The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 10, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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' STOCK TOTAL $31,100
"Poison" Scare Was
the Rev. Frank Hopkins of Richland
last week seems to have been nothing
more than a scare on the part of the
preacher and his wife, as the analysis
of the baking powder, milk and salt,
said to have been poisoned, showed no
poison whatsoever, according to the
strength by the tlme It was analysed.
The officials are puzzled over the
case. Sheriff Rand la now at 'Rich
land Investigating the affair.
News of Roosevelt.
Manaos. Uraxil, April 10. Members
of the Roosevelt party arrived with the
news that the colonel and the rest of
his companions probably would reach
Manaos the end of the month.
Auto Drives Off Ferry, 2 Drown.
Norfolk. VV. Va, April 19. When an
automobile they were driving plunged
from a ferry boat into the Elisabeth
river, John Tully and W. J. Canavan ;
Mostly Just "Scare"
I were drowned. , r-Jj"
Analyst rails to Shew That Death
Sealer Bad Been Placed la rood of
Bichlaad Tamlly. ' :
Baker, Or., April 10. The alleged
attempted poisoning" of the family of
report of the state bacteriologist. In
spite of this fact. Rev. Mr. Hopkins
maintains that poison was placed In
tbetn, and that It was cyanide of po
tassium, which . probably lost i Its
Clean Dry Blockwood
Knight and Rock Springs coal. Green
slabs, short or 4 foot. Albina Fuel Co.,
East 182. C-1117. (Adv.)
Trade Committee of Cham
ber'of Commerce Pursuing
. Aggressive Policy,
Easter Apparel for the Family
II . - - - . -n li
rtuidameiital Element of rian 1 That
It Be Community Enterprise
With Han? Subscribers.
- Support for the Portland-Alaska
steamship Una Increases. Four nev
subscriptions to the stock of the Fort
land Steamship company were reported
today by Arthur II. Devers of thi
Chamber of Commerce Alaska trade
commute, as follows:
Klelschner,-Mayer & Co $1000
John C Alnsworth 1000
Mason, Khrman & Co 1000
I). P. Thompson Kstate 1000
.Mr. Alnsworth's subscription was
counted when it was promised a few
days ago. The other 13000 added to
' the last Sunday report of $28,100
'makes a, total of $31,100. The com
mittee on Alaska trade Is working: ag
gressively, both in increasing: the num
ber of subscriptions and in perfecting
the organization of the company.
The fundamental element of the. plan
for organization Is that it shall be a
Community enterprise with many sub
scribers, especially the younger busi
ness men of the city. Such a plan, A
la said, will not only, command suc
cess, but establish . here a new and
. Vital trade extension ollcy.
to All irKi
Thriving city that has been made port of call by Portland-Alaska Steamship line.
go over her. She sails in an hour."
We went aboard the AlkL She lias
accommodations for 140 passengers
and takes from 1000 to 1200 tons of
freight and has all the business she
can handle. After we had gone from
bridge to engine room, Mr. Strong
laughingly said, "It seems odd to
think that Ketchikan, a town of 2200
people, can finance a steamship line
and make good money at it, when
Portland, a city of 250,000 or moro
people, are doubtful of their ability
to finance a steamship line. Not only
that, we bought our boats outright
and you are only leasing yours. It
might be well for some of your Port
land capitalists to tome up to Ketch
ikan and learn how to . operate a
steamship line. It might be they could
secure the necessary financial back
ing here if you can't get it in Port
land." . Man Stack to Xt.
During the afternoon Mr. Strong in
troduced me to his partner, J. C. Bar
ber, another young man whose only
capital was his brains his energy and
Mj staying ability when he came te
Ketchikan 10 years ago. Accompanied
by Mr. Barber and Mr. Strong, I went
through their new five story concrete
storage warehouse.
"The building itself cost $30,000,"
said Mr. Barber. "The insulation, the
cork floors and the machinery
$35,000. This is one of the three first
buildings in Alaska."
We went up on the elevator to the
fifth floor, where lg tons of Ice is
t made each day. The Ice is sent down
by an automatic cradle to the storage
room on the fourth floor. As needed
it Is run by means of a gravity chute
to the electric ice crusher. There is a
heavy demand for crushed ice to, ice
fresh fish for shipment to Seattle. All
funds In that bank insufficient to J- ' -' mibumo naiiout tnippN
cover the check and had stopped pay- f.rom h,ere m"8t e lced to lnsure de-
Sold His Market;
Waiting for Money
Benry Stretbig of Oregon City Says Be
Bas Been . Made the Victim of
Traadnlest Scheme.
Oregon Clty,r Or., April 10. Henry
W. fitrelbig, who In seeking the Demo
cratic nomination for sheriff of Clack,
amas county, nays he believes that he
lias ben made the victim of an al
leged "skin" game.
Last Monday he sold his meat mar
ket to K. W. McEwan and F. D. Ort
The purchasers gave two large checks
on Seattle banks and a chattel mort
gage in payment. The purchasers, who
claimed that their homes are in Cali
fornia, took possession at once.
