The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 31, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    . t.
v5t)Ci6cl PrvyOrid,l SXwu&r 111 Spccfal 25c Lunch Served Daily in the Basement Soda Fountain in the Basement Shoe Shining In the Basement :
r 11 Easter Novelties Eggs, Chicks, Rabbits, Greetings, Post Cards, Favors, Table Decorations, Stationery, Etc. SffaS j
Agents For
Agents For
(CDflcElSs, WqiFttinmaimij & Mniigj
10c Toilet Paper 5c-
100 House Dresses 69c
Attract! vjt, II o u a e
Dresses, made of excel
lent fabric, aatly made
and perfect fitting. All
Splendid Quality Toilet
Paper, full 1000- sheet
rolls. - only 20 rolls to
each customer. Special
No phone orders
sices. Ren
, -fl ' WW
V -Y '' ' ' 4' A
' ' ' ' ' ' ,
Mrs. Daniel Francis Campbell, a recent bride. Mr. and Mrs. Camp-
' bell have Just returned borne after passing their honeymoon
in uonoiuiu. I
GROUP of society Kirls arc pre
paring a play for the Deuciii m
St. Ste phen Pro - Catliearai
April 16. They are rehearsing
daily and the affair bids fair to be
tooth enjoyable and profitable. "The
Importance of Being Earnest,'' by Oscar
Wilde, ia the vehicle In which the fol
inwlni vmino- nenfiln will disnlav their
histrionic talents: Miss Marjorle
Hoffman, Miss Elizabeth Carpenter of
Providence. R. I.; Mls Clementine
Lambert. Henry Mears, Mr. Radcliffe
and Kritz Behrens. Mm, K. T. C.
Stephens ia in charge of the arrange
ments. Engagement Announced at
The Kappa Kappa tiainma fraternity
held its monthly luncheon at the Uni
versity club Saturday. A guest at the
-luncheon was Mrn. F. R. Hoibrook.
who announced the engagement of
her daughter, Helen Corey, to Dr.
Kdmund S. Conklin. head of the
psychology department of the Univer
sity of Oregon.
Miss Hoibrook 1 a graduate of the
Mate university and Dr. Conklin of
Clark , university.
The wedding will be an event of
next year.
Home From Trip.
Mr. and Mr. William Ketohheimer
bavs returned home after passing sev
eral months in New York and other
eastern cities. They are at the Benson
hotel for a, few weeks, after which
they will move to their home on the
Riverside drive.
O. K. 8. Dance.
A dancing party will be given by
evening, April 2, at the Masonic
man, Adrienne Slicmanske, Flossie
Filock, Klotse Lowenson, Charlotte
Holzman, Maxine Friedenthal, Phyline I
Light, Kdgar Werthelmer. Ralph Holtz-
man, MorriH Glicksman, Robert Dixon, j
uhcuu nuizman, uean iiysKeu, leiana
Lowenson and the houtess. Miss Min-
nette Shub assisted.
Humane Society Meets This
The annual meeting of the Oregon
Humane society will be held this even
ing at 8 o'clock p. m. at the Uni
tarian church. The public is invited
to be present.
Progressive Xeetlle Club Meets.
The Progressive Needle club met at
the home of Mrs. Edward Gulick, 502
Market street. Those present were i
Mrs. S. J. Davis, Mrs. Klenor Hill,
Mrs. Peter Park. Mrs. T.oiiIh Seda-flst. I
Mrs. R. L. Walker and Mrs. William j
Returned Home. j
Mrs. Gilbert Carpenter of Provi- j
dence. R. I., who with her daughter, j
MIsb Elizabeth Carpenter, have been ;
much feted visitors in Portland, the ,
guests of Miss Elizabeth Cadwell,
lias returned to her home In the east. .
