The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 20, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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Business Between. Portland
and San Francisco War
rants Increase in Service,
You Must Remember Mutt and Jeff Inherited a Fortune
By "Bud" Fisher
Other companies Operating on Bam
Bum Chatting Zxtra Amount of
Trad These Says.
rr v LfTTUS f p ft kit A Sw6MVBt:'aUCJt . liTi BKTH - Ye, BY Tm6, r "Iru' Ftt-tEOVYH CHANSt VArS. t rCWBS.or
"V . - LOOK. RiCsMT ANVTNiKJs A'VQ "THAT it$4 fVj 1 VtQl3 f I
Increase In business between Port
land and San Francisco baa-caused the
Dodge Hteamshlp company to add an
other steamer to Ha line and It will
now hare two steamers a week Out of
thin port. Charter to tha steamer
Falrhaven, owned by J. K Davenport
of San Francisco, was taken lata Bat'
urday afternoon and the steamer will
be, operated In conjunction with the
flan Ramon her now, the St. Helena
and the Northland. j
That business on this const la on
the Increase Is the conclusion to be j
drawn from the Increases In carriers I
being made here. The North Pacific
Ftamshlp company announced the ad
dition of the steamer George W. Klder
to their fleet yesterday. The Arrow
line, operated . by Swayne Sc Hoyt,
added the steamer Yellowstone to their
three cornered set-rice between Port
land, Coos Bay and Sen Francisco.
The Yellowstone leaves San Francisco
tomorrow and will reavh here the lat
ter part of the week. She Is scheduled
to leave April 28 on her first trip Into
Cooa Bay. The steamer Breakwater
will put on a five day schedule In
place of the weekly sailings she has
been following;, leaving here at 8
o'clock In the morning of April IS for
Cooa Bay.
These increases, with tha additional
passenger traffic looked for during the
fair at Pan Francisco next year, make
the Portland-California traffic loom
up as one of the most valuable assets
of this port. Other lines operating out
of here to California, while making no
Increase In their services, are enjoying
good cargoes both ways. The Dodge
Una also anticipate using a number of
one and two trip chartered vessels dur
ing the extra run of business alwaya
anticipated during the summer months.
brtt will make their twice a. week
schedule permanent.
float Will Kail for Alaska Wednes
day Evening.
Ready for the Inauguration of the
regular Wednesday sailings of the
steamers operated out of Portland to
Alaska, theateamer Qulnault, Captain
Morgan, arrived here about midnight.
The Qulnault brought a heavy cargo
to the gyqsum plant on Pugct sound
and then brought another cargo of box
shooks from Grays Harbor to Astoria
and the American Can company here.
The Qulnault la to sail from here at
fl o'clock Wednesday night. No delay
In her departure la to be tolerated by
Manager N. F. Titus of the Portland
Hteamshin company. The steamer
Thomas T,. Wand, Captain Herrlman,
which was sent on a trip to San Fran
cisco with lumber from Puget sound in
order to space the steamers properly
again, wllf sail from the south tonight,
arriving here Saturday. She will be
held idle Monday and commence load
ing Tuesday morning. Her sailing date
Is April 29. The steamer J. B. Stetson,
Captain MacGregor, wii be back In time
to take the next sailing date. May 6.
Paseneers on Steamer Roanoke
Two social events, one a wentieth
wedding anniversary for Chief Engi
neer D. Mclnnis and Ms wife, and the
other a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Cope, featured the trip of the
steamer Roanoke of the North Pacific
fleet from San Diego and way points
to Portland. The Roanoke docked at
Columbia dock No. 1 early thla morn
The party in honor of Chief Engineer
Mclnnis was held wlle the steamer
waa at aea oir (jape uianco, on April
Mrs. Mary I Knopf.
At Ivenworthv rv hapel, Tues
day laat, . fuheral services were held
for Mra. Mary L. Knopf, a well
known' Lents woman, who died laat
Sunday at the home of her brother,
. David H. Frankhauser, Tremont.
Mrs. Knopf, who waa (7 years of
are, . had lived In Oregon since 1898.
She was a native of Russells Grove,
III., removing from that place to
. Rochester, Minn., where she married
Henry Knopf In 18(4. She la survived
by . her widower and seven children,
six sons and ona daughter, Henry D.
- of Coallngo, CaL: are w. of Florence,
8. Dak.; Clinton E. and George B. of
Wapinltla. Or., and Walter W Her-
. man EL and Mxa. Lydla J. Farlow of
Funeral services were conducted un
der the auspices of the International
Bible Students' association. Inter
nment .waa at Multnomah cemetery.
.V .!,.lf"'"
I CasF
12. Members of the crew and.passen
gera gathered in a specially prepared
aupper in honor of the chief's wedding
anniversary. The one in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. cope waa held while coming
up the liver last night
Mr. and Mrs. Cope were married in
San Francisco before the steamer
sailed. The party at the supper given
them last night included Captain Dick
son, Captain Jeesen, commodore of the
North Pacific fleet and a passenger on
thia trip, .First Officer J. Bergsten,
Chief Engineer Mclnnis and vChief
Steward Ipswich from the steamer, and
Mr. and Mrs. O. Landahl of San Fran
cisco, Mrs. II. Ozouff, Mrs. J. Ham
mond, Mr. G. Beckett, Mr. and Mrs.
Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Cope. A
wedding cake mounted with a small
pastry Cupid prepared by the ship's
cook was a feature.
The crew all smoked cigars on the
Steamer Radnorshire Due to
rive Here May 1.
The next steamer due here in the
Royal' Mail Steam Packet line, the
British steamer Radnorshire, should
reach Portland shortly after May 1.
She sailed from Yokohama for the
sound April 15 and should reach Seat
tle next Sunday. The other members
of the Royal Mail fleet are distrib
uted as follows: Merionethshire ar
rived Hongkong, April 14; Glenroy, at
Seattle; Cardiganshire, sailed from Se
attle for Kobe direct April 10; Rad
norshire, sailed from Yokohama for
Portland, via Puget sound, April 15;
V 21 "utnven. sauea irom wongaong
for Portland, Via japan and Fuget '
sound, April 13; Carnavon shire, sailed
from Hull for London, April 18; Den
of Alrlle, arrived Singapore from Port
land, April 2; Glenlochy, left Perlm for
Portland, via Puget sound, April 6.
For a general overhauling the tow-
boat Ocklahama will be lifted at the
Portland Shipbuilding -.yards tomor
row. The Shaver fleet of towboats
will take care of the Port of Portland
work durlbs; the repairs on the Ockla
hama. To complete her cargo for Shanghai
the British steamer Hazel Dollar will
shift from St. Helens to Astoria thia
The British tramp steamer Strath,
dee, under charter to Hind, Rolph &
Co., is expected in the river tomorrow
night. She is to load lumber at Port
land for Australia.
Portland coal is in the bunkers of
the Norwegian steamer Thode Fage
lund as a result of a trip to the Pa
cific Coast bunkers by the steamer
yesterday. She will complete her cargo
at the North Pacific lumber mills to
night. With 200 tons of general cargo and
800 of cement the steamer Stanley Dol
lar operating under charter to the Af
row Line is due at Albers dock tomor
row morning.
The government dredger Wahkiakum
left down the river this morning in
town of the tugboats Adams and Men
dell for Martin's bar.
Mrs. W. R. Peach, a passenger af
flicted with tuberculosis, died at sea
aboard the steamer San Ramon Fri
day. The body was removed at As
toria and taken in charge by the cdro
ner there. Mrs. Beach lived at Water
loo, Or., according to Captain Jamie
eon. H. M. Skibbe, agent on the dock at
Astoria for the Callendar Navigation
company and the Dodge Steamship
company,, ia in Portland on a short
business trip.
A new instrument, the telethermos
cope, by which the temperature on top
the custom house is registered in fhe
weather office below, was installed by
District Forecaster E. A. Beala this
The steamerBreakwater, Captain T,
J. MacOenn reached Ainsworth Aook
at .6 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Sftij
will start on her five day schedule on
the completion of her next trip leaving
here again April 28.
The steamer Alliance of the North
Pacific fleet sails for Coos Bay and
Eureka tonight.
Astorft, Or., April 20 Arrived at midnight
-pStjamer Siskiyou, from Saa Francisco. Ar.
rived at 7 a. m. ftteatnar Johan Poulsen, from
n,.Fr,ne,,c ed a' nd left no at
10:15 a m Steamer Coaster, from San Fran-
i-isvv. saiiea H i:w t to. Bhlp Berlin, for
queenstowB, April 18. Arrived German
bark OrotaTa, from Portland.
Palmaa, April 18. Arrived Oerman
imuw skiii, rrom roruand.
Monterey, April 19. Sailed Steamer W. S
Forter, for Portland.
Astoria, April 19. Sailed a 6 a. m.
Bteamer Willamette, tar Ran Frnninn a.
rived at 7 sad left up at 8:30 a. in. Steamer
Breakwater, from Coos Bay. Arrived at 9
and lejesup at 10:30 a. m. Steamer Qulnault.
from gkagway and way ports. Arrived at 10
. m. ana jeii up ai noon steamer F. II.
Buck, from Monterey. Sailed at 6 p. m.
Bteamer u. Vaace, for San Pedro. Ar
rived down at S p. m. Germans bark Barm-
aaa Francisco, April 19. Arrived at 9 a
m. Steamer Rose Citv. from Portinnrt- o
Sm. Steamer Beaver, from San Pedro; at
p. m. Steamer Roma; at 8 p. m. Steamer
Coos Bay April 19. Sailed Steamer Aro
Use, from. Portland, for Saa Francisco.
Astoria, Or., April 20. Condition at the
month of the river at ,8 a. m., smooth ; wind
swrwwsai 11s miles; weatner, clear.
Tides at Astoria Tuesday.
- BlCb water 10:33 a. m... 7.1 feet: 10-110 rv
p., 8.0 feet Low water 4 :5fl a. m., 2.0 feet;
There are approximately 4.000.000
acrea of timber 'land in New Hamn-
ahlre, of which about 'half is in farm-
err wood lota.
Six Bank Bandit
Suspects in Jail
Two Men Arrested at Aberdeen oa
Identification of Citizens of Elms,
Wbere Strong; Box Waa looted.
(Special to The Journal.!
