The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 14, 1914, Page 25, Image 25

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kirk 7
- l-f9OI't1q-t'- -'
SALESMEN All or spar time to
demonstrate and Cake orders for
"Ambrpw," Something new; well ad
vertisauT"" Lager beer in concentrated
form. Makes real beer by adding
water. A food (lass of beer now for
everybody, everywhere at one cent a
glass. Strictly legitimate. 8mall; can
be carried right In your pocket. Deal
era. Jobbers, agents must be supplied.
An opportunity to make $50 a week
aud expenses for the right man. The
Ambrew Co., 1670 Sycamore at.. Cin
cinnati, O.
GOVERNMENT Jobs now open to
men and women. $65 to $150 a mo.
Over 16,000 appointments coining. No
lay-offs. Summer vacation with full
nay. Common education sufficient.
Full directions allowing bow to get
position free. Write Franklin Insti
tute, uept. an iv. Rochester, jm. y.
WANTED Carpenters -.and cabinet
makers: a few more good men to
help in the construction of our build
ings. Good positions at good wages to
the men investing a small amount in
an absolutely secured manufacturing
proposition. Particulars at 418 Lum
ber Exchange hldg.
SALESMEN warned, easy work, big
pay. Write for large list of open
ings offering opportunities to earn $100
to $500 a month while you learn. Ad
dress nearest office. Dept. 212. Na
tional Salesmen's Training Association,
Chicago. New York, Kansas City, Haul
EA LKH11AN for general mercantile
trade In Oregon to sell a new propo
sition of merit; vacancy now; attract
ive commission contract; $35 weekly
for expenses. Miles F. Blxler Co.,
wholesale Jewelers, 227-24 Cariln bldg.,
Cleveland, O.
practical course In law; no time lost
from ..regular occupation; recitations
' evenings. Samuel T, Richardson, dean.
M. Morehead, sec. 319, 817 Common
wealth hldg., Portland. Oregon.
WANTE1 Women for government
clerkships. $70 month. Portland ex
aminations soon. Specimen questions
free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 704-N.,
HochMtr, N Y. . "
help vrAmp-roiALK a
WANTED For summer vacation, a
high school girl, responsible and
fond of children to assist in light
housework, no washing, comfortable
hone and
remuneration. Wooa-
lawn 2686.
WOUKN tb solicit testimonials for a
well known family remedy, easily
obtained by little effort during idle
hours; prompt payment. Call on Mr.
Rotltnaon (today, Sunday) between 12
snd 2 o'clock at Imperial hotel.
LADY partner, contralto voice, new
musical novelty, impersonate silly
iri. Call on week evenings only,
ginning Monday 7 p. in.. 350 Vi Mur-
.rit-on st., room 203.
WANTED A lady, alone, wants a lady
who is employed during the day to
stay with her nights, her room for her
company. Call at 821 Kelly st. S car
south to Whl taker.
WANTED Capable woman to do gen
eral housework In" small family, to
go home nights. Phone Tabor 953 or
rail Mi E. 36th st., near Harrison.
WANTED A good woman or girl for
general housework. $20 per month.
In country. Address Lou Miller, Jef
ferson. Or.
YOUNG woman to assist with light
housework, -seaside during summer
b0r "na.m.' ?no' aB!
W ANTED Women and girls for pack
' " 1 "" ""- 1 I
ing fruit and vegetables; Oregon
racking uo., atn and rteimont.
WOMAN to take care of apartment
house in exchange for housekeeping
apartment. R-933, Journal.
WE want a lady that stays home 4
nights week who works, to take free
room In our homo. 602 Couch bldg.
WANT elderlv ludy to help in
housework, good- home. Phone
lumhia 666.
vAN'l'bU Lady to learn the photo
graph business; wages small at the
start. Owl iStudlo, 201 Mr Int.
NEW labor saving article for home,
rooming houses and all business
houses. For information Tabor 767.
WANTED" Woman for plain house
work. 2 In family, take Gresham car
to Gilbert station, third- house south.
A GIRL to assist with housework.
Phone Woodlawn 2968.
HL?u7 WiiVllLl'iomiia U36
tor half. T-79, Journal.
GIRL for general housework. 526 20th j
st. flat C. Portland Heights. M. 949.
W'HEN you answer these Wanfc Ada.
n'cntlon The Journal.
MKN WOMEN, net government jobs.
Big pay. Examinations announced
. evei-ywnere July 15. Sample questions
free. Franklin Institute, Dept 350 N,
Rochester. N. Y.
OREGON Barber College Now is th
time to learn the barber trade; po
sition guaranteed; paid while learn
ing , tools -re-. 833 Madlon St.
trade In 8 weeks, pays while learn
ing, gives lst-clasa st of tools; writ
for free catalogue. B. 48 N. 2d St.
MRS. 11. 8. bCHULTZ. J63 Hall St.
will give two room furnished apart
ment to man and wife in return for
f-w hours work each day. Call Marsh.
FlSK Teachers' Agency secures posi
tions tor teachers. 816 Jou rnalbld g.
WHEN you answer these Waut Ada,
mention The Journal. '
SALESMEN wanted, a number of live,
on the Job salesmen for Washington,
Montana, Idaho, Oregon and other
states. Less-.competltion this year and
demand for trees offers the right man
a splendid opportunity. Salem Nursery
SPLENDID chance for man or woman
hustler in every town to demon
strate and sell "Vin Sip," the latest
non-alcoholic Grape table beverage;
full size bottle makes three gallons.
Sent postpaid with agency proposition
for 35c. Homebrew Company, Spo-
kune, Wash.
WE start you in business, furnishing
everything; men and wpmen., $30 to
$200 weekly, operating our "New Sys
tem Specialty Candy Factories" home
anywhere; no canvassing; opportunity
of lifetime; booklet free. Ragsdale
o.. dot z. Kaat Orange. N. J.
RESPONSIBLE manufacturer desires
placing valuable agency, sure re
peater, permanent income, business
builder, easy, no competition, protect
ed, territory guaranteed. Automatic
Perfection. 17 W. 4 2d, N. Y.
AGENTS here's what they all want.
Concentrated Beer Tablets. Makes
genuine beer by adding water. Not
i.ear-beer-: the real article.- Carry goods
right in pocket. Write us today. The
Ambrew Co., Dept. 1614. Cincinnati. O.
VSE your spars time to build up a mail
order business of your own. We help
you start for a share in profits. 27 op
portunities. Particulars free. Mutual
Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo. N. Y.
WANTED Live agents to sell best
selling proposition ever introduced.
P.eer, whiskey extracts, giving exclu
sive territory. 333 Oak st.
CANVASSERS for a new household
article, with commission. Call at
302 Haddon Hall between 9 and 10
a. m. or 2 and 3 today.
AN intelligent person may eatn $100
- monthly corresponding for news-
fopers. No canvassing. Send for par
Iculars. Press Syndicate, 707 Lock
port. N. Y.
AGENTS in every town to handle
.household necessity; writ at once
for agency. 273 Hawthorne, Portland.
Or. -
AGENTS make 600 per cent selling
"Novelty Sign Cards'tf 800 varieties;
catalogue free. Sullivan Co, 1234 Van
Riireri St.. Chicago. - 111.