Miss Carpenter will remain to pass the i
rummer with Miss Cadwell. They ;
have moved from the Iatter's home on j
the Heights to the George Mayes real- i
dence on Portland Height, where j
they -will remain until th? first of j
June, when they plan to open Miss j
Cadwell's cottage at Neahkahnie
Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilcox
have leased Miss Cadwell's residence
on Ravensview and Hill Crest drivel
Temple. The patronesses will be Mrs.
II. H. Young, Mrs. ,K. W. Ring, Mrs.
J. W. Mills, Mrs. H. Morgan and Mrs.
Roy Quackenbush. The committee is
as follows: Misses Alta Ring, Annie
Rice, Mary Whltten, Blanche Hersh
ncr, Alice Johnson, Bernire Wommels
dorjf, Mrs. Frances Hurlburt, Messrs.
Edgar Hoberg, Ralph R. Schomp and
Rodney Hurlburt.
Fraternity Stag Party.
Lloyd Tegert entertained his fra
ternity. Alpha chapter of Kappa Delta
Iota, and their friends with an enjoy
able stag party at his ranch on the
Base Line road Saturday evening. The
guests motored out from Portland and
included: Messrs. Frank Normandin
Cliff Fields, Arthur Knouff, Herbert
-,Cooke, Al Shawcross, Raymond Stout
Marshall Case, Raymond Fox, Oscar
NOrtn, Tom Gorman, Frank Hunt,
Riddle Combi and Norval Smith. Miss
Vesta Tegert and Miss Edna Holcomb
served a dainty collation.
Wedding Date Set.
Miss Mary Lelle Campbell and
Thomas Lane Emory will be married
April 15 at the home of the bride's
mother on Portland Heights. It is to
be a quiet home wedding with only the
relatives and a few close friends pres
ent. Miss Campbell has also asked
the members of her club, the Friday
Afternoon club, to be present. Dr.
Ramsey, rector of St. Stephen's Pro-
Cathedral, will read the service at S
p. m.
Batujrday afternoon Miss Marian
Brodie entertained for the pleasure of
Miss Campbell with a prettily appoint
ed bridge party. There were five tables
at the game with highest honors fall
in to Miss Hazel Reed. The rooms
were beautifully decked with spring
Ladles' Aid Entertained.
Mrs. Perkins entertained the Ladies'
Aid Of the Woodstock Methodist
Episcopal church Wednesday afternoon
at her home on Sixtieth avenue. 'Miss
Fisher rendered a piano solo and Mrs.
Parry a vocal solo. At the close of
an enjoyable program Mrs. Perkins
served delicious refreshments.
Mrs. Grossman Hostess.
Mrs. T. Grossman entertained for
her son, Orran, on Saturday afternoon
at the Orpheum theatre and later
they enjoyed a dainty luncheon in the
banquet room at the Haielwood. Mas
ter Orran's guests were Sylvia Holtz-
District Judge Jones was unable to
attend court this morning because of
a slight illness. He expects to return
Several prominent members of the .
Chicago" Grand Opera company, who
will appear in "Parsifal" Friday night,
did not accompany the company to
Seattle yesterday, but remained in
Portland. Among them are Hector Du-
franue, the celebrated French baritone;
Edmond Warery and Henri Scott, all
of whom are stopping at the Mnltno- i
mah. Mr. Dufranne is accompamed by j
his wife. . j
George E. Corey, an Insurance man '
of Seattle, is stopping at the Multno-i
Samuel Z. Chesebro of New York
city, a wholesale fish dealer, is at the
Multnomah. Mr. Chesebro ia in Port- ;
land for the purpose of securing Ore
gon salmon for the Atlantic states.
W. R. Fontaine and Mrs. Fontaine
of Eugene are guests at the Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wise of Ilwaco
are registered at the Benson.
C. A. Cohen, an insurance man of
San Francisco, is putting up at the
J. C. Mattlson of Grants Pass, is at
the Oregon. Mr. Mattison controls
several mines and declares the south
ern Oregon mining district is forging
to the Iront.
