v. -; 'i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, "PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, -MAY 20. 1914. 15 BIRTHS at U K I.LE K T Mr. ami Mrs. Curl R. Miller, 4013 TblrtWtb aituut, B. K.. Mar li. a dmifchtftr. LINT To Mr. f1 Mrs. Umpold Liut. 420 llef ilml, Mar 14. daughter. Kb' N OK To Mr. aud Mr. Kmll J. Krince. 4 Irvine street. Mar 14. a dartKBtrr. EMM RICH To Mr. aud Mr. William K. Kmmrtch, 4733 Kifty-utnth street, H. Maf 17, aoo. UAKKKK To Mr. and Mr. Glenn C. Mar kee, 4)6 sixtieth avenue, S. K., Mar 7. a VAl'DCONER To Mr. and Mr. Alfred M. Paalconcr, 4111 ttecuiid atreet. Mar 8. a drug-titer. WKU.H To Mr. and Mr,. II. 0. Well. 426 Harrlaou utreet. Mar '6. a ana. JOHN' To Mr. and Mrs. Iiruuo fr John, 81 Broadway, Mar 8, a son. V. KOfl ETT To Mr. and Mrs. John W. M- ett. ioe.1 East Twenty-alxth street, Nortli, Mar 14. a dnuiibter. 'TH FUN EKALS 75 r'ANHKLOW III this city. linriily Hetter Kanselow, aged 08 yeire. beloved mother of Mrs. Edward Mcf.'lure. Mrs. Charles SWoth vortb, Mrs. TUuiaaa Crowley and Mrs. Patrick I, on leu. funeral serrtie will . beld at I. I.. Irrb itndertakliiK pri(s. East Kierenth ami CUr sret. tomorrow (Thnrdsr). at 2 p. m. Krlends lutlted. Interment Mount Scoff remetery, ---- WISlIJUU) The funeral service of the late Karatiel E. Wlsburd will tie held Thursday, Mir 21. at B::t0 ovlnek i. in.. at the Wcnrtttiib Lite Catbedrul. k'rteuds Invited. Interment ;ii Lone Hr wruetery. i'leaa omit flowers, 'lbs remains are ul the residence eBtshllsh iient of J. V. Klnler & Son. Montgomery, at irth. ....ill At tbe family realdence, 1203 East Hurt ntn-et. Mar 19, Wllllum Held, aged l rexr. Z months, 24 days, beloved husband Kllsal.sth Ueld. Erieuds Invited to attend riineral services, wblcti will he held at Hoi ii.uu's funeral parlors at 2:;K p. U)., tomorrow ( I InirsdHr). Mar 21. Interment ItlvervJew remi-fery St'ilEIXER Th remain i f Krank Hchneller will be sent lo Hunk City. Wis., for inter ment ly A. U. Zellar 'o. 1 kUE.NCE Mary Eerence. Tetitli 'ime and ICIly atreet. Ieut. May 17. 7 days; pur s lysis of phrenic nerve. DICK Walter Buck, Columbia Slmgh, May 13. 52 years; drowning HOVER Andrew Nelson Hoyer. Oood S- tnaritao. May 10, 2 years; br-mcho pneu monia. MAUCIKE Mary MaRuire. 344 Front str-et. May 16. 48 years; endocarditis. VAHQI EZJ. U. Vaauec. 17f V.1 Seventy- elicblh atreet, North, May 17, 28 years; tiiberiulnsia. SlNNO'nv-Ann Hlnnolt, 17ft Khorman street, May 17, 78 yeurs; hrnnchltl. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 Vs 6th SC. in Belllnu : hl.lg. Main 7215. CLARKK BHOS.. florists fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison at FUNKHAl, mnKCTOKS NEW HOME! OF 3. P. FINLEY & SON efccjl i ; SSlRfi ifllSrfllhaUl &i&lLS ' ,.V--ieifa3 i The only residence undertaking -tablishrnent In Portland. Representing the greatest advance in the science of funeral service. The automobile equip ment and secluded drlvewav are among the many exclusive features. The es tablished policy of moderate prices ha never been changed. J. P. FINLEY & SON. Terfect! Funeral Service. Montgomery at 6th. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the ieadln funeral director, 22) 3d sc., corner Ealmon. Lady assistant. Pbuuee A 1611. Main 607. Dunning & McEnteerrnar- every detail. 7th fln1 Pine. Main 430. A-45KS. I.adv anitant. KENW0RTHY,o.: PRlPsfii resit enckiTnd. pls LniVvOUl M. 6133. A-223E. 4-15 More Qtf C A L L'ndertaklnc Co. Main 415J OrL VV LO a-2321 Tor. :M and Clay PEARSON Undertakers. Kast Sfl-K7 1 Rursell St. BYRNES fr, er. K. 1115. Wll- I Kjiott. . I.. Irch. lemiltig en-' i tut i,.nlH' Inner. Kurtl 11th ml 'In v . H I v:. Kit- 7S1 HKMBTOCK, 18K7 E. 13th Sell. 71. M-ll i. University Pk. Col 84-395. I A, R. Zelle i i) 5SI3 Williams ave Lady attendant. Day ami night service. Ul mi - u i i Res. Undertakers. tj5J nLrtL,bli Union avt. K 775 MU.vniKNTS PORTLAND MARBLE 4th st.. onp rt iv hall WICS.. :'4-26a FOH SALii; HOUSES (51 CORNER LOT. HARD SURFACK STREET. All street and sewer assessments paid, ONLV 1 BLOCK TO CAR; Brand new 5 room bungalow of vcr: tasty design and with all latest up to date features such as pressed brick, fireplace, buihln bookcases, beautiful wide buffet, polished hardwood floors-, ernctrlc fixtures and shades, 2 nice light, airy bedrooms very convenient, Dutch kitchen, complete bathroom full cement basement with cement floor. Juat think of the advantages of a cor ner" lot for a home and at this price, with everything paid. CALL ON OWNER AT 1078 HAW THORNE AVE.. OR PHONE TABOR 2608. WF.ST SIDE new 7 room bungalow, thoroughly modern, east front, beau tiful view extra large lot, hard sur ftce paid, 2 cars. $5000. Will accept lot and some cash f'.rBt payment. Geo. G Malr, 325 Railway Exchange. ROSSMERB HOME. Modern room house, 2 block from car," exceptionally well built and fin ished. Owner will sell at $4000. This Is greatly under value. R. F. Feein ster. :t0 Ablngton bid. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, 133Q North western Bank Bldg- UNIVERSITY PARK snap, 5 room house; lot 50x100; fruit trees, $750. Lot alone is worth the money. Vever. No street Improvements. A. J. Farmer, 401 Stock Exchange. Main 1648. FOR SALK. 7 room house, modern in every way, $50 down; balance $25 a month, including interest. O. F. Ford & Co.. 309 Ry. Exch. FOR SALE by owner, nlcelv finished f. room house with sleeping porch, builtin bookcases a'nd buffet, hardwood floors Halsey. bet. 42d and 43d. BEAUTIFUL home, 7 rooms, modern 100x200, beautifully improved. See It! 5417 69th St., S. E. Tabor 5135. $423, 4 ROOM house and lot near Pen- inaular ave. Terms. Inquire 186 H. 2 7th at. CHARMING IRVlNG'OW!tHOME3 ip. IjOIS nan price, nouses rent. East 273. W. H Herdman. for $50 CASH buys o room bungalow, price $1800; easy payments, no agents. Phong East 4t7, or itror iu. FOR SALE room orick house, 1 block from car, also o room house, 1. block from car. $14U eacn. Tabor 937. SACRIFICE sale; new modern s room bungalow on easy terms, from the owner. Tabor 19V. FOR SALE-50xlOO lot, witn 3 room - furnished house. $1100. Mrshl 2478. NICE neat, clean H. K. suite for $2.oo weekly; can ago zq st A BEAUTIFUL bungalow for sale at sacrifice. Hell. 684. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. 