-K.iifc J'Jt) J. 1X11 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL'S. 1914. 18 ROOMS AND BOARD IS APARTMENTS 4S CA8A ROBA, corner 6th and Jefferson; .THJfl CROMW-.L.U. lrge. airy rooms wltn running i in mo w)'"'""" ? . ' ter; Deautirui jiwn, noma cooiting; i u im ;'"'"; ""il-, table board a specialty. KOOU3 1X9 SOAJtB F KIT ATX -T 73 FRONT, airy, well furnished room, walking: distance, phone and bath, breakfast and supper if desired, F. 23. Journal. I . IK school girl would like to give her services out of school hours In ex change for room and board call up A- 2836. J PRIVATE room and board, all con venience; neat and clean. ,161 N. 71th ti ments; minutes' walk to snooping and theatre district; new building, every convenience. UNDER OWNER'S MANAGEMENT. WIL.I, give good board and room to children, good care guarantee-. - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST BIDE ! 8 COMPLETELY furmsned 1 room apt., with kitchenette, steam beat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room: 1 blocks from 6th and Mor rison sts., $16.60 and up. 291 Columbia St., corner 6th. j ' SHEFFIELD apartments, 272 Broad way. 8.. cor-Jeff erson, easy walking distance, 3 or 4 rooms with private baths, very reasonable rent, best serv ice, splendid arrangements, ah outside rooms, direct pnonea, WANTED TO REJiT ' (Continued.) WE need good furnished and unfur nished bouses and bungalows, to 7 rooms. We have people waiting for thm at all prices, but don't want any thing1 that will not bear close inspeojisil Cole'. 5-pass AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES (Continued.) 44 USED-AUTO SNAPS. LIBERAL i TEAMS. GIVEN. 1912 Reo, 6-passi -.S550 ivia neo. a-nass i. ............ ou FOR KAT.W MISCELLANEOUS 19 (Contlnned.) : PROPOSALS IXVirED tion or is not worth the prices asked. N,. Clara A Co., Title s Trust mag. A-7817. Main 6423. ... 760 Burch Apartments New, modern, furnished 2 room apts.. bath, phones, dressing room, fine loca tion. 110 N. 21st at. Marl 4140. W car. THE TiiOM ASHEN, 3d and Harrison, 2 t room h. k. suites 88.60 weeK up. ur nlghed single rooms. $2.60 week up. Wteam heat, hath, phone, laundry free. 8PLENUIU housekeeping rooma, 472 Madison street, reasonable; refer ences required. TWO small pieaaant outside house keeping rooms, free heat, cooking run, 13.25 week. 402 Park.j HEINZE APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. ; Furnished 2, 3, 4 room apartments, all conveniences, first class, homelike, reasonable rates; ref. M; 7337, A-3816. 1, 2, 3 ROOM housekeeping suites. Brick bldg., hot, cold water, bath, pnone, rree., wgnninijwn. THE ORLANtKX COR. 20TH AND WASH- STS. $40 Elegant 2 room furnished apts.. corner rooms; outside, ! bath, every modern convenience. rtef.. Marshall 184. ANGELA APARTMENTS. 39 Trinity Place Modern 2, 3 and A rnnm ftirnlahpd nrtrenta. TeflRon- TWO extra light, well furnished house- able rates. Marshall 1960, apartment seeping rooms, ireo iieui, cwuu) . gas, reawoname. rar . ITD VfOUIT n O MA an rll H Vl f wl FURNISHED housekeeping rooms a 1 1 Bteam neat, etc.; easy talking dis The Alvln, very cheap. 14 8 Grand j tance. Onlv 822.50 per month. Also eve., near K. Morrison at. East 706. Cambridge bid., furnlsh'd H. K. rooma, central, cheap. 16 3d., cor. Morr'n. JtOYCRKST. 176 12th Suite -2 large rooms, hIho Blngle. All conveniences. SUITE 2 ni'-e II. K. 272 Montgomery. rooms, 13 week. NICE front room and housekeeping rooms, $2. 4 240 Park st. ,; SECOND floor. 769, Journal: $3, facing; west. HOUBXZIiE-IIt- BOOKS WEST SIDE FK-VATXt -AMXX,Y 73 cne 2 room apt., $18. Yamhiu. 137 lTih st., near MOVTr.nMRRV APARTMENTS. 3d and Montgomery; new, modern brick building, automatic elevator; 2 room " li , 1 . Inntaa' Spin,, lUriliSIieU L'UIUICLC, AV Uimu:o walk to P. O.. $20 to $30. Main 9466 MORTON anartments. corner Wash ington and King, 3 room furnished and S room unfurnished apartment also cheap apartments on ground floor; walklner distance. Main 1082. A-1108. THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup, 6 room fur. or unfur. apts.. with bath and all modern conveniences: phone, etearn lieat. gas, electric lights, etc.; "W" car to 2st & Northrup. M. 4376 ... Wanted Quiet Room Man working nights wants quiet room to sleep days. X-580, Journal. HORSES AND VEHICLES 18 MR. W. H. FRENCH of Hardman has turned over to us 37 head or horses and mules for sale; these horses wen taken on mortgage and. must be sold. Ther will all be sold under our guar antee. It will pay anyone looking for horses to can and inspect tnese. Haw thorne Stables, 420 - Hawthorne avc Phone E. 72. B-1369. 1911 Studebaker-Garford, 4-pasa. ..800 Overhauled in our' shop and guaran teed. - See them before you buy.. Northwest Auto Co, Broadway and Couch Sts. - LOOK! SNAP! Late model Sfudebaker electric coupe, cost $2760, first class condition, for quick sale only $500; don't wait. Call today; a real sacrifice. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch. Storage. $3 Per Month Look! Uokl i Have carload eastern Or. horses; well broken, 1100 to 1600 lbs. All guaran teed. 186 H Madison, on west approach of Hawthorne bridge. - i Fire resisting: bulldlnr. day and j" i night service, expert repairing, gaso line ana on. OREGON GARAGE, 190 Chapman st. Between Taylor and Yamhill. BUGGY SALE. Large stock of Michigan top buggies. pony vehicles and farmers hacus, spring, delivery and open driving wag ons, at greatly reduced prices. P. E. Esbenshade, 214 Front, cor. Salmon. LIVERY barn, boarding stables, stor- age, 62x92. storage 52x62, stables 4.x 70, one 4 family house, woodshed 3 Ox 40. Long "lease if desired. D. , J. Forbes, 163. Grand ave. Phone E. 378, TWO or three match teams and a num ber of all sized horses left from the last shipment, which I will sacrifice at a bargain at 25 N 14th St., between Burnside and Couch. U. S. Stables Just received a carload good horses, mares, all sizes. G. D. Williamson, 24S Front." TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO, "The Tire Shop.- 650 Washington sc. at 18th Marshall 379. We buy and sell used tires and do First Class Tire Repairing, WANTED All grades scrap rubber. highest cash prices paid; phone us our man will call and buy what you have. J. Leve, 186 Columbia, M. 6198. SECOND hand office furniture. Ma hogany 60 inch rollton desk. 2 oak flat top S-roll top desks. 10 chairs. 