I THE OREGON DAILY; JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 19. 1914. 17 t,' 1 i e V v 1 FOR SALE LOTS . 16 THE greatest opportunity in the city of Portland- today for horn Invest ments In on the went side south. With the building of the ecenlo Terwllllgee boulevard, double tracking' the Oregon Electric, electrifying the Fourth street roan, wun tns proposea improvements tXS2aM if,i T hard r?A with r?1 !2i?nd-w i or itn street to tin urfaclna or macad the lmnrovement of Oorbett street, there Is no location In the city where values are going to Increase faster ' than in this direction. If you are look ing for a homenlte with a fine view, we have some very choice 80x110 foot lota, only 16 minutes' ride. Be far, for $360. $10 Vjwn. $6 per month. M. K. Lee, bzz corpett bldg. ARK you looking- for a homestte? It win pay you to see our une view lots that we are offering close In on the west side. This Is the best value to b bad In the city. We have very choice, large view homesites for $3&0 each, $10 down, $5 per month. This ?roperty is only 15 minutes' car ride, c fare, and It will pay you to see it. Always a pleasure to show property. M. K. Lee, B22 Corbett bldg. nhutf CMTV VAftU UN A PH. 60x100, facing east and north, 49th and Tillamook, 1 blk. to Sandy blvd. 50x100 on 4Rth. between Stanton and Siskiyou, facing easts gas, sewer, walks, $500. C. A. RUFF. 823 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $700 buvs a half acre on the wesi side, 20 minutes' ride, 6c fare. In line with fast development; has a big fu ture; terms only $20 caoh. $10 per month. On a large piece of ground like this you can raise your vegetables, berries, chickens, fruit, etc., which Is a greater part of your living, M. L. Lee, &zz i:ornettmai. $1600, PLUS street improvements, bonded, buys the best 50x100 corner In Piedmont, Mallory and Ainsworth streets. , ' , $8000 Lot 7. block . Maegly High land, on Union ave. See owner. 807 Northwest Bldg. Phone Main 7311. 100x100, Only $450 With graded streets, water, near good school, church, with good car service. Small payment down, very ey terms on balance. 722 Yeon bldg. lRVINGTON y block, 21st, between Thompson and Brazee, all Improve ments In and paid for; best buy in Irv Ington t $6250. Call owner, phone East 6100. IF YOU want a farm, city property, or business chance that you can depend on being worth the money, see W. R. Halxllp. ,- 407 Stock Exchange bldr. No fakes or inflated values. NICK Laurelhurst lot. $860; terms; also acre with house near car. easy terms. "F." 723 Chamber of Com merce. Main B129. ACREAGE 67 Redmond & McQovern with office opposite station, have the bargains of Mllwaukie. and the Oregon City Car line; 4 large lots with 10 room house, barn, fruit, cement walks, improved street, $3150; 6 lits with 5 room house, fruit, berries, grapes small barn, spring, nice lawn and roses, 12600. nurt cash. Elegant modern 8 room bunga'ow with lot 65x100, close in restricted district. $3000; $300 casH, balance Ilk rent. Dandy lots near the new car line $200. a little cash, bal ance monthly. Acre tracts, notning better near Portland; these tracts are clustered wlt.i dogwood, maple ana rir iroven. verv sichtlv and restricted. $000 per acre. One acre 2 blocks of car, set to fruit, all city conveniences except gas. 1800. Two acres i diocks road. 4 blocks of river, best of soil, to see is to buv. SS00 Der acre. 3 acres with new 6 room bungalow, barn, spring, 160 bearing trees, 600 feet of river, easily wortn jsuou; we win sen for $4700. $1000 cash, balance to bui We are at our office Sundays. Red mond & McOovern. 6 ACRES. $250. $10 down and S5 per month buys 5 acres logged off land, between Port land and Centralis, on main line of i railroads, 1V4 miles from town of 1000 population: sawmills and other indus tries. Some of these tracts are three fourths cleared, and have running streams and springs on. Some have f-nough wood and tie timber to pay for the land; good soil; lies well; fine lo cation. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 212 Railway Exchange COLUMBIA ACRES Berry and chicken raising pays bi on the amount invested. I have tract near Columbia river, suitable for either. Fine soil, no rock or gravel. 10 acres $300. 10 cesh, $5 per month will buy a choice tract and make you in dependent. A. W. LAMBERT, 404 E. Alder St. Phones B-1910, E. 640. PIKASURE EXCURSION HAZEL. DELL PARK. In order to demonstrate the pos sibilities of this beautiful site to the realty public, the Willamette Land x t-.,....- r .u. -., i ""r'm"' "icnu wnij luiuim in- yltatlon to you to call at their office, 300 Oregonian bldg., for particulars referring to their delightful Sunday ex- c-urmon, i all M-ain 1U34. BEST 100 ACRES IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Every acre perfect land, electric line, station on land adjoining city of McMlnnville. 38 miles to Portland, v Choice hon land or dairy farm. Beau tiful building site. Will give terms. DUDLEY. ARCHER & CO.. 405-7 Northwestern Bank bldg. CHICKEN, and fruit rancnes near Pore land: Gresham district, Estacada line, electric station mile. New sub dlvlsh.n. Sunshine Valley orchard tracts; beat soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $160 per acre In smalt tracts; easy terms; quick train service.