. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY. EVENING, MAY 5, 1914. 17 ACREAGE (Contlnna.)L 07 CHICKEN and fruit rencnea near Port land; Gresham district, electric sta tion ' mile. New subdivision. .Sun shin Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only 175 to .$160 per acre In small tracts; easy Urmt. Frank McFarland Realty Co. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. I ACRES Near Ints, all In clover. .fins spring. Price 1225 per acre, terms, Room 14. tlVi Morrison. -TOR BAliF FA RMS 1 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 . (Con tinned.) . ' Stock and Orchard Ranch For sale by owner; 333 acres; 48 acres in orchard. Will consider Portland -city property in part pay ment, tor particulars ad dress "Owner," Lyle, Wash. SWAl.COLt7MN 25 PAINTER would like to do painting or kalsominin-- in exchange for tailor work. P"hone EaBt 3577. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 TIME is too valuable, days too short, advertising too expensive and busi ness too good for me to waste timo telling you how I get results. Sea me if you want to dispose of that property, get you that loan or swap that white elephant off. H. Canon, investments. 323 Morgan bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES i Continued.) '' 20 Snappiest Snap Of them all; confectionery cigars, etc., rent $20, well stocked, busy lo cation; cost $900 to equip, price $500. Can't be beat; 602 Couch bldg. 40 ACKEH, 1 miles out. & to Sher wood and electric ar. Vs to mill, v.., .nil -nrrw. nninn land; lies .well, fine creek, on county road, sur rotinded by. good farm. -0 to $700 worth of timber; only H00, $00 , cash, balance long time. ,, . 20 acres, 2 mile to Hherwood. lies Ideal, best of soil, no rock. onl $100 per acre; $250 cash, balance $150 per j KKITZ & CO.. 310 Spalding bldg. MajnJ584. : . 20 Acres $80 $1 fare from Portland, nearly ready for plow. lvei, rid soil, close to school, station; K0 acres on market: $100 casn. 40 Acres $950 Spfcndla -farming land. clos" to school, station, $:100 cash. Claude Cole. 917 Board of Trade 160 ACREH In Cama valley. 2 miles from Camas P. O.. Or.. 15 acres im proved, balance heavy timber; will cut 7.000.000 to 9.000,000 feet. r-d fir, yel low fir. cedar, sugar pine, white and led clay, sand stone, coal of excep tional quality In two places, well wa tered, creeks, timber and coal worth the price asked. Thomas Taylor Dll lard Or. WID U f I? On aj-raa I r f I 1711 t fl 1 H fill III- run nrtiju -v ... . - . csted on one of the best watered ! propositions In the state of California; ,18 acres la crop. 14 acres In alfuifa and and other improvements; this is a. -bargain. Kor further information write owner. E. R. Smith, Los Molins. Cal., n. f. i . SMALL IRRIGATED FARMS. 80 acres in Crook county, 60 in cul tivation, water right paid, some im provement; a snap at $4500; will trade for house, or acreage near Portland. 78 acres, adjoining eastern Washing ton town, all cultivated, half in al falfa, good buildings: a fine dairy and hog ranch; price $12,000; wilt take $9000 in trade; balance mortgage. - We have some larger alfalfa propo sitions. LUEDDEMANN RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. TO TRADE for Improved stock ranch or farm, prefer Douglas or Lane Co., Or. I have 560 acres, Adams Co., all in cultivation, 4 in wheat, 1-3 crop with place, IV miles town. Price $35,000 $5700 mtg., 4 yrs. 6 per cent; also 320' acres raw land, some eood timber, . near town, price $30; $1600 mtg.. 4 years 7 per cent. State price and description first letter. Owner 533 Garfield. Wash. WELL established dTy goods and gent's furnishing store on the west side, doing a cash business of $15,000 a year. esui siocK. will sell at invoice, win consider some good acreage for $1000 or $1500. Balance must be cash. K- journai. ROOMING HOUSES 53 A. J. DE FOREST, 316 FENTON BLDti. 84 6TH ST. PHONE MAIN 6336. 22 Rooms, Big Snap Close in, swell house, elegantly fur nished, for only $1000. Terms to suit. Original cost $2500; act quick. 30 Rcoms, Downtown Fine transient house for only $1800; terms to suit. 58 Room Apartment House Nob Hill district, swell locaUon. Price only $3500; terms or part trade. 70 Room Hotel, Downtown Clearing $350 to $500 per month; corner brick building, ground floor, office and elevator. Price $5500; terms. $800 down or exchange. A. J. DE FOREST. 