1 sale, l nooKKeeper s aesx. susnong et Co., 91 Park st. WAITED MISCELLANEOUS S HIGHEST prices paid for furniture, ranges, stoves: will trade new up right Tlaso. - whatever merchandise you have, satisfaction guaranteed for fair dealings. Grand Rapids Furniture Co.. East 6462; 126 Grand ave. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 208 1ST. i t MARSHALL B981 Will pay best price for your furniture, carpets, stoves, 1 etc, etc. New and second hand furniture our specialty. WANTED The pec?:e of Portland to know that I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to consider. Prompt attention. N. M Seateri Fast 6707. 143 Russell st. IN the District court of the United States for the District of Oregon: In the matter of M. Hachiya, bank rupt. REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will receive sealed bids for the fol lowing stock,- fixtures, etc situated in tne ouuatng formerly occupied by m, NOTICES (Continued) 20 for sale the goods, chattels and per sonal property in said mortgage de scribed, at public auction to th? high est bidder for cash In hand, ' for th purpose of paying and satisfying the amount due on s&td mortgage to-wlt: $2700.00, and interest thereon from the 1st day of January, lsa., at ine rate oi I,-OTICES f continoad.) T . 28 Hachiya. corner Fifth and Flanders f7 per annum, the further sum of $450 "NOTICE TO MOVERS." Just opened .up. We must have $1000 worth of second-hand furniture at once. Will bay top notch prices. Wil liams Ave. Furn. Exchange. EaBt 630. streets. Portland. Orceon Parcel No.-l. American goods consisting sf gents' fur nishings, clothing, shoes, notions, dry goods, jewelry, Zg hardware, paints, groceries, r eta,, of the inventoried value of ; $ 6,137.68 Parcel No. 2. Japanese mer chandise, groceries, etc., of the inventoried value or. . . . 4,116.77 Parcel No. 3. Fixtures, ma chinery, etc.. in said store of the inventoried value of. 2,070.83 Parcel No. -4. Hotel furniture and fittings situated at Fifth and Flanders streets, of the inventoried value of. 1,781.28 f'Feldstein" Highest prices paid for second-hand furniture, tools, clothing. E. 1031, B-2717. i ' AUTOSPRINUbfr ' Frank Lanire. 228 Salmon. Main 181. HIOTORCYCLES - BICYCLES 55 DAYTON motorcycles; regular and two speed .models; all makes of used ma chines; Dayton service; sundries, re palring. Dayton Cycle Co.. 210 BToad y Murphy Horse & Mule Co, Sells on commission, horses, mules, ve hicles, harness. Auction every Monday and Friday. 10 a. m. 240 E. 8th, E. 6315. SPLENDID housekeeping rooms with Dutch kitchen: also sleeping rooma. laundry, heat; $1.50 to $4.50 week. poRTNOMAH apartments. Five extra Monthly rates. Walking distance. 675 1 large rooms unfurnished, hardwood t'ouch,' corner 18th. " I f loorn. phone, etc. Walking distance. THREE neatly furnUh...! ! hniiHekeen-I East 13th and layior, ing rooms, conveniences, heat fur- nlHhed, water in, walking distance, $3.R0 week. 609 Johnson. TWO large, comfortable rooma. bouse - keeping, connecting; phone, light, hath, etc.; yard; walking distance. 253 Chapman st. Marshall 3938. NICE clean front housekeeping rooms, summer rates. $2.f0, $3 week; walk ing distance; 8 N. 21st stl BUCK apartments, 107 N. 21st st., fine ly furnished 4 room apartments with sleeping porch and front porch, walk ing distance. ' . - TWO nicely furnished housekeeping. rooms with light and water, $2.60 a week. 806 Vaughn. NICE pleasant front 11. K. rooms, all conveniences, reasonable. 321 W. Park. . FURNISHED H. K. moms, $1.25 week up. 366 1st. near Mill THE DEZENDORF. . 208 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. 1 elegant 5 room unfurnished apt. Also elegant 6 room furnished apt. PAKKHUKST APTS., 20th and North rup, one 3-room beautifully fur nished front . apt. W tar. Refer ences. ' THE HYLAND. 490 Morrison Apts., 1 room and kitchenette, $16; 2 rooms, $20; gas. electricity and tieat included. Front suite, 2 rooms, $?8. CIX)SE in front suite, 3 south win dows, run go, porch. 633 Yamhill. TWO large housekeeping rooms, sink. range, phone,, hath, gas.' 308 13th. LARGE, airy front housekeeping suites. 206 iSth-Mt. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST (SIDE! 48 75 CENTS. Why pay more when you can get unfurnished housekeeping rooms for 76c per week each? Gas plate fur niahed. Belmont Apts., 480 Belmont St. Eaat R143. $1.60 to $2.75 week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas. free heat, laundry, baths. Phone East 6039; 406 Vancouver ave. NOKOMIS APARTMENTS. Modern 2 room! furnished apts., bath, phone, walking 'distance. $16 month up. 17th and Marshall. 'Mar. 4943. NEW, just finiahied, 2;tos4 room apts., rent from 316 tb 3201 including steam heat and hot water. Call 8S8 E. 6th St.. North, or. phone Woodlawn 2622. LUZERNE APARTMENTS. Cor. 3d and Hall. 2 room furnished apts. Strictly modern, brick bldg., 8 mln. from P. O. Prtces right. Mar. 4637, TRY Harrison Couri apts.. close in. - modern conveniences. 6th and Har rison. Main 6148. 2 AND 4 room furnished and unfur nished apartments, steam heat, bath, 401 10th st. 2400 POUND team, almost new har ness, wagon, $140; 1600 pound young gelding, $176. Foot of E. Alder, Nick uiti & Kelly dock. WANTED Combination TYPEWRITERS SSj) S" RebuSt Typewriter Bargains: L. C. Smith N. 2 at $35.00 Smith PremleifNo. 10... 30.00 Smith Premier Nos. 5 and 9..... 17.60 Fox Visible No. 26 30.00 Victor No. 2 at 25.00 blickensdorfers, Densmores. etc- 10.00 THE J. K. GI&L CO.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save you .from 60 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder: retail depart cs H 1 anV drivinsc horse to weifirti About 1125 i mont WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER ds. jau at bio jearney, or pnone CO., 3Z1 wasftfc st, w-ain aoo-. . BEsT offer takes slightly used Oliver. auti sale cnao: lauu id. worn nor Be, 464 E. 26th st. s. true puller, nice small mare. wor single and double; also gentle to ride. 290 Union.tave., corner Clay. LAWNMOWERS wanted to sharpen on our automatic Tinder. Portland Lawnmowerj Hospital, Sellwood 205. We call for 'and deliver. - WE WILL BUY Your furniture at square prices. Owl FuRniture Co.. 231 1st st. Main 4627. Total . . ...