THE OREGON DMLYg JQlRNAL, PORTLANpl MONDAY . EVENINGJUNE 8 11914 In LU i 3 f - K r . I:' i. " !- L CUP IS NOT- ONLY GREATER BUT PRICES ARE BETTER Oregon Producers Receite More ' Money Than for Many Tears for Their Fleece; Total Shearing , Is Valued at About $3,400,000. By Hyman H. Cohen. Of the 20.000, Opo pounds of wool produced in Oregon this season fully , 14.600,000 pounds have already been Old, rnuklng the fastest selllnc move rnent ever known- In the history of the local industry. Not only was the sell Ing movement quicker, but the prices obtained for fleece one of. the best known here.' While definite figures ' are still lacking Because some of the late sale are not yet averaged, it Is likely that the average price this sea son in this state will run close to 17c a pounu and some interests are inclined to bHIeve that a fractional advance w1H te Khown above this. Not only did Oregon wool growers receive more many per pound for their fleece this season, but Instead of show in a. . decrease in supplies as was indicated by the wool trade through out ihe world, there Is an actual in crease of about 2,000.000 pounds in the clip over recent years. Huch a. show-in-; was wholly unexpected by both the trsde and producer. Taking the generally accepted aver age -for thin year's price, the wool clip of Oregon this season brought $3,400, 000 to producers compared with $2,700. 000 a year ago. Ij&hI year's wool clip whs- sold under very adverse circum stances mill buyers were very bear It h in ttinir views regarding the tak ing 4o"ff of -the tariff and 'producers were quite willing to accept their views. This year with free trade the highest prices in years have been re ceived and not only this, but the clip Is much greater. The estimated wool clip of Oregon lor 1914 shows in detail: Pounds. .Baker 1,550,000 Condon-Arlington 1,200,000 Central Oregon 1,750,000 Kcho-Stanfleld 1,000,000 lleppner . 2,000,000 Huntington 250.000 Jordan Valley ? 1,000,000 Klamath-Lake 1,700,000 North Powder 200.000 Pilot Hock 1,000,00 rvudleton 140,000 Nhanlko 2.500,000 Wallowa 1,600,000 Vale-OntHrlo 2.500.000 Willamette Valley 1.700,000 Totsl 19.990.000 Total 1913 18,000,000 strawberries holding firm Much strength was shown In the -market for strawberries along the street today with stocks less plentiful than the demand, owing-to the rains. Hales were made on the east side far- TRANBPORTATION White Star Line OLYMPIC IONDON June 20 ro PARIS July 11, Aug. 8 - Aug-. SO, Sept. 19, Oct. 10. Tia Plymouth CharbourfSouthamptos OTHEK SAILINGS FHILA. .....Juna Ml 'NEW YOEK.Julr 17 OCEANIC July 4PHILA July 84 'American Lid Steamer, K-w York Q.uanf town LItctdooI. CTDKIC June 1 BALTIC July 8 CELTIC June 85 ADBIATIC. . . . .July Bos too Qnaenatoxro LlYSrpool. 869.50 and ud accordinr to ataamsr, CYKftlti June 30 ARABIC . . . A .July 14 Boaton Mediterranean Italy. CSETIC June 871 CHETIO Aus. 1 CAM0PI0. ...July 11 CANOPIC. .. . Aug. 20 AMERICAN LINE CITE CLASS CABIN (II.) SEEVICE. SgS ay r i j muu i u ex d our s eon in m p ion. NEW YOBK.Juna 191 ST. LOUIS July PHIL A June 861 ST. PAUL July 10 Atlantic Transport One Hew York, London Direct. atlnaetenka.. June 801 Mlnnewaaka. . . July Minaeapolis. . June 87 1 Minnehaha.... July 11 RED STAR LINE Weir Yo.k DoTer Antwerp. Lapland Jun fOIKroonlacd JuIt Zetland June 87 Vaderland. . ..July 11 White Star Dominion Montreal Quebec Liverpool ONLY FOUR SAYS AT SEA BY THE LARGEST STEAMERS YEOM M0KTREAX Laerentio....Jun S01 Met antla July Teutonio Jun 871 Canada ... ...July 11 Bend for folders of beautiful St. Lawrenoe rout to Europe. A, . DI8HEY. Peat. Art.. B'y. Ezenaare Bids;., 619 Seoond ?., Seattle, Telephone Main 113, or Local Railway and Steamahip aftnw, kojtiB PAOirio htbammiiiv oo. SS. YUCATAN TO BAIT rSAHCXBSO. Z.OS AWOEX.E8 AND BAM DXXOO WBDHZSOAT, JUSTE 10 SS. ALLIANCE COOS BAT AVD XTTHXXA TUXSDAT, JTJITB is Ticket Offloe, 112A Sd St. Main 1814. A-1314 II Trelght Oflloe, I Columbia Dock. 1 UPhone 620S. A-B423 - 8. 8. BC1TXX ror SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES 9 A. V., June 11. . ' Tie Saa Tranoiaco U Portland S.S. flew d ana waaninarton Sta. (with O.-W. B. m. VK HUHMII souu. A-SIZI. Coos Bay Line Steamship Breakwater sails from' Alnsworth dork, Portland, 8 a. m Mar 18. 23. 28. June 2, 7. 12, ii. 22. 2t! rrelgbt and ticket office lower Alnsworth dork. Portland at Coos Bay S. 8.. Una. L. H. Wasting. Agent. Phone Mala 80U0. A-2.132. Special Rates to Alaska trim Class and Steerage.) ! STEAMSHIP Sails Direct Wednesday. June 10, J p. tn. Make reservations Immediately Bss rranclsco, Portland sad los An - rls 8. 8. Co. .'Frank Bollam, Passenger Agent. wsin 2. 134 3d St. A-4693 American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. TIA 8TBAXTS OP UA02XAH Steamshi p iowen Sails from New York June ror r-acnic iot forts. 4sa Ulnars Every IS Days Thereafter C D. KENNEDY, Agent. 