The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Plarfto Give Immense Barges
Loaded With Sugar Place
of Honor.
rct ConeonUaff SI JHtcb Tbmmfffc
Xathmua Contained la Szbaatlr
. Atlas ot Tb JouXjuu.
Announcement from Washington
that ommerce will be moved through
the Zunaiua canal about Mar 10 r
aews Intereat In the blar ditch. Tba
plan now la to Rive Immense barges
loaded with eugar the honor of being
the first to pass through. The dis
tances which these barges will have:
to cover, together with other data re-!
garding thi canal may be briefly
sketched as follows: .
The length of the canal from deep
water to deep water Is 60 V miles.
From shore line to shore line the dis
tance is 40 mites. The bottom width
of tho approach channel in Llmon bay
is tOO feet. From CSUun lake to Cule
rra rut it Is 24 miles. Channel width
from Oatun to Cuiebra cut entrance
from (00 to 109 feet. Cuiebra cut Is
nine, miles long aitd the bottom of the
chunnel in the cut Is 109 feet wide.
On" the Atlantic (tide the depth of
the-' channel approach is 41 feet at
mean -tide. Depth of channel approach
on- the Pacific side is 45 feet.
Tha largest vessels will have no
difficulty in making the turina at any
of the angles in the canal. These an
gles have a width sufficient for a ves
sel 1000 feet long to make the sweep
without hindrance. On the entire
canal there are 22 angles.
In -case of war the canal will be
found ready to meet any emergency.
heavy batteries betoig distributed along
the route and mints navlng been placed
so that it would be practically Im
possible for an invading foe to escape
serious damage or total destruction.
Wlrelens' stations and lighthouses are
Yhess are but a few of the many in
terasting things described In The
Journal Atlas of the World. The atlas
contains maps of all countries of the
globe and tells all about parcel post.
Thin atlaa will b slven awav free
to Journal readers. Cut out the cou
, pon In ' today's paper and remit $2.60
for four months' subscription to the
Dally and Sunday Journal and the
atlas will be furnished without addi
tional cost. Out-pf-town patrons will
be charged 13 cents extra for postage.
, i
High Compliment Is Paid at
Luncheon to Father Dom
inic of Mount Angel,
Sheffield Plate
In the.Anniversary Sale
$16JS0 Fish Platter. $9.95 $3JS0 Bon Sons
$2.50 Bread Tray .$1.69
$7.75 Veg. DUh . . . . $535
$12 Round Plates.. $735
$9.00 'Steak DUh. v.$5.95
$7.50 Cheese DUh . . $4.95
$20 Fruit Bowls . . $12.95
$25 Veg. DUh. . . .$1535
$9.00 Roll Basket. .$535
$5 SO Flower Vases $4.00
$7 SO Sandw. Trays $4.48
$8 Fruit Basket. .. .$435
$12J50 BreakPt Set $835
$10 Fern DUh..... $635
$15 Fruit Bowls. . . .$935
$22 Coffee Set. . . .$1335
$30 Coffee Urn . . .$1935
Beautiful Hand-Finished Pieces
Although the liveliest buying, was witnessed in our
Art Needlework section, the assortment of these beau
tiful foreign and American finished examples of art
needlework offers a broad selection.
You can never hope to duplicate any of these beau
tiful pieces again at these Anniversary Sale Prices.
liftl Tloov.
1MM i jjii
w iiercnanuis
Father Dominie of Mount Angel was
the guest of honor at a luncheon given
yesterday at the Portland hotel by the
Musicians' club of this city. The af
fair was a compliment to the composer
Upon the playing of his overture "The
Call of the West," by the Portland
Symphony Orchestra for the first time
at tha orchestra's last concert of the
season Friday afternoon of last week.
C. E. S. Wood. Frank Branch Riley
and David H. Wilson were Introduced
by president W. Oifford Nash to speak
for the club, but when the guest of
honor was introduced he modestly
whispered to Toastmaster Nash to say
for him, that "The overture expressed
his scntrnients.'.' About 30 members of
the club were present.
In speaking of music, literature and
art. Col. Wood said that art and
beauty alone are eternal and survive.
The beauty that Is part of what we
call soul belongs to the Immortal part
of man, whether he be material or
"Who cares nowadays in digging up
the burled ruins of that which was
once the glory of Greece," he said,
"to bother about the ashes of the past;
we search, rather, for the beautiful in
poetry and art, and for tablets that
reveal truth. Your mission in life,
gentlemen, is the creation of the beau
tiful and you are taking part In a
permanent work of all time, I have
known Father Dominic so many years
that I could not say all that I should
like to say In his presence. I could
not utter one syllable of anything bad
against him. 8uch is his modesty that.
