THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 12, 1914. 17 '1 AINEY INTERVIEW IS TYPICAL OF CAMPAIGN OF SELFISH JINGOES Capt ain Neville Characterizes Congressman's Charges as False From Start to End, REBELS ARE NOT LAWLESS OosrTMiauB noa ia Bank of land Grabbers and newspapers right ing to rorc Intervention. (t'Dlted Preaa Leaaed Wire.), Oakland, Cal., June 12. That a mem ber of the house foreign affaire com mittee could be bo grossly Ignorant of the real Mexican situation was the abject of caustic comment todary by Captain John T. Neville, former mili tary aide to the late Governor Abram Gonzales of the state of Chihuahua, when Informed of an interview 'given out yesterday in Seattle by Congress man Ainey of Pennsylvania. Alney declared that the followers of Car ranza and Villa are bandits and tho perpetrators of all the criminal acts against Americans that have occurred Ince the fall of President Madero. "While the remarks of Congressman Ainey are altogether untrue and un worthy of consideration, I think they should be corrected so that the Amer ican public will not use them as a basis for an opinion on conditions in Mexico," said Captain Neville. "Out of fairness for the Mexican constitu tionalists the interview should not go unchallenged, as it Is false from start to finish and is but conclusive evi dence that he is babbling about some thin which he either doeH not under stand or which he is purposely using for political purposes. Jlng-o Papers Are Selfish. "If the American administration has a trunkful of consular reports show ing that the followers of Carranza and Villa are the murderers or American women and children the public would have gained the information long ago. There are certain Jingo newspaper mn and newspaper owners with selfish reasons who are spending much money and energy In trying to bring to light some action of . Carranza or Villa in order to precipitate their down fall All these efforts have not been able to show where a single American has been killed by real followers of Carranza or Villa. "Alney declares that "In 22 states controlled by Huerta there have been no Americans murdered." The facts are that the rebels absolutely control the seven northern states of Mexico, which is about half the total area of the country, and partly control all of the remaining states and territories. ITuerta does not fully control a single tat or territory, not even the federal district in which the national capital Is located. He is administering his government onjy in two large cities Mexico City and Guadalajara and in a few smaller cities, such as San Luis Totosl, Agues Calientes and Guana itiato. Huerta Eat No Fowe. 'The other portions of Mexico occu pied by Huerta's followers are only temporarily held by garrisons already packed and ready to retreat at the first approach of the army, and who seldom go far from their barracks. "Alney can not name a single Amer ican whom he can conclusively prove was killed by a follower of the consti tutionalist leaders. Every 'murder and crime which has been perpetrated by Mexicans against Americans has been committed by the followers of Huerta or the former red flaggers under Oroz co and Salazar. who are now hand In glove with Huerta's efforts to prosti tute liberty in Mexico. Alney is plac ing himself in the ranks of the Amer ican land occupiers not owners who succeeded in cheating the Mexican peo ple out of a port of their heritage and are fighting bitterly to force interven tion in Mexico in order to protect their unjust claims at the cost of thousands of good Aemrlcan lives." New Hotel Opens at Glacier Park Preparations Hti Been Made for Record Breaking Tourist Travel This Season. Glacier National Park, Montana, June 12. Everything is in readiness tnr the oDenlng of the pane season June 16. The new Glacier National park hotel is complete and ready for ruesta. This, with ' the hotel opened last year, '.gives accommodations for more than 600 people. Last year more than 10.000 people viewed the beauties of the park. A feature ot the park this year will be neclal tours of one. three, rive ana seven days. It will be possible for passengers on Great Northern trains to leave the train at Glacier Park sta tion, make an automobile trip to Lake Bt. Mary, 35 miles Into the heart of the park; a launch ride on the lake to go to Going-to-the-Sun camp and re turn to the railroad station for an evening train. The trips will give tourists an opportunity to visit Many Glacier. Two Medicine, Cut Bank Kperry and other camps, climb Black feet glacier, the horseback ride to Ice- berg lake and cross the Continental divide. The park will be open until October 1. Glacier park was created by an act of congress in 1910. . i , Journal Want Ads bring results. Want Ad Rates In effect Oct. 1. 1913. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED CHARGED ADVERTISEMENTS belly or Sunday. 1U cents oer word per Insertion. This charge la for all claasifications eieent !ng "For Kent in Prirate Family," "Room and Bord In PrUate Family." "Situation Want ed"' and "Wanted to Rent" -ad., whlcb are lyL cents per word per insertion. No ad charged for lesa -than 15 cents. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS Itt cents per word for all clssalflcations leeptlng "For Rent In Private Family." , "Room and Board In PrUate Family." "Sit uation Wanted" and "Wanted to Bent" ads. which are 1 centa per word. Three Insertions for the price of two. Seren Insertions for the price of five.. No sd' taken for leas tban IS cents. NEW TODAY MORTGAGE LOANS On imoro-ed city property. "We also deal in Corporation and Municipal Bonds. BOszKTsozr ai iwnto, 807.8 Bortnwestem Bank lid. Vital Statistics tilarrtages. Births; Dtatbs. - MARRIAOK LICENSES ,,c- Adama. Imperial Hotel. legal, aad Marie M. Krants, Cogrei Hotel, legal. Oro Monroe Morgan, 508 E. Osg t.f 13. and Mlunie Marie Oakes, 508 E. Oak at.. 21. Clifton Ktfapp Claggett, f4 N. 10th St., legal, and Josephine MiKeea, 164 E. 12ta St.. lrgeL . Joseph Conrad Merer. 61 B. 11th at. X.. lesal, and Earleen K. Smith, 61 E. llth at, IS.,1 legal. George H. Bendahadler, Canby, Or., 28, and Alice K. Btodiiarrt. 18 V Irtth at .Harold t Locke, 671 E. 7th at. 23, and Lillian N. fcuilth, 621 Union ave. N., 20. jnu i-. vtnite, t. Mar;, Idaho, legal, and Oraee Hendersou, Maltnouiab Hotel, tegal. Glen Earl McCullocb, Bend, Or.. 23. and Jeitie at. Uuyinon, 4217 85tb St. 8 E., 23, M. K. Tayior, Klamath Falls, Or., Sb, and a ii ii ton, fcuciiq apts., ae. W. G. Smith & Co.St j turn nonr. morgan DlQg. DRESS suits for rent; all sizes. Unique i auonng jo., sua StarK at. BIRTHS ALSEN To Mr. and Mrs. Hans Allien, Chit tenden apta.. June li), a daughter. VAN HOVKEN To Mr. and Sin. Theo. Van . Hovren ttiO (Savler at.. May 81, a daughter. BKCHTKL To Mr. and Mra. ghelton E. Becb tel 6ir C2d at., June 2. a eon. MJIXEK To Mr. and Mra. Peter A. Miller, 827 Park are., June 7, a daughter. COKNELL To Mr. and Mra. Balpb (i. Cornell. 1168 E. Stark t., June 1, a eon. DONOVAN To Mr. and Mn. Jas. J, DonoTan, 2O10 E. Pine at., June 6, a son. INHKAM To Mr. and Mra. Wm. Ingram, 1354 Delaware ave.. May 25, a daughter. ICEKR To Mr. and Mra. Wm. A. Kerr. 1S64 E. Salmon at.. June 2, a aon. DEATHS Mi) FUNERALS 75 HEDiilt'K In tbia city, June 11, at her late- residence, 886 Brooklyn at., Anna A. Hedrick, aged 5o yeara. The funeral acrrlcea will be held Saturday, June 13. at 2 o'clock p m., at the renldrnce establishment of J. P. f'inley it. Hon, Montgomery at Sin. Friend invited. ; &UKIJ)OX The funeral servloea of the late Albert C. Sheldon will be held Sunday, Jane 14, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the reaidence estab lishment of J. P. Fin ley it bon, Montgomery at pin, rrienaa innieo. WALKER At bis late reaidence, 4021 .r,2l at. 8. K., Newton Walker, aged 82 yeara. Remains at P. L. Lerch Undertaking Parlors, E. llth and Clay ate. UAilTMAN John P. Hartman, 440 Tillamook at., June 8, OS yeara, chronic parenchyma tous nenhrltls. M I. N D ELI US Ot to Mundelhie, 1507 E. Pine at., June a, 8o yeara, tubercular meningitis ALLISON Lance L. Alliaon. 721 Beeond at. 4un o, iio years. Dean uiseaae. BI'-LI John Buih, Multnomah hospital, Jnne H. o4 years, chronic interstitial nephritis. GILLAM Loulae Glllam, 1706 Clarendon St.. June 8. 6.1 veara. lnteratltlal neDhrltla. NOLMAN Guy E. Nolman, 440 16th at., June 10, 37 years, pulmonary tuberculosis. RASE Y Annie M. Rasey, 266 2. 13th at., June 0, ! yeara, chronic parenchymatous nppnrttis. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 V4 th sc. in Selling bldg. Main 7215. CLARKB BROS., florists; fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison at. FUNERAL DIRECTORS NKVV HUM E OK J. I. FINLEY & SO.N The only residence undertaking es tablishment in Portland Representing the greatest advance in the science of funeral service. The automobile equip ment and secluded driveway are among the many exclusive features. The es tablished policy of moderate prices baa never been changed. J. P. FINLET & SON. Perfect Funeral Service, Montgomery at Otn. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leadlnr funeral director. 223 Sd at., coinar Ealmon. Lady asslatinu Phones A- 611. Main 607. Dunning & McEnteeu1"alfr every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430, A-4B5S. Lady assistant Ai R. Zeller CO. 692 Williams ave. rvi in tnci UUi Ea 1088 c.1088- iaqy wttenoant. Day and night service. lrMArDTIIT OOC N. fLM VVUn I n T Mam.Lents.Tab 52fif Lerch, leadlug eat i lde undertaker. Eaat ana i-iay. B-iH.t. East 781. RYRNIFQ Undertaker. E. 1116. U I niMCQ Hamg and Knptt. Wil- FR ( sfiNrlE6IPENCE und. pls u. I I V Kr w I 1 ifcl 6138. A-2235. 445 Mora. OrvCVVLO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. PFARQHIM Undertakers. East 1 rnnnouiN 869-371 Russeii st. 0o, B AliKH KN Res- Undertakers. 652 viiiwii C. I i it HEMSTOCX, 1687 E. 13th. Sell. 71. D-"" university fit. COI. 394-395, MOXr3TENT9 fOKTLANU MARBLE SK8., J64-2S m St.. odd. city hall. M.8R84. A-1S1 HUSIXESS PROPERTY OO BUSINESS property at end of W. W. canine; new Duiiaing rented for 323.50 per month is payiner lo oer cent on tne investment, w. h. uetts, owner, Phone Sellwood 973. Open Sundavs. FINE site for apt. house. Close in, improvements In. 36000, terms. Own- er, 3us botn s. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 BUILD ON YOUR LOT. We Will build a home on your lot. 31000 to 35000, terms like rent; we do first class guaranteed work; large va riety oi plans to Beiect from. UMBU1SNSTOCK & LARSON CO., 286 Oak st. See Mr. Furlong. TWO new, 6 room bungalows with all built-in conveniences. Oak floors paneled dining room, rooms tinted. large attic, tzsuu. sauu aown. bal. like rent. Hawthorne car to Division west to 68th. south to No. 2616. Kevs at zouo. uwner. iator no. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lot or ours; by your own pians or ours- pay us nice rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, 1380 isortnwestern nann Bldg. A GOOD ONE. A new. modern, weu-ouiit 7 room house, large lot, walking distance; rea- ponaoie price, fnone Kast 3437. WILL sell a 3000 house, located in Rose City Park for 33550 if bought within 30 days. Inquire at 657 E. 65th st. is., near sanay roacfc MODERN 6 room. East 32nd st.. Haw thorne district; 3100 down or lot as first payment, 325 including Interest on pai. ztf 3zna st. CHARMING homesr Irvington, for iwo i iti i us nieir value; nicely rin ished, fine location, elegant surround ings. b,a8t 2i3. H. H. Herdman. FOR SALE Owner, 5 room house, elec tric lights, plumbing, 2 outbuildings, lot 160x100, 1 block from car, all for sisdu casn. laoor ai. 350 1 DOWN, 316 per month, new, mod ern 6 room bungalow, restricted dis trlct, close to .car. Owner. Sell. 2204 315 1 DOWN. 37.50 ner month, modern room cottage, large lot, close to car, Owner, weuwooq gz"4. FOR eAurJ ooxivo lot witn 3 room furnished house. 31100. Marshall 2478. T)L' A T'TTL'T T ItsimA 7 ..rvvne. 100x200, beautifully improved. 5417 69th st. S. E. xaoor 6136. BARGAIN Roset City Park home, 541 fj. outn. vviu-yseii cneap. FOR SALE Pretty California bunga' low, very reasonaoie. seiiwooq BS4 32650, .-6 room bungalow. Hawthorne ave.; terms. Tabor 3573. Owner. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The JournaL 61 (Continued.) 5 Room New Modern Bunga- low ffllWl .FLOORS. Artistic Fireplace Full Basement Cements Floor CORNER LOT. 60x100. JUST ONE- HALF BLOCK FROM CAR, IN BEAU TIFUL IRVINGTON PARK. HOUSE SETS 40 FEET FROM PROPERTY LINE AMONG MAPLE, FIR AND DOGWOOD TREES, MAKING IT A MOST IDEAL HOUSE RITE. Has elegant buffet, French mirror doors, dutch kitchen, panel dining room, woodlift, medicine chest and large at tic. The electric fixtures, shades, flush switches are all installed with taste, the plumbing is the best Standard, Al throughout. The interior is finished in high grade enamel and. golden oak, and in all is one of the' most com plete homes offered for 12350. This price included 150 feet of cement side- waiK. curojng and grading allpaid; terms to suit. 881 Killingsworth Ave, 1 Alberta car to Killingsworth are, then just block west. Buys this attractive 6 room bungalow, with large living and dining room. Just off the living room is a cosy den, in which is located fireplace and book cases, hardwood floors in living, dining room and den, very attractive wide buffet, two light airy bedrooms, com- Slete bath room, white enameled Dutch itchen, full concrete basement with cement floor, electric fixtures and shades installed. If vou are looking for a home at a sacrifice price this ia your opportunity. OWNER. 1078 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2608. A SACRIFICE. 32350 will buy a choice 5 room modern bun galow, with attic and basement, fire place; the bungalow is very attractive nd very artistically built: nicely fur nished; has east front; cement walks, graded streets; it is what anyone would call a cozy home; situated on 73d st., between Mutnomah and Clack amas sts., surrounded by well kept homes; this choice home can be bought with a 3100 payment down or less, and balance just the same as rent. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 133,4 First street. Home for Twenty Dollars a Month, Including Interest In a good restricted district; has reception hall, nice living room, dining room," large kitchen with plenty of cupboard space; elegant bath: front and back porches; chicken house and yard; lawn all made; several fruit rees; all for 120 a month. Call East 6778. WE will build and finance a home on your lot or any lot you may select. Pay for it like rent. We guaran tee satisfaction. Call and see us. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. Room 1, Commercial Club Bldg. Marguerite Avenue Snap . New 8 room house at 454 Marguerite avenue. Full cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, oak floors, everything built in; fixtures and shades; lot 60x 114. hard surfaced streets; if you are mujiinK tor a Dargain come, and see It Owner at house, or phone Tabor 3449, NICE BUNGALOW NEAR HAW THORNE AVE. 7 rooms and bath, modern throueh out, on 45th st. Laree fireDla.ce. fur, nace, hardwood floors, nractfrallv new Price 33200; mortgage 31500, $600 cash. u' iiHD vayauie za per month and in terest. CALL AN & KASER. 723-4 Yeon bldg. FURNISHED BUNGALOW, 350." New 4 roem bunealow douhiv hniit full cement basement, nice bath, fine fixtures, completely furnished and ready tp move into, on E. 24th st. Close in. Price a snap, 32950. 350 cash and 315 per month. GRUSSI & BOLDS,- -J. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452, A-440t. BIG BARGAIN New modern bunsra- low. in Rose Citv Park: enov trm. Tabor 5565. , 32250. New, 5 room bungalow, im provements included. Gas. elwtrin Owner. Main 9348. FOR SALE LOTS 16 ACRE tract on the west side; only 15 minutes' car ride: 5c fare. Th best value in ' the city for only 3760; sjlo uuwii, o.u per montn. n you are looking for a homesite with a big future where you can raise your own chickens, berries, vegetables, fruit, etc.. which is the greatest part of your liv ing, this will suit you. M. E. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. Residence Lot, 100x120, E. 67th, near Lincoln 100 ft. of Haw thorne car; all improvements in: best neighborhood; east front. See it today and make me offer. Owner. Tabor 2329. FOR SALE. 50x100 lot in fine garden, neat 3 room house, completely furnished, with plumbing; a snap if taken by Sun day; would consider auto. Addresa 761-2 58th ave.. S. E. CHEAP lot, 40x125, 4 room cottage, besides bathroom, pantry, toilet. woodshed, cellar, unfinished chamber, small chicken house, some fruit. Own er. Phone East 2020. COLLINS VIEW TRACT One of the finest view tracts on the west side; 75x100 foot lots for only 3350; 310 down; so per month, al. E. Lee, 622 corbett bldg. FOR SALE Two lots In West Port land Park, 3100 cash; will furnish abstract. E. H. Brown, room 38, 204 Mercantile Place, Los Angeles, Cal. ALAMEDA, PARK 100X100. N. E. dor. 26th and Skidmore; positively the best buy in the Park. 31675. Owner. x-58. Journal. FOR sale or trade by owner, a fine homesite in uaoor Jcieignts. si is. 7th st. ' ROSE CITY PARK, lot on 57th st. 3650; take automobile or motorcycle as part pay, not un, K. i., tiresnam LOT In Firland dist.. $350: worth $450. 35 monthly. M. 1168. 720 C of C bddg. FOR good cheap lots see Dahlgrea Berneiey. iseuwoc-a zbss. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The JournaL - FOR SALE -HOUSES S2361Q 881 MlUffilWi ESTfMTEi $2600 84S8CA8IKI 10 LOT for sale or trade, 13d and Kil lingsworth. Call 65$ JE. 8th, N. Phone East 1651. BEACH PROPERTY FOR SALE At Gearhart, Or., a well built house, furnished. 6- rooms and bath, electric lighted, property 100 by 100. Inquire f owner, 252 3d St., Portland. Or. BARGAIN Two lots at Seaside, 60x 200, 225. Phone East 4793. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The journal. ACREAGE 57 Acreage 1. 2, 5 and 10 acre tracts, 30 minutes out on New, Big, Red, Steel Electric Cars 12c commuters' fare; very best of soil; water and community conveniences; 3125 to 3500. per acre on installments. - The Shaw-Fear Company Main 86. 102 4th St. A-3500. i ACRES FOR 350. 310 down and 35 per month buys B acres of good level logged off land be tween Portland and Centralis, on the main line of 1 railroads, IV miles from town of 1000 population, saw mills, fehingle mills and other indue ries; 180 acres to choose from. Some of these tracts are about half cleared. A fine trout creek runs through the tract. Some bottom land, some upland, all is rood. BELL REAL ESTATE CO, 212 Railway Exchange. CHICKENS Four acres. Pacific highway, less than mile from Harrisburg, rock road; large new house, nicely finished; chicken-house and yard, some hens and chickens; young orchard and berries, 3 acres oats; good garden; a dandy little home. Price 31750; some terms. Write F. E. Towsley, owner, Harris- burg, or. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near. Pert- land: Gresham district, electric sta tion Vt mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only 375 to 3160 per acre in small tracts; easy terms, irann Mctvariana Realty Co.. 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. 320 PER ACRE 80 acres, about 2Vi in hay; mostly tillable: running wa ter; 1 mile from Columbia river. 2 miles from R. R. and boat landing; 77 acres seeded to pasture; 3600 cash, balA easy. Owner, Joel Nieml. 286 N. 17th st. Phone Main 3301. 160 ACRES, east of Salem, nearly all tillable land, some very easy to clear; first class soli and on the county road. The very best for stock and dairy; several good springs, good out range. Price 325 per acre. See owner at 232 hi Washington st.. room 16. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car- line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 158p, or Sell- wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. 200 ACRES adjoining city. Myrtle rreek. Or.: livlnsf water, timber, hill pasture, 20 acres tillable; would make several small nomes ana city iota; soil good for goat ranch; price 33000. Homer Oatman, Myrtle Creek,. Or. FOR SALE 3250 per lot at Multno mah, on O. K. y., oc iare; gooa sou; 1, u or acres; Just 20 minutes from city.. Phone Main 9167 after 6 p. m. M. M. Barron, owner. Multnomah, Or. 10 ACRES of land, 3120 per acre. 7H under cultivation, 3 mnes irom yc- amore -station. A. L. Schacht, 1181 Borthwick. By owner. NOTHING down, 38 month, nice, little chicken ranch ana nouse, 3 u minutes out. Call 10 to 12. 203 Lumber Ex change' bldg. FOR SALE or trade, 10 acres, partly improved, owner. 1S5& camppen st. 40 ACRES unimproved, no payment for. 8 yeara. owner. 46i i-J. iztn st. : WHEN you answer these Want Ads, meption The JournaL FOR SALE FARMS 17 $35 an Acre . 200 under cultivation, balance fir and bak timber; 6 room house, barn and family orchard; located in Yam hill county, 7 miles McMinnville, Or.: lies rolling; not" far from school, church and stores; soil is good; 36270 cash, balance to suit at 7 per cent in terest. This Is a bargain. Thompson & Swan 612 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. 40 Acres, $1000 Down 2 miles from electric line, about 15 miles from Portland auto road;- about 2K nores In cultivation, about 5 acres onion land, balance good pasture; one acre bearing prune orchard one acre variety of all xinds of fruit: also as- sortment of berries and grapes;' no better soil in Oregon, fine creelc and Bprings; wtll and pump at the door; S room house, 2 pantries, 4 closets. barn 40x50, and cow barn, chicken FOB 8AUB IXXTS (Continued.) , house, granary, cellar, etc. Price 36000; i good reason for selling. Adreaa YX 31000 down, balance on or before, 6 j t02. Journal. -Til S ":,",' ifiUi . xCI,,IF you are lnlerested in location for 40 Acres $800 31 fare from Portland, splendid farm land, close school, station; 3200 cash. 20 ACRES SPLENDID FARM LAND. 1 acre bearing orchard, spring, close ta school, station; 3800; $100 cash. 20 AUKE3 FARM LAiNO. 