19 MORE EXTENSIVL. VkJT HOPfc GETS ALL OF US. MORE EAST PIOOTTS. A HINT. CULINARY ART. SOME VARIETY. HIS OBJECTION. Her Fathsr Bo my daughter ae eeptd you six month agoT Why haven't you mentioned tt to mo m (or? ; Her, Lover Well er Fva kpt tropin that you might diel VlllaM StorekeeDer This Bter la a. Th Doe 1 think. friend, you hav that new ailment called "auto heart Patient Heavens, doo, I knew pay ing that big- repair bill would eet oa and now I'll have to pay your o It. bargain for that money. Mike Phonetic spelling. Pat, la Buyer Everyone tn town ran a bIH pelling' things the way they soundl here and tben quit trading- Pat But thing sound a different Villas Storekeeper Oh, theyll all to different people grand opera oome back when they find there's a Bounds like heaven to my wife and new man her, x Kke the devil to mel Wife O A- kL) John. I think there a burglar down atalrsr Husband Hear euthlp'T Wife No. but your Siberian wolf hound haa Just come cp bar and 111. Kxl!' Plumber Where's de bust plpot Woman Th barsted pip Is la th aellar! Plumber Oh, bursted. ohl WeU. bunted will mako de Job a hit Joe? daa bustl HewtU You've lot to eat your Mr. Bridemore Did yen as split Pea soup for dinner T u mako that words, oar. sDllt oea soud Jewett But I told you on of your Mr. Bridemore rv started It, but own fish stories and I don't Ilk sea wo oan't bave It till to-morrow. If food." ' takes re an day to aput ta THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY: EVENING, MAY 5, 1914. MONDAY'S DELAYED NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Resume of World Happenings Received From S o'clock Yesterday Afternoon Until 8 o'clock This Mora ins;'. Pacific Coast. i Ah Rucf, ex-pollttral boss of San FrHiM'ltfVo, who In nerving a sentence In Han QiiiUln, t.'al., is said to have filed atiothui- petition asking the board of pardons for a parol. Previous at tempts had fulled. A bold plan to overpower Warden J. J. Smith ha been discovered at Kolaom prison. Four convicts wart In the plot to escape, and the plans were tipped -of f to the prison officials by a frtendly convict. . The United States circuit court of appeal at Ban Francisco affirmed th Judgment of th lower court In Port land, which found Attorney Max Cohen guilty of subornation of perjury In con nectlon with th prosecution of a whit lave Case. Joseph Mosolf shot and killed his yritB and probably fatally Injured hi 4-year-old son at Mouth Hill, near Puyallup. Wash. II was arrested. It Is said that be was temporarily Insane because of recent illness. James A. Marcll, formerly a banker . Of Spokane, now at McNeil s Island, lost In his plea for release on habeas corpus- proceedings because the court fllod to recognize his being entitled to "good behavior time." ile had vio lated hi parole. Chevalier Paulo Ciorza. composer of ballad inutile and maiaes, and friend of Verdi and Rossini, died at Seattle after s long Illness. He was SO years old and s native of Italy. 'fb stork put In an appearance while Mrs. Thaddeus Wolkowlcs was walking toward the hospital at Bpo- " kano. The girl baby arrived before medical akl could be called. According to wireless advices re eeived at Fairbanks, Flat City, in the iditamd district, was almost wiped out by fire. Twenty buildings, in- ' eluding the Arctic Brotherhood club houne, were destroyed. Villa, entrained for Fort Wingate. Fol lowing the sullen faced federals to the train came a procession of weeping Mexican women. Mtrlon Branstetter, aged 19, was ar rested at Marlonville, Mo., on suspicion of having shot and killed Miss Ethel Orlffy,-18, and probably fatally Injured her mother, when they were oa their way home from church. The young man was armed when apprehended. The Rock Island bridge over the Canadian river at Calvin, Okla., was swept away shortly after two trains bearing members of the Eleventh cav alry from Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., had ptnsea over it Plan for the erection of a huge danc ing pavilion at the end of a 3000 foot pier reaching into Lake Michigan, has been submitted to Mayor Harrison of Chicago. A free observation tower is designed. ' After shooting a Greek restaurant keeper named Hasibosis to death at ww xorK, two unidentified highway men shot and mortally wounded Po llceman W. J. Kelly when he trie to arrest them. Two alleged horsethleves were cap tured near the California line after one of th men had been wounded bv a deputy. A third man, believed to ba enrr Keagan, a notorious bandit, es caped, says a Goldfield, Nev., report O. U. Wr., will start "Wednesday for a trip to all the lodges of the orJer In this state south of Junction City. She expects to be gone three weeks. Lodges in Lane, Douglas, Jackson. Klamath