''-t''-f' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, "' PORTLAND, - SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 10. 1914. OREGON SHOULD SAV E VAST LATENT WEALTH i CONTAINED IN LAKES . - i Summer and Abert Are Ca-j pable- of Establishing Mon umental School Fund, LAND BOARD COMMENDED Portland Promoter Shows What the tt Would Xioaa by Benin for a Sony. ! A Portland promoter who recently return'! from New York city. In talk ing lit the recent contest between contending faction before the utate land board over the leaning of Sum mer and Abert lakes In Lake county. aaio: "Practically no one" in Orejfon has any conception or the value of these lakes. The state f Oregon leaned them some time ago. The owner of the lease or ganized a company In New York city. inr-orporatlng It In Delaware for 11.000,000. A fight ensued between rival factions for control of the com pany. Meanwhile the old contract lapned, each of the factions Intending lo make a new contract with the state and Becure control. While this was going on, the matter was brought to the attention of a millionaire capitalist In New Yirrk, who offered to buy the lakes outright for $9,000,000. payment to be part cash and part common and preferred stock In a proposed com pany: At the recent meeting of the land board, action was postponed penning investigation. Latent Wealth for School Pond. "The United States government has surveyed the lakes and brought out geological and topographical maps, which show the area to be 130 square miles, or 83,000 acres. The govern ment analysis shows also that the lakes contain three salts soda, salt and potash. This analysis Is con firmed by numerous analyses of lead ing chemists throughout the United States, which show that the water contains about three pounds of salts to the cubic foot, or a total' of 40,000,000 tons 18,000,000 tons of salt, 19,000, 000 tons of soda, and 1,500,000 tons of potash. These salts marketed at J10 a ton would amount to $400,000,000. " "The potash In these lakes sells as higVi as $60 a' ton, and the soda for about $18 to $20 a ton. If the state got $1 a ton out of the whole tonnage as royalty, we would receive $40,000,- 000 for our school fund, and yet the New York bidders offered the pitiful sum of $1,250,000 to $2,000,000 for the lakes. Including the land, the amount to be paid over a long period of time. And that notwithstanding Hon of a minimum of $75,000,000 net,' nH a mnvlmum tt f flftft nftA rci I Talne of Soda Alone, "When we realize that practically all the soda now on the market is manufactured soda, which costs, from $7 to $9 per ton, while the Orego'n soda can be produced for $2 a ton net, allowing the state a dollar a ton roy 4 alty. or $18,000,000 for royalty for the f salt h1ohi, we realize the safe margin there Is In marketing the soda In these '. lakes. Th soda consumed In the United States amounts to about $20,-j OOO.ood a year, selling at from $12 to $24 per ton. It enters into all glass Industries. Into the manufacture j or paper, inu 11110 me limiting ui soap. "The amount of soda In this lake. If wisely used, to develop the Indus tries depending upon It, all of the ! raw materials of which lie In profuse! quantities in Oregon, would increase i tne volume or Diisiness oeyona an caj- i dilations. It Is estimated that there is $27,000,000 worth of common table ( salt, independent of the soda and pot- j ash. The potash Is used primarily for ; fertilizing, and will b recovered as a j ion, ana me lanes contain aDout ;, 000.000 worth at that -ate. The United ' States market alone consumes about I $40,000,000 worth of the products of! these lakes per annum. Some Comparative Plguree. "The value of these lakes may be more readily realized by comparison! wjth other forms of natural wealth. ' For example, oil. The Great Lakeview gutther oil well is credited with a pro duction of. 40.000 barrels per day, maintaining this rate month after mourn, until $3,000,000 worth of oil was thrown out of this well. It! would require. 