The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 21, 1914, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' . ' . . : ' V 'V - . " - ' , ' '
. VOL. XI NO. 11.
' ' ' 1 v
. 1 1 n-v itr i-J 1 n in :xi u -rn n
Once More the Bosses Would
Relieve the Dear People of
Burden of Choosing Can
didates for Public Office,
GET 10,000 NAMES
State and County Conven
tions to Guide the
Benighted Voter.
(Rpecisl to The Jottmsl.)
Falrm. Or., June 20. While the oM
political convention system is dead in
Oregon, tho longing; for the old days
when the boys got together end fixed
thing up for the dear people has
gain overwhelmed some of the stand
patters. They can't sit still any
longer' and let the people rule In the
primary elections.
They tried assemblylsm and were
woefully crushed. Now they are go
ing to try tt again. They are going to
try to persuade the voters of Oregon
to reestablish the convention system
from top to bottom, from naming the
presidential candidates down to pre
cinct committeemen.
For this purpose an Initiative meas
ure Is being proposed, and a ropy of
It was submitted to Secretary of State
Olfott today by T. J. Fording of Port
land. The proposed measure bears the
name of David M. Dunne, but Mr.
Fording said an organization In Portr
land was behind the measure but didn't
cere to be publicly connected with it
by having Its name appear on the
Hut 10 days sre left In which to got
.the 10.100 nam necessary for filing
the measure, .However Mr. Fording
said that the petitions would be put in
the hands of hurftlcrs for circulation.
; These county, district and state con-
(f'onrlniled nn Pege Five, Column four)
Final Obstacle to Public Own
ership of Willamette Locks
Believed to Be Removed.
What Is believed to be the final
obstacle In the way of public owner
ship of the Willamette locks at Ore
gon City was removed yesterday when
the Portland Railway, Light & Power
company made out a deed recognizing
the paramount right of the govern
ment to use of the water for naviga
tion when such use becomes neces
The deed will be turned over to
Col. McKtnstry, resident engineer of
the war department, early this week
and will then be forwarded to the
secretary of war.
Attorney-General McReynolds dls
approved of a previous deed transfer
rlnr title from private to nubile own
ership because the P. R.. I & P. sought
to retain absolutely its right to use
the water for power generation. Much
correspondence followed and the rail
way company finally acceded to the
government's demand.
If the deed as now prepared Is ac
cepted by the secretary of war and the
attorney general, it will not be long be
fore the toll charges now exacted of
vessels for using the locks will fca
" If you intend to ro on a
vacation it is about time for
you to make '.up plans. Here
are a few suggestions:
"Gearhart. Cosy four room
cottage, completely furnished."
"Rent o r sale. Partly fur
nished S room cottage, Long
Beach, beautiful, conveniently
located, ocean front, cheap for
summer." ...
"Seaside For rent One 5
room furnished house, $100.00.
. One 2 room, $45.00 for season."
"Cottage for rent. Ocean
Park, Wash, furnished, 6
"Seaside For rent, complete
ly furnished 5 room cottage, 100
feet from board walk."
"Nice 5 room house 6n beach
near Tillamook, furnished ready
for housekeeping."
""For rent New 2 room fur
nished cottage at Salt Air, Gari
baldi Beach, Oregon."
These items are published to
day in the Summer Resort col
umn of The Journal -Want Ads.
You will find a list of desirable
) beach' houses there today-r-you
had better look them over.
Dr. Witnycombe Tells Oregon
Civic League Flat Footedly
He Approves System, De
spite Treatment Received.
Personal Property Exemption
Also Meets With Much
in spite of his experience at the
hands of the assembly four years ago.
lr. James Withvcombe. ReDublican
nominee for governor, told the Ore.
gon Civlo league at luncheon In the
Multnomah hotel yesterday that h,e
uu oeueves in tne assembly as an
elimination agency In connection with
the direct primary.
1 went into the assembly In good
lann, no saia, "ana ran up against a
frame-up, the result of which you all
know. But I believe, for the sake of
clearing the field In advance of the
primary, the plan Is advantageous."
inis statement came out during a
series of questions propounded to him
after he had concluded the main por?
tion of his remarks to the league. A
member asked him:
What 1b your attitude toward the
proposed changes in the direct prl
mary iawv
N hilo I favor the primary law.
answered Dr. Withycombe. "I believe
ome aystem of elimination of candi
dates should be adopted such as the
so-called assembly of four years aao.
