The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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    - "',..' . . .' . - -- . lf.:;;- .-.
Statement Made Concerning
New Law Providing Free
Books for Schools.
Boards Given Klflxt to Tnt Tr Text
Book Qn.stlon on Ballot at the
Vast School Zleotion.
Ths school board believe that tha
free text book law aa passed by tha j
last legislature applies to private as
well as public schools. If free text
books, under this law, are voted at the
school election, June 15. tha board will
be as much obligated to buy text books j
for private schools as for tha publlo j
The board has filed a statement con
veylnir Its Interpretation of the free :
text book law with R. H. Thomas,,
school clerk. Mr. Thomas has secured
In turn on opinion from the board's
nttorneys, Nlrhlas & McCoy, an opln- ;
Ion supporting the board's Interpre
tation. I
Mr. Thomas says that for the peo- i
pie pf school district No. 1 to vote free
text books June 15 In accordance with
the power to do so granted by the last
legislature, would Involve an expendl- ,
ture of about $100,000 for text books, ;
$85,000 of which, he believes, would ;
be needed for public school text books, i
and $16,000 for books used In the pri- j
vate schools. I
Applies to Lower Grades. j
The free text book law applies only i
to grades lower than' high schools, i
About 6000 of the 6000 children In prl- i
vste schools In Portland are In such
grades, and about 25,000 In the pub
lic schools.
The expenditure. In greater or less
proportion, would, of course, be re
peated from year to year, and the cost
woutd be added to the tax levy for
school purposes.
The free text book law has general
state application. It was known as
Henate Bill 290. It gives school boards !
authority to place upon the ballot the
free text book question at any special
or regular school election. The law
requires a school board to place the
question on the ballot on petition of :
five leal voters In a school district of
the third class, 25 of the second class,
and 100 of the first class. Portland
Vrt n district of the first class and a
petition with 100 signatures was filed i
with the board. The expression which
seems to make the law benefit private j
ns well as public schools, reads as fol
lows: such text books shall be
loaned free of charge to" the pupils of
all schools in the district using regu
larly the text-books adopted by the Or
egon text book commission and, x- j
cept in districts or tne nrst ciass. ioi
lowing the Mate's course of study."
Criticism 1 Mad.
Following the regulations for rals- j
lng money and using books is a re- j
qulrement that the books be dlsin-
fccted at the beginning of each term. j
The school board Is not understood
to be particularly friendly to the I
t. heme. Dr. Ernest A. Bommer, school j
board member, said yesterday:
"I think the law should be voted j
down. The law adopted by the legis- i
latum Is ambiguous. I do not believe1
we should buy books fer private
schoolM. The cost might be as much
as $1211.000 added to our school tax
levy. The books couldn't be efficiently
disinfected. Passing them from pupil
to pupil might furnish a very efficient
means of spreading scarlet fever. There
are other elements Involved, such aa
nrratiglng for purchase of the books,
the royalties to be paid, and so on."
Opposed to rr Book.
"I have always been opposed to tha
free text book Idea," said School Clerk
Thomas. "For one thing furnishing
free text books probably means thejr
would le misused, and waste Is a bad
thing for young America to learn."
Mr. Thomas also mentioned soma of
the objections spoken of by Dr. Som
mcr. lie addressed four questions to
the board's attorneys:
1. Are private schools beneficiaries
under the law?
2. If so, are they entitled to the use
of text books adopted by the Oregon
text book commission but not adopted
by school district No. 1 of Multnomah
3. Or, are private schools entitled to
free text books If they use tha text
books adopted by school district No. 1
and not adopted by the text book com
. What is the relation between the
school law and the private school
coui-Hs of study?
Affirmative answer was given tha
first question. Other questions have
not yet been answered. The reason for
the second and third questions lies In
tho fact Is that districts of tha first
class, such as Portland, .are not re
quired to use tha text books adopted
by the state text book commission.
