BOARD OF Tbmbrrbw Go on May Accounts Payable June 1 ATTENDS REHEARSAL OF OWN OVERTURE Charge SELECTS New M From All Nations COMING FOUR YEARS Recommendation Made by Principals, Officers of Sup erintendent's Department. ourly and Underpriced for Removal Sale! And That Same Dependability in Quality Our Thousands of Patrons Have Always Experienced Is Ever Present! BIDS HAD BEEN INVITED EDUCATION BOOKS FOR OTchandise Recruited 'I '.''-': 1 Ifl ft r !! J Is Unpacked H Bepresentatives of Publishers Had Been Divan Private Hearing's Before School Committee. Textbooks for the uso of pupils In the Portland High Bdiools were e- , lotted last nlglit by the board of edu cation for use during jthe coming four; year. The only courses yet to be pro- i lried for are muHic, Ucrman and writ-! Inn, hooka for these subject to b decided upon later. A committee com led of the principals of the high rhools and tlie off ioers of tlie city mioerintendent's d-partment made the recommendation. Bids had been In vited from various publishers and rep resentatives were given private hear ings before the committed. These texts were selected: , Mathematics School Algebra, Went. worth anil Smith, vols. 1 ami , jinn j j & Co.; Geometry, riniie, LJells ana, Webb, Ginn A "o.; Solid, Hart ami I Keldrnan. Anierkan Hook company;' Trlgonoinetry, Wilcyznski-Slaiiglu, Al-; Ivn & Bacon; Advanced Algebra, Ginn , Ai Co.; Arithmetic, Wells' Academic, D. I t. Heath & Co. Mclfin-es Physiology. Conn and Bud- dlngton. Silver, Burdette company; ' Botany. Bergen and Caldwell, Ginn & Co.; Botany, Sweetzer and Kent Key j and Flora. Ginn & Co ; Biology, Pe.g- body and Hunt, Macmi-Hkn & Co.; Ap- plied lOWctrlcity and Magnetism, Jack- 1 son anil Jackson, .Macmillan & Co. ; j PhyKics, MIllfkHii uml (revised), i.lrin He Co.; Chemistry, Mcpherson and I llr-nilerpfin, Ginn A Co.; Physical Geog- j raphv, Hopkins, Sanllorn & Co. ; Kngllsh Knulisli Literature, Long, , Ginn & Co.; American Literature, Hal-' !:!. American Book comnunv: Knir- A nierican i Father Dominic. One of the features of the Portland Symphony orchestra concert to be giv en at the Heilig Friday afternoon. May at 3 o'clock, will be the overture, "The Call of the West,"; by Father j Dominic of Iount Angel college. Itj will be the first Oregoti composition i to be played by the orchestra, tattler Iomlnic attended the rehearsal the other day and expressed himself much pleased with the treatment of the com position, which he wrote under the supervision of the grea German com poser, Humperdlnck. This concert will be, the last of the season 1913-11. nnd George K. Jeffery will conduct. The principal feature will be Tschaikows,ky"s sixth sym phony. "Pathetl with ,tv move ments from Henry ,Hailley's sympho ny, "North, Kast, South and West," a close second. Hadley is regarded as one of the foremost living American Hah stj.ntonc.M tCfriilidll Book company: Manual or Antumen- ,.,o.i tatlon LHVTnrk and Spofford, Macmil- j The seat sale for the concert opened lan&Co.; A First Book of Composition, at the Heilig this morning. MrlgKs and McKinney, Gln- S Co.; The final rehearsal for the Friday KlemnntH of Composition, Canliy unci : afternoon concert was held at the Opdyke, Mecmlllan & Co.; Grammar, : ,ei1 Vl- morning It was attended Ivn & ncon; C) Second Year Latin, land IS Catholic Sisters, who were par A 1 1 vn r Bacon; la) Junior Latin Boole, I ticularly intertsted in the rendition of Koife & llennlson, Allyn & Bacon; (b) . Father Dominic's composition. Frank Caesar. Gunnison & Harley. Silver Bur- j Kichenlaub will be the concertmaster ilette company; L3 ) laitin Jrammar, ' ..,.j(ia v afternoon Bennett. Allyn & Bacon; (3) Cicero, . Nx- Monday :lt 12:Z0, the Musi- llllllliniiii Hull iraui'-j, ml i ri jutUTlLr: company; 111 Virgil, Kairclough and; Brown. Sanborn & Co.; Ovid. Gleason ; and Bennett, American Book company; I Latin Literature. McKall. Scribner. 