at 632 Wash., at 17th. I A IA VCD Consultation lnVV I L.II 4993. 708 free. Main Selling bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for 1 heu matlsm: 6? tableta 26c All druggists OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COM" mission, Yamhill County. Notice to Contractora Sealed proposals, ad dressed to the County Court of Yamhill county. Oregon, and Indorsed, "Propos als for constructing steel bridge In Yamhill county, near Carlton, Oregon." will be received by the County Court of lamnui county, at lta orrice. court house, McMinnville; Oregon, until 1 p. m., June 29, 1914. and at that time and place will be publicly opened and read. Plans and specifications may be ob tained from the State Highway com mission office, room 442 courthouse. Portland, Oregon, on payment of $5. H. L. Bowlby. State Highway Engineer. I WILL not be responsible for debts Incurred by my wife after this date. E. N. Welnbaum. courthouse. Oregon Clty; Or., until t a. m.en the 1st day of July. 1914. and at that time and place will be publicly opened and read. Said bridges to be completed on or before November IS. 1914. Plans and specifications for the above bridges may be obtained from the county clerk at his offtce at the courthouse. Oregon City. Oregon, or from the State Highway commission, room 442, courthouse." Portland. Ore gon, upon receipt of $5. II. 1 Bowlby, State Highway Engineer. SEALED bids will be received at tne office of R. H. Thomaa. school clerk, 401 courthouse, until 6 p. m., June 30, 1914, on house at 6525 62nd avenue, P. E. Bidder will clean up all debris from the house In addition to price offered for the building. Certified check for $10, payable to the under signed, must accompany each pro posal. Certified checks will be returned to successful bidder an soon as debris has. been taken awey and to unsuccess ful bidders as soon as award Is made. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS, bchool Clerk. June 22. 1914. FIVE rooms f urnisha, entire lower floor of residence, $23, including light and water; pnone wood. 2783. nerf ect condition, runs and looks like new. For quick sale price $1150. Will consider Small car as part pay ment. HOTELS FIVE room furnished-modern bunga low, near Reed college. Phone Sellr wood 2292. MODERN 6 room bungalow, complete ly furnished. Reasonable rent. 1037 E. Carruthers. Take W. R. car to 34th. COMPLETELY furnished home, for 4 - months or less, adults. 692 chuy- LIOUT housekeeping rooms, $1.60 and "P. Free light phone. son at. 523 Morrl- TWO nice furnished Cheap. Sink, gas, electricity. 272 Mil housekeeping. 11; Fl'RNISHED housekeeping and single room very reasonable. 404 Park. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mentlon-The Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST HIDE 48 TWO nicely furnished steam heated housekeeping rooms, $15 per month. Z'JH Winiamn ave. U car. $1.6 to week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, baths. Phone East 6039; 406 Vancouver ave. FOR RENT Partly fur. 3 roomed house, $6 per month, on S2nd and Holladay. Phone Tabor 33fl4. - Van Gorder Hotel MODERN; good home for good people; rates reasonable; try us.. 105 Vi 12th rt.