$13,106.64 Bids will be received upon said prop erty up to and until Monday, April 6, 1914. at 12 o'clock noon, at my office. rthe same to be received upon parcela as aoove set forth numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4, and for tke property as a whole. Should ie total of the hiehest bids for each of the parcels as above set forth be greater than the highest bid for the -whole, the said bids will be ac cepted subject to the approval of the court for said parcels: but should the highest bid for the whole be greater man tne total of the higiiest bids for each of the parcels, the said highest ma ror tne wnoie win do accepted UK WISE ret mora for vour second hand furniture by selling It to Ford , tif led check for 10 per cent 10) of Auction Co.; 211 1st. Main 8961. 'the amount offered. rental in arrears, and the further sum of $150.00 attorney's fees, as provided lo in the said chattel mortgage lease, and for coats and expenses Incurred in said sale.- The nroDertv to be soid and which is described in said mort gage consists of all of the furniture, furnishings and fixtures -contained in that certain three story oricK apart ment house and premises, known as the l.inroin Anartments. suuaiea at tne southeast corner of Fourth and Lin coln streets. City of Portland, county or iiuimoman ana iaie oi uregon, No.. 207 Lincoln treet. being the fur. niture, carpets, curtains, bedding and appurtenances in tnirty-six apart ments, containing seventy-four rooms. a comoleto list and inventory of whicS said property is contained in the bill of sale made, executed and delivered by H. C. Wulf. the lessor .and mort gagee, to said H. F Villiger, the lessee and mortgagor. Tb said furniture, furnishings and chattels being th same as has heretofore been sold by the said H. C. Wulf to H. F. VlUlger on the 31st day of October. 1911. and also all of the furniture, carpets, fur niture, fixtures and chattels of every description and character which have since been placed in tne premises hereinabove described by the said ! H. F. Villiger,. or his successor, to re place or renew the same, and all chat tels of every nature, kind and descrip tion contained in the said premises GUNS and Cameras wanted; highest prices paid. 31 H N. 3d. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras, Hochfeld. 44A N. 3d st. Main 3581. WANTED Good sized grocers refrig - erator. Phone Tabor 139. WE tint rooms for $2.50; paint hous at your price. Main 4122. LOST AND FOUND 21 WANTED Horse, 950 to 1100 lbs.. state price, no dealers, c-898. Jour nal, i WANT horses, one -or more; will ex change clear real estate, lots or acre age G. L. Webb, 414 E. Stark. WANT 1400 pound, team in exchange i or stock. real estate or manufacturers' Call Tabor 3671. HORSE, harness and delivery wagon for .sale cheap; must sell within 3 days. Sellwood 1333. NEW, rebuilt 2d hand rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 213 Stark. M. 1407. MUSICAIi INSTRUMENTS 34 WILL pay cash for second-hand piano of good make; good opportunity for person who wishes to dispose of their piano for a player piano; state In let ter why you are selling, also if you would consider trade for horse. Age of instrument must be known, also when it can be seen. -L-771. Journal. MY Hardman grand piano, parlor slze, for a small upright piano and some rush- m v niano- is 6 years old; am LIGHT team to exchange for city 1 moving to apartment and have not broke delivery team. 2008 E. Stark. ! room to keep it; will show instrument Tabor 1865. at convenient place, upon receipt of FOR SALE Several farm, "delivery I your letter containing full particulars, and lumber wagons in good condi-j L-772. Journal. tion: bargains. F. A. Kenney, 371 1st. I WANTED Several good square WE haul your dead horses and cattle I pianos; will concede their value up free of charge. Call dsfy or night, j to $100. Write or calL Reed-French, Tabor 4203. j 10th and Stark (new location), Port- GOOD - i.nch team, harness and wagon, Vnd- , $175. 1029 E. Yamhill st. .WILL sell my $500 Lawson piano, ma- f hncr rv fa no for S300'. Brood as new. 35 j Speedwell Motor Car Co., cor. 14 th and Couch sts. : THE following articles were found on the cars of tjie Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. and turned in at the different division points. Owners may have same by applying at barns as indicate-. i ound on c barn. Phone 2 pairs of lunch boxes, fish basket, Found on cars ADril 2. 1914. Ankeriy barn. A-6131: One "package merchan dise, 1 book, 1 can of paint, 2 purses, 1 curry comb. 3 ; umbrellas. Found on cars April 2, 1914, Pied mont barn. Phone A-6131: Six umbrel las, 3 suitcases, 1 lunch box. 1 purse, 1 pin, l booK, 5 miscellaneous articles. Articles found on the cars April 2, 1914, savier street car house A-6131: One piece castings Dreiia. subject to' the atDroval of the court aii Dias must ne accompanied py cer- belonging to said mortgagor, or liis successor. The said mortgaged prop. Inventory of the above stock and fix tures may be seen at my office and upon the premises, where the property may be inspected. R. L. SABIN. 740 Morgan Bldg., Portland. Or. NOTICES . 26 CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice Is hereby given that by au thority of the terms and conditions of that certain chattel mortgage lease dated the 31st day of October, 1911. given by H, F. Villiger, mortgagor, to H. C. Wulf. mortgagee, recorded in Book 51. at Daee 211 of the Records of Chattel Mortgages of Multnomai 2d the note of nt less than $250 in any one payment, to- geiner witn interest at the rate or 7 per annum, and also securing the payment of the rentals reserved in said chattel " mortgage lease, the con ditions whereof have been -broken, an.l said mortgagee having declared the debt thereby secured, . to-wlt: the bal- the note the 1st the rate of er sum of $450, rental due under said chattel . VAi 'k. .,k.;h.V 1 VBny. state of Oregon, on the 1-, K- uni-iuuui,,Htu Mm.V... mil 1 v G- -a. w w . ia v. , w . n.r.& .m . 1 "I kniii. rte i tr t a 1 , J"- ti -n v m vet Lain Luuiuiaury t ..,!-.. 1 .rf- . w Ml mil nll" I 11 iirviiiiuv iiiL.iin ii or 11 erty having been heretofore sold by The said . mortgagee has placed naid mortgage In :ny hands with -instructions to foreclose the same in-accordance with the provisions of said char tel mortgage lease, and In accordance therewith this notice is given. M. WIPRUT. Agent for H. C. Wulf, Mortgagee. Dated at Portland, Oregon. April 1st, 1914. STATEMENT t the ownership, man- . agem.nl. circulation, .etc i Y""" . Daily Journal, published dally, at Port- tana, ur, required oy tne - --- 24Note--Thls statement Is to be made In duplicate, both copies to be delivered by the publisher t the postmaster -who will send one copy to the third -v assistant postmaster general i.via.u-i -of classification). Washington. D. !C, and retain the .wther in the rues oi postoffie. . j ' " Editor, c. s. jacKson, ruruwu, Managing editor. O-o. M. Trowbridge, Porfiand, Or. 7 .. ; Business manager, A. iu.