He was then asked the direct ques-1
"Withycombe Still ravors Assembly
"Ipu still favor the assembly, then.
ao you. ur, witnycombe 7"
"Yes, I do." i
Vr. withycombe was the target of
numerous questions at the close of his
speech outlining his platform and pol
iclu.. lie answered them all, though
in some case he said he was not pre
pared i.o ro into intimate discussion.
jIb response to a query -on .his at
titude toward unemployment, , Dr,
nDlovment JDr
witnycombe declared
himself opposed I
to -the prineipre- of patem'Jisnx "u- The
solution of the problem lies funda
mentally In the establishment of more
factories, more lumber mills, the ex
tension of agriculture and. In general.
the fullest development of the state's
Idle resources. Asked what he' would
do If the emergency of unemploy
ment for thousands of men next win
ter should arise, he said he would
favor the expenditure of the state's
money for the employment of these
men on road building.
XTon-Fartisan, Xeag-ne'a Proposal.
The candidate declared . his opposi
tion to the tax commission, saying the
present system is adequate and that
another commission would Increase the
expense of government, which, he said,
is far too great already. This devel-
(Concluded on Page Five. Column Four)
Copy of Proposed Constitu
tional Change Bears Name
of D. M, Dunne,
(Salem Bureau of The Journal.) -
Salem, Or., June 20. "We want to
everlastingly kill off single tax; that's
what this measure Is for," declared
T. J. Fording, of Portland, today when
he submitted a copy of a proposed
constitutional amendment 'to the sec
retary of state. The measure, which
Mr. Fording said would be initiated.
bears th name of David M. Dunne.
It proposes to amend section 1 of ar
ticle IX of the constitution.
The measure provides that no prop
erty, to exceed In value the sum of
$300, shall be exempted from taxa
tion, and that this provision, when
once adopted, shall never be- amended.
except Dy two-thirds vote of all the
electors . who may participate In any
general or special election wherein
change In the system of assessment
and taxation is proposed.
It is pointed out that not only
two-thirds majority of those voting
upon any amendment submitted .would
be-required to change this provision.
but a two-thirds vote of all persons
participating in the election is to be
The proposed measure retains the
"uniform and Equal Rate of Assess
ment and Taxation" clause, which It
Is proposed to get away from In the
two constitutional amendments rc
ferred to the people by the last leg
islature, and which will be voted on
at the next general election. Tax ex
perts, including Professor Bullock,
of Harvard university, who recently
visited here, and Chairman Charles V.
Galloway, of the state tax commis
sion, say that clause must be elimi
nated before Oregon can hope for sat
isfactory and equitable taxation law.
Detroit, Mich., June 20. Tyrus Cobb,
baseball hero and outfielder of the Tig
ers, was arrested tonight for drawing
a revolver on a butcher who, Cobb de
clares, had Insulted his wife. -
Consists of
Republicans Revive AaaaxnMv Plan.
Wolf Creek. Or.. Paator Excelled.
Gap Between Rebel Leaders To
Parole Denied Abe Ruef .
Mine Killed in Kid-Air Collision.
A. F. 0eel Outlines Heeds of State.
Plans for Dedication of Oregon
Benson-XcSary Rao Soon To Be
Result rf School Garden Contest.
Cigar Stand Girls' Hours An Issue.
Charred Bodies Taken Prom Mine.
vast Changes in Cow Country.
Washington High School Graduates.
Jefferson High School Graduates.
City News in Brief.
Sports and Marine News; Classified "Advertising;
Manufacturers' and Land Products
In Stageland: News of the Movies.
In the Automobile Field.
Tom Lawmon Discusses Current Con
The Week in Society.
In the Realm of Musio.
Doings of Women's Clubs.
W. C. T. U. Notes.
From the Pages of Mother Goose.
Finding. Lost Youth in Play.
Mrs. Henry Byrnes.
How About the Housekeeper's Va
cation I Ida Cogswell Bailey Allen.
l.Hood River at Its Source.
- Photograph by Weister.
Pictorial Review of People and
Men and Women in the Hews.
Making Life in Russia Intolerable
for the Jews.
Fourth Article by Kurt Aram.
Ballou and Wright Section of Ad. News.
Suffragist Seized
and Man Battered
Woman Who Interrupted XVloyd George
Roughly Treated by Persons la
Crowd, at Meetlnr in London, .
