The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 20, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Delegates Numbering Two
Score in Attendance at To
day's Session.
Kaports Will Bs Ka4 TMi Afternoon;
B la hop caddlng- SllTrd His
Annual Addrsss Lwt Strut.
With two score delegates present
from n parts of the diocese, the twen-
ty-Mlith annual convention of the dlo
opse of Orexon of the Episcopal church
convened this morning In the Trinity
church parish house, following & prep
h ration meeting last night at St. Ste
phc-n's pro-cathedral, and a big meeting
of the women's auxiliaries yesterday
at Grace Memorial church. The con
vention will adjourn Thursday after
The auxiliary meeting was one of
the largest gatherings of Episcopal
women ever held in the state, more
than 200 delegates being in attendance.
The principal matter up before the
convention this morning was the ap
pointment of various committees. This
afternoon will be given over to re
At Kt. Stephen last night Bishop
Hcariding gave his annual address in
wliirh he told of the growth of the dio
ene the past year, suggested that un
married vicars should be paid $1200
per annum and married ones $1500 and
declared the time has come when en
dowments should be sought for the
support of the church institutions
which Include the Good Samaritan nos
pltal, St. Helen's hall and the Bishop
Scott academy.
Steady Growth Shown.
The diocese, he wald, has shown a
healthy and vigorous growth and the
promise of more efficient work is
bright. . The alumnae of St. Helen's
ball, he said, have started an endow
ment fund for the institution which
ought to he increased to $100,000.
He reviewed the work of the Eplsoo
pal Social Service league and com
mended the work, which, he said, re
futes the popular misconception that
the church does nothing for the "down
and out."
'A men's reading room has been
opened In the north end," he said, "and
Its usefulness has been demonstrated
The building generously donated -by
the Welnhard estate has now been rent
ed and some other place will have to
be sought, where the good work can
be continued."
This being the sixtieth anniversary
of the diocese, he spoke of the fact
and expressed the hope that the dio
cese may be moved to add materially
to the Blsliop Morris Jubilee fund,
which Is used for the extension of the
church in the dlosese. He also ap
pealed to the church at large to create
b pension fund for aged and Infirm
clergy and, in concluding, paid a high
compliment to the wives of vicars,
who aid their husbands in their work.
"No dollar value can be placed on
the good these cheery helpmates do,"
said the bishop. "And I believe $500
a year should be added to the salary
of every vtear who has a wife, Just
Rga thanksgiving offering."
Mrs. Soaddlng1 Presides.
At the conference of auxiliaries, Mrs.
Charles ScaddLng presided and the
meeting was opened by a sermon de
livered by Rev. R. S. Gill, of Salem, in
which he traced IJie history of mis
sions and described their Xiclency
and needs. It was , said his sermon
was one of the most eloquent pleas
for missions ever heard in Portland.
At the afternoon session Mrs. Scad
ding was unanimously reelected presi
dent; Mrs. A. R. Hill, honorary presi
dent. The other officers elected are: Mrs.
Thomas Scott Brooke, first vice presi
dent; Mrs. Van Dusen, of Astoria, sec
ond vice president; Miss Frances
Tanker, third vice president; Mrs. H.
C. Weber, corresponding secretary;
Mrs. A, M. Oakes, recording secretary;
Mrs. TIenry Russell Talbot, educational
secretary; Mrs. W. H. Tallam. treas
urer; Mrs. Walter J. Burns, treasurer
aorted offering:. The-Junior suxiuaxy
officers lected -were: Miss France
Fankr, St. Stephen's parish, president;
Mrs. Cunningham, of Trinity parish,
first vice president;, Mrs. G. W. Craw,
St. Matthews', second vice president;
Mrs. Stillman, St. Marks, treasurer;
Mlss-C. Turner, St. Stephen's, treasurer
united offering.
At the convention this forenoon the
personnel of these committee .was an
nounced as follows:
Standing Conunittsss.-
Incorporation of Parishes and Mis
sions. Rev. R. R. Talbot. Rev. C. W.
