The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 19, 1914, Page 19, Image 19

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kY ANU 115 ffUKNNb
Arthur H, Guild Says It Could
Be Accurately Called the
"Computing Scale,"
location, Sixe and Shape "fundamentals
Considered; Theory On Which
Ua was Worked Out.
"The Somers System. What It la
and What It Does." was the aubject of
an ad&reas delivered by Orth G. Guild,
vice-prealdent of the Manufacture
Appraisal company, of Cleveland,
Ohio, before the Oregon Civic league,
at the annual weekly meeting of the
organisation last Tuesday. Mr. Guild
represents his company In the Installa
tion of the Somers System In the
oflce of the assessor of Multnomah
county. Ills address was In part aa
"One of the most eerloua things that
my company has to contend with la
the lack of general understanding as
to what the "Somers System is. Many
think that the system la nothing mora
man a scheme to boost values and
make them pay more taxes. Others
think that It Is some automatic valua
tion method that Is that It will. In
Itaelf aseeen and value land. Now, at
the outset I want to state that the
Somers System doea nothing of the
Purpose la To Xquaitsa.
"Ita purpoae Is to equalize, not to
raise and It does not assess or value
anything, any more than a comput
ing scale determines the price per
pound of the produce weighed upon it,
and incidentally this Is a very good
definition of the system. It Is a com
puting scale, a machine. If you please,
,wlth which, Just as with the computing
scale the dealer arrives at the value of
produce, we compute the value of In
dividual lota and Individual buildings
after the unit, or price per pound, has
been determined.
"We will first consider the problem
of valuing the land.
. "The factors that affect the value
of a given parcel or lot of land are
three In number, location, size and
shape. These are the fundamental
things that must be considered.
Assessors Have Wo Method.
"Owing to the multiplicity of sizes
and shapes of lots in any city It is
manifestly Impossible for the assessor
to equitably aasess, because he has no
method by which he can measure the
Influence of each of these three fac
tors on any given lot. Under the
Somers System we eliminate two of
in en- lanors in ine menial operation
of expressing value, size and ahape.
This makes It necessary to consider
only the factor of location and express
this factor In some definite term. This
la done by obtaining the value of a
strip of ground in the middle of the
block, one foot wide by 100 feet deep,
which w call a unit foot.
. "There la a mathematical relation
between the values of all sites affected
by the same street Influence. That
this mathematical relation exists has
been an accepted fact for many years.
Hoffman mule Was Tirst.
"The first definite expression of ll
was made by the late Judge Hoffman
of New York, when he said that the
ront half of any lot Is worth two
thirds" of the whole. That thla is not
the right relation was soon discovered
by students of the subject, and a Mr.
Nell, a real estate dealer In New York,
laid out a -curve, known as the Hoff-man-Nell
rule.' In which the front 60
feet of a lot 100 feet deep was valued
at 66 2-3 per cent. Many curves have
since been plotted, some better, and
some not as go"d.
"Mr. Somers. however, was the first
man to plot a curve based on a com
pilation of the averages of actual
Besult of Systematic Study.
"Hie curve 1s the result of a system
atic study covering years of observa
tion of actual conditions. With this
curve as a starter, Mr. Somers per
fected his system. The system con
sists of formulae and mechanical de
vices for using the law of constant
effect of depth on the value of city
lien, as aisciosea Dy nis curve. in
making an assessment with the system
we confine the expression of Judgment
of value to the unit foot. The first
step therefor Is the determination of
.these unit foot values.
"The method pursued is that of
holding public meetings and asking
the people to express their opinions of
the values of the different streets
and by intelligently questioning them
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English Women
Smoke Cigarettes
Must Stand Aside for Pub
lic Good,
Xaondon Tobacconist Bays That the Talr
Bmokera TTae Koch the atom Brands
the Men.
London, April 18. Engliah women,
unlike their Chicago sisters, hare no
desire to be cured of the cigarette
llttKtt ( 1 - 1
tXtOrtlOn TOr Private PrOtlt opened in America for the treatment of
leminin tobacco victima, are not
needed In thla country.
"I rarely encounter cases of women
who smoke excessively," said a prom
inent London doctor. "Women smoke
quite moderately, aa a rule. There la
no doubt, however, that the cigarette
nabit is growing."
Five years ago the woman woo
smoked was associated with Shavlan
tsm and suf f racism : she was called
unwomanly" and "not quite nice." To
day the most respectable of feminine
suburbanites smokes as a matter of
course. .
