THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 12. 1914. . ... , GOVERNM RAILROADS ENfcO OF- WNED EUROP m E ocia la Person &1 BYWQNA T AVL&K 1V1 FAILURE, SAYS GADSBY They Fed Us as They Would Soldiers in Barracks, He Asserts, MUDDY SOUP FIRST OOSE t if KS. KUKK13 UKEUU enter tained (bis afternoon with a . charmingly appointed tea for the pleasure of Mrs, Curtis Sargent, who Is the guest of Mr. Sar gent's mother for the summer at the latter" 0 Irving-ton home. There were guests for five tables at bridge prior to the tea. when about 60 guests called. The: house was abloom with red roses throughout the living rooms and in the dining room whew Mrs. Walter Brewer and Mrs. George MacPherson presided at th tea table blue canter bury bells and pink roses were ef fectively arranged. The hostess was assisted In receiv ing by Mrs. Howard Latourette and Mrs. Ben Berger. Guest of Mrs. Costello. Miss Helen Bloulss' Baldwin of Den- Colo., is a guest of her uncle and i aunt. Mr. and Mrs. James C Costello of Irvlngton. MisS Baldwin will) spend the summer here and in Government-owned railroads of con-1 fV" V wo ttnental Europe hav, no appeal what- " l DO"or IT ever to Captain William Gadsby. who her cousin. Mrs. Helen McHugh. who is with his son. Walter Oadsby. cut short t0 b married to lieutenant Jonn Her- thelr Mediterranean trip so they could n Hood of the coast artillery corps get home in time for the Rose esu-i" oiepueae, ur., juuo miw val. They succeeded in reaching Port-1 Mctiugn has visited her uncle ana land for the celebration by means of (here on several occaslpns and has .the fast new ocean liner Aaultania on I many friendsmong the younger set. her maiden voyage. I ! w "Ught" exclaimed the captain this I cc nt morning. "I'm trying to forget those I " railroads. They fed us as they would I A pleasant surprise was given Miss feed soldiers in barracks. At meal La, Verne Girvan at her home. 931 East time we were herded in like pigs. First Eighth street, north, last Friday even they gave us a dose of muddy soup. ing.! The evening was pleasantly then a dose of fish buried in Jassup j Bpent jn games and music, when re- gravy, men a aose 01 meat, wneiner i frmhmnU won aorvAd. iftur which roast beef or roast horse we couldn't Georgia Chapman rendered a number tell, then a slop of rice pudding. It of recitations, which were very much was awful. It reminds me of the I Thn. nn th Captain Xamladad of Blumgullion; . ZMntrs Herded Together ZJke Tig Other European Impressions. slumgulllon they dished out to the American soldiers when the first trans port took them to Manila. And the Misses Carrie E. Renz, Georgia Chap man, Florence Svade, Phena Faubian, r " - vlV wl Louise Btarr. La Verne Girvan. Mrs. hbu M thankful we" hlVrlVe Probst. Mrs. H. B. Girvan. Charles v.! ( v, , I Cllnkenbeard. Fomas Evans. Sheldon coaches and general equipment over Young. Le Koy T. Pulm, Lloyd Clink there can't be compared with ours." enbeard. La Monte Girvan. Bud Probst. tt.ii ai... t.. I Howard Svade. Oscar Edlund and Captain Gadsby didn't see a thing j Stephen W. Renz. east of the Atlantlo that he could Bert-Forney 'Wedding, i . More than SO guests attended the wedding of Miss Abbie Estella Forney, who was married to Basil Peter Bert, at the residence of the bride's mother. 1121 Missouri avenue, on Tuesday, June 9, at 8:80 p. m, , The home was tastefully decorated with roses, ferns, and ; evergreens; and the bride wi Deaunruiiy gowned. