' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, -MARCH 30, 1914. WASHINGTON'S COAL MAY MEAN SAVING TO THE GOVERNMENT New Product Will Be Used at North Jetty if Tests Sus tain Heat Units Claimed. DESIGNATED NAVY COAL Product Xs How Bain? Mined at Cum bsrlaad. Wash., by JTavy Develop, mant fc Coal Company. Bids" for tlie furniHliiPK of 3500 ton cf coal to tli United States govern ment 'or, use at the piunt at the north jetty brought out a new coal which. It It -proven to bo as Htlpulated, will It la said, renult in the saving of many thousand dollar to the government in a year. The coal is designated as navy con I and Is mined at Cumberland, Wash., by the Naval Development & Coal Co. The bid for this coal was for $2.24 k ton, 66 cents a ton lens than any bid for Tfbulyn coal, which the government has been uinK for years past. The company guarantees 12,250 heat units for boiler test, a satisfactory figure should the test be as claimed. The government will make a thorough test of the coal In hopes that it will meet requirements and lower the cost of operation of the north Jetty plant. In the meantime a bid of the Astoria Fuel Supply Co. for 1750 tons of coal to be delivered at the Jetty was allowed at a price of $2.90 a ton for the Roslyn coal, which has been used before. This coal Is graded at 14,000 heat units. 1 1 ALL KINDS OF RECEPTABLES USED TO CATCH SMELT jj rfj Wyr 3w t-1 - umL ''TTVN PROPOSAL TO DEPORT HINDU SCHOLAR IS SUBJECT OF PROTEST Clackamas Sheriff Upholds Tom Word Hm Says Multnomah Official Per fectly Klgbt la Stopping Sane. Im possible to Oat BU BtaUon, Aaaartad. "The worst affair we ever saw," was the verdict of -Sheriff Word and Depu- u ties Beckman and Lnmaden regarding ..... ; . . a dance at Bell station on the Car Uolonel Wood Declares Action ;adr Un which wa pp t th iif 'un r i r officers at an early hour Sunday morn- WOUld Be Surrender Of a in The dance happened to be in mt ii:i 1 Clackamas county, and no arrests rnnCm e NeVfir Yet KrOken could be made by the Multnomah coun ! ! ty officers, but they put a stop to the proceedings. LAW CALLED DETESTABLE j uKSr&iS?? "StrS of the dancers, he asserts, were In toxicated, and that among the women were many girls under 21 years oia. "Sheriff Word did perfectly right !n stopping the dance." said Sheriff Mass at Oregon City this morning. "I waa notified of the dance, but I did not re fuse to stop it, as was told Sheriff Word. I told the man who notified me that there were no more cars to Port land Saturday night; that the roads to Bell were impassable for an automo bile, and a rig would not reach there until morning, and for him to get the local constable to stop the roughness." Act Asserted Return to Star Chamber and Outgrowth of Hysteria Fol lowing McBUnleys Death. NEW TODAY Money to Loan onReal Estate MORGAN & PECKHAM Railway Xxohange. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 TRANSPORTATION IVUiX-i tbla city. Marrh 2U. DUy A. Kyman. aged 9 year, r1fa of W. C. Hy men, of 2o3 Bancroft avenue, and daughter of Ueorce W. Anderaou. stater cf Mr. Uurge L. Wlae. and lira. R. C brydrl of thla city. The funeral aervlrea wlU be aeld Toeaday, Marrh 81. 1:30 o'clock p. m.. at too ml denr atabUabmeBt of J. P. ttnlejr tk Hun, Montromery at Fifth. Friend Invited, r" Characteristic scene on Sandy river during recent run of fish, the first for three years past. (HII;.NSHIHK IS TO HAIL Itlg Stamer K.eot"d t Ijeave Wednesday. Wednesday mornlrig at daylight the Hrltlsh steamer Cardiganshire is. ex pected to sail from Portland for the orient and Kurope by way of Seattle. Uniformity Sought in Workmen's Laws Compensation legislation In All States to Be Made Uniform If Possible: Committee Is Planned. New York, March 28. Resolutions looking toward an active campaign to bring about uniformity in all work men's compensation legislation were adopted today at a meeting of the ex- She Is rapidly taking mi cargo at the ecutive committee of the workmen's (.'lark & Wilson mill at Iinnton and compensation department of the Na will finish by Tuesday evening. Owing i tiofral Civic Federation. Attending the to t.ie Inability of the lumber inspect- ; meeting were John Mitchell,. United ore to work nights she will not taku 1 States Senator Sutherland of Utah, as large a cargo of lumber as was in-I August Belmont, and a score of others tended but Will fill up with grain. , Interested in legislation for the benefit I he steamer Cilenroy of the Royal , of labor. Mall Steam racket line sailed from Each state board and workmen's Astoria for Seattle yesterday to u'l- compensation commission will be asked dergo repairs to damages suffered dur- j to anDoint a member of th rnmmltt.. Ing the fire here three weeks ago. i which shsiii mv. nr,r !.. than October lOti. Other steamers of the Royal Mail lino are reported as follows: -Merionethshire Arrived Yoknhamn from Puget sound, March 26. Glenroy ! row- The Ahwaneda was to have Jjallcd from Portland for Seattlo, 1 BaiIe1 today, but owing to the rough March 28. (Cardiganshire At Port- 1 condition of the mouth of the river land. Or. Radnorshire Sailed from ! wil1 wait