Officials WiU Try
To Modify Deed
Tltla to tha Xiocks at Oregon City
Will FrobaMy Be Transferred
President Franklin T. Griffith of tha
Portland Railway Light & Power
company and Colonel Charles H. Mo-
Klnstry of the United States engi
neers, will confer tomorrow on the
adjustment necessary In transferring
the Oregon City locks from private to
government ownership.
The deed as first submitted was
disapproved by the United States at
torney general and the secretary of
war. The street car company and tha
paper mills at Oregon City having
leasehold right to power, "have, been
endeavoring since to modify the deed
to meet the government objections. It
has been predicted that government ob
jections will be met.
Real Sympathy.
From tho Philadelphia Bulletin.
Juror We acquitted him out of
Friend For his aged motherT
Hammocks, Tents, Camp Cots, Porch and Lawn Swings, Tennis. Golf, Baseball and Athletic Goods of All Kinds. 4th Floor Trnnlts, Salt Cases, Bags, 4th Floor
Delightful Luncheon Served Dally In Onr Cool, Restful Tea Rooms, Fourth Floor Manlcnrlng and Halrdresslng Parlors, Second Floor Furniture, Third Floor
White Panama Hats $3.95
Millinery Dept., Second Floor
Special shipment of new white, trimmed Panama Hats enter
the June White Sale tomorrow at a very low price. All the
newest shapes for midsummer wear. Handsomely 4JO QC
trimmed. Your choice tomorrow of the lot at
"S. & H." SUmps Given Witb Purchases Ask for Them
01(ffl9 Worflnnnaie & Meg
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Store Hun's 1 0 A. M. to i P. M. Every Business Day Saturday Included
White Hemp Shapes $1.8$
Millinery Dept., Secona Floor
Attractive new Untrimmed Shapes of splendid grade "White
Hemp. This assortment comprises the smartest new shapes
for dress and outing wear. Exceptionally good ( 'IDA
quality at the low price of lOU
"S. & H." Stamps Given With Purchases Ask for Them
Tine eeJInnee Wile Saifle
Beffltas Tomorrow gg 52
This is the one Great White Event that never fails to create universal interest throughout the Northwest. Thousands of people wait for Our June White Sale, because they know the reductions are genuine on every White article, and because at no other
hfare in its scone larger and better assorted stocks and low prices will make this "June White Sale" the most successful in the history of the store. Out-of-town folks invited
to make their headquarters here.
Beautiful Linens for June Brides!
Entire Stock at Reduced Prices!
DEPARTMENT, MAIN FLOOR Tomorrow we begin Our Great
June Sale of Table Linens one of those notable events that has
helped to make this linen store famous throughout the northwest.
Linens the Ideal gifts for June brides, anniversary or other
Richardson's Pattern Cloths Reduced 1
Richardson's finest double damask Pattern Cloths and Napkins to
match. Allover and circular designs. v
$17.50 Sets, 2J4x2J4 13.10
$25.00 Sets. 2x2 yards. $18.75
$27.50 Sets, 2x2 yds. $20.75
$30.00 Sets, 2x2 yards, $22.50
$32.50 Sets, 2x2 V, yds. $Z4.38
$35.00 Sets, 2x3 yards, $26.25
Linen Dept.
Main Floor
Special Sale ot Napkins
$6.50 Hemstitched Tea Napkins,' dozen $5.00
$1.75 Hemstitched Tea Cloths and Scarfs $138
$2.00 Hemstitched Tea Cloths and Scarfs $1.48
Richardson's Hand Embroidered Round Scalloped
Tea Cloths and Doilies, now at One-Third Off
$7.00 Scalloped Linen Tea Napkins, doz. $5.50
$10.00 Scalloped Linen Tea Napkins, doz. $8.25
$15.00 Scalloped Dinner Napkins, dozen $10.00
imported Irish Linen Cloths
Special shipment of 400 Linen Cloths direct
from Belfast, Ireland. Soft finish. Exquisite
$2.7 5 Pattern Cloths, size 72x72, at only $2.05
$3.25 Cloths, size 72x90, at only $2.68
$3.75 Cloths, size 72x108. at only $3.05
$22 Hemstitched and Embroidered Sheets $11
Great June Sale of
At 19c Yard 5-inch Moire Taffeta
4-inch Self Dotted Taffeta in
popular shades such as pink, light
blue, Alice, Old Rose, etc, said
6-inch Dotted Taffeta In fQ
white only. Priced special, lefC
At 28c Yard Floral Printed Taffetas
with satin edge or stripe Light and
dark Warp Prints Satin Taffetas
Rosebud Warp Prints Plain Taffe-.