270 Stark St. AVALANCHE ' i EXPECTED TO REACH IT STREET Country Interests Want ' to Ship Old Birds and" Are Asking for Coops to Send Them to Market; Production Greatly Increased. Indications are pointing strongly to a very severe speil of weakness in the chicken trade along. Front street. There Increase In offerings along the street durinr tha wk ana for tht on jo cvei j UKCiinuu vi a wry maiei iai increase in offerings along the street during the week and for that reason it is expected that buyers will likely hold back their purchases' until the .- prices asked meet their views. Almost every letter opened up by Front street poultry sellers this morn ing was an inquiry regarding tne snip ment of chicken coops. The fact that hens are not laying so freely at this time is causing the country to get rid of its old stock and the annual move ment of old birds to market will 'likely start within a day or so. . During such period the market: usually shows a de pressed tone. prohab y loor InTWroSin 1 investigation snows an increase oi of Doultrv at Willamette valley points during; the present season as compared witn a year ago and this increase win in all probability hold good for the rest of the state and, in fact, the entire Pacific Northwest. mers' market at $1.15 for pints and as high as $1.40 for quarts. CANTAIiOUPES TAKE A DROP Further sharr, loss in th nrioe ttlf shown for cantaloupes along the street today. Sales were made generally at 2.002.25 a crate. The fruit was gen erally too green to find ready sale. PEACHES ARB LOWER HERE Better supplies of peaches are arriv ing from California and the price is being generally reduced. Sales were reported along the street generally at a dox tnis morning. LEMON MARKET IS VERY FIRM Market for lmon i hnwn m, ! strength in California at this time and ! natural strengthening of the looal j price is shown. Sales today at $4.50 1 rOOR CHERRIES COMING IN Some very poor cherries are coming forward from the Maryhill, Wash., section Th fruit was consigned to retailers but the receivers were unable to unload and therefore dumped the of, ferlngs on the street. CALIFORNIA TOMATOES COME First shipments of California toma toes are reported in for the season. The stock is from Merced and is in rather good condition, although of small size. Sales at $1.75 a box. JOBBING PRICES OP PORTLAND These prices are taoae at wbtea wholesalers 1' to retallera. except as otherwise stated: BDTTEE Nominal Willamette ralley cream ry, " cobet. selling price, 24c; state prints, 26!27c; ranch batter. 18c; city -creamery! 2IVac. HOTTER FAT No. 1, Portland delivery. 26c lb. ' K(ii3 Selected. Candled local, extra. 2122c; case count. 21c; buying f. o. b. Port land. 19420c. LIVE POULTRY Iens. 16a!15cbrollen!. ZOffl2&c; stg. live eeese, 12c; dtcka, 10a $1.001.25; squabs, $1.503 k)BB. caiklHsB nominal, rresn Orecoa fancy fan cream twins and triplets. -0c; daialea, 16c; loune America, lie mux ana vewtabiet. BERRIES Cranberries, local. SSOism n.. JlQl'io eMtern' tr,wberrie, Oregon, r Kfciti rttLi ia urances. rayela. t; ua 8.00; tangerines. 1.752.00; bananas, 4Uc lb.; lemons. H-wuo; limes. Sl.uo un luO: erupefrult, Callforuia. S3.23: iiln(.nr,i- 7e; cherries, 510c lb.; gooseberries, 3c lb. irawoerries, i.wj.uo crate. I VLUtl ABLts xurnlDS. l.SO: berta toon. carrotx, $1.75; parsnips. $1.00 sack: ribiixo.' local, lc; California, IVic; Florida tomatoes $4.50 crate; Cal. $1,15 per box; green onions, izc oosea eaRnea; peppers, bell. 80c; head lettuce, $1.25(0.1.75 crate; hot house lettuce, $1 per box; celery. Florida, $3.75 per crate; egg plant, 25c; cauliflower, local. i California. $1.502.00 crate; French artichoke. 86c dosen; p rent. ( ; atrini: beans. blBIOc; Lima beans, ): neaa. 8c lb. spinach, 75c box;" asparagus. Walla buiicucs; hot houae cucumbers, 80cfe$, nNinKS-Callfornla refl. llMI, ...... ONIONS California red. 13.00(33.2-, 1 1 f.i. 1 IK " ruiAiuLo oviudb; price Extra rhnlA. 90c $1 choice, 80c; ordinary, 75c sack; new 11. & (22.00 - aops. wool ana aides. HOPS Buying trice, choice. Uitiix- 18Ul4c; aisdluui to' prime. 13c; contracts 14c.. CHI tTIU OB CA8CARA BABE Car ioU 6c; leas thao car lota, 5c. .' MOHAIK M14 2727 14c. VVOOl Nominal. 1VI4 cUo: WI1!am.. ..1 ley coarse Cotswold, 17c; medium Khmn shire, 18c; choi-re fancy lots. Itf420e lb eastera Oregon, 1.420c, according to shriok- ae. . , uiu&a urj niaes. xsde lb.; sjreen. lia izc; sauea niaea, nvic: ouua, ereen ir nZi i Be; Hip. Usi4c; calves, dry, 2&c; salt akiu sclted or freen, 1820v; green bides 1c leaa than salted; sheep pelU, raited, sbearlncM. liintiTii-- iIpt. lor assets, tut ana Provisions. 11. II LlC. 111 " ?J.EHiaEtn!7i,'1iK prt,i Countrr killed: Uogs, fancy. routiu and heavy. Vv; t-T.V-v . , "'ic; ordinary, WVtiliailOc; pour, tfc; coata. aW4c; aurlua lauiba. lOc. " . 