Montesano, Wash., April 20. Mike
Vwebeck and Sam Arsoff were arrest
ed last night by Sheriff Scbelle Math
ews at the Mecca cafe. In Aberdeen, on
identification of two citizens of Elma,
as being two of the men who robbed
the bank of Elma March 18.
The men were brought here today
This makes six of the gang in custody.
Prosecuting Attorney Stewart said to
day that he will file Information in
the superior court against the men, but
as yet ia not positive Just what the
charge will be.
Dne to Arrive.
Beaer, from Ban Pedro and waT..Aortl 22
Wap, from San Francisco April Si?
Johan Poulaen. from San FVancIaco. .April 22
uouuersoirp, rrom Korope ana orient. .April 23
Geo. W. Elder, from San Francisco. .April 25
Thoa. ti. Wand, from Alaska. April 85
Yellowstone, for San Francisco Apr'd 25
W. 8. Porter, from Moot prey April 25
Breakwater, from Coos Bay April 28
Arollne, rrom S. F. and way ....... .April 2fl
Rose City, from San Pedro and way.. Apr. 27
Alliance, from Enreka and Coos Bay. April 28
Yucantan, from Ban Diego and way... April 80
J. a. siereon, rrom Alaaka. . . . . . .
F.ear, from Ran Pedro and way. . . .
Roanoke, from San Diego and way
Sudmark, from Europe and orient. .
April SO
.May 2
.May 5
.May 10
Dua to maart.
Alliance, for Coog Bay and Eureka. .April 20
, Miiom.h. fee H.n liu for San Pedro ind
.April at
Innoke. for Sun Diego and way
itnnoKe. i or duq uiego ana v
Breakwater, for Cooe Bay...
April 22
April 22
April 22
April 23
April 87
yuimitm, ror Aiapua ,.
Par. Ramon, for Sau Francisco....
Beaver, for Ran Pedro and Way....
uortneysuirp, tor orient and Euroo
prti 37
Aroline, for Cooa Bay and San Fran. April 2S
Geo. W. Elder, for San Pedro war. April 2S
Thomas L. Wand, for Alaska April 29
Alliance, for Cooe Bay and Eureka. .April 80
Hose City, for San Pedro and way.. ..May 2
Yucatan, for San Diego and way...., May 3
J. B. Stetson, for Alaska May 8
Sudmark, for orient and Kutope May 10
From Ban Francisco.
Steamers Harvard and Vale, alternating,
leare San Francisco for San Dleeo oa Uon
dnyt. Wednesday, Fridays and "Saturday,
connecting with steamers front Portland.
Northbound, they arrlre at Man Francises
on Tuesdays. Thursdays. Saturdaj and Sun
days. seals la Van.
Name Berth.
Oakland, Am. sen. Astoria
Chinook, dredgs .......Alaska Dock
Turpenbek, Ger. ah..
Barmbek. Ger. bk....
Hear, Am. str
Thode Kagelund, Nor. str.
Irene, Am. ch
Osterbek Get. bk
. . . . Astoria
N. P. Mill
.......... .Liunton
Hasel Dollar, Br. str
. Couch
. . . Northwest Steel
. . . Oregon Dry dock
Li n n ton
. . ...... . . . . Wauna
...Columbia No. 1
St. Helens
...Oregon dry doc
Oak St.
. . .Columbia No. 1
Tiyerton, Am. str
Ixird Lownsdale, Br. str...
Mathew Turner, Am. sen. .
Klnn Cyrus, Am. sch
Hue H. Elinors, Am. str..
strathblane. Br. str......
Berliu. Am. sh
Belfast, Peru, bk
Belfast. Peru, bk
Alliance. Am. str
Multnomah. Am. str. ....
Ukaton. Am. str k
Jim Butler, Am. str
Ken K anion. Am. Str
uinanlt, Am. str
rancis H. Buck, Am. str..
Koanoke, Am. str
Breakwater. Am. str
Ea Routs to Load Grain.
Sailed from
Desalz. Fr. sch
Jean. Fr. bk
Newcastle, Eng.
...Bahla Blanco
...... .Newcastle
....... Newcastle
. Santa Rosalia
Crbin, Nor. bk
Ossa, Gar. as .4.
Gen. as Bonis, it. db....
EnEleborn. Br. ship
Dolbek. Ger. Bk..
Fails of Afton. Nor. Bk.
Helwig Vlnnen, Ger. sh. .,
Kirkcudbrightshire, Br. sh
.uruunv, bu ................. ,
Notre Dame d'Arvor, Br. bk
Sparton, Nor. sh .,
Miscellaneous En Routs.
Alesia, Ger, ss
. .Antwerp
Andalusia, uer. ss
Carnarvonshire. Br. str...........
Den of Ruthven, Br. as............
Glenlochy, Br. ss
Glenroy, Br. ss .....
Hoerde, Ger. ss.....
Pierre Antolne, rr. bk ,
Radnorshire. Br. ss
......New York
' New York
...... ..Hambara
River Forth, Br. as....
Santa Catalina, Am. ss.
Santa Clara, Am. ss....
Sambla. Ger. ss
DUUUUIIBi Uli . mm...
Suevia, Ger. ss
Transvaal, Dan. ss
Inverbervie. Br. SB....
Frainley, Br. at
Ea Route to Xa4 Lumber.
