16 ... TJE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 20, .1914. V SITUATIONS -FEMALK - " ' CCotinnL . : LAUY wlshen pott it ton am housekeeper or take charge of rooming house, thoroughly experienced. Phone C-1873, ' f m - ' WIDOW with girl vt 0 wlhe home . In widower's or bachelor's home, mull waives required, will stay in town or go to country. K-15, Journal HOV6K cleaning or washing wanted by experienced lady. Phone C-1928. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE - AND FKMALE 23 j MAN anu wife want apartments to I 'look after for room, and some wugew. Kant 531' 3 MAN and wTfe want work on farm. - , A"& 17. Main 717. KMPIX) VMKXT AGKXC1ES 08 BKlLlliiJ and urikllie labor" of "all kinds furnished. Japanamericao Trading Co., 264 Flanderv; A-2384. rianders. A-2884. WHEN you answer tnese Want Ada, mention The Journal. imKSSMAKINtf 40 MAE MAKTZ. modiste. Suits, gowns, dresses, alterations and makeovers. Phone Main 3i3 12th and Alder. rlKBi" class drenmnker. $3.60 a day. Tel. Tabor 446W. WHEN you answer these Want Ad, mention The Journal. NURSES 00 WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal MONTA VILLA Maternity Home; terms reimonu.hle. Tabor 2 1 1 7 . tUCXiSHKl) ROOM a a WEST SIRE HOTEL MADRAS. 12th and Washington. Steam heat, hot and cold running water, private nd detached baths, free phones. Single 13. suite 2 rooms. 15. ALMA HOTEL. 11 12th St.. cor. Stark, $3 week up. Transient 75c to J1.50 day; modern, clean rooms; home for nice people; hot, cold water, elevator, prlv. baths, phone. HOTEL Buckingham, :otli and V ash. $2.50 w'k up, new. mod'n. brick, clean outside rooms, private baths, no extra charge 2 In rooms, hatha or phones. Tpife, TtiOJte.VfeKLN. lrl and Harrison; single rooms $2 to $3 week; 2 room j apts.. i.tu up steam heat, bath pnones; rfuwiH : WHlklnc distance. THE AI.KioN rtoiL. 21 2 H 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up, steam heat, hot and roM water, free bath nhnne RYAN HOTEL. 26!) y. 5th St. New hot and cofd wnter. steam heat, prl- i vateor public bath. I . .. : : ., jtt r-. i Ht.HMAKK hotel. 565 W ashington i t.. cor. 17th. Clean modern rooms. $2 week up; also 2 room suites wit1! i bath. $5 week. New management. FOR Y. M .vj. A. members: Many oC j the furnished rooms reduced in price. Bhowtr baths; special rates at cafe- I ,tria. 'ith and Taylor sts. tfOIJNG man. rooming at Y. M. C. A.. wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inoulre Y. M. C. A. ACKLY HOTEL Cor. 12th and Stark, $2.5u wk. up. Private bath, $4.50 up. Clean outside rooms, modern, brick hdK. 0K Huil.1., 34". oak ml.. iurnisn.j j rooms Meam heat hot water, bath L . eek up Main 4150 j 1HE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely f u . , 309 Jefferson, nicely f u . , dern. central. $.'.00 wk. up. I rooms, mi ROOMS and apartments in modern ho-1 tei 17 ho week una un 455 Al.ler Hill I-I VJftf IN 1' ''tn at. Per-! ji t j imanent and iran ; WHEN you answer tliesu Want Adu. mention The Journal FTTKMISKSD B.OO-IS WIIT BIDE F-UVATE PAMIXT 70 FINELY furnished room with board in private family. $25 tier month. Pnone, bath and all hom.S conveniences, 3 min utes from postoffice. Phone Murshall 3198. FRONT rooms, furnished or unfur nished, easy walking, sleeping or housekeeping. 535 Yamhill. FRONT room, furnished, cheap rent; close In. 214 Broadway. NM'E. riulet sleeping room, $1.5X 492 Taylor. $.J.00 WEEK, clean fnrnishe.1 sleeping room; also room 171 13th st. CLEAN, cheerful rooms, newly papered and palntd, t2 up. ;I8 Salmon st. SLEEPING rooms, suitable for plain people. $1.50 to 12 week. 575 Couch. WHEN you answer these Want AuT. mention The Journal. JUNKURNISHER TIOOMS Q VTVRNiSH ED V." rooms 70S (UlKan; light, phone, water; $14 mo Kultable for dressmaking. A-7931, Ma'a 1359. TWO unfur iTTsh ej h k. rooms, ligh; water, nath free. 171 13th st. M. 94ol WHEN you answer these Want Ad, mention The Journal. ROOMS AND HOARD 15 CASA MANANA CLUB Exluslvely for young men of good character; room and board, $30 month. Pnone East n.iiiii rr faii kiiii u nart.n.n. w. ...., ,. i.umiiie ave. ir toil are tired of hotel fare and I'M.IIII k tor a goou nome call at 67 Trinltv lace. LARGE, sunny rooms, with board Casa Rosa. 300 Jefferson. WHEN you answer these Want Ads mention The Journal. PUT ATE FAMILT BOOMS AITS BOASS 72 BOARD and room In private family for two; nice front room, good board f;r.6u per month. 424 Second at.. Main 1 3 8 ,1 AM one desiring a nice quiet home in a fine locality, goo hoard, at rea sonable rrates. phone Sellwood 2332 ONE room suitable for 2 with hoard $22.50 a mo. young men. Tabor 3596. STRICTLY tlrst class room and board 311 11th wt. Marshall 2003. JI.M!r,H- room an1 board. $25 month. Walking dlstanre: men preferable. bOARD and room, good location 371 K. 1st N. P ione C-1220. WHEN you answer these Want .ids. mention The Journal GOOD home for children. B-2834. WNED- ROOM AND HOARD 39 U ANTED Room with or without iId I? privatS .fam"y. by man em ployed No boarding houses. P-853 Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ads mention The Journal " holskKkeimm; rooms s west side Steam Heatedrjpm UntpFree Baths Clean Rooms UUIN n0ieiPnone p,ano Furnished housekeeping rooms week ly. $1.25 and up. 665 1st St.. Portland. ST A NDISH HOTEL. 548 WASH. ST. Housekeeping rooms and suites mod ern all outside rooms. Free phones and baths; special low summer rates. CmbrlGe rdoif., furnian'd H. K. rooma! central, cheap. 1S 3d . cor Morfa. FURNISHED housekeeping and sleep ing rooms, $1 week up. 291 2d. WHEN you answer these Waut Ada mention The Journal. SOUSE SEE PI ICQ BOOMS WEST -XDB r-HTATB rAJCXXY 73 BASEMENT housekeeping rooms, suit- iiiii wuraing people SI 25 to $2 week: vervthlnir fumtJ t- ' .1. W V II. HANDsrt beautiful home, in 1 and 2 room un". tuiupieie ior nouaeKeeplng. 564 Flanders. 410 SALMON st..; 2 nicely furnished -housekeeping rooms, central, reason able. 1 TWO nicely furnished housekeeping -roomi, $18 pen month, including free nhono. gas and lights. 407 Columbia. LARGE well furnished room and kit chenette, all conveniences; reason able. 321 West Park. - BOVIEKSSiraO BOOHS WBIT SIDE FKXTATB rilULT 73 -r-.,-,-i r-i i -i ,S C.?j"?