London. June 20. -Several suffra
gettes and one man garbed as a clergy
man, who Interrupted Lloyd George's
speech today at Denmark hill, received
drastic treatment from the 10,000 spec
tators who had assembled to hear the
Chancellor outline his proposition for
amending the home rule bill. The
yveu v ucuivira Biaiiu
erected in the spacious grounds of Sir
William vtBDey a noroi.
. The first woman who shouted the
usual suffragette Interruption of "How
about votes for women," was seized
by those near her. Most of the wom
an's clothing waa torn off and she
was badly battered by women and girls
in the audience, Scores of whom struck
at her with fiats and umbrellas and
shrieked denunciations of the militants
w.hile the stewards were escorting the
woman out of the grounds.
The next interruption came from a
man who shouted a suggestion at the
speaker. Before he could complete Jila
first sentence the crowd commenced
battering him and finally grabbed him
and rushed him to the lake In the
grounds and flung him Into the water.
St. Paul, Minn., June 20. James J.
Hill waa honored with the degree of
doctor of laws by Macalester college at
the commencement exercises of the col
lege here.
Scores of Rich Men
Are Facing Arrest
Owners of Property Housing Immoral
Besorts in IilmeUgbt Following One
Conviction of Wealthy clubman.
Chicago, June 20. Warrants for the
arrest of more than a score of weal
thy owners of property housing Immor
al resorts will be asked next 'week,
vice crusaders announced tonight, fol
lowing the conviction this afternoon
of Washington Porter, millionaire real
estate owner and clubman.
"Porter's conviction opens up a new
line of attack on commercialized vice
and we propose to follow It up," said
Rev. B. L. Williams, who .filed the
complaint. ; We have a liat of ; so
called reputable citizens whose Income
Is derived from renting houses to mis
tresses Qf houses of HI fame."
A jury decided that the Medtnah ho
tel, owned by Porter, was virtually an
assignation house and fined him J200.
He will appeal. , - -
. ... , . ' . -
American Airman AVlns.
London. June 20. Walter I Brock,
American, today won the London-Man
chester and return aviation race.
Beam Announces Coast League'
Sit and.
Judge Fen ton - Discusses Citizenship. I
Junior Government Csjnpaign On.
Clouds of Steam Rise from Ht
T . , -
rmitonmn Federate OnubatioM.
Oregon Merchants to Meet in Con. 1
MntiAB. '
Vortlanders Musi Shew Interest in
AV Line.
News of the Pacifie Xerthwst,
Plans for Kelly Clan Reunion.
. 10.
Real Estate and Building News.
Market and Financial Hews.
Pioneers Recall "The Crossing."
Flans for Astoria Regatta.
Illustrated News Review.
7. News from Foreign Capitals,
ft. Significance, of the Columbia High
Parent-Teaoher Association News.
In 'die Social Serrice Field.
Arts and Artists. -Your
for th noma Treamaker.
A Linen Hand Bag. Needlework de-
iin. Adelaide Bvrd.
Tli. Vllv af Stinahine and Shadow.
8hort Story by Rowland Thomas.
Ooean Disasters Are Teaching Lessons
in Rafcttv.
Paine's Long Lost Remains Home by
Parcel Post. .
William X. van der werde-
Hew Religion Is One of Service, Hot
or Ceremony. .
Interview wi'
th Dean Brown or xeie.
As the Camera
Sees People and
Famous Play wright
Gets Bullet in Thigh
Baron De Bothsclnfld Snot by Uniden
tified Man an Former Waa Leaving
Opera in. Paris.
Faris, - June 21. Baron De Roths
child, famous as a playwright and
autolat and a member of the Roths
child - banking family, was shot and
slightly wounded by an unknown man
aa he was leaving the opera last night.
He received a bullet In the thigh. The
man escaped. The motive for the at
tack is not known.
Made? Millionaire
1 In Day By Gusher
largest Gas Strike on Record Re
ported to Save Been Wade tn Out
skirts of Cleveland.
Cleveland, June 20. Fred Zimmer
man became a millionaire in a day
when a twelve million cubic foot dally
gas gusher was 'struck today on land
he owns on the outskirts of this city.
Announcement of the strike waa made
tonight. The gusher Is said to be
the largest on record.
Miss Wilson at Meeting.