here a day before sailing. Shanghai to Japan March 18. en route! After pleasant trips up the coast, to Pacific coast. Den of Ruthven ' tho North Pacific steamships Yucatan, Hailed front Colombo March 17. on Captain Paulsen, and Alliance, Cap route to Pacific coast, via orient. Glen- ! tain Lofstedt, reached Columbia dock lochy Arrived London March 14, j No.. 1 last night. The Yucatan brought route to Pacific coast, via orient. Car- ; 80 passengers and 800 tons of freight Tiarvonshlre Sailed from Antwerp for from San Diego and way points, while London, orient and Pacific coas. I the Alliance had 25 passengers and 200 March 19. tons of freight from Eureka and Coos ! Bav. The Standard Oil OLKK CLVH WILL SAIL I'nlverpitjr Singera to Take Passage on lireakwater. The miAlcal soul of Captain T. J. Mecgenn of the steamer Breakwater will have its fill of harmony on the next trip of the Breakwater into Coos Bay, for this morning passage was re served on the steamer for the Willam ette University Glee club which goes on a tour of the Coos country during ... ....vJa. aLin, matstnui Astoria, yr.. March 30. Arrived at 0'30 a great lover of music and promises nd left up at S:15 a. m. Steamer Aroline. that the man who refuses to sing for' m,m !san rrancisco Tla Coos Bay. Arrived at nl'r 'h WaVh" P'igauTrr P loa The Olee club numbers 22 members; San Francisco. March 30. Arrived at 9 a. ana is scneuuiea to sing in a number . m. steamers Beaver and Tamalpais, from tanker Atlas brought 16,000 barrels of refined oil from Port San Luis, reaching Will bridge at 9 o'clock last night. Third of the steamers to enter the Portland-Alaska service of the Port land Stefcmship company, the steamer Qulnault reached the river this morn ing. She is scheduled to sail Wednesday. San Ramon, Am. etr Couch St. En Koute to X.oad Grain. Name Sailed from Desaiz, Fr. sen Hamburg Jean. Fr. bk Netvcaetle, Kns. Barmbek. Oer. bk Santa Rosalia Krbln, Nor. bk , .Bahia Blanco Osaa, Ger. 88. Callao Uen. de Sonls. Fr. bU Newcastle HUoelleneoue En Boute. Lord Ixtnadale. lir. as.. Antwerp Aroa. Nor. as Victoria Transvaal, Dan. a .Gothenburg 1'ierre Antoolne, Fr. bk Antwerp River Forth, Br. etr Antwerp Inverbervie, Br, atr Antwerp Tramley, Br. as.-. Antwerp En Boute to Load Lumber. Name Suited from Howth. Br. bk Newcastle. Eng. Harriets, Br. as San Franclaco King Cvrua. Am. sch Willington Tarpenbek, Ger. acb Santa Rosalia Queen Eugenie, Br. as Bremerton Irene, Am. sch... Hobart Mathew Turner, Am. sch Iquiqul Salem, Am. sch Newcastle, N. S. W. Asumazan Maru. Jap. a Kobe Lompac, Br. ss Amsterdam Ecclesla, Br. as Honolulu Selvelg, Nor. aa San Francisco Puako, Am. bk Valparaiso Shinkal Maru, Jap. sg W. H. Mars ton. Am. sen Valparaiso Beulah, Am. sch San Diego Omega, Am. sch Coqulmbo Minooro, Am. sch Suva Queen Mand, Br. as San Francisco Strathalbyn, Br. as San Francisco Haxel Dollar. Br. ss San Francisco Santa Cruz. Am. sa Seattle Strathlorne. Br. sa San Diego Henrik Ibsen. Nor. as Melbouru Hurst, Br. atr Eureka Mannlngiry. Br. atr Eureka Christian Bors, Nor. str Guaymas Alvena, Am. sch Laetal StrBthgarry, Br. str San Francisco Strathdan, Br. str San Francisco Saint Hugo, Br. str Callao Three Are Killed In Auto Accident Dally KSver Readings. MARINE NOTES of the Coos Bay cities before they re turn to school at Salem. A record for coasting steamers fell yesterday when the Breakwater came front Astoria to Portland in 7 hours and 20 minutes according to Captain Macgenn. The steamer left Astoria at 9 o'clock and whs tied at her berth at Alnsworth dock at 4:20. The Break water brought 2 carloads of Coos county butter for delivery to Seattle merchants, the largest shipment of but ter made out of that country in some time. She also had 90 passengers and considerable other general cargo. She is scheduled to sail at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning. EMBRYO 'PIRATES" CAUGHT -1 Three Youngsters Start Out to Sail Mighty Main in Deserted Iloat. Three boys, the oldest 17 and the youngest 14, became imbued with th piracy Idea yesterday and when over taken by the harbor patrol boat with Knginecr Karl Prehn in charge, were sailing the high seas ol the Willam ette river in the hull of a sailboat. Tha boys ware Max Becker, 847 Broadway; Howard Coffman, 200 McMillan, and Walter Myers, 386 Irrabee. The harbor patrol boat was called to the O. W.. U. & N. boneyards t pick up a skiff which the watchman aid had been left there by thres Mmall boys and which lie believed had been stolen. As the boat was on her way back Knglneer Prehn overhauled the three boys lrt another boat, they 'laving secured the hull of a sailboat tied up along t:-.e river and started out in that. They Were brought to th i harbor patrol boathouse at the foot of Htark street and sent home after a warning to leave the craft tied along the waterfront alone. Portland Victoria, March 30. Arrived Steamer Santa Cruz, from Portland. AMorla. March 2S. Arrived at 6:45 and left up at 8 a. m. Steamer Breakwater, from Coos Bay. Arrived at 8 and left up at 9 a m. Steamer E. H. Vance, from San Pedro. Arrived at 9:50 and left up at 11:06 a. m. Steamer