3 iS CSSH POU SALE HOUSES 61 (Continued.) ' ; ' Hawthorne District lb-CASH A modern 5 room bungalow, almost new, furnished and ready to move into, 2 blocks from Hawthorn ave. car. large attic, cement basement, all built in conveniences; tnta nouse cost tuu i yearn uku, me iurnnure cost muio than $500 a year ago and is now almost as good as new. You can make no mis take on this place if you want a mod erately priced home in good residence district. 1084 Hawthorne Ave. Phone Tabor 2017. Tsbor 65. $1950 $20 a Month including interest 4 room double constructed bungalow; extra large combined living snri dining room, with fire place and oak floor; complete Dutch kitchen, ftnf; bathroom, with full nlimbing, 2 large bedrooms. This price includes all rooms nicely tinted, elec tric fixtures, window shades and lawn seeded. Only a small first payment required. lot oino. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 North western Bank Bldg. Marshall 3718. A-82.91. What about that house you " were going to buy? If you have not found anytnlng satisfactory, why not tak a look at ours and see that we Jo l.ave the boat houses for the price? Wilberg-Oppegard Co. 310 .Stock Exchange. Marshall 60'J. For Sale A Snap Three room house, 2 60x100 lots, 2 chicken houses, 15 fruit trees, small fruit and garden planted, price 31300, only 3100 cash, no trade. Call Sun days or after ti p. m. week days. Harry Munnikema. 681 E. 80th st. N. Take RBt'h city 1,ark car' wallt 4 bIoc" lLV $2160. A new 5 room modern bungalow, that will Just suit you. This is a beautiful home in a restricted district; dining room finished with panels 5 feet high, beamed ceiling, buffet, window neat; two bookcases in living room; large attic, full basement. This must ho sold. Don"t fail to see !!. Two blocks to car, 10 minutes scrv ise; 75 cash, balance easy. Call own er. Tahor 1782. MODHKN BUNGALOW.. 6 beautiful rooms, newly painted, tinted and varnished. Fine fixtures, new shades i-.na linoleum in kitchen -. .. I i... ....... n 1, 1 ntjar a bUSine;.. i center 1 block from a tarline, 37th near Hawthorne ave.: $2650; $250 cash. ! I i la nee time. ' .1 I. KiiiNopp no Wvrii Ri.ir K I U A O ividifcuemtj Avenue onau ; New 8 room house at 454 Marguerite 1 ie. run cenienr uasemeni, iurnace, i iirefMHce, van lioors, every uung uunt : in; fixtures and shades; lot 60x114, narn surfaced streets: ir you are look ing for a bargain come, and see It. Owner, at house, or phone Tabor 3449. FURNISH KD BUNGALOW $50 CASH, t New 4 room bungalow, full cement i basement, nice bath, fine fixtures, com- i pieteiy rurnisned ana ready to move 1 11 to. close in on East 24th st.; price a 61 SAY, MR. MiSE mum snap $1950. $o0 cash and $15 per electric line; good fishing and hunt montn. . Tl ing. outrange, good big orchard, seeded. .,,, , , r . -?:o . Shearing, berries for canning, plenty 316 Board of.Trade. Main 4o2. A-4401. i garden, onions, newly painted house, IF YOU are tired of paying rent and furnished; barn, chickens, with or want a modern bungalow on a sight- without wagon and team. $3500 if ly lot, be sure you see me. I am the taken at once; $1500 cash; take auto, owner of beautiful property upon balance terms. Main 7754, room 302, or which 1 build to suit for responsiblo Main 2418. Mr. Dreis. Hurry. terms. 1 am sure that I ran nleas parties at low iigures, on very easy can please corner Park you Call 512 Piatt bldg. and Washington sis. A NEW 5 room bungalow, large attic, oak floors, all necessary builtin work, paneled dining room. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, laundry trays, rooms tinted. 2S0O $400 down, , baljinct $30 per month. Including in-; t-rvst. 1 blocks from Hawthorne car. i ww iier, i auor l r u. Bl 1LD ON YOUR LOT. We will build a home on your lot, $1000 to $5000, terms like rent; we do first class guaranteed work; large va riety of plans to select from. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO.. 286 Oak st. See Mr. Furlong. SACRIFICE SALE. 1325 E. Madison. 6 room bungalow, with cement porch and column fire place, furnace, builtin conveniences, lawn, roses and fruit. For particu lars see G. E. Weller. 1405 Hawthorne ave.. Laurel hurst i2hi casn ouys jan equity, strict- ... 0 " . " ": Cllionouse, Car and SCHOOL JU-2140, irom 5 to 8 P. m.: BARGAIN Must leave city on account of health. Will sacrifice the follow ing: One 2-"!i Indian motorcycle in good condition, 8. C. W. Leghorn chickens and chicks, 2 incubators, house, lot and furniture. House is not completed. 1015 E. 2 7h N., Alberta car. MODERN 5 room house, newly fur nished, ln irvingion. b .Multno mah. FOH S Af.lv LOTS 10 75x100 homesite; fine soil; lies beau tifully; only 15 minutes ride; west side; 6c fare; best value In the city; $350; $10 down, $5 per month. M. E. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. VERY fine one-half acre: beautiful view of the river, mountains and east , side. Price only $750. $10 down, $10 ; per month. M. E. Lee, 522 Corbett bldg. $1000 buys an excellent lot in the fac tory section-. South Portland. M. E. Lee. 522 Corbett bldg, LOT in Firland dist.. $350; worth $460. $5 monthly. M. 1166. 720 C. of C bldg WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. BARGAIN Nice hi block, corner, Mon- tavilla district. Phone Tabor 4627. ACREAGE 51 CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port-1 land; Gresham district, electric sta-1 tlnn 1L mile Kov ailhfllvlainn S,i,i 1 shine Valley orchard tracts; beBt soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per .acre In small tracts; easy terms. Frank Mc Far land j Realty Co., 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland, Or. ' MODERN 6 room bungalow under con struction, mountain water ln same, 2 acres, best of land, 3 min. walk to 4th st. electric car, 3 stores at place, fine school and church hi mile, 10 miles from P. O. For particulars write or call on F. W. Wells. Aloha. Or. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to salt pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585, or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. ESTACADA CARLINE BARGAIN. Right at station. 8 acres. lies beau tiful, rich soil, no buildings; price 31450; terms on part. .Jacob Haas. eritnger ciog. 0 ACRES IN WASHINGTON CO. $50 per acre, M cleared, yearly pay ments. See Draper, afternoons only, 723 Chamber of Commerce. I W HEN you answer thesa Want Ads. mention The Journal. 