The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 07, 1914, Page 25, Image 25

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. New Bungalow $2100
$100 Down, $20 Same as
Owner leaving; , city, , won't
rent his B room new bungalow
on 28th, St.. near Prescott. but .
will let someone in at $100 down
and pay $20, Including Interest
on the balance. Why do you
pay rent every 'month and only
get a receipt, where you could
get credit back every month
and pay for the home you oc
cupy? Let us show you thin
'exceptional buy. It.
Dorr E. Keasey & Co.
2d fl. Chamber of Commerce.
- TKRMH $2250 J 2250 TERMS.
1089 EAST 23D ST. NORTH.
50x100 East Front Lot
Double Constructed Through
Just completed new and modem. S
room bungalow In restricted district,
114 blocks to carline: washtrava. oan-
led dining room, archway, bulltln ef
fects, hall seat, excellent plumbing,
bedrooms and kitchen In white enamel;
line neighborhood, close to schools,
churches, stores, etc. Owner there
from 10 to 6 dally. Phone East 5465.
1009 EAST 23D ST. NORTH.
Alberta car to 23d st.. then 1V4
- blocks north.
A month, including lntertat. buys one
L nl" -trd nl -Cm- 5 CS5S1'), -u 'C-C i
NEW, double constructed. 6 room bun
galows, with attic. 320 to 334 E.
49th st. 2 blocks from Hawthorne ave.
$2300 ' to $2500. Will sell on rent
terms. Hardwood - floors,- beam and
panel work, light fixtures, window
shades, fireplace, all built-in features,
Dutch kitchen, cooler, woodlift. etc.
Cement - basement, concrete porch.
Other new features. Open for Inspec
tion 2 to m. today.
214 Railway, Exchange bldgv
Phone Matw. g-129w.-'- - -
$2850. EASY TERMS. $2850.
New 5 room bungalow, hardwood
floors, buffet, fireplace, cabinet kitch
en, fine baths and toilet, large closets,
cement basement, most conveniently
arranged and double constructed
throughout. M block to car. Hard
surface streets. Only 25 minutes out.
Price $2850. As low as $100 down,
balance $20 per month. Marshall 1675.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
Would you enjoy a home close to the
car where you can sit on your own
porch and enjoy the best view in the
city? I have such a place a oranci
new bunealow on the west side. 6
large rooms, sleeping porch ahd every
built-in convenience; plate glass win
dows, furnace, extra large lot. hard
surface paid. 7 minutes by car, $5000
Geo. G. Mair. owner. 325 Railway Ex
change. Marshall 2574. -
You Make the Price
Mondav. June 15th. fand not until
that date) 1 will sell for the best offer
up to noon of above date, fine 6 room
house, 60x100 foot lot, close to car,
good locality, positively will not' make
price. Hee property ann suDmit oner,
Phone Sunday or evenings. Sell. 2252,
details at orriice. iseai urown, zu
I'mama bldg.
Go at Once
$50 Down
rooms and bath, complete plumb-
jx .iic ucii lime iiuiim n m no 'wi liner olcoti-lr. f vturot) inrnr nt. sewer
good neighborhood; has reception ha 1, cement waiks: balance of $1850 at $25
fcfV? 0nteharlr4er.1w1onoKd rmilV?
closet, front and back porches; lawn
r 11, made, several fruit trees, chicken
hruse and nun: street wor'' paid for.
All for $20 a month. Call me evenings.
East 6778.
Rose City Park Snaps
1 have two exceptional buys in
bouses and lots, one a 7 room modern
house, furnace, hardwood floors, tinted
snd finished in white enamel. Cor
$3500. $lono cash, block from car.
Phone C-1522. Also the cutest colonial
bungalow, modern, finished in white
namel. alabaster fixtures, French win
dows, fine porch. $2200, $500 cash. See
Mr. JenkH..67tli and Sandy road.
New. cozv. six room house. 1099
Knott street. Beaumont carline; sleep
ing porch and other modern -conveniences;
hard surface street; prico $3750,
covering eTery thing.
654 Piatt Buildln.
Phone -Marshall 6025.
WE will
build and
a home on
A BEAUTIFUL., suburban home on the
Oreeon Citv carline at hair price
Modern house; nice grounds and out
buildings, bearing Irult. waterworks
and septic tank. Just the place you
have always wanted, sidewalk to car
and on good auto road to Portland
tor runner particulars can on or
write to Desk S. A. J. Knightly, 8th
St.. near Alain. Oregon city.
rrfav ielec't "pvVorit NEW bungalows. Pace cast, fine view
like rent WWran- . ?f haAf tne .clt. rlvel and r?.un-
tee satisfaction. Call
and see us.
& CO.
Room 1, Commercial
Club Bldg.
tains. On west side, 6c fare on three
canines. in corhett Terrace, oppo
site The Oaks. These are Anderson
S room bnrmlov that li I dandy.
very pretty fireplace, book cases, oak
floors, electrio fixtures Dutch kitchen,
cement basement, 50x100 lot. Come odt
today and make an oner.
4 room. v lust completed, very i con
veniently arranged, large front porch.
electric fixtures and window shades are
in, Dutch kitchen. $100 cash, balance
$17.60 per month including interest.
If you will take Mt. Tabor car, come
out see what we have to offer you, you
will stop rent.
1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
$2000 CASH, balance $6000 to suit pur
chaser; .4 block, close in, convenient
to all bridges, .ferries, docks, mills,
warehouses, carshops and railroad
yards; 2 carlines with 5 district car
services, in radius or 4 mocks; con
tains first class 10 room house, with
large basement, attic, porches, verar.r
uas, pantry,- bathroom. 2 toilets, gas,
electricity, hot and cold water, fur
nace, etc.; suitable - for large apart
ments, flats, warehouse, factory, gar
age, or barn; old barn on ground
Snap. 489 Commercial street.
; Why Pay More? ,
Modern six room bouse, one block
from W. W. car. on 40th St.. full base
ment, cement walks, street assess
ments all paid; price only $2000, terms;
modern 6 room house on B. Couch, near
22d st.; house cost $2800 to build, lot
cost $1800; will sell for $3500. .Money
talks on this, but will give some terms.
505 Chamber of Commerce.
t Continued.) '
100x100 Snap ,-:
Two lots adtoining Altamead. lH
blocks from end of Jft Tabor carline.
facing east. Price $600; $20ft cash,
balance monthly, or will sell separately
$100 cash. The cheapest lots in thia
Kauffmann & Moore
325 Lumber Exchange.
ARE you looking for a homeslte? We
have some very cnoice locations on
the West Side; only 15 to 20 minute
car ride; 5c fare; ground lies fine;
good soil; in fine line with fast de
velopments. These choice homesites
can be had for $350 each; $10 down;
$5 per month. This is the best value
In the, city. M. E. Lee. 622 Corbett
SEE lots 2 and 22, Lennox Addition, on
Holgate St., 50 feet east of 47th St..
facing south, 50x100 each. Lies beauti
fully. Out of town party owns these
lots. We will sell them for best offer
received in answer to this ad. Will give
V 90 6th st. Main 8770.
ACREAGE -f : ; 57
r "
I ... Acreage .'-. ;'
1," 2, S and 10 acre tracts, $
- minutes , out vn ;
New, Big, Red, Steel "Electric
Cars : j
12c commuters' fare; very best
of soil; water and community ; .
conveniences; $126 to $500 per
acre on installments. - .