Inquiries at West End tobacconists
elicited the fact that women have long
since passed the stage where they de
manded "ladies' cigarettes." A well
known tobacconist said that bis lady
customers smoked much the same
brands as men. A hospital nurse said
that almost every member of her pro
fesslon smoked.' usually in their bed
rooms, and that it required some In
genuity to evade the vigilance of the
Former Conservationist Enunciates
Bis Principles In His Baoe for a
Beat in United States Senate.
Map of that portion of the west Bide ot the city, bounded by Northern
Pacific right-of-way, Westover Road, Twenty-fifth and Twenty
ninth streets. Figures In streets are tentative unit-foot valua
tions made by Assessor Reed. Tomorrow afternoo'n at 2 o'clock
a meeting of property owners In the district will be held In the
office of the county assessor for the purpose of discussing theso
tentative values. A full atten dance of property owners is desired.
It Is very easy to arrive at equitable I sentences set aside in the original pro-
Get Rid ol
Piles at Home
Simple Home Remedy, Easily Ap
plied, Gives Quick Relief and Pre
vents All Danger from Operation.
for Tree Trial Package
Prove It In Tour Case.
Don't even think of an operation for
piles. Remember what the old family
doctor said: Any part of the body cut
away- Is gone forever. - One or two ap-
pilcationa of Pyramid Pile Remedy and
an trie .pain, lire and torture ceases,
In a remarkably short time the con
gested veins are reduced to normal and
you will aoon be all right again. Try
this remarkable remedy. Sold every
where at drug stores. Send for a free
trial package and prove beyond ques
. tlon It is the right remedy for your
case, even though you may be .wearing
a pile truss.
Just send in the coupon below at
once for the free trial treatment. It
will show you conclusively what Pyra
mid Pile Remedy will dc Then you
can get the regular package for 50
cents at any drug store. Don't suffer
another needless minute. Write now
Tables Are TTsed.
,irWhen the value of a unit foot has
been determined on each of the four
sides of a block the value of each lot
Is then computed by the Somers tables.
The depth curve is used for all Inside
lots; that Is for all lots not affected by
the comer influence. The Somers
corner tables are used for computing
the value of any lots coming within
the Influence of two street units at a
The tables are figured for 100 feet
by 100 feet at the corner, and will dis
tribute the Influence of both streets
over this area. They are arranged m
that all possible combinations of street
units are covered, thereby doing away
with the old method of adding a per
centage to the corner lot.
Plat Sate Not Correct.
"It is of course obvious that a flat
rate of increase at the corner cannot
be correct, when the value or the siae
street may differ and does differ. For
example, if it should happen that 50
Der cent was the right amount to add
to a lot 50 feet by 100 feet at the
corner of streets each having a unit
of $1000, it is plain that 80 per cent
could not" be right where the main
street was 11000, and the side street
unit waa but $600.
Under the Somers System, the 1m
provements are all carefully measured
and the measurements, together with
a complete description of the struc
tural features of each are noted on a
specially prepared card. A different
card is used for each of the several
types of buildings. From these cards
the sauare feet of floor space is
figured and the approximate cost of
reproduction is computed by multiply
ing by a factor previously determined
after a comparison of local building
costs. From this reproductive cost
the present value is figured by deduct
Ing a depreciation, which is based on
the condition and age oi tne Duiiamgs.
publio Invited To Examine.
"It Is sometimes necessary to appIV
an additional appreciation because ox
lack of utility. Local men are used for
the measuring and figuring under the
direction of one Somers System man.
'The Manufacturers Appraisal Co.,
which is the company that has Cie
Somers System, has been in the gen
eral appraisal business for some 15
years, and has developed In that time
a corps of expert building estimators
It is these men that have charge of
the valuation of the Improvements.
"I have briefly outlined the Somers
System, as Assessor Heed Is applying
It to your city, and I want to extend
to all the people of Portland a hearty
invitation to come to the court house
and be shown what they are getting.
Pyramid Drug Company, 452 Pyra
mid Bldff., Marshall. Mich. Kindly
send me a trial treatment of Pyramid
Pile Remedy at once, by mail. FREE,
in plain wrapper, so I can prove Its
splendid results.
Name .
Mr. Gompers is president Mr Mor
neon secretary, and Mr. Mitchell one
of the vice presidents of the American
Federation of Labor. In the original
action the three labor leaders were
charged by Justice Wright of the
district supreme court with contempt
in that they were charged with con
tinued publication, in the "We do not
patronize" list of the American Federa-
tlonlst, of the name of the Buck's
Stove and Range company of St.
Louis, after the court had Issued an
injunction to restrain them from such
A sentence of one year's imprison
ment was originally imposed on Presi
dent Gompers, with nine months in
Jail for Vice-President Mitchell and
six months for Secretary Morrison.
