The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 12, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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i itt iiini r ri iinrn
Wnilt nULf' tLUUtd
Bandits Operating Along the
Border Between Kansy and
Shensi Provinces, China,
Bolntionry Afntu Xaaplnff Him Za
TouchVwith Dr. Btu Yet Sen and
Other Opponent of Free. Yuan.
Cnlted'Pr? Leaed W1r.
. Shanghai, June 12. After again
eluding the aoldlere who were reported
recently to have him surrounded In
southern Kannu province. White Wolf,
the bandit chleftan, is now more active
than ever; according to up-country ad
vices received here today.
"Whether the troops really had the i
bandit force surrounded was uncertain.
but the two armies for the outlaws .
were several thousand strong unques- j
tlonably were in touch, slnie all ac-1
counts agree that they had several j
brisk engagements In which the White .
Wolves had much the better of the ,
fighting, beating the soldiers back and
Vjlllng many of them. j
The bandits are operating at present, '
U appears, along the border between
Kansu and Shensi provinces, looting
and burning towns, plundering cara-
ans and massacring ull who resist ,
them. They are said to show a dia ;
position to gather recruits In prefer-
ence to killing, however, wherever they
can get good and willing ones, and this ;
has tended to strengthen the belief
that their leader la Wing to build up
n overwhelming following with a
view to overturning the present gov
ernment. He Is understood to be honestly a
republican In his views and to hold-'
that President Yuan Shi Kal has un- i
Cone all the work of the recent rcvolu- I
lion and established a despotism of I
his own In place of the Manchus'. j
Revolutionary agents are said to be ;
keeping him In constant communica- 1
tlon with Dr. Sun Yat Sen and other I
enll-Yuan republicans who are re- '.
rorted to be buying arms and ammu- ;
bltlon with money provided by his j
plundering and to be smuggling them ,
Into China as fast as possible. j
His men are generally armed, well ,
disciplined arid make very efficient I
fighters. j
Mm9 Coat fedLe
Iff Shirts at 82te
With Attached Starched Cuffs and in Choice New Patterns. OQ
Sizes From 14 to 17- Reg $1.25 grade, Tomorrow, Each Ojf V
The most worth, the most wear and the most satisfaction are to be
found in the Ferguson & McKinney Shirts, and at this sale value-
1 giving has been emphasized by the above price reduction. They are
i t fl i f e t i 'if . .11 f 1 1 1 1 f At- J.
stanaara maae uou Miiris witn auacnea siarcnea cuns xnai arc
shown in a large variety of neat, new patterns and in all sizes from
14 to 17 y2. A Shirt of guaranteed quality, made to sell OQ
regularly at $1.25, on sale here tomorrow at, each Ow
Pacific Phone I All the Latest and Best I Home Phone
Marshall 5080 Styles Are, Here in La- ; A-2112
dies Home Journal Patterns at 10c ana1 15c Each
All Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled
Store Opens Daily at 8:30 a. m., on Saturdays 9 a. m.
Store Closes Daily at 5'O p. m., Saturdays at 6 p. m.
Don't Miss This Great Sale of
Corset Cover and Flouncing
Full 18 inches wide; desirable new patterns. Regular
33c to 48c qualities at, the yard..
The woman would be hard to please who couldn't make a satisfactory se
lection from this great assortment. It is the lowest price ever quoted on
Corset Cover and Flouncing embroideries of equal qualities. It is true that
some of these have become soiled or mussed from display or handling, but
the first trip to the laundry will bring them back to their original freshness
arid beauty. And as an inducement for you to assist "clean up" our Em-
-iinvr.i broidery stock, we offer you choice ot from regular 33c to 4c juah- i q
THE BEST IN QUALITY (jies this sale at .... . . 1 jC
TM Tl TV T-rT Tl Tl o
aie on seasonaiDJie iviLeFeiiiaimciLise
That Brings to You Worth While Savings in the Things Most Needed How!
This is something more than a mere "sale" it is a practical demonstration that the purchasing power of your dollar hasn't shrunk the least bit, despite the increased cost of living. It also proves that the
advance in price of raw materials has had no effect upon our buying power, and that we are giving you the full benefit of it, just as we always have. It does even more, because right on the threshold of
i the Summer season it presents timely values in dress and accessories for "vacation days." IT IS THE SEASON'S MOST HELPFUL PRICESAVING EVENT THRIFTY SHOPPERS WILL PROFIT
Beautiful Satin Foulard Silks
Brookline Man
Succeeds Farlow
Jnflf e Clifford F. Smith Elected Mem. '
ber of Christian Science Committee
on Publicity.