Name Sailed from
Howth, Br. bk. ............ .Newcastle, Eng.
Queen Eugenie, Br. ss Bremerton
Salem, Am. sch Newcastle. N. S. W.
Asumasan Mara, jap. ss .........Kobe
LoiHpec, Br. sa ...........Amnterdam
Ecclesla. Br. sa Honolulu
Shinkai Mam, Jap. as Mo 11
W H. Marstoo, Am. sch... Valparaiso
klindoro. Am. sch... Save
Queen Msud, Br. ss Ban Francisco
Stratbalbvn, Br. sa San Francisco
8trathlorn Br. as .....8an Diego
Hurst, ta. sit .....Eureka
klannlngiry. Br. str Eureka
Christian Bora, Nor. atr... Guamas
Alvena. Am. scb iaetal
Srrathgarry, Br. str Ssn Francisco
Strathdan, Br. str .....San Francisco
Clan MacLead. Br. stt...... .Guarmaa
Strathdee, Br. str San Francisco
Queen Margaret, Br. str...... San Francisco
Colusa, Br. as .Seattle
Frankmount, Br. sa..
Hyndford, Br. ss
, ..Ban Francisco
. . .Sac Francisco
Dally River Readings.
i c
Ltwiston ,
ITmatilla ..
Eugene ....
Albany ...
Salem . . . . .
Wilson vtlle
Ttortland , .
B.e 0.21
V 1.2
) rUing.
Journal Tant Ada bring results,
Today's Happening with the Bulklen, Architects, Contractors and
Realty Brokers.
Cranberry Bogs Praised. I
Dr. John Franklin of Massachusetts,
cranberry expert - culturlat, connected
with the department of agriculture, has
been making an investigation and sur
vey of the cranberry bogs near the
mouth of the Columbia river ia Paclflo
oounty, Washington, and Clatsop coun
ty, Oregon. In an interview recently
given out by Dr. Franklin, be say a that
the north Pacific cranberry lands have
a tremendous advantage over the lands
of the same character in Massachusetts
and New Jersey.
"The rainfall," said he, "is so abund
ant in western Oregon and Washington,
and the climate eo mild, that It is not
necessary to make expensive provision
in the way of storage lakes and rester
voirs for flooding purposes. Also that
the large, beautiful and most delicious
varieties grown so successfully here
and kept all winter will not keep two
weeks when grown on a Massachusetts
or New Jersey bog."
He -also states that the average yield
of the whole Pacific coast bogs is much
larger and the quality much better as a
whole than any he has found else
where. Hia farewell advice to growers
was to "get every acre of suitable bog
land into bearing as there is but little
to be had. and be sure to keep your
water level low in your drainage
ditches, much lower than you now have
Vernon Deal Reported.
K. M. Watts has taken title to two
lota located on East Twenty-second
street, near Alberta, In Vernon. The
property was sold by F. A. Probst for
Home on East Irving Sold.
George S. Anderson has purchased
from Ed Holcom a house and lot on
East Irving street, near East Thirty
third. The consideration was given as
nominal, but the property Is worth
near (5000.
Real Estate Transfers.
1". A. Probst and wife to E. M. Watte,
lots 15. 1ft, block 23, Vernon 2,000
Theckla Bright to the Multnomah State
Bank, lot 11. DiocK z, neiinxw "or
Laurelhurst Co. to Provident Trnst
Co., lot 16, block 27, Lanrelhurst. .
Percy D. Morgan to Laura J. Morgan,
lota 1, 2. block 1. Rumaey'a addition.
Samuel Weiss et ai to Dorothea Knrtt,
lots 1, 2, block 1S4, Caruther's addi
tion Holcomb Realty Co. to Mary Olive
Pullen, lota 2, 4, 0, block o. irvjng
ton Park
25, block 10. Kern Park .' 1,500
Commarce Trust savings tsans to
John R. Koser, lota M, zi, diock
an. East St. Johns
Tabor Investment Co. to A. J. Mar-
tinean et ai, lot 13, block 3, &ewic
1t .rlrlltlon
Tlrsah 3. Palmer et ai to city of Port
land, for street parcel or east ena
lots 10. 11. block 2, St. Helens
Tirzah J. Palmer et al to city of Port
land, for street parcel or east ena,
lots S o. Mock 2. St. Helens -r.
Iura McKenna and husband to city of
Portland, for street parceior easi
r,n w ia 14. hlorlt 2. St. Helens..
Anthony Schults and wife to city of
Portland, tor streei parcel 01 mi
end lot 12. block 2, St. Helena
It. A. Jones and wife to city of Port
land, right or way iot sewer d
ginninar on southerly line, lot 5, block
"'B," Smith's addition, 2 feet east
of southeast corner lot 7, block 'B."
right of way
Egbert Gee and wife to the Oregon
Home Builders, lot 11, diock z, mga
land School House addition
Grover C. Rasch to Irene B. Rasr-n,
wife, lot 28. block 4. -niton s saui-
Fulton Park Land Co. to city of Port
land, beginning at point in nortn una
Kleinsorge, 139.2 feet easterly from
easterlv line Virginia street .
Fulton Park Land Co. to city of Port
land, lots 8, 4, block 82, Burlingabe.