1 PubllsheiH of all Latin text,s must fur nish paper text editions free, equal to the number of the regular texts In use. j French Shorter French Course, Fra-' ser and SqualT, 1. C. Heath & Co.; f French Grammar, Fraser anil Squair ! I . C. Heath A Co.; Lectures Faciles, 1 Fraser, Glnn S; Co.; French Series, I Walters-Balland. Serlbner's. : Historv Ancient, West (revised edi- ' tion 1H13). Allyn & Bacon; New Medie- I VBl and Modern, Hardlne. 1913, Amer- ican Book, company ; Kngllsh, Cheyney. ! Glnn Co.; American, Muzzey. Ginn Co.; Industrial. Moore, Macmillan & Co. ! Lconomtcs Burch and Ncaring, Macmillan A- Co. '. Civlci The American Republic, Cen tury company. Mechanical Drawing First Book, Sloan. Mentzer Co. Psychology Thorndyke, A. (5. Sell E'er. Principles of Teaching Thorndike. Domestic Science Food and House lir14 Management, Klnne and Coolev, Macmillan . Co.; Domestic Art. Shel ter and '-C4otliing, Kinne and Cooley, Macmillan & Co.; Nutrition and Diet. ( onley. American Boole clans' club of Portland, will give- a lum heon at the Portland hotel 'In honor of Father Bom rriand Old Spanish Prison Bunko Game Again Merchant In Bend, Or., Receives Appeal for Aid but He Knew About Ancient Trick. The. old bunko game of the hidden fortune, and the man in a Spanish prison, a game that was old when the pyramids of - F-gypt were young, is heard from once more. In a communication rfreeived by a prominent merchant of Bend, Or., re cently the merchant was informed that the writer, one S. Solovieff. a Russian banker, who was confined in a Spanish prison on the charge of murder, was compelled by his sad situation to re veal an important affair through which the Bend merchant could by lendering aid, procure a modest for- company; j tune, saving at the same time that of the prisoner's "darling daughter." In the letter, which bore a Spanish stamp and post mark, it was written: "1 beseech you to help me to obtain Household Chemistry, Blanchard, Al lyn & Bacon. Commercial Practical Business Arithmetic. Moore and Miner, Ginn St Co.; Jinn id Prill. Burch. T-,vons A- Par. tiahnn; Business Speller. Kldridire. a sum" of $480,000 I have in America American Book company; Rook keep-1 and to come here to raise the seizure )lon. and xMinplT',l3in? Co : of my baggage, paying to the registrar ' ill J7 Ji V """"'".J D - of the court the expenses of Kerinir ann Arrm nt:inpv RnwA ti I 1 1. M Howe comnanv: Corrnnrr-lal icmc.n.s "'j- poi i- company Correspondence. Altmnler. Macmillan Co.; Business Fngljsh, Lewis, La Salle Kxtenslon university; Results of -Order, Roberts. Scott Foresman com pany; Economics jdT Business, Brisco Macmillan & Co.; Commercial Law, Wlgham. GreRg Publishing company; Commercial Geography Robinson, "Und-McNally company; Kxer-Mses and References, Robinson, Rand-McNally company; Kxpert Typewriting, Fritz Kldrldge, American Book company; Pad of Business Forms. Frltz-Lldrldge American Book company; Office Train ing for Stenographers, Gregg -Publishing company; Manual for Office Train ing, Gregg Publishing company; Pad of Script Forms, K. C. Mills, American Rook company; Shorthand, Pitman Howard. Phonographic institute; Busi ness Kngllsh. Goodyear-Marshall; Com merce and Finance, Powers. Lyons & Carnahan. expenses or my and manteau containing a secret pock et where 1 have hidden a secret packet Indispensable to recover the said sum. As a. reward 1 will give up to you the third part, viz., $160,000." For further particulars the'r Bend merchant was Instructed to cable to a person In the prisoner's confidence at Santander, Spain, the single word "Arrived." .Enclosed with the '-the. letter was a supposed newspaper cLippirrg giving an account of the arrest in London of Serge Solovieff, a Russian banker who had fled