1 1. I ' lUUttOn. (St; HAMS. BACON, ETC. Hams, lSSiiaie. bteakfaat bacon, 12c; boiled bw affi laSAlS t-acklna uouae aterrs. No. 1 atock 13c; cows. No. 1 atock, 12c; ewes low! wethers, 12c; lambs, lfc; pork iotuV I8Cj: dressed hogs, 12c. iB'a., OXSTlklta bhoaiwater bay, per eallon par 100 U. sack t I; Olyjipia, ,'., ka.60; per 100 lb. sack t-; canned en 65c can; $6-oO dosen; eaatern. In heii. i Tsfi 2.00 per IOO; raaor clanis. 2.004ja:25 ho astera oysters, per gallon, solid tml:k 1S Nomfual. Dressed oSri , cblnook' salmon. ll12c; bluebaika. in..t LaiiDut, sic ju.i """uiua, izygc: perch, b&i 80 lb.; Abaters, aSe lb.; silver smelt, shad 34c; roe ahad, ttc lb.; salmon trout, lic" v xicrvc, a a 531;, compuuQti, tierce Ja. 1 10c. CuABS Large, $2.00;. mediam, $1 doses. RtlGAK Cnta. tiJffi- nowdpri , . tSiUMi beef 'JSSSh -tiL1?'.'1 S.4.U5: 1 vallow. 14Jii. i A ' viuuiu ara oujrs net cask.) 1,1. L' 1 .. 1 , Orleana, heaU. 6(&7c; Creo.e, oSc UONKY New, .astjx&o per ?aaV BKANS 8mU white, S'c; large whit. 5c. pin. 610ci linias. 7,c; bayo. 7 C; w5 bALT Coarse, halt grounds, 100a. Slo ten; 60s. $10.76; table dairy 601-- ioS! $1J.60; bales, SS; extra UaibJni. r 6 and 10s, $oA,W.00; lnui rvt,k per tou. faiato tad Oils. LINSEED OIL Uaw bbla., 61c ncr cal a.t tie boiled. bbU.. ;ci raw csaeaVei; bolted cases, ttse sal.; lota or 250 gallon, ia eli cake meal, $44 per ton. ' WU1TB LEAll Ton IoU, 8c per lb.: Son ia. lots be per lb.; leas lots. aV6e? lb. OIL MEAL Carload lots. $34L TUBPKM'ING In cases. 7c; wood barrala. JOc; iron barrels, ette per saUoa. COAL OIL Water white on drams, and Iron barrels, 10c ! Seattle Produce Market. Seattle, Wash., June 8. Egg Fresh ranch, 2526c; oriental, 18c .Bulte.rTCo,ntry,. creamery cubes, 2c; bricks, 27c; city creamery cubes. 26c; bricks. ?7c; Oregon cubes, 23c; bricks. 24c. , Cheese Wisconsin, 1 8 1 9c; Oregon. 1 5 WJi 6c ; Washington, 1 5 1 6cV unions 1 ex as. l2.bUSD3.00 Australian, 6 6c lb. craio potatoes Jocal. $1416; eastern Washington, $17 20. ' . easlcrn j Journal Want Ads bring results. CHICKEN m SOON BANANA TRUST IS EXPECTED TO OUT IN PORTLAND Opposition Fruit Does Not Receive Support of .Trades; First Ship ment Seems to Settle Matter; Many Attempts ; Are Futile. , Indiaafions are pointing: strongly to the defeat of the independent banana interests, who have been i try ing to secure a foothold In this market BKft r-h 5JIv U " rul despatch company. - uniy one prominent dealer here was represented in the former Mliiument of Independent fruit to the local mar- ket, and it is now stated along the street that after the present shipment arrives that interest, too, will go baeg 10 me xoias or me so-called trust. Various attemtits have been mad. by independent banana shipping con cerns of the south to enter the Pacific coast markets, but little success: ha3 been shown. The attempt previous to me present one was mads witn first class fruit, but even then the small differences between the warring terest- were settled and the b co: cern again gobbled up the entire trade. First shipment of independent fruit to this market recently did not meet expectations .of the trade. r Prune Crop Short. ' La Center, Wash., June 8. The con tinual rains that have fallen here the last few days will be a great help to pastures and all spring crops. A large hay crop will be harvested this season and although some hay may be spoiled ' KV t K C- .1 .... 4 11 tl.J. nwntmm Vt..... i 1 (lill.l. luc At tJO 1 I M. lb I 111 . . . . m D.e "P growing, so. inai n can be cut and harvested in the dry sea son. Tne prune crop, one or the most important crops of this section, will be almost a failure. Some orchards will yield about one half a crop, while i more than two thrds of them will not have enough to pay their growers to j open tneir dryers in the fall. Those who have, prunes have : con tracted at 8 cents, and are of the opin ion that the prunes will be of a large size, smau iruits are in abundance. No Baker Wool Sales. Baker. Or.. June 8. Although Sat- j urday was the first regular wool sale I, triere was no selling, no ouyers De ng ner No w?.1 18 ,eft in tn,e ?' V.'.iiJ"?" -4.Vr... m.i- , set ,.J,U ly and-but little more Is expected to be offered. San - Fram-lsco Dairy Produce. San Francisco, Cal.. June 8. Eggs Extras, 24c; firsts, 23c; pullets, 22c. Butter Extras, 24c; prime firsts, 23c; firsts. 