The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 12, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Nine Sufferers" in Hospital
. Taken- to Safety Before
Building Falls,
Clttsfn Bhow Spirit of Hop In race
of Qraat ot TUn to Mk Bn
don Mot Cfoasplcaoas on Map.
Bandon, Or.. June 12. With three
block of buildings tn the main bust
, neaa section of . Bandon burned to the
ground by yesterday's 'fire, represent
Ing- a los of a quarter of a million dol
Ur, leu than 20 rver cent covered by
Inaurance. and with more than one'
third of the mercantile houses of the
city put out of business, the much ad- i
vertlsed progressive spirit of Bandon
prevails more strongly than ever be
fore. The citizen, in tlfe midst of the
ruin,' plan putting Bandon on the map
more conspicuously than In the pat.
before the flames hud been entirely ex
tinguished ther appeared on the slJu
of a partially destroyed warehouse, a
large banner bearing the words, "Cheer
Up! , Remember San Francisco Recov
ered!" The loss la a particularly heavy bur
den for many In the little city. About
1G buildings and their contents were
destroyed, and almost as many more
damaged, do that the main corner of
tlie city appeared about as It did 20
years ago. Men who counted them
selves In comfortable circumstances
are now broke, but encouragement is
extended by the more fortunate, and
offers of capital for reinvestment
have been received from neighboring
cltlea. The financial sufferers de
clared that there will be built a better
city than before; ,
In the Bandon hospital, which was
destroyed, there were nine patients,
who were carried from the burning
building and removed in automobiles
to the resident district. Dr. Houston,
the physician in charge, remained in
attendance upon a patient about to be
come a mother while the fire was rag
ing, without making efforts to save
I1&.00O worth of the equipments and
household goods which was burned in
the same block.
Several merchants have opened up
' lr. temporary quarters, and some of
the property owners at once made
plans for rebuilding. Those who lost
everything say they anticipate there
will be no difficulty In securing cap
ital f or rebuilding and reestabllshment
The destruction of the entire city was
frustrated by the flames being pre
vented frora spreading in three direc
tions by concrete buildings, which act
t( as fire walls. The city gives credi:
to the tug Klyniam and the heroic
work of Captain Johnson's life-savhig
crew tor extinguishing the fire.
June Sales Successful, Triumphant, Recognized Economy Sales
h War Is Imminent
Hew Turkish Minister of War Doing
His Best to Baorganize Army, and Is
Bringing It to Hign Efficiency.
Constantinople. June 12. Comment
ing on the London Tln:es' assertion thft
inndltlons In the Balkans are becoming
acute again, and Its prediction that
another, war between Turkey and
Greeue Is near, Turks In close toucli !
with the government here said today.
that It would not surprise them If hos
tilities should break out before the end
of the summer.
r.nver uey, it was stated, unques
tionably was given the war ministry a
few months ago with a view to reor
ganizing the army thoroughly; an.l.
with the help of the Occidental mili
tary experts he has employed, It was
bald he is rapidly bringing it to a point
or high efficiency.
The feeling here was that in its next
fight Turkey would give a far bettor
account of itself than In the last Bal
kan struggle.
Two Women Seek
California Office
XJral Members of X.oa Anffelea . County
Woman's Bepublican Club Want
Nomination Tor Uentenant Governor
. Ix9 Angeles, Cal., June 12. Follow
. frig an announcement by Mrs. Helen K.
Williams, of San Francisco, of her can
didacy for the Republican nomination
for lieutenant-governor, friends of
Mrs. Clara Shortrldge Foltz, a Iog An
geles attorney, believe today that she
wll! be a candidate for the same of
Mrs.a"Vllllams' formal announcement
was made late yesterday at a meeting
of the Los Angeles County Women's
Republican club. Her candidacy was
r ot indorsed by the club, because of a
division of favor with Mrs. Foltz, who
has not yet made a definite statement
of her intentions.
And So They Were Married.
Baltimore, June 12. The Rev. Dr.
n. P. Kerr, Presbyterian, refused at
,!the last moment to marry F. B. Gris
wolrt and Mrs. Alice Gerry Stewart
because Mrs. Stewart was divorced.
but the Rev. W. A. Price, another
Presbyterian, tied the knot.
That' what
visitors are
saying this :
week about
" bitulithic
Red Letter Day for Boys' Wash Suits
Regular $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 an d $2J7S
i Special $1.19. $1.59 and $1.98
Saturday will be a day to be marked in red letters by those who
share in these savings on boys' wash suits.
In Oliver styles of poplin, combinations of chambray and ging
ham or crepe the most attractive styles in these popular Oliver
suits, in sizes from 2 to 7 years. With turn-down collars, plain
white with tan, light blue, cadet blue or red combinations.