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Marsh. 2790. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. SUMMER RESORTS fSnwood"cottage, s easidS Neat little 4 room cottage among tne trees, one hiock rrom beach. Re- Oregon Motor Car Co, OUR screens keep them out Sleeping porches screened; screens made to order. Satis faction guaranteed. The Work shop. 269 E. 6th. -East 6804. STTJDEBAKER BLDG. Corner Chapman and Alder Streeta Phones Main 9402; A-7656. 1912 Chalmers 30. 4 passenger, fore door, torpedo body; car is in rinest condition, having been used very little. This is one or the latest cars or tnis model, as it has Timken bearings throughout; original cost $1900, price $775 if taken at once. Phone East 1199. G-696. Journal. AUTOMOBLE REPAIRING AND STORAGE. OFFICE FURNITURE. Two large oak filing cabinets. 2 8- foot standing desks, and telephone booth, 112 Union ave. next to post I office. East 1809. MISCELLANEOUS For sale, mirrors, tables, furniture, suitable for tail ors or dressmakers, cheap. 208 Fleld ner bldg. . SAFES, new and second band, all slsas at cost. Safes opened and repaired. Mosler Safe Co., 408-409 Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone Main 7676. bungalow. 5 rooms, CS"UJ overhauled. In good condition. ELECTRIC STARTER AND LIGHT Dre $25 Tabor 3968 75 for tne season. Photo at office. - ing AND SPECIALISTS. Rose City Park. JTred w- German Co., 914 Chamber of MULTNOMAH REPAIR CO. A FURNISHED for 1 year or more, y block to cat Rose City Park. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The JournaL 6 ROOM furnished cottage, $18. Haight ave.. cor. Falling st- 816 APAKTMKNTS 43 MARYLAND APARTMENTS Modern 6 room unfurnished apartment, out- sifle rooms, sleeping porch; 4 room furnished. Main 8251. XOTJSEXSSPXirO BOOKS EAST SXDB PRIVATE FAMXX.T 74 LARGE, clean, completely furnished housekeeping suite, near stores and carline. 19 E. 14th st. WHEN you answer tnese Want Ada j mention The Journal. NEWLY furnished 3 room housekeep Ing rooms at 10 E. 9th st. N. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 MODERN new 6 rooms, furnace, elec tricity, gas. screen windows; beau tiful view; 3 blocks to Tabor Park. 63 E-st 68th. $i8. Mt Tabor car $206 room ,modern house, furnace, laundry stove and trays, attic. 661 K Washington- St., corner EL 18th. Phone C-3136. HiR RENT New 6 room house on Vancouver ave. and Mason st Phone Woodlawn 204. $20.00 MODERN 6 room bungalow. vvuiiiq 1 jf luruiBllcu; 3 DiOCKS tO Car, j quo une ontapt., vvoogiawn. . . w month up. 63 Gerlinger bldg; Main MODERN furnished house; fine loca- 'on; ciose in. 776 1J. Taylor. East D99I, A MODERN 6 room bungalow, near Anabel station. Rent $16. Inquire -i i. .inr, rnune 1 aoor 001. THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave.. walking distance, summer rates, new, modern, 1 1 reservations address Mrs. A. H. Rus Commerce. FOR KENT 4 room cottage. Sea View, on ridge. 