The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 05, 1914, Page 21, Image 21

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Husband Look at the oalntlnr
Jones What was the wont fall bourht to-dav.
The Heavy I have Just accepted tn
you ever hadT Tidy WifeWhy , didn't you buy a P ' Uraus in a road "Quo Vadla'
Mrs. Knasg I eut express my
contempt tots you.
Mr. Knars Send it by messenger
oy. X can wait.
Aviator The time I fell in love, night scene? company,
and broke every bone I had in the Husband Why? The Comedian Fine! Tou'ra a beau
bank! Tidy Wife It wouldn't ' show the a throwing the bull.
dirt. '
' - U . A II -I
"Well, ever aince hi. wife ano
daughter got to wearing trousers h
has to may In and pre, them be
fore they go out"
i .
Happenings of Human Interest Occurring Throughout the World
After Yesterday's lime Went to Press.
Pacific Coast. ;
Io Ansel county, Cal., suffered
$10,000,000 damage as result of the
overflow of flood waters last winter,
according to the report of engineers
of -control.
EI Dorado county, Cal., boasts of a
baby that weighed 20 pounds when
born. The babe came to the homo of
If. H. -Long, of Caldor. Mother and
son doing well. s
One robber suspect was shot and In
the battle with the' posse his compan
ion escaped In the w.oods, at TCureka,
Mont. Men were suspected of blow
ins; and robbing the postofflce safe at
Qexford Junction of $400.
Fire practically destroyed the old
city hall at Olympia, Wash. The struc
ture had been a landmark for half a
century. A., new building will be
Republican-and Democratic county
central committees will meet at Lew
laton, jldaho, June 9 to select dele
gates ftp the state platform conven
tions to be held at Boise, June 30.
Lewleton will send six delegates.
The'extenslon of the Idaho Northern
will be completed into Payette lakes
shortly after July 1, and service will
thus be opened to that resort.
.As a mark of reverence for the late
Jacob Furth, president of Puget Sound
Traction, Light & Power compajfy,
whose funeral was held in Heattle,
Wash., all street cars of the company
stopped running for two minutes,
when the funeral services were com
menced. 'Right of way suits have been set
tled and the work of laying the tracks
of the Paget Sound & Wlllapa Harbor
railroad, a branch of the Milwaukee, is
being rushed, says a report from Cen
tralia. Work Is completed to a mile
beyound. Grand Mound postofflce,
Mrs. Edna Robinson was elected
president of the Washington State
Graduate Nurse's association, and Se
attle was chosen as the next meeting
place, by the Spokane session.
Sunday closing and shorter work-!
days will be the topics discussed by
the Idaho Pharmaceutical association
at Its annual convention to be held at
Boise, June 10, 11 and 12.
. , State Pure Food Commissioner
Wallis will address the convention of
the Idaho Pharmaceutical association
at Rolse In June. -
Aberdeen will seek attention at the
Panama-Pacific fair at San Francisco
next year by erecting a 150 foot flag
pole in front of the Washington fair
Washington fishermen and lumber
men are planning to have Buitable ex
hibits at the San Francisco exposi
tion. Exhibits will be installed in the
Washington building.
. Mrs. John F. Barrett and Mrs. Rob
, ert D. Savage, sisters,' figured In a
double wedding at San. Mateo, Cal.
Through a technical error the records
showed that they were married to the
. wrong men. The names were accl
AantSLllv tranfinnflpd
AU northbound vessels were heldat
san Francisco Decause j ox a neavy
southwest gale that reached a velocity
ef miles an hour, Kicking up a
rough sea.
Eastern. -
The "man of mystery," known only
as "J. C. R.," who has been at the
Oak Park Infirmary, Chicago, has been
positively identified as Earl W. lies, a
mining engineer who has been missing
since 1808. The loentirication was
made by Mrs. II. E. Pitkin of Chicago,
the man's mother. ?,
Harry Fahnestock, Wall street
banker, and director in many lnstltu
tlons, died at New York, aged 79. His
death leaves a vacancy in the board
of . directors of the Delaware, Lacka
wanna & Western railroad.
Chicago passed through, a series of
freak weather changes. Hall, wind and
Intense heat visited the city at differ
For ten years Charles Allen, of 11
' Sixth street, Portland, suffered wl$h
rheumatism and stomach trouble. Al
' though he was so severely afflicted
that he had to quit work, he has now
recovered. and is telling his friends that
he was cured in three weeks by Akox,
the new California medicinal mineral.
x. "I worked for the O.-W. R. & N. for
SO years, but I got rheumatism and
atomach trouble so bad that I had to
stop workv". said Allen, in speaking of
his recovery. "I feci well and strong
jpw and at least 20 years younger. . I
Save" a good appetite and rest splen-
didly. I expect to go to work again
. ".Ake surely has done wonders for
roe. I .have taken all the remedies
recommended to -me but? without re
sults, until X began taking Akos. My
friends can vouch for my Improvement
, Any Information in regard to what
. Akos has done for me will be gladly
given.",. .' .