31b FENTON BLDG. $1100 Meat Market Doing-better than $50 day. rent $20 month. Buys whole beef only. Up to date fixtures. Invoice and take real estate or paper. 638 Morgan bldg. Crackeriack location. cnt i?nnn to equip; doing $22 per day. Price $1000. iwms, win traae. . wuuaho, 408 Gerlinger bldg. FARM, 70 acres. 5 miles from Oregon City 2 miles from New Era: 4-year-oid orchard and buildings; close to school, good water, 20 acres I" oats, 40 acres in timber; $73 per acre. Call 2486 Btark st. 40 ACREH fine land, with some build ings, spring water piped to house. 5 minutes from R. R. town, high school. $3000; no trade. See owner, 0b Mon tana ave., city, evenings. Will make 2 nice houses. - WK HAVE some Ideal dairy or truck farms. If you mean business we are prepared to make von a very attrac tive proposition. Robert Xrlms, 409 Panama bldg.. Portland. Or., Main 1970. 168 ACRES, 3 miles from rwilroad. 60 acres cultivated, new house, 2 burnt!, stock, crop, new machinery, everything complete and flrxt clam. Owner, F. -'kulka, Bclo, Or. 15 ACRES hear Tillamook City for $2000; fine dairy proposition ; tim ber alone worth the money. Would VACANT LOT WANTED Have 4, 5 room bungalows, 1 on E. Madison, near 41st;- 1 on Arnold St.. 1 on E. 85th, near Main, 1 on Web ster st., near Alblna ave.; all rented at $20 each. WU1 take vacant lots up to $1800 on any one of them, bal ance terms; Laurelhurst, Rossmere or Rose City Park lots preferred. ORUSSI & BOLDSf 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. A-4401 consider city property. Corbett bldg. M. E. Lee. 522 90 acre ranch, house and barn. Siletz. 8' acres in cultivation, to party win will clear 2 i scren a year. J. T. Allker. builder, Lents, HAVE 80 acres brush ranch, with kpv eral hundred fruit trees and all kinds of garden; team and wugou; terma: about ; miles from carllne. Maln28. VERY cheap for the quality Is my beautiful home farm on Tualatin Hver. T. Wlthvcombe, 432 12th st. Miirwhnll 3 I IS. 22 "A Oregon FARM. "0 acres. Beaverton. Route Cedar Mill. William Westhoff. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOMR ON OREGON ELECTRIC. Three acres and fine 7 room house. Place well Improved. Will sell for ttt.iA nn .,..ut. A .- ..-Ill t4 nn , ' ii i "p n i l tv n i . , w 1 1 1 i i. ... . i L. v. u , to $2500 and mortgage on place for bal ance. Will deal with owners only. This is worth $6000. Only 25 minutes out with 8V.C fare. Address X-943, Journal or see McCormlc at Garden Home. EXCHANGE 120 acre farm. good house, deep well, poor barn main county road, 3 miles Amity, Yamhill county; near walnut and cherry or chards, 90 . cultivated, balance timber, pasture, fruit, grain or stock; $14,000; $4000 morfc, 6 per cent; small acreage city income, clear or nearly clear. Own er, no commission. L-4. Journal. $2500 IN CLEAR PROPERTY WILL GET M INTEREST IN HIGH CLASS REAL ESTATE OFFICE; PARTY MUST BE PREPARED TO DO ACTIVE WORK AND ABLE TO FURNISH A-l REFERENCE AS TO ABILITY AND CHARACTER. C-963, JOURNAL Snap Snap 16 room's, rent $25 reduced from $60; house panered from top to bottom and painted inside; income nets above all expenses, $75: location the very best Price $650, easy terms. G. L GODDARD. 408 Gerlinger Bldg. 17 Rooms, $650 Terms Piano, Graphophone Rent $40. Furniture easily coet $1500. Price $650. Without piano, for less. GODDARD. 502 Couch bldg 17 Rooms $550 Rent $45, modern, fine roses and lawn, worth $1500; must sacrifice on account of accident; $260 cash bal easy terms. C. L. GODDARD. 408 Gerlinger Bldg. $800 ' $800 $800 Buys a 82 room apartment house, all on one floor, concrete, neat and clean as a pin; rooms are always full, worth $3000. First one comes gets this for J800. See Peters, lb N. 5th st. $35 Per Acre lfiO acres. 3'. miles from Forest Grove, good soil; to exchange for city property. W. H. SUTZ & CO.. Main 6584. 310 Spalding Bldg. Partly Improved, Portland $31,600 worth of first class city property, will trade for good stock ranch eastern Oregon preferred. Will take some stock in trade. Owner at 1084 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 2017; NEW bungalow, corner lot, full siaw, modern, lovely home; price $2600; will take equity of $600 in trade, bal ance $15 month; would like confec Nl l"acrcfarms; " reaSoiiabfc; j "l"?""