3 blocks north of depot; plank walk to beach. For par ticulars, phone ma.Bt 817. Water piped into einK. BIG BARGAIN A $50 order for rooms, board or baths at Moore Hotel, Seaside; going away and can- not use it myself. For information phone Mr. Brookings. Main 6663. SEA VIEW Cottages furnished, near depot For 188-90 CHAPMAN (18TH ST.) JV1A1JN llbt. ONE 20 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine: 1 6-lnch centrnugai pump and 1 25-light electric generator, cheap. A. J. Ersted. 46 2d st. TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop." 660 Washington st. at 18th. Marshalld!.7V?t buy and sell used trres ajnd do First Class Tire Repairing. PLUMBING fixtures, - pipe and fit tings, sold direct to you. Stark DaviB Co.. 249 Salmon. Main 797. Y.OU can rent a visible typewriter 3 months for $4; convenient at home; 244 Stark st; Main 6273, A-4441 room apts.. $18 to $24 per month. NOKOMIS APARTMENTS. Modern 2 room furnished ants., bath. phone, walking distance $16 month up. i7tn ano Marsnau. Marsnau 443. sell, Rockaway, Or.; for quick Informa tion pnone .blast 4644. MONDAY bargain, a $50 order for bargain. Terms to responsible parties. LATE model 6 passenger. 6 cylinder automobile; fine condition; must be sold; snap for cash. SPEEDWELL MOTOR CO., 14th and Couch sts. ONE 1913 6 cylinder 40 H.-P. 6 passen ger Studebaker touring car, com pletely overhauled and repainted. A WOODSAW, 6 H. P. traction, new, make bid. E. Hoffman, 1063 Haw thorne. Tabor ZU48. FOR SALE: Royal Ann cherries, 3o per pound and pick them yourself. Phone Tabor 3364. DIAMOND paint $1.65 gal. Port Door & Window Co.. S30 Front. Mar. 100 Arcadia Apartments 2 and 3 room, beautiful location. ! ciose in, summer rates, vub Hiverett OVERTON APTS., cheapest rent in city SVa,ii K1 2. 3, 4 room fur. and unfur out- X rooma. board or baths at Moore Hotel, Seaside; going away and can not use it myself. For information phone Mr. Brookings, Main 6663. COMFORTABLY furnished cottage. Seaview. MTash. . Ridge lot Trees. M. N. Millard. Milwaukle, Phone GEVURTZ furniture store, 208 1st Lowest cash prices in the city. Phone Mr. Mulick. Main 6969. WILL trade motorcycle or 3 year old standard bred pacer colt or both In on late model 6 passenger automo- I CHERRIES for sale. 6630 E. 44th st FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat- ing machine, wasnington. 444 wasn, side rooms, prlv. bath, phone, elec. elev. .New manager; rer. z4 n. zist Wear. THE LOIS. 704 Hoyt st. Nob Hill. Modern 2, 8 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished apts. delightful porcnes; reierence. aiarsnau 2011. BEACH cottage. 1 room, furnished. with dishes, bed.-etc, at Neahkahnie Beach, $6 per week. Call Main 1220 or J Written guar- mile; call evenings 211 Columbia St.; Main 8485. WANTED All grades scrap rubber. highest cash prices paid; phone us; our man will call and buy what you have. J. Leve, 186 Columbia. M. 6198. Sellwood 1335. Professional and Business Directory ABSTRACTS OF TTTU roa proper i j wltbla Multooma- county. C. N. seott. 