The Shaw-Fear Company
Slain 35. 102 4th St. A-3500.
$50r-New 8an Francisco
Addition $50 .
Toben Park lots 25 minutes from
heart of city, easy terms, buy now and
profit big returns. Information 1218
Northwest Bank bldg. Open even I ngs.
165 acres, 1 mile from K. R-and 6 mile
from another It. R., 40-from Port
land: 65 acres cultivated. 10 tim
ber pasture; good buildings; in
cludes horses, cattle, hogs, imple
ments and crop $9900.
127- acres, 60 - acres cultivated, 60
stump, balance timber; 2 sets of
buildings, near school, statioa and
in fine vicinity of improved farms;
woil extra good, 25 acres in bottom,
tiled; $ao00, easv terms.
Geo. E. Englchart, 210 Lumbermens bid.
- "Why don't you pave the way so you
won't have to be continually looking
f or Job? By investing a few dollars
eaca momn in a small tract or tana,
you can -become independent In the
course of & few years. .1
Scappoose Acres affords an oppor
tunity for the worklngman which is
not -often found. We can locate you
on t S or 10 acre tract for as little ai
$30 cash and IS monthly, and in 3
years you have your home paid for
and a Place to earn your living. While
Idle you can save your time by lmprov
lr.r your place.
We have tracts any sire, from 1
acrea up; and prices range from $280
to $650 per tract. Railroad through
land, fine soil, no rocks, and beautiful
creeks and springs.
if you cannot call on us, pnone Main
6967.. and we will send a representative
to give you full information.
913 Chamber of Commerce.
Residence Lot, 100x120
E. 57th, near Lincoln. 100 ft. of Haw
thorne car;, all Improvements in; best
neighborhood; east front. See It today
and make me .offer. Owner. Tabor 2329.
76x100 HOMESITE; fine soil: lies
line; ideal ror a Home; price only
One-Fourth Acre ;
4 -room olastered house: close to
school, churches, stores and Sc carline;
city gas. Bull Run water, electric
lichts modern Dlumbine: will sell on
easy payments; would consider a cheap j $60 buys 60x165, close to carline,
lot as first payment. This houBe is I 6c fare, 15 minutes out;U clear and
brand-new. Frice I1Z75. ueo. l. Moore unaer cultivation. iou can save rent
$2400 All cultivated, 2Vb loganberries,
Ihi clover, 3 grass and 3 acres
(and plants) ready for cabbaee;
all tiled; 4 acres ideal onion
land; nouse,' barn, other build
ings, stock, implements and 12
cords of sawed wood: inter
urban depot at corner of tract,
18 trains daily; $9u0 cash and
terms. See owner at this office
this week only.
$300 Cash
fr5.,!0 d,owC'. Da!anco 5 Per month. I Geo. E Knglehart. 210 Lumbermens bid.
this will suit vou.
Corbett bldg.
M. E. Lee. 62a
Co., 618 Ablngton bldg.
Irvington Sacrifice
Owner Leaving Town
by taking this. $20 cash, balance to
suit you. D. Stevens. 522 Corbett bldg.
WILL sell $650 equity for $400 in
lot ooxzis rt., new house, woodshed,
city water, balance due, $240; 5c car
fare. 809 Moore stve.: terms. Sell-
Sacrificinsr our well built 7 room I wood Orarden.
house with all modern conveniences $1900 LOT in Land's Add. on Elliot
at your own price. Also terms. Call ave., north of Central Park; 4850
or phone Sunday or arter p. m. weeK l square feet; street and alley hard-sur-
days. East 6323. 574 E. 8th St.. N
faced and paid..
N-505, Journal.
Owner, phone B-1273.
Beautiful new 9 room modern house.
just completed, large fireplace, all!
modern conveniences. Call owner.
Tabor 4249, ask for Mr. Moll.
A FINE Jonesmore lot. with sidewalks
and curhing- in and Daid. A snan for
tuu. Ernest veii3. 405 uouch hia.
b OK SALE! One choice lot with good
rence ana small house on it. This
is a bargain. Call at 949 Yale st.
St. Johns car.
$1000 buys a lot; excellent locatioiv to
improve or rent in the manufactur
ing section South Portland rM. E.' Lee,
CQO ,...V. .... klJ-
etrictly up to date. 1st class neighbor- I '-""- .
hood; walking distance; 1 block from I WARRENTON. Block of 5 lots on
Rrnnrtwav rar Clwnor havlnir lft thai JSKlDanon. 8 OlOCKS irom flerKll.
city must sell. Furnished or unfur- $3000. $250 cash. Balance $40 per
nished. if you mean business call at montn. a-ui, journal.
323 E. 12th st. N. ALAMEDA PARK, lot 13, block 36,
$715. Owner, 760 Prescott st,
On the Oregon Electric, the livest prop
osition near Portland, within the 44
mile circle. Openings for every line
of business. Beautiful district lies
adjacent, suitable for homes, which we
will build on easy terms.
Offices. 002 Piatt bldg. Multnomah. Or.
Your Chance
To cwn a high class 9 room home;
5 ACRES FOR $250.
$10 down and $5 per month buys 6
acres of good level logged off land be
tween Portland and Centralla, on the
main : line of 3 railroads. 1 miles
J from town of 1000 population, Baw-
mills, shingle mills and other lndus
ries; 160 acres to choose from. Some of
these tracts are about half cleared. A
fine trout creek runs through the
tract. Some bottom land, some upland,
all is trood.
212 Railway Exchange.
$1 750, Contractors Attention -
biinealows of 6 roonis modern Bull I BARGAIN SEEKERS' OPPORTUNITY
Run water etc JusfiniThinK Prices Modern 8 room house, cost $1200 to
riun water, etc. just iinisning. rnies fIniiV, u nnrih nnn 57ih hoot-
$3000 and $3250. 10 down and bal
ance like rent. P. B. Van Nice, 709
Sealing bldg., or call K. 517 evenings.
$50 down a,nd $15 per month buys
this little farm in the city, well lo
cated, city water, cood car service.
barn, chicken' house, bearing fruit, I Ore.
garden; Junt like paying rent and you fenced woven wire. 2 room shack neat
van make a living on ir. ;see uh at
212 Railway Exchange
l'-OT? vftiiT vattnrlnn Our anrth Til
linish. then worth SaOOO, J7th near I lamonk enuntv beach lake ranch
roaaway I house, farm, cottages, horses, boats,
DIETZ & RINGLER, 316 Railway Ex. booklets and ourselves seek you. Clas-
NON-RESIDENT offers $2350 value, sic Ridge Co., Box 30. Portland. Beach
close in. near car. double construct- lots, low prices, easy terms.
ed. hoic located residence, with warm I nvnrs-t v.,w
" ""V.,". . .. j " ',IT- r.r" I .'. '""v'; iU11 ""1"u",fc nisned. aaioming strauhai s store.
ciec. ah in cuiuvauun, an liernts. naiu streets improvements, run I Tnc n,.h wiach t xt
jum Buain neai- i lot. ima wee.K ror oniv zia a: ssv I i nco tt wc.v. -kt i.. t t
lt7 hull 1 1 n A rir,un 1 1 c. mnnthlv A n I t.-,. nil. ,, nn i""" -"" " ""B
- J ...... . v.uu ... . . . , v ' v ....... ....... . .... i . , . . ii. i i t ,uu.rj.i .1 v:ii, . , x j i u ov.
laeai cnicwen ana trucK paten. a rea
Sycamore station, on the O. W.