- Frank McFarland Realty "o.. 309 Yeon bldg,. Portland. Oregon. SITES FOR A REAL HOME. 5 or 10 acres Just outside the cor poration limits of McMlnnville on new electric line, 40 miles to Portland. Very rhoice land and sightly. Prices right. Telephone us. DUDLEY. ARCHER & CO.. 405-7, Northwestern Bank blag. GOING away, so will sell my home o 7 acrei, Improved, crop in, lays V4 mile north of fair grounds, Vancouver, Wash. Will sell for lews than cost. Call and see me at 634 Insley avenue, until Thursday, March 19, or address W. A. Wright. Vancouver. Wash. 6 ACRES $260. $1 fare from Portland, near town, school, station, fine, dandy, level land; $10 down. $5 per month. Claude Cole, ?17 Board of Trade. FOR SAL.K At a bargain, 1 acre good rich land all in cultivation, 3 room house, 1 block from city limits, 4 1. looks from etirt of Montavilla car. See o w tier 28S'g Russell, STC'E little cottage'' and 2 acres, all under cultivation, I block from car line, price $1750, easy terms. E-695, Journal. 6 2-3 ACREH cleared, rich loam, close In on electric line, good trout creek; Must sell. M. A. Diehl. Battle Ground, Wash. HAZEL DELL PARK. 2 acre tracts, just outside rtty limit Orenco, $750; terms. See owner, room 300 Oregonlan bldg. Main- 1034. ONE mile ocan front. 160 acres, good platting proposition, splendid loca tion; will hell tm eusy terms or trad? I Portland property 3.'S Henry bldg. SN'AP IF TAKEN AT ONX'F acr across from Cnpltol Hill. Owner go ing eat; terms. Call Woodlawn 22". I FOR .SALE FARMS 17 -CENTRAL OREGON 49 acre irrigated ranch, and house i and' lot ,n town, price $3500, to ex- ma fiv Port 1:1 nH AhlOMi4 ab,1 T or Spokane property. Write Leverett- i Hughes Co., Bend, Or. ' 1 .,' -VERY cheap for the quality is my . . beautiful home farm on Tualatin ; V ' river. T. Wlthycombo, 432 12th st. j jiarsnsii 01 in. j n PLENDID farm of "20 acres to rent. : . it.... t . . ..a nnr uw yiicj tnj. oux lis, xone. Or. ' 69 ACRES. 12 hops. 12 prunes, good buildings, $176 per acre. Wolfatein, to I Alisky bldg. . FOR SALE FARMS 17 ' ( Continued.) Can You Best These? "160 acres, i mile of town. mile to school. Oo from Portland and return same day; 29 acres under plow, 2,000, 000 feet fln tfmhar vllntl to mar- kt: a11 kln0 of farm buildings, spring Bnd crM: all stock and implements, 0at8' - ?0 tons . hay, ,frult. vegetables. etc., I4.U0, jzooo easti. 120 acres. $20 per acre, dandy, level, rich land, 40 acres open, easily made into a farm; $1000 cash. CLAUDE COLE, 917 Board of Trade bldg. MY HOME, 20 acres near Portland, on Columbia, l'i miles from station, boat landing, postofflce .hard surfaced roads, best of soil; 1$ acres cultivated. 2 fine springs, water piped, 1 acre bearing orchard. 2 acres young cherries, 1 acre black berries. 500 strawberries, 200 rhubarb, 4 room house, barn, chicken house, school across road, team, cow, hog, chickens, wagon, buggy, harness. Imple ments, separator, hay; $2000 cash will handle; price $700 below cost. Must sell account of sickness. W. E. Ire- lanq, wpahougal. vvash. I Cheap Farms t 20 acres, 7 miles from Vancouver. 13 acres cleared and fenced, on good road, 4 acres of beaverdam, 2 acres ready to seed to onions, house and barns. Price $3600; cash $1000, bal ance terms. 320 acres 25 miles out, mostly plow land, about 80 acres has been -cleared, all fenced; price 8500; cash $3000, balance terms. HOMESTEAD REALTY CO.. Room 18. 232 Washington st. 20 Acres $800 $1 fare from Portland, near town, school, station, fine farming land; 800 acres on market; $100 cash. $950 Buys 15 1-2 Acres Rich, black soil, close to town and school, on main county road: fair house, spring water. 3 acres under plow. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade bldg. Snap 80 IrrAfl liftaKl 4ty fruit nin!f,v or dairy, 40 a. clear, about 85 a. gooi timber, balance brush pasture, 15 a. In oats; 4 room house with fireplaoi,; necessary Duuaings, family orchard, numerous springs, water piped to house, on milk route, near University town. No Incumbrance. Might consider part trade. H-775. Journal. $10 PER ACRE. of Echo, 22 miles W, of Pendleton. N. E. ec. 18. T. 2 fc.. R. 29 E. 120 acres has been In cultivation, small nouse ana earn, well 50 ft. deep with plenty water. Terms 8500 cash, bal ance 6 years at 6. UUUUAilU & WlEDRICK, 243 Stark st. Best Buy in Oregon 70 acres, 80 in cultivation, best kind of loose, black, deep soil that will rale anything; good orchard, new house, only 20 miles from Portland, south. Price only $5000. If you have $2000 cash don't fail to see this. Main 680S. 1020 N. W. Bank bldg. 17 ACRES of land close to Ralnier8 good 4 room house, barn, horses, buggies, wagons, all farming utensils, furniture, in fact everything Is com plete. Price only $2250 with very easy terms. This Is a bargain and must be sold In the next few days GRAHAM & M'GUFFEY, ' 610 Henry bldg. FARMS and prices to suit everybody. Highly improved farmB in a prosper ous community. "Land naturally level and comes under Irrigation project. Stock and implements if desired. Near timber, cheap fuel. A good colony proposition. H. L. Mills, HildebrandL Klamath county, Oregon. SMALL FARM NEAR PORTLAND. 