THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, 1914. 13 meeting XOT1CES' 41 FOR SALE HOITSKS tit -107 TUH0 CAMP CAMP meets every BUNGALOW SACRIFICE i Wednesday evening I Swell, brand new 5 room bungalow, r In W. O. VVV temple, doubly built and finely finished, extra! izs inn at. ah mem-i large airy, light rooms, oak floors, bere requested to at- fire place, panel dining room, buffet tend. Visitor welcome. I book case, butch kitchen, brick piers w. s. SNYDER, o. u I and cement front porch; located on Mil HERMAN SCHADE. I waukla avenue and Holgate. close in. CleiK. Ion the high knoll near the river-, price FOR SALE HOUSES (Continued.) . 61 HAWTHORNE LODGE. iio I $2760. email cash payment and $lo per 111, A. F. & A- M. Special! month. There are 3 of these bunga- communication this (Tues day) evening; at 7:30, Ma sonic Temnle. Work in F. v.. degree. Visiting brethren welcome, u. is. MiLbtu, Secretary, 5,Room Bungalow Corner Lot Hard Surface Streets In and Paid for $300 Down fci- ' . :t Tuesday at a p. m. visitors cordially welcomed. O. O, Hall, secretary, 639 E. 14th i This la a SO acre piece of the finest grade land in the world, containing 6 acre of the genuine pure beaverdam, and 14 acres of upland which is in pasture. The beaverdam on this tract alone is worth more than the price asked for all, and adjoins the finest onion gardens in the whole country, which produced 400 sacks to the acre last year and brought in a return of $1160 per acre. On account of settling up an estate is the only reaaon this piece can be had at such a cheap price.- This is certainly sacrificed to House just being completed.. Buyer rto-datehome,such n 5 "e?"cyJ5iw?u,."ei?" rr -.,"rtl tr.i. ..Vir years at percent. It lows, take your choice and pay rent to 316Bpard of Trade. Main 7462: A-4401 . X! lm'R?1LJ ' ' I HMliilM iiiISp II J m WDUWaiu . IV V a9-MJ. - FIVE ROOM ' BUNGALOW. 1 f rom car. It has all the desirable ONE BLOCK FROM NEW PARK. ; features which you could expect in an OREGON Council. Royal Arrahiim. meats at the I ran have hon Arcanum hall, Masonio Electric Light Fixtures and Window ng room, very attractive wide buffet. ACREAGE (Continued.) Beaverdam fit - ,3 Temple, the first and third Shades to suit. Has-Hardwood Floors, heavy, plate rail, two nice, lights airy . . Tuesday at 3 p. m. Visitors I living Room, with Fireplace, Dining oearooms, complete bathroom, with t. N. Room. vith built-in Buffet; Dutch j linen closets, white enameled Dutch Kitchen, White Enameled Bathroom; kitchen, full attic, concrete basement full cement basement, with Wash i with cement floor. Jut think of a Vital Statistics marriages .Births, Deaths. Trays. This house is in good restrict ed district. Small payment down and i 126 a month will pay for it. Call me i evenings at East 6778. MARRIAGE LICENSES O. 0. Kreoland. 10l Kant Twenty-fifth etet, tforth, 2M, and Lee C. rrlck. 304 arg Street, -n. . ff. Oewz y. Cook, rjelltnghtin. Wash. legal, and Leah A. Minor, 7 East Twelfth ireet, ortn. legal. Kim, rl H i, t,,.-tm-A 1Ta. "--1 and Harriet Auguata Spurrier, 44T Biinpaon atteet. Waal. . Kr :Unt Mildred I Allen. lnt, 30. John Rotxrt Mltcnell. Ijentg, lJtl, and 4aneu v. urnii, ib Kerby atraet. Jegl. K. C. Van Kntta. ASS Halmon atnot. 22 and Alice M. Wheeler, 4SU East Ehteenth tret. la. , William K. McCorkle. 8S8 fourteenth afreet. u-khi, ,uo i,Ta . ueria, mi vvocowaro street, lacaL Kdwla Paul Ingle. Ran Franclnco, Cal., !:'!, no unn tunioa ixng, nuu j-.iiawortn atreet, .... ... . uicnarn a. jonnon. BOO Hawtnom a rtoa, lrgal. and Maud U. Edwin, 510 Flandera itmi, legal. and K. Royal Building 12850. $2850. Has Just 'about completed 2 five room bungalows. Full attic. Plate glass. Oak floors, etc Easy terms. located on 4i:s st. 200 feet soutn of Hawthorne ave. Oeing out of busi ness. . Will rive you a big bargain. Call iiast 6504. P. S. Responsible brokers recognized. WE will bUild and finance a home on your lot or any lot you may select. Pay for 'it like rent. We guaran tee satisfaction. Call and see us. F. E, BOWMAN CO. Room 1. Commercial Club Bldg. iAOilFilBt modern home on corner lot. with all street improvements paid, for the ex ceedingly low price of J2700; only $800 eash to handle. Balance easy monthly payments. Phone owner, Tabor 2808, or call at 1078 Hawthorne ave., and ws will show you the place. years at 0 per cent. It lies on county road and 14 miles from center of Port land and 1 mile from Electric station. 412 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Acreage SSI CASH Aujruat liaennan, 629 Rant Darin atrAft. 29, id ftoranre Baa. Portland Kanltarlum. 20. b. . aiay. -jn imaaell atreet. leKJ. ana Nam C Rhuinberg, 209 Bunnell afreet, lpeal Arthur C. Smith. loH Dlvlilon ntreet. lPKal. ana u. crnicu uogora, Ml Elliott arenue, Ural. Uuatave William Paul, Tacoma, Waah., 22, and Minnie J. BuUUaD. 1B1 Porter atreet, 20. a1nh n H..t oaa rki.. 25, and Ruby B.- Weatwood, DOS Marguerite avenue, i. Cbarlea Lou la Helwlg, 280 Sacramento ttrect, legal, and Alma HolUugawortn, 700 East Thir tieth atraet. lccil. Howard W. Draw, Tillamook. Or., legal. and Orace Wblpplu Wbltebouse, 240 Eaat sixteenth atreet, legal. George Walter Holcomb, 240 East Fifty. aventh afreet, legal, anil Marjorle M. Hurl burt. 623 Eaat Salmon afreet, leu I. George O. Gardner, 17S North Twelfth freer, legal, and &ula Jonea, 173 North Twelfth afreet, legal. nd g cards. $485 $486 $485 $485 $485 2 lots, 40x100 each, on cor, Mare't av., 1 blk. south of Prescott St.; ce ment sidewalks and gradinsr in and paid for: $485 takes both lots .clear of incumbrance. One lot, without the street lmDrovemetita in worth an much as I ask for both. Sellwood 75. This Is $200 below actual cost buys this nifty new 6 room bungalow, close to Hawthorne ave.; has very at tractive exterior and well arranged in terior; hardwood floors in living room, dining room and hall, pressed brick fireplace, built-in bookcases and swell buffet; paneled dining room; two large, light, airy bedrooms, well equipped bathroom, white enameled Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement with cement floor and laundry trays, large attic, fine fixtures and shades. If you are lOokine for a bar rain In a swell .home come and see this one. I am tne owner and must nave $300. trot further particulars call at 300 E. 89th, or call Tabor 451. 1. 