23ic. .Cheese California fancy firsts, ISc; firsts, 12V4c; seconds, 12c. Ouster Decision Is Worry to Wall St. Xew York, June 8. The decision of the supreme court in confirming: the action of the state of Missouri in oust ing the harvester, trust, srave Wall street Interests a bad half hour before the closing, although -the maricot closed penerallv with a small advance. The Copper Producers' report show ing an increase of 14,006.000 pounds of copper caused some selling or metal shares and a small loss was forced ror Amalgamated. Range of New York prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke company, 216-217 rioaro or 'l ratle building. I Open I Hiehl LowCle ! Amer". Car & Fdrr'V .75 X, Ma 32' ' f lOSMj 62 31?4 98 V, Sl- 82 1D4 V4 100 2 a losu. 02 H 31 54 51 a- r-tt r 4Hi 100 American lco.. eom Amer. Susnr, com... Amer. Smelt, com. . . I Am. Tel. & Tel Anacon. Mining Co... Atchison, com mon. ... Bait. & Ohio. om... Erooklyn RapM Tran. Cun. Pacific, com Central Leather, com. CMe. & Gt. West., c. C. Mil. & St. Paul.. Chi. & N. W., com.. Chlno Coxiwr Ctes. & Ohio Colo. Fuel & Iron, com Colo. Southern, com.. Con. Ga S2 109 04 32 .12 31 4 1 vov ! S1H 9S 2 94 195Vj S5 104 101 a. 2 93 195 34!!4 13 100- 104 V4 34 13 10014 40, I 41 I 40 52 Vi 2714 130 l.W 1130 129 len. & Itio U ran tie. c im ltl 111 im fcrle, common tleneral Klectric ... 29129 29U 14714 121 Great NortBern. pfd. . 124ll25 124V4 Illinois central- ... . . HZ e ; I ?t.. ....... S 53 62 02.. LouisTille & Nashville Mo.. Kan. & Tel., c. 137A 174 18 92 17 18 14H 82 17 Miswnrl Pacific Nevada Con New York Cen N. Y.. On. ft Western. 19 14 93 io4 in; 111 IS 14 925j 26 Norfolk & West.. c...104 Nor. Pacific, com. ...ll-i Peiio. lUilway 1111 104 t n 1 104 111 a J "X4 111 111 I'eo. uaB. Light J.t.. .. .121 Ray Cons. Copper I 21 H! 2 21 J5 Reading, common . . . Rcpub. I. & Steel. Kuck Inland, ftm... 16.1 1 1W 23U) 23' I- 2 Sales 160.000. Shares closed 1 up. Mouey ruled l"i- San Francisco Produce Market. San Francisco, June 8. Wheat, spot rrices California club, $1.524t ! Russian. 1.55 1.66'u ;' Turkey ' red. 1 i-o-,2 iiati Diuesiem. l.s-j,, iy ; . mr IV . HIM I.'. " I I J. - Barley- )rdinary to No. 1. 9 3 ft asked FotatJes Rlv-er Burbanks. $1.25 m 1. 1 o s per cental; Oregon Burbanks. sac static to l.Zu per cental, rrew potatoes per pound. l!419i; garnets Onions Per sack, new red. $2 pr.s&; per crate Bermuda, S2)Z.Z5. Money and Exchange. London, June 8. Consols 73 d; sli ver, zoo; DanK rate. 3. New Tork. June 8. Sterling ex- change, long $4.86 V4, short $4.89; sil ver DUUlOll, 00 o-sc. San Francipco. June 8. Sterling ex- change, 60 days $4.85, sight $4.884, ' uocuincniary si.b',; iransrers, tele- graphic 4 premium, sight 2 pre- . "num. San Fraucisco Barley Calls. San Francisco. June 8. Barley calls 1 June 6 June 8 Close. vpen. Close. ' Tec 104 , 103 103 May ..... ..108V E 108 B 109 A NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Portland. Banks, Clearings This Week. Tear ago. Monday .$2,147,150.50 $2,211,436.62 Seattle Banks. Clearings Balances : $2,221,919.00 259,110.00 Taooma Bank Clearings Ia ranees 430,919.00 .43,520.00 Find Body of Missing Man. Spokane. Wash,, -June 8. The body 01 ueorge v on t-scnen, pioneer busi ness agent of the Spokane carpenters' union, who disappeared Peccmber 17, was rounu m in - river nine miles below Sookane Saturday nlsrlit.-:' Trln." - rtirication was made by Mrs. Von Esi-hen. a son and an, old acauaintince or von tschen last night. Von Bschen was 51 years old and was in poor health before his -disappearance. Sui cide is suspected. WIN HOG MARE MOVES UP FIFTEEN CENTS FOR TOPS IN THE YARDS Extreme Quality Sells . Within a Fraction of S8 Mark Today; Cat tle Are Somewhat Steadier for the Day; , Lambs Down Again. EOOS SHARPLY KXCrHXB. With smaller offerings than expect- ed and with prices here lower for some , . ... . -I days than elsewhere In the country, hog prices were lifted I So today in re sponse to The Journal's recent report of conditions. POBTULSD LIVESTOCK RUN. Hoge. Cattle. Calve. Sheep. ! Monday 1241 620 24 1411 1 24 .-.8 " - - 1(123 S3 17 i&tf aC2 40 2145 i .-. 722 875 14 3t!Sl 82 . . 373 691 1 1869 258 .. 1042 Saturday ......... 829 Friday 774 Thursday , 417 Wedneaday 6.JO Tuesday . . i . 248 Week ago 2K)l Year ago 2333 Two years ago.. .. two Three years ago., t. . There was an advance of at least a dime in the price of hogs at North .fontanel as has been exclusively lore. cast in -these reports. While the ad-1 vancf,1 atout a wek later than It should have occurred, nevertheless It is just as ravorawy receiver. There was one strong reason for the advance aside from the fact: that ar rivals here are somewhat less than dur ing recent weeks for this same day North Portland has for sevral days been the lowest priced hog market In the country, and this is a condition that the trade here is not going to al low to exist if it can be helped. There- were sales of swine In the local yards early this morning at S7.U0 or a full clime above the transactions in similar quality at the closing of last week. At Chicago there was a weaker tone In the hog trade with a loss of 5 to 10c in the price. Kansas Citv hog market was steaay around the previous level. umana nog market was weait witn a loss of a dime. Best light. 