! Madison, Wis., June 20 MIsb Mar
garet Wilson, daughter o'f the presi
dent, was the central figure this after
noon In a conference of noted sooial
workers and educators that approved
the. Idea of asking state legislators to
make provision for civic secretaries to
direct social center' work.
V .
t 7V
Angry Citizens of Wolf Creek,
Or., Escort Preacher to the
Depot; Tell Him to Stay
Rev. W. G. Smith Has Been
in Bad Repute for
Some Time.
(Special to The Journal.)
Grants Pass, Or June 20. Rev. W.
P. Smith, member -of the Willamette
presbytery, and rormer pastor at Eu
gene, Klamath Falls, and other state
points, was escorted to the depot
at Wolf Creek today by practically the
entire population of the town, and
was ehowered with stale egga and wfth
rocKs, ana was oraerea. not to return
to the city.
One woman followed, him aboard the
cars with a horse whip, and punctu
ated her blows with remarks alined at
the egg-bespattered pastor. The car In
which Smith rode was also plastered
with eggs. Smith attempted to de
fend himself with a 22-calibre revol
ver, but did not fire a shot.
The affair was the culmination of
feeling against Smith that has broken
out on numerous occasions in the past I
six years, the citizens alleging that
Kmith has scandalized, the' people of
the community. H was round guilty
of slandering a woman of Wolf Creek
and damages of $500 were awarded
the plaintiff.
A meeting was held last night and a
representative went to Smith this
morning and told him that he would
have to leave and not return. He left-
on ISO. 14, meeting his wife and
daughter at Glendale. Smith with his
wife and daughter, returned to Wolf
Creek this afternoon on train No. 15,
the residents of the-town being again
gathered at the depot.
Mrs. Smith and the daughter re
mained, but Smith came' on to Grants
Pass, not leaving the car at Wolf
Creek, the people gathered at the depot
being In a beligerent mood. A deputy
sheriff and the prosecuting attorney
went to. Wolf Creek this afternoon, and
Smiths will, return under thelr-protee
tion on a later train.
Camera Man Routed
By Real Live Lord
Polo Expert Calls "Valet and Orders
Kim to Oust "Wsrvy" American With
Bit of Stick.
jNew xonc, June zo. now about a
picture,' your lordship?" said an enter
prising photographer, as he "horned
In" to the state room of Lord Wlm-
bome of polo fame' today just before
the baron departed for England on the
"My word." snorted Wlmborne. "this
Is outrageous. Victor, I say, Victor."
he called to his valet, "there's a bit of
a stick in my bags. Will you bring It
and drive this person from my room?"
, Victor came. Also the "bit of stick,"
and the American public lost an op
portunity to see nobility In pajamas.
r s
S.J' a-
-a xl "6ENEKAlr
r-, - - a v 5ANT IXJIfl ATAHPICO
(General Villa, rebel military chieftain, below, and General Gonzales,
commanding eastern wing of
dlfato rebel's proposed advance on Mexico City once Zacatecas
is laken.
Br Tohn Edwin Nevin.
Washimrton. Tune 20.-In a nutshelL the Mexican situation, so far as I
Washington was concerned, tonight
The president authorizes me to is nopeiui mat mediation win
not strike the rocks. He stands by the position' assumed by Judge Lamar
and Commissioner Lehmann." Secretary Tumulty.
"I believe mediation is progressing satisfactorily." Secretary Bryan..
"As the representative of the Mexican government. I am hopeful that
. :n t. i i c - r : -. CnonlcV, i mKi -, Arx rmr.
an agreement wui oe
laCUUllK A A U v- 4. let U.IV
V: " " .u- r:,. i-.l
n is up " u c - - ia generally credited. It la aald An-
the constitutionalists are just. Frankly, I do not know what the outcome geie- was deposed for insubordination
is to be." Jucge Douglas, Carranza's legal representative here. in refusing to go to tha front when or
"Quien 6abe?" (who knows?). The consensus of opinion of Latin- dered to do so by Carransa. The re
American diplomatic representatives. moval of General Luis Caballero as
Dnt r,f a ma of rumors, that ran
to optimistic hope, the above expressions are culled. It is admittedly a
guessing contest.
Fear Entertained That Ma
rooned Men May Make Fi
nal Attempt to Land,
(United Pres Leased Wlre.