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. T. Kerr of the M. E. church. Mendelssonh'a wedding march was rendered by Mrs. Glenn McCleery. Miss Georgle For ney, sister of the bride, and "Miss Blanch Parks were the bridesmaids In attendance, and Dayne Bert and Frank carpenter attended the' bridegroom. Mrs. F. Elvers sang "Garland of Roses." and Miss Lela Muir "I Lowe Tou Truly." Following the ceremony the guests were received by the bridal party, and a delicious luncheon was served. Miss Forney is a popular member of the Chanticleer's club1 and has a. large circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bert will "be at home to their many friends after July 15, at 238 Killings-worth avenue. Wedding Anniversary. About 40 friends of Mr. and Mrs. U. K. Hall of 821 East Taylor street called and surprised them on their tenth wedding anniversary. The even ing was spent in xnusld and games, after which refreshment were served. Society Notes.. Mrs. I Meyers of Boston is ln the city to spend the summer witfl ner son. Dr. Edmund Meyers. Miss Martha Hart and Miss Faith Hanthorne have returned to Portland from college at Corvallls to pass the summer with parents. Mrs. Lawrence Alnsworth of Hood River Is the guest of her mother. Mrs. Charles E. Bitton. compare with the United States. Of course, he admitted, the trip was of vast interest because of the quaint, or hlstorlo or mafittlve or artlstio factors that composed It. "WeJhad an interesting time in the ruins of Pompeii," continued Mr. Gads by. "They are excavating now in the residential district of the city and flndlnsr new things every day. '.'One thing not generally known Is the fact that the Pompetlans were holding a hot election Just about the time they were buried by the volcano. 1 don't know whether they were voting for mayor, the commission form of government, for woman's suffrage or the tariff, but we saw election notices painted on the walls, calling the voters' attention to the issues of the day. .whatever they were. "On our Journpy we met many Port' land people in Egypt, Palestine, Italy, France and England. The funny part of it was that all asked about the Rose CHICAGO BANKS CLOSED BY OF ORDER EXAMINER La Salle Street Trust & Sav ings Bank, Illinois State Bank, Broadway State. to onen this morning," Harldn said. Former Senator Lorimer is presiaenx of the La Salle street institution. Har- kin said the deposits of the three banks totaled $4,648,000. . (t'nlted Press Leased Wire.) Chicago, June 12. The La Salle Festival and wished they could get Street Trust and Savings bank, gener back in time to see It. Our voyage ally known as William Lorlmer's bank. tanla held steady through the waves. 17."".,.., 4.i,h w.r. rmirh .t timo .nd "ens, closed ita doors here today and it .m.,l If we wpr. rtdlne on n. I placed its affairs in the hands of the river steamer instead of a mighty I state auauor. BatiK .kdcaminer Harkin ocean greyhound. I was responsible for the closlne of the What lmpresned me most in isurope I bank. ana nortnern Ainca was tne numoer Tne. bank had a pala up capltal ct smoked cigarettes. On the steamer, in I ,,' , ,mn ..j the best hotels, on trains, in the villas t,ua,!U iuvv ""- nd along the Riviera we saw them I aepositors jammea ia. eane sireei ana everywhere. But one thing I noticed I clamored for admittance. A man ap- ws that hardly any of these women j peared on the twelfth floor of the were French. building in which the bank is located Army Maneuvers Interesting. and i deliberately kicked out a large The real Frenchwoman is not of the I Dane of tclass. The Klass fell on the sort Gaborlau or MeMaupassant writes crowd at the front door and a dozen about. 