200 lbs $ Medium 7.80 fat pigs '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. ' 6l50 Heavy 7.50 Cattle Market Is Steadier. There was a slight increase in the steadiness of the North Portland trade at the opening of the week's business. The run over Sunday was rar Deiow expectations. In fact, scarcely more came forward than on one of the days of the middle of the week. While there was one sale at JS the general market for steers was con sidered around $7.75 with the excep tion of perhaps some extra fancy of ferings wnicn unaouDteaiy wouia nave brought more money. At Chicago there was a steady tone in the cattle trade for the day. Kansas City cattle market ruled steady at former prices. Omaha cattle market was strong in spots and -weak in others, with some prices a dime off. Uenerai cattle marKet range Select light steers . $7.75 8.00 Good to prime Good to choice 7.6061)7.65 7.00&7.U5 6.7567.00 6.7507.00 6.7507.00 6.006.50 6.505.75 8.50 9.00 7.608.00 Ordinary to fair Best heifers Fancy cows Good to prime Ordinary . . .. Select calves . . Heavy . . Fancy bulls Ordinary .'. . ienf'An 5.60 6.00 Lambi Are weaker Ag-ain. While the rest of" the market was considered rather steady at the open ing of the week's trade for mutton at North Portland this morning, there was a showing of further weakness for spring lambs and tops in this line sold early around $6, or a quarter be low the previous level. JiiWes. yearlines and. Old wethers continued in good call with last week's values well maintained. At Chicago there was a steady tone in the sheep trade for the day. Kansas city sheen market wasTirm at an advance of a nickel. Omaha showed strength In the sheep trade this morning and an advance of a dime was forced in prices. General mutton marKet range: Best shorn yearlings $4.75T.00 Shorn wethers 4.20'4.75 Best shorn ewes 4.25 Light spring lambs 6.0006.25 Heavy spring lambs 6.2 5 6.85 Today's Xdvertock Shippers, Hogs W. J. Rummina. Pomeroy. Wash., 2 loads; A. P. Noir, Trinidad. Idaho, 1 load; First National bank, Fayette. Idaho. 1 load: C. T Reavis. Weiser. Idaho. 1 load: Shaw Rros.. 1 load; A. ts. ooie, lsntemrise. 1 load: I Charles Howard, Huntington, 1 load; I 7.90 7.85 7.75 7.50 vv. ijougnmann, isortn JPowder. 1 load;lJlUT ....... Elgin Forwarding Co., Wallowa, 1 load; j P rrea etranoo, ijrOici Hill, 1 load; Walla Walla Mea Co., Prescott, Wash., 4 loads. Cattle C C. Clark. Arlimrrrm- ? loads; Henry Keel, Condon, -2 loads; i George Schott Condon. I load; Wade', & Martin Mikkallo. 2 loads; W. ' H. iviariin. 1 ne uaues. 1 load; E. B. Wa- terman. Washoueal. Wash 1 inart- rv D. Burdlck. Albany, 1 load; K. K. WU - lard, North Powder, 1 load; K. C. I"ish Mno j loads; Al. castian, Huntington, 1 load. Sheep Vickers & Stewart. Condon ! 5 loads: C. K. Lucke. Molalla 1 lo direct to Union Meat Co.; Patton & Overton. Harrisburg, 2 loads; J. s. Flint, Junction City, 2 loads. Mixed StUtt M. J. Seviftr farlfnr. ' J. C. T.. Starbuck. Wash.. 1 load cattle and hogs. Monday Horning Sales. NATIVE STEERS. Section. No. Av. lbs, Priee. $.oo 7.25 7.50 7J50 7.50 7.50 7.50 70 T ii". Oregon Oregon 1 11. VI 1 19 25 24 25 1 23 24 ,. 24 28 27 29 8 NATIVE COWJ. 1 9 5 1 7 1190 S56 1204 1276 12 111 121 1144 07 40M 1022 1.M2 . tt,"iO nes 10:i S2) 107O , 1J1S3 t'4 917 ioa7 10W 957 1770 1560 1180 270 167 -2CO 200 171 24 178 im 450 ?27 3IO 235 22 ll 143 2."iO 177 ISO SSH 1K7 I IH !-.' lis Washington wastungton Washing-ton Washington Oregon Oregon .... Oregon Oregon Oregon . . . . Oregon Oregon Oregon . . . . 7."S v asbiugton Washington Washington Oregon- Oregon Oregon 0.95 ;.75 e.73 60 5.50 5.00 Oregon 1H Oregon 5 Oregon Oregon 4 3 5 Oregon NATIVE BULLS. 1 3 1 1 MIXED CATTLE. 3 CALVKS. 1 3 .- 1 UOOS. ..,.100 107 5 , 06 ...i.; 19 - 2 10 ............. 1 . B 22 ., 61 7 2 l 81 ; 20 Washington $6.00 5.75 Oreeon Oregon . . . . Oregon . . . . 5io Oregon . . . . $5.75 $S.OO .75 $ s.oo ; $7.90 j 7.85 ! 7.70 7.&0 7.03 ; 6.COI .fJ . . 7.00 7.S5 . 7.K5 7.85 7 Oregon . . . . Oregon . . . . 1 Oregon .... Oregon ... . Idaho . . . . . Oregon .... Oregon -.. liluuo ..... Oreeca Idaho ..... Idaho ..... V ashingtoa Oregon . ., Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon . . . . 7.83 I 7.75 ! 7.70 Oregon uregon ... 1 laano ....,.. 4- ...i. ft' 5 . 1 SPRING LAMBS. 27 148 ................ 20 01 Oregoa Oregon Oregon . Oregon. 7.0I1 7. 6 85 tf.S5 $6.00 6.00 . 6.00 6.00 30 Oregon Oregon Oresos Oregon 71 KO .76 CONTINUE UPWARD; OFFERINGS LIMITED Smaller Purchases From India and a Largery Crop Than Expected Brings Stiff Views in the Trade of the Northwest Markets. .. FAIR CARGO DEMAND. London, June S.--Wheat cargoes on S.3,? 'rm nd ln fair. demand. I'.n 1 1 sh mitntrif msrtista firm English country markets firm Freueh country markets firm. PORTLAND GRAIN RECEIPTS. -Cars.