Vancouver, B. C, June 20. A strong
detachment of harbor police was on
duty tonight watching the Japanese
steamer Komagato Maru. with its 375
Hindu population, marooned In Van-
couver harbor for several weeks. In
the fear that the East Indians will set
fire to the ship and leap overboard In
vain hope of reaching shore with
the assistance of local aikha.
The ship, under Instructions from
its owners, is scheduled to leave here
Sunday, but its destination waa a pro
found secret.
The turbaned horde, desperate at
their inability to land, and confronted
with the possibility of returning to
the land they were so anxious to es
cape, declare tney will not permit tne
captain to get up steam, nor permit an
anchor to be raised.
Process Servers Dodged.
Immigration Commissioner Reld was
kept busy today dodging process
servers, who wanted to - hand him a
blue paper granting local court offi
cials authority to board the ateamshlp
and serve a writ of habeas corpua on
the Hindus.
If the writ Is served the Hindus
will be held here aboardshlp for two
year a, as the Immigration officials
would not examine them for physical
defects more rapidly than one a day.
As far as can be ascertained there
is no legal obstacle In the way of the
Hindus entering British Columbia, as
they are British subjects. It seems
to be a case of the immigration au
thorities refusing them admission be.
cause they feared to antagonize the
citizens of the province, wbo are
greatly oppoaed to the entrance of
Government Appealed to.
Whea the Komagato Maru first ar
rived tne Ottawa government was ap
pealed to and authorized the appoint
ment of a-board of Inquiry, but this
body has taken no Action in the mat
In the meantime the Japanese own
ers are greatly excited, and It Is pos
sible that some sort of an arrange
ment will be made with Admiral
Kuroi, in command of the Japanese
warships Asama and Adzuma. now In
the harbor here, to escort the) Koma
gato Maru across the Pacific.
The Komagato Maru arrived in Brit
ish Columbia waters May 21 and since
then every legal artifice has Deea
brought Into play to prevent her dns
ky passengers from landing.
Labor unionists are especially
aroused, claiming that an unbearable
situation would be created by the en
trance of tho Hindus into British Co
lumbia, where thousands of white
men are unable to secure employment.
Italian Rebels Flee
Rome, June 20. Many arrests were
being made throughout Italy today in
connection with the recent revolution
ary uprising. It was discovered that
a number of the leaders bad fled to
I a
the rebel army, above. Arrows in- I
was as follows: I
. ,, tVi. ,1,1m. f I
the gamut ot everything irom despair I
- i
Settlement Depends Now on
Wilson; Naon Intercedes
With New Program.
By Severance Johnson.
(By the International News Service.)
Niagara Falls. Oat, June 20. As a
result of the visit Of Dr. R. S. Kaon to
Washington, the A. B. C. mediators
will make a final effort to obtain peace
in Mexico. Peace depends entirely
upon President Wilson.
The program which Dr. Naon Is said'
to have brought back to his fellow me
diators and on which they will renew
negotiations at a conference Monday,
is as follows:
1 Admission of revolutionist envoys
to the A. B. C. sessions, provided Pres
ident Wilson can use the power of
Villa to compel the Constitutionalist
army to delay their advance on Mex
ico City.
2 Discussion of the flag Insult In
cident which precipitated the American
hostilities against Huerta.
S Discussion of the American occu
pation of .Vera Crus to decide what the
Lnlted States ahall do in case media
tion falls.
t Selection of a provisional presi
dent who shall not be an out and out
rebel, but a "neutral constitutionalist.
This question, however, is not to be
taken up until It has been definitely de
cided whether or not the revolutionist
envoys can be brought Into the con
ference peacefully.
Dr. Naon refused to talk of his con
ference with President Wilson, Secre
tary Bryan and representatives of the
Constitutionalist Junta In Washington.
All he would say was:
"I am more hopeful than ever that
mediation will succeed."
After an hour's conference between
Dr. Naon and his fellow mediators.
Senors Da Oama and Suarez the three
plenipotentiaries called Frederick W.
Lehmann of the American delekation
Into the session. Afterward Mr. Leh
mann aald:
"There will be no farther conference
until Monday."
Phone Line Ready
Xas Vols Zs Erected la 2f evada by the
Americas Telspnom as Telegraph
Company. '
Denver) Colo., June 20. Out la Ne
vada the last pole was erected today
by the American Telephone efc Tele
graph company which completes th
telephone circuit directly 'from New
Tork to San Francisco.