. This wonderful mineral remedy has
given exceptional results in this city
and vicinity in the treatment not only
' of rheumatism and stomach trouble.
Pit tlso of caUrrh, eczema, kidney snd
Gir Plano-tou Know WUt,
"v brv deserve the fatr.
, Walter Frat-Your dad was stand,
n toe front eat with hla bulldog
when I came in. Don't you call that
bra verv
ent Intervals. The thermometer indi
cated 100 degrees..
A eevere wind, lightning and hail
storm swept the northern part of Ohio.
Missouri and Kansas report a heat
wave and in Kansas the public schools
were dismissed on account of the heat
By spelling 1400 words without
missing, William Boeelarger, aged 11,
Of Kast St. Louis, 111., won the spelling
bee. Thirty-five boys and girls of the
stxth grade took part and the contest
lasted ll'4 hours.
"Jack" Butler, an I. W. W.. who was
sentenced to six months in prison,
has sent word to the authorities that
he will renounce the. organization if
allowed his freedom. Sentence ( was
accordingly suspended.
Tarrytown, N. Y., was an uninviting
place to the I. W, W.'s because Of the
heavy rain storm which dampened the
enthusiasm of the followers.
Mark Morton, wealthy, of Chicago,
Is accused of attacking a newspaper
reporter who had sought an interview
concerning the former's daughter who
had gone away on1 a prankish trip. The
writer was bound and the auto con
taining the prisoner was wrecked
against a fence.
The -corner stone of Naw Haven's
new marble postofflce was laid by ex
Presldent Taft. The building will cost
about $1,600,000.
.More Improvements hi educational
system, and better methods of teaching
are needs of students of the present
day, said Miss M. Carey Thomas, pres
ident of Bryn Mawr college, Philadel
phia. Text books and lecture plans
were declared to be no longer effec
tive. Foreign.
Japan was swept by aheavy storm.
several hundred boats were wrecked
and hundreds of people, are said to
have been drowned. The Kteamer Mon
golia rescued many of the victims.
That the west coast rebels had
Guadalajara surrounded was.the pur-,
port of messages received at constitu
tionalist headquarters at Juarez. By
the capture of the radio station, near
Teple it was said they had also cut
off Mexico City's communications
with the coast
The capture of Collma, capital ..of
the state 'of Collma, by rebels under
General Alamillo and of the towns of
Tantima and Tantoyuca, In the state
of Vera Cruz, by the constitutionalist
force under General Aguilar, is re
ported. Rebels at Juarez did not take very
seriously the report that the federals
would try to blockade Tamptco. With
the decrepit gunboats which are all
President Huerta'has at his disposal,
they said the idea was ridiculous.
The commissioners ordered that Kat
ie and Pauling Schoellhamer be in
structed to appear before the board
June 8 and show why they have not
contributed to the support of their
aged father, John Schoellhamer.
Constable Weinberger was allowed
to keep two extra deputies on the pay
roll on the understanding that hi
would reduce his force when the work
of his office decreases.
The request of the Home Telephone
to lay a trunk cable on Broadway
Bridge was granted.
It was ordered that the joadmaster
be advised that It is not the policy of
the board to order hard surface lm
lnformation was given in connection
limits of an incorporated city. This
improvement was given In connection
with a petition of Gresham citisens for
hard surfacing of the county road in
A petFtion of the Visiting Nurse As
sociation asking for the loan of 25 or
80 election booth collapsible" stools for
three months was granted. The stool
Madder trouble, piles, ulcers and other
aliments.,. .
Akos is sold at The Owl and i jail
Other leading drug Stores, where fur
ther information may be had regardln
this advertisement "
will be used to equip a. milk station
established by the association on 4th
Street opposite the City Hall.
C. V. Cooper, -chairman of Marine
Events, Rose Festival, requested that
the bridge, foreman keep the draws
open during the marine parade Tues
day. June 9. between the hours of 11;30
and noon. The request was granted.
Business Men's Club- Will Spend
Their Fourth' at the Beach.
Excursion to Bay Ocean.
The Southern Pacific company has
concluded arrangements for the ex
cursion of the Progressive Business
Men's Club's excursion to Bayocean on
July 8. The party will remain on the
beach three days, celebrating the
Fourth of July as the waves swish and
returning on the fifth. It is expected
that at least 200 people will make up
the party.