Baker, Yen. H. D. Chambers, J. K.
Kollock, Frank Spittle. W. T. Plater.
Constitution and Canons Rev. K. CI., Rev. 3. E. H. Simpson, Rev. A, A.
Morrison, frame spittle. Judge W. M.
Ramsey. Dr. S. E. Josephl, Rev. C W.
On State of the Church Rev. W. B.
Hamilton, Rev. G. F. Rosenmuller, Rev.
C. W. Baker, E. W. Matthews. Judge
W. M. Ramsey. Frank Spittle.
On Social Service 1916. Rev. H. R.
Talbot: 1817. Rev. F. K. Howard; 1915.
A. C. Bell.
Titles to Church Property Rev. B.
G. Lee. Rodney Glisan, William Ham
mond, i
insurance C. B. Pfahler. i
Auditing J. C. Robinson. v
Christian Education Rev. C. W.
Robinson, Rev. W. B. Hamilton, Rev.
A. H. Marsh, Dr. H. B. Leonard. A. C.
Newlll. Dr. F. C. Sellwood.
Commission on Church Architecture
Rt. Rev. Charles Scadding, Bertram
Grosvenor Goodhue Hon. Sc. D. Trln.,
New York; Rev. If. M. Ramsey. Rev.
H. R. Talbot. IT. D. Ramsdell.
. Unfinished Business Rev. R. G.
Lee. Rev. C. W. Baker. JPrank Spittle.
Committees of Convention.
Credentials Rev. John Dawson,
Rev. John Rice, Rev. F. M. Baum,
A. 8. Auterson, R. W. Hastings, S. D.
Report of Treasurer of Diocese
Rev. H. R. Talbot, Rev. G. E. Rosen
muller, J. H. LaMoree, C. L. Springer.
William Hammond.
On Report of Board of Churc'i Ex
tension Rev. E. H. Clark, Rev. W. A.
M. Breck, Rev. C. W. Taylor, J. W.
Ganong, Fred J. Glass, F. E. Cook,
Judge W. M. Ramsey.
Report of Trustees of Episcopal
Fund Rev. W. B. Hamilton, Rev. H.
I'. Chambers. Rev. C. W. Robinson,
F. C. Malpas. W. S. Asher. C. N fihiar-
Figures Were Submitted on
Dredging and Rip-Rap
Work on Municipal Unit,
her success was made at the Ad club's
Rosarian luncheon this noon. . ..
Report of Board of Hospital Trus
tees Rev. A. A. Morrison, Rev. G. B.
VanWaters, John Sealy, Graham
Report of Trustees of Bishop Scott
School Rev. C. H. H. Bloor, Rev. F.
K. Howard. Rev. C. B. Runnalls, H. D.
Ramsdell, Hamilton Johnstone, Judge
J. M. Upton.
Report of Trustees of St. Helen's
Hall Rev. A. WV. Griffin, Very Rev.
H. M. Ramsey, Rev. G. B. VanWaters,
A. S. Auterson, Paul Henderson, A.
M Ellsworth.
Report of Trustees of Christmas
Fund Rev. John Dawson, Rev. R. S.
Gill. John Duthrie, A. R. Harris.
Report of Social Service and Oitv
Mission Rev. J. K. H. Simpson, Rev.
U E. Browning, Francis Capell, George
Thomas, F. C. Malpas.
Resolutions and Memorials Very
Rev. H. M. Ramsey. Rev. A W. Grlf
firr Frank Spittle.
Bishop's annual address Rev. C. W.
Robinson, Rev. J. F. Hamaker, G. A.
Harding, B. O. Case.
Expenses Rev. G. F. Rosenmuller,
Kev. H. I). Chambers, William Whit
field. R. W. Hastings.
Hospitality Rev. A. A. Morrison.
Rev. E. IL Clark, Rev. G. B Van
Waters. Press committee Rev. E. H. Clark,
Rev. R. E. Browning-. Mrs. F. L. Purse
Cooperation In work among deaf
nautos Rev. C. W. Robinson Rev F.