10 such oil wells, ' spouting continuously for 13t4 years. ' to gush $400,000,000 worth of solution now contained In the lakes, and the difference Is that the value of the lakes does not evaporate or deterior ate In any way, but rests there in perfect conservation, to be recovered at the pleasure of man. "The value tn these lakes is equal to 660,000.000 bushels of wheat. Com- j pared to timber, at $1 a thousand, the lakes are wdYtb almost all the timber of Oregon. As to gold, 10 of the larg est gold mines. Of the west, combined, have not proven tonnage equivalent to the total tonnage of commercial salts In these deposits. While the salts are worth more. It costs less to recover them than it does to extract the value '. from the mines. "And yet,' that immense value Is looked up in a body of water cover j ing .83,000 acres, with an average depth of only seven feet. There it j lies, and can be looked over almost at one view. I Zand Board Zs Praised. "Is It any wonder then that the cupidity of the capitalistic class was i excited and that the bidding was i fierce? These values were revealed j to the state land board almost ex--cluslveiy by the Portland citizen who had accidentally met them, being .hawked on the market of New York city, and all honor is due the land -board for its prompt action In taking 'the lakes off the market as soon as the real value of the property was dis covered. The board's wisdom is shown In its decision to call to Us assistance the! advice of the citizens of Oregon, on' the proper disposition . of these lakes; "If these properties are properly developed and the stewardship which recovers "the values !a properly organ ised, which no doubt will- be done. Oregon may develop a great Industry. Such development the people of Ore gon ought to, i and, no doubt will de mand, and th4y will no doubt- Tind a ready response from the present state land board; which will make the vic tory Just won through this board a permanent asset of the citizens of Oregon for an time to come. t j : ' j To open to navigation a lake In Nor- . way wnicn is separated rrom the sea by mountain; ridge there will be built A a canal mora than nine miles of which Three Lots of Men's Fine High. Grade Negligee Shirts FIRST, COAT STYLE SHIRTS IN PLAIN WHITE, TAN, (Q CREAM OR DAINTY LIGHT PATTERNS $1.25 GRADE y OC Negligee shirts made coat style with double French cuffs and separate collar to match or with starched cuffs and without collar they come in plain white, tan or cream, and in assorted light patterns All sizes gQ A standard quality shirt, sold everywhere at $1125. Priced here at OC A MERCERIZED $1.25 NEGLIGEE SHIRT PRICED ONLY 95c Another high-grade Negligee Shirt, made from a highly mercerized ma terial that looks like silk and wears much better Comes in plain tan, cream and white and with French cuffs and military collar rbest r $1.25 grade at .r 7jC MEN'S $1.50 SOISETTE NEGLIGEE SHIRTS PRICED AT $1.15 A;very comfortable warm weather shirt made with soft button-down col larsneat pocket and good pearl buttons. Ihey come in plain tan, Ai m cream and white every shirt has a Soisette label a $1.50 shirt, 4) ! ID Pacific Phone I All Purchases Prompt- j ' Home Phone Marshall 5080 ly Delivered to All Parts A-2112 of Portland, Vancouver and Oregon City Express and Parcel Post Packages Prepaid on $5.00 Purchases All Latest Styles in Ladies' Home Journal Patterns, 10c-15c Store Opens Daily at 8:30 a. m., on Saturdays 9 a. m. Store Closes Daily at 5:30 p. m., Saturdays at 6 p. m. THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Another Great Sale Women's i Charming Silk Dresses They Are Shown in Taffetas, Messalines, Plain and fi 1 QC Brocaded Crepe de Chine Values to $22.50, Choice D 1 1 O O Just 30 to be" sold