57 RanxrarAom DcdVciUalll 1 7 acres of pure, genuine, beaverdam. i This is not black swall. but the Try best and highest grade beaverdam In the world, 16 ft. deep; 1 acre of this is J upland, facing on the main county road far building purposes, with "inning j -? pJaceL carloads of manure on the land, about 3 acres is in on- ions this year and the rest to garden truck and oats. This land produced over 400 sacks of onions per acre last season. The onions on 1 acre of this i ground last year brought (1160. It is 10 miles irom me center oi roniana, cn the best macadam road ln the state, end mile from electric station. Price ) joou; iiuuo casn. balance long term at 6 per cent. This is sacrificed to 60c j on the dollar. No. 4X2 cnam. or com. 5 Acres Beautiful S acre tract, only 11 miles from the centerof Portland, on fine macadam road all the way; only 100 ft. from elec station and town, all en closed with woven wire fence; Bwell bungalow, nice lawn and hedge, nicely painted barn and chicken houses; just the place you are looking for and the swellest in the neighborhood, and all in grass. There are about 30O chick ens, which go with the place; also 14 pigs, incubators, brooders, etc.; high school and public school within a few hundred yards of the place. Do not overlook this if you are looking for a small country home. Price $3a00; caBh. balance long term. 412 Cham, of Com, bldg. Chicken Ranch Fractional acre, all under .cultivation, facing Buckley ave., one of the best auto roads in county, just mile north of Gilbert station, 7c carfare; neat 4 room house, with telephone and. hot and cold water, chicken house and runs, some fruit and berries. Price 41700; $300 cash, balance 315 per month. Kauffmann & Moore 325 Lumber Exchange. CHEAP CHICKEN RANCH. 4 acres ideally adapted for chicken falsing, vegetables, fruits and berries, in fact a splendid tract for diversified farming. Fine soil, no rocks. Within 30 miles of Portland, good road and only mile from station; your chickens uill pav for this. Total price 3280. 328 down. $7 monthly. LUEDDEMANN. Rl'LEY & CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Lease on 10 acres, IV, miles from Woodburn. paid to Feb. 1. 1915: crop in, 6 tons of oat hay. 6 I toes, one horse, 1 Jersey cow. buggy, 'harness, etc.. 50 hens, 100 chickens, in I cubator. etc., household furniture com ! plete. Bargain if taken at once, must ; move. Address Mrs. Carrie E. Blunt, Woodburn, Or. 10 ACRES all in cultivation; 3 acres all set to cherries. 3 years old; 1 acre all cleared, small house; 5 acres 3 cleared, 6 room 'louse; and many other large and small tracts. Come in and investigate If v-ou want a home on easy terms. J. .T. Fisher 3U9 Abtngton bldg. Main 4841. TEN acre tracts all in cultivation, near Silverton. at $100 per acre, and farms. 40 to 160 acres, well improved, near Sflverton, at right prices and terms. 517 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE FA11MS 31 Acres $2700 27 miles west of Portland, in Wash- ulSlu" tuamj, yz "'ilea liui Ul Ul r ui - esl rove, in wen seiuea neignDornooa, close to church and school; good rocked toad to town; excellent soil, no rock or gravel; 7 acres under cultivation, 4 i more easily cleared and balance in good (limHor whirh will flit 9fH)ft rnrdy nf z "arnrior room furnished house, barn and out-I uuiiunigH; laiiniy ummru, souu wen i uim pi ms w i , guuu iitthv y wtiduii for hauling wood, with rack, harness and implements: also one horse. Price $2700, $650 cash, balance easy terms; a snap. Kauffmann & Moore 2o Lumber Exchange. MUST sell at sacrifice. a hpaiitlful ulace to live: 85 acres. 3 miles from A T3 T3 KPinc.h ihH PfiT Ac.fP j In the Twin Tails district of sunny ! Idaho, where the sun shines 10 months ! In the year: 80 acres; 40 in alfalfa: iest ready for plow; perpetual water right; all fenced; neighbors all around; i r.o buildings; $1000 casn. your own time on bal See photos at office of Fred W. German Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce. NEWCOMERS: The easiest way to get posted on farm land is to come to the free show today at 266 Wash. st. (be tween 3d and 4th) and take the scenic, trip through the valley. Interesting, instructive and absolutely free. Bring the ladies. 1 to 4:30 and 7:30 to 9 p.m. 20 Acres $800 $1 fare from Portland, splendid farming land, close to- school, station: 800 acres on market, $100 cash. Claude Cole. 917 Board of Trade. YAMHILL CO., 30 acres; 15 cultivated, living water, right, near electric sta tion and gooa Willamette nver town Take city home with some cash in pay ment, or sen ror z;uu, nan aown. uiv laens Agency. 170 2d St. . ,40fto WILL buy 320 acre ranch, under fr ln fence, in eastern oresron: t0 acres I rHv.tlnn running water. 10 miles i frnm Inn-n a frr.nH ctm-lr ranch Wrlto D D. Hughes. Drewsey. Or. 40 ACRES CHEAP. Improved and stocked, Washington county. Only $2500 for quick sale. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. 200 ACRES FOR VALLEY. Near La Grande, 160 acres good farm land, well watered. Price $14,000, mtg. $5000. CALL AN & KASER, 722-4 Yeon Bldg. EIGHTY acres in Tillamook Co.; 7 miles from Tillamook on the Miami river; good road; price $2000. M. E. Lee, 522 Corbett bldg. ' 4 ACRES. STOCKED, $2100. $1100 cash. Improved, main road, near school, 33 miles of Portland, 7 miles R. R. Big snap. IS N. 5th. VKRY cheap for the quality Is my beautiful home farm on Tualatin river. T. Wlthycombe. 432 12th st. Mrhall 8118. - 60 ACRES, 12 hops, 10 prunes, clo?e rn. $175 acre. Wolfsteln. 205 Alisky bldg. 70 acres improved, on Cornell road, 3 miles from Portland, cedar mill. W. Westhoff. Beaverton. R. 2. I -rsrr j AND S3 acre farms, reasonable. Oregon City. Route 7. J. P. Schroeder WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. WANTED FAKMS 8 T' T.r-" " rr t small farm witn . W ANTED To i good bulla! ni ! Ayres. R. 1. V w ANTED To ren ngs. ror dairy. a. ancouver. wash. VOK RENT FARMS 14 Rent, Stock and AH for $700 80 acre farm, close to Port land, 25 acres in crops, good orchard, garden, running water, etc.; good house and barn; renter must buy the stock, consisting of fine big team, wagon and harness, farm tools, brood sow and five pigs; everything goes for $700, which - includes one year's rent; longer time can be had by clearing some land. Dorr E. Keasey & Co, 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. ACKEAGI; (Coatlnued.) 