i! - HUMAN ROSEBUD PARADE YESTERDAY WAS UK mm. m .... Jr.-:--- .-.:v.-yy-:-jt 4." 1. 160 girls picked from different schools and v- drilled by Robert - Krohn. director of physical Instruction. Marchers dressed In pink and carrying garlands of pink roses. 2 Alblna Homestead school, led by 10 little girls carrying letters spelling name of Bchool. Creston school's domestic science department and baseball team with whom marched Franklin High school girl's indoor baseball team. ' 4 Glencoe school, white uniforms with white trimmings. Contin-, gent was one of the best drilled in parade. 6 Sunnyslde school, led by boys bearing American flags. Girl march ers dressed in white with red bows In hair; boys In red trousers and fezzes. 6 800 children from Ladd school, led by 16 little girls dancing sail or's hornpipe. The drill squad was followed by field gun from training ship Boston drawn by boys In midshipmen's costume. ROS E FESTIVAL BALL ENJOYED BY CITY'S SOCIETY FOLK Great Ballroom at Oaks Made Beautiful by Blooms, Greens and Stately Palms. The Rose Festival grand ball was one of the really rare social events ever enjoyed In Portland. The great ballroom at the Oaks park was made beautiful with its garlands and bas kets of roses, intermingled with ferns, grteba and stately palms. Over 1200 guests were on the floor though- 3000 would not have crowded the huge ball room. The lighting effects were sub dued in the red and white laceWork Diseased Kidneys Poison Blood Ksw tq Tell Whether Tour Blood Is impregnated. Since the kidneys are -of such deli cate structure, and so inadequately supplied with sensitive nerves, they are quite susceptible to disease. As their function is to remove lmDurities any disorder affecting them affects the whole system. Unmistakable ttftrfrrt sir. . M .1 1 . ... m,,t,yy.wnia oll uiaeaseo Kidneys are when you arise in the morning with dull, aching pains in your back, and teei as if your night's rest had not re. freshed you; when you are weak, de pressed, nervous, or irritable: if vour head aches, spots appear before your yea or noises ring in your ears, and your appetite is poor, thirst excessive, complexion sallow; if you have Indi gnation, billlousness, rheumatic nalna. and have lost flesh rapidly all these symptoms are due to unhealthy work ing of the kidneys. To make your kidneys healthy and strong, you should lose no time in taking Warner's Safe Kidney 'and Liver Remedy. It acts beneficially on the delicate tissues of the kidneys, stimulates the diseased parts, purifies the blood by increasing am circulation ana awak ens the torpid liver; n. tat in digestion, and . tones the system, enabling very organ to do Its work properly and fully. It is old by all druggists in 606 and $1.00 sizes. Free sam ple and booklet If you ad4 dress'Warner's Safe Rem! die Co- - Dept. 88, HUGELY . .Vj-.'S'.-SS elf that made a ceiling in carnival colors. Sparkling gems and lovely costumes and more lovely women and girls defy description. At 8:30 the grand march was -lead off by Queen Thelma and C. C. TJolt. Following President Colt -and Queen Thelma In the grand march were: Princess Hazel Hoyt and C. V. Cooper; Princess Alice Husby and W. F. Wood ward; Princess Helen Fitzgerald and J. A. Currey; Princess Estelle McCarl and C. F. Berg; Princess Helen Mclver and A. H. Averill; Princess Sadia Viiriia EtuV: ie Anna Tierney and Dr. T. L. Perkins; Princess Mary McKinnon and George Following the royal party resDlend- ent in their regal robes, came Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett and Quy W. Tal bot, Mrs. T. B. Wilcox and Kurt Koeh ler, Mrs. Campbell and Frederick For ter. : Mayor and Mrs. Albee headed th third section and were followed im mediately by Governor, and Mrs. West, the governor's staff. General Finzer and Miss Elisabeth White. lwice the great floor was cirri when the dancers all fell lntn lina. . Mrs. Helen X. Corbett entertained as uux Kuesis miss iemi smith rm-tu Bailey. Hamilton Corbett v - minei-. mr. ana Mra. iienry Ladd Another box was occupied by Mrs. Ellsworth Taylor of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs Frank Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Ma rion Dolph, Miss Claire Houghton. W. H. Lines, Seaton Taylor. Ray Small and Mayor and Mrs. H. R. Albee had as their truest Mrs. c r -rttittii Detroit Mich. Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox entertained Mrs C. E. S. Wood, Miss Katherine Hart, Andrew Kerr, Miss Claire Wil- rk.',i.or?MvZl?' Varnel Beach and Charles Holbrook. 