8he is modest end home loving I or more persons were cut and injured. and in point of chlcness really behind I The police were unable to fin4 the her American sisters. I man who knocked out the window, The Gadsbys reached England In I State Auditor Brady ordered the -time for the army maneuvers, which I bank closed. Examiner Harkin at the they found most interesting. They same time closed the Illinois State were fairly amazed at the development Bank and the Broadway State Bank, of aviation in the English army, many I smaller Institutions affiliated with the aeroplanes being seen in the air at I La Salle street bank. once, besides great dirigible balloons. I "I was directed to, examine the banks The soldiers were out in campaign i ana rouna tneir conaition sucn that I trim and the exercises were highly I thought it would not be safe for them strenuous, though the only spectacular feature was the charge of 10,000 Examination Began Week Ago. Springfield. I1L, June It, State Aud itor Brady refused today to go Into details regarding the closing ot the La Salle Street Trust and Savings bank and two smaller banks In Chi cago. "All 1 have to say." Brady stated, "is that I authorized Bank Examiner Harkin to take such action if, in his opinion, conditions warranted it." Brady's chief cleric said the exami nation of the Lorimer institution be gan a week ago. Florence Streets Improved. Florence, Or., June 12. Street im provements are being pushed here. The planking of Front street is half com pleted and & large force of men Is rushing the work. Property owners are preparing to put in a 10 foot ce ment walk and curb. Grading Is com pleted in front of several of the stores. Anther grocery store opened In Flor ence Wednesday. The proprietor Is Ed Radcllffe. Mrs. II. M. Kendall gave birth yes terday morning to an 11 pound daughter. Glenada is planning a big celebration for July Fourth. .Money Order Postofficea. Washington. June 12. The follow ing will become domestic money order postof flees July 1: Alfalfa, Algoma, Almeda, Audrey. Bonita, Booth, Boyer, Brighton, Buchanan, Cherry Grove, Clarno, Cove Orchard, Crowley, East ville, Dillon, Fir. Galena, Garden Home, Gurdane, Gypsum, Harlan, Home, Keno, Koler, Manning, Mecca, Odessa. Ortley. Princeton. . Robert. Rockaway, South Inlet, Star, Supple, Trent, Turekanham, Tice, View Point, Waterman, wauna. Wlnant, Winlock. y 1 1 1 m ' Journal Want Ads bring Tesults. troops, "Intended," as Captain Gadsby g1 crowds, as such movements would be entirely Improper In action." Captain Gadsby and, his son sailed from New York early In March. Their Itinerary included Algeria, Egypt, Pal estine, Judea, all the famous points in Italy and France, and ending in "Eng land. They forded the Jordan river, took the trip from Jerusalem to, Jeri cho and bathed in the Dead Sea, where It is said no living thing can exist. Their Egyptian visit was featured by trips to the Pyramids, the Sphinx, the tombs of the Pharaohs and the other noted historic spots. "But after a trip on those government-owned railroads, we were glad enough to get back to the lines of the 'baked potato' and the 'big fat break fast,' " explained the captain. "You can't beat America, after all." A broiler for use on any stove that a Virginian has invented holds the meat to. be cooked in a vertical posi tion within a casing that catches every drop of juice that falls from, it. "ACATION V SALES Por School Children's Needs ! Shoes For the Beach Boy Scout Shoes in olive, tan, black and smoke at $2.00 and 92.50. Flexible-Soled Moccasins, "Trot Mocs," at ?2 to f 2.75. Barefoot Sandals