Yucatan, from San Diego and way ports. Arrived at 9:50 a. m. and left up at 12:15 p. m. Steamer Alliance, from Coos Bay and Eureka. Sailed at 10:30 a. m. BritiHh steamer Glenroy. for Srattle. Ar rived at 10:30 and left up at. 11:30 a. m. Steamer 0. J. Clark, from San Francisco. Ar rived at 10:3O a. m. and left up at noon Steamer Portland, from San Pedro. Sailed at noon Steamer J. B. Stetson, for Skagway and way ports. Arrived at noon and left up at 1 p. m. Steamer Atlas, from San Fran cisco. Arrived down at 1 and sailed at 3:30 p m. Steamer Santa Cruz, for Vancouver, Sailed at 2 p. m. Steamer Jim Butler, for Vancouver. Sailed at 4 p. m. Steamer Daisv Putnam, for San Tedro. Arrived st 1:30 and left up at 10 p. m. Steamer San Ramon from Jan Francisco. San Pedro, March 29. ArrivedSteamer Klamath, from Portland. Aatorla, Or.. March 30. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m., moderate; wind south 30 miles; weather, cloudy. Tides at Astoria Tuesday. . High water 2:82 a. m.. 8.4 feet; 4:08 p. m.. 0.2 feet. Low wnter lf-n.t n. a a I feet; 9:19 p. m., 3.5 feet. " i C aC S a s a 6TATIONS. " -t a 1 s- I Z 51 Lewtston 24 I 5.010.2 TTo Umatilla 2ii 5.40.2 O Eugene 10 4.1 0.2 .28 Albany 20 4.8 0.4 .19 Salem 20 3.6 0.3 .24 Wllsonvllle 37 6.6 0.7 .10 Portland 15 6.6 0 .22 English Architect, His Wife and Daughter, Slain Whan Car Xs Hit by Electric Train. Oakland, Cal., March 30., A. Bryan Turner, an English architect, whose wife and daughter, Christina, aged 20, were killed in an automobile collision with a train yesterday, died here to day. Turner, with his wife and daugh ter, were riding iln the machine of George E. Kelly, a, life insurance man, when struck by a Southern Pacific train at a street crossing in East Oak land. Kelly was seriously bruised. Mrs. Kelly escaped practically unharmed. Kan Auto Into Ditch. Petaluma, Cal., March 30. Losing the road when their lights went out, William Kaiser and Julius Bork ran their automobile into a ditch, upset it and were severely Injured. Wlckersham's Face Is Cut. New York, March 30. Ex-United States Attorney General Wlckersham's automobile got beyond the chauffeur's control, ran into a trolley pole and smashed the wind shield, Wickersham and his granddaughter, Winifred At kin, suffering severe cuts on the face from broken glass. Portland, Mfirch 28. To the Editor of The Journal I feel it would be moral cowardice If I did not say pub licly that I have for several years known Har Dyal, 'the Hindu scholar, j whose deportation it is said is being sought by England. He is one of the most cultured men I have ever known. Not only Is he competent to fill the chair of Sanscrit, literature and phil osophy at Stanford university, as he did, but in Eurppean constitutional his tory ani. In , modern economics, the class-struggle which finds expression In socialism and anarchism, he Is pro foundly learned. He is a man no mat ter what the color of his skin would be a credit to this country and he has never sought to promote personal vio lence or to undermine the Institutions of this country except as all of us are doing who are not stand-patters and who believe that a social order can not long endure which has a few dan gerously rich at the top and a rising tide of poverty and degeneracy at the bottom. I believe it to be true that he has from this country encouraged his countrymen in India to become self-governing and reject British rule. If I am not mistaken. Patrick Henry and John Adams did much the same thing. We do not respect Lovejoy. Garrison and Wendell Phillips less as agitators for human freedom because war was the final outcome of their agitation. We have never surrendered the political refugee to his oppressor and it has always been our doctrine of free speech and free press that the ref ugee might from this country still send back his views and exhortations to his countrymen, We did not sur render Carl Schurz to Germany though he continued his agitation 'from this country. We I never surrendered a Fenian to Great Britain because he sent money and revolutionary tracts back to Ireland or Into Canada. It is my opinion that If we surrender the scholar Har Dyal to England under the flimsy pretext. of deporting an an archist, we have thrown the door open to send back to Russia those victims she has persisted in asking us for and whose deportation we have stead ily refused. Whatever may be the view of labor against tho free immigration of the oriental races, it Is not true that labor ever demands the deporta- National Anthem Will Not Be Cut Pink-Tea Patriotism rinds Ho Favor With president of national Star Spangled Banner Commission. Baltimore, Md.. March 30. "Pink tea patriotism" will find no place on the program for the celebration of the centenary of the writing of the "Star Spangled Banner," which will be held In Baltimore in September. The dis cusslon concerning the phraseology of the third stanza of the national an them, which more than once has been criticised as bearing harshly upon our British cousins, has been revived. Here are the offending lines: "And where is that band who so vaunt inely swore That