J. G. Fehler and wife to Jennie Byrne,
east 113.1) reet, west reet,
south 170 feet, block 4, Mt. Hood
View ....i.
S. Le Ttmrneau to T, S. McDaniel,
lot 0, block z, nortn ft, iota 1, 4,
t,wv 0 cu.1Hon a cw.
O. R. Cooper to Alma I. Cpoper, lot 0,
block 16, Terrace Park
J, E. Hatch and wife to H. B. Noble,
lot Id, block 8, Redlicbton
Maxwell Land & Irrigation Co. to Al
addin Land Co., lot is, diock
Portsmouth Villa Extd., lot 12, block
4. Brush's addition to E. P.. lot 7,
block 81, Mock's addition, lot 7,
block 82. Mock's addition
Ed. Holcom 1 to Q. S. Anderson, lot
8, block 17, Laureihurst
William B. MeAuley and wife to Fred
S. Horrmann, east so reel, tot ia,
hlwk ft Park Vlanr RaDlat
Title & Trust Co. to Ella D. Huslage,
north 85 feet, tot 0, block 4, Mai
lorv addition
Same to J. F. McFadden, lot 2, block
7. Uallory addition . . . ,
R. L. Donald and wife to William
B. Regan, lota 1Z, IS, 14, Dloca ,
Council Crest Park
Mallnda A. Mitchell and husband to
J. L. Wlckersham, lot 14, block 11,
Irvlngton . .
Lillian Warner and husband to John
W. Carson, lot 23, block 18. Tremont
Park . -
Kenastia Woodenware Co. to Annie
Bees, undivided 1-9 Interest, lot
10, block 9, Piedmont
P. H. Murdoch and wife to R. &
Leigh, lot 1. block 8, Avalon......
John Lehmacher to Mrs. Caspor Stern,
lot 12. block 6. tot 15. block 7,
West Portland
Annie C Cahalia to 7. J. Canalin,
210x60 feet, beginning oa east line
Glenn avenue. 00 feet south from
X of east line Glenn avenue and
aorta line, lot 11, town of Wayne. .
also 60x200 feet, beginning on west
- lino Glenn avenue,- 90 feet south
from X of west line Glenn avenue
and north line, lot 11, town of
Gus Wilson and wife to city of Port
Land, right of way for water main I
on land between Eastmoreland and
south line elty limits, right of way.
Boss L. Moudy to F. X. LaDoux, tot .
8, block 11, Riverside addition-
Harriet M. Rieman to city of Portland,
right of way for water main On land
between Baatmoreland and south line
city of Portland, right of way......
N. A. Pearson et ai to city of Port
land, easement for water main on
land between Eastmoreland and south
elty limits, richt of war... 10
George Raabe and wife to city of
foruana, tor street 85X184 feet, be-
finning at northwest corner lot li
lock 4. Blanchard Park addition 1
Mount Scott Park Cemetery associa
tion to John H. Haak, lot 86, sec
tion Hillside. Mount Scott cemetery. 8SS
Rosa L. Moudy to Jennie Meyette.
lot 0, block 11, Riverside addition
(assigned to F. X. LeDoux) 1,600
Gregory Investment - Co. to Minnie
Daeske. lots 17, 18, block 8, Gregory
Heights 10
E. W. Douglas and wife to It. W.
Tripp, lots 11, 12. block 16. Jones-
more 10
G. G. Dearer to B. N. Deaven, lots
2. 7, block 4, lot 8. block 4. lot 12.
block 10, lot 13, block 6. Altamead. 10
William p. Richardson and wife to
William Held, 01.8 acres, beginning
1320 feet west of northeset, corner
section 2. townshlo 1 south, raoae
S, east 1
Brong-Manary Co. to Walter M. Chap
man, lot 5. block 13, Loveletgh 000
Portland Realty a Trust Co. to Maud
Weller. lots 25. 26. block 9. Failing
addition 10
A. F. McKay and wife to J. A. Sapp.
lot 2, block 0, Granville 10
Hans Peterson and wife to Portland
Pacific Investment Co.. lot 8. block
4, West Piedmont 10
T. S. McDaniel and wife to Philip
Merer, lota 1. 22. 23. 24. blrx-li a.
Henry's 4th addition 67B
Theckla Bright to II. Host ad et ai.
lots 13, 14. 15. block 12. Clemson
addition 10
Minnie O. Graver to David S. Hester,
-lot, 7. block 11, Sellwood
George A. Flint to H. B. Collier, lota
19. 20, 21. block 0. Syndicate 500
0. E. Cragln and wife to I. Segel
et al, lot 7, block 8, Fox cb ass ad
dition i 728
Boss City Park association to Margaret
E. Cilery, lot 5. block 146, Rose City
Park 10
Emma B. Dawson and has. to W. R.