and Tennis Shoes. Great Sale Wash Suits and Girls' Wash and lingerie Dresses Every little girl's wash and lin gerie dress in the shop is radi cally reduced for June Clear ancethe size range is infancy to 12' years. Prices start Git e e Boys' Suits Reduced Almost every boys' Wool Nor folk and Knicker Suit in the house is reduced. $7.50 and $6.50 Suits, now 95 $3.50 and some $10 Suits 9895 Sires 6 to 17 years n OutfitterjyC CnUdrerv Portland Agents for ladles Home Jonrnal Patterns Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors Second Floor Olds, Wort man & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods iNewTFlETntniied Halls Flower and Ribbon Trimmed Styles SECOND" FLOOR Beauti ful New Trimnied Hats Leghorns and Milans, trim'd with beautiful Ostrict fan cies and flowers. Milan 6hapes trimmed with flowers and ribbons-and fine qual ity Panamas, trimmed with white breasts and wings. Exquisite models for street and dress wear. All are new and very desirable , shapes. Priced for Saturday's selling at, choice $6.95 Trimmed Panamas $3.95 Trimmed Leghorns S3.00 Vomen's Trimmed Panatnas in the newest shapes. These are all just in by express. Attrac tive styles, trimmed with rib bons, breasts, etc J OK Special tomorrow at &0uO About 200 of these Pretty Leg horn Hats in this special offer ing. . Trimmed with flowers, ribbons, etc.,- in the smartest new effects. Priced very special at.; $3.00 Beantlfnl New Flame Trimmed Hats on Sale at Soda Fonn tain, Ice Cream Parlors In Basement Shoe Shining in Basement Manlcnrlng, Hair Dressing. 23 Fl'r Rest Rooms, Retiring Rooms, Public Telephones, 2d Floor Headquarters tor Local Views, Post. Ca'ds, Pennants tJUNE WHITE i J Flag Day Jane 14 Complete stock of American flags in all sizes and qualities at Lowest Prices. EdlSoWdDirttinmsiini , t . !.-..' ' , Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Store Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Every Business Day, Saturday Included. Tea Room 4th Floor Lunch tomorrow tn our cool, restful Tea Room. Unsurpassed Service. EvSry WjtfteArticl e ffeducedL-Except a few Cootnactlioea V and Toilet Goods Underprlced FOR SATURDAY MAI?! FLOOR Out-of-town folks should take adrantage of this tale and supply their needs for the entire summer. 5c Ivory Soap 3c Limit 6 cakes to a customer. No deliveries, except with other pur chases In Drug Department. 15c Toilet Paper, 5 00 sheets to the roll. Special... ..iuc 35c Hosnital -Cotton.. .....19c (Sponges nice size for..... 15c 10c size cake Sapolio ."..6c I Regular 25c Jergen's Rice Pow I der. Saturday at 12c Resrular 35c Daggett Sc. Karas dell's Face Cream. ...... 25c 25c Kolvnos Tooth Paste. M 14c 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste.. ..28c t5c Vi. -lb. bottle Peroxide. Sat urday. special ........ .7c Sanitary Napkins. Dozen. ..35c 25c Imperial Talcum. ..... .15c Regular 8c Williams' inaymg boap tor 15c Borated Talcum. .5c 10c Monkey Soap for....... 6c Odds and Ends of bulk Perfumes; the ounce 25c tOc Witch HazeL OatmeaL or Buttermilk Soap ........ .6c 35c Witch Hazel, 16 OZ.....2U toe Moth Balls for. ........ .5c 11.00 Sal Hepatica for.. ....85c Regular 25 c Emerson Bromo Seltzer, now .....20c 35c Apenta Water at....... 25c 50c Phenolaz Wafers at. . . . .35c 5oc Stewart's Dyspepsia Tablets at, the box .35c Regular 35c Merck's Sugar of Milk. Saturday ........28c 25c White Pine and Tar.... 15c 25c Lavoris Mouth Wash. Sat urday, special .......... 20c 35c Fletcher's Castoria. . ...25c lSc Pear's Unsc. Soap.. . ...10c 25c Violet Ammonia....... 