tas. Brocaded Silk Velvets. All the
newest shades priced special OQ
at, the yard eOC
At 38c Yard Plaid Taffetas with
Moire Center Ottomans, Satin
Warp Prints and Satin with Persian
edges. Priced very special QQ
at, the yard JOC
Sale of Wash Ribbons
For summer lingerie shown in col
ors pink, blue and white. Prices
per 10 yard pieces:
No. 1 Wash Ribbons, 10 yds. 18c
No. 1H Wash Ribbon, 10 yds. 25c
No. 2 Wash Ribbon, 10 yds. 35c
No. 1 Dotted Satin, 10 yds. 25c
No. 1H Dotted Satin, 10 yds. 35c
No. 2 Dotted Satin, 10 yds. 45c
v .
June Sale of Dainty. Under muslins!
Every Garment at Reduced Prices
We planned far ahead for this great sale of Under
muslins and as a result we have assembled the fin
est showing of attractive garments ever brought to
Portland. Gowns, Corset Covers, Combinations,
Princess Slips, Drawers, Skirts in beautiful sheer
materials and endless variety of styles.
$3.50 Gowns Special $2.98
Dainty Crepe Gowns $1.12
Nainsook and Batiste
Gowns trimmed with
embroideries, laces and
Insertions. Some with
bands of Irish crochet.
Slipover styles. 0 AO
$3.50 Gowns ).70
Women's Crepe Gown;
with colored embroid
ered wreaths, colored
edgings and narrow lace
edges. Very pretty styles
June White 1 to
Sale Price at.
$1.50 Long Cloth Gowns at $1.12
$3.50 Combinations $2.98
Fine Longcloth Gowns,
trimmed with embroid
ery and lace. Slipover
style, V or square neck.
Regular $1.50 ri 19
Fine Nainsook combina
tions trimmed with laces
and insertions and set in
medallions. Regular
$3.50 Gar- 9 qq
ments, special e?ai.70
Gowns special
$1.25 Corset Covers Special 98c
Special assortment of Corset Covers. Made of
beautiful quality longcloth trimmed with laces and
embroidery medallions. Full assortment of QQ
sizes and the regular $1.25 grades. Price HOC
W iLl F ' Hilmi .Wit XU
MAIN FLOOR Entire stock In
June White Sale at reduced
prices. Our famous "Wearlong"
brand Sheets and Cases. Torn
will iron straight and smooth.
72x90 Sheets, special only 72c
72x99 Sheets, special only 80c
81x90 Sheets, special only 80c
81x99 Sheets on sale at only 85c
Pillow Cases, 20c grade at 15c
18c grade 14c 15c grade 12 He
Sale of Bedspreads
About half price for these beau
tiful Marseilles Spreads. Fringed.
Many pretty patterns.
Regular $4. So Spreads at $2.75
Regular $3.25 Spreads, at $2.00
Regular $4.00 Spreads at $2.50
$1 Damask 85c Yd
Splendid quality Table Damask in
heat patterns.
Regular $1.00 Grade, yard 85c
Regular $1.85 Grade, yard $1.48
Sale White Goods
Entire stock White Goods at re
duced prices. New arrivals In
French Novelties, Embroidered
Voiles, Crepes, Transparent
Cloth, etc., etc.