aud other counties of southern Oregon are making arrangements for her reception. About June 1 the A. O. TJ. W. and the Degree of Honor of Oregon will issue in Portland a monthly paper and send It to all members. During March the Ancient Order of United Workmen of Oregon paid out 112,702 to the beneficiaries of de ceased members. W. O. "W. Card Party. Mount Hood Circle, VTomen of Wood craft, gives a card party Thursday evening at W. O. W. hall. East Sixth and East Alaer, in honor of Miss Dalles Perkins, the order's candidate for queen of the Rose Festival. On Saturday evening at Women of Wood craft hall. Tenth and Taylor, the offi cers of the grand lodge do likewise. Eastern. Police of New York have been asked to unaerlake the recovery of Jewelry valued at $ 10,000, which was stolen from the apartment of Mrs. Henry Hutt formerly the wife of the artist. Constitutionalist forces wr sent to Las Varas, Mozqulz and other railroad towns where repairs are being mad to the road leading to Monclova. It is zpected that the constitutionalists will attack Monclova in a lew days. Robert D. Wrenn, president of the United States Lawn Tennis association, driving h.s own car, ran down and killed one man and injured two men and an woman in Tuxedo Park, Mew York - Herbert Lovaday, organist and choirmaster Of St. Mary's Episcopal church, was killed. Military funeral honors will be ac corled the late Gnf ral Daniel E. Sickle. Il Is sHid. The body may be Interred at Arlington cernctery beside thosu of other military leaders of the rtatk-n. General Sickles is the last of the brigade commanders of the Civil wr. Three persons are satid to have been drowned In the flood waters of the Ctmftrron river, says a report from Jkfosoow, Kan. Telegraph Bcrvlce has ben crippled by the flood. Two persons were killed by a cyclone Which swept away half of the houses ir Maud, Texas. Red Water, near Pittsburg, Texan, was also hit by the storm and a number of persons wore Injured. Michnel t Mahoney. who shot at llayor Mitchell of New York, wound ing. Instead. Corporation Counsel Frank L. Polk, was sentenced at New York to MdtteaWan asylum. John Jelke, millionaire manufac turer of oleomargarine, who, with seven 'Of his employes, was sentenced s Chicago for violating the federal laws, was released on bonds pending te filing of a writ of error In their appeal. fleavily guarded by troopers of th entieth tjnlted States Infantry, 800 : th Mexican federal prisoners held at El Paso, Texas, sine they were drvn across the border by General Foreign. jnperor Francis Joseph haa suf fered a recurrence of th fits of coughing which have taxed his strength severely, say a report from Vienna. Natives. have revolted in Portuguese Congo and kljled 20 whites, including some missionaries, and troops have been- beaten back, according to a report iroin Antwerp, Belgium. General Villa, eommander of the reb ei forces in the Mexican revolution, tea the grand march at a ball and re ceptlon given on his return to Tor reon. A Mexican woman "sniper" who la said to have killed eight American bluejacket and marines at Vera Cruz, has been arrested and will be court martlaled on a charge of murder. A Mexican revealed her residence to the authorities. Albania advices were to the effect that the complete disintegration of King William's new dominions seems likely. Saturday's capture of Kolonia greatly encouraged the insurgents who are resisting his authority in Eplrus. A serious political crisis has been precipitated in Norway by the resig nation of J. Castberg as minister of commerce and industry. The Social ists say if this legislation passes they will declare a general strike. Castberg resigned. Special jc of P. Train. Local lodges of the Knights of Pythias are making arrangements for a special train to Seaside May 16. The occa&ion will be the dedication of the hew Pythian castle hall for Nekanlkum lodge No. SO. Over 100 representatives of th different K. -of P. lodges in Oregon wlii be present. Many will be accompanied by members of their1 f am ilies. Seaside will witness a parade in tn evening. X early Half Million Invested. Tht Women of Woodcraft have In vested In Oregon nearly $500,000 in public bonds. This order has invested in real estate $105,000, of which most of It Is their substantial building at xentn and Taylor. ITew X,odg Holds Meeting. . Portland lodge No. 100, Benevolent Protective Order Deer, held a prelim lnary meeting last night In the K. of P. hall wtth 200 in attendance. The organization is only three weeks old in Portland. Several committees were appointed-. A dance and public instal lation win take piaco In the K. of P. hall May 26. at o'clock. Following are the chairmen of the different com mittees: Ed