15c Special Otter Men's and Young Men's 835,00 Suits for 823.45 MEN'S STORE, MAIN FLOOR For style, service and all around satisfaction these splendid suits are unequalled at any store in Portland at the price. They are hand tailored throughout with the best of linings. They were made by prominent makers whose names are familiar to well dressed men the country over. Beautiful woolen fabrics In neat, conservative patterns, cassimeres, worsteds and cheviots In light, medium and heavy weights. We show ten' distinct new models in this line. Men who seek good clothes at moderate cost should choose one of these excellent suits worth to $3 5.00 $00 AC priced special at only .3Jz' $8.50 Motor Coats $6.45 Men's "R. & W." Roseberry Cloth Motor Coats, light in weight, stylish and comfortable. Regular fffi JP 18.50 grade now on sale dUTJ $1.50 Motor Gloves 98c Men's Motor Gloves, made to stand hard usage about the car. Also splendid gloves for driving. Reg. Si. 50 grade at pair.. Men's SI. 50 Shirts 98c Men's $5 Stetson Hats $1.98 Men's Soft Felt and Stiff Hats, "Stetson," "Cheshire" and "Napoleon" makes, light and medium weights. Sizes 6 to 7. (1 QO Hats selling formerly to 15.00, choice CA0 Men's Sailor Straw Hats Worth to $4 for $1.49 '95 MAIN FLOOR Plaited and plain bosom with stiff cuffs soft bos om with turn back cuffs and collar to match also white plaited or plain white with stiff cuffs and soft bosom with soft collars and cuffs. Several lines grouped into one big lot for quick disposal. Regular QC. 1.25 and 1.50 Shirts at JJC Boys' $7.50 Suits At $5-95 Norfolk and Double-Breasted styles In cassimeres, cheviots and worsteds. Beautiful new patterns and colorings. f 6 .50 and $ 7.50 Suit $5.98 $ 8.50 mnd $10.00 Suit $7.95 $12.50 and $15.00 Suit $9.95 Boys9 Wash Suits MAIN FLOOR Children's Wash Suits in the popular Russian models. Made of, re pp. percales, madras and chamCray. Odd lines worth up to $4 divided f ) f n Into 2 lots at $2.69 and . I? Men's 25c Hose 19c 25c "O.-W.-K." Hose In all the wanted colors. Sizes from 9J4 up to 1Q 114. Reg. 25c Hose 1SJC 25c Wash Ties 12Vc Beautiful assortment of pat terns in dainty colorings. Standard 25c Wash Ol Ties, special only. lC Underwear for 39c Men's Balbriggan Porosmesh and Honeycomb Shirts and Drawers in white and OQ- I ecru. Garment for J7I. 50c Hose 3 Pairs $1 Men's Silk Hose in black, tan, gray, navy, lavender. green and fancy mixtures. US1.00 Women's Sweaters at Sale Prices CHARLES HEDDEN'S 75c Toilet Waters In the following odors Siren Lily, Violet Eve, Naiad's, or Violet. Any of these with a ! 50c jar of Hedden's Face Cream total retail price, 1.25 7C Combination Special. . I DC 25c Pasteurlne Tooth Paste. Saturday, special 15c I 50c Carman Face Powder... 25c 15c Petro, 1 lb. jars at... 8c 25c Meade & Boker's Mouth1 Wash for 15c 50c Meade & Bokers Mouth Wash for 25c , 10c Mule Team Borax. ..... .7c 1 5oc Scotfs Paper Towels, 150 in package. Now ..35c I FREE 25c Shaving Stick with every 2Sc "Duplex" Demon-1 stration safety Razor soia on Sat urday. DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR Now is the time to select your Outing Sweaters. We have now in stock and are receiving daily all that is new and attractive In Sweaters and Sport Coats also Hoods and Scarfs to match. Fine and heavy ribbed and Jumbo stitch sweater in all styles. New Silk Sweater Coats in plain and two-tone effects with knit scarfs. All colors and all sizes. CI Q rtfl Prices range from 4.50 up to I 10wU Sweaters $2.98 II Sweaters $4,49 Women's and Misses' Sweaters In plain and fancy Women's all wool Sweaters In fins and heavy 1 