The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 01, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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what octety Doing
Mte Marshall Distinguished Visitor
ford. JCn gland, , the dlstln
guitriied writer of hiatory for
younc people. U a vUItor In
the citsa- fruet at the home of Judtire
and itta. Thotnaa Burke. - Mls Mar-
' ah&ira falatorlen are considered the beet
1 on the market tor young people, and
are In venernt use, both in England and
America. She is, of Scotch birth, but
i has lived most of her life In England
and la now en tour of the world. She
has been In the United States during
rrfoat.oz the .past fall and winter, visit
? In many points from east and , west
and receiving much entertainment. Sho
will nail from Heattle for Japan next
Tuenday leaving here early Monday.
.. The. hooraof her yialt have been filled
- with Interesting events, both social and
r literary and many affairs are planned
"for" the remaining few days. Tester
day Mrs. iJurke gave a pleattant after
; noon ta, inviting about 85 women to
meet the vmltor. The afternoon was
.passed delightfully with music and
: readjrgs. Thoao who contributed to
the entertainment of the goiests were
. Mrs., Frank K-sey, who read a de
lightful Hrownlng selection; Mrs. Rose
' UlQch-Bauer, who.uunK several groups
jjt Kongx, incliKlIng Home chti poult ion
. Of tier sJHtfcf -In-law, Marlon Bauer, now
-of New l'oik city 4 and Mrs. Burke
. lighted her guettta with several piano
; numbers. .
- The house was a bower of garden
flowers, lavender and white double
lilacs predominating. Mrs. R. C. CoT
"fey and Mrs: Mark Bill presided at3 the
tea table, and Mrs. llarry Beale Tor
re?, Mrs. Susie Fennell Pipes and Mrs.
Charts Hears assisted about the
rooms. .
Thlii evening Professor and Mrs.
. Torry will entertain at their home at
Xleed college for the pleasure of Miss
Marshall, after which they will receive
. tba faculty of the college. i
This afternoon, at the regufaf 4
O'clock story telling hour at the central
library, Miss Marshall spoke, after
which a May pole dance was given.
Tomorrow she will be one of the
. speakers at the Civic league luncheon,
when she will speak, in part, of the
May day celebration in England, and
In the evening the Professional Wom-
' an's league will entertain in her honor
at Miss Catlin's school on Twenty-third
r street,
'..-:,:" Jf Jf
Miss Morris Honored.
!- Miss Etta Morris was the inspiration
, for a charming affair yesterday after
noon, when Mrs. Frank Nau entertained
with a prettily appointed tea at her
HOme on Twenty-fifth- street. Miss
Morris will leave sown for New York
to make her home in that city. About
60 guests called during the afternoon.
, .the house was abloom with pink and
purple snap dragons and Iris which
"combined charmingly to deck the
. i houpe. Presiding at the tea table
were Mrs. George Schalk. Mrs. A. J
Otesy, Mrs. James Horreyman and Mrs.
Russell iSowelt. Miss Tlca Von Bolton
- anil Mrs. Paul Froellch assisted about
the rooms, and Miss Margaret Malar
key and Mrs. John Danielson Howard
-.assisted in Serving.
-- 1 1 1 kfm$:m i -ijjSL ' $ rw. I 111. ..-
i -
Mrs. Don Hoylor' (Fay Hendersnolt), whose wedding was an event
of the week.
tastily decorated with dogwood, fern
and Oregon grape, and the front porcii
ornamented with palms .and hanging
baskets. Mrs, a. H. Stovall, Jr., en
tertained tha guests during the after
noon with several well rendered vocal
selections. ,
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Qulnn of The
Dalles, announce the engagement of
their charming daughter, Marian Lu
etic, to Dr. y. H. Watson of Oakesdale.
Wash. Tha wedding- Is to be an event
of tha Bummer. Miss Qulnn was for
merly a Portland girl. .
Society Notes.
Miss frma Nelson of Oakland, Cal,
is the house guest of Miss Ada Conry.
Many social affairs are being planned
In her honor while In the city.
Air. and Mrs. White Dinner Hosts.
