The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1914, Page 20, Image 20

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most in the fall gainer, which I
water to llht green racing tights.
The act is given an effective interior
setting with tilted mirrors placed be
hind the tank so that the surface of
the water is visible. Unfortunately
Miss Marshall was not distinguished
in any way from the other five girls
but a few dives and there was no
question as to which was she.
She has Improved wonderfully in
diving form and stage presence since
her Portland friends first saw her on
the professional stage. Her plain
back-dive, her standing, sitting stand
ing, then back somersault, her cut off
and a number of others won ner
instant recognition, but she scored
deville up to date;.. and Cornalla A
Wilbur, tie. two Tommy - Atkins and
motion picture. ' ,
- a '
Paris, . May 6. Edna Goodrich, one
of Nat Goodwin's ex-wives, announced
her retirement from the stage to live
in Paris with-her mother.
Botarlana Xlgblr Pleased.
Members of the Rotary club are
congratulating themselves today over
their capacity liouse at the Hellig last
evening for The Honeymoon Express."
The success of the -.evening assures
Rotary convention at Houston, Texas.
After the first act' President English
made a brief address in which he ex
pressed the club's gratitude for the
splendid support given and explained
the ideals of the club to be furthering
Interest In public affairs and coopera
tion with other organizations working
in the same direction.
Fourth ana Couch streets. The Paris
several weeks she has been HI. It Is
not known whether the woman delib
erately walked Into the water with
suicidal intent, or was wandering
she Is tne only woman on
the stage . to do. It is a leap
from the spring board out in the air
and a flip toward, instead of away
from the board, in which she endan
gers life at every dive. Miss Mayer
appears later in the act and supple
ments the work of the girls with spec
tacular diving of. her own. Her high
dive from a trapese was a thriller.
Next in favor was Musette, the
dancing violinist, and then Lasky's Six
Hoboes who would have a stronger
act if they sang more and chatted less.
The remainder of the bill is made up
with Rackett. Hoover & Markey. vau
house was notorious when Portland's
D. H. Brass! 11. 32S Tenth, street. She
underworld was at Its zenith a few
years ago. The fire crept Into the
south end of the old landmark, bat was
checked by water before much damage
was done.
HBia mat a small, fanny compiexionca
man dressed in brown, came to the
door, saying that he had been sent to
repair a motorcycle belonging to Jesse
S. Gilkey, a roomer, and that after, he
had been slfown the machine, he too
it away with him. No man was sent
by GHkey to repair his machine, and
the man who took the motorcycle is
being sought. The machine was re
covered later.
Diving Venus la Headllner at the
the Pantages for This Week
around and fell into the pool. She had
been living with the family of O. G.
Svboda. Her husband and two children
live at Kelso, Wash. The coroner was
Oaaclnf Ylollniet Feature.
Tfere is no qoeotlon about the head
line Vt at the Vantages . this week,
li Is Lottie Mayer, the diving -Venuij.
The body of Mrs. Rose McNeil. 180
Willamette boulevard was found in a
land girl. nd five diving nymphs. The
act Is opieJ with a bit of pretty
classic danA'ngr by the six diving: girls
who ' a few minutes later take to the
Fire threatened the old Paris house
yesterday afternoon, when a . blaze
pool of water this morning at the foot
A new VStfm nf th1pvirv rrnnna
Another curious thing: that some
men will wear a black derby bat all
them of the $1000 required to send
of Killingsworth avenue, where the
out yesterday when the sheriffs office
their delegation to the international
I started In a coffee house adjoining at
woman had wandered last night. For
receivea a reporx. mat a motorcycle
Headquarters! for passenger auto tost. Helens and wa y points apply at meier & Frank's accommodation desk
To help you locate desirable
houses and apartments
Fourth Floor, Main Building
Served from 11 to 2:30 7th Floor
Direct Elevator Service
Six Soand-Proof Rooms
Phonograph Parlors
Basement, Alder Street Way
"Willamette" Sewing Machines
Sold on Easy Payment Plan
12.00 Down $1.00 Week
Basement, Sixth Street Building
Green and Brown Colors
All Sizes
Third Floor. Main Building
Ily O. Ilerghuls-Krak, B. S.
Office hours 3 to 6 p. m.