the havoc of war and the bat tle s confusion A home and a country should leave us no more? Their blood has washed out their foul footsteDS nollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave Prom the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave; And the star spangled banner In trl- umDh doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brav. While some of our school readers print the "Star Spangled Banner" with this stanza omitted, Mayor James It Preston of Baltimore, president of the National Star Spangled Banner Centen nial commission, has taken an emphatic stand and stated that he has no sympa thy with the supersensltlveness of the objectors. To those who fear that the singing of the third stanza will be dis tasteful to our English friends, the mayor has Teplied in the following terms: "I think we must bear in mind that Key's poem, 'The Star Spangled Ban ner.' is a war anthem. Inspired amidst tion of an Individual because of his ; the smoke and din of battle, for men in ()RiBlng; ( )Falllng. Huge Guns Fired On Dreadnaught Italian Battleship Julius Caesar Pire 13 13-Xnch Guns Simultaneously Without B&matrinff Herself Badly. Spezia, March 30. At artillery trials of the new dreadnaught Julius Caesar today all of her thirteen guns of 13 inch calibre, in triple turrets, were fired simultaneously with excellent re sults. It is said that such a severe trial is unprecedented. It was tried by an Austrian dreadnaught and she was seriously damaged when the gun a were fired. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Completing her first round trip from Portland to Coos Bay and San Fran cisco and return, the steamer Aroline Is due at Albers' dock with freight and .passengers late this afternoon. She brings 11,400 sacks of cement, besides considerable general cargo. F. p. Baumgartner, local agent for the line! Is a passenger on the steamer. With 2000 tons of grain and 400 of general merchandise, the Arrow line steamer Navajo will leave here tonight. She will probably stop at Westport to pick up a deck load of lumber, putting to sea Tuesday evening. Carrying 48 passengers and 1200 tons of general merchandise, the Steamer San Ramon, Captain Jamie- son, reached Couch street dock this morning. She will sail for the south on Friday with passengers and lumber. Railway equipment for the contract ors working on the road Into Coos Bay from Eugene will form the principal part of the cargo on the gas schooner Patsy, which will sail .from Albers' . dock tomorrow evening. She will touch at Coos Bay. Siuslaw and Ban don on this trip. ' - General merchandise for Newport wilt fill the hold of the gas schooner Ahwaneda, Captain Charlston, when . she sails from Oak street dock tomor- AIARINE INTELLIGENCE Dne to Arrive. Bear, from San Pedro and way April 2 Breakwater, toon Bay April n Roanoke, from San Pleco and wav..Aprtl 5 Breakwater, from Coos Bay ...April D Thos. V. Wand, from Alaska.... April 5 Eeaver, from San Pedro and wav April 7 K HJdviBVI wh3 pua vjr.?f mojj 'ajunirrv Kose tity. rrom San Pedro and way.. April 12 Arouoe. rrom an rran. coos Bay. April 14 J. B. Stetson, from Alaska April 20 nuuurjBuiii-. i rum n.uro:e tna orient. .Aorll 23 Du to Danert. Qulnault. for Alaska xt.i- n Aroline, for Coos Bay and San Fran.. Mar. 31 teillo, ror san Diego Mar 30 Yoseuilte, for San Pedro iMar! 30 nme -iiy, lor mq i-euro ana way.... April Breakwater, for Coos Bay April Cardiganshire, for orient and Knrcn. i.,.n i AlMauce, for Coos Bay and Eureka!. April mcatan, tor san Diego and wav April ran namon. ror san Francisco April Crown of Toledo, for Europe April Bear, for San Pedro and wav in.n Rodney shire, for Orient and Europe. .April 87 From Sea Francisco. Steamers Harvard and Yale, alternatlnc leave SHn Francisco for Ban Dieao on Mon- onys, vveanesuay, irldays and Saturdays, connecting with steamers from Portland iNorinoouud. tney arrive at Raa Francisco iirauji. luurauays, Saturdays aud aun- Vassals in Port. Nkir.e Berlin. Am. ship p Ievt Burgess, Am. bk... oat la na. Am. acb St. Nicholas, Am. Sch Sue 11. Klmore. Am. ss Reuce, Am. sch Chinook, dredge Samar. Am. sch Wm. II. Nottingham, Am. ss Kncore. Am. scb . . . s Cardiganshire, Br. aa.fc.... Luxor, Ger. ss Stratbendrlck, Br. str Geo. W. Fenwiek, Am. str... Kinross, Br. ss Beulah, Am. sch Celtic Am. str Bee, -Am. atr Shoshone, Am. str Crown of Toledo, Br. str.. Yosenitte, Am. str Navajo, Am. sa Pxe City. Am. atr Breakwater, Am. str E H. Vance, Am. str Yucatan, Am. str Alliance. Am. str O M. Clurk, Am. str Portland, Am. str Atlas, Am. atr ., Bertfe C. Bunkers .r. C. Bunker St. Helena Astoria Buppls's Astoria ..Alaska Dock Preacott Port. Lor. Co. .fort. Lor. Co. Llnnton Wanna Wanna ..Tongue Point . . lnman-Poulsen ... .Knappton Llnnton St. Helens Wanna ...North Rank . .Inman-Poulsen Albers Alnsworth . . . .Alnsworth ....... WUlbrtdae .i.oiumnia xso, .Columbia No. Wauns ..Globe MIHs STADTER ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR JUDGE Party of Five Drowned. Fresno, March 30. A bridge across the San Joaquin river collapsed Satur day night at Power House No. 1, under an automobile