M. Lance, C. W. Noyes, James R. Bain, George Farrien. A special investigating committea on ap plications was appointed as follows: A Shspirer. Mrs. LaCroix, Dr. Firey, Mrs. Dr. Messiuer, Mrs. Adams and Dr. Ethel Sacrey. The organizer re ports progress and the Deer expect to have a very prosperous lodge in the near future in Portland. The su preme officers are expected to attend the public installation. LATE REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING NEWS Today's Happenings with the Builder, Architect, Contractors and iieaicy xsroac O'Sheas Invest In Seattle. J. B. and James O'Shea, of the Boston Packing company, have pur chased the southeast corner of Fifth avenue and Pine street, in Seattle, for which it Is reported they paid P00,000. It is understood that the proper ta was acquired with a view to Improving It with a modern fire proof skyscraper. The parcel is 120 x!43 feet, and is located in the very center of a rapidly developing busi ness section of the Washington me tropolis. The Messrs. O'Stiea hav been In Seattle for several days ne gotiating the deal. Hospital and Library Plans Ready. Plane of the proposed Immanul hospital, to be erected on the Upper Peninsula, and the projected Masonic Temple at Silverton, both of wjich are being prepared in the offices of Architects Tourtellotte and Hummeu, will be ready for contractors' inspec. tlon the latter part of this week. The estimated cost of the new hos pital Is $45,000, and of the Masonic Temple $18,000. Both are to be three story brick buildings. longs J.o 12000. G. Farente and will cost New Highland Cottage. John Talstrom is building a two story dwelling at East Fourteenth street between Prescott and Going, In Highland addition. The house Is b Ing built by O- Erickson, and will cost $2100. Kenilworth Residence Sold. Mrs. Lett! N. Marsh has sold to John Boleske the residence propeny described as lot 10, block 1, Kenil worth. It is located at the north east corner of East Twenty-seventh and Gladstone avenue. Consideration, $3500. 823 800 10 10 10 Tandy Buys Tillamook St. Frontage Charles R. Tandy iias taken title to 100 feet of frontage on the north side of Tillamook street, between Thirty-first and East Thirty-third. The property was eold by B. M-Lombard. ISPOKANE BEATS TIGERS Taylors Buy in Belle Crest. Herbert and Lloyd E. Taylor have closed a deal with Mary W. Terhune for the purchase of two lots de scribed as 18 and 19, in block 23, In Belle Crest, and located on. Ea3t Sixty-third street between Klickitat and Siskiyou. The consideration in each instance was given as nominal. 10 10 10 T26 1,800 10 10 Irvington Home Changes Hands. John R. Egmond has purchased from Ethel Mors lot 5, block S, Irvington, located on East Twelfth street between Knott and Stanton. Executive. Senator Lane of Oregon, in the de bate on the amendment to the agri cultural bill, declared that the gov ernment did not want any of John D. Rockefeller's money to aid In farm work. He said the oil magnate's coin Kraft. Kurfesa h vr.i. coverea witn oiooa ana tears or Tacoma, Wash., May 5. Spokane de. feated Tacoma yesterday by the score of 10 to S by hitting Kraft and Kur fess at opportune times. The Tigers were unable to connect with Coval eskie's delivery when hits meant runs: The score: R. H. E. Tacoma 2 4 8 Spokane b 10 3 Batteries Covalskle and Shea; li was women and children shot down in the strike in Colorado." Miss faille McAdoo, aged 12, daugh ter of the secretary of the treasury, and Miss Nancy Lane, daughter of the secretary of the interior, are added to the bridal party which will attend the wedding of Miss Eleanor Wilson to William McAdoo. The children are to be flower bearers. The members of the president's cab inet and their wives will give silver sets to the bridal pair and the senate is planning to give a suitable wedding gift to Miss Wilson and Secretary Mc Adoo. W. H. Martin of Portland. Or., Al- fred R. Downs of Seattle and Frank H. Farrls of Tacoma have landed at San Diego from Manzanlllo, Mexico, as refugees, according to Secretary of State Bryan. Representative Baker has intro duced a bill providing that a "summer homestead" may be taken up, the ap plicant being allowed to file on 10 acres of land. He would have to live on It at least two months of each sum mer and perform certain menta. Batter Appears to Be Out. Halsey. Or., May 6. To the Sport ing Editor of The Journal There was a runner on first base and on on sec ond base. The batter knocked a high infield fly which fell inside of third base. The third baseman muffed the ball and the umpire declared the bat ter out, while- the players on the field declared the runner on second forced out at third. A FAN. Plans for Automobile Warehouse. Architects Houghtaling & Dougan are preparing plans for a 50x200 foot one story brick warehouse for a local automobile agency. The building will be erected under the direct supervis ion of the owners, that is by day labor. Its estimated cost is $10,000. Local Iilan Gets Library Contract. The Brubaker Construction compa ny of this city, submitted the low est bid among 18 contractors, for the erection of th proposed Carnegie library at Hillsboro. The bids were opened last Saturday by Architect Ernst Kroner. The Brubaker bid was $7388. Mr. Kroner, will probably let the contract In the next few days. Real Estate Transfers. B. G. Alfredson et 1 to Henry Haugner, lot i, block 4, Chicago ..