Russian suits with sailor collars or square necks and long or
short sleeves. Of striped galatea or percales, plain chambrays and
poplin, trimmed with bias bandings and braids. Straight or bloom
er pants, trimmed to match the collars and necks,
j Middy suits with round necks and vest effects of striped galatea
and plain chambrays. Also white Russian suits. Fourth Floor
Hoover Electric .
Suction Sweepers
We are showing Hoover suc
tion sweepers this week. Come
in and put it up to the Hoover
to do the work your old cleaner
couldn't do. .
We want you to apply your
own tests to the Hoover, and
the harder you make them the
better well like it. Judge the
Hoover by what it will do for
you. .
Now made in four pop-,
ularly-priced sizes, from
$44.50 to $89.00.
Sold $5.00 down, $5.00
a month. Fifth Floor
The New Chinese
Middy Blouses $1.12
They are made of white gala
tea,, buttoning to one side, and
finished with cord and buttons.
Short sleeves.; . Colored Chi
nese, emblem embroidered on
the pocket. ; Sizes 12 to 20
years. This is one of the latest
middy blouses introduced this
season, and is already very pop
ular. $1.50 New Coat
Middy Blouses $1.19
In plain white , with red or
navy stripe collars. In slipover
or button front styles, low belts.
Sizes 10 to 20. 4th Floor
Children's Stamped
Were 50c to $1.75
Now 25c to 88c
Broken lines of stamped
dresses for children up to 8
years. They are made, of lawns,
pique, linen, rep and poplin, in
various models, including the
popular French style.
Covered Floss Pillows, 63c
Cretonne-covered floss pil
lows in many pretty designs,
very suitable for porches, house
boats, etc. Size 22x22 inches.
Fifth Floor
Saturday Specials from the Hair Store
-$5.00 Switches, 24 inches, natural wavy hair of fine quality German
hair, made on three separate strands, $2.25.
$6.00 26-inch switches for $4.00; 22-inch $6.00 gray switches, $3.50,
and 24-inch $8.00 gray switches for $4.50.
$5.00 and $6.00 Transformations, for all around the head, of natural
I wavy German hair, special. $3.50; of gray, $4.50.
! Silk hair nets, with or without rubber, three for 10c.
20c hand-tied real hair nets, two for 25c. Second Floor
JutntwnWne & (So.
eJ"Merchanltse of c Merit Only
Ask to hear
on the
ys -
One of the Most
Important Sales
Of $8.50 Trimmed Hats
At $4.95
-This is without question one of the best
offerings of trimmed hats shown this season
at this price. It includes a wide variety of
smart tailored and dressy hats in navy blue,
brown, cerise and many other colors and
combination colors. All are made in tfce. superb manner that
is characteristic of hats produced in our own workrooms.
They are of fine quality hemps and hair braids in the
small and medium shapes, with trimmings of taffeta silk.
faille silk and moire ribbons. Second Floor
. loo i. i i l .. - 1 L - I J II .rnr I 1 X
An Extraordinary Sale Misses' (SL Girls'
Summer Tub Dresses and Suits
Liberally Lowered FromTheir Regular Prices
From Girls 13 to 18 Years
New Novelty $1 6.50 Challie Dresses for $9.95
Fancy figured and striped challie dresses in tan, rose, Copenhagen and navy. Fashioned in a very
charming style with cascade and collar of net piped in plain colors and net sleeves, wide satin or vel
.vet girdles and three-tier skirt. Also a few attractive models of messaline silks in graysr taupes and
wine shades, with net trimmings or contrasting pipings and fancy net vests and plea tings.
$8.50 Dresses of Plain or Novelty Crepes for $4.95
Dainty corded or plain crepe dresses with vests of contrasting colored satin and pearl button trim
ming. Newest kimono cut waists with undersleeves of net and lawn cuffs. The skirts show the
deep Russian tunic. These come in white over which are printed dainty colored designs.
The Smartest and Newest
$12.50 to $14.00 Linen and Ratine Suits
Saturday for $11.45
They have , just arrived and, because of the June White Sale, we have marked them at most unusual
reduced prices, thereby affording young girls an opportunity to invest in at least one of the very
newest tub suits for Summer wear. Those of linen are shown in white, green or tango shade; the dresses
of ratine have coats of black and white check and plain white skirts. The jackets are modeled in the
latest strap styles and flare ruffles, or with pleated backs and yoke effects. New pointed collars, but
ton trimmings. The skirts have the deep tunics.
