THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND", FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE -12, 1914. TOWN TOPICS 1 parttnent -ot commerce, Washington. Well as the candIdatesto be voted on (ISM DAT Or 1014. AMUSEMENTS BtlMQ Eleventh and Morrison. Matte dally. Lyman H. Howl Travel Picture.. BlKKB Broadway and alorrlaon. Matinee Uy. Curtains 215 and 8:20. Bake Flayer wlta Alice riemlof la "The Fight ing Hope." . ,1 X.YUIC Fourth and Stark. MatlM allr Cortalna, 2:45, -7:30 and 9. Newmaa-rolta company In "racing toe Minlc." I PANTAGEff Broadway and Alder. VaudeTille. Curtains 2:30. 7:30 and 0:10. THK OAKS Aaroaemeot park. ' COLUMBIA Klith between Washlnftoa and , Stark street, liotloo picture. 11 a. ml to 11 p. m. - PEOPLEiWeit Park and Alder trt. Mo tion plrtnrea. 11:30 a. m. to 11:30 p. m. BTAH WtsblDgton and Park. Motion plc tnrea. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. GLOBE Eletontb and Whlugton. Motion cli-turs. 12 jn. to 11 p. p. .. MAJESTIC Wellington nd Park. Motion pictures, 12 m. to 11 p. m. Today's Event. Annual communication of Grand Lodge f Oregon Masons, at Masonic Temple. Oregon Osteopathic association annual meet ing at Multnomub botel. Conference of German Evangelical Reformed Cbarcb at Becond rhurrb, Columbia boulevard. Northwest Til Workers convention. Tomorrow's Events. Oregon Civic league luncheon at Multnomah botel at li o'clock. . Today's Forecasts. Portland and vicinity: Fair tonight and Sat vrday; westerly winds. Oregon and Washington: Generally fair to night and Saturday; winds mostly westerly. Idaho: Generally fair tonight and Saturday. Weather Conditions. A moderate high pressure area overlie cen tral and western Canada, the upper MIs lsslppl valley and northern plain states; tbe pressure la also moderately high on the Ore con coast. A moderate degression overlies tbe basin and Rocky Mountain states, and also tbe extreme northeast. Showers bave occurred in northwestern California, north western Waahlncton. eastern Oregon, south eastern Idaho, the upper Mississippi and Mis souri valleys snd western Canada, ununaer. rtorms ocenrred during the night at Boise, Havre, Hwlft Current, Huron and Dodge City. Tbe weather la somewhat warmer in Wash 4nfr.i Unntim Ba.lrar(h.Win TTtah. AH cone. View Mexico, central Minnesota and tbe southern portion of tbe lake region. It 1 correspondingly cooler In interior, southwest ern and nortbeaatern Oregon, tbe Sacramento valley of California, nortbern Colorado, Ne braska, Iowa. Missouri, northern Minnesota and the vallev of Ked River of the North. Condi tlona in this district continue some what unaettled, but are favorable for generally fair weather tonight aud Saturday. Wind will b mostly westerly. THEODORE F. DRAKE. Acting District Forecaster. C. salary . $1400, to 11800 per annum; zirst class steam engineer, as assist ant engineer - and electrician at ? tbe United - States penitentiary, . Atlanta. Ga., salary f 1200 per annum; veterin arian in the bureau Of animal Indus try, department of agriculture, salary $1200 to $1400 per annum. A non-assembled examination will be held for the positions of cartographer in agri cultural geography, bureau of plant in dustry. In the forest service, Washing ton, D. C, salary $3000 per annum, ap plications for which must be filed with the commission at Washington, D. C i prior to the hour of closing busi ness on July 13 and July 20, respec tively." - For Information and blanks, apply to Thomas V. Hutchins, local secretary, board of examiners, pos tof fies building, Portland, Oregon, : Mrs. Slnmauer Hamad on Board.