at this low price, so don't delay your coming. The assortment includes the most charming styles with skirts made with frills, in minaret or tunic effects. They are made of the finest soft finished taffetas, messalines, plain or fancy brocades and are beauti fully finished. They come in navy, Copenhagen, blue, taupe, wis taria, tango, etc. Almost any size. Regular values (PI jj OtT up to $22.50 on sale at 0 1 I mOO THE NEW STYLE DUST COATS FROM $1.98 TO $7.90 EACH We have gathered for your inspection a full showing of the new .style Dust Coats they" come in linen, and' in mohair and linen, and in all desired lengths and sizes, in tan, gray, navy and black all prices from $1.98 up to $7.90. , eason UndLerpricing of Fine Woolen Bress Goods Early m:tmm-m. of Fabrics of the Most Reliable Qualities The marvelous skill of master minds in the weaver's art has produced Dress 'Goods of wondrous beauty for this season, and testifying to it are the fab rics in this sale.- In texture and in colorings they have never been equaled, and when such low prices are quoted the surprise grows that such high-grade fabrics can be sold for so little money. ( Those Who Heed This Sale Will Be Delighted With the Big Savings 49c for 75c Dress Materials A Special Under pricing 500 Yards No Samples Cut or Phone Or ders Filled at This Sale. Yard-Wide Satins The World's Best Lining Satins, Shown in Most Any Wanted Color Our fifn Standard $1.00 Quality, a Yard Uv Dressmakers and tailors as well as home sewers will be prompt to take advantage of this unusual underpricing of Belding Bros.' celebrated Lining Satins Included are all the . most wanted colors They come full 36 inches wide and' with a permanent lustrous finish Satins of standard quality, sold everywhere at $1.00 a yard. On sale tomorrow at 69c CI Q O YARD for Spring Coatings Jl.O" Worth From $2.50 to $3 You never had a better assortment to choose .from included are both plain and novelty weaves in an endless assortment of colors All seasonable weight coatings and all 56 inches wide $2.50 A OA and $3.00 grades priced at, yd. OlC AO- YARD for Silk and Wool Nov VOL elties in $1.25 to $2 Qualities Priestley's celebrated silk and wool novel ties, also Waffle Checked Novefties, Shad ow Plaids, Peftin Striped Worsteds, Shep herd Checks and many other 46 to 56-inch materials $1.25 to $2.00 grades, qq priced at, a yard. : jQC SI. 19 a Yard for S 1 . 5 0 Dress Goods Beautiful silk and wool Scintilla, another Priestley, fabric of soft, graceful weave, comes full 44 inches wide and shown in charming designs and colorings. 69c for SI. 00 Shep herd Checks Fine half-wool black and white Shepherd checks, in all size checks a durable, fash ionable fabric full 54 inches wide best $1.00 quality priced this sale at, a gf yard OlfC 42-inch half-wool black and-white checked and striped dress materials in the proper weights for spring and summer garments. Regular 75c grades, on sale at, Mr a yard 45JC 39c for 50c Dress Materials At this low price you have choice from both Waffle and Shepherd checked, half- wool materials, full 30 inches wide th kind regularly sold at for only . .". 50c a yard, 39c 42c FOR 50c AND 65c WOOL CHALLIES Hundreds of attractive and dainty, colorings in charming new designs fine All-Wool Challies, full 28 inchej wide, regular 50c and 65c qualities, specially priced for tomorrow's sale at 42c a yard. Don't Miss This Sale of Women's Dainty Undepmuslins Half Price A sale of Gowns, Combination Suits and Skirts, -made of high-grade crepe, nainsook and long- f cloth. Regular $1 kind, at tMHJfL THE COMBINATION SUITS are made of good quality nainsook and crepe in the popular princess, knickerbocker and circular styles. They come in either ' corset cover and skirt or corset; cover and drawers, neatly trimmed with fine embroideries, laces, ribbons. Shown in all sizes. THE GOWNS are made of fine crepe, nainsook and long-cloth in the popular slip-over style with short sleeves or. high and V neck, long sleeves. Neatly trimmed with fancy yokes, embroideries, laces and insertions. They are in extra good length and fullness. THE SKIRTS are made of high 'grade nainsook and long-cloth. They are neatly trimmed with deep flounces and laces, embroi dery or scalloped embroidery edge with dainty floral design. They come in the new narrow widths, also in fuller styles. These gar ments sell regularly at $1.0. Priced special for this sale at only. . 