For Girls From 6 to 14 Years
$1.75 to $3.00 Wash Dresses, Very Special $1.29
These are excellent dresses from style and quality standpoint. Of striped gingham, percales and
fancy crash. Made in waisted styles with low loose belts and stitched belts. Large collars of em
broidered revers, pique vests, plain colored bandings of percale or poplins, and pearl or fancy button
trimmings. . -
Girls' Dresses Selling to $8.50, Special $2.69
Of fine white and colored poplins and piques, fine ginghams, dainty crepes and chambrays,-also
linens. New novelty styles, with low beltspleats over the shoulders or fine tucks; some have scal
loped edges, others hand-embroidered. Bolero effects, or vests trimmed with embroidery and lace.
Crepes in dainty flowered patterns with satin girdles and lace trimmings and buttons; also striped
lawn frocks with vests of crepe and pipings, lace trimmed.
For Children From 2 to 6 Years
85c Wash Dresses 59c $ 1 .25, $1.50 Wash Dresses 98c
A most' attractive lot of children's dresses of such splendid materials as ginghams, chambrays and
some crepes. Straight or waisted styles, trimmed with touches of contrasting materials, or embroid
ery, also pique; kimono or set-in sleeves, loose or stitched belts. . Fourth Floor
New Dress Accessories
The smartest and most becoming
veils ever originated; first intro
duced this Spring by Poiret, of
Paris. In size they measure 11
inches and are to be worn just over
the nose. Plain mesh with woven
border. Price, 75 each.
Hexagon Mesh Veiling
With woven edge or with a be
coming chenille border, 65 and
$ 1.25 a yard.
New Neck Ruff lings
Of batiste, Swiss and organdy,
effectively pleated, in plain white
with embroidered edge, also in
pink, light blue and black edges.
$1.00 yard.
Dainty Kerchiefs, 17c
Soft, sheer linen handkerchiefs
with prettily embroidered corner
and hemstitched edge.
Silk Crepe de Chine Ties
In tango, mahogany. American
Beauty, reseda, emerald, rose, light
blue, white, cardinal, scarlet, helio
trope, maize, wistaria, navy, brown,
white, black. Full in width and 45
inches long. 65 EACH.
The Lily Collar
Of sheer fine linen, which washes
perfectly; two-ply style, priced at
25 and 50f . First Floor
"Safe" Are the Men Who
Follow Our
Furnishing Sales
The man who follows our signals need never
fear being "shut out" from the newest things in
men's furnishing or the opportunity TO SAVE.
For Saturday we offer a most at'
tractive shirt sale.
$2 Madras Summer Shirts
2 Shirts for $2.01
Men who "know" will appreciate at a glance
the superiority of these splendid shirts. They
are of figured and corded madras in beautiful
designs and colorings.
They are correctly cut, perfect fitting, and
show the best of workmanship throughout.
Made in the soft negligee style with "soft turn
back French cuffs.
At the height of the season and in the midst
of the greatest demand for light summer shirts,
we offer this, the most remarkable lot of shirts
ever placed on sale.
-First Floor, Washington St. Entrance
woo j ) J svuoc
OnrllaisStai U
The Popular $1 Union Suits, 69c
Athletic union suits of nainsook and madras
doth, sleeveless and knee length with closed
crotch, and reinforced with woven gusset for
comfort and wear.
Bring Your Boy Saturday for One of These Sale Suits
They Are Exceptional in Quality, Style and Economy
Custom Tailored Suits for Boys
From 6 to 18 Years
Very Special $6.45
For Our Regular $9.50 to $10.50 Suits
Very Special $7-45
For Our Regular $11.50 to $14.50 Suits
An excellent assortment of high-grade suits
in the newest models of finest woolens, in
tweeds, homespuns and fancy mixtures. In
tan, brown, gray, black and white and plaids.
New patch pocket styles with sewed-down
belts, box or knife pleats, with the best quality
01 serge ana monair linings, ine pants are in
knickerbocker style, full lined and taped seams.
Suite Selling to $8.00
With One and Two Pairs of Pants
Saturday $4.49
Of fancy mixtures and diagonals, in light
and dark tan, browns, grays and blue mix
tures. Made in Norfolk and sack styles in box
or knife pleated models. Serge linings in the
coats and the pants are full cut, lined through
out. Sizes from 6 to 18 years.
All Navy Blue Serge and Cheviot
Suits Reduced
$ 9.50 to $10.50 Suits $7.95
$11.50 to $12.50 Suits $8 95
$13.50 to $16.50 Suits $9.95 "
Fourth Floor.
A Rare Offering 700 Parasols of
$5.00 and $3.50 Grades for $2.98 and $2.49
Since Parasols are quite important dress accessories this season and fashion . makes
them imperative during the sunny days, the, wide scope of this sale is self-evident and
the unusual savings are doubly welcome.