P. Ry is the center of Sycamore
acres.- No tract over 5 minutes
from the. station. When buying
consider this convenience.
Main 392. 228 Stark st, A-2392.
Of about 1 acre, just i mile from elec
tric station on O. W. P., 7jc fare
This tract faces on Buckley ave.. one
of the 'best auto roads in the county
and is all under cultivation and
fenced. Neat 4 room house with hot
and cold water. Chicken bouse and
runs. Some fruit and berries. Well
settled neiehborhood. mile to irood
school. Price $1700; $300 cash, balance
Kauffmann & Moore
325 Lumber Exchange.
Highly-Improved acreage near Gresh
am, 2a acres, price $6000, clear; want
eastern Oregon property.
Fine Willamette valley farm near
Moltala, good buildings, fine land;
want eastern Oregon property; price
404 Yeon building.
Worth Your Consideration
40 acres on Pacific highway.
transcontinental "railway lines,
37 regular trains dally; high
and sightly overlooking a beau
tiful river, boat landing close
by. fish galore, soil first class,
good commercial orchard, bal
ance practically under cultiva
tion, vbartlett pear orchard,
fine bl cherry trees, in fact
most all kinds of fruit, large
barn, large 2-Ktory apple house,
seven room plastered dwelling,
gravity water system, moun
tain water piped to house and
barn, 2i miles "to growing
town, all kinds of stores, bank,
creamery an ideal dairy or
general purpose farm, suitable
either for a gentleman's ranch
or a money maker. Price $8000
terms. Only miles from
Portland. C-1889.
Dorr E. Keasey & Co.
2d Floor Cham, of Com. bldg.
Let Us Show You a
Money Maker
29 acres. In Washington county. 22
miles from Portland and 2 miles from
good town on electric line; practically
all in cultivation and In crop; fair
house, fine large barn, large imple
ment house, new blacksmith shop, good
chicken house, woodshed, etc; family
orchard, all kinds of small fruit and
berries; nice trout stream, on good
county road. It. F. D., telephone and
milk route: 4 good horses, 1 colt, 11
head of dairy cattle, including 6 high
grade Jerseys, milking, 6 dozen chick
ens, cream separator, hay in barn and
being cut, all kinds of farming imple-
...... 1n ...... I . V. . l,.m i w
milk cans, etc. Easily $1500 worth of
ersonal property. Price $5000. Pay
s for the personal property and any
reasonable terms on the balance.
723 Chamber of Commerce.
20 ACRES FOR. $2600.
10 acres in c-ultivatlon. S acres
slashed and seeded; good house, lex
24; bam. 24x4$; chicken houne. lSx
10; -wen water, all fenced, spring oy
the house, good young orchard; this :
land la number 1, lies on a good road.
2 miles from railroad station; soil is
a dark heavy loam. With this place,,
goes 2 horses, 1 wagon, J. top buggy.
I light express wagon. 3 heifers 1
months old. 75 chickens, 2 plows, har
row, cultivator, set work harnesses
ami all small farm tools. This is sit
uated one mile front school V mile '
to sawmill. Price of this is $2600;
$200u cash, balance term. This Is a
forced sale and -ts well worth $4500.
40 ACRES FOR $2000.
SO acres cleared, good large barn. ,
old house, good well water." about 2,
acres in green timber, balance of the i
acres is very easy to clvar; 5 miles .
from railroad town, on a good road; .
mile of school. This is wcrrth
$4000. The owner is a nonresident and .
is compelled to sell. Price, $2000; .
cash, balance terms.
112 West th St.
Phone 618. Vancouver, Wah.
.Is 40 minutes from the city by
the O. W. P. electric line and in
the best part of Multnomah
county, and the prices are right.
Main 392. 228 Stark st. A-2392.
A new suburban home district, on
electric line and auto roads, 12 miles
out. Tualatin Valley. Fine soil, good
view of mountains. Sold in 3 to 10
p.cre tracts at $175 to $350 per acre, on
10 per cent down and easy pavments.
913 Chamber of Commerce.
See- 6 14 acres at Bendemeer. on the
electric railway, 12 miles "out, on auto
road; land level, an in clover. line son.
A snap at $1750; only $175 down, bal
ance monthly payments at b per cent.
LL'E1)UKMANN, r.UL.Kl : CO.,
913 Chamber of Commerce.
$12' Per Acre
240 acres, all cood soil, about 49
cres fine creek bottom, balance up
land, not very rough; abundance of liv
ing water; thousands of acres of freo
ut ranges adjoins as fine a farming
section aswthcre is in this country; 1
mil from town, 2 miles from railway
Very easy terms.
845 Acres
All good clay loam soil, about ha'.f
hill land, balance a sort of bottom
end, fronting on a BEAUTIFUL
iAKE. About 400 acres good farming
and when cleared, much of whicj Is
amly cleared; plenty of living water.
This is all natural clover anl grass
land. RAILROAD STATION right on
lie land. Price $15.00 per acre. Very
asy terms.
Alvord 81 Co.
218 Board of Trade.
1 Acre Home $600
Modern 8 room house,
Mt. Tabor district.
Near Hawthorne ave.
Unobstructed view ol city.
. Value $5000.
Price $3600.
. German Co.. 914 Chamber of Com- 1. mnmn j n. ., .J
til I LUl lid 1 W 1. AVVAiTV. oivicvvaiivo aii'i
inert e oiog. I onvho in an natrl All th fruit anil
Beach, Wash.
Rockaway Beach
JY OWNER. I berries you can use, chicken house and! f.lae
modern bungalow, yard, 2 blocks to good car. See Mr. S''".a.n(
garage, corner 52d Riffle, care Security Development j zillL-lll
Beautiful 6 room
sleeping porch and
and Alameda sts.. Rose City Park; lot Company. 275 Pine st.
73x10a; all modern conveniences, mis
place built for a home, very best ma
terial and construction throughout
will sell way below cost if taken
Have four lots to sell. Make me an
d let us get together. Address
th st. S. E.
FAR SALE At Gearlmrt. Or., a well
built house, furnished, o rooms and
SUMMER home or chicken ranch. Log
1 1 . . . 1 1 .. . . .ki.b
ACre TraCtS $350 tO $400 J houses: on United Rys. Fine view
or. exchange for city lots. Photo and
particulars at 274 Stark st.
500 ft. of Sycamore Station on Esta
cada line. 40 minutes out, 16 trains
each way, 12c fare. Each acre has
some low black garden .soil, gradu
ally rising to bench and back of
bench on top trees for fuel. The
cheapest land to be found 20 cah
monthly or quarterly.
1304 Yeon bldg. Marshall 3177.
us irn r, i, r- duiii nouse, iurmsneu. o rooms ana
A- $1 lOUi DUngalOW bargain bth. electric lighted. Property 100 by
it; on , ' V . , ,j J00. Inquire of owner. 252 3d St.,
at 80x100, modern 6 room bungalow, la Portland. Or.
No Information niven over the tele-I once. Phone Main 92R2 or Tabor 3757. I bearing fruit trees. Chicken house, ce
Phone,, - ... IF YOU are tired of Dayin rent and me:nt walK; owner 6olnS east; M sac"
1 I 1 n nt r I7tr ir-v fMfrr I . . . .-w . . I ri I ICH
-V" . l want a modern Duneaiow on a aifrnc
60 TILJAMOOK county beach lota for
sale at one-third of value: terms.