4" ,L ACCO-DIOW nXATTHQ K BTKl'HA.N Ueatatltdilaf, sccurtioa. side asd sunburst pleating; buttons COT"; goods sponged. Scalloping. M AMer. M. M7S. AET KATTRESg WORK OCR renoTatlon Is U oulj of U kind. Tlfte n. E. 870. Ad- ASSAYX&S CHEMISTS WlLB-ttl' at H 1 . UW tu 4 CULiCll B 1XJ. MAIN 7160. EXECTRIO MOTORS AYTD STVAM08 VS liar, toll, rent sod eieLanga new ao4 aeeond hand motors, repair work a apeclaltr. Wtern Klertrle Work. 213 th at. Mar. SBC ELECTRIC MOTORS' AMD DYVAMOS MOluKo, (eueratura buust. aold. rentrd sad repaired. Wt do all kinds of repalrtnf and re Iodine; all work guaranteed. B. 3d. H. Electric Co.. 81 N. lai at. Ftxm Mala 10. ETE. EAR. KOBE. THROAT. LOTtOS bp clalUU Mvtlcraie price, u .Mr llttrd. Ur. f. V. Caaaeday. 317 Oekn-n bldg. M and Walk FISHING TACKLE FACTORY BLANK BOOK MAKERS. bUWal. KAV'lo coMfAMU. it M at. Blank book manufacturers; agents for Jones I proTtd Loom Leaf Ledgers Us as kureka Leaf. A-183. Main 183. CARPET WaATTNO. NOUTUWtii' kOtt CO.. ruga trom old car pata. raa rnga. carpet claaulns. 18 E. Htk. Wbrk called for. E. KWu. -lS0. PENINSULA Hug Worka Bag rug and car pet weaTlng. 1518 Fatton aTe. Mn. 2r. CHIROFRACTORS Vti. lacilAHUN, 121 lh, 3d WillUma are. La teat equipment. Lady attendants both of flcea. 18 adjuatmenU. $10. M. X); E. KM. La. iifc.Lfc.NA COM6XUCK. Sal 14U.; "' cbronte dlaeaaea, tt o-eatmenta f Main tt'WS CHTROPOPISTS ljr. ielcber Bunlona aud tut feout a ap da ty. Lady attendant. m Allaay bl1. M. 7H COAX. AND WOOD ALB1NA IbkL CO. All kind coal and wood, wholesale and re tail. Expert informatlua ua tuel and furnace t , our patrona free. WHEN you answer these Wavnt Ada, mention Tne journal. Tabor 4915. antee with FOR RENT. Seaside cottaee complete- every spring, ly furnished, electric lights, $83 fori 26 N. 16th st. season. j-25!4 East 1346. 3 and 4 room apts., $18 up; good MODERN furnished cottage . at Gear Janitor service; walkine distance: ref-1 hart; reasonable rent for the sea erences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. M. 71 a4. 1 son. Apply owner. Main 949 Vi A N'TK LV 51 1 CK L. LAN KO tl S 5 HIGHEST prices paid for furniture, stoves and ranges. If you fall to call us you lose (dollars'!. We are In the position to pay you every cent of Its value. East 6462. Grand Rapids Furniture Ex.. 121 Grand ave. toW la U Uaia to buy your winter wood, you get the beat wuod at apectal auoiaier IKSS?. n'r Neer & Farr bX WKKCKAUE WOOD. btovewood leuxtba $2.50 load. Extra beavy dry blocks, S4.0U load. Bnlldera' Eicbanye. Main 4W7. A 14W. "Feldstein" MORTON apts., cor. Washington and I SEASIDE For rent, completely fur King sts.; 3 and 4 room fur. apts. I nished 5 room cottage. 100 feet from Best and cheapest place in city, walk- I ara waiic io unamDer or Commerce. ing distance. Main 1082. A-1108. STORKS AM) OFFICES It DRICKSTON. 448 lltli Choice 2 room apartment; 2 Holmes beds; modern 2 BRICK warehouse m South Portland room apartments. Marshall 67. for rent, trackage, light and airy. EVELYN apta., 3 room furnished and I On paved street, reasonable. Journal unfurnished, outside aDts.. 120 $26. 267 N. 21st St. Mar. 1323. CAMBRIAN APARTMENTS. 433 Columbia, cor. 12th, modern 2 and 3 room fur, apts. Marshall 2593. to Fublishine Co.. Broadway and T.mMii jmake and number. U-764. Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ada WILL, repair your auto at .your own mention The Journal. I RrBJi " " - -- iaror zui. WANTED 1 light 4 passenger car, must be in good shape and cheap. W. N. James. 