-fl--i -u 7. -. - THRKK connecting furnished house keeping rooms, newly papered and furnished; large, airy rooms; water in kitchen, phone in rooms, and sewing machine; very desirable; summer rates; gas, bath, etc. 886 11th wt. 3 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, conveniences, water In rooms, wnlkin,? Hlatsinee S3 25 ner week. SOS ' Johnson st; CLEAN, light ront housekeeping, al ho sieeplng rooms. 500 Jefferson. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST S1QE '48! 11.60 to 2.75 week, furnished H. K rooms, gas. free heat, laundry, batna Phone Eawt 6089; 406 Vancouver ave, , , raln hot and cold witer, phone In THE MAPLES, 2B7 Knott. Furnished every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Mor H. K. suites. 12.60 up. Water in : rison sts.. $16.60 and up. 2l Columbia suites. WHEN you answer tnese Want Ads, mention The Journal. HOVSEXSEnSO BOOKS EAST SIDE PRIVATE f AMTLT 74 $ ii! 6 0 C OM P LET ELY furnished base ment rooms, suitable for man and wife, modern, electric lights, cooking gas. water, bath, phone, etc.. free, wood stove, walking distance. 564 E. 6th. Sellwood 1109 ' UP-TO-DATE furnished housekeeping suite, including light, linen, pnone, itmth; 1 block to carline; rent reason- able. 169 E. 14th St. CLEAN housekeenlne rooms, l.,trie ity. gas bath, telephone. 370 Weid ler at Union. TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms, cook stove, wood furnished, $9 per month. 310 Main st. 3 ROOM furnished flat with sleeping I orch. 93 E. Sth N. East 1865. WHEN you answer tnese mention The Journal. Want Ads. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 WEST SIDE. MODERN, 5 ROOM COT TAGE. Gas, electricity, yard, large porch, newly painted, $14. Four room cot tage. $9. Five room cottage. $12. 862 Vaughn St. Take 23d st. car. MOliKRN 7 room house, fine condition, well located, hard surface street, near carline. Good neighborhood on T.- n. raonnnoihla nartlH Il8 owner 410 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. FOR RENT to resonsible parties, nice ly furnished modern house, 7 rooms and unfurnished room In attic; good location, accessible to 2 carlines. West Side. Phone Main 2122. or call 770 Northrun, St., morning hours. MODERN room house, large yard, - citse in. located 187 bhermaiv, rent formerly Jlo. now $10. Inquire 586 j.--ron , st or rnvi N 6th. STRICTLY modern house, 6 large rooms, everyconvenience; good loca tion, walking distance. 351 Holladay East 4101. Five room modern house, gas, electric lightB. Price $12 to right party. 3550 i fi7th at I.' ITimthnnia nar tVin IrTabor 739. t FIVE unfur. rooms, lower floor, $10.50. 3 unfur. rooms, upper floor, $6. I Phone owner, bet. 11 a. m. and 2:20 p. i m. Marshall 2990. Vfni RKNJT X'ew huniralow in West Moreland; sleeping porch, fireplace, Phone owner from 9 to 5. A-7465. Marshall 611. nrmn c nnitino iqcc ParrKthc I GoOD 5 room cottage. 1366 Carruth ,14. Owner. 401 E. 50th St. Ta ers Tabor 2642. . t, 6 ROOM strictly modern house. 661 - - . E. Washington, coiner East 18th Kev next door. Phone C-3135. MUiJEKN 5 room house, 608 Holgate st., 1 block from Sellwood car. ,16 per mo. Inquire 614 Holgate. $14; NICE cheerful home, modern, lawn, flowers. 773 Roosevelt, near 2?,rd. 6 ROOM house, good condition, walking distance, $14, adults. 164 Porter. Phone East 3103. 672 E. OAK ST. Almost new 5 room house, modern Improvements, clean, reasonable. NEW 5 room bungalow, $16; W-W car to 49th et. Inquire J. B. Young, owner. FREE rent, 5 room furnished bungalow for room and board of elderly lady. 3 735 E. 9th st. Sellwood. 4 ROOM house, chicken house. 2 lots, $8 per month. 3103 63d st. S. E. Mt. Scott car to ClarkB. FOR RENT Cheap, 3 room house, basement, lawn, earden. Alberta car. 1122 E. 16th st. N. 6 ROOM cottage, 618 East 9th. modern, $14 per month. Phone Sellwood 1146. TWO cottages, 124 and 126 N. 17th, near Olisan. Key 88 N. 16th. I OR RENT 4 21st st. room cottage, 189 N. FIVE room cottage. 670 Taggert St.. $12. W. W. car. Marshall 4317. MODERN 6 lawn, $18. room house, roses Woodlawn 1799. and HOUSE furnished or unfurnished, 72d St., Montavilla car. Main 9130. FOR RENT 7 room modern bunga low, inquire TioL' E. Stark. ROOM house, lawn, fru:t, close $15. Phone Woodlawn 2151. in, - ........ , . t muu.vi cottages at reduced rents; one I fa room house. Inquire 925 E. Stark. FOR RENT 105 E. 64th It. O. WnrA . Cn VftO l C- WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. FURNISHED HOUSES -3 FOR RENT to responsible parties. nicely furnished modern house. 7 rooms and unfurnished room in attic; gcod location; accessible to two car lines, west side. Phone Main 2122 or call at 770 Northrup st. morning hours. FOUR room house. 1 block from Al berta car. near Union ave. Modern conveniences, bath. etc. Completely furnished. $16 month. 1089 E. 11th N. COMPLETELY' furnished 8 room house in Irvington. on carline; adults. East 4384. MODERN 6 room house, furnished, nice lawn with garage, fruit trees and plenty flowers. 308 Sacramento st. THREE ROOM FUR. COTTAGE 130 ft. to car. 640 Ellis st. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. FURNISHED modern 6 room bunga low, with sleeping porch, in Rose City Park. 388 E. 46th st. N. COMPLETELY furnished 3 room house with piano. 1076 E. 15th st. N. FURNISHED first floor, modern home. 710 E. Everett st. B-1663. RENT furnished house. 1664 Minnesota I ave. $8 PER MONTH 3 room furnished shack, acre ground. Tabor 2328. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. MODERN 5 room bungalow furnished complete. Phone Tabor 6287. AIM l ."..N 1 43 SACRAMENTO apartment, 2 room fur nished modern $3.60 and $4 week 492 Union ave. N". COMPLETELY furnished 2 -room apt $16 per month. 187 17th near Yarn! hill. THREE large furnished rooms tsn- summer rates, including phone, bath bed and table linen; see thlB. u-1053 JULIAETTE APTS., 2nd and Montgonw ery. modern 2 room apta. furnished or unfurnished. LUCILLE COURT. 20th and Lovejoy. Mod. 8 room fur apts.. sleeping porch, park. Mar 20S1 MODERN 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments $5 week up. Harrison ' curt. 6th and Harrison. THE ELMS. 14th. near Yamhill, 2 and o ruuui fi luieuiB, cozy nomes. walk Ing distance $16-$25. Main 1778 THE ORMONDE Modern 4 room ant." Hllrnmnp ra t Act tt'Ktt XT! 1 w a- f!TT ... ...,. y ittuuei a. x. e 10 1. ukilkston. 448 llth. 1 modern, low priced. 