-$ William Adaran, city treasurer, to Clin ton A. Ambrose, - lot 38, block 12, Irringtofi Park, undivided aanment. P J. Oallafhrr and wife to Margaret Wtitefleld, lot 15, block 19, Falrport. CaWln A. Hunt to Florence E. Rogers, lots 10. 11, 12, block 7, Ingleiew addition to I.lnnton Tbonian B. Foster at al to Clam F. Hackmaa. Jot 0. block a, Clepeyrie. 1,900 x . is. n Dippje lo towara Misener, 101 2. block 4, Groveland Park Co -operative Trust Co, to Gilbert Good hue et al, lot 13, northeast 31 feet, lot 12, in lota 5, 0, block 13, P. T. Smith's addition to St. Johns Cnjbdenatock & Larson Co. to H. 3. Amos lota 8, 9, 10. 11. 19, 20, block 20. Joueamora fasataroed to Georca J. Irels : 2,900 Anna K. Feldmann and husband to A. C. Greenwood et al. west 40 fet, south H. lot 2, block 12, Portland home stead The L'mbdeBStock & Larson Homabnild ere Investment Co. to George J. Drela. lota 8, 9, 10, 11, 19. 20, block 20, Jonaamoro Frank Wolf and wife to C. W. Giles, lota 29, 30. 31, block 3, Lee Bow Park addition William Hutchinson and wife to Mae A. Acton, lot 7, block 6. Hutchinson's addition University Land Co. to Peter Vglesich, lot 19, 20, block 62, I'nlverslty Park.. G. C. Goldenberg and wife to Page M. Willianje, lot 12, block 10, Ina Park S. W. Bingham and wife to Ida A. Hw, west ii. lot 4. block 2. Woodstock.. Charles McGourty and wife to Ludwig Schmitt et al. lot 12. block T. Para dise Spring Tract, also 12x50 feet, be ginning northeast corner lot 12. block T- 1,100 Frank McCrlUia and wife to O. A. Eastman. In trust, part of John Powell D. h. C, in sections 3, 4. 9. 10, township 1 south, range 3 eaat William Adams, city treaaurer. to Clin ton A. Ambrose, lot 40, block 12, Irving ton Park, unpaid assessment Ethel Morse et al to John K. Bggeman Jr., lot 5, block 88, Irvingtou addi tion Jennie" M. Brown and husband to Selms Perrv, lot 1H, block 6, Reservoir Park. Gertrude C. Welch to Samuel P, Mullen et al, west 45 feet, lot 3. block 8, South Suunjside The Manrfield Co. to Jesse R. Sharp, lot 6, block 18, Terrace Park Mary W. Terhune aud Husband to Her bert Taylor, lot 18, block 29, Belle Crest Same to Lloyd E. Taylor, lot 18, block 20. Bell Crest Henry W. Fries and wife to A. J. Eur- fluh, part sub. T, 8. lot 1. block 8, also part sub. 9. 10. lot S, block 8, part sub. 8,. lot 2, block 8. Portland Homestead Bert L. Hull to Edith R. Hull, lot 6, block 30. Brentwood Title Trust Co. to Wellesley Land Co., lota 7. S. block 14. WellesW.. Samuel P. Mullen and wife to Frank A. Russell, lot 20, bkick 54. Laurel-hurst Title & Trust Co. to J. H. Cleland. lot 4. block 4. Mallorv addition Lettie V Mareh and husband to John Voleske. lot lO. block 1. Kenilworth.. Tracy C. Harrington and husband to Tracy Carter, lot n. puh. west !( feet, lot "N." in M. Patton tract... Tracy C. Harrington and husband to Tracy carter, lots 13, 14, block as. Peninsular addition No, 3 i.... ii. Arnold to William Bremer, lot 9, 10 10 00 line of reducing Its hours, and has had great success by rtaton of its con servative actions when in controversy with employers. The strong probabil ities are that whoever Serves you In any of tbe leading meat markets of Portland is a member of this organisation. You Can't Ie Her. From th Philadelphia Telegraph. Congressman William 8. Goodwin, of California, remarked tbe ether eve ning that you can't lose little wlfey. end told this story to back his assertion: When Smith was about to start for the office one morning the sharer of hi sorrows and Joys followed him to tho front door and asked him to loan her five dollars. "But you'll never pay me back." re plied hubby, demurrlngly. "I loaned you five spot last month, and that was Its sad obsequies and tender fare well." "I will lust bet you a half a dollar,1 largely returned wifey. 