12 acres near Sycamore station, on Estacada line, 4 acres In cultivation; 7 room plastered house, barn, good well, family orchard; lots of berries; good road; small payment will handle. Price $3000. Ask for Mr. Miller. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO. . 286 Oak st. Texas State Land for sale by the state. You can buy good land at $2 per acre; pay 5c per acre cash and no more for 40 years but 3 per cent Interest. Send 6c post age for further information. Investor fuD. co.. Dept. r, tan Antonio, Tex. 160 ACRES Umatilla county, 2 miles from Hermlston, to exchange for hotel or apartment: this land is clear worth $100 per acre; 60x142 business lot in Spokane, price $8000, equi'y $5500. will exchange. A. J. Buell, 160 lltli st. Main 3109. Looking for Land Bargains? I handle nothing but REAL BAR GAINS in Farms and Farm Lands. 8ee me or lose money! P. E. Lamar, b0Z-Z Lumbermens building. 320 LOGGED land. tillable, close to town, good road; $15 per acre and 15 . nrca 4 rt rnarn S rnnm K.-vi,n f fa jiou. xraae ror hortiana. Vancouver or val. ley house or clear acreage. Owner box 97. Castlerock. Wash. FOR SALE 40 acres rich, level land, under fence. 3 miles from Salem; good roads, school, phone, R. F D no buildings. Price $200 per acre; no trade. Phone B-2413, or address 737 E. Main st., citv. 60 acres at Gaston. Wash. Co. 50 acres in cultivation, all fine land, fam ily orchard, large house, extra good barn. Price $7500. Terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. FOR SALE Improved 40. Irrigated, good house, 20 miles from Laidlaw" Tumalo project, clear title, cheap terms. J. L. Gibson, Redmond, Or. 16 ACRES for sale, all in good shape, house, barn, all 'undor plow; easy terms. Call Woodlawn 1916. FOR KENT FARMS 14 acres 5 miles out. thp best proposition of any in the coun try for onions, chickens, ducks, onion seed now being planted. Call 390 Van couver ave., city. C-2478. There's Many X CoPPCO Jeff's" ' . , lMeA& t Cop oor j FOR KENT FARMS 14 y (Continued.) " . 0 acrerf ar n, miie sou th west - oi Salem, 7 room house, large barrv Implements, etc., family orchard in full bearing, jsprlng, creek, well. 60 acres in cultivation, 2 miles to electric cars. Cash or 'crop rental. See owner, 518 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER 28 TIMBER for sale; quarter section of f-ood timber in Douglas county. Or. II cruise 8,59.000 fir and sugar pine. Will take $4090 cash, a good Invest ment. Owner needs money in business. Other good timber may be had in same locality. Address owner, Perdue. Or WOOD"! WOQD!-Stumpage for 360 cords; 76 cents per cord, on good road, close to- Portland. Call 142 2d st- room 2fv HOgtfESTEADS 47 W"C"AN ADI ;AN ioM1EST"EA"DSl,J," J. N. Grieve. Canadian srovernment agent of Spoka.no, Wash., will be at the Hotel Perkins from March 24. to 2$, Inclusive, to meet all parties Inter ested in western Canada. EXCHANGE -HEAL ESTATE 24 HERE IS A REAL HONEST CHANCE NO AGENTS. If you have $10,000 cash and $10,000 good Income property to trade for a general merchandise store; store and residence property in one of the best located- farming towns In central Ore gon. Don't delay Investigating, giving location and description of your prop erty in first letter. Write owner, KX- 5S5, journal. I HAVE FOR ECHANGE Acreage, clear, for equity in house. 7 room house! Sunnyslde, equity, for lot ! 6 room bungalow for Imp. acreage. Farms for city property. Paying business $2000, for house. it you have anything you want to exchange see. me. I have what you want. H. W. GARLAND. 191 4th st. A DANDY 7 room, large, modern home, 442 East 39th St.. corner Sherman: will take small amount of cash or lot down on same and sell on the easiest payments you ever heard of $25 monthly, which will Include the Inter est and principal; there is no mortgage against it. This is not much more than rent money. Price $3600. A. K. Poulsen, 719 Chamber of Commerce. 12 i ACRES located near station on the Oregon. Electric; improved with splendid buildings and family orchard. Land all cultivated. Includes a fine team, farm Implements and vehicles $6000: want $4000 to $5000 Portland residence, Geo. E. Englehart Co.. 210 Lumbermens Bldg.. Marshall 5823. IF you have anything to trade any where call on .us. We handle prop ertv anvwbere In the United States and Canada; have a large list, and can match anything, no matter how large or small. Call 429 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 8727. 2 ACRES in city limits of Corvallls, Or., free of Incumbrance, to trade for 5 room modern bungalow in good dis trict. Rose City Park preferred. No incumbered property considered. F 858, Journal. 40 ACRE improved farm near Port land, fine buildings, team, stock, farm implementst hay, etc.. $6000; take residence $3000 and $1600 cash. 8 room modern bungalow, clear, price $3750, for Improved acreage. Hatch. 327 Lumber Exchange. Trade Trade Trade If you can't sell what you have, trade for what you'd buy if you had the money. We can match you at 502 COUCH BLDG. FOR SALE or trade for eastern prop erty, four lots on Moore street, Diana Park addition. Portland, Or. For particulars write to Abbo Peters. Sher wood. Or.. Route 6. . .. STRICTLY modern 9 room residence on Ainsworth ave.. corner, lot tsoxizz, price $8500. Want improved farm, same value. Goddard & Wledrick, 243 Stark st. . DANDY modern home full of splendid furniture, on 68th st., close to car; cash price $3100; $1000 cash paid in; rented $20 per ' month; want lots. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. TEN acres at Hood River, just outside city limits, all; set out to a variety of bearing fruit trees. Want residence in Portland. G. W. MERRILL. 411 YEON BLDG. TEN acres. 1 miles from Fellers St a. on Oregon Electric. Half clear, bal ance timber. . Price $2000. Want mod ern 7 room house up to $4530. Goddard and Wiedrick, 243 Stark st. A LOT or an acre for a real home, Beaumont add. or Holgate St., for piano or player, auto or furniture; might put in some cash; must get auick action. Main 915 after 6 p. m. TO TRADE New 7 room house, all modern, fruit ; trees, roses, berries and 2 good chicken coops, to trade. 424 Baldwin. Woodladn 321. Call evenings. WHAT have you to trade for a 10 room new modern bungalow on lOOx 100 corner lot? Price $6000. Phone Main 3644 evenings, or H-781. Journal. WANTED to rchange 8 good resi dence lots at Estacada, valued at $900. unincumbered, for good automo bile. T-773, Journal. ; SMALL home, house and lot, or acre age for 66 2-3 Interest in a patent tliat will sell big price. U. S. paten: all secured. U-940. Journal. 44 shares industrial stock, par value $4400, pays 10. Will exchange for improved property and assume some. Goddard vvieanca. zs otarK st. 80 ACKKS near Newberg. good im nrovements; some orchard; 35 acres cultivation. Wants 6 room house; will assume. 311 AlisKy bldg. FOR EXCHANGE. 6 room modern house, with 2 lots, for good lot or equitv in smaller place, 20 minutes out. Ford & Co.. 309 Railway Exchange. 13 ACRES 1.1 miles out; small house; near electric station; for house in city. 311 Alisky bldg. WE exchange what you have for what you want. Peper & Baker. 444 Sher lock bldg . 3d and Oak. Marshall 2664. 80 acres, unincumbered, near Golden dale. Will trade for Portland prop erty. 328 Henry bldg. a Slip 'Twixt the Window and I TU. 60 OT 5TKIR. GIR.L PftiSEii th? Wirt I'LL WAFT SO P&R-r-OKVe IM H6H -PACe- SHE'LL rAJ- The fulvt uy $H S665 AslO TU- R.U.H Down MEET HBR. EXCTAXGB REAL ESTATE 24 (Coo tinned.) TOME : City Property Wanted In Portland. Seattle. Tillamook. Cen- tralia or Marshfleld. Good hotel of flat will be considered. I have 4 acres 2 miles from 11. R. in UmpO.ua Valley, near Roseburg; 64 acres in cul tivation, 20-acre bearing orchard; sold $2500 worth of fruit last year; fine running stream; a good 7 -room house, plumbed for hot and cold water, abund ance of water piped all around place; large barn, 3 horses, 3 cows, 4 hogs, chickens, hack, wagon and farm tools; shrubbery of all kinds; crop nearly all in. Write us right away if you have a hotel or flats or other property In any of the above towns to trade; price $18,000. Peper & Baker 444 Sherlock Bldg. liA atorv. 7 room house, full basement- hard surface street, 4 blocks to Beau mont car, price $40D0. $2000. 8 year mortgage. Sell or trade for equity of land. Beautiful $12,600, Tabor. 10 room house 15000 mtar. and $1000 baL bonded. Trade for cneaper nome or land. Alherta. Canada, wheat lana. 10 yrs. to oav in or trade for Oregon Income property or lana. 7 rnnm tmnefiiow. modern, either Ir vineton or Alberta car. Can't be beat lor $2600. 2 years on iouu. w m hnm to helD you to what ever you wish to buy or sell. Bustlers. 817 Chamber of Commerce. Automobile Owners I have a client who has 88 lots on airin fro an A clear, total valua tion $1800. will trade the above for an automobile in lirsi ciass iuiuvu, Peters. 15 N. 6th st. Phone M. 6377. SWAP COLUMN 25 WILLTlrade $95 equity in f 300 lot for anything but real estate. What have you? G-857. Journai WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED$30.000 "to" $251 00 frvlnf ton residence Will exchange 1175 acres of wheat land in Morrow Co. at $26 per acre, with a $6000 mortgage 7 years at 6 per cent. Pays good in terest at price asked. Also want mod ern 10 room house In Irvlngton from $10,000 to $15,000; residence and acro- rnno,, tn trthATI2A. Geo 13. Waggoner, 805 Yeon bldg. wanted Vacant lot on good car una as first navmen t on cleared acreage, a few miles out, adjoining good town on electric rauroao. u-8t Journal, tir YOU have a farm, city property or business that Is worth the money v list it with W. R. Halxllp. 407 Stock Exchange bldg. We handle property of merit only, WANT good sl-ed lot In Mt. Tabor or Lents district as part payment on modern 5 room house. ;-Dti, journal, HAVE $150 cash first payment on small suburban place. F-856, Jour nal. ROOMING HOUSES 53 r oiT.cl T A VI A MCI A TN -i.-.lt f,ir-lahlna nf AS mom hotel and restaurant. Including the lease. In shape to ao pusiness at once. located -in center oi me uuomeB uj trlct: low price, low rent. Inquire H. Jennlng & Son. 2d and Morrison No Money Required 7 4 room modern rooming house clearing from $800 to $400 every month above all expenses. Cheapest rent in Tl Tr.AA n HrffV hlltl1tn. WeSt side location, right down town. Price $7000. Will exchange for any kind of real estate. A. J. DeFOREST. 