If I were to tell , him what I think of
him; be would rather that I struck him
a blow on the cheek."
Mr. Riley gave an interesting sketch
of the guest of honor, from the ,time
he, at the age of 12, took up the study
of music In his home in Switzerland,
encouraged by his father, an editor and
publisher. The Intention was, ha said,
that young WaedenschwiUer was to be
come a professional musician, but the
. parish, priest urged that he rather be
come a priest, and so he became a
priest musician.
Mr. Wilson gave a technical analysis
of the overture "The Call of the West."
Babcock Denies
. . '" i . Published Story
Salem, Or., May 6. With nearly
6000 employer In the state listed In '
the offices of the state industrial i
accident commission and only about
600- rejections of the compensation
act on file, C. D. Babcock, of the
--commission, today branded .as falsa
the statement sent out .from Port
land ta the country papers of the
state to. the effect that a member
of thewcommission has said that only
00 to 600 of S000 manufacturers of i
Oregon are coming Cnfler the pro-
-visions of , the act.
' 8oroone with an ax to grind has
been sending out these .statements
to tner. country papers,'; said Mr
.'Babcock!. , This Is tie rankest kind I
of misrepresentation, and sounds like
J a new . chapter In the war against
the compensation-act carried on by
the casualty insurance people for the
'past two or three years, and which
la still en, although they must r-j
aiize .mat i is tosuig game."
5000 PAIRS
Brand New Best
$1 Silk Gloves 79c
1 6 -But ton Length
Pure silk double tip Guar
anteed to be regular $1.00
gloves 'from one of "the
greatest manufacturers of
silk fabric gloves in Amer
ica. These come in black and
white in all sizes. You have
our assurance that they are
all new f resft gloves that will
give you splendid satisfac
tion. First Floor
With 7 1 8 of the Newest Early Summer Coats as the Attraction
$12 to $14tl AC $17.50 to $22.50$A or $35 to $50dj 7 CA $45 to $60fc9yi At
Coats . . . .tJKLlJD Coats . . . .V.OD Coats Vlwv Coats . . . .yrmgtO
A SURPRISE EVENT planned and prepared for several months. Showroom coats, samples
and coats secured from makers who were overstocked. Altogether the most remarkable collec
tion to sell at minimum prices new coats that are worthy of presentation in our Anniversary
Sale. Exquisite coats of bengaline, taffeta, whipcord, faille, moire, brocades, charmeuse, crin
kle crepe, 'honeycomb worsteds, plaids, checks, cheviots, mixtures." In black, white and every
fashionable shade. Plan to come early Wednesday morning, for in many Instances there is but
one of a kind. See the triple window display. Third Floor
75c to $1.25
Oriental Novelty Colors
Rich Oriental and Japan
ese embroidered Collars . in
deep glowing colorings and
rich designs.
Collars suitable for waists,
dresses and coats.
J a p a n e s e embroidered
pompadour effects, repro
ductions of Turkish and
Arabic hand work.
In round,, square, epaulet
and Van Dyke shapes.
Of white, cream and ecru
batiste and crepe.
In such colorings as delft
blue crimson, orange.s ma
hogany and combination ef
fects. First Floor
$2 Traveling Aprons
Special 98c
Pullman traveling aprons of
figured cretonne and rubber
-lined. In attractive patterns and
a variety of colors. AH with
various pockets for necessary
toilet accessories. When in U6e
can be tied around the waist.
Bathing Caps 75c
Regular $1.00 and $1.50
Fancy silk .bathing caps,
all rubber lined. In various,
combinations of colors, in
dotted, figured and plain ef
fects. Trimmed with Persian
bands. In bonnet and hat
shapes, -oes sma vi
Ribbons Particular Newness Enter
This Sale at Astonishingly Low Prices
$1.25 to $1.75 Fancy Ribbons 89c
Imported fancy ribbons less than 12 hours in Port
land. Such wonderful plaids, stripes and beautiful Dres
den effects in pastel colors are seldom seen in a sale
Ribbons in greatest demand for sashes, girdles and
trimming purposes.