15c and 20c Plaid Check, 1A
Stripe Mulls, yard at only 1UC
2 5c Persian Lawns, yard at 18c
4 5c Persian Lawns, yard at 34c
60c Persian Lawns, yard at 38c
$3.00 Box of 12 yards OC
fine Nainsook at only. . P&.eW
June Sale Fine Laces
AT 48c YARD Nottingham AT 89c YARD Beautiful
shadow lace Flounclngs in great French and English Shadow
variety of patterns, 27 yP Laces 18 to 27 inches QQ-
inches wide. Priced yard xOC wide. Priced special, yd. 0l
AT 89c YARD Dainty oriental AT , 25c YARD The popular
Net Camisole Laces shown oriental Lace Edges in white
In many pretty patterns. QQ and ecru. Widths from OP
Very durable. Yard at 03C 2V to 5 Inches. Yard eWC
Women's Irish Linen Kerchiefs, 6 lor 55c
Dainty Lace Edge Kerchiefs 15c
MAIN FLOOR, Special impor- MAIN FLOOR Women's dic
tation of Women's fine Sheer ty sheer Kerchiefs with imlta
Llnen Handkerchiefs on sale at tion Armenian lace edge and
a very low price. These have embroidered corner. A number
i inch hem. Put up CC of new designs. Priced "I r
In neat package of 6, at JC special for tomorrow at 19C
Sale Drugs qnd Toilet Goods
Standard Lines at Cut Prices
MAIN FLOOR On account of Saturday being a holiday all Drugs
and Toilet Goods advertised for last Friday will be on sale tomorrow
at the same special low prices.
5c Ivory Soap now at 3c a Cake
Limit six cakf s to a customer. No
deliveries except with other pur
chases in Drug Dept. Note prices:
l5c Toilet Paper, 1500 sheets to
the roll, will be on sale at 10c
3 5c Hospital Cotton, 1 lb. 19c
partial list of articles advertised.
50c Lambert's Listerine at 28c
Nice size Sponges, special at 15c
Regular 10c size Sapolio now 6c
25c Jergen's'Rice Powder at 12c
35c Daggett & Ramsdell's Cream,
priced for Saturday at only 25c
II 25c Kolynos Tooth Paste at 14C
$1.25 Combination offer Hedden's Toilet Water and Cream. 75c
Special 'showing of Bathing Caps, guaranteed, at 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c
Other specials advertised for
last Friday on sale tomorrow.
Women's Lingerie Dresses for S645
One Style Like This Illustration
DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR Dainty Sheer Batistes, Marquisettes.
Voiles, Allover Embroideries arid Laces. At this price there shouldn't
be a single one of these pretty dresses left by closing time tomorrow
Made in several very attractive styles some with peplum effect, others
with flounces. Most of them have touch of color on girdle, collar or
enffs. The materials alone would cost you more than this. Be one
of those to choose early in the day. On sale tomorrow JP
at the choice of only i wUttJ
All White Suits Reduced
SECOND FLOOR Most complete showing of the newest models In
Serges, Crepes, Poplins, Diagonals and other wanted materials. Short
or long coat effects trimmed with moire or taffeta. We also show the
latest Eton Jacket Suits with vest of moire and kimono or English cut
sleeves. Trimmed with fancy buttons and deep collars and flJIT K(
cuffs. All sizes for women and misses. Prices range $18 to DM
Great June Sale White Coats
All White Wash Skirts Reduced
Skirts for beach and outing wear.
