THE OREGON SUNDAY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1914. iHck 7 ACREAGE J ' " . 7 aaaaaa..1 - 1 j " BEESbkMffiR ' ;The Acreage; ofQuality On Wdnid&v. Via . we will OPn the Ml of thiyfine tract, Located In Tualatin alley with in 10 mile circle of forUand. on the electric, lino 2 hilles north of Orenco, and In lost beauti ful country home Istrlct near Portland. The Cori:ll and Ger mantown auto road both reach thin property. V ' Ideal for homes; rich, deep oil; no rocki: ilea fine; nearly all tracts cleared; . few have Umber. Prices run from ISO to $300 per acre; tracts. 3 to 10 acre. Terms: A small ph raent down, balance easy pSxnnts. 6 per cent interest. See us now and nuke a reser vation. You will never have another chance to uy acreage with ao many ad untaxes and so Teat a future .t ao low a price. We want I tell you about it, ' LUEDUEMANN. R! LET A CO. I 913 Chamber of tommerce. 5 acres, all clea d, mil from' electric suion; side-, walk all the. way 13o cojn , muters' fare to ortland; S acres of this "A 1" anion land; an extraordinary bargain at $350 per acre, R us. The Shaw-F ar Co, Main 35. 102 4th X. A-3500.. Must Be old TRUSTEES SALE- 5 acres, near Mllwaukie, two carllns, unimproved, in secUons 31, 82, 6 ar 6, township 1 south, range 2 east, lealed bids ac cepted, accompanied with certified check of 10 per cent of bid. Bids closed May 0. 12 o'ck k. Right re served to accept any oj decline any or an mas. rroperty canpe seen May s 1814 Tnfitiira Mondav nftnr 111 a. m for further particulars C. A. Warren, trustee, 627 Chamber If Commerce. 5 ACRES $50. A ...... t . r acres of good loggedbff land, near Astoria, ihk miles frqn small town. railroad station and lolumbla river. Home of these tracts hive springs and running streams on; god soil, no rock or gravel, and the locatin la exception ally fine. Home few tacts that have steep land on st lea pice. There are but a few of theiie trats left. BELL REAL ES'U.TE CO., 212 Railway Khange. 11 acres: 2M ms west of Whltwood Court d German- town road; house, rarn, well, lots of fruit, prun i, cherries, pears; everything. A bargain at $2000, and on i bailments. The Shaw-Far Co. Main 31. I0i 4th t. A-3500. CHEAP CHlCKHf RANCH $ acres adeally adaied fur chicken raising,, vegetables, fulls and ber riea. in ract a SDienaidtract lor diver stfled farming. Finelsoil; no rocks. Yviuiin Tn.ies or Portland; good road, and n-'- mia rrm station vuur cnicuoi win i. ".inn. iuisj I price iiia, , J..o0 dotn. $3 monthly. I i UJKUUEMASN, rv LEY & CO. 913 Chamber ofCommerce. YAMHILL i:KES. 70 aares, some In cultivation. ihk mites to town and ralroad. fine run ning water, lots of jrass for stock, about S, 000, 000 feet tmber, rich deep soli; price $50 per Sre. $400 down. balance f years, 6 pel cent, will take some trade; land all fee and clear of Incumbrance. F. "E. SEACtREST. HI ". a mKtt rift rm rnarfn FULL '4 acre, at iUnley. 117x100. including streets, fladed. water to each piece and walksjsome ready for aarden: others have r trees, 3 to a blocks to- station; a very pleasant place for a home; onli 30 minutes' car Tide; 6 Ho fare by llok; price $375. very easy terms, halfkcres in propor tion; any car on Kstfcada line stops at Stanley. Office at station. Phone fteiiwooo 1714. Mr. Mlier, A CHANCE FORK PERSON OF LIMITED WEANS. 10 acres, all tlllabl: Kenulne red -vn. uv tutu, iwauir ticaicu, i bvuv, ruiL), ucai Btuuii, M imico I from Portland; good rowing commu nity. Price $800; ten $60 down. $15 mommy: yearly term IT desired. LUEDDEMANN. RILEY & CO 13 tnamoer or fomroerce. GOOD 4 room plasteid house and 3 lot its .with Johnson lorefik on fine garden land, fuhture Included DiocKs or station, bnly $1000; casn, oaiancje $15 peMmonth; this Is st Stanley, so minute ride, 5V4c fare by book, any car ' Estacada line stops at Stanley; con out on phone to Mr. Miller. Sellwdd 1714. $65 CASH BUYl 4 ACRES uooa land. In goo4 thriving com-1 munity; genuine red shot soil, no rocks, easily cleared;fflne for . chick ens, small fruits andUruck; H mile from station, 30 milaJfrora Portland. LUBUUEMANN RUjEY & CO., am i namper or commerce. Tho GARDEN SPOT (f THE WORLD ,A fruit plantaUoaln the Isle of fines wiu Dring you health, wealth KpefrSlt exhl na nappiness. Bee it in Phegley & Cainder's window, cor. 4t;i and Alder stl For Informa tion see Rob't W. Diinlng, 748 Love- joy st. rnone MainB2g A' OK SALlfi acreJ6 room unfln- . isned bouse, rurnistd. $1500 value, Will sell at a baraain. 1200: half down or 6 per cent off br cash. Well equipped ror pouitryiA-I for an In vestment; for a horn) it's Ideal. Lo cated at Jennings Udge, Or. B-2, woo hat it no urnu a lslnm 14 acres of brusTland 'miles south of St. Mary's, I mile west of Beaverton. excellent bil. and' beaver dam land, living sprin, branch on land. Price $100 per acre les than land ad joining, good terms c be had. J. L. Welle Co.. 324 Cham, if Com. Bldg. CHICKEN and fruit r icnes near Port land; Greshfm dlst ct. electrlo sta Uon V mile. New s divlsion. Sun . shine Valley orchard racts; best soil, free wooa; elegant cation. Prices only $76 to $160 pc acre in small tracts; easy terms. rank MFarland Realty Co.. 80H Yeon tig., Portland. Or. i - BENDEMEEfl ACRES. Buy "Bentlemeer" ires early. The tracts along the rdroad and auto , roads will be snaped up at once. Make 'your . selection now. Luedde mann. '.Ruley & Co..913 Chamber of Get Your Mon y Working 6 acres, 10 mires (it, cultivated, on hard, road, spring, $: o per acre, $750 will handle; have un l May 6 to sell. M. M. Hornor with 'red W. German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce, x Gibson Ha: Acres Good soft, city wi er, close to' car line, easy terms; willjulld to suit pur chaser. Phone Mars all 1585, or Sell wood 476. John H. (Ibson. owner. WHY not have a haie that will help you earn a livim r Buy an acre for less than a city t. H block from station, on Oregon electric: commu tation fare 10c; onejo 10 acres; resi dent ownerSC. B wles, Oreenburg. 1.09 ACRES, lust otside city limits. few feet Off Poll Vallav :rn,d- deep, rich soil. leL $526. Pay- lit- ti i una rrnL knzii .imirae. l-3 ACRES, out ol 4th st. line. crop, dirt cheap. Owner, 988 unerman si ACREAGE at LylcWash.. for Port. . land house or lot 1673 Hayen st Phone Columbia 37 FOR RENT 1 acre th 6 room house, at Hillsdale; Ma!n$682. v. F1VK aores on Scaboose rreek. un- . "w. im:e iu summer ; nome, 4v. .moor . ACREAGE ( Costumed.) CHICKKN RANCH. 10 acres. 