1 GreffK. lots 6. 7. block 1. Madras, be
ing sub. tract "D." Overton Park... 1
H. B. Noble and wife to George W.,
Tobaka. lot 2. block 80. Vernon.. 825
H. E. Noble and wife to J. B. Hatch,
south Vs. lots 7, 8, block 7, Lorrut-
ton 560
Seme to same, north H lota 7, 8,
block 7, Lorrinton 650
Martin Cahlll and wife to C. I. Hoogh-
kurk, lot lo, block is, Albma Home
stead 10
Edith Say, Tr.t to Margaret C. Fall- -
lng, iota o, 7, diock s, uouacii urest
Park 1
The Rlvervlew Cemetery association
to Mary Mangold, lot 179, section
108. said cemstery ISO
Herman Keller to George W. Keller,
lots is, is, Diock , Monticeno aoni-
fWMk 1
Roman Catholic Archbishop of the Dio,
cese of Oregon to John B. Kelly, lot
10. Sec. "J." Mt. Calvary cemetery.
Bankers' Investment Co. to Virginia
V. Mueller, tots 0, 10, block 80, Uyde
Park 10
Mrs. Alice Walker to Harvey A. Walk
er, lot 13, block 10, tamnurst 10
Northwest News
Condon News Briefs.
Condon, Or.. April 20. George Ta-
tom, a pioneer of Gilliam county, -died
at the local hospital yesterday. The
cause of his death was general debil
ity. The funeral will be held tomor
row from the Congregational church.
George Tatom came to eastern' Oregon
from Polk county 81 years ago and set
tled first at Heppner, where he re
mained for two years. He then came
to Condon and engaged in the sheep
business and later in farming. He bas
relatives, but had become estranged
from them.
A volunteer fire department has
been organised In Condon and two hose
teams are practicing twice each week.
The town has been divided into four
Well Known Portland LaHy
Has Tried Plant Juice and
Tell What She Thinks
of It
MTs. Charles Meierhaus, who resides
at 619 Kamona Avenue in this city
and Who is Sergeant-Major of the
Young People's Corp here, has the fol
lowing to say about Plant Juice:
"For a number of years I have been
a great sufferer with stomach trouble
and nervous debility. Gas would form
on my stomach and cause me great dis
tress and at times I could not retain
my food at all. I also suffered a great
deal with headaches and bad some
catarrhal trouble of the throat. I
heard of Plant Juice and purchased a
supply; It seamed to give me almost
Instant relief for my throat and head.
Since I have been taking Plant Juice
I sleep better, my appetite Is good and
my fopd seams to agree with me. It
seems to have toned up my entire sys
tem, for I feel better In every way; I
am glad that I tried this remedy, for
I had tried so many; things and none
of them seemed to do me any good. I
can heartily recommend Plant Juice to
If .you have Indigestion, sv 'feeling of
weight In the stomach, headaches,
heartburn, sour stomach, coated
tongue. If you sleep poorly, havs no
appetite, wake in the morning tired
and worn out, have poor circulation,
dizxy spells, nervousness said are run
down generally try Plant Juice. It
will bring back your appetite and color
to your cheeks. For sals by The Owl
Drag Company. . (Ady.)
Country Editor Is , !
Attacked by Gang
yqbUsneg of Monrovia, CaL, rape
Says Was Dragged Arena a at End
of Kooae by Disgruntled Headers.
Monrovia. CaL, April 20. Eight
young .men are under arrest today
charged with assaulting C N. Whita
Iter, editor of the Monrovia Messenger.
Whltaker alleges that he was serious
ly beaten and threatened with lynch
ing. The attack was the result of ar
ticles printed in the Messenger in
which prominent citizens and public
officials were named.
According to Whltaker's story, ho
was thrown into an automobile, taken
out of the ' city and stripped of his
clothes and dragged ''about with a
noose about his neck. Some of his
teeth were missing today and he was
fearfully bruised.
The entire community has taken
sides over the affair and county offi
cials have been asked to launch a
grand jury investigation. City Clerk
Margetts was among those arrested.
wards and the rings on the big fire
gong so arranged as to designate tjje
location of any fire which may occur.
The Condon-Fossil - Stage company
recently purchased an auto truck and
is using it to haul malls between here
and Fossil. The capacity of the truck
is one and one half tons and the par
cel post matter which goes into the
interior from here keeps the truck well
. Gilliam county taxpayers are more
than usually prompt .this year in pay
ing their taxes. According to Tax Col
lector Horner, $92,000 in taxes has
been collected. The total amount to
be collected is 1116.000.
Theodore, Srvan Thompson, a tran
sient, was rreste1 ear here by Sher
iff Montague and was examined in the
county Jail by Drs. Miller and. Wil
helm, who pronounced him mentally
unbalanced on the subject of religion.
One of the largest real estate deals
closed In Gilliam county for several
years was : the sale of the ' William
Head farm, on Rock Creek, the trans
fer having just been recorded. There
are 800 acres In this farm, and the
price paid by the new owner, Nerius
E. Moffltt, was $0.000. Mr. Moffltt
came here from Clackamas county.
Hereafter farmers coming to Condon
will not ave to hunt for a place to
get a drink of water, for the city
council has decided to install two
drinking fountains at convenient places
on Main street. The council also de
cided that property owners in the city
must remove all rubbish and filth, and
an effort is to be made this year to
keep down the weeds which flourish
on vacant lots.
From Klamath Falls.
Klamath Falls, Or., April 20. After
a short delay, work has been resumed
on the $24,000 Carnegie library being
erected here. Carpenters have com
pleted the forms for the cement work
on the upper part of the building, and
today the pouring of cement was
started. Members of the county court
say that the building will be ready for
occupany this summer.