?1"!, h?" on City, Route 7. .1. P. Hchroeder Sjl nav you? aoddard. 02 Couch FOR RKNT FARMS 14 FARM for rent: 5U acres, all in cul tlvatlou: all kinds of fruit, house, barn, 3 chicken houses. 2 springs, on pub'lir road, mall every day, fine iew, near Portland. Inquire room 26, 142 Vi Second t.. Portland. . HOMESTEADS 47 PEOPLE desiring to locate homestead In the Deschutes Forest Reserve, which will be thrown open on May 9, 1914. can get Information tn their ad vantage at 1505 Yeon bullcing. Main 670R. . i ! FOR SALE or trade. $2200 equity in 7.13 acre trucK ana cnicxen ranch. 4V miles from Salem. 2 blocks to sta tion. Large new house, barn, other outbuildings. Good well. Some fruit Farm land wanted. - M. E. Detrlck, Turner, or. BUNGALOW TO TRADE. New moderh bungalow on full lot. many built-in features and attractive Price $3500. Will trade for small farm or lots. Lueddemann. Raley & Co., 913" Chamber of Commerce. Homesteaders We have six more relinquishments near R. R'.s reasonable fee 638 MORGAN BLDG. DO YOU want 160 or 32b acres of tha hest government land in Oregon; can raise grain, vegetables, unlimited stock range free. Ifll 4th st. Main 8774. FOR good 32u acre homesteads, Mal haur county. Address Wm. Mast, cor. 2d and Ash sts. BEAUTIFUL little select boarding and rooming house, -west side, making nice income, pretty home, including fine Kimball piano, reasonable. COAX), izi s j on n western i;ann Diag. APARTMENT house. -2 rooms, ! baths. 4 toilets, all on one floor rent $80: lone lease. $500 will nan die this. Will consider some trade Price $900. 248 Stark. LOTS Well located and Improved, to exchange for rooming house. M-965 journal. 38 ROOMSM-S'team heat, hot water. baths; consider some trade; agents tane notice. : Main 2767. BY owner, close In. 26 rooms, well furnished 283 13th, cor. Jefferson. HAVE some acreage and cash for good rooming house. Ktlger. Main b3 BUSINESS CHANCES 20 FARMERS' feed store, a fine business, very low rent, owner retiring; this can be sold for $1000. Call 323 Lura ber Exchange, MOVING picture theatre, seats 450 good location, lease and small In vestment, 337 Northwestern. Bank bldg. WANTED Reliable man in a growing real estate business as partner; ! requires very little money. M. Kerkes, 337 Northwestern Bank bldg. llAVKol- lot or lot equity? Apply it as first payment on a home. We can fiill the bill with easv terms on the balance. O. F. Ford Co., 309 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1224, A-7117. WANT to exchange, sale contract on 4 80 acres of land drawing 7 per cent for a small ranch neiw Portland, from owner. J. E. Shears, 431 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Main 9294. 160 ACRES to trade for oity property or acreage by owner. A-3477. BAKERY and light grocery, doln a good business. for sale by owner; no agent; a money maker. 533. Journal. Dairy Lunch FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing wotks. wagon ana nami machinery: same location 4 years; good buy for man and wife; will teach buyer the business if desired; must sell; going kubi. . r-none owner ias.t bs. FOR SALE First class money mak ing hotel, full all the time. Lo- good Wil cated at the end of R. It.. In town; netting $300 per month sell at a bargain. See owner. Imperal hotel. 43a ABOUT $300 and your services as of- . nee manager in a work that will bear the strictest investigation: will make you- independent; experience i, , f 1 "x "ol ausoiuteiy necessary n-ooo journal. CASH grocery close in, cheap rent, no incumbrance, business too large for lady to handle alone; will make liberal terms to responsible party and reduca siouB. io suit purcnaser. 337-isortn western Bank bldg. WE have buyers for rooming house, cigar stores, confectionery stores, tailoring shODS. barber xhons List wnat you have with us for results. M J. Kerkes, 337 Northwestern Bank bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES 2V Contlnmed.) ,-l l. Hfc... l Ml, I ll.l I, HW Here's Something Rare MONEV TO LOAN llEAL ESTATE (Ckratlnned.) 