The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    Lfocialand Personal rx&sg
Mrs. William B. Hare were
Joint hosteaaea thla afternoon
at a charming ' and unique
bridge te at the Home of Mrs. J.
Coulsen Hare Id Caruthera atreet.
All the appointments of the affair
were carried out aa a "Blue Bird"
party, with decorations in blue, the Iris
and aweet peaa being used with quan
tities of fern and greenery and drop
ping down amid .their j&owera on in
visible wires were pretty little blue
birds of celluloid, their vivid coloring
making a charming effect. There were
seven tables at bridge, and a dainty
collation was served at the card
Three out of town visitors received
with the hostesses, Mrs. Frank Hettle
mflr of Woddburn, Or.. Mrs. J. W.
Haddler of Aurora, Or., and Miss Fay
Wade of Enterprise. Or.
An especially enjoyable feature of
the afternoon's entertainment were the
violin selections by Miss Marie Chap
man, accompanied by Mrs. R. A. Hoi
lenbeck on the piano.
Mrs. Thompson Hostess at Bridge
3even tables at bridge with a num
ber of additional guests coming in for
tea made up a most enjoyable affair
of last Friday afternoon, at . which
Aim. K. I... Thompson presided at her
charming Portland Heights home. A
riotous combination of dainty hued
spring flowers, for-get-me-nots, yellow
lrts and light pink rosebuds and car
nations, made up the decorations of the
rooma. Assisting about the rooms were
Mrs. William A. Ma Rae, Mrs. Lewis j
Thompson, and Mrs. John L. Hartman.
At the tea table the following matrons
presided. Sirs. Holt I. Wilson, Mrs.
William C. Alvord. Mrs. William H.
Skene and Mrs. James V. Hart.
Mrs. Appleby Hostess at the Auto
mobile Club.
Mrs. James Edwin Appleby waa a
charming hostess Thursday afternoon
when she entertained a number of
friends at a bridge luncheon at the
Automobile club. The lovely yild flow
ers of the season decked the club
house most artistically and appropri
ately. Mrs. Jack Marshall Yates and
Mrs. T. J. Baldwin held the highest
honors at cards. The guests Included:
Mrs. W. J Clemens, Mrs. Frank E.
Watkins, Mrs. George W. Kletser. Mrs.
E. W. Appleby, Mrs. Ben Trenkman,
Mrs. W. B. Hare, Mrs. J. Coulsen Hare,
Mrs. Theodore Jones, Mrs. Frank But
ler, Mn. Banford B. Whiting, Mrs.
William T. Pangle. Mrs. T. J. Baldwin,
Mrs. M. H Indie, Mrs. Clifford Irwin,
Mrs. W. Burne. Mrs. Robert Berger,
Mrs. Roland Goddard, Mrs. W. Arnold
Lindsey, Mrs. Jack M. Yates, Mrs.
Johnson. Mrs. D. M. Stuart. Mrs. N.
O McCorkle and Mrs. Walter Mc
Cred'e. Dinner Host.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. "Wright were
dinner hosts last Saturday evening at
the Hotel Benson In the crystal dining
room. Covers were laid for Mr. and
Mn. Henry W. Fries, Mr. and Mrs,
George A. Housman, Dr. and Mrs. D
H. Rand, Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Wright,
R. W. Schmeer and the host and host
Jeff erson "High School Banquet.
A banquet to tho Merry Widow caat
of Jefferson high school was held in
the college room of the Hazel wood
Saturday night May 2. Those present
were: Carl Rochat, Eugene Thurmond,
, Lillian Porter, GUnn 8tanton, Dudley
Tobm, Stu Pratt. Tumir Nell, Helen!
Downing, Allen Cutler, Flawnice Kll
ltngaworth, Mary Vhyncent Daniels, Er
na'Rlce, Victory Tootern Phelps, Lo
rettl Dowllng, Earl .1. Goode, Wallace
Strong, Frances Clarke, Ross Mac
Xenna, John Wyvllle Sheehy and I. A.
Malendy. '
AVhite.lnz Wedding.