WANTED Reliable stock salesman,
legitimate; give references. Interna
tional Dredge Co., room 15, Bush Bank
Mdg.. Salem. Or.
HUSTLING msn tinder 50. each lo
callty. Introduce out memberships.
$50 to 3500 montalyj The I-L-U. 2056.
Covington. Ky.
(Continued.) -
MADE $40,000,040: Montgomery Ward
died leaving fortune; his Original
capital less than you spend for pleas
ure. Parcel post, reduced express rates
offer i big opportunities. Become a
partner with us, as manufatcurers;
spare time only required; free printed
matter and instructions. Write for
valuable booklet, "Mall Order Success.'
Pease Mfg .Co.. Dept. A 30,- 70 Broad
way, Buffalo, N. Y.
AGENTS Something new; fastest
sellers and Quickest reneater on
earths permanent; good for $50 to $75
a week. Write for particulars. Amer
ican Products Co., 8096 Sycamore at.,
Cincinnati. O. -
TWO solicitors to sell health and ac
cident insurance. General Accident
Co. of Perth, Scotland. C. J. RosWell,
general agent, 27a Pine tst., Portland,
Or. i
WHEN you answer these Want Ads,
mention The Journal.
$50. BONUS. For securing advertiser
permanent position anywhere, nut
less than $60 per month. At present
employed bridge foreman, construction
but desires to locate home. Used to
handling, repairing and running ma
chinery, steam fitting, carpentry, con
crete work, timekeeping and material
clerk. With present employers since
1907. f ZX-838, Journal.
BOOKKEEPER-Stenographer, with a
long experience in lumber business,
both mill and wholesale, desires posi
tion. ! Clean record, highest local ret-
erences. Bond If desired. T-71, Journal
ATTORNEY, aggresive, well educated.
expert stenographer, ten years ex- j
perience. nigh class rererences, age
31, seeks opening in city or out. G
920, Journal.
WANTED By reliable man and hus
tler from the eaBt, work on fruit
rancli. Address J. Harry, 313 14th st.
Phone Marshall 5723.
ASSISTANT hotel manager, syste
matic, steady, reliable; can handle
from office to kitchen; had resort ex
perience. Hotel. 706 Swetlaftd bldg.
PAINTING, papering and kalsomining,
strictly liret class work at reason
able prices; all estimates free. Phono
Woodlawn 3168.
SHOE repairing, first class work
guaranteed, all work done by hand.
Give us a trial. Joseph Markus, 608
is. jersey st
STRONG, healthy
years, has baby,
married man 25 I RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; mod
can give best of em roomB, $1.50 per week up.
references, will take anything.
Kast ziB8, ask ror f rea.
EXPERIENCED grocery man, young
man. married, wishes position out of
the city; best of references. V-542,
PAINTER, good all round hand, mar
ried, wants work, $3 per day; refer
ences. F-36, Journal.
WINDOWS cleaned, white man, work
guaranteed; references. Phone Main
7268. room 3.
STRONG boy wants position; experi
enced in restaurant and farm. Ad
dress Carl Gray. Lents, Ore.
WANTED Painting, tinting, papering.
Must have work. Address 3330 54th
st. Phone Main 8172. E. C. Monnich.
CARPENTER, new and repair work
done reasonably by skilled workman.
J. Grlffltt. 343 17th st. N. Main 1732.
YOljNG married man wants work, can
furnish references
and Is reliable.
Tabor 3849.
YOUNG man wishes position driving
A- J l w-' w . A.UAHAAW. VA h T ICiVi-
ence and expert driver.- Main 1882.
MAN wants day work, tinting, house
cleaning, lawn; position janitor.
9196. room 8.
GOOD cook has first class reference
desires steady position. L-104, Jour
nal. WANTED Lots to mow; price reason
able. Residence 693 Johnson. Main
CARPENTER work, alteration, repairs,
Job work. Woodlawn 026.
YOUNG man wants position, any kind
of work, in city. T-69, Journal.
GOOD painter wants position.
Woodlawn 1440.
STONE, brick and cement work, city
or country. 19 E. 31st.
AN i experienced- laundress will take
work home. ladies' summer wear
skillfully handled; clothes dried out-
doors; will be sweeter, last longer and
don. 'cheaDa, Will call and deliver.
AddresB 1729 Berkeley. Phone Columbia
396. Mrs. Heffley.
REFINED lady of 21, with baby girl
34 months, wishes position as house
keeper or house work. Nice home more
desired than wages, but must , have
wages. 283 13th st., room 17.
HOUSEKEEPING position wanted by
- refined reliable young woman- with
boy nine; country preferred wages
$18. G-953. Journal.
WIDOW wants to work for room and
board for self and daughter. Hotel
maid or housekeeper. Marshal 6048.
GOOD all-round cook wants work in
camp, hotel or restaurant; would
take camp by contract. G. A. Thomas,
Tabor 4717.
YOUNG lady wishes position private
family, assist with housework and
care of children; reasonable wages. 611
1st st.
APARTMENTS Lady wants manag
aging housekeeper's position; com
petent; highest credentials. T-59,
HOUSEKEEPER with a nine-year-old
daughter wishes a position in wid
ower's home In country. Tabor 6362,
74 N. East 69th st ;
WANT family washing, curtain and
DianKeis to launary at nome, or go
out. Mrs. Anna Dwyer, 243 Mill
Phone Main 4554.
YOUNG lady, has experience, desires
position as office clerk, cashier or
demonstrator in city about 10,000. D
48, Journal.
WIDOW with small child wishes po
sition at once, housekeeping or man
aging rooming house; experienced. L
101, Journal.
WANTED Willing woman to do
- general housework on farm; further
particulars call Main 1213.
REFINED mother and daughter would
keep house for room and board. F-3 7,
EXPERIENCED woman wants day
work and plain sewing. Woodlawn
WANTED Housework or family
cooking; good plain cook. $40. T-81,
ELDERLY lady wishes work by the
hour four days in the week as help.
East 3329.
WOULD like a child to board in the
country- Mr A. J. Eisele. Sherwood,
On. R. F. D. 6.
WOMAN wants work by the day. Ta
bor 4191. or box 244, R. 1, Lents, Or.
WOMAN who is neat and reliable
wishes day work. Call Sellwood 2363.
LACE curtains hand laundered. Phone
Main I486.
WOMAN' wants Say work. Phone Main
3169, room 5.
WANTED Dressmaking to do at once.
Tabor 8966.
WANTED Position with some fam
"y going to beach. Main 7825.
SITUATION as nurse or housekeeper
for plain people. 239 E. 63d st.
WANTED Position-as nurse girl, ex
perienced. J-64.-Journal.
LADY wishes day work of any kind.
25c art hour. Main 6886.
MAN and wife, Swedish; would like
work in camp, woman good cook,
man as helper. We have good experi
ence, try uo and see if you don't like
us. 4929 79th st, S. E, Portland.
MAN and wife without any children,
want work on farm, have fifteen
years experience n farm. , H-880,
MAN and wife wish employment ho
tel or janitor work preferred. B-200.
Journal. - -
MAN and wife would like work of
any kind together; wife good cook. 642
East Stark. ......