2 room apt. Marshall B7 in iK, p,u i lurnisned 3 room apt., lights and heat. East 1808. water DRICKSTON, 448 llth. Choice, low" priced, 2 room apartments. Mar. 67. '43 THE HTZERpe-r APTS. Best 2 room furnished aDts. In the ! city: modern brick bldg.. all outside J 3 rooms, private bath. telephone and dressing rooms, good Janitor service, 12 blocks from business section, $29 and up. If you want a clean, quiet home, call Mar. 4637. Montgomery Apartments Cor. 3d and Montgomery. 2 room apts. furnished complete: bide, new: strictly modern, electric elevator; 10 mln. walk ' a t a at A A r 1 l r r, 1 to P. Q. Rates S20 up. Main 8466. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. coMPLKTKLY fumiinad i room ., iteti,rtt- -team heat. St.. corner 6th. YOU SHOULD SEE THE REX ARMS APARTMENTS. 13TH AND E. MORRISON STS. 2 and 3 room furnished and unfur lnshed apts.; new, fireproof bldg., bal conies, title bath rms; reasonable rates. ORACK APTS., 24th and Nothrup st. 6 large rooms, unfurnished, large front veranda, sleeping porch, pnone, bath, heat, new and modern, hardwood floors, also 4 large rooms, furnished, beautiful, phone, bath, heat. Call Marshall 1075. bHEfr F1ELO apartments, Hi .Broad way. S., cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance. 3 or 4 rooms with private UBiuB. very rcuuuauie icui. itcbi I - I . V. , ,lvttlU w. X.. w . . . w, WW rooms, dlre-t phones. HALSEY Court; under new manage ment, 2, 3 and 4 room apartments; modern, large, light and airy; cheap rent during the summer months, $14 to $23.v 300 Williams ave., corner Halsey. MORTON APTS., corner Washington and King sts. 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, best and cheapest place in city. Walking distance. Main 1082, A-1108. THE ORLANDO. COR. 20TH AND WASH. STS. $28 2 room apt., $40 3 room apt. Elegantly furnished, corner rooms, out siue batn. direct phone. Kef. Mar. 184. liELNZE A f aKTMKNTS. 14th and Columbia. Furnished 2. 3, 4 room apartments, all conveniences; first class, homelike, reasonable rates; ref. M. 7337, A-3615. THREE large, light rooms, unfur nished, fine large sleeping porch; Holmes disappearing bed; new build ing; one block from 2 carlines; must be seen; very reasonable. 816 Albina car Failing. Wood lawn 16. NEW HART. 2 and 3 rooms, $4.75 to $6.60; 1 room, disappearing gas plate, cooking gas. phones, lights, linen free, $'.25 to $4.50; automatic elevator. 170 2d, near Morrison. THE WASHINGTON. 689 Northrup, 5 room fur, or unfur. apts., with bath and all modern conveniences; phone, steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc.; "W" car to 21st & Northrup. M. 4376. KEELER Apts., 14th and Clay sts. 3 and 4 room unfurnished suites, Pri vate vestibules, phones and baths, rrith steam heat, hot, cold water, references. THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union avi., walking distance, summer rates, new, modern, 2 roo tn apts.. $18 to $24 per month. DOWNTOWN modern furnished and unfurnished apartments. $20 montti and up, including light, heat, hot and cold water, etc. 350 Morrison st. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. 4 and 5 room unfurnished apt. Also elegant o room lurnlsned apt. iHKtK and 4 room unfurnished apart ments at 185 Caruthets st.. near Front St.. in South Portland. Apply 222 Failing bldg. or phone M. 5383. NOKOM1S APARTMENTS. Modern 2 room furnished apts., bath, phone, walking distance $16 month up. 17th and Marshall. Marshall 4943. THE LINCOLN 4th and Lincoln; mod ern 2 room fur. housekeeping apt:. Rates $18 to $-6 mo., including light-. private plione. Main 1377, A-41G2. BANNER APARTMENTS, 489 Clay St. Modern 2 rooms, completely fur nished: $16. $18 and $20. Marshall 2074. KEYSTONE apartments 11th and Jei ferson; modern 1 and 2 room apts, by week or month. Marsh. 2710. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. 4 ROOM furnished flat, fine river view. 288 Margin st. Phone E. 2411. FOR IfTTNT FLATS 2-5 ROOM modern flats, almost new, east, 12th st.; block south Haw thorne. Phone East 4133. $12 PER MONTH, to rent quick, 5 room i upper nat. electric light, bath, etc. 387, N. 21st st. Key at 385 N. 21st. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. FURNISHED FLATS 50 $16 month, $4 week. Newly furnished 3 room flats. 985 Albina ave.. cor. Blandena. L car. FURNISHED 3 rooms and baTh $12 per month. Blain & Strow, Abington bldg. Main 3093. FURNISHED 4 room flat, $10. Call 428 Knott St. WHEN you answer these mention The Journal. Want Ads. HOTEL 54 Van (iorder Hotel MODERN; good home for good people: rates reasonable; try us. 105 12th St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Marsh. 2790. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. I STORES AND OFFICES 11 i BRICK warehouse in South Portland xor rent. tracKage. light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. TYPEWRITER, desk and use of phone $7. Chamber of Commerce. Call 285 Stark st. STORE with back room and 6 room flat above, on Union ave., and Going; $35. Inquire 545 Union ave. N. TWO private offices, nicely furnished; cheap rent. 723 Cham, of Commerce. ROLLTOP desks, including phones, $6. 723 Chamber of Commerce. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent a ranch with cows on shares. I have team. 38 E. 78th st. S. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. HORSES AND VEHICLES 18 FOR SALK Team good brood mares, weight 2500, harness and 3 in. wagon. Can be seen at 302 Front street. ONE heavy work mare: one dandy driv ing mare; bargain if taken at once. 715 Willamette Blvd. and Fisk st. 8 GOOD work mules suitable for orch ard or grading. 381 Water st. L. M. Hubert. HORSE for sale. Weighs 1500 lbs. 8 years old. sale or trade. Call Dr. G. A. Abbott, 302 Front st. Mar. 4862. TEAM weiehine 2200 lhs.. well matched i uurness ana rarm wagon; Jlio. itarn E. 11th and Belmont. FOR SALE 1000 lb. horse cheap or will rent same reasonable. 1252 E. Stark. FOR SALE Young black horse, '1150 lbs., price right, good worker.! no plug. Call 429 Hawthorne ave. WANTED One young, sound, true team, between 2200 and 2400 lbs. Price right. Tabor 4533. THREE horse, shafts, one horse and chickens for sale. 154 McClellan et. Kenton car to end. THE best and all kinds of horses. U. S. Stables. 245 Front. G. D. Wil liamson. - LEAD horses and cattle remoevd free. Farmers Fertilizer Wks. Tabor 4108. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. A GOOD camp wagon for Bala cheap. Tabor 1314. .. APARTMENTS (Con tinned.) HORSES. VKHICLKS. ISTO. IS (Continued.) ' FOR SALE cheap, a black team of horses, weltrht 2200 lbs., price $140; teams of others weighing between 2800 to 3200 lbs.. Stable Nlckum & Kelly's dock, foot of E. Alder st. BUGGIES Closingout all Michigan : buggies, top buggies, hack, spring and open driving wagons, at less than wholesale cost, P. E. Esbenshade. 214 Front st-, cor. Salmon. FOR SALE Horses just from eastern Oregon, uentle to ride ana Drone to drive single or double. - Weight from - . . 1000 to 1160. W. Windsor, owuer, lone. Or. WANTED Saddle horse. Hosinii, good traveler; not over 7 years old. 70 E. 26th st. South. Call B-3010 bet. 6 and p. m. GOOD pair work mares, harness and wagon; weight 2500; price $250. Snap. 835 E. 28th et.. Woodstock car. IJVESTOCK 33 12 HEAD of extra fine milk cows, Jersey. Durham and Guernsey, all fresh from one to four weeks, giving from 3 to 6 gallons of milk. Take Woodstock car to 59th ave., walk 3 blocks west. YE HAVE several cars high grade and registered Holstein and Guernsey cows to sell for cash and ou time note. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co., 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. FOUR A-l Young Jersey milch cows. 1 fresh. Rural 3, box 42. Al-pl. i-ane. rtreyt n City. TWO No. 1 milch cows, 5 gallons, test ed Jersey-Holstein. 716 Willamette boulevard and Flsk st. 2 YOUNG, fresh Jersey and Durham, 4 and 5 gal. cows, rich milk, trial al lowed. 95 East 30th, cor. Wasiu FRESH Jersey cow with calf for sale. 790 Brooklyn. $75 buys my cow. big Holstein. 28th St., Woodstock car. 835 E, EXTRA fine young Jersey cow. 327 Stark. Main 1317. Call WHEN you answer these mention The Journal. Want Ads, POULTRY 37 BARGAIN in White Leghorn baby chicks, $7.20 per 100 until June 1; we guarantee safe delivery; no dead or weak chicks to pay for; order now. Pioneer Hatchery. Petaluma. Cal 4 WHITE guinea, fowl hens and maie $12; will trade Japanese silk. ban tams or White Indian Runner ducks lor pheasants. R. Greene, Beaverton, Or., Route 1. 400 thoroughbred white baby Orping tons, 1 week old, 15c. White Leg horns the 24th. David M. Holbrook, 415 Mechanic st. Woodlawn car. Mar shall 874. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, $12 per 100. Phone L. W. Frazier, Milwaukie, Or. WHITE leghorns. laying hens, 75c each. 1337 Burrage. Phone Wdln. 937. WHITE Pekin baby ducks, $20c each. 1866 Washburn st. WANTED To hire a 50 of 75 egg in- cuoator. j. l. barley, aob stark st. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 48 PHEASANT eggs, China, $3 dozen; golden, $4 dozen. Oregon Bird & Pheasant Farm, Beaverton. Or. Route 1 WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Used Auto Snaps LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Cole, 5 pass., 30 1L P.. guaranteed, $750. Reo, 5 pass., 30 H. P., guaranteed, only $750. Studebaker, 5 pass., 30 H. P.. A-l condition, $600. Studebaker Garford, 40 H. P., 4 pass A-l condition. $1000. Studebaker Garford, 40 H. P., 4 pass., only $800. It will pay you to see our stock of used cars before you buy. Liberal terms given. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. Main 8887. A-4959. BODIES BODIES BODIES Of every description and kind; prices are right, workmanship is the best, material is first class, design is cor rect; rebuilding touring car bodies is something we understand and do to ,,,'your entire satisraction; painting, we i have one of the best equipped shops in me west, trices correct, as usual. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS, Main 2S92 209-11 Front st To See Is to Buy 1912 roadster in Derfect condition has just been overhauled, cost $1500 new; first one comes gets this for $42o, take $li5 down, balance monthly, Peters. 15 N. 5th st. FOR SALE The Fashion garage, the best equipped shop south of Portland. Will sell tools and machinery a half rs.ea.suii lur selling poor neailll. J. M. Tetherow, manager, Grants Pass, -T. b PAbcjENGER Peerless car; oversize tires; aluminum body and fenders looks like new. run very little; price : see us. H. L. Keats Auto Co.. Broadway and riurnsiae bts. Phone Main 5368 OREGON VULCANIZING CO. the l!r ShOD. 650 Washington St.. at 18th Marshall 379. We buy and TIRES Ben usea tires and do First Class Tire Repairing, MUST raise some cash at once; have an equity of $1050 in 20 acres of choice Eagle creek land, balance $1350, at $150 per year. 5 ner cent interest. Will take auto for part payment. Ford prererrea. rsox y. fc.stacaaa. Or 0 fAb,st,ut.K, b cylinder, car in ex cellent condition; 36x4 tires; bar gain at $900. Terms to responsible parties no real estate. !i. L. Keats Auto Co., Broadway and .Hurnsiqe sts. Phone Main 5368 USED AUTOS FOR SALE. On 1 Q 1 4vtlrall One 1911 4 passenger Cadillac. Both cars in good condition. A bargain for cash. See L. O. Ross, at Allen & Lewis. w AN 1 ED All grades scrap rubber, merriest rh nripoa nau nKn our man will call and buy what you irnve. j. eve, 1 so Columbia. M bl Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st. KAL'CH JariK electric at a sacrifice big mileage, excellent condition terms, n. L. Keats Auto Co., Broad- way ana Kurnside Sts. Tel Main 6368. AUTOMOBILE parts, all kinds, wheels, etc. Leppard, Stewart, Stoddard Dayton and others. Hess & Halliday, 42P Belmont st.. between 6th and 7th. WANTED Roadster; must be In good running oraer; ask ior Roberts. BERGER CYCLECAR & SUPPLY CO Cor. 14th and Burnside Sts. SNAPS in u-ed cars at the Acme Auto Co., 531 Alder, near 18th. See what we have before you buy. WILL sell or trade up-to-date fast motorboat for auto: cash value $400, ccst s'i00. K-97 Journal. AUTO wanted, 5 pass. Ford auto, $100 aown, izs per monm, v per cent on ull'"";c L-17, Journal. RUNABOUT wanted. Will give 1911 twin Indian as first payment. S-104 Journal. 30 used cars tor sale, truck, deliveries and touring cars, prices from $200 to 80). 493 Alder st. SEVEN passenger, 40 h. touringcar, classy terms. 534 Alder. p.. 4 cylinder looker, $250, AUTO SPRINGS AAS&XM!- Frank Lange. 228 Salmon. Main 181. WANTED Light 5 pass, auto, cheap. COTILLION GARAGE CO.. Cor. 14th and Burnside Sts. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock in Portland, $3 to $15. Fine repair ing Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison. WE LOAN money on automobiles at 3 per cent. Call 205 Rothchild bid. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (Continued.) FOR VALUES IN USED CARS VISIT THE OREGON MOTOR CAR COM PANY USED CAR DEPART MENT. "We do not charge you a- profit on your used cars, because we are not second-hand car dealers. We take used cars in trade on New Car Sales and sell the used cars for exactly what we allow for them. SAVE THE SECOND-HAND ER'S PROFIT DEAL- Buying a used car of the Oregon Mo tor Car Company entitles you to our ervice in otner words, you nave a home Instead of being cast adrift. which Is the case when buying a used car elsewhere. WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS OPEN SUNDAY 1 Studebaker "30.!' 5-passenner tour ing car in finest possible condition; tires nearly new. This is a great bar gain at the price. $450. 1 Reeal underslunsr roadster, in fine mechanical condition and repainted. A splendid buy at $425. 1 Overland 5-passeneer touring car in first class condition; repainted; $650. 1 Studebaker "5." 1913 model, eood condition and fully equipped, including speedometer, demountable rims and ex tra tire, b75. 1 Studebaker "30" Roadster, a 1911 model, but runs like a new car, tires nearly new, $400. 2 Studebaker delivery I cars. 1 panel body for $350 and one express oociy with canvas top, jo. 1 Studebaker "30." 1912 5-passenger touring car, fine condition, runs and iooks like new, $i25. 1 Elmore 5-oassenirer touring car in good running order. $300. 1 Maxwell. 1913 model. 5-passenger touring car, repainted, $too. 1 Flanders "20" roadster In good run nlng order, for $175. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., STUDEBAKER BLDG., Corner Chapman and Alder Sts., Phones Main 9402, A-7656. MOIOROYCLKSis- BICYCLES 55 A SNAP 1914 Excelsior motorcycle fullv equipped, slightly used. Phone East 251. from 8 a. in. to 4 p. m $140 7 Indian motorcycle for perfect, cost $140. mechanically $340. Main 2266. DlfVPI CO New and used, low prices. Di U I LLLO 228 1st st. MainUOlS WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention l he Journal. WILL pay spot cash for 1913 motor cycles. 309 Stark st. LAUNCHES' AMI BOATS 04 FOR SALE 3 room houseboat fur nished $200: half cash. A. VV . bi- lence, 880 Milwaukie st. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 4 ON account leaving the city will BeU my player piano tor I3o0 cash or in stallments; cost Jboo, used but a lew months. T-200, Journal. WANTED Old piano or organ, any condition, cheap. U-990, Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ads mention The Journal. TYPEWRITERS GILL'S Rebuilt Typewriter Bargains L. C. Smith No. 2 at -r$35.00 Smith Premier No. 10 30.00 Smith Premier Nos. 6 and 9 17.00 Fox Visible No. 26 30.00 Victor No. 2 at 25.00 Blickensdorfers, Densmores, etc. 10.00 THE J. K. GILL CO.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save rou from 68 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. 8end for our illustrated folder: retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. st. NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals cut rates. P. D. O. Co.. 213 Stark. M. 1407 WHEN you answer these mention- The Journal. Want Ads, HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale 65 BARGAIN b in lawnmowers, lawn nose, electric fans, iceboxes and re frigerators, all sizes; carpets, Bru seis and wool fibre rugs, dresser 3, cook stoves, gas and coal ranges Kitcnen cabinets, office desns. etc. At lowest prices, rtartzell Furniture Co 333-335 First St. tUK.Miljh- Uerore buying second hand goods, see what you 'can do nere on new goons, ior cash. Get post eu. Yvimam uausoy, 1st and wash. vy. ouy, sell ana exchange new and Bfcuna nana xurniture 01 all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. BeU Auction & -om. jo. isi secona st. WHEN you answer these Want' Ada mention 1 ne Journal. FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS 19 GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES Marine & Statlonarv Marine Hardware. Write for Catalogue. GAS POWER & SUPPLY CO., 168-172 Front St.. Portland, Oregon. L. SMITH i'RUNK & CASE MFG, Electric Motors Electric motors bought, U sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, lOtb and Burnside. Main 6674. 1 "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." ,Typ writers" and " Household Goods' are separate classifications. All ad vertisements of these goods are pub lifthed under their respective clasaifl cations. look them over. FOR SALE New and second-band carom -- ' pocket billiard tables and bowling tllev-; and accessories. bar fixtures of all kinds, easy Day ments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collen der Co.. 4S-4 Fth Main 7S!. A-1769 OUR screens keep them out bleeping porches screened screens made to order. Satis faction guaranteed. The Work shop. 2B9 E. 6th. East 6804 Wood Wood Wreckage wood, nearly all 2 inches thick, sawed, big load, $2.50, any rea sonable distance. Phone C-212. Apt. 42 DOUBLE flat top desic 4 armcnaim. flat top desks, filing cabinet, 3 re volving chairs, safe, and 2 roll top aesas. oiiKuiiy usea, Bargains. tusn ong at uo.t 3i rarn su SAFES, new and second hand, all else at cost, bates opened and repaired. Mosler Safe Co., 408-409 Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone Main 7676. ASTER plants, Cregos, 15c dozen. E. 62d and Ash. Tabor 8. FOR SALE Cheap, Invalid chair. 647. Journal. M GRUBBING and clearing outfits fo rent. Main 6705. FOUR ton ice mainsr and ref ri ecru t ing machine. Washington. 444 Wash. FOR SALE New oxypathor, price. A-31. Journal. half STOCKS, dies, tinners' and miscellan eous tools. 935 Cable Bt. Main 1141 GEVURTZ furniture store, 208 1st- ljoweat casn prices in the city. WHEN you answer these Waut Ads, uienuuu j oe journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 fCot4.lv -J Save S. Buy your trunk, bag, suitcase, direct from manufacturer. Repairing and order work a special ty. 490 Wash. Main -. DIAMOND paint $1.65 gal. Portland Door & Window Co.. 230 Front. Mar shall 100. PLUMBING fixtures, pipe and fit tings, sold direct to you. Stark Davis Co., 249 Salmon. Main 797. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED The people of Portland to know that I pay highest .cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. E. 6707. 143 Russell at. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture. stoves and ranees. If you fail to call us you lose tdollars). We are In the position to pay you every cent of its value. East 6462. Grand Rapids Furniture Ex., 121 Grand ave. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 208 1ST. MARSHALL 6981. Will pay best price for your furniture, carpets, stoves, etc.. etc. New and eecond hand furniture our specialty. "Feldstein" Highest srlces paid for second-hand furniture, tools, clothing. E. 10 I, B-2717. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond-hand furniture and pay all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange. East 636. CASH PAID FOR Iron, metals, rubber, sacks, tools, pipe. plumbing supplies and job lots. Capi tal junk Co.. z7 hront st. Main io&a. Owl Furniture Co. Cash for furniture. Main 4627. 231 1st. SECOND hand clothing and furniture wanted; highest cash prices lor 2nd hand clothing, furniture. Globe. M. 2080 CALL up E. 6520, M. R. Seater, to sell your furnltuie. prompt attention. highest cash prices. 3S9-371 Hawthorne BE WISE, gel more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co.. 211 .1st. Main 8951. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld. 44 A N. 3d st. Main 3SS1. ON the square, Secord pays most for second hand goods. East 438. HIGHEST prices paid tor d-hmid fur niture. Galvln. Ill Grant! av. ;. 6f3 WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co. and turned In at the different division points. Owners may have same by applying at barns as indicated: Found on cars Mav 19, 1914. and turned in at Sellwood barn. Phone A 6131: 1 purse, 1 handbag. 1 book of car tickets, 1 box of sugar, 1 valise, axe. Found on cars May 19, 1914. and turned in at Piedmont barn. Phono A-6131: 1 knife. 1 book, 1 kodak, 1 baby buggv 1 pin, 5 misc. pkgs Found on cars .May 19, 1914. and turned in at Ankeny barn. Phone A-6131: 1 lunch box, 1 handbag, 1 pKg. clot.ies, 1 vase. 1 cherry pitter. Found on cars May 19. 1914. and turned in at fe"avier street car house. Phone A-6131:' 1 auto license tag. LOST Diamond, about 7 o'clock Mon day evening, at circus grounds; $50 reward if returned to 555 Sherlock bl i. LOST- -Lady's garnet ring. ' Will iden Return to Journal office. Re- tlfy. ward. LOST Saturday morning, gold brooch with small pearl In centre, valued as keepsake; reward. Sellwood 2155. LOST Lady's handbag on Portland Heights car Monday evening. Please return to 435 Schuyler st. East. 1456. Professional and Business ABSTRACTS OF TITLE FO-. property within MultDoai-h county. ee C. N. Scott. 165Mi 4th t. Main 06). ACCOHDION PLEATI1CO K BTEl'tl AN lieoiHtltcbiDK, accurdloD. aide and 8imburt plea ting; button eorered; goods sponged. BcaUoplnK 383 Alder. M. 37S. ART MATTRESS WORK OUR renoTa'tioD Is The ouly ot the kind. Ad- viae ue. K. 870. ASSAYXSS CHEMISTS Gl-B-UT & HALL. KHM to 013 CUUtU BLDG. MAIN 7150. . BLANK BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS COMl'ANI. iuu M t. UUOk book manufacturer; agent for Jones' Im proved Loo Leaf Ledger Siee th new Kurek Lent. A-3183. Main 183. i BRASS AMD MACHINE WORKS tlAHPtK Bras Work. .. eaating aud machine work. Hi N. Mb et. Main 37U-. CARPET CLEANING. JOYCK BK08-' Electric Cleaning work, car pet cleaned and laid, re titling oar pe elalty. Eat 440. B-1963. 2o4 ti. 19th t. N. CARPET W LA VINO. NUKTUW t-T KLti CO., rug from old .car pets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 168 bth. Work called .tor. E. 35M). B 1280. I'LM.NaULA Hug Worka ttag rug and car pet weaTlng. 1518 Fatton -T. Wldn. CHIROPRACTORS DR. UtMAHUA Latent equipment. 1W of fices, 121 4th, 37 1 William are. 18 adjust ments $10. Lady attendant. M. SOS. K. Ms. LIB. ULLKNA COMSTOCK, Ml 14tb; uerrou chronic diseases. U treatment $5. Main 5 SOS CHIROPODISTS Dr. Fletcher Buuiou aud f lat Foot special ty. Lady attendant. 3o6 Ail sky bi1g. M. 87(12 COAL AND WOOD iFiyiEiL mum HUE AND WKECKAtiK SALK Buy one load ot dry block and on load of green slab tor best results. . nd i EAST 182 C-111T NOW Is the lime to buy your winter wood, as you set the beet wood at special summer FlTery. Main 45U6. A-4347. Neer & Farr IfLLTUN Wood Co., dealers In dry and green siaDwooo. iry ua wnen oraenng good dry wood. 12JO Macadam. Main 78UO. A-28U9. Edlefsen Fuel Co... b tttark st 303. C-230T I'ACIHC SLAB WOOD CO., Main 37ue, A-i36. Green short wood, block, big lnalde, small lLside. dry slabwood. short plainer trimmings. Ilr.rsawed in stove lengths. S2.DO; heavy light mixed. E. 4U70 OBEtiON Wood lard, t'ir, ash anu oak wood and coal. Reasonable prices. M. 844. A-.144J. Charcoal tVculb, MAl.N a 1 01. OK t'IKKY SIBKKl FOOT DBY slab and box wood, cordv&opd and coaL Standard Wood Co.. East Ml 3 B-IM. COLLECTIONS OPEN account, notes, judgmeata collected. Adopt abort method for quick results. Short Adjustment Co. 8 N. W. Bank. St. l:- LONUH1 COLLECTION CO. Cla.ms of all kind promptly collected; 535 Morgan bldK. EDUCATIONAL DANCING PROF. WAL. WILSON'S Dancing s'bKl. Walts. Two-Step, tk.-hottls:be. One-Step, Hesitation waits and itage dancing, 'Z'tr, every morning, afternoon and eve.: guarantee to teach anybody who walks how to dance, k-'i', 5tL st.. bet. Stark and Oak st. Main 7f;:'7. MU. AND MRS. HEATH'S schools, luu d t, between Wash, and Sttrk. and Allrky bldg., 3d and Morrison ats. Lessons daily. Walts and two-step guaranteed lu 4 lesson. Clara Mon.. Prl. ev.. 8 to 10. Ion 2d st RiNGLEK'S Cotlllloo dancing academy. Clasa and private. 14th off Wash. Main .TfSO. MUBIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS E. THlELHOuN, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik 207 Flledner bldg. A-4'BO. Mar-hall 182' T. E. LAWSON piano studio. 4W Mjrrlaou. Main 6450. Lessons Sue. s-KS. FLOKKNCE M. M NEAL. teacher If violin, piano and mandolin Wimilasi 318. POPULAR MUSIC BAG TIME ou niaao guaranteed beginner la 10 lessons. Picture playing. Room for practice. Free booklet. 60S Eilers bldg. 81 tOontlnne-. $150 Cash Reward Return of wallet of diamonds taken from Roy & Molln, jewelers. 240 Alder st. No questions asked. LOST May 18. 1 sorrel horse, weight about 700 lbs., horse was on Colum bia boulevard about 7 p. m.. May 18. Phone East 3829. 631 Union ave. N. FOUND On Portland Heights. May 2. pair of nose glasses. Call at Journal office. LOST Crank handle, model M. Loco mobile. Return to White garage, 6th and Madison sts. LOST WHITE and brown pointer. 