816 FENTON BLDG DOWNTOWN 30 room transient house, h location in Portland, alway full; pays $8 per day net; rent only $125 per month; will sell at a bargain, or will traae ior unincumuoreu imo ui acreage. 516 oerunger oiag, ana Alder Bts. Chance for Lady 1R rooms, no heating plant to look ftar herauss the steam heat and hot and cold water are furnished in every room. This place is elegantly xur nished and located right down town. tltnn honnlefl It. A. J. DeFOREST, 816 FENTON BLDG., 81 6TH ST. FHU. MAia Q3.Q. Wanted for Cash 14 to 20 rooms, not to exceed $600. Answer at once. V-702, Journal. Some Cash and Clear Lots Trade for rooming house, 602 COUCH BLD'G. I WANT to buy a hotel or rooming house; must be cheap. 429 Lumber Exchange bldg. Can't Be Beat 15 rooms, low rent, lovely location, well furnished. Price $500. Terms. Fruit alone worth $100. Roses. A $1000 place for $500. GODDARD, 603 COUCH BLD'G. WELL furnished 36 H. K. rooms cheap, west side; with terms. T-779, Jour nal. SMALL rooming house, centrally lo cated, $50 down, terms. Phone East 2454. , terms, $100 down. No agents, west side. Y-842, Journal. See This 12 room rooming house, nicest resl dec district in Portland: rent $35: furniture cost $850. Price today for all. $850. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. SEVEN rooms good furniture, west side, cheap rent. Take city lot or sell on terms. Agent. 311 Alisky bldg. 26. ROOMS, well furnished, by owner. 283 13th, corner Jefferson. 16 ROOMS, cheap rent, good income. Phone Main 9115. Very easy terms. DOW 1 mmr -w VI V I 1 S m ,ki. m rife 53 Exceptional' Opportunity 32room rooming house, positively clearing from $215 to $235 per month above all expenses; 3 years'- lease, corner brick building, located right among the theatres and large office buildings. The best located house In Portland. Steam heat, hot and void water and some rooms with private baths. $1600 handles it. A. J. DeFOREST, 31 FENTON BLDG., 1 Din BX. . fHU.NE MAIN 38t. SOME CLASS TO THIS, 20 room apartment house. 2 room suites new, modern, brick building. rent &o, 3 year lease, beautiful dis- tw.it 1v,. .,11 t..4.. WnM est, most completely furnished house in roruana; clears uu. Going to Alaska April I. Special price If sold tms weeic. see owner. D-93 . Journal. Wanted Apartment or Rooming House 62 acres Improved. 26 miles from Portland; new house. 30x60 barn- and family orchard; 35 acres In crop; bal ance In fine timber; price $7000; mort gage zuuu; want rooming or apart ment house for eouitv. A. J. DeFOREST. 816 FENTON BLDG.. 8 Oil! HI. PHONE MAIN B336. $250 Buys 10 Room Rooming House ' Rent 835 month, furnace heat, rood location. This Is a real snap. Act quick. A, J. DeFOREST, 816 Fenton bldg.. 84 6th st. Phone Main 6886. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 POOL AND BILLIARD HALL LOCA TION. For first class business in one of largest and best Willamette valley towns: will eive lon lease at low rent. CALLAN 4 KASER, 723-24 YEON BLD. Delicatessen and Lunch Best west side district: clears 85 dally: good equipment. Price only xzt. Associated investment Co.. sis xeon Diag. WITHOUT doubt . th finest locate grocery, confectionery and school supply store in Portland, cheap rent. nara streets. Clean stocK and rixturea $700, or Invoice; two living rooms. In- n , I ln..l,.3 T, 31 aOK dwhuh iiiTiieu. nwuinwil CJVU, Investigate This Only $50 to handle this, balance your own terms. Call 627 Marlon ave. pnone Beuwood 1614. NEW suburban grocery store, fine. new. clean stock, nearlv all cash business, low Tent, 4 or more living rooms, jibuo. tspot cash; furniture and all goes. X-565. Journal. FOR SALE At low price, Rose City Park grocery, 1633 Sandy blvd., 67th st.; good live business, with excellent future; other interests demand owner's entire attention. 500 Business Cards, 55c Majestic Ptg. Co., basement Park ana wasn. sis. utner wotk low. (Wanted for Cash 14 and 2o rooms, not to exceed $600, Answer at once. v-70Z, Journal. Feed and Fuel Business Property for sale, also stock on hand. labor 465. MANUFACTURING Partner wanted to tend office, check supplies, etc. Pay $100 month salary, also share of pronts. Koom 3Z, Morgan blag. PARTNER wanted in a coffee, tea and butter store; pays $100 month now to each partner. Can be increased. Koom 329, Morgan bldg. AUTOMOBILE business; partner want ed: experience is not necessary; own er will guarantee large profits to ener getic man. ttoom Morgan Diag. DRUG STORE Grand opportunity to get into a well established business; oniy txbuu, iuuu aown, Daianoe easy x-age -or, zoyj Morrison, BARBER SHOP in one of Oregon's best towns; well xitted, and doing good business; only $600. Page Co., 245 Morrison. HALF interest in well established business; party buying must under stand German; only $250 reauired. Page Co., 24 5 H Morrison, room 6. WILL sell half interest in established drug business and supply depot, $1600. Must be registered Dharmacist. C-953, Journal. BAKERY and ice cream parlor for sale, $1000; terms; old established and well paying business; all cash trade: so delivery. JX-991, Journal. BUSINESS partner to take half inter est in a good business. Small cap ital. Experience not necessary. 