The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 20, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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, and
ca Merch&stdtioo of cs Mcrfi OnhT
Doll ,
Old Places of Exile Found ln-;
. adequate to Care for In-j
creased Numbers,
TtlTa I4t Cloa to Starvation, With j
Drlad and Half Putrid Tian as j
Tnlr Maaaa of Suatanaaea. !
London, May 20. A frightful picture
of condition in the latest territory to
be added to the Russian empire's exile
area was received hefe today from the
Hi. Petersburg correspondent of the .
United Press.
On account of the increasing number
of political deportations from Euro
pean Russsla, the old places of exile
have proved inadequate and the gov-
rnmnl hoa a1i4l tn th lint TtiisalrfiA
Vstye, on the rirer Indlguirka, in lati
tude 71 north, about 60 miles from the
Arctic ocean.
A few miserable huts have been pro
vided at the point chosen for the ex
iles. It is surrounded by a woodless,
unproductive swamp. The nearest hu
man habitation la at the miserable vil
lage of Uut-Yanstk, about 600 miles dis
tant. Ust-Yansk is a shelter post of
men engaged In the liquor transport
Even here everything is left to i
fhino If nnnnrtunilv nffera m&ilH
are aeuverea inere. uiieu, iiowevvr,
the place is Isolated for months at a
time. Winter lasts nine months. Dur
ing its depths the sun shines only an
hour or two a day.
In the summer, when the roads from
the south become passable, caravans
brlnx supplies of vodka, which the r
traders barter for valuable furs. A
period of general drunkenness Invari
ably follows, during which the natives
drink away the fruit of their year'B
Worn. klicy live ill a, iuiauui om.v?
. of semi-starvation, mostly on dried
and half putrid fish. There are no
medical men and even lamps are unob
tainable. Itusakoe Ustye has not even
L'st-Yapsk's measure of civilization.
Project Workers
Fighting Squirrels
XMtoh-Bldsrs at Klamath Carry Small
Calibre mines and rarmers Are Sup
plied Traa With Poison.
Klamath Falls, Or., May 20. All
dltrh-rldprs employed on the Klamath
project are armed with small calibre
rifles and carry a quantity of squirrel
poison. In a campaign to eradicate the
siiiirrela from the project and thus in
crease the efficiency of the reclama
tion service.
The squirrels are wont to burrow
into the ditch and canal banks, just
above the waterline. As the head of
water Is Increased, the bank, weakened
by the burrowing, gives way and the
water quickly washes out the bank,
often necessitating the shutting off
of the water In the large canals while
repairs are' being made.
In addition to the ditch-riders being
on the firing line, the reclamation is
enlisting the farmers in the fight. They
are being supplied with free squirrel
Speeder Arrested;
Judge With Him
Officer rinda Magistrate In Back Beat
of Machine Which Has Bean Meld Up
of Exceeding Cpeed Limit.
Aberdeen. Wash., May 20. When T.
B. Breuner, a well known attorney, was
stopped by the police today on the
charge of speeding while on his way
to the golf grounds, the officer told
him he was under arrest, and that he
miiat appear before Judge Knyder In
the morning. Looking at the passen
ger In the rear seat the officer discov
ered that It was Judge Snyder himself.
Bnyder has been fining everyone ar
reted for speeding in the sum of $10.
Breuner is one of ( Snyder's intimate
Chautauqua at Hood River.
Hood River, Or., May 20. Decoration
Day will be appropriately observed in i
Hood River by the members of the Q.
A. R. and Woman's Relief Corps this ,
year and the committee on program
' has secured the services of R. A. Booth '
of Eugene to deliver the oration. The
city has donated the old soldiers $25 '
to aid them In arranging the program.
Hood River citizens are preparing to
hold a four days' Chautauqua meeting ;
beginning July 1. The city council
granted the committee the privilege of :
using the city property surrounding
the abandoned water supply. It Is
thought that a much larger crowd will
attend the sessions if they are held
within the city. Last year's Chautau- j
qiiu wuh not a financial success, the i
, committee having the matter In charge j
loKlng approximately $1200.
Carriexl Vood in Her Apron.
BoIlnat. Cal., May 20. Mrs. John EI- ',
frlck set her clothes on fire while put
ting an apronful of wood Into her kitch
en stove and was so badly burned that !
she died on her way to the hospital.
Every Man
Desires a Home
Help him get it by in
vesting in this co
operative home-buildinjf
'organization. . Stock
100 shares $36. Pays 2.
The Oregon Home Builders
Oliver K. Jeffrey. Pres.
Northwestern Bank Building
Building Success in Our
Waist Store
As we have built the largest waist business in
Portland by a constant observance of the trend
of New York and Paris fashions, plus a lib
eral policy, so shall we further increase the
renown of our waist section by
Inaugurating an Immense Sale of Waists
We have acquired by special and interesting purchases an immense collection of the newest waists in models very much in
demand at the moment. Waists that are rare at these prices, for they were bought on a scale overshadowing any previous
purchase ever made in this store.
