t aV- ( r-mmt. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY i MORNING, APRIL 12, 1914. 11 AL'TOMOBILErLACCT.880RIES 44 Oontlnna. . - ;A GUARANTEED REBUILT CAR. ' In -purchasing IVinton Six. which ' hail been ovexliauled end repainted, yon eecjure beautiful, -comfortable and substantial car at an exceedingly mod; :; erst price.. - : j..:' - , . t Tou obtain the standard products of Alexander Wlaton, .the founder of the motor car Industry in this country, and llio world' first maker of aix cylinder . cars exclusively, , , "You obtain the" same quality and workipanahlp that sella for $3500 In a new Win ton Six at les than half Ah new price. . . - .. You get the greatest value obtain able; and, as compared with new cheap care of vbeap construction. you .will find the value double and-the price re .'mains the nine. No trouble to ebow you. , . . . 2 pasiieiiger Wlnton Six. 1910 Model 4 passenger Wlnton. HI. Model 4 passenger Wlnton Six. 1912 Mo.K'l 6 -passenger . Wlnton Hix, 1911 ModJl 8 passenger Wlnton Blx, 1912 Model 7 passenger Wlnton Six, 1912 Model New paint, new top, new tires. Win ten Klxee guaranteed same as new care Tor one year. We alao have In stock 1912 Chalmers rcadster, lust painted and overhauled; fni condition. Fully Equipped. ' ' 4 "cylinder light delivery ear; Will carry 1000 pounds, and Is In elegant condition. I oassensrer Stoddard Davtan: newlv r, alnted; at a bar rain. Can't enuel it n the city for the price. The Wintbn Motor Car Co. FACTORY BRANCH, 'WD AND WASHINGTON BT8., PORTLAND, , OREOJON ZINC' PRICK LIST OUTER CASK REPAIRING In. section in 3-ln. tire. .33.00 8-ln. seotlon In 3V4-ln. tire.,.. 3. SO 8-ln. section In 4-ln. tire...... 4.00 8-ln, section In 4M-ln. tire.... 4.60 : -in Section In 6-in. tire 8.00 Larger seatlone in proportion. TUBE REPAIRING Puncture up to 1 inch ,.25o - Blowout up to 6 ins. long '. .60o Valve pada 60c 'New valve etem BOo VB CHANG K YOUR TIRES FREE ' , S'REE AIR. .. We guarantee all our vulcanizing to outwear any other part of your tires. Pacific Tire & Supply Co, 936-27 Rurnslde Street. Between Sixth and Broadway. Parts! - Parts! Parts! 100 SAVKD. ON YOUR AUTO PARTS OPEN SUNDAYS. We carry- a large atock of parte for i anrereni maxes or cara at Halt priee. ihey are lust aa good as new 6 GALLONS PENNSYLVANIA QUAL- Used Tires 13 TO 112 EACH TUBES $1 TO $2.60 EACH We wilt trade you new tires, any mane you want ror your oia tirea. . , Pacific Tire &. Supply Co, 325-27 Burnaide at. Marshall 323 (i. N. Smith, wg- Come See These cars. They are more than wo can deacrtbe in writing; rebuilt by us. Some are repainted. ' We offer them at the following- pride: ' i TERMS IF DESIRED. One 1913 Bulck roadster $650 fme 1913 Bulck, 4 pesa 600 .One 1912 Hutck, 5 pans 700 One 1912 Warren roadttter , 660 Howard Auto Co, BUICK DISTRIBUTORS. 14th and Davla ets. 'AUTOMOBILE , not later than 1913 model; mint be In good, condition; have $1000 note and' some cash; aJso 10 acrea In good coniittlon. free and clear of In cumbrance; will go up to $1200, G, S, Smith & Co. 431 Cham, of Com. ' LOOK SNAP , I-ate model OldsmoWle. 7 pass. Nearly new. Cst $8850. This is a rul sacrifice. Must be sold at once. FRICE ONIY , $1600 Don't wait mil todav. TERMS GIVEN Northwest Auto Co. . BROADWAY & COUCH STS. A-4969. Main 8887, Storage $3 Per Month Fir resisting building, day and night service, expert repairing, gaso line and oil. OREGON GARAGE, . 190 Chspman st, " Between Taylor and Yamhill. WANT a fine 7 paaaenger car for the rent or atage bualneaaT We have KOt It. Terma krrlnriul . in that nnr will praqtlqally pay for Itself the first , " WINTON MOTOR CAR CO.. 33rd and Washington Sts. FASTEST and most powerful 6 evlln der car In the northwest; can't be equaxea ii you wane a to noree power, fast car. Four passenger body, car Is In elegant shape. Will sell cheap for cash, qr will take terms. L-71X, Jour- AUt6M6BtLB Wanted. T have 3 lots on Imnroved street. 100 ' foot f ronV all. clear, that have been arT prslsed at 31800, to trade for late model 6 passenger auto, No old cara wanted.- Address L, E. Cochran, Im perial nom. -' JV OREGON VULCANIZING CO. I "The- Tire Shop," , V J) 550 Washington st. at ISth II Vfarahall 9fl . w. Kn nH sell mm tires and do First Class Tira Renatrin. LIGHT delivery, car. 1912 ' modef, ' yunor, in eiegant conaition. i6t0 ui ii inn weex. Terms, i ,.WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., ."nina vvasningion wis. IBIS CHALMERS 36. 6 pass., top, -windshield, speedometer, extra-tire. uenouniable rims; repainted; good condition. Price right; come see for jry"ioif. n. u treats auxo cq - ' A GOOD buv Cadillac tmirin or t. Tlmkan axles, good both in appear . ance, and mechanically; good tires; car -always carefu,lly used. H. . I Keats Auto Co. " - . FOK SALE Cadillac delivery oar ; in ' fist-class .conditio ; recently over haulei; new tires: will consider horaea as part payment. Call and see It. 600 H, Morrison - ' 7 PASSENGER 1913 llmnnn ln hn .only ran 800 miles; mint sell; will take touring car or roadater as part piTiiwov vio rm esxaie. u-oo, jour PEERLESS, 1911. 4 cyl.r top. wlnd . 'Shield, etc; good tires: mechanically rood:, repainted; a decided bargain, 81850. "TT, L. Keats Auto Co. WANTED Auto. Small touring car, 4lood condition. Ford preferred, part ly lri exchange for rent of new 6 room flat.: X-948. Journal. - S.hJ "this '7 passenger Stoddard" Dayton xor ai nn - - ' r . ,WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., . " 23rd and Washington Sts. FOR SALE i-Ford delivery car. leas . than-jr ear oia; first-ciaas condition. Call and aee It f 600 R Morrison. : FOR HALE cheap One 2 cylinder Reo, gooa contuuon. rnooe ixoor auua. 44 Used Auto Snaps v i . . V ... . ,, s- .. - L r TERMS GIVEN. 1812 . Oldsmobile, 7 pass., Just "like new, ot $2(60. , - For - Quick sale, umy. v ....'... ., . . . . .1 . . i. . :$1500 1818 Reo. I pass.. Just overhauled and guaranteed. Snap 9750 191 1 Stud shake r Garford, 7 pass.. 40 H. P., A-l condition. A good buy at ,......, ........ISUOO - .. 1911 Cole, 5 pass., 35 H. P., Just over hauled, guaranteed. Snap ...... .3750 1911. 