4- THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 14, 1914; OFTHL AL WORED I Msmsb. ' ' mm ssi ' ' mW ' ' ' I - i. I - J A ? ' " '? v ' vcv , r;v' Jr4 V '' '1''' '" ' f ' v i ' ''"k - - 'ST' 'it ' ihzik -a m t' ' i, ) If S" t 1 I 1 v c'rV - y ' -" " ' n .1 vO: It'll v ?'-"-v T;- I 1 ri x v? - - -I t?l -i & ; " 'j f At - rmi - 'v. 7 Vti''';'r raSW ' '''w;7 ' ' " "''JJ Mm. Basil Bert (nee Forney), who was married Tuesday evening. Scotland; Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Welch, Mr. and Mm. David Mitchqjson, of Klrcaldy, Scotland; Miss Crlssle Young, Jamrs Young. John Mcintosh, Paiu ly, Scotland; Donald James and James Gordon, of Aberdeen, Scotland; David Blsset, Dunfermeltne, Scotland. After congratulations were received by the bridal party, all partook of a substan tial supper served In good old Scotch fashion. Many ' old time songs werw sung by the company, and the evening was brought to a close by the singing of "Auld I.ang Syne." Mr. and Mrs. Mcl.eod will be at home to their many friends in their beautiful home at Oswego. More ihan BO guests attended the wedding of Miss Abbie Kstella Forney, who was married to Basil Peter Bert, at the residence of the bride's mother, 1121 Missouri avenue, on Tuesday, June. 9, at 8:30 p. m. The'home was -tastefully decorated with roses, ferns, and evergreens; and the bride was beautifully gowned. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. T. Kerr of the VM. E. church. Mendelssonh's wedding march was rendered by Mrs Glenn McCleery. MIsb Georgia For ney, sister of the bride, and Miss Blanch Parks were the bridesmaids in attendance, and Dayne Bert and Frank Carpenter attended the bridegroom. Mrs. F, Elvers sang "Garland of Roses." and Miss Lela Muir "I Love You Truly." Following the ceremony the guests were received by tho bridal party, and a delicious luncheon was served. - Miss Forney is a popular member of the Chanticleer's club and has a large circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bert- will be at home to their many friends after July 15, t 233 KUllngsworth avenue. E4- EVENTS OF WEEK A novel event occurred Wednesday morning at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. O. G. Bretz, 1217 Mall stret, when she Invited six of her friends In to enjoy a waffle party. The home was dec orated with - Testout roses .and sweet peas. The novelty of the occasion was that the guests wore their morning gowns and breakfast caps. Music was rtndered by Miss Van Vleet and Miss Bretz. Those present were Mrs. W. A. Shelley; Mrs. L. Van Vleet, Miss Mae Van Vleet, Mrs. Godbey, Mrs. Rastall, Mrs. Anna Lindberg, Mrs. O. G. Breta and Miss Opal E. Bretz. Complimenting Tom Robertson, of Pendleton, Miss Elizabeth Hoben, daughter of Captain Andrew Hoben, marine surveyor of this city, enter tained delightfully at her home on Lar rabee street, last Sunday evening. After an enjoyable musical program, the guests repaired to the dining room, where a dainty repast was served. Those present were: Tom Robertson, Mr. Morrison and Mr. McCall, all of Pendleton, "Jock" Coleman. Mr. Mac- Cormack. George Moro, Mr. Jones, Judge Clarno and Mrs. Clarno, Cap tain Andrew Hoben and the Misses Hoben. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Howes announce the engagement of their daughter Florence Elizabeth, to Charles M. Pen nell Jr. The wedding will take place the early part of July. Mrs. Thomas O'Connor of the Mal lory was hostess at a birthday party given at the Gladstone in honor of Miss Gyla Kemimer on her eighth ttrthday. The tabl was beautifully decorated In pink with tiny pink roses and candles. The place favors were dainty little dolls dressed in pink with tiny pink sunbonnets. After din ner the little guests were taken to the theatre. Miss Kathleen Harrison . of Oregon City furnished th music for the occasion and Miss Rita Mangers of Spokane. Wash., was toast mistress. Those attending were: Gyla Kathrine Kemmer, Dorothy .Lpralne Burgess; Leah Bryden Murphy, Fay Marguerite Kemmer, Dorothy Stanley Faull, Miss Kathleen Harrison, Miss Rita Mangers, Mrs. Thomas O'Connor, Masters Roy Hamilton Kemmer, Armstrong; Haney