carrying five passen gers, and all were 'drowned. They were Superintendent Ij. N. Peart, of the San Joaquin Light & Power com pany; J. E. Burgess, his assistant; Chauffeur Percy Marks and his wife. and an unidentified man. Oregon Is Home of Maraschino Cherry Thirty Carloads of Them Were Pickled In Sulptmrio Acid In TJnlon County Alone Xast Tear. (Washington Bureau of The Journal.) Washington, March 30. Manufac turers of maraschino cherries in Ore gon have inquired of Congressman Sin nott whether the new tariff law ad mits such cherries free of duty. They explain that the method of preparing these cherries is to pickle them In sul phuric acid to take out the color, ship them in the acid and at the place of destination put them through treat ment to remove all traces of acid and put them up in a red syrup. This is becoming a considerable . Industry in Union county, where thirty carloads of cherries were pickled In acids last year. Maraschino cherries when contain ing no alcohol or containing not over 10 per cent of alcohol are assessed with duty at the rate of 20 per centum ad valorem and $2.50 per proof gallon of the alcohol contained therein in ex cess of 10 per cent. Pickled cherries without brine are dutiable at the rate of one cent per pound. Cherries in brine containing not less than .62 per cent of sodium chloride are admitted free of duty. radical views or his attacks upon tyr anny, and I am given to understand I that the labor of San Francisco not nniv does not demand the deporta tion of Har Dyal, but is protesting against It. For myself, I think this whole deportation act Is one of tho most detestable and disgraceful laws Btrife. about men In strife. It is not the story of an Italian sunset or an afternoon tea. Recognlging this fact. I do not think that the average English man Is of such delicate susceptibilities as to be offended by any line of it, any more than the singing of 'Rule, Brl ! tannla,' by the tars on battleships in on our statute dooks. ji is a return jew York harbor would meet with the to tne star cnamuer ui -"fe I disapproval of any American enaowea with ordinary common sense Robert Burns' favorite poem, begin Innl and the lettres de cachets of Louis of France. The secretary of labor is absolute. He writes the order I iO V. rr ' Walton . 1 of deportation and from that there is Ja mucb loved and quoted in England, no appeal, in me jonn iuru '-"" notwithstanding that It teems with re- the supreme court or we unueu oiaics nroaehes atrainst that country. I am held that neither It nor any other certalnly not In favor of any altera court held any Jurisdiction to inter- . interoolation or excision of any fere. This la a nice condition of af- ' i fnr. rVoa America. It is Russia. pure and simple. It is aimed at some one lone, poor, forlorn individual of whom this great country Is so afraid it must drive him out. It originated In the national hysteria following the assaslnation of McKinley and I may remark in passing that every assassin of a president has been native-born. Booth was; Gulteau was, and I think Czolgosz, though of the latter I am not certain. And this statute has been used by capital ever since to deport those agitators who were making our foreign wage slaves restless In their slavery. It is a statute which speaks for our cowardice on one hand and our capitalistic tyranny on the other, and I have never known labor anywhere to stand for its pse, or approve its ex istence, classic or literary production of estab ! lished value least of all the 'Star Spangled Banner anthem. Wants Better Mail Service, Washington. March 30. Governor West has referred to Senator Lane a request by the St. Paul Commercial club for improved mail service. The club says: "At present, we areMacked onto the end of a rural route from woodburn and the servlcfe is very unsatisfactory. A star route service is desired from Broadacres. arkl one or more rural routes out of St. Paul. Senator Lane lvad alreadjt"seen th postoffice department Shout this mat ter, and he was told that the only ad vantage would be an advance of an hour or two in the receipt of the mail at St. Paul, which was not considered White Star Line TBLYMPIC - LONDON April 18 "OR nADie a m - a m -ri- may v, may ou JTTHE SO, JULY 11. AUO. . AUG. tS. Via Plymouth Cherbourg Southamptoa OTHER SAILINGS OCTAN1C . . .Anr. ll'OCEAJflC Hit HEW YOaX.Apr. M 8T. FAuX...lUy 15 -American i.iue steamer. Mew York Queenstown LiserpooL BALTIC Anr. B rTTTJUTn lr el iATXaENTIO Apr. 16 BALTIC May 7 Beaton Queenatown, Liverpool. $52.50 and un anrnrd in r to tatlm r ARABIC Apr. 81 CYMRIC May Boston Mediterranean, Italy. CASOF1C ..Apr. 25:CRETIO May It AMERICAN LINE 0KE CLASS CABIN n.) SERVICE. $SS op Plymouth Cberbnurc Snurhrtppton. ST. LOUIS ..Apr. 10!NEW YORK .Apr. 14 Oi.. rUL ADr. mrtXLiA. HIT Atlantic Transport Line New York. London Strut. Minnewsk' .Anr. Ill Minnewaaka Vi Minneapolis ..May tj MinnebAhe . .May 16 RED STAR LINE New York !ver Antwerp. Kroonland ...Apr. 11! 