The district court of appeals reduced
inese sentences to 30 days.
wnen tn action was last before the
supreme court of the United States
Justice Lurton was absent from the
nencn. The action of the highest tri
bunal in restoring the case to the
docket for rehearing has lead to the
assumption that the court Is .divided
on the knotty problem and desires to
nave tne whole matter gone over again
with Justice Lurton present.
ine three labor leaders now eon-
tend that further proceedings against
them are barred by the statute of lim
itations, while the district supreme
court seeks to have its sentences stand
as imposed.
Labor Leaders' Case
Will Be Heard Again
gompera-Mltch all-Morrison Contempt
Cass Socketed for Complete Benear-
Ing by Supra ma Court.
Washington. D. C. April 18. The
celebrated. Gompers-Mltchell-Morrison
contempt esse is docketed for a com
plete rehearing before a full bench of
the supreme court of the United
States on Monday. On the original
hearing the court held that criminal
sentences for contempt bad been im
posed on Messrs. Gompers, Mitchell
and Morrison in a proceeding In equity
and tne decision of the district su
preme court was reversed. The die
trict court, the following day, lnstl
tuted new proceedings, the result of
which was the imposition of the same
Remarkable Some Cure Given by One
Who Sad It Se Wants Every Sufferer
Bend Xo Money Jutt Tour Address.
Tears of awful anffertn
tnght thli man. Mark H.Tackaon of Syracuse.
itevr York, how terrible an enemy to human
happtneaa rheamatiam ia, and have given him
aj-mpatby with all unfortunate who are
within lta araap. He wants every rheumatic
victim to know hew he was cured. Bead
what he aaya:
'I Had Sharp Pains Like Lightning Flaaaea
Shooting Through My Jointa.T
"In the spring of 1SS3 I
Muscular and Inflammatory Rheumatism. I
auffered as only those who have it know.
for over three years. I tried remedy after
nrmcuj, sou aocior alter doctor, out such
relief aa l received waa only temporary. Fin
ally, x iirana a remeay tnat cured me com
pletely, and It has never returned. I have
siren n to a numoer who were terribly af.
iiicrea ana eren oeariaaen wnn Knenmatlam.
Philadelphia, April 18. Glfford Pin
chot, who is a candidate for United
States senator from Pennsylvania, an
nounces his platform as follows:
"The tim has come to clean house.
The greedy bi-partisan political ma
chine must be swept out, and i the
common welfare must be set in the
place where it belongs. The magnate
system of private monopoly has dom
inated the politics of state and na
tion, stifled equal opportunity, raised
the cost of living, and skimmed the
cream of industry for the over-rich.
It must be destroyed. This country
belongs of right to Its inhabitants.
Extortion for private profit must stand
aside for the public good. The gov
ernment must be made to serve the
"I believe in the conservation of
human rights. If nominated and
elected, I win work for:
"The destruction of private monop
oly In natural resources or the
products of Industry. The power of
the monopolists lies in exclusive
privileges. To end their power to
raise the cost of living, their exclu
sive privileges must be destroyed.
That is our greatest task.
Regulation of Xsrge Corporations.
"The regulation of all large corpor
ations not monopolies. Honest com
petition and fair dealing with the
publio must be assured.
"The right of workmen to organise
in unions, and by every fair means to
compel recognition of such unions by
employers. Only through their unions
can the workmen meet the employers
on equal terms,
"A constitutional convention In
Pennsylvania, so that our constitution
may be adjusted to the needs of our
time, and our system of taxation may
be thoroughly revised.
"A protective tariff which shall
equalise the conditions of competition
between the United States and foreign
countries and which shall be based
upon ths findings of a non-partisan
scientific commission. The tariff
must be taken out of politics
"A sharply graduated inheritance
tax. Swollen fortunes drain the pub
"A law to prevent fraud In clothing.
Honest clothes are more necessary
than undoctored whiskey.
Conservation of natural Baeouxoes.
"I believe In tbe conaervatlon of
natural resources. If nominated and
elected. I will work for
"The conservation policy in tate
and nation.
"The protection of our forests In
Pennsylvania. They can be made to
yield four times the lumber they do
"A law to limit franchises and re
quire compensation from waterpower
companies. We have no right to facil
itate the robbery of our descendants,
"State and national laws to promote
co-operation among farmers. The pros-
nerous farmer helps us all.
"A better law for the safety of
miners. Over two hundred more
miners were killed in Pennsylvania
last year than the year before.