8 tudebaker Oar ford, 4 Al condition. - Only ; . . , ,'-. . . pass-, .SS0 - 1812 Studebaker, SO Tt, P., 5 pass.. nrst class condition. 1913' Reo, 8" passenger. 80 H. P., overhauled, repainted, guaranteed. Snap , r . , ,....., $625 191$ Studebaker eleetrlo ooupe In A-l. condition. ; Cost $2710. For quick sale . . .$500 Bef6reou buv It will nay you to see our line of used cars. Terms given. Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH ST.. Main 3837. A-4969. MUST sell my S nassenKer six cylinder car. i-.iegant anape, win lave pari easn ana balance moniruy paymenjta. N-895. Journal. BRAND new U. STtlre 88x3 Hf Cost txo.i. trice io. ov Aiqer. MOTORCYCLES - BICYCLES 53 flNR Thoe K. atnvle. . tlSB.0 One Thor. . twin '80.00 One Thor, 3V4. good as new:... 80.00 Three Thor a. 4 singles, all good condition, each . i 86.00 One Yale, 6 h. p.. twin........ 100.00 ijarge stoca or secona nana muyotii. All nvAphantAfl inH Animliu1. ftfltiinned with coaster brakes, from $10 up. Agents for Shaplelgh special bicycles. Apex Bicycle Co.. 124-128 12th street. A-3306 Main 2956. V WANTED 60 MOTORCYCLES to sell. Let ua sell your motorcycle and save you time and money. We are doing It for others every day. WHY NOT YOU? Sold quickly and only small commissions asked- JEFFERSON CYCLE CCs 287 Third st SPLENDID 1913 Twin Excelsior mo torcycle. Presto lamp and tank, rear seat: fine mechanical condition; price $190 $50 down. $12.60 monthly. 350 Alder. Will take 1st payment In plumbing. - - - BICYCLES, new - and rebuilt, at at tractive pricea; motorcycles and bi cycle repairing by experienced me chanics : work called for and delivered. Hamilton & Blocker, . 3iW First st. Main 1018. - 1913 . YALE motorcycle, fine Presto lamp and tank, rear seat, splendid tires; cost $320. Price $200. $40 down. $12.60 a month. 309 Stark. 8 II. P. chain drive Harley-Oavldaon, equipped wtth Presto tanlt and lamp, speedometer, horn, tandem and new tires, Ut9. et uranq ave. 1913 Excelsior Twin. fully alla-htlv used. Cost 3380. ed, en todav. 9200 cash. Call bet. 9 net a p. m. ms Hi- oisi bv. rt. STRICTLY A-l single Excelsior mo torcycle. Presto lamp and tank; fine shape; price $100 $30 down, $13.60 monthly, 360 Alder st. DAYTON motorcycles; regular and two speed models; all makes or used ma chines; Dayton service: sundries, re- pairingv,Payton cycle Co., 2io trroaa y FOR SALE Yale motorcycle, new last summer, cost 3820, tirst party W1W 3160 gets it. Call 952 E. ISth N. 1914 TWIN two-speed Excelsior, fully equipped, cash or terms; a nargain. Call 85 N. 3d. BARGAINS In used machines. On easy terms. East Sloe Motorcycle co i Grand ave. v UNENCUMBERED lots In excellent town on North Bang R, R. lor auio or motorcycle. C-995, Journal. 3125 Excelaior Twin, fine condition. guaranteed, oasn or terms, zssyt 1st. Main 1018. A-l HARLEY 4, complete, $80. Mar shall 4833, WANTED second hand bicycle; not over 68. Aaaress xseorasaa st. HARLE Y-Dav Idson, single, $60; good condition, no ana st. GOOD motorcycle for sale cheap. Phone East 6498. DIPVPI CQNew and used, low prioe. uij i uui.uizM 1st st. ju. La i. LAUNCHES ANT BQATS 04 MOTORBOAT 88 feet long, 36 horse power, e cylinders, aual ignition, high tension magneto, force feed, oiler. waternroor con. eiecirio norn. canopy top, four wicker chairs, engine -was new last fall, all In first Class anape. All will be sold for 3250 cash Dan- ielson's Boat Shop, foot of Nebraska st. open Sundays. : HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE. Fin laraa houseboaL 11 rooms, fur nished: wired for litrhts. bath, hot and cold water. West Side Lumber A Shingle Co., foot of Montgomery st ynones wain ti, A-aoo.i LAUNCH for sale 18 ft, 4 i. p. Waterman engine, eheap for cash. Standard Boathouse. west approach Hawthorne bridge: phone Marshall 769 arter p. m. HOUSEBOATS and launches for sale, rent and exchange: also moorage, food location. Take Oswego Local to immerman. ; Inquire B. Palmier, 1124 Macadam st. mono marsnaii tote. FOR SALE New launch, hull 20x4 ft. Z in.: cedar planning; painted white end all finished work mahogany and ton; bareain. 8Z California sc. FOR SALE at bargain, 18 foot launch. 3H h. P. Detroit engine, fully equipped and in A-l condition. Call East 4178 GASOLINE marine engine. 40 horse power. 4 cycle. 4 cylinders, con and battery. Danielson's shop, foot of Ne- Bras ua st. open Sundays. A FEW bargains in motorboata. Dsn . lelson's shop, - foot of Nebraska et. upen Sundays. - 20-FOOT motorboat, fully equipped, pracucaiiy new; is mile per- tiour cheap. G-899. Journal. i. HOUSEBOAT for sales cash or termsT weiiwood I4ZZ-- nert uowney. FIVE room houseboat very cheap. Call c-1666 or Main o. BOAT house for 20 foot boat. 330. - Marine Machine Works, ft. Ivon st TYPEWRITERS OILL'S Rebuilt Typewriter Barralna L. C. Smith No. 3 at ......... 3J5.00 Smith Premier No. 10 . 30.00 Smith Premier Nos. 5 and 9...... 17.50 Fox Visible No 26... ........... 80.00 Victor No. 8 at.................. 25.00 Bllckensdorfers. Densmores. etc. iowj THE J. K. GILL CO.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save rou from 60 to 7a per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send 111,,.,,-.. ...1 ilAKA.k ,U VUS 111 ll.VI UIVU 1 ,1 U. I , , Ul.ll UDa. I ment. t WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 331 wash. st. NEW, rebuilt. ,' 2d hand, rental. cuT rates. P. D. C. Co 213 Stark. M. 1407 ACTOMOBTLES-ACCKSSORIES TYFKVVKTTKKS Jnderwooda. , Ytemlnartons. . Smlth- Premiera. Olivers. C. Rmitha. Jdon- als. Barlocks, Yoste and'otber makes from $10 up. All machines fully guar-- anteed. Send for catalogue. Terms Wholesale TypeVrlter Co. Phone Ma a ? p68l. . 821 waahlnxton at. biorea v ait rtcitic coast cities. POR SALE Remington No, 11 type - writer. Decimal tabulator. Good aa new. Less than alf price new. In quire Jefferson st, Oregon Electric ticket office. " MUSICAL niSTRUMKyra; 34 This Week's Specials . 3250 .Columbus, mahogany uprinrht t 96 $360 Fischer,., rosewood upright.. 186 $376 Chase Bros., rosewood upr'nt 126 8450 Decker Bros., Old model ... . 