- The regular monthly meeting of the board of trustees of the Boys' and Girls Aid Society of Oregon took place yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the chambers of United States Judge Gil bert with Judge W. B. Gilbert, presi dent; F. E. Beach, secretary; William F. Woodward, treasurer; Judges C E. Wolverton and Robert S. Bean, Mrs. C. R. Templeton and Mrs. Frank Gilbert In attendance. Bills, amounting to $1600 were ordered paid. The board unanimously elected Mrs. Benjamin Blumauer to take the place of her sis ter, the late Mrs. Levi White, on the board of trustees. The board ordered the adjourned annual meeting to be held at the receiving home. East Twenty-ninth and Irving streets, Tuesday, June 23, at 3 o'clock in the. afternoon. Friends of the society are urged to at tend. Inspection of the home, and grounds will be made and light re freshments will be served. - next Uounday at the school election. have been invited to attend a luncneon at the Oregon Civic league tomorrow noon in the blue room of the Multno mah hotel. The question of free text books will be explained by School Clerk K. H. Thomas, and any other desired information about the election will be given by him. The debate on the ques tion, "Shall Married Women Teach In Our Public Schools?" will be opened by Colonel C. E. S. Wood In the affirm ative, and Professor William C Mor gan In the negative. After a general discussion, the members of the league -will vote upon the resolution presented at the last meeting. The public Is in vited. Maaamas Travel by Steamboat. For their Sunday trip the Mazamas will travel by- steamboat, somewhat of an Innovation for them. The party will leave the Washington street dock on the steamer lone at 7:30 a. m. and go to Woodland, Wash., From there those who wish to hike will take a long tramp over the hills, while others will remain on the boat er plcnio in the groves near by. The boat will arrive at Portland at 6:30 p. m. on the return. bridge. 10 Grand avenue, stealing a large number of razors and other cut lery. Entrance was gained by prying open a rear window on the second floor. A ladder was used to get to .tne win- Cow, through which the men carried the plunder. Two boles were cut into .V. It . Yin . .ananf,. thA hftfdWSrA store from an adjoining Jewelry store. I nvuti.-vu., but entrance was not gained to tne latter. Among the articles missing are 12 razors, one half dozen compasses, one half dozen watch chains and sev eral knives. want to see yourself and your friends in motion pictures "visit the Colum bia Theatre where the official- Rose Festival motion pictures are being exhibited. 'Each day adltional ' pic tures will be taken and added to the film until the end of the Festival. They are the finest local pictures ever Xt. Belle C. Verrason has returned and opened offices, Stevens bldg Washington and West Park. (Adv.) Kef used to Testify. H. E. Dickey, barber from Sheridan, evaded too many questions yesterday in the municipal court when placed on trial On a dis orderly charge, and was. ordered de tained until willing to talk. A few minutes in the temporary detention room was sufficient to bring forth the testimony. Dickey was arrested Wed, nesday evening at the Plaza hotel, where three women were also taken into custody on disorderly charges, Try our 35o Blended Co ft mium ticket with each pound. Tea Store. 173 Third street. A pre- Halnea Special Hose Carnival dance tonight Dreamland halL Morrison street at Second. (Adv.) Sr. Frank r. Smith, formerly of Sa lem, has located at 1004-5 Stevens bldg. (Adv.) Por Health, Bert and Becreatioiu After hearing the entire matter, the omPner apnngs. (Adv.) Judge continued Dickey's case for sen tence, and will hear the women Mon day. Br. E. O. Brown. Bye. Bar. building. Mobawk (Adv.) Observations. Temperature. jj " . STATIONS 'S E 5 S0f f s z-- fJ; 55 "'S ( 33 P Ul Baker, Or. flolse, Idaho... Boston. Mass. Chicago, 111 Denver, Colo , Duluth. Minn Eureka, Cal , Fresno; Cal Galveaton. Texas..., Hiivre, Mont Jacksonville. Fla. .. Kansas City, Mo... Iewlston, Idaho.... Ios A-ngeles, Cal... Marabfield. Or