A law giving to a national com
mission the power to limit the whole
Bale pNfice charged by the anthracite
monopoly or its agents in interstate
commerce. The price fixed should
consist of a reasonable price for coal
at the mine, sufficient to provide good
wages for the miners, and a reasonable
charge for transportation and han
dling. A reasonable profit should be
Included. The saving to the public"
should be applied In part to greater
safety for miners, and in part to low
ering the cost of living by reducing
the price of coaL The monopoly in
anthracite coal, which Is a necessity
of modern life, should be subject to
the obligations of public service. This
monortolv charges high prices because
It has the power. That power must
be destroyed.
Human welfare conservation.
1 believe In the conservation of
human welfare. If nominated and..
AiantnA. I will work for:
The whole social and Industrial
justice program of the National pro
gressive platform, and In particular:
"A workmen's compensation law.
The great manufacturing and building
industries, and not the wage-earners
nn,i thMr families, should bear the
hurriAn of Industrial accidents. Farm
.r. a.nri domestlo employers should
Via Yduded.
"A workmen's insurance law. The
atoA of accidental poverty should
be removed.
-standards of safety, health and em
in mines, railroads, mills
factories. The welfare of the
wnrkers comes first.
"A minimum wage law, for women,
and a law regulating the terms of
their employment. Tne comioris ana
decencies of life should not be denied
to the mothers.
-a federal child-labor law. The ex
ploltation of childhood for profit must
T "An effective mine-cave law effeo
tlvelv enforced. It Is outrageous that
men and property snouia db enguiiea
without notice and without redress.
"I believe in the conservation of
citizenship. If nominated and elected.
i will work for:
The Initiative, reierenaum. ana re
nnri direct nrlmaries and direct
votinar in all elections. The people
must control their government.
"Equal suffrage for men and
wnmon Th women are needed in
mihlla affairs.
"Local option as to the liquor traffic.
Each county and large city should de
mHa for itself.
"National option as to the liquor
traffic through a constitutional
amendment giving the people of the
nation the right to deciae ior nem
"The spread of knowledge by the
tot a ta all our citizens, old and
King George Sets a
Sporting Precedent
Uedsion to Art end Boxinjf SCatoh
Mads Without Remembering' Taat
Kings Save Hot Been right Pans.
London, April 18. When King
George decided recently to attend
boxing match he probably was not
aware that he was establishing
precedent for British royalty, fauch
appears to be the case, however, for
there certainly Is no record of the
presence of any king of England at
the ringside on a previous occasion.
As is well known, the late King
Edward was a lover of sport in al
most every form. He liked yachting.
gclfing and snooting and a more
ardent devotee of horse racing the
sport of kings was not to be found
in the whole United Kingdom. In his
Stops Tobacco Habit
in One Day
Sanitarium Publishes Free Book
Showing How Tobacco Habit Can
Be Banished in From One to
Five Days at Home.
The Eiders Sanitarium located at
1085 Main street. St. Joseph. Mo., haa
published a free book showing the
deadly effect of the tobacco habit, and
how It can be banished in from one to
rive days at borne.
Men who have used tobacco for
more than 50 years have tried this
method and sav u Is entlrelv success
ful, and in addition to banlshlnar the
desire for tobacco has Improved their
health wonderfully. This method ban
ishes the desire for tobacco, no matter
whether It Is smoking, chewing, cigar
ettes or enun cupping.
As this book is beinr distributed
free, anyone wanting a copy should
send their name and address at once.
youth he attended many of the fights
at the National Sporting chub in Lon
don. but ha never could be classed as j
a fight fan and he never manifested
any particular Interest In pugilism
after he ascended the throne.
George IV was the- only real lover
of pugilism who ever sat on the
British throne. He was a connoisseur
of the sport and as well versed in the
dope" of the- old. prise ring as any
man in his realm. But he ceased to
attend prize fights while he was re
gent, his distress at the sight of an
unfortunate fatality at Brighton caus
ing him to vaw that he would never
again be present in person.
Turks Destroy Old
Reports to Sultan
Documents Were Used by Deposed
Abdul Saaild as Excuses for the
Practice of Gross Cruelties.
Constantinople, April 18. Thousands
of documents, the reports of spies of
the deposed Sultan Abdul Hamid, have
been destroyed at the ministry of war.
under the direction of the present
Turkish cabinet. The "Journals" were
found at Tlldls Kiosk at the time of
the entry into Constantinople by the
army of Macedonia under the command
of Mohamud Shevket Pasha In April,
1909. After their discovery they were
transported in hundreds of sealed eases
from Yildis to the ministry of war for
safe keeping.