27 Grocery, confectionery, cigars, soda I MONEY TO LOAN fountain, school supplies, store op-1 ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATB OH poslte large school, rent on lease $7.50 1 FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VERY month Including 3 cosy rooms, furni-1 FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS: NO COM- ture included Stnelr alone will in-1 MISSION. voice about $700. Electric coffee mlll.1 COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRT6T CO. uayton computing scales. National! j m-a-imnh kiji, $2250 WANTED. Very good security close in resi dence, property, 20 minutes' walk from za and Awer: lz minute car service. 991, Journal. cash register, good fixtures, chicken I LOANS on lmnroved city oroDerty or yara, etc. rnce auu. uooaara, l tor building purposes; advance mad oucn piqg. , ( as building progreaaea: liberal repay- rM ! I n-.!-. CUnn i ment privileges: no commission. J. P. UitJamilg allU riebdlllg OIIUU I Lipscomb. 243 Stark st. Main 4420. In one of Portland's best locations. $350. Snappy Little Restaurant Only $300. terms to suit or exchange. Must sell quick. a. j. De-Xmi-ST. sis fenton piqg. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE. 701 Selling Bldg. Barber Shop TO LOAN. $400. $1600. $2544 and $5000 on city Improved property. J. L- Wells Co.. 24 Chamber of Commerce bldg. I WE have money to loan on your real eotate; first mortgags only. I HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber or Commerce. with 3 of latest hydraulic chair back ca"se quarter sawed oak, electric ma rine find hntr rlri'Ar iru u h.alpr rose $700 to furnish; am sick, so will give I MONEY, any amount, lowest prevali away for $260, worth twice that much! ing rates; city and farm properties: to move, see meters, lb ss. trn bu rirat mortgages purcnasea. connect! wanted for automobile cut, vmpany. wiicox pij. I am alone and can't de- PARTNER business. pend on hired help: experience Is not necessary beyond ability to tend office, sell supplies, etc. Don't require much money and I will guarantee large profits to energetic man. Sea my agent. Room 329 Morgan bldg. General Merchandise Stock invoice $4500, fixtures $360; good town; rent $10 month; sales $11. 000. Owner will invoice and take part fay In clear real estate, 638 MORGAN BLDG. TO LOAN $250. $400, $600 on first claaa improved real estate: auick service. Beirora & Huff. 1629 E. 13th Phone Sellwood 161. $800 OR $1000 to loan on Improved cJty" property at 8 per cent. Call 31" Board of Trade. Main 7452 A 4401. $1000 to loan on residence property, fnono woooiawn 151, c-2457. MONEY" TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 WANTED An .ideal Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas, they may bring you wealth; write for "Needed Inven tions" and "How to Get Your Patent 1 ON SALARY, FURNITURET PIANOS, and Your Money." Randolph & patent -attorneys, Washington. D Co.. C. m mmw tis FURNITURET FIA IE PRACTICAL real estate and business chance man wishes connection with good firm, or will put experience against inexperienced man's capital to finance office. J-5, Journal. FOR SALE Bakery with lunch room in connection. In Hillsboro, county seat of Washington county, population 3000. Apnly W. C. Gifford, Hotel Wash- ingion. i-iusDOro GROCERY and feed store 60x60 feet. $2500 stock and fixtures, $50 to $60 business per day, with the privilege of irying it Derore ouying; win invoice and consider some trade. 248 Stark. DEAL WITH OWNER Save commission; beautiful confec tionery store, furnished livinc room. worth double my price. $650. R-721 Journal. ENERGETIC young German man wants a position in small grocery store where there is a chance of tak ing part interest or buying the place later on. M-528. Journal. NEWPORT restaurant location at Nye beach, prominent corner, close to beach, arranged aa dining Toom, Kitcnen, worit room, living rooms; splendid French ranee, tables, chairs, sinks, etc., for year or term of years. Address lj. u. smith. Newport, or. COMPLETE painter's outfit for safe. with new Manila, rone, falls with 100 feet drop, with 2 hooks, extension lad der 32 feet long, planks, brushes and some stock, worth $100; will' sell for $45 if taken at once. Call 254 E. 51st st, morning or evening. AUTOS. MOTORCYCLES, REAL ES TATE OR DIAMONDS. We Loan ANT AMOUNT AT LOW RATES When Others Turn You Down. SEE IDS AT (OWE You Can Get It Today. i (Licensed.) 205 Rotbchild Bldg. Bet 4th and 6th on Washington at, $2500 Grocery Store One of the best locations on the east aide, doing $97 a day. Will invoice and take one half )n clear real estate. 