Officials of the company and offi
cers of the district divisions of the
Bell system were present. A big
crowd participated In th dedication
and cheered as the last pole waa sunk
Into place and th first thread of wire
strung which connected the east coast
with th Pacific.
Telephone conversation over this
wire will be at th rat of lit a min
ute, according - to the. telephone offi
Mediation of United States to
End Differences Between
Carranza and Villa Planned
by Constitutionalists.
Carranza Ousts Angeles; De-'
Denies Latter Has Been
Proclaimed President. V '
(United Press fussed WYre.1
Kl Paso. Texas. June 10. A move
ment was atarted tonight among prom
mem leaders, of the constitutionalist
government her and In Jnarea to ask
the United State government to medi-
late In tb differences existing between
General Villa and. General Carrans to
tne end that th constitutionalists may
again present a united front to their
common enemy.
It la believed by the men behind the
movement that a representative of the
United State could Immediately show
the warring leaders the folly of any
division In the constitutionalist ranks.
General Hugh I Scott assistant chief
of staff of the United States army, and
..Vl. Y'Z. ....7 ZL?."
formerly In com man J of the United
lean border, is suggested by many con-
stuutlonaiists as an ideal mediator.
Action o nrpriae. .
The announcement that General Car-
ranaa had deposed General Felipe An-
tram his position aa secretary of
WW did not occasion an v urnrla hra.
Despite Torreon dUpatche. denying
"""n aucn a move. reporr
usni r.oe .uwpa a
Tamplco. and his. summons to Mon
terey and Salttlla lead many to be
lieve that Carranza Intends, to appoint
him eommander in cnief of the north
eastern military xona. This belief Is
baaed on the supposition that General
Pablo Oonsalea, now commander of
thst.gnnr. Is to be given some, higher
rank. " ' '
BenUl Zs XsrasdV
The statement that General Angeles
had been proclaimed by Villa provi
sional president was issued by Arturo
Ellas. Huertlsta consul here. It was
based on a story told him by a man
whose name he refuses to divulge that
Torreon had been placarded with such
a proclamation. Ellas admits ha did
not see any copy of such a proclama
tion. Constitutionalists here and In Jo ares,
both Villstas and Carransistas, tonight
denied that Angeles had been pro
claimed provisional president, although
both admit Villa would like to aee his
chief of artillery in that position.
Angeles prefers field to office or staff
service, and has been attached to Vil
la's army ever since the capture of
Torreon. Mexico, June 20. General -Felipe
Angeles, chief of artillery In
General Francisco Villa's Mexican con
stitutionalist army, has- not been pro
claimed by Villa aa provisional presi
dent of Mexico. Also, so far as Villa
knows, Angeles is still secretary of.
war In the provisional cabinet of Gen-
eral Carranza.
This was the statement made here
tonight on authority of General Villa
himself by persons at constitutionalist
headquarters. - Villa aald his staff are
on- their way south tonight.
In a brief interview this afternoon
Villa again denied that he had "broken
relations'' with Carranza and reiterated
his subserviency to the "first chief."
In replying to a telegram addressed
to him as "first chief of the revolu
tion," he Informed the signers that
their dispatch was evidently Intended
for Oeneral Carranza and requested
them to communicate with th latter
at Saltlllo.
Villa alao denied reports that Oen
eral Manuel Chao, whom be deposed
(Cencladed ea Pass Twe. (Mesas fear.)
"Seaside For rent, completely ,
furnished, room cottage, 100
feet from board walk."
"Gearhart Cozy 4-room cottage,
completely furnished, f 100 for sea- .
son, water included."
'.'Seaview Cottages, furnished,
near depot."
"Rent or Sale Partly furnished
6-room cottage. Long Beach, beau- r
ttful, conveniently located, ocean'
front,- cheap for summer." -
"Nice S-room house on beach
ear Tillamook, furnished ready,
for housekeeping."
"Seaside For Rent On ' ft. '
room furnished house. $100; on 2
reom, fit for season."
"Cottage for rent. Ocean Park.
Washington; furnished. 0 rooms.".
"For Rent New 2-room fur
nished cottage, at Salt Air, Garl- .
baldi Beach. Oregon." ,.
These are a few of the vacation. :
suggestions appearing today In th
""Hummer Kestort" column of th
Journal Want Ads. If you plan
to go to the beach this year you
bad better read tyie rest.
. 'V . ' ..... ...... f" 1 v S . .