50c it Niagara Maid" Silk Gloves Two-clasp, double - tipped finjjers in black, white and all good colors,' of- FAp fered special at, pair tl"v Two-clasp, double - tipped finRers in black and white, at the low price of '7P 3 psiir Sixteen-button length, in black, white and all Rood colors, at the low Q-j AA price of, pair .i.. Sixteen-button length, extra' fine quality, in black and white, offered spe- (TA cial at, the pair.. JJ.JU Women's Fine Thread Silk Stockings FULL-FASHIONED STOCKINGS, MADE WITH DOUBLE HEEL, SOLE 7 1n AND TOE AND DOUBLE GARTER TOP $1.25 GRADE AT, PAIR OC 500 dozen pairs of strictly hgh-grade fine pure thread Silk Stockings, made with full fashioned leg and foot, double heef, sole, toe; and garter top all sizes in blacks-stockings that will please you in HQp every way the kind regularly sold at $1.25 a pair This sale at j. I Ol French Ivory Hair Brushes, Regular $3, $3.50 and 0- 1 tQ $4 Grades 3 1 aV O Here is your opportunity to secure a high-grade Hair Brush at a ridiculously low price. A fine lot of French ivory hair brushes made with solid, plain or concave backs, and good quality bris tles. Regular $3, $3.50 and $4 values. Priced while they last at $1.98 Hundreds and Hundreds of Yards of Crisp, New Embroideries Reduced! The constantly increasing popularity of dainty embroideries and the certainty that they will be in great demand this spring has induced us to make a strenuous effort in this display and sale, which in its variety is -wonderfully comprehensive. In this limited newspaper space we find it quite impossible to convey more than a slight idea of the beauty of the offerings, their daintiness and their unusual worth. A face-to-face inspection will compel admiration at once. VARIETY IS SURPRISINGLY LARGE. The designs are fascinating and they are new. Especially will the patterns in flouncings and corset 'cover embroideries appeal to women of critical taste. Exquisite, Embroideries for Dresses a yard for 45-inch fine Batiste Flouncings, worth to $1.25. a yard for 45-inch Crepe, Voile and Rice Cloth Embroideries to $1.50. a yard for 45-inch Crepe. Voile and Batiste 48c 59c I 7C Embroideries to $2.00. 3"j QQ a yard for 45-inch new Novelty Em PJL0 broidery, worth to $5.00. ' . (10 Q a yard for 45-inch riew Novelty Em pU broidery, worth to $7.50. yQ a yard for 27-inch fine Batiste Flouncings, tO V worth to $1.00. KQ yard for 27inch fine Batiste Flouncings, worth to $1.50. QQ a vard for 27-inch fine Crepe Voiles, in val OVK, ues to $1.75. y ; - 21 tOQ a yard for 27-inch Beautiful Novelty Em PX0 broidery, worth to $3.75. . : . Dainty Embroideries for Baby Clothes 1 fl a vard or 2 to 4-iQCh Baby Edges, in values lvt to 20c. f a yard for 3 to 7-inch Baby Edges, in values JLOlto 30c. - , - OKn a yard for 27-inch Bflby Flouncings, in values to 48c i yCr a yar or 27-inch Baby,' Flouncings, in val fxOiues to 85c Beautiful Embroideries for Underwear, 10c 15c 25c 39c a yard for 6 to 18-inch Bands, Insertions and Beadmgs, in values to 25c a yard for 6 to 18-inch Bands, Insertions and Beadings, in values to 35c a yard for 18-inch Flouncings and Corset Cover Embroideries, in values to 48c. - a yard for 18-inch Flouncings and Corset Cover, Embroideries, in. values to 75c : Braid Pins, 25c 1 Qr Grade at, Each 1 J This is a sale of plain and fancy Braid Fins they come in large or medium size in