- Wheat.Barley.Flovr.Oats.Hay, Monday ZV , 8 17 10 25 ' 7 10 9 Year ago Season " -to date 15631 I 2727 " 2769 1690. Tr. ago. 17028 2406 2486 1641 27o I 2321 FOREIGN WHEAT MARKET. Liverpool Wheat closed, unchanged to 4d lower. Berlin Wheat closed. and higher. Budapest Wheat closed 5c higher. Paris Wheat closed Vt and Higher. Buenos Aires Wheat closed un changed. Grain bae Drices continue to show increasing strength and most values are a fl i m A Miliar Th. trorta 1 m tnH.v the strongest for many years owing to the small supplies ordered and the bigger crop than expected all along the coast. Some of the leading grain bag sel lers' here have entirely withdrawn their offerings from the market and the rest of. the trade is offering spar ingly in expectation of a further ad vance in the price. Country orders are showing a big increase. Little interest is shown for spot cereals on . the local market at this time and prices are nominally contin ued at last week's height. i WHEAT Producers' price, track basis: Club. 85 86c; milling bluestem, 8sc; fortyfold, 86c; valey, S687c; red Russian. 84c. OATS Buying price: No. 1 white feed. J23 per ton: gray. $21. BARLEY Producers' price, track basis: Feed, $20; brewing, nominal, $20.50 per ton. FLOUR Selling price: Patent, $4.80; wiuamette vaiey, $4.80; local straight. $4.20; export. $3.904.00; bakers. $4.6u 4.80. ' HAY Producers price Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $13. 50r 14.00; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, $16.OO$016.oO: alfalfa, $13.000 13.50; vetch and oats,' $11; clover, $9.00y.l0 per ton. ' GRAIN BAGS No. 1 Calcutta, fu ture delivery. $8.85frt9.00. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $23.60 $24.00 snorts, jzb.oo'o) 27.00. Fractional Change In Price of Wheat Chicago. June 8. Closing prices for wheat were Ae off for Julv and V. e ior tseptemDer, while oecember was un cnangeo. une market started with a loss of c each in Jtny and December, ana uncnanged ior September. Trading was within extremely nar row limits during the session on ac count of the lack of definite news re- f arding the crop. The advance -was rom Liverpool that the wheat market was slightly depressed at the opening by tne navy world's shipments, par ticularly the large contribution from North America. The percentage of the world's shipments to the United King dom was light by comparison, and the decreasing stocks here of contract grade, firmness of Manitobas and the firmer feeling in cash centers prompt ed covering, and during the morning July advanced '4d. The advance was checked by the approaching American government report and a belief In freer offerings of winters. Range of Chicago prices, furnished by Overbeck & Cooke company, 216-217 Board of Trade building: i UKAT. Month. July . . . Open. High V '4 R.-, 87H- STVi CORN. 71 714 67 59 V fWHi OATS. 40 40 . 38 38" PORK. ...20!i5 2102 ..2000 1SJ20 LARD. ...1010 1017 ..1025 1032 Close. W A S5 A 87 H 71V, B ftH B 59V A 404 A 38i-ls 2000 017 1015 B 1032 Sept. ... Iec. ... July .., Sept. . . I Dec .. I July ... i Sept. . . ' July .. I Sept. . , i ' . 87 hi 70 7 5HV4 4014 SXI2 IOIO 125 July .. RIBS. ...1132 1115 1 i;t2 lltHA ..1142 1147 1I4 1147 A T Oregon ...L j 06 YEARUM:S. ..' 52 :;i WETHERS. 2o'. 2M4 237 2 ' MIXED SHEEP. 5 KWES. ............ 25 ............ 25 H 75 K7 111 IO11 lint 116 136 IO6 12 KC. 107 6.00 5.00 5. 00 $4.75 4.75 4.75 4.U la. 73 'I25 4.10 3.50 4.25 . ' oreEm j orri-on " omte-u ..J" 1 Oregon 1.'. i orezon .... ; . 1 ,.f.- ; oieuuu Oresou ! UOCiS ABE LOWER Market Slightly Weaker With a Loss of 5 to. lOc Today. Chicago, June 8. Hogs Receipts, 45,000; market 510c lower; mixed, $8.008.2i; heavy. $8.108.22; rough, 7.908.25; light. $8.00;8.2&. Cattle Receipts. 10,000; market steady. Sheep Receipts, . 15,000; market steady. KANSAS CITY HOGS STEADY GRA BAG PRICES 7.0 ! 75 Kansas City, June 8. Hogs Re 7"C5 ' ceipts, 7000; market; steady; tops, 7.00 I $8.15. - Cattle Receipts, 7000; market $ I steady. 1 e.75 1 Sheep-rReceipts, 8,000; market 5c e.OO higher. 4 e.00 . SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE I Protect shipments as far north as Seattle against maximum tempera tures of about 62 degrees; . northeast to Spokane, 70 degrees; southeast to Boise, 64 degrees; south to Ashland, 70 degrees. Maximum temperature at 1 Portland ' tomorrow, about 68 degrees. I J. C. Wilson & Co. NEW YORK. bioCK XCIlANofl NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANQB CHICAGO BOARD OF TBADB TUB STOCK. AND BOND EXCHANOI l SAN FRANCISCO i PORTLAND OFFICE 89 Oak BU Oroaad Tloor. X,ewls Bl& ' Ftaonas MaxsfcsU 3868. A-418T. Co. Stocks; Sonds, Cottom. Gralm. Slav 816-817 Board of Ttsdt BaUliai. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Mf mbers Chicago Board ef Trade, Crrajpondents of I-ogan Bryaa - i Calcsgo. New I era, Overbeck & Cooke Youthful Convicts Z ' Escaue the Guards Tare SCsa Oet Away While FUnttn Potatoes - aad . Guards Are ' Cassia; j. Taem; Two JTrom Multnomah Consty , Salem.' Or., June .8. While planting I potatoes this morning on the : state prison farm; Just back of the penlten- Working in' a gang, of 20 under two guards, ducked into the tail grass Jn a nearby swale and eluded the guards. The guards did not see the men leave, but as soon as they noticed their ab sence they turned .In an alarm and all the guards that can be spared from the institution are now out on the hottest convict chase the prison offi cials have had- for a long time. The men who escaped -axe Harry Baker, 2i years oM, received from nuunuman marcn s, 1910, ior i years, j ior rooDery, w. ciark, zz years oia, i ' TX.