88 $375 Hallett A Davis, old model. . 66 .. Terms, $10 ouih, $6 or mors monthly. GRAVES MUSIC CO., New Store. 49-lsr .4th Si. ' We sell you 100 slightly used but f uaranteed 4 minute wax Edison rec- ords for MAOi 60 f or $3.60; mlnVtes, ' $3.60 per 100. All guaranteed. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FIRST class $45 dlso machine and 18 records, regular price $61. Price 22.50; $5 down, 33.60 monthly. Hyatt uaiKing Machine Co., 360 Alder. Macnme o., aoa Aiaer. . I SSSSSS I andfi K rwm llnSZw and comical pieces. Will sell on terms of $8 down. $5 a month. D-977. Journal. FOR SALE $40 Victor talking mi- cnine. is recoras, iiz. izi e. xay lor st HAVE a piano to sell or will trade for good horse. Elmer C Shipley, 40$ Kurnsiae si. ts. dssu. NiW 3150 Vlctrola. Price reasonable; will exchange for diamond. . Phone Tabor 2838. FOR SALE Wurlitxer military band organ, style 149. Address Wurlltaer, 417 Harrison st. Seattle; Wash. FOR SALE Chase player piano"' and Knabe; almost new; take part trade. Sellwood 907. ' $8l BUYS upright piano,. Standard make, arood condition: must be sold. st'j iiumner Exchange pidg. WILL sell my $600 Lawson plane, ma , hogany case, for $300; will trade for diamond, phone A-4194, or Main 4194. FOR SALE cheap, -Edison phonograph, will play 3 or 4 minute records. 303 Montgomery st. VIOLIN, cost $26, will sell for less than one-half price if taken at once. Phone E-6686. FOR SALE i600 Kimball piano, cheap. PIANO cheap for cash. 813 E, 36th st, corner Salmon. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale 65 JgSSaSBBsswaaBsBsSBs8jss BED ' R ON SALE MONDAY AT EDWARDS CO. A limited number of sertm curtains with ruffled edge, ZM, yardsln length, worth double this price. All other ruf fled scrim curtains one-half price for Monday only. No phones,. . 186-191 First St. A good place to trade. IOT HOUSEHOLD ROODS. SO fron beds, snrlna-a mattressas. IS dresers, lot tables, chiffoniers, 20 steel ranges, zs cook stoves. 10 aras ranges, ii oil stoves. 10 gasoline Stoves .' 5 refrigerators. 3 counters. 4 tents, 4 second-hand sewing machines. sanitary coucnes. l leatner aavenncrrt. 1 barber chair, 5 refrigerators. 1 water cooier. CASEY HOUSEFURNXSHTNG CO., - 112 Union ave., next Postoffice. SECOND-HAND 6-hole gas ranges, 86 each: ,2d-hand rufllln atiiTM. $8.60 and $4.00; new round dining ta ble, solid oak, 39.60; $20 quartered oak hall tree, $18.60; $16 mandolin, $4.50, X HAVE 47 yards of new Inlaid lino leum, regular"1 $1.25 a yard arade; will sell whole or any Part for 85e yard. Call Monday. 204 First st, near Yamhill. Ask for Mr. Brandt. SINGER sewing machine, drop head. latest pattern; has only been In use three weeks; also a good leather, dav enport original cost $75. Phone Mar shall 618. 6 REAL leather chair. 124 yard Wll ton velvet carpet; suitable hall, church, hotel lobby; reasonable. Apt. 101. 208 16th st. Marshall 8468. . WE buy, sell end exchange new- and secena-nana xurmture ox - au lcmas. Easy terms, low prices. . M. Ostrow Co.. 64 N. 3d. Main 1736. FURNITURE Before buying second hand . goods, see what you can do here on new goods, for cash. Get post ed. William Gadaby. 1st and Wash. FOR SALE, half price, aras range, wa- ter neater, rugs, iron beds, loo in, capacity. Bonn Syphon ref riarerator. lawn mower. 656 E. 66th N., Mo.nday. WE buy, sell and. exchange new and . secona nana furniture 'of sai Kinds. Phone Marshall-4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co. 191 Second at. -- .GOING "east, ' must positively be- sold Tuesaay, piano, niraseye set. lumea diner, rug", linoleum, couch, , etc, big sacririce. main a is evenings, Si' pair of beautiful portieres at mill prices of 31.95 to $8.90 a pair. The material is mercerized and silk crinkle. East Side Furniture Co.. 90 Grand ave. FOR SALE Steel range in good condi tion; also other furniture. 1744 Flske St., University Park. - - PRACTICALLY new 'and elegant, fur- - nirure ox a room apartment .ror sale; for particulars -call Marshall - 3863. Mission Porch Swings Made to order at 171 Grand " ave. N. GOOD. 4-panel-brown burlap oak frame S-root screens fhone wood. 367. GAS range In good condition, for cal, 34. 803 El 7th st. N. - . '' FURNITURETof & room Jiouee; a snap. good conaition. 252 McMillan st. - FURNITURE- of 8 jfoowa. for ale or traae ror norses, s6 n. itn su FOB SALE MISCELliAXEOU9 10 FOR SALE 1 collapsible wicker baby bunrgy, cost $23 new, may; be had ror s. inquire aso jMiiinggwortn ave, ROLL ton desk and flat top desk for sale. 817 Lumber Exchange bldg, I BARBER .chair, coffee urn, refrigera 1 tor, counts. Ill Union ave. mSS8LwM HMMMBM FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 RE1ERSON MACHINERY COMPANY, 107 1st St.. near Wash. St.. or I ' 1395 Hood St I sana saw, nearly new Q.ouicent in tee last year. IS D Mil Iam m n. ndn new i .. i ......... . J28.00 20 H. P. boiler, second-hand... 126.00 Sawmill, second-hand 260.00. 150.00 . - 450.00 36 H. P. gasoline engine, sec ond hand ................... SO H. p. steam engine, nearly new . .1 New Met roadster v. Brush roadster, j second-hand. . . Auto, vacuum .cleaner, lawn ;2-XX I 160.00 I mower . gnaaer 250.00 10.00 . p- f '"f f wltn P9 wiif,0?'' Vi;vi iwmlu. hand, pump and cyl.. 4.60 ern pster b t eel windmill, new 19.00 1 60 H. P. double marine engine and boiler, condenser pumps, , . shaft propeller comp., second- ' hand . - Stern wheel boat. 40 ft 14 ft. beam . . Semi-steel stump puller, 100 H. P. 400.001 200.00 88.501 Many other bargains, TOOLS Automobile, carpenter and I carriage All new "Keen Kutter." Rslf food) no- Arm Mt, via attach- I ment, anviC steel vise, hand drill and, I UU. Over 60 Pieces, including-3 draw! . r . a v a m m Aap I er bench. Cost $50: sell for $25. CARL SMITH. 