85c to $1.25 Fancy Ribbons 69c
This collection is not one bit less attractive, nor
a whit less beautiful than the more expensive ribbons
offered in this sale. Light colored plaids, stripes in great
variety, pastel effects in all the new shades will appeal
at once to women in need of ribbons, rst rioor
Glove Silk Bloomers
Selling Regularly at $2.25
$ 1 .69
These bloomers are made
of a strong, serviceable qual
ity glove silk, not the kind
that is usually found at spe
cial sales, but silk that com
bines beauty with durability,
and can be laundered as eas
ily as a silk handkerchief.
They are cut extra full in
length and width and are
reinforced at the chief points
of wear.
In pure white, emerald,
mahogany, gray, tango,
bronze, purple, King's blue
and Copenhagen, -rmt oor
In Greatest Favor This Underwear Sale---With Satisfying, Worthy Specials
Gowns at 75c
J 1 r-
Gowns 59c
Selling Regularly at 75c
Slipover style gowns with
found neck and kimono
sleeves, with edgings of em
broidery and TorchQn lace
combined with lace, and em
broidery insertions and bead
$ 1 .25 Combina' tns 89c
New Knickerbocker combi
nations m princess style with
dainty yokes of lace and inser
tion or embroidery, ribbon
drawn. The drawers are edged
to matcn.
Combinations $1.19
Wortt $1.50 to $1,65
These fine combinations are
made of excellent quality of long
cloth in Knickerbocker, waisted or
princess style. New laces, dainty
embroideries and ribbons are the
trimmings. ' Some have the new
straight leg drawers. ' v
Worth $1.25 to $1.75
Dozens of different styles are
included in this assortment of I
dainty gowns. They are made I
of fine longcloth or pelisse crepe
in slipover, open front and high
neck styles, with short, long and
kimono sleeves. Many have
pretty yokes of Val. lace and em
broidery, and trimmings of excel
lent quality embroidery and fine I
tucks. Cut with round, square or I
V.-shaped necks.
75c Corset Covers 49c I
Made of splendid wearing long-1
cloth in round neck style, with all-J
over embroidery or lace fronts, fin
ished at neck with lace insertion,!
beading and ribbon. Also some
trimmed with embroidery and lace
combined and lace medallions.
Eight different styles to choose
Children's Crepe Gowns Anniversary Sale, 79c
These gowns are of a good quality of crepe in all white or . white
with pink or blue dots. They are made in slipover, open front or high
neck styles, with long or kimono sleeves. The trimmings are inser
tions and lace edgings, drawn with ribbon. Sizes 4 to 14 years.
Children's and Muses' Gowns Anniversary Sale, $1.19
Fine nainsook gowns in several attractive styles, made slipover with
flare sleeves with yoke effects of dainty insertions, embroidery, tucks,.
headings and lace edgings, drawn with ribbon. Sizes 8 to 16 years.
Children's Muslin Drawers Anniversary Sale, 25c
Made of good quality of muslin in Knickerbocker style, edged
with dainty embroidery. Also some in straight leg with cluster tucks.
Sizes 2 to 12 years. , Fourth Floor
$3.25 Motor Veils
$1.19 .
Of all silk chiffon cloth
1 yards long by one yard
These veils are water and
dust proof and can be had in
such fashionable 4 colors as
orange, navy blue, brown,
sky, pink, myrtle, white,
gray and black. Hemstitched
all around. Very strong and
serviceable. First Floor
40c Corset Covers 29c
Corset covers of fine longcloth,
made in round neck style, with I
trimming of heavy lace or openl
embroidery, drawn with ribbon,
edged with torchon lace.
Crepe Petticoats 95c
Selling Usually at $1.50
Made of pink, blue ' or white
plisse crepe with deep accordion
pleated ruffle and two rows of wide
lace insertion.
White Petticoats 98c
Worth $1.25 to $1.50
New straight cut petticoats of
excellent quality longcloth with
ruffles of dainty embroidery and
beading drawn with ribbon, or of I
. wide embroidery.' Fourth Floor
Good Corset News
For Every. Woman
Fashion hopes are fully realized at last
the "nature figure" may be enjoyed now by all
types of women. The new Nemo KOP
SERVICE Corsets make this possible.
We never before had the pleasure of offering
our - patrons such
remarkable corsets
and such wonderful
values. Ask Miss
& Thomas about
the radically new
construction of the
models; but youH
have to see the cor
sets themselves to
fully realize their
Nemo Week
Ask to See
Miss s;-
Expert .