Train Service Extended.
Kffeetlve next Sunday, the Oregon
Electric will make a change in Its
time card providing for an extension
of the run of the train that leaves
Portland at 4:55 p. m. for Garden
Home. Hereafter tills train will con
tinue to Tualatin and make all Btops.
On this account, the limited train
leaving at 4:65 will make no stops at
Tigard and Tualatin.- The train ar
riving here at 7 p. m. "will originate
at Tualatin instead of Garden Home
Pleased With Union Show.
William McMurray, general passen
ger agent of the O.-W.-R. & N. com
pany, returned this morning from Un
ion, where he attended the opening
of the livestock show. He says the
show In all its features is the best
yet held, with large entries of cattle
and especially of fine horses.
XTew Contracts Secured.
W. H. Carroll, general agent of the
American Express company, last night
received word that his company had
secured contracts previously held by
the United States Express company
over four eastern railway lines. The
roads entering the agreement are the
Lehigh Valley, the Philadelphia &
Reading, the Rdck Island lines and
the Jersey Central. The United States
company some time ago decided to
liquidate Its stock and go out of
Grand Trunk to improve Servloe.
The Grand Trunk railway system is
about to make effective important Im
provements on its service between
Chicago, Toroflto snd Montreal and
between Chicago ui New York. These
probably will become effective June
14. Announcement Just" made by J."
H. Burgis, general agent of the passen-t
ger department at Seattle is that the
company has recently Installed .all
steel equipment, having spent $16,000,
000 in 1913 for this purpose.
Old Soldiers' Special.
Old soldiers from all over the state
will join the special train that leaves
Portland at 8:45 a. m. June 15 for
Tillamook, where the annual state en
campment of the G. A. R. will be
held. About 250 veterans and their
wives will compose the party. Ar
rangements have been made at Tilla
mook to "entertain the veterans with
banquets and "campfires."
About 160 members of the Portland
O. A. C. elub will attend the com
mencement exercises at the Oregon
Agriculture College at Corvallis Mon
day, leaving Portland in a special
Southern Pacific train at 8:15 a. m
Local Railroad Unions Repre
sented at Spokane Conference.
Eastern Seals Wanted.
SeWal representatives of the local
railroad unions will be at the con
ference in Spokane this evening to
consider the industrial situation on
the western roads. A long drawn out
conference in Chicago between repre
sentativea of the working organiza
tions of 54 roads and the owners
brought no agreement and recently ad
journed. Western trainmeTi and other
employes demand the eastern scale of
Home Burns During Storm.
TT T . r Ti 1 . 1
dust and electrical storm which swept
through -this section Tuesday after
noon the home of Roy Saunders of Vin
cent In the Hudson Bay district was
otruck by lightning and burned to . the
ground. The family was absent at the
time attending the circus at Walla
Walla. .
Miss Ruth Lawlor, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. C. J. Lawlor ot Freewater,
was . married yesterday afternoon to
Elmer O. Crow of Pendleton. The
couple was attended by Miss Minnie
Crow, sister of the groom. fand Ray
mond Lawlor, brother of the i bride.
Rev. Charles MacCaughey of Spokane.
assisted by D. C. Sanderson Of Free
water, read the marriage ceremony,
in the presence of 60 guests. Mr. and
Mrs. Crow will live on their ranch
near Pendleton.
Harry Qrlmes of Vincent, while Play
Ing with the local team, turned his
foot and strained every ligament of his
ankle. Just a week ago a brother of
Mr. Grimes, while playing ball in the
same piace, ana wearing the same
shoes, met with a similar accident.
Oregon Hotel Is Sold.
Hood River Or.. June 6. Tha Ore
gon hotel, owned by the Columbia Se
curities company, of Hood River. $ias
bien soid to D. P. Donovon." of Boise
City, Idaho. Mrs. C. L. Qilbert and
Mrs, E. Smith, who have had charge
of the hotel under a lease, will remain
in charge -of the business, y
T Order of Railroad Telegraphers
guiut-s tj j a pew members in April.
New. Pine Creek to
Be Investigated
Saloonkeeper Tells Governor West That
to All Comers.
Salem, Or., June 5. Liquor laws are
being flagrantly violated at New Pine
Creek, on the Southern border lino of
the state and District Attorney O. C.
Gibbs is closing his eyes o the of-
lenses, ii the charges made to Uov;
crnor West by D, W. Thomas, a sa
loonkeeper of that place, are true.
Governor West is taking steps to find
cut the situation.