2, 5 and 10 acre tracts, 80 minutes out on New, Big, Red, Steel Electric Cars 12c commuters" fare; very best of soil, wetar and community . conveniences; $125. to $500 per acre on Installments. The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 86. 102 4th St. A-8500. $10 DOWN, $8 monthly, buys 80x200 with $ room house. Price $660. Ore gon City line, 35 minutes; mile from station, 10c fare. A. C. Marsters, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 8517, Tabor 1770. EJtCHAAGE KEA1, ESTATE. 24 1 (Continued.) 60. Acres Clear of Incum ' brance PRICE $3000LTRADE FOR LOTS. 60 acres in Washington county, 10 acres in cultivation; log house, bearing u BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. 1 '1 MiM I 20 EASTERN manufacturing company with established business In soma of the large western cities, wishes to in terview man wno can Quaury as ousi nesa manager and invest some capital BIOXET TO XXMUf " CHATTELS. SALARIES (Continued.) 7 orchard, runninc water, rood soil: wi f . . ae. vii til a'- a rvu I"" ior vacant lots in Portland up to 1 imperial hotel. PEPR ft BAKER, 444 Sherlock Bldg. IMMEDIATJs LOANS.,,. ON DIAMONDS AND JEWKLRT AT EASTERN RATES. - in eauioment to tak charaa of buai-lirv . .v. ..." a lenart. ness in Portland. Business deals in ment la con.luVtid in eonnection with 'V1 uimuuiun uu ue uaiiruu same, making business hsiuijix BY OWNER. Z must change climate, wish to ex change southern Idaho improved farm property -or Texas ranch, all or part. for Portland or country Income prop erty; will consider up to $60,000. What have you? Address 317 Glenn ave,, Portland. Call in person on Q. B. Louderback, cotCKIDKNTI AT. Anaolutelv no signs htcl- : . 1 designating loan business displayed" in DRUG STORK FOR SALE. I front of our store. All merchandise Bargain: stock, fixtures and soda I Pld;ed Is held for a period of. seven nn.(.ii T.. . v... ncnn I months wh,fh,r n, tint Interest Is Daid . W V. m IU. lit, EU L U , ATTB mUVlAk t.W. I - -" . I Good location. Owner leaving. Must "en flu: ,.1ii'.r llo?!?2 anr be sold for cash at onCe I sionsnea since oo. THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU OF Lf 4? ? "r loan eatabliah- THE PORTLAND ASSOCIATION OF I n c7j POprtT fXT TV'f 4. JUUlj 606 Commercial block. A. & M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS, 324 Washlnston St. LADY means business; will pay some casn ana exchange 6 acre tract on R. R. and water transportation miles of city, close to beautiful summer re sorts, value $800. for store or rooming nouse. 602 Coucn bldg. DO YOU WANT A CHANGE? Exchange your house for farm. Your farm for house and lot. Tour business for acreage. That is our business. See us. GARLAND ft LIND, 191 4th St UNOBSTRUCTED viw lot. 10 min utes walk from courthouse, and cash for larger grounds and lower price property or home. Will assume. Owner. B-75. Journal. GET VACATION MOMiH. QUICK' We will loan you any amount on aal ary. diamonds, autos, motorcycle, fur niture, pianos or real estate at loweat ratea. You can get it -today. PORTLAND LOAN CO. K' a a e t-i -t.a M ,A,A,chair arbr shop on on. of the Between 4th and 6th T eTsTSa Wash- ington st. Store Must. Be Sold Tne most beautiful confectionery store on Washington street for half price, $400. Here's your opportunity. Living room furnished. You'll buy this on sight. Doing $8 to $35 cash bust ness a day. Ouaranteed. 602 Couch bid. Barber Shop busiest streets of ths cltv: ehean rent- doing $20 daily; fixtures will invoice sou. tnrst one comes gets this for 1 $146. Peters. 16 N. 6th St. WANTED An idea! Who can think of some simple thins; to patent? SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 $1500 We are e-olnsr to leave Portland and must sell our 6 room modern bunga low, located at Woodmere, 60x100 lot. aooo. location, gas, electric lights, ciosa to school and car: $600 cash: no trade. See Q. B. WELLER. 1406 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2642, Tabor 1048. W. G. Smith & Co,&ft1&, Third floor. Morgan bldg. DRESS suits for rent; all sixes. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Htark st. BIRTHS BUNGALOW BARGAINS. 1. A modern 6 room bunaalow. less than 1 year old. and in first con dition. 2 blocks from Hawthorne ave. Price $2200. Terms. 2. A modern 6 room bunzalnw on a large lot. hard surface street, near an. . nawmorne aist. price $2750. Will take lot as firBt payment, J. L. Karnopp, Ry. Exchange bldsr. BACK Kit To Mr. and Mra. Clarem M. Back er, IDS Eaat dfTPHty-fourtli atreet. North, May 26, a arm. WADhV-To Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Wad. 685 Bast PIfty-seventta. atreet, North, May si, twin ton. SMITH To Mr. and Mra. S. Franklin Bmlth, maaetope, or.. June 21. a inn. DEATHS AKIFUXERAL& 75 ONLY $1850 A new 5 room modern bungalow. This house must be sold soon. Was built and will be sold by owner, If you want a new home for less than you can build one, don't fail to see this. Beamed ceilings in dining room, built in buffet, window seat and two bookcases. Basement and large attic, in a restricted district. $75 casn balance easy. Call owner, Tabor 1783. Rose City Park Bungalow 49TH AND TILLAMOOK. 5 ROOMS. One of the most beautiful and com plete in the district and priced very much under value for quick sale. Large living room and light reception hall. Dining room has seat and beautiful buffet. Both rooms finished in gray and papered. Beautiful fixtures and Shades to be ins tailed, cement base ment and furnace. Screened porch. This is unusually attractive, and we want you to see it and then phone us if you like it. We will make terms to suit within reason. L. R. BAILEY, Com. Inc.. Contracting .Architect, Owner, Phone Marshall 646. LINCOLN-WOOD ACRE TRACTS $45& TO $600. OREGON CITY LINE, i Beautiful view and surroundings; only 36 minutes' ride and close to car. Can handle on very easy terms. CALLAN ft KASER. 722-24 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE FARMS 17 EXCHANGE farm 240 acres, irrigated; Protect your ideas, they may bring under main canal, mostly under cul- you wealth; write for "Needed Inven- . . ' . . . . - ..- - I ,sivta" a,.., L.J . n tivation, improved, partly crop, ror hotel or apartment house property. Coad. Northwestern Bank bldg. wanted Lot, value $600, for ray eaultv in modern 4 room bungalow. bath, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch. attic; lot 40x120, 2 blocks from. car. ueo. A. Boss, 801 Oerllnger bldg. FOR SALE or trade A fine $600 piano, new. Take two cheap lota PRESSING and dye works wants sober or lot. or will sell on easy payments. man as partner; owner will teach R-73 Journal. I you th hiitsiness nnrt no xr t9A w WANTED Small bungalow for my J&lle learning; also share of profits; equity of $1750 In 10 acres under oul- ?i50r.tLu.lre?i- 303 Lumber Exchange, tivation; will assume. Geo. A. Ross, 2d and Stark. 