-i-land. v -. ' . .. . . . - Publisher. C. S. Jackson. Prtian, Or. ' -- ' . ' . 1' Ownera'i (If a , corporation, ve names and addresses .of stockholders holding3 1 per cent or mare of - total amount of stock.): . i C. S. Jackson. Portland, Orfc- Jos. N. Teal. Portland. Or. - . Geo. W. Bates, Portland, Or. ; Gordon Voj-hees. Portland. Or. Leon Cohen, Pendleton Or. lrs. L.i M. Bates, Portland,, Or. T. B. Wilcox. Portland, Or. j - Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders- holding -1 per cent or more of total amount of-bonus, mortgages, or othet securities; i ' C S. Jackson, PfcTUand, Or. t Geo. W. Bates. Portland. Or. . Gordon Vorhees. Portland. Or.-, " ll r TlmmiiRnn Pnrtlflnd Or Average number of copies of ach is-f sue or this publication sold or dis tributed, through the mails or other wise, to paid subscribers during the sit months preceding the date ef this statement. (This information Is re quired from dally newspapers only), 46,384. A. L. FISH, Business Manager. , , Sworn to and subscribed before me this- 1st day of April, 1914. ISEALJ A. W. CAUTHORN. Notar- Public for Oregon. (My Commission expires Sept. 7, 1914 ) Va Ar.rU 2 ebt thereby secured, . to-wlt: use Phone a.ce 02700.00 principal on u": n m I aforesaid, and Interest from ngs, 1 urn- day of jranuary 1914 at tne 7 per annum, and the furthei 0TES1XCK Wis hav several cars nign graae ana .t1ft gnfl-hnTie F-flat silver with , registered Holsteln and Guernsey . "liTf hc.mplee wUh case. S vTi".5r i as new; will sacrifice. Phone Sellwood cows to sell on time note. Mokel Cow Co.. 607 Commercial biock. ?f o"' Main 6120. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at The Alvln, very cheap. 1 146 4 Grand ave,, near E. Morrison st.! East -706. HOUSSXEEFIHa BOOKS EAST SID II PJUVATB TAKXXiT 74 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms in private family, sleeping porch, fruit, garden,. Union ave. and Williams ave. carsi 315 Graham ave. LIGHT front newly furnished house keeping rooms, gas, electricity, bath, telephone, walking distance. 370 Weld ler at Union. ; 3 CONNECTING housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, lower floor. 89 E. 8th N. East 1866. THE KEYSTONE, 414 Jefferson, 1.-2 and 3 room furnished apartments. Modern conveniences. Marshall 2710.1 669. or call 604 E. 18th st. THE LOIS, 704 Hoyt, nicely furnished 2 room apts., newly decorated, mod ern; references. Marshall 2011. EVELYN apartments, 26? N. 21st st., 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, modern conveniences. Marshall 1328. DURFEE APTS. 3 room furnished apt., private bath, nhone. steam heat. East 1066. LUCILLE COURT. 20th and Lovejoy. Mod. 3 room fur. apts.. sleeping porch, park. Mar. 2031. THREE pleasant housekeeping rooms, gas range, lawn, $12. jWdln. 1093. FOUR nicely furnished H. K. rooms. 16S Monroe st. Phone Woodlawn 622. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms cheap. '381 Ross st. East 8010. HOTEL GAYOSA. E. Stark and Grand ave. Apts. Sleeping rmi., $3.50 up no DRICKSTON. 44811th. 1 modern, low priced. 2 room apt. Marshall 67. NICELY furnished 3 room apt., water lights and heat. Eastil808. DOVER APTS. 3 rooms, unfurnished, $16. Inquire 387 N. 24th. Mar. 4836. ELMS. 191 14th St.. mod.f 2 and 3 room furnished apts. suites. Main 4175. LARGE. Jersey cow, lust fresh; ! KV1foJ5""ift mST- 3 LARGE Jersey cows just fresh; ! 1 1,1 . 1 I neavy. 111 iincrw . luuercumr iwieu. t n, T . Take Woodstock car to 69th ave., walk "' -"""" 3 blocks west to 38th st. -- FOR SALE $500 Kimball piano at IfrtR KATR TKorniiff-hhrort ,irr roif 3 uka w f 71 f ant i i i, i u i tromDone. comoieie m case, Irving sts. frhone East 217. ; cost $65, good as new, $35. Main 8333 TWO fresh cows, heavy and rich milk- i unrcviTni n noon for ftl 5 ers. 1860 Division , corner E. 71st. ' ff" SEJX V00" ror . POUITRY 37 ENTIRE furnishings residence, em bracing high grade Circassian and birdseye dressers and chiffoniers, beau tiful brass beds, complete; costly din lngroom suite, library table and leather rocKers, rugs, davenport, sanitary DAY OLD CHICKS AND SETTING EGGS v from Range Raised Trap Nested S. C wnite ivegnorn cnicKens. special ait. count April ureson .,-, . i aid opportunity -for those furnishing BROWNDALE FARMS, Inc. home: kell senaratelv. call today. 707 nt9atytint.tiS-cowh' umbrella stand, paintings, wa ?f Z?J?JJ? fPiJ ftff Zt ter colors, engravings, cut glass orna 1. Largest flock in the state of ments cu'Shions, pillows, china; splen- Box 106. Aurora, Oregon. EGGS from healtny, vigorous, range raised birds, White Orpingtons, Mam moth Pekin ducks, Brown Leghorn bantams, $1.60 netting, $7.60 a 100, cither kind. U. Mahler. Cleone, Or, Box 99. Phone Main 3799. VOn RENT HOUSES ia FOR RENT FLATS 13 9 ROOM HOUSE RENT $26. Walking distance, E. 12 & Burnside; faces south and east; fine large yard, lawn and shrubbery; key at office. C. A. RUFF, 823 Chamber of Commerce TO an elderly couple, 4 rooms and bath, all outside, rooms, linoleum on bath, kitchen, dining room and hall. Gas stove, hot water heat, hot and cold water. Rent $12 per month and 30 minutes' work per day. Phone V 4589. Call 526'. Montgomery st. a -- a . . lnrnn J I HT S MODERN 4 room lower flat, gas and f, .T.Li' ffl'Jfl1,ock wood ranges, linoleum In kitchen. dUcVf tVy i?rr?i Wl' lS8 walkinK distance; Mr block from car. discount ji. Burrell Investment Co.. kkq m.-- t ti Anrm ) I 1 . TV, .J v ...... " v - ........ . w . w $35 7 room modern house, at E. 65th N. 1, Burnside; nice lawn and shrub bery 2 carlincs. Prlgmore & Younger. 849 Morgan bldg. Main 7526. $15 5 room modern house, lawn and large garden, 1 block to car, 20 min utes to west side. Call at 1217 Gay st., St. Johns car. $10 3 room suite, with bath and gas. East 29th and Hawthorne ave. Bur- reu investment i:o., ZiiHH Third st $12.505. ROOM modern cottage, fine condition, garden, lawn. Woodstock. Sellwood 1335. TWO 4 room modern houses, 3 blocks car. close to Woodstock school. $10. 917 Hoard of Trade. , 6 ROOM modern house, near Haw thorne ave., $15 Including phone and water. Call 343 E. 35th st. cottage, partly fur- $5 TWO room nlahed. 1318 E. 18th St., East 864. N. Fhone $18 MODERN 6 room i house, 28th st., N. Phone East 670. 