Judne Clifford P. Smith of Brook-;
line, Mans., lias Just been elected by
the board of directors In Boston to j
succeed Alfred Farlow, who recently
resigned as member oil the Christian ;
Science committee on publication for
Massachusetts. This committee Is
rrianager of all other committees on
publication situated elsewhere.
Mr. Farlow served as committee on j
publication for thirteen years and ,
upon resignation took up the work of
healing and teaching. Judge Smith has i
lectured In Portland. Last spring ho
gave several lectures In different
places in Oregon.
Full 23 Inches Wide, Shown in
Neat Floral Designs; reg. A
50c & 65c Qualities, Yd. 07L
Another stirring Silk sale. This
time it is a special underpricing of
beautiful Satin Foulards that are
especially desirable for Summer
wear. They come full 23 inches
wide and are shown in an unsur
passed assortment of choice new
patterns; especially attractive are
those shown in the small floral
designs. They come in shades of
rose, blue,, brown, navy, green,
wisteria, tan, Copenhagen, etc.,
with patterns of contrasting colors.
Your choice of regular 50c.OQ,
and 65c qualities, this sale Ox C
SI Long- Silk
Gloves 69c
Tomorrow we place on sale a
fine lot of long silk gloves. They
are made of high grade silk and
are shown in black and white
only. They come in 16 button
length and are the kind sold reg
ularly at $1.00. Priced q
this sale at UC
Here you have choice of a fine
assortment of high-grade felt
pennants. The lot includes em
blems for high schools, colleges.
clubs and for the .Rose Festival.
Your choice tomorrow at one
half regular price.
Special Saturday Sale
OFts .Of
All Cows Included.
ViOM Angeles, June 12. James Por
ter, sideshow exhibitor of a five legged '
cow, was arrested for violating an I
ordinance prohibiting the keeping of
cows within 26- feet of a residence.
-Journal Want Ads briny results.
3 l
Great Values in Children's and
and Misses' Willow Calf Sandals
Shown in All Sizes up to Women's Numbers; Also Misses' Button
Shoes. Best $1.50 and $1.75 Grades, on Sale Tomorrow at, the Pair
This amazingly low price is made simply to close out surplus stocks immediately. In
cluded are children's and misses' Goodyear stitched, best willow calf sandals, made
with rawhide soles they come in all sizes up to women s numbers ; also misses but
ton shoes in sizes 13 to 2y2 good styles with double toe cap. Regular $1.50
and $1.75 lines. This sale at
An Opportunity
to Buy x Diamonds
at exceptionally low prices
during the
now in progress. "Note the
I extreme cut in prices.
' Every- stone is guaranteed.
A 64
One-fourth carat, first
quality Diamond mounted in
14 K Platinum-top Lady's
Tiffany Ring Reduced from
$22.50 to ..$16
A 19
A pair of first-quality Dia
monds rn o u n t e d . In 1 K
Karri figs Reduced from $2S-
to 20
A 304
Three Diamonds mounted
In a 14 K Lady's Ring Re
duced from $50 to J535
A 588
A 30-100 carat, firsx-qual-ity
Diamond, mounted in
Platinum-top 14 K Lady's
- mng neaueea rrorn . 3 i 3
a 4
A first-quality 42-100 carnt
Diamond, mounted in 14 K
Platlnum-top Tiffany Rlntr
Reduced from $75 to 85iS
A 33
A 65-100 carat Blue Dia
mond in Platlnum-top Tif
fany Ring Reduced from
$95 to ?870
A 603
Blue, 6-8. 1-16 carat Dia
mond mounted in Platinum
top Lady's Tiffany Ring
Reduced from $175 to 8120
A 604
A 78 carat Diamond, of
first quality, in Platinum
top Tiffany Ring Reduced
from $225 to. . .. 8165
A 135
Three Perfect Blue Dia
monds. 1H carat, mounted in
Platinum-top,. 14 K Ring
Reduced from $385 to &310
Friedlander9 s
310 Washington St.
Bet-'PlftH and Sixtli
A Wonderful Sale of Women's and
Misses' Fashionable New Pumps
"Mary Jane" and Other Popular One and Two-5 trap Models. Our fi iO
Regular $3.0Q and $3.50 Values, Priced for Tomorrow's Sale, Pair &L.TJ
Take advantage of this underpricing of women's and misses' Pumps. Included are the
popular Patent and Gunmetal "Mary Jane" Pumps ; also dull kid, patent and silk or
velvet one and two-strap styles, in both English and short vamp, round toe models.