604 KUItngsworth ave. GASOLINE AND "OIL ENGINES. Marine & Stationary. Marine Hardware. Write for Catalogue. GAS POWER 4b SUPPLY CO.. 168-178 Front St. BmlY ' ' .1, aa SEWING machines, clearano sale, 60 Portland. Oregon. dronhead machines of different makes; 38 to $22.60: attachments com plete and guaranteed. Terms ir rteoea nrv. Snerial this week. 80 days trial. Sawing Machine Emporium, 190 3d, btwee - n Yamhill and Taylor! E. W SMITH TRUNK CASS MFG. eto-- Buy your trunk, bag, suitoase, direct from manufacturer. . Repairing I and order woric a special- desk 0fflce railing, tables for dry ty. 490 Wash, Main S33.lg0o3S anil grocery stores, counters, all I klnda ntnolH foot rails for restaurant 21 H. P. gasoline marine engine, equipped ready to Install In boat, ..... " 1. . I V..I hi.tl. AULU IKrum; won. wiiWHi ring life buoy, fire extinguisher and deck fittings, -all good as new. Cost 3S00. WUl take 3300. call at 301 Burnaide. Electric Motors Electric motors bought. sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 10th and Burnslde. Main 6674, SAFES Fireproof and burglar proof. also vault ooors, at xaciory prioeo. Large assortment of second hand safes. Cash or terms. ' Safes opened and re nalreil HTnaler Safe Co 408 and 409 Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone Main 7876 BANKRUPTS Fixtures eacrlflcedTlO ft floor showcase. 388 j latest com- putin scale; large National regisier; A.x 4 mmute wax records, only cheese cutter: good refrigerator, etc. : $31.60; $10 down, $2.50 monthly, Reg new. 16 ft. counters. $7.50. Call or ular price. $100. All guaranteed. Hyatt wrue c. i'wy' 1 FOR SALE New and second-hand FOR SALE 6 vol. the Standard Ll caxom. -! pocket billiard tables,! brary Natural History; also 8 vol, nil hnwllnr jillava and accessories. I vnr.trfs. Da.u iv,.ir., mr,A bar nxtures or an xinos. eaay pay- 5lfAt;wJ,t- a1" 769- A'176;- mtnti. Drujjwii;-Bovii- I FOR SALE 1 bed springs, mattress. 15: l oair bureau, aio: i cara isoie. $3; ooremode, ; 1 L C. Smith ham merless shotgun and case, $18; 1 hick- ory salmon rod. agata guide and Up. 36. 6668 Second st. I t HAVE mailinx list of several thou- aand names, covering all part of Oregon; will address and mall litera ture for candidate at reasonable price. Z-7B0, journal. SECOND HAND OFFICE FURNITURE afe. hookkeener's desk Jhroll uS &K oa 10 chairs. 1 safe. mahogany 60 inch roll top flat top. 3 roll top desks. Bushong A Co.. 91 Park et. FOR SALE Grocery eauipment. dell eJerjrlceV";? See catessen, retrigerator. snow cases. mill., oof fee roaster, automatic, grocery iuIm. Miiiitri Th Holta ator I ZZTSJZ I 7 " jj i -JIj 1 ... ro" " , : a .1 HAVH your uit made to order on the following .term. $10 down and $5 a b.tnt6tbU,k12S thMfn and ladies' bet. 6th and etn. Men a ana laaies t Inr. I FOR SALE cheap, Dayton cheese cut- ter, 360 account McCaskey register. band coffee mill, electric meat chop-1 per, Call 93 1st st. FOR SALE. 1 direct current 110 volt Cole motor and coffee mill with $ pound nickel nopper. jr-o 1 1, journal FOR SALE U. 8, cream separator. No. 1, ouu id. capacity, w4 ut ruuum. E. A. Baker, Gresham. R. $. box 37, "none 7. 824 HETWOOD baby carriage, body made of genuine reed; splendid con dition, wm sacrifice ror 6ia. s. jroix- enburg. A-6799 or U-988, journal. FOR SALE, cheap. A xll Willam-1 ette donkey engine in good condi tion. Phone Gresham 9. Mrs. A. O. Rndiiin. (irpsham. or. . , , I., i i i i in i SEWING machines, new and 3d-hand. All make, aal An vantad. Sawing Machine Emporium. ISO $L near Yam, hill. M. 9431. SEWING MACHINE, $6. QUICK SALQ . S032 STEPHENS ST. HAWTHORNE CAR. WILL sell all or half Interest In a patent applying to an automooue. Will be a big money maker for the right party. R-S04, Journal. WILL exchange buggy, harness and 4Ve4SM HOBS SUIU for oarpenter for oash, R- gooa anving mare work or .will sell cheap 902. Journal. FOR SALE Modern marble soda foun Is1" e0Q"lpm ettal ItVlv jbpnator and powerfreeserz ready car bona tor for business; cheap, TX-873. Journal. WILL exchange standard' make piano ror carpenter work or wm eu cneap for cash. C-987. Journal. SPECIAL 1000 ' printed bond letter- heads, $1.90. sample Tree. Box 6, Arlt. Portland 'aa WINCHESTER automatto rifle to trariA for 2Q nun Wlnonaatev numn gun. H-835. Joqrnal. UNDERWOOD revolving; duplicator, in good condition, ehean for cash. TJ- 970 Journal. PMBING fixtures pip. andaf fit- Davia to.. Z4S saimon. main tit EOR SALE Brown willow " baby hugra. almost new, . 118; ooat $40. Phone Kast t07. weavs4 nan K r tA4 X4T f aBvVMsav ssfr - i It-X ' w "v COr, SUV J MOOSE HEAD In first class condition for sale. Price reasonable. H-838. Journal HARDY Red cactus dalla bulbs," out - aoor grown, email tec; meoium zuc; large 25c. Paul Bsrnmer, Rex, Or.- jt . -r - ...j 1 ' J 1 ' XVtt in ron . imi areas, - evening suana tuxMo. never worn, 1 l'. i "'Wk r sun aAut cufay, kwjq vicjujo, nav urea ana iwt, s Margin au. cny, . Kast 4D( ENCYCLOPEDIA rlttantos, i: leather oounu vgiumsa, aaui stow as . new. East I6S4. - PjR cLALE Jew.' complete. 83 piece stork outfit, never bean una. wifai"tu """- S10. Phone C-3B8I. - --- -- CORDWOOD.- 84 60 cord, delivered. - or like to get work witn team, ess Ravler st. Main 8383. FOR SALE Show case. French gray mirrors and glass shaWe. 300 TU- ford bldg. FOUR stands of bees, reasonable. E. 8345. for sai oieap, poi; ror ton andi uan TOyrwa wapvo. i iu, m mv. ROLL top desk. oak. 830 423 Cham- ber of Commerce bldg. ; yEW tent, fly and polea complete, also gooq rme, cneap. m arena u a. EXCHANGE Watch ($15) for camera. Call evenings. ' 713 E. Stark. FOUR' ton ice' making and refrigerat- tng machine, Washington, 444 'Wash. AUTOMOBILE mecbanio will repair at owner garage, eoo nonr. xaoor a.i (FOB RAL OTSCKLAlfEOUS 19 OCR sales manager, Mr. L, B. Barde, says: - v i I "Our sales hare Increased lit per WHY1 ' Get our prices and sea our Steele oa anything In the line of BOILERS and other steam MXCHXN- GAS ENGrNESaJl 'elsee! " TRANSMISSION .MACHTKEBT Ahythlnr, i BELTING A large atoesv CABLE AH si sea. , f an else all kinds. . ' PLUMBING STJPPLIES I Aa complete line as can be etrnea. R AXTTITTrR S CTIPPI.TES KiTinm miM nA virrtnra. An excellent assortment ox almost anything". STEAM SUPPLIES Pine fit tin re and steam GENERAT- ino pijANTS larre ana imtu. PIPE PIPE PIPE PE PIPE PIPE i We can fit you with anything at all this line, and as to prlee see be- m low! RAILS AND