127 ES. CORNER 6 roorrt cottage. 640 E. 18th St.. 815: W-W. rr Marshall 1117 FOR RENT 6 room house corner E. tn and fine.. 5 ROOM cottage. 750 E., Ankeny st, $16. . wi........ pumice io r- 61. HOI SKS. Irvington. Kast 273. W. H. HerHman. ONE acre, 6 rooms, $12; fruit "berries. - iinrurn noiinf, DC lore. TaBOr -012 6 KuOM modern, house for rent. $12. inn viov. $12.0Oo ROOMS and bath. 685 Mont gomery at. near 17th.. East 4827. MODERN 6 room flats,! walking dis tance. 301 E. 12th, block Hawthorne ave. Kast 4133. INCUBATORS Miller's Pacific Coast Ideal combines low price with best possible construction, $8 to $30. Thir teen years on the coast. Sold by Chas. H. Lilly Co.. Portland. home; sell separately; call today.' 707 Marshall St., near 21st. WE buy, sell and exchange new and second-hand furniture of all kinds. Easy terms, low prices. M. Ostrow Co., 64 N. 3d. Main 1736. OAKHURST Poultry Yard, eggs for setting; can furnish incubator lots; 6 different breeds. Stock for sale. 1164 E. 18th N. Woodlawn 2906. FURNITURE Before buying second band goods. - see what you can do here on new goods, for cash. Get post ed William Gadsby. 1st and Wash. LIBERAL REWARD, We will nav a liberal reward for the i mortrac. io tnr ih m-h h i- return of a black driving horse, weight ning March' 1, 1914, due and payable, about 1000 lbs.j with large scar on . and payment thereof having been re left hind leg: black top buggy with i fused, I will, on Wednesday, the Sth red running gear. Outfit was stolen ' day -of April. 1914. at the hour of March 21 r'nlnmbln RtnKlen I - ,!-- . - -v. . . . V .. a n . .1 , . . I ,1C IIIC IIIBCS I ( 'U t- il IXJST A chased gold wedding ring, hereinafter described, as agent for plication. i tV ln,riln1An "Unlnl. A Vvra And on behalf ef Kald imnrtt-niTAO r.r- I SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned. l courthouse, until 12 M., Wednesday, April 29, 1914, for the plumbing of the Ladd, Ockley Green and Portsmouth schools. Plans and specifications mav be obtained at the office of F. A. Nar amore. superintendent of properties, 303 courthouse. Deposit of $2 is re- ?uired for each set of plans and sped lcatlons. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. ti. i nomas, scnooi cierK. must accom pany each proposal. Board of direc tors reserves the .right to reject a-iy and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk Dated April 2. 1914. . DEPOT Quartermaster's Office, San Francisco, Cal., March 6, 1914 Sealed proposals will be received until 10 a. m. April 6.- 1914, for supplies and services required hera durinr fis cal year commencing July 1. 1914, as. roiiows: Mineral oil. gasoline, ruel oil, smithing coal, ga and electric current, shoeing animals, drayage, rating chro nometers, annaing. water, towel serv LEGAL NOTICE OF SALE OF $61. 132.37 IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. . i . . . Sealed bids will be received for th$ purchase of $61,132.37 (own of Spring field improvement bonds by-lne town recorder of Eaid town at his office in ' the town hall, until April 26. 1914. -t 7:30 p. in., at which lime and piaco said bids will be opened and considered -by the .common council of. -said town. Said bonds will bear li.terest at a rnU not to exceed 6 per tent per annum, payable semi-annually, shall be date April 1. 1914, shall be in denominations of $260 or $500 eacb, exceptlng-one bond of $132.37, as may be convenient. Said bonds will be sold for the highest price obtainable, but r.ot less than par and accrued interest. Ulds will be con sidered for purchase of all or any part ,4 of salo bonds. The iignt is reservea to reject any or all bios. A certified check for $1800 will bo reqaired ax evidence of good faith. These bonds are based upon street paving improve ments and offered under the terms of the Bancroft bonding law as provided by chapter 5. title 26 of Lord's Oregon Laws, at directed by ordinance No, 394 of the town of Springfield. , Dated March 24. 1911. ' -(Seal) HERBERT E. .WALKER, Town Recorder. NOTICE I will not be responsible for with inscription "Ralnh and Eva. and on behalf of said mortgagee, offer I sept, zz, i75, i engraved on inside. Finder will receive $10 ($10) reward. Ire laiinderln' for nrmv ' trinannrti ' a, m., on the premises i scavenger service. Information on mi- I. nv 'i,uIh i-ontracted hv rav wifiv Amelia C. Eggert, a i-ne naa ten my I home. . WILLIAM EGGEBT. H. Ashley Ely. Y. M. C. A.. City LOST On E. Morrison st., in January. lady's watch, i engraved In back, "From Frsink to Alice," and date. I Finder call ! Woodlawn 694. Reward JNO. T. KNIGHT, D. Q. M. " h ; Professional and Business Directorji LOST Corner Kerby and Graham ave., A small Silver pin, -sljape of flower, with D. P. jT., 1905, on petals. Please return to owner, 677 Kerby st. LOST Part gold- watch fob; initials L. M. B., idate 6-20-13. Finder please return to 465 E. 63d st. LOST Shepherd dog with collar with yellow ldck. Call Tabor 41. Re ward. I : LOST Yellow collie, had collar on i with license tax No. 2194. Reward, j Main 4469.1 ABBTBACTS OF TITLX FOB property wltbla Uultooai b coanty u, r. seott. ievk 4tb t. Umta M13. ACCOKDION PLEATTMO. K. 6TEPHA Uem-tltchluc. accotdloo. sld and sunburst pleating; trattona coTered; gooda ponge- SellopinK. 388 Alder. M. 83TX ABT KATTKXBS WORK MAXT -&- tenoTated and to order, rut oely special admirable bop. MrhU 317. ATTOKHEY8 LOST Bunch of keys Sunday "morning on Russell st. Return to 186 Russell. PERSONAL 22 WE buy, sell aca exchange new and second hand furniture of all kinda Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction Com. Co. 191 Second st. Pr, J, J. Keefe LICENSED PHYSICIAN. My office is thoroughly equipped with, every electrical and mechanical device necessary for the scientific treatment of your aliments. I ' ADMINISTED THE WORLD'S LATEST REMEDIES. I treat successfully Acute. Chronic. Nervous, Blood, Skin, Bladder, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Rheumatism, Neurasthenia, Eciema, Sores, Ulcers, Piles and Fistula. consultation and examination rree. Hours: 9 to 6, 7 to 8 daily. Sundays 10 to 1. I Rooms 11 to 15 Lafayette bldg. 313 y Wash. St., Cor. 6th. THOMPSON Ringlet Barred Rocks, eggs for setting. Phone Tabor 187, route ;1, box 161. ONLY $1 setting from Cyphers Strain White Leghorns. Washburn Farm, Kennewick. Wash. TWO beautiful 4 room flats, fine view. 312, water included. One 3 room flat $8. 