I O. Si K ii t- 1 nt jrrrr nrvnT t-'t- m t- i tt. ViticBit; ii iliS c V.. UJ S. O o. I uiUMiin. V rr.
$50 DOWN, ly lot. be sure you see me. I am the M'"' . V- . ' I BARGAIN Two lots at Seaside. EOx
200. $325. Phone East 4793.
$26 PER MONTH. owner of beautiful property upon I TWO lovely modern homes for sale
Now 5 room houfe, floored attic, iwnicn i Duna to suit lor responsioiei ciieap. x nave two loveiy o room
bnrilariini fii.oru firenlnrr hnffot I Dirties at low fieures. on very easv I houses that I must dispose of at once
romont hommnt ami innniirv hth terms. I am sure that I can DleaselAll the modern conveniences. fireDlace.
nnd toilet, cabinet kitchen, hard srfr-- you. Call 512 Piatt bldg.. corner Park furnace, hardwood floors, built-in buf-I you SALE Best buy in famous WThlte
rave sirect. one diock to car. iTicei"11" nuMimumn bib.
$2850. Marshall 1675.
332 Chamber of Commerce.
reKa1? Dutcn kitchen. $3700 and salmon valley, Washington, 10 acres
jf iuia x.u run. van pen, ivat. j set to Spitzeebeig and Newtown apples.
Close to Union Avenue
- Go Look!
60x100 corner lot. new 4 room, bun
galow, complete plumbing, electric .fix
tures, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. Price
$2200. $60 invn, balance like rent.
I-ot alone wftrth $1100. Woodlawn car
to 436 Magnolia, corner E. 7th N. La
throp, AhinKton bldg.
- Will Sacrifice
Modern 5 room house, fine location;
have paid in on contract $1370: will
tkke $730 cash for eiulty, balance j
ilu same as rent, $1 a month, in
cluding IntersVt. See this at once. G.
L. Webb, 414 E. Stark st.
UOING east will sell mv half acrj
chicken ranch, now paying $100 pr p itoojvt oungaiow. ou reet rrom car-1 4 year; in Desi possioie condition, on
line, auioininir iauo aoo.: navca i main roaa. ciosa to coiumma ana v nitu
street; not a dollar against It. Owner I Salmon rivers, fenced, excellent spring, i
in caiirornia. will sell xor $2150. i,otlin neart or tne vaney, in 3 years will
alone worth that price. 514 Chamber afford an Independence with good and
month, with 19 chicken houses. lnTu-
bators, brooders; garden all plained,
fine modern house, also tent, work-,
Fhon. outbuildintrs.' very hiehlv im
proved, shrubberies, shade trees, street 1 of Commerce.
improvements and walk all paid; sac- DEAD SACRIFICE.
mice $7200, 13000 cash. l-2. Journal. $2415 Laurelhurst district. 42d st;
BUILD ON YOUR LOT. c I r lgh, sightly, new b room, double con
We will build a home on vour lot. Ptructed. strictly modern bungalow;
$1000 to $5000. terms like rent; we do some new features. See this, by all
first class guaranteed work; large va- means. Terms given, lahor 5204
riety of plans to select trom
Think of it, an acre of good
ground on Johnson creek, 40 min
utes' ride from the city, f or -$400.
Main 392. 228 Stark st. A-2392.
Half Acre at Oswego Lake
Furnished Suburban Home
Over 1-3 "acre, 3 rooms and sleeping
porch, good well, garden, roses, rustic
seats and fence, an ideal home near
Portland. 7c fare; price, including iur-
nlture, garden, implements, etc., J.17&0
$250 cash, balance like rent.
609 Northwestern Bank bldg.,
6th and Morrison.
BEFORE you purchase suburban home
see those 6 acre level and cleared
tracts. 6 blocks north, of the St. Marys
ntatlon on the Oresron Electric. 8 mi.
$40 down and $10 a month; water i by road to the center of Portland: good
piped to tract; electric rights, new ; water, electricity for lighting or power.
station; moderate restrictions; 30 -mtn.
ute ride from Jefferson street; boat
ing, fishing, bathing.
210 Geriinger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts.
20 TO 40 ACRES.
35 miles Portland 5 miles town on
ever increasing income; will sell for Ry. Good district, soil and water.
IOC i i " lr r-
See Mr. Furlong.
MY loss your gain. I have a new
room home, complete, that is worth
6 ROOM modern, 1 story bungalow,
on hard surrace St.; reasonaDie. win
take lot or auto as part payment:
terms. Owner. 760 Prescott St.. cor
East zia.
FOR SALE 5 room house, lot 50x100;
water. E-as electricity. 2A blocks to
$4760. Must sell. This is located in car; $1500; $150 cash, balance small
the Rose City Park district, west of I monthly payments. H. E. Sellwood,
SL.. luin. si. iuhh i car. win sen Kellwooa 3.
$6500; worth easily $10,000 In 3 years;
good reasons ror selling. Address A. W.
TjarlflA S Tnhn fh-owin
Is on the Grttham line just east
of Lents. Excellent car service,
richest soil, lowest prices.
Main 392. 228 Stark st. A-2392.
9.22 ACRES. 2 miles to town and R.
R Yamhill County; V in cultivation:
P 1 1' . . , . . . i I M ... rlin L-no., a O Tmivnol I I
Y,nii;:r,V,nl, " ;A V.VT am going east, win sea my modern m timDer; no wasteland, rich
r UiJiiW ........Y.fiT uuj canuai.i r cunir-uiic. i & room nouse with ail Duiit-in con-1 son, uo; xsu down, tnen $10
1 t?n vnA VnK d' laJf S Comfortable 3 room house on 75x200, veniences, cement walk around house, month, 6 per cent.
1- iViT.ji- . "... tt oniy x diock oii Aioena st. viu sac-isi7oo; $800 down, $15 per mo., lnciud- 10 acres, tn cultivation. In tlm
I'""'; VA en h .,i i rince for sieoo ana give easy terms. Mng interest. Owner. Tabor 3941. ber, spring, 2 miles to Amity, ih.a'ltl .Plvl.n. 1 investigate this at once. , ,. . ,t County; S1000: S100 down, then
T.hnr i7n ...01"iil mooifluii vy, i near Columbia. Pa.rk 1260 down. $20 nionin. t. per ceni, u. ii Beachrest.
"-ri - u otn st. mam m u. mnth 2100 Sen Mr -Riffle. Seeiiritv 382 Chamber or Commerce.
MT. SCOTT BUNGALOW $2000. ti rkut tm trrn
some cleared land. Price $20 to $40
per acre. Small payment and easy
303 -Stock Exchange bldg.,
3d and Yamhill.
5 Acres, Only $662
AH cleared land; only 600 feet to sta
tion, on west side Willamette valley.
This is a dandy buy. Any old terms,
provided it Is paid out in four years.
210 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts.
Also 20 acres of hiah class garden
land. Terms. See owner on place,
J. Jenkins.
Oregon City car. New 6 room mod
em house. 1 acre. $3000. Terms,
303 Stock Exchange bldg,
3d and Yamhill. .