EXPERT eastern dressmaker will come
to the heme. Coats, fancy costumes,
perfect fit guaranteed. Mrs. Rhoada,
Tabor 1708. 7:30 p. m. --
MAE MAR TZ. modiste. Suits, gowns,
dresses, alterations and makeovers.
Phone Main 8933. 13th and Aider.
WANT sewing for family; also good
dressmaking done, $1.60 per day.
Call B-2320. - . ; -
FIRST -CLASS dressmaker wishes en
gagement by the day; evening gowns
a specialty. Tabor 6421. 1
WHEN you answer tnese Want Ads.
mention The Journal.
r. i i . 1 , 3
NEW THOUGHT home for invalids.
389 11th. Main 8924 :
MONTAVILLAf Maternity Home, terms
reasonable. Tabor 2617.
West Park and Morrison ats.
Large newly furnished rooms with
and without private bath; all modern
conveniences; moderate rates. Phone
Main 8170.
YOUNG men may consult without
- charge, register of furnished rooms
listing several hundred rooms in all
parts of city, at Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th
and Taylor sts.
and Washington. Steam heat,
hot and cold running water, private
and detached baths, free phones. S!n
gle $3, auite 2 rooms. 6 5.
212 V4 3d and Salmon.
Rooms $1.75 week up, steam heat.
hot and cold water, free bath, phone.
548ft Washington st, cor. 17th. All
modern, airy, outside rooms. Free
phone and baths. $2 per week up.
V.OUNU man, rooming at Y. M. C. A.,
wants roommate to reduce rooming
expenses. Inquire Y. M. C. A. ;
OAK HOTEL. 347 Oak st.. furnished
rooms, steam heat, hot water, bath
free. $2.50 week up. Main 4160.
350 ft Alder, cor. Park; clean, airy
rooms, $2 up; also housekeeping room J.
st. Per-
and tran'st.
ROOMS and apartments in modern ho
tel; $2.60 week and up. 465 Alder.
THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely fur.
rooms, modern, central, $2 week up.
ruazTisxzx) noons
NEATLY furnished outside rooms, jpri-
VfllA fiimflv mnAnvn
hot and cold baths, telephone, elevated
it uu eiicci, ivvet, surruuiiaeu ;
:uy iaw ii una iiowers, lull DIOCK Ot
parking opposite, vine-covered loung
ing veranda; 2 rooms with north and
east exposure, overlooking beautiful
garaen, ana 3.&u week; 1 south
and west exposure, $3.00; 1 large room, 887ft Mill near W. Park. 2 nicely fur
north and west exposure, $4.00; special! nished housekeeping rooms, walking
raits ior two persons; rront nan room, ;
3 2 Oft 1 R TTllmito. wsllf n nnotnffUii ,
624 Flanders
Main 7815.
THREE cozy connecting H. K. rooms;
gas range, pantry, bath, phone;
ground floor; very reasonable. 184
N. 17th st.
FURNISHED room $2 per week. Good
board, home cooking, $4.50 per week;
two meals $3.00. 86 N. 11th st,- near
WEST SIDE Attractive, neatly fur
nished rooms: thoroughly re'novat-
ed; five minutes to business. 294 10th.
$1.60 WEEK Furnished front room.
rree phone, bath, close in. 420 ft
TWO large rooms cheap; gas, electric
ity, separate entrance, walking das
tance. 6o5 5th st. Marshall 5758.
FOR RENT Large furnished front
room, with or without board; reason
able. 135 N. 22d st. Main 2264.
LARGE front room in private home,
close in; electric lights, furnace,
bath, phone. 474 Market st. A-3560.
$10 Steam heated room, private fam
ily. Apt. 200, 469 ft Jefferson St.
Main 7594. - .
$5 MONTH, clean furnished room to
working man; free laundry. .701
Savier st.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front
room for 2 gentlemen" in Nob Hill
district. 778 Johnson st. Main 6923.
NEATLY furnished rooms. $1.25 per
week up; good location; phone, bath.
475 Taylor st.
ONLY $8 month, newly furnished
sleeping rooms, with bath, close In.
190 13th st.
NICELY- furnished rooms, reasonable
price, for one or two gentlemen. 92
N. 17th st. -
NICE bay-window room and kitchen,
all conveniences, reasonable. 321 W.
$5 MONTH, single outside Sleeping
room, electric lights. 528 Morrison.
$5 NICE bedroom, bay window.
Montgomery st. Main 1634.
WHEN you answer these Want Ada,
mention The Journal.
WANTED Middleaged lady to share
nicely furnished cottage with two
business girls; every convenience, close
In, fin neighborhood. Phone East
BUCKEYE roomn M V it. o en
up. Single H. K, $1.50. Sleeping
rooms. $1.50 up. E. 8d and Morrison st.
NICE clean furnished front room down
stairs, modern, walking distance, no
other roomers, lft block of E. A car
line. 28 East 15th st. Phone E. 2949.
NICE furnished single room, electric
lights, respectable working man or
woman, $5 month. 192ft Grand ave
nue. corner Taylor. i
NICE beautiful modern room, newly
furnished, references exchanged.
589 E. Alder fit. Phone B-1984.
LARGE, pleasant room with break
fast, or light housekeeping prlvi
legea. walking distance. Phone E. 1540
NICELY furnished room,, bath and
light; $6 month. 269 Fargo st, C car.
NEWLY furnished rooms with good
board, pleasant location, walking dis
tance to principal business centers,
$5.60 pe- week and up. Marshall 1375.
33 N. 17th st.
WANTED Board,, two boys, near city
Mrs. Cheney, 413 Montgomery. Phone
Marshall 5191.- -"
WANTED A nice girl to share apt.;
very reasonable, fine location,. Apt.
2. Phon A-6641, Main 6641-.
WELL furnished front room and home
comiorts in small family of adults
ooarq ir aesirea. &69 iast Burnslde
WANTED Children by the day, week
or month: special rates , by month.
Woodlawn 440. ' .
ROOM and board, private family, close
in; use of parlor, phone and bath.
Marshall 4628.
ROOM and board. $5 and $6 a week:
J free phone and bath. All home prlv
j ileges. 326 E. 1st st. N.
NICELY furnished room, with or with
out board; reasonable. 270 E. 16th
st. S. East 3430.
FINE place close in for young man at
229 E. 23d N.; no other boarders in
family. Phone East 814: references.
ROOMS for on or two gentlemen,
with good home cooking. 54 N. 16th
st.. cor. Davis.
EXCELLENT care given child, for use
of small furnished house, by refined
couple. T-196. Journal.
MOTHERLY ladv wishes care of chil
dren, 2 years up; $10. 383 5th.
WANTED A child to take care of at
Long Beach, Wash. Box 165. -
GOOD room and board. $20; widow. 624
Hawthorne. East 3430.
WHEN you answer these
. mention The Journal.
Want -ds.
Continued.) -
SEE this first Beautifully furnished,
light, airy room, brand new, beds,
new furniture, everything modern; new
building;- 10 minutes from business
center. 348 College; take 16th sU car
south. Main 3919. - - -
NEATLY furnished rooms, with or
without board; very reasonable;
close In; electricity, bath, phone; good
home cooking. Marshall 3798. S29
Salmon, between Broadway and 6th.