'that I will nay you back the 16 on March 16!" "Yours on, madam!" responded hubby, succumbing to his sporting In stinct as he rave wifey the five-spot. Came the morning of March 15 when mother entered the breakfast room with a doleful expression twisting up her pretty face. I have lost that bet, Harry dear. said she, in a meekful voice. "Here Is your half-dollar.1' Annoyed the Cop. However bravo the policemen are. they ere careful about not breaking the laws and ordinances. A patrolman was kicking his feet down on one of the docks the other morning, when an excited citizen ran up to him and cried "Bay, hurry up! A man has Just lumned off the pier!" "With his clothes on?" asked the officer. "Tea fully dresaed. Hurry!" "What do you want me to do? There ain't no ordinance against a man swimmin' as long as he's properly dressed." Rata In Parts. Paris has declared war against rats and the minister of th Interior has promised financial and official support. When everytnmg is reaay a system atic extermination will begin, the corpses being used commercially while prisoners will be dported to England and Belgium, where they fetch good prices for training terriers, the French sewer rat being famed for his sixe. Strength and ferocity. Stubbornness of Pat. From the National Food Magazine. Patrick O'Rotirk had th misfor tune on day of falling from the sec ond story of a house Just being com pleted. Mike Flaherty, the foreman. saw him fall and Immediately called an ambulance, which tn due course of time arrived- Th anirgeoD gav one K Ian co toward tbe still form and said: "He's dead." Pat, who was coming te, heard him and, rising to a sitting posture, re plied: "You're a liar! I ain't" Mike was standing close by, sn took hold of Pat, gently saying, "I-ar down, Pat, the doctor knows oetter. Journal Want Ads bring results. NEW DISCOVERY QUICKLY ENDS KIDNtY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Chronic Sufferers Find Relief After Few Dotes Are Taken If you are bothered with backaeh or rheumatism, have disagreeable. annoying bladder or urinary disorders to contend with or surfer with any ether of the many miseries that come from weak kidneys, here is a guaran teed remedy you can depend upon, no matter what else may have failed to cure you. It Is a positive fact that the new discovery, CroxOne. promptly over comes such diseases. It la th most wonderful remedy ever made for rid ding the system of urlo acid, removing the caus and curing th troubl. It soaks right in and cleans out th stopped up kidneys and makes them filter and sift out all th poisonous waste matter from the blood. It neutralises and dissolves the uric aeid that lodges In the Joints aud muscles, causing rheumatism; soothes and heals the delicate linings of the bladder; and puts the kidneys end urinary organs In a clean, strong, healthy condition. More than a few doses of Croxdne are seldom required to relieve even the obstinate long standing cases, wh-11 It cures .J he most annoying forms of kidney, bladder trouble, and rheumatism In a surprisingly short time. You will find Croxone entirely dif ferent from all other remedies. Ther Is nothing else on earth like it. It 1 go prepared that it is practically Im possible to take It into the human . system without results. An original package costs but a trifle at any first olass drug store. All druggists are authorised to personally return tha purchase price If Croxone falls to glv the desired results the very first time you us It. (Adv.) Gtot CteruG and Stood Tonie TslllsSsTs esmoi will stop ikt itch. The moment that BesSnol Ointment touches ftchinff skin tbe itching stops and ' healing Degins. That is why doctors have prescribed it saccesifullv for nineteen years in even the severest ease' of eczema, tetter, ringworm, rashes and other tormenting, unsightly Skin eruptions. Aided by warm baths with Resinol Soap, Resmol Ointment restores the skin or scalp to perfect health and comfort, quickly, easily and little cost, itesiaol is also as excellent household remed y rwrever a eeothiog. haattnar application le, UmAtA. It centals nethinar ei a Bank or imiaw. natsr and ess be used en the tender t er --. irritated surface. Practically every drag ist sails Resinol Ointment 80c and til. ana Resinol Soa (26a.). For trial free, writ t . nasi DepUU-B, linol. Baltimore, If d. Your explanation of the play is not very clear. Hero is the infield fly rule: Th batter is out "If, before1 two hands are out, while first and second, or first, second and third bases are oc cupied, he hit a fly ball, other than a line drive, that can be handled by an infielder. In such dase tho umpire shall, as soon es the ball be hit, de clare it an infield or outfield fly." Mrs. Duniway to Built Costly Home McHollsnd Bros., contractors, took out a building permit yesterday for two story frame residence to be erected on Aspen street, between Franklin and Vernon. Willamctt.a Weights, for Mrs. Willis S. Duniway me ouuding will cost 113.000 ant hen