R. D. Johnson, a department store
man of Spokane, is a guest at the Ore
gon. Dr. John W. Sifton has taken apart
ments at the Cornelius.
Robert Callahan, a Kansas City
business man, is stopping at the Cor
nelius. R. L. Simms of Washington, D.. C, is
putting up at the Cornelius.
John Walters, a stockman of Pres
cott. Wash., is a guest at the Cor
nelius. ,
James Withycombe of Corvallis is at
the Imperial.
I. H. Bingham, an attorney from Eu
gene, Is a guest at the Imperial. Mr.
Bingham is a candidate for the state
legislature from Lane county. f
"Tillamook is O. K.," said H. T.
Botts, an attorney and ex-mayor of
the city by the sea, who is at the Im
perial. - .
Paul T. Kennedy of Tacoma is ; in
Portland visiting his mother and -attending
to business connected with the
United Commercial Travelers, of which
he is an official.
When answering advertisements
piease mention The Journal.
,f 17n
i HCjtt3r
Val. Laces up to :
Dozen for 25c
Fine Val. Laces in
Edges and Insertions.
Great variety of pat
terns. Values to 50c.
Special at the dozen
Up to 50c Fancy
Ribbon 25c
1800 yards of beautiful
fancy Ribbon. Scores of
choice patterns, 5 and
6 - inch pure silks. Vals.
to 50c. Special, the yard
ia (EDnmt Mm Baseinmemift
Double Stamps With All Cash Purchases
Made in Basement Underprlced Store Tomorrow
100 Attractive Bargains In Seasonable Merchandise for One Day Only
Wash Petticoats worth
to $1.00, at 59c
A rare good bargain in
Wash Petticoats, good
dependanble wash ma
terials, in neat patterns.
Values to $1. Special at
Girlsand Misses' 75c
Middy Blouses 48c
Girls' and niaweu' Middy
Blouses, heavy white
materials, d'e- p sailor
collars, patent belts.
Sizes 8 to 18-rs. Spec'l
$20 Tailored Suits at $7.48
A Remarkable Women's Suit Sale 100 handsome
Suits offered at this extremly low price for one day
plain and fancy iwaterials all are smart Spring
models tailored faultlessly and perfect fitting
misses' and women's sizes. Regular (jrf A Q
$15.00 and $20.00 Suits. Special at only P I stcO
$7.50 Trimmed Hats at $2.98 Silk Petticoats Now at $249j Stylish New Coats lor $9.98
300 Handsome New Hats at less than manufacturer's
cost of production; they are; in distinct new crea
tions beautiful flower-trimmed millinery in scores
of popular new styles; hats that sell regularly to
$7.50. Your choice of 300 Wednesday.
Special at
400 Handsome Silk Petticoats offered at a great
special fine soft taffeta and rich niessaline silk
in black and new colors new models, tnade with
deep flounces ,and underruffle. These are the best
Petticoat values we have ever offered. CJO ACk
While they last special at tp&HkU
i r
Smart New Coats for Spring, priced away below
regular values for this big sale smart new mixtures
and plain materials in popular Spring colors
handsomely made and beautifully trimmed all
sizes. Don't fail to sec these Coats (JQ QO
They will please you. Special at ... W&UO
Boys' $1.00 Pants
for 59c
Sturdy K n 1 cker
bocker Pants for
boys 5 to 16 years.
C o r d u roys and
stout tweeds. Reg.
$1. Special, pair
Women's Union
Suits, 25c
W o m e n's fine
Spring weight
Union Suits, tight
knee, low neck
and s I e e v eless.
Regular and extra
sizes. 35c value.
Dress Foulards,
at 11c
Mill ends of rich
silk-finished Fou
lards in lengths
up t6 20 yards.
Latest pat terns,
rich new Spring
colors. Special, yd.
50c Jap Silks, at
Beautiful Jf
Silk, full 27-1
wide, in b 1 a c
and all colors.