LARGE front room, suitable for 1 or
walking distance.
261 14th st.
Marshall 3392. ' - -:
Two weeks rent; clean, modern
housekeeping rooms. 10 minutes' walk
from P. O. ; phone, electric lights and
gas included. A-6688.
ONE large front room complete for
housekeeping, with closet. 173ft N.
21st St.; everything free, Including
cooking gas, $8 month; also 2 unfur.
nished, reasonable.
Good Beds.
upf'Gem H0t6l Phone I?anoJ
20c and
- Furnished housekeeping rooms week
ly, $1 and ud. 665 1st St.. Portland.
LARUE furnished housekeeping rooms,
$6. $8, $10 per month, sleeping room,
$6; free bath, phone, lights, large yard.
193 St. Clair st. Main 3916.
nil" r r i
COOL basement h. k. rooms, every
thing furnished, $1.2$ week; suitable
for one person. 293 10th st.
NICE housekeeping rooms, single and
suites, $2 tip, bath, free phone. 442
Jefferson st. Phone A-52 4 9. -
COMFORTABLE furnished front
housekeeping rooms, nice location,
447 Main, cor. 12th.
ROYCREST, 175 12th Comfortable
housekeeping rooms, all conveni
ences, close in; reasonable.
WELL furnished room, $10; 2 room
apt., $16; basement, suitable for
young man, $5. 667 Everett. M. 3420.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely fur
nished rooms, rent cheap. 376 Yam
hill st.
Cambridge bldg furnished H. K. rooms,
central, cheap. 165 ft 3d., cor. Morr'n.
$14 AND $15 Upper and lower suits
of 8 lovely rooms, fully furnished.
every modern convenience, beautiful
location ana yarn, walking oistance.
fnone e!iwooa no.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms
with modern conveniences; two
porches, nice yard, pleasant place for
small ennaren; nrst rioor. sua jonnson.
ONE, two and three modern house-
Keeptng rooms, hath, light, laundry.
furnished, 8, $10, $12 per'month. 242
urant St.
COMFORTABLE, neatly furnished
downstairs front housekeeping suite.
water in, walking distance, $3.26 per
ween. ou jonnson st.
distance, beautirui location, price $12.
"ftaln Q 7 9 fk
HOUb'ivtiEEPING rooms, 2 connecting,
one single with alcove; running wa
ter gas ranges, furnish heat; fine lo
catlon; walking distance. Main 6174.
BASEMENT housekeeping rooms, suit
able for plain working people, $1.25
to $2 week, everything furnished.' 675
Couch st. Marshall 1098.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms.
$2.26 a week.
888 5th st, or phone
Main 3304. i
TWO furnished pleasant, front, house
keeping rooms. Nice yard, walking
distance. 383 11th.
$16 2 nice, large, connecting front
rooms. Phone, light and bath. Walk
ing distance. 253 Chapman st, Mar
shall 3938.
LARGE, clean housekeeping room and
kitchenette. Gas, phone. 623 Couch,
near 15th st.
ONE. nicely furnished housekeepiug
suite and two furnished rooms;
prices reasonable. 475 Clay st.
TWO large front, gas range, sink, pan
try, closet, Z beds, bath, lights, phone
free. 429 Market st.
472 MAIN Suites r single light,
clean housekeeping rooms with sleep.
mg porcn.
SUITE of houeskeeping rooms; hot
water, sink closet, private entrance;
nice place. 1V5 17th st. N.
$8 FURNISHED front room bedroom,
kitchen; phone, gas. bath. 773 Roose
velt. Jiear 23d.
LlGliT H. K. suite, rent reasonable.
695 ft Glisan St., near 21st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rma,
rent reasonable. 394 Jefferson st.
ONE and two front housekeeping rms.
435 Alder st.
WHEN you answer these Want Ads,
mention The Journal.
TWO. three and four room house
keeping suites, and single rooms. All
conveniences and very reasonable rent.
392ft E. Burnslde. corner Grand av.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping
rooms; electric lights, gas, water,
all convlences. 306 ft Grand av, cor-
ner jiay. jtast zsa4
WHY pay more when you can rent all
outside rooms at 75c per week each 7
Suites of two, gas plates furnished.
480ft Belmont st. East 5143.
uu.nism.ii.ij nousetceeping rooms.
newly furnished housekeeping
rooms for rent; lights, water, phone,
$3.75 per week. 183 HolUday ave.
NICE, furnished 2 and 4 room house
keeping suites at 244 ft KIiIuims
worth ave.; low rent. Phon Wood
lawn 680. C-1387.
FOR good clean furnished housekeep
ing rooms cheap call at 146ft Grand
ave, near E. Morrison st. Phone East
FIVE furnished housekeeping rooms
on Williams ave. Inquire 1047 Cleve
land ave. Woodlawn 1932.
$1.60 to $2.76- week, furnished H. K.
rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, baths.
Phone East 6039; 406 Vancouver ave.
TWO front housekeeping rooms, hot
and cold water, use of laundry tubs.
East 2861. 629 E. Ankeny st.
HOTOsxssvxira books
MARRIED couple can share newly fur
nished modern home, $17.50 month,
including electric lights, cookinsr gaa
and heat; both phones. East 6171, B-
zv34. Jt m. ism st. xv.
$12-r-HOUSEKEEPING suite, 2 rooms.
large, airy, clean, pleasant; sink,
tray, bathroom. 28 E. Everett. Tabor
FURNISHED or housekeeping rooms,
everything new, very convenient, fine
yard, vegetables, fruits, flowers. 641
EL Madison, corner 17th.
NICE H. K. rooms, en suit or single,
and two nice basement rooms; free
electric light, heat, bath, phone. 313
:4th st.
; ifi
MONTH Burnished H. K. suites.
running water. 267 Knott st. near
Williams ave.
$16 3 clean, nicely furnished house
keeping rooms, first floor, all con
veniences. 825 E. Stark.
H. K. ROOMS. Three. $3; four, $3.50
(gas, machine, organ, yard). t Drake,
412 Vancouver ave.
NICE H. K. room, bath, phone, large
shady yard. Cor. Grand and Taylor.
LARGE clean, completely furnished
housekeeping suite, near stores- and
carline. 169 E. 14th st.
TWO nicely furnished steam heated
i housekeeping rooms, $15 per month.
272 U. Williams ave. U. car.
295 E. 49TH ST. 2 furnished house-"
keeping rooms, $10; half block from
2 BRIGHT, airy housekeeping rooms.
also single room for housekeeping.
370 Weld ler, corner Union ave.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 127 E. 16th
st, bet. Morrison and Alder. E.
5356. --: -. .
TWO housekeeping suites, clean, nice
yard, light, gas; $17, $18.50 month.
27S Williams ave.
WHEN you answer tnes-Want Ada,
mention The Journal.
xoTnrsKszraro KOOKS :
( Continued. .1
LARGE, cheerful, front corner room,
complete housekeeping, - $2.60 week;
also nice 2 room suites. $19 to $14
month; electric lights, free phone.
192H Grand are., corner Taylor.