Many are shown with hand-turned soles. They are high-grade pumps that sell AO. jq
regularly at $3 and $3.50 a pair. Priced here for this sale at ) aO
Infants', Misses', Children's and Women's "Mary Janes," in Patent, Velvet and
Dull Leathers, Priced Here for Tomorrow's Selling at Greatly Reduced Figures
Sale of Wash Dresses
In Flowered Rice Cloth or
Plain Marquisette 1 Q
very best styles DO i J
Out-of-the-ordinary are the values
to be found in this showing and
sale of Women's Wash Dresses
the assortment includes a great
many pretty styles in flowered
Rice Cloth and plain Marquisette
they are attractively trimmed
and well finished throughout all
sizes garments that are fully
worth a third more An
than tomorrow's price. lj
Women's $5 Silk
Waists at
A clean-up sale of .broken lines I
of Women's Crepe De Chine!
Waists. Included are several pop
ular styles with low neck andi
three quarter sleeves and I
trimmed with lace, fancy silk
cords, etc. All sizes and mosti
any wanted color. Regular $5 1
lines priced at, spe
cial, only
Suitable for Sashes, Girdles, Hair Bows
and Trimmings Regular Values t C
to 25c, Priced' Tomorow at, Yard IOC
And Regular Values to 48c Priced at 25c
a Yard In addition to the special under
pricing of these two great lots, we wish
to advise customers that the salesladies in
this department will consider it a pleasure
to tie bows or sashes for you This as
sortment includes the newest ideas in
light and dark colored fancy ribbon in both satin and taffeta also the best plain
colors all widths divided in two great lots both underpriced. Values to 25c a
yard, at 15c Values to 48c a-yard, at 25c
JgZ?l ' i n
Infants', in sizes 1 to 5, pair. . .
Infants', in sizes 5j to 8, pair.
i: " -111 i n
Children's $y2 to 11, a pair $1.75
Women's, in sizes 2x2 to 8, specially priced
for this sale a pair.... $2.48
I For Tomorrow. We've Arranged a
Great Sale of Dainty Camisole
and Shadow Laces
A Variety of Attractive New Patterns to Select From They Come in 3 1 A
to 18-inch Widths and Are Our Regular 25c to 35c Grades Special, Yd. 1 UC
We have just enough of these dainty laces for a busy day'ssellinpr. They'll surely ro with a rush at
this ridiculously low price. It's a great cleanup sale of the popular Shadow and Camisole Laces, in
widths from 3 to 18 inches. Included is a great variety of patterns, but only in white. Laces 1
that are extremely desirable for overdrapes, corset covers and trimmings. 25c and 35c grades JLvrl
New Style Handbags,
reg. $1.25 values, at
A special underpricing tomorrow
of the new style Moire Hand
Bags, with silk cord and tassel
all the latest colors reg
ular $1.25 values at ......
Sensational Values in This Sale
of Crepe and Batiste Flouncing
v Embroideries
They Come Full 45 Inches Wide and Are Shown in New, Up-to-Date A Q
Patterns Our Regular $1.25 and $1.50 Grades Tomorrow at, the Yard TtOC
Our ability to show you the finest and best Embroideries at sensationally low prices was never bet
ter exemplified than at this sale of 45-inch Crepe and Batiste Flouncings. You have hundreds of new
and up-to-date patterns to select from. The crepe flouncing3 are shown in white and ecru, but the
batiste embroideries come only in white. Ihey are the kind regularly sold at ?1.Z5 and $1.50 a
yard. Underpriced for this sale at.,
Fine Silver Mesh Handbags,
regular $3 values, J
A limited number of 5 -and 6 inch
German silver mesh Hand Bags
they come with neat frame and in
either Bailey or fish scale mesh
the kind regularly sold A Q
$3.00, priced at -2) 1 50
Vanity Cases
75c Values, at ... .