They were the work of policemen, of
functionaries In search of promotion
or powerful men in the ministries, who
deaired to maintain themselves in
power by flattering the warped lmagl
nation of Abdul Hamid.
These documents, the number of
which is Incalculable, formed one of
tbe delights of the old Imperial maniac,
and constantly furnished him with op
portunities for indulging his hatred.
Exile, poisonings and assassinations
were their cruel conaaquenoes, and
thoae people who suffered most by
them, it is said, are those who have
now destroyed the last vestiges of the
past regime of cruelty.
St, Petersburg. ApMI 18. Three Rus
sian youths are reported to have out-
The New Way of Removing f
Superfluous Hair And 1"" j
Take a Glass of Salts if Your Back
Hurts or Bladdea Bothers You
Drink More Water.
If you must have your meat every
day, eat It, but flush your kidneys
with salts occasionally, says a noted
authority who tells us that meat forms
uric acid which almost paralyses the
kidneys In their efforts to expel it
from the blood. They become slug
gish and weaken, then you suffer with
a dull misery in the kidney region.
snarp pains in the back or sick bead
acne, aisziness, your stomach sours.
tongue is coated and when the weath
er is bad you have rheumatio twinges.
una urine gets cloudy, full of sedi
ment, the channels often get sore and
irritated, obliging you to seek relief
two or three times during the night.
To neutralise these Irritating acids.
to cleanse the kidneys and flush off the
body's urinous waste get four ounces
of Jad Salts from any pharmacy here;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous j salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com
bined with lithla, and has been used
for generations to flush and stimulate
sluggish kidneys, also to neutralise
the acids In urine, so It no longer lr
ritates, thus ending bladder weakness,
Jad Salts is inexpensive: cannot in
Jure, and makes a delightful effervas
cent uthla-water drink. (Adv.)
Broke Out On Neck. Spread Over
Arms and Body. Could Not Rests
Used Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment Eczema Disappeared.
West Stayton, Ore. ''"When the eczema
first appeared It was a rash and when X
would rub or scratch red spots would ap
pear. It broke out on my
neck with itching sores and
apread over my arms and
body. My clothing would
Irritate it. The Itching was
Intense night and day. I
could not reat at night on
account of the irritation.
"I used a treatment but It
did no good at all. I then used an eczema
lotion which checked it for a short while
but It returned as bad as ever. I saw the
advertisement of Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment and sent for a sample and that checked
It some. I got a cake of Cuticura Soap and
box of Cuticura Ointment and In two weeks
the eczema all . disappeared." (Signed)
Geo. Eherrick. July 5, 1913.
A generation of mothers has found no soap
so well suited for cleansing and purifying the
akin and hair of infants and children i
Cuticura Soap. Its absolute purity and re
freshing fragrance alone are enough to rec
ommend It above ordinary akin soaps, but
there are added to these quail tlee delicate
yet effective emollient properties, derived
from Cuticura Ointment, which render it
most valuable In overcoming a tendency to
distressing eruptions and promoting slda
and hair health. Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment sold everywhere. Liberal sample -of
each mailed free, wrtti 32-p. book. Address
post-card "Cuticura. Dept. T. Boston."
taMen who shave and ahampoo with Cu
ticura Soap will find It best for skin and scalp.
The Boon of Health
Makes Manly Men.
(From Statistic Student.)
Private statistics of a phys
ician with a national practice, in
dicate that fully fifty per cent of
middle-aged men are partly or
wholly deficient in ability, man
liness and health. If men could
only know the meaning of the
usual symptoms which presage
the oncoming of premature age
many could be saved from misery,
despondency and an early grave.
Symptoms should not be con
founded with disease, but should
be accepted as warnings of the
approach of disease.
That many may know what to
do when such symptoms exist the
lowowmg symptoms and prescrip
tion is published:
A premature breakdown of the
vitality is indicated by dull, sunk
en eyes, cold extremities, back
ache, headache, fatigue, pains In
small of back, pains in back of
head, spots before the eyes, weak
ness in spine, twitching and
trembling. Impaired memory, loss
of appetite, wasting, thinness
ior abnormal fat). shrunken,
flabby flesh, wrinkles, dullness,
languor, constipation, kidney dis
orders, irritability, lack of ambi
tion, timidity. weak - spirited,
dragging walk and unmanly car
riage. If the reader decides to try It.
get three ounces of ordinary
syrup of earsaparilla compound,
and one ounce compound fluid
balm wort: mix. and let stand two
hours: then get one ounce com
pound essence cardlol and one
ounce tincture cadomene com-
?'Ound (not cardomom), mix all
o a: ether, shake well and take
a teaspoonful after each meal and
one at night.