Club Gives Play.
Cove, Or., April 20. "The Arabian
Knights, for the benefit of tbe library
was put on Saturday under the au
spices of the Woman's Improvement
Has Earth Expanded or Contracted
Engineering Record.
A scientific survey to determine the
exact regular ) distance between the
cities of Berlin, Germany and
Washington, D. C, will be made by
the German Geodetic Institute at Pots
dam in conjunction with the Coaat and
Geodetic survey of the United States.
Fifty years ago this distance was com
puted, presumably accurately; the pur
pose Of repeating the computation is
to ascertain whether the earth has ex
panded or contracted during the paet
half century. The Germans win estab
lish the distance between Potsdam and
Horta, In the Asores, and the Ameri
cans will ascertain the distance from
Horta to Washington.
Showing Hia Education.
From the TOuth's Companion.
There Is a certain old German of
Wilkes-Barre, Fa., whoso pride, like
that of many self made men. leads him
at times Into a sort of patronising con
descension toward those things he did
not "have time for when he was mak
lng his way In life.
Upon the occasion of the graduation
of a nephew, be asked:
"Veil, Wilhelm, vot did dey teach
you up there V
"Greek and Latin." said tbe boy,
"and German and algebra."
"Bo, bo!" murmured the old German.
"And vofs der algebra for potatoes
Modern Pre-ltaphaelism.
Tbe blessed damozel looked up
And gave an awful Jump.
Her eyes were cold, her voice
' Her heart began to thump.
She had three lilies In her hand.
And her partner bid no trump.
A spring clothespin clamped on the
head of the screw that holds a pbon
graph needle will soften the tone of
the Instrument mors than the use of.
a wooden needle.
.Ruih of Yesterday. Events Briefly Paragraphed for the Enter
tainment of toe Busy Reader.
Paclflo Coaat.
The Columbia river at Vancouver
has been rising; for the past few days
on account of the rains and the 11
foot mark has 'been reached. The high
water will not Interfere with the bor
ings for the proposed Interstate bridge.
The forestry department has adver
tised for bids for the sale of 600,000
feet -of timber la the Clearwater na
tional forest, the government expeot-
lng to receive about 11,600,003 for the
timber. Lands are located in the Loio
creek and Weippe diatrlcta.
The corner stone for the new Ka-
gles' hall was laid at Btev.nson. Wash.
Kev. Charles H. Nellor, pastor of the
rnn.tinn.i h X c.....
Congregational church of Stevenson,
delivered the sermon.
E. H. McCullough, engineer In
charge of the Palouse Irrigating proj
ect, and Assistant Fred Bonetedt vis
ited Pasco for the purpose, it is be
lieved, of examining the plan of re
claiming 100,000 acres of land in that
section. Government aid in the work
will be asked if the work warrants it.
lo3ked himself in a room at romewy.
Wash., and "armed to the teeth" de
fied arrest. Dr. Darby squirted for-
Trtalrlelivri Into th. rnOm flnrl tVlA man
soon was rendered unconscious. Of-
rii-or. then hrnii. in At an ems tha man
and took him to Jail.
Th now tioo.non noma, of f
Angeles council. Knights of Columbus.
was dedicated at Los Anseles. Bishon
Thomas J. Connatv delivered the ad-
,1rH anrt hlaii tha hnllillii tnil
Mavor Rose snoke In behalf of the
Ore eon.
Three boats are at St. Helens, name
ly, Multnomah, Willamette and Hazel
Dollar. The latter la loading lumber
for China.
The work of remodeling the state
ho,i- at Kltn la nrr.oln ,.nMl
Z . I .
be finished this summer. All depart-
ments will have offices in the state
houee and supreme court building.
A number of new men are to be en -
Ksea in flahing for halibut at New-
port this year. Boats are being made protest at Washington against the re
ready and there is a general stir in the peal of th. fr.e panama c.nai t0,IS(
City. Mexican authorities era . unahlA to
Gold bas been discovered near Ban -
don. Black sand property is said to be
yielding from 12 to I30 a ton. The
property has been opened $0 feet wido
and 12 feet deep.
Marion county farmers are predict
ing a bumper strawberry crop this sea
son, the only danger ahead being poe-
sibie frosts. The blossoms have not
been Injured by the recent rains, it Is
said. - ,
A modern school house is to be
erected at Jmbler. The building when
completed will have eight rooms, but
owing to the division of the district
funds only the lower floor will be Im
mediately available.
A new oyster bed bas been discov
ered in reefs lying a mile off Taqulna
bay by Carl Ilerrln of Newport. Th
oysters are said to be larger than tbe
transplanted eastern kind and reeem
ble the Japanese oysters somewhat.
Residents of Union were alarmed by
a heavy ball, rain and electric storm
which swept over the city. Gardens,
fruit and grain escaped serious injury,
It H thought.
The new strawberry cannery plant
trnAj nlva, KAlncr hllllt lirwlae tha
supervision of E. B. Cloud of the ClOud-
C l. AAWU A .J . V , J ' ' r. - " - - .....(
Newton Canning company, is being
rushed to completion so that this sea-
son's crop may be handled.
A parents' meeting attended by more
than 109 persons was held at the
school bouse at Wasco. Basket dinner
was served and building and work of
the pupils were Inspected.