Portland. Or. ,
2-in-l Farm
Good 3-room house, cellar, i closets,
pantry, outbuildings, well; partly
fenced, many kinds of fruit; "price be
low adjoining property; easy terms;
Oregon City Electric; might consider
Yamhill uuufe ana tui part payment.
110 ne 1 r letcner, xza ADington Diag.
6 rooms, modern, nice yard. 4812 E. I A nice 5 room cottaare: 6 block, east ' "ltJnJjy r'"9 Bt-
71st t., near 48th ave.s. E.. on Mt from &f dwyVridgeVo feet froi CIJAR? ,hvomes. Irvington. for
Scott line: can be sold on vefy small Broadway: ro. butei fniit taS .'ttf? ilrd. th.e1?: value; nieelr fin-
payment down and balance like rent. chicken nirk Only isnnn- torma- iBneQ. UQe . '"S?"""-. e&5. 1 wrouna-
II.. F. PALMER-JONES CO.. count for rush. (Wnor 34fi VIH. J"t8t "eruniaji.
404 Wilcox bldg. M. 8699. A-2653. 1 -t. 7 ROOM house, lot 100x100. near Mt.
T&nor car;, an Kinds or rruit ana
$1800. Z05H
READ bargain. New. modern. 7 room ninairv siv mnmn x,th ' tniut
buhgalow. Curtains, draperies, elec- lavatory, sink, hot ' water? electric frYdison it 6 ' "Ce
trie fixtures, garden, flowers, f no n,,tV.h ront,v hni.. Madison st. - .
laun- a-Ros Ci Park; v3250- Mu8t n..ent;' lot lOOxlOo! Trees, berries, 1,-oit stT Tyr WTt
sell. Terms. Owner in hnnuc All I ,1, i . DJ l1 UH Saiilv iA-TACT 1U
You can get an acre facing the
electric line, Johnson creek or
Foster road for the price of a
city lot. They're good.
Main 392. 228 Stark st, A-2392.
E. 4!th. N. Phone Tabor 4705
gat ucn nivauiKau vai . astwevu
and 84th sts. 2086 Taylor st.
ALAMEDA PARK 100x100 N. m cor.
26th and Skidmore; positively the
LOOK here! 15 acres. 8 miles from
city limits of Portland; graveled
Dlt-rH.TrtVT CM A D IT.n
To buy a 6 room modern bungalow, house, hot water heat, every -con- best buy in the Park. $1575. Owner, ml,lesJto, electric station; all
rncr lot all furnished, for $2200; venience; beautiful grounds: 100x100; A-201, Journal. the best of land; , lays perfect . no rock
rms. House alone is worth more, worth $8000: owner's Drice $6500. cash vnitT-rv i tgen wcinn . nor grayel,; well fenced, 00 or 400
nr- trrns 'T.l.nhnn. Mln fidlS ' '"v." . o' i. ' WrflS Of fine WOOd Stand
: toio. I balance easy monthly payments; no I balance lone time at C ner cent ArU
A MUDKRN humu i-Idm .n -nr-nu l... I TTTS t tin TvTj ? 1 a ii T..nni I uaiance long iub i. o per cent. Au-
"w th iarsE- Too rpf-t t A r kV.t-ti I v.. 1 vh. "rj"' . "i? f.""1" , z : . dress J. Blackburn. 44 E. 75th st. No,
- - -- -v .. - uuuae. cats ue uiituo u. xixie iillih i . ' niivi ik 11 Nrnuv ar bt rvinffTrin i ta.1b.
carim,.; must f-n this week; little home with very little cost fi frntt ..T;riin o tCi,. m iL
r.. I . . " w . . . I w vv v v w w I I II 1U I i
?F? ha,UU thlS- Ph'Jl,e Wner' P5t cn-y-water' UnirSnVaik. The waT ca ScSty eve?oPS4nt oTm-
U x U1 A IV t 'it n i. ...... i r I n i o. ,. rt 1 -. I " - ' p '
A.w-ftAvyjn,., fivv uun 1 1 , urr uiunin, ivi o lvjv; n. aAuangsc,
Remember that "well bought is half
sold." and a eenuine bargain is alwavx
ON'R half aero west Hide. 1750v only I nrnrth mA than vnn Invscl T h a x.a n i ..ii i . . r! , . . , .. , r I . -. ----- . . . - I " ' ' w ' " .
hurst addition :4oo below coil 111 ' Oilol- JI,ut:,1T 60 rare; it minute car ride. The best dandy place 12 miles from Portland
IIUIl UUIIIUU, MUV UC1UW V.OBU Hi I . K roOTTI house lot KflYlft.l 1 hlnr-t I I .If,, -knl nn I i i - , t ,,, l . . , " T
- . . ' . " . 1 . ..... ... V,C VAIL.. SAAAJ AV W V T A ,1U I W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i. Hill 1-rll AVI HUIUL 11111. W l.i 1
from Union ave. 1 his is close in m no, month f v. t. R9 rm-hati hii I .jui.u. nn un . r
. , . , . . . , , . , . I . . - ----- H f ' .1... ...... .-. . At-g. A-A - V , WAAAA "V.V. "lUi I aUJUHUlIK U 11V I U A AAA J ICHDVII 1UT
KOK K A I.I. lurice 2 Htorv suvrn rnnm innrt hnv I r 1 . T v? mi
niflllurn inn.a o mi turn 1 . A . I sx A I T A -rvT . T.- 1 O TT" I TOO O 1 - x.u I lUIV. n -UXJUAHiXV. I - O 7. . . . . . , . , A
.. . v . .j u l.i." . ' 1UI .J. aT. Rill II I v..fl I . I J . . AAI. 1 .1 I . 1 I. . a. a, a. I 9T FI 1 1 1 1 1 1 k . . , , . . 1 niil I n t. An . 1 n I r. 1 AA i.m, nnA...
U ..,!. nr,-.a A.iHmua a i t I - - 2 i . . A-iave iun corner lot ciose in, lin- "'u' am a hwij. jUu uiijwi mn'
t'lKen at one. Address A. it. L.. I i.v.t tt.q rtttt ti. vriiT a I " T-l.v: . . I itv 9 Havnv -jkq atarir e no. .
.. . iu. v. vn.,, wa uatajice i per mo. j-js, journal.
CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port
land; Gresham district, electric sta
tion mile. New subdivision. Sun
shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil,
free wood; elegant location. Prices
only S76 to $150 per acre in small
tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland
Realty Co., 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or.
61 acres: :
30 miles south of . Portland, on Ore
gon Electric; 30 acres under cultiva
tion; fair buildings; will sell this for
$130 an acre, and take bungalow up
to $3000 or $4000 as part payment.
405 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
For stock or farm land, I will sell
mv 53 acres, with 12 acres or more in
cultivation, 10 acres more with stumps
blown out and easily cleared; rai
bouse and barn; land lies nice, al
tillable: good well and spring; all
under good fence: corners on twocoun
ty roads; lots of good outside range for
stock; 6 miles from Molalla raiiroa
station, good macadamized road; first
class soil; price $3000; small paymen
down, long time on balance st 6 To.
will locate you with my auto.
W. M. Smith
307 Pearl st., Oregon City, Or.
Phone A-207 Evenings.
" 20 Acres, $2000
Improved and Stocked
This place is 34 miles from
Portland, nearly all in cultiva
tion anf in crop. small
hoove, barn, orchard, water,
good land and li-s fine; close
to -school and store; team of
mares, wagon, and harness;
cow and 'calf. 2 heifers com
ing 2-year-old. cream separa
tor, chickrns. etc. All go for
$2000. half catOi. You cant
beat the buy. N-1S66.