'Lapland Apr. 15 I inland Apr. isi Vaderlend May X Lapland calls at Plymouth, omita Dover. White Star Dominion Portland, Ma. Liverpool. tMontreal Liverpool. By Splendid Large Steamers Canada. Apr. 18 tMeaantio Kit 1 tTeutonio ...May 2 tCan&da May 16 'A. E. DISNEY, Paaaenaer Aftnt. Bailey Main ' 113, oa Local Railway and Steamship afsnis. j tSTOKKK At tbe residence of Mr. H. Mor gan, 003 Ladd avenue. Res", ts'urer, affd 7& years, funeral servk-ea will be held at P. L. Lerrh'e new undertaking parlors. East Clay and Eleventh street. Tuesday. March 81, at a p. in. i Friend a Invited. NOKDBERO March 2tT Kdward ;ordlrg. aged 23 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. John Nordbert;. Funeral services will be held at Donning e: McEntee's chapel Tues day, March 81, at 1 p. a. Friends lnvUd. Interment Moont Scott Tark cemetery. DYKSTUA At the family resideoce. k3 Bur rage street. March 2. Jeen Dykatra, aged 77 years, 2 moo lbs, 23 days. Frlrn1s Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above residence, at 2 p. m , t. morrow (Tuesday), March 31. BROWN Tbe fuural services of the late Alexander Brown will be held Tuh0t, Marrh 31. at 2 o'clock p. m.. at tbe family residence. 148 Eaat forty-seventh etrret. friends Invited. lntermentet- Lone Fir ceme. SKINNER In this city. March 30, at his late resilience. It? 14 Mlxtv-eeventb street. 8. K . Horatio K. Skinner. The remains are st tbe residence establishment of J. P. Ftnley Wn. Montroniery at Fifth. EVEKSKN At Rlsley btstlon. Ores Cy 1 earllne, Parker A. Evereen, aged 0 yeara. II months. 19 days. Remains at Bematock'e funeral parlors, 1687 East Thirteenth street. Funeral notice-later. PA KIiKE Maria L. Pardee. Gladstone, Or., . March 23. 75 years; apoplety. e.- -: HALEY Caroline C. Holey. 231 Glene ave nue. March 27, 68 years: s-nopleiy.-PAI.MKR Ueorge B. Palmer, 656 Flanders street, Marrh 25, 67 yeara; atemla. BOCK WOOD EUen M. Rockwood; Virginia H 1 1 1 hotel, March 27. 72 years; congestion j of all kinds. Main 7766. A-7703.' 120 4th. ' CLARKK BROS., florists; fine flowers , and floral designs. 289 Morrison St. MAX Sf,--6MITH. florist, 14l4 6th St.. In Selling bldg. Main 7216. 2zl FUNERAL DIRECTORS NEW HOME OK J. P. FINLKY & SON. New Steel Steamship "AROLINE" Sails Direct for COOS BAY including Marshfield and North Bend and SAN FRANCISCO, Wednesday, April 1 For Passengers and Freight. Make reservations immediately. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND AND LOS ANGELES STEAMSHIP CO. FRANK BOLLAM. Agent. Main 628. 134 THIRD. A-4598. x-reigat orrice. Aibera Dock x. 9. Main 6863. A-677S. TO BAH FBAHCISCO. LOS AMOELIB AND BAH SXEGrO SS. YUCATAN WEDNESDAY, 1FBIX 1. COOS BAT AITS EU1EZA SS. ALLIANCE WEDITESDAY, AFaUXj 1. WORTH PACIFIC STXAMSHTP CO. Ticket Office, II rrelgnt Office, 122A 3d St. IColumbia Dock. 1 Main 1314. A-1314 llPhone 6203. A-5422 The only residence undertaking ea lablibhnient in Portland. Representing the greatest advance in the science of funeral service. Tbe automobile equip ment and secluded driveway are among the many exclusive features. Theea labliHhed policy of moderate price toa never been changed. J. P. KINLEY & SON. Perfect Funeral Service, Montgomery at 6th. m - n BBW ema aVaaW eaay S.S. BOSH CITY ror SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES 9 A. M., April a. The Baa Pranciaoo Jk Portland S B. Co., 3d snd Washington St", (with O.-W. R A N. Co.) TeL Mamball 45O0. A -6 121. New home of P. I Ierch. leading east afde undertaker. This building, with ita beautiful chapel and splendid arrangement, enables us to offer per fect funeral service at is moderate charge. Ladv assistant. -P. L. LURCH, Kast Eleventh and Clay. B-1888. Bast 711. MR. EDWARD HOL.MAN. the leading funeral director, 220 3d st.. coiiitr Ealmon. Lady assistant. Phones A lall. Main 607. COOS BAY LINE Steamship Breakwater Sails from Alnsworth dock, 8 a. to., Wed nesday, Msrch 18, 25, April 1, , 15, 22, Tuesday, April 29. Freight received until NOON day previous to sslllng. Paasenger fare: First class, $10. Second rlae (men only). ST. Including berth and meals. Office: Lower Alnsworth dock. Portland k Coos Bay S. S. Line. L. H. Keating, Agent. Phones Main :SOOO. A-233. American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. TEHTXAKTXFXC KOUTE" Freight Service Between New York-Portland-Europe. Frequent Scheduled Sailings, Low Rates. C D. KENNEDY. Agent. 270 Stark St. PACIFIC Coast Forwarding Co., 207 Ry. Exch. bldg.; cut rate freight on household goods In through cars to all domestic and foreign points, automo bilea forwarded. Tel. Marshall 247. Har rival is a pure blood Aryan and I a sufficient advantage to warrant In h.P.fnr. nt the original stock from which all Europeans trace their de scent. He Is a free thinker In religion and philosophy. Is not a mystic or dreamer, but a clear, hard thinker, and Is devoting his life and property to the cause of down-trodden humanity. I shall watch with interest to know whether this democratic admlnistra-, tion will deliver him up. I have Just received word that there will be a protest meeting against his deporta tion will deliver him up. E. O. Stadter I Taking- as his slogan, "Equal Jus tice to All, Without Fear or Favor." E. O. Stadter, an attorney, has an nounced