and Jorden Haney. Miss Mildred Baker of Walla Walla was hostess at luncheon last Saturday for the pleasure of Miss Bernice Crawford, whose engagement to R. Douglas Greer was announced. Mr. Greer was a former Portland man and has many friends In the city. - The Misses Anna Walker and Mabel Mascot entertained with a dancing party Saturday evening at the home of the latter. The eolor scheme was red and green, and the main room was gaily decorated with pennants, masses of ferns and roses. The din ing room was centered with a beauti ful bouquet of red carnations and as paragus ferns. Mies Alice Walker served the punch and presented unique red programs to each of the following guests: Miss Margaret O'Shea, Birdie Waldt, Grace Patton, Pearl Hershey, Alice Walker, Mabel Mascot and Anna Walker, and Messrs. Dr. J. Clanahan, Harl Kinney, R. W. Chapman, Dr. L. P. Waidt, Claude Walker, C. Rudeen, J. C. Tlngley, A. K. Weisendanger. Wil liam Secore and Gordon Bennett, Miss Margaret O'Shea entertained Friday evening at her home, 248 Ivy street. Throughout the evening mu sic was enjoyed, Mrs. H. Lindberg pre siding at the piano and Miss Birdie Waidt, Adolph Berg, Ralph Altmanns and Dr. L. P. Waidt rendering vocal numbers. Those enjoying her hospi tality were the Misses Anna Walker, Birdie Waidt, Zeta Ausman, Mabel Mas cot, Maude Teter, Bess Logan, Mrs. H. Lindberg, Mrs. E. D. Stout and the Messrs. Adolph Berg, George O'Shea, Ralph Altmannns, Auther Teter, Dr. L. P. Waidt, E. D. Stout, William Se core, Paul Wehtzle and Clarence Koon. if. JS. The Carpe Diem club was delightful ly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Waldstrom, 668 Wasco street, on Friday evening, June 6. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed at 600, after which a dainty luncheon was served. Card honors were won by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ridehalgh. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Iliff, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Thompson, Mrs. R. Eecker, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Apperson. Mr. and Mrs. Saltus, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ridehalgh. ' About 40 friends of Mr. and Mrs. IS. K. Hall of 821 East Taylor street called and surprised them on their tenth wedding anniversary. The even ing was spent in music and games, after which refreshments were served. A pleasant surprise was given Miss La Verne Glrvan at her home, 931 East Eighth street, north, last Friday even ing. The evening was pleasantly spent in games and music, when' re freshments were served, after which Georgia Chapman rendered a number of recitations, which were very much appreciated. Those present were the Misses Carrie E. Renz. Georgia Chap-; man. Florence Svade, Phena Faublan. Louise Starr, La Verne Girvan, Mrs. Probst, Mrs. H. B. Girvan, Charles Clinkenbeard, Fomas Evans, Sheldon Young, Le Roy T. Pulm, Lloyd Clink enbeard, La Monte Girvan, Bud Probst. Howard Svade, Oscar Edlund and Stephen W. Renz. w Mrs. L. B. 'Strayer of Tacoma was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Liebe at their Irvington home In East Fourteenth street. Mrs. Stray er has been passing several months In California, and stopped off In Portland for the Rose Festival en route home. Mf Z.' . . , X.l.S''.2 II1? - V I VJMvM- I J I FRATERNAL NOTES I'tS; I vB The Foresters of America campaign committee of this city are receiving encouraging reports of Increase in membership. Applications are rolling In by the" dozen. One court reported 27 applications at a recent meeting. Court Multnomah, No. 3, Foresters of America, continues to hold well at tended meetings In their hall in the W. O. W. building. Eleventh and Alder streets, every Wednesday evening. The court has a whist social after each meeting and prizes are given to the winner. Cigars and eatables are dis pensed during the evening. Court Multnomah No. 3 Is making preparations for a grand time at the installation of officers the first meet ing night In July. Visiting members are always welcome to Its affairs. Mrs. Carroll Gives : Views on Teaching Educators Xust Kara Wide Knowledge to Impart tnformatlom