2 miles to town and rail road, Yamhill county, In cultiva tion. M in timber, spring:, fine rich noil; price $1000. $100 down, balance io per month at S per cent. 9.22 acres, 2 miles to town andraH- road, hi in cultivation, hi in Umber. food soil, no rocks or stumps;' price 700, $60 down, then $10 per month. 15 acres, soma timber, good run- i nlng water, all good land, about 8 I acres in cultivation, high and sightly; only $1100, $100 down, balanco $10 per montn at a per cent. - J F. B. BEACHRKST, 532 Chamber of Com mere. M ACRE, small house, furnished; . chicken nark, chickens, fruit, shade trees, berries of all kinds, 2 blocks Mt. Scott car. $950: $50 down ..$10 monthly, lit. Scott car to Agate St., Z blocks north: inaulre for McLennon, or Monday at Sagera store. Lenta. JSimraBAN ACREAGE- ?6 Innings' lodge bea'utw' WHY HAVE A -CITY, A SEASIDE! AND A MOUNTAIN HOME I when yau can have the combined ad vantage in this beautiroi six-room bunealow? L&rc attic, suitable for amusement room or dancing, beauti- rui electric rixtures, water system, sentio tank, boatinr. hathlnff antf xtsmng; less tnan two minutes waia; nearly an acre, witn line lawn, snruo bery, garden and lots of fruit; with in easy reach of your business and the uric la only f 6250 with reason able terms.- CALLAN & KASER, 722- 24 Yeon bldg. : OREGON CltY1 CAR. 2 ACRES. Fine new modern 6 room house: ground all in cultivation; 1 acre bea ver dam in cron: 1 acre la loose' red shot soli; orchard; near depot. Wife's illness compels me to leave at once. frice -38U0. , 303 Stock. Exchange bldg. 3d and Yamhill. FINE HOME SITE. 2 ACRES. 700 feet from station on Oregon City carline. -Price $1800; small pay. ment. Snap. SOS Stock Exchange bldg. 8d and Yamhill. CHOICE acreage at Oak Grove, three blocks from car, running water springs, shade trees, good road, easy terms. 25 ner cent under value. C. W. HAYHURST, owner, 240 Stark. FOR SALE FAIiMS 17 40 ACRES. $100 PER ACRE. Only $1200 cash, balance 5 years at 7 per cent, small house, good barn, hoy house, chicken house, plenty of good water, family orchard, fenced, 20 acres in cultivation, the other 20 acres very easy to clear is good pasture except 3 acres of good timber: this is bargain, soil Is -deep black loam, no rocks or gravel, lies nearJy level, will drain wen, on good roaa, l mile scnooi ana R. R. station. 30 ACRES STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD 26 acres in cultivation and In crop, 4 acres good pasture easy to clear. small ho u fie, new barn, plenty of fine water. lencea. ramiiy orcnara. on good road. 1 mile from school. 4 miles electric station, 19 miles courthouse Portland. Personal property: 6 cows, 4 head young cattle, 1 colt, 1 mare, 60 chickens, all farm tools and household goods; $5&oo, $3000 cash, balance tnre years at 7 per cent. J. B. ATKINSON. 115 West Sixth St., Vancouver. Wash. , . T. ' ., . , .-. rrn ' . r j i"" acres, rsaveruaai land, live beavers in ooeration at firesent time, situated in Harney Val ey, Harney County, nearly all in cul tivation with plenty of water to irri gate entire ranch; 2 good dwellings and 2 bearing orchards, good build ings and machinery, plenty of work stock and 800 hoga which go with ranch. This Is near the Harriman R. R. Burvey which Is under construction and surrounded by the best and un limited stock range in Eastern Ore gon,, five miles from pine timber. This place is at present producing a large tonnage of ailaira nay ana is an laeai stock farm or a wonderful producer of grain. Will taka $100 per acre, 26 per cent cash, 25 per cent in five year at 6 per cent Int. per annum and 60 per cent In Portland property or pro erty in any good city on coast. 87&. journal. 40 Acres, $1000 Down O mil., fiwm AlAfriln lln ahmit 1K 25 acres in cultivation, about 6 acres nnlnn land Vialnnrn enail naature: one acre Dearina; nrune orcnara. one acre variety oi an ainas oi imu; aiso as- sortment of berries and grapes ; no Detter sou m uregon, line creea ana springs, wen sna pump at xne aoor; B room nouse, 2 ytuiines, ciusets barn 40x50, and cow barn chicken house, granary, cellar, etc. Price $6000. llooo down, balance on or before. per centner annum. Peper & Baker. , 1444 Sherlock Diog. 444 Sherlock bldg. one of the best 336 acre farms lu th0 Willamette valley, well im- proved, good buildings, living water, electric railroad, telephone, 1 mile t town, creamery., cannery, sawmill. flouring mill. etc. Only $70 per acre. part casn. 20 acres, ready for the plow, mile to depot, R. F. D., telephone, 3 towns Inside 6 miles. To exchange for home In Portland. Fine sisrhtly lot as first payment on home in Portland. SEE M. C. S. 41? Swetland Bldg7 Tel. Main 6419. 26 TO 246 ACRES Will sell my farm In tracts to suit. all racing good county roaa. Now Is your chance to get the else farm you want. I- own one of the best farms in the Willamette valley, all slightly rolling and in cultivation. Good fruit land. Telephone line and R. F. L. Located between St. .Paul and Oregon Electric. Price, all or part, 890 per acre, half cash. Jos. F. Nathman, Grervais, ur, See This Snap Near Madras, $675 cash buys this 160 acres, be tween 90-100 acres plow land, no rocks, 90 acres fenced. 40 acres broke out. room house, barn, chicken house, cis tern and spring. 3 miles to R. R. sta tion vjf mile to school, rural mail, bal ance 3660 mortgage 5 years 8 per cent. Box 8, Gateway. Oregon. FOR SALE 20 acres irrigated land lo- catea on one ox me nest waterea froposltlons in the state of California; 8 acres in crop; 14 acres in alfalfa and and other improvements; this is bargain. For further information write owner. E. R. Smith, Los Mollnos, Cal., R. F. D. - ' - Cood Farm, Buy Improved farm, 44 acres, t miles of Brownsville, all under culUvaUon, rood house, barn, water, orchard, etc.; 8600, $600 cash, balance easy. R. F. BRYAN. 609 Cham, of Com. - 42 acres in 1 mile of Wlnlock. highly improvea, on main county roaa, witn stock and farm tools, for $4000; on main count v road, with cash; also 64 acres, 3 miles out for 830 per acre. If interested come today. O. Edwards, Wlnlock, Wash. FARM BARGAIN. . 14 .acre farm in crop, house and barn,' bearing orchard; excellent soil, fine location near electric depot; price below real value, $1000 cash wUl han dle. Address S., Box 39A, Route 1, Dundee. Or. ' Small Farm Buy 25 acres, near Amity, all fenced and under cultivaUon, level, $2500, , $500 cash, ; balance per cent as long as wanted. R, F. Bryan, 609 Cham,, of Com. . FOR SALE 276 H acres, 140 improved, balance easy cleared, 1 mile -west of Willamette river, just 19 H miles frem PorUand; will take part in city prop erty; $110 per acre. Roberts .Bros owners, Sherwood, Or. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. ' 6 acres, on corner, 10 minutes walk from high school, rock road, 8 room house, in grove of old oaks; long tin-a on part; will trade for good business. W. C Hudson, Hlllsboro. Or. FOB SALE FAKMa : 17 Continued.) f EM S20 acre for $6.60 per act 40 acres for 88 per acre., 40 acres for 89 per acre. 120 acre for 39.50 per acra. These tracta are all within 60 miles of Portland. Wa have Inspected them and know the soil is first class. May be handled on any reasonable terms' to suit purchaser. Here Is one investment where you have a chance at a handsome profit without waiting a life time for it. T-1776. ' ' - ' r - - Base Line road, 10 acres im proved, cat to $4000. Will take a lot worth $1000 and $500 cash, long time on bal- -ance; has small house,, well, barn, chicken house, half cleared, balance stump - pas- . ture. Ideal for chicken ranch. - a; 10 acres improved for $2500, recenUy sold for $4250. Only $400. cash . handles it, balance asypayments. This Is a fins piece of land. 4 mile to ear line, 12 miles from Portland .courthouse. Land adjoining held at from $300 to $600 per acre. All in culUvaUon. McK. 40 acres, all in cultivation, about 30 acres In crop, clover and oats, all first class soil, lies fine on main county road, mail and cream routes pass the door; V mile from store. Stock included, 9 fins cows, 3 horses. yearlings. two 2 jear old steers, and all farm implements: good house and fair barn. Now is the Ums to buy, as cows are giving the largest flow of milk. McK. 40 acres in Douglas county, only $850, fair house, some cleared; S miles from good R. R. town: running water, phono and mall routes. McK. 160 acres, Washington coun ty only $500 down. Price $4500, balance long time. ' Pay only interest on $4000 for S years while ' you are getUng on your feet. This offer is made to get a good responsible man to. take hold of place. Has 35 acres under cultiva tion, new 4 room house, fam ily bearing orchard, large barn. 600 prune trees 3 years old, creek and springs, 'on county road; fine for stock. B. 83 acres in Yamhill coun ty, completely stocked and - equipped; fine 8 room house, barn and outbuildings, 2 large chicken houses, family orch ard; 40 acres In culUvation, all tillable, running water; 8H miles from electric line; household furniture and feed for stock until new crops are harvested. Price $12,500, on . terms. S-1737. 88 acres in Clackamas coun ty. 21 miles from Portland; all tillable; 40 acres In culti vation, family orchard and ?lenty of small fruit; 2 story roont bouse, granary, barn, hoghouse, chicken houses, good well, force pump, span horses, 4 head catUe, hogs, chickens everything on farm goes. Pries $10,000. 8-1689. Farm ready to move onto for $400 down. Within 25 miles of PorUand: 10 acres fine ' land, almost level run ning water the year round; lies between two well im- firoved tracts; soil wonderful y productive; good neigh bors; Vt mile to store- and school and R. R. station. We furnish 2 acres cleared, 1 cow, 2 pigs, chickens and lumber for house and barn. Price, everything included. $1800. Pay as little as $400 down, balance to suit you. D. Dorr E, Keasey & Co. . 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce Bldg. 'I WILL GUARANTEE THI-3. Just as advertised. 20 acres. 7 in crop, natural drainage, no waste. 16 miles from Portland, 3 blocks to sta tion, k. tn v. pnone. tnickiy settled best and cheapest piece of acreage near the citv. and It will tint unlit metro m loveiv country nomc nui wiu n s na v tag utile xarm. tTice tZAVv, $800 cash, balance 6 years at 6 per cent. Is- 11. r eus, ouz uesrum Diag, STOCK AND DAIRY FARM. tSr- ,, o ! . t"t -i:. 6 . '-Ji" "r.'VfL "." i,"? w'CKtAn.a ill Amount of cash and id Mrt trade. This nlace ia clear of In rum- Drance. IT a ETTT.ira 214-216 Chamber of .dommerce. 160 ACRES in Camas valley, 3 miles from Camas P. O.. Or. 15 acres lm. ? roved, balance heavy Umber; will cut ,000,000 to 9,000.000 feet, red fir, yel low fir, cedar, sugar pine; whits and red clay, sand stone, coal of excep tional quality in two places, well wa tered, creeks, timber and coal worth the price asked. Thomas Taylor, DU- laro.r. 4 Acres Improved . 1 Mile From Vancouver House, barn, outbulldlnsra eood conn. tv road. 60 bearine- fruit trAsa- an irloai place for poultry and truck farm; $500 wiu nanoie mis, long time on- balance. 638 MUKUAN BJjLKJ. BY OWNER, 20 acres, 1 mile" east of win lock, good soil, no rock or gravel: well improved; woven wire fenced, sidewalk from town, county rock, road, nftrf- in nulHV9.tlnn holann. oln,., 'SK terms . Write or come. John V. Custer. hWinlock. Wash.. R. 1. NEWCOMERS!" The easiest way to get posted on farm land is to come to the free show today at 266 Wash. st. (be tween 3d and 4th) and take the scenic trip through the valley. Interesting, Instructive and absolutely free. Bring tne laoies. l to :au ana 7:soto v p. m. $42.50 PER ACRE. $1000 CASH 100 acres, 35 miles out, near electrlo line; 80 in culUvation, 25 in crop; large bearing orchard and berries: house, outbuildings, etc.: No. 1 dairy farm. Hatch, 327 Lumber Exchange, main dzix. LOOK at this: Ten uwa for IKOfl on county road, near main line of 8 railroads; fine markets; easiest terms. see w. Juenry vv right, vader, Wash. 40 ACRES fine land, with some build- mgs, spring water piped to house,. i H1. " i1-?-;4- i0 --1,BC.h,001' ' uuci. ovo mon- ' Z:L " ,r Vxini . tana avecitv evenings. WIU make ? MY Mosier ranch needs immediate at- will; sell on small down payment or win take- anytmng or value in trade. Address W-781, Journal. 158 ACRES, 8 miles from railroad, 60 - acres cultivated, new house. 8 barns. stock, crop, new machinery, everything complete and first class. Owner, F. X. MiKuma. tscio. ur. GENUINE bargains 1100 acre im- proved Willamette Valley farm $17 per acre. 8200 acre stock and grain trade. S. M. Venard. 409 McKay bldg. WE HAVE some Ideal dairy or truck farms. If you mean business we are prepared to mags you a very attract lve proposition. Robert Krlms, - 409 TOama Piog-. rortiand Or. Main 1970, VERY cheap for the quality ts my beautiful home ' farm on Tualatin river.- i. wimycomoe. j iztn st. aiarsnaii bii. 324 and 33 A. tarn? s, reasonable. Ore- gon city, Koute ?. J. p. schroeder. FARM. 70 -acres. Beaverton. Route , Cedar Mill. Wnv Westhoff, FOR SALE fcARJXS 17 (Continued.) 