Crash, linen, pongee, pique and
novelty crepes, styled with the new
flotrhce or tier effects. Others
plain or with ruffles, trimmed with
buttons, patch pockets, etc. Sale
prices range from f1 1 AQ
$1.35 up to dll.flO
White Wool Dress Skirts $8.55 to $25.65
DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR Handsome assortment of the new
separate Skirts for wear with shirt waists. Serges, Wool Crepes,
Golfine, Broadcloth, Taffeta, Moire and other materials, styled with
flounces in plain or pleated effects, also new bustle models and the lat
est long flounce styles. Here you wilt find a complete representation of
the season's smartest creations. All are included in the f or ("
June White Sale at reduced prices. Ail sizes. Prices $8.55 to tDQD
Sale of White Silk Petticoats 11 All White Waists Reduced
2D FLR. Wide range of styles to choose from in this
splendid showing. Messallne, Jersey, Crepe de Chine,
Taffeta. Trimmed with laces, tucks, plait- O C ft
Ings. "String and "patent tops. At $2.79 to pXtJ.elU
White Wool Sweaters Reduced
Middy Blouses $1.35 to $1.75
Crepe and Nainsook Corset Covers at 59c
Silk Pajamas, Worth $9.50 for $3.98
l'Nalnsuwk II 3 in
Good quality Crepe and-
Corset Covers edged with linen
and Val laces. Also one style
in allover embroidery. This
special lot on sale at
your choice of only..
tall lot of -Women's Silk Pa
Jamas. Frog trimmed styles in
white, blue and lavender. Beau
tiful high grade garments sell
ing formerly at 9.50. Q QQ
Special June White Sale O.JO
June White Sale of Stamped Goods
SECOND FLOOR Better select
the new White Coat at once while
the range of styles are complete.
Newest cape effects. Balmacaan
and dressy models of all kinds in
every wanted material. Full as
sortment of sizes for women and
misses. Prices range OQ lift
from $7.65 up to... 3J0.UU
Women's stamped Corset Covers
in several attractive patterns.
Made up ready to put on. OQ
Regular 50c grade only. OuC
FREE LESSONS in Art Needle
work every afternoon from 1 to
S. Expert instruction.
Towels, Pillow Slips, etc., at great
reductions during June White
ter pieces and Lunch Cloths, em
broidered, ranging from 3oc to I
13.00 now at HALF PRICE., I
V 77
New "Jack Tar" Middy
Blouses with raglan
sleeves, yoke and sailor
collars trimmed with
braid. Many pretty styles
to pick from- 1 7F
Priced $1.35 to tPAef J
Women's and Misses'
White Wool Sweaters in
fine and heavy ribbed,
plain or fancy. Others of
silk with hoods to match.
Prices range 1 Q Cft
$2.98 up to alaJ.uU
Best Showing In Portland
SILK WAISTS $2.49 TO $6.75 White Crepe de
Chine and Jap Silks with plain and embroidered soft
collars. Otners with lace revers and trimmed with
novelty buttons and silk cords. Sizes 34 "tr
to 50. Prices range from $2.49 to pUl O
LINGERIE WAISTS $1.29 Cotton Crepes, Marquis
ettes, Batiste and Mercerized materials. New kimono
sleeves and low necks. Lace and embroid- - OA
cry trimmed. Special at only. 9l.
LOT 2 Dainty Lingerie Waists in many o Q
styles and materials. Special sale price at $.0f
LOT 3 Beautiful Lingeire Waists in new- 0 ft
est models. June White Sale price at only e9.uU
$15.00 Corsets Special S4.98
SECOND FLOOR Sample line of Bon Ton
and Mme. Marlette Corsets. Fancy Broche
and best French Coutil. Corsets J QQ
worth up to 15, June White Sale dLUO
55 Corsets for S1.98
Bon Tons. Roval Worcester and some dls-
X continued styles in Nemo. Odd f QQ
Y JUnes selling up to 5, sale price l.TO
S7.50-S8.50 Corsets S4.25
Special lot of the well known Mme. Marietta
Corsets. Good models made of fine quality
broche. Corsets selling formerly OP
at I7.S0-I8.50, June White Sale..
high grade Brassieres in brocaded silks, II ri
ens, batistes, etc. Prices range from fl.SO
up to 6.50. All at HALF PRICE.