8016 Foster road. RESTAURANT, Astoria, Or., fur nished, good location, terms, particu lars, write D. N. Welch, 654 Commer cial st., Astorls. Or. RESTAURANT for sale, $125; only 2 others In town of 3500 Inhabitants. Wnltehouse Restaurant. Newberg. Or. GOOD restaurant, best location In town, first class trade, cheap rent, near hospital. Call 248 Stark. ALL cash grocery, excellent trade. In center of town. $1000 will handle. Price $1700. Call 248 Stark DANDY cigar stand worth $500. If sold this wees, 300. Located on Washington st Call 248 Stark. FOR SALE Ice cream parlor, fruit, confectionery and cigar, 225 North 23d st. CONFECTIONERY and light groceries for sale cheap. Seeing Is believing. E-764. Journal. CASH grocery; must be sold; owner leaving to settle estate. .149 23d st. N. PLUMBING shop for Bale, doing good business. Llnnton, Or. CASH for an idea Patent News. Dept. 110. Washington. D. C. FOR SALE CHEAP. Diamond hand laundry. 271 11th. 600 BUSINESS cards. 76c. -Ryder Ptg. Co.. S. W. cor. 3d and Mor. Main 6536. the Street ' ROOMING SOUSES (Cctlnnd.) f T ' 20 Oontlatied.) Grocery Men Here Is your chance; for $1160 you can buy one of the best little grocery stores, with horse and wagon, ever of fered for sale. See it. A. J. DeFOREST, 81 FENTON BLDG. 84 6TH ST. PHONE MAIN 6336. BAKERY for ale, located in one of the best agricultural and college towns in the state, population 4000; good location; doing $1 and $18 per day; $650 will handle this bargain; rent 115 per month: beet of reasons for sell ing. VX-979, Journal. Buyers Beware Before purchasing a .store or business of any kind, consult with us; we can save you money and put you In right. Will help to finance It. UODDARD ASSOCIATES. 602 Couch bldg. HAVE an excellent location on Port land Hefahte for s. movinr Dicture show; will build to suit responsible lessee. This is the very best proposi tion or its size in the city xor one who understands the business. L-745, Journal. $850 Confectionery Sto re A dandv store with llvlntr aDartment In connection; doing a very nice busi ness; must sen this ween. A. J. DeFOREST. 316 FENTON BLDG, 84 6TH ST. PHONE MAIN 6336. LIVERY barn with 7 horses , and rigs and a Ford auto, a butcher shop. slaughter house and fixtures, dwelling nouse ana Darn ror $s&oo. t or runner information call or write it. coie, Gaston. Or Grocery and Market Best west side apartment house loca tion; making large profits; price $850. Inquire Associated Investment Co., 618 Yeon bldg. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VERY FLEXIBLE COJNTKACiB; IMU CUM MISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO. 16 SPALDING BLDG. LOANS on Improved city property or for building purposes: advances made aa building croaresses: liberal re payment privileges; no commission or brokerage. J. P. Lipscomb. 242 Stark. WE have money to loan on your real estate: first mortgages oniy. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY 423 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN $400. $1500. $2500 and 85000 on city improved property, j L. Wells Co.. 24 Chamber oi Commerce bldg. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE. 701 Selling Bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate, at rea- nnahit rates nno witnout unneces sary delay. See W. R. Halxllp. 407 Stock Exchange bldg. WR hav Drivate funds to lace on residence property in amounts of $500 to $10,000. HART MAN-THOMPSON BANK. MORTGAGE LOANS. C ner cent to 7 Per cent. John L. Karnopp. Railway Ex. bldg. MORTGAGE loans at current rales. Real estate security; apply rm. 202 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. MO.MKY TO LOAN ON REAL E3 TATE. WM. G. BECK. 315 FAIL ING BLDG. . $600, $700, $1000. $2000. $3000 TO loan, no delay, private money. H. A. Dryer, 610 Lewis bldg. tioo.000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire insurance. McKensle St Co.. Gerllnrer bldg., 2d and Alder, CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonaoi rates. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 8 Lewis bids PRIVATE party will loan on mort traae $500. $1000. Write to 0-783 Journal. fl.000 to $5000 private funds for lmme- aiate loan.- rnone laoor tosv. $20,000 loaned in any amount. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Belts & Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. $250, $350, $600. $860. -1200. $2000. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham Com. Mortgage Loans 8F4RsEPaidingbidg MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING. 818 Cham of Com. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st. MONEY on citv Dronertv. Ridings & Riley, 404 Broadway bldg. M. -817. $200 and up on real estate. Bold Realty Co.. 206 Alder st. 140.000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON 90 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. MONEV TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 MONEY to loan at 3 per cent on motorcycles, automobiles, diamonds, pianos, household goods, storage re ceipts and real estate. Call at 418, Macleay Bldg. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, au tomobiles, musical- instruments; all in terviews strictly confidential. Elby Company. 