either shell or demi-amber colors. Neatly set with bril liants. Regular 25c "I Qp grade, on sale at, each J-UK A Sale of Ready-Made Stamped Gowns, Reg. $1 Grade, for JQr Tomorrow at I v For this sale we offer a well made stamped Nightgown of fine Quality silk-finished ba tiste, all finished except the embroidery work. Twelve new patterns to select from. Regular $1.00 grade. HQf Priced tomorrow at.. I U file Out-of-the-Ordinary Purchase and Sale Manufacturer's Odd Lot Curtains Less Than Cofet ALL NEW STYLES IN SCOTCH LACE, BOBBINET AND SCRIM, IN WHITE, CREAM AND ARABIAN BEST WIDTHS IN 2 AND 3 YARD LENGTHS CURTAINS OF $1.5041.75 QUALITY, PR. A very important and op portune sale of desirable new Curtains, coming as it does just at a time when housekeepers are busy with Spring cleaning. It is a great special purcnase oi manufacturers' odd lots, 2 to 12 pairs of a kind. The assortment includes a great variety of styles in Scotch lace, bobblnet and scrim. Many attractive styles with lace edge and inserting. They come in white, cream and Arabian, in good widths and 22 and 3 yards long. AH are crisp, new curtains that were made to Q0r sell regularly at $1.50 and $1.75 a pair. All priced for this sale at, a pair. . .L Lot Two Consists of Some 800 Pairs of Scotch Lace, Madras and Cable Net Curtains ALSO IN BOBBINET AND SCRIM THE SEASON'S BEST STYLESjfr 1 OA IN $2.25 TO $3.00 QUALITIES TAKE YOUR CHOICE AT ONLY 1 ,07 In this assortment you will find an unlimited variety of styles in Scotch Lace, Madras Lace, Cable Net, Robbinet and Scrim they come from 36 to 50 inches wide and in desired lengths and they are shown in white, cream and ecru. Curtains that sell regu- OA larly from $2.25 to $3.00 a pair On sale tomorrow at, the pair vl0l REGULAR 25c AND 35c CURTAIN SCRIM SPECIAL NOW ONLY 21c YARD An unsurpassed showing and sale of severai hundred yards of plain and fancy Scrims and m aa. .a . a Marquisette curtaming do to 4U-incn wiatns,. in various styles with colored or open OV work borders, etc. Regular 25c and 35c qualities This sale at, the yard mXC '1 ' filial ' Gold Beauty Pins, 25c Grade, Priced 1 T This Sale, Pair IOC For tomorrow we place on sale a fine lot of gold Beauty Pins. They come in small and medium sizes and only a f few of each style. They are shown with two on a card and sell regularly at ICp 25c. On sale at, pair AOi Tango Dress Shields, 50c Grade, on Afiy Sale for, Pair tUC For this sale we offer a fine lot of Tango Dress Shields they are made . with net sleeves in the SQtiare cut style. An excellent garment shield.' Reg. 50c grade, flr This sale v pa.-'-"v Sale Women's and Misses9 Fashionable JxTew "Mary Jane" and Other Popular One and Two-Strap Models Regular $3.00 and $3.50 Grades Included are the popular Patent and. Gunmetal "-Mary Jane" Pumps; also dull kid, patent and sukor velvet one and two-strap styles, in both English and short vamp, round-toe models. Many are shown with hand-turned l hey are high-grade pumps that sell fiJ-lQ Here at..P.0 soles. regularly at $3.00 and $3.50 pair. Women's, Misses' "BXary Janp" Pumper THE LATEST SHORT, BROAD TOE STYLES, PATENT LEATHER fl 1 AO ALL SIZES THE VERY BEST $2.50 GRADE PRICED AT, PAIR 3)1 .IfO Another worthy underpriced offering of the most popular style footwear 300 pairs of wo men's and misses' "Mary Jane" Pumps-r the very latest broad toe styles with gros grain bow and ankle strap and they are made of a guaranteed patent leather all sizes 4 QQ Pumps that are sold everywhere at $2.50 a pair. This sale at......... wlttu Infants', Misses', Children's, Women's "Mary Janes," Patent, Velvet, Dull Leathers Infants'.in sizes 1 to 5, at '...$1.00 Pair I Child's, in sizes By2 to 11, at.. . .S1.75 Pair Infants', in sizes to 8, at....$1.2S Pair i Misses', tn sizes 11V to 2 at. . .$1.08 Pair Women's, in sizes from 24 to 6, at. .....$2.48 a Pair ' will be through a tunnel. 1 A'. 'ft i