The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 14, 1914, Page 33, Image 33

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Many of Machines Have Run
Only From 6000 to 8000
- Miles Since Out of Factory,
There la a great by
product of tb big auto
mobile industry that the
general public has not
heretofore taken serious
cognizance of, but which,
with facta fairly consid
ered, ia the meana of giv
ing to hundreda an op
portunity to purchase a
real fine automobile at
urpriaingly low coat
' Th!a opportunity ia presented to
those who desire to own an automo
bile, but who do not want to purchase
a new car of a certain price, possibly
because it la not large enough or va
rloua other reasons, by investing any
where from $800 to $1200 in what
generally known as & second-hand
reclaimed car. As a matter of fact,
the average reclaimed car Is nothing
more nor leas than a very fine auto
mobile right In Its prime of. life end
with only 10 per cent of its real energy
In the garages of the reputable au
tomobile dealers of this city today
expert mechanics are putting Into first
class shape by overhauling, putting on1
new coats of paint, new tops, fore
door, etc., some of the best automoblU
"buys'; that could be offered to the
public. Many of these machines have
only been run from 6000 to 8000 miles.
They are. In better' shape than when
they; left, the' first- automobile, dealer's
hands, .'- unfounded. ; statements ; that
their sale is not a ready one, notwitb,
standing. ; ;. ;'.-?..;.-. .' ,
There are approximately 300,000 au
tomobiles 'built annually."-Automobile
statisticians figure , that . tbe life of
a good automobile - is between 80,000
and 100,000 miles,' reliable and smooth
running. The statement is being proved
dally, for there are any number of
1910; automobiles running in numerous
parts of the country that have from
70,000 to gfr.OOO miles on their speed
ometers and today are good, smooth
running automobiles giving excellent
service.. '.
The average user drives his automo
bile about 7000 miles annually. At the
end of that 7000 miles pressure from
the family circle and personal pride on
the part of the owner Impels him to
turn his old 'car Into the retail dealer
for a new automobile.
. This car then. Is generally classed in
automobile slang as a "piece of Junk,"
when, as a matter of fact, this automo
bile has only really started but to eco
nomically and successfully perform the
real work of its life.
I If a reputable dealer gets this au
tomoblle, he turns it over to his ex
pert mechanics. At a small cost, may
be $150, It Is put in first class shape
and then put In the used car depart
ment for sale.
Just because there is a slang phrase,
"a piece of Junk," the automobile buy
ing public shies away from the beat
motor car bargain it is possible to
get.! It has been said that If it was
left; entirely to the. woman to buy a
car.i she would use her bargain In
stinct and get this great value. Tbe
used car having been properly worked
In, Its mechanical whims corrected at
the I expense of the first owner, the
new owner of this used car has small
operating expense and has entirely
eliminated the shrinkage in value.
In the classified section, of today's
Journal will be found a special depart
ment devoted to used cars, with hun
dreds of bargains Just such as you are
looking for.
Foresight and Correct Judg
ment Also Needed, De
clares Distributor.
"Foresight. .. correct Judgment and
self-control are essential qualifications
which the motor car driver should at
tain, said H. E. Jagger, distributor -for
the Haynes.'
"If you feel that you lack self-confl
dence it Is well to have someone teach'
you to drive step by step. In the
first place, don't expect or even try
to learn everything at once. Have your
Instructor take the car to some un
frequented street and then, while he
controls the throttle, learn to steer
while moving along slowly In high
"Hold the wheel firmly but not too
tight. Don't try to go In an absolutely
straight line; turn the wheel slightly
and see for yourself how sensitive It
is by trying to dodge small objects
In the road. By practicing In this
manner for sometime you will, 1 wear
off the nervous feeling and will be
surprised at the ease with which a big,
powerful car may be steered.
"The next step is learning to manip
ulate the clutch and the gears. Shut
off the motor and with the car stand
ing still go through the operations of
changing gears time and Time again.
Just as though tbe car were running.
Then, after starting tbe motor, throw
out the clutch pedal, shift the hand
lever Into first speed position and re
lease the clutch pedal very slowly
while your Instructor operates the
throttle. Repeat this over and over
again, see how slowly you can start
and stop the car before ever attempt
ing to go Into higher speeds.'
"Always exercise great care m snirx
lng gears with a hand shift lever. Be
sure that the clutch, pedal is in Its
downmost position before moving the
lever. , On the other hand, when. going
from one speed to another1 don't wait
too long, as the car will lose Its mo
mentum. . -
"On the Haynes cars equipped with
electric gearshlf ting device, , it Is
merely necessary to touch a button on
the steering wheel corresponding X.9
the desired speed, and then, when yon
wish to make the change, it" Is only
necessary to depress the clutch pedal.
Suppose you are moving along In high;
the next change will be to second; you
merely press button No. 2 and the car
continues to move along In high until
you are ready to make the change, It
being necessary to operate the clutcb
pedal only at that time.
"Drive slowly and cautiously when
learning. Keep the hand throttle set
for a slow speed and practice using the
foot accelerator. Always get the car
well under way before changing to t
higher gear. In case it' Is found nee
essary to shift back to second or low
when ascending a hill don't wait too
long. The lower speeds are for a pur
pose, don't hesitate to use them if the
motor begins to labor. Retard the
spark when ascending a hllL"
New Self-Starter
Is Highly Praised
Device Consists of Eooentrlo ' Blsoon
Crank Shaft Attached by Stout wire
to Handle on Dashboard.