2 ither box wer Mr. and Mrs. o. m. jviontaeue. vs. muuiu. jsr. ana Mrs. Hnhopt Mr- R- Babin and Miss Sallie ajmvAA, Another box was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Oeora-e B. Cellar ani, Mrs. A. M. Oakes, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Averill. sueolB ul rIn " c Colt bo were Mr. and Mrs. F J. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. V C anrtMr1; "Z A B- CochranTand Mr and Mrs. E. C Veasey. fri.Va carles F. Berg enter- m dxMr iand M.rs- Charles Rofenburg. Miss Marie Louise Feldenheimer and M. Monte Mayer. Mr., and Mrs. Franklin Ide Fuller's guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W Hild and andMrs. E. L Ttwmpson! Mr. and Mrs. Jamta n Mart i guests Mr. and Mrs carl L. Wernicke and Mrs. Konrad Delbrueck of Ger many. .A.DOt1h of the box parties had as hosts Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wessinger. andK their guests included Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Durham. Mr. ni tura t McArthur. Mr u to rf" 74 "r Miss Margaret Hewett and Miss Clem entine Lambert. M1MIirJ'VS?ley La308 ruests were MissMary Brownlie, Maurice Dooly i In Kurt H. Koehler's box were Mr and Mrs. Thomas RobertBon, Miss Dor othy Huber. Miss Louise Burns. Mrs. uKS-'-S Kwen R'chard Jones and Irving Webster. . Rev. and Mrs. Henr Russell Tal- THE OREGON .. r :MA . S.' r & ' ' ' i f ft S- if' -2 J"XJL'-. :::v::'S!&i bot entertained Dr. aJd Mrs S Til Joseph!, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Gilbert, Mrs. u. w. Helms, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brewster and Mrs. Mary Phelps Mont gomery. Another box was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur MacKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. C S. Woody, Mrs. John Stewart, Mrs. Miimie J. Stirling, Miss Ruth Small, Miss Caroline Gillespy. Willis Clark and Donald J. Sterling. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Gauld enter tained a party of young people includ, ing Miss Marie Louise Black of San Francisco, Miss Evelyn Carey. Miss Jean Brownlie, Miss . Van Winkle of San Francisco: Miss Isabella Gauld. Walter Jelliff. MacCormack Snow, liber Hiller. Aubrey Watzek and Car roll Dunning. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Nevtns guests were Jtfr. and Mrs. James E. Davidson. Mr. and Mra A. HT ror.nnT. md Mrs. Edmund King. ..iiui.ner ui me Doxes was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Clark, Dr. and Mrr8V.Aarew C- Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W E. Coman an Mr. and Mrs. Dom J. Zan. . . Judge and Mrs. Thomas Carrick Burke entertained Mr. and Mrs. H B Torrey and Mis. Susie Fennell Pipes and Madame Anna Miller of Vienna. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rush and Miss Ella Brady were entertained by Mrs. J. R. Stevenson. , . Mrs. Morris and Mrs. C. Affleck of Pcmeroy, Wash., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max H. Houser . Another box wag occupied by Mr. and Mrs. George E. Waggoner. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, VAST DANCING l! HM R. M. C. Whittaker. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Krohn. Miss Ceclle Lilly and Rob ert Krohn Jr. , Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Rockev'a euests were Mrs. C H. Carey. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Rockey, Miss Alice Carey. Mrs. Frederick Beh rands and Frits Beh- rends. In another box party were Mrs. Lea Hoffman, Dr. and Mrs. Dickson, Miss Frances Warren, Miss Helen Eastham, Miss Alice Strong and Hawley Hoff man. . Thomas Hislop entertained Miss Louisa Hislop, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Johnson, Mrs. C M. Kllgore and Miss Edith Kllgore. ; ' Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brunn, Mr. .and Mrs. R. F. Prael, Mrs. M. E. Oliver of Hamilton. Ontario; Miss Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Nitchy made up a box party. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherman O'Gorman entertained Mrs. Cretone O'Gorman, Mrs. W. E. McCord. Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Nicolai, Miss Virginia McDoaough, Charles McDonnell, Mr. and Mrs, George N. Davis. In another box were Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cooper. Dr. and Mray Homer I. Mr. and Mrs. Lonia H. Tarpley were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Warrens. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Van Schuyver and Donald Tarpley. , Roderick L. MacCleara gtiesta were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerr. The Misses May and Alice Shogren entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Hoyt, Mrs. Maria Shogren, Miss Elsie Mo- - SEA THAT SCINTILLATED WITH ALL COLORS V3 'r ff C 9 4 ' r 1. i -" It-' ' Zeis -1 fd&x&S' Ji r 4 77 ,? Lynn and Aaron Gould. In the box of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hoyt were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bent, of Los Angeles, and Misses L. and Cathryn Urquart. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Young and Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Nichols were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Howard. In the box of Mrs. Dallas Bache were Miss Virginia Menefee. Miss Harriett Cumming. Miss Mary Bacon, Miss Alice Smith and Lambert Wood, Percy Lee Menefee and Geratd Fitzgerald. In the Shevlln's box Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Whitehouse entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux and Dr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Matson. Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor Honey man, Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Johnson and Major and Mrs. Adrian Fleming of Vancouver Barracks. . Miss Gertrude Talbot and Mrs. William Wallace were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Web ster Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. EUlott R. Corbett had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Strong, Mrs. A, T. Smith, Miss Lucie Smith, Kirk Smith. H. B. Coburn and Jennings Sutor. In Dr. and Mrs. K. A. J. MacKen rie's box were the Misses Jean and Barbara MacKenzle. Walter de L. Gif fard, Richard Noyes and Ronald Mac Kenzle. - Those who were entertained by Mr. and. Mrst Edward Boyce were Miss Catherine Kope, Miss Marlon Gleason and Miss Ethel Montgomery, v Mr. and Mrs. John Randall Flynn had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. P. H. .Flynn, Miss Mamie Helen Flynn, JUNE '12, 1914. If -a, y 0 -mm. y-:::3 m4 5 A: Jfs. Sv'-t., 4 j f -if James J. Flynn and Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Vogt. Mr. and Mrs. John Daly's 'guests were Mrs. M. W. Daly and Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wiggins. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Elliott King and Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Parker were Joint hosts to the Misses Constance and Ra chel King. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johns entertained Miss Ruth Johns. Dr and Mrs. Frank Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McNary.of Salem and W. A. M. Jackson. Another box held Mrs. D. V. McBride and her guests, Mrs. J. C. p. Westen gard. the Misses Florence and Melba Wes ten sard. Miss Agnes McBride, Miss Doris Dabney and Henry and Clifford Dabney. George L. Baker's tox was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. John F. Logan, Mrs. Adna Sharpsten and Miss Helen Sbarpaten, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Cook enter tained Miss Lillian Carstens A guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.' V. Titus was M. C. Woodaxd. Mrs. Charles Kamm's party Included the Misses Marie and Louise Roberta and her sons. Walker and Philio. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Dooley enter tained Dr. and Mrs, Hicks Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Fonter, and Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kleiser. Another box was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Riggs. their daugh ter Miss Mabel Riggs, Elmer J. Clark and Edward Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Murphy's guests were Mr. and - Mrs. Paul E. Froehlich. Mrs. Charles Webber guests were lit 21 if n V t 1 Mrs. Louis Burke. Mrs. O. 9. Haworth, Mrs. Julia Marquam. Miss Catherine Lamberson and Miss Valyentine Pilch ard. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warren Lazell en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Spencer. Mr. and A rs. John Y. Richards' rucsts were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Guild. One of the boxes held Mrs. J. F. Dnvles. Mrs. R. L. Zeller. Mrs. Miles Bell, Mins Mary Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tegan, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rowan. Mr. and Mrs. John Maanlng' wer hosts for a party, including Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Mitchell. Mfs Louise Manning and Miss Alice Gadshy. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cobb's party was made up or at. and Mrs. f. H. Belcher, Mr. snd Mrs, W. T. Belcher and Mr. and Mts. George MacPherson. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edwin, Miss Marjorie Reed, Mls Ida Shea. Miss Dagmar Korell. John Woodard. Eugene Bland and Lawrence J, Barber made up a box party. The dinner guests Of J. P. Trent who were entertained at the Country club prior to the ball were guests of Mr. and Mrs. j. a. Kawaras. in tneir box were: Mrs. Hasel Blumauer Litt, Miss Katherine Holbrook. Miss Kath erine Emmons, Miss Charlotte I .aid law. Miss Catherine Laldtaw, Hall S. Lusk, Don Ramon Escabar. Rogers MacVeagh, Bay Small and Mr. Trent. Guests of ' Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lowentrart included: Mr. and Mrs. Max H4rsch. Mias Forence Wolfe. Miss Helen Simon. Herbert Frank and Dr. J. Ettelson. Mr. and Mrs. Alma D. Katx had as their guests Mr. and Mm. Everett Ames and Mrs. Jay J. Morrow. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Ainsworth's par ty included Mr. and Mrs. William IL Warrens. Miss Sallie Beck and Miss Carrie Flanders. In Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clendening's box party were: Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Forest and Miss Elizabeth Boschke of Arthur Murray Sherwood 8r of New York entertained in her box Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murray Sherwood Jt.. Miss Lydla Field Emmet and Miss Rosamond Sherwood. I. Journal Want Ada bring results. OF RAINBOW , 1 ' LANDS IN UMATILLA IRRIGATION PROJECT GIVEN COOP RATING" Proper Treatment and Hard Hard Work Will Bring De sired Results. ' Sent by the Oregon Conservation commission to make a thorough and Impartial Investigation of conditions on the Umatilla Irrigation project, Charles D. Mahaffie. assistant secre tary of the commission, has Just re ported to Joseph N. Tt-al. chairman, that there is no reason for discourage- -ment. Recent assertions that the sot I is in .fertile and that It la impossible for farmers to make a livelihood On the tract under reclamation led to the in vestigation. The report concludes: "It seems to me that the crops gfow- y In- mm Ikl- 1 . 1 . . . . a ihiiu at me present urn disprove as conclusively as Is possi ble the allegation that the land Is, to any considerable extent. Infertile, and the experience, both here as elsewhere, is that as the land is cultivated and crops are grown on It from year to year It will become more fertile. "The farmers on the project are for the most part doing well and It Is doubtful If there is a less percentage of failures or cases where men are hav ing extreme difficulty in making ends meet In any section of the state. "The cashier of the Hermlston bank told roe he had loaned I1&.000 In the last IS months to farmers on the pro ject to buy cows and that the notes were all being taken care of and that he has not had to take a single cow on account of the Indebtedness. "Intelligent treatment and t-ultiva- . tlon of the soil- sre necessary to the -success or any irrigated land, and where intelligence and labor are being appli-d In fair quantities and propor tions to this soil. It is responding and the results are gratifying." Conservationist Overton Price Dead ta Was Wall Knows la rortlaad Bo ca use of Xx calls at Work ate Aeoom pllsaed. Word was received here today, of the death yesterday at Fletcher, N.. IX. wf Overton W. Price, one of the most prominent conservation workers In tb country. Mr. Price was assistant un der Olfford Plnchot when the latter was forester. He was. also employed Ir. the same line of work in British Columbia. He was well known In Port land because of his splendid work.,; Allege I Blackmailers Indicted. Los Angeles, June 12. The county grand Jury returned three secret in dictments as the result 'of an investi gation of an alleged blackmail truat yesterday. Champ Clark's Sob Graduated. Washington. June 12. Graduated from Washington university at the head of his class. Speaker Clark's son. Bennett, received the degree of bache lor of laws. Jonquil Girl Married. Los Angels. June 13. Mrs. Marie-Brown-Levy, "Jonquil girl." who fig ured prominently In the Bixby trial, was married to Lance T. Van Ho u ten. "