Basement, Sixth Street Building
In Our Djy Cold Storage Plant
Fifth Floor, Sixth Street Building
Meier & Frank's Great Removal Sale Convincing in Economy!
Every Incoming Express and Fast Freight Brings Us New Spring Merchandise That Is Underpriced at Once!
Ivery Airitlele Now Reduced iim AM 'Three Boildiinigsl
Excepting Only Groceries, "Silk Maid" Hose, "Willamette" Sewing Machines, "Invincible" and "Samson" Suits and Contract Goods
Radical Underwriting Effective in Temporary Annex! Contractors Soon to Wreck 5 th Street Building!
The Home Industry Exhibition
Continues t- attract attention of Portland and all Oregon Great is the
interest manifested in the various exhibits which serve to show the wide
scope of Oregon's manufactories. Fifty-five booths contain the exhibits
of ttic following r.xniDiior.
-Furniture and Bed-
-GolJcn West Coffee,
Oregon Chair '.
Carman MfK- Co.-
ClosKt-t & Ijrvprs-
'I'phk. Spirit.
ti, i..hoa Miiiiinr Co. vim Hour.
ti.i. vt PIrkle Works Pickles
Tilth- Condiments.
Crown Mills Flour and Cereals.
I'acific Cast Syrup Co. Tea Garden
SvrupH and I'reserVea.
Paclflr Kneed Brick Co. Brick
Itaradon, V. V. & Son Supreme CracK-
The"K'Hermann Shoe Mfg. Co. Shoes.
Nollan Knitting Co. Sweaters, " Hos
iery and Cnpx.
Knight Packing Co. Pickles and Tame
'an Mi-others--Brooms.
Mason Khrmun Co. Red Ribbon Prod-
i i-i. ,i..m,t Creamery Butter.
Wudluim & Co. Diamond Products.
I'nion Meat Co. Columbia Hams.
ion. Lard. Salad Oil.
Alhers Hrothri-i" Flour und Cereals.
American Brush and Broom
Brooms and Brushes.
Moody Peanut Mutter Co. Peanut But
tec. Salmi Pressing.
Portland Hair Co. Hair Goods.
Oregon Brans Works Drinking Foun
tains. Brass and Bronae.
Northwestern Lead Pipe Machinery
Co Lead Pipe.
Art Plating & Stove Repair Works.
Co. '
Coopey, Campbell Clothes Co. Cloth
ing Mrs.
Herman Metzger Co. Hair Mattresses.
Multnomah Trunk & Bag Co. Trunks.
Bags, Suit Cases.
Flelschner, Mayer & Co. Mt Hood
Shirts and Overalls.
Psclflo Ladder Works Ladders.
Hazelwood Co. Ice Cream. Butter and
Dwlght-Edwards Coffee and Teas.
Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co. Men's
and Women's Neckwear.
Wadhams & Kerr Bros. "Monopolo'
Canned. Goods.
Columbia Milling Co. White Moun
tain Flour.
Northwest Rug Co. Fluff Rugs.
Universal Bed Co. Disappearing Beds.
Doernbecker Mfg. Co. Dining Room
Bed Room Furniture.
Elcar Desk Mfg. Co. Desks and Office
Hudson & Gram Co. Otter Brand
Canned Fish.
Portland Flouring Mills Flour and
C rents
Oregon City Woolen Mills Woolens.
Modern Confectionery Co. Candy.
Reliance Wire & Iron Works Orna
mental Wire 'and Iron.
Woman's Exchange Cook Book.
Dougherty Shoe Mfg. Co. Shoes.
New Tailored Suits for Women
For Rose Festival
Queen Candidates
far Be Beenred With Purchases
Mads Is Tempoiary Annax Only
Rose Festival Tour de Luxe Bal
lots will be given with purchases
in the Temporary Annex only
as follows:
10 votes with' every purchase of
26c or more.
;0 votes with every purchase of
50c or more.
35 votes with every purchase of 4
isc or more.
60 votes with every purchase of
$1 or more.
100 votes with every purchase of
$2 or more.
150 votes with every purchase of
S3 or more.
100 votes with every purchase of
1 1 or more.
ISO votes with every purchase of
$5 or more.
60 Additional Votee With Every
Additional Dollar Purchase.
otes Olven With Purchases Mads
In Temporary Annex Only.