Air. ana Mrs. Isaac j. wnite were
hosts at a charming dinner party
weaneraay evening. xne table was
- centered with a lovely cluster of vel
. low" tulips and fhe guests who circled
the board were Mr. and Julius I..
I Meier, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bauer. ?Mr.
and Mrs. Leon lllrsch, Roscoe Nelson
i.' aria trie nost and hostess.
reans to Entertain.
preparation are 'being made for thn
f Berean entertHlnnient. to be given at
A--- tha White Temple, May 6. A feature
i' of tile evening- will be. n skptrh "Su
san Clegg's Adopted." The second part
Of the program wtll be given by tho
members of the claws, including:
Misses Genevieve Strickland, Ada Con
ry, Mellie Parncr, Celeste Koulkes,
fe'tella Weaver, Hazel Hoppengarner,
Rllth TtVKfR. final Mai-DanUl f.vlla
! ' Auna and Bessie Evans.
,' Transportation Club Reception.
I. What proved to be by far the most
.- successful and enjoyable - of the
- Transportation club receptions took
r place . Tuesday evening in the East
ball room of the Multnomah hotel.
About 200 attended, among whom were
several high officials of the different
roads. Mrs. E. C. CronkrUe and Frank
V Hocken carried away the prizes ft
.tf car$ playing. The orc.ieatia, composed
of seven members of the club, fur-
t i nishred excellent music. A unique fea
,, ture was the serving of refreshment
by three colored dining car waiters In
vniiorni. !
' w
. , Mrs. Carmaxk "500" Party. .
- vMra; C, C. Carmack. of 1085 East
"Twentieth street north, entertained
. Thursday with a "600" party at her
liome. The guests wfr: Mrs. J. C.
Sherry, Mrs. George tl. Stovall, Jr.,
S4ra. E. S, Brown, Miss Grace Dob
son, Mrs. A. Singleton, Mrs. Frederick
' Charles Mellish and 'Mrs. C. C Car
' &aok.
.V : , The consolation prize was won by
1 Mrs. P. C. Mellish. Dainty refresh
ments were served and the iouse was
the artlde should stand several days
before using.
A cement tnat is said to be so strong
that the, article will never break In
the same place again Is made by dis
solving half an ounce of gum arable
in two tablespoonsfuls of boiling
water, adding plaster of parts to
make a thick paste. This Is applied
hot with a small brush, the etiges
tielng brought quickly and firmly to
gether. A good paste for mending books,
because it Is almost' transparent. Is
made from ground rice mixed with a
little cold water. Boiling water is
then poured on until the mixture
thickens. The print can still be read
when mended with this paste.
To mend broken ironware make a
thin paste of finely sifted lime with
the beaten wnite or an egg, ana mix
in Iron filines until the proper thick
ness. Apply to the broken edges and
hold them together lor a snori uuib
By Mary Lee.
Before beginning the spring clean
ing It Is a good plan to look up all
the broken china, glass, and any or
naments that have been subject to
misfortune and put them together
again. As a rule the pieces are
rllflhr1 (t Ten V 4n elm t r. . .
mr - vji iicri 'witn 'a
promise of renewaT which one always
seems "to be too busy to carrv
consequently broken articles are too
often thrown - away at house clean
ing time when they might have been
put In good order and kept
There are many good "prepared
cements on the market, but there are
also many excellent home-made ones.
For Instance, a simple mixture of
common flour- with the white of an
egg Is extremely strong, but; of
course, it Is not quite the kind of
cement for mending transparent -articles,
because the mend will show.
For china or ordinary ware It la ex
cellent, i
White shellac dissolved in alcohol
to the consistency of molasses makes
a good cement for cut glass. Half an
ounce of alcohol and a tablespoonful
of water is also a good- adhesive.