Dorr E. Keasey & Co.
Id Fir. Chamber of-Commerce
LAND on the hank of the Willamette
river,. Vs mile river frontnice. No over
flow; 1-3-acre of timber, natural park;
42 acres of oat, 3 in wheat, 15 acres -.
in last year's clover for scd. 31 seres -of
new clover (sown with the oats and
wheat), 9j acres straight, clean vetch
for seed, a fln -stand, ehould bring
$50 per acre; 1 acr-JtotatceH, big gar
den, hog pasture ami 5 good sows, lit
chickens, good big work team, small
new buildings of all kinds; giwl trout
fishing at your door, and a fine place
for motor boat or canoe; alfo ood
bunting. I have no waste land. Good
black loam soil. Everything goes for
$90 per acre; H' oauli; 5 utiles from
Harrisburg, Or., between Eugene and
Albany. Address H Graham. Harris
burg, Or., and I w-lll meet ou at the
train, Oregon electric or . t .
I have a beautiful valley farm of
80 acres, 7 miles from R. R. station, a
mile from P. O., school and sawmill.
18 under cultivation. 1 acre in prunes,
1 acre's in family orchard. 1 V acres
in iotatoes. about 3 acres in oats, bal
ance in hay, good out buildings. 8 room
house with bath, hot and cold water
pumped by hydraulic ram, no expense,
good barn 50x60, shop building and tank
house, 60 acres under rence. about 20
acres second growth timber, a fine
llsh stream with a fine waterfall, fine
garden, 'implements, some stock and
furniture Including a good range,
$4800. $2500 cash, terms 6 per cent.
August Anderson, St. Charles hotel. 7
to v a. m. or & to v.
FOR SALE A choice five acre farm.
with a 3 years lease, rent paid, on
adjoining 5 acres; choice land, lies fine.
an in cultivation and fenced with
woven wire; young orchard, small
tfruits; small house and good new
outbuildings; eight miles from Tort
land courthouse In Tualatin valley, ana
nanny to Oregon i-.iectric. Frice $3000.
liboo cash, balance in 5 years. H. H.
Basalndale, Hillsdale, Or., Route 2.
GOOD farm and location.
Owner. S-137. Journal.
cash rent.
13 ACRES for rent, cash or shales.
Address C-61. Journal.
WHEN you answer these Want Ad.
mention The Journal.
WANTED A firt class ranch of
about 100 acres, from owner; must
be In first class shape, with stock and
farm implements; will exchange a first
class home in Portland and pay bal-
ance cash; give fll description and
location in first letter. Address R-
945, Journal.
160 acres, 40 cultivation, fine or
chard, good 8 room house, large barn.
crop springs, on county road, tele
phone. H. F. D. and school on place.
4 it miles from town. $b miles Port
land. $4000 cash will handle.
303-4-6 Stock Exchange,
3d and Yamhill.
Good farms within 75 miles of Tort-
land. .Have good clear Portland prop
erty and some cash for all or patt pay
ment. Must I priced rigbr.
512-513 Yeon Bldg .
Improved Farm Wanted
v w arrival wants an ImDroved Ore
gon farm; list yours with me. I'll sell
It If It's a barualn. J. Bence Goddard,
502 Couch t'ldg.
WANT to reTil a small farm lr
Portland, where I can keep a few
cows und chickens; can give good re?-'
erences. Phone Main 14: or call- at.
225 Lumber Exchange tMg.
10 Acres $1000
7 acres In cultivation, house, land
level, no rock or gravel, black soil,
suitable for onions, celery, etc.; close
to school, church, store and electric
line; $600 cash, balance easy. Peper
Ar Baker. 444 Sherlock bldg.
K)R SALE or TRADE 117 acres
bottom land, fine for dairy. Located
between two good sized towns, half a
miie. Boat lanoing, running water,
practically all cleared. Crops all in.
i? eluding machinery and stock, set of
buildings, family orchard, take part
cash. For particulars address G. F.,
it. i., imi 41, i-antierocK. wasn.
section. 140 acres in cultivation, bal
ance In timber and pasture. Govern
ment irrigation ditch survey covers 40
acres this land. All level. 11 miles
from Prlneville, close to school, plenty
of neighbors, telephone, on Pacific
Highway. Price $5000. cash, 6
years on balance. KX-38. Journal
Only 2 miles from Mount Angel.
This land is all under cultivation, ex
cellent soil, fair buildings; price be
low actual value: terras tp suit pur
chaser. 405 Northwestern Bank bldg.
Marshall 4023.
70 Acres $3750
4i mile from Carlton In Yamhill
county on good crushed rock road.
Dark loam soil, no rock or gravel. 40
acres level, 80 acres rolling, but all ex
cept 3 acres good tillable land. 25 acres
m cultivation, 15 more slashed. 4 room
house and outbuildings. Family or
chard, spring and creek. All imple
ments go with place: also 3 horses, 2
cows, some hogs and chickens. Price
$3750; $2000 cash.
Kauffmann & Moore '
325 Lumber Exchange
Gibson Half Acres
Good soil, city water, close to car
line, easy terms; will build to suit pur
chaser. Phone Marshall 1585. or Sell
wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner.
h I iU Si A I . I' I 4 1 1 1 1 U .nil tnt n. .sv.. a I nl.n. nv m n til,. ....
blocks from St. Johns carlln Tw'ill THE OREGON HOME-BII II.riKTia I TWO lots $475, Mississippi ave, car-
sell on monthly Dayment. Address W I 1330 Northwestern Bank ttlrlix I "ne. D airport Addition, call 275
E Hillier. Aloha. Oregon. , ' LM1B. ,,v. .-T Fine st. Main 1721.
AM going, lo sell for $1650. $50 dow ratfe; modern; owner has to remove! Tr5? 100,i ,60f & XKth 8H near
easy payments, no Interest. 6 room double constructed; full basement; sta- t Sct?1l
home, choice lot, fruit and shrubs. Ta- tionary tubs; terms; lot 60x176. Chaa. mortgages. Call 275 Pine st. Main 172L
bor 2646. . K. Parker. 6521 Foster road. FOR SALE Cheap if taken at once.
MODERN 6 reom. East 32nd st.. Haw- IFOR. SALE below cost, new. artistic. 5lS?-o
-thorne district: $100 down or lot as partly furnished bungalow in Irvine- Heights. Tabor 937
first payment, $2a including Interest ton.' Rented for $37.60 per month. I FOR SALE At a bargain by the own
on bal. 429 K. 32nd st. Must have at least $1500 cash. , Rest er, plot of land, 200x500 ft., exclusive
a ROOM bungalow for sale chean. or easy. East 428. oi streets, bwy term. Fnone42i50
in Windsor
On O. W. P. line. Before you
buy an acre home, call or write'
for plat and prices. ;
Main 392. 228 Stark st. A-2392.
I own 3 acres in Powell Valley. 1
mile from city limits, near car line.