47 12 GOOD timber homesteads, . new opening, good locality, near river, also 160 and 3S0 acre farming land. i'om8,te?a80',f8t ln reSon 191 4th et Mam 8774. HOMESTEAJ& . relinquishment near Tillamook, good house, 2,000,000 tim- ber. P. Q. Box 64. RELINQUISHED homestead, n7ar Portland, for sale or trade. Main 9130 ;..., 1 ... ; ,,, VtHB-N you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. timber 28 TIMBER in large or small areas. 1;000,000,000 or more; sawmill una loggins opportunities, u. oiev ens, 622 Corbett bldg. I WHEN -you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE 24 60 Acre Farm Trade Columbia View Highway Nothing Like It Ever Offered For Exchange ' ii is juki a lew times in a nieume mat you will nave the opportunity to trade your city property for a farm like this. You surely know what Mult nomah county is doing on the Colum bia View highway, which is an exten sion of the Base Line road. The con struction of this road is being rapidly pushed to completion. Well, Just 20 miles east of the center of Portland, right on this highway, we have one of the best farms in Multnomah county. There are 60 acres, 40 acres in cultiva tion, splendid orchard, nice 5 room cot tage, fine large barn 40x60. with full cement basement. The soil is a rich, mellow loam and the best in the state. This farm embodies all the features that add to the value of country prop erty, vii.: (1) Best of location, being on this scenic and soon to be famous highway, and occupying one of the prettiest spots along the entire length of this road of natural wonders; in fact, the view from the premises baf fles description. (2) Best of water supply, having the purest of spring water piped to the house and barn. (3) Best of soil, none better. Will leave it to any soil expert in the state. (4) Substantial buildings, bearing fruit, convenient to rail and river transpor tation. If you want to trade or buy a HOMESTEADS farm embodying all the features enum-j v Housekeeping rooms rent $30; on erated above you should investigate I Broadway beat of hardwood furni this tract. If you want to buy anyjture: sickness compels immediate sale iiu" im irati, vw win ac uin - inwmie suu. rnce tor rue wnoie tract is $lx,oM. No land around it any cheaper than this, some much higher. Investigate for yourself. Will take clear city property to value of 313.000. Located Just 80 rods this side of Chan ticleer Tavern, the famous little tav ern out Columbia View way. Great ac tivity and improvement out that way this summer. Get busy and trade for this farm. You will never have occa sion to regret it. . ' Hargrove & Sons 122 N. 6th St., Near fillsan. Main 4381, A-7259. wanted HOUSE OR BUSINESS PROPERTY u txenange for following: I have 10 acres of land 1 miles . . . . . e ..:.. l ; , i .. . . t . . . i i nn.H un u ni' riin. n j n,...i ".., i a a f,u rj,.n Hun water." tood 4 room house with eel ! ment basement. Adjoining property I sold in 60x100 foot fots for $400. This I land has a great future, and will make ! an ideal as well as profitable home in ! : . . -. . i. 1 . . .in 1 1 . . . - uietLii ii inc. cucu value iu,uui;, iiiui i- gage $3500, long time at 6 per cent; want home in restricted district up to $8000, or business property; will pay cash difference. D-ll, Journal. Stock and Orchard Ranch For sale by owner: 333 V acres; 48 acres in orchard. Will consider Portland city property In part pay ment. For particulars ad dress "Owner." Lyle, Wash. FOR EXCHANGE A good 80 acre farm in Clarke county, Wash., about 4 cultivated, some timber, stock and ! implements and crops I go Witn tne place at $100 per acre. Want income proper ties to the value. Address H. Witten beche. La Center, Wosh., R. 2, Box 40. FARM, 40 acres, part in cultivation, house and barn, 10 acres of orchard and berries, fine soil, fine location. good money maker. Exchange for city property. GARLAND & LIND, 191 4th st. WE WANT TO TRADE 120 acres at Hosier, free from Incum brance, worth $9000, and $2000 cash for Portland property, and will assume. M'KENZIE & CO., 516 Gerlin ger bid g; FOR SALE or exchange, $5000 equity in $9000 modern 2 story residence. Jxclusive Wilshire district. Want raw for improved Oregon land. Owners only. Q. w. Barber, 1Z24 a. union ave., i-os Angeles, Cal. WE have good eastern property to exchange for Oregon land or Port land property if your price is right. GLENART REALTY CO.. 421-422 Chamber of Commerce. ACRE tracts, water and streets, close to car; will make 8 lots, 50x97. Want grocery store, restaurant, rooming house, or what have you? Black, 689 Wash, st Marshall 5725. A-4940. - FOR SALE OR TRADE. Eastern Oregon ranch, including stock, good set of buildings, lots of water and outrange. What have you? McKENZIE & CO.. 515 Gerlinger bldg. I OWN an improved farm close to Hlllsboro, cash value $5000; -want house and lot in Portland to $3000 or $3600,' will give long time on balance. O-908. Journal. 120 ACRES. 13 miles from Vancouver, 5 miles Camas, Wash.; $35 per acre; sell or trade for Portland property. Owner. 1118 Yeon bldg. MY equity in 6 room house, modern, furnished, to exchange for lots in Portland or Akron, Ohio.; or will sell on terms. K-lll, Journal. FOR SALE or trade, equity in good lot valued at $750, 2 blocks from St. Johns car. North Bank addition. 5617 89 th ave. 3. E. HOMES, acreage, and farm land, to sell on easy terms. Might take some trade. Call at 1446 Garfield ave. Phone Woodlawn 3736, owner, T., . r z- WE have a number of choice pieces of clear city property to exchange for acreage. Ayres & Smith, 401 North west bldg. Main 7266. 100 acres near Roseburg, 90 ln culti vation Is rented. Will trade for city property. Sell. 584. 1034 Tlbbets at WE exchange what you have for what you want. Peper & Baker. 444 Sher- lock b,tdg.. 3d and Oak. Marshall 2664 TO TRADE 5 acres of irrigated land in Yakima valley for automobile. Call after 6 p. m., at 227 Skidmore at. WHAT have you as first payment on a home, balance easy payments. Phone East 457 or Tabor 1907. WANTED Portland business property or farm land in exchange ror New York City property. Y-73S, Journal. MISSOURI land, or clear lots in Wash.. for business, residence or land near Portland. 401 Northwestern Bank bldg. For trades of all kinds see Garland & Lind. 191 4th st. WHAT have you to exchange? Port land Rental Agency, 502 Br'dway bid. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, xnantlon Tb Journal. EXCHANGE REAL: ESTATE 21 (Continued.) WE CAN SELL OR TRADE. If you wish to sell your real estats for cash or trade for other property, it wiH pay you to see us for quick re sults. 10 v years' successful business is our guarantee for a tauart deal. M'KENZIE & CO.. 515 Gerlinger bldg. Main 3801- WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 wanted z to 10 acres, close to Portland, reasonable, in exchange for house and lot. 310 Yeon bldg. Mar shall 2432. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 53 Bargain No. 2 32 room apt. house, ail on one floor. Brand new concrete building. Furni ture nice, neat, new and clean as i . i pin. Rooms are all full. Kent 380. 3iWnd- suites of offices rented out bring in 350. Place sold 8 months ago for 32500. First one comes gets this place for 3650. Peters, of course, 15 N. 5th st. SACRIFICE! sacrifice: 27 room apt. house, , rent 376; good lease, all rented. Wake me an offer. Trade for clear lot. C. LESLIE GQDDARD, 408 Gerlinger Bldg. 26 Housekeeping rooms, rent 33 pef room; beautiful corner, close in. west side, absolutely clean. This is one of the best money makers in town, 3100 clear per month guaranteed; close ziv 4in st Bargain No, 1 20 room rooming house in heart of west side. Location where rooms are always full. Worth 31300. First one comes gets the whole thing for 3295. Peter.s, of course. 15 N. 5th st. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. 18 rooms, close in, corner, rooms al ways rented; owner has other business; easy clear 3100 month; best buy in Portland; price 3575. Terms. Inquire 88 10th, near Stark. ROOMING HOUSES To trade for clear lots. Some snaps. LESLIE GODDARD. ' 408 Gerlinger Bldg. 27 Housekeeping rooms, cheap rent, best close in west side location, al ways full, very clean and neat; owner sick, sacrifice for $750, terms. Yates, 249 4th- st. FOR SALE Shannon hotel furniture, consisting of 10 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen and office. Bend, Or. 14 room boarding house, now full of tenants, suitable for rooming or boarding house. Mrs. Smith. Main 743. i or $200. Yates, 249 4th st 17 Housekeeping rooms, rent 350; close ! in in fine condition, alwavs full, price $550. terms. Yates, 249 4th st. WHEN you answer these mention The Journal Want Ads, BUSINESS CHANCES 20 Millinery, Ladies' Furnishings HpkJ" jzinrt rniwl'i'ntmf rv tnu-n a (i- nual business $10,000; rent on!y' $35; I price $3000, $2100 cash, balance trade full particulars 61S Venn bldg. YOUNG man having business ability, also mechanically inclined, seeks to connect with growing manufacturing or selling concern; able to show good results; small amount to invest; best of references. D-24. Journal. Hotel to Trade Rent only $125 $200; price $2500 56 rooms: clears over Will trade for prop- n r!fiir I erty. 4'all 618 Yeon bldg 6HUO. Uhb, butter, eggs, etc.. a strictly cash store, for sale; can c)ear 50 month; will sell cheap and I ?ou. Ccln room Morgan hlds- OU I Su: y ail looni 3 J . Morgan ojdg- ) WAN! ED Steady, sober partner for 1 the automobile business. Can draw jioo montn salary, also eliare or pro- fits; duties are easily learned. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. Apartment House to Trade Trade equity in best paying and best located house in city for small tract i:ear Portland. Inquire 618 Yeon bldg. Grocery--$2100 Stock alone will invoice $1800; doing a business of $85 day. Take half in : clear real estate. 638 Morgan bldg. RESTAURANT, almosY" given-awaT; cost $600 to furnish; is a money' maker. - j PRICE $150 FOR ALL. Inquire 88 10th st..; near Stark. ! THIS is your opportunity. hKAKN MOVING PICTURE OPERATING. Be RLAm wnen m ai iiinls in si ALLED I 11 3yy ''ik?. i.a.int-i u ni uirg CO urucr. Machines rented. 333 Oak st. 1000 Business Cards, $1.25 Ryder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d and Mor. Main 553fi. AN OPPORTUNITY. Business $8000 per year on an In vestment of $12,000 for sale. Inquire W R hide t . J. i.icnperiDerger, 906 N Main 532. Picture Show, $700 I,, 1 1)11 Best located suburban show in cllv: mis is a snap, inquire bits .eon niog. ESTABLISHED grocery, fine location, ojjionuici iiouc. fee uwuei, 4. iu i, to 521 Abington bldg. Big discount if sold tnls week. HERE is a dandy confectionery and cigar, rent only $22. This is really worth $1000, can be had for a way down price. Call 24814 Stark st. WAixx young couple to take half In- terest in a fine retail store. $5000 a vvin. ava iiacuno, v t nn uccuo ki z i J and rest. N-4X9, Journal. Best Cash Grocery, $900 Best thing ever offered; business $40 daily: west side. Call 618 Yeon bldg. MOVING picture theatre, downtown district, must be sold this week, $450 will take possession. 404 Rothchild bldg. POOL room and barber shop, good busi ness at your own price if sold quick. Owner must go east to take charge of farm. 637 Union ave. N. FOR SALE; Small confectionery on E. 1st and Morrison. Also popcorn and peanut machine cheap. Phone East 3675. H. Root. WANTED Reliable man for out-town manager. Some cash and references required. See manufacturer, 602 East uavis near istn. PARTNER wanted farm hog business; Ideal location; must have $300. 415 cnam tier of commerce. FOR SALE or exchange, small apart- ment nouse. Bargain. Terms, ziz i Williams ave. CLEANING and pressing shop, down town location, good business. 205 Alder. CONFECTIONERY, cbxars. cash busi 'ness, reasonable rent, streetcar transfer point. 771 Washington st. WILL sacrifice nayina- country store near Portland. A. Mast, Hinckley J bldg., Seattle. FOR SALE Moving picture and vaudeville. For full particulars ad dress J. W. pneai. Oregon City, Or. TAILOR shop, rent $15. 159 W. Park, cor. of Morrison. Nothing reserved. Investigate. WANTED TO BUY steam laundry; five location witn price. L-79, Jour- ICE cream parlor, confectionery, frulx and cigars, forced to sell on account of other business. 225 No. 23d st. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. . mention The JournaL BEST stenographers and dictaphone operators in the city. Phone 2817. SMALL grocery store; a snap, 3 living rooms, rent $11. Phone Tabor 4555. 4 CHAIR barber shop, cheap rent, long lease. 