But It Is not enough to have a good
cement One must know how to use It
First the edges to be mended must be
washed thoroughly in hot water: but
care must be taken not to break off
- lllil . M . -. . a.. .
any in. tie irreguiariues, because a
smooth break does not hold so well
The objeot of the cement is to hold
two edges together, to make them
practically one. Th best work Is done
when both edges and adhesive are
hot, Heating expands the pores and
allows the cement to sink In, which,
it goes without saying, makes the loin
stronger. The presence cf any, grease
or dirt hinders successful adhesion.
henoe the reason for cleansing the
edges. Also heat tends to drive away
When the pieces are numerous It Is
better Q mend one piece at a time
and let it harden before proceeding
with the next. One can hold the -edges
together until they harden, when .the
mended article can Be put away to
finish. When all the pieces are uvltecH
11 I -i
Mr. Brown had Just registered and
was about to turn away when the clerk
"Beg pardon, .but what is your
Name?' echoed the Indignant guest.
Don't you see the signature there on
the register?"
"T An." returned the clerk calmly.
"That Is what aroused my.' curiosity."
For the Woman Who Cares
' It is the "glove of today" the glove that has "won
and maintained its reputation under "today's" exacting
conditions, that the well gowned woman demands.
"Niagara Maid; Silk Glove is the "glove of today" the
glove of distinctive quality and economy.;
' Unless you have worn a "Niagara Maid ' Silk Glove
you cannot realize the satisfaction and long wear a Pure
.Silk Glove will give. , - . '
Look for tho name in the hem. ,
AH Cobx. Doable Tip, Doable Ww. A Oasrmtee Ticks in erery pnr.
Start Silk GJovetOc, 75c, $1.00,$ 1.25 p Lorg SakClovt. 73c, $1.00. $1J25,$ 1 Map.
Niagara Silk Mill., North Tonawanda, N.Y.
: r: M - ...
FACTS! to Remember
leavens under the same
conditions as any Bak
ing Powder, but let
your baking; stand five
or ten minutes after
mixing and you get
: ' ' i-
Extra Fine Results
Crescent tSSg. Cos,
Seattle, Wn.
25c per lb.
New Wtfsh Suits at
Reduced Prices
The season's newest Oliver Twist,
Middy and Vestee Wash Suits on
sale Saturday at a reduction aver
aging 20 sizes 2 to 10 years
Straw Hat Days for
the Kiddies, Too
See our window full of the new
est Rah-Rahs, Rugbies, Octagon
and Middy blocks for the young
sters, at prices ranging from $4.50
... 65c
for Panamas down
Boys'? 2-Pant Suits
Finest All - Wool COMBINA
TION SUITS in the city for boys
of 6 to 18 years,' at ?9
$S.SO, ' ST.50 and.
!9: $5
Outfitterjye Children
Z&C .-.'Green Trading Stamps Given On All Charge Accounts II Paid in Full On or Before the 10th ol Each Month
Thousands of Beautiful New Premiums Are Now On Display In the ,4Wf -. Parlors. 4th Floor Stamps, Main Floor
with j cash purchases
Saturday in the Shoe
Department, on the
Main. Floor;
Reliable MerchandiseReliable Methods
Stor Hourr 9A M. to 6 P. M. Every Buaiaaaa Day SarardayIncladad
. i.
tomorrow at the Main
Tloor Bargain Circle.
TMlIlis: Peoplle Will, glcpp' ffleire gaflniirfflaiy
Meh?sSnrlhaSiitfsSl7.95.1-All ToMinniel .-Malts Vs Off!
ee Morrison-Street Window
DEPT.- MAIN FLOOR Our famous "OWK SpeciaP' Suits at $17.95
are made up to our order and represent the greatest Suit value In
Portland today. Personally selected patternsjiot chosen -haphazard.
Beautiful woolen Cassimere, Cheviots and Novelty Wor
steds in black and white mixtures, handsome grays and browns,
and neat stripe and check effects. Shown in a complete assort
ment of sizes for stouts, sums and regulars. Every
Suit guaranteed to fit perfectly before it leaves the
, store. Wonderful service, too, in these QC
Suits at 1 i .iJD
Shirts $1.15
DEPT. MAIN FLOOR Prepare for warm days and lay
; in a supply of these excellent Skirts. Soft detachable
collars and soft cuffs. Good assortment 'of f tr
neat patterns. All sizes. Reg. ft.So Shirts llu
Men's 25c Hose
19c Pair
MAIN FLOOR Our special
"OWK" Men's Hose noted for
their superior wearing quality.