4SS Morgan bldg. ESTABLISHED business and state rights in sanitary device for theatres, clubs and saloons; business paying and can be doubled in short time. X-730, Journal. Vol'NG man with some business train ing, also experience ii mechanical work, seeks connection with profitable manufacturing concern; has small amount to invest. B-5, Journal. CLEANING works; established 1904; price $600; boiler Rnd dye tubs; press machine, spotting board, etc. easy terms. Chas. E. Sparks, 209 Wash, st.. The Dalles. Or. A WELL established millinery busi ness stock and fixtures, best resi dence district in city; best reason for felling. C-15, Journal. Wood Yard For sale or lease, doing good busi ness. Tabor 4666. PARTNER, for office end of well built up business; pays $125 month; only $150; 303 Lumber Ex change. CIGARS, confectionery, Ice cream, light groceries, long lease, cheap rent; good paying place. 362 N. 23d at. Main 684 2. POOL room, 2 tables in good small town, cigar stand, card tables rent, $15; $400 puts you in. Call 248 Stark. SALE or trade, transfer, storage busi ness for improved acreage near car line. Brooklyn Transfer Co. CALIFORNIA newspapers for sale. I have a fine list. George E. Carter, HuKum. Wash. PiRTWn want 7 hrnlf.rt era. rffta one partner retiring: chance for ac tive, reliable man; call 323 Lumber Exchange. Moving Picture House Large house. 250 chairs, large terri tory to araw rrom; strictly UD-to- oate "lace and clearing from $40 to $70 a week. b38 Morgan bldg. IS ivi wursuvu uj i JEWELS, ET(8. Business strictly confidential. EtM COL 320 Lumber ex. bldi;.. d and Stark. 1000 Business Cards, $1,25 Byder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d and Mor. Main 5536. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 When you are in need of Ready cash Call and see us For a confidential loan on your salary. , You can repay us in small weekly or monthly payments. Lowest rates. Best terms. State Security Co., 309 Falling Bldg. MR. AND WISHING LOANS WANTED SO (Con tinned.) FINANCIAL 51 FIRST i-nd 2nd mortgage, aiao sai lers' Interest In contractu purchased. Oregon or Washington, ti. E. Noble. I Lumbermens bldg. HELJr WANTED SLALK Y. M. C. A. EM P Lu 1 M K.N T DEPl'. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership lee; glvea two months' full membership privilege, to month 8' social privileges. Kecora ror year ivis: Calls for men.. ..263j Positions filled 1941 All vouna- men seeklnar eoiDloymem. esneclallr utraneera. are cordially in vited to consult wltn tne secretary ox the Employment Department. HELP YAlCTrD FEMALE 2 (Continued.) WANTED Girls. 16 to 18 years, with good educations, to learn the hnal. ness.. Apply superintendent's office, t to 10 a. m 6th floor, Meier & Frank Co. WANTED Experienced saleswomen la tne giove department. Apply auperin tendenfa office. th floor. hutwMi, and lo a, m. Meier & Frank Co. WANTED Experienced saleswomen for suit and cloak department Ap ply superintendent's office 9 to 10 . m.. om noor. Meier & Frank Co. NOTICE. We are now located in our large. modern, fireproof garage, at 86 10th at., where we shall continue to give instruction, hoth technical and practi cal, in automobile repairing and driv ing: also heavy-duty gas engineering. Tuition Part cash on enrollment, bal ance at time of graduation. .Pacific Auto & Gas Engine School. 86 10th st. WANTED Lady stenographer. one competent also to do plain bookkeep ing. Give experience and wa.es de sired. Address J. F. Stewart, Toledo. Oregon. SCHOOL girl or foreigner to assist in mnaji private ramuy ror room and board and free piano lessons. 472 W. Broadway, near Jackson at. WANTED Housekeeper, good home. iiKm worn, amaii wages; no objec tions to one child. man. Moialla. Or. Address V. Plt- Rl'SlvlXl r,rtnier WMnt.ul violin huti- Jo or mandolia. , (I play banlo). You WANTED For a first Claaa hotel. must also have your own business on ( chambermaid. Must be clean and re side, trip to Montana, etc. C-23, Jour- liable. Apply manager. Hotel Waah- nat; '"t'un, mn ana Washington.. WANTED Canvassers who are willing J WANTED First class errand girl. SO. to worn, selling iruu wiu uruwueouu trees and snrubDery. Cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. Columbia bldg. boLUCi . OHtS WANTED; best offer la city; Van Dyck Studio. 