301 Oerllnger bldg. I tun BALK Well equipped tailor shop TO TRADE A good 18 acre tract ot excellent location; good oppor- land near orchard, wasn., ror I'ort- 1 -v, "s"1 pornoa; uermaa owner aiea out tions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., patent attorneys. Washington. D. C. Grocery, Confectionery, $300 Will invoice $550; whole price $300. Rent 218. S living rnnmn ait,hllKh.l business. Stock worth the money alone. 602 Couch bldr. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS. DIAMONDS JEWELRY, ETC. " I Business strictly confidential. ELRY CO. 323 Lumber c. otd,;.. td and Stark. LOaN'm mi diaunouds and lewelrr. Brown Co nxna t. Waaningtan bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention Tne Journal. LOAXS WANTED SO HELP AV ANTED -3IALE AND FEMALE 2i SUBSCRIPTION agents, either sex, the Dest thing in v ortiano, ror quick ad vancement to crew managers. Educa tionai. non-premium. 806 Lumber change. a. m. to 4 p. m. MEN WOMEN, set government Joos, Big pay. Examinations announced everywhere July 16. Sample questions tree. jTaniuin institute, ueoi lev Xi. Rochester, N. Y. KKQON Barber CollegeNow is the time to learn 'the barber trade: bo- altlon guaranteed; paid - while learn Ing; tools tree. 231 Madison st. koLER BARBER COLLEGE teachea trade In weeks, paya while learn lRg, give let-class set of tools; writ for free catalogue. B. 4$ N. td st CANVASSERS, door to door, either sex. uuick selling article, new, gooa pay. Call 408 Hall St., after 6 p. rn. SOL1CITOR-1-. CALL BET. 10-11 A. U. 210 RAILWAY EXCHANQE. FliK Teacbera' Agency securea posi tions tor teachers. 311 Journal bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal - - WANTED AGENTS SALESMEN wanted a number of live. on the job salesmen for Washington. Montana. Idaho, Oregon and other states. Less competition this year and 1 demand for trees offers the right man a splendid opportunity. Salem Nursery Company. THE Shomoscope Co. has completed negotiations for Oregon rights aat we are now ready to apportion good territory to responsible agents. Ac tive canvassers csn make $6 to 1 10 a day. Apply 402 Plttock block. AGENTS in every town; big money selling household necessity. Reserve territory at once. 27$ Hawthorne, Portland, Or. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal Dt NNt.NU In tlila city, June 23. at the family realilem-e. 8H East Taylor atreet Vander (wok Dunning, aged U7 years, 0 month! and 8 daya, auu of Mr. and Mra. 1' nine, nuaband of Mra. Kulla Dunning, an father of Margaret, Kulla, Frederick S., .and Rutb Dunning. The remalna are at the jpar lore, of F. H. Dunning. Inc., 414 East Alder atreet. mineral notice in a later maun. WA5.KR At tha SAVE MONEY SAVE TIME New 6 room homn with spat, fire place, bookcase, writing desk, china closet, buffet. Dutch kitchen and other s Tjun-lc0llvcnlence- See this before you buy. tig, and Price $2850, $550 .cash. $10 a month. rnone vvuoaiawn zsuo or call at 81 E. 18th St., N. Irvington or Alberta cere. fnmllv ruatilMTin,, M;11 union ave.. N., June2x 1014. Jacob was nr, aged 6 yaara. Funerat aerrlcea will be conducted tomorrow (Wednesday . June" 24. r'V,,e-, .1- 'iu AAJBL DU1U at 2 p. m., at tbe Uerman FTee Bretheren "1 "."It.J. en rara- JLST the place for the man who needs piemy oi grouna tor garden, and Within reach of the worklngmen; mnrt. em 6 room bungalow and' 2 lots, built in buffet, bookcases and kitehm con. cburrh. on Mallory areuue. between Fremont Ye"len5e?- ilreplace' f"rn8Ce and and Beech atreeta. Frleiirla lnlfed. Bemalua cement baaement, garage; 20 minutes In caae of the feamoit ca. out on Rose City Park car; price $3250, felKG In tlila city. June 22, at the family terms. Owner. 617 Board- of Trade. reeidence, BH4 Schuyler atreet, Uehrge , xwu new a room Dungaiows, with all Rieg. aged 0 yearn. The funeral aerefcea will i necessary built-in work; oak fir,m- . k.1,1 ii' . . i .. , . . - n . . o.t . -I i. 1 1 . , i. ! i . ... . . I'o iiciu niHiurTOii;, mn , i a. mi liun I (lllling rOOm, TOOmS tinted, Rose City Bungalow Must lose it or sell at a sacrifice. Worth $4300. Will take $3850, on easy terms. Less for large cash payment, but I must sell. 6 rooms, finished: ivory enamel, attic all plastered and finished. Large sleeping porch. Strict ly modern, on -61st st., near Sandy Boulevard. I mean business and will give a big bargain. Call owner. East 6504. P. S Renponslble brokers recognized. FOR SALE LOTS $360 acre, west side, 6 -cent car fare. Just inquire and see how quick the money you are squandering for On the River, One Hour From Portland. 87 acres, good river bottom land: 30 acres clear. 7 acres slashed; family orchard; good house with 8 room, worth $1200: large barn and other outbuildings; 6 milk cows, wagon, hack, buggy, manure spreader, potato digger, plow, harrow, disc, cultivators, gas lighting plant, mower and bay rake. Investigate this place and you will buy it. Price, in cluding everything, $3900. Ralph Ackley Land Co, 204 Failing Bldg.. Cor. Third and Wash.Sts., Portland, Or. WE have some of the best bargains in the way of farms to trade for Fort- bland property that was ever put on tha marKet. uau woooiawn ieif. FOR SALE BY OWNERS. 120 acres in sprlngwater country, 50 acres under slow. 20 slashed, all can be cultivated; 10 acres 6-year-old com mercial orchard, 4 acres 10-year-old bearing orchard, young cherry orchard, garden, etc. Good 6 room house with hot and cold water and bath: engine and pumping system; large barn and outbuildings; school house adjoining tunity for land lots. Private party phone, Wdln. RT'?raf ':. rrner 781. ONE 60x100 ft- bualneas lot on Kill ingsworth ave., near car bam, to leaves good business. Write Mrs. L. E. friedricn. Hemner. Or., box ss PARTNER wanted in dairy lunch bus- loess io iook alter neip. take cash, etc.; handle your own money; a pay ing piaoe; only $650. Call 426 Mor- of interest. an piug. Journal. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE. Property Amounts. Interest. valuation $ 800 $3000 900 8' 2000 1200 ' 8006 1600 8?e 3400 1600 8 3400 2000 if. 4256 HARTMAN THOMPSON BANK. I WANT a loan of $20,000. Good se- p.nrltv. ritv nronertv. Give rate xso Droaers appiy. rtn, SITUATIONS MALE 3. CARPENTER and builder. 