$10 4 room cottage, 4451 41st
& E.
$12.60 room cottage. University
station. St. Johns car.
$16 4 room cottage, 4139 49th
S. E.
$20 4 rooms, 417 Market St.. near
$20 5 rooms, 641 Overton st hear
17th st.
szo 6 rooms. 655 Overton st near
17th st'
$20 rooms. 194 Ralela-h st.. cor
ner 19th.
830 8 rooms, modern, vard. 488 E.
26th St., north, near Tillamook.
$40 10 rooms, 391 Yamhill St.. near
10th st. . -f-
404 Wilcox bldg.
Phones Main 8699; A-2663.
6 room house. 1010 Kelly St.. $14. -
7 room house, 02 1st St., $20.
3 room house, 307 E. 12th St.. $11.
7 room house, 409 E. 11th St., $22.
o room house, 1330 Corbett'st.. $12.
5 room house, 415 E. 9th St., $18.
5 room house. 413 E. 9th st.. $18.
5 room house, 107 North 14th it, $18.
6 room house, 46 E. 8th St., $15.
The Lawrence Co., 171 4th st.
Main 6915. A-2815.
TWO unfurnished houses for rent, 1
in Waverleign Heights, hardwood
floors fireplace, cement basement, fur
nace, launary tuos, rent sz permontn:
1 In Mt Scott district on 64th st 2
lots, fruit- trees, strawberries, rasp-
Derriea, line garden, lawn and 4-oses, 7
rooms and sleeping porch, furnace.
garage, only $18 per. Marshall 3939,
or 301-3 Lumbermens bldg.
OUR list of houses tor rent is very
comprehensive, runs, from 820 per I
month up as high as $160 and Is com- I
posea or nothing but strictly modern,
well located places, which we have in
spected and know to be what we rep
resent and worth what is asked for
them. For rental service, see
Title & Trust bldg.. 89 4th si
FOR RENT 6 room house. 6 acres of
land, 2ft acres in hay, 2ft in truck.
For Sale One milch cow, chickens and
household goods. Ask for Anderson
Place. Willamette, or
bTRlCTLY modern 7 room house on
41st. between Brazes and Knott.
Nice garden, pretty roses, fine lawn,
one block to Beaumont car. Possession
Immediately. Tabor 389L
MODERN 6 room bungalow .near car
line, in fine location, to rent $25.
Furniture for sale cheap and easy
terms. 388 East 46th st. North. Tabor
FOR RENT 6 room modern house,
corner Washburn and Baldwin sts.
1 block from St. Johns car. call at
house. Furnished, $16, not furnished,
10 JiOOM house, walking distance.
gooa ior renting rooms, gev next
22n,JE2fSB5i MontSmry. or phone
Kenwood 16al.
EIGHT room modern house for rent; I
nice yard and fruit trees; cor. 44th
and E. Main. Ino.uiro 1298 44th and
E. Yamhill.
ma. room nouse, electric lignts. gas
ior cooKing, in: rooms, is. waiK-
ing distance. Inquire Monday - 303
Monroe. East 6068.
MODERN house. 7 rooms, toilet- bath.
hot and cold water, yard and gar
aen: diocks xrom car, si mo. ll
n. 4tn st, ss. m.-v. car.
oa i jt I
.warn. ..u 1 J Lra&.MWU ... .
DaDered nin vrd iot f hrri I
near Broadway bridge, walking dls- 1
tance. rnone liAst Bias. i
FOR RENT Two five room houses on 2 8 room furnished, house, fain, 1 MONTGOMERY APTS. 3d and Mont
the tVest wal kino- fi(.r,na- I chicken house. 4 acres land, good I romerv. New brick, all outside fur-
very low rent, only $10 and $12 per
month. M. E. Lee. 623 Corbett bldg. I
mk r.m hunm. ft.ii K-m.
and electricity. 105 E. 64th at. Phonal
Main ril.
HlJNN Yai lH 12 room tinuu if TT I
st! betwee 26Ui and will
month. See owner at 612 Piatt bldg.
901 Commercial st. In the heart of Al
blrra. 9 room house, modern, which 1
ill rnt for 820 nr month. xo. own.
Dina, y room nouse
HI1 . .w lOn
er at 612 Piatt blag. Main 4128. A-5128
WAVERLEIGH Heights, 6 room stricU
ly modern bungalow; fin view and
good district, , served by 2 car lines;
rent $18, worth $22. 603 Dekum bldg.
9 ROOM house, furnace, gas and elec
tricity, 1 block to new school build
ing, naif, block to carline; fine for
large family. Call Woodlawn 8732.
GOOD S room cot tag right in Sun-
nyslde. electric li
$16. W. H. Sawtel
lights and gas Price
elf Tabor flli
V , 1 T
cottage, full cement
basement, good lawn.
garage If
wanted. Call B-3320.
NEW modern 6 room house with 3
bedrooms, walking distance, at 775
Montana av. $16.
FOR RENT. $25 8 room house, mod
ern conveniences, large yard. 849
E. Stark, near 28th.
1RV1NGTON home, modern
l room,
lft story bungalow, possession lm-
meaiateiy. ta tu. itn pt.. jm.
MODERN clean 3- story 9 room house.
fSSif0111" u iaarsnaii
cottage, shady and oool, block
; $10 month, 15 minutes out;
of car
west side.
Main 3741
ALL kinds houses.- cottages, furnished,
uniurmsnea. xour own terms. 252
oiDQB, p. car. ;
MODERN 6 room house for rent at
480 rjaat miu ewj xnauir by shone.
jiiasi biiz.
SIX room house, bath and toilet, elec
trie light, near school, $7.50 a month.
313 Chamber of Commerce.
5 ROOMS and bath in first class con
dition, close In. E. Clay between 7 th
and 8th. East 853;
FOR RENT Cottage, seven rooms.
modern Improvements, near car line,
Mt Taoor. fnone -xanor 177.
FOR RENT 5 roomed ho us
nished) with bath and electricity,
600 Emerson at.
FOR RENT 5 roomed house (fur
nished) with, bath and electricity.
600 Emerson st. j
LOVELY new Laurelhurst home. 6
rooms, sleeping i porch, fin yardl
fruit, flowers. East 2056.
7 ROOM house, with bath. East An-
keny St.; walking distance; $18. Phone
B. . uara, niast zioo.
772 Michigan ave. 6 room, newly re
finished house, electric light, gas
ana oatn. zn.u montn.
NEW 6 room modern house, $18. In
quire of owner. 199 E. 60th st. W.
L. Nash. Phone Tabor 793.
SUNN Y SIDE Desirable 4 room mod
ern bungalow, 1 adjoining Laurel
hurst; sleeping porch. Tabor 3831.
MODERN 6 room bungalow, clean,
large yard, roses and fruit trees; j
inquire iw tJ.ytn st. in. wooaiawn 580.
GOOD 4 - room house. 37 month. In.
quire 203 8th av. N. Lents. Mt Scott
canine. ;
FOR RENT 4 room house, 8 lots, use
or aitcnen rang. At itenaau sta
tion. Woodlawn 166.
6 room house, cor. lot. E. 31st
Gruber, 401 Stock Exchange.