1 '"i" "i .1 UNQUESTIONABLY THE FIN EST FARM IN PORTLAND VI- CINITY. . ' -250 acres river bottom land, 1$ miles from Portland in Tual atin valley; approximately- 216 acres in high state of cultiva-. tion. with several miles of drain tile, no open ditches. All the -VERY BEST of solL - Note the Improvements: House. 2 story; 9 rooms, hot and cold running water, enamel bath; 6000 gal. tank on 40 ft. tower: ons out building 34x40, containing milk room with running water, sewer, cement floor, fruit house, ce ment floor woodshed, and sleep ing room for - extra workmen; granary 32x40, full basement for potatoes; two barns 40x64: hog house 24x62; main barn 48x120, 40 ft to eaves with shed 32x. 80; full basement, -main floor and hay floor; 2 cement water, troughs, chicken house, shop and smoke house. Hydrant water in convenient places, good sewer from house. Place well fenced, board and, woven wire on cedar posts. Buildings all newly fiainted. Good 10-year-old fam ly orchard. School adjoining farm. This is ons of the best buys we know of and we think we know farm values. We have inspected this farm. Price $160 per acre, and extra easy terms can be arranged. Mlht con sider SOME GOOD TRADE. For sale only by PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 209-221 Selling Bldg. See Everett or Crew. 80ME FARM BARGAINS in i narnir Valley. Bear Mc Minnville; one acre bearing fruit, e mmm nrnn.. i vmf met a acres mors iii cultivation. Balance pasture, most or which is tillable land, large spring, cased in cement. Mostly red shot soil. Price $3000, $T000 cash, balance terms to suit. This Joins the famous Mprn ingside Fruit Farm, which I sold re cently for $800 per acre. For prune land this cannot be beat. 8 ft irrea. on a mile from Amity, 70 acres in cultivaUon, balance pasture. with small rolc tSrOUfO lL All UUUM enough 'to drain, is best of red clover land. Fair house and two barns. 3 horses, 7 cows, 2 heifers. 50 hens, some hogs all farm equipment Pried $12, 000 for all; mortgage $4690 at 6 per cent. Owner has bad health, or wouW not sell at any price. This is a gilt edge investment, will bear the closest Investigation. ADKINS & BARBER. 606 Chamber of Commerce. Little Farms Right in Town ROOD BOTTOM LAND: about 4 acres in cultivation. balance pasture, small house, 4000 it. or lumoer on nana to ouiia rntA ham. tr Also 2 KTOOd COWS. 2 dozen chickens; farming tools; on main road. 6 minutes' wain irora station, in GOOD MFG. TOWN; price $1700 Some terms. 16 ACRES Within 200 yards of depot, where 16 passenger trains stop dally and on BEAUTIFUL STREAM; about 14 acres of the FINEST OF BOTTOM LAND; about 8 acres of this is In cultivation, balance pasture;- fine dry bruildii.g site; small house and barn; price $1800; favorable terms. Alvord (St Co. 218 Board of Trade. 20 Acres $500 Cash Located in Clarke county. Wash- 20 miles from PorUand, 4 miles from electric line on good county road; land lies exceptionally well with 7 acres under cultivation, balance timber and brush; good spring, well. 6 room house, barn and outbuildings; family orchard. Price, $3000, $500 cash, bal ance long time at 7 per cent. Kauffmann & Moore 825 Lumber Exchange. 40 ACRES CHEAV 20 acres in culUvation. 10 acres more can be cultivated with little ex pense. Balance brush and timber; an rich soil, no rock: running water: place is well fenced. Small house and KaM. nl-i. Mitknllilliir,- 1 IX mil. from good railroad town in Washington county. Sacrifice price for quick sale only $2500, including stock and imple ments, A. K. HILL, 419 HENRY BLDG. 1U miles south of Linnemann sta tion, an ideal country homesite, 4 acnes under culUvation and in clover, which watered by spring. All fenced but about 5 rods: also cross-fenced: price $1250 mtg. $500. Party going east or would not consider selling. CALAN & KASER. 723 Yeon. A. HOME READY MADE. 71 acres, all level, good soil, near Vancouver, running creek, six room house, large barn, other outbuildings. Family orchard, with berries, horses, cows, calves, chickens, ducks, sows shoats, pigs; two-third in crop, 60 acres cultivated, good roads. Mail and cream routes. Look at this and make an offer. 606 Stock Exchange bldg. 40 Acres Near Linneman One and a half miles from Linne man station. Estacada carline, build ings on place worth $800. fine soring. part easily cleared, some good cord wood timber on 5 acres or tnis; prioe J3000, $1000 cash. Jacob Haas, Ger inger oldg. Prunes and. Hops 10 acres choice bearing prunes. 10 acres in hops, brought $3800 last year, eu acres in tnis place, near tjnerwooa; fine buildings, water piped, te house and barn, high class place; price $176 an acre, terms easy. Jacob Haas, Ger linger bldg. IF YOU WANT A -BARGAIN SEE THIS 17 acres in hiich state of culUvation. At station on electric line an hour from center of Portland. Buildings new and modern. Kunninar water. Can b bought for less than improvements cost. Owner moving to caurornia. NlllxA.N s fAKJS-tllljIj, 303 Stock Exchange Bldg. Sherwood 39 Acres 16 Screa culUvated. soma aiaahed. some timber 1 and pasture, good or chard, barn cost $700, spring and creek on place; price $32&u, cneap. see this. Half cash. Jacob Haas, Gerllnger bid HAVE you any real money? Will you part witn it xor a aairy rancor 1 can give you a wonderful bargain. I am tne owner ana neea tne casn; you save all commissions and expense by dealing with the owner. $5000 cash win nanoie it. Aaaress K.-10S, Journal. 7 ACRE HOME. 3425 CASH. On river, near electric r, handv to PorUand: 4 room iouse: outbuild ings; spring; view; includes crop: unijr 99bv. bhjc ex vra. , (citizens Agency, 170 2d st. WASHINGTON COUNTY SNAP. 18 acres, near Banks, 8 acres In culUvation.- $300 to 8600 worth saw tim ber, small house, fair slxe barn, family orchard; price $1850; half cash. 606 stock isxcnange mag. 20 ACRES. 35 miles from Portland. . f paile from station . on electric line. on rock roaa, cuiuvatea, good build ings, fine well, good orchard, 6 acres clover, 3 acres beaverdam J a snap at 33000. Neal Brown. 209 Panama Bldg. 400 ACRES, stock ranch, 100 acres un- der cultivaUon; good buildings, good ramiiy orcnara, aounoance oz water. Best buy in the Willamette valley. Price $27.60 per acre. . 328 Henry bldg; Main 7389. :- - HAVE 80 acres brush ranch, with sev eral - hundred fruit trees and all kinds - of - garden; team and wagon; terms; about 3 miles from carline. Main 338 162 ACRES 60 acres - plowed; good water; buildings; $60 an acre. 39 acres, 15 in cultivation, close to electric; good buildings; $3600. Wolf stein. 205 Allakr bldg. . 