New Orleans, La... New york. N. Y. . North Head. Wash N. Yakima, Waaa rtioemx, ana..... Pocatello, Idaho... Portland. Or Roseburg, Or .Sacramento, Cal... St. Louie, Mo St. Paul. Minn Salt Lake. Utah... 8a u Francisco, Cal Seattle, Wash Sitka. Alaska Spokane, Wnb.... Tacoma, Wasb Tatooah Island, Waah Valde. Alaska "Walla Walla. Wash Washington, D. C. . Winnipeg, Man tso 64 74 62 56 58 50 60 7S" 62 80 70 62 62 62 82 74 60 60 78 62 66 64 62 70 82 64 60 64 60 60 64 6-2 42 62 80 60 72 80 90 90 84 72 64 88 88 74 90 DO 70 68 96 K 78 100 7S 77 74 70 96 80 84 SS 72 54 76 70 68 44 80 94 60 48 62 6S 62 66 64 60 50 78 62 70 68 62 62 60 80 72 60 60 72 no 66 64 62 70 60 64 50 54 46 68 54 62 42 62 72 48 4 4 6 16 4 4 6 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 6 8 4 10 3 4 14 12 4 10 6 4 4 4 4 16 8 4 4 e lannarymen to Meet Several laun dry men from Portland 'will attend the California State Laundrymen's conven tion, which convenes at Sacramento, Cal., June 19-20. Among those , who will leave for California on the steam er Rose City on her next trip on Tues day next will be R. C. Warlnner, presi dent Of the local club; -A. C. Callan, assistant secretary of the Metropolitan Laundry company; S. W. Lawrence, secretary Portland club; W. T. Lam bert, of the Independent Laundry com pany, and Gilbert Witters, salesman for the Western Laundry Machine company of San Francisco. They will spend a few days in the Bay City after the convention adjourns, to gain in formation regarding conditions under the eight hour day laws, and also to investigate the minimum wage of that state in comparison with that of Ore gon and Washington. Jury Tails to Agree. Unable to agree after two days of deliberation a Jury in Circuit Judge Gatens court in the personal injury suit for $10,000 of Mrs. Anna. Alden aaainst the Portland Railway, Light & Power company was provided for all at 10 o'clock. discharged yesterday. Mrs. Alden al leged that she was hurt when boarding a car which started suddenly, and the company charged' her with attempting to board a moving car. The accident occurred last August. Sunday School Picnic, Several huh dred children are expected to attend the Sunday school picnic of the FirsJ Presbyterian church tomorrow at Crys tal Lake park. The trip to the grounds will be started from First and Stark streets, where special trains will be Return ing, the trains will leave the park at 6 o'clock. J. F. Ewing, Sunday school superintendent, is in charge of the ar rangements, and contests of various kinds will be held, in which both boys and girls will take part. Prizes will be awarded to the winners. RADIATORS EUGENE MAKE RNE SHOWING IN STREET PARADE With Boosters Come Pretty Girls' Drill Team of Eugerje High School. SALEM CHERRIANS HERE Ylsitlnff Bod! as Warmly Welcomed at Station by Boyal Bosarians Girls aiake rretty Picture. .16 .04 O 0 O 0 .02 O o .02 O 1.60 O 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 o 0 .06 o o o .01 o o o 0 1.66 O 0 0 leaves Property to Charity. The Babv and Patton homes are to share practically all of the $2500 estate of Mrs. Helen Mar Taylor, wno aiea June 6. according to her wilt Her husband. Charles L. Taylor, 60 years old. Is left a life interest in, the home. Isabella Kkellv. of Chicaao was left $26. ( The Babv home was left $100 and the res idue was divided equally betweenthe two homes. The home property i to be sold when Mr. Taylor dies and the proceeds will be divided between the two institutions. Bxonrslon and Picnic Next Sunday. June 14, at Canemah Park, given by the Congregation N. Z. T. T. Danc ing, baseball and other diversions. Tickets, including admission to pa vilion, 60 cents. Cars leave comer East Water and Morrison streets Sun day morning at :so. iaqv.; Three Divorce Decrees Granted Circuit Judge Morrow granted divorces to Bessie Stern from Louis Stern for