Thomas charges that W. S. Dupont.
who runs a drug store at New Pine
Creek, "has notoriously and habtiually
and without almost any attempt at
concealment, sold without limit, and
in any quantity desired, from a single
drink to gallons, wines, whiskies snd
brandies to almost any and all
comers." He says that he took the
matter up with District Attorney
Glbbs, furnishing him with affidavits
of persons who had bought liquor of
Dupont. and that Gibbs refused to call
these witnesses before the grand jury,
which -failed to return an indictment
against Dupont.
Governor West said he would
the matter up with the state pharmacy
board, the town officials of New Pine
Creek, and also District Attorney
Building Permits.
Bell, erect two storr frcmi dclllm
Fifty-fifth itrwt txtw.n k... t..i . -J
Salmon; builder, E. 1. Oberle & Chrle .Co
sen ; S4300.
i- Bunte, erect one story frame dwelling,
909 Going, bf t ween Thirtieth and Thirty-first;
builder, same; $1U00.
(,'harles A. Hunt, erect one story frame
dwelling, Sixty-firnt arena, between 8ren-tr-fourth
and Kertnty-eevsnth street! : build
er, same; S1200.
Metropolitan Investment A. Improvement
company, erect one story frame dwelling,
Jane, between State and Charles; builder,
seme; $1800.
Northwest Leasehold company, repair three
story brick ordinary building. Eleventh, be
tween Morrison and . Yamhill : builder. C. O.
Kodgprs; $1500.
Julian Peterson, repair two story frame
building. Russell, betwen Alblna and Missis
sippi; builder, same; $400.
united Amusement company, erect grand
stand, foot of Hex street. Oaks Tark; builder,
same: $250.
John T. Miller, erect one story frame gae-
gf, laeonia. netween Klgnttt and Ninth;
wuuurr, a. rauriu: e-LOU.
WJUtam Oedamke. erect one story frame
garage. East Taylor, between Twenty-sixth
ana xwenty-eeyenta; builder, Charles B.
Rose: $200.
Otto Wienretht. erect ona atorr ordinary
garage, Farragut.- between Fen wick and Derby;
builder, GrnrRe Wilkinson; $65.
Frank Wallace repair ona and one bait
story frame dwelling. Ninth avenue, between
nelson and Marie: builder, it. F. Mahan: 1200.
J. J'Eltelman, erect one story frame grand
stand. Fast Taylor, corner Grand; builder,
same; w.
A. J. Martin, erect one atory woodshed. 'East
Taylor, between East Fortieth and Kast Forty
first -street; builder. F. X. Fletcher; $60.
Mrs. at. Christian, repair one story frame
dwelling. Delaware, between Columbia boule
vard end Argold; builder, E. gahlgren; $223.
Mrs, i. w. Weldler. renair one story frs me
barn, Union, between Saa Rafael and Tilla
mook; builder, A. Hausmann; $60.
Mrs. G. W. Weidler, repair two story gro
cery, union avenue, between Tillamook and
San Rafael; builder, A. Hausman; $50.
E. K. Hall, erect one story frame garage.
East Twenty-seventh, between Clinton snd Dl-
vielon; builder, day work; $30.
George W. Foreman, repair one and one hair
story frame dwelling. Kast Forty-ninth, be-
ween Kast Alder and at stsra; buiicer,
same; i;.
Sol Blumauer. repair two and one' half
story frame dwelling. North Twenty-fourth,
between Lovejoy and Marshall; builder, Ueorga
W. oordon sons; iw.
Arbuckie Estate & Bar. repair two story
brick ordinary nuikline. northwest corner Sec
ond and Morrison; builder. J. A. Melton; $100,
A. Llppman. repair two story xrame dwell
ing. Third, between Sheridan and Baker;
builder, day work: $300.
JuBtin Falvre. erect one story frame repair
shop. Wheeler, between Broadway and Cher
ry ; bonder, ueorge neon; souu.
Heldenretch Is President.
Urilveralty of Oregon. Eugene. Or..
June 5. Henry Heidenreich, of La
Grande, was elected last night to the
presidency of the University Glee club
for 1914-15. The Glee elub next year
will be under Lyceum management.
0 Corn-less Joy!
"GETS-IT" lor Corns
Nothing in the World Can Beat It
for Corns and Calluses.
Now try the different way. the new
w-ay, the absolutely sure way, the
painless wsv of getting rid of those
corns t4t have pestered the life and
soul out of you for such a long time,
prep everything else and use 5GKTS
II. iA few drops applied in a few.
seconds, does the work. Useless junk,
like: flesh-eating . salves that make
corns swell, cotton rings that ' make
corns stand up like pop-eyes, rasors,
corn diggers, scissors' and files- that
make corns crow faster, are all dona
for. "GETS-IT is on a new principle,
makes corns shrivel, vanish! It can't
stick to the stocking, or hurt the flesh.