939 Willamette blv'd., St. Johns. FORD runabout for sale, run 10 months, good condition; a Bargain. 1 . . . . . - 1 vv . : t 1 r.11 i iin ucviia vr . a. WILL exenange peerless automoDiie, know that x pay jsne8t c8h price In fine condition, for clear vlot and for .econd hand household gooda No some cash. Owner, 602 E Davis st. amount of. furniture too large or too I WILL, exchange stock in a good paying small to consider. Prompt attention. company for touring car; state price. N. M. Seater. E. 6707. 143 Kusseu st. Highest prices paid for second hand furniture, tools, clothing. E. 1061. B 2717. . gL'LlUN VVood Co- dealera lu dry and green a Lab wood. Try as wben ordering good dry wood. 12MO Macadam. Main 7SiK. A-ZWUC. CAClklU bLABW UOi CO., Mala 7c. A-lto. Oreen abort wood, blocks, big liMlda. amaU itstde. dry alabwood. abort plainer tiimmlpfa. Ed I efsen Fuel' btara O-2303. Olifc UUN Wood kard. Vlr, aab and oak wood and coal. Keaaonapia pnew. an. . m -a. WANTED TO RENT h ok .n.ii i' 5 room cottage, gas and bath. 653 Market Phone Columbia in. 6 ROOM modem houe ren 8ft. Armnrtn fruit. 318 Taylor at. Key next door, nt $18. ' IRVINGTON home, modern, 7 room, 14 , atory bungalow. Reasonable. Long lease. 633 K. 18th St.. N. EIGHT room house, modern con veniences, large yard, furnished or unfurnished. Low rent. E. 6060 NEW 6 room bun ua low 120. Franklin. Phone 2037. 862 EL WHEN ycu answer these Want Ada mention The JournaL FIVE room steel range, cottage, piano. $20. -Woodlawn 3161. gaa an I SIX room house for rent. Phone Tabor 138. 8 ROOM house, modern, 699 Flanders 'T.i V4. HJBin virov ur CiRBl H3. FOR RENT 8 room house furnished - or unfurnished. 788 E. Salmon. ' NEW 6 room bungalow, $20. 863 E. Franklin. Phone Sellwood 2037. -NEW 6 I T . T"l T T. T7. . Tim c t uunrm, ATI. oay, it you want a modern apt, call East 1065 or East sen. sua ianton st. KEYSTONE APTS.. 11th and Jefferl Bon, mopern 1 and 2 room furnished LADY desires heated, light room, good j journal. Dea, moaern, near itm ana oaimon. 0-923, Journal. . 7 5 PASSENGER - car, just overhauled. car In fine snape, cneap. enap. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy 31000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all -the cash it Is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange. East 636. CASH PAID FOR Iron, metals, robber, sacks, tools, pipe. WANTED Modern bungalow, close in: t u imimju x a cj na ana Mont- I gomery, moaern 2 room apts.. fur nished or unfurnished.' Reasonable. THE ELMS. 14th, near Yamhill. 3 and 3 room apartments, coay homes, walk Ing distance $16-$25. Main 1778. LUCILLE COURT. 20th and Lovejoy. Mod. I room fur. yia., aietpiiiK porcn. para. Mar. Z031. COMPLETELY furnished 2 room front NICELT furnished house: piano, gar- 1 Tlk-. T. 1 "T n age, uivoe in. ruuuq I i a, FOUR or five room modern house, low rent. Main 14 ay. HOKgES, .VEHICLES. ETC. 18 WANTED, Horses or cattle for hay, automobile or bouse rent. V-599, Journal. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock plumbing supplies and job lots. Capl ii. Portland. 