At 25c a pair they are exception
ally good socks. Tomorrow we
offer them in black, tan and
good popular colors at 1 Q
this special low price, pr. 1S7C
50c Underwear 39c
Fine Grade Balbrlgqan
DEPT, MAIN FLOOR Men's Balbriggan" Underwear Shirts,
Sizes 34 to 46 Drawers, sizes 30 to 44. Full styled garments
nd nicely finished. Men will take advantage of this chance
to supply their summer needs at a saving. Standard Q
50c quality on sale Saturday, garment S7v
Women's Slippers S2.48
7 Grades Worth Up to $5 Pair
DEPT. MAIN FLOOR Smartest new effects In Satin Colo
nials, Satin Pumps, Colonials with steel buckles, Gunmetal
-with tailored bows, Patent Colt Colonials and tailored effects,
Tango Ties of patent leather and "Mary Jane" styles of Kid.
Louis XV, leather, Cuban and low heels. All fresh, desirably
new stock in all sizes and widths. Slippers selling flJO MQ
elsewhere at $3, $4 and 55. Saturday, pair.... PtO)
Millinery DepJL, 2d Floor
A phenomenal Saturday Millinery event which will attract
great throngs to the Second Floor tomorrow. " Without re
serve, we offer our entire stock of Trimmed Millinery at
a reduction of one-third off the regular selling prices. An
unprecedented opportunity for, all women to select spring
and summer Hats at a decided saving. Season's very new
est creations in all wanted shapes and materials from Ameri
can and foreign designers, imported pattern Hats are in
cluded in this sale. Your unrestricted choice for one day
at a reduction of ONE-THIRD OFF
Panama Hats Now 2.49
Season's Latest shapes
DEPT. SECOND FLOOR 200 beautiful new Panama Hats
are concerned in this special offer. Of very fine quality,
and shown in a variety of shapes, In small, medium (0 Me
and large. On sale Saturday only at, special. ... $f!F
Boys' $7.50 Suits $4.65
Extra Pair Pants FREE
DEPT. MAIN FLOOR Made of splendid woolen ma
terials in Norfolks, fancy plaits and double breasted
styles. ' Complete assortment of all sizes. fir
Suits worth up to $7.50 Saturday special rUJ
... . .
Boys' $2.50 Wash Suits 98c
Boys' $2.00 Felt Hats 98c
Boys' Russian Wash "Suits
of Madras and Percale.
Nicely trimmed and extra
well made.. Sizes QQ
lY to 7. Special UOC
Odd Mnes' Boys' Scratch
and Felt Hats in broken
assortment of sizes. Hats
selling formerly no
up to $2.00. Sp'l HOC
S3.50 to S5.00 Hats at S1.00
On Sale Basement Store
Hats for street and dress wear in a multitude of stylish, new
models. Ribbon and flower trimmed. 189 Hats all told,
in this lot to be sold Saturday at a dollar apiece. All new '
fresh stock selling heretofore at 3. So to 55.00. ei flfl '
Your choice of this entire assortment Saturday aJJl.UU
Choice of Untrimmed Hals 98c
Millinery Flowers Special 10c .
BASEMENT Our entire line
of Untrimmed Hats included
in this special sale. - Very
newest effects in all the
popular straws and in all
colors. Many are worth 3 or
4 times this price. QQ
Your choice at OC
$1.50 Kid Gloves
At 98c
Women's real Kid and Lambskin
Gloves. Overseam and P. K.