from Russia with 5,000,000 rubles and who, while hiding in Spain, had killed a fellow 'countryman. Seeks to Enjoin the Commissioner Order ProbiMUnr the Sale of Baklnr Powder Containing Albumen, At tacked by Seattle Company. Application for an Injunction to re strain J. D. Mlckle, atate dairy and food commissioner, from enforcing an order, to become effective May 1 prohibiting the sale In the state of baking powder containing albumen. Was made by attorneys for the Cres cent Manufacturing company, a Se attle corporation, in a suit in equity filed with the federal court Monday afternoon. The company manufactures a brand Known as rescent Making Powder," ; whieh. the complaint alleges, has been on the market for IS yearas. It will , be deprUeil of business In this state ir -MICK lew the cotnp; Candidates Invited , To Attend Luncheon Progressive Business Men Would Hear and See Aspirants fop Law Making Body. All candidates for the legislature from Multnomah will be given a chance before the Progressive Business Men's club tomorrow to tell why they should do eieciea. we want a strong delega Bmiun irom inis county In the next legislature.. announces P. H. Knee land, chairman of the proa-ram commit. tee, -indicating that the presence of ttie candidates at the luncheon In the Mult nomah will afford opportunity for com parisons. Robert C. Wright will act as chairman of the day. COUNTY COURT NEWS a oder is allowed rs3tlThemml1SSlners ord no 1,0, it,. J 1 ' I ticPs of the dangerous condition r sent broadcast throughout the state ""y rlv,er briSe, through which an declares t.lhumen In baking powder 1 U iFU PlunKPd last Saturday, be is au adulteration to make weight I 02.te, at 'af'h end of th bridge. - weight. . t Former Foreman Is Awarded Damages , -A. C. Barclay Given 918.000 for In Juries Received In Jumping; Wben Collision Takes place on Bead. A. C. Barclay, former foreman of a uriHcing crew on the 0.-V. R. & N. ran road between The petition of William A K-nirnar i and others, of Gresham, for the com pletion or me improvement of the Sec tion Line road from th vu mn crossroad to Brunner station, was re-i ferred to Roadmaster Yean. The application of E. R rwh-... and others for a county road from the Kanes road to the Troutdal rnit u ! read for the first time anrf second hearing April 29 at 10 o'clock The bid of the Kastern & Western Lumber company to furnUh for repairs to the Burnside bridge for $272, was accepted as it was the low- vale and Junctura. -b wroea jd.uuu oamages against j est bid received. jne company ror injuries received when t Roadmaster Yeon reported that hf he jumped frow. a work train to escape believed the hiring of an auto truck injuries when he trsin on which he ' for road work is econoinJeaT wh hJ? w.s riding collfded with another work ! preciation cost is aTlowed for aUhou V-u' ., . i the 8t Per ard seems high' compared V ri.Ct Wa" rendBre Circuit I with the cost per yard for "ounfy w Av S Viiwii r, I UUI L, ttJIU lfl One Ol the largest given for ' some time. The accident occurred last Octo ber. The trains met on a curve, Barclay sued for $50,000 damages. He waa represented by Attorneys Davis & larrell and Charles A. Hardy. trucks. The letter from Mr v- ' placed on file. i "M The St. Louis Inventor of a life preserver which has metal webs on the legs claims they will enable a person to walk in water. v . , Tomorrow Is the Opening Day of the Home Industry Exhibit at Meier & Franks UXTDEB THE AUSPICES OP THE MAHTJPACTTJBEBS' ASSOCIA TION OF OBEOOn. Colonel David M. Dunne, president of the Manufacturers' Asso- . elation of Oregon, will formally open the Home Industry Exhibit tomorrow morning. The entire Morrison street side of our mam moth Basement has been given over to the exhibit, nearly forty handsomely decorated booths having been erected to house the fifty