XateUlg antly, Speaker Contends. In a paper read before the North west Muslo Teachers association con vention held here during the week, Mrs. Emma B. Carroll, of this city, contend ed that "the value of teaching lies In the power to mold the character of the pupil into strength. Industry, steadfastness and beauty."' "One must know the whole of subject so to speak to teach any phase Intelligently or well, said Mrs. Car roll. "No person has any fitness for so great and responsible a profession as teaching," she continued, "who has not by broad educational opportunities, developed a trained mind who does not know human nature and life through books and travel, and who has not above all things, faith In the possibility of ultimate human perfec tion, through conscious knowledge and personal aspiration and effort. "That our young people today have no respect for their elders and know no superiors Is due largely to our educators. For years the publlo schools have wrested with the problem of educating the child with little or no attempt to arouse the creators of the children to do their part and ful , fill their responsibility to the child and society. wnenever the public schools or reputable private teachers fail to reach and interest the child In its own de velopment, the fault is because the child's parents and home are delin quent." Left Little Miss Gyla Kemmer, who entertained' last week on the occasion of her eighth birth day. Right Mr. and Mrs. Algott W. Llndell (Beulah Wagner), whose wedding was a recent event. Negro Uses Ruse to Steal Paris Gown Detroit, June 13. When Mrs. G. B. Palmer of Grosse Isle alight ed from her auto at Grand River avenue and Farmer street yes terday afternoon she left her 6 year old son in charge and warned him not to let anybody take the boxes that Were In the machine. Mrs. Palmer had been gone only a few minutes when a Negro approached the boy in the auto. "Your mamma sent me after those boxes." said the negro. The boy let the man lug them away. The boxes contained a Parisian gown valued at $200 and two summer dresses valued at $30. sssssssssssss mm Invents Machine to Play Chess Gam Miss Helen Eloulse Baldwin, who is the house guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Costello. warn you by lighting the lamp. If you make three wrong moves in succession the machine will light three successive amps nnd then stop playing, and the only thing you can do Is to press a button, which causes the pieces to re sume the position in which they were when the game started. The game will then begin anew," The inventor says that his device is merely a toy. but he adds, that the principles embodied in the machine show that in theory, at any , rate mechanism can be substituted for all human work. 3 TVT IV conspicuous lNose rores How to reduce them Complexions otherwise flawless are often ruined by conspicuous nose pores. In such case die (mall muscular fibres of the nose haye become weakened and do not keep the pores closed as they should' be. Instead these pores collect dirt, clog up, and become enlarged. Begin tonight to use this treatment Wring a cloth from jrery hot water, lather it with Woodbury's . Facial Soap, then hold it to your face. When the heat has expanded the pores, rub in vtry gntb a fresh lather of Woodbury's. Re peat this hot water and lather appli cation several times, stepping at tme if four ntst ftels sensitive. Then finish by rubbing the nose for a few minutes uuith m turn ict. Woodbury's Facial Soap cleanses the pores. This treatment with it strengthens the muscular fibres of the nose pores so that they can contract - properly. But do not expect to change in a week a condition resulting from years of neglect. Use this treat ment firiisltntlj. it ,wijl gradually reduce the enlarged pores and cause them to contract until they are inconspicuous. Woodbury's Facial Soap it the work of a skin specialist. It costs 25c a cake. No one hesitates at the price afttr thtir jirtt takt. . . , . Do thh today Now! Tttr tut thi illustration f thi eakt btlfw and put it tm four purst mt m reminder to gtt Woodbury' i. Tear out tho eakt now. Take it to four druggist or toilet coun ter today. . 