his candidacy for the Repub lican nomination for district Judg'e, de partment No. 2, comprising the district of Portland. Mr. Stadter is an advocate of equal suffrage, .and. has also been Identified In the campaign favoring the ; $1500 homestead tax exemption. He is mar ried, and has two boys. Mr. Stadter was raised on a! farm. He came to Oregon 4n 1903, and entered the law department of the University of Oregon, from which he graduated in 1906, and was admitted to the Oregon bar. He has made Portland his home since coming to Oregon 11 years ago. has' been engaged In general law Can't Cross Ocean Now, Says Wright Aviator Says With present Machines and Fuel Transatlantic Trip Is t. possible, but Will Come X.ater. Boston, Mass., March 30. Orville Wright, who was here today, expressed the opinion that it was not impossible to make the round the world flight for which $300,000 has been offered in con nection with the Panama Pacific expo sition. Mr. Wright said, however, that he did not believe that the globe circuit could be made by any competitor who attempted to cross the Atlantic in flight, as he believes this to be be yond the capability of present day machines. "So far as the Transatlantic prize of 150.000 put up by Lord Northcliffe Is concerned, I have no hesitation in say ing that It Is absolutely safe from cap ture for some years to come." si net and . Wlilbridge practice for several years. Burglars Make Big Haul t rom store 1 currlng the additional expense for a star route service. Fire and Wreckage Sale. Albina Fuel Co. Clean, dry block wood. E. 182. C-1117. (Adv.) Want Ad Rates la effect Oct. 1. 1913. ALL PREVIOUS KATES CANCELLED CHARGED ADVERTISEMENT! Dally or Sunday. Grain Inspector for Portland. Washington, March 30. The depart ment of agriculture Informs Senator fiit1 "VJi?' efPte "e ?llur ready to be displayed if necessary. The to mention Portland in senate bill 120 full- text of the toint resolution, which Sixteen Suite of Clothes and Sixteen Suitcases Taken from Flace; Police Left Without Much Clew. Clothing thieves last nig.it broke lno the store of Frank DeBenedetti, at 353 Hawthorne avenue, taking; sixteen suits of clothes, sixteen suitcases and a quantity of furnishings. Entrance was gained by going through the skylight, but the means of exit is a fruzzle to tne detectives. i The store was burglarized a few weeks ago in a similar manner. Cap tain of iDetectlves Baty with Detective Hyde made a thorough Investigation this forenoon. They cbuld not find where a wagon or vehicle had been used. Some conveyance was necessary to cart away the goods, it is thought. Lights for Gill-Net Boats. Washington, March 30.-t-Of consider able importance to local; interests at Portland is a Joint resolution intro duced by Senator Lane requiring boats drifting with nets to carry a lantern 1H rente per word per Insertion. s ensrge is -or an ciaaairicauons except For Kent In Private family." "Boom and Board In Private Family." "Situation Want ed" and "Wanted to Bent" ads which are 1U cents per word per Insertion. No ad charged for less than IS cents. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS y, cents per word for sll classifications excepting "For Bent In Private ramtly." -Boom and Board In Private Family," "8tt nation Wanted" and "Wanted to Rent" ads. wblcb ere 1V cents per word. Three Insertions for tbe price of two. Seven Insertions for tbe price of five. No ad taken tor lesa than 15 rents. MEETING NOTICES 41 HEADQUARTERS Lincoln Garfield Post. No. 3, O. A. R. The funeral services of Comrade Joseph Glessner, late of Co. I, 76th Ohio Inf. , Vols., will b(! held at J. P. Flnley & Sons' undertaking parlors on Aionnay, March 30th at 2 p. m. All comrades of tho G. A. It. are requested to be present. WM. M. HENDERSHOTT. JAMES P. SHAW. Post Commander Adjutant. MtfSICn: ANId UTU a L. ASSOCIATION Music furnished for all occasions. See members or phone M. 8007. A-62S9. NEW TODAY Tide & Trust Company Title and Trust Building, Fourth Street, near Stark Mortgage Loans We Make Building Xoaas. as one of the cities In which a grain inspector is to b maintained. It is not believed that the inspection depart ment would not be maintained there, as the bill gives authority to maintain an inspector at such places as the sec retary may deem necessary or proper. Girl Has Masher Arrested. Oakland, Cal., March 30. Ixmts Lembres occupies a prison cell for writing "mushy" notes to Miss Edith Thomas, a pretty stenographer. Lem. bres passed Miss Thomas a note on the street and she had him arrested. is brief, is as follows "That at the end of section c, article 9, of the act of congress approved June 7. 