Meier & Frank's
Removal Directory
(Tne Shoppers' Child.)
Bevleed Sally.
MOTS HO. 1. Art Beedlework De
partment To Seventh Floor
(near Tea Room). Sixth-street
MOTE NO. a, Kodak Department,
Sporting- Ooods Department To
Temporary Annex (across Fifth
street). Fifth-street Entrance.
MOTS HO. 3, Alteration and Pit
ting Booms To Fifth Floor,
Sixth-street Building.
MOTE HO. 4, Men's Furnlsnlnff
sad Hat Department To Tem
porary Annex, First Floor.
MOTS HO. 6, Men's Clothing',
Boys' Clothing and Hat Depart
ment To Temporary Annex,
Second Floor.
MOTE HO. 6, Trunk Department
To Third Floor. Sixth-st. Bldg.
MOTE HO. 7, Boasefarnlshtngs
To Temporary Annex, Third
Crockery Department To Fourth
Floor. Temporary Annex.
MOTE HO. 8, Mail Order Depart
ment To Ninth Floor, Sixth
street Building.
MOTE HO. 9. Toys. Dolls, Wheel
Ooods To Temporary Annex,
Sixth Floor: Pictures, Baskets
and Baby Carriages To Temp
orary Annex, Sth Floor.
WORTH $27.50 tO $35.00
Three handsome Suits; selected at random,
are illustratedone of Copenhagen poplin
with loose shawl back, moire collar ancf cuffs,
and handsome button and motifs of self-material
trimming another is. of rose poplin,
with tie effect, collar and girdle of rose messa
line, and the third of handsome French blue
Bedford cord, with trimmings of self-colored
silk poplin. The Suits, as you will notice,
are distinctive in style, conforming in all ways
to the demands of the season. There are
many other models, all equally as pleasing and
fashionable, some of gabardine, crepes, wool
poplins, cords and black and white checks.
Every Suit in the assortment is worth from
$27.50 to $35.00 while the Removal Sale
price is $18.25.
Oarmsnt Salons Second Floor Main Building
In The Temporary Annex
Hand Embroidered Collars
and .Guimpes, $3.19
WORTH $5.00, $5.50 AND $6.00
Tomorrow morning is absolutely the first time any one of
these Collars or Cjuimpes has been offered our patron?
they're the very newest and most desirable styles. An as
sortment of beautiful Collars and Guimpes. in white and
ecru, all hand embroidered, on nets, batiste and sheer lawr.
Many different styles high and low neck Guimpes round
Collars in large and small effects. Regular pricing on this
handsome Neckwear would ordinarily be $5, d0 "9 Q
$5.50 and $6 while Removal Sale Price is... ePJX7
Meier Prank's rirst Floor Main Building
$7 Toric Eye Glasses at $3.50
Fine gold-filled mountings, high or low bridge, with
Toric lenses fitted to the eyes. Regular $7.00 Eye
Glasses, reduced to just Yi price $3.50.
Meier ft Prank's Plrst Floor Sixth Street Bldg-.
"Munsingwear" for Women and
Children, Reduced for Removal!
Women's 75c Cotton Union Suits, regular sizes 59c
Women's $1.00 Cotton Union Suits, outsizes.. . 79c
Women's $1.00 Ribbed Cotton Union Suits, regular sizes. . .78c
Women's $1.25 Ribbed Cotton Union Suits, outsizes. 95c
Women's $1.25 Lisle-Union Suits, regular sizes 95c
Women's $1.50 Lisle Union Suits, outsizes .$1.29
Women's 50c Munsing Cotton Pants, regular sizes. .'. 45c
Women's 75c Munsing Cotton Pants, outsizes. .63c
Children's 65c Munsing Union Suits, regular sizes. 53c
Meier ft Frank's First Floor Malm Building
Play Tennis f
The Famous "Kent" Tennis Rackets are noted every
where for their durability and we've a wide range of
these splendid Rackets here for your selection. They've
frames of the best grade second-growth Ash reinforced,
and are made of guaranteed Gut.