10 acres nearly readv for plow, level- rich soil, 3800. 3100 cash. Claude Cole. 917 Board of Trade Dldg. MARYLAND FARM 180 acres. 90 acres under the plow. all fine machine worked fields. 6-room house, good condition, good barn and stables; orchard of all kinds fruit; lo cated on main puoiic road, splendid water. thlcKiy settiea section, near school and church. Price 33000 if sold quickly. Call or write. Wm. J. Kenney Jr. Salisbury. Md. 31000 BELOW ACTUAL COST. 14.38 acres, including all improve ments, personal property, furniture. etc.; 6 acres in fruit; place is fenced with wire and cedar posts; 5 room bun galow, barn, two chlcKen houses; 2 miles from southern Oregon town; with "or without personal property. 33000; terms. CALLA N & KASER, 722-24', Yeon bldg. ONION LAND If you want onion land see D. F. Reid, owner of Reld's garden tracts, 701 E. 17th St., Van couver, Wash., 6 acres beaverdam. 6 acres upland. - 31375; 3250 cash, bal ance 5 years at 6 per cent; will sell you 10 to 100 or more acres. LINCOLN county dairy and stock ranches, from 1 to 1400 acre tracts, where the grass is green the year around: best of soil and land, cheap. Some for trade. List with me if you want trade. R. N. Warnock. Toledo, Oregon. - ' NEWCOMERS The easiest way to get posted on farm land is to come to the free show today at 263 Wash ington st. (between 3d and 4th). In teresting, instructive and absolutely free. Bring the ladlea. - - 40 ACRES stump land on Nehalem river, 7 miles from ocean, 330 per acre; yearly payments. X-742, Jour nal. - 23 ACRES. 10 miles east of court house, Vt in orchard, rest easy cleared; small house, barn. Price $2700; $2000 Room 14. 231 Morrison. VFRY cheap tor the quality Is my Deautiiui nome larm, on J u&taun river. T, "Wlthycombe. 432 12 tn at. Mha!i 3118. FOR SALE or rent, 240 acre stock and grain ranch. Apply L H. Smith, Elmira, Or. ; - - WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The JournaL - . - FOR. SALE FARMS ; 17 Continued.) FOR SALF: Small dairy ranch of 10 acres, 12 miles from Portland,- iM miles from station on O. E. ; 7 acres in feed crops; good 5 room house, good barn, family orchard, small fruits and running spring water, $3100; f 1000 cash. TX-803. Journal. FRUIT LAXDS FOR SALE 43 QUARTER section White Salmon val ley; eep red shot soil; S.Ono.OOO feet fir. Owner, Iven. Gilmer. Wash. WHEN yeu answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. EXClf AXGJREAL ESTATE 24 120 acres nut, fruit or grain land, nice ly located, Yamhill Co. 0 in culti vation, bal. timber pasture. Good house, fine water, family fruits, 1 acres young apple. Accept Portland modern residences, unincumbered, not over 3S000 to 34000 value each, up to 38000. Bal. 34000, 6. Might assume small amount on one. Or 65 acres improved of same for unincumbered residence up to 33500. Bal. 32500. 6. Owner. T-195, Journal. WE CAN SELL OR TRADE. If you wish to sell your real estate for cash or trade for other property. It will pay you to see us for quick re sults. 10 years' successful business is our guarantee for a square aeai. M'KENZIE CO.. 615 Gerllnger bldg. Main 2801 SACRIFICE AT MULTNOMAH STA TION. 2 bungalows.. 4 and 6 rooms each, on 90x105 foot lot. Will exchange for small farm or a milk route, and as sume difference to 35000, if right. Price 33500. CALLAN & KASER. 722-4 Yeon bldg. I AM the attorney for a client who owns about 200 very deairable bust ness and residence lots located at Estacada, Or., which must be disposed of immediately. Will exchange all or part lor good farm property, u. A. Cobb, Yeon bldg FARMERS. TAKE NOTICE! We have a choice list of city property to exchange for farms or acreage. AYRES & SMITH, 401 Northwest bldg.. 6th and Wash lngton sts. Main 7266. 332,000 worth of first clasa Portland property partly improved for ex change for stock ranch with stock, eastern Oregon preferred. See owner. 1084 Hawthorne ave. TEN acres, small - house, running water, near milL Will trade for team and ranch tock. Clyde Ackley,' 8016 63d ave. SALE OR TRADE Transfer or stor age business for about 10 acres im proved, near city. Brooklyn Transfer Co. FOR KXCHANGE Fine Medford res idence and warehouse property, 312. 000. for income or good timber. Clark Realty Co.. Medford, Or. EXCHANGE Have you furniture you can't sell? I have 2 lots near Spo kane ave. I'll trade for 3200. John Grundstrom, box 682. route 1. WANT o pass. auto. Have 6 acres land at Tonauin station on carllne. Also clear city lot close-in, worth JloUO. Phone Mam 7Z. STORE buildlnc. rented, eastern Ore gon, for small house and lot; pay some cash difference, all AUsKy blag WE exchange what you have for what you want, treper & Batter, 444 sner lock bldg.. 3d and Oak. Marshall 2654 CASH and unincumbered Income prop erty for farm up to 315,000. Chas. E. Short, 505 Couch bldg, TWO well located coast lots for motor cycle. 311 Alisky bldg. WILL trade Sileta timber land for room house. Y-768, JournaL WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal SWAP COLUMN 25 FURNITURE of 7 room flat and lot to trade for rooming house. Call 248 Stark st. WANTED REAL ESTATE St WILL pay cash for house and lot be tween E. Broadway and E. Harrison and E. 30th; must De a bargain. A-2 04, Journal. BERKELEY property. List with m.. Buy and sell this tract. Oscar Danl gren. Partwood, or. Kenwood 2358. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention lhe Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 5:i 22 ROOMS 22 2 blocks from Washington St., every ell mull fnrtl4,iii Tl f r-n a and clean; clear; clears 395 above -all expenses; worth 31200; first one comes gets this for 3500. Peters, of course, 15 N. 5th st. WILL dispose of my 14 room rooming and boarding house at a sacrifice; terms; full of tenants. 67 Trinity Place. ' cation, to trade for land near Port- land. I am no agent. L-95, Journal. 8 ROOM rooming house for sale. 3375; 3200 cash, balance on easy payments. Marshall 3978. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal BUSINESS CHANCES 20 BLACKSMITH and horseshoeing shop, fully equipped with machinery; makes from 315 to 320 per day; will 1 sell at reasonable price. YX-9M. Jour- ; nai. ; FOR SALE Furniture and lease of the best hotel in central Orearon: ; modern throughout, no junk. A snap. general store to serve country trade. address G. O. Ireland. Junction City, Oregon. FOR SALE Dry goods, ladies and men's furnishings. 38000. Can re duce. Rettirns 25 per cent. Cash only. A-96. Journal. IF YOU have anything anywhere you want to sell or trade, see Block, 583 Washington st. He matches you. Mar shall 6725, A-4940. YOUNG lady wants gentleman to Join her in opening a restaurant: small investment required. Room 602 Broad way bldg. FOR SALE, cheap, small confectionery on E. 1st and Morrison st. Also C. Creaters popcorn and peanut machine. Call H. Root, E. 3675. FOR SALE, harness shop in good farm ing country; reason for selling, ill health: a rare opportunity. Address Allan Garnett, Weston, Or. STRICTLY cash store for sale cheap. pay you $125 month. Can try it be fore you buy. Room 329 Morgan bldg. Photo Studio 88 14 3RD ST. DANDY restaurant for two people, 20 miles out, no opposition, everything complete, for cash. T-65. Journal. PARTNER wanted, cleaning and press ing. Will teach business. Little money needed. 255 North 17th st. 1000 Business Cards, $1.00 Ryder Ptg.Co.,S. W, cor. 3d and Morrison STOCK merchandise in best country town in the state. -Must sell account of nloknesw. Call Main 6428. RESTAURANT for rent or sale; will sell fixtures in lot. by piece. 97 Rus sell street. MEAT market, best location, east side; doing $50 day; good prices; no agents. G-943, Journal. BOOTBLACK stand for sale. Busy corner. - Snyder's. 265 1st st, cor. Madison. - LADY partner wanted, in good dress making business. Good proposition. C-6. Journal. EXCELLENT opening at Lyle. Wash., for doctor and general store. Ad dress Lyle Commercial club. $900 grocery : store for sale, 3700. Liv ing rooms. $15 month. 1347 Cor bett st. BEST stenographers and dictaphone operators n tne city. Phone zsl 7, PARTNER wanted. Fine opportunity Tor a good man. A-9s. journal WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. 20 WANTED Grocery store, restaurant. rooming house, some business In Portland. S acres are 40 lots 60x97; equity of 33200. streets and water. ould consider auto, 30 acres good land 1 miles from R. R., 335 per acre, 40 acres improved. Willow, California. is acres cut 30 tons first cutting. 3.aV per acre. 20 J H acres, 135 In cultivation, all crops, stock and tools, best and cheap est larm in the valley, at 312a per acre. Some trade, good terms. want partner in first class restau rant. Tou can div for it out of the business. Hotel, 40 rooms, modern, to trade. See BLACK, hit Washington St. tie matcnes your deal PARTNER wanted for good modern hotel with bar in connection; want a man to take care of the office and see that the work ia prouerlr executed: pay 31500 now and the remainder out of the business above your salary, which will not be more than 3100 per month. Call at room 602 Broadway bldg. LADY conducting av dandy vaudeville picture theatre wants to ret gentle man to buy half interest. This is in good town near Portland, and is a good proposition for the right party experience not necessary; 376 re quired. See my agent, 602 Broadway bldg.. on Morrison near Broadway. $250 $250 $250 Buys one of the best restaurants in the city, not far from depot: doing 825 daily; cost 3900 to furnish up; price for all 3250. See Peters, 15 N. 6th st. AN honest Kentleman wanted as part ner in a growing manufacturing business; no competition: will incorp orate company If desired; small capi tal required; salary guaranteed, can 281 Hawthorne ave., or pnone r--. eiua. FOR SALE! A bargain. The best sawmill proposition with land and timber, for the small mill man to con sider. Mill In operation, rood con tracts. Box 264, Gresham, Or. or phone Gresham 513. CONFECTIONERY. light groceries, soda fountain, ice cream, cigars, to bacco, clean stock, good corner on car- line. Llvinar room. 1 must sen at once on account of other business. 3600. D- 64. Journal. NEW towns on the P.. E. & E. Ry.. of- fer exceptional opportunities for groceries and general stores. For In formation-, address Pacific Land Co., 407 Yeon bldg. ' WANTED Steady man as partner! wno can invest ajov ana - wining iu work 8 hours a day (no Sunday work) for 3150 month: must have references. 303-4 Lumber Exchange. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES : YERI FLEXIBLE! CONTRACTS: NO COM MISSION. COLUMBIA LTFK A TRUST CO. 916 PPALDINO TLTX. LOANS on improved city property or for building purposes; advances made as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. : j. r. Lipscombe. 242 Stark st Main 4420. MONEY to loan on city and country property at current rates; mort gages bought and sold. - Whltmer Kelly Co- - G. A. Hartman. manager loan dept.-. 711 Pittock block. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE 701 Selling Bldg, I CAN safely loan your money on mortgages and carefully examine abstracts. Gruber. Attorney. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. ' TO LOAN 3400. 31600, 32600 and 35000 on city Improved property. J. L. Wells Co.. 24 Chamber of Commerce bMg. WE have money to loan on your real estate: first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis A Co.. 3 Lewis bldar MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES TATE. WM. U. BECK. 316 FAIL Tvr. RI,r0. 3100.000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire insurance. McKenzie 8t Co.. Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgages bought and sold. John L. Karnopp, Railway Exchange bldg. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security; apply rm. 203 Ptork Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. 31000 to 35000 private funds for imme dlate loan. Phone Tabor 2520. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Pelts A Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. Mortgage Loans 11, MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 813 cnam. ot worn. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon &- Co.. 229 Htarkst. 340,000 OR LESS. FARRAINGTON 80 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. 3250. 33o, 300 3850. 31200. $2000. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham. Com, FOR mortgage loans, see Gruber. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. $500 TO LOAN on Portland real es tate. Full particulars. 512 Piatt bid, WHEN you answer these Waut Ada. mention The Journal. MOXET TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES WHEN you answer these Want Ad. mention The Journal. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, jew elry, wm. Hon k a. w.en-ton biir Free -With BUSINESS CHANCES C Continued.) A Large Bottle of the Famous Columbia Brand Salad Oil Free Save 35c and Make Better Salad Through an arrangement with the Union Meat Com pany, the Want Ad. Department of J The' Journal will give a bottle of this famous salad oil FREE. (35c of your grocer.) . TO EVERY PERSON INSERTING A CASH "WANT AD" AMOUNTING TO 25c OR MORE IN NEXT SUNDAY'S JOURNAL, JUNE 14. Your grocer recommends this Salad Oit to you. If is doable refined -and deodorized. It can be used for the same purpose as Olive Oil and makes a fiijer mayonnaise dressing. It is lighter and blends better than any other kind of oil Absolutely pure and wholesome. . j INSERT YOUR "WANT AD" IN THE SUNDAY JOURNAL BRING IT IN ANY DAY AND GET A FULL BOTTLE OF THIS -FAMOUS COLUMBIA -BRAND SALAD OIL FREE. . , "Just as Good 07 IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDri AND JEWIXBT t AT EASTERN RATEb. ; We have one of the finest retail Jew elry stores In the city. A loan depart ment la conducted In connection 'jritn same, making business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan business displayed in rront or eur store. jui mrcnnuie pledged Is held for a period of seven ruonthai, whether or not interest is paid when due. We are licensed and have been established since 1889. No con nection with any other loan estaoiisn ment In this city , A. cS Al- DELOVAUl. J H. v r-W-no, 524 Washington gt: GET VACATION We will loan vou any apiount on sal ary, diamonds, autos. motorcycles, fur- nituret pianos or real estate at lowest rates.) ion can get 11 toaay. ' PiKTaJM LOAIKI (Si. , l Licensed). 205 Rothchild Bldg.. Between 4th and 6th sts.. on Wash ington st When you are in need ot Heady cash Call and see us For a confidential loan on your salary. You can repay us in small weekly or monthly payments. Lowest rates. Best terms. State Security Co.. 80P Failing Bldg, PRIVATE IPLACE TO (QSTASDO LM. DOAKSOGSDS, . MEW, ETC. Business strictly confidential. ELBV CO. 320 Lumber r.x. bidg.. zd and Start. If You Need Alouey and Cavn't Borrow From a Bank, SEE US FOR PRIVATE LOANS On Your Piano. Furniture. Auto. Livestock. Storage Receipts. Real Es- uie, etc. vie our .Mortgage.. MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CO. Main 6286 310 Ablngton bldg. COLUMBIA Loan Co., 06 Swetland bldg. Money to loan on chattela pianos, etc., plain notes or anything of value, we buy mortpages. confidential MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry. rj. w. iving, room 4o, washing ton Diag. LOANS on diamonds and lewelrr, Brown & Co, room 9. Washing ton LOANH WANTED SO WANTED 31009 income collateral: will pay 10. T-66. Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. FIX AN CI AL 01 FIRST and 2d mortgagee, also sel lers' interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. 3300 CONTRACT mortgage payable 350 per month. Will discount. Tyke, Main 6377. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The JournaL HELP WANTED MAI.K DO you want to learn the business that has the greatest ' demand for trained men? If you do, are honest and mechanically inclined, we will teach you automobile driving, repair ing and gas engineering. We charge a amall tuition fee, which you agree to pay at time of graduation. Pacific Auto and Gas Engine School, 266-8 llth st. Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Record for year 1918: Calls for men J35 Position, filled 141 All young men seeking employment are. cordially invited to consult with the secretary ot the Employment De partment. SALESMEN wanted by New York con cern for -rortlana and vicinity on factory lines of textiles, knit goods and notions. Selling to manufacturers Jobbers and retailers. Call Friday and Saturday on A- W. Frank. Hotel Ben- eon. BAKER WANTED Who has a few hundred dollars, to taae e-nop in gooa town. Am not a baker and must aell. HX-9P5. Journal. MAN calling on trade in northwest can cet a gooa siaeiine irom me. Plummer. 