A very pretty wedding was solem
nized Thursday evening, April 30, at
the home of the bride's parents. Mr.
nd Mrs. Adolph Ienz, 1196 East Thir
tieth street, north, when their daugh
ter. Miss Bessie, became the bride of
Harry A. White, Rev. Charles B. El
liott officiating. The rooms were
prettily decorated with palms, ferna
and 'flowers. The bride was charm
ingly gowned in white satin elaborated
with lace and pearl trimmings, and her
bouauet was a shower of Bride's
roaes and liluea of the Valley. Fol
lowing the ceremony a reception was
held and a buffet supper was strved
Th counle waa attended by the
bride's Bister. Miss Jesse Lenz, and
William Seaburg. Miss Violet Gray
on played the wedding march. About I
E0 guests attended the ceremony.
Pretty Home Wedding.
A pretty home wedding was cele
brated last Wednesday at the home of
Mra. Gurdie Bayh, wheo her daughter,
Ruth Guthrie waa married to Alex
Charles Redman. Miss Muriel Lucas
waa bridesmaid and George St. Marie
' was best man. Rev. E. H. Clark offi
ciated and the Episcopal ring was used.
The bridal party came In 'the parlor
to the strains of Mendelssohn's wed
ding march, played by Miss LilPan
8hut5ert. The bride was given In mar
riage by her mother. Miss L,ura Marie
Wilson, a cousin of the bride, from
Salem, aang "Because," after the cere
mony light refreshments were served
and the Messrs. C. V. and Max Minor
furnished the music for the entire eve
ning. The happy couple departed
Thursday morning for a fortnight's
honeymoon and will return after May
10 and will be at home to their friends
in their pretty new, home at 329 East
Forty-fifth atreet.
New Arrival.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Crossftian Abbot
of 664 East Salmon street, are receiv
Ing the congratulations of their friends
upon the arrival May l or a DaDy toy.
Y. L. 8. Girls to Entertain.
On Thursday evening. May 7, the
Y. L. 3. Girls Will give a unique affair
entitled, "Carnival of Nations," at Co
lumbus club auditorium, Williams ave
nue and Morris street.
Birthday Honored.
Saturday evening between 60 and 60
Intimate friends of Henry KTuger gath
red at his new home near Hillsdale
to celebrate the anniversary of 'his
birthday. The evening was spent with
games and refreshments.
Parish at Home.
The Ladles of ' the St. Rose Darlsh
Rose City Park, will give a. Sard party
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Fred Lichtenberger,
1364 Alameda drive.
Madeline Parish to Entertain.
The womeji of the Madeline parish
cordially Invite their friends to a card
, social and promenade party Wednes
, day. May 6, at 8 p. m.. in the Parish
ball. East Twenty-fourth and Siskiyou
streets. Five hundred will be played
. and Mrs. J. F. Clarkaon, Miss M.
,enm ana Mrs. h. j. Luckett will be
.in charge of the card room.- The re
; f frasbjnent committee cpnslsta of Mra.
Mrs J. Coulsen Hare, who was aj
nostess tma aiternoon at an
charming bridge tea which was j
distinctive as a Blue cira i
T. J. Seufert, Mrs. T. J. Murphy and
Mrs. J. N. Casey. Presiding at the
coffee urna will be Mrs. Joseph Cronan,
Mrs. I. Lawler, Mrs. John Clark and
Mrs. C. J. B. Matarkey.
Society Notes.
MrB. Squire Farrar, formerly of Sa
lem but now a resident-of Portland,
left on the Breakwater for Marehfleld
to vlalt several months with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Robert N. Kellogg.
Mrs. Godfrey P. Schurz was the
week end guest of Miss Kva Gentry at
Waldo hall, O. A. C. While there aha
attended the freshmen's annual party
and a musical and tea at the Delta '
Omega house.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Robert Havlor
(Fay Hendershott) are at home to their 1
many friends at the Chetopa annex.
Mrs. W. J. Furnish lias returned
home from Great Falls, Mont., where
she passed a month visiting her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
ibtewart J. Moore (Kathleen Furnish).