East 3219.
MODERN & room cottage, $13.
st. Tabor 854.
85 86th
$20. 6 rooms. E. 8th and Everett. Good
yara. smltn-Vv agoner Co, Stock Ex.
EIGHT room house, modern. 699 Flan.
ders, near 22d. Main 6080, or E. 963.
1RVINGTON. Modern 8 room house
with garage. $86. East 6270.
and Brooklyn car. Call Sell. 898.
6 ROOM cottage. 670 Taggert
W-W. car. Marshall 4317.
FOR RENT Cottage. 1
north. Phone East 836.
21st st. V
WHEN you answer thes Want Ads.
mention Tn Journal.
MODERN clean 5 room cottage.
207 i
Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex.
Complete and reliable list of all va
cant houses, flats, apartments and in the city; make use of this
servics when you desire; this daes not
obligate you in any manner to this
store. zou win rind us willing and
ready at all times to help you in locat
ing. Newcomers in Portland will find
tms servics especially valuable. Real
estate men and owners of private prop
erty are invited to list their unoccupied
apartments, flats and houses at Meier
ft Frank s Ire rental bureau.
i . n . . -
SAVE time and oatienca bv cat
ting our extensive free list of.
desirable houses and Oats FOR
Main 6869. 269 Wash. st. 387.
Modern house. C rooms besides 2 at
a 1..-. I.t. AK.triA ItMA
of fruit and berries. On carline. clos i
in. east side. Rent reasonable.
A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg.
FURNITURE of 8 room modern house,
very cheap, i rooms rented. Just th
place for family wishing to save rent
and household expenses, fin location
on west side, walking distance, a-
5265. I
FURNITURE of 6 room bungalow.
new and in excellent condition. To l
it i. ..11 l.
rK"-1"" ---" - 1
Kent $is. New oungaiow.. ua-
bor 6270
SS: Hi-i,-- nn "rth nt a
Make $36 clear every month. M. 9425y
FOR RENT. 8 room house and furnl-1
ture for sale; rent 820. 314 Wheeler
St. Phone East 689. 1
FURNITUR7E of 5 room cottage forlitpht h,th fnmi.t.ui is! w r
saie, piano inciuaea; no ueaiers.
70th St. 6. E. - I
U'URNITUKB of 8 room house, sell or 1
trade for
a team. Cash $12o. 393
N. 19th st.
RN1TURE for sale, bouse for rent,
plendld opportunity for lady to
living. Marshall 4628.
ma k i
,.,,,.,,-,,.-. o i . I
- VV" - . .... (
r UIllMi unt, s luum nuuoe lur mom i
.TTT--, .-in . -T. T-l n 1 . I
- - i
cheap. Main 7803. 291
!91 11th St, I
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sal.
WHEN you answer these Want Ads,
mention The Journal.
NKW 4 room bungalow, modern, bath
-nd -i.0in- norch: comDletelv fur-
nished; $20 month; also lower floor
of house, furnished and full basement,
4 room, furnished, hardwood floors. fiYtiii-oa- i-'o montn. fnou , ,
1522. 67th st. and sanay roaa. cee
- - . , - 7 - . i
Mrs. Jenks.
WILL lease for six months or year,
my fine modern. 7 room home at 836
modern, 7 room home at 8 3 a
near Hawthorne: lawn, lOOx
furnished; references re-
rabor 4112. $35,
100; well
quired. Tabor
6 ROOM modern bungalow, nicely and
comnieteiv furnished, run lot. witn
.7. .
plao for few chickens. F. J. Stein-
met, owner, 508 Gerllnger bldg. Phon
oi ocunwu v
.... 1
pasture, fences, nlc lawn, vegetable
garden; near Tlgard, on Oregon Elec-
trie; 30 minutes from city. oruDer,
401 Stock Exchange bldg.
NEW. clean, well furnished 6
modem bungalow, completely fur-1
nished. gas and electric; nic garaen,
I"" basement. $20. 1605 Oneonta St..
I Woodlawn. Phon Woodlawn 400,
1 FOUR three room furnished cottages
running water. Furnished
1 rooms, reasonable ratea Mrs. Agnes
Knoll, Newton station. P. O. address,
iong neacp, wiuia.. iwi no. .
8 ROOM furnlsned home In Rom City
ran, moaern in every resvect; lire-
place, furnace, laundry tubs, furniture
gooa; price v per raonm. joruitn,
301-2 Lumbermens bldg. Mar. 8939.
FOR 2 or 3 months, nicely furnished
room moueru nouse. wmtiui ui-
tance. east side. Piano, very reason-
able. B-2847.
iX)R RENT Modern 6 room furnished
house, lot 60x125; fine fruit trees;
Pce ior chickens. Call 409 Gra-
nam aVfl
horn in Irvington. completely fur
nished. Party going away. Call 653
Broadway. E. 1613.
TWO tenthouses completely furnished
for housekeeping, $7. Nice shade.
near car. 203 Lumber Exchange, tsun-
day, 2 to 4.
1 TITT.V Aiiciixt R
rooms, completely
furnished, moaern nome. piano, lawn.
roses: adults. Tabor 1196. Main 367
I MacFarland. 309 Yeon bldg.
FOR RENT Two room house and
i .1 -An In a- tnt furnished for house
keeping; piano in house. Inquire 7244
68d ave. 8. E. I
a TO 8 room houses and flats. Secur-
I lty Development Co. Main 1721,
1 Rental department.
COMPLETELY furnished 9
I nous in Irvlngton on
I Adults. East 4384
FURNISHED house for rent. $16 per
month. W. W. car. East 26. Kelly
Bt 617.
$11. 4 room furnished, St. Johns, nic
lot. near school, smith-wagoner u).
Stock Exchange.
4 ROOM house, clean, good furniture.
piano, steel and gas ranges, wood-
I lawn 3161
WILL rent my 6 room furnished bun
galow for 3 montns at zzz.ou. eeu
wood 517.
4 ROOM furnished house, large sleep
ing porch, all modern. 484 Flint st.
near Russell. East 1327.
A 5 ROOM cottage, furnished, piano.
fruit, $16 month; adults. 1405 on-
I eonta.
woooitwn car.
I COMPLETELY furnished 9 room bun-
galow, Irvlngton district, July 1 to
I Sept. 16. No children. East 3415
WILL rent my furnished home to rell-
able party without children who will
Doara or 1. an oi uoing.
ELEGANTLY furnished bouse, best
view, fruit trees, garden; cheap rent.
252 Glbbs St.. h car.
6 ROOM completely furnished modern,
almost new. 1308 fc.. 14th N. wood -
lawn 2642.
strictly moaern 7 room rurnisnea
house; piano.
Phone Tabor 2950.
VERY select borne, furnished: ele
gant location, Irvlngton. East 273. W.
I H. Herdman.
references. Inquire 704 Mississippi RUSSELL Apts., 390 Russell st, I
avenue. and 3 room apartments. Everything
5 ROOM cottage completely furnished furnished. Reasonable.
and water included, $15 month. 364 ONE, two and three room furnished
K- 26th. apartments, from $12 to $20, 109
FURNISHED 6 room cottage, close in. North lth Bt.,
49 East 7th. between Oak and Pine. DRICKSTON. 448 11TH Choice three
$19 Modern furnished 6 room hous, room apartment, 2 - Holmes beds.