Owner must iV,8t,off J?.uc,kleZ wi" fe11 .r
will take small motor car in part WILL sacrifice small house with toi- LOTS worth $550 to $760. Owner must iV,stff JLuac,? tu sellKo?r
payment. Phone Sellwood 1967. ut. gas, water, Jot 50x100, garden, sell. Price how $350 to $550. Ta4f" foLn ketl tr! L.t T
FOR SALE -Near 13th and Yamhill, oerries, roses, lawrt Frice $650; $330 cor xig. v:" "scw. Owner 91 ? Chamber
- ntsuiam a rnnm fiot A Ha ,- n I en eth. balance 110 txr month nvn I t umn uiTDc-n 1 a, I n?a D1 scnooi. owner. 814 namoer
... v . - - ' en Aiwuii . - 7 - - - - - - - .. .. . aA f ivvv uAunciununDi L-oincr iui I nr - n m i n rr- e rhnnf Main fi 'I 7
t-ner. No agents. D-40, Journal. on premises. Hickman. 260 E. 76th N. $1100. Erpest Wells, 40a -Couch tommerct. rnone Main bysi.
MUST sell my modern 9 room flat. No
reasonable orrer refused. . Owner.
room i, union notei, otn ana Kvcrett.
$1200. 6 room house on easy terms.
u mm. out. mi. scon car. owner.
6636 63tn aye., . k.
FOR SALE by owner, cheap, a 5 room
-house in Albina. call 756 Kerby.
wooqiawn zbj. terms.
, i i . . , : I iiuuic, iiivoij nun nicu. i.
.VJ. .7 - " .i."-"'" . n5' easy terms. Sellwood car. 469 Bld-
oan --. .unu. iouui i well ave.
I'"' - I tTTTT T I 1 rt tlAitA I- 1 ... .
A new modern w-Rll-hntlr 1 mnrr, j r-? - r : . . ; I omy i mu irom lacainDnue. img
i. i?: w oivi L.r??m 5 down, $5 month., 2 lots. 40x140 js a very choice piece of land, all in
bldg. A-4911.
$450 for level acre on Johnson creeK,
right at station on Estacada line. 4)
minutes 1st and Alder, 12c fare. Creek
on one side, high banks so it never
overflows on this land. J. G. Ralney,
1304 Yeon bldg. Marshall 3177.
SNAP Need money: 9 acres first class
land, all cultivated: 12 miles from
Portland, 5 minutes from- car; splendid
barn, godd well: $2200. 14 Buchtel ave.
Phoue East 3771.
. 294 Acre Stock Ranch
250 under cultivation, 200 acres -finest
bottom land, balance good soil; all
fenced and cross fenced; good graveled
road, fine stream, fair 7 room house,
2 barns, family orchard, 6 miles from
railway and country town. R. F. D. and
phone, 20 milk cows, reg. Hols te In bull,
3 brood sows and 20 pigs, 3 work hors
es, 50 chickens, all implements and
crops. Price $18,000. $8000 cash.
E. F, Gilbert
101 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash.
400 acres. 200 under cultivation. Good
buildings, good family orchard, 4
miles from Oakland. 1 mile from K
P. depot. This land Is worth $75 ner
acre. Will take $23 and give very rea
sonable terms. If you are looking for
a farm this is one of the best buys in
Oregon. 328 Henry bldg. Main 7389.
QR DrroH rfvs. hiitlnm lonil IK m r. m
in crops. 2 acres of walnuts, air house
and barn; price for quick sale $100
per acre; $2500 down bandies it. This
is worth every cent of $150 per acre,
Bl4 Chamber of Commerce.
Fill IT L.v5lS
FOR SALE FRl'lT farm of 46 seres.
30 acres in prunes. & acres in sppiea
and pears and the rest in pasture;
trees two years om. oo,i bmh,
buildings: on It. F. D. and telephone
line. 6 miles south of Sheridan;
mile to school; mignt cunsioer pan
trade. Address owner. J. C. Syron,
Sheridan. Or.
QUARTER section in White Salmon
valley, uerp rwi bikjv huh. .wvv.
000 feet fir. Ownei. E. Iven, Gilmer.
Wash. ; '
WHEN you answer these Want Ad.
mention The Journal
RARE homestead relinquishment in
Wasco county. Will be miles from
Portland on railroad now building;
good timber andywater; will raise al
most anything. For quick sale, at
price of improvements, implements,
etc.. $450. 3ox 64, Gearfiart. Or. -RELINQUISHMENT
32J acres- of "
good eastern Oregon land, all fenced,
good house and barn; 30 acres under
cultivation; the work is all done; will
sell very cheap. ' Phone Marshall 4023.
405 Northwestern Bwnk bldg.
160 acres beautiful, large, heavy tim
ber, right in the market; can home
stead or timber claim; will get you fil
ing immediately for $400 cash. 602
Oregonian rung.
MODERN 8 room house at 901 Com
mercial St., in the heart of Albina.
which I will sell for $3500. Will take
good vacant lot as first payment. See
owner. 512 Piatt bldg. "
MODERN 8 room house at, 1081 E.
Alder st.. for rent at the exceeding
ly low figure of $20 per month. Steady
tenant wanted at this figure. See at
torn e y, 5 12 Piatt bldg.
MODERN 5 room house with iarge
1 attic, fireplace, all built-in con
veniences, for $2000 on terms to suit.
See owner. 602 Piatt bldg.
house, large lot, walking distance; rea-
sonaoie price, r'none East 3437,
bn-uf-isupporiing acre nome in city,
accent mortgage. '- some cash: bal
ance time: block car; price right. O-
3a. journal.
MY modern- bungalow. . built for al
each. Fir land diet. Owner. B-55. leron: ideal location fop country home-
Journal, I on electric line. See owner.
,405 Northwestern BanH .Bldg.
Marshall 4023.
home, nicely ' situated, bargain onng -kit. F-40 Journal
A SNAP My $390 equity in 60x100 ft
siooo attractive nedmont lot. for
iidq casn. c-tu. journal.
BEST buy in Wheeler: very fine cor.
lot; price J3eu; part cash, owner go-
8 ACRES, 12 miles west of Portland,
i mile to electric line, in culti
vation, 2 acres timber, balance pas
ture; fine soil; $100 per acre, y,
AM -compelled to sacrifice my Oswego
lake shore lot; over 8000 square feet.
If ycu have a little cash will sell at a
bargain. Z-840, Journal.
K'EWodern bungalow in Rose City "j&Se OtV Pa?k for $3550 If boSght "o. oVner, Columbia i07.
Park- ratr oUil tsrrls. rWn,. -i I - OOUglll I r T" , , 71
lyftd tAWJ'. balanceVeasy'term? HoteUe"r
nicely situated. $500; $5 down, $5 per A Anderson. 723 Cham, of Com.
builder.- 'rar.or.6B6b
FOR SALE Pretty, California bunga
low, very reasonaoie. seuwooa 54.
VHEN you answer these Want Ada,
-iiyi Kose city Jfark for $3560 If bought 'v. , . . ' " 1140 EQUITY in 16 acres on electric
and within, 30 days Inquire at 657 E 67th JLht .ItiST "netitatton on place! $50 clshtekes
2 I st. N.. near Sandy road. -, team even. 649 Clatsop av.. Sellwood. u A-8 2. Journal; . . - t
mention The Journal.
SMALL- house and lot, fine location.
. . $71. Commercial st. ; Cheap.