'FOR SALE FARMS , 17 ' . Contlnned. . - -- . A DANDY BUNCH OF LITTLE CLARKE COUNTY FARMS. FOR $3000. 9.29 acres, all cleared and cultivated except about , y acre. - good 1W sfbrv house, ceiled and painted, good well, nice utile Dim, cmcken House, etc.; an painted; all well. fenced; young family orchard of 81 trees; within mile of staUon on railroad, 4H miles from Vancouver, -ion -county road, - near school; terms cash or will trade for larger tract zurtner out suitable for stock.-' .. v. FOR $2250. IU acres, all under cultivation. -wa fenced; good orchard tof about an acre in . full bearing. : choice - assortment of rruit. most apples; also, berries and shrubbery; old house easy to put in repair;- fair barn, chicken' house, -etc.; less than mile from Sifton and elec tric line. T miles from Vancouver: terms $1250 cash, balance at 7 per, cent. ' pun ijuu. S.75 acres, all cleared, fenced and Im proved; good 6 room house, plastered and painted; nice family orchard, 40 V u f B3 w tv vi la ay cava wiicu vutwiavM house and other buildlnes: 4 mils r&na grswts wan ras ano Ahinran from staUon on railroad, 7 miles Vancouver: terms Vt cash, balance 7 per cent. V FOR XZ000.1 6 acres, all in prune orchard 16 years old; on good road; level as a floor; V mllA tn aohrinl IA -mil in Orrhftrd on electric line. 644 miles Vancouver: nlcj new 6 room cottage; will trade for' city residence property ox aoout equal aiue. FOB. $2500. 25 acres -of cood land, from 8 to 10 cre Flear.ea sna cuiuvatea. oan $1000 or more cash, balance 7 per Cent. FOR. $2600. 6 acres only mile from city limits Vancouver: all well cleared; small fam ily orchard, including filberts and wal nuts; 4 room house unfinished, good barn, well; on good county road; terms $1600 cash, balance 6 per cent, or will trade $1500 equity for vacant lots In city. FOR $176 PER ACRE. - -11 acres. L . mile from Sifton car- line, all cleared and culUvated except about 1 acre standing umoer: adjoin ing land sells for $200 and $250 per acre; terms $500 or more cash, balance to suit at 7 per cent. THE ELWELL REALTY CO., Grand Theatre Building, Thone 187. tancouver. Wash. 80 ACRKS FOR 15760. 85 acres in cultivation, 10 acres of this is genuine beaverdam land, bal ance oi uus xarm is siasnea ana seeu ed, some green Urnber, good pasture, Ideal dairy ranch, eood 7 room house. good barn and outbuildings, all fenced, on public road, situated mile xrom food railroad town, 25 miles from I cash, balance on long time, ortland; this town has a bank, X gen- hillmon Ri HAUlanrJ eral stores, tile factory and an up-to- UIIIlTian Oi TlOWldnU date little village; the land lies all can be farmed: with this tlace goes the following personal property:' Five head young Jersey cows, all fresh; 3 I heifer calves; chickens; wagon; har row; mower; rake and all fajm tools. This is a force sale and the owner is compelled to raise some money. He has always asked $10,000 for this ranch and can be had for $5760. $3000 cash, balance your own terms at 6 per cent interest. 10 acres. 8 acres In full bearing: Ital ian prunes, 2 acres in oats and vetch, 3 blocks from carline, 12 miles from Portland, on good auto roaa, an level 11 . 1 , .A I- .kAl,f H1 5d- W.unJ.,?l2 iana.., 12 years old and will make an ideal little home, close to high school and graded school. This Is owned by a young man and Is compelled to sell. mice (zooo, 11000 casn, Daiance terms. bee this at my expense. J. C. GILBERT. 112 West 6th 8t., Vancouver, Wash. Fhene 618 Sickness Compels Me to Sell The, finest little stock ranch you can find in this country for the money; I own '20 acres of splendid black loam soil, have some cleared, balance sec ond growth timber, 4 room house, barn. etc.; plenty or rruit oi an Kinus; una water, from well and spring; I have a lease on an Improved 40 acre farm adjoining which- belongs to an estate and costs me only $25 per year cheaper than owning it; there Is any amount of the finest of free outrange back of this property. I can keep 16 or 20 head of cattle with ease; I will Include with my place 1 horse, 2 fresh cows, o neaa ox young cattle, cnickens. m xr TAAla at T V-t i a narann n 1 property is easily worth $600; I am 1 mile from large mill and Ry. station plenty or work at $2.50 per day; gi miles from fine town of 2000; price 1 $1600; I want $750 cash and will give' plenty of time on the balance. See my agent, Air. rox at zis Hoard or Trarte. 20 Acres $3000 All under cultivaUon, all level; 4 nil.. Mn.Vannn.,v..r .m - ... . all In crops; ; finest locaUon, ideal niAr3 ! S ko 'Si, 2?;. ii whlcn 08 thn open on May 9 Jifi? htM". a.nri!i0 oPr- H..tifn1 191. n "et information to their ad than anything around it; a beautiful v.nt, -t isos yon buUAta. Main nlace: 11700 cash, balance 5 years. Don't overlook this if you want the best. 45 Acres Mr. Rancher, do yoo want a money maker? This place has 35 acree-under culUvation, 6 acres in bearing prunes, 8 heifers, team, pigs, chickens, all farm Implements and household goods go -Kith tViak nl.ii.- ATllv ln. Ttlllifc- .frflm Camas; best of soil, fine . locaUon. Price $8000- $6000 casA. balanceterms. E. F. Gilbert 101 Wasnington St., Vancouver, Wash. or 409 fanama mag., f ortiana. ur. 31 Acres $2700 27 miles west of Portland in Wash ington county, 4 miles north of Forest Grove, in well setUed neighbor- nooa, close to cnurcn ana scnooi; good rocked road to town; excellent son. no rock or gravel; 7 acres under cul- tlvatloti, 4 more easily cleared and balance In good timber which will cut fur nlc: A rnnm furnlaViml hnma barn and outbuildings; family orchard, good well and spring water; good heavy wagon for hauling wood, with rack, harness and implements, also one norse. .trice, xz7uu. is&q cash. I balance easy terms. A snan. Kauffmann & Moore 825 Lumber Exchange. $7i rem AGi 2 barns, outbuildings, 1 acre apple or - chard., also pears, plums, cherries and small fruit in bearing. horses. S sets names, z wagons, new stump puiier, rake. eulUvator. Blow. harrow . and other tools, 7 head milch cows. 6 head voung stock: this farm is located 2 miles from R. R. town and. boat land ing on Pacific -highway, 25 acres in culUvaUon, balance pasture; more eas- ilv cleared and can all be culUvated but about. 6 acres; terms half cash, balance at 6 per cent. Peper ,& Baker, 444 sneriocic oiag. 40 acres.-' Yamhill Co.. near railroad. 27 culUvated. baL pasture. ' Some timber. -6 room bouse, barn, good or chard; also I norses, z cows, s nogs. chickens, new cream separator, 'an farm machinery. Price $4000. 