or more exhibits. Great is the interest manifested in this Impor tant and interesting event, whichis extremely educational in char acter. Made-in-Oregon products will be attractively displayed, and the various methods of manufacture interestingly explained In some cases the actual process of manufacture being in operation. The exhibitors include concerns from all over the state of Oregon, and the exhibition promises to be a success in every respect All are Welcome, Basement, Main Building. Dinnef-Ware, Fancy China and Glass-Ware Now at Special Prices! Every piece of our enormous stock of fine Dinncrware is included in this sale at unusual reductions. Many pretty pat terns are shown. All Glassware such as Tumblers Stemware Water Sets Berry Sets Oil Bottles Water Bottles Jugs Decanters Punch Bowls, etc. reduced for this sale. All Fancy China including all fancy Haviland Royal Dres den Austrian China fine hand-decorated China fancy Vases, etc., reduced 25. Fourth Floor Temporary Annex. Mexico! On Thursdayand Saturday of this week, April 30th and May 2d, at 3 o'clock in the Main Building, Fifth Floor Miss Fannie Harley will repeat her lecture or "Travelogue" on Mexico past and present. . The success which attended her striking presentation of. this momentous subject on Tuesday augurs well for the two remain ing days. The history of Mexico its physical characteristics, its cli mate and resources; the people, their developments and national traits, customs, traditions and curiously interesting legendry; churches and architecture are all depicted in vivid array by a series of wonderful colored stereopticon pitcurcs. Hear Miss Harley tomorrow! No charge. Pifth Floor Main Boil ding Thousands of Toys and Dolls to Be Sold in 3 Days Meier & Frank's REMOVAL DIRECTORY The Shopper's Guide (Revised Daily.) MOVE HO. 1 Art Heedlework De partment To Seventh J-'loor, near Tea Room, Sixth-street Building. MOVE HO. S Kodak Department, Sporting Goods Department To Temporary Annex (across Fifth street). Fifth-street Entrance. MOVE HO 3 Alteration and Pit- . ting B o o m a To Fifth Floor, Sixth-street Building. MOVE HO. 4 Men'a Furnishing and Hat Department To Temporary Annex, First Floor. MOVE HO. 5 Men'a and Boys' Cloth ing and Boys' Hat Dept. To Tem porary Annex, Second Floor. MOVE HO, 6 Trunk Department To Third Floor, Sixth-street Bldg. Deep Reductions on Toys, Pictures, Baskets, Baby Carriages and Dolls Preparatory to Removal to Temporary Annex Buy Now for the Holidays! MOVE HO. 7 Housefiumishlng'S To Third Floor. Temporary An nex. Crockery Department, to Fourth Floor, Temporary Annex. MOVE HO. 8 Mail Order Depart ment To Ninth Floor, ; Sixth-street Building. $1.75 Folding Sewing fables at $1.19 For three days' sale, we're re ducing these practical Sewing Ta bles, 36 inches long and 18 inches wide, with measuring rule on top. Regularly priced at $1.75 d1 - Q Removal reduction to tJ)-i-e-Li 85c Lap Boards used by all home sewers, special price KQ for three days' sale tliU Pifth Floor Sixth Street Bldff. Dolls Reduced for the Removal Sale We have a splendid and all-embracing assortment of DOLLS, and for this three-days' sale, they're radically reduced in price. Be c low we list a few of the exceptional offerings for this three-days' sale: $1.00 Kid Body Dolls, with metal heads, 17 ins. long, reduced to 69tf $1.25 Ki4 Body Dolls, sleeping eyes, eyelashes, hair "and jointed, 19 inches long, reduced to 79 60c Imitation Kid Dolls sleeping eyes, 17 ins. long, reduced to 39 50c Hair-Stuffed Pink Body Dolls, celluloid heads, 14 ins. long, 25 $1.00 Kid Body Dolls, sleeping eyes, parted wig, jointed, 16 inches long, reduced to 69 75c Hair-Stuffed Pink Body Dolls, sleeping eyes and hair, 21 inches long, reduced to 49 $3.50 "Rose City Beauty" Doll for Only This beautiful DolL as illustrated, has sleeping eyes, long lashes, sewed mohair wig, is fully jointed, and sells regularly for $3.50 for Three Days' Sale, re duced to 99c $1.25 Rose Gity Baby Doll 63c Sleeping eyes, sewed mohair wig, fully jointed and 15 inches long reduced from $1.25 to only e3- Toys at Removal Sale Prices! 