desertion; Lucy De Randall from Henry De Randall for cruelty, and Cecil Ray from J. Elmer Ray for cruelty. Services at Ahaval BholoTti Services will be held at Congregation Ahaval Sholom. Park and Clay streets, tonight at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow morning ser vices at 9:30 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abra- harason will officiate. Men Wanted to buy our guaranteed hosiery direct from factory to wearer. Black, tan, Blate and navy blue. Six pairs for $1.30. Pacific Coast Novelty Co., Box 918, Portland. Or. Adv. Sunday Excursion. To Cascade Locks, on Str. Bailey GatXert, $1 round trip; leaves Alder street dock at 9 a. m.; arrives on return at 6:45 p. m. Phones Main 914 and A-5112. (Adv.) Harvest Queen Leaves Later To nermit ; Rose Festival visitors from points on lower Columbia re maining in Portland Frlady evening, O.-W. R. & N. steamer Harvest Queen leaves Ash street dock: 10 p. m. Friday evening instead of 8 p. in. Reserva tions at O.-W. R. & NT'city ticket of fice. Third and Washington streets. Ad. 35 c Bottle 'Salad Oil Free This is an exceptional offer belnar given with Sunday Journal "Wan t Ads." For particulars see display ad on "Want Ad" page today. (Adv.) Half a hundred well drilled men clad In neat blue uniforms and wearing nat ty straw hats, accompanied, by 24 pretty girls in sailor suits, and a band, let people of Portland know that Eu gene is strictly on the map. The men were the 'Eugene Radiators, and the girls formed a drill team from the Eugene High school. From the depot they .were accom panied by the Royal Rosarlans and the Salem Cherrlans. the latter body arriv ing late yeaterday. On Yamhill street just below-3roadway the troop stopped for a moment at the command of Leader M. J. Duryea. Sharp commands -i . and quick maneuvers brought the com-1 Mathers. .Gladys Sargent, Helen' Hall. pany into nine facing The journal I Florence Sherman. Marguerite " Rty building, and another command brought j nold, Lf tlj -Wood, .Thelma Watson. Ruby Bogue. Marie Griffin, KltsabetH Griffin, Maude Lombard; May Green. - Dorothy Dye.f Virginia Hales. 'Dora McGee, .Rutt Ha kins, .Cecil Ball. Xoyaf Cherrlans la White, The Royal Cherrlans, Salem's pride, numbered approximately 100 and pre-" sti.ted a handsome appearance in their whitesuits and straw hats with cher ries, emblems of their order, em- '. b rendered on the left arm of each. Tbe. Cherrlans were met yesterday at Shr- wood by the Roaarlans and escorted to . the Oregon botet on the arrival of thd train. Tlie Royal Rosarlan and Salem 1 Masonic, bands tried to outrival each ctber in alternate muslo on the way ta the hotel. An informal reception fol lowed. "Cupid"- Epley, doctor and tiny 390 pound standard bearer, Captain Charles S. Dick. Lieutenants H. H. OUlnger ami Connell Dyer and M. L. Meyers. "King Bee." sre the officers of the Capital City organisation. Secretary of State -Olcott and State Treasurer Kay appeared in the Cherrian uniform and were extended hearty welcomes by their numerous friends. "Salerh la with you," was the senti ment of the, gathering and the alogsn was given a prominent place as banner headline in the Rose Festival edition of the "C'aerrlan Gazette." a four page booster 'paper which was distributed forth three rousing cheers for The Journal. i "Three cheers for The Journal," they choruaed. "Rah. rah, rah! Rah. rah, rah! Rah, rah, rah! The Journal'. Genuine college cheers they were. auch as Eugene folk hear on all occa sions from University of Oregon atu dents. Professor H. B. Leonard lear ned the handsome banner of the order. The Eugene High girls. In their White sailor dresses, made a pretty ploture. W. C. Ycran. drlllmaster, and Miss Mildred Bagley. instructor, led them. and they answered like veterans to th commands of their officers. ZJst of Eugene Visitors. The