Yesterday an Oregon City bank and
Strelbig received notice that the larg
est of the two checks was not good.
Strelbig says the new proprietors ex
plained that they had found their
File, Withdraw,
Klamath County
Two Seznoeratic, One Republican, Bow
la Field for Boml nation for County
Judge Support Divided.
Klamath Falls, Or., April 10. Two
candidates are in the field for the
Democratic nomination for county
judge, and Judge Will S. Worden is
unopposed for the Republican nomina
tion. Monday W. W. Jm!th, a 'rancher,
whose father as county judge built the
first courthouse, filed his announce
ment. Wednesday Rollo C. Groesbeck,
an attorney, and Marion Hanks, a mer
chant, also filed for the Democratic
Learning of this, former County
Judge J. B. Griffith, who filed as a
Democratic candidate last week, with
drew from the race. He declared that
he entered the race only after urging
upon the part of his friends on their
assurances of solid Democratic and
much Republican strength.
Taft. Cal.; April 10. Standard Oil
company well No. 5. near Taft, which
"came in" last Wednesday, is a blaz
ing torch today, lighting the country
for many miles. It has developed
into one of the most prolific "gass
ers" in the history of the Midway Oil
fields. An effort will be made next
week to control the flames.
Motor Track Kills Babe.
San Francisco, April 10. Thomas
McGee, 3 years old, was killed by a
motor truck, and J. G. Murdock, the
driver, was locked up charged with
ment, but would pay the amount in
cash In a day or so. Strelbig today
alleges that last night the men took all
the money taken in during the past
four days, cleared the safe of its val
uable papers, paid their hotel bills and
(Continued From Page One)
livery in good order. So you see this
: Ice plant will meet a much needed demand..
From the cold storage plant we
I walked back to the power plant of the
Citizens" Light, Power & Water com.
1 pany.
Structure Is Modern.
It is of the most modern construe
tion and furnishes abundant light and
power for the city. The city water
system. Js;worth a separa.ajjicje so
l win not anempi to aescrme ll now.
J. C. Barber is the president, and Mr.
i Strong the secretary. The company
! consists of Mr. Barber and Mr. Strong,
flnrt th EVRtem rpnrPHpnt nn nutlav nf
at Wrangell I came down to what is over $200,000. It was a money maker
now Ketchikan to size it up. from the start. While MrJ Strong is
Good Fishing Found. also operating a mine or so, and nu-
"I found there was a fishing sta-' serous other Industries, I have shown
. tlon here where they put up salted ' now opportunity comes to the man who
salmon bellies, and where the fishing ,s willing to grasp it in Alaska, and how
t company operated a small store. hundreds of young men can make for-
, "T bought a' lot and put up a small tunes in Alaska by the exercise of
building and moved my stock of goods ' courage to strike out for themselves
4 down here! One thing led to another end make their own way in our new
until now I have a good many irons In ' treasure house Alaska.
; the, fire and all of them are right un-1
der my eye, so my various enterprises 1
Our Christmas Savings Club
Closes May First Join Now !
You will need money next Christmas.
Here is an easy way to get it. Deposit a
few cents weekly in our Christmas Savings Club
and we will mail you a handsome check two
weeks before Christmas.
JOIN NOW, the Time Is Short. ,
Get Your Friendt to Join.
Have your Church, Sunday School or So
ciety form a Club. - r. -
Everybody should , join. Christmas will soon
L? be here and you will need the money.
Merchants National Batik
are growing and thrlvlns with th
growth of the city, ir you have a few
hours to spare I will show you some
of them.
"I found that I was bring charged
excessive prices for my freight, so I
bought a little steamer, the Alert, for
$3000. This solved the freight prob
lem, but I soon discovered I would
need a dock, so I purchased 60fr feet
of waterfront and put in a dock. Then
Ifound I was being held up for fuel,
so I went Into the coal business and
added oil as a side issue. To get
freight to make my boat profitable 1 1
secured an interest In a couple of sal- i
mon canneries. Soon I had more ;
freight than I could handle, so I '
bought a larger boat for $9000. Mean
while I found that it would pay me to I
put In a public dock, so I organized
: the Northland Dock company, which
Is a good money maker. When the
dynamite ship, the Alkl, went on the i
rocks I bought her for about 10 per
cent of her value and soon had her
afloat. . She Is of solid white oak. cop-'
per riveted and was built In Maine.
C. II. Block and myself now own the
Northland Dock comnanv and w aim
operate the Northland Steamship comt
"We have two boats, the Alki and
the Northland. The Alki is at the
dock now. Come on down and we will
Restored to Health
Warner's Sid More Than Any other
Mrs. L. C Flgg
suffered intensely
for months from
kidney and liver
trouble, but found
relief and health
in Warner's Safe
Kidney and Liver
"I was ill and
miserable for
months with back
ache, sick head-
a c h e, dizziness,
rheumatism, pains
and neuralgia, I
had kidney and
After taking other
medicines with little or no relief, I
-tried Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
Remedy. The urinary disorders and
pains disappeared and my health and
strength returned.. Six bottles effect
. ed a complete cure." Mrs. L. C. Flgg,
449 Dahln at., Chicago, 111.
Most people do not realise the prev
alency and alarming increase of kld-
ey disease. When the kidneys sre
diseased me urio acid is not carried
off, causing gout, lumbago and rheu
matism. Warner's Safe Kidney-and
Liver .Remedy possesses remarkable
remedial qualities and la pleasant to
take. At an druggists in 60c and $1
sixes. Write for free sample to War--ner'sr
Safe. Remedies Co., Dept. 38$,
bladder trouble.