20 Third. . WANTED All round dinner and short order cook. $12 weak to start. Call 101 6th st. ' WANTED At once- 3 men to learn auto repairing and driving. Haw thorne. Garage. 445 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Good strong boy. 13 ta IS vears. 7 1st at, CHEF Headquarters and helpers. Cal- Ifnrnla " Wine Drot. 285 Yamhill. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. HELP WANTED MLSO. 48 RAILWAY postal clerks wanted. $7C month. Apply Franklin Instltota, Dept. 34SM. Rochester. N. T. WANTED Names of men wishing to be Portland mall carriers. 3(7 mo. KX-39. Journal. WANTED Man or woman to sail sweeping compound in city; commis sion only. R. M. Plummer. 230 8d et. PACIFIC Chiropractic College. Ino, 407 to 418 Commonwealth bldg. UNCALLED for tellor made suits $.6l up. Tavlor. the Tillnr, 281-4 Bumwlds ! MONET tO 1VOA3I CHATTELS. SALARIES ( Con tinned.) W ant Ads - Free at olive oil at one-half the cost" HELP WANTEJe MISC.- 4$ (Continued.) OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thorough practical course m law; no time lost from regular occupation; recitations evenings. Samuel T. Richardson, dean. ai. .-uoreneao. sec 31, 317 common wealth bldg.. Portland. Oregon. L6b yourapare time to build up a mall order business of your own. V help you start for a share in profits. 27 opportunities. Particulars free Mutual Opportunities Exchange. Buf falo. N. Y. - W ANTED Women for government clerkships. 370 month. Portland ex aminations soon. Specimeo . questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 7Q4-N : MocnesieT. is. t. THOUSANDS government jobs open to men ana women; Dig pay. write immediately- for ftee list. Franklin institute. Dept. 350M. Rochester, N. Y. PORTLAND railway mail cleric exam inations coming. 375 month. Sam. . pie question, free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 348 N. Hoc heater. N. Y. WHEN you answer tnece Want Ada, mention ine Journal HELP WANTED FEMAL1J a WANTED A good woman or girl for general housework, 3ao per month, in country. Address Lou Miller. Jef ferson. Or. WANTED Women and girls for pack ing fruit and vegetables; Oregou wo., r-. tn and Heimont. WANTED Experienced cloak and suit saleswomen, state where last em- pioyed and how long. . T-68. JournaL WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE ' 2i MEN WOMEN, get government Jobs. Big pay. Examinations announced everywhere July 15. Sample question. free. Franklin Institute. Dept 0 N. Rvhefiter. N. Y. OREGON Barber College Now Is the time to learn the barber trade; po sition guaranteed; paid while learn ing; tool. free. 233 Madlaon at. AlOLEK BARBER COLLEGE leaches trade In 3 weeks, pays while learn- - Ing, gives let-class set of tools; write - for free catalogue. B. 4 3 N. 2d it j F1SK Teachers? Agency secures pos- tions for teacher.. 313 Journal bldg m- WHEN you answer these Waut Ada, mention The Journal. WANTED AGENTS SALESMEN wanted, a number ot live. on the job salesmen for Washington, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and other states. Lea. competition this year and demand for trees offers the right man a splendid opportunity. Salem Nuraery Com pan y. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal SITUATIONS MALE YOUNG man. 29. badly in need of , .vail mw H,,r, a. . mMJna A 9 a livelihood; In energetic and wilting. A-1517. Main 717. MAN with paralyzed hand wants work as night watch, soliciting, distribut ing or as tally man on the docks.- Mala 71.. A-1517. YOUNG man with experience-in laun dry work, wants any kind of work. Can drive team or will do porter work. Main 717. A-1517. . YOUNG Swede, expert cabinet maker and carpenter, wants work. Will take any kind of work. Main 717. MAN with carpenter experience wants work; will take ddd jobs. Main 717, A-1617. BOY, 17. wants work in box factory or similar work. Main 717, A-l 517. EXPERIENCED Janitor wants office. or riuilQtng. to clean. Main 717. MAN wants garden work. Main 717, A-151T. YOUNG man wants position, any kind of work. In city. T-69. Journal. MAN wants any kind of odd Job" Main 717. A-1317. BTONE. brick and cement work, city or country. ! E. 31 st. SITUATION FKMALK COMPETENT stenographer desires piece work. Telephone Main (073 au m . Main J! p. m. STENOGRAPHER wishes position as substitute or permanent. A-4. Jour nal. WIDOW with child 4 years old. would like position running rooming houe. Call Main 9503. EXPERIENCED oa.hier would Tike work. Good reference. Phone Wood lawn 384. ELDERLY lady wishes work by the hour four days in the week as help. Fst 8329. WOULD like a child to loard in the country. Mrs. A. J. Eisele, Sherwood. Or.. R. F. D. 6. - - GIRL, 16, wishes place in apartments where she ran help with housework; r.o small child ren. T-7. Journal. WOMAN who ia neat and reliable wants housecleanlng. Main 717. "WOMAN wants day work. JJTSIT Main 717. LADY wants day work Friday and Saturday. Main 2089. - WANTED i'osl lion as rook on ranch. Btrong and capable. T-7, Journal. WOMAN wants work at house clean ing. A-1517. Main 717, "WOMAN who is good laundress wants worit. wain 717. A-lbl7. WANTED PoMltion with some Um lly going to beach. Main 7825. La 1Y wishes day work of any kind. 25c an hour. Main 686. (Ooatlnoed on TaTsxt rf) O : . jl. """" 1 W J . - -