20 years st Duuaing tn uicnigan, would like to figure with you on your bulldng or re pairing. Best of references. Plana free. Phone Tabor 1449. aTT American, middle axed, wants work; can milk and team: home more object than money; consider myself handy. You can depend on me. B-$J, Journal. EXPERIENCED, capable business man wants work of anr kind. trade for lot to buUd on. Phone Wood- ifiS, p.ant5n2?,liri,1SLe, no7 tVJ1 Vnted at a1c,r 2 or Ar?tar ,thr steady or short time. Pnoni lawn 16171 J ?r M . ".f1?"? of U.' S' 1" J1? Main 8062. . 1. 1 I,, i . ubu ii jrwu warn , room nouse, ioi ivuxiuv. i,i ainvi. SWAP CTOLUIMN 25 would ilk to do naintma in change for house rent. Tabor 4240. WHEN you answer these Want Au, mention The Journal. ana Canada. Rueh if you want a room hduse. lot 100x100 phanra I. vnliialv. t..ltn.! r ,,a I r .i i journal. WANT man or woman with $500 cash on a proposition that will hring large returns and is a perfectly safe investment. Address for appointment n-i. journal. ' wlo'ptr c-.ngr D- tVrnLi - t,?,V.i p r p ' "om" Prlence; can milk. Z-Ul.r i journal. journal. . Journal. W"!,Z0K"SrW5n-l,h' W"' Ad' YOUNG man wants window waning ,,,c"w" eawua , f FTlflfl V An1 KAtllfraV tM M a . . . WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WaWIe'D steady man as partner to FINANCIAL 51 I Phone Main 2302. invest $360 and willing to work 8 first and 2d mortgages, also sel lers' interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The journal. STOCKS AND BONDS 58 PAINTING, tinting. gave money. Lawrence, the money you are squandering for o tS . Jti rent will pay this tract up. Terms $10 P V Jai.SJ&.ZV! cash, balance $5 monthly, M. E. LEE. 622 Corbett'bldg. $4752 tots in Falrport addition, Mln nesota ave,, cement walks, curbs in and paid for. Security Development Co., 275 Pine St., cor. 4th. 15OR SALE.acheap", West Side view lot. or will exchange for larger grounds or home; pay difference. U-750, Journal. . $360 80x110 ft. lot, west side, 6-cent carfare; let your- rent money buy this tract for you. Terms $10 cash. $5 monthly. M. E. Lee, 522 Corbett bldg. R. r" I1 i.'m r",ue'" "io"nni 01 j. r. szsuu; jBou down, balance $30 per Flnley tt Son. Moutgomery at Fifth. Frlendi month, including Interest Hawthorne javlUd. interment at Ixne Fir eemetary. - fr 'and division. 1 block wis" CKAWrORD The funeral aerricea of tha late 200 feet south.- Keys at 2606 68th St. Itubeit CI. Crawford wlU be held Wednea flajr. June 24. at 2 o'clock D. m.. at. the real fli'nre eatohlMhment of J. I. Klnley & Son, Monlaonierr at Fifth. Friend invited, in ferment In tbe I. 0. 0. F. slot, RWerriew cemetery. t Owner, Tabor 170. SPECIAL. : Price $500. $10 down. 810 tier month. We will build a small house lots 100x100. Fine, level, culttvnrori JEVSgN' June 2,1,' 1014. at hi late reaidence.i-?1 .n Ut.Bt-f I block. from car. ONE or 2 lots, Montavilla district, to exchange for Ford runabout as first payment. Sunday. Tabor 4627. $750 4 acre tract, west side. 5-cent carfare, fine soil, $10 cash, $10 mo. M. B. LEE. 622 Corbett bldg, LOT in Flrland dist.. $350; worth $460. $5 monthly. M. ll6. 720 C. of C. bJdg. 216 Slitb avenue. South. Lenta. Hana An ton jenaen, aged 01 year. Ihe remains are a rearaon'a nnnertaklng pnrlora. TTTK Ura. C. P. Tlte, June 21, aged 78 ycara, mother of Delay Worden of Portland and C. W. Uritbb of Falo Alto, Cal., grand mother of EM aud Robtrt Bay. Funeral notice later. &' REYNOLDS Lucile McReynOlda. 33 North Tenth atreet, June 18, 45 yea re; carcinoma UILL Beriha S. Gill, Good Samaritan, June 19, 2o years; c.claiopaia. PAVIS Belle Pavla, 8t. Vincent' hospital, June 18, Mi yeara; obstruction of bowels. BBVld Roland Kevin, Good Hamarttnu hos pital. Juue 10. 17 years; meningitis. WI I JJAAIS Richard Williams, asa Fourteenth street. June 19. T7 veara: cardiac dlaeaae. DOW PALL Edward lowdall. Momlngslde holllal, June 17. W years; tumor or brain. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141V tto sl. in Selllni; bldg. Main 7Z18. CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison st FUNERAL DIKECTOKS NEW HOME OF i. P. FINLEY fc SON. 20 minutes' ride. Phona Main or caii.zoa wucox bldg. 3517 MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS New. 4 room. California bunsrnlow strictly modern built-in features, nice district, price $2000. A little beauty, and just what you have been looking for. Photo at office. Fred W. German Co., 814 Chamber of Commerce HOUSE and two lots lOOxlOO,' near guua Bunion on uregon JWiectric With 6c car fare, which I will sell fof $500 on terms to suit. Call for nnrtiio at 512 Piatt bldg., or see F. A. Estock at Multnomah station. FORCED to sell. Don't it look like facts? Beautiful , room ninorn house. Lot 60x125 with alley. 2 bWfc to car. All for $1460.' Can von hast it? And terms, too. Woodlawn 3186 Owner. LAURELHURST. Brand new. strictlv modem a rAnm bungalow. See this splendid home to day, it will be gone tomorrow. Terms: no trade. Tabor 6204. - - LET US BUILD YOU A .HOME On your lot or ours; by your own R.?,8 "r": Py us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, 1880 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR good cheap lots see Dahlgren Berkeley, Sellwood 2368. ALAMEDA PARk, good view lot, $715. Owner, 760 Prescott St. WHlitV you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. FOR SALE Nice residence lot in Iirv ington, close in. Phone C-2123. BEACH PROPERTY FOR SALE plank roads almost to Place; near xood fishing and hunting; price $55 an acre. Half cash, balance on time. Write Horner Bros.. Estacada. R. F. P. No. 2. ANEK has a Z2,600 proposition; hours a day (no Sunday workl for $12,600, part cash, and near in real $i6o rnontrT VSSr 7i"--.r estate at cash value handles it; net 1 304 Lumber Exchange, art and Ntorw income $2400; $1600 added to thla will pt7, , J ' n AT XfinO TnntllT KHnU Wl ami A V. I "JU a. xvwj Lfc-wA- A . " " - 1 m -- -1 Tai a, a 1 4A w m law 1 WAN Portland Heights. Patton Road sacrifice EngllshestaurSneTood" con- or council uresi 101s or noma ior earn. narft ln tanrt ,-ti A- i 1 -1 -: . ' "l vw. .m vii u iw iui iwwwr uunu ""M write 13 10th and Alder la TT.761 Tn.n.l I " . FOR SALE Cleaning and nraaalna AI.amka. Petroleum and Coal and U BERKELEY property. List with m. shop, west side in hotel district: do- 8. Cashier stocks wanted; state num. uy ana sen tnis trac uaoar ,"- ing good business; no soUciUng; all ber shares and price. L-122, Journal. grcn, rarnwwti, jr. prmrwu fouo. . crop in traae; deal direct with owner. 