$.00 EQUITY 6 room bungalow, corner LOT nj FlrUnd dist $350; worth $450. $400 One acre, 30 minutes out. car
.lot; very easy .termsi Price $2600. $5 monthly. M. 1166. 720 C. of C. Wdg. line, electrie lights, water, shade
Sell or trade. Owner, East 3172
FOR good cheap lots see Daiilgren trees, easy terms. M-989, Jonrnal.
itergeiey, beiiwooa 235a.
3 HOOM. modern cottage, full lot, fruit I "r""'. ' I so ACRES in Washington Co.. close to
'vices, 1 a iion tana ave.. or win ex-1 WHEiN you answer these Want Ada I railroad, unimproved. Only $500,
timuiii euuiiy. - riioiie - uuaiawn oao. men Lion inn journaL '
BY owner. 7 acres on carline. near
city, good land, good improvements.
$6500. Part down, terms. Consider
part trade. Box 34. Tigard. Or.
FORTY acres near beautiful Meadow
20 ACRES FOR $2300.
This fine little farm is withlmr 15
miles of Portland. 5 blks. from R. R.
station. In thickly seUled neighborhood:
aeep, rtcn son. no rock or gravel; 7
acres in crop, more very easily cleared,
has Just enough slope to insure good
drainage and not a foot of waste land.
We absolutely know this to be a bar
gain and the first man to see it will
buy. $800 cash, balance 5 years st 6
per cent.
60S Dekum bldr.
100 acfes, li miles to town and R. R.
7 room house, large barn. 90 seres in
clover, R. F. D. and milk rout: water
piped to house and nam: ricn oottom
land. Price cut to $10,600; small pay
ment down, rest S years. 6 per cent, F.
E. Seachrest. 332 Chamber of Com.
GOOD farm for fruits, grain and stock.
near Portland and el-acxric; 115
fenced acres. 30 growing crons. Irving
water, outrange; 20 fruit" trees, ber
ries. 7 room bouse. $0x80 barn, imnlo-
ments. team; $50 Tr acre, terms. See
t.iiizen Agency, nu ZQ st.
120 ACRES 13 miles from V2nn1.1v..
6 miles Camas. Wash.: 335 ner acre-'
sell or trade for Portland property.
lake, about 144 miles from , Carl-I Owner. 1118 Yeon bWe
ton. to trade for unincumbered Port- 11? mi' want 9a ,., .i-
land prop. 6ee owner. .612 Piatt bldg. I faS in valley euipVed. write
xv Anrxj, flauiiiiunimn oia., una ior ; ror particulars, diagram at oflice. Neal
home or subdivision: snao at $4000:
5per cent to agents.Ta.bor 4286.
& ACREShoice garden land, bargain;
mile east Milwaukie; no agents. A-87,
WHEN you answer these Want Ads,
matian Th : JahmmI
Brown. 209 Panama bid
DAIRY FARM, south o. Salem, 500
acres, improved, at only $70 an acre.
J. H. Hartog, 4th and Stark sts, at
WHEN you answer these Want Ada
.mantinn The journal.
43 acres of good land near thriving
town in the valley, with about 30 acres
cleared, at $100 per acre, payable in
ju yearly payments, ougnt to take you
back to the farm. R. F. Bryan, 609
Chamber of Commerce.
NEWCOMERS The easiest way to
cet posted on farm land is to come
to the free how today at 266 Wash
ington st. (between 3d and 4tb). In
teresting, instructive and absolutely
free. Brine the ladies.
125 ACRES. $25 PER ACRE.
$1 fare from Portland; level dandy
land. 60 acres open most ready to farm,
close to school, station: $H00 cash,
Claude Cole, 817 Board of Trade.
DO you want a farml We have some
Dlaces that we will maice special in
ducement to parties who wish to go
cn-thenu Give 6. 10, 16, or 20 years to
pay for the place in; per cent Inter
est. At. k. iee. i-- uorpett bldg.
100 ACRES' near Gaston. Yamhill Co,
30- acres In crop. 25 slashed, e Ilv
cleared, balance timber; some stock and
machinery. Price $4700. SOoftcMad-
FOR SALE A snap. 80 acres. 40 seres
m creec nottom: level: other 40 in
good saw timber, half million feet,
$750 cash if taken at once. Wood-
lawn t2(.
FOR SALE 145 acre farm. 2a miles
irom it. iv. nair cieareo, good nuuri
ings: price $8800. $4000 cash. $3000
worth of personal property included
N? agefita. H. Jensen. Mehama, Or.
BY owaer. 20 or 40 acres. $250 t'
acre. Near city and cars. -All good.
No waste, down, terms. Consider
part trade. Boy 34. Tigard. Or.
J N Grieve. Canadian government
agent for this state, will be at the Ho
tel Perkins, June 11 and 12, to meet all
parties Interested in western mniai.
160 ACRE relinquishment, rair im
provements, nouse. rencwi:. siasn-
ing. some seeded. Roads; trade con-
ldered. I. H. Balrd. Kddyviue. or.
WHEN you answer these Waal Ads.
mention The Journal
TIMBER, eawmlll and logging oppor
tunities, lare or sma.11 aiej, ui
1,000. oOO.OOO feet or over. D. Stev
ens. 622 Corbett bldjr. -
160 ACRES, $2400
6,000.000 TIMBER
10 acres cleared, 4 room bouse, IM
n-iles to town, creek to mill.
638 Morgan bldg.
WHEN you answer these Want Ads,
mention The Journal.
VFRY, cheap for the quau.ty Is. my
beautiful home farm on Tualatin
rivM. T, Witbycombe. 432 12U st.
JUMl-hot 3118.
40 ACRES, 25 miles out, near electric;
buildings, tools, stock; half cleared;
$3450, half cash. bal. to suit. Address
K-47. journal.
20 acres 4 year old apples. $a00u. Will
take house $2500. rufh $500. balance
;oon. iner time. 8-J32. Journal.
40 ACRES' unimproved xarm una ior
$650; itood terms; A. Holden, Grays
River. Waeh.
120 ACRES, 2b cultivated, 10 more
nearly clesred. ffue river bottom
land, good soil. goooV buildings. Rood
roads and outrange, fully equipped,
fine fishing and hunting; $10 per acre;
$2000 cash, balance long time. See
Mr. Everett or Mr. Crew.
209-221 Selling Bldg.,
. Portland. Oregon.
A GOOD, modern 6 room bungalow at-1
2 large lots, garaae. etc.. In Rose
City Paik. Actual cost of this prop
erty is $4600. I arn fenced to sen. and
will take $"0 cash id balance trade
for my equity of $2000. Owner. 51$
Board of Trade bldg. ,
A BRICK apartment house, clone- in.
west side; own-r will exchange for
a good fail:; If yu are looking for
good income-' projerty this will ap
peal to 'ou. ,V"or further particulars
see M. 5. Ie. U y: C.trbet Mdif
WANTED To trale a lot T.'xlUO In
Filley Park add. for lot In Rose City
Park; also house and lot In Vancouver,
Was.i. Will trade for city property.
Inquire at 656 K. Mh st. North.
80 ACRES near White Salmon, 12
acres cleared, 25 acres slashed, bal.
timber: house and bain; trade equity
jaOOO for house. 203 Madison st.
WILL ex-hange for a small farm
near railroad, or Irfiat landing, bouse
and lot in a crowing business district.
B-1 40. Journal. r . -
POOL room to trade for ro-ti estate;
very low rent; nicely furnished;
M. E. Lec. 522 Cir!wtt bldir.
(Contlnocd ea Ssxt Page)
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