By Jessie Roberts.
a woman wnn a iurn lor art wno i
has not the talent for painting and
who does not care for Interior deco
rating might do worse than become
a profesional photographer. There
are several women who are making ,
a good income at the work. It Is
one of the professions where a woman
need not fear the competition of men.
She has only to show her fitness.
Some women make a specialty of
photographing children, either in
their own homes Or in the studio. It
paye wen. i
it you mean to taKe tnis work up
you must first take a course in the
technical part, and then. 'experiment
with the- artistic side. The prob
lems of light nd shade, the possi
bilities of pose, the way to bring out
good points in your subject, the ar
rangement of groups, the flow of dra
peries there are a thousand details
to each picture.
landscape work for Illustrating ar
ticles and stories is another branch.
and city pictures. Interiors, country
homes, reproductions of old tintypes,
all are greatly In demand. Photog
raphy Is one of the growing arts.
Its possibilities are increasing day by
tiay, and an enthusiast will find new
paths to travel. The new color work
is a branch in itself, and an exquis
ite ope.
Small capital is needed to start
a good machine being the -chief ex
pense as home work can be done
until a studio Is secured. Infinite
patience is an essential, but women
possess this when It comes to work
they care for. As your reputation
grows you can charge big prices for
the pictures you make. One woman
I know has a studio In New York and
another in Ixndon. with a large pri
vate clientele, who pay wonderfully.
Future juries that are held over
night In circuit court cases will not
be taken to hotels unless too many
urles atje deliberating during the we
sma' hours at one time. The quarters
which have been in course of con
struction on the seventh floor of the
east w Ing of the courthouse where the
Jail was located prior to the comple
tion of the west wing have been com
pleted and 26 single beds, enough to
accommodate two Juries and their
bailiffs are ready for occupancy.
Journal Want. Ads bring results.
& King
In the Basement
Hat Shapes Tflrr
Worth $3 . . . V
Millinery Flow- gjr
ers, Bunch ...
. ..I..-,.. ....... v .... .... " , - II
till Af Tanllitin Clamne Will RoTlusn All All Phtllinn A 4faawta If DMt lit Cnll twm Daam h a 1Alh Y7l--tt Dmaim I en DmmIm. ?M...s,St. IMmmm I
-Af Tanllitin Clamne
tCJrSi. uiuu uu9
Special 25c Lunch Served Dally in the Basement Soda Fountain
With Cash Purchases in All De
partments Except Groceries
Baisemgimtt g6IL(D)pecfiail99 Sadies TMacpirrow
75c Middy Blouses 39c
BASEMENT Girls' and Misses'
Middy Blouses of good quality
white materials, tnmmea witn
contrasting colors; sizes OQ-,
18 to 20. Special price JC
$1.50 UngerieWaist $1.10
BASEMENT Special purchases
of 100 dozen reautiful new Lin
gerie Waists, shown in great as
sortment of styles and all sizes.
These are our regulaifl 1 A I
$1.50 Waists. Special JL.SV I
$25 Spring Suits
Women's and Misses' new
Spring Suits serviceable,
plain tailored styles and ma
terial. All sizes.
$3 Dress Skirts at $1.98
BASEMENT Women's new
spring Dress Skirts in stylish
new mixtures and handsome col
orings. Garments selling ordinar
ily at 3.00. Now spe- QO
cially priced at only.. 31S0
$1 Wash Petticoats 49c
BASEMENT Made from good
dependable was materials, and
shown in neat stripe patterns.
Regular 7 5c and $1.00 Pet- AQ-
cS.ts. Wednesday sped
ai Tf.
$10 & $15 Coats
Odd lines Women's and
Misses' rlew spring Coats in
splendid styies for general
wear. $10 to $15 Coats.
Special $4.95.
Poplin Dresses at $7.48
BASEMENT Only a limited
number of these attractive
dresses to zo at this price. Good
range -of colors and patterns; all
nicely made. Special- AO
Iv priced Wednesday at vlttC
Odd Waists Now at 59c
BASEMENT Broken lines and
odd lots summer Waists in white
and colors. Slightly soiled and
mussed. These are CQ
regular $1.50 Waists. Sp"l. OUQ
Smart New Coats
Women's new spring Coats in
checks, p4ain weaves and
fancy mixtures. Shown in
many smart styles. At $9.98.