In good heavy
weight, tine in
isli. Regular 50t.
Special, yard
Girls' $8.50 Coats
for $2.98
Sma rt, dressy
new Coats for
Spring, in plain
and fancy materi
als, are mostly
samples, one and
two of ft kind. In
sizes 6 to 16 yrs.
Reg. $S.50. Special
Women's Shoes
to $5, at $1.98
2100 pairs wom
en's Shoes, scores
of styles to select
from, patent,
g u n m e t a 1, vicl
kid, velvet, all
good styles. All
sizes and widths.
Values to $5.00.
$1.50 Shirts, Now
at 83c
Splendid Shirt
for men In scores
of new patterns,
full standard
sizes, coat style.
Sizes 14 to 17Vi.
Men's Collars, 6
for 10c
A rare bargain In
mens Collars,
soft or starched,
in " many styles,
white o r fancy
colors. All sizes.
Special, 6 for
50c and 65c All
over Lace, 29c
Reautif u 1 Lace
Allovers, In white
or cream, shadow,
net or Oriental
effects in a vari
ety o f patterns.
60c and 60c qual
ity. Special
Boys' Under
shirts, 19c
Fine!" Sprint;
w i n2ti t Unrier
Bhirts.rfor boys;
extra fine quallty-
In sizes 26 to
34. Reg. 25c and
36c. Special
. I
Boys' $4.00 Suits
at $2.98
Splendid Suits for
school wear, smart
new styles, excel
lent materials, in
neat patterns. In
sizes 6 to 15 yrs.
Reg. J4. Special
Child's Waists
at 10c
Fine knitted
Waists for chil
dren, close fitting,
finely woven with
regulation but
tons. Sizes 2 to
13. Special
12c Printed
Lawns, 8c
Mill ends of beau
tiful Lawns and
endless variety of
choice patterns to
select from, 27 in.
wide. Comes in
length to 20 yds.
Reg. 12 ViC Spec'l
Men's $1 Union
Suits, 69c i
M en's Ribbed
Union Suits, me
dlum Spring
weight, close fit
ting. In ankle
length and long
sleeves," white and
natural. In all
sizes. Special
$1.50 Corsets fot
Standard grades
or Corsets, in
many styles.
Made of good cou
til, non - rustible
steel boning s. In
sizes 18 to 30. At
Child's $3 Shoes
for $1.69 .
1800 pairs good
dependable Shoes
for boys and girls,
all sizes from 8 to
5. Regular values
to $3 for, pair
25c Sanitary
Aprons, 18c
Excellent quality
Sanitary Aprons,
full size. Regular
26c. Special
$5.00 Silk Waists
at $2.98
Handsome Silk
Waists. In plain
or fancy models;
beautiful colors.
All sizes. Reg.
values to $5.00.
$1.75 Handbags
at 98c
A wonderful bar
gain in genuine
leather Handbags,
made In the new
shapes, fitted
with coin purse
and strap handle.
Reg. $1.75. Spe
85c Imp. Pongee
Silk 49c
26-inc,h fine Im
ported Pongee
Silk. in natural
color, ; perfect and
-xtra . fine 86c
quality.- Special,
yard v
Sample Curtains,
29c Each
Hundreds sample
Curtains Corners,
in fin'e qualities.
Just the thine for
small window's.
Women's 25c
Hose, 17c
Women's Ever
lasting Hose, "sec
onds,'' fina black
silk lisle, with,
linen sole, heel
and toe.. Fast
stainless black.
All sizes. Special,
17; 3 for
25c Scrim, Yard
Plain Scrim
white, cream u, fine
coarse mesh,
double width,
and 35c grade
special sale, yard
Union Suits,
at 39c
Worn en's fine
lisle finished
Union Suits in
Spring w e 1 g ht,
tight plain kne
or loose knee with
lace t r i mm 1 n g,
low neck, sleeve
less. All sizes.