-A ' "V 'v noinah, under sentence of one to five .- voir. fnr nht.ini ,- f.u. . . in .a r T r''o'" 7!; i j- - l years for larceny from a dwelling house. Two Others at Liberty. Klamath Falls, Or., June 8. Jay Grooms, held to the grand Jury for, burglary, and Charles Speneer, await ing a federal jury hearing for alleged bootlegging, made their escape from the county jail by digging around one of the stones in the wall and removing it. It Is believed that the implement was handed in by friends, as the jail was inspected early In. the evening. None of the other prisoners in "the Jail escaped, although they were not con fined in their cells. One of the prisoners says he was awakened bV the sound of the men chiseling into the wall. He turned on the light, he said, to see what it was. but turned it off when the pair threat ened to throw bricks at him. He says that they dug through the. mortar and pushed away the stone in about two hours. Bail for Thaw Is Asked of Court1 I His Attorney Appears Before Supreme Court to Secure Permission for Harry j To Oo To Pittsburg oa Business. j Washington, June 8. As Harfy K. I Thaw's legal representative, ex-Gov ernor Stone of Pennsylvania appeared today in the supreme ' court for bail for his client. He left the amount to be fixed by the court. He gave as Who main reason why Thaw wanted his freedom under bond the necessity for his presence in Pittsburg in con nection with pending litigation. In the application Stone submitted It was stated that Thaw was charged only with a misdemeanor conspiracy to escape from Matteawan and that the New Hampshire authorities de clare It safe to permit him to be at large. It- was thought the supreme court would sot decide the matter until next Monday, decision day, when It will ad Jdurn until October. The Pittsburg litigation referred relates to Thaw's father's estate. to Milwaukee Special To Arrive Tomorrow Delegation of Business Kan Sue Over Hortfcem Pacific at 8:4S a, av, on Annual Trad Trip. Traveling In a special train made up entirely of steel cars, the Milwau kee business men's excursion party will arrive in Portland over the North ern Pacific railway at 8:45 tomorrow morning. In the party are more than 100 people, with many women. Offi cial welcome will be tendered by Roea rians and committees from local busi ness organizations. Although this is the fourteenth an nual trade trip taken by the Milwaukee men, this Is the first one that has come so far west. Advance advices In dicate that it Is one of the most repre sentative bodies that ever went out to represent the city. The Progressive Business Men's as sociation will be host to the excursion ists at luncheon tomorrow, and the j delegates will spend the rest of the day seeing sights and taking in the ; Roue Festival. They will go east at I 11:30 tomorrow night over the O.-W. -, R. & N.. making their first stop at J Walla Walla, Wednesday, and continu ing their Journey to Baker, Pendleton, Ogden, Salt Lane City and Denver. I Unidentified Body Found. ,A body so badly decomposed that It ; was beyond Identification, was tak n from the riYeF-yesterday afternoon by ; Municipal Orapplcr Hugh Brady. It was found alongside the government dredger Chinook at Alaska dock, and! had been in the water about four ! months. He was about 40 years old j and dressed in laborer's clothes. Th- ' body is held at the morgue. i HOGS ARE DOWN AT OMAHA Market Is Weaker and Lower; Mutton Prices Advanced. South Omalta. June 8. Cattle 2300: market strone- to 10c lownr. Steers. $.009.00; cows and heifers,' 17.00&8.4Q. ! Hogs 6600: market 10c lower; bulk. ! $7.92 Q 8.02 M. Sheep 2100; market 10c higher.! Yearlings $6.9017.1i; wethers. $5.651 5.90; lambs, $8.54)9.70; ewes, $5.50 j 5.S5. i New York 'Cotton Market. Month Open High Low Close January ...1253 1263 1248 1263-64 March 1255 1267 1254 1267-68 May 1272 1281 1272 1283-84 July 1318 1324 1310 1322-23 August ...