STRTJCTURAIj, STEEL GET OUR PRICES AND WE CAN SAVE TOU MONEY. ! ELECTRICAL MACHINERT, WOODWORKING MACHINERT. WjTTSTT'aV,l XT A TfTI CS ' v a w m. . k S mv PUMPING PLANTS large j and email. ROOFING MATERIAL j Iron, paper, rubber, ete. PRICE?? WelL WE" GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOTJ - MONEY! - I That's a erettv broad assertion, bat we'll stand behind it. ' Net result: you are out continual customer! : ' IS" AND YOU Ui HELP INCRKABB DVH SALES STILL rUKTrfJGxv. TRY US IT PAYS! M. BARDE & SONS, Inc. 240-342 Front St., Corner Main St. The House of a Million Bargain. n ' n '-- iJ Bargains Bargains ""-i-, allVfTrst cli BfcI1 CMVm sepa Aalas at T1 I ma at Vsass siVelV elaa oondition. one Blue snaritrir Ansa TsAVTIsTl Tnflt elicer, roll and flat top desk, filing cabinets. tvnewriters and i typewriter counters, wall cases, in fact we have got what you want. Call and get our New Today and Auction Sales. BELL AUCTION cu. 191 BeconaBrreej, nTRTReo Motor 3125. I 80 TT P aultable for i motorboat: ; magneto, oiler and all necessary equip ments. Oregon Auto Exchange 119 LownsdaleJ SEWING MACHINE3. SEWING MACHINES. ' Droohead Singer. 815: drophead New Home, 315: new Royal cabinet. $10; all low as $3. 849 Morrison st. EDISON Home "Phonograph and 100 -taming Maonme Co.. o Alder, ease. Harry Arnold, J73 E. ,7th stn or iis union ave. SOLID oak library table," large "slse: $10; also white steel sanitary kitch en table, 33. Take Mt. Scott car to Myrtle Park. 6924 41at ave. WANTED MISCELXANEOU8 5 GEVURTZ FURN ITURE STORE 208 1ST. MARSHALL 5981. Will pay best prioe for your furniture, ts, stoves, etc, . etc. New ana carpe XSIh?" ?" WANTED The people ofTortland eTL t I pay highest ca h prl to nav hlcheiit caen nrlca .ftf,?ff e ,,,1-8! i -f 22 J!- 2 Email 10 consider, r rompt aiienxion. N. M. Seater. E. 6707, 143 Russell st. HIGHEST, price, paid, for. household .iti-lS- . hid s7ii VCUon?r". or second hand tores. -none bast 401 Phone Et 6463 or a postal and reo- resentatlves will call. Grand Rapids Furniture Ex., 125 Grand avenue. HIGHEST prices paid for eecond i-and ei,rnit,,r- unhai.t.HK. dun.- mat. . ' ' . . 807 Misaiasippi ave. Work guaranteed Wood lawn 3683. ! WAivTF.n2 nn" rt' P. second hand electric motors: 220 volt or 110 volta A. C ainrla nhaae: 80 rvol Must be in good condition. Address a. Journal office. Vancouver, Wash. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." I just opened up. We must have $1000 worm of second-hand furnlturs at once. Will pay top notch price. Wil liams Ave. Furn. Exchange. East 634. "Feldstein'! HI sheet nricea naid for l second-hand furniture, tools, clothing. E. 10L B-3717 CASH PAID F6R ' Iron, metals, rubber, sacks, tools, pipe. I LXUIIIUIIIK BUDP plumbing supplies and job lots. tal junk Co.. J87 Front stJ Main 7665. 1 1 i m r i i ,. i. a pi- PVaaShS .ra-.hdr Main SALMON rod and reel; also trout baa- aet. must be in good conaition. x 961, Journal. BE WISE, get more for lyour second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auinon o., aii isi, Aiatn ssai. i WANTED 2 No. 20 Ruud water heaU ers; price. IJ-969, Journal. ii iit-m T-ani. . J. . fi I j M Q and Camera wanted; higheat UUINO prices paid. 31V4 N. 3d. WANTED Rifles, shot guns, cameras. ch ia st. wain jssi WE" tint rooms for 32.60;! paint hous. t u M HIGHEST prlc-s paid for 2d-hand f ur- niture. G-'v! lli Grand a v. c. 652. ON the" fcV-. r Secord pay highest prices for household goods, E. 5717. FAIR aised safe, write statins sire and very nest price, r. o. pox T16 BOLL top desk and chair. E-796, I aournai. LOST AND FX3TJND gljNEER & FARR Sad U?. I tiiw fniiAin. aitini wcr. . I 1 .F .ui W,ht Power Coj turned in at 1 101 cars vl mo ruruano nauwmy, 1 may nave same dt aDrjivinsr ax mwh 1 inaieatea: Sellwood barn. Anrll 10. IS 14: nhene t '"'" '). "jTtz ov- .ourSirceii. ml- A-8131 4 umbrellas, 3 hooka, 3 suit I Piedmont earn, April 10, phone 1.1111 B iimhnllaa. 8 lultfttiaiii T rr.11 I fence, 1 lunch box, 8 pr. gloves, 1 mla- I eellaneou paekare. Ankeny barn. April 10 J 1814; phone 1 A-8131 1. packaga clothe. 3 market i jo imv"i suitcase. 1 valise, 3 luftch boxes, i 1 ladies' clove. 1 nackase nails. s,. t ,--hona7 'Anrll 11 1111- nI"A.8Y1t-,-uba.-- y'H ooks. l purse, t packages merchan- Qise, 1 nana saw. ttlHERAij REWARil "M ' -V TTT Mill ask 84Kaal ..naaa. 4-M. eVla. j return of a black driving horse, weight i aoout louu nounas. wiin large scar on .1 left hind leg; black top buggy-with red running gear. Outfit was stolen L08T Between 13th and Hall ' and V KDTi! Vnfu,rS? .or ,'?In.1 I "" w" ""-f,u I pon. rinoer reiorn to u uiuton. 1 f 1 . v . f 1!52?di near Myrtle Park station: liberal reward if returned to owner at 8823 47th ave. I s E LOST Gold locket with diamond set la center. Return to 48 N. 6th. JAb, I ral rewara, I in kiti wnr'a nm ir,.. xtm. l turn to Journal- office; reward. ' ltXiBT Portion of unfinished light blue sweater, still on , needles, with ball of wool. Finder please icall East 37. FOUND Solid gold bar. pin, evidently made from ring. R-811. Journal. LOST A gold key fraternity pin; r.e- : warn Aa( ease. 29 L A DI E 8 Ask for Antlke i Mixture No. 8. It Is safe and sure ' "Woman's Medi cine," the most successful and harmless "Regulator known. For sale and guaranteed by Helfond Drug Co 333 Morri son, near First. , OKO Natural Science rids mind and body of all ailments. ' No failures. No drag-. No knives. Painless. A trial 1s convincing-. Everybody needs it. Presently room for 3 additional ease. Dr. Klndom, Northwest bldu Washington at 8th. Mar., 3844. Expert work In dyeing, remodeling and restoring plumes. Moderate charges and prompt service. THE PLUME. 369 Morgan bldg. Main. 4009. GRADUATE chiropodist, manlcuriat, scientific meaaeuBA. thermal hatha. formerly 6th and .Wash, sts., and 514 ium nidg.. now 404 Buchanan bldg, 286 Washington, opp. Perkins hotel. Treats women only. MRS .SOPHIE B. SEIP, MenUl and Spiritual Scientist, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. 803 Altsky blda. Interaatlnr meaaara and question nfght Wednesday, 9 p. m. ABOUT HAIR GOODS. Don't trust peddler with eo'mblngs; i. us mane tnem up, 8o up. Wise, toupea a apecialtv. 