'Begin, tonight to get tht benefits of this facial soup. For sale by dealers everywhere. Woodburys Facial So The Andrew J trims Company Spring Grot Awmte Cincinnati.O. COMING EVENTS i Mrs. N. Loeb will be at home to her many friends at her residence, 702 Marshall street, informally, this aft ernoon to meet her sister-in-law. Mrs. B. Loeb of San Francisco, who is her house guest. Her daugh- ers, Mrs. N. G. Kaufman, Miss Becky Loeb and Mrs. L. L. Blumenthal, will also receive. The Ladles Elks' 500 club party will be postponed from June 10 to June 24. All Elks, wives, mothers and daughters are cordially Invited. Next Tuesday evening, the 16th, Christensen's hall will be the scene of a "surprise party" to be given by the Bachelor Buttons club. This will be their most important event of the season, and will give the club members an opportunity to reserve tickets for the club s excursion to Gordon Falls, Sunday, June 21, for which the steam er Joseph Kellogg has been reserved. An Interesting musical .event will be the singing of -Cowen's "Rose Maiden" by the choir of St..' David' Episcopal church on the evening of June 25. Seats will be placed on the lawn adjoining the . rectory and a general festival spirit will attend thr performance. The choir will be as sisted by prominent soloists. Mr, and Mrs. Hartridge Whipp have the cantat In charge. The G. N. C. B. girls will give an other delightful shirt waist party Fri day evening, June 19 at Cotillion hall. Dr. V. Delary will, deliver a lecture next -Friday morning from 11 to 12 In room B, central library. The subject will be, "Intuition." Everyone Is in- vlted to attend. St. Ann's Charitable society will hold their regular monthly meeting Thursday afternoon, June 18, at the residence of Mrs. Effie Barenstecher, 110 Merriman Place in Laurelhurst (Montavilla car). The woman's department of the Rose City Park club will sjive their regular "600" and Bridge party which was postponed from June 8. on account of the Rose Festival, Monday. June 16. Mrs. McClellan .Goughlar will be hostess. By W. F. Adams. (Adams Astrological School.) Edward J. You have a . very strong horoscope for character, with a strik ing personality evidenced. Naturally a leader, perhaps too forgiving and trusting, as you could not easily take an unfair advantage of anyone, some what careless in money affairs or too lenient, rather. You would have made a good orator, succeeding weu wnere It's necessary to Interest the confidence of the public, as salesmanship, etc. Success in following enterprises that require constructive ability Is yours. lover also of music and harmony. The present period Is an Important one; many revolutionary Issues appear, evi dently a decided change has occurred recently or is about to occur. There Is the aspect of an illness or worse to those about or near to you. v:tw Woman Everything points to chil dren although losses are threatened. Man At middle life you will be in good circumstances. Billy Boy Chemistry, medicine, den tistry, etc. J. S. and J. E. S. Evidently husband and wife, although you have not given sex of either, so I will answer on my supposition. Commercial lines, espe cially If J. E. S. is a party to such. Adair A. You have a splendid chart for success, if you curb extravagance and tendencies to good fellowship and generosity. Nora I am of the opinion you will, et some interference is threatened. O. M. O. You will marry within the next two or three years, undoubtedly to a man somewhat younger than your self, at the most not any older. Katherlne D. It Is difficult to tell from astrological data what you are doing. You should follow the study of music or art, as talent In this re spect is evident. A chart of splendid CUPID HELPED BY JUDGE Chicago, June 13. "Papa is against speeders; Jf he knows we're arrested I . can't be married to Charles," e plained Miss Dorothy Wilson to South Chicago - sergeant. Just thea "papa" : came ln also arrested for speeding. Judge Ryan Imposed a fine of $1 each on the father and on Charles L. Goes, with whom Miss Wll son was riding, and the wedding plans were not blocked. Ai "a iU;y - mil II if fK it II . Ml abilities. Also you would succeed In 1 nursing. II. F. Yes, you. have considerable ability in that direction, if you will stick to it. Your temperament Is somewhat against you, as you fear yourself and afraid to advance your interests, which is pardonable, though. My advice Is to go right ahead and success will follow. A marriage is very probable within a couple of years. Mrs. C. S. Apparently you are In the midst of changes, environment, new ideas, friends. Journeys, etc. This aspect covers over for two years yet. You are determined, fearless and yet very sympathetic, affectionate and generous, very versatile and ambitious. If married early, evidently two mar riages. You. are passing through for the next several years the most Impor tant or strongest period of your life. You are approaching the maximum as regards mental development, and Ideas carried out will bring credit and gain. Your daughter will have a most de lightful personality as well as looks and figure. Educate her for music, both vocal and Instrumental. Mrs. 1852 Yes, a very disturbed year Is evidenced, yet not near as se rious as the past; In fact, many sug gestions of prosperity are foreseen by and after 1916; even this year the lat ter part is better. Metra She will marry well finan cially, and in a sense favorable as re gards harmony, although not alto gether, as her disposition will conflict somewhat with the husband's. Felice Evidently between 24 and 26 years of age. The planetary as pects at that time denote some trouble In marriage, or denying or delaying It. Talent Is evident In instrumental muslo or elocution. Nicholas B. Gains by legacy are evident; a professional career would prove profitable. Clara May Am somewhat surprised that there has not been a boy born. Very possible yet for the next three years. Mrs. J. F. P. Some disappointment prevails and Interference, yet you will succeed, altnough another party you will meet will interest you. Marv Jane Yes! Especially the first. Follow the study of It. com merclallze It and will have fine success. TJ. C. B. Sunday. Thursday and Fri day are good days. You have talent for theatrical work. You further havo a very fortunate horoscope for a mar riage that will elevate you socially, etc V. X. 1j. You are m tne miost or manv disturbances. If unmarried, mar riage nossible. although a number of problems are apparent Jn this connec tion. Again, there Is illness around you. You come lntw the best aspects at about the middle twenties; except for one favorable planetary position. the rest are quite unfavorable, lasting through, the nummer and falL Irene S. You would after a while. but you will meet many discourage ments before you succeed. C. W. S. Had you in youth fol lowed a professional vocation you Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brandt (Marie Heerdt), whose wedding was recent event. . When You Are Troubled With Hairy Growths (Modes of Today) No woman need longer endure ugly. unsightly hairs on her face, neck or arms, for a simple and very effective method is here given to quickly banish such objectionable growths and leave the skin smooth and free from spot or blemish. -..- A thick" paste, sufficient to cover the offensive hairs, is-made by mixing a little of the powdered delatone with water. This Is then - spread over the hairy surface and in about two mln utes rubbed on ana with it comes every trace of hair. After this treat roent the skin should be washed to free it . from the remaining delatone. No danger- or inconvenience results from this treatment and rarely Is the second application required, but to avoid dis appointment -be sure to get -.the dela tone in an original package!. .Any good aruggisi naj it in stock. . -. . (AdvJ would have met with success; at pres ent you are not In what you especial ly like, and net doing what . you are. most suited for. There is betterment ahead. Mrs. K. G. It. D. This Is In a sense Imaginative, you are super-Bensitive, often afraid people are criticising you when they are not. Cultivate a pleas lug manner, affability, etc., and cut out the imaginative. Say nice things of everybody, or