1 block Mt. Scott car. Tabor 1042. Marshall 67.
7 ROOM house in SellwoodT Phone KEYSTONE APTS. 11th and Jeff er-
Sellwood 1495, or B-2608. son, tnedern 1 and 3 room furnished
FOR RENT 4 room furnished cot- " j?"" 77'.? f,Urn"ne4:
tag. 631 Clay st. near 17th. ? JULTAETTEAPT82nd and Mont-
FOR RENT Modem well furnished 4 TilK KLMS. 1 4th. near Yamhill. 1 and
rooms and bath. Pnone Sell. 1251. j r0om prtments. cosy horn, walk-
FURNISHED 6 room bungalow, cozy Ing distance $15-326. Main 1778.
snd new, 830- 345 E. 48th st. LUCILLE COURT.
FURNISHED 5 room cottage for rent. 20th and Lovejoy. Mod. t room for.
318. Call 465 Williams ave. spth, sleeping porch, "park. Mar. 2031.
NICELY furnished cottage, very.rea- DRICKSTON, 448 ilth. i modern, low
eonable. 723 Savier st. priced. 2 room apt. Marshall 67.
WHEN you answer thes Want Ada, KEARNEY apartments. 4 and i rooms.
Th. Journal: 120 and 130. 672 Kearpey.
Continued.) '
WE have a splendid list of furnished
houses for rent at from $30 per
month to $150. The best locations In
the city, no dirty or old houses. Each
is Inspected. Our information Is defi
nite and we vrin give you real renuu
Title Trust bldg.
89 4th st. I
110 N. J1ST ST.
Beautifully furnished 2 room apart-
Vr n .-i ku.,1. nKnM an1
dressing rooms; all outside, light, airy J
rooms; newly tinted ana renovated i
throughout; vacuum aeaner; high
class service; rates $22.60 to $$2.60. I
Kererences. Phone Mar. 4140. TaJie I
W. car
to 21st and Ollsan sts.
, , -. I
MfMrltffft f.m!rt I
E. 11th and Morrison, opposite cast
sid public library; 4 story brick build-
Ing, automatic elevator. 2 and $ rooms.
all outside, with every modern conven-
lence; rates very reasonable; beautiful
view; wanting distance. I
Best z room rurnished
pts. rn th I
all ouUid I
rooms, prlvat bath, telephone and
dressing rooms, good Janitor service.
blocks from business section, $28
f P- W Ton want - clean, quiet
6th and College
0an. cozy. S and 6 room furnished
apartments, very cneap.
Also bachelors apartments.
neat, water, pnon ana janitor srv-
lc included.
THE UPSHUR. 36th and Upshur sts.
,urnisnea z-room aparxmenis,
up. including steam heat, hot and cold
X1ZZ K?XVu"'ff,VS
mZ " r . r. '
1 m inc. i. o u w.
"W- mm nnrth Phnnn Main SSt.
n. " "" . : . rcr-
no ruuui ouisiua auaruueuv, law
furshe - d; Uwnnd or.T chVapesC
cleanest in th city; $19; 10 minutes'
walk to business center. 145 N. Grand
ave - " Irving.
""r1"" v ". .
1 . moaern. clean, very aesira.oi',
urasa ave. and E. Washington U Tel.
East 4449
DOWNTOWN modern furnished and I
unfurnished apartments. 820 month I
and up, including light, heat, hot and
?ld water, etc.; also furnished
aL"Pe?.aLratM turln' cwnival
350 ft Morrison st.
nr MPi.tiTi-t.v
furnished 1 room
... - . , . I
r n i r a , . n n i . r . nnnn. .
...., 11 W. K.i V. VUVMW .Ml
...rv. .rn 1 hlnclra from KtS mnA
ifnrHinn 11 fiA mnA 11 n 9S1 r!n.
lumbla st, corner 6th.
and Hoyt: 8 and 4 room unfurnished
apts, $27.50 up. Ail outside rooms; pri
vate balconies, finest residenc section.
Call Main 7689; our fre automobile
will call for you.
SHEFFIELD apartments. 378 Broad-
way, 8, cor. Jefferson, easy walking
vi'.'T. i V.,,7 ii..t -Iri
. - "
rnn m m mror nnnnvfl.
Arcadia Apartments
3 and j room-, beautiful location,
clos in. reasonable, summer rates.
706 Everett.
12th and Taylor.
Modern completely furnished apts.
Walking distance References.
, 1 1 ,
j nished 2 room apts, private bath,
1 phone, automatic elevator, clos In, $-0
Main 9466.
MORTON apts, corner Washington and
apartments. Also 3 room unfurnished.
oest sna cnespest piaca in city.
ing distance. Main 10l2. A-fl08.
$28 2 reom apt, $40 t room apt.
I Elegantly furnished, corner rooms, out-
side bath, direct phone. Ref. Mar. 184.
THE WASHINGTON. 489 Northrup, 6
room fur. or unfur. apts, with bath
i ana all moaern conveniences; pnone, I
steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc;
) - yy - car to z l st ec fiortnrup. m. 3TS.
k.kkN.K.l.H a t ts a .n a
I furnished or unfurnished: strictly!
i moaern ana up to aaie; unaer new
management. E. 14tb and K. Stark
1 sts. East 8703.
600 V
ing. sta
ancouver ave.. new brick build.
stands by itself.
N"celybf urn's'hed-' Private "bani
,one in 'SaptT PhonV E.
I and Ph
t A A rt t m n,llt,)iul ar,.f,T-n n
heat. 'water and phone; near 23d and
I Washington.
rnooic r.xcnange.
4 LARGE new unfurnished rooms. All
outside. Hot water, heat. Holmes
bed, 2 car lines, must be seen; cheap
to right party. Woodlawn 16.
4 and 6 room unfurnished apt. Also
eiegant room mrnianeq apt.
OVERTON APTS, cheapest rent In city
2, 3, 4 room fur. and unfur, out -
M. vri. m m n,tv k, fh nhnn. .Ii .1..
New manager; ref. 274 N.'2sU Wear
I voucn ana union iti, waixing
I aistance, summer rates, new. moaern, z
room apts.. i to per montn.
MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated
M and 4 room apts, $18 up; good
erences. 712 Wash, opp. 22d. M. 7194.
and Yamhill, under new manage
ment. Completely renovated. $16 and
up. Steam heat. Phones B-8401. E. 135.
2 ROOM apartment, hardwood floor,
gas stove, waii oeoa. inquire zss
Montgomery, inquire apartment B. or
gas stove, wall beds. Inquire 286
phone Woodlawn 1721.
FOR RENT A nice 8 room furnished
apartment lor two months. fine
location. A bargain. Apt. 2. Phon A-
6641. Main 6641. -
614 Jefferson, rorntr Ulh
2 and 3 roin modern furnished apart
.two peas, im sna up.
704 Hoyt st. Nob Hilt
Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished
I and unfurnished
I porches: reference.
Marshall 2011.