Many devices are being manufac
tured throughout the country for the
Ford machine, and E. S. Robinson
of Tacoma brought to Portland laat
week the first mechanical self-starter
for the Ford that has proved ser
viceable and economical.
The new Sanbo mechanical starter
which has Just been brought to Port
land,-la" a' device that Is spreading
through the Ford : owners ' like -wild
fire. The starter consists of an eo
centrio disc placed on the crank shaft.
with a,, stout wire running from It
to tit . dash-board. ' A pull on tbe
handle turns the engine over for
two complete revolutions. It Is
claimed that the starter Is the only
one made that actually spins the en
gine in the samel manner that a per
son would spin it by hand. Robinson
claims that 17,00 starters bars bean
sold In th western states sine the
Sanbo was put on the market. -
Never tell a fat girl that she Is an
wool and a yard wide.
V'-i-'" Their -Use. , v. .'
' Tourist (looking at the famous cas
cade) Whatever becomes of all those
sheets of water?
Facetious Guide They go Into the
bed of the river.
4 e ft, T
Get your Overland today.
Every day you7 wait is just twenty
four hours wasted. And the yesterdays
never come back.
If you want to play this summer
enjoy the whole summer. Don't cut your
pleasure in half.
Delaying never helps matters. On
the contrary it hinders.
Waiting cannot save you money.
On the contrary it costs you money.
Last season between 5,000 and 10,000
people waited. But unfortunately they
waited just a little bit too long. For
when they finally did place their order
all the Overlands were gone. Conse
quently they were forced to either pay a
much higher price for some other car
or go without an Overland. Don't you
be among the 5,000 or 10,000 disappointed
people this year.
Remember the Overland has the
longest wheel base ; the most powerful
motor ; the largest tires ; the finest
equipment, and ia the most thoroughly
and most carefully manufactured ear, for
the price, on the market.
The Overland is the world's renown
ed economy ear. It costs the least
to purchase and also the least to
maintain. And it gives you everything
you want in a car power, speed, beauty,
comfort, style, and practically every
needful convenience ever invented for an
That's why we nredcHrcring over
5,000 ears a month, right now f
Better telephone our dealer. Get
your Overland today. Don't delay
529 Washington Street
The Wfflys-Overland 'C
$950 Cmtlsttiy iiiuL $1075 wit
ty, Toledo. Obio
I bxjsf sr semes norts
frUmf. . ft. rafts
ftaasaafiu ttthtf
lass? Wttbm Vitm IWsIa,
Omie Maura
How the Largest Exclusiveire Factory
Keeps Cost Down and Keepsy Quality Up
Cost No More Than Average
Every facility for economical pro
duction that science has been able to
.produce has been brought to bear in
the Firestone plant to give you Fire
stone quality at ordinary price. The
power plant, where one man feeds the
boilers that produce 9000 horsepower
is an example of Firestone scientific
The great FIRESTONE plant natu
rally attracts the country's greatest
tire experts.
Every man in this factory is a tire
specialist; doing his work with skill
and accuracy.
Here nothing but tires is made and
every ounce of steam3 power, every ef
fort of the workmen, every bit of
study and thought, are focused on the
making of FIRESTONE tires.
This concentration and specialization
in production make it possible to give
highest quality at a cost no greater
than only average tires.
This highest quality was proved again at the international sweep
stakes in Indianapolis last Decoration Day when Barney Oldfield led
all American cars in the five hundred mile race.
Although he exceeded the speed of last year's winner, averaging
78.15 miles per hour, two of Barney's FIRESTONE TIRES went
through the entire five hundred miles without change.
FIRESTONE finished first and second in this "great race in
1913, as you will remember, also first in 1911. FIRESTONES
make good on the road because they are made good at the factory.
Most for Your Money in First Cost and Final Economy
America s Largest Exclusive Tire ajid Rim Makers
Home Office and Factory, Akron, Ohio Branches in All Large Cities
Complete Standardization in
a Single Motor Car
The New
Model Ten-Four, $1665
'OU can now tray a COLE FOUR for $1665. because
the blue pnnts upon which Cole has shaped his
policy have been at all times scientifically accurate
and far advanced.
Five years ago Cole conceived the idea of combin
ing the brains of all the great recognized automobile special
ists and concentrating these brains into a single motor car.
Cole called these parts-makers the Standard builders, and he
called the car built exclusively from their products the
Standardized Car. When he had his system complete, he
gave it to the world in the form of the biggest automobile
advertisement ever printed a six-page treatise on Standard
ization in the Saturday Evening Post
COMB In and
see tbe new
Stewart - War
n e r Gasoline
Feed Device
which increases
fael efficiency
S3 1-1. This
device does
away with all
the disadvant
ages of former
types of gaso
line feed.
Northwest Auto Co.
F. W. Vogler, Pres. ,
Broadway at Couch
IN YOU once know
the Winton Company's
standard of used car
values there isn't the
slightest chance of your pur
chasing a used car anywhere
else at any price.
Our thoroughly equipped plant, our rigid in
spection system, our service and its application to
used cars gives each car enhanced value of 30 per
cent or more.
We own every used car offered for sale by this
Company. We are therefore free to bring every
tar on our floor up to the standard of our used car
values. . "
It is a simple matter for us to guar
antee our used cars, and a still simpler
matter to make good our guarantee.
1 The ft
Winton Motor (jar Co.
23d and Washington Sts. ' Phone Main 4244.-