30 vra est'bd. Febve et & neom. i7 uroadway, nr. Morrison. PRIVATE MII.T.IWKRT tunp Hats, shapes trimmed, blocked, made over In the latest style: work guaran teed. Marahall 1694. 353 Yamhill, be- YOUR worn plumes, willows, birds of T wye-wB eJ6tm Asx 8 ga ysrauise, remtxieiing in spring styles, cleaned, dyed, the new- colors. Work guaranteed. . Hartness 'Plume Shop, x nuiniii, cor. riiK. main levy. fiTlblTXiPT TTATTQ UAfn Moles, warts, eta, destroyed forever irnvn nrme: no pain, no scar 604 I pwetiano Diflg. SPIRITUAL medium. RevI Virginia Rowe. Reading, healing, dally circlea f uwuajr ana rxiasy evenings s O'ciOCK. 331 6th st. Phone A-T116. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's" leading palmist; and clairvoyant, has her late books onjsale 291 Morrison et. Of- I INTEND to take up government land. Would like to get acquainted with responsiDie parues or the same lnten tlons. C-939, Journal. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mal adies apa acute diseases. Washing ton bldg.,; 4th and Waan. Rm. 41. Ml. 448 HAVE your hair nermanentlv wivul Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty .nor,, iww 1 truiii. m nr. if vs. BCALJ and facial specialist: new man agernent 808 Panama bldg., 3d and Persona TKpn It cards 10c "Enough said." Mies Alice, pox q, sia. ft., N. y. City. DR. C. S. HOARD. 13 chlropratlc treatments 31 A. 818. I it Aiiany Diag.. ad and Mor. M. 8092. nUADr'tO Lawyer of 28 years' ex ui v UilULO perience, reliable, advice free. 404t Rothehlld bldg.. 287H Wash SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk or sun case at on wasn., at lTth. BALM of figs, remedy for diseases or women. 604 Davis st. Main 8893. Scalp Specialist2? 7 Macleay bldg. th and Wash. Marie Nevena, elea baths: treatments ladles only. 413 Rothehlld. Main 4133. PERSONAL Professional and Business ABTHACT8 QY TTTX fOE Mopertr witala Multnomah eonaty, aea a N. Beott. 108 4ta t. Main 6013 Aooompiow rtEATnrg k. STsPHAN Bematitcalaf. aeeordtoo, aide aad aaabarat pleatios; battena eovered; foods apocftd. Bealloplng, 883 Alder.' M. 03T8. ' AET MATTKESS WOHK - 14ATT&ESBE8 renavaled and Tb order. The eely apeelal adwtrabla abag. Mrhll 1 ATT0"irETg ; J. R. QRKKKFIELD General prartlce, b atracta, eun tracts. eoUacttoaa, folnrtee, ete. Removed to w of floea, 707, 708, 70S Belling bldg. OoMultntlcm free. BLayg B003E SfASTXpg, BOWB. DAVIS (XMPANT, 100 d at. BUnk book manafaetarera; siesta for Jeeae' Im ereved Loom Leaf Ledaera See tbe sew Eureka Lf- A-8183. Main 188. BBA68 AKP SCACHTJTg WOtKI . BAkMU'S Kraaa Wore. Breae casting and machine works. 106 N, 0th at. Mala 8708. CARPET OZ-EAimrS. OARPKTs and rags eluocd All greaa spots, dlngiaeaa, oil and gnat remevad. coW re newed, nap left standing, without reinoTlng ctrpet. Will furnlab aleetrie power and gaar antee alt work. Portable steam Beaovatlng Co.. 4ft3 Pkum hVlg. Mala 1230. JOrn BROS.' Eioctrle Cleaning worhs. ear- pats cleaned and laid, refltties oar ape rlalty. Eaut 440. B.1868. 904 E, 19ta at. N. ! OASfXT WAVXhTS. hoaTHWkeT RCO CO.."rosa from aid ear- peta, rag rasa, carpet e leaning. 1S5 av. sts, Work called for. . 8B80. B-1280. PENISSCLA Rag Works Rag rug and car pet weaTlng. IBIS Pattos av. Wide. 2W8. t OHntOPRACTOE8 I)B. " MeMAHON Latest equipment. Two of. flcaa, 121 4tlL 878 WUUama are. 18 ad- jqataaoata sio. LAQf atteaeanta. Beat eaag. DR. HELEN' A "fcOMSTOCK, 831"14ihT' SerWua enronte diaeaaaa, traa,UDen 38. Mala 8608 CHIROPODISTS aiec ty. Lady attendant. 808 AUaky bldg. M. 87tt2 OOAZ, ARS WOOD fuel mmm rTRB AND WBKCnAOa IAXJI Bey a no load ef dry block and eae load et grass eia for beat resells. AUNNA FUEL CO. EAST 18 CHIT Alo aawad. te order. Praarot.ee. prjAI I liTrT. Mill 4. AS4T. UUHU '.....ahii . - ,i, .WRECKAGE WVTSx atoTe heavy sad ' " -. ft L TON Wood Co daalara In dry and green alabwood. t.tj ea won evoonug gooo urj izeo nacaoam. Mata TSOO. A-S890. "A '""" ggl 't..,v "" i Edlefsen t-uel uot-fe. feOUTd" WRrLA'P-RAINlB ALABWOOD Co.. e root eoanvr aiaov inatv boo uiock wood. Mla S188. A-84a. Toot of Tamhlll. FAcii-itJ RtABWOOp co Mia 87e A-Taee. Greaa abort wood, bloeka, big laalde, email Haldo, dry alabwood. ahort plainer trlmminra. 6'KGO iWood Yard. FUr. aah And eeh wood Ana COtl laeBsnnsiDio pnrww sn, rrv, avrso, lHU"ol ". i- EVERTS. MAIN 8787. tnarC02lt rOOT Or CURST 8TH8KT. DRY alab ano eoa weoa, wotoh o'ii"i, Standard Wood Co.. Eaat xaia. Bevo 5Rt"ris, '5 and 8? cote. oo. Mala aaaa, A-aasa. Portiasd rael COLLECTIONS OPEN aeconata, notes, jadgaaeata enUeeted. Adopt abort metboda for quick resulta. tnm Adlnatmant Co. 82a TH. W. Bank. M. 874 tONGUI COIXBCTIOX CO. CUiaia ef.all klnda promptly eoUected: 338 Morgae bldg, O0STRACT0R8 AW BTJTXPIR (&e Real Katato Boctton.) nmCATTOlTAI, tAJ?crva fL6. "WlL, WILSON'S Pancing Schoet Hecltatkm waits and stage TV a Ma,- Fi-ww-ewop, utwwwiL uk-owd. aaacut. SM. ev ery BBornmg, axtenneoa aaa g-aaxaatoe to teaea anjuoa wno win, now wj oance, ao Rth at. bet. Stark and Oak ata. Mais TflST. M- AND MRS. HEATH'S aeheola, 10 3d at., between Wash., aad Stark, and AUckj, Dldg.. aa: ana atoiraoa mtm. - oaaaona aaiiy, W aits ana iwo-atp gwaowoo in m teaaona, CUta Moa.. m. 'eva.. 8 to 10. 100 'IA at. EJNGLER'S Cetillioa hall and da Bring atndio, Handaoaieet baJlmom la tbe weet: teacblns all standard eanoaa and "Heaitatten, On, step." Foot Inatwetora. 14tk off Waahlngton. hiss FISUBCRNB-S danelns acbool; an stand'. axd aad late oaneaa. private i 18 elaae. 831 Vk Mogrlaoa. MaraoAU tla, . sa (Contlaw i2ieweiswsewi U DrJ.J. Keefe LICENSED PHYSICIAN.- . Mv f f Im ia thoroughly eaulPDed with every electrical and mechanical device necessary for the scienufio treatment of yeur ailments. - X ADMINISTED THE WURiATQ ; LATEST REMEDIES, . ; T tiwat inMiifull- . 1 Acute, Chronic, Nervous, Blood. Skin, Bladder. Liver and Kidney Dtseaaes, Rheumatism. Neurasthenia, Ecsems tores, , Ulcers, rues ana yietuia. consultation and ex ami nation . rree, Hours: 9 to 6. 