668 Market st. ! REMAINDER of season settings from my nigh class birds, 31, s. J. ti. 1. Reds. Black Mlnorcas. Woodlawn 9. NEW 6 room flat, rent $12.50. Kverett St.. K. A. car. 919 K. THOROUHBRED B. R. eggs, guaran teed fertile; B. it. cockerel. 704Ne-1 Marine halem, Sellwood. ROOM flat, pantry and basement; "$8 a month. 748 Water st. 2 IX)WER 7 room modern flats on 10th between Oak and Stark. Main 328. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Red eggs 75c for 15. at 299 Sacramento. East 3063. FtJRNISHED FLATS SO FURNISHED FLAT, 316.50 Well arranged, furnished 4 room flat, private bath, all outside rooms, only $16.50 per month; also some un furnished at 312.50 per month; tae "U" car to Russell St., walk west 3 blocks. Inaulra at 639 Commercial Court. HATCHING eggs from pure bred Bafred Rock, winter layers. 31 for 15. 6516 65th ave. (MHlard), Mt. Scott. $25. New modern . 4 room furnished lower flat walking distance, H block to Jefferson-Chapman car. 669 Market. HOTELS 64 Van Gorder Hotel MODERN: good home for good people; rates reasonable; try us. 106V 12th st.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Marsh. 2790. SUMMER RESORTS FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 FURNITURE of 6 room cottage for sale cl.eap; 3 rooms are paying the rent. 2.9 6th st. opp. Hotel Congress. FURNITURE of 12 rooma all re plete for housekeeping apartments; nice home for Tent. 500 Jefferson. FURNISHED HOUSES 38 FURNISHED suburban place, 3 acres, on! carllne. 4 rooms. 80 minutes out. has lovely shade, nice garden, $20; near river, Oregon City line.' Call Saturday or write me. Smith, 203 Lumber Ex change hldg. 1 ABQLT April 16 5 room elegantly fttrnlahed house, gas, electric. 2H Mocks from scar. 6827 62d are. S. E-. Mt. Scott car. JRVINGTON 6 rooma . thoroughly i modem, garage. .621 E. 10th st.. N. Phone East 319. FOUR room house, partly furnished. 2 lots, St. Johns car. $9. B-2199. Main 5 ROOM furnished house, large yard - i - ana porcn; oniy jis, including nhone ...... 1 n Miiniiig WML t V, 4 ROOM cottage at Barview, Tillamook county, for rent; also two furnished housekeeping tenta for rent for 17 ner week each, one 25x100 ft. lot for sale $250. Inquire of owner, 211 Falling "log. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, - reasonable. -Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. ROOMS for rent, third floor Flat-iron bldg., 1st and Ankeny sts., for of fices or light manufacturing; fine iignt. low prices. Phone Main 423, TWO private offices, nicely furnished; cueap rent. 124 namDer 01 Com merce. DESIRABLE office rooms for rent, Newmarket block, 1st and Ankeny sts.; reasonable prices. .Phone M. 422. ROLLTOP desks, including phones. $S. no unamoer or commerce. STOREROOM, 100x100 ft. well lighted. ta muiiin. fnone a-iss. WANTED TO RENT WOULD like H. K. rooms with niano in refined family. Must have yard ana nt m gooa locality. jau Mar. 2137, WANT to rent: Place suitable for car pen ter snop, near lith and Morrison must be cheap. Moore.. 390 Salmon. MODERN 5 room furnished cottage. nice yard. Tabor 1042. $18--FoUR room furnished house. Pboa larsh-U 11U. HOUSES, apartments and flats wanted tor rent, rnona 3088. Call 248 WANTED Good location for two pool tables and accessories: city or sub urbs. What have you? X-S73, Journal, FOR SALE Steel range, heater, tables, chairs and other furniture, cheap. Call at once. 194 Ivy- st. FOR SALE 1 fumed oak buffet. 1 china cabinet, cheap for cash; almost new; 601 Vancouver ave. - . FURNITURE for sale, 8 housekeeping rooms, cheap. 344 4th st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 E. .D. SCHANEN'S White Rocks, best in Oregon. Write for my matins list. BOx 289. Route 1. Lents, Or. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs, special $5 100. cockerels. Royce. Sellwooa 1336. BELGIAN , hares. Barred Rook eggs ana tarneaux. uamiet, boxJ79, Port- THOROUGHBRED single comb White Leghorn eggs $1 per 16. 10 w. Simo- son at i WHITE Wyandotte eggs, $1 for 15. 1249 Denver ave. SALE 60 egg Incubator, brooder, bone mm. eggs and cnicKs. Marshall 874. GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & Stationary. Hardware. Write for Catalogue. cy.s POWER & 6 U P P L Y CO.. 168-173 Front Su, Portland. Oregon. 4 E. U SMITH TRUNK & CASE MFG. Save 3. Buv vour trunk bag. suitcase, direct from manufacturer. Repairing ana order work a special ty. 490 Wash, Main 3336. SAFES Fireproof and burglar nroof, Also vault doors and safe deposit boxes at factory prices; large assort ment of - second hand safes and vault aoors. cash or terras. Mosler .Safe Co., 408 and 409 Northwestern Bank bldg. -none Main 7670, oot FIGHT on hlgl prices. Whv nav 2 to $10 for a pair of ? passes, wnen 1 can h first quality lenae In a gold filled frame as low as $1,607 rr awn um-tNtini it m,,i" ,!' " . . iij-u --i. imw i.vtj jk-vij m. j.xu 1 near oriage. batisTaciion guaranteed. FOR SALE 2 volumes Funk & Wag nans standard dictionary (most PHEASANT eggs, China $3 dozen. golden. 34 dozen Oregon Rtrd & Pheasant Farm. Beaverton. Or. Route 1. FOR SALE Fine fox terrier puppies. i4ii -ongress st., cor. Morgan, en ton car.- . FOR SALE Thoroughbred pit Bull Terrier male dog. 292 17th st. S. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Written guar antee with v every spring. z in. itn st FOUR passenger car for acreage at Lyle or Base Line or bungalow East 29 th and Sherman. Underdahl. Main 6921. FOR HIRE. A 1914 7 passenger Studebaker. day or night service; strictly sober driver. Tabor 1848. Tabor 4293. DETROIT electric runabout, good con. , dltlon. recently overhauled. Silverton cord tires nearly new, 3200. Call F. C. Jackson, Journal Pub. Co FOREDOOR roadster, 30 H. P., practi cally new, to exchange; 6. 7 passen ger, standard make, 1910 or 1911. 533 Alder. . complete work of its kind in the lan guage). Original cost $27, will sell at nig bargain, u. tj. uthorr, 501 Schuy ler st. ' Electric Motors Electric motors bought, sold, rented ' and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 10th and Burnside. ; Main 6674. 4. &. QSLBKSWmm Ueoeral practice, ab atraeta. contracts, colleccloas. Injuries, ate. Beawved to new office. 77. 70S. 708 SaUlng bW. Commltatloa free. ' BL-JTS BOOK XA Ell BUWt, DA V lit CUUfANY. 1UW Kd St. ltUna bosk BuiDUfactiirera; aeenU for Joaaa' la cro-cd Loose Leaf Ledsers. Sea Ua - Earaka Leaf. A-8183. Main 183. BRASS AHD MACHUTE WORKS UAartli b Urutw Wurk. Brs casting aod machine works. 