95c Collapsible Doll Bug- $2.75 Collapsible Doll- Children's $2 Sidewalk gies Special at Only 69c Buggies for Only $1.79 Sulkies Now Only $1.33 Steel frames, reclining backs, covered with good leatherette, and steel tires. Well construct ed, selling regular for 95c now 69 Rubber-tired wheels, reclin ing back and large hood. Splen didly constructed. Reduced for Removal Sale from $2.75 to $1.79. Reliable make of Sidewalk Sulky, with rubber-tired wheels, high backs and excellent springs. Special reduction for 3 days' sale from $2.00 to $1.39 At 25 Off AU Toys, Mechanical and Steel Trains, Animals, Boys' Velocipedes, Girls' Tricycles, Wagons, Coasters. Rocking Horses, Doll Buggies and Chil dren's Sulkies 3 days' Sale 25 LESS. PUth Ploor Sixth Street Bldf. Removal Sale Prices on Framed and Fulton Go-Carts and Whitney Baby Unframed Pictures PICTURE FRAMING AT 25 DISCOUNT Here's an exceptional opportunity to select either framed or unframed Pictures with great savings. One special lot of Pictures is offered at 50 off and others in wide variety at 25 less than the usual price. You'll also do well to take advantage of this offer ing and have Pictures framed at 25 less than you would ordi. narily pay. Avail yourself of these reductions during this great 3-Day Sale! Temporary Annex, Fifth Street. Carriages 25 Off For durability of construction as well as comfort for Baby, the new 1914 Fulton Go-Carts are unexcelled. The seats and backs of these Go-Carts are fitted with four double-acting springs while many unique shapes in Fulton Go-Carts and Whitney Carriages are here for your selection. Tops in many sizes and styles are also reduced. PRICES RANGE FROM $5.50 TO $70 ALL AT 25 OFF Meier fc Prank'e Pifth Floor Main Bulldinff IBALLOTS! C r. E For Rose Festival 3 Queen Candidates May Be Secured With Purchases Made in Temporary Annex Only. Rose Festival Tour de l-ux ballots will be glvpn With pur chase in the Temporary An nex onlv as follows: 10 votes with every purchafie of 25i- or more. 20 voten with every purchase of B0o or more. 35 votes with every purchase of 75c or more. B0 votes with every purchase of SI or more. 100 votes with every purchase of $2 or more. 2 150 voten with every purchase of 3 $3 or more. 2 200 votes with every purchase of 3 $4 or more. 2B0 voles with every purchase, of a $5 or more. BO Additional Vote With Every Additional Dollar Purchase. " Votes Given With Purchases Made In Temporary Annex Only. ; 'limillllllltl'1" '"" 3 Days' Sale of Hair Goods Begins Thursday All Shades Except Gray and Au burn Included in This Assort ment of Hair Goods. German Wavy Hair Switchc 36 inches long, made on three separate stems, aiyl weighing 3 ounces. Special JfH.H 30-Inch German Wavy Hair Switches made of fine quality hair, specially "priced at JpI.lw 26-Inch Switches made on 3 separate stems, specially priced for three days sale at Jpl.wH $8.50 to $10 Transformation! made of fine quality wavy hair, reduced for this sale to iJf.Of Balcony, Sixth Street Bid. Women's, Misses' Fancy Tailored Suits at $12.45 m m SELLING USUALLY $20.00 TO $25.00 Tomorrow we're placing on sale 75 handsome fancy Tai lored Suits in sizes for -women and misses. These Suits are regular $20 and $25 models that we're reducing as a special offering during our great Removal Sale. There's the widest variety for selection, and smart, up-to-date Suits, fashioned of eponge, crepe, serge, poplin and fancy weave materials. A splendid range of colors, including tans, light brown, tango, navy and Copenhagen will be found. And the styles