Modern 2 room furnished apts, bath,
I phone, walking distanc $16 month bp,
1 inn ana Aiarsnaii. Marenaii 4i.
I COMPLETELY furnished two room
1 front apt. only 116 per month. In
1 eluding electric lights. 187 17th at.
1 "r
I THREE roomed apartment, nicely fur
nished, nomeiia place, witn nlc
yard. 474 Alder st., H. E. cor. 14th.
UAMiilUAtt ArA ti l adlLitt T B.
433 Columbia, cor. 12th. modern 2
Our ;v Free Automobiles at
Your Service When Hunt
ing Apartments
Just fhone Main 201 S Or A-I0IS. and
our automobile will call for you. Sun
aaye or evenings, call Mr. Balden, Mar
shall 2290.
We were the first to build apart
ments In Portland. We now manage
11 of them. Our years of sxperienc
enable us to give you the best servics
and most conveniently srranged apart-
menis at me most mooera te prices
A" proapective tenants must furnish
.fJl v'rf desJrabls
rtment-n lh ft. Francis for rent .
' 'T . . "lu' T url1 '.
" .'.T1"!: ' , ,i.ea,rl l'fna l
in the heart of the fins residence die- - -
trlcu All are outside apartments with
have both 8 and 4 room apartments,
unfurnished, from $27.60 to $42.60.
Walking distanc and excellent car
We also have a S room unfurnished
apartment with private balcony, large
aiwruwfr apartment. l riarnson
lreb .. .
our experience is at your aisposai
0iake use of It.
813-821 Morgan bldgv
Wash, st, near 2 2d. corner St. Clair.
3 snd 4 rooms, with sleeping porch, 1
artistically and completely furnished; '
also unfurnished; all large, outside
rooms; unexcelled service: walking dls- :
tance; references required; 880 to 160.
One furnished bachelor apartment now
vacant; price reasonable. Mar. 2839. .
Trinity Place, near Washington. -One
3 room apartment now vacant.
696 Love Joy, near 21st.
3 room modern apartments, with
built-in conveniences. dlsappesriag
beds, free phone, vacuum cleaning arv- ,
ice, reunt'i nrignoornooo, etc; sis.
Inducements made to permanent ten
ants. Apply on premises or all
269 Washington st. "
Main C869. A -6 it 7.
WHEN you answer Uies Want Ada,
mention Th Journal
$20 6 rooms, well arranged, rang
Inn warn hul.r . t 111 IT 1., V
aini, w-i 1 1 m. i i -r m .
1 . "
822.50 5 rooms, modern, at 84 E. '
19th st, near Sandy blvd.; Rose Cilr
404 Wilcox Building.
Phones: M. 8699, A-2658.
WE have listed a number ot good
medium priced flats for rent, both,
east and west side. Two lowers at Stl
Northrupv st. are especially good. 'Only
$25 per month. F. N. Clark A Co,
Title Trust bldg, 89 4th st.
A number, ol flats within walking
distance. Just across Morrison bridge,
$12 to $16.
By owner, furnished and unfurnished
modern 4 room flats cheap at 46
Falling. For particulars call Tabor
zm Morrison st.
FLAT of 4 rooms, with sleeping porch.
gas range, furnace, fireplace, hard
wood floors, linoleum on kitchen and
tain, can at 268 East 30th Mt.
Tabor 22$6. v
J0, MODERN 4, room flat, fireplace,
Dutch kitchen, telephone. Garbage,
cleanlnfc of porch and hall, yard kept
up inciuaru. is ear uroaaway bridge.
I non 33
$20. 6 rooms, furnace,' ; fireplace, t
linoleum. Dutch kitchen, gas range,
heater. East 29th and Everett sts. E -A.
$12 per month in order to rent quick;
t room list, electric ngnts, batn.
I fj-.,
I N. 2ist
387ft N. 21st si Key at
1 ulKHN 4 room riat. lb. linoleum,
I "ange and water heater. 943
HOLLADAY addition. Beautiful cor.
I .flat, newly renovated.. 411ft Wll
I w it East 3805. !
$10 Upper 4 room flat. 301 E. Ilth,
near Hawthorne.
Main 6030 or East
MODERN 4 room upper flat, fin loca
tion, rent reasonable. inquire 434
t oueg. i
STRICTLY modern large 5 room flat.
..JLZ'011- 2' Albert., cor.
MODICRN 4 and J room, reduced rant..
1058 Cleveland a v. Phon Woodlawn
2295; - -
ELEGANT flat. 63 East 16th st. rea
sonable rent. Security Development
Co, Fourth and Pine sts.
489 West Park. Five room fiat; gas,
electricity; Isrge porch, $18.
FLAT, private bath, fre water, phon.
311 Cherry. Kast b?bo.
NEW 3 room flat, very cheap. 708
Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1953.
I WHEN you answer thes Want
l mention The Journal.
PLEASANT, modern, newly tinted,
' lower 4 room flat with bath, base
ment; in district of beautiful horn;
6 carlines; -$16. 1038 Mai lory av.
Woodlawn 1241. .
4 ROOM modern upper flat, nicely fur
nished; olenty of fruit in season: $13
per month; water fre. Phon Wood-
lawn 20. ,
$16 month complete, well furnished
flats. Electricity, water, bath, gas,
wood range. 985ft Aiblna ave, cor.
ibtianaena. l car.
I j. . . . . ,j
I FOUR room furnished, on carline;
127 Hawthorne.
MODERN furnished 4. and 6 room flats
or will sell at a- bargain. 470 Tay
lor st.
FOTiR room flat, furnltur is all new.
vit wz ,, a az vus m mm azvy w -
wjth piano; rent very cheap. - tii
- 1 Borthwick st.
$20 month, nic furnished flat with
piano. Apply 381 Ross St. near
I Broadway.
I FOUR rooms furnished, on carlin;
I m nil lx-trl-itv: ruMnihla ruil.
I 1297 Hawthorne.
J FIVE room
furnished flat. 837.60. :
aouits. 7Z8 jonnson, zarq st. car. :
4 ROOM fum. light, airy flat, bath,.
porches; walking distanc. East 4811.
FURNITURE of 4 room flat for'sale". -
583 E. Davis st. Flat for rent. 816.
; TWO new 3 room flats. 22 E. Jth sL.
i DiocK rrom A.nsny car. ;
WHEN yu answer ths Want Ada.:
mention Th Journal.
Hotel Clifford
We ar offering for th summer ab
lutely the best rooms in th cuy,
with the best servie for tb least !
money. See our rooms before going
elsewhere. Ed. F. Reeves. Prop.
Van Gorder Hotel,, j
IODERN;'good home for good people:'
Htm reasonable: try us, 106ft 12th
rt.. t. Wash, end Stark. Marsh. 2790.
windows, suitable for two young
en; rent reasonable. 270ft 4th iLocb.:
City Hall. - -
WHEN you answer thes Wast Ada,
ffientkm The Journal. --
3 ROOM furnished cottage at-Lnng
Beach Lewton. for the season. Call
Woodlawn 1945.
jOK kALE or rnt. furnialkcd coltag
t at Seaside. 269 10th st.
I'KMSHKD house for rent, Saviw,
Wash. Ocean view. 'Marshall 341 it
i -.
i '