36 N. 2d st. , PARTNER wanted ln established poul I . irv ranch. UU bumH, X-S9 JouraaU- 20 One" of the-Finest Cafes In one of the best towns ln the Wil larnette valley for sale; now doing a splendid business. Ice cream - parlor confectionery and cigar department In connection; good reasons for selling. This is a splendid chance, as can he ascertained by writing George Blanch ard, Newport, Or. WE have confectionery stores from 3300 up. Apartment house clearing 3150 ( month, owing to sickness will sell at I half price. Pool hall, half price; leaving city. General merchandise, good town, good business, invoice 39uOO; owing to death ln family will take 35500, part cash and terms. Clear real estate for business of any KENNEDY & M'MILLAN. 401 Northwestern Bank bldg. 31250 GROCERY 31250. Cost to Install. Fix. and Stock 32000. Two furnished living rooms, price 31250, Income 340 day. Just the place for man and wife. Transient and transfer corner. C. . LESLIE GODDARD, 408 Gerlinger Bldg. YOUNG lady experienced fn the rea taurant business wants some oik to Join her in taking over a comple-ly equippea care, (.nance to mase nig j iiUiiey uumK nose rcsuvai. iixpeii ence unnecessary; money required. Secured, act quick; this will not last. Inquire ttt 502-3 Broaaway bldg. Movie $2850 260 -opesa chairs, modern equipment, residence district; no competition; 3 year lease: cleared 356 last week over all expenses; easy terms. 638 MORGAN BLDG. Partner Wanted Auto school and garage making 326 daily; must have business or technical man; $600 for half interest, inquire 618 Yeon bldg. ' General Store, $8500 This Is one of the best little stocks in Oregon. Partners have -lisagreed, and want to separate after 9 years ot success. 638 Morgan bldg. WANTED An idea: vV'ho can thlnK of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas, tjey may brlnir you wealth; write for "Needed Inven tions" and "How to Get Your Pate-it and Your Money." Randolph & Co, patent attorneys. Washineton. I) C. Meat Market Doing $50 a day; rent $-20 month ; in voice and take small payni'-nt. balance like rent; best location in Portland. 638 MORGAN BUILDING. HOTEL. 1 block from P. O., 4 0 rooms. 19 rooms are leased for offices, which pays for all rent, 21 transient rooms; will either sell all or half in terest. This is a No. 1 place and a money maker. Call 248 H: Stark st. BUSINESS CHANCES Coxitis nsd.) MAKE your own BEER and WI11S- : rhinery, with the best instructors oo KEY at home; same strength, nour- tainable m all departments. Pacific ishment and satisfaction as best beer ! Auto School, office 723 Chamber of brewed; country agents wanted. AM- commerce room A. ' 5RE,W COAST AGENCY, box 1176. rortianq GOOD motorcycle agency and repair shop, one half or all: good reasons for selling. J-39. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 2? FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Made tate. on improved Portland real cs- I espec ially strangers, are cordially In Prompt consideration given lo vd to consult with the secretary of applications. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Northwestern Bank Building, Sth and Morrison sts. MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OH FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VERY I Tti.it.XTRT.k: CONTRACTS- NO COM- MISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRUST CO. 916 SPALDING BLDG. PRIVATE FUNDS $30,000 $18,000 10,000 4.000 6,000 2,500 1.300 !f0' M'KENZIE & Gerlinger bldg, TO LOAN. $12,000 8,000 700 500 CO.. Main 2R01. 515 LOANS on improved city property or for building purposes; advances made as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. P. Lipscombe. 242 Stark st. Main 4420. $800 to Loan On any good city security. 303 Stock Exchange Bldg. Sd and Yamhill ,sts., Portluml. Or. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE. 701 Selling Bldg. AMOUNTS $600 $1000 $1500 $2000 INTEREST 8 pr ct 7 pr ct. 8 pr. ot. 7 pr ct HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. TO LOAN $400. $1500. $2500 and $400. i $5000 h city improved property. J. I i.. ells lo., z chamber or Commerce bldg. W V. Viuun rimi.au In In.n . r.,, 1 - - " ' " , I j iv.ua. ' - -" 111 , Cc-1 I estate: first Tnnrt-rairex onlv i IIAMMONIi MUHTCacio Cimvamv i 428 Chamher of Commerce. j CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con- i iracis; rnoi ignge loans; reasonatile rates. !. H. Lewis & Co.. 3 Lewis bldg MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES- ; TATE. WM. G. BECK. 315 FAIL ING HI. nO. ' SHORT time loans, on real estate, per sonal ' nroDertv. or salarv. 614 Mr- . Kay bldg. K-28. Journal. FT .1(1 fill. I run tnnpt ri o i. itt. a mi farm McKensi? property, fire insurance. & Co.. Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder, MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgages bought and sold. John L. Karnopp. Railway Exchange bldg. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security; apply rm. 203 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. $1000 at 7 PER CENT. ON CITY PROPERTY. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. $1500 FOR A BUILDING LOAM. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. $1000 to $6000 private funds for imme diate loan. Phone Tabor 2520. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H Seita & Co., 310 Spaiding bldg. j $260, $350, $600 $850, $1200. .00u. r red W . Qerman Co., 914 Cham. Com, ; Mortgage Loans rnbidg I i MON E t TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. J 1 A. H-. HARDING, 313 Cham, of Com. I 1 MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. i Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st. $40,000 OR LESS, i Alt itAlNUTu.N 80 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. FOR mortgage loans see W. R. Haiz lip. 407 Stotik Exchange bldg. WHEN you answer these Waut Ads. mention The Journal. MON EX fO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 01 MR. AND MRS. WAGE EARNERS WISHING MONEY WITHOUT SE CURITY. QUICKLY, QUIETLY, AND CHEAPLY. PLEASE CALL AT 304 HENRY BLDG. DEblKABLE yiace for lauies and gen tlemen to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry, eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 334 Wash.. opr. Owl dru store, j IdONE Y to ioan on pianos, furniture. autos, livestock, storaae receiDta. real estate, etc. We buy mortgages. Man hattan Mfg. Co.. 310 Ahinston. M. 628. MONEY loaned on diamonds and jew elry, strictly confidential. 