77ie Store of Stglo
UT another day and Easter Sunday is here,
and the lilies and the chicks, and the fresh
flowers, all of these are symbolic of the
new life in all nature at this season and beckon
you to don your new and best attire and thus
multiply the pleasures of that grand day. What
a satisfaction it is to you to know and to feel
that you are correctly and properly dressed for
the occasion. To be sure of it is to wear a
Bradbury Suit
the best for style, fabric, fit and wear. These
Clothes have stood the test -of time and have
made more friends and permanent customers
for us than any other. Priced upward (DQA
from. . ..... ...... . . 4aCiU
'1 .
- 111111
HERE at this big, reliable store
are smart Easter wearables
for all! A store where last
day selection brings the largest as
sortments, the most careful and
painstaking service an assurance
of quality that means satisfied cus
tomers. For the. Man
A wealth of fine Clothes. Stein
Bloch, Atterbury System and R. B.
Fashion Clothes, all ready-for you
to slip int6. New Dunlap and
Brewer Hats, new Easter Haberdashery.
For "Her"-
Our Women's Shop on the Third
Floor is radiant with beautiful Eas
' ter (Apparel. New Suits, Dresses,
Jaunty Coats, Separate Shirtwaists.
A shop of different and distinctive
For the Boys
and Children
It's a relief for mothers to choose the boys'
needs here in the Ben Selling Juvenile Store,
on the second floor. Everything a boy wears,
except shoes. Splendid Blue Serges for Easter.
Natty Spring patterns of every description. Top
Coats for the little fellow. New Hats, Blouses,
Neckwear, etc.
Young Men's Clothes in a separate section of
its own on the second floor. Sole Portland
agency for "L" System the Young Men's
Clothes in a class by themselves, for style and
Our Man's and Juvenile Departments
open Saturday night for convenience of
those who cannot shop during the day
Easter Sundries
Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear,
Waist Coats, Hats and Shoes of the best
known makes, styles, materials; and shades
at surprisingly low prices.
I Your credit is good with us. Have your Easter
requisites, charged to you and arrange to remit
it in weekly or monthly payments. This, ac
commodation is absolutely free.
Ask for People's Trading Stamps.
. Corner of
'Outfitting TenlhStreel
.The Store of Service:
lVVSlVlr I TL r T I
QC ATTT 17 urcc uay . . a rains
Intermediate One Night Tram
Stations J
Daily, Two Day Trains, toi SOUTH BEND
at,x, S ' RAYMOND
HOQUIAM Thr Train. Daily
Use the Pioneer Line
Coaches, Smoking Cars, Parlor Cars, Dining Cars on Day Trains.
And the Famous Northern Pacific Dining Car Service, 'with those
GREAT BIG BAKED POTATOES. Coaches and Tourist and
Standard Sleeping Cars on Night Trains. ,
Daily, June 1 to September 30, to all Points East
Stopovers allowed. Long return limit.
May 19 and 20 to Chicago.
May 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, to Atlanta, Ga.
TICKETS and Information, 255 Morrison. Phones Main 244, A-1244
A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A Portland. Or.
Go To
For Easter Sunday
And Easier Holidays
Gearhart and Seaside
Hotels and Resorts are ready
to give you all hospitable at
tention. Springtide at the
Beach most delightful. Week
end trip, $3; longer $4.
Traips 8:10 A. M. Daily
Saturday 6:30 F. M.
With Observation Parlor Cars.
North Bank Station 10th and Hoyt
Ticket Office 5th and Stark
Work flsialiad ia one day whn ra-
utiti oxm fsicxs.
Good Xntobar Plataa, each ....... $5.00
Th Beat Xad Bubbar Plata.
acli . i...... 97-50
23-karat Gold or Forcalaia
Crown i .98.00
23-karat Brldf Taetb, g-uaraataad.
each . ......9aaO
Wise Dental Go.
FhOMt Xain 8039, A.-8039 -'
railing- Bldan 3d and waaoiartoa
Plata. With nexibl Suction .
Th very best and latest! in modern
dentistry. No mora falling plates.
Wkat We' Oaa't Oaaraatee We Doa't Do
! Hi
You might call it "bottled sunshine'
For it looks "so clear and bright
And it's always pure and wholesome;
You can drink it day and night.
Brewed ty Henry Weinhard Brewery
Za. large or aman fcottlee ram for a ease today.
Main 72; A-1172
Rochester, w. X.