Reg. 60c. Special
White Crepes at
Mill ends of fine
white Crepes, as
sorted weaves, 27
and 30 inches. Ex
tra fine quality.
15c and 18c regu
lar. Special, yard
Huck Towels at
49c Dozen
Fine Huck Tow
els. Size 16x32.
Good heavy towel
for general use.
Special, dozen
25c Fancy Rib
bon, 15c
1200 yards beau
tiful fancy Rib
bon, pure silk Up
to 5-in. Reg. 25c.
Children's Un
derwear, 10c
Fine Muslin
Drawers and Un
derwalsts, made
of fine soft mus
lin. Sizes 2 to 12
fears. Special
12c Fancy Rib
bon, 754c
Beautiful Ribbons
In popular new
colors, for hair
ribbons and trim
mings. Special
Brassieres at
New model in
hook - front Bras
sieres, reinforced
under arms, nice
ly finished and
are b e a u 1 1 f ully
trimmed. Sizes 34
to 44. Special
Oxford Pumps
at $1.48
1500 pairs wo
men's Oxfords and
Pumps, splendid
styles and popu
lar leathers. All
sizes. Values to
$3.50. Special, pr.
25c Patent Belts,
at 19c
Patent Leather
Belts, In black
and popular colors;
splendid 25c qual
ity. Special
Women's Juliets,
at 98c
600 pairs women's
fine Kid Juliets,
strong elastic
sides and rubber
heels. In all sizes.
Special, pair,
75c Bungalow
Aprons at 49c
Women's new
Bungalow Aprons,
made of excellent
percales, cut full
length. Dark or
light colors. Spe
Sample Coats at
Actual Cost
90 Women's and
Misses' Sample
Coats at actual
factory prices; a
rare opportunity
to purchase a new
Spring coat at a
wonderful saving.
Lace Trimm;ngs,
Val. to $1, at 19c
Hundreds of
sample piec of
beautiful lace
trlmml ngs and
alio vers, h 1 g h -grade
In good useful
lengths. Vals. to
$1. Special, price
$1 Imported Pon
gee Silk at 59c
33-inch' Imported
Pongee? Silks In
natural color..
Kxtra fine.
$1. Special,
Sample Waists
at 69c
II u n d red s of
beautiful Sample
Waists, hardly
two alike; fine
sheer white ma
terials. All sizes.
Reg. values to
$1.50. Special
. 25c Aprons
at 19c
Gingham and
plain white lawn
Aprons, made full
and long, excel
lent mate rials.
Re. 25c. Special
$1.25 Imp, Pon
gee Silk at 69c-
33-lncb extra fine
Imported Pong
Silk -)n natural
color. Reg. $1.25.
Window Shades
at 33c
Fine green Win
dow Shades, 72x36,
complete with
good spring roll
er. Special
Children's Hose
at 10c
Sale of Children's
fine ribbed cotton
Hose, in black or
tan, seamless feet,
double h e el and
toe. Sizes to
10. Special, pair
Bed Sheets, Each
Good heavy
Bleached She ets.
size 72x90. neatly
hemmed and well
made. Special, ea.
Boys $1.50 Hats
for 49c
200 boy's Felt
Hats to close out.
All colors and
s e a s o n's good
shapes; worth to
31.50. Special
Excellent Corset'
at this special
price. New models
In fine c o u 1 1 1,
non - rustible steel
b o n 1 n g s, nicely
finished. Sizes 19
to 30. Reg. $1.00.
$1.25 Boudoir
Slippers at 59c
Pink or blue Bou
doir Slippers for
women, trimmed
with p o m p o n, s.
All sizes. Regular
$1.25. Special, pr.,
Men's Wash Ties
at 10c
Men's Fine Wash
Ties, in attractive
patterns ; a good,
durable tie. Special
Dress Skirts for
Hand so mo new
Dress Skirts, in
plain or fancy
mixtures and
plaids: popular
new models; ex
cellent materials.