141V. 3d. LOANS on diamonds and jewelry. K m 4S Wastiington bldg. Main 6100. LOANS on real estate, diamonds. Jew elry. Wm. Holl. R. 3. Wawh'ton bide. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. LOANS on diamonds and jewelry. Brown & Co-, room t, Washington hW- .67 'LOW IK SIX Kdi fl' Jfj T "I X, X"WA1AW . . , i - - AUTOiS, MOTORCYCLES, REAL ES TATE OK UlAUUnUS. i. We Loan ANY AMOUNT AT LOW RATES When Others Turn You Down. SEiE y AT E You Can Get It Today. MTUM LO AGO -CO.. (Licensed.) 206 Rothchild Bldg. Bet. 4th and 5lh on Washington St. When you are in need of Heady cash Call and see us For a confidential loan on your salary. You can repay us in small weekly or monthly payments. Lowest rates. Best terms. State Security Co., 30P Failing Bldg. PittlYATtt- flPLACa- TO ttBrAtGQ iEJ. fc-fC. Buimm stnciiy confidential. EHM GO, tia 32) Lumber i.a. id and Stark. COJL.UAlii.lA LOAN CO., 306 and ui tSwetland bldg. Money to loan on cuaneis, yieuioB, uiuau uuiw, wi anything oi value. viu tucu un. LOANS WANTED 3U WANTED ON A-l SECURITY. $10,000 at XrC, value $60,000. $110u at 8'.x, value $5000. $7oo at value $3500; rarm. oOo at &;. value $3000; farm. $1100 at S'e, value $2500; city. $4500 at 7",. value $10,000 city. McKENZIE & CO., 515 ierlingr bidg. Main 2801. $1200 tecumy modern bungalow, value $2750. A. K. Hill. 419 Henry bldg ; WANTED. $125 on second mortgage security. Private parties will pay 10 per cent interest. W-787. Journal. WHEN you answer these Waul Ads. mention The Journal. FINANC1A SI FIRST and 2d mortgages, also sel lers' interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. . II. E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg. $2000, first mortgage, s per cent, prop erty valued at $4000; principals only. E-30, Journal . WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. HKLI WANTED MAI.K NOTICE We have moved from 86 10th st.. to larger and better quarters and we now have the largest and best equipped automobile instruction plant (both technical and practical; in the Pacific N. W. Our repair department Is ii i ni r! with miwlern u n-to-dalt- ma- i V. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. j Employment membership guarantees , member will secure employment or re I fund of membership fee; gives two I months' full membership privileges. 10 months' social privileges. Record for vear l'Jl3: Calls for men 2635 Positions filled 1941 All young men seeking employment I 1!T I'lt1 I ! IJ i U r- II - t-'n I unrni, SASH and door man. We have open ing for first class live wire sales man to take charae sash and door de partment. Must be man of ability and experience locally; give full lnforniu tion aud record, confidential. lj-2t Journal. WANTED At once, two men to learn auto repairing and driving for spring work. Hawtl)oriie Garage, 445 Haw thorne ave. WANTED Canvassers who are willing to work, selling fruit and ornamental trees and shrubbery. Cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. TWO or three good shinglers. Apply on Job today at St. Johns. Harde Co., St. Johns. SOLICITORS WANTED; best offer in city. Van Dyck Studio, 404 Wash, st. CHEF lleadquai lers and helpers. Cal ifornla Wine Depot. 265 Yamhill. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. HELP WANTED MISC. 41 WE want good, reliable men to take our course in automobile repairing and driving, also heavy duty gas en gines, tractor work and stationary en-nineerin-- enroll now and be prepared for the heavy spring and summer de mand for trained men. Oregon Auto School. 266-268 11th st. MAKE your own BEER and WHIS- 1 KEY at home: same strength, nour . Ishment and satisfaction as best beer brewed; coujUxv agents wanted. AM BREW COAST AGENCY, box 1176, , Portland. ! THIS is your opportunity. LEARN ! MOVIMI PICTI'RKOrKKATINd Be Inl'lMV when M JCH1VEK I NKTAI-I.E!) 1 . 1 1 - - ' ... - -- -- . , in SCHOOLS. lantern slides to order. ! Mnfhlnra rented. 333 Oak st. LCCAL representative wanted; no can vassing or soliciting required: rood Income assured. Address National Co operative Realty Co.. V-909. Marden t:dg.. Washington, D. C. START a mail order business of your own; small capital; spare time, 27 plans; send for particulars. Mutual Opportunities Excnange. Buffalo. N. Y. WOMEN Oet government lobs. $i0 ' WOMEN Get government Jobs: list of positions available free. Franalin In- : stitute, Dept. 705 M., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED At once. 2 industrious, am bitious men to learn to drive and re pair automobiles. Broadway Auto Co., 86 10th st. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get. My free booklet, Y 366, telra how NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washing ton, D. C. CHAUFFEURS and gasoline engineers send 25c for easiest way on earth to set valves and time gasoline engines. Ellis, lock box 1106, Portland, Ore. THOUSANDS government jobs open to men and women; big pay. Write Immediately for free list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 350M. Rochester. N. Y. RAILWAY postal clerks wanted, $75 month. Apply Franklin Institute, Dept. 348M. Rochester. N. Y. CHAUFFEURS get $2 to $5' week: HurnDle auto lessons free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 827 M., Rochester. N. Y. DRUG packers wanted, only experi enced mon need apply. Blumauer Frank Drug Co.. Sth and Everett sts. h Dal dolph & Co., patent solicitors. Wash. ington. D. C. ! WANTED Amateurs fur stage, good pay. boi tu. oi pi si., -n.. nose city car. WANTED Names of men wanting to be railway postal clerks, $76 month. KX-16. Journal. RAGTIME on Dianos Kuaranteed be ginners ln 10 lessons. 508 Filers bldg. UNCALLED for tailor made sulta $6.50 up. Taylor, the Tailor, 289 V, Burnaide PACIFIC Chiropractic College. Inc., 407 to 41s commonwealth mag. WHEN you: answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal 1 Vsei", wf . o- ,i i 1 . matlsm: 61 tablets 2c. All druggist HELP WANTED t KM ALE a WILL aive front housekeeping room ..free to couple in exchange for cham ber work ln email rooming house. 382 V Hawthorne. TWO neat appeuring young ladiea, 20- 23 for advertising work. Call Wed- nesday p. m., 6-8. 