617 Lumber Exchange. A DANDY LITTLE FARM. gfl acres of rich, bbvck anil all tn culUvaUon. fine family orchard, fair buildings, on gooa roaa. tri ce ysoov, HiTlvht ttttrss anm vfllA - TJnht VHms 1VJ M- ss,a4taaajejm tvp, va fcumm v SimtOlTD 777 I CHEAPER than homes leading -1601 acres land, about l.SttO.OOO feet pine. ream and good road; 11 miles from rineville, $1000. half cash. D. Stev- stream Prineville. ens. 623 Corbet t bldg. 80 acre ranch, house and barn, saetfc 8 acres in cultivation, to nartr who wiii eiear : z. acres a year. j. "i Altkor hulldor. Tnta mil a rT! it. Aai anA nniM ranvH tn acres in cultivation. 20 mile, from Portland courthouse, 6 miles ; from Hinsboro; phone wooqiawn -2708. FORCED sale. 30 acre valley farm. - crop. Stock, Implements, near Port- iana and car lines, 34800. $33 cash. Jtucnara ureen. (jorneuua. or. FOR BALE FARMS 17 fContianad.) HERE ARE A FEW Ons tract of 60 acres, adjoining town on the east: 26 acres of level bottom land with 1500 feet of river frontage less than mile from the Pacific highway, all cleared and tinder fence; with good barn that will care for 20 head of stock and small 4 room cot tage. The balance is hill land, all free from rock and nearly all tillable, with no large stumps or logs, with 7 acres cleared and in crops. Fine small creek for stock: water on back. end. Price only $6000 and as little as $1000 cash will handle, balance long Ume at per cent interest. . 1 have adjoining the above tract 8 pieces as follows: One piece of 31.28 acres with T acres cleared and in crops, all Ullable and well watered; for $2500 and $600 cash will handle it. All under fence but no buildings. , One piece, 88.44 acres with 6 acres cleared and under fence:. no buildings: for $1500 and $500 cash will handle mis. One niece of 40 acres, none cleared. all can be cultivated, in second growth timber, no large stumps nor logs. Price 32000 and $500 cash will handle this. All the above are less than y mile xrom wooaiana ana me tana is as gooa as can be found anywhere, and X have tried for the oast 6 years to get it on the market and have only just suc ceeded in doing so. I nave acres s roues rrom tne ferW landina: In Vancouver, all cleared will be worth double the price asked. D, w. whitlow WOODLAND, WASHINGTON $1000 Cash 15 acres in cultivation. 1U acres in orchard, good garden, 5 room house, barn 24x70, implement shed 20x40, root cellar, living stream through the prop erty with small water power; 1000 cords of wood, or you can sen tne timber to the sawmill on the next place; 4000 feet of lumber for build ing; located 10 miles from Oregon City on good road, cream route, R. F. D. and telephone. This is a good place to raise cows and nogs; S4U0u, iuuu Cor. 8th and Main sts Oregon City, Oregon. WANTED FARMS 38 WANTED, to rent, farm for term of years; win nuy stocs: ana imple ments. Sellwood 1644. FOR RENT FARMS 14 DAIRY AND STOCK FARM. 110 acres. 1. miles west of Warren. Or..- oh county road, mail and cream routes: ou acres in crop, tots ox xeea ua Slace, 2 large barns, 5 room bouse, large oghouse, blacksmith shop and outfit. QUKQUUIB, UiaCtt.BIIll 1.11 SllUp UU VUVa.i Uamily orcliard, complete set of Impl, ments: 3 young horses, 9 cows, 4 2-year old heifers, 6 yearling heifers, 2 bulls. 6 calves, 76 hogs, 40 chickens. Will sell stock, implements feed, crops, and 10. months rent for $4000, and lease farm for five years at $400 per year. 11. A. H1'1L.HS 214-215 Chamber of Commerce. FARM for rent, about 84 acres clear land, A 1 son, nouse, Darn, spring. miles from Tlgardville. Inquire. $ E. Morrison St. " FRUIT LANDS 45 QUARTER section in White Salmon valley; deep, red shot soli, 8.000,000 feet fir; part or all. - Owner, E. Iven, Gilmer. Wash. FOR SALE Orange arove near Los Angeles, cal.. run peering, xrosuess. cheap water. CX-18, Journal. HOMESTEADS I Live on Homestead 47 1 In heart of that part of the forest F'-1? 1?nd",hat WW he pen if or jv"'s . "J ' tiV9 years and am prepared to show you the best, where good crops are raised every year. Will be at Hotel Alder, 4th and Alder sts., Monday and Tuesday, May 11 and 12. Alvin S. Hawk. (Be prepared to return with me Tuesday evening, May 12.) PEOPLE desiring to locate homesteads in the uescnutea jrorest Reserve, Homesteaders We have six more relinaulshments I near K. R., reasonable ree " 638 MORGAN BLDG. DO YOU want 160 or 820 acres of the raise grain, vegetables, unlimited stock I ranee free. 191 4th st. Main 8774. I m a $jl " aiP20e wnT e"5 522nI'v S Wm- Mas. FOR BALE 820 acres homestead re- Unqulshment; must sen at once. 426 Hoyt St., Phone Main 9560. TIMBER 28 TIMBER in any slse tracta. one bil lion feet or over, zir or pine, prloe 80c to $1.50 per M.J sawmill and log fjln? JP.Pi" bu bldg os propositions, u. elevens, baa cor- I WANTED From Owner, from 20 to 40 million feet Umber, suitable for lumber and ties; must be reasonable in price and handy to transportation; trtvs location and price in first letter. Y- FIFTY-EIGHT million feet of British Columbia Umber, valued at $60,000, to setUe an estate will sell for $30,000. Adjoining Umber cannot be had for less than $1.26 per thousand. Stanley J. Wilson, 886 Hastings Street West Vancouver. British Columbia. FOR SALE Stumpage, 1000 cords Ml & V. A a- On lr T3. . 1 1 P'OR SALE or exchange 1300 acres I timber; cheap for cash or trade for income property, m-u, journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 174 acre stock ranch to exchange for city property. Price $7000. Near Oakland. C. DeYoung & Co., 614 Chamber of commerce. MODERN furnished bungalow in Rose City Park to exchange for farm, I close-in acreage or vacant lota. Owner, i bit cnamDer ox commerce. I FINE lot near Laurelhurst. value $760. I Incumbrance $220. exchange for - 1 cheap land or small house. Owner, H- I 853, Journal $00 EQUITY in $600 lot and 8 room nouse to exenange ror w. Oakland equities: will also consider trade for ! diamond. Address 890 E. 25th south. GASOLINE towing and passenger boat. win exchange xor residence to value ivi fwww, s.viy5y w v.. MCi W , llVUIti, V IVVIUOf BUlbUS IUVUVIMi ftr r,ri iot nm . cah. balajioe VT?nr 1Uva AAm. .(s.Atli- -mnASwi. 1 roohth.v Tabor 1 f . r ROOM cottage 417. cottage. Hawthorne district. to exchange for auto or lot.. M. E. V'T: 1 EQUITY in --16). -acres near Hub- i w& w uw i cuiw -- . . I V rancis ave. SellWOOd S I TACOMA lots trade for Portland trOD- I erty. Price $2000. 617 Lumber I Exchange. TRADE it; don't wait to sell; trade for what you'd buy if you did selL we can matcn vou at pva nwcn piar. 160 ACRES to. trade for city property BID -ACRES or acreage by owner. - A347i. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 ' - (Coattaned.) ""TV See 1,000- Equity In a Hawthorne house wun incumbrance 01 $8iv. ; ' Make an offer. - - , $ $000 Eauity in a two-family v flat building to trade for acreage. $ 8800 Equity in a ? room house lo cated in Rose City, to trade - for .small acreage. $ 4000 Equity In a 820 acre" wheat ranch in Franklin county to trade for . Western Oregon or - Southern Washington, .. - . ; $ 8000 160 acres on the north side of Twin Falls; has a good water right: 184. acres has been in alfalfa, 60 acres of a good stand now. This is a relin quishment, is free and dear, except $36 an acre water right still to be paid. Nothing to fay down for five years, only nterest 6 per cent. Will trade for PorUand property, s. . $ 8500 40 acres close to Beaverten. Incumbrance 83660, "Has good barn, house, stock and imple ments, to trade for city up to $6600. ; $10,000 Free and clear, $00x100 on Broadway, want to trade for Micnigan; win trade up to $5000. i $10,000 Three pieces miscellaneous property to trade for Sherman county wheat ranch. $12,000 164 acres close to Estaoada, free and clear, to trade for city Income. $18,760 110 acres close to Lebanon, to trade for Idaho. $16,000 Stock of general merchandise and $9000 worth ef buildings to trade for city property. $20,000 Worth of miscellaneous city Property, consisting of houses, wo-family flat buildings, to trade for timber ranging from $5000 up to $20,000. $22,000 397 acres In Douglas bounty. with good buildings, 100 acres in culUvation, incumbrance $6500, to trade for Idaho prop- erty. $80,000 Free and clear, high-class im proved ranch on Clackamas road, to trade for city prop erty to the same value. $80,000 Two story brick building in a suburban town free and clear, nets 6 per cent on the invest ment, to trade for good Port land property or good ranch. HARB0LT REALTY CO. 701 Lewis Bldg. A GENUINE ranch, 640 acres, fine grain and hog ranch, well improved; $20,000 clear. Want good small gen eral 'purpose farm. State your cash price. FOR A QUICK DEAL, 160-acre farm, 1 mile of town on railroad, $5000, or place equipped $6000: trade for small place or suburban home, $3000 to $4000. Guyer Bros., Dufur, Or. WE CAN SELL OR TRADE. If you wish to sell your real estate for cash or trade for other property, it will pay you to see us for aulck re sults. 10 years' successful business is our guarantee for a square deaL M'KENZIE CO.. 616 Gerllnger bldg. Main 2801 FOR SALE or trade. $3200 equity In 7.13 acre truck and chicken ranch. 4 miles from Salem. 8 blocks te sta tion. - Large new house, barn, other outbuildings. Good well. Some fruit. Farm land wanted. M. E. De trick. turner, or. ONE acre, with house, barn and fruit. in tne. neari 01 iNewoerg, s oiooks from First Nat bank, for sale -or ex change for two or more aores or house In Portland. Price $3500. A true" bar gain. See 270 Graham ava, Portland. Owner. Walla Walla Property. Wanted Will exchange PorUand property on and near Hawthorne ave. for property in or near Walla Walla, Wash. W. H. Ross. bi spaiding bldg. TO EXCHANGE Ten acres cut-over land in Marion county, for a sound young horse, harness and plow. Pre fer a mare, well broken for farm work. Will arrange difference in equities. P. O. Box 460. city. EXCHANGE your equities for Hood - River dairy and fruit lands and tim ber lands and town lots in Wmans City, Hood River valley, Mt. Hood Ry. Winans. Real Estate Exchange, Hood ttiver, ur. fnono 1 1. u ueii. WANTS FARM NEAR PORTLAND. Have good Portland property, worth $12,000, to trade for 40 to 100 acres on good auto road. Lueddemann, Ruley & Co., 913 Chamber of Commerce. 20 acres bearing orchard, near Med ford, for sale or exchange for farm In Willamette valley.. Owners only. Address 610 Spruce st Portland. Or. I hl'V.i Kini HAVE you lot or lot equity? Apply It as first payment on a home AVe rm-w 411 .hm lfl wlfK &a - . .a, can fill the Dill with easy terms on the balance. ; O. F. Ford Co., 809 Ry. Exch. bldg.' Main 1224, A-7117. SALE OR EXCHANGE. " 7 room modern house in Seattle for Portland or Willamette valley or southern Washington acreage. M. C Gregory, Perkins Hotel. WILL take auto not earlier than 1912 tsodel as first payment on a fine 82-acre tract near Woodburn. Time on balance. 812 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE or exchange. 40 ac. lm proved, near North Plains, Or. W. H. Black, owner, 181H Union are, N. East 3668. i UNION Ave., a fine large oorner, with quite satisfactory income, some coo- servaUve trade may be considered. W. H. ROSS. 510 Bnaiding Biag. WANTED To exchange 2 good town lots in Hillman, Or., for Twin Ex celsior or other rood make motorcycle. Phone Bellwood 986. Res. 674 Tsggart. OWNER. 160 relinquishment. TiLla monk Co. Soil and water rlchC 6 1 acres near White Salmon. . Bargain. ; E. F 310 8d st. $800 EQUITY in $2000 house and lot Portland, 'to exchanse for what you have. N. W. Merrifleld, 810 Wash. ington street. Vancouver. Wash. WAWTi!il 10 exenange aesusois acreage for residence property ac cessible to PorUand Heights or Coun cil !. rara . W-777. Journal. - EXCHANGE for lot. piano slayer. mt hogany. 88 note. 60 pieces music. with cabinet, soii vancouyer ave. HIGHLY improved acre, in Jennings Lodge, between river road and .Ore gon. City car 1 block. Mrs. Ross. WANTED Property at San Jose ot vicinity xor rortiana property -from tinnn tn f anno 811 AMnrtnn hMr vvvv . , . j .. - r. GILS-EDGE valley -. farm foe atnek farm Un to $60,000. Must be good. 812 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE 40 acres of tirnhcp land on Tillamook bavi Mt vacant lots preferred. Phone Wdln 476. FOUR-Oat building, close In: rents for $80 montn; exenange ior xarm; 616 Commercial st.- ' - ' -" . EXCHANGE attractive home for stock of sporting goods and hardware. T-957. Journal. " - 4 . . $2500 EQUITY In fine hou, will trad de for grocery; will Assume some; have you? E-l, Journal. what HIVE sood New York DroDertv. eiaar of incumbrance, price $3000, 60 trade ror Oregon property, wain 8844. WE exchange what you have for what you want, jreper; x naxer. 4 eher lock bldg- 3d snd Oak. Marahsll 3454. LOTS n Hoi gate, near Buckley aveZ to trade for furniture; or what nave youT u&n mm sis after sp. m MTVUtTD1 nr a a1 . I).., PAINTER wanted. . Part cash and a lot lor painung. iain 9li ; after 6 p. m; ; -. - - ' MODERN k room house snd lot to trade for good automobile. , Bell- wood 1088. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE St mm i Want Willamette valley ranch. Have $10,000 dear Port- . i'nd Heights property; aluo $7000 clear on Sth st west side. Prefer ranch stocked. Will as-f. i sums, few thousand dollars. B. 20 acres stocked, ail in - eul tivaUon, modern house, new -barn, 30 miles Portland, eleo trio car line, hi mile of town. $6000. Take half in city prop-, erty, long time on balance. N City and country property :. . trade on good 6 passenger or ? 1.' roadster auto. - standard make. -late model and good condlUoiw . lim. . - : 7New modern room house. lot 60x100 Benedictine Jlelghts, Vt $4400, Mortgage $1800. Trade equity for clear lots. H-1776.i . - 848 acres good Willamette T ralley land, 200 acres in cul tivation, modern 7 room plas-. tered house, good barn and oot- ; buildings. 1 mile to station, $35,000. Take, clear income ' '. property same ! value.- H-1606. - 40 aores, t miles Portland. 1 mile to electric line. 89 acres , cleared, good 8 :: room house, barn 34x70. fi acres orchard, 1 ' wells; $9400 clear.! Take house Alberta district to $4000 - and r'- five long time n balance. li 668. ' L ' " Want improved wheat ranch f t t to 36500. Have 60 acres 3, -miles of Forest Grove, 80 acres i cut off and seeded to grass; " i house, barn and r outbuildings: : $$800. Mortgage $1000. Will -turn this in as part payment. " U-1257. . .V;.t Want stock general merchan- diss. Have 120 acres 6 miles i from Rcgue River, 60 acres in z-i culUvation, 6 room house. '2 i: barns; $UO00 and clear. Will ; take merchandise stock or in-, ; oome property., 11-27. : iy- y : 142 acres 100 acres under Ir- . rtgatlon. lSS sores in cuitlva Uon, 40 cres in alfalfa, hog t tight wire fencing house, barn, : and outbuildings; $15,000; mort gage $2000. Take Income prop-; : erty in any good town In Ori 4 egon or Washington. 11-34. ; .. 80 acres 4 W miles from For est Grove. 35 acres - cleared. " , water piped to bouse, several springs, good barn, richest of valley loam soil; $8000, Tske ? clear residence to 34500 -and-, give long Ume on- balance, 11- 489- i ' 80 acres 4 miles from Lents, -26 acres cleared, 8 acres or chard, house barn and out- buildings, $10,000. Mortgage ' $3000. Trade for 5 to 10 acres'' well Improved close In, not over ; v H mile from electric line; li 1637.' -;v;; Hob Hill trade. Beautiful I room t residence and sleeping rorch. on Love joy St., near 1st;, modern throughout, gar- -age; $15,000. Mortgage $1000..' SeU or trade for California ,v property. Hm-1749. v.? Dorr E. Keasey &-rCo. 1.1 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce bldg. : . COMBINATION RANCH. 600 acres grain and stock, 800 acres 1 cuiiivatea, Daiance iinest Duncn grass pasture. Deep black loam. Wheat averages 28 bu.. barley 40 bu., and oats 66 bu. per acre, .. Fair buildings, or chard, creek, well, horses, catUe, hog, ducks, etc., and implements. -Prlc- $16.000.. Trade for smaller farm or town property in W. Oregon. . v ; OTIS C, BECK, ' . ' t. ' 30$ Railway Exchange Bldg.'" TO TRADE for improved stock rancn or farm, prefer Douglas or Lane Co., Or. 1 have 660 acres,1 Adams Co., eu in cultivation b in wneat, i- c rv j. rl.k .1... 1 ' rail.. . T34... $36,000, $5700 mtg.. yrs. 6-per cent. aiso S2ii seres raw lana. some gooa umoer, near town, price $80. $1600 mtg.. 4 years 1 per cent. ' State prlc and description first letter.1 Owner 63$ Garfield. Vash.- . 80 ACRES on good rock road, 1 miles ox good town. 4 acres under plow, rood youn sr orchard, small house and outbuildings, lies fine; can all be cut-J uvatea; gooa spring, zo acres ffrasn pasture; balance practically free of timber and brush. Price only $3000 Want home in city or good secure mortgages. Ayres A Smith, Northwes bldg.. 6th and Wash st Main 7266.- , By Owner " 12 acres best sandy soil In west, about 6 acres of fruit. In fine shape, small house, good barn, good county road, close to electrlo car w;UL seii 6 acres or will trade all of it for good Portland prooerty. Phone Wood- law awn 1125. ' ACRES to exchange for city prop- erty. acres unaer cultivation, lay level and nice, 1U block from eieetri line. S4 minutes ride oz city gravel. Road on two sides of place will exchange for city property, or. well secured mortgage. Ayres A Smith, 401 Northwest bldg, 4th and Wash st. Main 7266. -- - EXCHANGE and sale, S pass. Ovr land, acreage in valley and otht things, eastern prairie, lease on mlllir and grain business, at what water power saves; 9 room rooming houi" tnat pays; irrigatea aiiaixa iana. u i Scott, 103 10th it, Portland. Or, Pbon. Marshall 6946. . , " V i" " " " TO TRJJDE. 160 acres,' 100 river bottoi - land, rest meadow land, some titnher running trout stream - on place; - fi' stock or dairy ranch. Will trade f an auto, S pass. Must be in flrst-claK condition, luiiy equipped, uome ca Balance on time. Call or address 1 Michigan ave., city. . AUTO WANTED. - For 19 acres, on good road nee White Salmon; lies level; best r soil; In second growth timber; no ii eumbrance. U. S. MARTGAGE IJTV. CO. 612-613 Yeon bldg. WANT to exchange, sale contract 4S0 acres of land drawing -7 per ce for a small ranch near Portland, frt owner, J. K. shears, 431 Chamber Commerce, Phone Main 9294, WHAT have you for the following: t acres Umber, Douglas Co.. $1200; lots st Beasiae, ur iuu. Aaort owner, G. A. Johnson, Garden Hod, wregon. - - ' - ' ------ TO EXCHANGE. 6 room house, wti. ing oistance, on east siae, xree -iro Incumbrance, to exchange for acresi Ayres A Smith, 401 Northwest bio. th and wasn. st. wain 7ZC6. WANT to trade 10 acres of land nT car line for equity in house and 1 or will buy for cash If cheap. A dress W. L. Smith, Cents, Or, t Re estate men need not answer. -: '' ! "WILL take lot, auto, motorcycle, anything for my equity- in nice lit' home. Come and see It' it must i larye lot. Phone Tabor 642. r IF YOU' want a modern 8. room bun low, what have- you for try $; equity, balance $1$ montn.- Call i 10th. near Stark. - ' - - - SPOKANE houses and lots for, As Tin. rvronertr. - t U. S. MORTGAGE JfcTNV CO 512-618 Yeon bldg ----- FIVE room semi-modern, large i Will trade equity for good lot elose-ln' acre tract. Owner. Mar. 3? A $350 equity in an acreage tract a vacant lot about same, value. 686, Journal. . . 1 ROOMS, hot water heater, con cement garage, roses, flowers, la F-893, Journal. - -EASTERN Oregon ranch for Port; property; give pnone. e-i 91, j our HOUSE, Hawthorne district, for a lots, acres; give phone. B-12, Jotir tContlMUd on Vest KE :3 r - r A S ft