106 N. 5th t. Main 87oa. ' CARPET CLEAMINO CARPETS and ruga cleaned. All grease apots, dlnglness, oil and gum remoTed, color re newed, nap left etandlcg. without remoTlng carpet. V 111 furnliih electric power and guar antee all work. Portable Steam Renovating Co.. 405 Peknm bldg. Main 123Q. v JCTCK BROS.' Electric Cleaning work, car pete cleaned and laid.' rctltuns our ape Cialty. Eat 440. M-lWHa. 204 M. IKth t. N. L A D I E S Ask tor Antlko I Mixture No. 8. It Is safe ahd sure "Woman- Medi cine," the most successful and harmless -Regulator" known. Bjor sale and guaranteed by Helfond Drug Co., 222 Morri son, near First. . 202 Eleventh St. Furnes, Spiritualist Minister Phone Marshall 2545 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. Moles, warts, etc., destroyed forever by electrlo - needle; no pain, no scar, cure guaranteed. Mile. De Long, 604 Swetland bldg. MRS. STANLEY, massuese. treats par alysis, rheumatism, nervousness, 8 years' hospital experience; goes to homes, hospitals, sanitariums by ap pointment.: 126 Graham. C-1980. L car. C APIT WZAVTVa MTTSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHER-' MKS. FLORENCE M. MNEAL. teacher of violin, piano and mandolin. Woodlawn Sid T. E. LAWSON piano atudi. 42fe Uurriwa. Main Lenoni BOc. E- TUltHOUX. vlulln teacher, pupil (kell. 807 FUldnef bld. A-4160. Mamball ISM popular mrsio HAGTIME on piauo guaranteed beginners lu 10 lessons. Ptctara playing. ltoom for practice. Free booklet. &03 Ellera hldg. BPA-TIBH LAMOTJAOI TEACHERS C. EBAULIATI. membvr itt old 8paolak atndgnta. Inatructor Spaalah. 200 Fletdner bd ETE, IAR, MOBZ, THROAT. LOTTOS -pvclaliat. Aloderua urlck tlluiw tilted. Ur. a. Caaaeday. 617 Dckum bldg..M aad Waak ELECTRIC MOTORS AHD DTSAMOS Uu'i'uKU, Keoerawrs nought, aula, raatad ana repaired. Wa do all kUida of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. U. Electric Co.. 81 N. 1st at. .bone Mala 92 lu. M bu, sell, rent al et.haniie new aud second hand iuotora, repair work a epevlaltr. Wwtrn -leotric wurk,, ala Bth at. Mar. SW. iXECTROLTSIS lO. auperlkiua umu rauurad. Mra. UU. Mill. 42U rlelurer bldg; Mala S4TS. TIRE LN8URA-CS LET UWKM -UMM. writ jour tirm la anranca. SB3 Morgan bldg. Main S42U. FOUNDRY AMD XACHUIE SHOP P11UA1. Iron Worka, al Hd and Ut thorne. General macfalua and foondry work, PATE-T ATT0 8RTw-: l'ATMh irururrd lJ J. -. Mm . lata ef O. 8. PA TEXT tirfirn H'li' M rf T bid; PAt 1MO COMP4IES THe. BAHhtu AHi'HAL.1 i'tsim ... tn Und flr aos Klx-trir I.Ida PRINTING Now In c.vlliHii'r Mm Uak. Mala -Hill. iire-a ninielrlon r"-. 1HI.NT1.N aa jou want It. Metropolis n l're. Zll ak. 1 11 res right. Mln 1XHI. RUBBER STAMFS AND tkAl JLLtm lu tU, trade iliwiu, aw ia PACIFIC COAST ST A MI' WORKS 8.1 W.-hli.irl.n. .t. Main 710. ' A--7IO. vai- srLuaiaaiB . VlkaAl'ta vt the acalp ,uiMUil) .tM SCREENS KOK window ai reena rail C. KlegUr, Ml Uii 1 St.. Woodlawn 2i:a. fciWlNG MAC-LINES kkhl.Mi uiiliiuo,, uaw and UHWI. A" a'ak. aie or reuled. Sewing Machine E.in.rlnm. .. IWO 3d. iw-nr Taaihlll- M Mai. fcl.lliTLV used, drep hHKda. U makrt. ,T up. i:t'ert repairing. 2X AMer. near ji. SHEET METAL NVORX JAV.UU LO&L1. aheet luelal ..wka. butvi. rra tburant wurk. ruodug. geuarat obblae. Milu-IU'l. :r.O tat bet. rolnml-la and I'Ur. TAXIDERMISTS Clli-Al'l-ttl end tx-t work un cuaat. l-'iiilejr. OroTllle. Cal. ' B. NORTH WE T KUli CO., ruga from old car neta. rag ruga, carpet cleaning. 188 -. SU. Work called fur. E. 850. B-l80. PENINSULA Mug Work Bag rug and er patlng weaTlng. 1518 f atton t, Wldn. CHIROPRACTORS iu McMAUUA ateat equipment. Two of-ein-i 121 4th. STS WUllama aie. IS Mi- joatmenta 1Q. Lady a ttendanta. Eaat , bit. HELENA COM3TOCK, 881 14th; neraoua chronic dlaeaaea. 8 treatment 6. Main 5KW CHIROPODISTS Dr. Fletcher Bunions and Flat Foot a apeclal ty. Lady attendant. 3Q. AUaky bid. M. COAX. AHD WOOD Expert work In dyeing, remodeling and restoring plumes. Moderate charges and prompt service. THE PLUME. 268 Morran bldg. Main 4009. ABbUT HAIR GOODST . Don't trust pedlers trlth combings; let us make them up, 96c up. Wigs, toupes a specialty, 20 yrs. eat'bd. Febvat & Hanebut. 147 Broadway, nr. Morrison. YOUR worn plumes, willows, birds of partNise, remodeled In spring styles, cleaned, dyed the new colors. Work ruaranteed. Har tn ess Plume Shop. 61 Yamhill, cor. Park. Main 1P09. SPIRITUAL medium, Rev. Virginia Rowe. Reading, healing, daily circles Tuesday and Friday evenings 8 o'clock. ZZl 6th et. Phone A-7116. FUEL MOill FIRE AND WRECKAGE SALE Bay one load of dry block and one load of green slab for best result. EAST 18 C-111T tZrr'&f-x&r - coal iimrM Anrr WnLOIrtUL length. 82.60. heavy aod llaht mixed. East 4WtU. CLTON Wood Co.. dealera l dry aad greaa alabwood. UT aa wnee es-eria i r wood. 1260 Macadam. Mala T890. A-2H9S. Edlefsen Fuel Co. zoTl BHJR SALE New and second-hand carom --1 pocket billiard tables, and bowling, allevs andi accessories, bar fixtures of all. kinds, easy - pay ments. The Erunswick-Balke-CoflPn- der Co.. 46-48 6th ft. Main 769. A-1769. ONE 10 H. P. Russell steam traction engine, in A-l condition; will sell cheap. Address or call on G. N. Hea gard, Newberg, Or. - SEWING machines, new and 2d -hand. All makes, sale or rented. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 8 d. near Yam hill. M. 9481. .. 875 Wheeler & Wilson machine, $13: widower, quitting housekeeping; 1251 E. 13th N.: Woodlawn car.tn Ainmrt ave. FOR 8ALE 16 pass Studebaker, per feet condition: Sellwood 403; resi- aence. weuwooq zi.e; 6.4 Umatilla av- ACREAGE to trade for touring car, or trucK tor stage purposes. R-88Z, Journal. . ' '. $4760 AUTO Te trade for $1000 worth of llve stocfc 888 Morgan bldg. ' SUNNY SIDE garage, storage, repair ing, gasoline,jDil. Five passenger car for hire. 204 E. 84th 'st.' WILL exchange 80 acres land for S pass. auto. Call Tabor 8671. fLLMiiiNii nxturea, pip .and fit- tings, old direct to you. Stark Davis Co.. 249 Salmon. Main 797. HIGHEST grade lawn soil and extra rotted .fertilizer. ? Phone Marshall 2840.- . ' . $16 BUYS drophead Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine. Bargain. 426 Flled ner bldg'; cor. Washington and loth. A GASOLINE woodsaw for- sale pr trad. i Phone Woodlawn 2224.; FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat- ing mat-nine. Washington. 