This contains no opiates what
ever and may also be used by
women who suffer with their
nerves wijh absolute certainty of
prompt and lasting benefits.
By preparing the treatment at
home secretly no one need know
of another's trouble, while the
Ingredients are much used in fill
ing various prescriptions, so that
even the purchase of them sep
arately need occasion no timidity.
raged and then crucified the daughter 1
of a poor Jewish fisherman in Stav-'
rapol. on the Volga. The young man
dragged the girl to a cemetery, where j
they nailed her to a cross above one ot '
the graves. Nails were driven through
her hands and feet, and even through i
bar eyes. . , :
The three murderers were arrested, ,
but their friends in the town released
I them, it Is asserted.
Thousands of "Women Xave Benefited
Remarkably by the Secrets of
Taleaka Buratt, Tamed as
America's Greatest Belf
acsde Beauty -Aotraaa.
By Visa ylaaka Saratt
ANT women do not realise the
necessity of keeping the face and
arms free, not onlv of heavv su
perfluous hairs, but of the soft "down"
which is so often seen about the
cheeks, ohin and temples, shoulders
and arms. The reason, perhaps, why
many women do not remove this soft
down Is that many fear to use the
many superfluous hair removers adver
tised because of the marks, red snota
and irritation they cause. But these
ire entirely unnecessary if the
proper preparation Is used. The ab
sence of "fuss" or "down" from the
face makes a wonderful difference to
anyone s appearance. Apply some
( X
M. You say you
will try.
This Bnnerfluoos Hair Rainovar Does TKtA Sun
Off, Bat Sissolvee the Bab- Away afagioaUy."
simple eulfo solution on any hairs you
want removed, and see how magically
it dissolves even the toughest or worst
wiry hairs even on the most tender
parts of the body. It never leaves a
mark and always works perfectly.
Simple eulfo solution can be obtained
at any drug store for one dollar, and
is certainly wortn many times more.
In fact, every woman should have a
supply of this wonderful preparation.
MISS T. F. N. The most common
cause of a bad complexion is a grainy,
spotty and uneven color of the skin.
Added to this are occasional freckles,
red spots and liver spots. There is a
formula which produces an almost
magical transformation on any skin.
All blemishes disappear in a short
time and the skin takes on an even
pinky whiteness all over, which ia
adorable. Freckles and red spots van
ish. The result is a illy pure complex
ion which you will agree could hardly
be Improved upon. Here Is the formu
la. Use the -mixture very generously
every day: Mix two tabJespoonfuls of
glycerine with half a pint of hot wa
ter and while stirring add one ounce
of zintone. which costs no more than
fifty cents at the -drug; store.
ALT.. OUT I do not wonder that you
are disgusted with the hair tonics com
monly sold. Did It ever occur to you
that you need a real hair grower in
stead of a hair tonic? Here is a formu
la which has a wonderful effect upon
the cell growth of hair and results
can be quickly seen in the sprouting
of new hairs, in the vigorous growth .
and lengthening of hair, and in Its
added luster and fluf fines. Here is the
formula: To half a --lnt of alcohol add.
half a pint of water (or else you may
use a full pint of bay rum If you wish)
and to this add one ounce of beta-
?uinol. which will cost no more than
ifty cents at the drug store.
sre 25 and look like 85. If you
this wrinkle formula you will soon say
you will look like 20. and this is no
exaggeration. Tour actual results will-
prove It If you will make up your,
mind to use this formula, liberally, ev
ery day, and use no other so-called'
wrinkle cream. Add two tablespoon-
fuls of glycerine and two ounces of,
entol to a half a olnt of hot water.'
Keep stirring until they form a satiny
cream. Thla is so economical that 11 1
can be used generously, and will hasten
the result, it removes wnnxiei, crows-
feet and lines of age. The eptoi earn
be obtained for not more than fifty
cents at any drug store.
DISGUSTED Blackheads can be
fiosltlvely removed in a few minutes
f you will sprinkle a little neroxln on
a hot. wet sponge and rub this on the1
blackheads. The neroxln will cost not .
more than fifty cents at drug stores.,
Tou will find this will work in an
astounding manner.
MRS. A. C. S. I would not advise i
?'Ou to use any mechanical contrivance,
n an endeavor to develop the bust.
The following safe formula has pro-'
duced splendid developments In many,
caaea, though you of course realize that
bust development Is difficult to accom-'
plish. Mix together a half cup of sugar.'
two ounces of ruetone and half a pinti
of cold water. Dissolve thoroughly and
take regularly two teaspoonfuls, three
or four times a day. The ruetone costs
one dollar at the drug store.