Dissolve It, That's Best Way!
, i ,
The onlyl sure way to get rid of
dandrnfflslto dissolve It. then you
destroy It entirely. To jlo tW, . get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon; apply It at night when
and rub It In gently with the finger
Do this tonight, and by morning
most if not all of your dandruff will
w awi thraa rru mm an.
plications will completely dissolve andl
entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of It, no matter how much dan
druf f you may have.
You will find. too. that all Itching
and digging of the scalp will stop
pnee, ana yuur uui- wm ro s.uaj.7 hub
av alA as a4 1 lssa A , a A .a. jSJ lAaf
"lwrr' . . 7.
ana leei a nunurea uroes Beinr.
If you want to preserve your nair,
do by all means get rid of dandruff.
for nothing destroys the hair mors
quickly. It not only starves th hair
and make it rail out, but It makes it
stringy, straggly, dull, dry, brittle and
lifeless,' and everyone notices It, Tou
can get liquid arvon at any drug store.
It Is inexpensive and -aeror tails te do
the workvAdv.
"A vacation is a lasy thing." said
ThQjnas A. Edison on his return from
a six weeks' rest at the Edison wflter
palace at Fort Meyer, Kla. The family
bas returned to the home at Llewellyn
Park, N. J.
The Misses Wilson are enjoying a
season of tennis during their sojourn
at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.
Secretary of the Treaaury McAdoo,
wh 0wl l4",arry MM Eleanor soon, is
""tl .i v, .
"f" r0y J"1..'? ,th 1"
"0?fir?ma nMnterysdsd in behalf (Of
Jou"g who mpsontsd the
7" '''ZT ' ! , VI
The young man waa also offered a Jot
in the factory. .
Malcom Glfford Jr.. son of a wealthy
manufacturer, was arrested at Albany.
."N. x cnaraeo wiu the murder or
Frank J. Clute, a chauffeur. Cluts
was shot while driving an unidenti
fied man from Troy to Albany.
A streetcar j urn pod a switch, bit a
trolley pole, and Motorman Brown and
five passengers three men, a woman
m.V chl,-r . t Saginaw,
T"e basis of the proposed peace
I treaty between the I nlted States and
Great Britain was discussed by Ceo.
retary or state Bryan and Fir Cecil
sPrh Hlce, at Washington The plan
18 to submit to arbitration matters
which Cannot be adjusted by dl
Toll r"Peal bills and other meas-
ures will keep congress busy and
hearings will continue despite the all
absorbing Mexican situation.
The policy of the president on the
trusts will receive attention from both
houses the present week.
A special Investigation by the Inter-
Hate Commerce commission bared de-
tB.lla ,n th. squandering of
K ,. ' "" "Y" -v.vv
lo ln siocanoiaers r H"
New Haven railroad. The money Is
8Upposed to have been spent promlscu-
Dusly in Conneetlout for Illegitimate
1 u. .i..,i k...i .
,nd others has left New Orleans to
1 riv Hnui r.mtantion i a m. -!.. r.
hn that country, it la aald. and urgent
reoueet for American trooDa Is sent
( ut by Americans.
Theodore Roosevelt says that Colonv
bla has no moral or legal claim on the
United States. The statement refers
to the apology and $25,000,000 balm
offered by the United States
Text of the treaty between United
-States and Colombia which was signed
April 7 has never boen made public.
President Wilson declares that the
treaty does not carry an apology.
C. I. Dakin Hurled.
Hood River. Or., April 20. The fun--
eral of C. I. Dakin. who died at Roos
ter Rock. Or., Friday, April IT, was
held at Hood River yesterday under
the auaplcea of the Masonic order. Mr.
Dukln was 2 years old and was a
native of Nova Scotia. He served dur
ing the civil war In tbe Fourth Minnesota-
infantry. He leaves a wife and
three children C. U. Dakin and W. W.
Dakin of Hood River and Mrs, DeMoss
of Rooster Rock. r
I Ma aium wm ariecuveiy cement
.... .. ... .. .
Base tbat throbbing pain, that split
ting headache in a twinkling with a
Try this clean, white ointment (mads
wuii uji oa luuBisru;, UMAay. . nuugus
have found It a marvelous relief. Mil
lions use it now Instead of the old-time
mustard plaster. For they know MU8
TEROTB does not blister as old-time
mu.Ur1 piasters did.
xiesi i or core liiroau sroDeoiui,
1 Croup, Btiff Neck. Asthma. Neuralgia,
I ., ,. ;
JXmta. .11 Pain; and AcVlVof the
B k j , t Bpninm. Sore Muscles,
x, r-hiihiain. Wnti pvt
coUJa of the Chest (It prevents Pneu-
j moula-
I At your druggist's, In 25o and 1 0c
I jars, and a special large hospital size
(for 11.60.
.Accept no substitute. If your drug,
fi-t cannot supply you. , or
- 1 "wu w ',JV
I Cleveland, Ohio, and we will man yon
I Jar, postage prepam.
atT BCgH WEBSTER, n . icta St,. Sew
- i York Cttr. Mirti
! hlrblT reeommend Mnstertd to ear
1 .nrrarl from Nruralcla ar a eelA la taa
i . (wt