404 Wash, at. CHEF Headquarters and helpers. Cal ifornia Wine Depot. 285 Yamhill. UELl' WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 OREGON Barber College Now is ths time to learn tne barber trade; po rt tlon a guaranteed; paid while learn ing; tools free; tuition reduced. SS) Madison st. . JAP WANTED Will give some good MOLER BARBER COLLEGE teach Jan a lease on 20 arra of cond 1 trade in 1 wecka. nav whlla lum. strawberry land or for any other pur- I Ing, gives lst-claaa set of tool; writs pose, ror rive years ir he will clear iu ror rree catalogue. M. . rf. Id at. acres or all of it. and he can out three Eastern Barber College, men and worn! or four hundred cords of wOod: onlv t , r.nn,i. . i - - - - . - i ww- w u u. A c,4 n uia v 76o tare from Portland, right on the Jness, be Independent; tools furnished HELP WANTED MISC. 4 river; house on the Place: good water eood rnonev to hn madn for anm one. Phone Woodlawn 3017 and see me at once We want good reliable men to take our course In automobile repairing ana driving, also heavy duty a as en gines, tractor work and stationary en gineering; enroll now and be prepared for the heavy spring and summer d- j mand for trained men. Oregon Auto j bchooi. Z6G-Z68 ntn sr. START a mail order business of your own; email capital; spare time; 27 plans; send for particulars: 'Mutual Ol portunities Exchange, Buffalo. N. X HOUSAN'DS government Jobs open i free; fees reasonable. S9Vj 1st. Jeff. rlbK Teachers Agency aeoures poel- tlons for teachers. 31 Journal bldg. VANTCT-A GENTS g WANTED, agent, lady or gentleman. ai onoe, to sett to in people or Portland a line of guaranteed hoai-' ery. Phon East 4870. Call for Bald win. SOLICITORS for Rose Carnival speo ials, commission, good paying prop ositlon. Novelty Pennant Co- Mala 2751. 876 Yamhill at, io Write SITUATION! -MALE THOUi immediately for free fist. Frariklin VNANTKLoitlon aa cook and baker liftjNI CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis & Co., 8 Lewis bldg. WAliifi EARNERS E!t WITHOUT UK. CURITy. QUICKLY, QUIETLY. AND CHEAPLY. PLEASE CALL AT 304 WENKl BLDG. COLUMBIA LOAN CO.. 206 and 207 Swetland bldg. Money to loan on TATE. WMBEK. "atAt W ' sffifflwsf -Ate SSk-S CO.. Gerlinger bldg. 2d and Aider. isPr-? 5 Sr?J" ,V??i MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security; apply rra. 203 Stock Exchange. 3d and YamhllL MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgages bought and sold. John L. Karnopp, Railway Exchange bldg. MONEY to loan on pianos, furniture. buios, iivesioca, storage receipts, real estate, etc. We buy mortgages. Man- nattan oiig. uo.. siu Aoington. m. Z86. $1000 to $5000 private funds for Imme diate loan. Phone Tabor 2620. LOANS on diamonds and jewelry. Brown & Co., room 9, Washington bldg. WE make quick loans on real estate. call in person. u. Kotncniid nldg. LOAN8, real or chattel security, con tracts bought, trades. Room 106 Kherlock bldg. AUTOMOBILE garage and repair business; owner has lots work; wants man as partner, look after of fice end; call 823" Lumber Exchange. WAITING room, confectionery, cigars, news, light lunch, close in doing good business. See owner, 113 2d s t. SACRIFICE meat market, splendid lo cation, excellently equipped: reason for selling. 605 Lumbermens bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to a per cent. W. H. Selta & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. $250, $350, $600, $850. $1200, $2000. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham. Com- M n r rra rr I nanc FRED C. KING mui -vuuo 814 Spalding bldg MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 313 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE Joans, 6 and 7 Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 per cent. Stark st. MONEY on city property. Ridings A Riley, 404 Broadway bldg. M. 2817. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRAINGTON 80 4th rt.. Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jew- elry. atrlctly confidential. 141 1. 3d. Institute. Dept. 350M. Rochester, N. Y. I . n noiei. ooaraing house or camp; DAirwAV T-i ,i-. . " - experier bi i wiv nnii i-w ...i ttoi.,. .i, t.ii Bi,B rei- Vi, Ai.T T.V'TtTi V., ;.:. " ?rences.- nta steady work. B-16. MEN with patentable idaas write Ran dolph Ac Co., pa Vent solicitors, Wash ington, u. tJ. BRIGHT office boy wanted for two months work. Apply 7:45 Wednea- lay morning. 