"GETS-IT is sold by all druggists.
J6c a bottle, or sent direct by E. Law
rence s Co., Chicago.
"GETS-IT" is sold In Portlsnd by
The Owl Drua- Co. (Adr.) .
V "I Feel like Haggis Seese.
KJ body. My Corns Are Goa
. At Last. 'GETS-ITPldU.-
Today's Happenings with tha Builders, Architects, Contractors and
Astoria Masons to Build Temple.
A firm of local architects, whose
names are temporarily withheld, has
been commissioned to submit sketches
for a Masonic temple, which it is pro
posed to build at Astoria. . Tentative
plans of -the building commutes pro
vide for a four story, fireproof struc
ture, 45x100 feet in ground dimensions.
The details of the' building are being
handled by a committee composed of
G. W. Sanborn, W. F. MacGregor and
Dr. a. C. Fulton.'
Hoi man to Build' Apartments.
Edward Holman, owner of the three
story apartment building at the south
east' corner of Third and Mill streets
has 'instructed Architects Whitehouse
& Fouilhoux to prepare plans for the
complete remodelling of the structure.
Mr. Holman's plans contemplate chang
ing the building from one. of the large
apartments containing four and five
rooms to one of two and three room
apartments. The building will alao be
provided, for an interior open court.
The estimated cost of the work is
New Kdifice, Ninth and Fremont.
The German Congregational church
Obtained a building permit yesterday
for a one story frame church edifice
to be erected at East Ninth and Fre
mont streets at a cost of $10,000. Ths
plans of the building were prepared' by
Architect H. C. Dittrich. C. Spleshas
has the general contract.
Banker to Build Fine Home.
Lee Arnett of the Bank of Montavilla
has let the contract for the erection
of a two story frame residence on
B'ast , Twenty-third streets, between
Thompson and Brasee. the house to
cost $14,000.
w Alameda Park Home.
H. B. Oakleaf is building a $4500
dwelling on East Thirty-second street.
between Mason and Skidmore, in Ala
meda park.
Bowman Co. Building In Irvington.
F. E. Bowman & Co., took out a
building permit yesterday for a two
story ,frame dwelling to be ereoteo
on East Nineteenth street, between
Klickitat and Fremont, in Irvlngton.
The bouse wlllcost $6000.
Initial Theatre Permit.
The Boyajohn-Arnold company ob
tained a building permit yesterday for
the concrete walls, footings and col
umns of the theatre building being
erected by the Farrell estate at the
southwest corner of Stark : and Park
etreets. The cost of that portion of
the construction of the building will be
Johansen Building on Peninsula,
At East Ninth and Jarrett streets.
Contractor Thomas Downing is build
ing a one and one half story bungalow
for F. Johansen. The contract price
is $2400.
Albina Homestead Sale.
The asarter block at the northeast
corner of Skidmore and Williams ave
nue in Albina Homestead was sold
yesterday by William Oeisner to Sarah
Clunls for $4500.
Sellwood Lots Chance Hands.
R. R. Hin and associates have taken
title to two lots facing Leo avenue.
between East Eleventh and East Thir
teenth- streets In City View park. Just
north of Sellwood. The property was
sold by Clara Venator for $4000.
' finla rtn Sfrnwhridirn ArnnA
G. E. Warner paid $3000 for a house
and lot located at the northwest corner
of Henry and Strowbridge avenue, in
Former Member of Washing
ton State Legislature Tells
of riant Juice Tests.
The" following testimonial from
well known 'citizen of Seattle will be
kread with interest both, here and else
where. Mr, J. O. Williamson, who re
sides at 121 East Fifty-seventh street
that city, came from Maine in 1850
and is one of the oldest and best known
citizens of Washington. He was a
member of the legislature in 1861 and
again in 1866 from Krtsap county. Mr.
Williamson said:
"I am, going to take borne another
bottle of Plant Juice for my. wife. . She
underwent a severe snd complicated
surgical operation some time ago and
she has, never fully recovered her
health. She was badly run down and
her nerves were very weak. We have
found Plant Juice to be the best tonic
she has ; ever tried; It gives her
strength: and acts nicely, on the ner
vOus system. We are both well pleased
with It.Vf .
- As a tonic and vitallzer nothing
equals Plant Juice. It tones ' up the
entire system, soothes and strengthens
tired nerves, it ; aids digestion and
gives sest to tha appetite, it clears the
blood of all poisons, cleanses the liver.
relieves constipation, leaving the bow
els In a' healthy, normal condition
Women who ars nervous, depressed
blue and. have headaches, pains In the
back or Joints, have poor circulation
with hot flashes and dizzy spells and
feel tired and worn out will find that
Plant Juice will give relief at Once.