10c Yard
Mill ends of beau
tiful , Kmbrolder
les. Edges and In
sertions In Bcores
of patterns, riar
row or wide. Val
ues to 25c. Special
36-inch Pongee
Foulards 59c
36-inh Pongee
Foulards in all Spring
colors. A beauti
ful dress fabric.
Special, yard,
Tapestry Por
tieres $1.39 Pair
Beautiful Tap es
try Portieres, in
deep rich color
ings, plain or Ori
ental patterns.
Reg. $1.75. Spe
cial, pair
Vests for
Women's Fine
Swiss ribbed
Vests, close f it
ttng, neatly
trimmed and ex
tra 12V4c grade.
Pillow Cases, at,
Each 10c
Fine bleached
Pillow Cases. Size
36x42. Are neatly
hemmed. Special,
Girls' $2.50
Dresses for $1.19
Sample Dresses
for girls. Scores
of styles, best
washable materi
als. Sizes 6 to 14
years. Values to
$2.60. Special
$1.25 Crepe Gown
for 79c
Fine pink, blue
and white crepe
gowns, full stand
ard sizes, neatly
trimmed. All sizes
on special sale at
Stocking Feet, 3
for 25c
R a c ine Stocking
feet save you
many stockings,
seamless fast
black. All sizes.
Special, 3 pairs
25c Silk Ties at
Splendid Four-ln-Hand
Ties, In
scores of patterns
and colors; 25c
quality. Special
$1.50 House Dress
at 98c
Attract lve new
House Dresses, in
percales and ging
hams, neat pat
terr and excel
lent colors. Sizes
34 to 44. Reg.
$1.50. Special
to 50c Veils
at 10c
Hundreds of beau
tlf ul Veils in
black and new
color.- mfs. mill
ends In 1 and 1 4
yd. lengths, fine
silk. Up to 60c
values. Special
36-inch Crepe de
Chine at 69c
86-lnfh Silk Crepe
de Chine, black,
white and popular
colors, fine sheer.
beautirully r l n
ished fabric. Reg.
$1. Special, yard
Tapestry Couch
Covers, 98c
Splendid Tapestry
Couch Covers In
deep rich color
ings. Good heavy
durable covers.
Full sizes. Each
Silk Gloves for
Women's fine Silk
Gloves . 1 n black
or white, 2-clasp,
double tips. All
sizes. Special, pr.
10c Canvas
Gloves 5c Pair
M e n's Canvas
Gloves. Good
heavy canvas, one
size. On special
sale at only, the
lc Notion Sale
2c Darning Cot
ton lc. Lead Pen
cils lc. Box Cray
ons lc. Corduroy
Binding lc yard.
12-inch Rules lc
White Petticoats
at 59c
W o m e n's fine
white muslin Pet
ticoats, made of
heavy soft muslin
and trimmed with
fine embroidery.
25c Corset Covers
at 19c
W o m e n's fine
Musi in Corset
Covers, s p 1 end Id
quality, d a 1 n ty
laces and e m
broid e r y t r 1 m
mings. All sizes.
Reg. 25c. Special
IViZ Notion Sale
5c Safety Pins.
2c; 5c Hooks
and Eyes, 2c;
6c Spool Silk,
2c; 1 box- Halr
Plns, 2Hc; 1 good
Pencil Box, 2e
$15 to $25 Suits
200 of these
splendid Suits,
odd lines of vari
ous kinds; extra
ordinarily rood
materials; practi
cal plain tailored
styles for all oc
casions. Special
Baby Flouncings
48c Yard
Dainty Baby
Flouncings up to
46-inch widths.
Daintiest patterns
an d fine sheer
m aterials. Regu
lar vals. to $1.25.