NANKT-POO A teaspoonful of eg
gol dissolved In half a cup of hot wa
ter makes the most luxurious shampoo
imaginable, and it cannot be excelled
for cleansing the scalp and hair of
grit, acurf and greaay film. It far ex
cels even the best aoap. Tou can set
enough eggol at the drug store for
twenty-five cents to last you several
months. a
MISS MILDRED H. Pimples can be
very quickly removed by taking one or
two teaspoonfuls, after meals, of a
mixture of twelve ounces of sugar, one
ounce of sarnene and a pint of water.
Get the saraene at the drug store, her
the ounce, in the original package. Ad.
H. C Scammon Gets Quick Re
sults From Use of Mayrs
Wonderful Remedy.
H. C. Scammon of 209 Sherman
Street, Portland, was a victim of stom
ach troubles. He tried many treat
ments with but little promise of suc
cessful results.
At last he tried Mayr's Wonderful
R torn oh nemedv and arot aulek relief
young, to help them in solving their In oraerlng the remedy after taking
tiirt It rfotpl m on In young, w . in orueriiig icuicujr
"1 wiS auftSri? from' .'"'form of private and their public problems, and the first dose he wrote:
rheumatic trouble ts try thla marreloua heal- j opening the school buildings to the I j t00a; thai sample 1
lag power. Don't 8Dd a cent; aimply mall
your name a ad address and I will send it
tree to try. Aftar you hare used It and
It baa proven Itself to be that lone-looked
far means of earing your Bheamattsm, too
my send the price of It, one dollar, but,
tu.erstand. I do not want your moner nnlesj
yon are perfectly sstistied to send it. Isn't
tLat fair? Why suffer any longer when poa
IliTe relief is thus offered you free? Don't
delay. Write today. MARK 11. JACKSON.
No. 724 Garner. Eig., Syracuse, N. X.'
treatment and
people. I will say It helped me more than any-
"I believe in our nsui w i thing else x nave over tnea ana I want
sovereignty over the Panama canai. I the full treatment Immediately. I have
and In free tolls for the coast-wise I baa MeVeral persons send for the treat-
trade. Cheap transportation in Amen- i ment already.
can coast-wise ships will break down j The quickness with which It proved
the present monopoly or tne transoon- I itself to Mr. Scammon is one of the
tinental railroads. That monopoly I (reat merits af the remedy. Th first
must be destroy ear1 . . I doss proves' au long treatment, xt-la
known everywhere. .Thousands have
tried the remedy and now praise it.
Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy
clears the digestive tract of mucoid ac
cretions and removes poisonous mat
ter. It brings swift relief to sufferers
from ailments of the stomach, liver
and bowels. 1 Many say that it has
saved them from dangerous operations
and many declare that it has saved
their lives. ;
Because or tne remarkable success
of this remedy there are many Imita
tors, so be cautious. Be sure ; it's
MATH'S. Go to Owl Co. drug- store
and ask about the wonderful results
It has been accomplishing among; peo
ple they know or send to Geo. H.
Mayr. Mfg. Chemist, 16416 Whiting
SU Chicago, 111, for free book on
stomach ailments and many grateful
letters from! peopla who have been re
stored. Any druggist can tell you the
wonderful affects. Adv.) .
The question anawerad below are.
general in character, the symptoms or
diseases sre given and tne answers1
will apply to any case of similar na
ture. Those wishing further advice, free,'
may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College)'
Bid., College-Kllwood Sts., Dayton, O.,,
enclosing self-addressed stamped en
velope for reply. Full name and ad-1
dresa muat be given, but only initials!
or fictitious name win be used n my
answers. The prescriptions can be'
filled at any well-stocked drug store
Any druggist can order of wholesaler.!
Mrs. O. C. B. writes: "1 am Informed
that I have kidney trouble and that
It is fast approaching a serious stage.
What would vou prescribe?" .
Answer: If your symptoms are tne
usual ones, such as puffs under th
eyes, swelling ankles, scant, copious or
foul smelling urine,, accompanied Dy
headaches, pains, depression, fever,
ehilla. etc. I would advise the imme
diate use of balmwort tablets, a ver
r n rmiT Tnr aucn aiincuiuei. soi
in sealed tubes with full directions for
Mir auiminlatrauon.
m w w
"Anxious M" Give your children
for hedwettlno- 10 to 15 drops In water
before meals the following: Tincture
cubebs, 1 dram: tincture rhus aro
matic, Z drama; comp. num uumwun,
i i Mix weiL This should be given
about one hour before meals In water.