M. Baum. A. C. Newill.
Leaflet of Diocese for Board of Mis
Plons Revi B. G. Lee, Rev. C. W
Baker, Rev. W. B. Hamilton.
Judges or election Rev. P. K Ham
mond, Rev. R. S. Gill, Rev. ,T. D. Cum
mins, H. D. Ramsdell. S. E. Josephl.
J R. Humphrey.
It was stated that two committee
men would be appointed on the social
service committee this afternoon.
Complaint was made through County
Clerk Coffey to the county commis
sioners this morning by Eugene
Palmer, chairman of the day election
board in precinct 282, that two mem
bers of the night board. Frank W.
Morse and Charles E. Africa, were
hoisted onto his precinct from precinct
281 and that they "monkeyed" so
much that the 170 ballots cast were
not counted until 2 o'clock Saturday
afternoon. Palmer also complained
that the night board refused to admit
the day board Saturday morning. The
complaUit was referred to Auditor
Martin for information.
Contract for Pile and Timber Opera
tions Awarded to Seattle.
fflneHal to The Journal.)
Astoria, Or., May 20. The Astoria
Port commission, at an adjoumea
meeting this morning, rejected the bids
submitted for the dredging and riprap
work connected with the construction
of the first unit of the "municipal docks.
All the figures were considered too
high, and another call for bids will be
issued. The bids submitted lor areag
ing were as follows:
Standard American Dredging com
pany, $202,500; Puget Sound Dredging
company, $206,250; Guthrie, McDougal
company, $212,500; Tacoma Dredging
company. $186,250.
There were three bidders for the rip
rap work as follows: Guthrie, Mc
Dougal company, $16,200; Robert
Wakefield. $16,200; Tacoma Dredging
company. $21,600.
The contract for the pile and timber
work was awarded yesterday afternoon
to the J. A. McEachern company of
Seattle, the price being $135,715. The
other bids on this part of the work
were: C. L. Houston. $165,520; Wilson
Bros. & Iiebeck, $157,976.15; Guthrie,
McDougal company, $156,335; Robert
Wakefield, $149,645: Twohy Brothers,
$200,197.50: Sound Construction & En
glneering company. $168,925. The three
contracts amount to $340,000. Accord
ing to the specifications, the work
will be finished in 120 days.
Ad Club Slogan Prize
Winner Announced
Mrs. May Ooodall of This City Lucky
Woman Queen and Maids Will Use
It on Tour.
Mrs. May Goodall of 210 Cherry
street won the Ad club's Rose Festival
slogan contest and the $25 prize of
fered. The slogan is in the heart of a
rose, also designed by Mrs. Goodall,
and it reads:
The slogan will be scattered by the
Queen of Rosaria and her maids of
honor while on their tour throughou
Pacific coast cities. Announcement o
Hotelkeepers to Meet.
To listen to a report by ex-President
L. Q. Swetland, members of the Oregon
State Hotelkeepers' association will
meet at the Perkins hotel at 2:30
o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Swet
land has just returned from an ex
tended, trip through tho oas.-, und has
seen much that it is beliaved will be
of Interest to the members of the assO'
Wardrobe Trunk
Special $41
Portland's Best Trunk Store
130 Sixth St- Near Alder
Resolutions protesting against any
change, in the proposed route along
Union avenue of the Interstate bridge
approach were adopted last night at a
mass meeting of cltixens held at
Green's hall, Woodlawn. J. M. Knight
presided and C M. Hurlburt served as
Tho resolutions point out that a
change would work a hardship upon 8S
percent of the people of Multnomah
and Clarke counties.
Witness Tells of
Alleged Admissions
K. R. Uonlway o Witness Stand Bays
W. K. Chapln Admitted Tailors to
Invest Money as Promised.