The blouses for this sale are the result of the most careful and painstaking shopping, as a consequence we have the
choicest blouses in every material at every price, in each instance MUCH LESS than regular.
The newest Summer blouses in Silks, Crepe de Chines, Georgette Crepes, Laces, Voiles, Cotton Crepes, Handkerchief
Linen, Lingerie and novelty materials.
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $4.50
Special $2.95
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $5.00
Special $3.45
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $6.00
Special $335
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $6.50
Special $5.00
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $8.00
Special $6.50
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $9.50
Special $7.50
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $10.50
Special $8.50
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $12.50
Special $10.00
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $1.75
Special $1.00
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $2.00
Special $1.23
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $2.50
Special $1.50
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $2.75
Special $1.73
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $3.00
Special $1.95
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $3.50
Special $2.35
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $3.75
Special $2.48
Summer Blouses, selling regularly at $4.00
t Special $2.73
Third Floor.
Summer House Dresses. Aprons and Kimonos
Materially Price Lowered
$3.50 Crepe. Kimonos $2.75
Fine serpentine crepe kimonos, in empire, loose
flowing style or with shirred ribbon belted backs.
Some have large sailor collars of satin, others
with V-neck, and are made with elbow sleeves
and with tarn-back -cuff s or ribbon finish. Also
the new Japanese effect, made. in loose style, in
fancy draped effect in front with sash. The col
ors are light blue, navy, cadet, pink and lavender.
$1.75-$1. 85 House Dresses $1.19
$ 1 .25 and $ 1 .50 House
Dresses 95c
These dresses are of nurse's stripe ging
ham or percales, in light or dark colors,
made with sailor collar or yoke effects, and
some with vest effects, with short or three
quarter sleeves. The skirts are plain or
with panel back and piped waistline. They
come in plain colors, checks, stripes and
figures in tan, lavender, light blue, cadet
and black and white checks. Sizes 34 to 46.
Coverall Aprons Special 50c
Made of percale, in light and dark colors,
with kimono sleeves and turn-back cuffs,
round neck finished with white pipings and
belted back.
$2.25 Crepe Kimonos $1.69
These kimonos are made of fine plisse
. crepe in dainty colors, light blue, lavender,
tan, pink and gray, in pretty flowered pat
terns. They are made in empire style with
V-neck and elbow sleeves, and are finished
with satin bandings of contrasting colors.
$2.25 to $2.75 House
Dresses $1.59
These are our high-grade house dresses,
extra well-fitting and well made, in a large
variety of styles and materials, such as
striped, checked and plaid ginghams, plain
chambray, striped, checked and figured per
cales, in many new models. Made in high
and low-neck effects, with round, sailor or
collarless finish, trimmed with embroidery
or bandings, long or short sleeves. Skirts
are plain or with panel backs, finished at
waist with belts or pipings. . All sixes and
1 $2.50 Jap. Kimonos $1.75
Regulation Japanese kimonos of crepe in
green, pink, rose, gray and cadet in dainty
combinations of colors, with cherry blos
soms and wistaria flowered patterns. All
have sashes to match.
$1.50 Crepe Kimonos 98c
They are made of serpentine crepe in em
pire style in light blue, pink, lavender, cadet,
navy or red. They have V-necks, short
sleeves and are cord finished. 4th Floor
!' GFttV Art jt
ijuriTum yvoioe C1LO V tS M
CMetxHandioo ofcMil Only"
We Act in an Advisory Way to Men
In Matters of Furnishings
Today We Strongly Urge All Men to
Economize by This Sale
Having demonstrated in a series of wonderfully success
ful shirt sales that we have given as high intrinsic worth
as anyone can give, we now turn our attention to men's pa
jamas, nightgowns and other Summer necessities.
We shall PROVE to your entire satisfaction that no
where else in the city can you secure such positive savings
as are obtainable in our men's furnishing sales.
Our WHOLE reputation hangs on the FIRST sale we
make to you.
Do you think we would JEOPARDIZE it?
$2.00 Union Suits, Special $1.65
Fine white lisle thread union suits, made in the spring-needle
weave, form-fitting. They have the new trouser seat, closed crotch,
and are reinforced at all principal points of wear. Long or half
sleeves, ankle length.
$1.50 Union Suits, Special 98c
White and ecru lisle thread union suits, made especially for Sum
mer wear, with short or long sleeves, ankle length, and with the
new style trouser seat. All reinforced at chief points of wear.
$1.00 Athletic Union Suits, Special 69c
The most convenient and coolest garments for Summer wear.
They are of checked and barred nainsook, striped madras and soi
sette, made athletic style, sleeveless and knee length. Full range
of sizes from 34 to 50.
Porous Mesh Underwear
-$1.00 union suits Special, 69c.
50c shirts and drawers Special, 33c each.
Porous mesh is made with double holes, permitting the free ven
tilation of the body, and has always been considered a strictly
health garment for Summer wear. They are made ankle length
with long or half sleeves and come in either union suits or separ
ate shirts and drawers.