-.1302 1314 1100 1313-14 September .1275 1280 1275 1286-84 October 1263 1275 1260 1274-75 December ..1261 1276 1260 1275-76 v The ' Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE , Toronto. Canada' Established 18417 A Genera! Banking BualneM Transacted Interest Paid on Tima Deposits POKTLAXW BRANCH 1 Corner Second and Stark Sis. Y. C. 11ALPA3, Manager DISPUTE AS OVER DEAD MAN'S CORK LEG; WAS NOT BURIED p "V j r Manufacturers Ask Return of 1 Limb Which They Say Was Not Paid for. Vancouver. Wash June S. A pe culiar claim was presented to -the board of county commissioners last week. when the manufacturers of a cork leg. j worn by David Murry. whose bodv was nmnH rinniin i k. i,,v.I i on tne morning of April 20. asked for tne return of th4. It v. ,ni. .,7.,". i .! . . or l"' ,e u bein alleged 1 ' artificial The body was buried by v. H. Limber, county coroner, who kept the limb and refused to return It to the manufactruers, on the grounds that the county had borne the expense vt burial. Another phase presented Itself when the question arose as to whether Mr. Limber could charge the full price for burial. Inasmuch as he had buried the body minus one of Its members. ,. After considerable discussion, the commissioners finally decided that Limber return the leg to the manufac turers because he had made an over charge. An item in the papers at the time Murry was found, stating that the cork leg had kept the body afloat, was a clue to the fact that the limb was in Vancouver. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. Vancouver. Wash.. June 8. Marriage licenses were Issued Saturday by the county auditor to the following per- SPECIAL TRAINS FROM PORTLAND Via ) on DURING THE ROSE FESTIVAL Special trains will leave Portland for the points and on the days shown below: WESVZI91T TKVJtSBAY.. TOB GABJZH HOKZ and intermediate points. i-BIDA. TOB OABSZH XOKB. etc. W EDI EIOAT THTJB8SAT.. rOB TOBZ8T OBOTB and intermediate points west of Garden Home. TOM rOBXBT CnOTZ. etc. as above. TOB SAXXjC and inter mediate points south of Garden Home. Arrive 8a lem 12:40 a. m. rOB IAL1X, AUAHT, EUOXin and intermediate points south of Garden Home. Arrive Salem 12:40 a. m., Albany 1:30 a. in., Kugene 2:46 a. m. AT. WZDJrXBBAY TBTUBSSAY. rBZOAT rom ialsx, auait, COBTAXtXiXS and Intermedi ate points south of Garden Home. Arrive Salem 12:40 a. m., Albany 1:30 a. m., Corvallls 2:00 a. m. BOTX TBAIBS LIATZ JErmiOR ST. STATXOV (Wot Horta Bank Btattoa) AFTER ELECTRIC PARADE FRIDAY LOW ROUND TRIP FARES TO PORTLAND DURING THE ROSE FESTIVAL Details will be forniahed at CITY TICKET OFFICE. Fifth and Stark Streets. Ladd & Tilton Bank EsUblished 1859 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $2,000,000.00 Commercial and Savings Deposits The Bank ; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION , of San Francisco Founded 1864 Capital paid in Surplus and undivided Commercial Banking and Savings Department PORTLAND OFFICE Third and Stark Streets THE 1 UNITED'' STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. -OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital Surplus OFFICERS 4T. C. AlHSVOaVlJLi rresldeat. m. tZA BAMS. Vloe-resldea. r m. VT. BCgggry, Ctsaler aV. M. WSXaXT. As si. Ossbler. W. A. SOX.T. Asst. Caahlsa. r. S. DICX. Asst. Cssktee. ons: - 8. Halllday and Hate! Ham mond, both of Portland; D. 8. Self and Defina C Vers,, both of Portland Joe Gray and Marie Robinson; - both of Portland; G. C Metsier, of Molalla. and Myrtle C. Fllnlan. f Portland; Rob-' trt'K. Anker a ant Blanche Haunders. both of Washoirjal; L. II. Gregory, of Portland, ami Kate Bess Dollam. of Orviilei Bert Busby and Gertrude Bus by, both of Vancouver; Will IL Puniel. of Saleaa. and May A.' Zumwukt. It years old, of Linn ton; C. Zuehlke, ef Portland, and Mathilda Scherck, of ' Tigard; Lou E. Owens, of Portland, and Mabel E. Mollne. of Chicago; liar, old Owens and Alma Brothers, both of Portland. " Orville Hewitt Is Drowning Victim Oregon City, Or.. June 8. Word waa I received this morning that Orville f liwitt drowned veatvrrfav ftr- noon at Powell River. British Columbia. He was the kon of J. N. Hewitt of this city, and was well known among the young people here. Hewitt has been working In the paper mills at Powell Kiver for about a year. Stetson Sails for Alaska. On board the steamer J. B. Stetvon when she sailed yesterday for Alasku was a shipment of fire fighting t-' paratus for the city of Juneau, con sisting of hose, reel and chemical en gine, -r The steamer Quinault, Captain "Buck" Motgan, moved up from tlio municipal drydock to Oak street dock this morning to commence loading and tvlll sail Wednesday - night for lb- north. She will have a full load cf freight and passengers. Albina V. C. T. V. Albina W. C. T. V. will meet "t the home of Mrs. H. T. Gilbert. 946 Borth wtck street, at 1 p. m. tomorrow, to go tn the Patton home. A program ha been prepared for the afternoon. Electric Ry. Leave North Rank Station 11:10 p. m. Tcav Jefferson St. Station 11:30 p. m. Jefferson t. Station (only) 11:30 p. m. Leave North Rank Station 10:55 p. m. leave Jefferson St. Station 11:16 p. 111. Leave Jeffernon St. Station (only) 11:16 p. in. Leave North Bank tftatlon 10:40 p. m. Leave Jerferson St. Siatlon 11:00 p. in. Leave Ncrth Bank Station 10:40 p. 111. Leave Jefferuon St. Station 11 :00 p. m. Leave Jifferxoii SI. Station (only) 11:00 p. m.. of California profits $8,500,000.00 $8,069,722.49 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 i