Among the shapes and materials are: The Bell, the Dome, the Droop Canopy, the
Tokio and the standard of finest taffeta imported pongee cloth of gold and white
linen elaborately embroidered. In beautiful plain colors and plaids with plain borders,
or contrasting combinations. Various styles of handles. First Floor
"The Salamander," by Owen
Johnson; "Chance," sby Joseph
Conrad; "Unto Caesar," by Bar
oness Orczy; "Penrod," by
Booth Tarkington; "Diane of
the Green Van," the $10,000
prize novel; "What WU1 People
Say," by Rupert Hughes.
The finest' assortment of
Graduating Gift Books in the
city will be found in our Book
Shop. . , Mezzanine Floor
Children's Coats AH One-Quarter Off
In Sizes From 2 to 6 Years
Many and varied are the styles in children's
coats of fancy plaid materials, plain serges, sat
ins and moire, in black, navy, rose, fancy mix
tures, black and white checks. In deep, low
belted styles, fancy collars of silk, ratirie, poplin,
lace and lingerie. And some very smart plain
tailored models. All full lined and trimmed
with fancy buttons.
Coats selling regularly at $3.00,
$4.00, $5.00, $7.50, $9.00 to $20.00.
Special at $2.25, $2.95, $3.75,
$5.65, $6.75 to $15.95
Trunks, Bags
and Suit Cases
Lessened in Price
$6.00 Men's Bags, $4.95
Genuine cowhide traveling bags,
pin frame, riveted corners, leather
lined, with one inside pocket. In
black, russet and brown. Sizes 16,
17 and 18 inches.
$10.00 Bags, 16-inch, $8.00
$10.50 Bags, 17-inch, $8.50
$11.00 Bags, 18-inch, $9.00
Three-piece bags of genuine se
lected cowhide, with 6teel frame,
hand-sewed large corners, heavy
leather lining and 2 inside pockets.
$8.00 Women's Bags $6.95
Of genuine walrus, with box end
and pin frame, leather lining, two
inside pockets and brass trim
mings. Sizes 14, 15 and 16 inches.
$4.50 Reed Suitcases, $3.45
Sizes 22, 24 and 26 inches.
Reed suitcases with bound edges
and leather corners, riveted, short
straps, bolts and lock, cloth lined.
$7.00 Cane Suitcases, $5.95
' Of best grade genuine cane, fan
cy cloth lined, leather corners,
straps, brass lock and bolts, 24
inch size.
$16 Trunk, 34-inch, $12.75
$17 Trunk, 36-inch, $13.75
$18 Trunk, 38-inch, $1475
$19 Trunk, 40-inch, $15. 7S
Waterproof painted ' canvas
trunk, fiber-bound corners, with 2
center bands, solid steel trimmings,
2 straps and 2 cloth-lined ' trays.
-Matting Shopping Bags,
very special 69c.
The Greatest Glove Sale of the Year
With First Quality Gloves, All
Fresh Stock, Perfect Fit
ting, Satisfactory
A glove sale that is REMARKABLE
you will find only the best and most repu
table makes gloves of standard quality,
perfect fitting, fresh selected skins.
OUR Glove Store cannot jeopardize its
good reputation by offering odds and ends,
old stock and inferior gloves of any kind.
Following is a list of the gloves on sale, in each
instance at radical reductions.
$1.25 Doeskin Gloves 95c
One-clasp- guaranteed wash
able doeskin gloves, pique sewn
and Paris point stitched. A
glove of very soft, pliable
$2.50 L. Kid Gloves $1.95
12 and 16-button-length kid
gloves, glace finish, of especial
ly selected stock, in white only.
All sizes, SlA to 7.
$4.00 Kid Gloves $2.98
Real Jad, 16-button-length
gloves direct from France, made
of the finest stock overseam
sewn, 3 pearl clasps at wrist.
$3 Doeskin GloVcs $2.23 $1.50 D'skin Gloves $1.22
16 - button - length guaranteed
washable doeskin gloves, suit-'
able for both dress and outing
wear. Best doeskin glove in
$1.25 Kid Gloves at 98c
Real kid gloves, made of light
weight, flexible stock, in two
clasp style, overseam sewn,
Paris point stitched backs. In
white and tan shades.
$1.50 Kid Gloves-$1.22
Two-clasp real kid gloves, with
heavy embroidered backs in con
trasting colors. In white only.
Washable doeskin gloves,
made from selected stock, pique
sewn, with 3 rows of embroid
ery on backs. In white only.
Lambskin Gloves at $1.29
Selected lambskin gloves, with
one clasp at wrist and fancy era-,
broidered backs in self and con
trasting shades. In black, white,
tan, gray and champagne shades.
$1100 Silk Gloves at 79c
16-button-length fine quality
silk . gloves with double finger
tips. In white and black,
First Floor