weaves. Styled with roll collars and patch pock- ribbed. Shown in plain and fancy-weaves with ets: Colors red, white, tan, gray and QO roll or Byron collars. Some with belts. tf 4 AQ navy. Specially priced for this sale at t,VO II Priced special for this sale at only pat? t Girls Coats and Dresses Are Reduced tor Jane Sale $11.50 Dresses, $5.98 Girls' Sample Dres, $2'.98 Girls' Coats at Half Prico Our en wool Challie Dresse, odd lines tn Dresses of Voiles, Challies, tire line of girls' Summer Coats ages 6 to 10 only. Colors and a Eponge, Linen and Ratine. Ex- ranging in price from 10.00 to few cream serges with dots and cellent range of colors. Ages 22.50 now ONE-HALF PRICE, stripes, worth up to'C QO 12 to 14. Dresses in this lot Kimono Aprons, 89c Women's 11.50, speciaj only J?0 worth up to 11.50, eO QQ Kimono style Aprons with but special for this sale at JtnJO tons on side, front and shirred $3.00 Dresses, 98c Odds and $1.00 Dresses, 69c Children's belt. Percales and gin g- QQ-. ends Children's Wash Dresses. Bloomer style dresses in light hams. Priced special at OlJC Ages 2 to 6 -years.' QQ and dark percales. Ages (in Priced very special only 70C 2 to 6. Special, each. . UC 'Women's Kimono Aprons at 59c - - - TL1 -i - iMuslinw'ar Specials For June Wolfe Safe Silk Gloves Reduced At 69c Pair Women's 16 but ton length Silk Gloves with dou ble tipped fingers. All fiQ sizes. Special the pair at Ut At 79c Pair 16 button length all silk gloves with contrasting stitched backs. Black or 7Q white. Special the pair at I iv. $1.25 Gloves, $1.00 16 button irth all silk Milanese, contrast ing stitched backs. Spe- -i nnj cial tne pair at oniy. . txv i Important Sale Underw'r "Kayser" and "Carter's" Makes DEPARTMENT, MAIN FLOOR Tomorrow we feature In the June White Sale a special one day sale of Kayser's Glove Silk Underwear also "Carter's" celebrated make. Union suits, vests and pants for women. ' KAYSER'S UNDERWEAR $2.75 Vests, Knickers $2.-45 $3.50 Vests, Knickers $3.15 $5.00 Vests, Knickers $4.50 $4.50 Union Suits at $3.95 $5.00 Union Suits at $4.50 $6.00 Union Suits at $5.70 CARTER'S UNDERWEAR $1.00 Vests and Pants 90c $1.25 Vests, Pints at $1.12 $2.50 Vests, Pants at $2.28 $1.25 Union Suits at $1.12 $2.00 Union Suite at $1.79 $5.00 Union Suits at $4.50 DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR Our entire stock of Muslin Under wear now on sale at special low frices. Daintiest of undergarments n latest styles here for your choosing. $3.50 Combinations, $2.98 Made of fine quality nainsook, neatly trimmed with pretty laces and em- 1 broidery medallions. Reg. vO Qj. $3.50 grades, special, at Crepe Gowns, $1.12 Several at tractive styles in this line, trimmed r-ith colored embroidered wreaths and colored edges. Very pretty effects, and priced spe- in dally at low price of. . . . Corset Covers 59c i Crepe and nainsook, edged with linen and val. laces. These are great values and for the June White Sale we Cn have priced them special at DuC $5 Undermuslins, $3.33 Beautiful French garments, princess slips, combinations, gowns, drawers, cor set covers and skirts all hand embroidered- in floral designs, 7.50 grades $4.98; $5 grades eQ QQ on sale for the low price 0.00 use "Maurine" I women's Shoes Worth to $61 Toilet Goods Money cheerfully refunded If not found entirely satisfactory. Spe cial demonstration of "Maunne" Hilr Tonic in drue denartment. MnHne Hair Tonic .SI. 00 Beauty Lotion 60c, $1.00 Satin Cream ....... 50c, $1 4)0 Rosebud Rouge, price 50c Sale of Manicure j , Articles itc Wood Buffers......... 