4 44 Wash. anilTH foKTLAND-UAINIEH. SUA it WOOD Co., 4 foot country slab. Inside and block" tiqa Ca-KVF1r-- Hirrlianfl s Uading waoa- 'la3' "' palmist and clairvoyant, has her lata PACIFIC M'n A;-fi books en sale 291 K Morrlaon at. Of- 1 'n bort wood; "? mma fice oDen dallv MU I Inside, dry elahwond. short, planer trlmmlnra. D VDRPF Lwyer of 26 years' ex l KUIIULO perlence, reliable, advice free. 40 Rothchlld bldg.. 287 Wash. DR. Ci S. T1GARD. . 18 Chiropractic treatments $10. 318 17 Allsky bldg.i 3d and Mor. M' 80. OREGON Wood Vard. Fir. aab and oak wood aad coaL Reasonable prlcee, M. tMm.A-644. EVERTS. MAIN S77. DRV slab and box wood, cwdwowd ad coaL Btaadarfl wonq v., - DR. G. V. KETCH UM W omen a mal adies and acute diseases. Washing- ion oian.. tin ana wasn Km 41. ML 448 DR. OLGA NECHYBA, Chiropractic, &. c, sie m oains, t orth west bldg. Main 3799. COLLECTIONS SCALP ana facial specialist; new man agement, 808 Panama bldg, ad and Alder. ' I MARIE NEVINS Electric baths. treatments ladles only. 412 Roth child. Main. 8198. DR. VI VI A D. ASHMAN. -Treatments Electric, magnetic, and baths. 221 th et. Phone Mar. 4877 CANCER No knife; pay when cured. Ellsworth Medical Dispensary. Van couver, WRKh. . , BALM of tigs, remedy for dlaeaaea women. d4 l'avia st. Main 2898. Scalp Specialist !? WL HAVE yeur hatr permanently waved. Guaranteed to fast. : Sanitary Beauty Parlors. -400 llekum. ! Mar lf SAVE $2 to 810 by buying your trunk "' case at baa wasn.. at 17th. ,,w EnS' tp1lr05r?epweI' I USE Bassett s Native Herb. 'for rh'eu . double drums. ,302 E. Morrison. maUsm; 69 tablets 26c. All druggist. CFEN accoouta. bote, jttdgmeata collected. AAnnt abort methods for o-lck reealta. goort Adlnatment Co. 829 N. W. Bank. M. S7 'wikuHl COLLECTION CO. Claims of ell kinds promptly collected; 635 Morgan bldg. QO TRACTORS AMD BtTTLD-RS HORACE Li. JO.N-S JR. I BPILD ANYTHING FROM SCRBBX DOORS TO A HOTEL. T A BOB lt- EDTCATIOHAL DAMCIRO "MR. AMD MRS. HEATH'S- acbooha. lOB Sd C. between Wash, aad SUrk. and Allsky f Me., sa ana butiiwu - w u Walts and two step guaranteed u 4 laaaoaa. Cla'ee jfoa n aw- . klVfJI.KR S Cotllllo ball and d-arlo atudio. Handsomest ballroom in the west; teaching all standard dances ana "lieeitaTion. une-step.- Fonr Inatrn'tora. urn orr v eoamaioo. Miss FISHBCRNE'S danclnc abool; all stand, ard and late dances. 6 private 85. 12 class. 2S1 Morrlaon. Marshall 313. 1TP8IC SCHOOLS AHD T-ACKTR8 A UERMAN lady wants to glee leasona in German. French aaa piano; excellent rerer eacea. Address Be. . Uafoer. 800 12th at. fbone Mara ha 11 455. . OLA8S AMD OLA-IRQ T1MMS. CREija CO U4-ls d at. fruiapt r,i.T. mng aiain or Jk-juxs. HAIR TREATMENTS UENC1NE iAilt-A-AJrt" iUkAlkKNid are being given by Mlaa MciaLoah et har partura. rilj t-anama bldg. HAT FACTORY LAU1ES', gentleoien'a hat a cleaned, bluvaed eaiinaciorny. ttoyal Mat worka. -48 H lt mt HOUSE MOTES A. D. MOOD1E. 10 E. Water at. E. aaa. Latest Improved lie Billing machinery. KODAK iU. FLIES KODAKS aad aU supplies. UcTaMiptaa, prlutlug aad enlaralnc. RLt.- MALH.U ftloTO BUffLy CO., iHt Waab'wa. LACE CURTAIM LAUVDST. Eapert cnrulu wwrketa. liare taut tar. tains dona by baud. Laundry prlcaa. Mala lutj. 4i Aiaer. - - MACHINERY b. THEN KM AN CO., QjrOrauUe aad timui pipe, amoaa atacka, oil taaka, mlulag mm- etlaery, repairs, lot H. 4tk it ENGINE, boOere, saw mills bought, aoKt aad eacnangea. xaa ii.Mriui u., foruanq.or. XESSKM-XU MOTOKOycLES and '.jfcjclee. tone Mala Ht, HATTTROPATHiO JHTSICIANS DR. PHILLIPS ParelyaU. nervooa and cbroa. i- diseases. BQ4-5 Oregoulan bldg. M. 814a. OSTEOPATHIC rHTSIOIAMS DR. LJLLERELLE fATTERtfuN. Spwlaltot a nerves, acuta and cbreoto dlaeaaea. -41 Co- lambia bldg. Maia snei. PAIHTIMO, PAPERHjLtoOrHg, TIMTIMg HOCSEPAINTINU. inalde work, and tlnllng, specialty. Landecape fcardening. Kenxm able. Oeo. L. fpragoe. Home phone A-37S7. JOHN BLIED, best work la painting ua'ta peling. M. J872. A-2. 1 llth at. PAINTING, paperbaaglng, tinting. 2 room up. Marshall 4674. C. A. Barnes. TRAMBPER AMD STORAOE TEAMS AMD ALTO VANS OR LONO Dtbl'AXCS MCtlAU lyaitliww ' rVjn ST-SS rront. Mala 4r or A 41 OREGON TRANSFER CO. EaUbllahed Id TO Transfer eud (urwardlug agtatfc Sturaga, troa .aes. Ottleea and aUa&a. i ullaaa at 18th and -iiaaa. Mu im, A-ilsK, PORTLAND VAN tilO-A-li U.'A New Harcbouee. a Ira aud vtyjuln proof room a, ui.ue uu i( v-uiia, aieao 1 uateu vlauo roefu. Au iuavectloa will couvlix-e luu of our an J;ri..r taclliuee. UoU ebolu" it'jmU ahlpped at - eu r reigni alee in Ubvoaga Cars, aiov tu., t-eckiug, enippiug. llo- ami nearuey, .nin -f. A !. City uiftfe, Mt feterk. W. u. tick, Trausirr a -twii Cw. unices aud coinmodtoua 4 awry ta rck - wareSuaae. iUi aeuarsut troa rooma aM flroDrwC vaalt for vautabhat. M. W. cca raec M aad Plue aU. Piauv aad tarnltura uwaed and packed Car j I li,t MnMl rfe n,i .... . I ear thiwagk care to ell doiueeUe aad ferelga 1-oiBis, aiam om, a-iwo. 1' A. I 1C Coast torwardifi CO.. 7 Br. Kxch. bids.: cut rata fruieht on bonaebold giwla la tUcoiiKh care In ill domestic and 'f k I . . 1, . T MAANlNu W A CHOLSE lUANarbM o. I.lh aud Everett o leiiuloal Iracaa. Pieuoa and furaltore ntuerd, imcked aad bi pl. rnoBHe! weia ; A.V14. . cAuoAOt Trauafer Kervke A u Main 1. A-IZV. - LN'ILD Xranater Co. (. end eueral ,...ll.i V . .1 f M- U . . 'A WUTDOW CLXAJIIMI iirt.a'1' wimmiw tU. llla 3Z7. ia Henry bldd. Manufacturers Jobbers Wholesalers . BRrWXRS BOTTLERS HKNKV, WtlMIAKl). 18th and Burnside. r DRTO00DS WHOLESALS Fleischner, Mayer & Co. PARK nrPLEMEMTS AMD TEHICLES R. M. WADE A CO.. XU HawthorM are. Wboleaale eertcnltural Impleroente. FISH. OYSTERS AMD ICR MALARKKV CO.. lae- GRAIH MZRCHAKTS l-tu front etreei . M. H. HtH S.K. Board of Tradj Mdg. IROB WORKS PAClrlC IRON WURKS AU xchltectoral Lroa Caatlnga. Beams Aaglee I Ctosaneta LEATHER AMD PTVDfMQS CHAS. L. MAbTICK i CO.. 74 ProaU Leatk er of every deariiptlooi finding. Ig ACHIM ERT AMD STTPPLXES -lMMk.MAA-HEl-B-BROWN CO. ewmlll. tuaelnF and Iron working marbtasev ' MILL STTPPLIES PACtriO ST A it RURREK CO . 43 2d eu - Mechanical rubber gooda. RttM'S AMP WQMEM'S : ioi.I.MIU'a Neckwear Mf," NECXWEak rt din ORMAMZMTAL WIRE AMD -IROM 1 .... .... . ... . ti . . PAJMT. .OIL AMP CLASS kAM(J-EN - CO. h. B. eoroer-Sd i Tik, M..A-I77I rlONEEB PAINT CO. High HUeuat. ' palab it I A-7043. IS 11 at, Mia I. IP PTPK PITTTmob .yaLyra kL i L. KUXE. 84-SS Krern etet. PXtTMBIMO STPA-I tpmin t. L. KUN'g. b4-Se tnnit ml rt-l. PIPE WOOD Pipe ruKTUNU Wooo 4PR Cu.rctory aae fflca near S4h tvt w, y BOPK AMD BIMDER TWtMK , Portland Cordage Co. TRPRRS AMD BA,S "Wht.OMtsJ?; iMMi SpecTa, Vm..-nd "ee-S "& .' WALL PAPES MORUAN WALL, .Al-kk., "T" betweea baimua aad Maia