Athletic Shirts and Drawers 43c Each
Introducing a new line of two-piece athletic underwear, made
from fine quality checked nainsook. The shirts are made sleeve
less and are reinforced. The drawers are in knee length and have
double seat.
$2.50-$3 Pajamas $1.65
These pajamas are made from fine
quality silk mixed madras, French
percale and soisette, made with mili
tary collar or V-neck, and are trim'd
with single and double silk frogs.
$1.50 Summer Pajamas
$1.15 ;
Plain colored and fancy striped pa-j
jamas of soisette and fancy madras.,
Made with military collar and trim'd
with silk braid.
$1 Muslin Night Shirts
Special 63c
These nightshirts are made of plain
white muslin with V-neck or military
collar, trimmed with single or double
rows of white and fancy braid. They
are all cat full size and are shown in
sizes IS to 18. First Floor
$1.50 Stockings, $1.19
Ingrain thread silk stockings
in black, medium weight made
with wide-fashioned trunk tops
of cotton for long wear and
cotton soles with extra spliced
toes. These have the popular
lavender tops,
$1.75 Stockings, $1.35
Extra heavy black ingrain
pure thread silk stockings.
Made with the durable cotton
garter tops and soles with the
heels, toes and soles extra
spliced for long wear. These
stockings are elastic, extra long
and extra full in width.
$2.00 Stockings, $1.50
Outsize silk stockings, thread
silk, extra long and wide. In
black, white, tan, pink, sky, car
dinal or gray. First Floor
Presenting Some New W. B. Corsets
Made of extra quality coutil with embroidery
trimmings. These corsets are made for the aver
age figure, having medium busts and very long,
straight lines over the hips, back and sides. Six
elastic gores inserted at intervals around the
bottom, which make for extra comfort.
$3.00 W. B. Models $1.95
These corsets are made of the best grade coutil with dainty em
broidery trimmings. Made with medium and low bust with ex
treme length over the abdomen, hips and back Built on the latest
straight lines, having three pairs of hose supporters attached.
$1.75 W. B. Nuform Corsets $1.19
Medium and low bust models, fashioned with the long, graceful
hip-conforming lines, having two pairs of hose supporters attached.
Made of batiste and coutil, embroidery trimmed. Sizes 19 to 30.
Fourth Floor
Charming Trimmed Leghorn Hats
At $5.95, Instead of $10.00
For new Summer hats of such unapproachable distinction
this is an extraordinary low price there is a refined ele
gance to these New Leghorn hats that can only be imparted
by an artist a pleasing becomingness that sets off the face
and gives a smart individuality to the Wearer that is so sat-
isfactory, and which places these hats above the kind one
usually finds at this special price. They are most artistically
trimmed with flowers, ribbons and many faced with plain
or figured silk.
Smartly Trim'd Tailored Lizere Hats
Speciaf $4.95 to $15.00
These tailored hats have a poise and dash that no word
quite describes, but which will be appreciated by every wo
man who sees them tomorrow. As they are made of the
new Lizere braids, they possess a newness that is decid
edly appealing, besides they are attractively trimmed
with ribbons, small clusters of flowers and small tailored
wings. In all black effects. Second Floor
25 Reduction-
on all
Framed Pictures
Ready-Made Frames
Metal Frames
Unframed Pictures
Frames Made to
Sixth Floor.
These Summer Wash Fabrics
Will Interest Many at
These Prices
A medium weight crepe, white grounds with black, blue,
lavender and navy staple and cluster stripes. 32 inches wide.
Silk Finish Moire Poplin,
; 50c
The very latest light
weight, soft-finish fabric
manufactured to comply
75c Plaid Ratine, 49c
40 inches wide in broken
and block plaids, multi-colors
beautifully combined. It
is constructed so as to pre
vent wrinkling, in a weight
specially adapted for skirts,
coats and dresses.
40c Printed Voile and
Crepe Voile, Special, 25c
Soft, sheer and clingy
fabrics, about 38 inches in
width, in white and tinted
grounds on which are print
ed small, neat colored floral
with the present styles. Ad
mirably suited for coats and
dresses. ...
40c Satin Stripe Crepe,
A crinkled crepe weave in
colored grounds with white
Jacquard satin stripe in very
novel effect. The colors are
blue, pink, mode, russet,
helio," delft blue, rose and
black. Basement.
Fashion's Fad
Novelty Earring.
Inexpensive in Price
According to the latest re
ports from New York and
abroad, novelty earrings are en
joying great popularity.
Earrings of splendor and
sparkle or soft, subdued tones,
or one's own personal color, or
a match for one's costumes, or
a reflection of some sentiment,
or a contrast with some tone
- scheme these new earrings of
fer these many opportunities for
personal adornment.
In pendant style and hoop ef
fects in French jet, jade and
white stone novelty effects, of
pearl, gold plate and colored
stone, set in new and unusual
50c to $12.00 each
Tint rioor.