Radiators who made tbe trip are: L. L. Lewis, president: A. T. Fraley. vice preaident; K. N. McAllster,. treas urer; M. J. Duryea, secretary: Sidney R. Allen. E. R. Bryson. F. E. Burgess. L. E. Bean. John Baird. R. S. Bryson, C. A. Burden. F. L. Chambers, 8. C. Dal ton. R. If. Elliott, L. R. Flint. E. L. Fisher. A. J. Gillette, L. L. Goodrich, Ray Goodrich. W. F. Gllstrap, Dean Haves. Alton -Hampton, H. F. Hollen- neck. W. It. Hod PS. Joreen Hansen. Blaine Hovey. W. J. Hill. L. G. Hulin. R B. Hunt, J. O. Holt. H. R. Knight. H. B. Leonard. J. S. Magladry, O. II. McMorran. J. A. Murray. J. A. McLean, W. K. Osburn, E. D. Paine. L. D. Pierce. E. O. Potter, W. Polders, J..C. Parker. P. A. Peterson, J. H. Perkins, O. E. Rob erts. G. F. Skipworth, O. H. Skotheim. L M. Travis. J. M. Williams. W. O. White. C. A. Whipple, D. K. Yoran. C. M. Young, Albert Applegate, A. E. Young, W. E. Fields. . The members of the Eugene high school girls' drill team are: Agnes Miller. Lois Hall. Carrie Caspersqn, Melba Williams. Cathleen Fraley. Nellie McClure. Mary Mathers, Csrrle about 'the . crowda. The paper is -Issued, according to its editorial page, when it can find a good excuse for Us existence. Both vtstttng organisations and the Rorlana took their places In the big parade after, marching through the streets for a short time; Motorcyclist Sits Auto. While go ing home last night on his motorcycle, J; S. Spence ran into an automobile at Maegly street and Williams avenue. breaking the cycle and causing a se vere strain to the rider's foot. The auto had no rear lights, spence was cared for at the emergency hospital. then taken hoSe. Boom and Private Bath, fl.30 TJp. Rooms without bath, $1 up. Central 1 location; excellent service, large, light rooms. Hotel Lenox, Sd and Main sts. (Adv.) Snyder's Crawfish Special. Our cel ebrated Crawfish cooked to the Queen's taste Thursday and Friday. Only 85o per dozen. 255 First street. Phone Main 6783. (Adv.) We Represent Quality and Service Fir and oak cordwood, four foot and short slabs. Knight and Rock Springs coal. Alblna Fuel Co. (Adv.) Portland Crematorium, One of Port land's beauty spots. Open to visitors daily from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Take Sellwood car. (Adv.) Oregon City Boat Sunday river ex cursions leave Taylor street dock 9 a. m., 12 and 3 pC m. Picnic at Magone's park. Round trip, 40a (Adv.) Poneral of Adolph Aschoff Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery left this morn ing for Aschof rs station, on the road to Mount Hood, where this afternoon he will conduct the funeral of the 19-; year-old son of Adolph Aschoff, whose body was found in the Sandy river Wednesday. Adolph Aschoff, who was supervisor of the Oregon national for est during the Roosevelt administra tion, is an old friend of Mr. Montgom ery, and the minister was frequently with him on camping trips in the Cascades. Hardware Store Burglarized, Thieves Wednseday night broke into the hardware store of D. H. Strow- Steamer Jesse Karklns for Camas, j Washougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.) Special Butter Sale Friday and Sat urday, two-pound square, 65c. Wash ington Cream Company. (Adv.) See Tonrself in Pictures If you s" ' ' - 1 11 - 1 " 1 U ill 'P. it. report of preceding day. When You Go Away Have The Journal sent to your Summer address. XfOggsr Injured in Wood. A tree fell upon Ronald Reves at Oak Point, Wash., yesterday while working in the timber, seriously injuring the young man. He is at the Good Samaritan hospital with injuries thought to be a fractured skull. TJrrk-Tl? T TJT rfT T? OVERLOOKING rKJ JL JLl rlUUlVI-f THE OCEAN SEASIDE CLATSOP BEACH OREGON Rooms with or without bath. Hot salt water baths, and surf bath- in e. Recreation pier for fishing. Sea food a specialty. Grill in connec tion. Music and dancing every evening. DAN