33 to $i5. Fine renal r- tal Junk Co.. 287 Front st. Main 7568. Ine;. T4re Supply Co.. zot Maaiaon. AUTO SPRINGS M apaired. be" Frank Lange. 228 Salmon CALL up E. 6620. M. K. Seater. to sell your furniture. Prompt attention, highest cash prices. 369-371 Hawthorne Main 181. 40 LATE model trucks, roadsters and tourinK cars, from $200 up to $800. All A-l condition. 493 Alder. WE LOAN money on automobiles at 3 per cent, can zoo Kotnehiiq mag. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention 1 ne JournaL BE WISE, get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st. Main 8951. Charcoal v. f. FOOT kVfculb. OF CUBBY A1A1N B797. STREET. Lai" slab and box wood, cord wood and coal. aia nuara yroott " COLLICTIOltS OPEN accoanta, Butsa, juugwjta collected. AAnnt abort metboda (or ualcb resalta. Kwt Aitttutment Co. h'M N. W. l.n. M. LONUU1 COLLECT lUs U7. ot ail klnrie nmniDtlr eollec-ted: MS Morgan blrt. rDTJCATTOHAL DAM CIS O Owl Furniture Co. Cash for fumltore. Main 4627. 231 1st. ROSES and flowers wanted, pay 40o to $1 hundred. Mornings, 272 H Stark st. apL, only $16 per month, including 1 FOR SALE English riding saddle, electric lights, 187 17th near Yamhill, i cost $35, same as new, will sell for THE HYLAND, 490 Morri.nn Artw- 16. tjaii at vus ia. misan mornings. BIOTOKCYCXES - BICYCLES 65 WANTED Graf lex or fine view cam- A LOT of second hand motorcycles. all In fine condition, win te sold $16 to $25 rooms $8 to $12; strictly! TO TRADE, equity in 50x100 lot for 1 cheap con,e and look them over. In- ri h 1rVX 11 7 g1! Taih 1 - - at a . mm m , jm f . . mmb V o r n I - - - . modern. U-752. Journal. MODERN 2. S and 4 room furnished apartments, $5 week up. Harrison Court, 5th and Harrison. PORTNOMAH Aparments, 3 and I rooms, unfurnished, walking dla- NEW CLARK apartments, everything . utu.oucu, atua up. 010 jretiy- I grove. room cottage, clean aand mod-1 WHEN von .,,0... nr.'-'A-1 rn, garage. 63 E, 21st sC I mention Th- J. "' : "T".. good heavy team and harness. 1290 J Qians. Thors, Merkels. Excelsiors are. included, jerrerson c:ycie jo. Z87 3rd. LOT 60x100. value $300. to trade for up to date motorcycle, inquire 334 Salmon. IF you want cash for your motorcycle, call Marshall 3286. 205 Rothchild bldg. E. 12th N. i Woodlawn 950 65 PAIR bay mares, 200 lbs., good dou ble harness, one wagon. 368, E. 6th. WILL call for dead horses and cows, ' etc; no charge for hauling. Wdln. 20. ONE or 2 patent dump wagons, cheap. Call 429 Hawthorne ave. DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE Taken away free. Tabor 4203 WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention vine MournaL era as first nayment on lot at Gear- hart; terms on balance. ' Columbia 483. OFFICE furniture and fireproof safes our. specialty. We pay highest cash price for same. Phone Main 2344. WANTED Moving pcture machine; . must be bargain. K-133. Journal. WANTED Rifles, abotguns. cameras. Hochfeld. 44A N. 3d st. Main 8581. DIPVPI CQew and used, low prices. DI-TLLtl0228H 1st st. Main 1018. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, i mention The JournaL ON the square, Secord pays most for second hand goods. East 6717; WANT to buy for cash karat dia mond ring. N-946, Journal. TO EXCHANGE Furniture for house painting. Tabor 2400. . , . VKOF. WAL. WILSON'S Dancing School. Tws-8ten. Scnottlaciie. One-Wto, Hesitation waits and stage dancing, 25c. erery morning, afternoon and eve.: guarantee to teacb anybody who walks how to dance. 5Vi Krh at., bet. Stark and Oak ats. Main 7VU. TROUT H.ltS. Lesdera. Klngle Egg Uooka. v fttwooq, dpi tut, I'ortland. rODNDKT A HO MACHIK SH0 fUutAii iron Vturaa. avaal ad aM Ui tborne. Oeoeral machine ao-l faondry work. KAIX TLEATXZMTs taENClNE "HAia-AUAIN" lKkAlatM are being given by Mlaa Uclaluak at bar parlora. eta Manama Mdg. HAT FACTO ST LAliJal'. genueuiea a oiu cii.uta, batraed aattatactortly. Boyal Hat Wnrsa. 24H let at BOUSE MOVES, l U. kiOOUifc, 104 It. Water al. k. Lateat ImproTed baadllng marfalnery. KODAK BOPPLIE8 KODAKS A UARKHAM CO and all auuullea. OeTSMHMoc. a X-ti Waah-agtoau LAJTD CLEABIVO DYNAMITE na-r, look 1 lux and cap spe cialist. Misfires-eliminated. Address A. J. Arerell, Medford, Or. KACKISERT b. IkkNkklN IU, bydraaUo sbmI eu-ciai pipe, sntuke stacka, oil tanks, '-'-g ait rt lurry, repairs. 104 N. 4th-at. EtalfcS, Iwliera, eawniuls Ouugbt. sold and esrbanged. 'Ine J. E. Mart): o. furttend. Ur. MLnEOEE koluiltltLtiJ and bicycles. rboM Mala , A-2163. 1J AST Y MKSSE.NGK '. CO. HATtr-OFATHIO PHTilOlAJIS M bl.Ual MklUUL will euro all 1 use all modern drsgleee matboda. Else triclty, TlbraUon, adinaimeot. Ilgbt. radio. sctlTlty. etc My specialty, cbronle eaaea. dlheaaea of women, liver, stomacb. kidney a ad bladder troubles. Consoltstloo free. In. U. V . Crock weU. 704-8 Dekom bldg. ATTTO COM PASIEw THE BAKBktt ABftlALT i'AVINv. land nf fir- soa FWtrtf Mds rRIVTIVO 1KI.MI.Nm aa ou Melropxlltan 'rt-ma waul IU 211 Oak 'r.-aa rla-au M-tn f4. ALU alrucUa, IruiM cun ... t-caaa . a PACIIT1C COAS1 tUUI' WUHKS tai Waablnm -. Main Ho. A JUO AAW1AO MACHIMLS SkWI.NO MAt.sll AU All Btakea. latw auil aaessd band, lor aala or reut. All urlcea. Sewing ilaililue Eaa- nuni. iwu 1 uiro. umt iaa Main m.t! . EXl'KllT avtng uuiliiue levainug by Artuur - 8. IhcklDstin; references; wrk guaraataeuV Main MVH. labor 44:tS. IT Vl rT BILLET MLTAL WO EES Alol LUSU, alMiel tiwcu. an, SuUraa, re. tauranl work, ruvtlug. geuaral vOMag. Kalu 144. m let. Pel. Co lin-bla au.1 Cla. gyAalbH Ulli'Jlu UaCnttl C. ULkAuuAll, uaeuauci ut mi MaH stuUfiita. toairtictw ftfjiak Ja lelHiw e.1- TAXLPavjUalSXb. Kluiey. A .Ml UiotiiIi ami . f Cal. TEAK 61 EB AMD I0EAQg ULaaA-liWk IttA a CO. Stw tueiirvol wirsuum iu aeuarata rounw. V 0 .nwa aual !' bvuavBola guwds auu (ilauua ud ablu at teuuurd iale. Aai aua aud Iwua fur tuulu. atiuiuj aad dlatribultug aaui. tree uikiti. tmua ajid w a re iiwn Iji aaud Uj i. ,fmtJ i ii, AZui. "OREGON -TRANSFER. UU aalalMlMaMl la.w. -Transfer iwi lutwaruuig ageata, - aluraga, ties Uaraag. Of flees auu slwaae. St. lZtb anl oll-au. kna . A-l lee. llUltAM A. at sttiaalia u. Aaar WarcaMMtoa. aire aud ar uu aa-uwf rwuti aad fug auua, uoa awataa aa Siaiaa. Ab iwiiwla'a ui avu.ian.-a )vj wt tntr aa urlur tcitiiuEa. amiKavM aa sb!u4 at atauueeu iigul kai kanwuga Cars. Ate. UMl. r:Aiua s'Wl, aui ii aveafuey. A.t.ia u. A-Io. cii uuio, dm l.i4 liH. fUlLLlfS faralyai. nareuua and carusv le dtsesses. 