1 - D-08. Journal. HELP WANTED MALE 1 76,000 shares, mining stock to trade t - T". " '"J', .V.V.; ,h good place for a man to go to for work; write B-76. Journal. OLD reliable WANTED Situation by married man on larce rraln ranch. Main K7 ant 209. 63 North 18th. CERTIFIED accountant aeeka nosl- tlon permanent or temporary, town or. country. T-110, Journal. parties wanting lots mowed phone AOUUr at? OX paperhanglng; lIDOr 47J. . LOTS at Oswego and assume for a 6 room nouae. jlj-oo, mmmn. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. ROOSITNG HOIjSIW OS business that has the greatest demand for trained men? If you do, are honest and mechanically, inclined, we will 160 ACRES. 25 in crop, 60 more very easily cleared. Just brush and very few rotten stumps; orchard, comfort able house, barn, etc.; nice creek runs past house, 2 good springs, neighbors, 100 rods to high school privilege, 3 miles to store miles of out range for stock; also 1000 cords of cedar, worth $3000 in creek; 24 mile haul on county road; also first chance on job 9 months in year at $45 per month for 4 hours' work 6 days in week. Prloe $45 per acre. Some cash; some trade; some terms. Box 97, Castle Rock, Wawh. 2 LOTS. Seaside, 60x200. price $150 each. East 2622. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. ACREAGE 57 Price $3300 The hly residence . undertaking tabiishment in Portland. Representing tha greatest advance In the science of funeral service. The automobile equip ment and secluded driveway are among the many exclusive features. The es tablished policy of moderate prices baa never been changed. J. P. FINLEY tc SON. Perfect Funeral Service. Montgomery at 6th I need monev: will smrrifii,, n i modern bungalow in Rose City Park! v Hsn or terms, uwner. Tftbor 680. $150 DOWN buys 6 room plastered hOUPe. Walking disfnnrf full nlin. xn.a unaens Agency, no 2d st. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading funeral director, 220 3d st., comer Salmon. Lady aaststunt. Phones A illl. Main 60?. Dunning & McEntee&ooerjr every detail. 7th end Pine. Mala 436. A-jKiiS, Ld ssaletsnt. A, R, Zeller Co, iV.tTorcVoI!. Lsdv eteient. Vnv snii night service. 1 t M A H R T U V J, O, O. F. Bldg.. N. HL.11MUM111 1 Main, i.Lenis,Tab.5267. DVDMCQ Undertaker. E. 1116. WU- u 1 iimcu Hum at ind Knott. CDfPOflM RES1TBNCE LIUOUU1HM. 6133. A-223B UND. PLS. 445 Mora QlCWf ' Undertaking Co. Mam 4161 OMIVi CO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay P. L IjERCH, leading east side under- takerv K. llth & Clay. B-18S3. E. 781 PC A Q1( 1M undertakera. East loaw. 1 unnuvn iss-371 Russell st. R AP.KR RN Res. UnderUkers. 66$ MEMSTOCK. 1687 E. llth. Sell. Tl, . -t-itii. universuy fit. tjoi. 4-a3. MONrarovrs PORTLAND MARBLii 4th eti. opn. eltv hsll. VvK . &4-:a V.gA(4. A.'.Sli FOR HIRE - AUTOMOBILES TUB AUTO LIVERY Studebaker 6 and j passeinger cars for hire: $2 end $3.60 per hour. Main 3469, A-4356. 5 ACRES FOR $250. $10 down and $5 per month buys 5 acres of good level logged off land be tween Portland and Centralis, on the main line of 3 railroada, 1H. miles from town of 1000 population, saw mills, shingle mills and other indue ries; 160 acres to choose from. Some of these tracts are about half cleared. A fine trout creek runs through the tract. Some bottom land, some upland, all is good. ' BELL REAL ESTATE CO., . zia.rtaiiway JBixcnange. A Chance for a Poor Man To own a fine 10 acre farm, 13 miles from Portland, 2V4 to Sherwood, to Tualatin river, 1 to auto road; level, creek, no rock, best of soil; - small cabin, only $100 per acre: $150 cash. balance $100 per year, 6 per cent. W. H. SEITZ & CO.. 310 Spalding Bldg. Main 6584. BARGAIN NEAR PORTLAND 23 M acres, all in cultivation, 1 mile from town on electric, house, barn, family, orchard, no better soil to be found anywhere. City water within 300 feet, also electrio lights. Price $4,000. COOPERATIVE REALTY CO. -' 603 DEKUM BLDG. FOR SALE by owner, 40 or 80 acres at S50 Der acre: some Improvements. i a good swale on both forties and an other good 80 with 18 acres well cleared, good well and fair buildings. For furtherpartlculars write to Bat- tleground. Wash., R. 1, box 26. employment 10 DAnwa WTTT.T. 101 1 RN I SHED y .,. ' rr " C -1 r 1 I -an snow dii 1 11 ui nsa i 1 mmii mm 1,11.11 ua, a.a -vt g r - - ..rtVhi int,d rooms all r.t. I Morgan piag. I to nay at time of graduation. Faciiio i uiaucu f ' -1 ; v - I twAtii 1 - 1 I j aknn "it.M A rfrr HVinfr Blin . A 1(1 VIII , DUIU& I A tflUL U U V 1UI LKfl II LI M I n U II ,riV, I J. U IU KMU W 4JlllM, . - sol one var ago for $1200; owner I eery or confectionery that will stand llth st. must sell. i I Investigation. Give particular or lo- t. M. C, A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. TH.inra Xo7o. lUlitt -1E.IUH9 vuuii in iir iciicr. i-iii, journal. I -Renrrl ror rear mil: Inquire 88 10th, near Stark. IF YOU have anything anvwhere vou Calls for men ..2635 SITCATIONB FEMALE 4 WIDOW. 86. with boy 14, girl U, wants iuaiiwn on rancn wnere tnere is school. For widower or bachelor." no Children. Good cook. Exnerlensul. I- 123. Journal. LADY with little airl 6 veara aid. wants position as housekeeper in arettev 1 . -i. aiitnmAhlU Arlvlna ranalr. wants active partner for office work. iDg and gas engineering. Wa charge w,,aow,.p home out of town. Address wan snow pig proms, particulars 426 1 a small tuition fee, which you aareii ?'rs. juiepe, t3 uerkeiey ave.. city. xoursu woman with Imbv wants no. sition as rook or housekeeper for miwiawn Bin. 129 MISI leslsslppl. nortXTRY HOTEL. I want-Co sell or trade, sea Black sua 16 rooms, very well furnished. Clear I Washington et He matohes you. 2nn e. month. Onlv hotel in town. Marshall 6725. A-4B40. Price $1600, or will consider, part FOR sale, cheap; restaurant: good ' trade for gooa acreage. ,uau n zewu location, or will trade for acreage. A BRIGHT young boy of 16 would like wura in an omce or an errand boy. Please phone E. 1341 between 2 and bldg. $200 Buys 11 Rooms Good home. Rent $35. Good location. live terms. Enough saifli ., INQUIRE 88 10TH. NEAR STARK Vancouver Dairy Farm Will sell close In 80 acre dairy or hog rancn, mile city limits. $100 per acre, one third caeh. This Is an exceptional bargain. Call Tabor 8571. LEASE on a 60 acre