Knit Underwear and Hosiery
At "June White Sale0 Prices
Kiyiefs 3.50 Silk JO QC
Knickers, white, colors 4?.'7
Kayser's $2.7 5 Glove 0 OQ
Silk Knickers, for only LOV
Kayser's $2.7S Silk 9 OQ
Vests, special for only
Kayser's 5.00 Fancy OQ
Silk Vests, special only .) 7
Kayser's 4.50 GlovejQ P
Silk Union Suits on!sJ.UU
Carter's 5.00 Silk Union Suits
Carter's 2.50 Silk Lisle Union
Carter's 2 Fine Lisle Union
Suits for women only $1.69
Carter's l.5o Fine 1A
Lisle Knickers at only 117
Women's regular 1.00
Silk Hose a pair at only
Our "Blue Ribbon" Silk
Boot Hose at the pair only
Women's 1.25 outsize 1 ftft
Black Silk Hose, at only 31.UU
1.7S regular and out- 1 OC
size Black Silk Hose, at lOD
for women, now at only $4.39
Suits for women for only $2.1 S
Ev8ry WrteArt id e
Few Cootract Lipea.
Sale Automatic Refrigerators
Enllre stock at Reduced Prices
THIRD FLOOR: Reduce the high cost of liv
ing by using an "Automatic". Refrigerator.
$20.40 Grade $18.36
$24.60 Grade $22.14
$25.20 Grade $22.68
$29.40 Grade $26.40
$ 8.60 Chest $ 7.74
$12.60 Chest $1134
$15.00 Chest $13.50
$32.40 Grade $29.75
$36.60 Grade $32.95
$47.40 Grade $42.65
$54.00 Grade $48.60
$10.00 Grade $ 9.00
$15.60 Grade $14.00
$22.80 Grade $20.50
f llVV VUCBfc fAesvw efesisiieWW W sajvivw
Sale Warm Weather Needs Q
1 Burner Black Gas Plate for 33c
2 Burner Black Gas Plate at $1.58
3 Burner Black Gas Plate at $2.47
2 Burner Nickel Gas Plate $2.48
3 Burner Nickel Gas Plate $3.58
Special Exhibition Glass
1.00 Gas or Oil Ovens at 78c
1.50 Gas or Oil Ovens at $1.20
$1.75 Gas or.Oil Ovens at $1.40
$2.00 Ovens, Glass Door, $1.60
$2.75 Ovens, Glass Door, $2.20
Cutting on Third Floor
Mill Ends
On Sale at Basement Bargain Center
5000 yards beautiful new embroid
eries at a remarkably low price.
Daintiest of patterns to select from.
Nainsook, Cambric, Lawns and Mus
lin In narrow, medium and wide
widths. Mill ends ranging from 5
to 10 yards. Reg. values to in
35c, Monday, at the yard.. xLx.
June Sale of Lace Curtains
. .
Splendid Opportunities to Save!
$6.78 CURTAINS $4 45 Fine
grade Irish point Lace Curtains in
beautiful assortment of patterns.
Regular 6.75 grade, IC
June White Sale, pair. Jt.r
season's best selling styles with
pretty lace edging and insertion.
Best French net
Regular 4.00 Grade, pair $2.95
Regular $5.00 Grade, pair $3.85
Regular $6.00 Grade, pair $4.65
$6.00 BED SETS $4.75 White
lace Bed Sets with Battenber glace
and braid trimming. Cyl rj
Special a set at only., dial D
$3.50 SCRIM CURTAINS $2.25
These come in regulation size.
Nice quality Scrim or Marquisette
with lace edges and Insertion to
Regular $5.50 Grade, pair $3.95
Regular. $9.00 Grade, pair $6.75
tingham lace with Pillow Shams
of Irish Point, Brussels Net and
Renaissance designs. All reduced.
Regular 2.50 Sets now at $1.75
Regular 3.50 Sets now at $2.75
Regular $4.50 Sets now at $3.68
All other Curtains and Sets at
June White Sale prices.
JUNE. 7;
Evfry WlfteArt id e
feduced-tvecept a
reW Cootract Lipes..
Regular 45c Fancy Scrims Special, 27c Yard
Juror Oh. no for having such a