don't say anything. I am sure from your horoscope that you I are wrong in tre way you feel. Think the other way lor a while and see the results. Edith Lucille B. Truly a remark able character, a life of self-sacrifice that others may be made happy. While a laudable ambition, you Invite many grave responsibilities and burdens, oft en your efforts will not be appreciated. end in the end you will have burdened yourself with many regrets and sor rows. Especially this or next year the aspects are not good, disappoint ments and Illness are threatened In your Immediate circle that will affect you markedly. Many changes are In order, as well. Confine your ambition to your love of art. etc. as you care for such. Further, you would make a good story writer as you have a very fertile imagination. lanthe There are changes Involving study foreseen at the period men tioned. . An Eastern Lassie If you care for him. why. yes! I'm afraid you do not know your own feelings well enough. If this Is entered only hair-heartedly friction will result and trouble, the trouble. If any, being largely caused bv yourself. Mrs. V. E. B. Your infirmities are largely the result of giving way to them, in a sense, though not this, al together, but In a great measure; and this affects your husband and his wel fare. If you will try optimism and en deavor to surmount your weakness. you will find a different atmosphere In your surroundings and betterment all around, as your horoscope promises much in this respect in the future. If you will try. F. C. Ockleman The best advice I can give, is to get Into some employ ment you like and apply yourself hard and you will be successful. Southern latitudes appear best for you and fur ther In or a little before middle life you will realise your ambition. Vivian Money troubles will never cause you serious worry, only that you can't accumulate a large amount. Yes! Indications point to another marriage. Bessie V. M. Study vocal or instru mental music or dressmaking and mil linery. You will marry well later, evidently twice, at that. 6ermanys Exhibit At Fair toBe Ample In Spite of Government's Xefusal to Participate la San Francisco Exposi tion, Private Concerns Will Be Well Represented. Berlin. June 13. It is assorted on the authority of a well-informed resi dent here that while it Is unlikely that the German government will change Its attitude regarding official partici pation in the Panama Pacific Exposi tion. Important commercial and in dustrial concerns will present a great er display of German products than this country has ever presented at any exhibition. German arts and crafts of many kinds In the chain of her social structure will have an Imposing place. The collapse of . the committee or ganixed by Herr Ballln. director-general of the Hamburg-American line, was ' mainly due " to the fact that it Involved too milch publicity. Firms did not wish competitors to know that they were exhibiting, or the extent and nature of their exhibits. That, they held, would bring rivals more readily Into the field. It was felt desirable to work with greater secrecy, and that is what Is now being done. Civil Engineer Designs ICarvelous He- ohaalcal Sevloe That Operates With Almost Stunan Skill. Paris, June 13. One of the most complicated pieces of mechanism ever devised by the Ingenuity of man Is that which plays a correct game of chess and wins every time. The apparatus is the work of Senor L. Torressy Quevedo. a well-known Spanish civil-engineer, who first be came famous as the Inventor of a ma chine which solved algebraical equa tions. Demonstrations of his chess-playing contrivances, the intricacies of which consist of a bulky and amazing mass of wires, buttons and electric bulbs, are being given in the Sorbonne. Ex plaining tho invention, the engineer said: "The apparatus play the white king and a castle against the black king." . . "This certainly gives the machine a certain advantage." he added. but the Interest is concentrated In the movements of the automaton In an swer to those of the black king. These movements finally lead to the check mating of the black kins-. ine machine never disobeys