For sale at The Owl Drug Company
Stores. Adv.
Ethel L. Dryer
Hawthorne Terrace Deed.
The house and lot described as lot
2, block 3. Hawthorne terrace, was re
cently purchased by A. I. Orutze
irorn v. . i.Joyd for $2600
Real Estate Transfers.
Msrk B. Chalker and wife to C. I,. Wil-
llam, lot a. block 2. Graham's addi
tion $ io
Lyne f. Cowan and wife to L. A. Riffle
ei at, lot 16. block 6. Ixjvoielgb 10
E. E. Jourdan and wife to Walter f.
Sweartngen. lot 14, block 12. Vernuo 10
Mr. R. A. Blanfns fo Otto Blsufns. lot
, uiw j.f. voiumoia ueiguta io
Same to same, lots 12. 13. block 12.
Tremont I'taoe 10
Cella Ueitzlianaen and heahand to D-
rotnea Wlggera, undivided half Inter-.
est in lot .1 block S Pie.l mnnt 10
Bub Land -ompny to John Bond, lot 34.
block 8. Fortune Place S
Forrest S. Fixber. trustee, to Clyde O.
Richardson, lots 3 4. block 8 Brsin-
srd S3
Bertha Fischer to William A. firlswold
ei ai lot 1. Tlffts anbdivlslnn of
block 4, Kmlthson Land Company's ad
dition Win
P. W. Reneon and wife to Frank Iil-
gao. lot T. block S7. Sellwood SOO
Robert It. Weed en and wife to Sum P.
aiasor et al. lot 10, block 2. Willam
ette O 75
Provident Tfimt company to Earl A.
Roberts, lot 5. block 2, Boulevard sd- '
dltton 3.150
George rr. Bidrooc and wife to Fred
Fttcb. lota 1. 2 block O. Iurelmnod.. 10
D. T. Llov to A. L. ;nttse. m.rth .IS 1-3
feet lot 2. block 8, Hawthorne Terrace 20oO
Keyeote Realty .company to Hugh .O.
flearin. lot 17. block 5. lots 3. 4. block
13, Glen Harbor IS
Same, to same. Iota K 6. T hlnck O lota
.11. 32. block 1. Glee HarW 10
Mary Augusta Currle snd husband to
Barbara Pratt, lots 1. 12. block 2.
Whitehead addition .to Greshsm 1023
Matthews Planting company to Martha
Nllle Bradley, lot 15. block 31. Brent-
A. J. Walters snd wife to Nettle K. Bar
bour et si. north hslf lots IS. 20, block
11. Richmond
Bankers' Investment company to Free
man Tlatli.w.v lot. 17. IS. block 2S.
Hvde Park 10
Sams to same, lota 31. 82. block 12. Hrde
Park 10
W. ,. Bennett and wife to Fred Tulele.
lnt ft. smith half lot 7. block 2. Ben
nett sddltloo 100
Portlsnd Concesled, Bed company to
C IP CM.rlr lot 9 Klnnlr 4 tnitiistrtal
Center - 10
Tb Sbope National Concrete Machinery
eompanv to K. A. liarae. part toiM 1.
2. 8. Mock 7. Industrial Center 10
Provident Trust company to 3. Ii.
O'Brien, lots 11. 123, block 0. Glen
el vn SOO
WtHlam Lembach et al. lot 13. block 25,
Kast Creston 3o7
John Pilspanen snd wife to Thomss
Dowd. lot -. block 1. Beaulss Heights 10
C. H. Burke to Miss K. J. Harrington,
lot 8. block a Kirlam 10
A. MeGill and wife to Anders C. Ander
sen et al, lot 2, block 2.1, Woodlawn.. 10
Northwestern Tnist eompanv to M. C.
Merrill, lot 1. block 4. Wllbtirton 1323
J. W. MeFadden to Walter W. Wood
ruff et al. east 4 feet. est half sooth
Wfeet lot 6. block 3. Msllory sddi
tlon 1
Mercantile Trust Investment eompsnv
to A. E. Ream, lots S, 10, block 84,'
Woodlawn 10
Ethel L. Dryer and wife to O. E. War
ner et aL lots 11. 12, block 8. Lor
rlnton 000
Crown Investment compsny to Nell!e
Green, lots 11, 12. block "P." snbdlvls
Inn blocks 1. 2. 3. Parkbunt addi
tion 4V
Portland Trust comnany to Charles Rt
len. lota 1. 2. n. block 21. lot 13.