farm, seeded to horses, implements and a PAnvf HflTlSI.. Elegantly furnished, thoroughly modern, private baths, rent reasonable, good lease: $2000 cash required. Call 618 Yeon Dldg. 307 Vt First St.. Portland CONFECTIONERY, good location, rea sonabie rent, casn Dustness, I tit nr,.MnA m. P-"- 1 " I,,l ,mH nr 11 v 7 business! Address V-646, Journal. rwAJNT-iiJ canvassers wno are wining Poxltlona filled 1941 All vouug men seeking? employment aw. .nmlialltt i n v( tck WlBault With i 1J ' i T , Ti.Z ..'rare A, e th. TCmnlovment D- -A.r-bKltJSLEp woman WMItl cook- paTtmenr- WSrl.fkm WANTED The right man to become I 'wn At a v ....t.' ' ,; r r associated with a local mfg. enter- ISr' S"1' unincumbered. a hit'. P"8. who 500,, t0 10'050 to ln: ing Iwumb i " vest. Th company has a clean and iS-Hfri .,, successful record for 1$ veara In the I WOULD like ' MONO TO LOAN REAL ESTATE Richard J, Coad ' Hotels, rooming and apartment houses sold and exchanged. I2is Northwestern Bank bldg. ferred. T-112. Journal. Work in Widower's ham. aa houaekeener ItatA nn ikiM Call 282 3d st. to work, selling fruit and ornamental j LADY wishes position as chambermaid trees and- shrubbery. Cash weekly. I ,n 'aty. Experienced.' Good refer. MONEY TO LOAN Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. fnone eiag. 476 Morrison. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR I MEN to sell beer, whisky or soft drink I LADY wishea position as cashier In extracts. Sure repeater, axe iurn- i r. . "i firw anvw; reier- slde St., Portland. ' r"c"' ooress pox zm. Mllwaukle Or i j winurn uoeition roniec- FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COM-MISSION COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRU8T CO. 916 SPALDING BLDG. LOANS on Improved city property or xor building purposes; advances made iDerai repay- ision: j. r. Main 44Z0. WANTED Young man to learn bar ber trade, union snop. wau or write 882 Mississippi ave. lady wishes noeition mh tionery store,, win h s-niav. French. 363 6th " Prloe $1800, all S? room suites. Every- as building progresses; libe thing in good condition. Will con-j ment privileges; no commls elder part casn or win iraae ior iwu mpmuiun, u ovum lots. Call 618 Yeon bldg. : MONEY to roan, on city and country $ ROOMS, mostly housekeeping, rent j CHEF Headquarters and helpers. Cal- I LACE curtains. 10c to 26c each, laun irornia wine fepoii emnm. Wanted First clavaa milker on small dairy. Call 831 Commercial st, Called. Sellwood property at current rates: mort- 326 close in. west side; $125 buy gages bought and . aold. Whltmer- It today. If you have the money let Kelly, Co., G. A. Hartman, noavnager me show you; thia Is a snap. Black, losn dept.. 711 nttocn piock. 589 Wash, st. Mr, nizt. a-io NirELY furnished, clean, 17 room anartmint. win taxe ciear cny prop erty, or best cash rrer. state pnone or address D-55, journal. : ia rooms, ii ioo TRvMntlonaiiv , well furnished, fur nace heat. Clears sa montniy. . see this for a BARGAIN. 618 Yeon Dldg. WHEN ' you answer these Want Ada, mention Tne journal - dered by ex Der t. 1696. WILL wash curtains at home or xo out by dev. M.ln llo. V WIDOW, experienced, to manage apart. ...i, riwmini nouse; mast Sbta. Mortgage Loans T T. WWTTTfl 70f Selling Bldg. HELP WANTED -MISC. 49 SITUATION wanted. Girl wants DoaP sPAsaasaa.asaMsaasaMiS-a SSM.ssBeisaMisMSiesaWaaasssawlsat sa, "eaasaSaalsa,sl I , M . H - cabinet- eeoa. mVra- a mnrm mnnl men IA wuiinitll lady Wlbhi-B the nr, ml help In the construction of our build- children, $10 month. 33 6th st, ; ings. Good positions at good wages to I WOMAN who is neat and reliable the men Investing a small amount In wishes day work. Phone Sell: 2363 - I ii ii ' i i I VHP AIICII 111 I ' Dl.llH Wl -" - ,mn.m V.CVJ W VI ovu o loam on rem eaiaie in or near i an aosoiuteiy securea iningiaciunni TOitt tvvi wnrtln. 1 i Portland. Property must be worth Uronosition Particulars at 418 Lum-I wi.,t .1 W(i7,an. w.ln'?. not less than 11500. Call at 513 Flattt ber Exchange; bldg. piog. ano suomn your security. OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thorough TO LOAN $400. $1600, $2600 and I practical course in-law; no time lost fnvuu on si it impruveu propeny. j. i rrom regular occupation; reciiaiions work of anv kind Vf rv n ui -. - .1 - . . . . . LACE curtains hand laundered. . Phone IRPaA tTTlFTIL 2 acra Hood River orch ard tract, 6 acreaappies soon to oear; u. wens jo.. s vnamDer oi vjommerce I evenings. Samuel T. Richardson, dean. mag, want rooming house. 602 Couch bldg. THE BEST 10 ACRE TRACT In Scappooee valley for $750. Genuine ftkA eHilt di-tll tint a rnnlr A. ,V, a nl.n. easily cleared; y, mile from station, ; Strvilli Or on good road; lies fine; nice alder i wXl-v grov ior homesite. you will certainly like this place if you look at it. Terms $200. balance easy terms, 6 per -cent. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Owner. 6 room hodse. electric lights. Dlumblnar. 9 nKii,i. Ings. lot 60x100, 1 block from car. all ror 9itn cRsn. Tabor 937. ALL FOR ONLY $2850 House and lot adjoining E 4Rth ond Medison. Terms to suit. Phone Tabor 3660. LADD S ADDITION. Owner going away and will sell this new modern 6 room house. $600 below cost. Phone Hagen, East 4488. FOR SALBl by owner, 5 room housel corner lot, fcice lawn, garage, 2 blks car .line. Price reasonable. Cali Woodlawn 3257. TWO new 5 room houses in 3 blocks oi renrasuis para ior sale at a bar. tin. Call Woodlawn 1617. , $50 DOWN, $15 per month, modern 7 room home, close - to cafe; a snan Owner, Sellwood 2204. P. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3300, 5 room modern bungalow, full cement basement, Terma to suit. Phone Tabor 8660. $25 bOVN, $8 PER MGNTIL v iOTuumu Ti iwwiu v.v,vvb, ciwee KO Car. Owner, Sellwood 2204. GARDEN HOME SNAPS Acres, Half ApreB Quarter Acres, and Large Lota, cheap and on your own terms. All conveniences. Close to station; 7c commutation fare; 52 trains daily.. Plan to come out Sunday jr any evening after 4 p. m. Ask for M'CORMIC. OWNER. Phone Main 9282 evenings for appointment. 24 ACRES. $15 DOWN. $16 MONTHLY Only 29 miles from Portland, on road, 1 mile from railway station; good soil, no rock, good spring; fine for chicken or hog ranch or for diver sified farming. Price $675. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. crops for sale; reasonable. For Infor- FOR SALE or trade, a small restaurant mation write to'N.M., box 64, R. F. and confectionery doing good busi- D. 3, Beaverton, Or. Act quick if neBs. Phone Tabor 4876. - you have the cash and mean business, SEVEN room rooming house" for sale 10 ACRES free, buy stock and imple- very cheap; must sell at once; 86 & ments, possession at once, any kind w park st. StwnlT Or DoWncy' "nltn, Ed- ANTED -Cheap land, lots or small P;" js- : fa payment on 88 room rooming house; WHEN you answer these Want Ads, enea rent g00d location. East 2668. mention The Journal ,.;, - . ' v . '.- 1 ' .' ' W HEN you answer these W ant . Ada, FOR IT-FARMS 14 kEVEN hou'seSS room for sale FOR RENT 24 Acres 14 miles west or trade for horses or cows. M. 7096. from Oswego; crop in; stock and 1m- '"' '' .;' ' plements for sale. Inquire first house BUSINESS CHANCES 20 west Oswego cemetery. 't'trrrTN-" i. -. !- . i " l i $200 capital will secure reliable man WANTED FARMS 88 permanent poaitlon in Tacoma See w.- - -i.. -.. manufacturer today. 602 E. Da Vis, i WANTED 20 or 40 acres of im- near 16th. ' proved land, within 80 miles of Port- SMALL millinery shop for sale, cen- land, close to school; must be a bar- . trally located. 3 llvlng rooma, small f gain. No agents. C-66. Jotirnal. renti doing good business, cheap for 1 HOMESTEADS T I 47 jSS , g00d mtl. M. Morehead, sec. 216, 817 Commtn-1 estate: first nortaaaes only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, mvsiu MuniuAuu wirAHi, mail order ousiness oi your own. weT-l40 Journal 428 Chamber of Commerce. help you start for a ahare In profits. I -r; .It' AMOUNTS " ' " " 1 27 opportunities. Particulars f ree. I J4. tt-?w".( AMOUNTS $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 At prevailing rate of Interest. HARTMAN - THOMPSON BANK. iCASH paid for mortgages, notes, con trsets; mortgage loana; rates. F. H. reasonable Lewis & Co.. 3 Lwii bldg. $1600 to loan on imp. real estate or for building purposes. No commis i slon charged. T-96, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN ON HEAL E8- UbK your spare time to build up a Mutual . Opportunities Exchange. But- laio, rn, . WANTED Women for government clerkships. $70 month. Portland ex aminations soon, specimen questions tree. Franicun institute, Dept. 704-N. Kochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED 3LUJ AND FEMALE 29 SITUATIONS WAN1EU MALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN, wife, Scandinavians, sona. it, 16, i , , wora cneap on i arm. 'ife want onaltlon aa ennlr and helper in cama or amaJl Iiai,i 8 year with same to. B-69. Journal! DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKER wants day encase ments at $2 per day. Phona Mar ehall 6048. MAE MARTZ. modiste. Suits, gowna. nrniH. ii.niinn. mnn m.v,AvM. . Phone Main 3933. 12th and Alder. TATE VM. G. BECK. 316 FAIL- THOUSANDS government jobs open to WHEN you answer these Want Ada,; , r BLPQ. men and women; big pay. Write . rnentlon Tbe Journal. -j CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, electrio sta tion Vi mile. New subdivision. Sun shine valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre in small tracts; easy terms, Frank McFatland Realtv Co., 803 Yeon bid., Portland. Or. FOR SALE -At a bargain price of $3000, terms, S acres of cultivated land, 7 room bungalow, 2 miles east of Mllwaukle on county road; depot new electric line to Portland on ad joining land. J. T. Stodd. owner, care t oiumnia supply t o,. 7 front st. $2.000 6 room house. 50x100 lot. Save commission by dealing with owner. 1304 E. 13th N. FOR SALE Beautiful Irvington home, modern, on ' 1,8th st; a bargain, by owner. Small payment, easy terma L-62, Journal. HOME FOR $25 MONTH. Pretty, modern bungalow, block from park. $300 down. Mrs. Smith, 469 Btdwell. Sellwood car. NEW house. 6 rooms, modern, paneled dining room, $500. cash. p. o. box 2003.' ' ' ' " , , - FOR HIRB Studebaker Six. Phone Marshall 4349; day or night service; reasonable rates. A-GOOD house and lot on Belmont st. for $1250. Call up owner. Marshall 1409. $2800. , Modern, 6 room bungalow. 100 ft. car. A sacrifice. $300 cash, bal ance easy terms. . Woodlawn 3229. 4 ROOM house On 50x100 lot; terms. , 1290 E. 12th N. Woodlawn 950. FOR 8AL75 or rent, cheap. 4 room cot . .tage. Phone East 2020. 32 MILES FROM PORTLAND $1250; 40 acres, nearly 2,000,000 feet of first growth timber, 3 miles from rail road, near Gaston in Yamhill Co., tha cheapest thing in the, country. r Kl'iU w. UlfirtiMAN JU.. 914 Chamber of ; Commerce. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1685. or Sell wood 476. 'John H. Gibson., owner. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, 80 miles from Portland, near railroad, saw mill. BChoolhouse. .Call 939 E. 18th N. property, fire insurance. tr Co.. Gerlinger bldg.. 2d McKensle and Alder. MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgages bought and sold. John L. $40 per day; will sell at a bargain. T- 184. Journal. . FOR SALE Pool hall with 3 tablea. clearing between $160 and $200 per month; $100 cash ; necessary. V-C22, Journal. ' . i PARTNER wanted in safe automobile business, salary and prorits guaran 28 i teed; man must be honest and reliable; .mm-'m-mm . -, . i 8qq required. ; tan m morgan bldg. -rttnpT ar,A FOR SALE Small chicken buaineee," TIt?iHM itTi- iaPm lSri 0,??,r,: f garden, fruit, household goods; rea , nAH-A?!," "mii A sonabie; part terms if. desired. T. E. A , V V ' v V ' ' , w v v a. a, v a wva, 522 Corbett bldg. RELINQUISHED homestead near Portland for sals or trade.- Main 9130. . WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. TIMBER Institute. Dept. 350M. Rochester, N. Y. POKTLANU railway mall clerk exam- inations coming. $75 month. Sam. pie questions free. Franklin Insti- tute. Dept. 848 N, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED - Names of men wishing to be Portland mail carriers. mo. KX-89, journal. $1000 to 0i0 private funds for imme- I MEN with patentable ideas write Ran- I diate man. rnon rapor zbzo. i doipn Co.. patent solicitors, wash- by the da y . Phone Woodlawn l2. DRESSMAKING Presses made from is to iu. rv ii8. i:aii. MORTGAGE loai.s at current rates. Real estate security; apply rm, .03 Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. NURSES 00 MAXKVT to loan. 6 to 8 per cent W H I Ingtoh; D. C, ft jo.. jiu paioing oidg. Seita Mortgage Loans RAILWAY postal clerks wanted. $7$ I is t Kin I montn. AUDiy rranxiin lusututa. ! I . .a . . . u . . . . A - . . w ' I K,1rtlnaft,ld Pept. 4?.M, rtocnester, . T. V " i . ' sai.ssaaaisa- ihl.v ro nil. ..rvi Hii'.it. frjiTiTg. 