320 Lumber Exchange bidr DESIRABLE place for ladies and gen tlemen to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry, eastern rates. Diamond Palace, 334 Wash., opp. Owl drug store. MONEY to loan on pianos, furniture. autos. livestock, storage receipts, real estate, eto. We buy mortgages. Man hattan Mtg. Co.. 310 AbingtO". M. 62SE. PRIVATE party loans on diamonds, etc.. reasonable rates, good security. Apply or phone, after 7 p. m., 390 Knott. East 2388. QUICK loans without publicity, on pianos, furniture, autos, motorcy cles and -livestock. 206 Alder et. LOANS on diamonds and Jewelry. Brown & Co., room 9, Washington Mdg, MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jew elry, strictly confidential. 141 3d. BUSINESS CHANCES MONET TO UOAH T CHATTKLS. SALARIES Immediate Loans On diamonds, salary, furniture. lanos, stoiase receipts, real estate. autos or motorcycles. As our capital Is unlimited, we are equipped to handle loans irom $10 to $1000, in on to six hoi'rs' tlmj. No embarrassing Investl- 5 avion. Mortgages not recorded unless efault is made. YOU CAN GET IT TODAT. Portland Loan Co. , (Licensed.) 41S MAC I -KAY RT.TXl. Open 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.; SaU. till p. m. call, write or phone. MONEY MONEY MONEY. We have Dlentv of monev on hand which .we are authorised to loan to salaried people In amounts of $10 to Loans may be renald In Installments as best suits your convenience. We solicit a call and invite you to investi gate our confidential methods.. We assure you of courteous treat ment and quick service. All we aak is a fair return for our services. call, telephone or write STATE SECURITY CO, 309 Failing Bldg. MR. AND MRS. WAGE! EARNERS WISHING MONKX WITHOUT BB CUR1TY. QUICKLY. QUIETLY. AND CHEAPLY. PLEASE CALL AT 104 HKNRY BLDG. MONEY sold on installment; oonfl- dentlal to salaried oeople. F. A. Newton. 814 Henry bldg. LOANS WANTED 30 WANTED Loans from private party. One for $3500, S years, 8 per cent, on $10,000 home on acre; 2 loans 81200 each on 6 room bungalows In Haw thorne district, for 8 years, 8 per cent. All first mortgages. K-6. journal, WANTED from private party $400 to comDleta extension ana improve ments now under way on five room oottage; will pay 8 per cent; clear ab stract. J. M. Wilson. 129 Russell st. Phone Wcdlawn East 4406. 22000 wanted on first class vacant DrODerty worth $4500. close In. by rename party; aiso nave several emui applications that are good. See W. R. Maisiip. 4Uf tstocK Kxcnange piog. IF- VOI7 hiva monev to loan on real es tate security that is absolutely safe. see W. R. Haizlip. 407 Stock Exchange bldg. over zo years in ins Business; first class references. WANTED At once. $700 on 7 room house, fine lot; value $2500. 917 Board of Trade. 8?V 16000 loan wanted, on country nronerty recently sold for $16,000: pay no brokerage, -'-aai. journal. 7 PER CENT $1200 loan wanted on $4500 city property; no brokerage, K.A.-68C. journal. FINANCIAL 51 FIRST end 2nd mortgages, also sel lers' Interest In contracts purchased. Oregon or Washington- H. E. Noble, IjUmhermens bldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jewelry. Wm. Holl. room 8, Washt ington bldg. LOANS fcn real estate, diamonds, Jew- elry. Wm. Holl. R. 8. Wash'ton bldg HKLP WANTED MALE Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee: give two months' full membership privileges, as months social privileges. Record for vcu 1912. Calls tor men .....262$ Positions filled All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially In vited to consult with the secretary of the Employment Department, PACIFIC AUTO St UAS SG1N SCHOOL 188-190 Chapman St. Latest up-to-date methods of prae tical instruction in driving. and repair lng automobiles by expert mechanic tuition, part cash on enrollment, bal ance at time of graduation; we assist our graduates to positions. WANTED Competent botel man. Best hotel proposition in central Oregon open. Lease on reasonable terms and equipment for sale on payments to right party. High class proposition. Will stand investigation. Write box a." Metonus. Ur., for particulars. STOCK SALESMEN. Dependable salesmen who want per manent employment, to sell stock In a rapidly growing local corporation; ref erences required. Call or address 13J0 Northwestern Bank building, WANTED Good rustler to canvass for household necessity. city er country, good commission; experi ence not necessary. Inquire 220 Swet- land bldg. WANTED Experienced stenographer and bookkeeper, familiar with the city docks and general office work; man preferred. M-534, Journal. WANTED Canvassers who are willing to work, selling fruit and ornamental trees and shrubbery. Cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED A man of good, clean hai) lts for Janitor, with good references. call tonignt oetween 7 and 8:o p. ns., Rex Arms Apts., E.3th and Morrison. between 7 and 8:30 1 pts., E.3th and Mon WANTED At onceK men to learn auto, repairing and driving, for spring work. Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Good carpenter to ex change work for furniture In a nice 9-room rooming house; married man with family preferred. C-949 Journal. WANTED A-l bicycle repair man who understands auto tire vulcan izing. L. ('. Smith. La Grande. Or. SOLICITORS WANTED: best offer in city ; Van Dyck studio. 