250 12th at. Apt. 511 WOMAN cook, camp, 4 to 6 to cook for. per montn. wain auax WHEN you answer thesa Want Ads rc tuition The Journal. AlOXETt TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES (Continued.) UELl WANTt FEMALE i 2 ' J (Contfnaed.)' WANTED A respectable woman who would appreciate' a refined homo (small wages) to care for small chtl dren and assist In light housework. Mrs. E. K. Smith, phone Woodlawn 347. W A NTKD Middle aged woman, with- out children, to care for two girls of 10. at her own home. Call Mrs, Nelson, Main 3273. bet- 6 and 9 p. in. only. HELP WANTEU r.IALE AND FEMALE .29 OREGON Barber ColleKe Now is the time to learn the barber trade; po sition guaranteed; paid while learn ing; tools free. 233 Madison st. MoLEU HAhuKH COLLEGE teaches: trade in 8 weks, pays while learn Rives ltt-class set of tools; writ for free catalogue. B. 43 N. 3d st. Eastern Barber College, men and worn en apprentices wanted: learn the bua iness, be independent: toolaw furnished iree; rees reasonable. XS8 1st. Jeff. AlAit or lady Sell tea and coffee. 4M 1st bet. Pine and Ash, room 8. Call between 2 and 6 p. m. F1SK Teachtrs' Aftenev' secures ooaU tions lor teachers. 316 Journal bldg. WHEN you answer these.. Want Aav mention The Journal. WANTED A KEXTS SALESMEN wanted, a numoer of live, on the Job salesmen for Washington, Montana, Idaho. Oregon and other slate. Less competlton this year and demand for trees ofters the right man a splendid opportunity. Salem Nursery company. - WHK.N you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal SITUATION ALiLli SITUATION wanted: printer of 9 yeara' experience, both In job and news paper work; city or country work or any kind of clerical work. J-20, Jour nal. MAN and wife want poslliun; 'man handy with tools: any kind of work. Wife tirst class chambermaid. Want work for one or but l. Main -tS15. YOUNG man, iSK. with experience In wrecking building anil houses.: wants work badly: will take' any kind id short job. A-1517. Main 717. CHAUFFEUR, younn German, wished position. Neat, eouer, beat city ref erences, 6 years' experience. Erick Sen lei ff cider. Main 725. RUSSIAN man, who Mpeuks no Eng lish, desires work, is young and strong, could do housn cleaning, gar- en won; or nlnht watcuing. Main 717; POSITION wanted by middle aged man. A-l farm hand and uardener: sober and industrious: beat of refer ences. M-650. JourmU WILLING man on small farm; state want s, experience, ae. N. 957, Jour nal. YOUNG man wants work on farm or team work; experienced. 7125 54th ave. rt, K.. Phone B-323. - PAINTING, tinting. PHperhaiigtiig; first class, very reasonable, wood t39it. E. T. Drews. Sell- YOl'NG mun. 3ii, want woi k, is team ster but will take uny kind of work. MaSn 717. ELDERLY man wants work e car penter. Is experienced; can give ref erences. Main 717. WANTED Position night watchman, janitor or porter. Best of references. X-725. Journal. SITUATION By man 37, with Chris tian people. In or out of city. T-21. Journal. YOUNG man with experience want work on hy ranch. Write E. L., 928 Greenwood ave., Portland. ., GOOD automobile mechanic and driver. must have work some kind. 6504. 4'th ave.. S. E. Tabor loG Reference. MAN willing to take any kind-uf work, can drive team, has experience In honse and building wrecking. M. 717. YOUNG mun, govl habits, wants po-. si tion wholesale h'vise, groceries or factories. M-565 Journal. WANT f:i A place to cure for on private place, or garden work. Tec perate man. W-799. Journal. ALL around bricklayer. bent refer ences; city or country. 419 E. 31st st.Ho. VVANTElKBy industrious married man. lawns to mow. Hardens to tend; odd Jobs of any kind. Phone-Hell. 1584. RUSSIAN man who speaks no English ,i . . . . . , . , - . ,. uiftirri nor n. hihiu 111. rt-i ui I . ELDERLY man want work on farm. Main 717. v CARPlJNTER wants work77 A-1517. ' ! MalnJU7. YOUNG man who is strong and will- Ing wants work. Main '17, A-1517. rf MAN wants house denning or any kind of Job. Main 717, A-1517. YOUNG house. man wants work cleaning A-1517 Main 717. MAN wants garden work A-1617. Main 717, CARPENTER Main 717. wants work. A-1717, GERMAN man wants work badly; Will take odd jobs. Main 717 CARPENTER, f It Nt-class. needs work badly. PhoneMaln 341S. GARDEN K Rl wa nts'worjt. MaltTTTft fell V ATIO XS F KM ALli 4 PORTLAND teacher of exceptional ability will couch delinquent pupils - at bi-ai h UtirinK summer. Rates by lesson or month. KA-U, Journal. MAN cook, wife helper or chamber maid wants work, are first class cooks, beach preferred. Percy Mowed i, Venahle hotel. WOMAN wants plain sewing or care of children afternoons or eveningj. Main 717. WOMAN, with boy 14 and girl 4,. wants place where she can taka children. Main 717. LACE curtains, blankets laundered, lady expert, called for, 25c up. Bell- wood 1698. LADY w ishes cooklnu, ironing, ciean ing and sewing by day or hour. East 6719. 1 OUNG lady wants ateady office work such as cleaning and dusting. Call Tabor 4508. WANTED Position as chambermaid in hotel or rooming house: satisfac tion guaranteed. Phone Main 9370. COMPETENT woman wants work by the hour or day. Call after 8- r. m.. Main 5224. WOMAN wants work of any kind in city. 282 Fourth st.. room Z. after 4 o'clock. OREGON Lace Cleaning, expert work onlv fine curtains and unread a. specialty. Mending free. Woodlawn lC REFINED woman wants plain sew- -ing or mending to do. Main 717, A- , 1617. NEAT, competent woman wishes work at house cleaning or washing. . Main 717. ' WANTED Br a lady fn the county. a small child to care for. best of references givn, Camas, R. 2, Box 43. RELIABLE stenographer -and " book- keeper desires position. best of ref- erences. C-28, Journal. STEN"GRAPHER , wishes position;. sorpe experience, low wages to start; . will led ve city. Phone East 706. . RELIABLE laundress will take work . home. Main 717. f DRESSMAKER wants work by th? day at $2 per day. Phone Mar. 804 . J SWEDISH woman wants house clean' Ing or laundry work. Main 717. WOMAN wants Main 317. day work. A-1517, V; SWEDISH woman wants work by day. Tabor 5194. LAUNDRESS wlahea work at hom or will go out by day. Main 717. L WOMAN wants the care of children by the day. a-i17. Main in, - i CHAMBER work wanted. Main hlii. , 476 Morrison. ' v. NEAT waitress wants emuioyment In i small restaurant. K-112. Journal. CURTAINS hand laandered. 16 to 30c. - Mrs. Pedersen, 887 E. 11th at- 8. WOMXn wants day work. Main 71lf! . ' (Coatlaned oa Seat raga A . -t X i : i i it . .5 , I X: J I S '. '1 : lean-lfvj - ' 7. i