Nemo Fitter
novel worth. Here's an example:
No. 561 Low bust, almost topless; all
elastic above waistlinetop doesn't dig in
when you bend or dance. Long, flexible
skirt, with. Lasticurve-Back. The ' new
suede batiste, sizes 20 to 30. .... . .SS.OO
Other models, for slender or stout fS.OO
- Tottvtb Tloor
$10 German Silver
Mesh Bags
These bags are made with the
attractive narrow- frames, of
soldered mesh. Each bag is
beautifully made and finished,
and are very superior in every
particular. First Floor
Drapery Materials
All at Sale Prices
35c Fancy Art Scrims 18c
25c Curtain. Nets 14c
50c Cretonnes ' 39c
40c and 50c Chintz. . .29c
25c Curtain Scrim .... 19c
$1.00 Sunfast Madras . 79c
$1J25 50-inch Cre
tonnes' .......... .89c
$1.00 Curtain Nets. . .73c
60c and 65c Cretonnes 39c
$1.25 Sunfast Drap
eries ............ 89c
35c Curtain Nets . . . . .19c
Tift floor
Yes. Tomorrow We Show Again r
More New Hats
X Not Shown Before
$4.45 .
Selling Formerly to $1
I "I bought an untrimme
shape for $7.50, identical!
like this hat you are sellin
trimmed for $4.45.
"This hat was not trin
med here, for I bought op
with a widely advertise
label in it for $15.00."
These and similar remarks were heard yesterday in our millinery J.'
partment when customers inspected the trimmed hats on sale at $4.45. W
are not denying the fact that these hats were sent us by three national '
known hat manufacturers, consequently it did not take wise shoppers lorl
to realize the exceptional worth of these hats at $4.45.
For Wednesday we provide 350 additional trimmed hats THA
Come early in the morning for the best selections. Second Fkx
Wreaths of Every Flower That Grows
Regular Prices Range From $1.00 to $1.50
Remarkably Low Priced, 45c
Roses, full-blown and budding, ragged dahlias, poppies, field flowers ar
some rare posies that bloom only on the Summer hats.
These are wreaths that never sell for less than tsyo o three times th '
price. Each one is, in itself, a pretty and complete trimming for any ha
They are ornaments called for by all the new hat shapes the- hig
bandeaux, the sailors and the Watteaus, and they may be used in a dozt
different ways. The flowers are of every color, and of silk, satin and mu
lin materials, with glossy, green true-to-nature leaves. Second Fku
DinnervvareThatWears the Cro
A remarkable state:
One store offers a
undecided where to b
She sets out upon a
In another she find
Then it dawns upoi
One would natural
From a merchant's
it is of vital important
We offer any pe
At Prices Not
$15.00 Austrian China Dinner Set, $7.95
of 100 pieces, showing four different spray designs.
$38.00 Theodore Haviland Dinner Set, $24.95
100-piece set, showing six different decorations, Chantilly shape.
American Semi-Porcelain Dinner Set, $438
50-piece set in plain white with two-gold line border. .
$20.00 French China Dinner Set, $12.98
100-piece set, decorated in four different designs.
More Half Price Aprons
We have added 500 more aprons to the assortment that wr
almost exhausted yesterday. Band, bib and tea aprons, also a
assortment of gingham aprons, bib aprons for maids and wai
resses, hemstitched or plain bretelles. Many of the lines thi
were entirely disposed of are replenished, offering 4
25c APRONS AT 12c 35c APRONS AT 19c
28c APRONS AT 14c 60c APRONS AT 29c
1000 New Gingham Petticoats
Of Amoskeag Gingham and Chambray
These aprons are of plain striped materials, with ruffle at th j
bottom and finished with tucks. Extra quality materials are use
in these garments and are extra well made, in all lengths.
Children's Straw Play Hate
These Hats are made for both boys and girls. In' three style,
one of fancy straw with high crown, ribbon-trimmed and stick-u
at the side; others ot piain straws wxux mgn or rounu uwii,
. ... . 1 l f . ! ! '
plain wmte witn coiorcu. Dana innumms. i
25c Hair Bow and Sash Ribbons
Plain and Taffeta, Five Inches Wide 19c
Hair hflw and sash ribbons of plain taffeta and moire taffeta! I
full iiye inches wide, in white, scarlet, black, navy blue. Copec
hagen and Durgunay.
Every Day New Sales
In the Economy Basement Store7S