1897i (thirtieth Statutes at Large, page 98, after the! word 'miles,' there shall be inserted a colon and the following words: ! " 'Provided, That gill net boats shall not be required to display lights when drifting with their nets, but such boats bhall be equipped with a lantern, which shall be lighted and placed In a box in the hull of the boat, when drifting, ready to be displayed whenever need- Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 Per Cent H. E. MOONEY Main 810, Boom 431 Palling Bldg. ed. CITY AND FARM LOANS 1000 and ap a lowest rate. ZADOW & ALEXANDER 4X4 Cerbett Bldg. A-1416. Marshall 9X FEAREY BROS. We Buy Notes Iff Salmon St. V-i te A.i7T. Zitef Statistics marriages, Births, Deaths r o ft m r- - . uunning & MCLnteeM"""- every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 00, A-taa. i,Hiiy assistant. A. R, Zeller Co.a;V..t Lady attendant. Da y an,) night Service. BLACKBURN &loTX CDIfOnMREHIPENCE UI1IOOUMM. 8133. A-223 IIND. PL8. r . , r 119 Mum. HEMSTOCK. 1687 E. 13th, Sell. 71. B-1122. l-nlvernity Pk. Cjft. 394-395. Qlp MC C Undertaking Co.fMain 4163 OiNLVVCO A-2321. Cor. 3d ;and Clay. PFARQHM Undertakers.--'feast 1080, rLttnOUIl 369-371 Russell st. MOWTJMEXT8 i PORTLAND MARBLE WHS., 264-S64 4th st., opp. city hall. M.54. A-l 61 '. BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 STORE and lot for Hale, building 40X 80. 2 stories, hall upstairs; lot 46xled ft.; good location; will consider house and tot irf-- Portland and some cash. Inquire M. E. House. 128 3d St., city. FOR SALE HOUSES 01 6 room house. 1077 E. block from Alberta. Must se once. Look it over; no reasonable Of fei refused. 275 Pine st. -r 24th st., N.. 11 at FINEST 6 ROOM HOUSES Irvington, S6000 and ffbOO each; streets all paid. See them.i East 273. W. If. Herdman. ii MARRIAGE LICENSES I'hilln Nowlrk. fflH Second street. 81. end Ida Gellman. K4 Second atreet. 21. CrlRS R. Kelly. re;on t'lty. leg-al, and Elie K. Kisele. fiS Kaft Seventh afreet, le-sl. Harry N. Miller. 35 Eaat Eighteenth street, Nnrth. 24, and Fairy V. Leach, 83 East Elshteenth street. North, . 22 Clsnde Ian. 715 -Wayne street. 2. and Alfhlld M. Jarobson. 715 Wayne street, 1. Theater C. Harjrr"vr. Ealem, Or.; 27. and Jeaale E. Kork. 510 Flanders street. 24. William A. CJeriek. 270 Sixth street, 2fl, and Flora E. Suitier, 267 East Sixth street, 17. Carl J. Glennon. 409 Hoyt street, 2. and Florence V. tForsytbe, Parkburst Apart ments. I,. I L. Wheeler. 613 Chamber of Commerce brlldlug. 20. and Marian Myers, 88 East Xinpteguth street. 2.i. W. G, Smith & Co,1; Tnird floor, Morgan bldg. MY equity of $900 In $200fc bungalow for $506. House is moderb and full lot. hk blocks from Mt.i "Kedtt car. Inquire, owner. D-938, Jourjial. ARTISTIC designs, good construction. modern Ideas, low prices. We bulla to please. Klamt & Nlner.e deslgnet s and builders. Tabor 651 or, Tabor 64. FOR SALE Six room house, modern. near new Falling school i and new steel plant. Price $3000. esy terms. Marsnan itu. v-:i. journal. I-OR SALE, snap price, $3350. $154 cash, balance eay, 6 room new house In Waverly Heights;; good lot. O F. Ford & Co., 309 Ry. pech, Bldg. ACRE PORTLAND HEIGHTS with small modern bungalow; it lea. single large lot and small bungalow; sacri fice by owner. Marshall 5213. SUBURBAN HOME SACRIFICE - Phone owner. Black 828 Oak Orove. FIVE room modern cottage large lot. $1200. Owner. Mt. Scott car to 70th st. "Walk north 2 block No. 4616. DRESS suits for rent; all sixes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st. uiutns KF.LSKK To Mr. and Mrs. George 8. Belaer, 410 Kiipene street, Msrch 9, a son. El .N BACH To Rev. snd Mrs. John A. Rln hacb. 285 Graham street, Msrrb 23, a daughter. HIRLEMONN To Mr. snd Mrs. Albert Hlrle monn, 223 V4 South First street, March 23, a son. M'KAT To Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Me Kav. 156 Lincoln treet, March 24, a eon, MI'NBO To Mr. snd Mrs. Fred E. Munro, 341 Fast Seventy-seventh street. North, March 2. s daughter. r HKCKBEBT To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. fleck be rt, 29 North Twenty-fifth str est. Mtrch 21. a dans;bter. GALLAGHER To Mr. snd Mrs. . H. Gal lagher. OHO East Twentieth street. North, March 21. a son. STEARNS To Mr. and Mrs. Irving fMearna. 25 Nortbrup atreet. March 20. a son. MOHDEN To Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Mor- den. 715 East Twenty-eecood street. North, BARGAIN $1900. nice, modern. Hawthorne - bungalow, ,$4 large rooms. R-S51. Journal., 14 $1800 For sale, house andlot; fur- nlshed, 141 E. 6th st, N.;mall pay ment and $20 month. By ogner. FOUR room house anl lot. near $475 Peninsular ave., terms E. 27th st. jwner, 186 SACRIFICE 4 room cottage, cement basement and walk, frulti and gar den. Phone Tabor 2043. FOR SALE 8 room modern house, price $4500; one half Lash. 620 Borthwick st. Martha DunfKt. owner. $25 DOWN. $10 PEftlMO, Modern 4 room cottage, ql-?se to car. Owner, Pellwood 2204. 1- $100 DOWN. $16 PER? MO. New modern 6 room bungsilow, clove to car. Owner, Sell wood 2204. ' BEAUTIFUL home, 1 room, inodern; 4 lots, all kinds of fruit. iiMt Scott car. Owner. Tabor 6136. f HOME buyer, better look ar bungalow at 388 E. 47th. Price tjily $2660, easy terms. 1405 Hawthorns ave. : FOUR room house, 2 . lots, $0x100. on corner. Call at Mrs. Rbjpades. 134 B. hatn St., t. m v. car to bjtn st. FOR SALE, 6 and room boatses. Haw- - thoroe disc, 8200 cash, balance easy terms. O. F. Ford ft Co.. 3g Ry. Ex. NEW 7 room house, $200.'AAcash, $20 . monthly. Phone Woodlawtt 1799. FINE, new modern home, obeap; Ladd addltto owner rjUst 275. i - v