11 cense 3523. Sellwood 1885. Reward. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. PERSONAL A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay $5 to $10 for a pair of Kiasses. - when I can oo fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1.60? C. W. Goodman. 191 Morrison" st.. near Bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. T A n T C .A-.- .--. A n ll - -n- - A A-l --VV AVI AUi!VU Mixture No. 8. It Is safe A and sure "Woman's Medi cine, the most successful and harmless "Regulator known. For sale and guaranteed by Helfond Drug Co.. 222 Morri son, near First. MRs. STEVENS. 20 years Portianu leading Palmist and Clairvoyant, ha her late books on sale 291 M Morrison St.; Mrs. Hume, assistant teacher and healer of Divine Science. Parlors open daily. Expert work In dyeing, remodeling and restoring plumes. Moderate charges and prompt service. THE PLUME. 258 Morgan bldg Main 4009. ABOUT HAIR GOODS. Don't trust peddlers with combings; let us make them up. 95c uo. Wlra toupes a specialty, 20 yrs. est'bd. Febvet ftmnptiiit. 141 Hroan way, nr. Morrison. CURE OF DISEASES, not mere pallia- Hon or suppression, is the result of my methods. Phone mornings. Tabor 1073. LORA C. LITTLE, health ex pert. READ President Wilson on the critical Mexican situation by Sam G. Blythe iti this week's Saturday Evening post. For sale by all dealers and boys. J. K. Havely. district ajfent. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts, etc.. destroyed forever by electric needle; no pain, no scar, cure guaran teed. Mile. De Long. 604 Swetland bldg. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Virginia Rowe. Reading, healing, daily cir cles Tuesday and Friday evenings 8 o'clock. 231 6th st. Phone A-7116. DR. M'MAHON, famous chiropractic Wny? 18 adjustments $10. Two of fices. Lady attendants, 121 4th. 376 William ave. Main 20o. East 6628. DR. G. V. KETCH UM Women's mal adies and acute diseases. Washing ton bldg.. 4th and Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 448 HAVE your hair permanently waved Guaranteed to last- Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Mar. 1702. ninRPPv Lawyer of 25 years' ex- I ' I V UMU I v perience. reliable, advice free. 404 Rothchild bldg.. 28Vi Wash. i A VAV CD Consultation free. Main Selling bldg. Lrt i 4993 708 BALM of figs, remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis St. Main 2393. MANICURING, scalp treatment; ladles only. Office 2. 12a Sixth st. Marie Nevens, elec, baths; treatments ladies onlv. 412 Rothchild. Main ! SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your tru.Vc or suit case at 632 Wash., at 17th CHIROPRACTIC Baths, massage. 508-9 North -est bldg. Main 3799. PRIVATE maternity home. 579 Union ave. N. Phone East 4012. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, fuperfluou balr reunited. Mrs. M. l. Hill. 42 Flledner bldjr. Main 8473 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS MOTOKrf, generators boug.it. sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. II. M. 11. Electric Co.. 31 N. 1st at. Phone Main 9210. WE buy, sell, rent and exctange new aud second hand motors, repair work specialty. Western Electric Works. 213 Hth at. Mr !W. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT, LUNG Specialist. Moderate price. l.Us-a fitted. Dr. K. Casseday. 517 Dekum bide. 3d and Wash FOUNDRY AND MACHIN-. SHOP I'll Ui. MA lrun Worka. t.t 3d and Uaw thurne. General maeblne an-l faundry work. HAIR TLEATMENTS uENUINE "H AK-AliAI N" are being given by Miss parlors, 3 Id fauama bldg. 1 U-ATMEMS Mcintosh at her HAT FACTORY LADIES', gentlemen's ha is cleaneu, blocked satisfactorily. Hoyul list Works. IMSVi 1st st HOUSE MOVER A D. MOOD1E, 10J E. Water st. E. UOXtt. Latest Improved handling machinery. KODAK SUPPLIES lfn A 1 C ud "u supplies- Derelopiug. rV-Lrr0 printing and tulnr.'ng. fih. A AlAiihHAM CO.. :-5 Wasb.ugtoo. MACHINERY b. lHt.MU. &. CO., hydraulic and apcclal pipe, smoke stack, oil tank; mining ma chinery, repairs. 104 N. 4th st. LMil.NKa, boilers, sawmills nought, sold and exchuuged. The J. E. Marti Co.. Fortlaud, or. MESSENGERS MoluitCxCLES aud olcyclea. I'houe Mala 64, A 21 Oil. II AST X MESSKNCK': CO. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS NO Si OLE MEllioD will cure all diseases. 1 uae all modern drugless methods. Elec tricity, vibration, adjustment, light, radio activity, etc. My specialty, chronic case, diseases of women, liver, atotnacb, kidney and bladder troubles. Consultation free. Dr. Geo W Crock well, 704-tJ Dekum bldg. Oh. flilLLlFS l'araiysls, nervous and cbron ic diseases. 5O4-0 Oregonla bldij. M. ilUZ. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS UK. LILLEBELLE PA1TLHSO.N. specialist osj nerves, acute and chronic dlaea m:. 41. Co lumbia bldg. Main 8961. PACKING AND CRATING D. A. SU'lHEULA.SD. packing aud crating household goods. Phone Woodlawn 1372. PAINTING, PAPERHANOrNQ, TINTING. PAINTING, paperhanglng, tinting. $2 room, up. ( leaning hardwood floors specialty. C. A. Barnes. Marshall 4B74. luK painting and tinting phone K. I). Avery, East 577. Best of work and purest ot ma terials. Guaranteed. JOHN BLIED, best work In painting and pa- perlng. M. 187-. A -2-Z5. it llth t. A. USBOLKNE, Uo Graud ave. E. &0O-. faint ing, tinting and papernanging. Low price. lot' US tor good work E. T. Crane, 170 10th. aud .iiare Main 23.6. prices. PATENT ATTORWET PATENTS procured by J. K. MOCK, lat of U. S. PATENT OKICE, 1010 Bd. of T. bldg LOST AND FOUND 0b Manufacturers Jobbers Wholesalers BREWERS & BOTTLERS HENRY WElNHAKD. lath and Burnside. DRTGOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS A VEHICLES. JT. IC WADE A CO.. 722 Hawthorne ave. Wholesale serteoltoral Implements. GRAIN MERCHANTS hi. U. HOL-SEK. Board of Trade bldg. IRON WORKS PACIFIC IKON WOKKA. Ali Architectural Iron. Castings. Beams. Angles. Channel. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAS. L. MASliC'K CO.. 7s Front. Leather vt every description: finding. MACHINERY SUPPLIES Zl M ME dM AN -WELLS-BROWN CO. Sawmill, logging and iron working machinery. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR COLL-IBIA Neckwear ailg. Co., d ttk 22 t Continued.) Dr. J. J. Keefe . LICENSED PHYSICIAN. My office Is thoroughly equipped with every electrical and mechanical aevlce necessary for the scientific treatment of your ailments. 