completed will be one of the handsomest homes in the Willamette Heights district. A Concession. From the Chicago Record-Herald. "I'm going to drop my husband's name and us my own." said the lady improve- I who had become Interested in politics. "Don't you think that will be likely The nomination of T. B. Vernon as to hurt his feelings?" postmaster of Lakeview has been con- "Oh, no. I've agreed to let our tele firmed by the senate. I phone be kept In his name and we. will leaders in both houses are ad vane- continue to usa his- initials when we Ing business' as rapidly as possible, I have things charged at the department and It is hoped that congress will be stores." adjourned in July. Much work on the anti-trust and tolls measures is yet , to be done. Spanish Ambassador Riano notified Secretary of 8tate Bryan that Emilto Rabaza, a prominent Mexican Jurist. and Augustine Carra Calindo, under secretary of th department of jus tlce, had been chosen as two of the three conferees who will represent President Huerta at the American- Mexican arbitration negotiations. FRATERNAL NOTES A, O. U. W. Members Invited to Attend "Get-Together" Sleeting. Will Xeld Fellowship bxaobaens. J. M. Dixon, grand recorder of the A O. U. W.. is sending out 1000 postal cards Inviting members of th order to dron Into the noon fellowshin lunch eons to be held every Thursday at the thin person's Haielwood. "Come, be a live w're," is his parting admonition. It is ex pected that leading fraternallsts of the city and visiting members and no tables will address the gatherings from tlm to time. The objects are to get member of the A. O. U. W. to gether for fellowship and .good citl senship. Many who do not attend lodge because of press of private and public business will find this a good piac to renew old, ties. A Message To Thine Weak, Scrawny Folks An Easy Way to Gain 10 to SO Lbs. ei Soud, Healthy, Permanent Fleah Thin, nervous, undeveloped men and women everywhere are heard to say, "I can't understand why I do not get fat. I eat plenty of good, nourishing food," The reason Is just this: You cannot get fat, no matter how much you eat. unless your dlarestlve or cans assimilate the fat-making elements of your rood instead or passing them out urouga me oouy as waste. What is needed is a-means of eren tly urging the assimilative functions of tne stomacn ana intestines to ab sorb the oils and fats and hand them over to tne mooa, wrier they may reach the starved, shrunken, run down tissues and build them up. The oooy is iixe a dry To Baild at BeUe Crest. ihe Metropolitan Investment and Improvement company has broken ground at the northwest corner of n.asi Hixty-s'xth and Stanton streets Hello Crest, for a one stofV frama cottage which will cost $2500. J. B.- Young Builds In Berkeley A permit was issued vesterdav to Contractor Joseph B. Young for a two story frame residence to bo built on Bybee street near Eaat Thirty ninth, in Berkeley. The house ba- 10 10 10 10 50 1 10 10 8.3O0 10 10 Make Weak Eyes Strong; Keep4 Strong Eyes Well Tho who us Thompson' Eye Water In the care of their eyes never stop singing its praise. It cleanses them of evfery foreign particle; It strengthens the tissues; removes the caus Of inflammation. Keep your eyes healthy and they will help keep you. Should be used as regularly as a tooth brush. One 26e bottle will convince you. At your druggist, or sent postpaid by John L. Thompson, Sons tt Co., IBS River 8t. Troy. N. Y. Booklet free. block 34. Brentwood 10 B. M. Ijorobard and wife to Charles B. Tandy, lots. 5. S. block 10. Broadvrsr addition 10 Gut s. Tofts and wife to John L. Me- (irVal lnta 13. 34. block 20. Arbor I.lc addition 8,600 I Jesse Brooks and wife to Fell Ver hoeven, lot 14, block 1, South port 10 Eye Glasses Should Go Saya New York Physician Here It His Free Prescription. i Building Permit. C. A. Malarkey. erect assoline fnilne sta- Many who wear glasses could dis- pns with them. Only ordinary care Is necessary. The eyes of old and young should be properly bathed night and tlon. Ankeny, between BUtb and Broadway; morning. This Is more important than builder, John A. Walter; 1340. I cleansing teeth," saya he, and then he A. o. BJelland. erect one story rram ar-1 goes on to say: ae. IxjveioT, between Nineteenth sua Xwea-I "Th following treatment 16 worthy tieth; builder, b. tj. Oliver; 0f fullest confidence. It Is scientific. H. Iet. repair one story frame shed. I immiitlv ff five finrt nntx t i ualv Qnlraby, between Nineteenth and TwanUetli; harmless to the weakest of eyes. Go DUliaer, same, s.-n. I n tho Owl nnie Pn nr nnv nhar ruir O.