Princeton Tennis Rackets, each $7.50
Premier Tennis Rackets, each SJ7.00
Yale . Tennis Rackets, each $6.50
Radnor Tennis Rackets, each 6.00
University Tennis Rackets, each $5.50
Sterling Tennis; Rackets, , each $5.00
Colombia Tennis Rackets, each $4.00(
Champion Tennis Rackets, each $3.50
Hartford Tennis Rackets, each ...... $3.00
Harvard Tennis Rackets, each f2.50
Lakeview Tennis Rackets, each $2.00
Windsor Tennis Rackets, each . .ejl.SO
"230" Kent Tennis Rackets, each fl.OO
First Floor Temporary Annex, Fifth Street.
W ednesday Is Notion Day
SHIELDS By an expert, who will tell you the cor
rect shield in shape and style for your needs.
50c Sleeve Boleros, in all sizes, special price, each, 42c
Naiad Brassieres, laced front, all sizes.... 90c
20c Naiad No. 2 Shields, 3 for BOf1. each 17
22c Naiad No. 3 Shields, 3 for 55. each 19c
25c Naiad No. 4 Shields, 3 for 65, each 22c1-
500 yard spool White Basting Thread, 3 for 10
10c pad Mother's Ironing Wax 5c
25c Ideal Folding Skirt Markers 19c
Black or White Darning Cotton, 4 for 5c
5c Black Hooks and Eyes, 2 cards for 5c
25c Shell Hair Pins, 2 for 25c; package 15k
10c Large French Shell Hair Pins, -each '..5
5c card assorted Safety Pins (Independent), 2 cards 5c
5c Conqueror White Thread, 200-yard spool, machine
or hand, 2 for 5 c
5c cabinets assorted Wire Hair Pins, 3 for IOC
4c papers Washington Pins, 2 for 5vk
5c Black or White Headed Toilet Pins, each If
5c Wire Hair Pins, paper l
20c Hose Supporters, black or white, pair IOC
10c Black small size Snaps, 2 for 5c
10c White Princess Belting, yard 5c
Kotlon Section First Floor Sixth Street Bids;,
Men's Furnishing Section Is Replete With
High Grade Merchandise at Reduced Prices
$1.50 'Cooper" Shirts and Drawers, Each $1.09
Famous "Cooper" Silk Lile and Mercerized Underwear. Your choice of
pink, flesh and blue.
Porosmesh Union Suits, Suit 49c
Good quality cotton yarn. Short sleeves, knee or ankle length, in white
or ecru.
Boys' Egyptian Cotton Union Suits 43c
Elastic ribbed, short sleeves, knee. length, in ecru only.
Men's $1.00 Elastic Ribbed Union Suits 79c
Good quality combed yarn. Perfect fitting, closed crotch, short sleeves and
ankle length. Your choice of ecru, white, blue and flesh.
Mauchauf fee's 75c French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, ea. 59c
Fine quality combed Egyptian yarn, long or short sleeves, knee or ankle
lenfeth, in ecru color.
$1.50 Gotham Shirts $1.15
All new Patterns for Spring, soft cuffs or stiff laundered cuffs
Men's Pure Silk Shirts $3.65
An immense assortment of beautiful patterns a wide variety for selection.
"Onyx" Lisle Half Hose, Three Pairs 50c, Pair 17c
In black and all colors, :fnd all sizes. Summer weight Hose for men.
Men's Pure Silk Half Hose, Pair 67c
Silk clocked Hose, of pure jilk, and in all colon.
$3.50 and $4.00 Summer Pajamas $1.65
Of madra, percale, light-weight flannels and crepe.
50c Wash Four-in-Hand Ties, Three for 50c, Each 17c
New mercerized fabrics, and silk and linen style. Variety of patterns.
75c Muslin Night Shirts 49c
With and without collars, trimmed or plain styles.
$1.00 Twill and Muslin Night Shirts 65c
With and without collars, trimmed and plain. All sizes but mostly 15 and 16.
Pure Wool Jumbo Sweaters $3.98
Ruff neck, choice of Oxford, cardinal and white. All sizes suitable for men
or women.
$5.00 New Golf Sweaters $3.50
Tine wool, in jersey effect. V-neck, in two new shades, dark Oxford and
heather green mixture.
. Boys' and Girls' $1.50 Medium-Weight Sweaters 98c
V-neck style, with pockets, sizes 5 to 13 years. Cardinal. Oxford and navy
naw Oxfnrrl trinimpil OicfnrH navv trimmfrf
rirst Floor Temporary bd, ruu mrw.