T. R. A." writes: " X am afflicted
with catarrh in throat and nostrils.
Weak eyes and headache) have resulted.
Please auvlse wnat vo uo.
Answer: Obtain a iwo ounce
age or oox or anusepuo yuaa
adn use it according to the direotlons
which accompany each package.
-v -v r.m writ ear "Mr hair. Is harsh
and dead looking and my scsJp is cov
ered with uanoruii. jan you uoip maw
. Answer: Get a 4 oz.. Jar of plain
yellow mlnyol and use It regularly and
your hair will become soft and fluffy
and It will bring back the Intenae
natural color in the hair; your dan
druff will be cured and you will be
rewarded with a neauny irewui
hair I
"Mrs. O." writes: "I, want some
thing to increase my weight about 15
or 20 pounds. My blood is thin,
watery and I have a pale complexion.
Doctors say I am aenemlc.
Answer: Probabty your assimllaUve
functions are impaired and aenemla is
the result. I would advise that you
begin taking three grain hypo-nuclane
tablets at once and continue until your
blood is re-vitalized with red and white
-,r.! Thn tablets aid dices-
tlon and cause the body to assimilate
the fatty elements in i"i
color, weight and strength to the ab
normally thin ' , '
"Tom K." writes: "I ' hsve been un
able to work for some weeks on. ac
count of rheumatism. What would you
Answer: Take the following and X
am sure you will soon be back at your
work again; Mix tho following at
home and take, a teaspoonful at
time and at bed time: Iodld of potas
sium. 2 drams; sodium salicylate,
Tm- win nf eolehicum.. ounce;
comp. essence carewi, i wsw; xiumi
balmwort. 1 ox.: and syrup amrsaparU-
1 la, 5 oss.
"Clara" writes: "I have had a cough,
for about a year and fear I shall never
be rid of it. an It cete worse with every '
fresh old I contract Could you gtva1
me a remedy?
Answer: I can give you a remedy
that I am sure will relieve you anJ
one that ia absolutely harmless and,
pleasant to take. Make a syrup with,,
one pint of granulated sugar and one
half nlnt nf hnillnar water, rin on thav
fire and let It come to a boll, then,
cool and add the contents of a 3 1-1
oz. bottle of essenoe roentno-iaxane,
which you can purchase at any drug'
store, and you will have a pint of the,
flneat cough syrup on the market to
day. It is about eight times cheaper"
than ordinary labeled cough medicines)
and will last much longer.
"Miss Cella" writes: "I suffer with
my stomach and have to live on a very
limited diet. Please prescribe some-,
thing so that I can digest food and
overcome thla nausea and distress."
Answer: Tablets triopentlne, you
will find most effective If regularly
used for several weeks. They are sold
In sealed cartons with full directions.
-Adam J.- writes: "A period has ar
rived in my life where I find my
natural atrength and nervous system
failing me. 1 do not recuperate as of
-W.. SJk J, .. . . a. . a
TUl C. BIJ 1 WU , W , v Ill uv fcv
benefit as they should. Am weak, de
spondent and unable to perform the
duties which were assumed earlier In
life, while hit ambition for work and
pleasure Is slowla. going."
Answer: I think a powerful, harm
less tonic and nervine medicine wilt
nkiTenal and restore the functions of
digestion, assimilation and elimination
bv invigorating tne nervous ayetem.
Obtain three grain cadomene tablets.
Sacked In sealed tubes and take as per
lrections accompanying.
Ellen 2. asks:
old and weie-h 190 pounds.
fat and uncomfortable. I dislike to go
in companv, as I feel embarrassed.
Can you advise a fat reducing reme-
Answer: Anyone who Is too fleshy
can ssfely take 5-graln arbolone tab-,
lets. They are sold by well-stocked
drurgfsts In sealed tubes with full di
rections for use. A pound a day,. If
used regularly, can be taken off. . -
"Q. R." writes: "Please advise some-'
thing to take that will cure chronie
conatlpation. I have suffered for years
mnA have nsed many kinds of bills, but
they do not cure." . ..
V 1, w r 1 . M. uiui iv iiivb v .im luun.
Is caused by chronic constipation. If
the following tablets are taken regu
larly they will gradually effect a our
as they stimulate the liver and bowel
Into healthy action. They are packed
In sealed tubes and are called threw
grain sulpherb tablets (not sulphur
tablets) with full directions for taklngv
They will also purify the blood and
tone uo the entire system. If you are
dyapeptlc. take tablets triopeptlae
These two medicines you will find in
any up-to-date drug store. - (Adv.
"I am only 2S years
I am abort.