100 German silver Vanity Bags,
shown in plain or striped silver,
or light or dark Gunmetal finish
they come with mirror, two
coin pockets and powder puff
fitting the kind regularly sold at
at 75c, priced for this sale
at ; ........
A Very Timely and Important
Sale of Women's Fibre Silk Hose
In black, white and tan; also lace and embroid- 17-,
ered styles; 50c and 65c grades, for this sale, pair ul v
An opportunity to purchase new Summer Hosiery in the most
reliable qualities and pay less than you ever paid before. Wom
en's Fine Fiber Silk Hose in black, white and tan; also an ex
tensive variety of patterns in lace and in silk-embroidered syles,
in black and the most wanted colors. All are high-grade, full
fashioned Stockings made with double heel and toe and shown
in all sizes. Regular 50c to 65c Stockings, on sale at,
a pair oi C
Underpricing Women's
Silk Lisle Hosiery
In black, tan and white, all sizes. They are nude 1 L
with double heel, sole and toe; 25c grade at, pair iUt
Those who are prompt to attend this sale will have the oppor
tunity to purchase splendid wearing Stockings at a great price
reduction. They are high-grade Silk Lisle Hose made with
double heel, sole and toe, shown in all sizes in white, tan and
black. One of the very best 25c Stockings, now on
r a.
1 1 if
sale at
dui me t
EXTRA Special for Saturday
1000 Sheet rolls of Silk Tissue
Toilet Paper regularly sold at
10c This sale rf
at. 5C
Sale Women's Umdter
muslins at Half Price
A Sale of Gowns, Combination Suits and Skirts Made of High-Grade PA
Crepe, Nainsook and Longdoth Regular $1.00 Kind for Tomorrow at OUL
THE COMBINATION SUITS are made of good
quality nainsook and crepe, in the popular princess,
knickerbocker and circular styles. They come in either
corset cover and skirt or corset cover and drawers.
Neatly trimmed with fine embroideries, laces and rib
bons. Shown in all sizes.
THE GOWNS are made . of fine crepe, nainsook
and lonRcloth. in the popular slip-over style, with short
sleeves or high and V neck with long sleeves. They are
neatly trimmed with fancy yokes, embroideries., laces
and insertions. They are shown in extra good length
and fullness. '
THE SKIRTS are made of hidh-jfrade nainsook
ind lonccloth. They are neatly trimmed1 with deep
flounces and laces, embroidery or scalloped embroid
ery edge, with dainty floral design. They come in the
new narrow widths, also in fuller styles.
$1.00. For tomorrow we place them on special Cflf
sale at this low selling price wuC
A Great Underpricing of Men's
Coat-Style Negligee Shirts
They Come With French Cuffs and Attached Military Collars All Sizes Q T -Our
Best Regular $1.25 Grades Specially Priced for Tomorrow, Each VOv
An irresistible opportunity to purchase a high-grade Shirt at an important saving. A sale of Men's
Negligee Shirts, made coat style, with attached military collar and Srench cuffs. They come in a fine
mercerized cloth that looks like silk, either plain or with self-satin stripes, in cream, tan orQff
white. All sizes. Regular $1.25 shirts priced special for this sale at .....;.....,... OC
Reg. 50c grade, at . . . m t
For this sale we offer a fine lot
of Stamped Waists. They are
stamped on high grade lawn in
several pretty designs, to be
worked in eyelet or satin stitch.
They are made in the drop shoul
der effect with cither long or
short sleeves. Regular 50c OQv
grade, on sale at .-. . . .. uC
Extraordinary Sale White and
Cream Colored Dress Goods
Plain Serges, Wool Taffetas, Bedfords; Also Novelty Weaves in Striped Cr
Styles. Our Best Regular 50c Lines, on Special Sale Tomorrow, Yard UUv
Attend this sale and profit by a selection from the most fashionable weave in plain white
or cream-colored Woolen Dress Goods at a splendid saving. At the same lowered price
we include the popular black striped styles. Serges, Wool Taffetas, Bedfords and Nov
elty Weaves. Fabrics of standard wdth and quality. Regularly sold at 50c a QC
yard. Special for this sale at C
L. f "1 .j..-u. M.a