6O4-0 Oreronlat bid. M. S141 PAIMTTHO. PAPEKHAXOIVO. TIkTTIJIO. JOU ULlkL. beat work la painting a ad pa. perlng. X- 187a. A -2223. ia llth at. A. OfeltOUKMC. WO orand are. E. bUUa. faint ing, tinting and low prtrea. 10LKS for good work E. T. Crane. 170 lOtb. and euare Main 232A. prlcea. PAINTING, paperusjiging. tintlns. 82 op. Marshall 44. C. A. Bartiea. PATEHT CATEM'S by J U. 8. PATENT Ut VU K. MOCK, late of CE. 634 N W. Bans bid. C u. flea, araawfar at aiwtaga m. oiis and iuiawdMH e story irnu aaraauuae lta aryatata Wua tvoaua aa.1 ftrep(au Taait lur valuable. f. W. euruar 24 and ata. ruw and mruttara Bwtad and packed far allptDg. gpaclal rataa auaxaa vat our gwwte. sa us tteuugb cara. la all uvuirana .atl fal pwata. Main ftW). a-ltnxl. aiANfti.vv. Wl&aUulaa a UaMsfkk tu, IStb and Eeervlt ata ou leruiiual I rack a. Ilanus aud - farultura aavred. packed sad shipped. fbwaea: Male UH. A-2 1 4. IMUll Iraualer Co. Slur (a bessllng. 2bl Jefferana. Mar auil gaoetal A-4W.V4. BAUtiAUE Iran. rer Serelce Co. Main 12. A-llStl. iUa I'lua at. WI DOW CLEAVirO. LAHLKl' HIAIMJVV A-atte. Mala Vit. 212 Haury blt-g. , Manufacturers Jobbers Wholesalers MR. and M US. HEATH A school; fancy, ataa-e. social and all the latest dan pea taught, waits and two-step guaranteed In 4 prWate lessons; class Friday ere. 8 to 10. 2314 Morrison, corner Second. Msmbsll 818. WHITING'S lianclng School. Leaaona dally la new and atandard dances. Terms reaaonable. 211 Allsky bldg. Phone Main SOI". RI.NOLEH'S CvtlllWin dancing academy. Claaa . ' 1 - 14.1. A., UL a.hln.lnu U.I. 3fO. ' ' ' MTgIC SCHOOLS AID TZACHXKg E. TH1 K.LUUUN, elolln teacher, pupil Seectk. SOT riled per bldg. A-4'8Q. Ma r ha II iwa T. K. LAWSON plaoo atudaa. 42a Morrtaea. Mala 458. laaona BOe. aCKS. FLOBKNCB M. U'NUU teaeber of Violin, plana and mandolin Wooalawa JOIN the Sereuaaars' Mandolin. tultar and Banjo Orchestra. 601 a-llers bldg. ' POPTTLAJt MTJBIO BAGTIMB aa 10 lessons. tration. Irsa Booklet. piano gaaranteed beglanera rnctura playing la Prae damme Ml EHera bldg. BKFWEKS a BOTTtEBg UENkV Wfcl.NHAKK. latb and BomaWle. BRTOOOCS WHOIHUI Fleischner, Mayer & Co. TABS TMPXEMUmi 4V VrHlCLgg. R. M tAAUE A CO- tZl Ha Wkoleeau. ecrienltorsl I tuple ments. OBAIH MZBCRABTS M. H. H Hh-W. h ri t Trade bldg. TXOV W01II PAClilC lEo.N WOBEkV All Architectural Iron. Castings, Beams. Aaglea, Channels. LEATHTB ABO TnTPTBOa Ui. L. MASliCK, a CO.. 7 kruait. Laalker of every deriptlon: findings. MACHTJTEBT 4V gTrrPLTEg ZlMMEBMAK-WELLaVBROWM CO. gawaull. avgglag and troo wwrklag urMsagy. MEW'S ABP WO M IBS BECK WEAK riU UBU WIS .. . Ma (. MILL SUPPLILS PA CI HO SlA'lkJt KlUUail lu, U U M. Mev4iea1el rsWf S'nf. PAIBT. OIL ABB GLASS RASMLeSa,. .U, M. E. enear C4 aM Tarle "lilgk BLaatuard' liat. -A.-I77I. 1'lO.Xka.a PalXi tu las) lM a-.. A-704S. PTTE WOOD PIPB POKTLASD WOOD PIPE CO. I office near 24ik and York eta. 'actor y ai4 Msla tM. i TOK PIPE riTTCTOB VaLVES C Kl.l .Xk "aaat f rmtt at. PL tTMBIB STEAM SUPPLIES L. KI.ISK. K4u yroril at. BOPE ABP BIBSEK TW1WE Portland Cordage Co. WALL MUMwAM WALL PAPEat barwaaa Salsaoa and Mala, PAPEB Ui--iMu