-W. B. A N. Co., repair Sock, root I " ' " r.fr " i T"V " Ilt'r" Ash street; builder, same; 7B. I S,.i',K . i Hattie K. Sabln. erect IV, story rrame I - uvvnc dwelling. East Kiirteenth. between Bklrtswe Pur water aria oai.ne i.ne eyes two jo ana rrescott; buuuer. nanace sawn; aioi. i iuur uub 'a (cuniuir w. at. Umdenstock. erect one srory trarae I Known aa ey a i rain win soon De oan- a-araae. Twentieth, between Tnompson and I isbea wnile the muscles and nerveB itraaee: bunder, ueaay bihu uouse tjo.; eizo. i are permuted to perrorm ineir normal Jo. 2 Charles E. Dant. erect one story frame a pp. Sixteenth, between Knott and Stan functions. It helps diseased eyes and it keeps good eyes healthy; it is abso lutely harmless in every way; does not smart or Burn, pas a wonoerrui eriect on granulated lids and is especially recommended for dull, bleary or glassy -"Y HADE'S rawj r i n nn isj.uin n pii.i.s Lll Tea 0M Vsaatar ! a SNt, BlMasMtlasi. Batetlae, LnBbaav; sates as mm, mm im iirens. u ansfMa. kaaeesZtT. r- recvKBi rv.sv, sponge eager and hungry for the fatty materials of which it is being deprived by the failure of the ali mentary canal to take them from the food. The best way to overcome this sinful waste of flesh building ele ments and to stoo the leakaara of fata is to us nargoi, in recently aiseov erea regenerative force that is rec ommended so highly by physicians here and abroad. Take a little Sar gol tablet with every meal and notice how auickly your cheeks fill out and rolls of firm, healthy flesh are de posited over your body, covering each Bigtyiet Meeitna This Month, ? Z,?0" 0; Willamette district Degree of Honer other sood druara-ista have asLrs-Bl of convention meets in Salem Hay 11 and can get it from their wholesaler, and J2.- Fully 80 lodge will be represented will refund your money If ydu are not and a delegation from Portland will satisfied with the gain in weight it pro include a number of the grand lodge u5 "v.8ittcdTon. - tESS" i" nttcrm nt th A CI TT TW mm w.ll . I r . f . . ... .""".'""i Don't Let a Cold Settle on Yonr Lungs If yon have a persistent couch or cold. take warning before It is too late. Eca inan'a Alterative haa restored to health manr persons who had serloua long trouble. Bead of this ease: PleaaantviUe, N. J. "Gentlemen: Dnrlbir the winter of 1911 contracted a severe cold, which settled on my lungs. Eckman's Alterative was recom mended to me aud I commenced using It aa last reeoet. The first bottle seemed to give no relief, in fact, I seemed to feel worse, bnt I kept on using the medicine and found out the first bottle had really started me oa tbe road to recovery by loosening th mucus and making me expectorate freely. After using tha medicine for some time, my cough ceased. 1 gained flesh and today, I am a well man." (Abbreviated) (Signed) GEO. U. BATES. Eckmaa'a Alterative la most efficacious In bronchial catarrh and sever throat and long affections snd upbuilding tbe system. Con tains no harmful er 1 habit-forsung drugs. Accept no substitutes. Sold by The Owl Drug Co. Write Eckmaa Laboratory. Phila delphia. Pa., for booklet of recoveries. builder. Readv Built House Co.: 1126 Mr. Giest, repair two story frame building, 34 North Hroadwav : builder, same: D. G. Jodon. rrct one story shoo. Seventy fourth, between Powell Valley Road and Thir ty sixth avenue: ! milder, same; ITS Mr. Huber. ! air two story frame dwel ling. Twenty-first, between Washington and Divis; builder, same: HOO. Fred A. Kribs. repair three story frame dwell inr. Salmon, between West Park and Tenth: bnllder. Moore A Blnndln: (230. H. C. Miller, erect one story frame shack, Slxtv-nlnth, ' between Skldinore and Preseott; 8heVVk"mFitV,.; repair five atory brick OP" 1?J?R em good ordinary buildin. Third, between Oak and Stark; builder, John Bingham; (100. ni.s.T. no. 2 has mm WHATLAB0RIS DOING T " 1 Working Women Expect to Bo Factor in Political Field. Rheumatisms Inflammation of the Bladder dr Enlarged Prostrate Glands, Blood Poison, Diabetes. Stricture Cancer It Is no stimulant. Reports from patient prove that its effects are permanent and lasting. In addition to the above M.I.S.T. No. 2 haa cured many eases of rli aMi i0t nmnnnnewl Vvw rtVivnlHana airwi aruuHalieta t hat Paralvala IvMnetn EH ftX"' Bpto-l troubfe and apparently incurable disease, of the nerve. M.I.S.T. No. 2 haa been on the market for over 85 years and thousands of ufferera bave written us they have been cured by ita use. It is prescribed by manv Dhvsieiana. Itianleasant to take and absolutely safe. It never increase eyes, it helps all eyes and should be j or diminishes the action of the heart. . If you are suffering: from any Chronlo In every home for use In emergency." niaaiaiaak von ara nro-erl tn writ tn nann matter how manv rlnetm a f . !a. It M meoicines you nave irieu wiwjuui renei. PfWHT H That you may judge the value of M.I.S.T. No. 2 for li" Irtf IF lr yourself, we will send you a amplo FREC Writ M.I.S.T. Nom26no Dollar per box, or Six Boxes for Five Dollars Address: THE M.I.S.T. C0 Toledo, Ohio of the D. of H. Special rates over the railroads have been arranged for. ...