1 PACIFIC ChiropracUc College, lfio I A H HARDING; $13 Cham, of f!om i 407 to 416 Commonwealth bldg. 1 l t-T 11 (Hi1 l i i lViJ 4t "tlrwi 1 rvan TZZT I UNCALLED for taUor made aulta $4.6 I i Louis Sslbmon Co.. 22 Stark sC up. Taylor, the Tailor. 2m u. Stevens, , Coo1ft Box 74, Newberg, Or. 160 acres fine timber in Linn Co. sale cheap. T-185, Journal. for WANTED Steady man to work as partner In a small cash buainess; must be satisfied with $100 -tfiontn. Call room 329, Morgan bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 1 STRICTLY cash store for sale cheap; Clears f uo munin; yvur money imiy WILL trade $390 equity in Piedmont lot for diamond or launch. U-744, Journal. - WE exchange what you have for what 1 you want. Peper & Bakerr 444 Sher lock bldg.; 3d and Oak. Marshall 2664. FOR BALE or trade, vood yard, coal, feed and contracting business. Call Tahor 2068. ' 840 PER ACRE. 20 acres logged off land, good soil, 3 miles to Columbia river and R, R. station; new school, roads. 60 settlera on adjacent tracts; easy terms. 814 Lumber Exchange bldg HALF acre, Mllwaukie. 6c fare, in fruit, $900. Must sell. $400 will handle. Offered $1400 cash last falL Phone B-1163. BEFORE locating visit the Willamette Valley Information bureau at 266 Washington st. between 8d-and 4th). Absolutely free. Bring the ladies. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mentiqn The Journal. TEN acres at Greenburg station, Sa lem Electric. Sale or trade. Wolf- stein, 205 Ali"ky bldg. WHAT have you to trade for Multno mah county abstracting work, L-115, Journal. JEWELRY atore, Portland suburb, do. ing good business, for improved acre see. 311 Alisky bldg. GOOD livery business,-stock and prop erty, for Portland property. . 311 Alisky bldg. FOUR acres near Tigard, cultivated, level and good soil, Oregon Electric, for grocery store. 811 Alisky bldg. secured. Room, 329, Morgan bldg. 1000 Business Cards, $1.00 Ryder Ptg-Cp-'8- cor- d nd Morrison CONFECTI6NERY, tee cream, tohac co, cigars, groceries; good location; will sell at a sacrifice; 1013 Belmont. FOR SALE eheap. small shoe shop, good location, plenty of work. See it 1064 Corbett St. PLANING mill, no competition; be aold at once; cash, terms,. w. b. wneeter, Miusporo, ur. must trada GOOD 6 chair; barber shop cheap. 232 Aider. FOUR chair barber shop. . Long lease, . cheap rent. ; 36 N. 2d. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, . mention The Journal. BEST stenographers and dictaphone operators in the .city. Phone 3817. RESTAURANT Good location, cheap rent, sizuv. -ri-isz. journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention ine journal. PAYING cigar and confectionery, $1800, pari traae. uwney.t-sj, journal. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRAINGTON 80 4th at.. Board or Trade K3g. 260. $44o, $600 $850. $1200. $2000. Fred W. German Co.-tl4 Cham. Com, MEN and women go on tbe stage, good pay, can J-Z9. NEW THOUGHT noma for Invalids. am ntn. main t4. - RELIABLE nursemaid, wants position. tx r.yers. gen, qei., ritv. flrnislkdIiukjms - if WEST SIDE YOUNG men may consult without charge.' register of - furnished rooms listing several hundred rooms la all parts ox city, at i. M. c jl cor. tin nd Tayior eta. ALMA HOTEL. 11 12th St.; cor. Stark. 83 week tin. Transient 76c to $1.60 day; modern. WHEN yoa answer these Want Ads. .mention -Tne journal. , MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 7 Fil An"," .l1? Wnt Als' clean rooms; home ior nice people; heS coil water, elevator, priv. paths, pnone. a . HOTEL MADRAS. - - . I 12th and Washington, Steam beat. EARN A GOOD WEEKLY SALARY. I hot and cold running water, private Women wanted av,nrli,ra tn aew I and detached bat ha. free Dhenea Bin i our popular aprons at home during I gte g. suite l rooms. g. mention The Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE When you are in need of Ready cash Call and see us For a confidential loaa on your salary. You can repay ua In small weekly or monthly paymenta Lowest ratea Best terma State security Co S0 Failing Bldg. ; spare time. Quickly- made. Send 25c sliver for beat percale apron ana fun information. New Idea Apron Co., wk box a. station C. Portland, or. SIX young ladles to enter training for graduate nurses; high school educa tlon. WOMEN HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 20th and Wash.. 82.60 wk. up. SUc day up.-. new., mod. brick, clean outside rooms. pn. natns; no ex. charge z in room. $2 WEEK up, large, clean, oatside If You Need Money and Can't Borrow From a Bank, SEE US FOR PRIVATE LOANS On Your Piano, Furniture, Auto. trume .Well fiirntahe! rwent Virt, Nisbeth Sanitarium. 616 Love- I water, baths, with board. $4.25 week up. Hotel v-anmac, aa ani coiumoia. THE ALBION HOTEL, . ' , "" 2124 3d and Salmon, Rooms $L 6- week up, steam beat, hot and cold water, free bath, phona of refinement to retail the exclusive Franco-American Hygiene Toilet Requisites; experience unneces sary: salary. Alain sooa. A-7ZS1 and GOOD home for woman, room hoard-, no oh lection tn child. TUgg livesiocs. Bigrut necsivis, neai jum- I Journal VVC, VV.VJ. .TV VIUT nV(lEBV, MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CO, Main 62RS EXPERIENCED girl for general house. Sift Ahlne-tnn hM, I wpra; must nave reierencew. wail " ; . " t Wednesday morning. 185 N. 25th. bldg -Money to - iSan On chatte"a EXWrIeFCED girl for light house- YOUNG man, rooming' at Y. M. d nlanoi etc.. plain notes or anything of! worn ana cooKing. wanes am. pen, ia. wants roommate to reduce room value, we ouy mortgages. jxniiqentiai. mtnu wioow i' run rooming nouse on snares. -s7, Journal. HOUSEKEEPER by widower 3 no MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry. 8. W. King, room 46. Washing- ton bldg. ACKLY HOTEL Cor. 12th and Stark. $2.50 wk. up. Private bath, $4.6t up. Clean outside rooms, modern, brick bid. OAK HOTEL. $47 Oak St.. furnished room a, steam heat, hot water, bath free, week up. Main 4160. A- rooming inquire Y. M. C. A. manent and tran'st. expenses. LOANS on real estate, diamonds. Jew airy. Wm. Holl. R. $. Waah ton bldg. Children. T-139, Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ada UnTCI CAAM 31 llth st. I1U I LLonvuin THE -KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely fur. rooms, modern, central. $2 week up. , CCoatlBoad oa Jlext Xagej t. mention ine Journal. - ' , ft