7 to 8 dally. Sunday 10 to 1. ... ' Room li to 15 Lafayette wag. 318H Wash. St.. Cor. 6th. 202 Eleventh St. . Furness, Spiritualistic Minister Until Further Notice ALL OFFICE WORK DISCONTINUED Except Religious Services SUNDAY EVENING Phone Marshall 2545 ' FIGHT on high nriees. Why nav 35 00 to $10 for a pair of glasses, when I can fit your eyes with first quality lenses In a gold filled frame as low as $1,507 C W. Goodman, 191 Morrison St., near unqge. oausiscnon guaranreeo. NOTICES 80 NOTICE OF SALE -OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Directors of The Horsefly Irrigation District of Klamath County, Sregon. until Tueeday. the 14th day of pril. 1914, at the hour of I o'clock p. m., at the office of the Board of Direct ors in said district, at which time and place proposals to purchase will be opened and considered for the purchase of $570,000 of The Horsefly Irrigation District Registered Coupon Bonds, as followsi The amount of $345,000. payable I Far cent at the expiration of 11 years; per cant at the expiration of IS years; 7 per cent at the expiration of 13 years; I per cent at the expiration of 14 years; 9 per cent at the expiration of IB years; 10 per cent at the expiration of 16 years; II per cent at the expiration of 17 year; 1$ per cent at the expiration of 18 years; 16 per cent at the expiration of 19 years, ana 1$ per cent at the expiration of 20 years. .. The amount ef $226,000 payable 5 oei cent at the expiration of 21 years: 6 percent at the expiration of 23 years; 7 per cent at the expiration of 3$ year; 8 per cent at the expiration of 24 year; 9 per cent at tne expiration oi zt yeara; 10 ner cent at the expiration of 26 years: 11 per cent at the expiration of 27 years; 18 per cent at the expiration of 28 years; 15 per cent at the expiration of 29 years, and IS per cent at the expiration of 30 veara. Said bonds to bear Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. Interest payable semi-annually; principal and interest payable at the' office of the treasurer oi td ttorseriy irrisaiion District, In gold coin of the United mates or America, sata Donas to oe is sued In denominations from One Hun dred ($100) to One Thousand ($1000) Dollar, aa desired by purchaser. - Said bonds are Issued for the purpose Of providing funds for the construction of the irrigation system of The Horse fly Irrigation Dlatrlct. and were aur tlyoiixed at an election held by th legal voter of aid Irrigation dlatrlct on the MTJSIO BCHOOLB AVD TZACHXBS T. E. LAWSON Piano atudio. 422 Merrlaaa. Main 0459. Ltaaona 60e. kUn teacher, mipll Bavcik. rooer bl(g. A-41SQ. Mart nan la. lfR8. " FLO RK KG 8 M." U'H EAf.. " toaehar C Tlolln. piano and mandolin. Woodlawn 810. lOPUTAa MTT8IO RAGTIME oa piano guaranteed' beginners la 10 ieasona Cletora nlaylnc. booklet. 53 E Room for praetlce. rree llera bldg- PAJTIBH TEACHERS C. RBBAGLIAtl member of old soaalsa atodenta. Inatrqctor 8panlb. too fleldner ad ETC, EAA. s-Qgg. THROAT, ITOOB ApeeiaUat. Moderate prices. Glaaaaa fitted, dr. r. V fiaaaedayj 51T Drtiin ldg. 8d and WW gUCTBJO MOTORS jJTO TJTWAatOa MOTORS, generators boiig'uC aold, rented and repaired. We do all klnda ef repalrias and rewinding; all work geeranteed. B. M, H. msetnc yo., 8J n. iat at. Pboeo Main ezio. WB1 bay, sell, roat and eiehaage sew and ia n land motor, tuilf mm a anoolaltr. Weatere Eleetrie Worti, 218 Sth at. Mar. . 1 "' - ' 'i - - HJEOTROLTlIf MOI4KS, mporfluoua hair removed. Mra. U. E mil. 429 niedner bldg. Wain 84T3, mi nrBPRAwoa: (See Real Et ate feoetWui.y roxnroRT aht xachtju shop PHOENIX Iron Works," Eaat M and Haw- worne. general macplne anl ImnfiTj wnrs, CLA8 am) omzgra 8ee Real Estate Seetloai.T' HATJt TREATicnrni OENTJTXB '"'HAIRACAIN" THEATVTENT8 are being rtren by Mtaa Metatoah at ker mn rananaa oiog, HAT TACTORT LADIES'," geatlaaian'a hag, cleaned, eloekad aatiaractorujr. rtoyai Hat wwt )t n . HQTJSR MOTE (See Real Ealate Sectloa. ' KOSAX BTJrPUCEl KODAKS priatlas amfeelarglag. m anaiua -U., ao waaamgron. lack mrTAm latjxdbt Exaert curtain workers. Have rose eua. talna done br hand. Laaadr prices. Mala 1043. 40f Alder. TASTPSOAPE OARDryOftt LET ea auote our" prlea ea Jour laadaoape gardealng. Tabor 1M2. - LAWTT MOWTJta DON'T tile roar lawaaoweri have It greend as oer aaxamauc gnneer. rna-Tiane vw saewer Heaoital.. Sellwood SOS. We eaU for aad deliver. scACHTjrrjtr B. TRKXKMAN A CO hrdraalle aad apodal etnav aaiefee atacka. oil tanka. la lac eblnory. repaira. 104 N. 4th at. KNGTNES7 NEa. boilera. aawmllla hoauht. aold ai bought. 11 anil exchanged. The 3. R. Martin Co.. Portland, Or. srzsaureus WKkcA'OS.k and1 blcrcle Pboae Mais' I. A-3168. HA8TT MBSegyqKB CO. wATtrmopATHtq rHTsicmri PR, PHILUPS Paralyaia, aervoua and eh ie ataaaaea, 84-a oreaeaua bldg. M. 814a. PERSONAL Manufacturers -Jobbers Wholesalers BRgWBRS , BOTTirRg HENRY WE1NHARD. l3tb and BnmaldoT PT6O0P4W0tMAX Fleischner, Mayer & Co, tarm naTT-TJnarra 8t jyiHiotgs. B, U. WABB A) CO.. 884 Haw thor ae are. Wboleaale agrleeltaral lmplenent. VTBH. OTBTTRS 8t reg. MiUInftV A CO.",' inc.', 149'frroof sWoot." -- 6 RAD MIBCgABTB l.-'afJ H6t'6r;H. Bard of Trade bldg. TBOW WORKS 8 - (See Real Palate goctloo.) LEATHER AND riirpraTQS CRAS. U MASTICS: A CO.: ?4 Vreat. Uatker of every deacrtptton; flndlnga. - - . ' MACKIIRT 4k tVITUZ ZIMMERMAN-WELLft-BROWN CO. sawaalll. logatng and Iron working machinery. mx trgpptrgg s PACIFIO STATES RUBBER CO, 43 24 St, Mechanical rabber good. 20 qoBtie.) 9th day of November, A. D. 1913. and are offered for sale pursuant to a reso lution of the Board of Directors of said district adopted at a meeting held on the 3d day of March. A. D. 1914. Said bonds will be sold to th high est bidder. No bid for leas than 90 per cent of the face value will be consid ered. . Each proposal to purchase said bond must be accompanied by a certified check for the sum of 1 per cent of th amount of bid upon som responsible bank, payable to tbe treasurer of The Horsefly Irrigation District. Said bonds are to be sold for cash, payable at the time of delivery of said bonds. Th right I hereby reserved to reject any or all bids and proposals. Pro posals must be sealed and addressed to the secretary of The Horsefly Irri gation District. Bonansa, Klamath . County, Oregon, and endorsed "Pro posal to Purchase Bonds."