$15 Spring Suits $6.95
BASEMENT Jus 4 3 suits in
this lot; well made and perfect
fitting. Mostly plain tailored
styles. $15 Suits, special, $6.95.
$2 Petticoats Now at 69c
BASEMENT Great one-day sale
Women's Cotton Petticoats at
less than half price. Full assort
ment of wanted colors.' On
sale Wednesday special atU-JC
$1.75 Parasols
Women's fancy Parasols in as
sorted colors and patterns.
Grades selling usuany at $l.5o
and $1.75. Now at 98c each.
Shoes Shined at 5c a Pair
BASEMENT Men's, Women's
and children's bract or tan shoes
will be polished all day tomorrow
in tne basement pariors at C
special, he pair.
Basement Sale of Home Needs
2-ft. 8-in, by. 6-ft. 8-in. Stained Screen Doors, complete, for only Sl.OO
2-ft. 8-in. by 6-ft. 8-in. Fancy Doors, complete with trimmings, 81.85
12x23-inch Window Screens 18
15x33-inch Window Screens 22
25 Feet Half-Inch Rubber Hose, With Nozzle, $2.47
83c Grass Catchers at only 67
Revolving Sprinklers only 81.13
Ring' Sprinklers on sale at 54
10-quart Galvan. "Sprinklers 63
Glassware Now on Sale
Glass Tumblers at only,' each 2
Thin-Blown Tumblers, each 3f
7-piece Berry. Sets for only 59:
Water Sets jug, 6 tumblers 98
Will Do'lZtvsn All All fhaiinA Aaannnle II Dmlt
wwaas vuw,u vu
1 - "
Benntole Tiradllimsi Sttaunmps
Long Lisle Gloves 39c Pair.
BASEMENT Women's 1 6-button
length lisle Gloves in black, white
and full line of all colors. Sizes
SVi to Y. Regular 50c OQ-
Gloves. Wednesday, the pair
Handkerchiefs Now for 2c
BASEMENT Women's plain white
Handkerchiefs with trimmed bor
der. Fine sheer auartty. Priced O-
extra SDecial Wednesday, each few
Kerchiefs, Box of Three 9c j
BASEMENT Children's Handker
chiefs of good lawn plain or with
initial in corner. Put up 3 in a
9c I
neat box. Spec'l Wednesday, bx
Knit Vests
At 9c
Women's sleeveless Cotton Vests,
finely woven and nicely finished.
Full assortment of all sizes. 12 lA
cent Vests, at 9c Each.
12V2C Cotton Hose for 9c
BASEMENT Women's i2ISc Cot
ton Hose, priced very low for one
day's selling. Fast black, aoufcie Q
heels and toes. Wednesday, pr. JJC
35c Silk Boot Hose for 25c
BASEMENT Women's stylish Silk-
Boot Hosiery in black, tan and white.
Double heel and toe. Regular or
3 5c grade. Priced, the pairuC
35C Union Snf t
At 25c
Women's fine Cotton Union Suits
in regular and out sizes. Low
neck, sleeveless knee and ankle
50c Union Suits for.37Ve
BASEMENT Women's lisle finish
Union Suits. Low neck and sleeve
less, with tight or lace trimmed
knee. All sizes. Regular o 71
65c Union
Suits for
BASEMENT Women's ribbed sum
mer Union Suits perfect fitting
and nicely trimmed. Low neck.
sleeveless, lace trimmed, of tight
knee. All sizes. Regular
65c grade. Wednesday at.
15c Knit Vests at
At 11c
100 dozen Women's sleeveless
summer Vests On sale tomor
row at above puice. Full line of
all sizes. Regular 15c grade.