sewn. Tan, white, black, gold,
champagne, gray and brown. The
regular $1.25 and $1.50 QO
Gloves at, pair OL
Long Silk Gloves
At 70c
1 6-button length t with, double
tipped fingers. White,: black,
gray, tan and navy. ? The 7fl
pair, only . . ; . . . ....... I UC
Long Silk Gloves
At 80c
1 6-button length, guaranteed fin
ger tips. Black and white with
contrasting stitching. On OA
sale at, thy: pair. . ...... OVIC
Men's $6 Shoes
Special 83.85
DEPT. MAIN FLOOR Double "S. & H.'f Trading
Stamps with all cash purchases made in this de
partment tomorrowl Special purchase of Men's
high-grade Shoes bought while in transit to a
prominent Oregon Shoe store, which has gone
into the hands of a receiver. Latest English styles
of tan Russia, tan willow and tan calf on high-toe
lasts. Also black Velour, Vici, Patent, Gunmetal,
etc Full assortment of all sizes. Shoes M OP
worth to $6.00 priced special at, the pair 4UQ9
G oil and Tennis Goods
at Lowest Prices
DEPT. FOURTH FLOOR. Headquarters for Sport
ing and Athletic goods of all kinds. Baseball, Ten
nis and Golf supplies Gymnasium Apparatus,
Tents, Camp Cots, Camp Kits, Fishing Tackle, etc.
Hunting and Wishing licenses issued in this depart
ment". Agents "Bulls Eye" Play Suits.
BASEMENT Richest of Mil
linery Trimming Flowers In
all wante'd varieties and col
ors for Summer Hats. Thou
sands of them to select from
In this sensational oneday
sale. Buy them to
morrow, bunch . . . .
Special Sale Painty Kimonos
$3.49 S3.98 $4.49 S4.98 ;
DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR Discontinued lines of Women's Kimonos selling for
merly up to $15 grouped into four special lots for quick disposal. Albatross, Challles
and beautiful Florentine Silks in daintiest of fatterns and colorings. Empire and loose
effects trimmed' with pretty laces, fringes, shirred ribbons, pipings, etc; Some with
embroidered voile sailor cellais. Broken lines of sizes in some instances only 2 or 3
garments of a kind. Act promptly if you would share In these bargains. ' ,
Special Sale of Lawn Mowers
Garden Hose, Etc., Third Floor
12-ln. Lawn Mowers,; brass bushings $2.70
14-in. Lawn Triowers, brass bushings $2.93
12-ln. Ball Bearing Lawn Mower only $4.05
14-in. Ball Bearing Lawn Mower only $4.50
18-in. "Rajah" Ball Bearing Mowers $10.80
16-in. "Rajah". Ball Bearing Mowers $9.D
Regular 85c Grass Catchers special at 68c
Regular 5 0c Grass Catchers special at 40c
25 ft -in S-ply Garden Hose 'now $2.48
25 ft -ln. 5-ply Garden Hose now $3.29
25 ft -in. 7-ply Garden Hose: now $3.60
25 ft 4-tn. Indestructible Hose at $4.28
25 ft im ? Indestructible Hose at $4.73
G5 ft. J4-in. Cotton Garden Hose at $2.39
25 ft. H-in. Cotton Garden Hose at $2.70
Above prices include Couplings and Nozzle.
Garden Tools
DEPT. THIRD. FLOOR Our entire-line
Garden Tools now on
sale at special low prices.
25c Garden Rakes now only 19c
40c Reversible Rakes at only 32c
85c Spading Forks now only 68c
25c Garden Hoes special at 19c
50c" Garden Hoes' 40c ,
50c Ladies' Spades specflt at 40e
45c Grass Hooks special at 36c
60c Pruning Shears at only 4dc
' 13 Off '
,' ' ""- -- t: . . , f. 1 'v
Special line Semi-Porcelain 1 Din
ner Sets now one-third, off. - All
'other Sets 20 off. This includes
- all decorated and Plain Dinner
Sets. Crockery Dept., Third Flrv
Cot Glass 20 OU
Sale Girlsi' Coats
Dept. Second Floor
Attractive new Spring and Summer Coats for girls
6 to 14 years of age. Of Silk Messaline, Satin, Taf
fetas and novelty wool materials' in checks, stripes,
and -plain colors. Distinctive styles. -
Special Sale Price. .$5.98, $7.48 to $21.00
Children's Coats Keduced
in scores of pretty styles for little girls Qz to 6
years of age. Nicely made and neatly (in rn
finished. Specially priced at $2.25 to 41U.UU
Girls' Wash Dresses at 98c
All 49c
65c aU-sllk-plated Hose in full
line of delicate and seasonable
Spring shades also black, white
and tan silk boot Hose. Priced
extra special Saturday at 4Q
only, the pair xC
Parasol to Match FREE
DEPT. SECOND FLOOR Dainty little Wash Dresses
for girls 2 to 6 years of age. Chambrays trimmed
with, checks and stripes to match. French and
Buster styles. Parasol to match these little QQz,
dresses FREE. Wash Dresses for TOC
Girb Bloomer Dretaes 79c Made of good grade
Percale in assorted light and dark colors. Stripes
and checks. Ages 2 to 6 years. Special at onfy 79c
New English
Just received a new lot of .the
much - wanted. English Ruffling.