1 ADMINISTED THE WORLDS LATEST REMEDIES. I treat successfully Acute. Chronic Kr Bladder. Liver and Kidney Diseases, Rheumatism, Neurasthenia, Ecseina, -ores. Ulcers. Piles and Fistula. Consultation and examination free. Hours: to 6. 7 to dally, Sundays 10 to 1. Rooms 11 to 15 Lafayette bldg. S13V4 Wash. St.. Cor. Sth. YOUR worn plumes, willows, ouua of paradise, remodeling In spring style, cleaned, dyed, the new colors. Work guaranteed. Hartness plume Shop. 61 Yamhill, cor. Park Main 15i)9 WHEN you answer these Waul AUii, mention The Journal SO, :i:s NOTlClvi 1 w cu.i -1 1 uKi. In the Circuit Court of the Suite r Oregon, for the County of AluL:ioinii. In the MaC of ihe Etaie ol Emn M. Kockwood, deceuMed. Notice is hereby given that ihe uu dersigiu-d has btt-n apouluted bv tti s Circuit Court of the state of rtgo-i. lor the County (,t M ui t noma n, execu trix of the estate of Ellen Si. Rock wood, deceased, and has duly .juan lled. All prisons iiaving claims against said ueceused me lnrc'iv noti fied to present the same, verified aS required by law. within six months after the first publication of this no tice to saiit eXecmiix at 7-J Culbell building, Portland, regon ELLEN RUTH ld'KV(HU). Executrix of the last will an t !e.- -ment of Ellen M . liot Kwood. deceased. c. ii. Liye and Trillion attorneys for executrix. Date of first publication. 1914. Date of last publication, 1914. M. Kye. . prii May 20. Notice. To Douelas I'mintv I.io-hr A, vit- Uo., and to the holders ot the bonds of saici uoiigias Llnht & Water Co. Please take notice that COMMERCE RUST & SAVINGS HANK, formerly Merchants Savings ,v- Trust iV , hereby resigns from the trusts created by that certain deed of trust or mortgage dated July 1, 1912. executed by IHiuglas County Light & Water Co.. in favor of Merchants Savings & Trtit Co.. which deed of trust or mortgage is recorded in Book 29. at page 419 of the Mort gage Records of Uoiiglas countv. Ore gon. This publication is made "pursu ant to Section 2 of Article X of said deed of trust or mortgage COMMERCE TK1ST SAVINGS HANK, By W. H. FEA It. President. Attest: O. C. HORTZMEYER. Sevretarv. notice to claimants uf seized GOODS. Notice Is hereby lven that the fol lowing articles have been seized at this port for violation of the U. S. Customs and Revenue laws towit: 1 bottle spirits. 1 box cigars 1 case earthenware, 1 lot silverware, boxes cigars. All persons claiming tiie above, or any part thereof, are hereby notified to file their claims with the Collector of Customs. District of Oregon, within 20 days from the. first publication of this notice, towit: The I nth day of May. 1914. THOMAS C. BURKE. Collector of Customs. PROPOSALS for anlmais 1 War I)e partment. Fort Keogh, Montana. May If. 1914. Sealed proposals f' fmnlsh in and delivering laoa i';,vativ horses. 231' sicce battery artilhrv hoises, 400 light battery artilb-rv horses. L'jil rid itik horses. 3S0 wheel mules. J70 had mules and 20N pa k iinles. will !c re ceived here until 10 a. in., mountain time. May 2. 1914, and then opened. information furnished on application. Sam. Van Leer, (.'apt, j M. c orps. ' l Directory PAVING COMPANIE- THE UAKUKK ISi'llAl.T l'AVI.G ill f, land c.lfl.-.- twi-, .,.,erl,. ;,m- PRINTINO I'ltlNTJNG Melr.iiK.llt.i, uu fr Wuui it. I'll (Mk I'rt.-es rl.nt. M.I ii i.aai. A.VtUl Now lr I'll,. CO.. .. r-Thnilr i,rc. Oak. iUlli itltl-.n n RIBBEH blAMPS A N'b efAL A Lao sienclls, trUe i i,e. k. cm-, -.i.us. PACIFIC COAS'l M IMI" WnuhS 1':1 W lilngt.)n Nt. M .lii 7IO. A -7 10 SEWING MAortlNES SKWING MACIIINLS All mj.kes. ues aud second baud, lor iile 'jr rent All prices. S.-w Idtf Mri hlne Em- riuui. r.o llitrii. liear xaui 'III. Mutli '.4.11 SHEET METAL WORKU JA( OB I.USI.I. ahevi. lui tui M.rks, tn.t-1., res taurant work, rotjriug. gijertil jtibhiog. Main 14-4. .'11 o 1st. tet Co cm bin ami lin. SPANISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS C. UEBAULlA'ii, uiembi'i et old spauisn students. Instruct" Sp..ilh. Klrldnrr Im TAXIDERMISIb. C11EA1'1lT sou beat wwia wli vuat. Flnley, Oroville. Cal. TRANSFER AND STORAGE MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE. HEDL'CKI) FKKIUU'f BATES. JAIN l'Jo. A 1203. OFFICE H' 6TU S t. OKlUON TRANSFER CO. Established iS'O Transer aud 'furwarding sgeuts. Stursge, free trsi kage. Offices anu stora.e. 47. Gllssa st. 12th and Gllssu. Main A-1IH9. POlllLAND VAN SiOUAGH. CO. S Near Fire and ver .In p'ouf rooms. W arehouse. truuk and rug vaults, sieaui heated plauo room. An Inspection will eouvluce yuu ot our su perior facilities. Iluuaebold goods shipped st Keduced Freight Kates lu T -rough. Cars, MoT. tail. Parking, Shipping. IStb and Kearney. .tln A-15-0. City office. UH2 Sirk. C O. PICK XrauSter A Stuiaga Co. utile and commodious 4 Mory brick warehouse with separate Iron rooms and fireproof -suit for valuables. N. W. corner -d and Pine st. Pis do and furniture moved and packed foe tipping. Special rates made ou our goods, l out through care, to all domestic and foreign points. Main M"5. A-lWrf. . WE have moved to our uew fireproof atorage warehouse, corner l3lh : ud ll"yt sta. lies led plauo rooms, private l'ked rooms for furni ture, household good, trunks. el-. Teams and auto vaua for moviug. f'.rwsrdlng aud dis tributing. Agent, OUeu-Koe Transfer Co. Mala 547. A 27. MANNING WAKtlllll.St; at TUANSFEH CO.. 13th and Everett ats., ou terminal Tracks. Plamsj aud furniture moved, packed s.a.4 shipped. 1'borws: Main 7Q3. A-2J14. LM'lED Transfer Co. Slorsg and genersl fas u ling. A 1 Jefferson. Msr. 2xu4. A -4ft, ",8. WINDOW CLEANING. MT. HOOD Window Cleaning. ltea. work and bods," leauing our apeelalty. Reliable a-rvle. I'luuie Eaat 811. KiLL8U PPLIES PACIFIC STATES" uLllBKU CO.. Mechanical rubber r'tod. 4. lii St. ORNAMENTAL WIRE A..D IRON PORTLAND WIRE ANU 1U. HoitKb. Vs 2d at. Ar-htfee tMral wtre snd Iron. PAINT. OIL AND GLASS UASMUSSEN ,U)., "High MdU'lsrd ' pslou N. E. corner 2d r.d Ts.rlir M -A -1 771. 1'iONEEU 1'AJO.T CO.. lad lit st. Main 1AM A -7043. f PIPE PIPE FITTINOS VLVE8 KLI.NtC. 1 rent St. PIPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND Woou PIPE c.. r ai tovy aad office near 24th and York t. Mala S4w. PLUMBING STEAM SUPPLIES L. KI.INE. c4 Front t. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. WALL PAPER MOUGAN WALL PAPER COe between Saltuua aud Maim. 2d t PERSONAL I ! '