50c Suitings, a Yard 19c
BASEMENT 36-inch Mixed . Suit
ings for skirts, dresses and chil
dren's wear. Splendid assortment
of all colors. Regu?ar 50c
grade. Special tomorrow, yd. 1C
85c Pongee Silks, Yard 49c j
BASEMENT Genuine imported
Pongee Silks, in rich natural shades.
24 inches wide and good weight.
Regular 85c grade. Special JQ
for tomorrow, the yard. .... xiC
$1.00 Pongee Silks, Yd. 59c
BASEMENT Very des?ra?le weight
for summer dresses. Shown in nat
ural shade only, and 33 inches wide.
Regular 1.00 Po:.gee. Spe-CQ
cial for tomorrow at, the yard u9C
$1.25 Pongee Silks, Yd. 69c
BASEMENT Splenc?a heavy qual-
ity for summer Suits, Coats, Dresses,
etc. snown in natural coiorcil
and full 3 3 inches wide. Yard1
18x33-inch Window Screens 27
Screen Meat Safes on sale at 99
60c Willow Clothes Baskets on
special sale , tomorrow at 39
"Yankee Cleaner'" for woodwork
and paint, . regular 50c can 39c
at Special Reduced Prices
Sale Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets.
42-pitfce Sets on sale, at 81.98
50-pieceuSets on sale $ 2.99
60-piece t Sets ' on sale ' at 3.99
aaa,u, nvvvuuw aa a sua
- .... . - ... ... - - . - -
Reliable Merchandise
Stora Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M- Every
Child's $3.50 Shoes $1.59 1
BASEMENT 1500 pairs Children's
Shoes in this great offer. All the
wanted leathers aa styles. Sizes
range from 55 to 8. rA
Shoes worth to 15.50, at $ld7
Women's Juliets
At 98c
Shown In good assortment of col
ors, and all have Rubber Heels.
Double Trading Stamps with all
:ash purchases tomorrow.
Women's $4 Shoe, at J 1.69
BASEMENT 2000 pairs of Wom
en's and Misses Shoes at a sensa
tional low price. Populaf styles and
leathers. Worth . up to
4.00. Special, per pair
Children's Sandals for 49c
BASEMENT Children's Barefoot
Sandals -for warm weather. Sizes 7
to 8. Special at, the pair 49c
Sizes 9 to 11, special, the pair.. 59c
Sizes 12 to 2, special, the pair. .69c
jj Price
Hundreds of Remnants, odds and
ends and short lengths Drapery
materials, ' scrims, cre
tonnes, silkolines, etc., on sale at
I S1 Suitings at, a Yard 59c
BASEMENT 44 to 54-inch Check
Suitings for dresses, coats, skirts,
etc. Splendid weight and stancrard
$1.00 grade. On special sale CQ
tomorrow at, the yard. . . . . aafC
$1 Corduroys, a Yard 59c
BASEMENT 3 0-inch Corduroys for
women s and children s coats, dress
skirts, etc. Shown in a good assort
ment of patterns. Kegular
Jl.OO grade. Specl, yard.
85c Fancy Silks
At 39c
1500 yards of beautiful Novelty
Silks for summer uresses, waists,
petticoats, trwnmings. Silk
worth up to 85c.
Pongora Silks, a Yard 48c
BASEMENT 3 6-inch Pongora Silks
a pretty," soft fabric for summer
frocks. Shown in fancy patterns
and various colors. On spe- -I Q
cial sale Wednesday, tnt yard IOC
24-in. Silk Poplins for 48c
BASEMENT One of the most serv
iceable of summer materials. Shown
in black and full assortment of col
ors. 24 inches wide, spe
cial Wednesday, the yard.
42-In. Albatross
At 59c
Sold everywhere s 75c a yard.
AH pure wool, and shown in full
range of newest colors, 59c yard
I 36-in. Henriettas, Yard 49c !
BASEMENT Medium v.eight, soft,
and makes up bearfully for'sum-
mer dresses, waists, -etc. 3 6-inch
Henriettas in all warrreur cot-
ors. Special tomorrow, yard f C
I 15c Figured Lawns, Yd. 9c
I BASEMENT Special Wednesday
I sale of dainty figured lawns Hun-
I areas 01 yaras in mis asrori- q .