25c 25c Nail Flies ......15c 10c Emery Boards. ...... ..5c 15c Yupla.Nail Polish: .... .10c 25c Lotus Nail Enamel. . 12 He 25c Lotus Nail Bleach.. .12He 25c Lotus Nail Salve. ... .12Hc . . . mm -w . m A r MM-. WasnaDie wool rowaer runs, special this sale 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c All Pyralin Ivory One-Fourth Off Rubber Goods 5oc Household Rubber Gloves 39c 1 $1.75 3-qt Hot Water Bot- $1.00 $1.25 3-qt. Syringes only $1.00 50c Rub. Lined Travel Cases 38c 5 0c Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes on sale at low price of only 39c 35c Rubber Dressing Combs 19c Pullman Rubber Lined Traveling Aprons, new style, made to hold several articles, special. at $1.00 Bathing Caps Special display of Women's and Girls' guaranteed Rubber Bathing Caps, very latest styles In every wanted color. Specially priced at only 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c I I t- I I- Double Trading- Stamps With Cash Purchases in Main Floor Shoo Dept. All Day Saturday Continuation of the great sale of women's shoes of fering grades usually sell ing up to $6 at $2.95 pair. High shoes In all the want ed styles and leathers. Col onials In scores of attrac- styles with buckles or straps. Also tail ored bow pump and "Mary Jane" styles only $2.95 Men's Shoe Worth Up to $6.00 special for $3.85 25c and 35c Veilings 19c Yd. DEPARTMENT, MAIN FLOOR Special assortment of new Veilings in plain and novelty mesh effect in nearly ail the wanted col- f r. ors. Grades selling at 60c and 75c for 48ej 25c-35c grades 1"" Saturday Corset Sales Saturday Specials in Jewelry Picture Frames of sterling SUver In plain and hand engraved. Vari ous styles and sizes. Now at ONE-FOURTH OFF. Gold Filled Mesh Bags In plain and engraved. Also Vanity cases In assorted styles. Saturday at ONE-FOURTH OFF. 25c Fancy Braid Pins. 1Q Priced Saturday at only. . AC 50c Beads, 25c in red, green, 50 Inch strings black, etc. .Buy them Saturday only at OC. special price; ..)C Real Amber Beads In ail Sizes and styles. A splendid assortment to select from. 91.75, 93.00, 95.00 Regular 50e Fancy Braid Pins, priced special only 39c Just Received Handsome New Line of Jet Bead$ in Various. Styles and Sizes. Priced at 25c up to $7.50 Closing Out Odd Lines DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR Discontinued styles and sample Corsets In "Lily of France" and Bien Jolle" makes. One or more styles In each of the following but not all sizes;'' Regular $5.00 Lily of Franco Corsets, priced special at only $3.33 $8.50 Bien Jolie Corsets, while they last, specially priced at $5.67 $10.0Q Lily of Franco Corsets, best of materials, special at $6.67 $12.50 Bien Jolie and Lily of Franco Corsets, special at only $8.33 $16.50 Lily of France (robber slip-on model) special now at $124)0 $15.00 Bien Jolie and Lily of France Corsets special only $10.00 $7.50 Mat. Mariette Corsets of Mercerized Broche, special "for$3775 $8.50 Mme. Marietto Corsets, beautifully made, special now $425 Odd Lines of High Grade Brassieres on sale at ONE-HALFPRTCE Basement Bargain Center Men's $5.00 Shoes $2.98 Fall Line of Sizes and Widths i - BASEMENT UNDERPRICE STORE An extraordinary opportunity for thrifty men to boy good dependable shoes at a splendid saving. All the popular new fasts Including the smart English models.' Me dium and heavy soles, some fitted -with rubber heels. Black or tatwln button, and lace styles. . Shoes of standard makes secured by our buyer at a low price. Grades usually selling at $3.50 QQ to $5.00 offered for A great one day sale in the aseraent, d30 143 SIXTH, NEAR ALDER 1 1 ..... v