J. MOORE, Prop. BEFORE you out-of-town men get away, come in and see these wonderful Twenty and Twenty five Dollar Suits at Ben Selling's! Just this week we received a lot of new pencil stripes in blues and blacks. A multitude of other smart patterns in grays, blues, tans; Suits from Stein-Bloch" and Atterbury System that would ordinar ily sell at higher prices. Models for young men, business men, men with particular whims to 'gratify. See (JJQA Qr J CtOC this special Rose Festival Week display at CtiLU. p0 If it's new if it's smart in Straw Hats, you will be sure to find it here! High crowns, in rough braids, pearls, Milans, sennets, etc Panamas and Bangkoks. Exclusive Agents for Brewer Straws $3 Dunlap Straws $5 " Sale Prices on All Boys' Suits Visitinsr parents here for Rose Festival Week should know of these extraordinary savings at Ben Sell tne' on all Boys' .Wash Suits and Knickerbocker Suits. Will Siscuss School Matters. The present board of school directors, as Habeas Corpus Writ Kefosad. Cir cuit Judge Davis yesterday refused to grant a writ of habeas corpus asked by Attorney Frank T. .Collier for Boyce H. Cannon, held on a charge of embezzlement brought in Missouri. An appeal to the state supreme court will be taken by Cannon. Cannon was first arrested in company with Mrs: O. H. Knell, many years bis senior, but charges against- the two were dis missed. Mrs. Snell's husband mean time, filed the embezzlement complaint alleging that Cannon had secured S63 from blm while in his employ. Cannon alleged that the extradition was faulty and that Snell is insane and not com petent to file a complaint. Cannon is held in the county Jail, i Civil Service Examinations. The United States civil service commission announces that the following examinations,-all male, held In this caty: July 6, fiber inspector, for the Philippine service, salary, SI 800 to $2000 per annum, July 8, assistant phy sicist in the bureau of standards, de- Teachers' Examination "An examination of applicants for teachers' certificates will be held at the Old Failing School, Front and Por ter Streets, from June 17 to 20, 1914. both inclusive. Forenoon sessions will begin at 9 o'clock; afternoon at 1:30. Doors will be closed at these . respec tive hours. OBOES OP SUBJECTS. Wednesday Forenoon Writing, U. B. History, Physiology. Afternoon Physical Geography. Heading, Compo sition, Methods in Reading, Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday Porsnoon -Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology,' Methods in Geography. Afternoon - Grammar, Geography, Ameflcan Literature, Physics. Methods in Language. Thesis for primary cer tificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography, Knglish Litera ture, Chemistry. Afternoon - School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Govern ment. Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Botany. Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping. Subjects for primary thesis are as follows: "Garden Contests"; "Music In the Primary Grades"; "Punishment as Seen by Children"; "Physical De fects as Cause of Dullness and Dis cord"; "Civic Pride Aroused Through Cooperation of Home and School." A. P. ARMSTRONG. School Supt. Multnomah County, Oregon. Oregon Humane Society 67 Grand Ave. H between Couch and Davis. Phones Sas 1433, B-aSlS. OPBB BAT ABB OTQHT. Report all cases ot cruelty to this , office. Lethal chamber for small anU . mala. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. BREAKERS HOTEL WS&m Billiards, pool, bowling, tennis, golf, fresh and salt water fishing, boat ing, riding and autos. We have our own livery stable and autoa; 35 miles f nnhroken beach for auto runs. Our table is sunnlied from our own dairy, vegetable gardens and poultry yards. Postoffice, long distance phone and telegraph station in tne notei. u.