404 wasn. st. TWO first class solicitors, only experl- enced men. 101 cnamoer or com. CHEF Headquarters and nelpera. Cal- 1 torn la wine Depot, 2b Tamhlll. quire 315 Front. WANTED Solicitor for cleaning and dying works. Woodlawn 8597. JAPANESE boy for porter and -cham-berwork. 52 3d. II ELI VANTKD-4LL otie.VT-; Situation Waited AdS. Inserted fr fnr Snmm In nasd Of work who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the parties desiring works, t Grading erew 13 t is team with No. 2 or No. 3 wheelers; must be accompanied by a foreman who un- iiiiui nia imsiness. 4r our to six Weeks work. rf-'nuvm!il Or Una bring own tentage; camp ground and wier rurnisned. xnis work -cannot be- . TOimiriTO on yaraage Dsis. write st once stating price per team per day or fraction thereof. Address bids to Business Manager Oregon Agricultural College, Corvatlis'; Or. f.i HELP WANTKDL4-MISC. 49 We want good reliable men to take ' our course- in automobile repairing and driving, also heavy Ltiuty gas en gines, tractor work and Stationary an- flneerinr; enroll now andbe prepared or the heavy spring anfummer de mand (or trained, men ;;, Oregon Auto -School. 266-268 11th st. ? f V 1 ! ' i uovkkhmknt Jobs opec to mtk and women, thousands otv appointments' coming. List of positions; free. Frank. iin institute. Dept. 34fI4 Rochester, N. Y. S- YOUNG men became government rail- way mall clerks. $75 Month. "Pull". unnecessary. Sample examination quea- ugn lire, ra-od, journal. AUTOM1BL1J clmuffeury get $26 wee and over. Many spfihg openings. 8ample instructions frer-; Franklin In Btitute. dep t. 828 L, Rocyster. N. Y. m uimi viuti V u f 11 "3Ba ui vur own. Small capital. Spars time. 27 plans. -Send for particulars. Mutual Opportunities Exchange Huffalo, N.Y. PORTLAND railway- mall examine; tlons coming, $16 rftonth: sample questions free. : Franatfln Institute, Dept. 347L, Rochester. W Y. STENOGRAPHERS i'ny system, speeded and Dlaced in? positions. 629 Worcester block, i s f UNCALLED for tailor made suits $.&J up. tayior. tne tajior; 3p Burnsld PACIFIC Chiropractic College, Inn, It m to i 'ornmonye-un bldg. HELP WANTED-FKMALE 2 Situation Vented Ada lnartd f -m fn !ha in t of work and who are unable to Day for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the -iff Ice personal ly by the parties deslrmr woik. WANTED Experienced, lady book. aeeper in jrortiana mercantile store; must be competent ndj able to take iuu cnarge set aoubi.? entry books, permanent DOsltion to I rlh nrtv: must be wllllngj to start at $50 with assurance oi aavanceJC made good; state your experience and references In repiy. x-566, Journal. ; HOUSEKEEPER :3V ANTED. I For a youna OermanNeho has charge of a modern farm ateCt iCanbv. Or.: want a neat housekeeper and good cook. wno wants a permarrcut noma witn easy work, pay not 6 1 exceed $10 a month. It will be a nice home for the right party: one chllS-inot oblection- apie. xeiepnone wooiEaifrn 3171. UNATTACHED woma'eor girl to as sist with general fcojjsework on ranch 11 miles from n. Write or phone, giving full pagrtlculars, refer ences and wages exped.- A fine po sition for right party, iiftlre. C. 8. Card, wnite fiaimon. wasn. YOUNG lady for office work; some experience, with typewriter. Small pay to start. State ngi. address end Shone number in first 1 letter. L-750, ournal. - ; WANTED Girl to assist with housi work and care of 'children. Tabor 4892. or call 419 E. 524?? BUSINESS' cUege gttlj to assist with housework for roonand board. East 8600. v s RAGT1ML on oiano-uaranteed be glnners 10 eenn. fa'3 Ellers bldg. 'WOMEN to patch bis! Apply 205 Yamhill st. ; jl WANTED A wonimxi for general housework on rancm s Tabor 2702. WANTED Chamberrsd. Call litl N. 17th. HELP WANTED-aiALE AND FEMALE 2d OKEOON Barber College teaches ye-l the barber trade In t weeks, pays you while learning, toolsfree. tuition re duced this term; xpet instruction, pe tition guaranteed, special inducemeatj to isoiea. zja msoisbs ii io. EXPERIENCED farmer, not over 4. with wife, to care t- farm 40 miles from Portland. ; Woman must be good butter maker. ;Wagei $50 and house; references. U-704. Journal. . MOLER BAKtfKK COLLEGE teaches trade in 8 weeks, nays while learn lng, gives Ist-clasa sef &f tools; writs for free catalopue. Hj S48. N. 2d at. GOVERNMENT jobirijor women, b'g pay, Portland exarftltistions April Sample questions freSi Frsnrlln Insti- tutf. iept. 701 Konester. r'. r HSK Teachers" AgeJy secures pol- linfiii ror tearnorr Jonrnei nine. WANT KD4AHi E NTS AGENTS Milter la6's mower sharp ener sells on 10 per cent profit, lasts lifetime,;.; One sharpening pars for machine. Katluaive territory. Miller Sharpener ('ojvurora. 1H. TtTatT5n wantej young man of good habits Wished position as meat cutter, In or out of 4Uty. W-724, Jour nal. SjS CHAUFFEUR 'with tyars' experience in city, wrnts car?t& drive: can fur nlsh reference Journal. HAliitiup man, v. ifsires a position, . 1 , - -i t 1. r . m,a . 1 1 anything; dlsengaftsd 21st, H-777, Journal. sij HAVE had great de$lfof experience hi painting line; woum nxe situation. C-964. Journar. -964. journal. Ci EXCA VAT1N&1 and ffll kind of heavy work aud plowingflone. woodlawn 883. (Ooatlaaed on -Text Page) . , i By "BudtFisher 1 si ti 6 s "rr