7Z0 Kelllrtg bldg. COLLEGE graduate Just arrived frpm .rniiaaeipnta wishea to tutor; teach Instrumental music: asaist in other I duties; moderate wages. N-966, Jour nal. main wants position as janitor or WANTED First class painter. 647 Union ave. N. RAGTIME on pianos guaranteed be- I MAN wants a Job a janitor, watch day's work, any kind, carina- for lawn, grading yards, house cleaning. main aiyo, oom B. glnners in 10 lessons. 503 Filers bldg. UNCALLED, for tailor made suits $6.50 up. Taylor, the Tailor. 28H Burnt da PACIFIC Chiropractic College. Inc. 07 to 1H commonwealth bldg. USE Bassett'e Native Herbs for rheu- matism; 50 tablets 25c. All druggists. LOANS on diamonds and Jewelry. R'm 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, jew elry. Wm. Holl. R. 8. Wash'ton bldg. TO LOAN $100 or less on any se curity. F-4. Journal. LOANS WANTED 30 $1600 WANTED at 8 per cent on fine new bungalow, close fn, east side. Call 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452, A-4401. HEL1 WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED .experienced lady canvass ers, a paying proposition. Phone Tabor 632. B-27S2. WANTED Housekeeper by widower. srnau raniiiy, lair wages, oui oi citv. Aortas, i.a.--, journal. man or Dorter;- will work for 110 week: give city references J-19. Journal. POSITION wanted aa butter maker. German-Dane. Best of references. Write Christ Anderson. 65 East 9th at.. Portland. Or, RELIABLE chauffeur wishea position wun private lamily or will drive truck. Phone Marshall 332$. A. Mac- Laohlen. rosi T ION WANTED as gardener. florist or taking care of nrlvat nlac : 6 years experience. F-13. Journal. MIDDLE aged man, nandy with twvi,., t,v linn n J i r V' 1 1 vrURlU, reliable. Wm. Hasie, G. D. VOUNG married man wants any kind of work; can furnish reference; must have work. Call up Tabor 284. mace practical nurse, under stands massacre. Dr. Crockwell (naturopath 706 Dekum bldg. WANTED Girl to assist with house work and care of children. Call 419 1 RELIABLE vounar man wanta mMltlon as automoDiie cnaurteur, naa some E. 52nd St.. N. Rose City Park car. WANTED Good woman cook for country hotel. Call or address L. L. Keach. 204 7th ave.. Lents. A FEW first claaa lady solicitors who can talk to men. 117 Potter hotel. WANTED Teachers for mission school. Apply 206 H 2d St., 7 p. m. uperlence. tpV. 16. "printing TIMBER 28 FIFTY-EIGHT million feet of British Columbia timber, valued at $60,U00, to nettle, an estate will sell for $30,000. Adjoining timber cannot be had for lesn than $1.26 per thousand. Stanley J. Wilson. 33 Hastings Street West Vancouver, Bi'itlsli Columbia. If Jeff Had Half of Mutt's Brains He'd Be a Wonder a By "Bud" Fisher EXCHANOE HEAL ESTATE 24 A $600 eauity In 5 room cottage. 100X 100. plenty of fruit. What have yoii to offer? Will give good cash dis count. Bal. $1400 at $12 per mo. Phone B-1754. j Grocery Store Owner j I have some acreage free and clean, and cash to trade for one. Call Main 6377. ! 400 ACRES choice eastern farm landT some improvements, clear of incum- , brance; exchange for Portland prop- , erty. Owner, D-10. Journal. CLEAR acreage and some cash to ex- change for store or rooming hous. ' Act quick, this party means businepH. Goddard 503 Couch bldg. I HAVE some acreage free and clear and cash to trade for a Roadster or 5 passenger. Call Main 6377; must be in good condition. i A 1 IMPROVED FARM, I 10 miles from Portland, 60 acres for , rooming' house or apartment house. A. J. peFORE8T. 316 FENTON BLDG. j GET busy and trade what you hav ; for what you want; people looking for exchanges all the time at 602 Couch bldg., IMPROVED farming land; also clay -Industrial proposition; creek and wells.- Late model auto or realty as first payment accepted. K-14. Journa I. PORTLAND realty, mortgage note, to taling $3300; also other property. 'Owners submit busfness. hotel, ranch, partnership. B-17. Journal. GASOLINE towing and passenger boa"., will 'exchange for residence to value of $3000, acreage or lots. M-549, Jour. nal. WILL take lot, auto, motorcycle, or anything for my equity in nice little home. Come and see it- It must go; large Phone Tabor 542. OWNER win exchange equitv In 6 room residence located In Beaumont dlatrlct for good lot of equaL value. ' What have you? W-792, Journal. A. 1350 equity in an acreage tract for a vacant lot about same value. V 636, Journal. FOUR-flat building, close In; rents for $80 month; exchange -for farm; . 