are those to be seen in high-grade Suits, Eton, Blouse and Monte Carlo effects in coats, and all the new and popular skirts, -including the new over-flounce. Seventy-five women and misses may be economically and satisfactorily clothed in this splendid offering of fancy Tailored Suits, ordinarily selling at $20 and $25. Re moval Sale Price $12.45. Second Ploor Mala BnUdins; Children's and Infants' In the Men's Furnishing Dept. Temporary Annex 1st Fl. Men's New Style Hats for Spring Wear at $2.00 We've received a new shirwnent of these unexcelled Spring Hats for men ana marked them at a very low price JpS.OO. There are all the new colors and shapes for Spring and Summer wear, including wide, narrow, flat or rolled brims; high or low crowns; plain or puggery bands, bows in front, back or on the side. The colors include blues, greens, browns, etc., light and dark shades. These Hats may be worn in either Fedora or Telescope shape. They're the extra up-to-date styles, and they're priced at only $2.00. $1 Four-in-Hands 65c Handsome plain - color e d Crepe Four-in-Hands, in the regular dollar shapes, an ag gregation of vivid and beau tiful colors; also bias stripes, plaids and changeable silks, all in the very newest effects for. Spring, including the pop ular "high" colors. Specially priced at 65. $1.50 Gotham Shirts $1.15 There's a very large and very distinc tive assortment of patterns and colors. Here are the most desirable shirt materials, including percales,, and woven madras. Made in coat style, with stiff cuffs attached and soft negligee bosoms. These are our regular $1.50 ' Gotham" Shirts, on sale, as long as any remain, at $1.15. Meier ft T rank's- First Tloor Temporary Annex, rifth St. Ready-Made Dresses Stamped for Embroidering. Regularly $1.25 and QQn $1.50, at iOU Dainty little dresses, well made in different styles, stamped for embroidering in variety of designs. Sizes 1 to 4 years. Groceries -Reduced on Thursday ! Sl?35? SXTQAB CUBES SAMS Sweet and tender. Special on Thursday, the pound .... isu Jersey Butter Excellent quality, roll ,7.R snouaer hum sugar cured, per pound Holland Herring; All Milchers. per keg r I.iDby's Sauer Kraut Solid filled. No. 2 cans, per ran. ww. i-u, a buck, per sacK Banquet Apricots Extra quality. No. 2V6 cans, doz. 81.75; Dorxee's Pnre Pepper No 1 can. 29: No. 4 can .7.... .. Cream of Wheat Popular cereal, per package Graham Flour Freshly milled, No. 9 Back, per sack '. 15o Buckwheat riour Several brands, per package iinparieo. orana, large oval can lOe 25 can 1J io if 29 !Oi 17 '4 Meier Frank's Purs Pood Grocery Basement Special Sale Window Screens SUPPLY THE NEEDS FOR THE COMING SUMMER NOW! Well made adjustable Window Screens at splendid reductions. Measure the Windows before'-ordering. Following measurements are the extreme widths: Window Screens size 12x33 Special 19 Window Screens size 15x33 Special Window Screens size 18x33 Special 24 Window Screens size 24x33 Special ,29 Window Screens size 24x41 Special 132 Window Screens size 24x45 Special 36 Window Screens size 30x45 Special ...... 39 Meiei s Frank's TlUrd Floor Temporary Annex. Fifth Street. r loot m. TH& QUALITY STOREr OF PORTLAND fnv.oixxrv.TTrrisoy Alder 3ts. Boys' Two -Pants Suits, All-Wool, Norfolk Style, A Three-Day Sale, Only We've just received 200 Suits for boys, rushed to us by express, that we're putting on sale for three days as long as any remain at only $4.85. All-wool cheviot in gray, tan and browns, and all in the favorite style for boys Norfolk. Two pairs of pants with each suit, strongly taped and fully lined. Sizes for boys 6 to 17 years. Mothers! Visit our boys' section in the Temporary Annex during this three days' sale and procure one or more of these unmatched 2-pants Suits for boys at $485 Boys' Section Seooad Floor Temporary Annex, Fifth Street. $4.85