Shown Jn dainty shadow laces or
plain and fancy nets in white and
ecrav Very latest effects. Ob-i
Prjcedat the yard, only
"Otter" Clams S1.25 Dozen
Regular 25c Mild Full
Cream Cheese, lb.. ,
Demonstration Booth 4th Fl. ' -
9fl II Choice Boiled ; Ham 0i
tJC II Saturday,. the pound OLC
Burbanb S1.00 Garden 75ct
Eleven 10c packages of Luther. Burbank's Garden Seeds
Zinnias, Sweet Peas, Marigold, Popples,'Morning Glory, etc
w wiic tin pacKaee Kainrow orn xotai value
11.35. On sale tomorrow for only.
Drugs and Toilet Needs Under priced
&9C Green Trading Stamps Given With Purchases
5c Ivory Soap 3c Che
Limit 6 cakes to a customer. No
deliveries except with pfcjjieipur
chases fromy the drug department.
No telephone or mail orders filled
lSc Toilet Paper 1500 sheets to
the roIL Saturday at only 10e
35c Hospital Cotton, l lb. at 19c
5oc Lambert's Listerine for 28c
Regular 5ocr Mary Garden Tal
cum on sale Saturday at only 31c
Nice size SpongejKspecial at 15c'
Regular . 1 oc Sapolio at only 6c
Mary Garden Extract, regular $2
ounce. ' Special the ounce $1.25
35c Daggeti & Ramswell's Cream
Saturday special at. tne lar 25c
125 c Jergen's Rice Powder at 12c
25c- Kolynos Tooth. Paste at 14c
5oc Pebeco Tooth Paste at 28c
l5c, !j4 pound Peroxide at only 7c
Sanitary ' Napkins, one dozen in a
box, priced special now at only 35c
25c Imperial Talcum now only 15c
Man rl ne H air Tonic
50c and $1.00
i . ii Ii.-",.
Keeps the hair from falling out
stops itching and If used as di
rected will cure dandruff. Priced
at only ... . ..50c and $1.00 Bottle
Sale Brushes
iSc'and 20c Tooth Brushed at 10c
Solid: Back Hair Brushes, in assorted
woods and shapes, worth up to $2t
placed on special sale at only $1.00
75c -Nail Brashes, open backs, 'on
special sale Saturday , at only S0
Robber Goods
? - 1 i iii L r -
3 0c Rubber Gloves at only 39c
1.00 Hot Water Bottles at 69c
50c Rubber Lined Traveling Case
offered special Saturday only 35c
Bathing Caps
Latest styles for the 1914 season.'
Fresh new stock, in assortment
of colors. ' Specially priced for
Saturday Lat the very low prices
Of only 25c, 35c, -50c and 75c
Regular 25c Shaving Stick will be
given Free tomorrow with every
"Duplex Demonstrator" l C
Razor. Special at. . . . . . 09C
gl7.50 io $20.00
Diambnd Rings
line Women's Solid Gold Rings,
Tiffany set with H and j -karat
diamonds. Regular selling prices
$1 7.50 up to - 20.00. Yoor
choice of these Sat- '10 ((
iurday at only. la.UU
I AH Py ralin Ivory
t Brushes, Manicure Articles, -puff :
Boxes, Blotters and scores -of
other articles suitable for .gifts.
Make your selections Saturday
' . and buy them at Just W OFF
' ' .1
143 SIXTH, Near Alder