Special, the yard
56-inch Suitings,
75c Values, 35c
66-inch Suftl nil
In seat pattern,
and- Bmart gray
mixtures. Regular
76c. special
$1.50 Scrim or
Lace Curtains,
98c. Pair
300 pairs hand
some C u r t a ins,
fine scrim or Not
tingham lace, 2
yds. long, white
or ecru. 'Reg. $1.50.
20c Hose, Now
at 15c
Boys' heavy
ribbed Hose, lxl
rib. seamless feet,
double heel and
toe. Sizes 6 to
10 Special, pair
12c Socks, the
Pair, 9c
Cotton Hose f or
men, seamless
feet, double heel
and toe, fast col
ors, all sizes; reg
ular 12 c; special
5c Notion Sale
10c Shopp'g Bags
6c. 1 can Talcum
Powder 6c. 1 wood
Stocking D a rner
6c. 12 pieces Cot
ton Tape 6c. 1
large Nail Scrub
Golden Rod
Vacuum Cleaners
at $4.29
Extra spec lal
Golden Rod Vac
uum Cleaners.
Every machine Is
guaranteed. Special
Dust Caps
for 5c
Fine Percale Dust
Caps 1 n attract
ive patterns, dark
or light colors.
Reg. 10c. Special
Shoe Trees
for 10c
Almost Vi price
for these splen
did shoe trees.
Keep your shoe
In good shape.
Regular 19c. Spe
call, a pair
Men's $1 Shirts
for 48c
Excellent Shi rts,
made of splendid
materials, full cut
and p4-fect fit
ting. Size 14 to
17. Values to
$1.00. Special
Boys' Shirts and
Blouses, worth
to $1, 39c
Boys' sample
Shirts and Blous
es; hundreds of
styles and colors
to select from;
all sizes. Value,
to $1.00. Special
Boyii$1.00 Wash
Suits 69c
Excellent Wash
Suit,, for boys;
Kood. staunch,
washable mate-.
rials, in neat pat
terns and depend
able colors; two
styles, ages 2V4
to 8 year.. Spe
$12.50 Yaxly
Vacuum Cleaners
at $8.98
One day we offer
Yaxly Vacuum
Cleaners at this
price. Reg. $12.50.
8c Notion Sale
15c Hair Bruah,
8c; 10c Cur ling
Iron, 8c; 2 fancy
Hat Pins, for 8e;
15c Dress Shield,
8c; 16c Tooth
Brush, 8c
4c Notion Spls.
6 -cord Spool Cot
ton, 4c; Sheet Pic
tures, 4c; 1 dozen
Collar Buttons,
4c; 6-yL Corset
Laces, 4c; 5c Hair
Pins. 4c.
$1 Neckwear
at 69c
Handso me new
Neckwear in many
attractive styles.
Venise and fancy
lace effects. Vals.
to $1. Special
75c All-Wool Al
batross at 59c
4 2 -inch all wool
Albatross, b 1 a ck,
white and com
plete range of
wanted colore;
fine, soft, beauti
ful fabrics. Reg.
75c. Special
Men's 25c Socks
at 15c
Men's Ever last
ing Sox, seconds,
have linen toes
and heels; - fine
silk lisle, in
black. -All sizes..
Men's $20 Suits
at $12.95
75 handsome suits
for men -&t a low
price, smart mix
tures. In most de
strable Spring
colorings; fault
lessly made. All
size., Reg. $20.00.
10c Notion Sale
Pearl B u ttons,
10c; 1 Skirt Mar
ker, 10c; package
Collar Supports,
10c: 1 Hair Bar
ette, 10c: Child'.
H o . e Supporter.
50c Underwear
at 39c
Fine BalbHggan
Shirt, and - draw
ers in white or
natural; nicely
finished aiid per
fect fitting. AU
sizes. Special
Silk Ratine
- at
2-incK Silk Rat
ine, the popular
fabric for Spring J
a n A 8 u m in jr I
dresses. Condemn
black, whitend
wante d e iff or..
Reg.i 85c. Special,
yara -jjr
i IBM Mil