Women's $3 Glove-Silk Knickers
at $2.19
Fashionable Knickers for women, of good quality ma
terial, in regular sizes. Black, white and pink for "selection.-
Regularly priced at $3.00 the Removal Sale price on
this fashionable garment is, the pair, $2.19.
Meier fe Frank's First Floor X&in Ball din
Colored Bordered Scrims Reduced
We've. an entirely new line of Colored Bordered Scrims,
in handsome floral designs. Soft, firm textured Scrim, and
fast colored borders, that will look and launder well. Spe
cially priced for Removal at, the yard, 42 and 29.
Meier ft Frank's Third Floor Mala Bullolaff
giiiiiiiiiiiitii. ! iiiiiiii minim mil nniiiiinniiiiiiii,
r i
! "White Mountain" Refrigerators !
Reduced for Removal Sale
Meier & Frank's Exclusive Portland Agents
Entire stocks nf celebrated "White Mountain" Refrigerators, sold in
C Portland only at this store arc reduced in price for our great Removal
bale. All styles, including stonelincd. .Note the special prices quoted
30-pound capacity "White Mountain" Refrigerators, spec'l $9.00
45-pound capacity "White Mountain" Refrigerators, spc'l $10.80
60-pound capacity "White Mountain" Refrigerators, spcl $12.15
50-pound capacity "White Mountain" Refrigerators, sp'cl $16.65
80-pound capacity "White Mountain" Refrigerators, spcl $19.30
75-pound capacity "White Mountain" Refrigerators, spc'l $18.90
75-pound capacity "White Mountain" Refrigerators, spc'l $22.50
100-pound capacity "White Mountain" Refrigerators, spc'l $21.60
100 -pound capacity "White Mountain" Refrigerators, spc'l S&24.75
125-pound capacity "White Mountain" Refrigerators, spc'l $27.00
175-pound capacity "White Mountain" Refrigerators, spc'l $31.50
95-lb. capa'y "White Mountain" Refrigerators, stone lined $29.25
110-lb. cap'y "White Mountain" Refrigerators, stone lined $33.75
105-lb. cap'y "White Mountain" Refrigerators, stone lined $40.50
125-lb. cap'y "White Mountain" Refrigerators, stone lined $45.00
175-lb. cap'y "White Mountain" Refrigerators, stone lined $54.00
Meier ft Frank Fourth Floor Main BaUding
Learn to Dance at Home
The latest and most popular dance measures perfectly rendered on
the Columbia Favorite Grafonola. Faultless music in faultless time
makes dancing at home a delight.
The favorite "Tango Outfit," including the Columbia Favorite Graf
onola and 20 modern dance selections K60.00
6 Tangoes, 6 One-Steps, 4 Hesitation Waltzes, 4 Mattchiches Our
special Club Plan of Easy Payments Only $5.00 month.
. Fnonograpn Factor tn and Alder Street Veetitrale Way
1857 , . tm 1914
nnJv.3ixllloTTiMcy Alder ata. . .
Opens at
9 A. M. and
Closes at
6 P. M.
Including fSatumag j
Grocery Specials for Wednesday
GALLON CANS OF PIE PEACHES, latest California pack. Splendi
for pies and saucqs. No. 8 cans, dozen, f2.95; can
Peaches or Apricots--No. 2'i cans, dozen, fl.40; can
Lunch Salmon Medium red. No. Y2 cans 3 cans for '.
Victor Butter Always satisfactory, roll.................
Gallon Pumpkin Solid pack. No. 8 cans, dozen, 2.T5; can
Del Monte Pumpkin Solid pack. No. 2VJ cans, dozen, fl.lO; can...
Red Salmon No. 1 tall cans, dozen, fl.70; can. . .
Fine Oysters Latest packing. No. 2 cays. 10?; No 1 cans
Green Asparagus California. No. 2lz cans, dozen, "7"; can
Asparagus Tips California. No. 1 square tins, dozen, .4; can..
Fancy Bacon 6 to 8 lbs. to strip; half strips, pound
White Beans Michigan pea, 5 pound cotton sacks
jfeier ft Frke-Fnre Food Grocery.
. . . ;15j