block 14. F.Iberts 10
Provident Trust company to HelcbVs
I .and comnany, lots 1, S. a. 4, mock
1. Somerset i 10
Winiam R. Clch to Henrietta Vsu Grose,
Iota 13. 14. block 1. liorrton Fisce iuou
Inei McKnight Eckerson et si to Thomas
L. Klngsbnry. lot 7. block 6. Mansfield 10
AI's Meyer and wife to Grace E. Re ma
king. 3ro feet beginning 84.T reer
west of nolnt 1029 feet aontn of nolnt
st section corner sections '7. a, 17. 18
townshin 1 sooth, range 2 east 2100
Ssrsh E. Hogsn to Edward Henry Hogsn,
mta o. s, Diocg s. rairview snnition;
alaa lot 9. block 15. lot B. block S.
Mount Tabor Villa 10
T. T. nil! e al to Geor-e C. Fasterbee.
Little White Bumps Came in Clus-
- ters. Would Swell Up, Burn.
Itch and Ache. Couldn't Sleep
For Torture. Cuticura Soajrand
Cuticura Ointment Cured.
ii issasesssess
East Sixth St.. Coffeyrtlle, Kan.
" About two years aro my pet kitten caught
some ldad ef disease. I tried to doctor the
little thing and I caught the
disease on my bands and
anna.. It first broke out in
little watery pimples and
whea tbe water dried out
they all ran together and got
scaly. There were Iota of
little white bumps about
big as the end of a pin and
they would come in dusters.
Wbaa I would scratch them yellow water
would appear. Then-my bands sad arms
would swell up snd born sad itch and ache
till it seemod like I would go eraay. . Heat
would make it worse, Whea the weather
was hot I couldn't sleep nights for tbe tor
ture. I felt so ashamed of my hands they
looked ea terribly. 1 couldn't beer any
clothing to tooeh ray arms at U-
I used every ointment and lotion I could
hear of for relief but nothing aeemed bene
ficial. So after over a rear of suffering and
torture I heard of CuUcura Soap and Oint
ment and I got soma I used three cakes
of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Cuti
cura Ointment and they cured my anna and
hands.'1 (Signed) Miss Laura Med berry.
June S. 1913.
Cuticura Soap 25e. sod Cuticura Orntrnept
50c v are sold everywhere. Liberal sample of
each maOed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Ad
dress post-card M0tlcra, Dept.T. Boston
nrMsa who shavg sad shampoo with Cu-
Hcurs oep find it best for lUa sod scalp.
Lorrlngton addition,
sold the property.
Mr. Nickelplncb Tour new dress
ts a thing of beauty.
RJs Wife It will last only one bm.
eon, so don't get the idea teat It's
'ng to bo a toy forever.
west BO feet lots 8. 9. block S. Reee
dsle 12O0
William OelMMr and wife to Sara tlunls,
sorts loo feet facing on 'Williams eve
sue by 10A feet deep of ami IB west
quarter block. "E.' Albina Homestead. 4500
Morris Redgcra snd wife to K I. Ran-' ,
dell, west half north half lot S. block -1.
Faxon Park 1300
Portland Pacific Investment company b -If.
L, Utiles, north 10 2-3 f-ef lot 8, "
south IS 2 3 feet lot 2. block 14, Haw
thorne Avenue addition 0
Clara Venator and husband to R. R.
Hill et al. lota 13. 16. block T. CUy
VU Park S8S3
Myrtle Welch snd husband to Charles M.
Parker et al. Sx2m) feet beginning
248. T feet West of oast line aectiua la.
township 1 south, range. 2 east .....
Clara M. Love and husband to W. It.
King et el. north balf MxlMl feet be
ginning at nrn-tbweat corner lot 3,
block k 7. 'dwell addition
Provident Trust rompapy t V. A.
'rum, lot 9. block 1, Boulevard addi
tion Roman Catholic archbishop of tiegin to
. Fox, Grsve In lot 214, section "K,"
Mount Cslvsry cemetery
Lee N. Beach to M. I.. Bench et ai. west
2SI10O feet lot 1, east lOiligl feet l"t
2. block I. Elizabeth J. Murphy addi
tion -.
Lewi Wiley Hyd. company to H. V.
Johnnaon. tract adjoining kt IT. block
9. Industrial Center
Baee Line 1-s.od cobi pa ny to John I.
nugnca. iota s. 15, block 4 lot 11
block 11 Altamesd
Title & Trust company to Welleslev
Land compsay, lots IB,. 17.. 18. block 13,
Ralph Hill and wife to tj. t. Venator et
al. east blf lots 10, 11. block IS
MsMle r. Hill ami huxhand to I'. i.
Venator et si. lot 4, block 12. West
moreland Death Beat Train.