-w., . a , station on tne grounds. Write for terms and reservations to THE BKEAXEJtS KOTEI. Breakers. Wash, i Saturday night, June 13th, . Between 730 and 830 j I will fit glasses at cut prices as follows i J2.B0 nickel best lenses...... $1.50 $4.00, gold filled, best lenses, 33.00 $6.50 gold filled, best lenses, $5.00 $8.00 gold fiUed. Torlo lenses, $6.00 DR. GEO. A. CUTTING In Charge Jaeger Bros.' Optical Dept. S66 Worrtson St.. Bet. 3rd and 4th. (CCHVAB PRINTING COJ Iw BLN r.aREENE.PRESIDcMTI ag.5fr STARK, STREET! THE OLDEST RELIABLE PAINLESS DENTAL CO. 1 x l I v ' - ,f Oar skill Is acknowl edged and our promptness in finishing work in one day when required is ap preciated by out-of-town patrons. ir. wise u raise- tooth expert. There is "ALWAYS OITE BEST1 " s t In ever calllne. and Dr. Wise la; claim to this distinction In Oregon. 27 years' experience. What we c&n't goaraa tee we dea't de. Low Prices for High Grade Work i - Good -iBer Plate, eaek... ......'SS.OO The Bft-t Red Rubber Plate. ech....$7.60 ?S-K, Cold or Porcelain Crows $3.50 aad up Wise Dental Go. RELIABLE PATNXcog DEJmSTS, Phones Main 8089 A-8029. lSStf Third 8t., Faflint; Bldg.. 8. S, ear. t Third and wuhingtoa. Hotel Sunset BEACH CENTER 6TATI0B. Ideal soot. Modern family hotel. Country and aeashore combined. Ocean in full view. Ciear mountain water. Electric light. Large yard tor children. .Croquet ground. Fish ot an kinds. uesi cuisine bdu unit iet" Fishing. Surf bathing. P. O. Long Beach, Waah. Xr. Itodman, Prep. THE DRIFTWOOD mbs. is. xmrxp? OPES ALL TEAS The Only House of Its Kind in the World Hot and Cold Salt Water Baths in Connection. TABLE BOARD A SPEC? ALTT LOVa BSACE, WASH, Wash Suits $1.00 Wash Suits, special 75 $1.50 Wash Suits, special f 1.15 $2.50 Wash Suits, special f 1.95 $3.00 Wash Suits, special f 2.25 $5.00 Wash Suits, special f 3.95 Norfolk Suits $ 5.00 Norfolk Suits at 9 3.95 $ 6.50 Norfolk Suits at 9 6.10 $ 7.50 Norfolk Suits at S 5.95 $10.00 Norfolk Suita at 9 T.85 iH - wW-s $15.00 Norfolk Suita at f 11.85 Extra Special One Lot $5.00 to $7.50 Bogs' Double-Breasted Suits, $2.50 BEN SELLING Leading Clothier Morrison at Fourth J cJONBS VARKIsT BO R. FOURTH i , AJbDJ&RlSTS a PHONBS HOAtB A 6281 TOMORROW SATURDAY JOKES' DAY With a Big Special Sale of "JONES" QUALITY LAMBS Specially Low Priced for This Sale Legs of Lamb . ; -J x Per Pound ... . .;. 12c lb. Breast of Lamb ..:.iii.i.i.Le2.'l.,....1..i.i.i. 8c lb. 6 Loins of Lamb ... I I Racks of Lamb . z Shoulders of Lamb . . . . Pierce4rrow for Hire T. T. Carlson. Prop. - J $3.00 PER HOUR SeTen-Faasenrer. ' Main 6739. SPEC1AZ. SAXES TO ACT. K00O Also the Usual Large Assortment 10c PER POUND MEATS ,Atkthe Special Bargain Meat ".Counter Iking machine If you do not yet own a ta Ask us to show you this Columbia Grafonola "Favorite" j- $75 with Record Cabinet $50 without Record Cabinet Sent to your home on appro vol, and subject to easy purchase terms, if you like. And don't make any mistake. If it is a Columbia it has the Tone-Gontrol "Leaves" at the front of the cabieet, not doors. The "Favorite" has been sold for three years to more people than any other instrument regardless of name, price or make. "Favorite" in name and favorite in fact and now here illustrated in its new form, better worthy of its "Favorite" name and of its reputa tion than ever before: yet the price remains the same. A cabinet for records is always a necessity; here is one designed especially for the "Favorite furn ished in quartered oak '(golden, fumed or Early English), or mahog any, standing 35 inches high, and accommodating 168 rec ords. .We - offer' the complete outfit for 575. . At Your Dealers COLUMBIA- GRAPH0PH0NE CO. 371 Washington Street Important Notice ' All Columbia records ' will - play ; on Victor talking machines. Likewise, all 'Columbia Graf onolas will play. Victor records. : - ,