a rule of the game. You make take your king and move him anywhere von iiif- the automaton will prove quite an up-to-date player. "Should you give your king a falie move me automaton will immediately Home Wrinkle Recipe Astonishing Results Such Urtlln. rnattonl retail come from a very simple, btnaltu boma-made wrinkl-rnjoTw. there's no excu.s bow for anyone wearing; those hateful marks of age. Illness or worry. No need fooling with worth, less pastes, cresms. nor "sklo foods" which don't feed the skin. No need rubbing, mas string, stssmlng -snsrless methods which' eipsnd snd lousen skin and underlying tissue, aggrsvstlng a wrinkled, flabby condition. Better, ssner, surrr. Is the scientific saxolite formula. Thoassnds" hs saccerafully tried It tbuaanU freed of wrinkles, enlarged pores, sggy cbks. double cbla thoussnda younger looking, happier! All you need do la to dissolve one ounce of powdered saxolite In M pint witch base!, and bathe your fsce In this. The effect Is il nott magical. Ereo deepest crow's feet com pletely, quickly vtDlab. Skin becomes firm, smooth, fresh looking bears no trace of treat ment except enhanced beauty. Get these In expensive Ingredients at your druggist's, try this marvelous saxolite krtkro today. (Adv.) r - ! ... --. SUMMER RESORTS I " J HOT1LL MOORIL ?XiNG SEASIDE CLATSOP BEACH OREGON Rooms with or without bath. Hot salt water baths, and surf bath ing. Recreation pier for fishing. Sea food a specialty. Grill in connec tion. Music and dancing every evening. DAN J. MOORE, Prop. DDlTArDC UrrTT?l RIGHT ON THE BEACH Billiards, pool, bowling, tennis, golf, fresh and salt water flshlnr txiat. ing. riding and autds. We have our own livery stable smY aut&; !.' ml-e of unbroken beach for auto runs Our table is supplied from our owJ oairy. vegetable, gardens and poultry yards. Postoffice. long distance phone WrVe'Wr N "aUon 'on hVrott THE BMA-CEM KCrTg. - Breakers. Wash. HOTEL TORREY Seaside Bllhp Oregon Under the personal management of W. D. Torrey Special attention given to our dining-room service. Rooms with or without private bath. Bus meets all trains. Rates on application. Overlooking the Ocean. W. D. TORREY, Proprietor Hotel Sunset BEACH CEYTES STATIOS. Ideal spot. Modern family hotel. Country and seashore combined. Ocean In full view. Clear mountain water. Electric llghta. -Largs yard for children. Croquet- ground, fish of sll kinds. Best enlslne and table service, flshlnr. Sort bathing. P. Q. tone; Beach. Wash. Mrs. Ddmaa. Trap. "THAT SEXJGHTTTn , BEACH HOJCE,' THZ ZUC0JM At Elmore Park, now open. E a ropes n only. Free furnished cook tents. A unlet, homelike eating plsce, overlooking the ocesn.' Last year cor accom mods t tons were taxed to the extent of disappointing many lata applicants. This year we nave doubled our capacity bet urge that early reservstlooe be made. You'll like the plare and the price. Write for circular. THE ELMORE. Borkswty, Or. - Journal Want Ads bring- results. The White House X.OYO bkacm, WAsarcoroToxr, A favorite hotel with Long Beach visitors. - Large, comfortable rooms. first class restaurant with home) cook ing. One block wouth of station. - hcaa. o. r. whitxhotjbb, yrop. HALYCON LODGE Kisses MacDewel and Skaiusoa. rise Booms a as Board. Veer Hotel sToeia. SEASIDE, OREGON Furnished Tents at Barview We have furnished tents With all conveniences ready for housekeeplna; J.1 C!r?t Oass "hotel at Barview. - 7-wWno.,on,e mls are served 1n a bright, clean dining room. The hotel is surrounded by a wide veranda over- " .coking the ocean and amusement park. We have safe rowboats and canoes for hire on both the lake and pool hall and bowling alley will be ap preciated and patronized by many. The drills of the llfesavlng crew, the clambakes, the beach bonfires and Jeep fishing excursions are only at few of the many good thlnara RirvU has to offer you. Before planning your vacation see us and make reservations oVrtlck open ow. Ralph Ackley Land Co. 804 Tailing Bldg, 3d aa Washington. THE DRIFTWOOD OPX2T AU TXAJk Thr On' House of Its Kind In the World Hot and Cold Bait Water . Baths In Connection. TABLI3 BOARD A PECAL,TT XfOHCr XSAOX. WASJk '