I ment. Regular 15c grades, yard 7l
"Notion Day" at
These items also on sale in the No
tion Dept. the remainder of week.
John J. Clark's Spool Cotton, in
white onjy, all sizes, special 2JAt
10c Cube Pins, white only, at 5
10c Shell Hairpins, the- box. T
Regular 5c Needles, now 2 for 5e
10c 100-yard Spool Silk now 5f
2c Darning Cotton, spodX at
8c large size Curling Irons at 5
10c Mother's Ironing Wax at 5
15c Child's Hose Supporters 10
25c to 35c Barrettes- now for lO
5c White Linen Tape at, bolt 3f
15c Twilled Tape, 24 yards, at IO
10c Collar Stays, six on card,-5
5c,; Wire -Coat. Hangers at only 3
In Cnll fin w Daam h a
aaa a uti vtm ui uuuic sate
. .....
and Ice Cream Parlors
Reliable Methods
Busiaeaa Day Saturday Included
Girls' Overalls Now at 45c
BASEMENT Made of rood quality
blue dnim or khaki, with rib and
red or blue trimmings. Sizes 2 to 6
years. On special sale for
Wednesday only at, the pair.
Girls' Bloomers Now at 21c
BASEMENT Girls black Sateen
Bloomers, in sizes from 2 to 12
years. Mothers should take advan
tage of this low price. Spe-Ot
cial for Wednesday, the pair fell
Child's 75c Rompers at 39c
BASEMENT Buy the Children's
Rompers here tomorrow at a re
duced price. Excellent quality ma
terials, sizes 2 to 6 years.
50c to 7 5c grades, special
Reg. SI Corsets
At 59c
Splendid new models for average
figure. Hose supporters attached
and perfect fittmg. Sizes 19 to
30. See these. -
25c Brassieres Now at 19c
BASEMENT Special nne of new
style Braissieres on sale for one day.
Good materials, and well made.
Sizes 19 to 30. Regular 25c
Braissieres, special at. . . .
50c Brassieres Now at 29c
BASEMENT Women's new model
Brassieres in several attractive
styles. Nicely trimmed, and good
grade materials. Regular 50cA
qualities. Special at C
Front Lace Corsets
SI. 48
Made of fine quality coutil.
Shown in splendid new model?
Four hose supporters attached.
Embroidery trimmed. Sizes up
to 30. Choice, $1.48.
I 2 w"h Dree' for 98c
BASEMENT Children's dainty
Wash Dresses of percales, ginghams,
etc. Several very attractive styles.
Ages 6 to 14. Regular $ 1.2 5 flO
to 2.00 Dresses, special it VOL
Children's Waists Now 10c
BASEMENT Children's good heavy
Muslin Waists ana Drawers for
summer wear. Sizes from 2
to 12 years. Special at. . .
85c White Skirts
At 55c
Women's White Petticoats, of
good quality muslin, and nicely
trimmed. Regular 85c grade. On
sale tomorrow at 55c Each.
Full-Size Spreads Now 95c
BASEMENT On sare for one day
only at this price. Full size white
hemmed Bedspreads in attrac- AC.
tive patterns. Special at. . . . OC
36x42 Pillow Cases for 10c
BASEMENT These are made of
good heavy muslin, and nicely
hemmed. Size 36x42 inches in-
Full bleached. For one day at AUC
Mill Ends Plisse, a Yard 11c
BASEMENT Mill ends Colored
Plisse for summer dresses, etc. 28
inches wide. AM wanted col- 1 1
ors. Special tomorrow only 11 C
Mill Ends Foulards at 11c
BASEMENT Manufacturers' .mill
ends Wash Foulards, jn beautiful as
sortment of patterns and 11.