Admissions alleged to have been
made by W. H. Chap in. of the Chapln
Herlow Mortgage & Trust company,
that he and E. C. : Herlow received
$3500 from William and Marlon Grace
to invest in first mortgage securities
November 11. 1912. and then failed to
! Invest them as promised, were testi
fied to this morning by Attorney Ralph
R. DunlwayJn the trial of Chapln on
a charge cf larceny by bailee in Circuit
Judge Kavanaugh's court.
Mr. Duniway acted as counsel for
Mr. and Mrs. Grace in their dispute
with Chapln and HeAow."
Attorney Duniway said that Chapln
tried to turn the responsibility for the
failure of the company to carry out
its agreement onto the shoulders of
Herlow byv saying that he knew noth
ing of the details of the transaction
but that Chapln was present on sev
eral occasions when the transactions
were In progress.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
Was Shooting at
The Section Hands
Apparently Insane Man srear Hood
felver Was Tixiag at Wortanem and
raising Trains.
Hood River, Or., May 19. An appar
ently insane man, who says he belongs
to the 1. W. W., and who rives his
nsme as Frank Beckwlth, was taken
into custody a few miles east of Hood
River, where he had fortified himself
and had been shooting at the section
hands on the railroad and the passing
trains.. Sheriff Johnson of Hood River
was dispatched to the scene of the
trouble, and upon arriving found that
the man had been disarmed of a revolv
er and razor by the section crew and
was being held. ' i
Rancher "Xot Guilty."
Astoria, Or.. May 20. It took the
circuit Jury but five minutes yesterdsy
afternoon to return a vardlct of "not
guilty" in the case of F. M. Ford, the
Marion county rancher, 66 years old,
who was charged with criminal assauU
on 8-year-otd Evelyn Brown of Gear -hart
Park. The defendant was repre
sented by Attorneys tfcNary and Smith
of Salem.
A Display of Men's
that every man in Portland
proud of.
will be
The successful operation of these
shops in Portland is the goal we
have aimed at from the start of this
business fifteen years ago.
This has been made possible by
the public support of our Mill-to-Man
It strengthens our old established
policy of better clothes for less by the
elimination of the middleman.
And at the start of this home in
dustry, the payroll distributed to our
skilled workers is on a basis of seventy-five
thousand dollars a year.
This payroll will grow larger, and
larger as more and more discriminating
men learn the value and economy of
these suits at fifteen dollars.
The fabrics are from Oregon-grown pure
wool woven into the nationally-known Oregon
Buckskin Cloths by Oregon Mills.
These are made in our own daylight
shops in Portland the first clothing factory estab
lished in the Northwest
The workmanship is by the highest type
of skilled tailors and all garments bear the label
of the Tailors' Industrial Union Local 74.
Your inspection of these suits is invited whether you are ready to buy now or later
Brownsville Woolen
Morrison at
Third Street
Y'From the Sheep's Back to Your Back and No Cotton Added in Making
The world's greatest
shoe sale see Page 4.
The "best" in
everything is al
ways the cheap
est in the end.
" Bitulithic"
is best in street
"The Peril
A series of pictures in which we will be taken all over the world, and inside it. We will see
the most marvelous work yet accomplished in moving pictures.
Two Excellent Vitagraphs
"Miser Murray's Wedding Present"
"Buddy's First Call"
Ask Your Friends Who Saw "A Million Bid" If It Is Not
the Finest Picture Yet Screened.
Coming Sunday-Return Engagement of Million Bid"
II li
in which to purchase the wonderful
Simplicity Sweep Clean
and your choice of two other guaranteed electric ap
pliances for less than the price of the Cleaner alone
and two other appliances
$3 Down S3 ner Mnnlh
This special group sale will positively end Saturday night, May 30
More than 600 housewives are using this guaranteed Electric Suction Sweeper
in Portland. Ask your neighbor and she will tell you of the thoroughness and
ease with which her daily cleaning is done and what wonderful labor-saving
devices the other electric appliances are. Ask for a demonstration at the
llecftiric Store
and do not fail to
before it is too late
Portland Railway, Light and
Power Company