Centralis. Was!, June 6. Mrs. S. R.
Canaan, a resident of Seattle, died of
tuberculosis In a Centralla hospital
Wednesday night. Mrs. Canaan con
tracted the disease in Colorado, and
was being hurried homo to say good-
r ssj
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company
ha a definite answer. Gresf care was used in selecting a beautiful
location, a short and delightful 45-mile ride up the Columbia. pa
inpr scenery unparalleled for eplendor and magnificence: and manv
man-made comforts and pleasures were added to Natutc's boun
tiful attractions.
Tennis courts, croquet grounds, ball park: wading. fihins. bill
climbing, walks through pleasant wood and lv rinsing treame;
and other amusements too numerous to mention, are watting for
your enjoyment at beautiful v .. .
For illustrated, descriptive literature,
rates and special arrangements, call at
Third snd Washington Streets .
Portland, Oregon
Marshall 4500 A-6121
"Jaae Time
Oood Time
Portland Rose Festival
JUNE 9, IO, 11, 12
Special Low Round Trip Fares
and Special Trains
1 rtOUTt I I
Th Saposmoa Idas 119
The Rose Festival of portlsnd this year will eclipse every
thing fcevlously held. This City will keep open house to alt
Its gUMts, and will provide amusement end entertainment
fhat will be worth a Journey of many miles lo see.
representing the history and progress of Oregon end its in
dustries Civil and Military Parades Hports on Land hd ' '
Water Grand Festival Bail. etc.
To accommodate patrons desiring to return to their homes
after the ntarht parades, the . P. will run Mpecial Night -Trains
ss follows: ......
Wednesday. Thursday and Friday
tjm X9, X AMV'Xt. .
New berg. 1aviry Kourth and Yamhill. lf:le V. M.
STBAX TJtAIaT, FOSTXdUTP TO SAXBsC, leaving Portland
In Ion Depot 11 P. M.. hast Morrison atreet 1 1 : p. M..
arriving Salem (Commerelsl Htreet) 13:t A. M.. Trains will
- stop at sll intermediate points.
. ntrht train will be extended through to Albany snd Cor
vallis. making sll stops. , -'.
Tickets em sals from all potats em tbe S. T. ssath of ftesahre, Iselaalsg
Klamath rails, June T to 10. Trova. stosebmrr and all poiats S&rtb ale
feem foists ea the 9. . X, O. . , C. W. as 1, I. s V.
June 7 to 12. lnclnslve.
rtaal return limit ail poiata Xaae IS. : - ; J
John M. arcott. General Passenger Agent, Portland. Ore.
Glada leu don't lor - saa $iy
mors: you used to take me bsnao frass
the tbaatra In s taxi,
Harold Why. dear, the money I
saved to-night will almost buy US
home and start s bank account.
bye to her brothers before she died. .
At Castle nock and O.-W. R. A K.
physician boarded the train and tried
to keep the woman breathing until Se
attle was reached, but at Central la he
gave up the fight, and Mrs. Canaan'
was taken to a hospital, where she died -10
minutes later. Her bndy was taken
to Seattle. She via 20 years Old.,.
The field of ; congressional a spirant a
In North Carolina this year la unusual
ly large.
Homely. 'Yet AJmire4 '.
and Envied; Hrr Secret
Tbs eon rant ins rn,d msdc a path f-M" bvr.
rsst admiring side glance, thee with Innglttf
yes followed her tw the ebvstor. It ws et
the rcsrtral In ivtrolt. be Incld-el
ess recalled when f ehnnred - to all semes
table from the wemsn. Whvl .was II ahapit
her that esuai-d sll that rommotloo 1 Her cm.
pleilon. Really, never beheld lis eqnsl. '
Vsatiivlng to dck up eeuslMisBsrehla), I
learned the secret.
"I've tried to make, the shsi of any ese .v
charm," rbe asld. "I krww men shhor Mike- t
uns and artlficlslhy, t Imr ntwtlr: tke
sre two (Mitga I ne t rwrtot ssiwrsl ''
Ipvellneas and u Mi fill spper ranee. When f
my eompetrn berlna t are. I get en sc
of mcrr-led via at llut drtere. appl st t -nlpbC
lle cold ereani, wsth It -It In the
morning. . This rrsdnslly flakes off the onter
skin: and 1 have a brand new complexkss,
magnetics lly besntlful. ss ynn see. -
Wrinkles never bother me. Af their -'.
eeptlov 1 bathe my fsc te a enliitbni sxads
by dissolving sn nnave ef powdered saso
lits In a hslf rmt f eltrli hal. It srerke
ilk magic." Muim Mntsniv In Tattler. (At.
aVoee Tine