colorings. For one day, yard 11C
IheBargain Circle, Main Floor
Combs and Barrettes, worth up to
50c. on special sale at, each 10
Dressmakers' Pins. '4-pound boxes,
sizes 4 and 5. special, only 15
5c Pins. 400 on paper, only ?y4
15c Nainsook Dress Shields, sizes
2. 3 and 4, special at only !Oe
25c Sanitary Belts for only 15
25c Silk Dress Shields only 18
25c Sanitary Aprons at only 18
10c Hair Nets, with or without
elastic, now on sale, 5 for IO
25c Sterling Skirt Markers at 19
10c Wooden Skirt Hangers at 8
10c "Soil-Off Dry Cleaner at 8
10c Pearl Buttons at. the card 5
5c Hooks and. Eyes, the card 2
1Alh XTtiit DmABMlmn Dn.ln, 1?. rioa
tviu a tcuiiuiu a
in the Basement Furniture on Third Floor
With Cash Purchases In All
Departments oi the Store
Groceries Alone Excepted!
25c-35c Plaitings Now 15c
BASEMENT Hundreds of yards of
stylish new Plaitings, in whote,
cream, ecru and Mack. Net or
25c to 35c grades, yard .
25c to 3 5c grades, yar. .
Mill Ends Veilings
At 10c
High-grade Silk Veilings in one
yard lengths. lack and wonted
colors. Worth up to 50c each.
50c Allover Laces Now 19c
BASEMENT Choice assortment of
Allover Laces, In white or ecru.
Many attractive patterns. Grades'
selling usually at 35c to 50c. in
Special Wednesday, the yard Xtk
25c Fancy Ribbons for 18c
BASEMENT NoveTty ribbon, in a
great variety of patterns. Also plain
silk ribbons in;5 and 6 inch widths.
Regular 25c grades, special t
Wednesday, at, the yard. . . IOC
Velvet Ribbons
V2 Price
Again tomorrow ve prace on sale
more of those beautiful Velvet
Ribbons. All widths and colors.
While they last, special H Price.
Torchon Laces, a Yard 3c
BASEMENT 2000 yards fine Tor
chon Laces edgesi ana insertions-
in medium widths, for summer
dresses and lingeries. Priced
very special at, a yard. . . . .
35c Flouncings, Yard 19c
BASEMENT Dainty Shadow Lace'
Flouncings in scores of beautiful
patterns. Full widths. Grades
worth up to 3 5c. On special Q
sale Wednesday at, the yard AC
18x36 Salb Towels
Full Bleached Bath Towels. Size
18x36 inches, and good heavy
quality. Hemmed ends. On sale
tomorrow at 11c Each.
25c Embroidery Now at 8c
BASEMENT Mill ' Ends Embroidery
Insertions and Edges, in hundreds of
dainty patterns. Lcngms up to 0
10 yards. Worth to 25c. Yard OC
5c and 10c Laces, Yard 2c
BASEMENT Valenciennes Lace In
sertions, in daintiest of patterns for
lingerie and fancy work. Regit- J
lax 5 c and 10c Qualities. Yard C
32-ln. Seersucker
32-inch Seersucker a popular
summer wash fabric. .Shown in
wanted colors. Offered extra,
special in the Basement. Yard,
10c Toilet Paper Now at 5c
BASEMENT Not more than 5 rolls
sold to a customer. Full 1000-sheet
rolls, and fine, soft tissue. No tele
phone orders'filled. Special far ff
tomorrow at only, roll OC
Vacuum Cleaners at $4:29
BASEMENT Our famous "Cold
en Rod" Vacuum Cleaners on sale
a Rain tomorrow at low A OQ
price. Easy to operate vttV
10c Bias Seam Tape, the bolt 5
10c Wilson Dress Fasteners at 6
25c Twine Shopping Bags at 19
5c Hairpin Cabinets at only 4
15c Cube Pins, all colors, how 5
5c Bone Hairpins, the card 2$
5c Collar Buttons, the card 2
Sale Kleinerts Dress Shields
20c No. 2 Featherweight now 15
22c No. 3 Featherweight now IT
25c No. 4 Featherweight now 20
30c No. 5 Featherweight now 23
24c No. 2 Gem Dress Shields 16
27c No. 3 Gem Dress Shield 20
30c No. 4 Gem Dress Shield 23
35c No. 5 Gem Dress Shields 25
caa luta, ffUUriil ClWVl ft
. - s
With Cash Purchases in All De
partments Except Groceries
Men's 25c Hose for' 15c
Lisle Hose. Warranted fast col
ors. Double heel tend r toe.
standard 25c Hose any
1 wv
where. Tomorrow, pair.