- s Secretary of The Horsefly Irrigation District. Bonansa, Oregon. Dated March 8 1914. LEGAL NOTICE OF 8AL11I OF $61.- 131.1T IMPROVEMENT BONUS ur THE TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON. - - Bealeri bids will be received fo the purchase of $61,133.37 town of Spring field improvement bonds by the town recorder of said town at his office in tbe town hall, until April 86, 114. at 7:80 p. m., at which time and place said bids will be opened and considered by the common council of said town. Said bonds will boar interest at a rate not to exceed 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, shall be dated April 1, 1914. shall be la denominations or 3280 or 8600 each, excepting on bond of $133.37, as may be convenient. Said bond will be aold for th highest price obtainable, but pot lea than par and accrued intereat. Bids will be con sidered for purchase of all or any part of aaid bonds. Th right la reserved to reject any or all bids. A certified check for $1800 will be required evidence of good faith. These bond ar based npon street paving Improve ment and offered under the term of th Bancroft bonding law aa provided by chapter 6, title 36 of Lord' Oregon Laws, as directed by ordinance No. $94 of the town of Springfield, Dated March 24, 1914. (seal) HERBERT E. WALKER. , Town Recorder. SEALED proposal will be received at the office of tbe purchasing agent, Portland Railway, Light A Power com. pany, 611 Eleetrlo Or., until 3 p. nij. the furnishing of Electrio building, jroruana. April av, ilia, ior wood fuel for the Vancouver Ferry for a term of one Jear from June 1, 1914. Wood to be ellvered aa needed, approximately even (7) cords a day; either first olass 4-foot cord wood cut from live green timber and thoroughly seasoned, second-olass wood to be wood from dead timber and to be sound, dry and satisfactory to the company, or first class alsbwopd. dry and sound. A bond in th sum of $3600 will be required for the faithful performance Of the contract. The company reserves th right to reject any and all bids. Any additional particular required . can be had of C. C. Turlay, local man- -ager, Portland Railway, Light A Power company, Vancouver; Wash. W. J. MORRIS. t Pur. Art. P. R.. L. ft P. On. QUARTERMASTER' B' office," Columbia' bid., Portland, Or.. April S. 1914 . Sealed proposals will be received at this office until opened at 11 a. m., April 88, 1914, for Transpacific trans portation of passenger, animal, freight. U. 8, troops. etCj, during the flacai year beginning July 1, 1914, from Portland. Or. Proposal should be addressed to and information se cured from the quartermaster. Directory OBTZOrATTTIO WTSICTAir bR. LILLEBELLB PATTEttSON. KpeclaTlat oa . n'c, "ut and ehroulc diaeaaaa. 44B Ce lawbU bldg. Main 8ei. . pAprrnro, PAf nHAironto, TnrTnro (9 Real" EaUte fiactloa.) ATE1TT ATmswarr PltTfl' procured by JP.'Ttf. Mbt.' lata of V. a. PATH NT omct, 1010 Rd. ef T. bldg PArnro oovrAirrra THB BARBtR ABfriALT FAVINO CO.," tert". PRiRTTtra ANSLKY PTU. CO., 250 6ak', Mala 4jl. nvir m cynnner preaa eompetmon race. PRINTINO aa roe want it. PrKW right Metropolitan r-oe, 31 1 Oak. Mula l?ea. RtTBBER STAMPS AMP SZALB ALSO eleitcila, trade ehocka, braae lau. , PACiriO COAST STAMP WORK tl Waatilnyton at. Main 710. A-2TI0. OAXP STBOIAtlSTS XUESAeCS of lp aoceoa(nllr treatae andbalr reatored. Maeleay bldg, SEWTxo MAesnrxs sKWIN'a maeblaoa, sow and 84 bend. 4(1 makea. sale er rented, Penriag Maeblaa Kmportqm. 100 3d, near Yamhill. Main 0431. RUGUTLV naad. drop bala. aU atakea. 87 np. aper repairing. Eai Alder,, near Sd. S3T:iT METAL WORK '(See Kyi Relate eoctfam.)1 TAJCIPERMI8T8. CDEAPEdT and beat work oo coaat- F. B. rrniey, vroviiie, cai. TKAySfTR AKP STOAflK OREGON TRANSFER W SatabUabad 1870. Traaafer and forwarding ageats, - Storage, free traefcara. -" Offieea and aaorage. 47 -ansae at. IStk and GUaan. Mata e. A-l la. rORTLAkD VAk A Mt6kAqk? C.'g'K'aw- NOTICES warebeoae. Vra and vermin proof roetaa, treaJk aad rng van Its, ateam baated piano room. Aa Inapectlea ' will eoavtaee roe if our aw perio tacilHlea, Boesebeht geoda skipped at Seduced rrelgkt Rata la Taroagh Cara, Mov fng. packing Shipping. Jfitb aad Kearnev. Wale Sg4Q, kiMO. 01y Offlee, tfi Wtark.; fa " O." PICK Tranafar Storage Co. " olrTce and eommodiooa 4 atavy brick warasonae with separate ires leeene aad fireproof vaalt for valaablaa. N. W, eoraav M aad Ptse ata. Plaae aad foraltore Baorod aad peeked for abtpptng. Cpedal rates aaade oa oer goods, is ew tkroofh cara, te all doaaeetle aad foreis -point. - Mala Bed. A-im. WE haa moved to eur row fireproof atorage warehooae, eerner Utk sod Uojt eta. Baated a Wno toooM. prl lata ioeked rooaaa for fami- ' tare, koaaokold goeda, Srenka. eto. Taenia aad BM'o vaaa for swrtng, forwardlaf -and die- ' trtbsUng Ageat, Olaea-Boe Traaaler Co. Mais 847. A224T. UtVTit kacwaraing "Co.'sof If. Exes, bldg.; cat rata freight on boeacseid foods 1 throogk eara te all doxeeette and foreigs sointai aatwaobiloa : arwaJeae. Vet Marahall C7. ' - MANMko.WABEHOt'k . TRAKaPta C04 13th an atvoratt eta., oa Terauaal Track a. 1 Planoa aad furniture noed. packed aad aktpnod. Pheaea; Main fOa. A-SSI4. SOGAG Tranafor Sarvloo Co., S3 Ola atT Mala lap. A-1208. CMTED Tranafee Co. Storage and general hanllag. 851 Jefferaon. Mar. Sne4. A-40SS. wnrpow cxxAwrJia (Aee Beel SaUte SoeUovF mxb-s ast wnarars nnnwm ' COLUMBIA Xeekweae MfC- Co., 83 8tk' at jORBAxtrirTAL WTM I A3TQ Tmplf (Ana Real rotate fcectW-n.)' PATsTS. on, ART CHASS ''(See Real XaUte Becttoe.) - rm pryg f n't inobwyalts 'U. f kUV,"81 rYon. it." " " rXTJMnrO STEABI STJTTLtXS M. L. KUSt, 4-ed front at." 1TPB WOOT PTPB FORTLAMD WOODPIP"CO etorr ani - off lea near 24th and Tor ata., Mala 84. Portland Cordage Co. TRtryyj art, babb kl-LThOMAU Trunk A Bag Co. , - ad-afTuU Water . Wboleaale SBtra, trunk a, . soltcaaoa. Special trenka and eaaee wade to ordae. WALL TAPIR -(See Seal KaUte eertkn.)' Tf 7 .1