818 Commercial t. r TT&OO EQUITY iri fine bouse; will trade for grocery: will atisume some; what have yon? E-l. Journal. EQUITY-" room furnished bungalow for lot lawn 1429. bargain. Evening, Wood- HAVE good New York property, clear of incumbrance, nrlce $3000, io trade for Oregon property. Main 3644. NEW home, 6 rooms, strictly modern, .ior good lot, Bomo cash, balance mort-thly. Tabor1 417. WE exchange what you have for what you want. Paper &. Baker. 444 Sher- lock bldg.. 8d and Oak. Marshall 26S4. TEN acres. Equity -$1200. Mortgage $300. Exchange for anything of equal value. Phone Main 8091. 10 ACRES timber and Portland prop- . erty, for- house, - flat or apartment house. Main 9130. SEE that bungalow.: equity for $1000 auto, XL Mala 205. Jtrr, we a (N'T got a ceMT rut t A L1 r . - - '"avW I - . . -i t , hit aar HeS-5 iSSSttiiHH. r . 1 " n TNe 61NiT HAVB A Cr r -I S I ' - V I 1 . r fMU MgXC'C- t A I j dora F16-D I -l "J I I I Vv w. -QLr.ler- -t- U.fc - I I C5--T V t. I I -rWA- S II V -"r T w.--.-Me t .a DOu" 1 Mi v0 DR.0R. cVYKtNfe yol0XjjUT (ND START1 u,(es BseAl.c. NXOti THAT SAS6.&AUCSTA-t A Bum wfi JTust n hsre Mit. PULUstv THM" STUFF VD rt?TR. KBterr i couNTeo up wo lOWO WON'T rTif 4- I 1 , -"hies IM H-UC I t V J II 1 I j t . v kj flllllUr. , . rlence. A-l 6. Journal. wanta ateady position In office: some experience. Phone Wdln. 2965. BAKER, firat class on bread an.1 cake, wants situation, out of town preferred. X-731. Journal. YOUNG man wants to go out to farm to learn farm business. W.78S. Journal. EXPERIENCED e cream maker wishes work; handy In dairy rater' ence. Y-769, Journal. BOY" 17 wants work, anything. Writo 614 Jefferaon st. MAN with' experience aa machinist wisnes worn. Mam THftT 6T To DO UlYW MAN who is rough carpenter wanta wont, wain in. MAN who la experienced wants houae- cleaning. Main 717. BOY of 17 wants work, has had ex- BRICKLAYER beat references, city or country. i tv. giat.. e. - TWO girls want positions, experienced waitresses or chamber work, mool seamatress, country hotel or summer resort preferred, references. F-12, Journal. VOUNQ woman with 4-year-old boy. wishes nositloa as bouaekeeoar In city; good work, 240 Park aU. eor. Main. Room . PRACTICAL nurse wjshe to cara for childrent has 'expertenee wit babies also; understands character training. Address 1024 Glerm ave. LADY wishea work by the day or hour, will do cooking. Ironing, cleaning. -Phone Eaat 6719. PARTIES, luncheon, teas prepared, or serveo; iaay expert; save tnis. tseu wood 1696. PRACTICAL nurse wishes to cara for a baby or an invalid, to go to tne coast; wages reasonable. Main 4107. GOOD hand laundry, wants bundle washing, or day work, -'none Tabor 427 a. Man who Is handy wanta - odd Jobs. Main 717. ? perlence on farm. Main 717. SITUATIONS FEMALE AS housekeeper woman with- little girl. city or country. z iiacaamas si. F.ast 178$. EXPERIENCED laundress wanta washing and Ironing. Call E. S84 from 7 till 9 evenings only. OLD lady wants light work, small wares. 770 Mississippi, woooiawn 801. Nazarene Army. . - MIDDLE-AGED woman will assist la houaeworic or wash aisnea in res taurant. Phone Marshall ?50. ten wants room 34. EXPERIENCED stenographer, general orrice wora wanta poamon. -noo Tabor 1276. ' GOOD, strong woman wants day work. 729 Miawssippi ave.. wooaiawn Nasarene Army of America, EXPERIENCED waitress f also" cash. work. MarabaU , NEAT, reliable, middle aged lady wants care children aner noons, evenings. Marshal) 2434. LADY wishes workVln small restau rant or cafeteria. Vain 4609, roan 2, between 6 and 6 ptm. EXPERIENCED nlndery girl wishea position tn for nan a or eisewnere. Main 4509. room 28.- 8-1Q2. Jourtia1. HOUSECLEANINO or washing wanted by experienced Udy. Phone C-1928. WOMAN wanta day workT Is neat and reliable. Marshall $489. NEAT and competent woman wanta day wnrk. Main 71T. j WOMAN wants day work; la good laundress. Sellwood $24. WOMAN wants housecleanlng. Main 717. WOMAN wants cleaning .and laundry work. Main 7113. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wanta work. Main 717. , VfAN wants day work of any kino. baa itaia aM- jtooia f -