Men's $1 Union Suits 69c
BASEMENT Great bargain . of-
iciing in men;s spnog weight
Union Suits. Standard $1.00
quality, in a fuD line, of all
sizes. Special sale, it only 03C
Men's 25c Ties at 12'c
BASEMENT 13alf price for 600
Ties a sale you should not miss.
Good assortment or colors and
patterns. Men's 2 5 -cent Four-in-Hand
Ties. On 10lA
special sale: at onry. 12C
Boys $1 Pants at 79c
BASEMEXT Boys' good quality
Cordurcy Pants. Made to stand
hard setrvice. Cut In full stand
ard sizes. Regular $1-00 7fj
grades. Special, per pair VC
50c Underwear
Men's Spring weight Balbrig
gan Shirts an orawers, in all
sizes. Stands ra 50c grade at
37 He.
Boys 75c Knickers 49c
BASEMENT 200 pairs Boys
Knickerbocker Pants of excellent
quality tweed and corduroys.
Serviceable colorings. Reg-Jn
ular 7 5c Pants. At, pairSfC
Boys' $1 Wash Suits 59a
BASEMENT Children's Summer
Wash Suits, much under the reg
ular price for tomorrows telling.
Sizes zVi to 8 years. Reg-CO.
ular 75c to 1.00 Suits, atOC
Boys' S5 Salts
Special lot of Boys' Suits,
which sold formerly at 4.00
and 5.00 Ages 6 to 16. At
tractive patterns.
$1 Sample Shirts at 35c
BASEMENT Manufacturer's
sample line Boys . Shirts- only
one or two of a kind. Full as
sortment of all sizes. Shirts OCA
worth to 1.00. Tomorrow JjC
35c Wash Blouses at 23c
BASEMENT Buy the boys' Sum
mer Blouses here tomorrow at a
saving. Extra good quality wash
materials, in neat patterns. ,
Regular 35c Waists, only. . JC
Sample Curtains
At 25c
3 50 sample Curtains to be
closed out at 25c each. Beau
tiful new patterns. Curtains
worth up to 1.00. On sale
tomorrow special, 25c Each.'
25c Scrims, the Yard 18c
BASEMENT Special Wednesday
sale of Curtain Scrims,- in both
white and ecru. Choice assort-,
ment of patterns. Regular v
25c grades. Special, yard IOC
Reg. $1:50 Rugs for 95c
BASEMENT S4xzr-tnch Tapes
try Kugs, in several good pat
terns, and rich colorings. Nice
sizefor any room in the ft r
house. 1.50 Rugs. At iOC
19c Shoe Trees Only 10c
BASEMENT Another great sale
of Shoe Trees In the Underprice
Store tomorrow. Regular 1 A
19c kinds. On sale at. ea. 1UC
Regular 20c Burlap, at 15c Yard
Yaxley Vacuum Cleaners, S7.9S
58-inch Table Damask, Yurd 26c,
Center Circle Specials
Min Floor Women's regular 50c
Black Lisle Hose. Spe- QC,
cial, Wednesday, the pair OtlL
Women's 25c Black Cotton " Q
and Lisle Hose, the pair XJC
Women's Black and White Lisle
Hose, in regular and out- OCrt
sizes. Special at, the pak
Women's 50c and 65c Union
Women's 50c and 65c Union Afr
Suits, on sale tomorrow at
Sl.25 Sleeveless Union Smts.rfTy
on sale tomorrow, at only
35c Sleeveless Cotton and OKi
Lisle Vests- on sale at only
25c Sleeveless Vests. V or
25c Sleeveless Vests, V or "I K
square neck special sale af
$125 and $1.50 "Knicker- QTA
bockers. 'on sale at onir WUv
... . . : , . . - - . . . . . .-.?
-. .... V