-.. Going to Soutnem Oregon. Mrs. Margaret E. Herris, grand chief of honor of the Degree of Honor. A. 1 to take and highly efficient. Caution While Sargol has - pro duced remarkable results 1 In overcom ing nervous dyspepsia and. general stomach troubles, ft should not be taken unless you are willing to gain 10 pounds or -more, zor it is a won oerrui xiesn-Duiiaer. (Adv.) The following extracts are from let ters received from users of this prescription: '.'I used Optona one week for a cold in my eyes; it did me a great deal of good." -My eyes nave oeen railing ror years. and shall continue Its use Have only been ueing optona a short time. My ayes are Improving wonder fully. "t find Optona very satisfactory and recommend It wherever I find an op portunity. I find it very soothing." "I've been benefited by Optona and intend to follow the treatment." "Have been using Optona for about three months and it has greatly lm- Wlll Zavesttgate Candidates. proved, my sight." mi.- -nr..a v,,-i r v. , - . . I jay eyes nsv oeeu nurt i ur several The woman s bqual Rights league i.,. t,a infiim r-. will meet ror organisation at tseuing- everything recommended and gained Hirsch . hall. Tenth and Washington I no relief. I had my eyes examined and traaiti Thiiradav nfterflnnn t 2 1 wnr arlasseti for six months. I read .it nhi.i. r hi nrniti.i. ot ootona ana tnoustnt i wouia stive it tlon will be to study public questions " relief and hive not and investigate claims and standing of w Ugi.7.dn cauuiuaios. ii lajBciy ui vi i aa not require mem. werklnsr women, and expects to .be a I Manv others have made similar re factor in the political as wU as the ports. If your eyes bother you, have industrial fieia. epeciai attention win i y' V ' . ernapa vaiu other organ . , hnn, .,,. I OO wonaer iur you. uoi oecoiue a be given the two eight nour measures yictim ot neriect. You perhaps value on tha ballot, the 11500 exemDtion I . Z. ,h.. . .v,-.. - - ' vuur eiCB liiui a w uisaii, therefore it's your duty to protect QUIT MEAT?J0! You need not stop eating meat for fear of your kidneys. Your system re quires its strength-giving qualities. If, however, you feel that it sometimes works against you, just take two or three GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap sules each day for a coupl of weeks, stop for a week, and then begin again. There is nothing new and experimental about them. They are an old. harm less combination of oil and. herbs, which will keep your kidneys and blad der working fine and carry away all rheumatic pains and ill effects from any uric acid producing food. But when you go to the drag store, get tha original genuin Haarlem Oil in Cap sules. GOLD MEDAL. They are im ported direct from Holland. (Adv.) organisation makes progress along the This free prescription has given AOV. vnnp m-vmm mnrit than an measure) suiu ouiws " mcj cuius vw inerai fore tha electorate. I them. This organization gives a dance FH-reiier to tnousana. day evening at tbe same place and a large number of people identified with labor organizations are expected to take part. Hoisting and Portable Engineers, No. ailments caused by defective 87J. is a body of men in this city thatl TreivntLT option of the Or hnfll nearlv all th enarinea in on- OT "TegUiar &CUOH Ul UlC W eration in th construction of build ings, . wharves, bridges, etc it has a very large percentage of tbe trade and among its members are many nome owners and taxpayers. SCaatcatters Bave aTmoota aaUiag-. The Meatcutters is a union that now has smooth sailing over industrial seas but a few years ago it bad. to J demonstrate Its right to existence. The The Best Corrective and preventive of the numerous gans of digestion is found in the safe, speedy, certain and time-tested home remedy .inuT i in rv Kelps' rom K4ZJB nr rovguLn by Eben Perry, 408 Tourny Bldg., 2nd and Taylor SU. A Journal Adas Free! This wonderfully complete Atlas is inval uable in any home or office library, and CAN BE SECURED WITHOUT COST to anyone who will subscribe to The Daily and Sunday Journal, paying $2.60 for four months in advance. See coupon below. , The Journal, Portland, Oregon ' Herewith please find $2.60 In payment for four months sub scription to the Daily and Sunday Journal at 65c a month. 1 1 am to receive a Journal Atlas free. I Nam Addrets m mr-m .......... . mm-mt . . p a SaU aarywaere. kg lUmXU. ...... ................... ....... Find....,.xtrato 0r po$teg. Po$tg9 i J3tt